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Efficacy of bariatric surgery in improving metabolic outcomes in patients with diabetes. A 24-month follow-up study from a single center in the UAE

Taylor & Francis
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity
  • Dubai Hospital, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE

Abstract and Figures

Background Owing to its impact on weight loss, remission of diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome, bariatric surgery has offered hope for grossly obese individuals. In recent years, obesity has increased in the UAE and the use of bariatric surgery has increased in-line with this trend. However, data regarding bariatric surgery outcomes in diabetic Emirati people is scarce. Objective To evaluate the effect of bariatric surgery in patients with diabetes mellitus. Methods This is a retrospective analysis of diabetic patients treated with bariatric surgery with a minimal follow-up of 1 year and extended for some patients (21) to 2 years follow up. A total of 80 patients underwent bariatric surgery. Two surgical procedures were used; laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (n=53) or mini-gastric bypass between January 1, 2015, and July 20, 2017. Results Mean baseline weight was 119.2±31.2 kg, this has significantly dropped to 100.1±23.1, 91.2±22.3, 82.3±17.5, and 81.3±15.3 kg at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months respectively, and this change was statistically significant P<0.001 at each time point. Mean baseline HbA1c was 8.6% ± 2.3% and this dropped significantly to 6.5±1.7, 5.9±1.2, 5.6±0.8, and 5.4±0.7 at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months respectively (P<0.000). In 49 (61.3%) we considered fatty liver based on ultrasound features either with or without elevation in alanine aminotransferase (ALT). We noticed a significant decrease in ALT at 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery. Furthermore, 11 patients (22.4%) showed sonographic features of improvement in fatty liver in addition to normalization of ALT. Conclusions Bariatric surgery was effective over a follow-up period of 2 years in achieving significant weight loss as well as resulting in improvements in glycemic control, blood pressure, and fatty liver.
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Open Access Full Text Article
Efcacy of bariatric surgery in improving
metabolic outcomes in patients with diabetes.
A 24-month follow-up study from a single center
in the UAE
Hanadi Alnageeb1
Elamin Abdelgadir2
Azza Khalifa2
Mohamed Suliman3
Subash Chander Gautam4
Laurent Layani4
Sriganesh Subramaniam4
Alaaeldin Bashier2
1Medical Department, Fujairah
Hospital, Fujairah, UAE; 2Endocrine
Department, Dubai Hospital, Dubai
Health Authority, Dubai, UAE;
3Endocrinology, Imperial College
London Diabetes Centre, Al Ain,
UAE; 4Surgical Department, Fujairah
Hospital, Fujairah, UAE
Background: Owing to its impact on weight loss, remission of diabetes mellitus and metabolic
syndrome, bariatric surgery has offered hope for grossly obese individuals. In recent years,
obesity has increased in the UAE and the use of bariatric surgery has increased in-line with this
trend. However, data regarding bariatric surgery outcomes in diabetic Emirati people is scarce.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of bariatric surgery in patients with diabetes mellitus.
Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of diabetic patients treated with bariatric surgery with
a minimal follow-up of 1 year and extended for some patients (21) to 2 years follow up. A total of
80 patients underwent bariatric surgery. Two surgical procedures were used; laparoscopic sleeve
gastrectomy (n=53) or mini-gastric bypass between January 1, 2015, and July 20, 2017.
Results: Mean baseline weight was 119.2±31.2 kg, this has significantly dropped to 100.1±23.1,
91.2±22.3, 82.3±17.5, and 81.3±15.3 kg at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months respectively, and this change
was statistically significant P<0.001 at each time point. Mean baseline HbA1c was 8.6% ± 2.3%
and this dropped significantly to 6.5±1.7, 5.9±1.2, 5.6±0.8, and 5.4±0.7 at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months
respectively (P<0.000). In 49 (61.3%) we considered fatty liver based on ultrasound features
either with or without elevation in alanine aminotransferase (ALT). We noticed a significant
decrease in ALT at 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery. Furthermore, 11 patients (22.4%) showed
sonographic features of improvement in fatty liver in addition to normalization of ALT.
Conclusions: Bariatric surgery was effective over a follow-up period of 2 years in achieving
significant weight loss as well as resulting in improvements in glycemic control, blood pres-
sure, and fatty liver.
Keywords: sleeve gastrectomy, type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, excess weight loss, HbA1c,
weight, bariatric surgery, Middle East, UAE
Obesity is gradually becoming a global health concern. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), worldwide prevalence of obesity has tripled since 1975.1 As of
2016, around 39% of adults aged 18 years or older were overweight, and 13% were
obese.1 The estimated prevalence in the Middle East does not differ remarkably from
international records, as the WHO has reported over 74% and 69% overweight women
and men, respectively. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), in particular, is one of six
Middle Eastern countries with the highest rates of overweight and obesity.2
Sheikh-Ismail et al3 demonstrated that the prevalence of obesity along with over-
weight in the seven emirates of UAE was 27% and 16%, respectively. Adult females
Correspondence: Alaaeldin Bashier
Dubai Hospital, Dubai Health Authority,
PO Box 94132, Dubai, UAE
Tel +971 55 415 4445
Journal name: Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy
Article Designation: Original Research
Year: 2018
Volume: 11
Running head verso: Alnageeb et al
Running head recto: Efficacy of bariatric surgery in patients with diabetes mellitus
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2018:11
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Alnageeb et al
were prone to be more obese in the UAE than their male
counterparts. Similarly, Mahboub et al4 reported the rate of
obesity prevalence to be 20.9%. This would make the UAE one
of the highest countries in the Middle East in terms of obesity.5
The alarming rise in the prevalence of obesity in UAE has
been noted in both adults and children. In a population-based
study evaluating the prevalence of overweight and obesity in
children, using the CDC method, revealed that 37.2% of the
Emiratis between 15 and 18 years were overweight, 22.2%
were obese and 8.8% were extremely obese. The highest
percentages of overweight adolescents were living in Dubai
Despite the globally rising prevalence of obesity, few
pharmacologic treatment options are currently available
for clinical prescription, and even fewer are available
in the UAE. This, in addition to patients and physician’s
inertia toward medical treatment of obesity, have probably
contributed in increasing the demand for weight reduc-
tion surgeries in the UAE, and the gulf region in general.
