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Mathematical Modeling of QoS-Aware Fog
Computing Architecture for IoT Services
Prasenjit Maiti , Jaya Shukla, Bibhudatta Sahoo, and Ashok Kumar Turuk
Abstract The fog computing approach has come up as a distributed mechanism
for capturing of data, its further processing and allocation of resources associated
with the Internet of Things(IoT). The IoT services require several Quality of Ser-
vice(QoS) parameters such as bandwidth utilization, resource provisioning, energy
consumption, service delay, etc. A new architecture for fog computing based on QoS
parameters has been designed. A distributed solution for Cloud-IoT has been pre-
sented where data is distributed optimally amongst several fog nodes/mini-clouds.
The Virtual Machines(VMs) located in the edge devices are facilitated by these
distributed fog nodes/mini-clouds to take care of IoT traffic. However, very little re-
search has been done on designing any QoS aware architecture for fog computing.
The mathematical formulation for the presented model has also been proposed and
hence the performance analysis of the system is shown in terms of the QoS metrics.
Prasenjit Maiti
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela,Odisha-769008,India
Jaya Shukla
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela,Odisha-769008, India
Bibhudatta Sahoo
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela,Odisha-769008, India
Ashok Kumar Turuk
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela,Odisha-769008, India
Corresponding author.
2 Prasenjit Maiti, Jaya Shukla, Bibhudatta Sahoo, and Ashok Kumar Turuk
1 Introduction
The Internet of Things (IoT) depict a major change in data management. Real-time
data management is associated with distributed objects and their associated smart
sensors. Smart sensors data needs to be stored and retrieved efficiently on demand
for IoT services. IoT devices are growing rapidly and it is anticipated that about
50 billion devices will be deployed in 2020. Existing cloud solution provides ser-
vices for a large amount of data. But in some scenarios it can face limitations due to
increased traffic of the entire network and thus delay in processing the services. Dif-
ferent IoT services such as Health-care, Face Recognition, Military, disaster man-
agement require real-time response with very low latency. To overcome this prob-
lem, a new architecture needs to be proposed and thus, fog computing emerged to
take care of these challenges. Fog computing is a concept that provide services at
the network edge and involves smart Gateways name Fog Smart Gateways(FSG).
Fog nodes are deployed in the network near the users to handle the services. In this
architecture the data is processed locally before sending it to the cloud. The major
issues and challenges of architecture design for edge-centric IoT services are dis-
covering fog nodes, data caching, partitioning and offloading tasks using fog nodes
publicly and securely. Due to constrained resources , resource discovery and re-
source allocation are the challenges of architecture design which meets the Quality
of Service (QoS) and Service Level Agreement (SLA). Fog node controller play a
major role for identify the best candidate for placement a fog node and IoT services
according to the resource availability. Sensor data virtualization is a requirement for
IoT services that allows an application to retrieve and manipulate data with live data
discovery and monitoring. Service allocation or service scheduling of all services to
minimize the delay for each service allocation is done by considering both resource
availability and the devices condition. To provide an efficient service, service nodes
placement, service nodes selection, and service placement with a balanced and ef-
ficient pairing or matching strategy in a sensor-virtualization environment for edge
nodes which is crucial for achieving Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Quality
of Services (QoS). Containers handle processing of IoT traffic hosted by distributed
fog nodes.Only a few literature are available for edge centric architecture design for
IoT services with above parameters. There is a need to develop an efficient architec-
ture that reduces service response time, overall network traffic and is economically
The rest of the paper has been organized in the following manner. The related
work has been mentioned in section 2 that describes the pre-requisites for the work.
Section-3 describes the details of fog computing architecture and mathematical
model. Section-4 presents QoS metrics of fog computing architecture. Section-5
gives the conclusion of the work presented in the paper.
