Conference PaperPDF Available

The study of UV protection materials



Most people are aware of how harmful UV radiation is to the skin. The sun’s ultraviolet rays, UVA and UVB, are known to cause skin damage, from freckling and moles to fatal skin cancer. That’s why it is important to apply sunscreen products to your skin, to help you stay sun safe and absorber harmful ultraviolet rays. This research is studied to focus on how to make UV materials to protect UV radiation. The UV absorber additive materials are 4 types; nanoZnO solid powder at size 25-50 nm (ZnO-1), nanoZnO 40%wt in ethanol solution (ZnO-2), nano TiO2 solid powder at size 17-50 nm (TiO2-1) and nano TiO2 solid powder 325 mesh (TiO2-2) respectively, that was mixed in pure baby lotion cream. Three concentration of UV absorber additive materials are 5, 10 and 15 % by weight were compared with pure baby lotion cream. All compositions were tested UV absorbance with UV spectroscopy together with studied micro structure of UV absorber additive materials by Field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). The techniques to confirm UV absorber materials are X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. From these results were shown the uncertainty of each concentration of UV absorber materials because of the most of the films were not uniform dispersion and depended on the coating technique. This study evaluated the performance of ultraviolet transmission on of different materials by using a single energy light emitting diode as light source. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) are two of most popular inorganic ultraviolet protective materials in UV protection skin care products was studied.
AIP Conference Proceedings 2010, 020024 (2018); 2010, 020024
© 2018 Author(s).
The study of UV protection materials
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2010, 020024 (2018);
Published Online: 05 September 2018
S. Wirunchit, C. Apivitcholchat, T. Chodjarusawad, et al.
A comprehensive review of ZnO materials and devices
Journal of Applied Physics 98, 041301 (2005);
Polymer-ZnO nanocomposites foils and thin films for UV protection
AIP Conference Proceedings 1614, 136 (2014);
Study the optical and morphology properties of zinc oxide nanoparticles
AIP Conference Proceedings 2213, 020061 (2020);
The Study of UV Protection Materials
S.Wirunchit1,2, C. Apivitcholchat3, T. Chodjarusawad4 and W. Koetniyom3,5,a)
1College of Nanotechnology, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Ladkrabang, Bangkok10520,
2 Thailand Center of Excellence in physic, Chiangmai 50202, Thailand
3Department of Industrial Physics and Medical Instrumentation (IMI), Faculty of Applied Science, King Mongkut’s
University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok 10800, Thailand
4Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Burapha University, 169 Longhaad Bangsaen Road, Saensook,
Mueang, ChonBuri 20131, Thailand
5Lasers and Optics Research Center(LANDOS), King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok
10800, Thailand
a)Corresponding author, E-mail:
Abstract. Most people are aware of how harmful UV radiation is to the skin. The sun's ultraviolet rays, UVA and UVB,
are known to cause skin damage, from freckling and moles to fatal skin cancer. That's why it is important to apply
sunscreen products to your skin, to help you stay sun safe and absorber harmful ultraviolet rays. This research is studied
to focus on how to make UV materials to protect UV radiation. The UV absorber additive materials are 4 types ;
nanoZnO solid powder at size 25-50 nm (ZnO-1), nanoZnO 40%wt in ethanol solution (ZnO-2), nano TiO2 solid powder
at size 17-50 nm (TiO2-1) and nano TiO2 solid powder 325 mesh (TiO2-2) respectively, that was mixed in pure baby
lotion crea m. Three concentration of UV absorber additive materials are 5, 10 and 15 % by weight were compared with
pure baby lotion cream. All compositions were tested UV absorbance with UV spectroscopy together with studied micro
structure of UV absorber additive materials by Field emission scanning electron microscop e (FE-SEM). The techniques
to confirm UV absorber materials are X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR)
spectroscopy. From these results were shown the uncertainty of each concentration of UV absorber materials because of
the most of the films were not uniform dispersion and depended on the coating technique. This study evaluated the
performance of ultraviolet transmission on of different materials by using a single energy light emitting diode as light
source. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) are two of most popular inorganic ultraviolet protective materials
in UV protection skin care products was studied.