Bariatric surgeries are currently being done in many centers
across the UAE; however, few outcome reports have been
In this study, we aimed at assessing bariatric surgery
outcomes in patients with diabetes mellitus in the UAE. We
looked at weight loss and changes in metabolic parameters
over a 2-year period. To our knowledge, this is the second
study from the UAE to evaluate bariatric surgery outcomes,
and the first to assess outcomes specifically in patients with
Patients and procedures
This is a retrospective analysis of outcome data of patients
with diabetes (type 1 or type 2) treated by bariatric surgery
between January 1, 2015, and July 1, 2017, from a single
center in the city of Fujairah, UAE. All included patients were
at least 18 years old, non-pregnant and had complete data
on demographics, and pre- and post-surgery biometric and
biochemical parameters. To be included in the study patients
should have completed follow up for at least 6 months after
surgery. We excluded patients without diabetes, those who
had post-operative follow-up for <6 months, and patients
with incomplete data records.
Ethical approvals
The study was part of an MSc thesis that has been approved
by the ethical committees of the Ministry of Health (UAE)
and by Queen Mary, University of London. Owing to the
retrospective nature of the study and in accordance to the
ethical committees rules for such study designs, a waiver of
informed consent was granted. Patient identity and confiden-
tiality of information have been protected.
Aim of the study
The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy and consis-
tency of metabolic benefits of bariatric surgery in patients
with diabetes mellitus.
Outcome measures
Primary outcome
To assess the trend of percentage of excess body weight
(EBW) reduction at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months after the bar-
iatric surgery
Secondary outcomes
We aimed to assess the bariatric surgery outcomes in diabetic
patients including morbidity, and mortality. We also looked
at changes in HbA1c, lipid profile, blood pressure, TSH,
and serum transaminases (as indicator for fatty liver status).
Furthermore, we aimed at assessing the rates of diabetes,
hypertension and dyslipidemia remission following surgery.
Moreover, we wished to assess whether there was improve-
ment in osteoarthritis or obstructive sleep apnoea symptoms
after surgery using questionnaires.
Data collection
We collected the data from surgical records and selected
patients based on pre-determined inclusion and exclusion
criteria. We then reviewed medical files as well as an elec-
tronic database for completion of data records. Data collected
included demographic data of age, sex, and nationality as
well as information about patients’ co-morbidities. We also
collected anthropometric data that included weight, height,
and blood pressure at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. Laboratory
data included HbA1c, lipid profile, creatinine, liver function
tests, and thyroid function tests. We also collected data on
ultrasound imaging of the liver for evaluation of fatty liver
disease. To assess regression of diabetes and hypertension
we assessed the use of medications at baseline and then at
3, 6, 12, and 24 months.
As part of hospital protocol direct questions were
addressed to all patients in each visit to monitor the status
of their osteoarthritis and obstructive sleep apnea if they had
these conditions at baseline. This included severity of joints
pain, requirement for painkillers, quality of nocturnal sleep,
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2018:11 submit your manuscript |
Efcacy of bariatric surgery in patients with diabetes mellitus
reduction in daytime sleepiness, and discontinuation of long-
term oxygen therapy. These questions have been analyzed to
get an insight on the degree of improvement in symptoms.
Statistical analysis
All data was then entered in an excel sheet and was prepared
for analysis. Paired Student’s t-tests were used to test the
significance of differences between values for continuous
variables measured at baseline and those at various time
points. Independent t-tests, one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) and Chi squared tests were used to assess the
significance of differences between the groups. Continuous
data are presented as the mean ± SD, and categorical data are
presented as frequencies and percentages. Differences with
P-values 0.05 were considered to be statistically significant.
Analyses were performed using Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 (IBM Corp, New York,
Percentage of excess weight loss (%EWL) was calculated
by dividing the weight loss in kilograms after surgery by
the pre-surgery excess body weight (calculated as the excess
weight in kilograms to yield a BMI of 25 kg/m2) and mul-
tiplied by 100.
Type 2 diabetes was defined using the American Diabetes
Association definition of type 2 diabetes (HbA1c>6.5%) or
fasting blood glucose 7 mmol/L (126 mg/dL). Type 1 diabetes
was diagnosed based on the same criteria, in addition, the
patient should either have positive antibodies or documented
on hospital records as type 1 diabetes. Complete remission
of type 2 diabetes was defined using SOARD-ASMBS (Sur-
gery for Obesity and Related Diseases-American Society
for Metabolic Surgery and Obesity) standardized reporting
outcomes 2015 as: “HbA1c<6% range and fasting blood
glucose <100 mg/dL in the absence of active pharmacologi-
cal agent.” Partial response was defined based on the same
criteria as: Sub-diabetic hyperglycaemia (HbA1c 6%–6.4%,
FBG 100–125 mg/dL) in the absence of antidiabetic medica-
tions.8 Fat free mass (kg) was calculated by subtracting fat
mass (kg) from total weight (kg)
Patients’ pathway
Preoperative care
All patients received detailed information and extensive
counseling regarding the surgical procedures and expected
complications. Screening for potential candidates was
based on the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric
Surgery (ASMBS) guidelines, which recommend surgery
if the BMI is >40 kgm2 in patients with no comorbidities,
and in patients with a BMI of >35 kgm2 if they had obesity
associated comorbidities, including diabetes, hypertension,
hyperlipidaemia, obstructive sleep apnoea, and non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease.9
Surgical procedures
A range of bariatric surgical procedures were provided,
however, laparoscopic mini gastric bypass (MGB) and
laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy were the most commonly
chosen procedures. All procedures were done by a single
bariatric surgeon.
