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Development of Mindfulness in Relational Context: Construction and Validation of Relational Mindfulness Training (RMT)


Abstract and Figures

Objectives: The application of mindfulness at work has experienced growing demand in recent years. This progress also brings new challenges for the field, such as the necessity to respect the dynamic environment of contemporary organizations and moving mindfulness practice closer to the social interactions. We created Relational Mindfulness Training (RMT), an 8-week mindfulness-based intervention, in order to address the lack of evidence in the field of relational mindfulness. Sample and setting: Our study has examined the effects of RMT intervention on the sample of 66 students. The first measurement occurred one week prior to the start of intervention (T1). The second measurement occurred one week after the end of intervention (T2). Hypotheses. We hypothesized that the participation in RMT would have positive significant effects on mindfulness, self-compassion, authentic leadership and empathic accuracy. Statistical analysis. The analysis of variance was used to access the differences between the experimental and control group between T1 and T2 and the paired sample t-test was used to assess the effects within both groups between T1 and T2. Results: Our findings suggest that training in relational mindfulness may enhance the curriculum of management education. RMT showed a significant positive effect on mindfulness, self-compassion and authentic leadership. This study is, according to our knowledge, the first one that validates the effects of a relational-based mindfulness program in management education and the first one to validate the effects of MBI in the Czech Republic. Study limitation: Most variables in our study were assessed by self-report questionnaires, we, however, used most common questionnaires in the field. The study was also not fully blinded and thus it might have been possibly biased by placebo or experimenter effect.
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244 / Předběžná sdělení
   -
     
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Došlo: 
M. Vich, M. Lukeš
Objectives.     
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Sample and setting. 
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Hypotheses. -
    -
Statistical analysis.    
 
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Study limitation.     
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     
  .      
key words:
klíčová slova:
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          
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          
Positive Effects of Mindfulness
  
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Individual and Relational Mindfulness Practice
          -
   
  
   
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Relational Mindfulness Training (RMT) and its Hypothesized Effects
     
   
      
    
Hypothesis 1. Relational Mindfulness Training leads to higher mindfulness.
       
           
      
     
Hypothesis 2. Relational Mindfulness Training leads to higher self-compassion.
          -
    
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       
          
       
            
Hypothesis 3. Relational Mindfulness Training leads to higher authentic leader-
           
            
Hypothesis 4. Relational Mindfulness Training leads to higher empathic accuracy.
Program Description
   
           -
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          
 -
          
          
       
   
     
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   
         
Self-Compassion.  -
     
Authentic Leadership.
Empathic Accuracy.        
Table 1 
   
    
    
    
    
    
    
      -
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   
Table 2
M   
   
    
     
     
  
       
   -
p   -
      
t pd
t pd 
t pd
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t dt 
Table 3
  
   
     
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      
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   
   
    -
   F   p  d  -
     
            
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            
Limitations and Future Directions
    
   
  
 
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  
Contribution to Mindfulness Research and Implications for Academic
and Organizational Settings
           
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The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of the
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tion Online18
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ior Therapy35
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Journal of Management42
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The Art of Communicating
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    Journal of
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       
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ogy Quarterly28
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Research and Therapy48
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tional Behavior, 82
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Self and Identity2
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nal of Clinical Psychology69,
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and Practice, .
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 Training and Education in Profes-
sional Psychology1
     
Journal of Behavioral Medicine21
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Journal of Mental Health and Addiction12
         -
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psychotherapy: Second edition  
    
  The Annual Review of
Organizational Psychology and Organiza-
tional Behavior3
   Search inside yourself: The
unexpected path to achieving success, hap-
piness (and world peace).
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Central European Business Review4
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Smart and efcient economy: Prepa-
ration for the future innovative economy
    
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Journal of Biomedical Sci-
ence and Engineering7
 
