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International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review
ISSN 0976 – 4852
September, 2018|Volume 09|Issue 09|
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 09, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20223
Section: Science
Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in
Chandra Sekhar Mishra
Masawa College of Marine Science and Technology Zenawi Fitwi Graduate Assistant Tedros Yacob
Final year diploma student Masawa College of Marine Science and Technology
Corresponding Author: Chandra Sekhar Mishra Received: 2018-08-08; Accepted 2018-08-30,
Stability is the main factor or is very essential especially for safety of crew members as it is for commercial
purpose. In Eritrea there are so many people living in coastal areas which their economic activities depend
up on sea related works like fishing and a kind of some businesses like trading through the seas and other
work .But, although their economic activities fully depends on this kind of risky field of work ,most of them
are always found to be unaware and not skilled of the needy sea life terms ,safety matters and basic concepts
like stability of ship and how it is affected during maneuvering ,loading & unloading ,ballasting and other
techniques. So it has been a reason for creating a massive financial & economical destruction, life losses and
hardly affecting the sea living organisms in a way we regret. Everyone might have confused saying “In this
modern world how can these great consequences are still not minimized and kept at their higher state having
qualitatively & quantitatively unsatisfying reasons to their occurrence? ”we will leave the question for the
reader .But, in general, it clearly teaches us that showing even a small negligence or irresponsibility and
being unskilled in such things comes up with a mass of losses and gigantic destructions .So to overcome
these problems, its time to do a deep research that finds the root fountains of its reasons out so everyone in
the circle of marine society will have enough skills and so backwards will be at its lowest level. In this
project important terms of stability and factors that affect it are discussed that helps to improve safe ship
working and bring awareness to the unskilled people.
It is necessary to maintain a stability of ship with the certain safety covering which can maintain the life of
crew members, avoid damage of cargoes; the stability of ship differs during loading and unloading
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20224
Need for the Project Work:
Ship‟s stability is a very important term for safety of the crew members, the ship and the cargo. Many ship
accidents and different kinds of losses have been taking place, so lack of stability is found to be a vital and
one of the vast reasons that have been causing a mass of destruction and great losses. The need of this
project research paper is therefore to have a general idea of the ship stability, factors affecting the stability
and to minimize its consequences.
Statement of the Problem:
Ship stability has been very much interesting since its lack started to lead into great disastrous consequences.
The problem is that the people in the marine society (specially, crew members, stevedores, fishers) are found
to be not enough skilled of the ship stability and factors affecting it, however, their safety and work depend
this very important title. And the second problem is that the term ship‟s stability is found to be a little
complex term which is not easy to understand.
Objective of the Project:
To determine the meta centric height of ship when it is fully loaded with cargo and it is unloaded
To determine the time period of oscillation when ship is fully loaded with cargo and it is unloaded
To determine effect of loading cargo in proper way and in not proper way to the ships stability
To determine the importance of ballasting and unballasting and when it should be done
1.6 Significance:
The significance of this research paper is that:
To increase the consciousness of the marine people on the ship‟s stability
To readymade the mind of the poor people about avoiding taking of dangerous actions that may result
great destruction.
To higher the knowledge of how does this stability affects our financial, economic and human life issues.
To understand international standards toward the ship‟s stability.
Hypothesis: Ship stability is very important and relevant to every vessel that sails in the waters.
Litrature Review:
Erika Buchari et al. [1]have done a research on a title, “ Analysis of Model Loading and Unloading Time
of Ships at Boom Baru Port, Palembang, Indonesia.” It concerns, during loading and unloading condition
time and speed are some of the main problems that happen in container terminal ports in Indonesia. This is
mainly caused by longer loading and unloading time. Loading and unloading time depends on some factors
that are ship size, limitation of equipment and stacking yard, shallow port basin, trial period and tidal
magnitude. Dwelling time is accumulated time from loading and unloading containers, until the container
leave the terminal. The speed of unloading process is affected by many factors, such as ship size,
performance of the equipment, number of handling equipment, qualifications from the operator, and the
depth of post basin.
Carlos F. Daganzo et al. [2] have done research concerning “Crane Double Cycling in Container Ports:
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20225
Effect on Ship Dwell Time.” Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, at University of
California, Berkeley. In this study Double-cycling is a technique that can be used to improve the utilization
of quay cranes by converting empty crane moves into productive ones. Instead of using the current method,
where all relevant containers are unloaded before any are loaded (single-cycling), containers are loaded and
unloaded simultaneously. This allows the crane to carry a container while moving from the apron to the ship
(one move) as well as from the ship to the apron; doubling the number of containers transported in a cycle
(or two moves). The crane efficiency improvement can be used to reduce ship turn-around time and
therefore improve port throughput, and address the capacity problem.