Postoperative care
The bariatric nurse contacted patients usually on day 5
after surgery and appointed them to visit the clinic on the
10th post-operative day for a suture removal. Patients were
given free access to nutrition services in the center to receive
personalized dietary advice, however, the general rule was
gradual re-introduction of solid foods, avoidance of high gly-
cemic index foods, and more consumption of high fiber diets.
Patients were also given follow-up appointments with the
clinician, and psychologist at 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months.
Baseline characteristics
A total of 80 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were
included in the study, 51% (n=41) were females and the mean
age was 37.4±10.2 years. The Emirati nationals contributed
92.5% (74) of the cohort, while 2.5% (n=2) were other Arab
nationalities and 5% (n=4) were non-Arabs. All patients were
known to have diabetes with type 2 diabetes constituting 86%
(n=69) of patients while 14% (n=11) had type 1 diabetes. A
total of 56.3% (n=45) had hypertension, 22.5% (n=18) were
diagnosed with dyslipidemia and 65% (n=52) were diagnosed
with non-alcoholic fatty liver (Table 1). Most patients under-
went sleeve gastrectomy 66.2% (n=53), while 25% (n=20)
underwent bypass surgery, the rest underwent other forms of
surgery (laparoscopic gastric banding) 8.8% (n=7).
As per our inclusion criteria, all the 80 patients have
been followed up for at least 6 months, 69 patients (86%)
were followed up for at least 1 year while 20 patients (25%)
were followed up for at least 2 years. Figure 1 shows the
flow chart for the patients at the various time points of the
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2018:11
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Alnageeb et al
Weight changes
The obesity measures assessed were weight, BMI and per-
centage loss of excess weight. The mean baseline weight was
119.2±31.2 kg, this had significantly dropped to 100.1±23.1,
91.2±22.3, 82.3±17.5, and 81.3±15.3 kgs at 3, 6, 12 and 24
months respectively, this change was statistically significant
P<0.001 at each time point. Patients had lost an average of
their excess body weight (EBW) of 34.5%, 55.4%, 71% and
71.7% at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months respectively, P<0.001, Table 2.
The BMI had dropped significantly from 46.5±13.1 kg/m2 at
the baseline to 38.3±8.6, 34.5±8.0, 31.3±7.1, 30.9±5.5 kg/
m2 at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months respectively, P<0.001 (Table 2).
Males’ weights were statistically significantly higher than
females’ weights at the baseline and each of the follow-up
time points, with P-values of 0.017, 0.003, 0.006, 0.016,
and 0.04 at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months respectively. There were
no statistically significant differences by gender in terms of
EBW% loss and BMI (Table 3). Furthermore, we did not find
any significant differences between age groups nor between
type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients in obesity measures at
the baseline and follow-up periods.
Metabolic parameters
Baseline HbA1c was 8.6% ± 2.3% and this dropped signifi-
cantly to 6.5±1.7, 5.9±1.2, 5.6±0.8, and 5.4±0.7 at 3, 6, 12 and
24 months respectively (P<0.000), Table 4. Similar improve-
ments were seen with blood pressure, the systolic blood
pressure at baseline was 135.8±18.0 mmHg and dropped
significantly to 124.8±15.1, 121.6±19.3, 120.6±12.6, and
120.1+10.2 at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months respectively (Table 4).
Total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
were significantly reduced by bariatric surgery, The LDL
was reduced from 2.8±1.5 at baseline to 2.3±1.0 and 1.6±1.0
mmol/L at 12 and 24 months, respectively (P<0.05). Similar
changes were seen with total cholesterol as it dropped from
a baseline of 4.6±1.3 mmol/L to reach 4.05±0.8 mmol/L at
follow-up visits (Table 4). There were no significant changes
in serum creatinine throughout the follow-up period.
At baseline 51.3% (n=41) were using one drug to treat their
diabetes, 26.3% (n=21) were using two drugs, 17.5 (n=14)
were on three drugs, and 5% (n=4) were on four drugs. At
24 months 80% (n=16) stopped all medications while 15%
(n=3) were using a single medicine to control their diabetes
and only 5% (n=1) were using two medications (P<0.05). A
larger percentage (72.5%) of patients have stopped using any
kind of anti-diabetes medication after 3 months of the surgery
and the percentage increased to 80% (16 out of 20 patients
who completed 2 years of follow up), Figure 2. According
to these results, diabetes had regressed in 72.5% at 3 months
and in 80% of patients followed at 2 years. Patients using
insulin at 12 and 24 were mostly type 1 diabetes, while only
two patients with type 2 diabetes were using insulin at 12
months and a single patient at 24 months.
The use of statins and calcium channel blockers was
decreased from 21.3% and 12.5% before surgery to 10%
and 0%, respectively, after surgery, P0.05.
Other parameters
Despite being prescribed multivitamins postoperatively, few
of our patients developed vitamin D deficiency after bariatric
surgery (31.6% [n=6] patients), and 15.8% (n=3) patients
Table 1 Characteristics of patients at baseline
Age (years)
Mean (SD) 37.4 (10.2)
<30 years, n (%) 19 (23.8)
30–40 years, n (%) 32 (40)
>40 years, n (%) 29 (36.2)
Gender, n (%)
Male 39 (48.8)
Female 41 (51.2)
Nationality, n (%)
UAE 74 (92.5)
Other Arabs 2 (2.5)
Non-Arabs 4 (5)
Type of surgery, n (%)
Sleeve 53 (66.2)
Bypass 7 (8.8)
Others 20 (25)
Diabetes, n (%)
Type 2 69 (86.3)
Type 1 11 (13.8)
Comorbidities, n (%)
Hypertension 45 (56.3)
Dyslipidemia 18 (22.5)
Fatty liver 52 (65)
Figure 1 Participants (patients) follow-up ow chart for both sleeve gastrectomy
and gastric bypass, showing the numbers who participated in each procedure at
Fujairah Hospital and participants who completed the follow ups for up to 24 months.
