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Encoding Individual Acoustic Features Using Dyad-Augmented Deep Variational Representations for Dialog-level Emotion Recognition

Encoding Individual Acoustic Features using Dyad-Augmented Deep
Variational Representations for Dialog-level Emotion Recognition
Jeng-Lin Li1,2and Chi-Chun Lee1,2
1Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
2MOST Joint Research Center for AI Technology and All Vista Healthcare, Taiwan,
Face-to-face dyadic spoken dialog is a fundamental unit of
human interaction. Despite numerous empirical evidences in
demonstrating interlocutor’s behavior dependency in dyadic in-
teractions, few technical works exist in leveraging the unique
pattern of dynamics in task of advancing emotion recognition
during face-to-face settings. In this work, we propose a frame-
work of encoding an individual’s acoustic features with dyad-
augmented deep networks. The dyad-augmented deep networks
includes a general variational deep Gaussian Mixture embed-
ding network and a dyad-specific fine-tuned network. Our
framework utilizes the augmented dyad-specific feature space
to incorporate the unique behavior pattern emerged when two
people interact. We perform dialog-level emotion regression
tasks in both the CreativeIT and the NNIME databases. We ob-
tain affect regression accuracy of 0.544 and 0.387 for activation
and valence in the CreativeIT database (a relative improvement
of 4.41% and 4.03% compared to using features without aug-
menting the dyad-specific representation), and we obtain 0.700
and 0.604 (4.48% and 4.14% relative improvement) for regress-
ing activation and valence in the NNIME database.
Index Terms: variational deep embedding, dyadic interaction,
emotion recognition, feature augmentation, frozen fine-tuning
1. Introduction
Dyadic interaction is a basic unit of face-to-face human com-
munication providing an important gateway for humans to con-
vey emotion, exchange information, and foster mutual under-
standing [1]. Interpersonal dependency between interlocutors
emerges naturally during interactions. This dependency is evi-
dent both in their internal states (e.g., emotion, cognition, per-
ception, etc) and their expressive behaviors (e.g., speech, lan-
guage, visual expressions, etc). The mutual behavioral depen-
dencies during interactions have been well-studied in the field
of psychology, i.e., known varying as synchrony, entrainment
or adaptation [2, 3]. Preliminary research have also formu-
lated this inter-dependency as a system framework to quantita-
tively interpret the nature of interactions [4, 5]. This naturally-
occurring dependencies internally and behaviorally between the
interacting interlocutors over time lead to unique intricate dyad-
specific patterns of interaction dynamics [6].
As the next-generation human-centered applications be-
come more prevalent, robust and reliable affective sensing in
face-to-face interactions is becoming more critical, especially
important in supporting technologies of natural dialog inter-
faces, human behavior understanding [7], and health applica-
tions [8]. While tremendous effort has been developed in emo-
tion recognition, majority of these research has focused mainly
on developing algorithms for an individual’s behavior in isola-
tion (e.g., [9, 10, 11]). Only recently, some research have started
to leverage the inter-dependencies between interlocutors to im-
prove affect recognition of an individual. For example, Yang et
al. conducted research in computational modeling of analyzing
joint behavior dynamics between dyads as a function of their
emotional states [12, 13, 14]; Metallinou proposed a hierarchi-
cal emotion evolution model [15, 16], and also several other
similar research [17, 18] together have demonstrated the use-
fulness of integrating dyadic patterns of affective states in task
of individual’s affect recognition. Most of these recent works
have presented frameworks that explicitly model the subtle and
intricate inter-dependency at the level of emotional states not
directly at the level of behavior representations.
In this work, we propose a novel network architecture to
obtain robust acoustic representation for an individual during
dyadic interactions. The approach includes two major com-
ponents: a general representation and a dyad-specific dynamic
representation. In specifics, our framework consists of using
variational autoencoder jointly learned with mixture of Gaus-
sian prior at the latent layer, i.e., variational deep embedding
(VaDE) [19]; this encoder network can be used to derive general
acoustic behavior representation. The modeling of intricate be-
havior patterns emerges during dyadic face-to-face interactions
can be cast as learning dyad-specific network by adapting the
general model to the specific dyad. Due to the subtlety of these
behavior dynamics, we utilize a encoder-decoder frozen adapta-
tion strategy that only updates the middle generative latent layer
to mitigate the issue of forgetting effect. With these two dyad-
augmented deep variational autoencoder networks, we can rep-
resent an individual acoustic features as a general VaDE repre-
sentation augmented with the dyad-specific representation.