Mathematical Modeling of QoS-Aware Fog Computing Architecture for IoT Services 3
2 Related Work
A Sensor-Fog architecture provides a platform to the users to easily provide ser-
vices. Bonomi et al. [1] proposed fog computing as a distributed, highly virtualized
platform that provides storage, compute and networking services. A fog network is
a collection of fog nodes and each fog node resides in any edge devices like router,
switch, base station, access point, gateway or smart phone. Three-layer architec-
ture has been proposed by many researchers that includes devices as end points, fog
nodes present at the network edge and cloud data centers. Depending on the def-
inition, the fog nodes may be a router in the core network, a switch in the WAN,
and even a wireless Access Points(APs) and smart phones are included in the fog
layer. A smart gateway has been proposed as a fog node in [2], [3], the proposal
of micro data centers in [4], or proposing fog nodes that serve as caches in a In-
formation Centric Networking in [5]. Fog nodes as mini-clouds proposed by [6],
[7]. Now, the key aspect is where fog nodes are located. Locating the fog nodes in
various highly capable devices like smart gateways or routers has been proposed by
some of the authors as in [2], [3], [4], [8]. Bonomi et al. [9], [10], [11] proposed
intermediate compute nodes as fog nodes which has no dependency on specific de-
vices. Tang et al. [7] recommended using three layers of fog computing to carry
out big data analytics in the smart cities. In [12] a different application has been
explained that shows the application of the fog computing in an industrial environ-
ment. It implements fog computing in Cisco edge routers asoriginally proposed by
Cisco in [13]. Abdullahi et al. [5] and Skala et al. [6] proposed routers as a candi-
date for deployment of fog nodes. An interesting example has been given in [14]
that describes sharing the computation resources present in a smart phone only in
case when they are connected to the grid but the approach is not sufficient enough
for scenarios that are highly demanding. In this paper[15] author discussed that fogs
are not limited anymore to either execute a task or forward it to the cloud, but also to
communicate with other fogs to process the job request. This minimizes the overall
network delay. Distributed cloud data centers with the facility of data replication
have been developed by Kumar et al. [16] that are referred to as mini-clouds. A
Fog-to-Cloud architecture was introduced by Masip-Bruin et al. [17] that consisted
of a layered structure for management integrating into a hierarchical architecture
the various heterogeneous layers of fog. Souza et al. [18] proposed a QoS- aware
service distribution strategy in Fog-to-Cloud scenarios. A low delay service allo-
cation has been aimed in the work by the use of service atomization that involves
decomposition of services into separate sub-services known as atomic services that
enables the parallel execution. The Fog-to-Cloud architecture comprises a control
plane that distributes various atomic services to the edge nodes available. The pro-
cess of service allocation aims at reduction of delay during service allocation, pro-
vision of load balancing and balancing of usage of energy among the fogs. Also,
the position of deployment of fog node may lead to reduction in the network traffic.
An optimal strategy for placement of mini-cloud has been proposed by Narendra et
al. [19] that aims at minimization of latency during collection of data from the IoT
devices and its migration onto the mini-clouds to address issues concerning storage
4 Prasenjit Maiti, Jaya Shukla, Bibhudatta Sahoo, and Ashok Kumar Turuk
capacity along with access latency minimization. The work described in [20] shows
lower application latency as well as higher utilization of server though the strategy
used for deployment by individual network operator and cities’ geographic speci-
fications decides the best approach. Most of the research issues in fog computing
[21],[22],[23], [24], the service latency , network traffic and power consumption are
reduced by fog computing architecture. Luan et al. [25] and Hong et al. [26] de-
scribed the concept of fog computing as mobile fog and showed that mobile users
can use fog computing to improve QoS, reduce bandwidth and energy consumption,
end to end delay and network traffic. But, there is no consideration where to deploy
or place the fog nodes. A fog node has capability to run multiple Virtual Machines
(VMs) on its own physical machine. The VMs can be flexible placed in fog network,
based on the traffic distribution and moving pattern of mobile users. Dynamic fog
node placement in fog network systems incurs a significant cost on latency, energy
and bandwidth consumption of the network links.
