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A review of existing mathematical models for velodrome cycling suggests that cyclists and cycling coaches could benefit from an improved simulation tool. A continuous mathematical model for cycling has been developed that includes calculated slip and steering angles and, therefore, allows for resulting variation in rolling resistance. The model focuses on aspects that are particular, but not unique, to velodrome cycling but could be used for any cycling event. Validation of the model is provided by power meter, wheel speed and timing data obtained from two different studies and eight different athletes. The model is shown to predict the lap by lap performance of six elite female athletes to an average accuracy of 0.36% and the finishing times of two elite athletes competing in a 3-km individual pursuit track cycling event to an average accuracy of 0.20%. Possible reasons for these errors are presented. The impact of speed on steering input is discussed as an example application of the model.
Sports Engineering
A mathematical model forsimulating cycling: applied totrack cycling
BillyFitton1 · DigbySymons1,2
© The Author(s) 2018
A review of existing mathematical models for velodrome cycling suggests that cyclists and cycling coaches could benefit
from an improved simulation tool. A continuous mathematical model for cycling has been developed that includes calculated
slip and steering angles and, therefore, allows for resulting variation in rolling resistance. The model focuses on aspects
that are particular, but not unique, to velodrome cycling but could be used for any cycling event. Validation of the model
is provided by power meter, wheel speed and timing data obtained from two different studies and eight different athletes.
The model is shown to predict the lap by lap performance of six elite female athletes to an average accuracy of 0.36% and
the finishing times of two elite athletes competing in a 3-km individual pursuit track cycling event to an average accuracy
of 0.20%. Possible reasons for these errors are presented. The impact of speed on steering input is discussed as an example
application of the model.
Keywords Cycling· Simulation· Velodrome· Dynamics
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
Cycling is a sport which lends itself to performance analy-
sis. The relative ease of data collection means that com-
petitive teams carry out much analysis and spend significant
resources determining optimal choices of equipment, athlete
or strategy. As power meters and other measurements have
become more accurate, the desire for accurate mathematical
models has grown. A review of existing predictive cycling
models has revealed scope for improvement in the modelling
of tyre forces in track cycling in particular.
1.2 Literature review
Since the release of Schoberer Rad Meßtechnik’s (Jülich,
Germany) first power meter in the early 1990s, mathematical
models of cycling have become increasingly sophisticated.
Olds etal. [1] presented a comprehensive equation for power
demand accounting for aerodynamic drag (including head
winds), rolling resistance and equipment specifications.
Olds etal. [2] improved this model, including the impact
of drafting, crosswinds and the kinetic energy of limbs and
wheels. This revised model was validated by testing 41 ath-
letes over a 26-km time trial. Using measured power as an
input the model predicted finishing time to an accuracy of
5%. Martin etal. [3] developed a model more complicated in
its calculation of aerodynamic drag, with wheel drag varying
with velocity, but otherwise less sophisticated. This model
had an accuracy of 3% when validated for six test subjects.
Basset etal. [4] derived a model to compare the several dif-
ferent world hour record attempts in the 1990s. This model
included some limiting assumptions: i.e. equal groundspeed
and air speed, and frontal surface area, a constant fraction
of body surface area.
It was not until Martin etal. [5] and Lukes etal. [6] who
presented models for velodrome cycling that cornering on
a banked track was addressed. Martin etal. [5] considered
the track as circular with constant radius and banking angle.
In contrast, Lukes etal. [6] modelled the velodrome as two
straights and two corners, albeit with no transition between
the two. A similar approach was taken by Caddy etal. [7]
in an investigation into the impact of cyclist posture on
event performance. All only approximate the true shape of
* Billy Fitton
1 Department ofEngineering, University ofCambridge,
Trumpington St, CambridgeCB21PZ, UK
2 Mechanical Engineering Department, University
ofCanterbury, Christchurch, NewZealand
B.Fitton, D.Symons
a velodrome. Lukes etal. [8] refined their approximation by
splitting the velodrome geometry into eight sections rather
than four. This improved model also included tyre scrubbing
effects. It could predict finishing times with an accuracy of
2%. In a separate study investigating the aerodynamics of
track cycling, Underwood [9, 10] created the most accu-
rate track cycling model to date. Using measured power and
field-derived values for drag area, CdA, the model predicted
elite individual pursuit finishing times with an average error
of 0.42%.
1.3 Paper overview
Although four of the above models [4, 5, 810] concern vel-
odrome cycling, they all neglect some aerodynamic aspects
and model the bends simplistically. To address these limi-
tations, this paper describes a more complete mathemati-
cal model for all cycling events. It proposes a method of
predicting the slip and steer angles necessary to navigate
turns (allowing for banking), as well as allowing for rotat-
ing bodies in the system. The model is derived, a method of
implementation is explained and then the results of two dif-
ferent validation studies are presented. The impact of speed
on steering input is discussed as an example application of
the model.
2 Mathematical model
2.1 Model principles
The focus of this model is velodrome cycling; however, the
equations derived are generic and could be applied to other
cycle sports. The model is a significant extension of the
velodrome-specific model presented in a previous study [7].
The model is a quasi-steady-state analysis that assumes
instantaneous equilibrium of the cyclist at each time step
but allows for changes in speed and configuration between
time steps. At each time step, the cyclist is assumed to be
following a path of known local curvature at constant speed,
i.e. with all accelerations other than centripetal neglected.
The rate of work done against dissipative forces is calcu-
lated based on this instantaneous equilibrium. Any differ-
ence between the cyclist’s input mechanical work and that
dissipated is attributed to changes of gravitational potential
and/or kinetic energy (any change in the latter implying
Forces are resolved both tangential and perpendicular to
the cyclist’s direction of motion at every time step. The lean
angle, tyre slip angles and steering angle are calculated. The
model assumes that the heading angle of the cyclist, χ, and
the steering input, δ, are small and will, therefore, only be
considered in determining the tyre slip angles (which are of
a similar magnitude).
2.2 Derived terms
2.2.1 Governing equation
The governing equation for this model is an energy balance:
Over a time period, δt, the available mechanical work
is the product of the cyclist’s input power, Pin, and the effi-
ciency, η, of the bicycle transmission. Drag forces dissipate
much of this energy, Ediss. The remaining power results
in changes in the total kinetic, ΔT, and/or potential, ΔV,
Figure1 shows forces on the cyclist viewed in a direction
parallel to the ground surface and perpendicular to the direc-
tion of motion (see also Fig.2, a view along the direction
of motion). β is the banking angle of the ground surface;
λ is the angle of vertical inclination of the cyclist’s direc-
tion of motion and Fλ is the consequent component of the
𝜂Pin𝛿tTV+Ediss .
Fig. 1 Summary of forces acting on a cyclist, view is in a plane per-
pendicular to ground surface (β to the vertical)
Fig. 2 Forces acting on cyclist in a plane perpendicular to their direc-
tion of motion (λ to the vertical)
A mathematical model forsimulating cycling: applied totrack cycling
cyclist’s weight acting in their direction of motion. Fd is the
aerodynamic drag force and ζ is the angle from the direc-
tion of motion through which it acts. FR and FN are rolling
resistance and normal contact forces, respectively, where
subscripts 1 or 2 refer to the front or rear tyre. FF is the
propulsive force acting at the contact patch of the rear tyre.
Fx is the horizontal component of the centripetal, Fc, and
drag, Fd, forces (Fig.2). Fy is the sum of the forces acting
on the cyclist at an angle λ to the vertical and perpendicular
to the direction of motion (Fig.2). Both Fx and Fy have
components acting in the plane of Fig.1 (as shown). is
the angular velocity of the cyclist and bicycle.
2.2.2 Cyclist dynamics
Figure2 shows the forces acting on a cyclist that determine
the angle of lean, θ. This view is of a plane normal to the
direction of motion, i.e. at angle λ to the vertical. