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Linking consumer confidence index and social
media sentiment analysis
Shahid Shayaa
, Sulaiman Ainin
*, Noor Ismawati Jaafar
, Shamsul Bahri Zakaria
Seuk Wai Phoong
, Wai Chung Yeong
, Mohammed Ali Al-Garadi
, Ashraf Muhammad
Arsalan Zahid Piprani
Abstract: This study aims to analyse the link (correlation) between and the official
CCI and social media big data (via sentiment analysis) on consumer purchasing
behaviour for two types of products over the course of two years (24 months, from
January 2015 to December 2016). The CCI data was obtained from the Malaysian
Institute of Economic Research (MIER) while the sentiment analysis was obtained
from twitter. The results indicate that there is a significant but very small relation-
ship between CCI and social media sentiment analysis. On the basis of the results
we conclude that social media can offer huge a huge volume of data on consumer
confidence, the analysis of which can be conducted at a more rapid time and
integrated with existing methods in a synergistic way to refine the accuracy of the
CCI using data from far larger populations.
Subjects: Consumers; Data Analytics; Social Media
Keywords: sentiment analysis; consumer confidence index; correlations
1. Introduction
An accurate gauge of consumer confidence is important in several respects. Consumer confidence
gives insights into how positive/negative consumers feel regarding their personal financial
The authors for this paper consists of three
groups: academics, industry and students. The
academics are Ainin Sulaiman (principal
researcher), Noor Ismawati Jaafar, Shamsul
Bahri Zakaria, Phoong Seuk Wai and Yeong Wai
Chung. They are all from the Department of
Operations and MIS, Faculty of Business and
Accountancy, University of Malaya. Shahid is
from Berkshire Media Sdn Bhd, a fast growing
social analytics firm while Arslan and Dr AL-
GARADI (now in University of Qatar) are the
research assistants and Dr Ashraf (now in
COMSATS University Islamabad) was the post-
doctoral student.
This study examines consumer confidence using
two types of data: consumer confidence index
(CCI) and social media data via sentiment analy-
sis. CCI is based on a household survey conducted
quarterly. Respondents are asked to evaluate
their household’s current and expected financial
positions, employment outlook and purchasing
behaviour. Sentiment analysis on the other hand
is the process of determining whether a text is
positive, negative or neutral. These text (related
to purchasing behaviour) are extracted from
social media, such as Twitter and analysed using
tools, such as Machine language. The results
indicate that there is a significant but very small
relationship between CCI and sentiment analysis.
Hence, it is concluded that sentiment analysis can
offer a huge volume of data on consumer con-
fidence, the analysis of which can be conducted
faster hence businesses would be able to predict
consumer confidence and take the necessary
strategies to improve their sales.
Shayaa et al., Cogent Business & Management (2018), 5: 1509424
© 2018 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons
Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.
Received: 20 June 2018
Accepted: 03 August 2018
First Published: 10 August 2018
*Corresponding author: Sulaiman
Ainin, Department of Operations and
MIS, Faculty of Business and
Accountancy, University of Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Reviewing editor:
Len Tiu Wright, De Montfort
University Faculty of Business and
Law, UK
Additional information is available at
the end of the article
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capability and purchasing behaviour, and regarding the economy as a whole. With a clear under-
standing of consumer confidence, organisations will be able to change their strategy to align with
the current consumer environment. For example, if consumer confidence is found to be low,
organisations can focus on products/services to more value conscious consumers, and to align
marketing campaigns according to the current consumer confidence environment. It is also vital
knowledge for governments when formulating plans for reviving the economy, enhancing con-
sumers’confidence and encouraging them to spend. Considering the importance of consumer
confidence, an accurate tool for gauging consumer confidence by means of a measureable value is
greatly needed.
Consumer confidence surveys are regularly conducted in at least 45 countries (Curtin, 2007).
Most countries have their own indices that measure consumer confidence. These indices are based
on household surveys. In Malaysia, the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) publishes
the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI), which gives a numerical value for consumer confidence. The
CCI is based on surveys conducted quarterly on a sample of over 1,200 households. Respondents
are asked to evaluate their household’s current and expected financial positions, employment
outlook and purchasing behaviour. Questions relating to plans to buy houses, new or used cars and
other major consumer durables are also asked.