Yihuai Hui et al. [3] studied “Sail Structure Design and Stability Calculation for Sail assisted Ships” at
Marine collage Shanghai maritime University. Ship sail-assisting is a kind of integrated technology involved
in fluent dynamic analysis, sail structure design, sail rotation control, ship stability and maneuverability.
This paper systematically introduces several aspects of sail assisting technology. The paper firstly introduces
sail type selection and experimental results of arc sail models. Thrust force coefficient, drifting force
coefficient, lifting force coefficient, resistance coefficient and rotating torque coefficient of the sail model
are discussed and optimal sail rotated angle is calculated in the paper. A control mechanism and the material
of sail structure are designed for the sail operation of a ocean-going bulk carrier. Based on stability
requirements of ocean-going ships, this paper proposes a stability criterion for sail-assisted ships and
suggests a calculation method of stability parameter for the requirements. Comments and recommendations
are finally discussed for the further application of the sail onboard ship.
Metin Taylan et al. [4] studied the “EFFECT OF FORWARD SPEED ON SHIP ROLLING AND
STABILITY .” Istanbul University, faculty on naval architecture and ocean engineering. Most of the time
this job shows that ship stability is evaluated at zero speed. Majority of the stability criteria is also based on
the behavior of ship at stand still. However unlike fixed offshore platforms, shipper on the move due their
nature of operation. Therefore, a ship's hydrostatic and hydrodynamic characteristic undergoes changes
because of the varying under water volume, center of buoyancy and gravity and pressure distribution. This
work deals with effect of forward speed on ship stability and motion, particularly on rolling motion in
synchronous beam seas.
Research Methodology:
Research Procedure:
We collected all of the data that is needed for the research from Massawa port through questionnaire.
Data were taken from both foreign and national ships.
Graphic Representation of the Procedures:
Selection of the title (stability effect of ship) Collecting information from Massawa port
Calculations depending on the data collected that determines our objectives Theoretical analysis of every
objective‟s calculations
Sequence process of research collecting data from internet The Questionnaire
The questionnaire was consisting of 10 questions dealing with ten vital parameters for our research and they
are listed below
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20226
Parameter 1
Metacentric height when fully unloaded with cargo
Parameter 2
Metacentric height when fully loaded with cargo
Parameter 3
Center of gravity when fully unloaded with cargo
Parameter 4
Center of gravity when fully loaded with cargo
Parameter 5
Weight of ship when fully unloaded with cargo
Parameter 6
Weight of ship when fully loaded with cargo
Parameter 7
Draught of ship when fully unloaded with cargo
Parameter 8
Draught of ship when fully loaded with cargo
Parameter 9 Width of the ship Parameter 10 Length of the ship
Theoretical Analysis
Calcultion for Meta Centric Height
All calculations are done by assuming the ship is rectangular in shape.
Calcultion for Meta Centric Height:
All calculations are done by assuming the ship is rectangular in shape.
M/V Kota Handal:
Centre of gravity with no cargo =6.79m taken from ship. BM=I/V
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20227
l= Length of the ship b= width of the ship
I =Total moment of area of the ship.
I= (160×25
I=208333.33 m.
= LW
= (160×25×8.5) m3
=34000m3 BM=208333.33/34000=6.12 m KB=8.5/2=4.25 m
KG=6.79m when it is unloaded taken from ship. GM=BM-BG
GM=3.1 m ......................... GM=3.3 m taken from ship.
BM=I/V. BM=208333.33/36800=5.66m.