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Cíle. -
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Metoda. -
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Statistická analýza.   
Výsledky. -
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Limity.      
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... Studies that examined long-term effects in the case of classic mindfulness or LKM practice, however, show mixed findings (e.g., Oman et al., 2008;Perich et al., 2013;Shapiro et al., 2011;Weibel et al., 2016). Recent studies have also focused on relational mindfulness (also known as interpersonal mindfulness), that entails the development of mindfulness and loving-kindness within social interaction, which has been suggested as a suitable practice for flourishment in dynamic social environments (Falb & Pargament, 2012;Kohlenberg et al., 2015;Surrey & Kramer, 2013;Vich & Lukeš, 2018). Meanwhile, sustaining the effects of training in relational mindfulness seems to be even more challenging than in the case of training in classic mindfulness based on individual meditations, because it occurs mostly in triads or dyads, and thus it seems to be more dependent on the active presence in the particular training group (Kramer, 2007). ...
... The main goal of RMT is to help participants to be more present, aware and kind towards themselves and others during everyday social interactions These goals are achieved through the development of a capability to be present during conversations and to apply and further develop other related principles of mindfulness and LKM in any particular moment (Falb & Pargament, 2012;Vich & Lukeš, 2018). RMT helps train this capability through facilitated practices in dyads (dyadic mindful dialogue) or the main group (mindful group discussion) during which the participants are frequently invited to make a silent pause and engage in short relational mindfulness micro-practices (see Figure 2). ...
... Western Therapeutic approaches such as Gestalt Therapy and Coaching, Person-Centered Therapy, or Bohmian Dialogue (Falb & Pargament, 2012;Surrey & Kramer, 2013). There are only a few studies that have already examined the effects of training in relational mindfulness (Bowen et al., 2012;Jennings et al., 2013;Hildebrandt et al., 2017;Kohlenberg et al., 2015;Kok & Singer, 2017;Vich & Lukeš, 2018), but they have brought some pioneering evidence into the field. However, only three studies (Hildebrandt et al., 2017;Kok & Singer 2017;Vich & Lukeš, 2018) have examined an intervention that has a primary focus on the practice of relational mindfulness. ...
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Recent studies showed mixed findings regarding the sustainability of the effects of mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation interventions. This study, conducted on a sample of 128 management students divided into treatment and control groups, is the first that examines the long-term effects of the training in relational mindfulness. We focus on Relational Mindfulness Training (RMT), an 8-week intervention designed to help participants to be more present, aware, and kind towards themselves and others during social interactions. The results show a significant long-term impact of RMT on self-compassion, perceived stress and mindfulness. The impact of RMT on compassion and subjective happiness was significant in the short run, but only marginally significant in the long run for compassion and non-significant for subjective happiness. Furthermore, individuals who maintained an individual practice in the follow-up period showed notably better results concerning all examined effects, except compassion. The results suggest that the development of compassion is more dependent on the context of a training group. We provide recommendations for future interventions in order that they can make a more sustainable impact on compassion.
... At the individual level, its use has been presented as beneficial in resolving cognitive failings (e.g. depression, burnout, anxiety, stress, …) (Burgdorf et al., 2019;Kaplan et al., 2017;Ofei-Dodoo et al., 2020;Querstret et al., 2018;Romero-Martín et al., 2022;Sharma et al., 2015;Sun et al., 2021), in the cognitive performance of healthy people in different contexts (Ahuja, 2020;Baijesh, 2015;Daya and Hearn, 2018;Goldhagen et al., 2015;Gotink et al., 2015;Kudesia, 2019;McGarvie, 2020;Mielke, 2019;Ofei-Dodoo et al., 2020;Roeser et al., 2013;Sun et al., 2021;Vich and Lukeš, 2018;Wang et al., 2016), as a facilitator of social relations, in well-being, and in more positive human action (Allen and Paddock, 2015;Good et al., 2016;Ihl et al., 2020;Inceoglu et al., 2018;Sharma et al., 2015;Zivnuska et al., 2016). At the organisational level, scientific evidence reveals that mindfulness promotes well-being and performance ( (Dane and Brummel, 2014;King and Haar, 2017;Reb and Atkins, 2015) and mindfulness-based approaches are increasingly adopted in different work environments (Sajjad and Shahbaz, 2020). ...
