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Kareem, O.K., Orisasona O. and Olanrewaju, A.N. (2016). Determination of Heavy metal levels in some commonly consumed frozen fish in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria. Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology 10 (1): 82-87



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Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology 10 (1): 82-87, 2016
ISSN 1819-3420 / DOI: 10.3923/rjet.2016.82.87
© 2016 Academic Journals Inc.
Determination of Heavy Metal Levels in Some Commonly Consumed
Frozen Fish in Ibadan, Southwest, Nigeria
1O.K. Kareem, 1O. Orisasona and 2A.N. Olanrewaju
1Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
2Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology, P.M.B 1060, Maiduguri, Nigeria
Corresponding Author: O.K. Kareem,
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, University of Ibadan, Ibadan,
There is a growing concern on the safety of frozen fish imported from various parts of the world
where the levels of contamination of water bodies may not be well ascertained and regulatory
measures not strictly adhered to. Concentrations of four heavy metals (Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd),
Copper (Cu) and Mercury (Hg)) in the muscle, gill and liver were investigated for three most
consumed frozen fish species (Umbrina canosai, Clupea harengu and Scomber scombrus) within
Ibadan, metropolis. Samples were digested as described by FAO/SIDA. The concentrations of
metals were quantified using a Varian AA240 Fast Sequential Flame Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer (AAS). Heavy metals like Cd, Cu and Hg were significantly higher (p<0.05) in
the liver of the three species than in the muscle and gills. There was no significant difference in the
Pb concentration for the three organs in S. scombrus, whereas, Pb was significantly higher in the
liver of U. canosai (9.73 mg kgG1) and C. harengus (4.40 mg kgG1) than in the muscle
(6.92 and 2.11 mg kgG1, respectively) and gill (8.73 and 2.52 mg kgG1, respectively). Copper
concentration was marginally higher in S. scombrus (5.06 mg kgG1) with the least value recorded
in U. canosai (3.28 mg kgG1). However, no significant variation (p>0.05) was observed in the muscle
Cd, Cu and Hg levels for the three species. Comparatively, S. scombrus has the highest
concentration of heavy metals. This study revealed that the heavy metals investigated in the major
organs and flesh was all above the limits recommended by World Health Organization.
Key words: Lead, cadmium, Scomber scombrus, Umbrina canosai, Clupea harengus
Heavy metals are natural trace components of the aquatic environment, whose level have been
reported to be on the increase in recent times due to pollution from industrial wastes, changes in
geochemical structure, agricultural and mining activities (Singh et al., 2007; Sprocati et al., 2006).
Heavy metals unlike organic contaminants are not degraded with time, but concentration can only
increase through bio-accumulation (Aksoy, 2008). Fish are often at the top of aquatic food chain and
studies have shown that they assimilate these heavy metals through ingestion of suspended
particulates, food materials and/or by constant ion exchange process of dissolved metals across
lipophilic membranes like the gills or adsorption of dissolve metals on tissues and membrane
surfaces (Melville and Burchett, 2002). On adsorption, the pollutant is carried in the blood stream
to either a storage point (bone) or to the liver for transformation or storage (Obasohan, 2008). With
fish constituting an important link in the food chain, its contamination by toxic metals causes a
Res. J. Environ. Toxicol., 10 (1): 82-87, 2016
direct threat, not only to the entire aquatic environment, but also to humans that utilize it as food.
From a human health perspective, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and lead have been identified as
primary contaminants of concern (Burger et al., 2007). These metals have no bio-importance in
human biochemistry and physiology, but its consumption, even at very low concentration can be
toxic (Nolan, 1983; Young, 2005). Even for metals with bio-importance such as zinc, nickel and
chromium (Abduljaleel and Shuhaimi-Othman, 2011), dietary intake have to be maintained at the
regulatory limits, as excesses will result in poisoning or toxicity (Young, 2005). This is because they
combine with body biomolecules such as metal-binding protein and enzymes to form stable biotic
compounds, thereby mutilating their structures and hindering them from performing the
designated functions within the body system (Duruibe et al., 2007).