3 Fog Computing Architecture and Mathematical Model
In our architecture (Figure 1) , the IoT service network consists of four layers. The
task of processing and aggregation of data produced by IoT devices is performed by
the networking elements present in the architecture.
CD-1 CD-2 CD-3 CD-4
Tier-1 Tier-2 Tier-3 Tier- 4
Fig. 1 Edge Centric Architecture for IoT Services
(a) Tier 1: This is the ground-level layer encompassing all the smart sensor nodes
(SSNs) that are assigned unique IPv6 addresses, suitably compressed according to
the 6LoWPAN protocol and form a mesh network. SSN is a collection of sensors
and actuators. SSN sense environmental data and send to the upper layer. There can
be instructions from the upper layer to the actuator to perform an action. IoT de-
vices or IoT nodes is a collection of SSN (mobile phones,smart vehicles, and smart
meters etc.). SSN are distributed uniformly at random . A coordinate value is as-
Mathematical Modeling of QoS-Aware Fog Computing Architecture for IoT Services 5
signed to each SSN. A CD is known differently in different networks namely Cluster
Head(CH) in sensor networks, Access Point(AP) in WiFi networks and Reader in
Radio-Frequency Identification(RFID) network etc. Sis a set of nnumber of static
smart sensor nodes distributed uniformly at random in the area of p×q. A SSN
denoted by χS, is defined as a eleven-tuple.
χ=<Sid ,Sst ,Smax v,Smin v,St s,Se,Sl,Sh,Scid ,Sk,SB>
Sid is representing the unique IP address of the sensor. A status of a SSN, Sst
is represented by a boolean value Sst ={0,1}, which defines the sensor node is in
active state(value 0) or dead state (value 1). The maximum and minimum value that
sensor can return(in the appropriate SI unit)is described by Smax vand Smin v.Sts
represents time in millisecond when the sensor value sends. One SSN can sense
multiple environment events. Seand Slindicate the type of event and node location
of a SSN. The tuple Shexpress the specifications of a SSN which includes its hard-
ware details. Skrepresents the encryption key. SBrepresents the battery level of a
SSN. If the value of SBis less than the threshold value then SSN close its commu-
nication. Scid indicates the cluster id of a SSN. SSNs send data to the CD.CD is a
set of coordinating devices. Each CD have a certain transmission range rcd. The IoT
network consists of different technologies(RFID,ZigBee,Bluetooth,BLE,802.11 a/g
,WiFi etc.). T L is a set of technologies which are associated with CDs.
(b) Tier 2: CDs need to transmit their data to the Internet for efficient execution
of their corresponding applications. This transmission of data is facilated by device
known as Solution Specific Gateways(SSGW ) or IoT Gateway(IGW ) . SSGW is
a set of solution specific gateway and Gis a set of IoT gateway (I GW) . rsg is a
range of each SSGW . Wireless Mesh Network is as close as it can get to the IoT
network with one fundamental difference. All gateway in a wireless mesh network
support the same set of technologies whereas SSGW in IoT support different sets of
technologies. SSGW is describe by three typle.
SG =<SGid ,SGd[m],SGs p >
Each SSGW has unique IP address. SGid represents ID of a SSGW. Each SSGW
maintains a neighbor list that records the connected CDs. SGd[m]is non-empty 1D
array of size m which stores the IDs of connected CDs. SGsp dictates the hardware
specification like processor,memory, wireless communication technologies involved
such as RFID,ZigBee,Bluetooth,WiFi etc.
(c) Tier 3: This layer consists of set of edge devices, such as gateway, router,
switch etc. A Fog Node(FN) is placed within an IGW specific to a geographic
location and other IGW is served by the co-located FN. FNs are capable of load
balancing and service orchestration. A Fog device , Fd, represent by the three tu-
ple. Each fog device id Fid is different from each other. The type (such as gateway,
router,switch etc.) of the fog computing device represented by F
ty pe.Fsp is the hard-
ware specification of the device. An IoT service SEIoT is defined as a four-tuple.The
service is the main motivation of the IoT.
