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Abstract and Figures

In the last centuries, gravel-bed rivers in developed countries have undergone rapid changes in channel morphology. The most serious problems include channel transformation related to progressive channel narrowing, incision or bed sediment coarsening. The main reasons for transformations were connected to the human interventions, which affected water and sediment fluxes in the basins. This paper summarizes contemporary research activities focused on these negative effects of channel transformations in the Czech flysch Carpathian rivers (the Morávka, the Olše and the Ostravice draining the highest mountainous areas of the Beskydy Mts). As the result of channel transformations, progressive changes in fluvial ecosystem were observed. The initial phytosociological survey demonstrates a higher biodiversity in the floodplain along the preserved multi-thread river channel than along the deeply incised channel in the Morávka River basin. Our observations of aquatic communities demonstrated that the channel transformation connected with incision and coarsening of bed sediments negatively affected fish or lamprey populations in the studied rivers. Regulation, damming and incision of channels caused changes of hydrological regime linked with gradual drying of floodplain. Additionally, a large set of hydraulic structures, bridges or weirs were affected by undercutting and progressive destruction in the Ostravice, Olše and Morávka River basins, which is assigned to increased transport capacity of regulated channels together with decreased sediment supply from mountainous parts.
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Impacts of gravel-bed rivers transformation on
fluvial ecosystems and human society:
Examples from the Czech flysch Carpathians
Václav Škarpich1,*, Miroslav Kubín2, Tomáš Galia1, Stanislav Ruman1, and Jan Hradecký1
1Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava,
Chittussiho 10, 71000 Ostrava, Czech Republic
2Protected Landscape Area Administration Beskydy, Nádražní 36 756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm,
Czech Republic
Abstract. In the last centuries, gravel-bed rivers in developed countries
have undergone rapid changes in channel morphology. The most serious
problems include channel transformation related to progressive channel
narrowing, incision or bed sediment coarsening. The main reasons for
transformations were connected to the human interventions, which affected
water and sediment fluxes in the basins. This paper summarizes
contemporary research activities focused on these negative effects of
channel transformations in the Czech flysch Carpathian rivers (the
Morávka, the Olše and the Ostravice draining the highest mountainous
areas of the Beskydy Mts). As the result of channel transformations,
progressive changes in fluvial ecosystem were observed. The initial
phytosociological survey demonstrates a higher biodiversity in the
floodplain along the preserved multi-thread river channel than along the
deeply incised channel in the Morávka River basin. Our observations of
aquatic communities demonstrated that the channel transformation
connected with incision and coarsening of bed sediments negatively
affected fish or lamprey populations in the studied rivers. Regulation,
damming and incision of channels caused changes of hydrological regime
linked with gradual drying of floodplain. Additionally, a large set of
hydraulic structures, bridges or weirs were affected by undercutting and
progressive destruction in the Ostravice, Olše and Morávka River basins,
which is assigned to increased transport capacity of regulated channels
together with decreased sediment supply from mountainous parts.
1. Introduction
Gravel-bed rivers are defined as channel reaches with coarse sediment material on bed and
banks and typically with large discharge variation, which affects sediment material
movement in river network [1, 2]. Their occurrence is characteristic for montane and
upland valley and mountain foreland area [3]. During the 20th century, the most serious
problems of gravel-bed rivers transformation were widely studied around the globe [4, 5,
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E3S Web of Conferences 40, 02005 (2018)
River Flow 2018
6]. The researches focused on the identification of channel pattern changes, which were
accompanied by progressive channel narrowing, river bed incision or bed sediment
coarsening [4, 5, 6]. The main reasons for these changes were related to the sediment
movement and impediments (buffers, barriers and blankets) to sediment movement in the
fluvial system by so-called disconnectivities [7].
A similar pattern of channel changes was also recorded in the rivers draining the Czech
part of flysch Carpathians [8, 9, 10, 11]. This paper presents channel transformations in a
wider context of ecosystem changes and water resources structures. A number of
detrimental feedback effects of transformation of the Czech Carpathian rivers have been
identified, e.g. decreasing biodiversity, destruction of fish and lamprey habitat, landscape
drying or destruction of man-made constructions (as weirs or bridges).