Though the maximum permitted levels of metals in seafood have been introduced in many parts
of the world for the safe consumption of fish species (Adams and McMichael, 1999) studies and
monitoring programs examining heavy metal levels in fish are becoming more and more important,
especially in developing parts of the world, where fish provide the major source of protein
(Burger et al., 1999). In Nigeria for instance, fish is appreciated as one of the healthiest and
cheapest source of protein (Ukoha et al., 2014) contributing about 55% of the protein intake, with
per capita consumption of 7.52 kg per annum and a total consumption of 1.2 million Mt with import
making up about 2/3 of the total consumption (Eletta et al., 2003). Three prominent frozen fish in
Nigerian markets include white croaker (Umbrina canosai), mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and
herring (Clupea harengus, Linnaeus 1788) and constitute a large percentage of imported fish
White croaker (Umbrina canosai) is a species of croaker occurring in the Eastern Pacific. It has
been taken from Magdalena Bay, Baja California to Vancouver Island, British Columbia, but are
not abundant north of San Francisco (Walsh et al., 1995). Meanwhile, the Atlantic mackerel
(Scomber scombrus) is a coastal species found only in the north Atlantic (Uriarte et al., 2001).
However, herring (Clupea harengus) is found in shallow, temperate waters of the North Pacific and
the North Atlantic oceans, including the Baltic Sea, as well as off the west coast of South America
(FAO., 2012).
Heavy metal occurrence have been reported in Mackerel and Sardine available in some
Nigerian markets (Beetseh and Abraham, 2013; Ukoha et al., 2014) with values for cadmium
ranging from 0.016-0.105 mg LG1 and lead values ranging from 0.013-0.105 mg LG1. Though these
values fall within the recommended tolerable limits, there is need to expand the species examined
and update the status at various intervals and locations. This study investigates the concentration
of some heavy metals in the gills, flesh and liver of some commercially consumed frozen fish in
Ibadan metropolis (Largest city in West Africa) to ascertain their safety for human consumption.
Study site: The study site, Ibadan is located on longitude 350’ East of the Greenwich meridian and
latitude 723’ North of the equator with a population of 1,991,367 (Areola, 1994).
Reagents/apparatus: All reagents used were of analytical grade. Deionized water was used for
solutions preparation and dilutions. All glass wares were soaked in 10% HNO3 for 2 h and later
rinsed with distilled de-ionized water prior to use for metal analysis. Ultrapure standard solutions
of 1000 mg LG1 of the metals (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) were used for calibration. Nitric acid
(65%) and hydrogen peroxide (30%) of ultrapure quality for digestion were from same source.
Res. J. Environ. Toxicol., 10 (1): 82-87, 2016
Sample collection and preparation: Two major fish storage facilities were selected within the
metropolis using purposive sampling and three most prominent fish species in the market namely,
white croacker (Umbrina canosai), mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and Herring (Clupea harengus
Linnaeus, 1788) were collected bi-monthly for 12 months (Each species from each facility were in
triplicate groups per sampling period). Samples were placed in prewashed polyethylene bags and
taken to the laboratory in icebox.
In the laboratory, the fish were thawed at room temperature, weight and the total length
measured, before dissecting for analysis. Fish samples were dissected to separate the muscle, gills
and liver as recommended by UNEP/FAO/IOC/IAEA (1984). The separated organs were neatly
placed in labeled acid washed petri dishes and dried to constant weight at 80°C for 2 days
(Abubakar et al., 2015). Teflon mortar was used for pulverization and homogenization of tissues
before digestion.
Digestion of samples: The labeled samples were digested (in triplicate) according to methods
described by FAO/SIDA (1983). The 0.5 g of each sample was weighed into a dry digestion tube.
Five milliliter of 2:1 Nitric per chloric acid (H2O2/HNO3) was added. The mixtures were swirled
gently and allowed to digest on a hot plate in a fume chamber for 2 h at 80°C until the brown fumes
disappears (Igwemmar et al., 2013). The digests were allowed to cool and filtered into 25 mL
volumetric flasks with Whatman No. 1 filter paper and made up to mark with de-ionized water.
Sample blanks were carried out throughout the digestion processes. The metallic content of the
digested samples and the blanks were quantified using a Varian AA240 Fast Sequential Flame
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) and vapour generation accessory (Varian VGA 77)
with closed end cell for mercury. The quality of analytical procedure was confirmed by analyzing
standard reference materials of mussel. Concentration of Pb, Cd, Cu and Hg were expressed as
mg kgG1.
Statistical analysis: Data resulting was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine
the differences in the heavy metal concentration of the three fish species and organs. Duncan
Multiple Range Test was used to separate differences between means. Statistical significance level
was set at p<0.05 using SPSS version 17.