6 Prasenjit Maiti, Jaya Shukla, Bibhudatta Sahoo, and Ashok Kumar Turuk
SEIoT =<SEid ,SEt ype ,SEsp ,SEreq >
Each instance of the IoT service must have a unique identification. SEidis the
service ID. The purpose has to be specified by the IoT service i.e. its functionality
as well as its responsibilities. A set of operations that may be provided to the test of
IoT services defines the functionality of the service. SEty pe type denotes the purpose
of use for the service (such as finance, medical, entertainment, utility, education, and
gaming). The particulars of base framework required for running of application that
includes the memory, processor, and operating system is managed by the SEs p.SEreq
is the resource requirement(such as bandwidth, computation capability, storage) to
run a service. An application A is represent as a three-tuple which is running at the
end of a user.
A=<Aid,Asreq >
Aid is the unique ID of an application.REQ is a set of requests from the users. Asreq
is an user request for a particular service.
(d) Tier 4: The cloud computing layer is top-most layer. Several physical servers
are comprised within a data center and there exists a high bandwidth link to the Inter-
net from each physical server and an interconnection of high speed LAN-network.
Each IGW conneted to a cloud data center by a wired network. The cloud computing
environment is with number of heterogeneous physical hosts in a data center.
4 QoS Metrics
4.1 Service latency
The service delay is the requested transmission delay and processing delay. We as-
sume that the communication delay between SSNs is considered insignificant. Let
cd sg and sg igw,igw s f g be the delays in transmission of a data packet from
a CD to the corresponding SSGW, from a SSGW to the corresponding IGW, and
from IGW to a smart fog gateway respectively. ηsg,ηigw , and ηs f g are the process-
ing latency of SSGW, IGW and smart fog gateway for a data packet. Thus, the mean
transmission latency, σs f g , for the data packets of reqirequest running within mciis
given by
σs f g =cd sg µ+sg igw θ+igw s f gτ+ηsg µ+ηigw θ+ηs f gτ(1)
where, µ,θ, and τ(µ>θ>τ)are the total number of packets sent by CD,
SSGW , and IGW.
Mathematical Modeling of QoS-Aware Fog Computing Architecture for IoT Services 7
4.2 Energy consumption
Since the energy consumed by the data from CD to SSGW and from the SSGW to
IGW is represented by λcd sg and λsg igw , respectively.λigw s f g is the energy expan-
sion from the IGW to the intelligent fog gateway for unit byte data transfers. The
energy demand to process unit byte of data within the SSGW ,gateway, and smart
fog gateway are represented by ωsg,ωigw, and ωs f g respectively. Total energy con-
sumption of a data packet is transmission energy and processing energy of a data
packet. The rate of energy dissipation of a data packet represent as
ξ(t) =
λcd sg
γi,j+λsg igw
αi,j+λigw s f g
αi,j+ωs f g
where γi,j,αi,jand βi,j(γi,j>αi,j>βi,j)be the total number of bytes being
transmitted from cdito sgj,sgito igw j, and igwito s f g jat time t.
5 Conclusion and Future Work
With the rapid growth of IoT services; service management, QoS, SLA is becom-
ing a critical issues. Efficient and in time scheduling and management of resources,
minimum energy consumption and service latency not only allows Fog nodes to
perform according to the situations, but also, helps customer satisfaction. In this pa-
per, we have presented a model for reduce service latency and energy consumption
through Fog computing. Our future work involve design an architecture based on
efficient resource utilization , service composition and orchestration , and sensor
virtualization environment.
This research was supported by Media Lab Asia (Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Scheme for
Electronics and IT, Project Code-CSVSE) under the department of MeitY govern-
ment of India and carried out at Cloud Computing Research Laboratory, Department
of CSE, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India.
8 Prasenjit Maiti, Jaya Shukla, Bibhudatta Sahoo, and Ashok Kumar Turuk
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... In certain countries, train hopping is associated with freight hopping, which is traveling on the exterior of a freight train, while railway surfing can be done through almost every type of train [78]. As falling off a moving train, electrocution from a utility grid, colliding with railway infrastructure while cruising outside off structure gauge on the side or roof of a train (shown in Fig. 1a), or unsuccessful attempts to jump on or off a passing carriage can result in death or serious injury, this mode of transportation can be dangerous and even life-threatening [44,51,54] (refer to Fig. 1b). Despite this, it is still performed, particularly on railroads with packed trains. ...
... This layer is in charge of the fundamental data refining, computation, and processing that results in the fog layer [35]. Fog nodes seek to increase the efficiency of IoT applications; consequently, the fog layer can lower the quantity of data transferred to the cloud layer and shorten the request-response time for IoT applications [54,57]. This is frequently necessary to improve QoS, such as lowering latency and increasing network bandwidth [43]. ...
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Train Surfing is an extremely dangerous practice that involves riding on the roof of a moving train. Every year a lot of people especially youths lose their life due to this illegal phenomenon. To bring this phenomenon under control the government must book the train surfers before they could even reach the top of the train. To fulfill this, we need artificial intelligence-based real-time monitoring of the trains. In this paper, we present an artificial intelligence-inspired IoT-Fog-based framework for the detection of susceptible ways of people traveling in trains based on surveillance videos. In this study, a framework consisting of feature extraction, feature expression, and assessment criteria for identifying train surfing is proposed. The proposed framework is not constrained by camera angle and includes guidelines for determining unsafe status. The proposed framework can quickly and accurately identify vulnerable passengers during travel and send out early warnings to concerned authorities. The comparative analysis between the proposed framework and other state-of-the-art algorithms shows that it performs better than most of them with a precision score of 95%. The framework would help authorities apprehend the actual culprits and ensure safer rail transport.
... While most of these problems are more fundamental, some of them may be domain-specific like smart grids and vehicular networks, or problem-specific like scheduling and offloading. The fundamental challenges [35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42] can be listed as follows: ...
... All operators in the fog-cloud architecture should collaborate to provide seamless integration of layers. Proper Service level agreement (SLA) management techniques should be utilized to provide acceptable QoS in a highly dynamic fog system [40]. Since they are deployed in wide-range unreliable regions, usually they cannot be protected by strict surveillance or protection mechanisms [41,44]. ...
In this paper, we present a novel artificial intelligence-based fog controller, called FogAI that provides a versatile control mechanism to the fog layer. FogAI not only abstracts the control mechanism from the fog environment but also offers potential solutions for the problems of fog-based Next Generation Internet of Things (NGIoT) systems. To this end, we first present a comprehensive examination of challenging issues in Fog Computing (FC). Then, we outline possible FogAI based solutions to these challenges from different perspectives. To illustrate the feasibility of our FogAI concept, we design a use case scenario for task offloading problem in FC. Then, we propose a Deep Q-Learning (DQL) algorithm that autonomously performs task offloading in delay-sensitive and computationally-intensive IoT applications and test it on FogAI. The results show that the proposed FogAI-assisted DQL algorithm is superior to existing offloading policies.
... Fog computing also supports a novel application that is not fit for the cloud data center to provide resiliency, low latency, and decentralized management and coordination. The QoS is an important measure while discussing latency-sensitive applications such as health care applications or any real-time video streaming application [22][23]. QoS metrics will help customers to identify best IoT service for its application and will also deal with the optimization of service quality. ...
... The cloud computing layer contains a wide range of powerful servers and storage devices and provides a broad range of applications, including smart home, intelligent transport, intelligent factories, etc. This has sufficient computer and storage ability to provide detailed analysis and ongoing data collection [22]. The cloud core modules provide an efficient management and control approach to optimize the usage of cloud resources in compliance with the demand load requirement. ...
... Then T= {T 1 , T 2 , T 3 , ......, T n }. The location of the IoT node can be obtained as follows in the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis during the time t (Maiti, P., et al., 2019): ...