2. Channel transformations and their effect on riverine
ecosystems in the Czech Carpathian rivers
Transformations of rivers draining the Czech part of Carpathian were studied in the
Ostravice, Morávka [8, 9, 10] and Olše [11] River basins. The contemporary state of rivers
in the Czech Carpathians has been particularly affected by human impact starting at the
beginning of the 16th century during the so-called Wallachian colonisation of the
mountainous area. Extensive deforestation to clear pastureland and supply the demand for
wood disrupted the original state of channels. The deforestation and probably effect of
Little Ice Age intensified sediment supply to the river network and subsequently
development of multi-thread channel reaches, which had been developing from the end of
the Last Glacial period [9]. The change in basin management related to the change in
human lifestyles from the beginning of the 20th century brought new afforestation and thus
an initiation of deficit in sediment supply for multi-thread reaches. Industrial development
related to increased demands for large amounts of water (construction of valley dams,
weirs), which caused the acceleration of the above-mentioned processes and the blockage
of sediment transport. In result, channels were transformed from originally multi-thread
river pattern with intensive sediment transport to single-thread river pattern often incised
into the bedrock [8, 9, 10, 11].
Effect of channel transformation on riverine plant ecosystems was studied in the
Morávka River basin [12]. The research was conducted with phytosociological survey of
plant species composition from phytosociological relevés in the transversal profiles in the
floodplain. They were conducted in the floodplain with (i) the single-thread bedrock-
incised channel and (ii) the preserved multi-thread channel. The Shannon-Wiener [13] and
Simpson's [14] indices of biodiversity for the analysis of species distribution was evaluated.
In the context of the importance of vegetation response to channel-floodplain conditions,
the following environmental variables were selected as response variables for the analysis:
phytosociological relevé distance from the main channel with flowing water, and relative
elevation of a phytosociological relevé from the water level in the channel. The channel
effect on the riparian vegetation conditions was evaluated by using multivariate data
analysis of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA).
The results showed that different plant habitat conditions occur in the incised channel
reach and in the multi-thread channel reach [12]. The analysis of the Shannon-Wiener and
Simpson's indices demonstrated a larger variety of habitat conditions in the floodplain area
along the multi-thread river channel (see fig. 1). Multivariate analysis confirmed that
incision processes of channel cause a more rapid change in the plant community
composition with increasing distance from the main channel. This suggests that
groundwater conditions could be affected by the river incision through the gradual relative
sinking of water level in the river channel relative to the floodplain level [12].
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6]. The researches focused on the identification of channel pattern changes, which were
accompanied by progressive channel narrowing, river bed incision or bed sediment
coarsening [4, 5, 6]. The main reasons for these changes were related to the sediment
movement and impediments (buffers, barriers and blankets) to sediment movement in the
fluvial system by so-called disconnectivities [7].
A similar pattern of channel changes was also recorded in the rivers draining the Czech
part of flysch Carpathians [8, 9, 10, 11]. This paper presents channel transformations in a
wider context of ecosystem changes and water resources structures. A number of
detrimental feedback effects of transformation of the Czech Carpathian rivers have been
identified, e.g. decreasing biodiversity, destruction of fish and lamprey habitat, landscape
drying or destruction of man-made constructions (as weirs or bridges).
2. Channel transformations and their effect on riverine
ecosystems in the Czech Carpathian rivers
Transformations of rivers draining the Czech part of Carpathian were studied in the
Ostravice, Morávka [8, 9, 10] and Olše [11] River basins. The contemporary state of rivers
in the Czech Carpathians has been particularly affected by human impact starting at the
beginning of the 16th century during the so-called Wallachian colonisation of the
mountainous area. Extensive deforestation to clear pastureland and supply the demand for
wood disrupted the original state of channels. The deforestation and probably effect of
Little Ice Age intensified sediment supply to the river network and subsequently
development of multi-thread channel reaches, which had been developing from the end of
the Last Glacial period [9]. The change in basin management related to the change in
human lifestyles from the beginning of the 20th century brought new afforestation and thus
an initiation of deficit in sediment supply for multi-thread reaches. Industrial development
related to increased demands for large amounts of water (construction of valley dams,
weirs), which caused the acceleration of the above-mentioned processes and the blockage
of sediment transport. In result, channels were transformed from originally multi-thread
river pattern with intensive sediment transport to single-thread river pattern often incised
into the bedrock [8, 9, 10, 11].
Effect of channel transformation on riverine plant ecosystems was studied in the
Morávka River basin [12]. The research was conducted with phytosociological survey of
plant species composition from phytosociological relevés in the transversal profiles in the
floodplain. They were conducted in the floodplain with (i) the single-thread bedrock-
incised channel and (ii) the preserved multi-thread channel. The Shannon-Wiener [13] and
Simpson's [14] indices of biodiversity for the analysis of species distribution was evaluated.