Keywords: UV protection; UV absorber; Additive materials; UV level.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is defined as that part of the electromagnetic spectrum between x rays and visible
light, i.e., between 40 and 400 nm. The UV spectrum is separated into Vacuum UV (40-190 nm), Far UV (190-220
nm), UVC (220-290 nm), UVB (290-320), and UVA (320-400 nm). The sun is our main natural source of UV
radiation. Artificial sources include tanning booths, black lights, curing lamps, mercury vapor lamps, halogen lights,
fluorescent sources, and some types of lasers. Unique dangers apply to the different sources depending on the
wavelength range of the emitted UV radiation [1]. That's why it is important to apply sunscreen products to your
skin, to help you stay sun safe and absorber harmful ultraviolet rays. Nowadays, sunscreens are developed by using
ZnO and TiO2 because they are more effective inorganic UV filters than microparticles [2-3]. However, smaller
particles as nanoparticles have higher specific surface. ZnO is a direct wideband gap semiconductor with a large
exciton binding energy of 60 meV [4] commonly used as: optical devices, sensors, solar cells, thin film piezoelectric
International Conference on Science and Technology of Emerging Materials
AIP Conf. Proc. 2010, 020024-1–020024-10;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1726-7/$30.00
[5], bactericide and photocatalytic material [6]. In a similar way, TiO2 is widely used as a semiconductor
photocatalyst because of its long-term stability, non-toxicity and good photocatalytic activity [7]. The photocatalytic
function and their ability to absorb UV radiation bring about them to be used as solar filters in sunscreens [8-9].
They are often employed in sunscreens as inorganic physical sun absorberers for the UV radiation.
In this research, the objective of this work is to produce for UV protection product in easy process and
low cost and study of the ability of UV absorbers materials as TiO2 and ZnO and compared the UV absorbers with
the pure baby lotion cream that is unmodified in UV additives. The results from UV spectroscopy, SEM, XRD and
FTIR were reported and discussed.
The UV absorbed materials were Zinc Oxide nanoparticles (NanoZnO, >99% purity, size 25-50 nm from college
of Nanotechnology, Thailand; ZnO-1), Zinc Oxide nanoparticles 40%wt in ethanol solution (nanoZnO 40%wt in
EtOH from Sigma Aldrich, USA; ZnO-2), Titanium (IV) oxide nanoparticles (NanoTiO2 >99% purity, size 17-50
nm from college of Nanotechnology, Thailand; TiO2-1) and Titanium (IV) oxide nanoparticle (NanoTiO2, 99.9%
purity, size 325 mesh from Sigma Aldrich, USA; TiO2-2) respectively. Pure baby lotion have no fragrance and UV
protection chemicals from Johnson’s were used as based substances. Each of UV protection cream samples were
prepared by mixing of the UV absorber and the based lotion at three concentrations 5, 10 and 15 % by weight,
respectively. All samples were stirred for 3 h to ensure that the mixture mater ials were completely dissolved. The
schematic of precursor mixture materials preparation was shown in FIGURE 1.
FIGURE 1. Schematic of precursor mixture materials preparation
Prepared samples
The 2x2 cm2 glass substrat es were cleaned with detergent solut ion and ultrasonicated in DI water, acetone, and
isopropanol for 15 min in each step. The sample cream was coated by doctor blade technique on the glass substrate
and was dried for 30 min at 80 OC. The pure baby lotion was prepared as the reference sample with the same
process. The schematic of film preparation was shown in FIGURE 2.
FIGURE 2. Schematic of film preparation
Characterization and measurements
UV level in transmittance mode was characterized by UV spectrometry with LED light source at wavelength of
365 nm of power 1 watt. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was used to identify the chemical structure
of the films and possible interactions between their components. The FT-IR spectra of the films were measured by
Perkin Elmer UATR Two spectrophotometer. The spectra were the average of 50 scans recorded at a resolution of 4
cm-1 in the range from 4000 to 400 cm-1. Raman was tested for studied the functional group of materials by Thermo
Scientific in DXR Raman Microscope and scanned over Raman wave number range from 100 to 1200 cm-1. The
surface morphological features of the films were examined using field emission scanning electron microscope; FE-
SEM (JEOL, JSM-6335F). The crystalline properties of films were analyzed from X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns
obtained from scanning 2-theta from 10-80q at fixed incident angle of 0.4q (Rigaku Smartlab using Cuk-alpha as the
X-ray source) using X-ray diffractometer with Cu KD radiation (O=0.15406 nm).