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Exploring the unique blockchain-internet of things (IoT) framework may be an attractive structure for enhancing communications efficiency in the 5G networks. The wireless communication would have been the largest research area that allows users to communicate with each other. Nowadays, high-speed, smart, efficient with many technologies, such as low power consumption, and so on, appear to be available to communicate with each other in today's globe. Throughout this framework, the expansion of fog features is enabled for physical objects within IoT. Several of the challenging issues in the field of wireless communications would be to build a new blockchain-based virtualization system across the IoT architecture. The main purpose of this framework is to connect blockchain technology to the IoT and fogging or maintains the IoT cryptography secured when transactions occurred. This strengthens blockchain and fog to build an effective IoT communication system. The recommended method is an important estimation of the extensive work.
... Resource management is required. 88 (2019) Improve QoS by minimizing service latency and energy consumption. ...
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A drone or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is becoming a trending area for researchers worldwide. UAV's contribution is increasing in day‐to‐day life, whether it is in a military zone, disaster management, healthcare sector, smart cities, Internet of Things (IoT), urban air mobility, and many more. In contrast, UAV's limited computational capability and low‐energy sources pose significant challenges for real‐time data processing, storage, networking, and security that are critical in emergencies such as floods, earthquakes, and cyclones. UAVs are rapidly used to satisfy user requirements as well as services. As the demand for UAVs aided heterogeneous wireless networks increases in critical emergencies, fog computing serves several benefits to fulfill users' demands in terms of low latency, support, data storage, mobility, availability, scalability, and so on. This study aims to present a comprehensive study with their technical aspects for understanding fog computing, security issues, privacy concerns, and risks, along with its solutions. This paper suggests the collaboration of UAV‐Fog architecture based on the four‐tier network consisting of smart things, local UAVs, UAV‐Fog, and cloud server, to control UAV's data and also described some of the security issues faced by this cloud infrastructure. Further, this research article also sheds new light on some scenarios of UAV‐Fog for such deployments, applications, opportunities, challenges, and their major security threats and their countermeasures. Afterward, we design taxonomy of the collaboration of UAV‐Fog with their respective approaches.
... The IoT services need a number of Quality of (QoS) factors this kind of as group Services utilization, resource provisioning, work usage, program hold off, etc. The record technique for the offered model offers also been suggested and consequently the general overall performance evaluation of the technique can be confirmed when it comes to the QoS metrics [5] Various other studies reveal that, within the circumstances of IoT technologies, it is often the data that IoT gadgets generate that creates a comparable advantage. The author determined this as the "risk prize ratio", security and privacy risks increase as well [6]. ...
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: MQTT protocol is publishing-subscribing model for IoT communication. In case of Quality of Services analysis, it is important to check the request and responses between publisher and subscriber. Any threat in communication channel is mostly leads to delay in operation. Hence, if we able to identify the delay parameter, we can suggest by means of QoS that there is a immediate need of security check for IoT system. As many IoT devices performed in unchecked, complicated, and often aggressive surroundings, safeguarding IoT units present many different challenges. The key purpose for support quality degradation of IoT device interaction can be harmful attacks. Plenty of gadgets are often susceptible to port attacks/botnets hits, such as network attack events, which usually assessed by performing QoS Analysis. To start with factors affecting Quality of Services (QoS), in this paper we developed QoS evaluation algorithm "MQoS" for MQTT protocol and considered QoS-0 as an evaluation parameter. This paper refers the threat model which represents the flow of threats for proposed case study and can help to identify QoS by evaluating the possible communication threats. End-to-end device communication requests and responses are needed to be evaluated for large systems to get the actual QoS parameters for that system. For this reason the actual QoS tests will be conducted for third party applications.In this paper we presented results of MQTTv311 simulation for cooling sensor system.