In the context of the importance of vegetation response to channel-floodplain conditions,
the following environmental variables were selected as response variables for the analysis:
phytosociological relevé distance from the main channel with flowing water, and relative
elevation of a phytosociological relevé from the water level in the channel. The channel
effect on the riparian vegetation conditions was evaluated by using multivariate data
analysis of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA).
The results showed that different plant habitat conditions occur in the incised channel
reach and in the multi-thread channel reach [12]. The analysis of the Shannon-Wiener and
Simpson's indices demonstrated a larger variety of habitat conditions in the floodplain area
along the multi-thread river channel (see fig. 1). Multivariate analysis confirmed that
incision processes of channel cause a more rapid change in the plant community
composition with increasing distance from the main channel. This suggests that
groundwater conditions could be affected by the river incision through the gradual relative
sinking of water level in the river channel relative to the floodplain level [12].
Fig. 1. A Shannon-Wiener index and B Simpson's index of phytosociological relevés in the study
area of the Morávka River floodplain (reprinted from [12]).
In the last several decades, the flysch Czech Carpathian rivers showed changes of
hydrological conditions. Originally, they were characterised by high discharge variation,
e.g. for the Ostravice River it was approximately 1:2,000 between minimal and maximal
discharges and for the Morávka River 1:4,000 [15]. Constructions of the Šance (built on the
Ostravice River in years 1964-1969), the Morávka (built on the Morávka River in years
1961-1967) valley dams and partially the Morávka-Žermanice Canal (in the Morávka River
basin) which diverts the water flow into the neighbouring Lučina River basin, caused the
decrease in the frequency and magnitude of flood discharges (see fig. 2B). Similarly, the
analysis of groundwater detected hydrological conditions changes of the floodplain which
is gradually drying out in the Morávka River basin (see fig. 2A) [12].
Fig. 2. A Maximum annual groundwater levels in the years 19632008 at the VO 0096 Nižní
Lhoty drill well gauging station, cross symbols (+) = maximum annual groundwater levels, solid line
= five point running mean, dashed line = linear trend; B Cumulative distribution of annual
maximum discharge of the Morávka River at the Raškovice gauging station; cross symbols (+) =
cumulative distribution of annual maximum discharge (reprinted from [9, 12]; data source: Czech
Hydrometeorological Institute).
3. Fish and lamprey communities affected by channel
transformation and related hungry water effect
The channel transformations of the gravel-bed rivers within Czech part of Carpathians
resulted in changes of flow hydraulics and it brought a new set of boundary conditions for
erosion, transport and deposition processes [10, 11]. Generally, increased flow velocity in
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transformed channels and hungry water effect related with coarsening of bed sediments of
the studied rivers affected habitat for fish communities [16].
For example, Brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri), European bullhead (Cottus gobio) and
Alpine bullhead (Cottus poecilopus) belong to protected species and they are listed in the
Red List of threatened species of vertebrates of the Czech Republic [17]. Brown trout
(Salmo trutta) represents a typical fish for Czech freshwaters and it is from the fishing
industry focus economically important fish. The young larvae of Brook lampreys require
river reaches with slow running flow and clay-sand bed substrate (with depth about 30 cm)
[18]. In contrast, adult Brook lampreys (like as Brown trouts) spawn in shallow fast running
flow gravel close to the soft sediment bed reaches. The sand-bed substrate depth about 25
cm armoured gravels (with mean diameter of particle sizes from 5 to 20 cm) and flow
velocity to 0.3 m/s is typical for bullheads [19]. In fact, complexity of habitats [20],
variability of flow velocity of channel reaches [21] and sufficient refugium availability [22]
is necessary for natural development of these fish lamprey species.
Based on the preliminary results of research, habitats of above mentioned fish and
lamprey communities were highly degraded in some channel reaches of the Morávka River
(see fig. 3). The main reasons for degradation of habitats were incision and narrowing of
river reaches, absence of appropriate finer (clay and sand) bed deposits which are
armouring gravel particles on bed and increased flow velocity in channels. Their number
decreased in these reaches. In contrast, numerously- and age-balanced populations of
lamprey and fish species were observed in river reaches with multi-thread channel pattern
with gravel bed armoured by fine sediments and low flow velocities.
Fig. 3. A - Gravels and armouring fine sediments on the channel bed of the Ostravice River; B
Channel bed of into the bedrock incised reach of the Morávka River (Photo: M. Kubín).