UV spectroscopy
FIGURE 3. UV transmission level from UV spectroscopy of (a) concentration 5%wt (b) concentration 10%wt (c)
concentration 15%wt
UV spectroscopy is a machine to identify the transmission UV light of UV additive materials. FIGURE 3a-c
show the magnitude of transmission UV light of each additive material that have constant thickness. The thickness
of all films is equal with the thickness of scotch tape that used to coat thin films. These results was shown by
arranging from high to low of the transmission UV protective materials when compared with marketing (highest
transmission UV light) and reference (pure baby cream is the lowest transmission UV light). First, at concentration
5% by weight are TiO2-2, TiO2-1, ZnO-2, ZnO-1. At concentration 10% by weight are TiO2-1, ZnO-1, TiO2-2, ZnO-
2 and at concentration 15% by weight are TiO2-2, TiO2-1, ZnO-1, ZnO-2, respectively. From these results were
shown uncertainty transmission UV light in each concentration because of the deposited film with doctor blade
technique was not uniform dispersion on the films and depended on the force of the user that confirm by FE-SEM
Field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM)
From these FE-SEM images show the dispersion of UV additive nanoparticles at magnification of 5,000 and 1
um scale bar. From FIGURE 4 shows the FE-SEM images at concentration 15% weight of all UV absorbers show
the big cluster of UV additive nanoparticles and do not different in concentration 5% weight. These FE-SEM images
supported the ununiformed dispersion of UV additive nanoparticles that have affected to the uncertaint y
transmission UV light.
(a) Concentration 5 %wt
(b) Concentration 10 %wt
(c) Concentration 15 %wt
FIGURE 4. FE-SEM images of (a) concentration 5%wt (b) concentration 10%wt (c) concentration 15%wt
X-ray diffraction
FIGURE 5. XRD pattern of UV additive materials (a) ZnO-1 (b) ZnO-2 (c) TiO2-1 (d) TiO2-2
This technique is to confirm the crystal structure of UV protection materials. From FIRURE 5(a)-5(b) show a
typical XRD pattern of ZnO nanoparticles UV protection materials (ZnO-1 and ZnO-2) compared with pure baby
lotion cream reference. A number of Bragg reflections with 2θ values of 31.74°, 36.83° and 47.62° are observed
corresponding to (100), (101) and (102) planes which almost similar values with wurtzite ZnO ICPDS No. 36-1451
standard. XRD peaks of TiO2 nanoparticles of UV protection materials (TiO2-1 and TiO
2-2) compared with pure
baby lotion cream reference was found that TiO2-1 is anatase phase at sharp crystal plane of (101), (103), (004),
(112), (002) whereas TiO2-2 is two crystal structures between rutile and anatase phase at clearly crystal plane of
(101) from anatase and (110) from rutile phase, respectively by compared with TiO2 JCPDS No. 21-1272 (TiO2
anatase), JCPDS No. 21-1276 standard (TiO2 rutile) as shown in FIRURE 5(c)-5(d).
FIGURE 6. FT-IR spectra of UV additive materials (a) ZnO-1 (b) ZnO-2 (c) TiO2-1 (d) TiO2-2
FT-IR analysis was used to study the interaction between UV protection materials which include ZnO and TiO2
NPs at 5, 10 and 15 %wt with pure baby cream lotion reference. From FIGURE 6(a)-(b) show the characteristic
peak of Zn-O which appeared at wave number 426 cm-1 [10]. These results confirm the ZnO-1 and ZnO-2 achieve
the strong ZnO interaction compared with pure baby cream lotion reference as same as TiO2-1 and TiO2-2 NPs show
Ti-O and Ti-O-Ti bonding at 523 and 1416 cm-1 , respectively in FIGURE 6(c)-(d) [11].