... Over the past few years, IoT services dragged the interest of many researchers [2,26,28,36,37] and several research works covered several issues related to this research area. For example, Maiti et al. [17] focus on the issue of IoT services management and propose a Quality of Service (QoS)-aware fog computing architecture for IoT services. In particular, authors present a model that uses two metrics including service latency and energy consumption. ...
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With the growth of Internet of Thing (IoT) services, the discovery of IoT services becomes a very challenging issue because of its diverse and dynamic nature. IoT services’ providers compete to deliver efficient and high-quality services with a variety of tasks where each service has different description. In this article, we describe the design of an IoT services discovery architecture to improve ways on services discovery in the IoT environments. In particular, we propose a service classification model that uses Center Profile Vector (CPV) based on the modified N-gram and centroid classifier to classify IoT services. The model make the most of calculating the term weight based on tfsc, dfsc in order to sort the terms in the IoT services description. In addition, we present a distance similarity method for the N-gram that helps with the difference in representation lengths between classes and IoT services descriptions. The proposed model has been evaluated using a prototype implementation and experimentations using a real-world IoT network dataset. The evaluation results offer promising classification rate in comparison with some other models. Finally, we utilized distinctive term weighting plans to build up the cross breed CPV model dependent on centroid classifiers and the altered N-gram to improve the classification execution. It is clear for the evaluation results that our new approach is better than traditional methods by around 30%.
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Resource provisioning is allocating resources to clients over the Internet and plays a prominent role in cloud computing infrastructure‐as‐a‐service (IaaS). The main issues of resource provisioning are meeting user demands like bandwidth, response time, throughput, availability, and so on. The cloud computing framework uses virtualization technology to provide on‐demand access to computer system resources, specifically computation and storage. In cloud computing, computing resources are shared across another communication network using virtualization. However, the cloud computing mechanism cannot meet the needs of a large number of Internet of Things (IoT) services. To consider this, fog computing was introduced as a modified mechanism of the cloud paradigm by providing cloud services for the end devices. Fog computing is a decentralized computing model placed between devices, edges, data centers or the cloud. In this way, it helps to meet the demands initiated by IoT services, such as reduced latency, wide mobility coverage, and so on. Several solutions regarding resource allocation in fog computing are available in the research field, but such solutions have not achieved satisfactory results. Therefore, finding a solution by analyzing recent problems is open research. Therefore, this paper reviews different methods established for resource provisioning in fog computing using different parameters from 2015 to 2021 and introduces the limitations, advantages and future directions related to different resource provisioning techniques.
The usage of connected Internet of Things (IoT) devices has increased exponentially. The data generated from these devices is used for real-time analysis to address real-world problems after processing with the help of fog servers. Various metrics are proposed in the literature to access fog servers’ performance. This paper presents a detailed review of papers focusing on fog computing metrics like offloading, resource management, QoS, and privacy & security with their parameters such as latency, execution time, makespan, etc. Fog metrics are classified as general metrics and green IoT metrics, which affect the performance of fog environments in multiple ways. The critical analysis highlights the dependency of fog environments on multiple parameters and a trade-off between these parameters is necessary while creating an optimized environment. This paper explores the tools used and optimized parameters and limitations for deeper insight. The analysis is extended for the applicability of fog environments in different application areas and future directions.
In recent years, Software Defined Networking (SDN) has enabled total control over the network's data flow. SDN acts as a centralised point of administration for data and traffic management. Due to the fact that SDN is an open source software, it is more vulnerable to security concerns. Security policies must also be adhered to, since this would expose the controller to the greatest attacks. DDOS and DOS assaults are more prevalent in SDN controllers. DDOS is a damaging assault that disrupts the usual flow of communication and initiates an overflow of flooded packets, thereby shutting down the system. Machine Learning approaches assist in identifying the network's hidden and unexpected patterns, hence aiding in the analysis of the network's flow. All classified and unclassified approaches can assist in detecting hostile flows depending on specific factors such as packet flow, time length, precision, and accuracy rate. To identify DDOS assaults, researchers employed Bayesian Networks, Wavelets, Support Vector Machines, and KNN. According to the review, KNN offers superior results due to its increased accuracy and reduced false positive rate for detection. We explore the various strategies used in DDoS detection and examine new improvements in intrusion detection in software defined networks in this article.