Abbreviation: LPG, laparoscopic gastric banding.
surgeries =80
and LGP
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2018:11 submit your manuscript |
Efcacy of bariatric surgery in patients with diabetes mellitus
developed vitamin B12 deficiency, 10.5% (n=2) patients
developed iron deficiency anemia, and one patient developed
folate deficiency. These vitamin deficiencies might reflect
lack of compliance to prescribed treatment.
Almost 61.3% (n=49) patients were considered to have fatty
liver based on ultrasound features ± elevated alanine amino-
transferase (ALT). We noticed a significant decrease in ALT
at 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery. Furthermore, 11 (22.4%)
Table 2 Changes in obesity measures
Variable Baseline
3 months
6 months
12 months
24 months
Weight (kg) 119.2±31.2 100.1±23.1* 91.2±22.3* 82.3±17.5* 81.3±15.3*
Excess weight loss (%) 34.5±28.4* 55.4±32.5* 71.0±31.5* 71.7±20.4*
BMI (kg/m2)46.5±13.1 38.3±8.6* 34.5±8.0* 31.3±7.1* 30.9±5.5*
Note: *Highly signicant P-value <0.001.
Table 3 Changes in obesity measures after surgery by gender
Variable Baseline (n=80) 3 months (n=80) 6 months (n=80) 12 months (n=69) 24 months (n=20)
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Weight (kg) 127.7±27.9* 111.2±32.3* 107.7±23.2* 92.8±20.7* 98.2±23.6* 84.5±19.1* 87.6±19.5* 77.5±14.1* 86.5±17.8* 76.0±10.7*
P-value 0.017 0.003 0.006 0.016 0.041
Excess weight
loss (%)
33.7±33.4 35.3±22.9 56.9±38.7 53.9±25.6 74.0±39.0 68.2±22.0 70.5±19.9 72.9±21.9
P-value 0.790 0.681 0.467 0.800
BMI (kg/m2)46.1±10.6 46.9±15.2 39.2±9.2 37.4±8.0 34.8±8.8 34.2±7.3 31.4±7.9 31.3±6.4 31.0±6.7 30.8±4.3
P-value 0.807 0.341 0.656 0.914 0.938
Note: *Signicantly different (P0.05).
Abbreviation: BMI, body mass index.
Table 4 Changes in parameters after surgery
Parameter Baseline
3 months
6 months
12 months
24 months
HbA1C (%) 8.6±2.3 6.5±1.7* (<0.001) 5.9±1.2* (<0.001) 5.6±0.8* (<0.001) 5.4±0.7* (<0.001)
Blood pressure (mmHg)
Systolic 135.8±18.0 124.8±15.1* (0.007) 121.6±19.3* (<0.001) 120.6±12.6* (<0.001) 120.1±10.2* (<0.001)
Diastolic 82.9±12.4 77.2±10.5* (<0.001) 73.9±11.2* (<0.001) 70.3±7.8* (<0.001) 68.5±8.4* (<0.001)
Lipid prole (mmol/L)
LDL 2.8±1.5 2.2±0.9* (0.001) 2.1±0.8* (0.001) 2.3±1.0* (0.001) 1.6±1.0* (<0.001)
HDL 1.1±1.0 1.0±0.2 (0.788) 1.1±0.3 (0.788) 1.1±0.2 (0.605) 1.0±0.2 (0.605)
Triglycerides 2.0±1.7 1.6±0.8 (0.063) 1.7±0.8 (0.110) 1.4±0.7* (0.021) 1.7±0.6 (0.717)
Total cholesterol 4.6±1.3 4.3±0.8* (0.015) 4.1±0.9* (0.003) 4.3±0.8* (0.015) 4.05±0.8* (0.040)
ALT (IU/L) 51.5±38.8 41.6±23.8* (0.015) 43.7±24.1* (0.050) 38.6±21.2* (0.029) 55.0±15.2 (0.512)
Creatinine (mmol/L) 63.2±15.8 60.4±15.5 (0.141) 60.6±17.8 (0.177) 63.2±16.0 (0.842) 71.9±9.2 (0.318)
TSH (mIU/L) 2.0±1.5 1.4±0.91* (<0.001) 1.2±0.5* (<0.001) 1.31±0.5* (0.001) 1.5±0.7(0.193)
ACR 0.9±0.8 1.3±0.8 (0.294) 1.6±1.7 (0.728) 0.8±0.6 (0.567)
Note: *Signicantly different from baseline (P0.05).
Abbreviations: LDL, low-density lipoprotein; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; ACR, albumin to creatinine
showed sonographic features of improvement in fatty liver
in addition to normalization of ALT.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels decreased
significantly from baseline at 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery,
P0.05, but increased again after 24 months of follow-up,
P>0.05. This was reflected as well in a reduction in thyroxine
dose in the hypothyroid cohort (Table 4).
At baseline, 31.3% (n=25) patients gave a history of
osteoarthritis and other joint problems; 14 of them reported
significant improvement in their symptoms. Another 15%
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2018:11
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Alnageeb et al
(n=12) patients were diagnosed preoperatively with obstruc-
tive sleep apnea, 11 of them (91.7%) reported improvement
in the quality of their sleep, reduced daytime sleepiness, and
discontinuation of long-term oxygen therapy.
Males had significantly higher levels of triglycerides,
ALT and creatinine than females before surgery, P0.05.
However, those differences disappeared at the subsequent
follow-up periods as shown in Table 4.
Outcomes per type of surgery
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) outcome
Of all 53 patients who underwent LSG, only 19 (35.8%) had
complete profiles at 24 months. Table 5 shows weight changes
in those who underwent LSG. Forty-eight patients (97.9%) of
type 2 diabetes mellitus patients who underwent sleeve gas-
trectomy stopped using both insulin and oral hypoglycemic
agents. Four patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus continued
on insulin at lower doses. Figure 3 shows changes in body
composition after LSG. All patients (n=31) with hypertension
Figure 2 The use of medications over the study period.