We evaluate our proposed framework for the task of dialog-
level emotion recognition in two different databases: the Cre-
ativeIT (CIT) [20] and the NNIME database [21]. In specifics,
we obtain dialog-level affect regression accuracy of 0.544 and
0.387 for activation and valence in the CIT database (a relative
improvement of 4.41% and 4.03% compared encoding network
without augmenting dyad-specific representation). We obtain
0.700 and 0.604 (4.48% and 4.14% relative improvement) for
regressing dialog-level activation and valence in the NNIME
database. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: re-
search framework is in Section 2 followed by experiment setup
and results (Section 3); conclusion is presented in Section 4.
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Emotion Databases
We utilize two dyadic emotion interaction databases, the
NNIME and the CIT, in this work. We will briefly describe
each database in the following section.
Interspeech 2018
2-6 September 2018, Hyderabad
3102 10.21437/Interspeech.2018-1455
Figure 1: This is the overall framework for an individual’s dialog-level emotion recognition. We first extract low-level descriptors.
Then, the LLDs are encoded using two networks of general VaDE and dyad-specific VaDE. General representation acts as a behavior
representation learned from the entire database while dyad-specific representation embeds dyadic interaction dynamics. Our proposed
dyad-augmented representation is a concatenation of these two representations after performing dialog-level Fisher encoding. The
general VaDE is composed by encoding network fand decoding network hwith parameters φand θ. Similarly, the dyad-specific
VaDE has encoding network f0and decoding network h0with parameters φ0and θ0respectively.
2.1.1. The USC CreativeIT Database (CIT)
The CreativeIT database (CIT) is a publicly-available multi-
modal emotional corpus consisting of dyadic affective interac-
tions [20]. The database has previously been used in studies
of dyadic affective behavior interplay [12, 13, 14]. The dyadic
interactions are carried out using an established theatrical act-
ing technique, i.e., Active Analysis, to elicit natural affective
behaviors. There are 7 unique male-female pairs (14 speakers)
of individuals engage in approximately 3-minute long affective
interactions (a total of 40 sessions, 80 total annotation samples).
The audio recordings of each individual are collected from lapel
microphones. Dialog-level emotion labels of each subject for
every interactions are rated using dimensional attributes, i.e.,
activation and valence, on a scale of [1, 5] by at least 3 naive
raters. In this work, the average ratings serve as ground truths.
2.1.2. The NNIME Emotion Database (NNIME)
The NNIME emotion database is a recently-published Chinese
dyadic multimodal interaction corpus using a similar setup as
the USC CreativeIT database [21]. The affective dyadic interac-
tions are hypothesized to be in real life scenarios with an overall
targeted affective atmosphere. The naturalness in the affective
behavior display is further ensured by a professional director.
There are 99 interaction sessions (198 annotation samples) with
each lasts around 3 minutes long. There are a total of 22 unique
dyads (44 individuals) in the database. The interaction sessions
are recorded by a video camera facing the stage and lapel mi-
crophone placing on each individual. The emotion attributes
(dialog-level) of activation and valence on a scale of [1, 5] are
annotated by 42 raters regarding the perceived emotion from
each individual. In our work, we take the average of the 42
ratings as our ground truths.
2.2. Dyad-Augmented Deep Variational Representations
We propose to encode acoustic features using dyad-augmented
deep variational representations. The overall computational
framework, including acoustic low-level descriptors, VaDE rep-
resentation, and dyad-augmented representation, is depicted in
Fig. 1. Each will be described in detail further below.
2.2.1. Acoustic Low-level Descriptors
We extract 45 acoustic low-level descriptors (LLDs) at the
frame level (25ms window 10ms step-size) over the speaking
region. The LLDs include 13 Mel Frequency Cepstral Coeffi-
cients (MFCCs), pitch, intensity, and their associated delta and
delta-delta. All of the extracted LLDs are further z-normalized
with respect to each individual speaker.
2.2.2. Variational Deep Embedding Network (VaDE)
In our framework, the representations are learned from varia-
tional deep embedding (VaDE) model [19], which is a varia-
tional autoencoder(VAE) with Gaussian mixture prior. The use
of Gaussian mixture relaxes the assumption and alleviate over-
regularization problem of a standard VAE with a single Gaus-
sian prior distribution [22]. VaDE is learned by maximizing
the evidence lower bound (ELBO), LEMB O , of log-likelihood
function, p(x), for the input sample xand latent factor z:
log p(x) = log ZzX
p(x, z, c)dz
Eq(z,c|x)log p(x, z, c)
q(z, c|x)=LEM BO
where cindicates hidden clustered (mixture) states
{1,...,K}and the q(z, c|x)is the variational posterior ap-
proximation distribution of the true posterior p(z, c|x), which
can be factorized as: q(z , c|x) = q(z|x)q(c|x). To model
q(z|x), the encoding network f(x;φ)is used to jointly learn
the latent GMM parameters λ(weight, mean and variance ma-
trix denoted as πc,µcand σ2
cfor the c-th cluster.