FIGURE 7. RAMAN spectra of UV additive materials (a) ZnO-1 (b) ZnO-2 (c) TiO2-1 (d) TiO2-2
The Raman spectrum is a crucial and all-around tool in order to study the crystallization, structural disorder and
defects of materials. The interested material of this research is the UV protection materials such as ZnO and TiO2
nanoparticles are investigated by vibrational properties of Raman spectra. For ZnO nanoparticles, FIGURE 7(a)-(b)
show the different characteristic intensity of Raman spectra between ZnO-1 and ZnO-2. There are rather unlike
spectra peaks because the different of the state of ZnO, ZnO-1 is solid state whereas ZnO-2 is liquid state. The basic
phonon modes of hexagonal ZnO has been obtained at 100, 385, 440 and 585 cm-1, which represents to the E2L,
A1(TO), E2H and A1(LO)/E1(LO), respectively. The second order phonon mode has presented at about 150 cm-1 that
is assigned to 2E2L. The multi phonon scattering modes are displayed at 331, 508, 664 and 1065 cm-1 which are
attributed to the 3E2H -E2L, E1(TO)+E2L, 2(E2H-E2L) and A1(TO)+E1(TO)+E2L, respectively. Also, the acoustic
combination of A1 and E
2 are observed around 1101 cm-1[12]. Beside TiO2 nanoparticles, FIGURE 7(c)-(d) the
anatase structure is identified by the tetragonal space group D4h (I41/amd) while the rutile structure belongs to the
D4h (P4
2/mnm) tetragonal space group. Anatase has six Raman active modes (1A1g+2B1g+3Eg), while rutile holds
four Raman active modes (B1g, Eg, A1g, and B2g). The Raman frequencies for the bulk structures are 144 cm-1(Eg)*,
197 cm-1 (Eg), 399 cm-1 (B1g)*, 513 cm-1 (A1g), 519 cm-1(B1g)* and 639 (Eg)* for anatase and 143 cm-1 (B1g)*, 447
cm-1 (Eg)*, 612 (A1g)*, and 826 cm-1 (B1g) for the TiO2 rutile phase. The asterisk recognizes the stronger vibrations
in the Raman spectra compiled at room temperature under standard conditions [13].
The conventional absorber materials to make sunscreen are ZnO and TiO2 [14-15] that are the main UV absorber
in this research. From XRD, FT-IR and Raman techniques are confirming type of UV absorber that is ZnO and
TiO2. From this research the effective of UV protectant materials that can absorb UV radiation is the uncertainty
transmission UV light in each concentration because of the ununiformed dispersion of nanoparticles and depended
on the coating technique that identified in UV spectroscopy technique. The SEM images displayed the ununiformed
dispersion of UV absorber nanoparticles that have supported in the uncertainty transmission in UV light. The
objective o f this research is how to make UV protectant materials for easy process and low cost which can clea rly
success in this research.
Thanks to Department of Industrial Physics and Medical Instrumentation (IMI) of King Mongkut’s University of
Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB), college of Nanotechnology, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology
Ladkrabang (KMITL), Thailand and Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics, Ministry of Education, Thailand
(ThEP). This research was funded by Faculty of Applied Sciences at budget in 2018, King Mongkut’s University of
Technology North Bangkok, contract no. 6143103.
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Skin cancer is among the most common cancer types worldwide. Automatic identification of skin cancer is complicated because of the poor contrast and apparent resemblance between skin and lesions. The rate of human death can be significantly reduced if melanoma skin cancer could be detected quickly using dermoscopy images. This research uses an anisotropic diffusion filtering method on dermoscopy images to remove multiplicative speckle noise. To do this, the fast-bounding box (FBB) method is applied here to segment the skin cancer region. We also employ 2 feature extractors to represent images. The first one is the Hybrid Feature Extractor (HFE), and second one is the convolutional neural network VGG19-based CNN. The HFE combines 3 feature extraction approaches namely, Histogram-Oriented Gradient (HOG), Local Binary Pattern (LBP), and Speed Up Robust Feature (SURF) into a single fused feature vector. The CNN method is also used to extract additional features from test and training datasets. This 2-feature vector is then fused to design the classification model. The proposed method is then employed on 2 datasets namely, ISIC 2017 and the academic torrents dataset. Our proposed method achieves 99.85%, 91.65%, and 95.70% in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity, respectively, making it more successful than previously proposed machine learning algorithms.