The mean total length and weight of sampled fish are shown in Table 1. Umbrina canosai had
the highest average weight of 848.75±5.50 g while S. scombrus and C. harengus had 420±6.20 and
339.17±5.25 g, respectively. Mean total length ranged from 34.08 in C. harengus to 41.17 cm in
U. canosai. Lead, mercury, copper and cadmium were detected in all the fish samples collected.
Lead was significantly lower (p<0.05) in the muscle of C. harengus with a value of 2.11 mg kgG1,
followed by 6.92 and 9.45 mg kgG1 in U. canosai and S. scombrus, respectively. In gills, Pb
concentration were significantly higher (p<0.05) in U. canosai (8.73 mg kgG1) and S. scombrus
(10.38 mg kgG1) whereas, concentration in the liver ranged from 4.4 mg kgG1 in C. harengus to
Table 1: Mean total length and Mean wet weight of experimental samples
Fish species Mean total length (cm) (±SD) Mean wet-weight (g)
Umbrina canosai 41.17±5.24 848.75±218.95
Scomber scombrus 36.88±1.92 420.00±65.64
Clupea harengus 34.08±2.37 339.17±52.34
Res. J. Environ. Toxicol., 10 (1): 82-87, 2016
Table 2: Mean concentration of heavy metals in fish
Species Organ Pb Cd Cu Hg
Umbrina canosai Muscle 6.92±0.59a0.60±0.15a3.28±0.80a0.46±0.00a
Gill 8.73±0.32ab 0.59±0.21a2.89±0.61a0.07±0.01a
Liver 9.73±0.74b1.62±0.32b9.20±0.64b0.85±0.10b
Clupea harengus Muscle 2.11±0.28a0.62±0.19a3.63±0.80a0.02±0.01a
Gill 2.52±0.28a0.78±0.17a3.93±0.60a0.06±0.01a
Liver 4.40±0.48b1.66±0.34b7.62±0.24b0.92±0.07b
Scomber scombrus Muscle 9.45±1.38a0.61±0.27a5.06±0.36a0.05±0.01a
Gill 10.38±0.91a0.91±0.12a5.77±0.98a0.09±0.00a
Liver 13.18±2.03a2.18±0.71b9.74±0.37b1.31±0.32b
Maximum acceptable limits (FAO/WHO) 0.40 0.10 0.40 0.5-1.0
Values are Means±SEM, Values in each column with the same superscript are not significantly different at p<0.05
13.18 mg kgG1 in S. scombrus. Lead is described as a classical chronic or cumulative poison, which
may result in neurological, hematological, behavioral, renal, cardiovascular and reproductive effects
at levels above the tolerable limit (FAO/WHO., 2011). Lead concentrations were highest in all
organs of S. scombrus (Table 2) compared to other species and this may be attributed to the feeding
habit of this specie as well as the level of habitat contamination. Romeo et al. (1999) stated that the
concentrations of metals in gills reflect their concentration in water where the fish lives, whereas
the concentration in the liver represents storage of metals in water. High concentration of Pb in
the liver is in agreement with various authors working on other species (Storelli et al., 2012;
Bashir et al., 2013). This is because the liver is the primary organ responsible for the detoxification,
transportation and storage of toxic substances (Uzairu et al., 2009).
Cadmium concentration in fish muscles ranged from 0.60 in S. scombrus to 0.63 mg kgG1 in
U. canosai as shown in Table 2. Cadmium concentrations were highest in fish liver, with the
highest value recorded in S. scombrus (2.18 mg kgG1) and least in U. canosai (1.62 mg kgG1). The
results obtained in this study were lower than values reported by Abubakar et al. (2015) for
S. scombrus. Compared with the other organs, the muscle had the lowest levels of cadmium. This
is because of the inactive nature of this tissue which is responsible for its in ability to accumulate
heavy metals to a large extent (Eneji et al., 2011).
Cooper is an essential element which enhances enzymatic activity of the body
(Igwemmar et al., 2013). The concentration of copper in the gills of species were statistically similar
(p<0.05), ranging from 2.89 mg kgG1 in U. canosai through 3.93 in C. harengus to 5.77 mg kgG1 in
S. scombrus. Values followed the same trend for muscles. However, copper concentration was
significantly higher in the liver of U. canosai and S. scombrus than C. harengus. The values
recorded in this present study are higher than that reported for S. scombrus and U. canosai
(Igwemmar et al., 2013), but they fall far below the recommended safety limit of 30 mg kgG1.
Mercury is a natural occurring metallic element which can be present in foodstuffs by natural
causes. Fish ingest contaminated mercuric food which passes through the gastrointestinal tract and
gets distributed, accumulated or detoxified by the liver (Mieiro et al., 2011). The concentration of
mercury in muscles ranged from 0.02 in C. harengus to 0.05 mg kgG1 in S. scombrus. This metal
is absorbed by the gills and carried by the blood stream to the liver where it is detoxified and
excreted as bile before it gets to the flesh, leading to the less toxicity of heavy metals in the flesh
(Romeo et al., 1999). Mercury level in the liver range from 0.85 in U. canosai to 1.31 mg kgG1 in
S. scombrus.
Except in the muscle of U. canosai where Hg concentration was higher, S. scombrus recorded
the highest concentration of all heavy metals in the muscles, gills and livers examined in this
study. The pattern of metal content in S. scombrus and U. canosai is Pb>Cu>Cd>Hg, while it is
Cu>Pb>Cd>Hg for C. harengus.