[˜µ, log ˜σ2] = f(x;φ)(2)
q(z|x) = N(z; ˜µ, ˜σ2I)(3)
Using stochastic gradient variational Bayes estimator and with
proper re-parameterization, the parameters can be adjusted by
maximizing ELBO with the following criterion:
DKL (q(c|x)||p(c|z)) 0(4)
where p(c|z)is the prior for specific mixture c. In this work, we
utilize VaDE to derive our acoustic network representation and
then further encode frame-level LLDs to the latent representa-
tion ¯xlusing the learned encoding network f.
Table 1: A summary on Spearman correlation obtained on valence and activation of regression experiments in the NNIME and CIT
database. All results have p-value <103. The top half part shows the results of Exp I as baseline comparison and the lower half
part shows the results of augmentation and different fine-tune strategies. A general VaDE representation is denoted as RGand a
dyad-specific VaDE representation is RD.RAis the augmented representation concatenated by RGand RD.
Act. 0.603 0.635 0.611 0.679 0.627 0.670 0.417 0.424 0.365 0.452 0.486 0.521
Val. 0.246 0.571 0.309 0.365 0.465 0.580 0.326 0.322 0.309 0.325 0.357 0.372
PV aDE fine-tune adapt frozen fine-tune adapt frozen PV aDE fine-tune adapt frozen fine-tune adapt frozen
Act. 0.670 0.408 0.303 0.531 0.639 0.700 0.696 0.521 0.137 0.406 0.208 0.511 0.540 0.544
Val. 0.580 0.355 0.213 0.290 0.596 0.598 0.604 0.372 0.185 0.257 0.234 0.318 0.386 0.387
2.2.3. Dyad-Augmented Deep Embedding Networks
In this work, we learn two VaDE networks, i.e., a general VaDE
network and a dyad-specific VaDE network. The general VaDE
with encoding network f(x;φ)and decoding network h(z;θ)
is learned from the entire corpus that describes general expres-
sive vocal behaviors. The dyad-specific VaDE with encoding
network f0(x0;φ0)and decoding network h0(z0;θ0)is used to
represent the unique interaction dynamics for a specific dyad-
pair. Since the available data for a specific dyad-pair is often
limited, a robust dyad-specific VaDE is learned by performing
fine-tuning on the general VaDE network.
Conventional fine-tuning often suffers from the problem of
forgetting effect, i.e., the network ‘forgets’ its modeling power
in the original domain after fine-tuning [23, 24]. In terms of
dyad-pair behavior dynamics, this forgetting can be detrimen-
tal. Intuitively, the dyad-specific dynamics should not devi-
ate too drastically from general behavior dynamics but to add
fine-grained auxiliary dynamics. Hence, we propose to learn
the dyad-specific network using a frozen transferring technique
(similar to [25]), which freezes the general VaDE encoder-
decoder network weights except updating the middle latent
layer jointly with GMM prior by fine-tuning using the data of
the specified dyad-pair.
In summary, for each individual, we encode the frame-
level LLDs using both the encoding networks, (f, f 0), of gen-
eral VaDE and dyad-specific VaDE model to derive our dyad-
augmented deep embedding latent vectors.
2.2.4. Dialog-level Emotion Recognition
Since each dialog is different in its duration, the encoded LLDs
into our dyad-augmented VaDE networks would result in a
varying number of representation sequences. We compute the
gradient log-likelihood function, i.e., Fisher scoring (indicating
the direction of λto better fit ¯xl), with respect to the first and
second order statistics of the learned latent VaDE-GMM param-
eters to further encode a sequence of acoustic latent representa-
tion ¯xlinto a fixed-length representation (also terms as GMM-
based Fisher-vector encoding [26]). The use of Fisher-vector
encoding has been shown to be competitive in speech-related
tasks of paralinguistic recognition [27], presentation scoring
[28], and emotion recognition [29, 30]. The dialog-level acous-
tic vectors that integrates both the general representation and the
dyad-specific dynamics is derived by concatenating the general
Fisher-scoring vector with the dyad-specific Fisher-scoring vec-
tor. This is the final feature vector input that is used to train a
support vector regression for dialog-level emotion recognition.