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A series of highly fluorinated polyimide/allomelanin nanoparticles (FPI/AMNPs) films were prepared with FPI as the matrix and AMNPs as the filler. Due to the formation of hydrogen bonds, significantly reinforced mechanical and UV-shielding properties are acquired. Stress–strain curves demonstrated a maximum tensile strength of 150.59 MPa and a fracture elongation of 1.40% (0.7 wt.% AMNPs), respectively, 1.78 and 1.56× that of pure FPI. The measurements of the UV-vis spectrum, photodegradation of curcumin and repeated running tests confirmed the splendid UV-shielding capabilities of FPI/AMNPs films. The enhancement mechanisms, such as synergistic UV absorption of the charge transfer complexes in FPI and AMNPs and photothermal conversion, were the reasons for its exceptional UV shielding. The excellent comprehensive properties above enable FPI/AMNPs nanocomposites to be potential candidates in the field of UV shielding.
... Nowadays, TiO 2 is widely used as a semiconductor photocatalyst because of its long-term stability, non-toxicity and good photocatalytic activity [1]. The photocatalytic function and their ability to absorb UV radiation bring about them to be used as solar filters in sunscreens [2][3]. They are often employed in sunscreens as inorganic physical sun absorberers for the UV radiation. ...
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Self-cleaning textiles can be divided into three categories, which are the physical, chemical, and biological self-cleaning types. Physical self-cleaning refers to the lotus effect, which relates to the hydrophobic properties of the textile. Chemical self-cleaning is the degradation of color stains, discolored solutions and other organic species that come into contact with textiles. The last is biological self-cleaning, which is the ability to kill bacteria that become attached to the textiles. In this research, the development of all three self-cleaning properties of polyester textile coated with zinc oxide nanoparticles/ polydimethylsiloxane (ZnO/ PDMS) composite was focused. The ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized by a hydrothermal process, which involved blending PDMS with various concentrations of ZnO nanoparticles. The polyester textile was coated with ZnO/ PDMS composite solution via a dip coating technique done with various dipping times. The lotus effect, which depends on hydrophobic properties, was analyzed by water contact angle measurement. The chemical self-cleaning of the polyester textile was examined by photocatalytic methylene blue dye degradation with UV-Vis spectrometry. The inhibition zone of antibacterial activity was tested via disc diffusion technique. From these results, it was found that the polyester textile coated with ZnO/PDMS composite demonstrated all self-cleaning properties, physical, chemical and biological, in a significantly way.
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Titanium dioxide has sustained a vital role over the past few years as the most widely used material among various commercial inorganic UV absorbers due to its chemical stability, low cost, and good UV protection. TiO2 and numerous organic UV absorbers have been explored to be incorporated in Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU)-based films for coated and laminated textiles useful for aerostats and airships as Lighter than Air (LTA) hull material. TPU films based on TiO2 were prepared using commercially available UV additives (Hindered amine light stabilizer, benzotriazole-based UV absorber, and antioxidant) at various concentrations. Prepared films were optimized to achieve the best possible combination of all UV enhancing materials and assessed for artificial weathering tests. UV–VIS spectrum and infra-red spectrum were obtained. Characterization of material and another testing such as tensile testing, yellowness index, UPF, and gas barrier properties of prepared TPU/TiO2 films were determined after every 100 h. TPU/TiO2 films that incorporate UV absorbers and other additives accomplished the requirement for improved resistance against UV and photo-oxidation.KeywordsTitanium dioxideUV absorbersTPUWeatheringLTA
A lot of demand exists for multifunctional TPU that can provide enhanced performance to address a variety of inflatable application needs. To develop multifunctional nanocomposite films for such uses, synthesized zinc stannate (ZnSnO 3 ) nanoparticles are integrated for the first time in a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) matrix. ZnSnO 3 was synthesized using hydrothermal method. The morphological analysis vividly displayed the nanocubic structures. As‐synthesized nano ZnSnO 3 was added as a nanofiller at varied concentration from 2 to 10 wt% in TPU and nanocomposite films were prepared by solvent intercalation and casting method. These films were thoroughly examined for their multifunctional properties such as UV protection, helium gas barrier and infrared emissivity. Mean value of UV protection factor was improved by 75% at 10 wt% loading of ZnSnO 3 whereas 23% improvement was observed in helium gas barrier. Moreover, a good correlation of experimental data with various theoretical models of gas permeability was obtained at lower volume fraction of ZnSnO 3 . IR emissivity value also showed improvement from 0.802 to 0.842. Thus, the developed TPU‐ZnSnO 3 nanocomposite films exhibited a significant improvement in multiple functional properties with improved tensile strength at optimized loading of 6 wt% of ZnSnO 3 . Highlights UPF mean value of ZnSnO 3 incorporated TPU film has been improved by 67%. Helium gas barrier has been improved by approximately 23% at 6 wt% loading. TPU film exhibited improved properties at optimized loading of 6 wt% of ZnSnO 3 . Nanocomposite TPU film can be employed in various weathering inflatables.
