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The theory of graceful extensibility:
basic rules that govern adaptive
David D. Woods
Phone 614-946-0123 Email
Department of Integrated Systems Engineering The Ohio State University
1971 Neil Ave, Columbus OH USA
The paper introduces the theory of graceful extensibility which expresses fundamental
characteristics of the adaptive universe that constrain the search for sustained
adaptability. The theory explains the contrast between successful and unsuccessful cases
of sustained adaptability for systems that serve human purposes. Sustained adaptability
refers to the ability to continue to adapt to changing environments, stakeholders,
demands, contexts, and constraints (in effect, to adapt how the system in question
adapts). The key new concept at the heart of the theory is graceful extensibility. Graceful
extensibility is the opposite of brittleness, where brittleness is a sudden collapse or failure
when events push the system up to and beyond its boundaries for handling changing
disturbances and variations. As the opposite of brittleness, graceful extensibility is the
ability of a system to extend its capacity to adapt when surprise events challenge its
boundaries. The theory is presented in the form of a set of 10 proto-theorems derived
from just two assumptions—in the adaptive universe, resources are always finite and
change continues. The theory contains three subsets of fundamentals: managing the risk
of saturation, networks of adaptive units, and outmaneuvering constraints. The theory
attempts to provide a formal base and common language that characterizes how complex
systems sustain and fail to sustain adaptability as demands change.
Resilience, Resilience Engineering, Complex adaptive systems, Human systems integration,
Adaptability, Agility, Complexity, Socio-technical systems, Resilient control, Sustainability,
Robust yet fragile, Resilient infrastructures
To appear in Environment Systems and Decisions, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10669-018-9708-3
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1. Introduction
1.1. The mystery of sustained adaptability
Control systems everywhere are regulating processes to meet targets in the service of
human goals. Science and engineering advances over decades have developed the theory
and practice, and linked the two together to field many forms of controllers from the
practical PID controller (proportional, integral, derivative) to optimal, adaptive, and
robust controllers (Zhou et al. 1996; Narendra and Annaswamy 2005; Astrom and Murray
2008). However, the forms of control available today are not powerful enough to account
for successful cases of sustained adaptability in biology (such as glycolysis; Chandra et
al. 2011), engineered systems (such as the internet; Doyle et al. 2005), and human
systems (such as Balinese water temple networks; Lansing and Kremer 1993). In these
cases, multiple interacting and interdependent processes continuously re-adjust to each
other as they cope with, and as they exploit, changing demands, contexts, and constraints
(Meyers and Bull 2002). In these and other cases, complex systems, in the sense of
networks with extensive and sometimes hidden interdependencies, adapt in the face of
variation, but much more importantly, are able to sustain adaptability as the forms and
sources of continue to change variation over longer cycles. In shorthand, the underlying
architecture of these layered networks facilitates future adaptations as conditions change
and challenge the fitness of past adaptations.
These successful cases can be contrasted with much less successful adaptive networks in
complex settings where initially successful adaptations unwind over time—become stale,
work at cross purposes, are unable to keep pace with change and cascades—and suffer
sudden performance collapses (Scheffer et al. 2009; Vespignani 2010; Woods and Branlat
2011). The failures to sustain adaptability stand out when we witness an ecosystem
degrade in a tragedy of the commons (Dietz et al. 2003), a matching market unravel
(Roth 2008), or a dramatic failure in safety–critical operations (Woods 2005).
The mystery of sustained adaptability refers to the finding that complexity arises from
changes to increase optimality and robustness of a network of adaptive units which leads
to an emergent susceptibility to sudden performance collapses and failures (Carlson and
Doyle 2000; Csete and Doyle 2002; Ormerod and Colbaugh 2006). The effort invested to
improve fitness leads to systems “which are robust to perturbations they were designed to
handle, yet fragile to unexpected perturbations and design flaws” (Carlson and Doyle
2000, p. 2529). The network will look more and more fit to its environment on some
criteria, while, the same processes produce severe brittleness when events occur that
challenge the design envelope. Ormerod and Colbaugh summarize simulation results: “as
the connectivity of a network increases, we observe an increase in the average fitness of
the system. But at the same time, there is an increase in the proportion of failure/
extinction events which are extremely large.” Nevertheless, there are cases of biological
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and human systems that are able to counter the brittleness that inevitably grows for
layered networks with extensive interdependencies. These systems demonstrate the
ability to continue to adapt to changing environments, stakeholders, demands, contexts,
and constraints—in effect, sustained adaptability refers to the ability adapt how the
system in question adapts (Woods 2015). For example, mechanisms that facilitate future
adaptation continue to be found in biological systems (e.g., Meyers and Bull 2002;
Beaumont et al. 2009).
Possible answers to the mystery of sustained adaptability should have some linkage and
continuity with concepts about control systems. Control systems are in many ways a
simple form of adaptive system, and theory specifies how to ensure stability (adequate
adaptive performance) given well-defined targets and well-modeled disturbances (e.g.,
Narendra and Annaswamy 2005). But for layered networks of interdependent adaptive
units, the architectural principles that will produce sustained adaptability over cycles of
change remain to be fully worked out (Alderson and Doyle 2010; Doyle and Csete 2011;
Seager et al. 2017). Rieger (2010) and Alderson et al. (2015) call the issue the problem of
resilient control in a layered network of interdependent adaptive units. Research
emphasizes how these layered networks have hidden interdependencies, operate at
multiple varying tempos, with significant cross-layer interactions (e.g., the case in
Mendonca and Wallace 2015). These factors lead me to use the more vivid label in this
work of Tangled Layered Networks (TLNs).
Sustained adaptability is also a problem in coordination across multiple human roles in a
network where the roles interact and adapt to each other vertically across multiple
echelons or layers, as well as horizontally over different spatial and temporal scopes of
responsibility (Park et al. 2013). The contrast between successful and unsuccessful cases
of sustained adaptability in multi-role, multi-echelon (layered) human systems has been
studied from the perspectives of organizational dynamics, anthropology, environmental
systems, sociology, (macro-)cognitive systems, and experimental micro-economics.
Following Ostrom, research on sustained adaptability in human systems has been labeled
as the problem of poly-centric governance (Ostrom 2012). Combining results on
sustained adaptability as a new kind of resilient control problem and on sustained
adaptability as a coordination problem in poly-centric human systems requires bridging
completely different forms of inquiry centered on (1) understanding empirically what
makes the difference between successful and unsuccessful examples of sustained
adaptability and, critically, (2) developing actionable tactics and strategies to design
architectures for TLNs that will demonstrate sustained adaptability.
Cutting across these lines of inquiry are a set of common questions. What are the
differences between the successful and unsuccessful cases? What factors are critical when
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adaptability is sustained? Can research extract general principles that tend to generate
sustained adaptability, or even guarantee it? A growing number of empirical studies
contrast successful and unsuccessful cases and together provide partial answers about
underlying patterns. One setting where the contrast has been examined extensively is
critical care medicine such as emergency departments and intensive care units, see for
example, Cook (2006), Nemeth et al. (2007), Miller and Xiao (2007), Wears et al. (2008),
Perry and Wears (2012), and Patterson and Wears (2015). For other empirical samples
from disaster response, critical digital infrastructure, and military history see Mendonça
and Wallace (2015), Robbins et al. (2012), and Finkel (2011).
Asking the above questions—questions about how adaptability can be sustained over
time, over patterns of change, and as new challenges continue to arise—poses a deeper
question, what are the fundamental principles of the adaptive universe, i.e., what are the
basic universal rules that govern how adaptive systems behave? Or at the least, what are
the rules that govern how systems that serve human purposes adapt. Attempts to uncover
these fundamental principles have begun. Two that are particularly important for the
theory of graceful extensibility are Ostrom’s work on poly-centric governance (e.g,
Ostrom 2012) and Doyle and his colleague’s work on control of layered networks (e.g.,
Doyle and Csete 2011), despite the fact that these lines of inquiry develop from very
different disciplinary starting points.
1.2. Graceful extensibility
This paper presents a theory that explains the contrast between successful and
unsuccessful cases of sustained adaptability. The theory is stated in the form of 10 proto-
theorems, which introduce a new core concept—Graceful Extensibility. Graceful
extensibility is the opposite of brittleness, where brittleness is a sudden collapse or failure
when events push the system up to and beyond its boundaries for handling changing
disturbances and variations. As the opposite of brittleness, graceful extensibility is the
ability of a system to extend its capacity to adapt when surprise events challenge its
boundaries (Woods and Branlat 2011; Woods 2015). All systems have an envelope of
performance, or a range of adaptive behavior, due to finite resources and the inherent
changing variability of its environment. Thus, there is a transition zone where systems
shift regimes of performance when events push the system to the edge of its envelope
(e.g., how materials under stress can experience brittle failure; see Bush et al. 1999, and
Woods and Wreathall 2008, for analyses of brittleness for complex systems drawing on
the analogy to material science).
Boundary refers to the transition zone where systems shift regimes of performance. This
boundary area can be more crisp or blurred, more stable or dynamic, partially well-
modeled or mis-understood. Brittleness and graceful extensibility refer to the behavior of
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the system as it transitions across this boundary area. The latter refers to system’s ability
to adapt how it works to extend performance past the boundary area into a new regime of
performance invoking new resources, responses, relationships, and priorities (for
example, see Wears et al. 2008 for description of how medical emergency rooms adapt to
changing and high patient loads and to Chuang et al. 2018 for how emergency
departments adapted during a mass casualty event).
With low graceful extensibility, systems exhaust their ability to respond as challenges
grow and cascade. As the ability to continue to respond declines in the face of growing
demands, systems with low graceful extensibility risk a sudden collapse in performance.
With high graceful extensibility, systems have capabilities to anticipate bottlenecks
ahead, to learn about the changing shape of disturbances/challenges prior to acute events,
and possess the readiness-to-respond to meet new challenges (Woods and Wreathall
2008; Woods et al. 2013). As a result, systems with high graceful extensibility are able to
continue to meet critical goals and even recognize and seize new opportunities to meet
pressing goals.
Studies of graceful extensibility ask: what do systems draw on to stretch to handle
surprises? Systems with finite resources in changing environments are always
experiencing and stretching to accommodate events that challenge boundaries. And what
systems can escape the constraints of finite resources and changing conditions? Without
some capability to continue to stretch in the face of events that challenge boundaries,
systems are more brittle than stakeholders realize. And all systems, however successful,
have boundaries and experience events that fall outside these boundaries—model surprise
(Woods 2015).
Surprise has regular characteristics as many classes of challenge re-cur even though the
specific challenges are relatively unique (Caporale and Doyle 2013). Cascades of
disturbances and friction in putting plans into time are two examples of generic classes of
demands that require the ability to extend performance to avoid collapse due to
brittleness (Woods and Branlat 2011; Chen et al. 2015). Simply focusing on continual
improvements turns out to move boundary areas around due to constraints imposed by
fundamental trade-offs. As a result, improvements change where and how the system is
exposed to collapse due to brittleness (Csete and Doyle 2002; Woods 2006; Alderson and
Doyle 2010; Hoffman and Woods 2011). Ironically, local successes in space and time
shift the kinds of events that produce challenges and shift how events challenge fitness as
the boundary zone moves as well. This process of change means that graceful
extensibility is a dynamic capability.
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Brittleness describes how a system performs near and beyond its boundary zone, separate
from how well it performs when operating well within its boundaries. Descriptively,
brittleness is how rapidly a system’s performance declines when it nears and reaches its
boundaries. Brittle systems experience rapid performance collapses, or failures, when
events challenge boundaries. Of course, one difficulty is that the location of the boundary
is normally uncertain and moves as capabilities and interdependencies change, and as
other parts of the network adapt. Plus, there is always some rate and kind of events that
occur to challenge the boundaries of more or less optimal or robust performance, and thus
graceful extensibility, being prepared to adapt to handle surprise, is a necessary form of
adaptive capacity for all systems (Woods 2006). In other words, the theory proposes that
graceful extensibility is a necessary ingredient for sustained adaptability and then
specifies constraints on how systems can demonstrate (or lose) graceful extensibility.