3. Experimental Setup and Result
In this work, we compare our dyad-augmented VaDE acoustic
representation with different models in tasks of activation and
valence regression on the two databases. Two different analyses
experiments are carried out:
Exp I : Comparison to other vocal representations for
dialog-level emotion recognition
Exp II: Comparison between different dyad-specific
augmented representation techniques
Exp I is carried out by comparing with multiple representation
learning network schemes with two different low level feature
sets when using only the general representation. Exp II is de-
signed to examine the effect of dyad-augmented representation
on emotion recognition task, which is derived from both the
general network embedding and dyad-specific network embed-
ding and further compare to other fine-tuning strategies.
All the experiments are carried out using leave-one-dyad-
out cross validation, the support vector regression with linear
kernel and fixed parameters (C= 1), and Spearman correlation
as the evaluation metric. Table 2 lists the network parameters
for general VaDE model and dyad-specific VaDE model.
3.1. Exp I: Comparison to Other Representations
A list of feature representations to compare is shown below:
E:Fisher scoring representation on eGeMAPS low-
level descriptors in 20ms frame size and 10ms step size
computed using opensmile [31]
EAG :Fisher scoring representation derived from GMM
separately trained on the autoencoder latent layer using
low-level descriptors of eGeMAPs
EVaDE :Fisher scoring representation derived from
the VaDE latent layer using low-level descriptors of
P:Fisher scoring representation on low-level acoustic
features computed using Praat described in section 2.2.1
PAG :Fisher scoring representation derived from GMM
separately trained on the autoencoder latent layer using
low-level descriptors from Praat
PVaDE :Fisher scoring representation derived from the
VaDE latent layer joint GMM prior using low-level de-
scriptors from Praat
The results of Exp I are demonstrated in the top half of Ta-
ble 1. We show the recognition results obtained using each fea-
ture set (E: eGeMAPS, P: Praat), autoencoder-based methods
(EAG or PAG), and the VaDE methods (EV aDE and PV aDE ).
Figure 2: It shows a schematic of different fine-tuning strate-
gies: (a) a simple fine-tuning method that uses low learning rate
and few epochs, (b) an adaptation with an additional layer for
capacity expansion, and (c) our proposed fine-tuning approach
with trainable latent layer while the others frozen.
Our experiments show that the best recognition accuracies ob-
tained using general model only is by learning the representa-
tion using the VaDE approach, which achieves correlations of
0.670 and 0.580 in NNIME database on activation and valence
dimension, and 0.521 and 0.372 on activation and valence di-
mension respectively in CIT database.
We observe that the VaDE representation learned using both
feature sets achieve the best performance compared to the other
learning schemes. It is also interesting to see that EAG or
PAG, which learns the autoencoder and GMM separately, can
sometimes exceed the accuracy obtained from Eor Pthough
never surpass the VaDE model (jointly optimized the autoen-
coder with GMM parameters). It seems to indicate that the ad-
vanced nonlinear representation modeling power in these net-
work structures benefits from the loosely-regularized GMM in
their latent layer when learning from data.
3.2. Exp II: Comparison between Dyad-Augmentations
Our proposed dyad-augmented vocal representation (RA) in-
cludes a general VaDE representation (RG) and a dyad-specific
VaDE (RD). It obtains the best correlation, i.e., 0.700 and 0.604
for activation and valence on the NNIME, and 0.544 and 0.387
for activation and valence on the CIT. This result shows a rela-
tive gain of 4.48% and 4.14% compared with RGusing PV aDE
(without dyad-augmentation) in recognizing activation and va-
lence in the NNIME database. Similar improvement in obtain-
ing a 4.41% and 4.03% relative performance on activation and
valence also holds in the CIT database (Table 1). We observe
that using RDonly would negatively impact the recognition
correlation due to its inadequate modeling power on acoustic
representation (contains only the dyad-specific variability from
limited data samples). These results shows that our augmenta-
tion technique which incorporate dyadic-specific unique behav-
ioral dynamics is important in improving the emotion recogni-
tion for an individual in an face-to-face setting.
Since the dyad-specific VaDE is learned by fine-tuning on
general VaDE. We further analyze and compare various fine-
tuning techniques in deriving the dyad-specific VaDEs. We ex-
amine the three widely-used fine-tuning methods illustrated in
Figure 2. First, we simply ne-tune the network using the dyad-
Table 2: The VaDE architectures and configurations used in our
emotion recognition experiments.