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The recent advances in cloud services technology are fueling a plethora of information technology innovation, including networking, storage, and computing. Today, various flavors have evolved of IoT, cloud computing, and so-called fog computing, a concept referring to capabilities of edge devices and users’ clients to compute, store, and exchange data among each other and with the cloud. Although the rapid pace of this evolution was not easily foreseeable, today each piece of it facilitates and enables the deployment of what we commonly refer to as a smart scenario, including smart cities, smart transportation, and smart homes. As most current cloud, fog, and network services run simultaneously in each scenario, we observe that we are at the dawn of what may be the next big step in the cloud computing and networking evolution, whereby services might be executed at the network edge, both in parallel and in a coordinated fashion, as well as supported by the unstoppable technology evolution. As edge devices become richer in functionality and smarter, embedding capacities such as storage or processing, as well as new functionalities, such as decision making, data collection, forwarding, and sharing, a real need is emerging for coordinated management of fog-to-cloud (F2C) computing systems. This article introduces a layered F2C architecture, its benefits and strengths, as well as the arising open and research challenges, making the case for the real need for their coordinated management. Our architecture, the illustrative use case presented, and a comparative performance analysis, albeit conceptual, all clearly show the way forward toward a new IoT scenario with a set of existing and unforeseen services provided on highly distributed and dynamic compute, storage, and networking resources, bringing together heterogeneous and commodity edge devices, emerging fogs, as well as conventional clouds. Introduction: The Scenario
Fog computing aims at extending the Cloud by bringing computational power, storage and communication capabilities to the edge of the network, in support of the IoT. Segmentation, distribution and adaptive deployment of functionalities over the continuum from Things to Cloud are challenging tasks, due to the intrinsic heterogeneity, hierarchical structure and very large scale infrastructure they will have to exploit. In this paper, we propose a simple, yet general, model to support the QoS-aware deployment of multi-component IoT applications to Fog infrastructures. The model describes operational systemic qualities of the available infrastructure (latency and bandwidth), interactions among software components and Things, and business policies. Algorithms to determine eligible deployments for an application to a Fog infrastructure are presented. A Java tool, FogTorch, based on the proposed model has been prototyped.
Conference Paper
The novel Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) computing paradigm has been recently proposed aiming at the enhanced integration of Fog Computing and Cloud Computing through the coordinated management of underlying resources, taking into account the peculiarities inherent to each computing model, and enabling the parallel and distributed execution of services into distinct fog/cloud resources. Nevertheless, studies on F2C are still premature and several issues remain unsolved yet. For instance, in an F2C scenario service allocation must cope with the specific aspects associated to cloud and fog resource models, requiring distinct strategies to properly map IoT services into the most suitable available resources. In this paper, we propose a QoS-aware service distribution strategy contemplating both service requirements and resource offerings. We model the service allocation problem as a multidimensional knapsack problem (MKP) aiming at an optimal service allocation taking into consideration delay, load balancing and energy consumption. The presented results, demonstrate that the adopted strategy may be applied by F2C computing reducing the service allocation delay, while also diminishing load and energy consumption on cloud and fog resources.
Conference Paper
Virtually all of the rapidly increasing data traffic consumed by mobile users requires some kind of processing, normally performed at cloud servers. A recent thrust, mobile edge computing, moves such processing to servers within the cellular mobile network. The large temporal and spatial variations to which mobile data usage is subject could make the reduced latency that edge clouds offer come at an unacceptable cost in redundant and underutilized infrastructure. We present some first empirical results on this question, based on large scale sampled crowd-sourced traces from several major cities spanning multiple operators and identifying the applications in use. We find opportunities to obtain both high server utilization and low application latency, but the best approaches will depend on the individual network op-erator's deployment strategy and geographic specifics of the cities we study.