3 months (n=80)
Baseline (n=80) 6 months (n=80) 12 months (n=69) 24 months (n=20)
Percentage of patientsNumber of drugs
stopped their antihypertensive treatment, except for one
patient who continued using two antihypertensive drugs.
No major complications (leakages, bleeding) were
observed after surgery. The average length of stay in the
hospital was 2–3 days. No deaths occurred postoperatively
or even in the period of follow up.
Outcomes following mini-gastric bypass (MGB)
At 24 months after surgery, fat, muscle, and water mass
decreased by 49.36% and 9.8%, respectively. Twenty patients
out of 27 who underwent MGB were diagnosed with type 2
diabetes and were on antidiabetic medications. Sixteen out of
the 20 patients stopped their antihyperglycemic medications
at 12 months. Seven out of the 27 patients had type 1 diabetes
and continued on their insulin at a lower dose.
In the UAE, the prevalence of obesity in patients with diabe-
tes is >30% and overweight is 43%.2 While type 2 diabetes
affects nearly a fifth of the population according to the latest
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2018:11 submit your manuscript |
Efcacy of bariatric surgery in patients with diabetes mellitus
estimate of the IDF.10 Bariatric surgery is widely performed in
the UAE and the Middle East in general, however, very few
studies have assessed the outcomes of those procedures.7,11
Our study looked specifically at the outcomes of surgery in
patients with diabetes.
Weight changes
Weight reduction after bariatric surgery is attributed to
different mechanisms including the minimization of the
absorption surface area, modulation of eating behavior either
due to limited gastric space or due to higher brain centers
Table 5 Weight outcomes for LSG presented as mean data
Month Start weight Average weight Weight loss BMI BMI change Number of patients
0 125.4 115.5 9.9 46.5 0 53
3 123.8 109.6 14.2 38.4 5.3 53
6 122.4 101.6 20.8 35.9 7.9 53
12 123.7 95.8 27.9 33.3 10.3 48
24 123.2 88.6 34.6 30.8 12.8 19
Abbreviation: LSG, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.
Figure 3 Changes in body composition post LSG.
Abbreviation: LSG, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.
Fat mass Water loss Muscle mass
Baseline 6 months 12 months 24 months
Mean weight (kg)
remodeling after surgery leading to healthier meals prefer-
ences, and the satiety set point.7,12 Moreover, alterations of
the systemic neuro-hormones (eg, ghrelin, glucose-dependent
insulin-tropic peptide, GLP-1, and peptide YY) may also
contribute to the weight loss.13,14 Glycemic improvement in
patients with diabetes is widely considered to be attributable
to weight reduction but the neurohormonal changes are also
an important factor.15–17
At the time of writing of this paper, there have been
only a handful of studies in the UAE that looked into the
bariatric surgery outcomes. In a study by Abusnana et al,7
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2018:11
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Alnageeb et al
an assessment was made of the outcomes in 95 bariatric sur-
geries in Emirati patients, only a third of these patients had
diabetes while our cohort was solely patients with diabetes.
Another difference between the two studies is that sleeve
gastrectomy was performed in 66.2% (n=53) of our cohort
compared to 90% (n=86) in Abusnana’s cohort. Moreover,
our study analyzed the observed the outcome until 24 months
after surgery, while in the other study it was only 12 months.7
Despite these differences, we observed comparable
weight reduction between our cohort and that of Abus-
nana et al7 at 12 months (119.2±31.2– 82.3±17.5, and
123.67±18.03– 74.3±15.18, respectively). Similarly, the
EBWL was 71.0±31.5 and 67.88, respectively.7 There was
no statistically significant difference between patients with
or without diabetes in Abusnana’s study from a weight point
of view. The weight and BMI reduction were maintained in
our cohort for up to 24 months, this is the trend of many of
the previous bariatric surgery outcome studies.18–20
In the systemic review by Gill et al21 in which they
analyzed 28 studies, the mean percentage of excess weight
loss was 47.3% (range 6.3%–74.6%) after a mean follow-up
period of 13 months (range 3–36).
Metabolic parameters
Achieving remission of type 2 diabetes is a difficult target
to achieve except by bariatric surgery. In our cohort, all
patients with type 2 diabetes who were on hypoglycaemic
medications, managed to stop all diabetes treatments after
surgery with the exception of two patients who needed to be
re-started on metformin because of a marginal increase in
HbA1c. We report in our patients an overall remission rate
of 78.3% at 12 months, which remained stable at 80% of the
patients followed up to 24 months. The rates of emission of
type 2 diabetes varied from one study to another. Gill et al21
reviewed the remission rate in the studies between 2000 and
2010 and reported a remission rate of 66.2% in these patients,
improvement in glycemic control in 26.9%, and stabilization
in 13.1%. The mean decreases in FBG and HbA1c levels
after LSG were 88.2 mg/dL and 1.7%, respectively.21 All
patients with type 1 diabetes continued their insulin but even
in these patients we noticed significant reductions in total
daily insulin doses.
Blood pressure changes
Weight loss is well-known to result in reduction in blood
pressure in many studies.18–21 In our study we found a very
significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood
pressure at the end of the study, which was maintained up
to 24 months. These findings indicate that the benefit from
LSG regarding blood pressure is more significant for those
with clinically diagnosed hypertension. Another study was
conducted retrospectively on 100 patients who underwent
LSG, reported a complete resolution of 60% of the total
number of those labelled as hypertensives before surgery.