4. Man-made river structures affected by erosion processes of
Czech Carpathian rivers
Negative effects of the transformation of gravel-bed rivers on human society (hydraulic
structures) in Czech flysch Carpathians were visible in number of localities. Especially weir
structures were affected by gradual incision and undercutting. In the Morávka River basin,
the Vyšní Lhoty weir (at 11.38 r. km) built between 1953 and 1964 was gradually affected
by undercutting and headward erosion. The Vyšní Lhoty weir has important function for
society, when it improves water inflow into the adjacent Lučina River basin and Žermanice
water reservoir and helps to decrease flood discharges downstream. The Žermanice water
reservoir has important storage and water supply function for local industry. Firstly, a
protective drop was made under the weir in 1969, followed by a rock chute construction in
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transformed channels and hungry water effect related with coarsening of bed sediments of
the studied rivers affected habitat for fish communities [16].
For example, Brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri), European bullhead (Cottus gobio) and
Alpine bullhead (Cottus poecilopus) belong to protected species and they are listed in the
Red List of threatened species of vertebrates of the Czech Republic [17]. Brown trout
(Salmo trutta) represents a typical fish for Czech freshwaters and it is from the fishing
industry focus economically important fish. The young larvae of Brook lampreys require
river reaches with slow running flow and clay-sand bed substrate (with depth about 30 cm)
[18]. In contrast, adult Brook lampreys (like as Brown trouts) spawn in shallow fast running
flow gravel close to the soft sediment bed reaches. The sand-bed substrate depth about 25
cm armoured gravels (with mean diameter of particle sizes from 5 to 20 cm) and flow
velocity to 0.3 m/s is typical for bullheads [19]. In fact, complexity of habitats [20],
variability of flow velocity of channel reaches [21] and sufficient refugium availability [22]
is necessary for natural development of these fish lamprey species.
Based on the preliminary results of research, habitats of above mentioned fish and
lamprey communities were highly degraded in some channel reaches of the Morávka River
(see fig. 3). The main reasons for degradation of habitats were incision and narrowing of
river reaches, absence of appropriate finer (clay and sand) bed deposits which are
armouring gravel particles on bed and increased flow velocity in channels. Their number
decreased in these reaches. In contrast, numerously- and age-balanced populations of
lamprey and fish species were observed in river reaches with multi-thread channel pattern
with gravel bed armoured by fine sediments and low flow velocities.
Fig. 3. A - Gravels and armouring fine sediments on the channel bed of the Ostravice River; B
Channel bed of into the bedrock incised reach of the Morávka River (Photo: M. Kubín).
4. Man-made river structures affected by erosion processes of
Czech Carpathian rivers
Negative effects of the transformation of gravel-bed rivers on human society (hydraulic
structures) in Czech flysch Carpathians were visible in number of localities. Especially weir
structures were affected by gradual incision and undercutting. In the Morávka River basin,
the Vyšní Lhoty weir (at 11.38 r. km) built between 1953 and 1964 was gradually affected
by undercutting and headward erosion. The Vyšní Lhoty weir has important function for
society, when it improves water inflow into the adjacent Lučina River basin and Žermanice
water reservoir and helps to decrease flood discharges downstream. The Žermanice water
reservoir has important storage and water supply function for local industry. Firstly, a
protective drop was made under the weir in 1969, followed by a rock chute construction in
1972 to prevent incision and undercutting [15]. In the year 2005, antierosion measures of
local channel widening have been implemented below the Vyšní Lhoty weir, but
problematic management connected with absence of bed sediment for support of close-to-
natural processes of gravel-bed Morávka River caused total destruction of this antierosive
measures. As the consequence, gradual incision of river reach 1-km long below this
measure took place during the flood in year 2010 [23]. Similarly, the Frýdek weir (at 1.25 r.
km) and the Konečný weir (2.31 r. km) built in the lower river reach of the Morávka River
were destroyed by floods from the reasons of headward erosion and undercutting (the first
one was destroyed in 1949, the latter in the mid-1970s). Also, their destruction negatively
affected originally multi-thread river channel pattern, which has been transformed into the
single-thread channel incised 9 m below the original bed level since the 1970s [9].
Problematics of channel incision and its effect on man-made structures is not only a domain
of weir structures. A large number of bridge constructions at crossing of the river channels
in the Czech flysch Carpathians were destroyed or damaged by undercutting. For example,
some bridges in the Ostravice River basin were repetively repaired several times (see fig 4).