Res. J. Environ. Toxicol., 10 (1): 82-87, 2016
This study showed that the levels of heavy metals in gill, liver and muscle of the three species
(S. scombrus, U. canosai and C. harengus) are higher than the acceptable limit recommended by
FAO and WHO except mercury level in S. scombrus liver. This accumulation of heavy metals
especially in fish muscle is of great health concern to human. It is therefore, become pertinent for
government to monitor frozen fish importation more effectively and create public awareness on the
implication of heavy metal accumulation in food on human health.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Although fish is a significant source of protein, they are currently affected by rapid industrialization and mechanized agricultural activities, resulting in increased concentrations of heavy metals in fishes. Concentrations of heavy metals, namely, Cd, Cu, Mn, and Zn, were estimated in the muscle, liver, and gills of two commercially important marine fishes, namely, Arius thalassinus and Johnius belangeri. The fish samples were collected from Kapar and Mersing, which are the west and east coastal waters of Peninsular Malaysia, respectively. The results showed that the muscle had the lowest metal concentrations compared with the liver and gills. Among the estimated heavy metal concentrations, those of Zn and Cd were the highest and the lowest, respectively, for both species in muscle, liver and gills. Moreover, our results indicate that A. thalassinus has higher metal concentrations than J. belangeri in both areas. None of the values in the muscles exceeded the standard guideline values and hence would not pose any health hazard to consumers.
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This study assesses the likely health risks to human contamination of heavy metals from fish consumption. The analysis of the idea of fish destination and status (fishing area) for heavy metals was determined by the assessment of its risk limits (daily intake of metal and health risk index). Variations in the accumulation of heavy metals concentrations were between various tissues/organs (skin, muscle, gills, liver, intestine, kidneys, brain, and bones) across the batches of two fishing origins. Post hoc (Duncan) multicomparison shows that there are significant differences () across batches. The concentrations of heavy metals analyzed, in the investigated tissues of Scomber scombrus, showed higher levels of heavy metals accumulations in the order: and were above the recommended safety limits outlined by FAO/WHO. However, the consumer’s health risk with the consumption of fish muscles tissues shows that there are greater tendencies for cadmium, lead, and mercury exposure. Also consumption of Scomber scombrus species above the recommended daily intake (stated in this study) might lead to ingestion of heavy metals at unacceptable concentrations.
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This study assessed and monitored the extent of Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni and Pb bioaccumulation by the freshwater fish (Hemichromis fasciatus) from Ogba River in Benin City, Nigeria between November, 2004 and October, 2005. The effects of Dry and Rainy seasons on the extent of bioaccumulation were specifically addressed. The results showed metals bioaccumulation levels differences (except Mn) at the sample stations, which were attributed to the influence of drainage effluents influx into the river. Seasonal levels of the metals were also different at the stations. Higher dry season levels were ascribed to higher water temperatures, while rainy season high levels, could result from pronounced leaching of metals. The finding that some metal accumulation levels exceeded WHO and PEPA recommended limits in food fish, indicated that the fish of Ogba River, might not be fit for human consumption. Consequently, close monitoring of metal pollution of Ogba River is strongly recommended.
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The concentrations of three heavy metals [Cd, Cu and Fe] were determined in three species of imported frozen fish widely consumed in Nigeria. Appropriate weights of the dried pulverized fish samples were digested following FAO/SIDA wet digestion method with HNO3 and H2O2 [1 : 1]. The accuracy and precision of the determinations in the study were evaluated using LOD, LOQ and certified standard reference material [DORM-1 for Dog fish]. The human health risk of consumption of the fishes was assessed by calculating the daily exposure rates (D), hazard quotients (HQ) and the total hazard indices (THI) of the metallic toxicants. The chemical analysis results showed that the concentration levels of the elements are of the ranges of 0.001-0.150 mg/Kg; 1.05-12.06 mg/Kg and 8.21 to 85.06 mg/Kg for Cd, Cu and Fe, respectively. Also results of the potential health risk assessment showed that the total hazard index of all the toxicants indicated no risk status from the consumption of the fish species studied.