This was attained at 1 year postoperatively.22
Other effects
The effect of metabolic surgery on thyroid function tests has
been evaluated in a few studies. Zendel et al23 have shown
that metabolic surgery resulted in favorable effects in hypo-
thyroid patients, as it is associated with improvements in
thyroid function tests, and a reduction in thyroxine dose.23
Interestingly, Neves et al24 concluded that metabolic surgery
results in significant reductions in TSH levels independent
of EBWL in patients with normal thyroid function tests. Our
patients showed similar results with significant reductions in
TSH levels over a 12-month period.
Strengths and limitations
One of the major limitations of the trial is the retrospective
nature of the trial, however, it is considered to be the first trial
in the region that evaluated the effects of metabolic surgery
in patients with diabetes exclusively. Unlike many other trials
we have also looked at the effects of metabolic surgery in both
type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, we evaluated many
other parameters including effect on TSH levels.
Bariatric surgery in obese patients with diabetes is effec-
tive in producing significant weight loss, HbA1c blood
pressure, and LDL reduction. More importantly, bariatric
surgery results in a very high rate of diabetes and hyperten-
sion remission rates. We recommend bariatric surgery as an
integral part of diabetes management in obese patients with
diabetes. Further studies are required to evaluate the effects
of metabolic surgery in patients with diabetes, and specifi-
cally type 1 diabetes.
The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
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manuscript management system is completely online and includes a
very quick and fair peer-review system, which is all easy to use. Visit to read real quotes from
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Efcacy of bariatric surgery in patients with diabetes mellitus
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... Vilarrasa et al. [27] 2017 Retrospective 32 11 --15 ---6 24 Alnageeb et al. [28] 2018 Retrospective 11 ---4 -7 --24 Uno et al. [29] 2018 Retrospective 5 ------5 -48 Hironaka et al. [30] 2018 Case report 1 ---1 ----6 Landa et al. [31] 2019 Cohort 16 ---19 ----42 Fernandez-Ranvier et al. [32] 2020 Retrospective 13 2 --10 -1 --24 Vendrame et al. [33] 2020 Retrospective 38 60 Höskuldsdóttir et al. [34] 2020 Cohort 387 387 -------24 MBS in T1DM results in improved comorbidities related to obesity, including hypertension and dyslipidemia. Therefore, in patients with T1DM, it seems that through the metabolic changes achieved by MBS, the effect of a sustainable and lasting caloric reduction is enabled, leading ultimately to weight loss. ...
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This systematic review and meta-analysis intend to evaluate the efficacy of metabolic/bariatric surgeries (MBS) in patients with type-1 diabetes mellitus. A systematic literature search and meta-analysis were performed in electronic databases up to July 2021. In total, 27 primary studies comprising 648 subjects were included in this systematic review and meta-analysis. Patients had a mean age of 38.0 ± 7.3 years. Preoperative mean BMI was 42.6 ± 4.7 kg/m² and 29.4 ± 4.7 kg/m² after surgery, respectively. Following bariatric surgeries in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, insulin (unit/day) decreased by a weighted mean difference (WMD) of − 10.59. Also, insulin (unit/kg/day) decreased by a WMD of − 0.2, and HbA1C decreased by a WMD of − 0.71, showing MBS acceptable and durable effects of bariatric surgical procedures. Graphical abstract
... Therefore, moving beyond a weight-centric approach to define the success and the cost-benefit of BS is recommended (Unamuno, Portincasa & Frühbeck, 2019). In a sample of 80 Emirati adults with diabetes, weight loss was within the recommended success rate postoperatively (32% after two years of follow-up); however, patients also experienced significant drops in HbA1c, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol (p<0.001 for all metabolic markers) (Alnageeb et al., 2018). ...
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Background: Data on postoperative follow-ups and bariatric surgery (BS) outcomes performed in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are crucial for registry. This study assessed the one-year postoperative changes in body composition and metabolic profiles in BS patients. Methods: The medical and dietetics records of 51 adult patients who underwent BS in the largest public hospital in Sharjah, UAE were reviewed. Data on body weight and composition, as well as metabolic profile (blood glucose and lipid levels) from the initial until the last hospital visit were recorded. Results: The median (interquartile range) follow-up period was 6.0 (8.0) months. The patients had significant total weight loss [19.3 (12.6)%] and reduction in body mass index (BMI) [18.0 (13.6)%] of approximately 7 BMI points. Moreover, the patients' body composition improved significantly; loss was the highest in fat mass [-30.9 (22.1)%] and the least in lean body mass [-8.6 (8.4)%]. There was a steady decline in all body composition variables with a longer duration of follow-up visits from 1-3 months to 10-12 months. The fat mass (-40.3%):lean body mass (-10.7%) loss ratio was 3.8:1 at 10-12 months. The patients' metabolic status was normal during the last postoperative visit. Conclusions: Incremental improvements in body composition of patients were evident with longer follow-up visits up to one year after BS. Hence, patients should attend regular follow-up visits after BS. Moreover, accurate and complete documentations of medical and dietetics visits are mandated.
... There was significant reduction in mean body weight at 3, 6, 12, and 24 mo (P < 0.001 for each time point). Of the 61.3% who had NAFLD, 22.4% showed improvement in sonographic features of hepatic steatosis with normalization of ALT [70] . In another study (n = 27) conducted in Saudi Arabia, after 3 mo of bariatric surgery, 66.6% of the patients with preoperative steatosis (median score 2) had reduced steatosis scores postoperatively (P = 0.025) and 68% of the patients had reduced fibrosis (median score 1) (P = 0.012). ...
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The prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in the Middle East is increasing in parallel to an increase in the prevalence of associated risk factors such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. About 20% to 30% of the patients progress to develop nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a histological subtype of NAFLD, with features of hepatocyte injury such as hepatocyte ballooning. NASH can progress to fibrosis, cirrhosis, and even hepatocellular carcinoma. NAFLD thus causes a substantial burden on healthcare systems and it is imperative that appropriate strategies are discussed at a regional level to facilitate effective management tailored to the needs of the region. To fulfil this unmet need, expert gastroenterologists, hepatologists, and endocrinologists from the region came together in three advisory board meetings that were conducted in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait, to discuss current local challenges in NAFLD screening and diagnosis, and the different available management options. The experts discussed the disease burden of NAFLD/NASH in the Middle East; screening, diagnosis, and referral patterns in NAFLD; and available treatment options for NAFLD and NASH. This paper summarizes the discussions and opinion of the expert panel on the management of NAFLD/NASH and also presents an extensive literature review on the topic.