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This research focuses on the effects of UV absorber on natural herbal extracts including Wan Nga-chang (Ivory) and Wan Tan-diao containing Glycoside and Tannin with solvent prepared via the maceration method. The concentrations of UV absorber in this study, Titanium Dioxide (TiO 2 ), were varied from 5, 10, 15 % by weight and compared to the unadded reference material. The characteristics and properties of sunscreen products were analyzed by UV-Vis spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction technique (XRD) and Fourier Transform-Infrared spectrometer (FT-IR). The results of the experiment showed that the optimal concentration of UV absorber is herbal cream and TiO 2 at concentrations of 10%wt. From XRD and FT-IR techniques confirmed the elements and functional group of herbal extract and TiO 2 , respectively.
The main research question that this study tries to answer is how to produce and install a geostationary crane in space for raising and lowering payloads with the focus on how to install the counterweight, which will be presented the concept of an orbital loom factory to reach the geostationary stability. The strict objective of this study is to answer how to stabilize the space crane with the same Earth rotation that requires a counterweight at 36,000 km altitude. This study presents a proposal to solve this problem, by means of an orbital loom factory satellite in space to manufacture the cable in sections. Through the method of producing little by little, and at each section, a set of tests would be carried out, mechanically analyzed to safety, structural, commissioning, and maintenance. The study found that with this method, it is possible to install the space crane, which means to be an economic interface between Earth and space. Another question was answered on materials requests for engineering strategies, above the strength of materials limits. It was found that it is possible to work to increase this structural capacity using academically the crane model project to analyze the engineering of materials strategically, in addition to the available capacity, formulating a methodology through a suspended cable to withstand extreme mechanical conditions. Finally, will be presented why it is worth building this structure, and how to use the spatial crane as a greener way to access the space.
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Skin cancer is an exquisite disease globally nowadays. Because of the poor contrast and apparent resemblance between skin and lesions, automatic identification of skin cancer is complicated. The rate of human death can be massively reduced if melanoma skin cancer can be detected quickly using dermoscopy images. In this research, an anisotropic diffusion filtering method is used on dermoscopy images to remove multiplicative speckle noise and the fast-bounding box (FBB) method is applied to segment the skin cancer region. Furthermore, the paper consists of two feature extractor parts. One of the two features extractor parts is the hybrid feature extractor (HFE) part and another is the convolutional neural network VGG19 based CNN feature extractor part. The HFE portion combines three feature extraction approaches into a single fused feature vector: Histogram-Oriented Gradient (HOG), Local Binary Pattern (LBP), and Speed Up Robust Feature (SURF). The CNN method also is used to extract additional features from test and training datasets. This two-feature vector is fused to design the classification model. This classifier performs the classification of dermoscopy images whether it is melanoma or non-melanoma skin cancer. The proposed methodology is performed on two ordinary datasets and achieved the accuracy 99.85%, sensitivity 91.65%, and specificity 95.70%, which makes it more successful than previous machine learning algorithms.
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The sun-and-skin interactions have controversial sides. Besides important beneficial effects, we need to take into consideration also some serious harmful results. In particular, these are connected to the portion of the solar spectrum traditionally identified as ultraviolet type A and B. The topical application of sunscreens (and the avoidance of extreme exposure to sun rays) is worldwide recognized as the best strategy to avoid sunburn and oedema. Moreover, such strategy can efficiently prevent the onset of skin cancer. Therefore, the first aim of sunscreen products is to efficiently minimize all damage of sun exposure, while, at the same time, keeping good skin tolerability, avoiding safety problems and developing pleasant sensorial properties. Sunscreens, i.e., substances able to reflect and/or absorb, at a partial or complete extent, UV radiation are the key actors in skin protection. They are used to implement the level of primary photoprotection against UV rays. This means that when they absorb the radiation energy, their molecules pass to an excited state and successively re-emit energy in other forms (vibrational, rotational, infrared radiation) to come back to the ground state.