Similarly, bank stabilisation structures, as typical technical approach for river regulation,
are very often damaged by lateral erosion processes.
Fig. 4. A residue of wooden bridge crossing the Ostravice River in Baška near Frýdek-Místek during
the floods in 1960 (Source: Povodí Odry State Enterprise Archives); B Bridge affected by incision
of the Ostravice River channel in Baška near Frýdek-Místek (Photo: V. Škarpich).
5. Conclusions
Intensive research was realized to detect how the channel transformation of Czech
Carpathian rivers affects fluvial ecosystems and human society [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 23].
The ecosystem services produced by riverine landscape were significantly degraded. The
decline in river habitat and reduction in functional floodplain resulted in significant
reductions of associated biodiversity, which include impacts on spatiotemporal
heterogeneity, functional processes and species. Also, the transformations of channels
increased financial requirements for water treatment, repair of hydraulic structures (weirs,
dams) or bridges affected by incision of river channel and undercutting. Future river
restoration of Czech Carpathian rivers is necessary to improve the current state. Various
legislative measures to stopping of further river systems degradation were established but
the one of the biggest problem is the potential for river restoration. It is limited by
constraints such as need for flood protection of urban areas, need of water for human
society, density of urbanisation, etc.
The study was supported by The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic TAČR: TH02030509
(2017-2019): Risks identification and possibility of support of landscape natural functions in
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landscape protected areas influenced by climate change. Thanks are extended to Aneta Krótka, Radek
Dušek, Tomáš Gwóźdź, Zdeněk Kašpárek, Matěj Horáček, Veronika Kapustová, Vladimír Šala for
their help with fieldwork and data collection.
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... The impact of direct human interventions is associated with Science of the Total Environment 892 (2023) 164711 restricting the channel's morphology and changing the flow and sediment regime. This implies a decrease in natural dynamics and degradation of the riparian zone's biodiversity (Janssen et al., 2019;Osmundson et al., 2002;Picco et al., 2017;Škarpich et al., 2018). ...
Gravel bars represent unique habitats in gravel bed rivers. These formations are endangered by river management affecting the channel natural behavior and flow conditions. This could result in the initial loss of gravel bar dynamic, leading to overgrowth of vegetation and degradation. The main aim of this study is to analyze spatiotemporal changes and public perception of gravel bars and their vegetation in regulated and natural river environments. We combine sociologic and geomorphologic research to better understand the current state of gravel bar dynamics and the public view of them, which is beneficial information for any future management of gravel bar habitat. We examined the 77 km-long fluvial corridor of the Odra River (Czechia) between 1937 and 2020 using aerial images for mapping gravel bars and assessment of morphodynamics. For the public perception, we conducted an online survey with photosimulations of different gravel bar environments and states of vegetation. Gravel bars were most frequent in natural reaches associated with intensive morphodynamics in wide channel segments and meanders of high amplitude. The length of the regulated river channel increased during the studied period and gravel bars were reduced. In 2000-2020, the trend was toward overly vegetated and stable gravel bars. The public perception data indicated a high preference for fully vegetated gravel bars in terms of naturalness, aesthetics, and vegetation cover in both natural and regulated environments. This emphasizes a misleading public view regarding unvegetated gravel bars as an unpopular feature that should be vegetated or removed for it to be perceived as natural or aesthetic. These findings should encourage better gravel bar management and change in the public's negative perception of unvegetated gravel bars.
... Without these roughness elements, the intensive bed armoring processes decrease potential to compose incoming sediments from upstream during transport events into channel bed, which produces "flushing" of bed load to adjacent downstream reaches. This pavement of the channel bed may significantly degrade spawning habitats for salmonid fish species [31]. Moreover, the strong bed armoring and lacks of lateral sediments sources in artificially stabilized streams has some consequences for calculations of bed load transport, when the grain-size distribution of paved surface bed layer likely does not much fit to the grain size of bed load-transported particles incoming from upstream. ...
Check dams are widespread torrent control structures traditionally used to manage sediment transport and channel morphodynamics in mountain catchments. We present some examples of direct influence of these artificial structures on bed sediments and coarse sediment fluxes under the framework of sediment (dis)connectivity. We summarized that these protection measures may have different and sometimes contradictory impacts on the longitudinal, lateral, and vertical dimensions of sediment (dis)connectivity. Although check dams are usually designed to decrease overall bed load transport rates, their presence can, under specific circumstances, lead to acceleration of downstream sediment movement. Also the temporal scale is important, when complete filling of sedimentary wedges of retention check dams or gradual destruction of old torrent control works may lead to (at least partial) restoration of coarse sediment connectivity in the catchment. Finally, some implications for sustainable stream management related to loss of habitat heterogeneity or bed pavement are discussed.