Relying on the CCI as an economic indicator commonly raises two dilemmas (Ludvigson, 2004):
whether to focus on index-level or month-to-month changes, and whether to focus on the present
conditions or the expectation component. Ludvigson (2004) raised concerns about the effective-
ness of the survey-based CCI by that it would hardly to find that confidence surveys reflect the
current state of consumer purchasing behaviour.
On the other hand, the social media which is built on Web 2.0 technologies brings a new way for
the general public to show their attitudes towards products and services in a form that may
ultimately influence other prospective consumers (Rashidi, Abbasi, Maghrebi, Hasan, & Waller,
2017). Social media is now ingrained into human lives and integrated with the core constituents
of various human activities and modes of communication (Lassen, Madsen, & Vatrapu, 2014).
Social media users frequently express their opinions and views on a wide range of topics, including
products and services (Arora, Li, & Neville, 2015). For example, users might express their con-
fidence (or lack of confidence) in the state of the economy, disappointment over certain products
or services, or express their opinions, emotions, feelings and problems regarding their past pur-
chases or future purchase intentions, etc. In businesses, social media platforms (e.g. Facebook,
Twitter, blogs and forums) are now used to connect to existing customers, market products and
brands, and explore new business opportunities. They enable the organisation to learn about
shoppers’experiences and understand consumers’buying behaviours, which in turn facilitates
improvements in their marketing and customer services efforts.
In view of the information that can be obtained from social media, a number of studies have
been done on sentiment analysis of social media. Various techniques for opinion mining, text
analytics and sentiment analysis have also been documented and reported for understanding
various aspects of social media data. Sentiment analysis and opinion mining are fields of study
that analyse people’s opinions, evaluations, attitudes and emotions, usually from written language
(Liu, 2012). There are many ways to analyse sentiments, including machine-learning, lexicon-
based, keyword-based, and concept-based approaches (Cambria, 2016). Most studies of social
media sentiments are based on textual information. Piryani, Madhavi, and Singh (2017) recently
provided an analytical mapping of studies done on opinion mining and sentiment analysis between
2000 and 2015.
Although a number of studies have been undertaken on consumer sentiments through social
media, less attention has been given to studying the relationship between the consumer con-
fidence predictors of purchasing behaviour derived from social media and from the official CCI.
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Hence, this study would like to examine the relationship between the sentiments expressed
through social media big data and the official CCI produced by MIER. More specifically, this study
aims to evaluate the correlation between social media big data (derived via sentiment analysis) on
consumer purchasing behaviour for two types of products and the equivalent data from the official
CCI, between January 2015 and December 2016.
2. Literature review
2.1. Consumer confidence index
The CCI was developed as a source of economic statistics during the mid-20th century, and has
become a barometer whose results affect economic policy, stock markets and broader govern-
ment policy. The idea of a CCI for forecasting consumer spending was first proposed by Mueller
(1963). She found that consumer confidence was a significant explanatory variable in consumption
spending. Several studies have been conducted to examine the influence of consumer confidence.
Mehra and Martin (2003) found that consumer confidence was a significant predictor in regression
equations for consumer spending. Garrett, Hernández-Murillo, and Owyang (2005) used regional
data to show that consumer confidence helps to predict retail spending in U.S. states. Vuchelen
(2004) studied the relationship between consumer sentiment, expected income and the uncer-
tainty surrounding this income. In terms of household spending, Acemoglu and Scott (1994) and
Carroll, Fuhrer, and Wilcox (1994) have found that lagging consumer sentiment has significant
explanatory power for current changes in household spending in the United States and Britain.
Another study on consumer sentiment by Yacob and Mahdzan (2014) found that consumer
confidence volatility has significant predictive power for stock market volatility.