Parameters minibatch epoch CGMM lr
CIT RG100 50 16 0.0002
RD100 10 8 0.00002
NNIME RG20 50 16 0.002
RD20 10 16 0.00002
specific data. Second, we add an additional hidden layer and
make the latent layers trainable with the other original layers
frozen (denoted as adaptation in Figure 2). Third is our pro-
posed method that makes the latent layer trainable with the orig-
inal encoder-decoder layers frozen (denoted as frozen strategy
in Figure 2). All of these fine-tune strategies are carried out
using small learning rate and few epochs.
Table 1 bottom half summarizes results obtained from dif-
ferent fine-tuning strategies. We observe that techniques based
on adaptation and frozen methods can outperform typical fine-
tuning method. The frozen strategy obtains the best perfor-
mance among the three. Generally, methods with frozen strat-
egy is favorable for the augmented representation compared to
the adaptation method, which may due to the fact that the adap-
tation adds an non-initialized layers and may be too complex
to model the ‘additional’ intricate vocal interaction dynamics
between the interlocutors.
4. Conclusion
In this paper, we propose a novel framework in learning a dyad-
augmented deep variational vocal representations that integrates
the unique dyadic interaction dynamics to improve individual’s
dialog-level emotion recognition. By encoding and concate-
nating an individual acoustic features resulting from using two
deep generative networks, a general and dyad-specific VaDE
network, we achieve an improved dialog-level emotion recog-
nition accuracies on activation and valence dimensions demon-
strated on two different corpora. The dyad-specific VaDE repre-
sentation is learned through fine-tuning general network using
a frozen strategy. Our analyses further demonstrate that such
a frozen fine-tuning technique is important in obtaining the im-
proved accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the
first works in embedding the natural dyadic behavior dynamics
directly at the level of acoustic representation in task of speech
emotion recognition.
There are multiple future directions. One of the immedi-
ate work is to include multimodal behavior information, e.g.,
body movement and gestural information, to achieve a fur-
ther improved emotion recognition by leveraging the mutual-
dependency across behavior modalities and further between in-
teracting dyads. The representation learning framework offers
flexibility in sophisticated behavior and even interaction pat-
tern modeling at the low-level descriptors level. We will fur-
ther validate and advance upon the VaDE-based behavior repre-
sentation framework on an expanded list of dyadic interaction
databases. By continuing to develop algorithm in achieving a
robust emotion recognition system would contribute to the en-
abling of the next generation applications in not only human-
centered research and development but also create a tangible
impact on mental health-related applications [32].
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“Signal processing and machine learning for mental health re-
search and clinical applications [perspectives], IEEE Signal Pro-
cessing Magazine, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 196–195, 2017.
Most speech emotion recognition studies often focus on recognizing pre-set emotion classes. However, the task definition may change due to a shift in focus to a previously unseen class in real-world applications. This cross-task modeling has not been addressed previously. Lengthy data re-collection, model retraining, and the traditional adaptation and transfer learning approaches are not applicable to this cross-task setting. This study proposes an enroll-to-verify framework to avoid model retraining and rapidly perform a new task prediction using only a handful of enrolled samples. Specifically, we use negative angular margin prototypical loss in a pretrained multiclass network as an emotion encoder. Then, we enroll a few samples corresponding to emotion classes in the new task definition and simply compare the encoded embedding distance to perform recognition. In the experiments on the IEMOCAP dataset, given a four-class pretrained emotion encoder, we achieved a 71.9% unweighted average recall in the frustration (unseen) recognition task. The MELD dataset was used where the unseen class was surprise, fear, or disgust. The results revealed that enrolling only 20 samples without retraining was comparable to supervised training using the complete dataset. Further analyses were conducted to demonstrate the working mechanism of our proposed enroll-to-verify approach.
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Expanding the domain that deep neural network has already learned without accessing old domain data is a challenging task because deep neural networks forget previously learned information when learning new data from a new domain. In this paper, we propose a less-forgetful learning method for the domain expansion scenario. While existing domain adaptation techniques solely focused on adapting to new domains, the proposed technique focuses on working well with both old and new domains without needing to know whether the input is from the old or new domain. First, we present two naive approaches which will be problematic, then we provide a new method using two proposed properties for less-forgetful learning. Finally, we prove the effectiveness of our method through experiments on image classification tasks. All datasets used in the paper, will be released on our website for someone's follow-up study.