Purpose: The study of mindfulness is still shown to be of interest in different aspects of organizations and/or businesses. Therefore, this study aims to present an integrative, multi-level model of mindfulness based on a holistic approach that can contribute to better governance practices and lead to competitive advantages. Design/methodology/approach: To fulfil this aim, an extensive integrative review of the literature, from the main articles about this topic, was made. Findings: This study shows that the concept of mindfulness, a conscious presence or full attention and its relation with organisations or firms’ personal, behavioural and social characteristics, in the current context of great adversity, uncertainty and unpredictability, is of interest at the individual, organisational and social level. Practical implications: This conceptual study has important implications for both practice and theory. It demonstrates that mindfulness significantly impacts the manager/business person’s ecosystem at the individual, organizational and social levels, particularly in relation to sustainable development goals (SDGs). Originality/value: This study introduces a comprehensive theoretical model that explains this relationship and organizes information from a multi-level perspective. This approach can contribute to the advancement of theory by clarifying and discussing the role of mindfulness at the individual, organizational, and societal levels. It also identifies opportunities and outlines future research directions, aiming to promote more sustainable development.
... Meditation experiments help enhance intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships because members become more open and more relaxed to relate and connect with themselves and others (Gold & Zahm, 2022). Relational Mindfulness Treatment is an appropriate practice and individual and relational practices are compatible (Marek & Lukes, 2018;Surrey, 2005). ...
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Mindfulness research activity is surging within organizational science. Emerging evidence across multiple fields suggests that mindfulness is fundamentally connected to many aspects of workplace functioning, but this knowledge base has not been systematically integrated to date. This review coalesces the burgeoning body of mindfulness scholarship into a framework to guide mainstream management research investigating a broad range of constructs. The framework identifies how mindfulness influences attention, with downstream effects on functional domains of cognition, emotion, behavior, and physiology. Ultimately these domains impact key workplace outcomes, including performance, relationships, and well-being. Consideration of the evidence on mindfulness at work stimulates important questions and challenges key assumptions within management science, generating an agenda for future research.
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This paper focuses on the current state of art in mindfulness research on workplace and identi es some of the necessary steps and risks in the creation of mindful leadership theory. Mindfulness has the potential to e ectively address three topical organizational challenges of growing demands on adaptability, prevailing issues of work-related stress and the necessity to raise the moral level in organizations. Current studies seem to suitably respond to the issues of work-related stress; however, the challenges of adaptability and morality so far lack appropriate empirical validation. Lack of empirical support is also noticeable in the case of mindful leadership theory as most studies still focus solely on individual leader development. However, it is important to start to discuss the suitable core variables of mindful leadership now as a clear dii erentiation from other leadership approaches like authentic leadership will be crucial for successful creation of mindful leadership theory. This paper also presents recommendations for entrepreneurs and managers willing to incorporate mindfulness into their organizational settings.
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Perspective taking, defined as the ability to take on the visual, cognitive, and affective perspective of others, is considered a highly adaptive skill, vital for the child’s social, intellectual, and emotional development. This article provides a critical analysis of scientific psychological literature from 1995 to the present on the main methods of intervention used to promote perspective taking in developmentally typical preschool children (3-5 years). The focus is on different methodological approaches, and how the cognitive and emotional dimensions that make up this capacity have been developed through specific operational procedures, emphasizing their strengths and critical factors. In particular, it focuses on the intervention methods based on three major analytical perspectives, specifically the cognitive approach [Theory of Mind (ToM)], the behaviorist approach [Relational Frame Theory (RFT)], and finally, the socio-constructionist approach, are compared. Analysis of the collected data has revealed that despite some critical yet controversial factors, it is actually possible to teach and improve perspective taking in preschoolers through different methods, applicable in different contexts and dependent on the involvement of significant adults, such as parents and educators.