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The purpose of this book to highlight the burden of obesity in oman with emphasis on preventive strategies ,challenges and treatment by highlighting its impact on society and individuals.
Background and Aim The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and obesity and the associated direct healthcare costs have been increasing worldwide. Several bariatric surgical procedures, which have successfully resulted in body weight loss, were found to be superior to conservative therapies in managing T2DM. We aimed to assess the effect of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) on the direct cost of antidiabetic medications among adult T2DM patients in Saudi Arabia. Materials and Methods Following a retrospective chart review, this study included all adult T2DM patients with a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 35 kg/m ² who underwent LSG between January 2015 and June 2018 at King Abdulaziz Medical City in Jeddah. Patient files were reviewed at baseline, and 6 and 12 months postoperatively. Results This study included 83 patients (mean age = 44.0 ± 10.9 years; men = 50.6%). BMI significantly decreased ( P < 0.001) from the time of surgery (42.7 ± 6.4 kg/m ² ) to 6 and 12 months postoperatively (32.7 ± 6.2 kg/m ² and 29.7 ± 5.6 kg/m ² , respectively), as did the glycosylated hemoglobin values (7.6% ± 1.6%, 6.0% ± 0.9%, and 6.1% ± 1.3%, respectively, P < 0.001). Overall, T2DM patients saved 1479 (95% confidence interval: 1053.75–1904.24) Saudi Riyal on their medications on their first-year post-LSG. Conclusions LSG was effective in the management of T2DM in patients with obesity. Within 1 year postoperatively, it was associated with significantly improved diabetes control and reduced antidiabetic medication costs.
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This briefing book aims to inform policy makers, health professionals and the public of the serious burden of obesity in Oman. As well as to discuss existing opportunities to help address this challenge.
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La prevalencia de obesidad y diabetes mellitus se asocia al desarrollo de enfermedad renal crónica y estadios terminales de la misma. En individuos con obesidad, se produce un mecanismo de hiperfiltración, probablemente compensatorio para satisfacer la alta demanda metabólica asociada al aumento del peso corporal, con la presencia de proteinuria, en individuos sin enfermedad renal. La histopatología muestra una glomeruloesclerosis focal y segmentaria relacionada con la obesidad en un marco de glomerulomegalia. La cirugía metabólica es el medio más efectivo para obtener una pérdida de peso sustancial y persistente. Se ha demostrado la superioridad de la cirugía sobre el tratamiento médico no solo para lograr un mejor control glucémico, sino también para la reducción de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Los mecanismos parecen extenderse más allá de la magnitud de la pérdida de peso e incluyen mejoras tanto en los perfiles de incretinas como en la secreción y la sensibilidad a la insulina.El Comité de Nefropatía de la Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes realizó esta revisión sobre los mecanismos involucrados en la obesidad como causa de enfermedad renal o empeoramiento de la misma por diabetes, y los mecanismos a través de los cuales la cirugía bariátrica beneficiaría a los pacientes con diabetes y enfermedad renal crónica en todos los estadios de la misma, así como los controles pre y posquirúrgicos en este tipo de cirugías.
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Objective To describe current prevalence of obesity and related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in expatriates living in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Methods We used data from the cross-sectional UAE National Diabetes and Lifestyle Study (UAEDIAB), which surveyed adult expatriates living in the UAE for at least 4 years. We report crude prevalence of overweight and obesity, indicated by gender and ethnicity-specific body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) cut-offs, by lifestyle and biomedical characteristics, as well as age and sex-adjusted odds ratios. Results Out of a total of 3064 recruited expatriates (response rate 68%), 2724 had completed all stages of the UAEDIAB study. Expatriates were; 81% men, mean age 38 years (range 18–80), 71% South East Asians, and 36% university graduates. In this sample, the prevalence of overweight and obesity, by BMI, were 43.0 and 32.3%, respectively. 52.4 and 56.5% of participants were at a substantially increased risk according to WC and WHR, respectively. The prevalence of diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia were 15.5, 31.8, and 51.7%, respectively, with the prevalence of each being higher in those with obesity. Conclusion Prevalence of obesity and associated NCDs are extremely high in UAE expatriates. Without comprehensive prevention and management, levels of disease will continue to increase and productivity will fall.
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Background: Several studies have reported that morbid obesity is associated with increased thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. However, it is not clear what is the impact of bariatric surgery on postoperative thyroid function. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of weight loss after bariatric surgery on TSH levels in euthyroid patients with morbid obesity. Methods: We performed a retrospective observational study of 949 euthyroid patients (86.1% female; age 42.0 ± 10.3 years, BMI 44.3 ± 5.7 kg/m(2)) with morbid obesity submitted to bariatric surgery (laparoscopic adjustable gastric band, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, or sleeve gastrectomy). Patients were subdivided in two groups: normal TSH group (TSH <2.5 mU/L) and high-normal TSH group (TSH ≥2.5 mU/L). The impact of anthropometric parameters, comorbidities, TSH, free thyroxine (FT4), free triiodothyronine (FT3), type of surgery, and excessive body weight loss (EBWL) on TSH variation 12 months after surgery was evaluated. Results: The high-normal TSH group (24.3% of patients) included more women, presented a higher BMI, higher systolic blood pressure, and higher FT3 levels. There was a significant decrease of TSH 12 months after surgery that was more marked in the high-normal TSH group (normal TSH group: 1.57 ± 0.49 to 1.53 ± 0.69 mIU/L, p = 0.063; high-normal TSH group: 3.23 ± 0.59 to 2.38 ± 0.86 mIU/L, p < 0.001). In a multivariate analysis, after adjusting for relevant covariates, EBWL, baseline BMI, and baseline FT3 were significantly associated with TSH decrease 12 months after bariatric surgery. Conclusion: Bariatric surgery promotes a decrease of TSH that is significantly greater in patients with high-normal TSH and is independently associated with EBWL after surgery.