KG=9.79 m taken from ship. GM=BM-BG
=0.48 m
M=0.46m from stability booklet. Fig 4.1 M/V KOTA HANDAL
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20228
Area of the ship = 84.80m × 13.60m = 1153.28m2 volume = 1153.28 × 2.5 = 2883.2m3
I = 84.80 × 13.60m3
= 17775.88m GM = BM – BG
= 6.16 - BG BM = I/V
= 1775.88/2883.2
BM = 6.16m
GM = 6.16 - (KG – KB)
= 6.16 (2 - 1.25) GM = 5.4m
GM= 4.9m from the given booklet. B.AT FULLY LOADED CONDITION V= 1153.28 × 6 = 6919.68m3
BM = 17775.88/6919.68 BM=2.56
GM = BM - BG = BM – (KG - KB) = 2.56 – (4.8 - 3) GM = 0.76m
Fig 4.3.M/V TENGDA
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20229
I= lb
3/12 = 179.9 x 303/12
= 404775
V= l x B x D
= 179 x 30 x 60 V= 32382m3
BM = 404775/32382 = 12.5 KB = 3 m
GM = BM - BG BG = KG - KB
= 12.5 - (7.4 - 3)
= 4.4 m
V= 179.9 x 30 x 10.6
= 57208.2m3
BM= 404775 / 572082
= 7.07m
GM =7.07 - (11.99 – 5,3)
= 0.38 m
BM = I/V
I= lb
3/12 =108.9 ×18.203/12 = 54709.25
= 108.9×18.20 × (2.20+5.20/2)m3
= 7333.326 m3 KG = 6.65m
BM = 54709.25/7333.326 = 7.46m
GM = BM - BG
= BM – (KG - KB)
= 2.66m when there is no cargo BM = I/V
I = lb
3/12 = 108.9 × 18.203/12
= 54209.25
V= l x B x D
= 108.9 × 18.20 × (7.20 + 8.10/2)m3
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20230
= 15162.147 m3
BM = 54709.25/15162.147 = 3.60m GM = BM - BG
=BM – (KG-KB) =1.825m when it is fully loaded
BM = I/V
I= lb
= 100.75× (16)3/12
= 409,600/12
= 3.420 m
I = 34133.33m
=34133.33m4/9978.28m3 = 3.420m KB = 6.19/2
= 3.095 m
KG = 5.934 m, taken from ship GM = BM - BG
= 3.420 - (OG - OB)
= 3.420m - (5.934m - 3.095m)
= 3.420m - 2.839 m
= 0.581 m
Metacentric height when the ship is fully loaded with cargo=0.581metre.
When there is no cargo in the ship
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20231
(Weight of ship + store + machinery + crew)= 2064 tones Centre of gravity of ship when no cargo = 7.8
Height of ship when no cargo =7.95 meter. Volume of water displaced = Area × Draft
= (100.75m×16m)×2.1 metre
= 3385.2 m3
I = bd3/12 BM = I/V
= (100.75× (16)3)/12 => 34389.33m4/3385.2m3
= 389.33m
BM = 10.158m KB=2.1/2
= 1.05 metre.
KG=7.8 meter when no cargo.
GM = BM – BG => 10.158 - (7.8m-1.05m)
= (10.158 - 6.75)
= 3.40 m
The metacentric height when no cargo= 3.40 meter.
When the ship is loaded in improper way the center of gravity comes to metacenter GG‟= (W × KG) / (W1
× KG1)
W=weight of cargo
KG=Centre of gravity when there is cargo W1=Weight of ship
OG1=Centre of gravity when empty
I = bd
3/12 I = bd3/12
= 100×14.53/12
= 25405.20m4 BM=I/V
= 25405.20m4/4060m3
= 6.257m.
Distance of the center of buoyancy B from the base point K KB = 2.8/2
=1.4 meter.
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20232
= 1.4metre+6.257metre
= 7.657 meter.
Distance of gravity from the base point K KB = 2.8/2
= 1.4 meter.
=1.4 meter + 6.257 meter
KM= 7.657 meter.
Distance of center of gravity from the base point KG = 4.5 meter. KG = 4.5 metre.
= 4.5 metre-1.4 metre
= 3.1 metre. Metacentric height GM = BM-BG
= 6.257 meter- 3.1 meter
= 3.157 meter.
Theoretical Analysis for Time Period of Oscillation:
M/V. Recep Kuru
=2π × 1.1619
= 7.30 seconds.
From here we conclude that time period of oscillation is less when there is no cargo so more sagging and
hogging takes place when there is no cargo crew member working in ship will fill uncomfortable.
Time period of oscillation T=2π√(k2/g
We assume the radius of gyration = 3.5 meter.
Time period of oscillation T= 2π√(3.5)2/(9.81× 3.157)
Time period of oscillation T=2π√(12.25/30.97)= 2π√0.0395 =1.248 seconds. Volume of water displaced=
Area ×Draft.
Volume of water displaced= 100×14.5×6.29= 9120.5 m
Distance of the center of buoyancy B and the metacenter M is given by B
2.78 meter.