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Mesoporous TiO2 films doped with Ca2+, W6+ and nitrogen were obtained by sol-gel method using dip-coating procedure onto glass-slides in order to study the influence of dopants in their textural properties and photocatalytic activity. Titania sols were synthesized with and without dopants using titanium isopropoxide as titanium precursor, two complexing agents, acetic acid and acetyl acetone, and two pore generating agents, Pluronic F-127 (F127) and polyethylene glycol hexadecyl ether (Brij58). Films were characterised by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Grazing X-ray diffraction (GXRD) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Environmental Ellipsometric Porosimetry (EEP) permitted to obtain the adsorption/desorption isotherms and total pore volume, and to determine the porous size distribution and specific surface area (Ss) of the films. The photocatalytic activity was evaluated through the degradation of methyl orange (MO) in aqueous solution under UV light exposure. The photocatalytic activity depends on the nature of dopants, which affect the TiO2-anatase crystallite size and the textural properties of the final material. The best results of MO degradation were obtained for the films doped with Ca2+, this being correlated with the pore size and specific surface area of the films besides the dopant-effect on the photocatalytic mechanisms. (C) 2015 Sociedad Espariola de Ceramica y Vidrio. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
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Nowadays, concern over skin cancer has been growing more and more, especially in tropical countries where the incidence of UVA/B radiation is higher. The correct use of sunscreen is the most efficient way to prevent the development of this disease. The ingredients of sunscreen can be organic and/or inorganic sun filters. Inorganic filters present some advantages over organic filters, such as photostability, non-irritability and broad spectrum protection. Nevertheless, inorganic filters have a whitening effect in sunscreen formulations owing to the high refractive index, decreasing their esthetic appeal. Many techniques have been developed to overcome this problem and among them, the use of nanotechnology stands out. The estimated amount of nanomaterial in use must increase from 2000 tons in 2004 to a projected 58000 tons in 2020. In this context, this article aims to analyze critically both the different features of the production of inorganic filters (synthesis routes proposed in recent years) and the permeability, the safety and other characteristics of the new generation of inorganic filters.
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Sunscreens are used to provide protection against adverse effects of ultraviolet (UV)B (290-320 nm) and UVA (320-400 nm) radiation. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration, the protection factor against UVA should be at least one-third of the overall sun protection factor. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) minerals are frequently employed in sunscreens as inorganic physical sun blockers. As TiO2 is more effective in UVB and ZnO in the UVA range, the combination of these particles assures a broad-band UV protection. However, to solve the cosmetic drawback of these opaque sunscreens, microsized TiO2 and ZnO have been increasingly replaced by TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) (<100 nm). This review focuses on significant effects on the UV attenuation of sunscreens when microsized TiO2 and ZnO particles are replaced by NPs and evaluates physicochemical aspects that affect effectiveness and safety of NP sunscreens. With the use of TiO2 and ZnO NPs, the undesired opaqueness disappears but the required balance between UVA and UVB protection can be altered. Utilization of mixtures of micro- and nanosized ZnO dispersions and nanosized TiO2 particles may improve this situation. Skin exposure to NP-containing sunscreens leads to incorporation of TiO2 and ZnO NPs in the stratum corneum, which can alter specific NP attenuation properties due to particle-particle, particle-skin, and skin-particle-light physicochemical interactions. Both sunscreen NPs induce (photo)cyto- and genotoxicity and have been sporadically observed in viable skin layers especially in case of long-term exposures and ZnO. Photocatalytic effects, the highest for anatase TiO2, cannot be completely prevented by coating of the particles, but silica-based coatings are most effective. Caution should still be exercised when new sunscreens are developed and research that includes sunscreen NP stabilization, chronic exposures, and reduction of NPs' free-radical production should receive full attention.