... Deep channel incision induces a number of environmental and management problems (e.g. Bravard et al., 1999;Wyżga, 2008;Škarpich et al., 2018). In particular, incision is typically followed by channel widening (Simon, 1989) induced by the meandering of lowflow channel, failure of the excessively steep river banks composed of unconsolidated sediments (Simon et al., 2000) or scouring of the banks composed of bedrock. ...
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In deeply incised rivers, bankfull discharge (i.e. the flow filling the channel to the top of the banks) does not represent channel forming flow and increasingly large flows are associated with increasingly large boundary shear stress. In such rivers, solid bank revetments (rip-rap, gabions, retaining wall) are usually constructed to the top of the banks—similarly as in vertically stable rivers—despite the fact that the upper parts of the banks may never be flooded. To optimize the height of solid bank revetments in deeply incised channels, it is thus important to determine whether a flood magnitude can be identified, for which the combination of flow duration and bedload transport rate results in the highest river efficiency to transport bedload and perform geomorphic work. This question was explored in the Morávka River, Czech Carpathians, which deeply incised into nonresistant flysch bedrock over the past few decades. Observations of high-water marks (e.g. trash lines, wash lines) after a flood in 2014 enabled reconstruction of the peak flood stage in the deeply incised reach and the adjacent, vertically stable reach. These observations, together with post-flood measurements of cross-sectional channel geometry, distances between consecutive cross sections and estimates of channel roughness, were used in one-dimensional hydraulic modelling aimed to determine a peak discharge of the flood in a number of cross sections in both reaches. Despite the close proximity of both reaches, markedly higher discharge values were obtained for the incised reach and the discrepancy was used to calibrate roughness coefficients for the incised reach. A flow-duration curve determined on the basis of a 25-year series of daily discharges in the upstream gauging station together with data about channel geometry and roughness in the incised cross sections were used to simulate bedload transport at successive discharges with the BAGS sediment transport model. The calculations indicated the effective discharge for bedload transport in the incised reach to have the recurrence interval of 7–12 years. The upper limit of the reach-average effective discharge is associated with the stage slightly higher than a half of the bankfull depth. This highlights the disparity between effective and bankfull discharges and indicates that in incised channels, channel forming flow should be linked with the former. The vertical extent of the reach-average effective discharge is proposed as an indicator of the optimal, cost- effective height of solid bank-protection structures in the deeply incised channel and the suitability of this approach is discussed.
Forest soil series classification is a fundamental approach for evaluating relationships between site conditions and vegetation. This study focused on the characteristics of soil conditions in a floodplain temperate forest through the classification of chemical and hydrophysical properties into trophic and hydric series using a geobiocoenological approach. The characteristics were found on fluvial landforms (FLs) in the natural outer Carpathian gravel-carrying floodplain along the Morávka River (336–383 m a.s.l., Czech Republic). The soil condition series was evaluated through analysis of variance and discriminant analysis. The FLs clearly divide the soil series. The total separability of the trophic series was 84 %, whereas that of the hydric series was 72 %. The separabilities of soil chemical properties were 66–81 % among the FLs, although hydrophysical properties distinguished them only with 41–64 % accuracy. The bar soil series appeared to be alkaline and hydrically limited, in contrast to the terraces. The active floodplain appeared to be alkaline on<68 % of the area, whereas terraces were mesotrophically-nitrophilous to mesotrophic. Nevertheless, the discrepancy between the base saturation and cation exchange capacity suggests soil development intensity on the FLs. Thus, we conclude that the transients between the bar and terrace soil series indicate the differentiation of site conditions for floodplain vegetation development.
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This paper presents an analysis of both the contemporary and historic development of the geomorphic regime of the Ostravice River channel in the Czech part of the Outer Western Carpathians. The assessment concentrates on the conditions and causes of the channel development in the last 200 years compared with the state of European channels. The original anabranching river pattern has gradually been replaced by a single narrowed channel. At some sections, the original riverbed has lowered by as much as 2.5 m in the second half of the 20th century. These changes were due to strong anthropogenic impacts in the form of river-channel control and construction of dams. A large influence on the contemporary processes was also exerted by changed hydrological conditions and a predisposition of flysch lithology in a channel bedrock to erosion. Currently, the deficit of transportable sedimentary material along with the changed morphology of channels with concentrated water flows are intensifying erosion processes.