In contrast, Ludvigson (2004) raised the question: do consumer confidence surveys really provide
information that predicts the future path of household spending? The results indicated that survey
measures do contain some information about the future path of consumer spending but fall short of
capturing real consumer purchasing behaviours. It would hardly to find that confidence surveys reflect
the current state of consumer purchasing behaviour and the overall economy. That is because of the
two dilemmas that CCI analyses have commonly encountered: whether to focus on index-level or
month-to-month changes, and whether to focus on the present conditions or the expectation compo-
nent. However, a conjecture now arises that the confidence indexes might prove to be even more
useful if based on sentiment analysis of consumers’social media data rather than on consumer
surveys. Consequently, the question to be answered is: would indexes of consumer confidence based
on survey data or on social-media big-data sentiment analysis be more valuable for forecasting
consumer purchasing behaviour in real time? In other words, should a researcher/policy analyst use
data reported from consumer confidence surveys or consumer social-media sentiment to improve
forecasts of consumer purchasing behaviour? This issue has been examined in the literature previously,
with the conclusion that confidence-survey data helped improve the forecasts slightly, but not statis-
tically significantly. For example, Croushore (2005) found that the confidence survey indexes are not of
significant value in forecasting consumer spending. In fact, in some cases, they make the forecasts
significantly worse, suggesting that consumer-confidence surveys are no better than social-media
sentiment data in capturing information about consumer purchasing behaviour. However, we con-
jecture that using consumer sentiment data on social media might show greater marginal significance
forconsumerconfidence,becausethesurveysmight capture effects that will not appear in the data.
However, there are several weaknesses with the method currently adopted to obtain the CCI
data. First, it is time consuming and costly to conduct surveys with a large sample. Besides which,
the households chosen may not be representative of the whole population because there are
limitations on the number of respondents that can be chosen due to cost and time constraints.
Second, the surveys are conducted quarterly, and there is only a single CCI value for each quarter.
Hence changes in consumer confidence within a certain quarter, for example between different
months in the same quarter, cannot be captured by the CCI value. Third, not all respondents will
complete the surveys. Fourth, the CCI is only based on responses to the questions that are asked
Shayaa et al., Cogent Business & Management (2018), 5: 1509424
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during the survey, and other aspects of consumer confidence may not be captured in the CCI.
Hence, the official CCI is assumed to reflect nothing else but the answers to the survey questions.
2.2. Social media sentiment analysis
The digital age has accelerated the growth of social media networks (Rashidi et al., 2017). It
has also created new opportunities for the consumers to express their opinions and reviews
of products and services (Arora et al., 2015). As a result of this, enormous data resources
have been created over the years, and how to capitalise on these sources of data turns out
to be a striking topic for researchers from various disciplines, including computer science,
social sciences, economics, mathematics and management. Scholars and practitioners from
these various fields have devoted their energies to obtaining meaningful information from
these data sources. Various techniques in the forms of opinion mining, text analytics and
sentiment analysis have been documented and reported for analysing various aspects of
social media big data. In recent times, numerous studies have been conducted on utilising
user-generated data on social media. Daas and Puts (2014) have shown that there is a clear
association between changes in the sentiment of social media messages and consumer
confidence. On the other hand, Dong and Cooper (2016) used sentiment analysis for product
recommendations, and D’Avanzo and Pilato (2015) utilised Facebook to mine users’opinions
for assistance with shopping decisions. Sentiment analysis has also been used in the field of
finance. For example, Guo, Sun, and Qian (2017) exploited Chinese investor sentiment for
predicting stock prices. Rao and Srivastava (2014) employed Twitter sentiments to forecast
the US stock market. However, changes in consumer sentiment not only predict the changes
in consumer spending, but also cause them. An alternative interpretation could be that
sentiment analysis of social media big data more accurately forecasts consumer purchasing
behaviour than survey data because it reflects the true overall outlook for the economy.
The massive popularity of social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs and forums
has spawned a massive amount of data. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), the
amount of data generated up to 2010 was 1 ZB, and data production has accelerated explosively
since then, generating 7 ZB by the end of 2014. Twitter now generates 175 million tweets on a daily
basis and has more than 467 million users (Arora et al., 2015). This rapidly expanding usage of social
media platforms drives the application of social media data analytics (Thackeray, Neiger, Hanson, &
McKenzie, 2008). Opinions that are mined through social media data analytics can be used to gain
insights about consumers’sentiments towards any product or service. Firms can capitalise by
analysing this rich data to obtain valuable insights and hidden knowledge, giving them to acquire
competitive edge (He, Zha, & Li, 2013). The intelligence obtained through analysing sentiments can be
the driver for the businesses to gain rich insights for making high-impact decisions.
Various techniques, such as opinion mining, text analytics and sentiment analysis, have been
documented and reported to analyse various aspects of social media big data. The social-media
data-analytic technique of sentiment analysis could be utilised to measure consumer confidence
effectively (Taboada, Brooke, Tofiloski, Voll, & Stede, 2011). In recent times, numerous studies have
been conducted on the utilisation of user-generated data from social media. Daas and Puts (2014)
have shown that there is a clear association between changes in the sentiment of social media
messages and consumer confidence. On the other hand, Dong and Cooper (2016) used sentiment
analysis for product recommendations, and D’Avanzo and Pilato (2015) applied a multi-facet
sentiment analysis technique to predict the sales of mobile applications. D’Avanzo and Pilato
(2015) utilised Facebook to mine users’opinions for assistance with shopping decisions. Zhou,
Xia, and Zhang (2016) applied a multi-granularity approach to investigate online shopping beha-
viour. Sentiment analysis has also been used in the field of finance. For example, Guo et al. (2017)
exploited Chinese investor sentiment to predict stock prices. Bollen, Mao, and Zeng (2011) and Rao
and Srivastava (2014) employed Twitter sentiments to forecast the US stock market.
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Unlike the official CCI data, which is obtained through household surveys where the number of
respondents is constrained by time and cost considerations, millions of social media messages can
be analysed easily. Moreover, a daily, weekly or monthly numerical measure can be created
through the analysis of social media messages, as a high volume of messages are uploaded
daily. Therefore, changes in consumer confidence can be captured within a shorter time frame
than household surveys could measure. Users also tend to be more truthful when they are
expressing their opinions through social media than when they are filling out a survey. Lastly,
whereas surveys can only elicit information in the form of responses to a list of predetermined
questions, social media users can talk about basically anything; hence more information from a
variety of aspects can be obtained.
3. Research methodology
In this section, we describe how the data is extracted, how sentiment analysis is applied, how the
CCI data is constructed then how correlation between social media sentiment analysis and CCI is
3.1. Data collection
The main aim of the study is to analyse the big data on consumer sentiment from social media,
then investigate its correlation with the CCI. Consequently in this study, the big data was extracted
from social media platforms. Berkshire Media Sdn Bhd, a social analytics firm, extracted posts from
Twitter, forums, mainstream media, blogs, Facebook, online comments and YouTube. Most of the
data for this paper were extracted from Twitter. The Twitter application program interface (API)
enables the researcher to extract public posts easily (Pak & Paroubek, 2010). Twitter has been used
as source of data for many researchers compared to other social media websites (Al-Garadi,
Varathan, & Ravana, 2016). Only data that are made public are extracted. The extracted data
are from January 2015 to December 2016, which represents a huge volume of user-generated
3.2. Sentiment analysis
The Berkshire Media Sdn Bhd social analytics firm has developed a supervised machine-learning-
based classifier. First, this machine analyses multilingual posts and classifies them into positive,
negative and neutral. Each post is then given a sentiment score based on how positive or negative
the posts are. Positive posts are given a positive sentiment score, neutral posts are given a zero
sentiment score, while negative posts are given negative sentiment scores. Second, the data
extraction involves categorising the purchasing behaviour posts into two categories: car and
holiday. The extraction was carried out using automatic categorisation based on the keywords in
English and Bahasa Malaysian: 1 –Car (KERETA, Kereta, kereta, kreta Kerete, kerete, kete, Kete, keta,
car). 2 –Holiday (travel, trvel, holiday, Holiday, cuti, Cuti). A total of 19,900 posts were extracted,
17,900 related to cars and remaining 2,000 related to holiday.
Finally, we analyse each of the above-mentioned categories on a monthly basis. For example, for
the holiday category we divide the sentiment data into 12 months for two years, generating 24
files for each month’s holiday sentiment-analysis data. In same manner the other category is
constructed, therefore dividing the sentiment data into 48 files (two categories * 12 months *
2 years), such that each file represents a month in one category and each category has sentiment
data for 24 months (2015–2016). Based on these files, we generate two values (average sentiment
scoring and average sentiment counts) for 24 months for each category as follows:
The average sentiment score and average sentiment counts are calculated for every month of
each categories. Sentiment score and average sentiment counts are calculated as following:
Average sentiment score ¼
∑postive scores ∑negative scores
∑number of postive and negative posts (1)
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Where average sentiment scoring is based on (total score of each positive –negative of the
posts) divided by total number of positive and negative posts
And Average sentiment counts ¼
∑postive counts ∑negative counts
∑number of postive and negative posts (2)
Where the Average sentiment counts is based only on (number of positive –negative posts)
divided by total number of positive and negative posts.