The term graceful extensibility can be thought of as a blend of two traditional terms—
graceful degradation and software extensibility. I coined graceful extensibility because
adaptation at the boundaries is active and critical to how a system grows and adjusts in a
changing world, not simply a softer degradation curve when events challenge base
competencies. Graceful extensibility also is a play on the concept of software
extensibility from software engineering. Software engineering emphasizes the need to
design, in advance, properties that support the ability to extend capabilities later, without
requiring major revisions to the basic architecture, as conditions, contexts, uses, risks,
goals, and relationships change. Ironically, the best examples of extensibility come from
biology (e.g., Kirschner and Gerhart 2005). Graceful extensibility is a core concept that
integrates a variety of the ideas in the theory such as boundary zones, surprise,
brittleness, saturation, varieties of adaptive capacity, and forms of adaptive system
1.3. What must a candidate theory provide? Six desiderata
Previous work on the mystery of sustained adaptability has identified a variety of key
ideas that appear fundamental. First, the pioneering studies all started with a small set of
fundamental trade-offs and then examined the implications of that set of trade-offs as
basic constraints on layered networks facing complex environments (Doyle 2005; Woods
2006; Hollnagel 2009; Alderson and Doyle 2010; Hoffman and Woods 2011). A
candidate theory needs to identify which are most fundamental, show how others that
have been proposed can be derived, and provide a basis for how fundamental trade-offs
Second, a candidate theory needs to explain how the performance of networks of adaptive
units breaks down and what capabilities are needed to minimize or mitigate the risk of
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such breakdowns. Are there a few basic forms of adaptive systems failure and, if so, what
are they?
Third, a candidate theory should provide the conceptual means to monitor, anticipate,
learn, and respond to brittleness in order to steer away from the potential for a collapse
proactively (Hollnagel et al. 2006). Of particular note, the current definition of brittleness
is descriptive and not actionable—a collapse is required to identify the brittleness of a
system in question. A candidate theory needs to supply a means to reduce the risk of
brittle collapse.
Fourth, a candidate theory needs to provide a positive means for a unit at any scale to
adjust how it adapts in the pursuit of improved fitness (how it is well matched to its
environment), as changes and challenges continue apace. And this capability must be
centered on the limits and perspective of that unit at that scale.
Fifth, a candidate theory needs to specify how units in a neighborhood of a network can
interact to build sustained adaptability without centralized or command signals coming
from outside that neighborhood. To do this, a candidate will need to integrate findings
from diverse fields. The resulting integration must point to a means to influence or
‘design’ these networks, i.e., to show how complexity can be outmaneuvered (e.g., Doyle
and Csete 2011; Woods and Branlat 2011).
Finally, a candidate theory must provide some ability to account for unintended
consequences of changes proposed or ongoing in the network in question (e.g., the
introduction of drones into civil aviation). This is especially important for systems that
serve human purposes because stakeholders propose and pursue changes intended to
improve performance from their perspective. These changes to complex networks of
adaptive units result in widespread unanticipated reverberations, both negative ones that
offset or undermine the impact on desired goals as well as surprising opportunities that
are seized upon from unexpected quarters in ways that transform the network in question
(news cycles continue to provide examples of both regularly—in 2017 one is
The theory of graceful extensibility provides an account that covers these six desiderata,
at least in part.
1.4. Fundamentals
The paper articulates the theory of graceful extensibility beginning with two simple
assumptions and then progressing step by step in the form of 10 proto-theorems. The 10
statements are grouped into three subsets: managing the risk of saturation, networks of
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adaptive units, and outmaneuvering constraints. The paper provides some basic
expositions of how these ideas capture general patterns about how sustained adaptability
is built and lost.
I have called the 10 statements ‘proto-theorems’ deliberately, though potentially
provocatively. I am claiming that the set of 10 statements to follow are provably correct,
not only empirically correct (law-like). Observations fit these basic rules because the
rules capture the fundamental characteristics of the adaptive universe. Observations of
systems that serve human purposes and how these systems adapt to cope with and even
exploit complexities have led me to the set and to the claim that they are fundamental. By
fundamental I mean the set integrates and accounts for patterns from control engineering,
from infrastructures, from distributed cognitive systems in context, from coordination and
interaction across people, as well as across people and machines, and from organizational
dynamics. In all of these areas adaptation occurs, patterns about adaptation are noted, and
explanations are attempted. But the scope of reference for the patterns and their
explanations is limited within each disciplinary topic. Behind these patterns and partial
explanations lie a deeper truth about how the adaptive universe works that is then
manifested when a portion of that universe is observed closely. Of course, this means the
diverse uses of language across these disciplinary approaches undermine attempts at
uncovering the fundamentals. The noisy interchange leads some to jettison language all
together and to assert only a purely formal mathematical approach can provide clarity.
The logical flow across the 10 statements is a different attempt to escape the languages of
each contributing topic and to organize the key ideas in a basic progression—as logical a
progression as I am capable of expressing given my own paths of inquiry. Table 1
summarizes the 10 statements organized into three subsets; Table 2 provides key terms of
Table 1
Theory of graceful extensibility
Assumptions: (A) All adaptive units have finite resources. (B) Change is continuous
Subset A: Managing risk of saturation
S1: The adaptive capacity of any unit at any scale is finite, therefore, all units have
bounds on their range of adaptive behavior, or capacity for maneuver.
S2: Events will occur outside the bounds and will challenge the adaptive capacity of any
unit, therefore, surprise continues to occur and demands response, otherwise the unit is
brittle and subject to collapse in performance.
S3: All units risk saturation of their adaptive capacity, therefore, units require some
means to modify or extend their adaptive capacity to manage the risk of saturation when
demands threaten to exhaust their base range of adaptive behavior.
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Subset B: Networks of adaptive units
S4: No single unit, regardless of level or scope, can have sufficient range of adaptive
behavior to manage the risk of saturation alone, therefore, alignment and coordination are
needed across multiple interdependent units in a network.
S5: Neighboring units in the network can monitor and influence—constrict or extend—
the capacity of other units to manage their risk of saturation, therefore, the effective range
of any set of units depends on how neighbors influence others, as the risk of saturation
S6: As other interdependent units pursue their goals, they modify the pressures
experienced by a UAB which changes how that UAB defines and searches for good
operating points in a multi-dimensional trade space.
Subset C: Outmaneuvering constraints
S7: Performance of any unit as it approaches saturation is different from the performance
of that unit when it operates far from saturation, therefore there are two fundamental
forms of adaptive capacity for units to be viable—base and extended, both necessary but
S8: All adaptive units are local—constrained based on their position relative to the world
and relative to other units in the network, therefore there is no best or omniscient location
in the network
S9: There are bounds on the perspective of any unit—the view from any point of
observation at any point in time simultaneously reveals and obscures properties of the
environment—but this limit is overcome by shifting and contrasting over multiple
S10: There are limits on how well a unit’s model of its own and others’ adaptive capacity
can match actual capability, therefore, mis-calibration is the norm and ongoing efforts are
required to improve the match and reduce mis-calibration (adaptive units, at least those
with human participation, are reflective, but mis-calibrated).
Table 2
Terms of reference
Adaptive unit or unit of adaptive behavior (UAB): Units in a network that adapt their
activities, resources, tactics, and strategies in the face of variability and uncertainty to
regulate processes relative to targets and constraints. For human systems, adaptation
includes adjusting behavior and changing priorities in the pursuit of goals. Units of
adaptive behavior (UABs) exist at multiple nested scales (e.g., processes, individuals,
roles, agents, teams, networks, groups, organizations, enterprises, societies). UABs are
active, seeking to improve how well they ‘fit’ their environment given the roles of other
nearby UABs.
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Fitness: Fitness refers to the match between an organism’s capabilities and the properties
of its environment. But this degree of match is a question, and answers to this question
are always tentative, never complete. Current capabilities and activities are a temporary,
local answer to the question of what is fitness. In the adaptive universe, adaptive units at
all levels are able to constantly re-think their answer to the question—fitness, both in
terms of changing capabilities and in terms of changing challenges and opportunities in
their world.
Adaptive capacity: The potential for modifying what worked in the past to meet
challenges in the future; adaptive capacity is a relationship between changing demands
and responsiveness to those demands, relative to goals.
Range of adaptive behavior: For any adaptive capacity, that capacity generates a range of
behavior that is adapted to the patterns of change ongoing and upcoming; thus, adaptive
capacity has a range or a boundary over which it is capable of responding to changing
demands. While range of adaptive behavior is a term that has been used to describe
biological systems, it is passive in tone, whereas adaptive units are quite active so a better
term is Capacity for Maneuver (CfM) and this capacity has limits.
Saturation: Exhausting a unit’s range of adaptive behavior or capacity for maneuver as
that unit responds to changing and increasing demands.
Risk of saturation: Inverse of remaining range or capacity for maneuver given ongoing
and upcoming demands.
Brittleness [descriptive]: Rapid fall off (or collapse) of performance when situations
challenge boundaries.
Graceful extensibility: How to extend the range of adaptive behavior for surprises at and
beyond boundaries—to deploy, mobilize, or generate capacity for maneuver when risk of
saturation is increasing or high. Graceful extensibility is the inverse of brittleness.
Brittleness [proactive]: Insufficient graceful extensibility to manage the risk of saturation
of adaptive capacities.
Varieties of adaptive capacity: Minimally, there are 2—base and extensible.
Base adaptive capacity: The potential to adapt responses to be fit relative to the set of
well-modeled changes.
The extended form of adaptive capacity is referred to as graceful extensibility: how to
extend the range of adaptive behavior for surprises at and beyond boundaries—to deploy,
mobilize, or generate capacity for maneuver when risk of saturation is increasing or high.
Net adaptive value equals the total effective range of base plus extended adaptive
capacities. [Note: adaptive value is an expression used in understanding biological
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Surprise: Given bounds on adaptive capacity, there are events which will occur that fall
near and outside the boundaries; thus, surprise is model surprise where base adaptive
capacity represents a partial model of fitness.
Potential for surprise: information about what surprises may occur in the future. The
potential for surprise is related to the next anomaly or event that will be experienced, and
how that next event may challenge pre-developed plans and algorithms in smaller or
larger ways—how well plans/models/automata fit particular situations to be handled.
[Tangled] Layered Networks: Rather than speak of systems or groups or organizations,
the theory addresses layered networks as defined in Alderson and Doyle (2010) and
Doyle and Csete (2011). I added the descriptor ‘tangled’ to emphasize that the network
interdependencies are very hard to map, messy, change, contingent, and often hidden
from view.
For the moment, I ask the reader to suspend the legitimate demand for the formal proofs
and a resolution of a definitive formal status for each statement (as theorems, lemmas,
corollaries, or definitions). I expect that further inquiry, and I hope that heated response,
will sharpen this account, or re-align it more closely to what proves to be the ultimate
fundamentals. Perhaps, the value of this attempt lies only in its weaknesses and how these
weaknesses stimulate others to launch different expeditions to uncover the fundamentals.
2. The theory
The theory of graceful extensibility is presented as 10 statements that express
fundamentals that govern TLNs of UABs.
2.1. Assumptions
The first two statements emerge from a simple starting point about the nature of the
adaptive universe: (a) resources are always finite and (b) change is ongoing (the rhythms
of change). As a result, uncertainty is never zero and varies; risk is never zero and varies.
A basic term of reference in what follow is Units of Adaptive Behavior or UABs (see
Table 2). These are units that adapt their activities, resources, tactics, and strategies in the
face of variability and uncertainty to regulate processes relative to targets and constraints.
For human systems, adaptation includes adjusting behavior and changing priorities in the
pursuit of goals. UABs exist at multiple nested scales (e.g., processes, individuals, roles,
agents, teams, networks, groups, organizations, enterprises, societies). UABs are active,
seeking to improve how well they ‘fit’ their environment given the activities of other
nearby UABs. One can consider a UAB as a generalization from control engineering, i.e.,
any control mechanism that regulates a process to meet targets in the face of disturbances,
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as well as a generalization from classic characterizations of human skill and expertise,
i.e., the ability to adapt behavior in changing circumstances to pursue goals.
The above assumptions are all that is necessary to establish that any and all units have
bounds on their range of adaptive behavior (S1) and that events—surprises or challenge
events—will occur outside those bounds (S2).
2.2.Subset A: risk of saturation
The adaptive capacity of any unit in a network at any scale (UAB) is finite, therefore, all
units have bounds on their range of adaptive behavior—or, Boundaries are universal.
The location of boundaries to the ability to meet demands is uncertain.
There is a boundary on any unit’s adaptive capacity or the ability to be in-control
or stay in-control as variation, disruptions, and change occur. As a result, all UABs
can run out of the capacity to adapt as the demands faced grow and change in
Given a finite range, there is a general parameter—Capacity for Maneuver (CfM)
—which specifies how much of the range the unit has used and what capacity
remains to handle upcoming demands.
• All UABs risk saturation, that is, running out of CfM as upcoming events present
increasing challenges or demands [also referred to as the risk of saturating
control]. Managing the risk of saturation then becomes the definition of what it
means to be in-control.
Events will occur that challenge boundaries on the adaptive capacity of any unit,
therefore, surprise continues to occur and demands response, otherwise the unit is brittle
and subject to collapse in performance—or, Surprise occurs, continuously.
There are recurring patterns that characterize model surprise—how events
challenge boundaries.
• Events will occur at some rate and of some size and of some kind that increase
the risk of saturation—exhausting the remaining CfM.
• Descriptively and specifically, brittleness is how rapidly a unit’s performance
declines when it nears and reaches its boundaries (S1). Brittleness describes how a
UAB performs near, at and beyond its boundaries, separate from how well it
performs when operating far from its boundaries.
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• The range of adaptive behavior of a UAB is a model of fitness; that model has
boundaries (S1) and events occur which fall outside that boundary → model
• Events that occur near or outside a UAB’s boundary increasees the risk
saturation, and this occurs independent of how well that UAB matches responses
to demands (the degree of fit) well within its range of adaptive behavior (or
competence envelope).
All units risk saturation of their adaptive capacity, therefore, units require some means to
modify or extend their adaptive capacity to manage the risk of saturation when demands
threaten to exhaust their base range of adaptive behavior—or, Risk of saturation is
monitored and regulated.
The work (effort/energy/resources) required to adapt and handle changing
demands increases as CfM decreases, i.e., there is some function relating effort to
be in-control and** the risk of saturating CfM.
As risk of saturation increases and CfM approaches exhaustion, UABs need to
adapt to stretch or extend their base range of adaptive behavior to accommodate
surprises. This extended form of adaptive capacity is graceful extensibility: how to
deploy, mobilize, or generate capacity for maneuver when risk of saturation is
increasing or high.
The risk of saturating controls as demands grow and cascade creates systematic
patterns in how adaptive systems break down. The first systematic pattern is
decompensation, which is, exhausting the capacity to adapt as disturbances/
challenges grow and cascade faster than responses can be decided on and deployed
to effect.
All UABs have some potential for adaptive response when information varies,
conditions change, or when new kinds of events occur, any of which challenge the
viability of previous adaptations, models, plans, or assumptions. Concepts about varieties
of adaptive capacity can be integrated around the single parameter of Capacity for
Maneuver (CfM) and how UABs adjust/regulate their adaptive capacities relative to the
risk of saturating CfM as they respond to future challenges and opportunities. The
struggle for fitness in the face of changing demands is ongoing and requires the potential
to adjust adaptive capacities. This leads to a new operational and actionable definition of
brittleness as the risk of saturating CfM and to the concept of graceful extensibility as the
opposite of brittleness. Risk here becomes operationalized as some dynamic function of
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how CfM is being used and what remains relative to ongoing and possible future
2.2.1. Exposition for subset A
The goal for the theory is to capture basic generalities about adaptive capacity that apply
in all contexts and as change continues—what has to be true about sustained adaptability
and this starts with bounds and surprise (S1 and S2).
The theory (or any set of theorems about networks of adaptive units) is not about how
well a UAB meets its targets and constraints, and not about how they regulate processes.
Rather, however a UAB regulates processes and however well it meets targets and
constraints, (a) its capacity to do these things is bounded and (b) the environment will
present events that fall outside its bounds. The UAB has to have some ability to continue
to function when this happens, if not the system is too brittle and vulnerable to sudden
collapse so that long-term viability declines. The viability of a unit in the long run
requires the ability to gracefully move its capabilities as change continues to produce new
challenges, surprises, and opportunities. Viability requires extensibility.
The hospital emergency department or ER is well studied as an exemplar of graceful
extensibility that can serve to ground the theory (Miller and Xiao 2007; Wears et al.
2008; Perry and Wears 2012; Patterson and Wears 2015). All systems have some built-in
capacity matched to handle regularities and variations and variation of variations. This
defines their base adaptive capacity or competence envelope—what they can handle
without risk of saturation—performance far from saturation. (To anticipate, note S10
though—reflective systems, always risk overestimating their base adaptive capacity/
competence envelope.) Some systems are designed to be able to handle a range of
changing demands. For example, ERs are able to adjust their resources to handle a range
of patient problems and numbers of patients as these vary within and across every shift as
well as over longer time frames. Each ER still has finite ability to handle surges in patient
load. Situations occur that challenge the boundaries even of systems like the ER that are
equipped to handle changing loads. And then the issue is what happens when situations
challenge boundaries—when risk of saturation is high? ERs regularly have experience
with situations that challenge their ability to respond.
ERs demonstrate a base competence which can be seen in the specific deployable
capabilities present at any point in time—areas of expertise, staff with various levels of
experience, space, equipment, supplies, plans for special situations (mass casualty), and
others. And the staff in ERs regularly experience events that challenge this envelope so
that they also exhibit some degree of graceful extensibility as they recognize increasing
risk of saturation and adapt in a variety of ways (Wears and Woods 2007). As Wears et al.
(2008) describes, personnel reconfigure their work, their patients, how they coordinate,
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how they utilize available equipment, and how they create additional effective space to
manage increasing load before their ability to provide care is saturated. By studying what
these people draw on to demonstrate resilient performance, the basis for graceful
extensibility can be understood—capabilities such as anticipation, initiative, and
ERs illustrate how UABs have some degree of graceful extensibility in addition to a base
capacity for handling demands. And the studies of how ERs adapt as load goes up also
illustrate that there are limits on how much graceful extensibility a single UAB can
exhibit near saturation. ERs can and do have breakdowns where triage goes astray,
patients are mis-prioritized/under-monitored, and patient condition deteriorates faster
than ER staff can recognize/respond (the decompensation form of adaptive system
breakdown). Continued graceful extensibility requires other neighboring UABs in the
network to recognize and adjust when the ER risks saturation (e.g., Stephens et al. 2015).
For example, this should occur when other units in the hospital system adapt to assist the
ER as should occur in mass casualty events (Chuang et al. 2018).
A key phrase used to characterize graceful extensibility in a setting like the ER or in
general is—the ability to be prepared to be surprised. This appears on first blush to be a
contradiction—if it is a surprise, one cannot be prepared. However, this is mistaken as in
the ER case. First, many classes of demands or challenge re-cur. As per Statements 1 and
2, model surprise is a regular occurrence and thus can be tracked and characterized so
that changes can be recognized. There are general forms of challenges that apply to all
layered networks, however tangled. Basic examples are cascades of disturbances and
friction in putting plans into time.
“However, many classes of environmental challenge re-cur. Hosts combat pathogens (and
pathogens avoid host defenses); predators and prey do battle through biochemical
adaptations; bird’s beaks must pick up and crack available seeds (or insects)—a menu
that may change rapidly due, for example, to a drought” (Carporale and Doyle, 2013,
p. 20).
Second, adaptive capacity is a potential for future action when conditions change.
Adaptive capacity is the potential for adjusting patterns of activities to handle future
changes in the kinds of events, opportunities, and disruptions experienced, therefore,
adaptive capacities exist before changes and disruptions call upon those capacities.
Responding to surprise requires preparatory investments that provide the potential for
future adaptive action. Thus, biology finds “mechanisms that generate variation can adapt
to a recurring nonuniform distribution of challenges” (Caporale and Doyle 2013, p. 21).
of 15 51
Examples of architectures in biology that facilitate future adaptability continue to be
uncovered (Meyers and Bull 2002; Beaumont et al. 2009).
The first portion of the theory also introduces the term CfM as a general parameter that
characterizes all UABs whatever the scale (note: originally, the label used for this
parameter was margin of maneuver Woods and Branlat 2010, 2011). That bounds and
surprise are universal simply means a UAB risks saturating or running out of CfM as new
events occur or could occur. Saturation refers to how much CfM has been used up to
handle ongoing events, which then reduces the remaining CfM available to handle
upcoming and future events. Nearing saturation, or increasing risk of becoming saturated,
means little CfM remains available to handle upcoming and future events.
This subset of the theory captures how bounded capabilities to manage surprise can be
integrated into a single parameter—CfM—and in particular, the risk of exhausting or of
saturating CfM which can be monitored and regulated. CfM is a simple unifying concept
that is theoretical yet is also applicable across diverse practical settings.
This subset captures how CfM is regulated to manage and reduce the risk of saturation.
This subset asserts CfM is a control parameter, that is, units can monitor and act on
information about the risk of saturation. Note this does not mean they always do this
well. The stronger meaning is that, to produce sustained adaptability, a unit must be a
good regulator of the risk of saturation (following Conant and Ashby 1970).
The risk of saturating CfM (or risk of saturation), operationalized as exhausting the
capacity for maneuver as demands grow or new demands arise, is the central idea in the
theory. CfM is a potential and if that potential gets too low, saturation risk is high. No
matter what is to be controlled or managed, and no matter how well that is controlled or
managed, things can and will change. When that change or new challenge occurs, some
capacity has to be there to draw on to adjust to the change or challenge—otherwise the
system is too brittle and the risk of collapse in performance relative to an important
criterion or dimension is too high.
It is particularly important to note that the capacity for maneuver is a parameter that is
defined by the relationship between events/variations in the environment that demand
response and the capability of the UAB in that environment to respond to those
demanding events by drawing on various resources. Demands refer both to the demands
that have absorbed capacity to respond already and the upcoming demands that will
absorb or exceed the remaining capacity to respond. The capability to continue to make
effective responses in the face of changing streams of demands is the ability to stay “in-
of 16 51
The risk of saturation provides an operational and actionable definition of brittleness and
provides the connection to assess the potential for failure. As a general parameter, it has
scale properties, can be estimated (particularly how it is changing), and that estimate
provides important information about how well a UAB can provide sustained adaptability
(e.g., Farjadian et al. 2018).
Regulating CfM defines a needed adaptive capacity. Thus, research results can be
organized around how CfM is built and lost, how it could be sustained in the face of
competing pressures, what resources are needed, how that capacity should be adjusted to
match information about changes in ongoing or upcoming challenges. Stakeholders can
begin to ask what is the right size of that capacity and its associated resources. If the
capacity is too small, the risk of saturating CfM is too high. If the capacity is too large,
the resources required to produce that level of CfM will erode under the inevitable
pressures for better performance on criteria that apply far from saturation. The latter
pattern has been observed regularly where the capability for graceful extensibility
degrades over time due to production pressures until a brittle failure occurs (e.g., Woods
2005, 2006).
The classic exemplar of regulating CfM as a general capacity is how some human
operators and teams are able to “anticipate bottlenecks ahead” and adapt activities to
generate the capacity to handle that bottleneck or challenge should it arise (e.g., from
studies of expertise at anesthetic management during surgeries). To fail to anticipate and
prepare for the bottleneck ends up putting the team in a situation where they have to
generate the means to respond in the middle of the challenge event—greatly increasing
the risk of decompensation—failing to keep up with the pace and tempo of events. Thus,
decompensation, the risk of being slow and stale to respond to the pace of events, is the
first of three basic failure modes for adaptive systems. The ability to decide on and
deploy actions to effect as the pace of disturbances grow and cascade is critical to the
capacities that make up CfM and the risk of saturating CfM. This pattern is easily seen in
risky operational settings, but it exists at multiple scales for all forms of adaptive systems
(Woods and Branlat 2011).
Sustained adaptability naturally leads one to ask: what does it mean to be always
adapting? Always adapting, being poised to adapt, is a readiness or potential to change
(Wears and Woods 2007; Woods and Branlat 2010, 2011). Always adapting does not
mean you are changing what you do, shifting how you do things, or adjusting what you
have planned all the time, but rather that you’re able to recognize when it is adequate to
continue the plan, to continue to work in the usual way, and when its not adequate to
of 17 51
continue on, given the demands, changes, and context ongoing or upcoming. For
example, studies of accidents have noted (Woods and Shattuck 2000, p. 242):
“In these studies, either local actors failed to adapt plans and procedures to local
conditions, often because they failed to understand that the plans might not fit actual
circumstances, or they adapted plans and procedures without considering the larger goals
and constraints in the situation. In the latter type B problems the failures to adapt often
involved missing side effects of the changes in the replanning process.”
Adaptation can mean continuing to work to plan, but, and this is a very important but,
with the continuing ability to re-assess whether the plan fits the situation confronted—
even as evidence about the nature of the situation changes and evidence about the effects
of interventions changes. Adaptation is not about always changing the plan or previous
approaches, but about the potential to modify plans to fit situations—being poised to
adapt. Space mission control is the positive case study for this capability. See Woods and
Hollnagel (2006, Chap. 8) and Patterson et al. (1999), Watts-Perotti and Woods (2009) for
studies of how space shuttle mission control developed its skill at handling anomalies,
even as they expected that the next anomaly to be handled would not match any of the
ones they had planned and practiced for previously. Successful military organizations are
another positive case study; see the contrasting cases in Finkel (2011).
The ability to stretch, extend, or change what you are doing/what you have planned, and
the ability to recognize when this is needed, has to be there in advance of adapting, even
when there are no adjustments to behavior visible to outside observers. CfM is meant to
capture what has to be there to have the potential for future adaptive action. In particular,
the risk of losing CfM is the signal to monitor that tells an agent or unit that it needs to
adjust and adapt.
As a potential for future adaptive action, CfM, like any concept in biology or physics that
is defined as a potential, has some interesting properties and challenges for developing
sustainable regulatory mechanisms. For example, putting potential into action for some
demands then consumes the potential to respond to other demands. The difficulties in
handling this constraint over time becomes visible when observers examine how critical
resources such as operating rooms and intensive care beds are managed (e.g., Cook
2.3. Subset B: networks of adaptive units
Next, given Statements 1–3 (boundaries, surprise, risk of saturation, and potential),
graceful extensibility depends on how one adaptive unit (UAB) interacts with
neighboring units in a network of interdependent units.
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No single unit, regardless of level or scope, can have sufficient range of adaptive
behavior to manage the risk of saturation alone, therefore, alignment, coordination, and
synchronization are needed across multiple interdependent units in a network—or
synchronization across multiple UABs in a network is necessary.
UABs exist in and are defined relative to a network of interacting and
interdependent UABs at multiple scales → networks with multiple roles, multiple
• As risk of saturating the base adaptive capacity grows, additional adaptive
capacity must be brought to bear, and this requires invoking other UAB that
extend CfM beyond the remaining capacity of the unit at risk of saturation. To
bring additional adaptive capacity to bear, requires alignment, coordination, and
synchronization across multiple units and echelons.
Neighboring units in a network can monitor and influence—constrict or extend—the
capacity of other units to manage their risk of saturation, therefore, the effective range of
any set of units depends on how neighbors influence others as the risk of saturation
increases somewhere in that neighborhood of the network—or, risk of saturation can be
Misalignment and mis-coordination across UABs increases the risk of saturating
control as demands grow and cascade. This creates a second form of adaptive
system breakdown—working at cross purposes where one UAB responds to
demands by managing its CfM in ways that reduce the CfM of UABs nearby or at
a larger or finer scales. When this occurs it reveals a general pattern of responses
that are locally adaptive (from one perspective), but globally maladaptive (from a
different perspective). On the other hand, some UABs monitor the risk of
saturating CfM in another UAB by monitoring signals associated with the
increasing effort to stay in-control. When they recognize that the risk of saturating
the CfM of the other unit is becoming too high, they respond in ways that have the
effect of extending the capacity and behavior of the UAB at risk.
As other interdependent units pursue their goals, they modify the pressures experienced
by a UAB of interest. In response to changing experienced pressures, a UAB searches for
better operating points in a multi-dimensional trade space—or, pressure changes what is
sacrificed when.
of 19 51
In pursuing their goals, a Unit of Adaptive Behavior (UAB) generates pressure on
neighboring UABs. As a result, the goals UABs pursue or prioritize are changed relative
to the pressures they experience and the conflicts these pressures exacerbate or generate.
As the pressures generated by other interdependent units change, the trade-offs a unit
faces change. The pressures experienced influence the search for how to balance or
prioritize across basic trade-offs, especially when trade-offs intensify (Woods 2006). This
constraint poses the research question—what architectural properties of the network
influence the way units in a network respond to varying pressures on trade-offs?
2.3.1. Exposition for subset B
Each UAB must have some capacity to adapt when risk of saturation is high (when trends
on demands risk exhausting CfM relative to deployable response capability), yet no single
UAB has sufficient capability to manage the risk of saturation completely, given bounds
and surprise. As a result, a UAB exists in a network where the activities of nearby units
affect the CfM of the target UAB, either constricting or expanding its CfM (either
intentionally or unintentionally from the perspective of nearby units).
The CfM at any one unit is affected by the activities of interdependent (nearby) units
across a network. When other unit’s activities, relative to their own goals and relative to
managing their own CfM, constrict the unit of interest, the units are working at cross
purposes. This is the second general form of breakdown in adaptive systems (i.e., locally
adaptive but globally maladaptive responses) which relates to how the responses of
nearby UABs constrict, rather than extend, the CfM of other UABs, defined at the same
scale or at larger or narrower scales. Results from a study of hospitals where patients get
stuck in the emergency department (ER) for long periods of time illustrate this process
across UABs in a network (Stephens et al. 2015). This study observed the ICU (intensive
care unit) and the ER working at cross purposes as each group worked hard to achieve the
local goals defined for their scope of responsibility, but each unit pursued their goals in
such a way that made it more difficult for the other group to meet the responsibilities of
their roles. Plus the locally adaptive behavior for each unit undermined the global or
long-term goals that all groups recognized as important (for this case, it is poor care to
leave patients stuck in the ER for long time periods).
Mis-synchronization across roles and echelons can lead a set of UABs in a network to
respond too slowly to a cascading problem, that is, decompensate. A case of “runaway”
automation in financial trading, the Knight Capital collapse in August, 2012, illustrates
how events can challenge coordination across roles so that decisions end up slow and
stale (see
lose-500M-in-a-day-almost-go-bankrupt and
counterfactuals-knight-capital/). In this case, one part of the organization deployed new
of 20 51
software in order to keep up with and take advantage of changes in the industry—and all
changes regardless of type become changes in software for computerized financial
trading. The rollout did not go as expected and produced anomalous behavior. The team
then tried to roll back to a previous software configuration as is standard practice for
reliability. But the rollback produced more anomalous behavior. The roles responsible for
managing the digital infrastructure struggled to understand what produced the anomalous
behaviors and why normal attempts to recover or stop the cascade of effects were
ineffective. Meanwhile, automated trading continued.
The team felt it did not have the authority on its own to stop trading. By the time the team
was able to decide to go to upper management and tell upper management that there was
a problem, that they did not understand the problem, that they were unable to block the
cascade of effects, and that the only action available was to stop trading, tens of minutes
had gone by. When upper management approved and trading was stopped, it was already
too late—so much automatic trading had gone on that the company was left holding an
untenable position in the markets and was, for all practical purposes, bankrupt.
First, this case illustrates how small problems can interact and cascade quickly and
surprisingly given the tangle of dependencies across layers inside and outside the
organization. Second, as effects cascade and uncertainties grow, multiple roles struggle to
understand anomalies, diagnose underlying drivers, identify compensatory actions.
Third, difficulties arise getting authorization from appropriate roles to make non-routine,
risky, and resource costly actions, especially while uncertainty remains. Fourth, all of the
above take effort, time, and require coordination across roles/levels. Meanwhile, time
pressures grow as the situation deteriorates. Fifth, when critical decisions require serial
communication vertically through the network to receive authorization, actions are
almost always unable to keep pace with events, change, and challenge. Thus, the case
illustrates a combination of the two basic failure modes for adaptive systems: inability to
keep pace with events and working at cross purposes, in this case across the vertical
Subset B addresses what is required for a layered network to sustain adaptability. Tangled
layered networks require capabilities that will synchronize the responses across UABs
when one or more of the units in that network start to run out of CfM as surprising
challenges unfold. Thus, some UABs have to be capable of monitoring the risk of
saturation of other UABs or of a region of the network. These UABs also need to be
capable of synchronizing activities across units in new ways to extend the necessary
readiness to respond when demands change, increase, and threaten saturation. In the
above example, Knight Capital did not have the capability to shift to forms of
coordination that could have kept pace with the cascading effects. Other more successful
of 21 51
cases indicate the key properties that provide graceful extensibility. Among these key
properties are the expression of initiative (Finkel 2011) and reciprocity (Ostrom 2003).
2.3.2. What governs the expression of initiative?
Note that initiative is a fundamental property of UABs. A unit with no or reduced
initiative loses its ability to function as a UAB, as its contribution to producing graceful
extensibility drops or disappears. Consistent with the empirical findings (e.g., Woods and
Shattuck 2000; Finkel 2011) and with subset A of the theory, UABs have to possess some
degree and form of initiative to contribute to graceful extensibility.
Initiative is a necessary capability for adaptation that has three parts: (a) the ability of a
unit to adapt when the plan no longer fits the situation, as seen from that unit’s
perspective; (b) the willingness (even the audacity) of a unit to adapt planned activities to
work around impasses or to seize opportunities in order to better meet the goals/intent
behind plans or pursue new goals; (c) when taking the initiative, a unit begins to adapt on
its own, using information and knowledge available at that point, without asking for and
then waiting for explicit authorization or tasking from other units.
On the other hand, initiative can run too wide when undirected, leading to fragmentation,
working at cross purposes, and mis-synchronization across roles in a different way. The
question is—what governs the expression of initiative? The changing pressures generated
by other units energizes or reduces initiative. The changing pressures also constrain and
direct how the expression of initiative prioritizes some goals and sacrifices others goals
when conflicts in the trade space intensify. Changes in the pressures experienced by a
unit changes how that unit moves in the multi-dimensional trade space. In other words,
changing pressure influences what goals are sacrificed as pressures, demands, and risk of
saturation grow (Woods 2006).
The theory poses a key research question: What properties of a network of adaptive units
organize relationships across units so that the expression of initiative is regulated to
produce and sustain graceful extensibility?
2.3.3. Reciprocity
Coordination across units in this theory is based on how nearby adaptive units respond
when another UAB experiences increasing risk of saturating its CfM. Will the
neighboring units adapt in ways that extend the CfM of the adaptive unit at risk? Or will
the neighboring units behave in ways that further constrict the CfM of the adaptive unit at
risk? Ostrom (2003) has shown that reciprocity is an essential property of networks of
adaptive units that produce sustained adaptability.
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It is important to note that all UABs can be in either position depending on events and
context—the unit at risk of saturation in need of assistance from neighbors, or the
neighbor with the potential to assist another at risk of saturation. In networks with high
graceful extensibility, adaptive units demonstrate reciprocity—each unit can anticipate
assistance from neighbors should saturation of their CfM loom larger, even though that
assistance requires adaptations by the assisting units—adaptations that increases the costs
and risks experienced by those assisting units. Reciprocity in the theory of graceful
extensibility means that when an adaptive unit provides assistance that unit “anticipates”
others will adapt to assist them in the future when they are at risk of saturation. In
showing reciprocity, adaptive units take on costs and risks relative to their goals, for
example, expending resources that could have gone to ensuring its own performance
criteria are well met. This is a kind of sacrifice of unit specific performance criteria in
order to ensure gains at neighborhood levels of performance through a form of
synchronization across units. Reciprocity is a mechanism for alignment across units when
crunches occur. Mechanisms like this for goal alignment and sacrifice in a network as
conflicts arise or intensify are evident and needed in biological and in human systems
(e.g., Meyers and Bull 2002; Michod, 2003; Ostrom 2012).
It is easiest to explain reciprocity in terms of the interaction between two roles. UABs 1
and 2 demonstrate reciprocity when UAB1 takes an action to help UAB2 that gives up
some amount of immediate benefit relative to its scope of responsibility. The sacrifice by
UAB1 relative to a narrow view of its role allows for a larger, longer run benefit for both
UABs 1 and 2 relative to the broader goals of the network in which these two units exist.
But in helping another unit manage its risk of saturation, UAB1 is relying on UAB2 to
“reciprocate” in the future—when UAB1 needs help, UAB2 will be responsive and
willing to take actions that will give up some benefit to that role in the short run in order
to make both roles better off relative to common goals and constraints.
One UAB is donating from their limited resources now to help another in their role in
order to achieve benefits for overarching goals. There are limited resources in terms of
energy, workload, time, attention for carrying out each role. Diverting some these
resources creates opportunity costs and workload management costs for the donating unit.
On the other hand, a UAB can ignore other interdependent roles and focus their resources
on meeting the standards set for performance in their role alone (especially if that unit is
under 'faster, better, cheaper' pressure; Woods 2006), even though this can be quite short
sighted and parochial.
Notice the potential instability arises because there is a lag between donating limited
resources and when that investment will pay off for the donating unit. It could pay off in
better performance on larger system goals—an investment toward common pool goals—
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but that effect may be quite difficult to reflect back on and improve matters for the
donating unit. It could also “pay off” in the future when other units make donations of
their limited resources to help the unit donating now when it experiences challenges. The
investment is now, definite, and specific; the benefit is uncertain and down the road. Plus
the receiving unit can act selfishly, exploiting the donating unit, by not being willing to
reciprocate in the future. Aligning the multiple goals will always require relaxing (a
sacrifice) some local short-term (acute) goals in order to permit more global and longer-
term (chronic) goals to be addressed (Woods 2006). For graceful extensibility,
interdependent UABs show a willingness to invest energy to accommodate other units
specifically when the other units are at risk of saturation, rather than just performing
alone, walled off inside its narrow scope and sub-goals.
The creation and decay of reciprocal relations have been explored extensively in social
science and experimental micro-economics as in the Nobel prize winning works of
Ostrom (2012) and Roth (2008). One important point here is that designing for resilient
control in an engineering sense has to incorporate concepts found as fundamental in
studies of human social systems.
In Subset B, the theory of graceful extensibility captures several basic processes that
influence how adaptive units will act when a neighbor is at risk of saturation and whether
units will act in ways that extend or constrict the CfM of the unit at risk. The interplay
across adaptive units will exert pressures on all UABs. These pressures modify the
expression of initiative and reciprocity in ways that extend or constrict CfM of the
network of adaptive units. The theory challenges modelers and empiricists to delineate
how varying pressures across units influence initiative, reciprocity, and other factors in
ways that produce or undermine graceful extensibility.
2.4. Subset C: constraints on maneuver
Given the previous Statements,
Performance of any unit as it approaches saturation is different from the performance of
that unit when it operates far from saturation, therefore there are two fundamental forms
of adaptive capacity for units to be effective and viable—base and extended, both
necessary but inter-constrained—or, pressure for optimality undermines graceful
Managing the risk of saturation of CfM, at a minimum, requires two forms of
interdependent adaptive capacity—‘base’ and ‘extended.’ Base refers to the mechanisms,
resources, and performance characteristics of the UAB when it is operating far from
saturation. Extended refers to the capability to monitor risk of saturation and adapt to
mobilize or generate additional CfM when risk of saturation is high. To extend, adaptive
of 24 51
capacity requires mechanisms that consume resources; investing in the resources that
provide the extended adaptive capacity negatively impacts on base adaptive capacity. And
the reverse holds—improving base adaptive capacity in isolation reduces the resources
that underpin the capacity to extend response capability when risk of saturation is high.
Net adaptive value, as a sense of fitness, includes both.
Adaptive value is a term often used in models of how biological and neurobiological
systems increase their fitness to a changing environment (e.g., Bialek et al. 2007). The
‘value’ refers to the advantage in fitness gained for the unit in question when it adapts.
Adaptive value is seen quite clearly in human sensory systems where adaptation is
ubiquitous (see e.g., Attneave 1954; Brenner et al. 2000; Wark et al. 2007). Models of
neurocomputation in sensory adaptation have to account for the relationship between
behaviors that provide adaptive value and the availability and scarcity of the resources
those processes require (Fairhall et al. 2001; Wark et al. 2009). Sensory systems use a
variety of cues to move a finite range of discrimination power to maximize the fit
between sensing capability and what is valuable to sense, and these systems do this while
keeping pace with a changing stimulus world. Note how the processes of sensory
adaptation illustrate risk of saturation (S1 to S3), the ability of some units to assess
others’ risk of saturation (S4 to S6), mechanisms that are poised to adapt when risk of
saturation is high so as to maintain the capability to perform. In this case, the result is an
expanded dynamic range multiple orders of magnitude greater than the base capability
(e.g., brightness discrimination in human sensory systems).
The theory builds on this tradition and recognizes explicitly that there are two basic kinds
of adaptive value—one far from saturation and another that operates near saturation.
Operating far from saturation, when criteria are oriented toward optimality (that is,
pressures for adding value to base adaptive capacity), gains come from achieving a
reference level of performance from a reduction in resources (more efficiency or
productivity). For graceful extensibility needed near saturation, adding adaptive value
comes from expanding the performance possible from a reference level of resources. This
leverages the adaptive value from a set of available resources to produce and sustain
graceful extensibility. These different forms of value help reveal the trade-off between
these two different, but both critical, forms of adaptive capacity. Reducing resources to
improve performance far from saturation inadvertently targets resources that underlie
graceful extensibility when risk of saturation is growing. This pattern is what has been
seen in systems safety (e.g., the lead up to the Columbia space shuttle disaster; Woods
2005). On the other hand, neurobiology is one realm where systems perform well on both
—despite the trade-off. Neurobiology provides existence proofs that systems can
effectively pursue net adaptive value. Addressing the mystery of sustained adaptability
should lead to the identification of the basic architectural properties that allow networks
of adaptive units to perform well on net adaptive value despite the trade-off (e.g., Doyle
and Csete 2011).
of 25 51
All adaptive units are local—constrained based on their position relative to the world and
relative to other units in the network, therefore there is no best or omniscient location in
the network.
A UAB is embedded in a place relative to an environment and a set of relationships
across a network of UABs. A UAB is responsible for goals relative to its local position in
the network—responsible in the sense that that the UAB experiences that consequences
that result from achieving or failing to achieve its goals. Different UABs in the network
are differentially responsible for different subsets of goals that can interact and conflict.
There are bounds on the perspective of any unit—the view from any point of observation
at any point in time simultaneously reveals and obscures properties of the environment—
but this limit is overcome by shifting and contrasting over multiple perspectives—or,
perspective contrast overcomes bounds.
Each UAB in a network has a perspective where perspective consists of a point of
observation (think of this as the position of a virtual camera) relative to a point of interest
in a scene which defines a view direction and a field of view. The view from any point of
observation simultaneously reveals and obscures properties of the environment. There is
no best perspective. To see perspective requires another perspective (or a perspective
shift). The capacity to shift and contrast perspectives is essential for adaptive action.
There are limits on how well a unit’s model of its own and others’ adaptive capacity can
match actual capability, therefore, mis-calibration is the norm and ongoing efforts are
required to improve the match and reduce mis-calibration—or, reflective systems
continually risk mis-calibration.
Note calibration is how well an agent can model and track its own capabilities and
performance. Mis-calibrated agents usually overestimate their capability to perform a
task and tend to underestimate the difficulties and demands to be faced when carrying out
that activity.
A UAB’s model of itself and others will be mis-calibrated without mechanisms to
shift and contrast perspectives. Mis-calibration risks include all of the parameters
of networks of UABs defined previously (e.g., boundaries, risk of saturation,
demands, perspective).
of 26 51
Since risk of mis-calibration is omnipresent, effort must be invested to reduce risk
of mis-calibration. In other words, since there is a bound on how well models of
capability match actual capability, effort must be invested to improve the match.
To fail to continue to check and adjust calibration means that learning will slow or
stop. This learning breakdown defines the third basic form of maladaptive
behavior: where models of adaptive capacity become stuck and outdated as a
result of change. Given changes afoot, models of demands and models of effective
responses to those demands, which had been adaptive in the past, become stale,
are no longer effective and require revision.
Boundary areas are discovered and known only through the experience of surprise
and the experience of risk of saturation. Furthermore, changing to handle the risk
of saturation produces change to the system adapting. These changes modify what
is base adaptive capacity, and modifies what and when and where surprise occurs.
UABs have models of the their own adaptive capacity (i.e., are reflective) and
models of the adaptive capacity other nearby and nested UABs (across both
horizontal and vertical interdependencies in the network). A UAB has limits on its
ability to model its own and other’s ability to regulate CfM including the risk of
saturating CfM. It tends to underestimate demands and how they change and to
overestimate base adaptive capacity. When mis-calibrated, UABs are under-
responsive to changes in demands and slow to learn and adopt new responses to
handle the changes. As the location of boundaries are uncertain and dynamic, mis-
calibration further limits a UAB’s ability to explore boundary areas and update
models. Thus, mis-calibrated UABs tend to act in ways that constrict the CfM of
other units in the network.
2.4.1. Exposition for subset C: shifting the view of brittleness
Traditionally, brittleness refers to how performance changes when demands push the
network in question near to boundaries, i.e., when a system’s performance declines
rapidly or dramatically near boundaries, it is brittle. In principle, brittleness is a
phenomena that can be directly observed—though once it occurs, the system in question
is damaged and changed. From the perspective of sustained adaptability, the question is—
what can signal brittleness ahead of the losses and damage that result from experiencing a
rapid performance decline?
The risk of saturating CfM provides a signal that can be used to initiate changes to
forestall or limit the potential damage from a rapid fall off in performance. The risk of
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saturating CfM provides an actionable parameter. When risk of saturating CfM is high it
serves as a signal for the UAB at risk and for other nearby UABs to act in ways that
expand CfM of the unit at risk of saturation. The changes initiated to expand performance
are more than just providing graceful degradation, it is a positive set of actions that serve
to extend the ability to respond even as challenges change and grow—graceful
Statement 7 highlights processes that extend adaptive capacity when challenges arise.
The risk of saturating control becomes the trigger for regulation of adaptive capacity. In
effect, risk of saturation becomes an operational definition for stress in the context of the
adaptive universe. Regulation of adaptation occurs in response to the stressor of the risk
of saturation “the consequences of which vary according to the nature of the challenge to
be met” (Caporale and Doyle 2013, p. 22). Regulation of adaptive capacity is triggered or
induced by challenge, where challenge can be an impasse or an opportunity to meet
pressures and goals in new ways or to new degrees. As a potential, regulation of adaptive
capacity needs to operate in anticipation of and keep pace with challenges as they arrive
and build. This requires the ability to read and track the changing patterns of challenge.
Thus, extenders are linked to changing demands.
2.4.2. Net adaptive value
Statement 7 helps lead us to the new concept of net adaptive value. Net adaptive value for
a UAB has two interdependent parts: performance far from saturation and performance as
it approaches saturation. The former is the fitness of its base adaptive capacity to well-
modeled events and variations—its competence envelope. The latter is how a UAB can
extend or stretch when events challenge boundaries. This means that measures of base
adaptive capacity are separate from the measure of brittleness. Two different (but
interdependent) measures are needed to characterize a UAB.
However, well matched at one point in time to its environment, a UAB can be insensitive
to and lag behind changes in its environment. It then needs some basic and ever-present
plasticity or resilience as the potential to generate change in adaptive capacities. The
UAB needs to re-adjust to continue to achieve fitness as it confronts new challenges and
opportunities, as its environment changes and as its relationship to other UABs changes.
This is the performance attribute graceful extensibility—how will a UAB behave when it
confronts situations that fall outside its base range or competence envelope, that is, when
risk of saturation is high?
Graceful extensibility captures the second part of net adaptive value. Systems with high
graceful extensibility have capabilities to anticipate challenges ahead, to learn about the
changing shape of disturbances and possess the readiness-to-respond to adjust responses
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to fit the challenges ahead (Finkel 2011; Woods et al. 2013). But there is a limit on how
much any one UAB can extend its own CfM. Thus, the question becomes how do other
nearby UABs adapt to expand the CfM of the UAB at risk of saturation. Effectively, a
system is resilient, in one sense of this label, when graceful extensibility is high (relative
to changing demands); a system is brittle when graceful extensibility is low. The key
process is the ability to regulate CfM as risk of saturation varies.
Resilience as graceful extensibility asks the question: how does a system function and
adapt when events produce challenges at and beyond its boundaries? Observing/
analyzing how the system has adapted to disrupting events and changes in the past
provides the data to assess that system’s potential for adaptive action in the future when
new variations and types of challenges occur. Hence, the empirical foundation for the
theory comes from analyzing past cycles of adaptation to disrupting events and analyzing
how the system stretched to accommodate or take advantage of the reverberations arising
from those events.
Studies of how systems extend adaptive capacity to handle surprise have led to
characterization of basic patterns in how adaptive systems fail, or their reverse, key
capabilities that are needed to avoid these risks (Woods and Branlat 2011). These three
basic patterns have emerged naturally from the theory. The first pattern is exhausting the
capacity to deploy and mobilize responses as disturbances grow and cascade—
decompensation. Decompensation as a form of adaptive system breakdown subsumes a
related finding called critical slowing down, where an increasing delay in recovery
following disruption or stressor is an indicator of an impending collapse or a tipping point
(Scheffer et al. 2009; Dai et al. 2012). When the time to recovery increases (and/or there
is a decrease in the level recovered to), this pattern indicates that a system is exhausting
its ability to handle growing or repeated challenges. There are many other indicators of
the risk of decompensation. Studies of systems that reduce the risk of decompensation
provide valuable insight about where to invest to produce graceful extensibility. For
example, Finkel (2011) identified characteristics of human systems that produce the
ability to recover from surprise. Interestingly, these characteristics or sources of resilience
represent the potential for adaptive action in the future. They provide a systems with the
capability, in advance, to handle classes of surprises or challenges such as cascading
events. Sources of resilience undergird this capability and providing/sustaining these
sources has its own dynamics and difficulties that arise from fundamental trade-offs
(Woods 2006). For example, mis-calibration can lead organizations to undermine,
inadvertently, their own sources of resilience as they miss how people step into the
breach to make up for shortfalls in adaptive capacity (Stephens et al. 2015).
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The two parts of net adaptive value, then, are robust optimality and graceful extensibility.
Each operates according to a performance/resource relationship (P/R ratio), but different
ones though interdependent ones. Improving UAB performance far from saturation
consumes resources and capabilities in ways that change how that UAB acts near
saturation. And the inverse operates over temporal scales as well: allocating resources to
improve performance near saturation undermines measures of and pressures on
performance (efficiency) far from saturation. In other words, there are two cost/benefit, or
performance/resource, curves that capture systems (near and far from saturation); two
measures are needed to characterize adaptive systems; and the two measures are
interdependent and trade-off. Net adaptive value captures how both robust optimality and
graceful extensibility are balanced for a system (e.g., the concept of robust yet fragile;
Csete and Doyle 2002). Note a system can be improving on robust optimality yet
decreasing on graceful extensibility, as well as gaining on graceful extensibility while
performing lower relative to criteria on robust optimality. The larger question for
sustained adaptability is what architectures can continue to shift this trade-off closer to
hard limits for the system in question, i.e., boost both contributors to net adaptive value
(Doyle and Csete 2011).
One way to see the interaction between robust optimality and graceful extensibility is to
look at the resources required to improve performance near and far from saturation.
Reducing the resources that support base adaptive capacity leads to better scores on
aspects and indicators of robust optimality. There are resources needed to support
graceful extensibility as well. The difficulty arises because graceful extensibility
represents a potential for future adaptive action—adaptive capacity that must be present
before disrupting events call upon that capacity. This means that the resources that
support graceful extensibility will be seen as valuable only if the disrupting events are
experienced regularly or are tangible to the different UABs in the network (i.e., in high
potential for surprise situations). Prior to visible disrupting events, UABs at broader
echelons can see the resources that support graceful extensibility as underused or excess,
and these become targets for resource reductions to improve robust optimality. Thus,
pursuit of improving base adaptive capacity (pressure to be faster, better, cheaper) leads
to increased brittleness as the resource efficiencies will also reduce the resources and
capacities needed to support graceful extensibility [the acute-chronic trade-off; see
Woods (2006) for descriptions of this dynamic in action, and Woods (2005) provides a
tangible tragic case description for the lead up to the Columbia space shuttle accident].
On the other hand, when the need for better performance near saturation is salient
(usually after a sudden collapse or failure has already occurred) a large set of extra
resources become available to support many different capabilities related to graceful
extensibility, for a time. Investing resources may increase performance on graceful
of 30 51
extensibility but the ratio of performance to resources is poor if the resources are large,
smeared all about, and imprecisely targeted. When the ratio of performance to resources
is poor, the investment in improving graceful extensibility will prove unsustainable and
the system in question will slide back into a brittle state (see the history of NASA’s
failures and responses and the discussion in Woods 2005, 2006). Reserves are required
for graceful extensibility but, as in military history, these need to be targeted. Reserves
need certain capabilities designed to handle the regularities about surprise, anticipating
surprise, and how to flexibly respond to surprise (Finkel 2011; Chuang 2018). The
characteristics of reserves that support and create the capability for graceful extensibility
remain to be worked out. Sustained adaptability requires a network architecture that can
continue to find an effective balance between improving robust optimality while
readjusting capabilities for graceful extensibility as pressures, resources, and demands
2.4.3. Mapping a system in terms of UABs?
As in all forms of systems analysis, mapping a system as a (tangled) layered network of
UABs is a matter of perspective and purpose. For some outside perspective driving an
analysis, what criteria can be used in this process?
To decide whether a node in a network functions as a unit of adaptive behavior, ask—
does the provisional unit in question have some capability to continue to extend its
performance when risk of saturation is high? All UABs require some capacity to extend
capacity for maneuver in the face of risk of saturation. If the unit has no ability to extend
then it may be a control agent but it does not really rise to the level of a unit of adaptive
behavior. If a provisional unit has no such capability it is important to re-define the UAB
with a broader scope that draws in neighboring units which do introduce some ability to
extend responses in the face of risk of saturation. The constraint is no single UAB by
itself regardless of scale has sufficient ability to continue to adapt in the face of risk of
saturation. Nevertheless, every UAB needs some capability of its own, but this capability,
in and of itself, is always incomplete, in principle.
UABs cover multiple echelons. Some “upper” echelons operate more distantly from the
physical processes at work, whereas lower echelons operate close to points of action in
the world. Coordination vertically across echelons is needed and the form of coordination
vertically changes relative to the risk of saturation as specified by the theory. For
examples of this vertical interplay both successfully and unsuccessfully see the analysis
of contrasting military cases in Finkel (2011).
What is the role of upper echelons in sustained adaptability? Like the stress response
system in physiology, upper echelons monitor the relationship between upcoming
of 31 51
demands and response capability to continuously assess the risk of saturation. When risk
of saturation is high or increasing, the upper echelon UAB acts to increase capacity for
maneuver by changing relationships, invoking new processes, and bringing to bear new
resources. This means S5 and S6 are quite essential to successful sustained adaptability. If
you ask what should management do in some human system, i.e., an upper echelon UAB,
it should act to regulate the CfM of other UABs based on monitoring the risk of
saturation. Regulating CfM comes from adjusting the interdependencies in the network to
remove potential constrictions and to enhance relationships that expand CfM for the UAB
at risk of saturation. In doing this, the upper echelon UAB redefines the composition of
the network as a set of interacting UABs.
Often upper echelon UABs (and those who would select or design an architecture for a
network of UABs) assume the network can be regulated by a simple switching
mechanism transferring control from one lower echelon UAB to another. The common
example is where the system either works in automatic mode or switches to backup
human manual mode (the system is intended to operate in just one or the other). This is
an extremely crude and not particularly effective architecture. Despite a long record of
not being effective, designers almost universally select this limited architecture as a
starting point. However, it is unstable from the point of view of sustained adaptability.
This architecture always is subject to a significant shortfall in adaptive capacity that
invokes a stopgap response from responsible human roles in the system. That this
common choice turns out badly highlights S5. Some upper echelon UAB needs to
monitor the risk of saturation of other parts of the network and, when that risk is too high,
it needs to act to change the relationships across the network and change the portfolio of
resource investments to support the potential for adaptive action.
Note this process happens at a broad temporal scale where upper echelon units learn
proactively how, where, when extra CfM is needed for graceful extensibility. As a result,
upper echelon units can generate in advance the readiness to respond in the form of what
capabilities are ready to deploy or are mobilizable, when future surprise events occur. The
upper echelons are making, modifying, and sustaining investments in graceful
extensibility as part of balancing net adaptive value.
One example of this comes from Deary’s study of how a large transportation firm had
learned to reconfigure relationships across roles and layers to keep pace with
unpredictable demands. In particular, Deary was able to observe how the organization
used these techniques during Hurricane Sandy in the fall of 2012 (Deary et al. 2013). To
adapt effectively, the organization had to re-prioritize over multiple conflicting goals,
sacrifice cost control processes in the face of safety risks, value timely responsive
decisions and actions, coordinate horizontally across functions to reduce the risk of
of 32 51
missing critical information or side effects when replanning under time pressure, control
the cost of coordination to avoid overloading already busy people and communication
channels, and push initiative and authority down to the lowest unit of action in the
situation to increase the readiness to respond when new challenges arose. New temporary
teams were created quickly to provide critical information updates (weather impact
analysis teams). They stood up temporary local command centers where key personnel
from different functions worked together to keep track of the evolving situation and re-
plan. The horizontal coordination in these centers worked to balance the efficiency-
thoroughness trade-off (Hollnagel 2009) in a new way for a situation that presented
surprising challenges and demanded high responsiveness. In the case of disruptions, this
highly adaptive firm was able to synchronize different groups at different echelons even
with time pressure, surprises, goals conflicts, and trade-offs. The firm had developed
mechanisms to keep pace with cascades and expand/speed coordination across roles,
though these sacrificed economics and standard processes, because this firm’s business
model, environment, clientele, and external events regularly required adaptation even
though critical events or periods occurred less often (Deary 2015).
Biology also speaks to the processes by which units in a network change and develop
over cycles of challenge and adaptation (Bonner 1998; Michod 2003). During an
evolutionary transition, for example, from single cells to multicellular organisms, the new
integrated unit gains its emergent properties by virtue of cooperative interactions among
the local units. Only means for synchronization transfers fitness from the set of local
units (accompanied by costs to these units) to the new integrated unit. As integration of
units creates new levels of potential fitness, it also creates conflict between local and
integrated levels. Hence, the need for architectural principles that guide development to
align goals, balance sacrifices, and manage basic trade-offs so that the changing network
will be able to continue to adapt and evolve as changes continues. The discussion of
reciprocity and governing the expression of initiative provide exemplars of some of the
factors at work.
The capability of some upper echelon UABs to expand the CfM of others is a defining
characteristic of architectures that can sustain adaptability over multiple cycles of change.
The basic policy is to empower decentralized initiative at lower echelons, reward
reciprocity across units, and then to coordinate their activities and relationships over
emerging trends to meet changing priorities. This policy is demonstrated in Finkel’s 2011
analysis which shows how organizations create the basis for adapting successfully to
surprise in military operations. The policy is also illustrated in neurobiology at a far
different scale (Brenner et al. 2000; Wark et al. 2007). Ostrom’s work on how some
human systems are able to avoid the tragedy of the commons (Dietz et al. 2003; Ostrom
2003, 2012) refers to the capability of some UABs to expand the CfM of other units in
of 33 51
poly-centric governance. Understanding how to build and sustain this capability over
change is central to architectures for sustained adaptability. It is quite important to re-
state the basic policy: empower decentralized initiative at lower echelons, reward
reciprocity across units, and then provide means to synchronize their activities and
relationships over emerging trends to meet changing priorities among goals.
UABs are nested and composable over scales. This means the outside analyst has degrees
of freedom in how they aggregate and decompose candidates for UABs when mapping a
network. The starting scope for mapping a network may draw the nesting of UABs too
narrowly or too broadly. If one draws the scope of the UAB too narrowly they may find
the provisional UAB has very limited capability to extend its CfM when risk of saturation
is high; as a result, the analyst should aggregate the UAB to include additional nodes in
the network which provide some capability to extend CfM.
An example of drawing UABs too broadly occurs with an apparently autonomous
vehicle. In this case, the UAB is defined based on the physical platform. But this is much
too broad hiding many important functions and relationships that effect its adaptive
capacities. Instead, mapping the network of UABs requires decomposing the vehicle as it
serves as a platform that is made up of many different and interacting on-board sensors,
control and information processing computations and algorithms (Woods 2016). In such
cases, the analyst should decompose the original unit into a network that makes explicit
the interactions among UABs that are on-board and the interactions with various off-
board UABs, both human roles and other machines, when disrupting events and surprises
occur. In the cases I have mapped, apparently simple autonomous units turn out, when in
contact with real-world variability, to be decomposed into dozens of UABs interacting
over 2–3 echelons and to need assistance from multiple off-board units much more often
than designers anticipated. The appropriate network map changes when anomalies occur
and become visible. Far from saturation, a more aggregated, small set of UABs is
sufficient to characterize a network. As anomalies occur, the few aggregated UABs need
to be decomposed to see a more fine-grained map of units, interactions, and
Mis-calibration, S10, leads to the requirement that UABs possess some reflective
capability in order to produce sustained adaptability. Reflective capability is
operationalized as the ability of a UAB to monitor its own risk of saturation. Mis-
calibration also addresses the ability of a UAB to monitor the risk of saturation in other
UABs. Monitoring the risk of saturation requires a model, either of itself as a UAB or
other UABs, and as always is the case, models are at risk of mis-calibration. The
constraint, as for all agents that function via models, is that UABs must have some ability
to invest energy in revising or updating their models as information comes in or is
of 34 51
searched for (Woods 2017). This monitoring function re-assesses the model’s ability to
capture what is changing in the world, not simply the ability to monitor the world itself.
While models are necessary, they will be surprised.
The limits on models expressed in the theory go even further. All models become stale as
soon as they are embodied and deployed in some form to guide behavior, i.e., a model’s
fitness declines as soon as it makes contact with the variability of the world and the
adaptive behavior of other UABs in the neighboring network.
2.5. Logic of expression
The logic of expression in the exposition of the theoretical ideas flows in several ways
given the structure of the set of 10 statements. First, each statement is a logical claim,
e.g., given bounds are universal, surprise is ongoing. Second, there are logical claims
expressed implicitly in the flow from one statement to others. For example, the
assumptions lead to S1 and S2, then S1 and S2 lead to S3. Third, some of the logical
force derives from the set as a whole (or chunks of it). For example, the logic of the
whole set reveals that boundaries are dynamic and uncertain, yet estimates of the
boundaries are misplaced and overconfident. As a result, sustained adaptability requires a
drive to explore for boundaries and to discover how they shift in an indeterminate
Fourth, combinations of the 10 are inter-linked in interesting ways. S4 and S5 arise when
the assumptions are re-applied to S1 to S3. S1 expresses a limit; S2 expresses that this
limit matters as challenge events will occur; then S8, S9, and S10 expand on the limits of
any unit at any scale. S3, S5, S6, and S9 specify the means available to adapt despite the
constraints captured in the set. These four express how limited units embedded in
neighborhoods of additional adaptive units can act productively despite the limits, if the
network exhibits the right properties. Actually the point is much stronger: the adaptive
capabilities emerge because of the limits. Following Kirschner and Gerhart (2005),
imposing a constraint (of the right kind and at the right place) forces adaptation relative
to the constraint, and thus produces the paradoxical effect of releasing new capabilities.
The capabilities released then have the effect of extending performance (deconstrain)
beyond the limits inherent in the constraints. The set of 10 identifies constraints that lead
to the varieties of emergent adaptive behavior which characterize the rules for generating
sustained adaptability and overcoming the risk of adaptive breakdowns.
3. General discussion
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The theory arises from a fundamental reframing. Instead of seeing the world as linear or
usually operating in the linear region so that stakeholders need only to deal with
complexity as a special case, the theory is based on reversing the framing to make
complexity the universal condition and starting point. Linear islands are special cases
carved out temporarily, and these islands take extra energy to maintain relative to the
omnipresent complexities nipping at their heels. Analogous to entropy—inevitable push
toward disorder in the absence of energy investments—the theory, with the trade-offs and
the laws that result, asserts that complexities will grow and dominate performance in the
absence of continuing energy investments to regulate the varieties of adaptive capacity in
the face of changing risks of saturation.
3.1. Architectures that balance net adaptive value
Attempts to sidestep the constraints in the theory are commonplace. Pursuing continuous
improvements, deploying new computational advances (e.g., the current rhetoric about
the potential of machine learning technologies), adding factors to correct linear
approaches for complexities, all of these have been claimed to make the constraints
captured above moot. But the point of S1 and S2 is that there is no place to hide from the
constraints that every thing has bounds and there are events happening outside those
bounds—model surprise. It does not matter what approach is taken, these constraints
hold; hence, any and all approaches can saturate. This means there are two parallel
regimes: one far from saturation with one kind of performance measures and one near
saturation with different, but interdependent, performance measures.
Any system needs processes that function near saturation to provide graceful extensibility
—otherwise it will prove to be too brittle to be viable in the long run—viability requires
extensibility. Now those processes that function near saturation can be modeled using
various formal machinery too. Let us take one as an example: anomaly recognition.
Anomaly recognition can be modeled in different ways. For example, with statistical
methods for recognition of a change from previous data. There are biological systems
which perform this function and which can be investigated to uncover the underlying
functions. For example, the brain does anomaly recognition (Wark et al. 2009), and one
general brain process that contributes to this capability is adaptation level (a concept that
is quite old in neuropsychology; Attneave 1954). There are various attempts emerging to
capture how neuro-computations might perform anomaly recognition (Bialek et al. 2007).
These become starting points to develop formal and general models, though these models
will have to work at multiple scales that go beyond an explanation at just one, such as the
level of neurological function.
In the end, behavior near saturation is different from behavior far from saturation.
Modeling behavior near saturation can result in quite different explanatory models than
of 36 51
those that capture behavior far from saturation. Both are necessary forms of adaptation.
Interestingly, this has been noted in general as a capability of the brain for a long time—
the ability to continually improve performance to frequently encountered stimuli, while at
the same time remaining sensitive to what is new (being able to recognize what is
different from previous or expected) and being able learn and change to handle these.
Plus, those who have described these two forms of adaptation have also understood that
there is a potential negative interaction between them—when one dominates the other, it
leads to increased vulnerability to failures due to either under- or over-adaptation.
The theory works in part because it provides a minimal set of concepts that logically
express how adaptive systems have these two basic capabilities. The theory also reveals
the interdependence between these capabilities and therefore that there is a trade-off (e.g.,
robust yet fragile emerges naturally from the first few statements; Doyle and Csete 2011).
Many approaches to improve performance far from saturation have the unintended
consequence of degrading performance near saturation. Several dynamic patterns have
been observed that produce this trade-off in human systems and the patterns seem to be
tied to a lack of tangible experience with surprise. The sense of precariousness that can
accompany these surprise experiences provides a mechanism for reducing mis-calibration
about boundaries and the risk of saturation.
Some capability is required for graceful extensibility in any adaptive unit. This
requirement means there are at minimum two performance measures—one for far from
saturation and one for near saturation. And the second measure cannot be zero (if the
second measure is zero, then the item of interest is not an adaptive unit; rather, it is only a
piece of a larger adaptive unit). However, the graceful extensibility of any single adaptive
unit is limited and needs to be supported by responses from other nearby units in the
network. The concept of net adaptive value captures how sustained adaptability requires
systems that can achieve a suitable score and balance on both types of performance
measures in parallel.
Good architectures are able to continue to re-balance the two forms of adaptive capacity
to sustain performance over the long term. Hence, the search for the key architectural
properties that will produce sustained adaptability. Among the questions to consider are
as follows:
• How to assess whether there is enough graceful extensibility and whether the right kind
is present?
• How to sustain graceful extensibility in architectures that can re-balance the two forms
of adaptive capacity?
Graceful extensibility involves interactions across neighbors in the network:
• How can those interactions change to increase extensibility when part of the network
risks saturation?
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• How do other forms of interaction across neighbors reduce graceful extensibility when
part of the network risks saturation?
3.2. Expanding the base competence envelope is not sufficient
The usual assumption is that improving base adaptive capacity far from saturation
consumes a larger and larger share of the variability to be accommodated, leaving the
residual variability to be rare events and “unknown unknowns” that can be safely
downplayed or disregarded. When these rare events occur, in hindsight many signals can
be seen which indicated this risk was present and growing. In other words, the previously
discounted rare event turns out to be part of a class of events that are not so rare after all
(S2). Nevertheless, the standard assumption leads to claims of, “if we just invest in one or
another technology, computational mechanism, or automata then we will expand the
competence envelope to encompass this challenge event, so that the remaining challenges
and variabilities become sufficiently rare again.”
This assumption is mistaken, and the theory makes this clear. Improving performance far
from saturation does not consume a larger and larger share of the variability to be
accommodated. There are always events and changes occurring outside the current
envelope that challenge and fall outside of base capacity to handle. Why? Because the
potential for surprise to occur is omnipresent; the potential for events to push base
adaptive capacity to near saturation is ongoing. There is always some risk of saturation
and thus there is always the need for some capacity for graceful extensibility as challenge
events signal or increase the risk. Without this second capability, the system will be brittle
in the face of surprise, risking collapses in performance that are threats to long-term
viability. Again, improving performance far from saturation does not change the need for
adaptive capacity that comes into play near saturation to produce graceful extensibility.
Hence, net adaptive value must be invoked to provide a measure that combines both
forms of adaptive capacity and how they trade-off.
But the situation is even worse with respect to the standard assumption of ever-expanding
base competence. The continuing need for graceful extensibility also arises as a result of
improving base adaptive capacity far from saturation. This is the fundamental trade-off
between robust optimality and sustained adaptability (or robust yet fragile).
Continual improvement only operates far from saturation. It does not continually reduce
the potential for surprise. But such improvements do change facets of the potential for
surprise leading to the need to re-adjust the response capabilities (and required resources)
needed to handle the new forms of surprise. Let us say this again—continual
improvement does not guarantee a reduction in the potential for surprise, but continual
improvement does change what contributes to the potential for surprise and therefore
of 38 51
what response capabilities are needed to support graceful extensibility. Thus, some
capacity for graceful extensibility is always present and needed; the nature of that
capacity, and the resources required, moves around as the world changes and as the base
capacity changes.
A Reminder: The potential for surprise asks the question—what is the likelihood that the
next event or next period of operation will present a challenge to the base capacity
(Woods and Hollnagel 2006)?
Thus, as base adaptive capacity changes, the risk of saturation remains real. Changes in
base adaptive capacity affect what threatens saturation and affect where and how graceful
extensibility is needed to produce sustained adaptability. Doyle makes the case formally
in a series of analyses with multiple colleagues, and I make the empirical case in the
“essentials” chapter of the first Resilience Engineering book in 2006. There is some
match or fitness between the response capabilities of a system and the range of situations
and variations it experiences. The set where this is well-matched defines the range of
adaptive behavior of a system. This range has limits, events occur outside this range—
potential for surprise. Hence, there is a need for a second range of behavior capable of
extending response capabilities when events challenge or go beyond the boundaries of the
first range. Pursuing performance improvements far from saturation in isolation is likely
to produce unintended side effects that undermine graceful extensibility—reducing net
adaptive value. The theory highlights how both forms, base and extensible, are necessary.
Architectures capable of sustained adaptability are able to achieve and balance both
graceful extensibility (near saturation performance) and robust optimality (performance
far from saturation) to achieve net adaptive value.
As a result, the theory of graceful extensibility reframes optimality. The pursuit of
optimization is a form of pressure on units that arises from other units/levels in the
network. It is one form of pressure arising within TLNs and experienced by units in
TLNs (Subset B and S6). The need to respond to changing pressures, given conflicting
goals, is omnipresent in networks of adaptive units. Computations, however justified,
miss the reality of being caught in a squeeze between conflicting goals as pressures ramp
up. The assumption is the right computations use a policy that provides a best solution to
the conflict and pressures—the end of the story. But adaptive cycles are always stories
about how pressures and conflicts stimulate adaptations. As pressures ramp up, squeezes
intensify; one critical question is what goals get sacrificed first and which last (Woods
2006). This process of re-prioritization gets lost in the pursuit of more optimal
computations because all revision related activities are eliminated or subsumed in the
computations. The theory, really any theory of the adaptive universe, flips the starting
point—adaptive capacities are about the potential to shift and revise what worked
previously as change continues—being poised to adapt.
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3.3. Escaping from the simplification of central command
Whenever stakeholders consider TLNs, there is a common and almost overwhelming
temptation to believe in the need for a central authority or dominating command node in
a hierarchy. Decentralization, and especially pushing initiative closer to points of action
in the world, appears too uncertain. So responsible units, far from points of action, try to
dominate uncertainty and variability. The harder they squeeze to guarantee their
intentions are fulfilled by other parts of the tangled layered network they are part of, the
more the performance they seek slips out of their hands (then they blame the unintended
effects on human error).
The remedy begins with S8—every adaptive unit is local. It is interesting that I had to
make this explicit as a statement in the theory, and, when this is explicit as a fundamental
condition, it causes a great deal of trouble for conventional thinking. One powerful
implication of the bounds on perspective (S9) is that it directly rejects the possibility of
any dominating command node in any tangled layered network. Then S10 adds that the
risk of mis-calibration is so great, the base state is one of misunderstanding, with
continuous effort needed to keep the degree of mis-calibration under control (for a setting
where this is clear see Woods 2017). Every unit is local, only sees part of the world that
matters, and its model of the world is always limited (and therefore in danger of being
wrong in important ways). But all of this is really derives from the first two statements
(bounds and surprise), given the simple two premises of finite resources and change.
The idea that adaptive units are reflective is potentially controversial. The theory as
constructed requires UABs to be reflective, i.e., they have models about their capabilities
and fitness relative to the world and nearby units. But this result is not as strong a
commitment as it might seem—see the classic Conant and Ashby’s 1970 paper on how
every controller is a model. However, the theory produces an important shift to this
classic result—being reflective requires continual effort to reduce mis-calibration.
At this point the objection shifts asking: “how can any network of adaptive units be
designed to work well without a comprehensive view or dominating command view?”