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Background Bariatric surgery (BS) is effective in treating obesity and its associated comorbidities. However, there is a paucity of data on the effect of BS on thyroid function in hypothyroid patients, specifically in those treated with thyroid hormone replacement therapy (THR). The aim of this study was to assess the effect of BS on thyroid function and on THR dosage in patients with hypothyroidism. MethodsA retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data of all hypothyroid patients who underwent BS between 2010 and 2014 was performed. Data collected included demographic and anthropometric measurements, as well as changes in thyroid hormone levels and THR dosage up to a year from surgery. ResultsDuring the study period, 93 hypothyroid patients (85 females, 91%), 83 of which treated with replacement thyroid hormone, underwent BS. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy was performed in 77 (82.8%) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in 16 patients. Average age and body mass index (BMI) were 46.6 ± 11.2 years and 43.7 ± 6.4 kg/m2, respectively. Mean BMI and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) significantly deceased after 6 and 12 months following surgery whereas mean free T4 levels remained stable. TSH decrease was directly correlated to baseline TSH but not to BMI reduction. One year after surgery, 11 patients (13.2%) did not require THR, while the rest required a significantly lower average dose (P < 0.02). Conclusions There is a favorable effect of BS on the hypothyroid bariatric population. This includes improvement of thyroid function and reduction of thyroid medication dosages. Further studies are required to evaluate an influence of THR absorption and compare different types of bariatric surgeries.
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Background The remarkable socioeconomic changes in United Arab Emirates (UAE) necessitate regular monitoring of obesity in our population. This study explored the epidemiology of obesity in a large cohort of UAE students. Methods This population‐based study investigated the prevalence of obesity in 44,942 students attending governmental schools in Ras Al‐Khaimah. Body‐mass‐index (BMI) was calculated in 15,532 children (4–12 y) in 2013–2014, and in 29,410 children (3–18 y) in 2014–2015. The International Obesity Task Force, World Health Organization, and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reference methods were used to identify overweight, obesity, and extremely‐obesity. Results Using CDC interpretation of BMI, from 11 to 14 y, the prevalence of BMI ≥85th percentile was 41.2%, BMI ≥95th percentile 24.3% and BMI ≥99th percentile 5.7%. Obesity increased linearly from 3 to 12 y (R² ≥ 0.979); each year an additional 2.36% of the students became obese and 0.28% became extremely obese. The rate of extreme‐obesity was 9.6‐fold higher in boys than girls (0.58% vs. 0.06%). From 15 to 18 y, 10.3% of boys were extremely obese and 3.0% of girls were extremely obese. Conclusions These results confirm a steady rise in obesity in children 3–18 y. The rising rate of extreme obesity is also alarming, especially among boys.
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Background Bariatric surgery has become an attractive treatment for severe obesity over the last decade, due to its impacts on weight loss and remission of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. In the United Arab Emirates, a country where the rate of obesity is dramatically increasing bariatric surgery has gained popularity in recent years; however, published data on its outcomes in the Emirati population are lacking. Methods We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 95 patients who underwent bariatric surgery (ie, laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass [RYGB] or laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy) at the Rashid Center for Diabetes and Research in Ajman, United Arab Emirates. Weight outcomes and metabolic marker data were abstracted at baseline and at 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively. Results Laparoscopic RYGB was the main procedure performed by our bariatric unit. All variables demonstrated postoperative improvement. An average excess weight loss of 68% was observed at 12 months. Fat mass was the body component that decreased the most, with an average reduction of 46%. Additionally, lipid profiles were significantly different (P<0.01) at 12 months, with triglyceride levels improving by 27% and low-density lipoprotein levels improving by 21%. Similarly, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels decreased significantly (P<0.001) in patients with type 2 diabetes, with an average reduction of 73%. Conclusion Our results show that a substantial short-term reduction in weight and significant improvements in metabolic markers followed bariatric surgery in severely obese Emirati patients. Our results are consistent with the outcomes of other internationally published studies. Additional studies are warranted to determine whether the favorable impacts of bariatric surgery can be sustained over the long term.
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Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is emerging as a worldwide public health problem, and is mainly associated with an increased incidence of obesity. Bariatric surgery is currently considered the most effective treatment for severely obese patients. After bariatric surgery, T2D patients have shown a significant improvement in glycemic control, even before substantial weight loss and often discontinuation of medication for diabetes control. A central role for enteroendocrine cells from the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract has been speculated in this postoperative phenomenon. These cells produce and secrete polypeptides - gut hormones - that are associated with regulating energy intake and glucose homeostasis through modulation of peripheral target organs, including the endocrine pancreas. This article reviews and discusses the biological actions of the gut hormones ghrelin, cholecystokinin, incretins, enteroglucagon, and Peptide YY, all of which were recently identified as potential candidates for mediators of glycemic control after bariatric surgery. In conclusion, current data reinforce the hypothesis that T2D reversion after bariatric surgery may be related to glycemic homeostasis developed by the intestine.
Severe obesity is a preeminent health care problem that impacts overall health and survival. The most effective treatment for severe obesity is bariatric surgery, an intervention that not only maintains long-term weight loss but also is associated with improvement or remission of several comorbidies including type 2 diabetes mellitus. Some weight loss surgeries modify the gastrointestinal anatomy and physiology, including the secretions and actions of gut peptides. This review describes how bariatric surgery alters the patterns of gastrointestinal motility, nutrient digestion and absorption, gut peptide release, bile acids and the gut microflora, and how these changes alter energy homeostasis and glucose metabolism.