3.3. Consumer confidence index data
The CCI data was obtained from MIER, which releases the data every quarterly. Using the software
MATLAB, monthly data was constructed. Hence, there are 24 values of CCI index, a value for each
month for the two year period (2015–2016) to show monthly index.
3.4. Correlation between social media sentiment analysis and CCI
After constructing CCI values for 24 months, and average sentiment score and average sentiment
counts for the same time period, it was then possible to analyse correlations between CCI and
sentiment from social media big data for 2015 and 2016.
4. Results
In this section, we will firstly show the sentiment scores, average sentiment scores and counts
(calculated as shown in Equations (1) and (2), respectively) for the 24 months in each category: (1)
car 2) holiday (see Tables 1and 2). The CCI data is shown in Table 3. Correlations between the CCI
and the average sentiment scores and average sentiment counts are shown in Table 4and Figures
1and 2.
Table 1shows average sentiment scores and average sentiment counts (calculated as shown
in Equations (1) and (2), respectively) for buying a car in 2015 and 2016. Generally, the
sentiment scores, average sentiment scores and counts were higher in 2016 compared to
2015. The highest average sentiment scores and counts for buying a car are in February
2016. The sentiment for 2016 maybe higher as consumer perceived the country’seconomy
to be much better.
Table 2shows the average sentiment scores and counts (calculated as shown in Equations (1)
and (2), respectively) for going on holiday in 2015 and 2016. It is illustrated that the sentiment
scores, average sentiment scores and counts for 2016 is higher than 2015. Consistently, for both
years, the highest scores is Jan, November and December. This may be due to the school holiday’s
season that generally begins in November and ends in January.
Table 3illustrates the CCI data for the two-year period (2015 and 2016). Generally it can be seen
that the CCI for 2016 is much better than 2015. This is similar to the sentiment analysis data for both
car and holiday. This may be because the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and GDP per capita are higher
in 2016 than 2015, thus reflecting the consumer confidence is higher (
malaysia/gdp-per-capita). The highest CCI is in May 2016 while the lowest is in November 2015.
The correlations between the social media sentiment analysis scores and CCI data on purchase
intentions for car and holiday were carried out and are illustrated in Table 4. The correlation results
represented in Table 4show that there is no significant correlation between sentiment analysis
and CCI data on purchasing intentions in any of the two categories.
Figures 1and 2illustrate the relationship between CCI and the average sentiment scores for
buying cars whereas Figure 2illustrates the relationship between CCI and going for holiday.
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5. Discussion
In this paper, the relationship was examined between the official CCI published by the Malaysian
Institute of Economic Research and the sentiments expressed via social media in five purchasing-
intention categories: (1) car, and 2) holiday. It was found that there is a correlation, but it is very
small, almost negligible and non-significant. This result may be due to inherent differences
between the official CCI and the consumer sentiments expressed on social media in terms of
how data is collected and calculated. Due to the official CCI being calculated on the basis of survey
data, there are several weaknesses with its data. For example, the households surveyed may not
be representative of the whole population as there are limitations on the number of respondents
that can be included due to cost and time constraints. Additionally, the CCI is only based on
responses to the predetermined questions which are asked during the survey, meaning that other
aspects of consumer confidence may not be captured. Unlike the official CCI, social media senti-
ment analysis is based directly on consumers’opinions, emotions, feelings and problems regarding
their past purchases or future purchase intentions as these are expressed on social media. Users
tend to be more truthful when they are expressing their opinions through social media, compared
to when they filling out a survey. In addition, the social media platforms provide a bigger data set
compared to the CCI, which is normally based on 1,000–2,000 respondents. However, it can be
concluded that consumer confidence measured using social media data via sentiment analysis is
not significantly correlated with the official CCI.