The escape route is CfM as a control parameter—units can monitor and regulate CfM and
the risk of saturation (yes its a trick, but biology shows it’s a good trick for TLNs). The
ability to control CfM and the risk of saturation really exists, but this ability is limited for
each adaptive unit, thus requiring extension by neighboring units in the network of
UABs, assuming the network possesses the right constraints on how they interact. To
escape requires the ability to control CfM and the risk of saturation! This is part of why I
claim the set of 10 statements could be shown to be formal theorems, not just empirical
findings that some networks are able to do this (existence proofs). As in all forms of
of 40 51
control theory, this account provides the demarcation between good and poor control that
is a requirement for such theories.
Resilient control is local and limited yet must be able to balance mechanisms that
improve robust optimality when conditions are far from saturation combined with the
capacity for graceful extensibility when conditions are near saturation. It is important to
note that adaptive units in a tangled layered network are able to continue to demonstrate
graceful extensibility in the face of change and surprise through two layers of local action
(an idea with roots in Ashby 1956): first there is a UAB adapting at some level or scale
and second there is another layer of local action going on but on top of the first—a
neighborhood in a network relative to the unit of interest. Thus, the escape from the need
for a omniscient designer/commander is through coordination across these two layers of
local action—a UAB of interest and a neighborhood of interdependent units horizontally
and vertically that includes the unit of interest. The contrast and interplay across these
two kinds of perspectives—local and neighboring—is a critical process. Different
architectures attempt to characterize how this relationship produces or fails to produce
sustained adaptability over cycles of change. The search for architectural principles for
TLNs focuses on learning what are the cross level constraints between these two layers
that provide the flexibility for sustained adaptability—what architectural constraints
stimulate the continued capacity to adapt to continuing change. For example, history
strongly shows empirically that moving information vertically across layers as a
requirement for adapting plans and activities to changing situations fails to keep pace
with the tempo of events. When the process for revision only runs vertically through
layers, the risk of decompensation failures is high—adaptations will be too slow and stale
(e.g., Woods and Branlat 2011; Finkel 2011).
3.4. Escaping Archimedes trap
The bound on perspective, S9, seems to limit our ability to understand the adaptive
universe. To talk about the adaptive universe—to comment on or reflect on how any TLN
works, one has to adopt a perspective outside it, but the theory says this cannot be done
cleanly. The apparently outside perspective still is from some place in some
neighborhood subject to the constraints in the theory. In other words, to see the limits and
possibilities of one perspective requires a second one to see what is obscured in the first
one—perspective contrast. This is why moving the point of observation is so powerful at
revealing the structure of the world in human perception (see Morison et al. 2015 for
concrete illustrations of this for people using robots with sensors to explore distant
scenes). While each perspective is limited, contrast across perspectives provides a way to
overcome the limits of each. Perspective contrast occurs over different units each local
and at risk of mis-calibration, as well as perspective shifts that occur over time for a
of 41 51
single unit. The outside perspective is not really outside but rather part of a network that
overlaps with and influences the original neighborhood of interest.
But the combination of S8, S9, and S10 goes much further in constraining the search for
good architectures. To model a TLN appears to require adopting a perspective outside
that network. As Archimedes is attributed to have said, “give me a place to stand and,
with a lever, I will move the earth.” Similarly for the adaptive universe, modelers assume
or assert they occupy a position outside the system/network they model. In this way they
can see the model as optimal if one organizes the activities of that network to match the
model—not the actual world where the network exists. The trap for Archimedes is that
there is no place to stand outside of the Earth. The trap for modeling is:
The act of modeling expands the network modeled to encompass the modeler.
In modeling, the modeler becomes part of the network in the adaptive universe,
expanding the network to include the modeler and a region of units related to the
modeler. Modelers when setting up algorithms to optimize or learn or control do not
model themselves as part of the system and think they exist outside the system of interest
—optimization assumes a nearly omniscient modeler. One might say, like Archimedes,
they are asserting there is a virtual “omniscience” point outside any system where the
modeler resides—an Archimedes Point. For sustained adaptability of TLNs, the goal is to
understand how adaptation to changing constraints (including opportunities) can go on
without recourse to any outside modeler, designer, or commander.
The paradox is bold: modeling appears to require a perspective outside the region of the
network to be modeled, but using that model to imply or assert changes to the network
means that the modeler becomes a unit in the network of interest subject to the limits
expressed in the theory. The goal is defined usually as building the right model, or
building a better model than previously, but bounds, change, and surprise, eventually will
lead to events that challenge the limits of the model (surprise is model surprise). The third
subset of theory (mis-calibration S10 plus locality and bounds on perspective S8/S9)
points out the critical capability in the adaptive universe is the ability to revise or update
models in pace with change (Woods 2017).
Thus, the theory contains the route for escape from the trap. Its not the place we stand nor
where we position our view that matters; what matters is the contrast that emerges when
we shift perspective. The constraints on perspective end up eliminating any possibility in
the real world of a dominating omniscient perspective from which one can see all, know
all, and do all. In the adaptive universe it is not how well you have performed, its the
ability to change from what has worked previously. Thus, the logic of the theory returns
to the need for some graceful extensibility at the boundaries of previous function, the
of 42 51
constraints on graceful extensibility, and the need to anticipate the effect of changes on
net adaptive value.
3.5. Buffering is insufficient
The biggest driver of the need for graceful extensibility is past success—to put it
concisely, adaptive behavior hijacks success. This was originally captured as the Law of
Stretched Systems (Woods and Hollnagel 2006; Hoffman and Woods 2011). Success,
defined as improvements on some attributes over some subset of the TLN, creates
opportunities for other levels or parts of the TLN. The result is not extra room relative to
boundaries (bigger margins or larger buffers)—at least not for long. Instead, the follow-
on adaptations result in the improvement being consumed, leaving the unit originally
gifted to operate again under pressure to meet new demands with barely adequate
resources that force trade-offs. Instead of reducing the risk of saturation for the unit in
question, the change serves only to move around when, where and how the unit risks
Relaxing pressure or increasing the ratio of resources relative to demands is not stable or
sustainable over longer horizons regardless of how any improvement relaxes the ratio of
performance relative to resources in the short run. In other words brittleness will grow
again, as in the adaptive universe, pressures reassert from within and from without the
neighborhood of the network (S6). In the end, regardless of improvements, risk of
saturation remains even if the specifics of how saturation occurs change. Units in the
TLN have to have the separate capability to manage risk of saturation; the general form
of this capability remains the same even as the detailed expression varies to meet specific
threats for a specific network at each stage of its evolution. As in biology, specialization
changes the environment in ways that eventually produce new challenges to the viability
of the more specialized (or more optimal) unit.
The key then is understanding how UABs interact when at least one of them is at risk of
• How do they interact to produce graceful extensibility?
• How does the unit at risk signal others and recruit their involvement in ways that extend
the CfM of that unit or of the inter-related set within the TLN relative to the demands
ongoing and ahead?
• How do other nearby units recognize that one is at risk of saturating CfM and modify
their activity or relationship to extend the CfM of the unit at risk or the related set of
• How do nearby units, when they are at risk of saturation, act to constrict CfM of another
unit or how do nearby units enable additional CfM when another interdependent unit is at
risk of saturation?
of 43 51
3.6. The network indeterminacy principle
The above points that emerged from the theory of graceful extensibility pack one more
surprise—the Network Indeterminacy Principle: networks of adaptive units are fluid,
changing as they are modeled and changing as adaptation occurs (e.g., Ormerod and
Colbaugh 2006). Which moves in a landscape will provide adaptive value, change. The
value of changes is modified (a) as other units move, (b) as the network changes, (c) as
the environment changes, and (d) as units’ understanding of the network they are part of
changes. Archimedes trap is one facet—modeling changes the network modeled. The
Law of Stretched Systems is another facet—adaptive behavior hijacks past successes
leading to new pressures and relationships. But current approaches to understand
complex networks violate the Network Indeterminacy Principle when they assume nodes
and links are fixed rather than fluid and evolving.
4. Future directions
The theory is an integration of results from control theory, distributed cognitive systems,
and human organizations, with some hints from biology, as systems that serve human
purposes increasingly exist in a tangled and layered network of interdependent and
adaptive units. The result is the theory of graceful extensibility which sets out basic rules
about how networks of adaptive units continually search for answers to the question of
what is fitness.
The theory of graceful extensibility provides a structure that explains formally many
observed empirical patterns. This paper is not intended to cover the explanatory linkage
from the theory to observed phenomena of brittleness and resilience in action. This paper
is needed first as it lays out the theory’s key ideas and logic. In this process, I have made
reference to a variety of empirical findings as they have played a role in developing the
key ideas. Future work can then propose and test the explanatory power. Even more
important though is the power of the theory to influence architecture: how does it help
discover architectural principles for regulating networks in complex settings so that
adaptive power can continue to search for fitness over multiple cycles of change
(Alderson and Doyle 2010).
The theory of graceful extensibility provides an account that addresses the six desiderata
set out at the beginning of this paper. Important trade-offs emerge directly from the
theory (e.g., robust yet fragile), while others were surprisingly necessary as base
statements in themselves (e.g., bounds on perspective). The three forms of how adaptive
systems fail identified by Woods and Branlat (2011) emerge naturally from the theory.
The theory provides the concept of capacity for maneuver (CfM)/risk of saturation as the
scalable, positive means for control for all adaptive units and for neighborhoods of
of 44 51
interacting units. Empirical evidence indicates that human systems do monitor and
regulate CfM so as to reduce the risk of saturation, and new kinds of control systems can
be developed that utilize this construct for specific but diverse settings (Fariadian et al.
2018). This concept of capacity for maneuver leads to a new operational definition of
brittleness. CfM provides criteria for desirable network properties, those that extend
rather than constrict capacity for maneuver when a unit is at risk of saturation. As a result,
some network properties emerge as critical, e.g., reciprocity, which also have been
identified in the empirical literature. Reciprocity illustrates how the theory integrates
some social science findings—Ostrom’s work, with results in control theory—saturation,
and generates a new and more actionable operational definition of reciprocity as a basic
concept. The theory provides a starting point for developing new ways to assess
unintended reverberations in TLNs—one notable pattern, how pursuit of optimization by
some units can increase pressures on other units in ways that reduce reciprocity and
therefore reduce the graceful extensibility needed to handle surprise events. The theory
shows that distant roles will overestimate what the base envelope can handle competently
and underestimate the potential for surprise, which then leads to reduced graceful
extensibility and lower net adaptive value. The theory shows that the dynamic of
miscalibration is more than an occasional empirical occurrence. Rather, miscalibration is
emergent system property independent of specific people or organizations that requires
architectural safeguards.
The theory is a starting point. How valuable is this one account? Is it only provisional, or
does it capture a portion of the fundamentals? One hope is that attempts like this one
define a baseline that serves as a floor for other potential integrations and comprehensive
explanations. Today there is too much noise generated as there are so many lines of
inquiry starting from so many different backgrounds with very different purposes for
different stakeholders (IRGC 2016).
Another hope is this paper does express a minimal set of basics that can produce
explanations for a very wide set of regularities and patterns—and can lead inquiry to
uncover new patterns as well. Third, and perhaps most important, the potential value of
this set depends on whether it can serve to guide the development of architectures for
TLNs that lean toward sustainable adaptive capacities and away from architectures that
undermine adaptive capacities.
At the heart of the theory of graceful extensibility is the fundamental concept of
managing risk of saturation via regulating the capacity for maneuver—both at the level of
an adaptive unit and at the level of a network where neighboring adaptive units interact as
risk of saturation increases. This idea is put forward as a general and actionable control
mechanism for TLNs of adaptive units of all types and over all scales. Initial work
of 45 51
already demonstrates the potential for this concept to lead to new types of resilient
control mechanisms (Fariadian et al. 2018).
Are the statements in the theory theorems or empirical generalizations? Are they the
fundamental bedrock or do they only mark out way posts in the search for the
fundamental driving properties of the adaptive universe? Do the characteristics
highlighted only apply to the sphere of human adaptive systems or do they cover all
networks of adaptive systems regardless of scale or inclusion of human roles and
organizations? Whatever the paths of inquiry reveal in the future, this attempt at
capturing fundamentals offers a comprehensive but provisional account for debate, as
researchers search for the bedrock of how the adaptive universe works.
The development of the theory has benefited from reactions, both positive and negative,
from many people engaged in debates about complexity, safety, and resilience. I would
like to thank the Resilience Engineering community and all of those who have invited me
to speak on the theory for stimulating inter-disciplinary lines of inquiry to make risky
systems less brittle and more resilient. This research is supported in part by funding from
National Science Foundation, Grant No. 1549815.
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