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Clustering is among the most fundamental tasks in machine learning and artificial intelligence. In this paper, we propose Variational Deep Embedding (VaDE), a novel unsupervised generative clustering approach within the framework of Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE). Specifically, VaDE models the data generative procedure with a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and a deep neural network (DNN): 1) the GMM picks a cluster; 2) from which a latent embedding is generated; 3) then the DNN decodes the latent embedding into an observable. Inference in VaDE is done in a variational way: a different DNN is used to encode observables to latent embeddings, so that the evidence lower bound (ELBO) can be optimized using the Stochastic Gradient Variational Bayes (SGVB) estimator and the reparameterization trick. Quantitative comparisons with strong baselines are included in this paper, and experimental results show that VaDE significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art clustering methods on 5 benchmarks from various modalities. Moreover, by VaDE's generative nature, we show its capability of generating highly realistic samples for any specified cluster, without using supervised information during training.
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A novel human emotion recognition method based on automatically selected Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) signal features and SVM is proposed in this paper. GSR signals were acquired by e-Health Sensor Platform V2.0. Then, the data is de-noised by wavelet function and normalized to get rid of the individual difference. 30 features are extracted from the normalized data, however, directly using of these features will lead to a low recognition rate. In order to gain the optimized features, a covariance based feature selection is employed in our method. Finally, a SVM with input of the optimized features is utilized to achieve the human emotion recognition. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method leads to good human emotion recognition, and the recognition accuracy is more than 66.67%.
The ability to accurately judge another person's emotional states with a short duration of observations is a unique perceptual mechanism of humans, termed as the thin-sliced judgment. In this work, we propose a computational framework based on mutual information to identify the thin-sliced emotion-rich behavior segments within each session and further use these segments to train the session-level affect regressors. Our proposed thin-sliced framework obtains regression accuracies measured in Spearman correlations of 0.605, 0.633, and 0.672 on session-level attributes of activation, dominance, and valence respectively. It outperforms framework using data of the entire session as baseline. The significant improvement in the regression correlations reinforces the thin-sliced nature of human emotion perception. By properly extracting the these emotion-rich behavior segments, we obtain not only an improved overall accuracy but also bring additional insights. Specifically, our detailed analyses indicate that this thin-sliced nature in emotion perception is more evident for attributes of activation and valence, and the within-session time distribution of emotion-salient behavior is located more toward the ending portion. Lastly, we observe that there indeed exists a certain set of behavior types that carry high emotion-related content, and this is especially apparent in the extreme emotion levels.
Effective leadership bears strong relationship to attributes of emotion contagion, positive mood, and social intelligence. In fact, leadership quality has been shown to be manifested in the exhibited communicative behaviors, especially in settings of public speaking. While studies on the theories of leadership has received much attention, little has progressed in terms of the computational development in its measurements. In this work, we present a behavioral signal processing (BSP) research to assess the qualities of oral presentations in the domain of education, in specific, we propose a multimodal framework toward automating the scoring process of pre-service school principals' oral presentations given at the yearly certification program. We utilize a dense unit-level audio-video feature extraction approach with session-level behavior profile representation techniques based on bag-of-word and Fisher-vector encoding. Furthermore, we design a scoring framework, inspired by the psychological evidences of human's decision-making mechanism, to use confidence measures outputted from support vector machine classifier trained on the distinctive set of data samples as the regressed scores. Our proposed approach achieves an absolute improvement of 0.049 (9.8% relative) on average over support vector regression. We further demonstrate that the framework is reliable and consistent compared to human experts.
Formally, the problem that we present is that of identifying the hidden attributes of the system that modulates the body's signals, uncovered through novel signal processing and machine learning on large-scale multimodal data (Figure 1). Signal processing is the keystone that supports this mapping from data to representations of behaviors and mental states. The pipeline first begins with raw signals, such as from visual, auditory, and physiological sensors. Then, we need to localize information coming from corresponding behavioral channels, such as the face, body, and voice. Next, the signals are denoised and modeled to extract meaningful information like the words that are said and patterns of how they are spoken. The coordination of channels can also be assessed via time-series modeling techniques. Moreover, since an individual's behavior is not isolated, but influenced by a communicative partners' actions and the environment (e.g., interview versus casual discussion, home versus clinic), temporal modeling must account for these contextual effects. Finally, having achieved a representation of behavior derived from the signals, machine learning is used to make inferences on mental states to support human or autonomous decision making.