Table 1. Sentiment scores and counts (Car 2015–2016)
Months Sentiment
+ NC)
Jan 787 139 44 183 4.297814208 0.519125683
Feb 1145 213 61 274 4.177007299 0.554744526
March 1283 228 129 357 3.592436975 0.277310924
April 513 136 53 189 2.711640212 0.439153439
May 867 134 53 187 4.636363636 0.43315508
June 1076 173 98 271 3.968634686 0.276752768
July 1347 274 142 416 3.237980769 0.317307692
Aug 482 112 59 171 2.81871345 0.30994152
Sep 462 95 65 160 2.884375 0.1875
Oct 877 151 53 204 4.299019608 0.480392157
Nov 717 131 69 200 3.585 0.31
Dec 1999 244 77 321 6.22741433 0.520249221
Jan 1011 162 121 283 3.572438163 0.144876325
Feb 4247.5 492 56 548 7.750912409 0.795620438
Mar 1608.5 238 82 320 5.0265625 0.4875
Apr 610.5 113 80 193 3.163212435 0.170984456
May 1172.5 155 38 193 6.075129534 0.606217617
Jun 2028.5 254 58 312 6.501602564 0.628205128
Jul 800.5 126 63 189 4.235449735 0.333333333
Aug 788.5 122 55 177 4.45480226 0.378531073
Sept 901 158 88 246 3.662601626 0.284552846
Oct 857.5 135 67 202 4.245049505 0.336633663
Nov 745.5 111 50 161 4.630434783 0.378881988
Dec 619.5 97 46 143 4.332167832 0.356643357
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Table 2. Sentiment scores and counts (Holiday 2015)
Months Sentiment
(PC + NC) Avg.
Jan 378.5 40 7 47 8.053191489 0.70212766
Feb 202 21 2 23 8.782608696 0.826086957
Mar 152 20 7 27 5.62962963 0.481481481
Apr 108.5 13 3 16 6.78125 0.625
May 125 15 4 19 6.578947368 0.578947368
Jun 191 19 8 27 7.074074074 0.407407407
Jul 119 19 8 27 4.407407407 0.407407407
Aug 167 16 0 16 10.4375 1
Sept 75.5 11 1 12 6.291666667 0.833333333
Oct 161.5 21 5 26 6.211538462 0.615384615
Nov 266.5 34 13 47 5.670212766 0.446808511
Dec 284 29 4 33 8.606060606 0.757575758
Jan 527.5 51 7 58 9.094828 0.758621
Feb 189 19 5 24 7.875 0.583333
Mar 175 29 9 38 4.605263 0.526316
Apr 111 14 3 17 6.529412 0.647059
May 125 15 4 19 6.578947 0.578947
Jun 473 47 8 55 8.6 0.709091
Jul 102.5 12 3 15 6.833333 0.6
Aug 97.5 12 4 16 6.09375 0.5
Sept 177 22 16 38 4.657895 0.157895
Oct 115 14 5 19 6.052632 0.473684
Nov 200 21 5 26 7.692308 0.615385
Dec 253.5 25 2 27 9.388889 0.851852
Table 3. CCI data for 2015 and 2016
Date CCI month Date CCI month Date CCI month
Jan 2015 73.03628911 Sept 2015 67.56336547 May 2016 78.49015276
Feb 2015 72.59893704 Oct 2015 64.90118013 Jun 2016 77.51839204
Mar 2015 72.16158496 Nov 2015 63.83072419 Jul 2016 75.64225626
Apr 2015 71.82946628 Dec 2015 65.48565196 Aug 2016 73.60954417
May 2015 71.7078144 Jan 2016 68.97182138 Sept 2016 72.01057567
Jun 2015 71.77292506 Feb 2016 72.88814128 Oct 2016 70.80575544
Jul2015 71.48534338 Mar 2016 76.02918939 Nov 2016 69.79800935
Aug 2015 70.17667681 Apr 2016 77.97221912 Dec 2016 68.79026326
Table 4. Correlation between CCI and sentiment of big social media data for 2015 and 2016
Categories rvalue (Avg. sentiment
scores and CCI)
rvalue (Avg. sentiment
counts and CCI)
Car 0.2473 0.24344
Holiday −0.11009 −0.12947
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Now the question is, whether a researcher or policy analyst ought to rely on the official CCI or on social
media sentiment as a measure of consumer confidence in order to improve forecasts of consumer
purchasing behaviour? It can be explained and justified keeping in view on the past literature, with the
conclusion that the official CCI helps to improve forecasts of consumer purchasing behaviour slightly, but
not statistically significantly. Ludvigson (2004) raised concerns about the effectiveness of survey-based
CCI by that it would hardly to find that confidence surveys reflect the current state of consumer
purchasing behaviour and the overall economy. Additionally, Croushore (2005)foundthattheconfi-
dence survey indexes are not of significant value in forecasting consumer spending. In fact, in some
cases they make the forecasts significantly worse, suggesting that consumer-confidence surveys are not
better than social media sentiment data in capturing information about consumer purchasing beha-
viour. However, it can be concluded that using consumer sentiment data from social media might show