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ZnO is an attractive material for applications in electronics, photonics, acoustics, and sensing. In optical emitters, its high exciton binding energy (60 meV) gives ZnO an edge over other semiconductors such as GaN if reproducible and reliable p-type doping in ZnO were to be achieved, which currently remains to be the main obstacle for realization of bipolar devices. On the electronic side, ZnO holds some potential in transparent thin film transistors (TFTs) owing to its high optical transmittivity and high conductivity. Among the other promising areas of application for ZnO are acoustic wave devices, due to large electromechanical coupling in ZnO, and devices utilizing nanowires/nanorods such as biosensors and gas sensors and solar cells, since it is relatively easy to produce such forms of ZnO nanostructures, which have good charge carrier transport properties and high crystalline quality. Despite the significant progress made, there is still a number of important issues that need to be resolved before ZnO can be transitioned to commercial use, not to mention the stiff competition it is facing with GaN, which is much more mature in terms of devices. In this paper, recent progress in device applications of ZnO is discussed and a review of critical issues for realization of ZnO-based devices is given.
TiO2 is a commonly used semiconductor photocatalyst but, as a paradox, it is also widely used as UV filter in sunscreens. Moreover, its capacity to form free radicals under UV irradiation generates reactive free radicals that provoke sunscreens degradation. In this work a hierarchical composite made of ZnO nanoparticles anchored onto TiO2 microparticles is developed in a safe-by-design way by using the sol-gel method. The aim of this composite is to gain the advantages of inorganic nanoparticles avoiding their potential drawbacks. The hierarchical composite presents higher UV absorption than the pure TiO2 or ZnO counterparts. The functional stability study on standard sunscreen reveals a 50% high Solar Protection Factor (SPF) values over time for the hierarchical composite lowering the photodegradation of the formulation. Under authors' knowledge, it is the first time that the combination of these oxides increases the UV attenuation as inhibits the negative effects of free radicals. The high UV absorption without degradation opens a new orientation for the effective use of UV-absorbers without the photocatalyst adverse effects. The results in sunscreens generate a proposed mechanism of functionality that explains the observed differences on the efficiency of photocatalytic activity of these materials for other application fields.
The light induced structural phase transition of TiO2 nanoparticles from anatase to rutile structure is reported with different distribution of defect related surface states. Pristine, defective, and surface passivated samples were irradiated in vacuum condition by intragap visible wavelength to achieve the phase transformation. The surface states were studied by means of intragap excited steady state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. Two bands were clearly observed, the first component centered at about 470 nm with time decay in the ns range and the second one peaked at 600 nm, with a lifetime in the order of µs. The bands are assigned to 5Ti3+ species and to 6Ti3+-OH species located at the surface of the anatase TiO2 nanoparticles. The transition mechanism to the rutile phase is interpreted in the framework of oxygen adsorption and desorption phenomena with the involvement of the surface defects.
ZnO particles were synthesized directly from an aqueous solution of zinc acetate dihydrate in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and sodium hydroxide at 70°C. The morphological changes were investigated in the range of pH 8–12. The hexagonal prism-like shape was formed at pH 8 and 10 by inhibition of growth along the c direction whereas the small rod-like shape was observed at pH 12. The estimated band gap and the room temperature photoluminescence intensity in a visible region are dependent upon the geometrical shape and size of the ZnO particles.
Nanocrystalline ZnO and Ag–ZnO (0.7 atom %) have been obtained by microwave synthesis and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, scanning electron micrography, UV–visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy, and impedance spectroscopy. The doped oxide exhibits surface plasmon resonance. Further, Ag-doping reduces the average crystallite size, sharpens the band gap absorption, suppresses the blue emission and decreases the charge transfer resistance. The microwave synthesized ZnO exhibits larger bactericidal activity than the commercial ZnO nanoparticles and doping with Ag by microwave method improves the antibacterial and photocatalytic activities. However, the photocatalytic activity of microwave synthesized ZnO, to detoxify cyanide in alkaline medium, does not differ significantly from that of commercial ZnO nanoparticles.
Nanocrystalline ZnO and Ag-ZnO (0.1 at%) have been synthesized by sol–gel method and characterized by X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray spectrum, scanning electron micrographs and UV–vis diffuse reflectance, photoluminescence and electrochemical impedance spectra. Doping ZnO with Ag reduces the average crystal size, sharpens the band gap absorption and decreases the charge-transfer resistance. The bactericidal and photocatalytic activities of sol–gel synthesized ZnO, tested, respectively, with Escherichia coli and cyanide ion, are larger than those of commercial ZnO nanoparticles. Ag doping by sol–gel method enhances the antibacterial and photocatalytic activities; the latter has been tested using methylene blue, methyl orange and rhodamine B.