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The rivers draining the Czech part of the Flysch Carpathians have deeply incised their beds over the last 60 years. This paper focuses on the Olše River in the Czech part of the Flysch Carpathians and summarises the results of the increased kinetic energy of flowing water of contemporary channel based on the analyse of hydraulic parameters of channel. The comparison of geodetic measurements from 1960 and 2003 was used together with the assessment of aerial photos from 1950s and present. The average width of the studied reach of the active Olše R. channel narrowed from 35 m in 1955 to 24 m in 2010. In some locations, the original river bed has lowered as much as 2.3 m between the years 1960 and 2003. Morphology of the Olše River channel has accelerated these erosion processes. The main reason for this is an adjustment of water flow dynamics. The unit stream power and hydraulic radius values have increased two to three times from 1960 to 2003 for 5, 20, 50 and 100-recurrence interval discharge. Incision of channel greater than 0.10-0.21m in the studied period may reflect change in cross-sectional geometry and lower than 0.10-0.21m may reflect other factors such as sediment disruption operating in the basin (e.g. with land-use changes, gravel mining etc.). © 2016 Gebr. Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany.
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Riparian vegetation reflects the current conditions and the dynamics of streams. The floodplain vegetation along the watercourse of the Morávka River was subject to study in this project. In some reaches, the river has the natural character of an anabranching gravel-bed stream; in contrast, other Morávka R. reaches are incised into the bedrock. These cases were used to assess potential changes in vegetation conditions as evidence of negative processes taking place in the gravel-bed streams of the Beskydy Mts. The results demonstrate a higher biodiversity in the floodplain along the anabranching river channel. In contrast, the floodplain along the incised river channel shows low biodiversity values. Redundancy analysis was used to determine the relationships between plant species composition, distance from the main channel and relative elevation from the mean water level of the main channel. In addition, the results show a higher degree of change in plant species composition on the floodplain along the incised river channel. The analysis of floodplain groundwater fluctuations shows a decreasing trend in the annual maximum groundwater level.
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The effect of an extreme flood on fish communities was evaluated in the upper reaches (r. km 78-100) of the Tichá Orlice river. The flood discharge itself lasted 2-3 days in July 1997, the extreme discharges at a level repeating at intervals of 100 years (around 120 m3.s-1) lasted only a few hours. The effect of the flood was evaluated on the basis of quantitative samplings in 4 river sections before and after the flood. The upper reaches of the Tichá Orlice river are populated by a fish community of the Salmo-Thymallus type with predominance of Salmo trutta m. fario. Except in section 1, the effect of the deluge on the numbers of this species was not destructive. As for Thymallus thymallus, the flood had a distinct destructive effect on this species in section 1 and 2. Bottom-dwelling fish species were most distinctly affected by the deluge. The numbers of Lampetra planeri, Barbatula barbatula and Cottus gobio were significantly decreased. The most distinct decrease was recorded in section 1 in which extensive shifts of materials forming the river bed took place. The data obtained indicate that the effect of the flood was different in the particular sections of the river bed. The flow rate is the major decisive factor, decreasing markedly if the water incidentally rises and floods the floodplains beyond the river bed. Another important factor which may significantly affect incidental losses due to the flood is the response of fishes to increased water discharges during the flood. This pertains, above all, to their being capable of seeking flow screens in which to wait until the flood is over and then to return to the river bed after the water level has dropped. There are specific differences in this point.
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Resident fish exhibited higher short-term resiliency than did non-resident fish to a 100 y flood in a low-gradient stream. In Jun. 2008, a substantial flood (400% higher than mean daily discharge) occurred in the Big Manistee River watershed in Michigan. Pre- and post-flood fish communities were sampled at two sites on Bear Creek, a 4th order tributary of the Big Manistee River. One site was low-gradient and dominated by sand; the second site was higher gradient and dominated by large woody debris and fine gravel. At both sites, post-flood fish communities were similar to pre-flood communities (Morisita's Index (Im) ≈ 0.8), especially for resident fish (Im ≈ 0.95). Total Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) of non-resident fish declined dramatically (5.2 to 1.4 fish per minute) in post-flood surveys, whereas CPUE of resident fish increased slightly (4.3 to 4.7) post-flood. Individual species response was site-dependent and mixed: CPUE of mottled sculpin and burbot increased post-flood, whereas CPUE of other resident species decreased. Resident non-native (i.e., rainbow trout) and non-resident non-native salmonids (i.e., Chinook salmon) experienced the most negative response, suggesting life-history traits of native fish encompass evolutionary adaptations to better persist through extreme disturbance events as compared to non-native salmonids.