greater marginal significance for measuring consumer confidence and thereby forecasting their pur-
chasing behaviour, as it captures true information about consumer purchasing behaviour. Nevertheless,
care needs to be taken with social media contents as these fluctuate in their positive and negative
outcomes to their topics over time. The same individual may give positive sentiment at one point of time
and perhaps in six months’time provide negative sentiment.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the published CCI measures of Malaysian
consumer purchasing behaviour (on car and holiday) and sentiment analysis of social media big data. It
was found that there is a correlation, but that it is very small, almost negligible. Generally, it can be
concluded that consumer confidence can also be measured using social media data via sentiment
analysis. It can be captured almost instantly as posts are updated daily and sentiment scores can be
calculated daily; hence changes in consumer confidence can be captured within a shorter time frame
than survey methods make possible. In addition, users also tend to be more truthful when they are
expressing their opinions through social media than when they are filling out a survey, which is the
method used to calculate CCI. The household survey is based on responses toward a list of
Avg. Sentiment Scores
63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
Figure 1. Relationship between
CCI and average sentiment
scores: cars.
60 65 70 75 80
Avg. Sentiment Scores
Figure 2. Relationship between
CCI and average sentiment
scores: holiday.
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predetermined questions, whereas social media users can talk about basically anything; therefore, more
information from a variety of aspects can be obtained. In addition, the social media data provides a
bigger data set compared to the CCI, which is normally based on 1,000–2,000 respondents. In sum,
future attempts to study consumer confidence should use social media big data. Future research must
also include analysis that examines the reasons for the sentiment scores and CCI trends.
The methodology used in this study can be replicated in other countries. For example, the
methodology used to determine the monthly sentiment analysis scores from social media data
and CCI can be replicated to analyse consumer confidence in different countries. In addition, the
average sentiment score and counts formulae can be adopted in future studies.
In conclusion, it can be said that organizations can use the social media sentiment analysis to
predict their consumer purchasing behaviour and confidence as it has the advantage of enormous
amount of data (volume), multiple sources of data (variety) and speed of data processing (velo-
city). The CCI data on the other hand does not have these capabilities but it has one important
element i.e. its data is not uncertain and imprecise (veracity) thus making it more reliable.
This study is funded by the University of Malaya external
grant (provided by Berkshire Media Sdn Bhd) [Grant num-
ber: PV003-2017].
Author details
Shahid Shayaa
Sulaiman Ainin
Noor Ismawati Jaafar
Shamsul Bahri Zakaria
Seuk Wai Phoong
Wai Chung Yeong
Mohammed Ali Al-Garadi
Ashraf Muhammad
Arsalan Zahid Piprani
Berkshire Media Sdn Bhd, Petaling Jaya, Selangor,
Department of Operations and MIS, Faculty of Business
and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur,
Research & Graduate Studies Office, University of Qatar,
Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS
University Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Citation information
Cite this article as: Linking consumer confidence index and
social media sentiment analysis, Shahid Shayaa, Sulaiman
Ainin, Noor Ismawati Jaafar, Shamsul Bahri Zakaria, Seuk
Wai Phoong, Wai Chung Yeong, Mohammed Ali Al-Garadi,
Ashraf Muhammad & Arsalan Zahid Piprani, Cogent
Business & Management (2018), 5: 1509424.
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