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Some heavy metals have bio-importance as trace elements but, the biotoxic effects of many of them in human biochemistry are of great concern. Hence, there is the need for proper understanding of the conditions, such as the concentrations and oxidation states, which make them harmful, and how biotoxicity occurs. It is also important to know their sources, leaching processes, chemical conversions and their modes of deposition to pollute the environment, which essentially supports lives. Literature sources point to the fact that these metals are released into the environment by both natural and anthropogenic sources, especially mining and industrial activities, and automobile exhausts (for lead). They leach into underground waters, moving along water pathways and eventually depositing in the aquifer, or are washed away by run-off into surface waters thereby resulting in water and subsequently soil pollution. Poisoning and toxicity in animals occur frequently through exchange and co-ordination mechanisms. When ingested, they combine with the body's biomolecules, like proteins and enzymes to form stable biotoxic compounds, thereby mutilating their structures and hindering them from the bioreactions of their functions. This paper reviews certain heavy metals and their biotoxic effects on man and the mechanisms of their biochemical activities.
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The characteristics of mackerel schools are described from the results of an acoustic survey carried out in January 11994. Schools were typically found in midwater, over bottom depths of >100 m to just beyond the shelf break. They were of deep vertical spread (up to 105 m) with a mean estimated width of 200 m, with packing densities of up to 9 fish m super(-3) and a mean biomass of 640 tonnes. Schools were aggregated into discrete patches of high biomass (up to 12 000 tonnes) which were confined to relatively small areas and separated by distances of up to 50 miles. With this type of distribution it is possible to make repeated surveys over aggregations to determine direction and speed of migration. Spatial distribution from the acoustic survey was compared to that of the main commercial fleet to evaluate how well the latter reflected the distribution and migration of the stock. Using the fleet data, estimated migration rates were 13.0 cm s super(-1), 17.8 cm s super(-1) and 25.9 cm s super(-1) for the months of December, January, and February, respectively. The distribution of catches in January 1994 was compared with that of previous years and showed no reversal of the northward shift of recent years. The relationship between sea temperature, salinity conditions, shelf edge current measurements, and the distribution of schools is described for the first time.
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Concentrations of some heavy metals in Tilapia zilli (Tilapia) and Synodontis membrane (Catfish), the two common fishes from Asa River Ilorin, Nigeria have been determined. Manganese, zinc, iron, and lead, were present at appreciable concentrations in the tissues of the two species while cadmium, mercury, and nickel, were found to be less than 0.01 ppm. Concentrations of metals were highest downstream than at upstream locations. Mean concentrations of Mn in Tilapia, ranged between 0.56 ppm at the upstream end and 2.69 mg/kg of fresh weight at the downstream end. Pb, Zn, and Cr ranged between 4.05 and 5.59 mg/kg of fresh weight, 0.09 and 1.16 ppm, 5.62 and 11.15 ppm, and 0.09 and 0.13 ppm respectively. In the Catfish, Mn, Fe, Zn, and Cr ranged between 0.62 and 0.78 ppm, 3.79 and 8.79 ppm, 0.78 and 1.57 ppm, 7.30 and 15.15, and 0.23 and 0.35 ppm respectively. Heavy metals except lead did not pose any health risks in human since the calculated probable amounts being ingested by an average adult (50 kg average weight) per day were lower than WHO maximum recommended value of intake. However, the level of lead was higher than WHO limit and this could render inedible the fishes from this catchment river.
This study is focused on evaluating the trace metals levels in eggs of four species of domestic birds that collected from commercial farm located in Kajang city, Malaysia. The concentrations of Al, Cr, Ni, Zn, As, Cd and Pb were measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Additionally, this paper carries out probabilistic risk analysis methods to quantify As, Zn, Cd and Pb bioaccumulation in egg content to assess the ränge of exposures for the people who consume the contaminated eggs. The models applied include a probabilistic bioaccumulation model to account for this metals accumulation in egg and a human health exposure and risk model that accounts for hazard quotient and lifetime risk for humans consuming contaminated eggs. Generally, result showed that eggs in four species accumulated relatively dissimilar levels of metals. Zn is found in high levels while, Cd burden occurred in less levels in all birds eggs. Quail eggs were gathered elevated levels of Zn, Al and Pb. However, As exist in high concentration in chicken eggs. The associated risk was assessed using Hazard Quotient (HQ). Values of hazard quotient were ranged 0.5-0.03, 0.09-0.03, 0.1-0.06 and 0.2-0.03 for As, Zn, Cd and Pb, respectively. The risk quotient revealed that the intake of the heavy metals by eating eggs does not pose any apparent threat to the local people as none of the HQ of the heavy metals exceeds the limit of 1.