Distance of the center of buoyancy B from the base point O KB= 6.29/2 metre = 3.145 meter.
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20233
KM=KB+BM= 3.145metre+2.78 meter= 5.930 meter. Distance of center of gravity from the base point O=
5 meter. KG= 5 meter.
BG=KG-KB= (5-3.145) meter=1.855m
Metacentric height
GM= (BM-BG) m = (2.78-1.855)m=0.925m.
From here we conclude that metacentric height gets reduced when the ship is loaded with full cargo.
4.3 Theoretical Analysis For Drag Force M/V Kota Handal:
It is assumed that the sea is smooth and the ship hull is also smooth. The flow of sea water is assumed to be
Re=ρ×Velocity×length/ (Dynamic viscosity)
y = 1025 kg/m3 a
Dynamic viscosity=0.001(assumed) Re=inertia force / viscous force Re= (1025x2m/s x160)/0.001=
CD =0.455/(log10Re)2.58
D= CD × ½ × ρ × velocity2 × area FD= 0.00181 × 0.5 ×1025 × 2 × 800
=1484.2 N when it is unloaded drag force
D=CD × ½ × ρ × velocity2× area
FD= 0.00181 × 0.5 ×1025 × 2 × 1520
FD = 2819.98 N when it is fully loaded
Percentage increase in drag force of fully loaded condition compared to unloaded condition= (2819.98 -
% drag force increase=0.9 x 100
% drag force increase =90%
We assume the sea is smooth and the ship hull is also smooth. The flow of sea water is assumed to be
Re=ρ×Velocity×length/ (Dynamic viscosity Density = 1025kg/m3
Dynamic viscosity=0.001(assumed) Re=inertia force / viscous force
Re= (1025x2x93.2)/0.001=191060000 CD=0.455/(log10Re)2.58
Theoretical analysis of drag force
CD=0.455/(log10Re)2.58-(1700/Re)=0.455/(log10191060000)2.58-(1700/191060000)=0.001937 FD=
FD=CD × ½ × ρ × velocity2 × area FD= 0.00193 × 0.5 ×1025 × 2 × 800
=1589.13 N when it is unloaded ( drag force) FD=CD× ½ × ρ × velocity2 × area
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20234
FD= 0.00193 × 0.5 ×1025 × 2 × 1520
FD= 3006.94 N when it is fully loaded
Percentage increase in drag force of fully loaded condition compared to unloaded condition= =(3006.94
– 1589.13)/1589.13
% drag force increase=0.892 x 100
% drag force increase =89.2%
From here we concluded that the metacentric height gets reduced when it is fully loaded compared to
when it is unloaded or no cargo. So there is direct effect of stability of ship when the ship is filled with
We assume the sea is smooth and the ship hull is also smooth. The flow of sea water is assumed to be
Re=ρ×Velocity×length/ (Dynamic viscosity) Density = 1025kg/m3
Dynamic viscosity=0.001(assumed) Re=inertia force / viscous force Re= (1025x2x180)/0.001
-(1700/369000000)= 0.00178
FD =
FD=CD × ½ × ρ × velocity2 × area FD= 0.00178 × 0.5 ×1025 × 2 × 800
=1458.8 N when it is unloaded drag force FD =CD× ½ × ρ × velocity2 × area
FD= 0.00178 × 0.5 ×1025 × 2 × 1520
FD= 2771.7 N when it is fully loaded
Theoretical analysis of drag force Percentage increase in drag force of fully loaded condition compared to
unloaded condition = (2771.7 –1458.8)/1458.8
% drag force increase=0.8989 x 100
% drag force increase =89.89%
From here we concluded that the metacentric height gets reduced when it is fully loaded compared to when
it is unloaded or no cargo. So there is direct effect of stability of ship when the ship is filled with cargo.
We assume the sea is smooth and the ship hull is also smooth. The flow of sea water is assumed to be
Re = ρ×Velocity×length/(Dynamic viscosity)
y = 1025kg/m3
Dynamic viscosity=0.001(assumed) Re = inertia force / viscous force
Re = (1025x2m/s x108.9)/0.001 = 223245000 CD = 0.455/(log10Re)2.58 - (1700/Re)
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20235
CD = 0.455/(log10Re)2.58 - (1700/Re) = 0.455/(log10 223245000)2.58-(1700/223245000)
= 0.001906
FD = CD × ½ × ρ × velocity2 × area
FD = 0.001906 × 0.5 ×1025 × 2 × 800
=1484.2 N when it is unloaded drag force FD = CD × ½ × ρ × velocity2 × area
FD = 0.001906 × 0.5 ×1025 × 2 × 1520
FD = 2819.98 N when it is fully loaded
Percentage increase in drag force of fully loaded condition compared to unloaded condition=(2819.98 -
% drag force increase=0.9 x 100
% drag force increase =90%
Effect of power produced due to drag force:
Since it is a Bulk carrier there is no wave and eddy drag force. When there is full cargo
Cd=1.41×10-3 for turbulent we assumed CD = Friction drag coefficient.