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The structure of fish assemblages in five reaches of a high desert stream in north-central Oregon was determined by snorkeling before and after a summer flash flood and two spring floods. One reach in each of two other streams that were unaffected by the first flood was used as a reference system. Stream reaches varied in habitat complexity as measured by hydraulic retention. Following the floods, hydraulically complex stream reaches lost proportionately fewer fish, had generally higher fish diversities, and had higher fish assemblage similarity than hydraulically simple stream reaches. Fish assemblages were resilient, and certain species such as speckled dace Rhinichthys osculus were exceptionally good at recolonizing disturbed habitats. Successful recruitment of different fish species depended, in part, on flood timing. Young of the year of species that spawn in early spring (e.g., rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss) were more negatively affected by early spring floods than summer floods. Species that spawn later in the season (e.g., cyprinids and catostomids) were more negatively affected by summer flooding. Higher fish diversities in hydraulically complex reaches (lower disturbance intensity) after floods support predictions of the intermediate-disturbance hypothesis and suggest that fish assemblage resistance may be related to overall habitat complexity in these small streams.
The impact of river incision in response to channelization on the conditions of overbank deposition is shown by the study of two montane rivers from the upper Vistula drainage basin, southern Poland. The Wisl/oka River had insufficient energy to destroy the river-control structures and remained laterally stable in the course of the channel downcutting. Under such conditions, the incision has raised the relative elevation of the floodplain above the river bed, thereby reducing considerably the frequency of overbank flows, and increasing concentration of suspended sediment transport within the incised channel. On the high-energy Skawa, the long periods of incision of the channelized river alternated with the shorter periods of lateral channel migration over the twentieth century. This has led to the formation of an incised meander belt, within which flood flows are constricted, and where the high velocities of the floodplain flows inhibit overbank deposition. Field observations confirm an insignificant role played nowadays by floodplain sedimentation in the valleys of both rivers. This study shows that the potential of the floodplains of the Carpathian tributaries to the Vistula for sediment storage has been dramatically reduced over the few past decades as a result of the channelization-induced incision of the rivers. The frequency of overbank flows has decreased considerably on the rivers draining the eastern part of the Polish Carpathians, and the majority of the suspended sediment is routed within the resultant enlarged channels. In the western part of the mountains, high velocities of the floodplain flows restrict overbank deposition on the narrow floodplains developed along incised channels. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This book outlines a generic set of procedures, termed the River Styles Framework, which provides a set of tools for interpreting river character, behavior, condition, and recovery potential. Applications of the framework generate a coherent package of geomorphic information, providing a physical template for river rehabilitation activities. management and restoration of rivers is a rapidly growing topic for environmental scientists, geologists and ecologists - this book provides a learning tool with which to approach geomorphic applications to river management describes the essential geomorphological principles underlying river behaviour and evolution demonstrates how the River Styles Framework can turn geomorphic theory into practice, to develop workable strategies for restoration and management based on real case studies and authors extensive experience applicable to river systems worldwide synthesises fluvial geomorphology, ecology and management.
This paper presents a complex analysis of both the contemporary and the historic development of the geomorphic regime of the transformed reach of the Morávka River in the Czech Carpathians. The assessment concentrates on the conditions and causes of the channel development in the last c. 200 years compared with the state of European channels, especially those of the Carpathian zone. The Morávka R. pattern has undergone a rapid change in the last 50 years, particularly in connection with the active channel narrowing and massive incision. The original anabranching river pattern has gradually been replaced by a simple, narrowed channel incised into the bedrock. The average width of the Morávka R. active channel changed from 153 m in 1836-1852 and 165 m in 1876-1878 to 44 m in the year 2010. At some parts, the original river bed has lowered as much as 8 m in the last 40 years, which indicates an incision rate of 12-24 cm/year. These changes have been caused by strong anthropogenic impacts in the form of the river-channel control, bank stabilisation, and weir and valley dam construction. Other reasons are related to land cover and land-use changes. A great influence on the contemporary processes is also exerted by the geological predisposition of the Carpathian flysch lithology in channel bedrock, particularly the occurrence of claystone layers that present little resistance to water erosion. Currently, the deficit of transportable sedimentary material along with the increased transport capacity of the incised river bed has generated conditions for constantly intensifying erosion processes in the Morávka R. channel. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.