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In this study, the performance of Sevcik’s algorithm that calculates the fractal dimension and permutation entropy as discriminants to detect calming and insight meditation in electroencephalographic (EEG) signals was assessed. The proposed methods were applied to EEG recordings from meditators practicing insight meditation and calming meditation before as well as during both types of meditation. Analysis was conducted using statistical hypothesis testing to determine the validity of the proposed meditation-identifying techniques. For both types of meditation, there was a statistically significant reduction in the permutation entropy. This result can be explained by the increased EEG synchronization, which is repeatedly observed in the course of meditation. In contrast, the fractal dimension (FD) was significantly increased during calming meditation, but during insight meditation, no statistically significant change was detected. Increased FD during meditation can be interpreted as an increase in self-similarity of EEG signals during self-organisation of hierarchical structure oscillators in the brain. Our results indicate that fractal dimension and permutation entropy could be used as parameters to detect both types of meditation. The permutation entropy is advantageous compared with the fractal dimension because it does not require a stationary signal.
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This research examines the influence of leaders’ mindfulness on employee well-being and performance. We hypothesized that supervisors’ trait mindfulness is positively associated with different facets of employee well-being, such as job satisfaction and need satisfaction, and different dimensions of employee performance, such as in-role performance and organizational citizenship behaviors. We also explored whether one measure of employee well-being, psychological need satisfaction, plays a mediating role in the relation between supervisor mindfulness and employee performance. We tested these predictions in two studies using data from both supervisors and their subordinates. Results were consistent with our hypotheses. Overall, this research contributes to our understanding of leadership by examining the foundation of supervisors’ effectiveness in their awareness and attention. It also contributes to our understanding of mindfulness by examining its interpersonal effects in a very important domain of human life: the workplace.
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We assessed the effectiveness of an adapted Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program on educator stress and well-being. The study included 36 high school educators who participated in either an eight-week adapted MBSR program or a wait-list control group. Results suggested that educators who participated in MBSR reported significant gains in self-regulation, self-compassion, and mindfulness-related skills (observation, non-judgment, non-reacting). Significant improvements in multiple dimensions of sleep quality were found as well. These findings provide promising evidence of the effectiveness of MBSR as a strategy to promote educator’s personal and professional well-being. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.
Employees struggling with work‐related cognitions, emotions, and associated energy levels during non‐work time can find their private roles impaired and work – life balance derogated. To reduce unwanted psychological preoccupation with work concerns, boundary theory suggests employees find their ideal way to integrate or segment both life domains. In this study, the authors design and evaluate an intervention teaching mindfulness as a cognitive – emotional segmentation strategy to promote work – life balance. They use a randomized waitlist control group design to evaluate effects of a 3‐week online self‐training intervention, with 246 employees participating at pre‐ and post‐test, and 191 participating at a 2‐week follow‐up. As expected, experimental group participants, compared with control group participants, experienced significantly less strain‐based work – family conflict and significantly more psychological detachment and satisfaction with work – life balance. Practitioner points Mindfulness, a cognitive – emotional segmentation strategy, enables employees to balance between work and private life. Voluntary organizational health and work – life balance programmes should include low‐cost but effective brief mindfulness interventions.
During recent years, mindfulness-based approaches have been gaining relevance for treatment in clinical populations. Correspondingly, the empirical study of mindfulness has steadily grown; thus, the availability of valid measures of the construct is critically important. This paper gives an overview of the current status in the field of self-report assessment of mindfulness. All eight currently available and validated mindfulness scales (for adults) are evaluated, with a particular focus on their virtues and limitations and on differences among them. It will be argued that none of these scales may be a fully adequate measure of mindfulness, as each of them offers unique advantages but also disadvantages. In particular, none of them seems to provide a comprehensive assessment of all aspects of mindfulness in samples from the general population. Moreover, some scales may be particularly indicated in investigations focusing on specific populations such as clinical samples (Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale, Southampton Mindfulness Questionnaire) or meditators (Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory). Three main open issues are discussed: (1) the coverage of aspects of mindfulness in questionnaires; (2) the nature of the relationships between these aspects; and (3) the validity of self-report measures of mindfulness. These issues should be considered in future developments in the self-report assessment of mindfulness.