When the ship is fully loaded.
D = CD× 1/2ρU02
= 1.41×10-3×1/2×1.025×(10×0.5148)
×100×6.29 = 12.045KN.
Power required to propel the ship.
P = FDU0 = 12.045×(10×0.5148) = 62.00766KN.
When there is empty CD = 1.41×10-3
FD = CD×1/2 ρU0
P = FD U0 = 5.362×(10×0.5148) = 27.60KN.
In both the cases if we compare when the ship is empty (no cargo) there is less drag compared to when it is
fully loaded so here more fuel cost is required.
Effects on drag force produced in container ship:
The ship is fully loaded with cargo
D = CD×1/2 ρU02
= 1.41×10-3×1/2×1.025×(10×0.5148)2×(100. 75 ×6.19) = 11.943KN.
Power required to propel the ship when it is fully loaded with cargo = 11.943×(10×0.5148)
= 61.482KN.
The ship is empty without cargo
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20236
D = CD×1/2 ρU02
1.41×10-3×1/2×1.025×(10×0.5148)2×(100. 75 ×2.1) = 4.051KN.
Power required to propel the ship when it is empty without cargo P = FDU0 = 4.051×(10×0.5148) =
In both the cases if we compare when the ship is empty (no container) there is less drag compared to when it
is fully loaded so here more fuel cost is required.
Weight of The Ship When There Is No Cargo & Ballast Iris Of Sea
With cargo and ballast when it is fully loaded
Weight increased due to ballast condition = 10512mt – 9100 ton
=1412 ton
Weight of the ship when there is cargo and ballast condition
= 8000 +1412ton
Volume = 108.9×18.20×900
BM =3.067m
GM =3.067 – (6.5884 – 4.5)
=0.9786m so the ship became stable EFFECT OF FUEL CONSUMPTION M/V IRIS OF THE SEA
FUEL CONSUMPTION when there is no cargo = 5.0 tons
FUEL CONSUMPTION when it is fully loaded with cargo= 5.5 tons
These are the fuel consumed for the same distance taken from visited ship
Extra fuel is consumed when it is fully loaded with cargo=0.5 tons
Cost of fuel increased due to more consumption of fuel %=10 % nakfa
When the ship is loaded in improper way the center of gravity comes to metacenter
GG‟= (W×OG)/(W1×OG1)
W=weight of cargo
OG=Centre of gravity when there is cargo W1=Weight of ship
OG1=Centre of gravity when empty
GG‟= (5151×5.934)/(2064×7.8) metre=1.89 metre.
The metacentric height due to improper loading
G’M=GM-GG’=3.40 metre-1.89 meter=1.51 meter.
From here we find that metacentric height gets reduced to 1.51 so this is the main cause of ship
Chandra Sekhar Mishra / Case Studies of the Effect of Loading and Unloading Cargo in Ship
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20223-20237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr/2018/9/09/590 Page | 20237
becoming unstable if ship is loaded in improper manner
Conclusion and Recommendation:
It has been concluded that ship should not be fully loaded with cargo because
company can face disastrous consequence of ship becoming unstable. Ship should not be fully unloaded
with cargo the crew members working in ship can feel uncomfortable due to reduction of time period of
oscillation in bad weather condition which can also effect the stability of ship. Ballasting should not be done
when the ship is fully loaded with cargo as it can reduce the stability of ship. It has been surveyed and found
out that all crew members working in ship are not having proper knowledge of the stability effect of ship
under various loaded condition. Many ships are not having stability booklet where metacentric height at
various loaded conditions are written. There should be proper surveyor to check whether ships are having
stability booklet at which metacentric height at various loaded conditions are written. Awareness in marine
society should be given of the effects of stability of ship under various conditions.
1. Give idea to the unskilled people of marine society about ship stability and how it affects ship structure.
2. How the ship stability does affects engine performance.
3. Study of design of ship which is best suited in adverse weather condition.
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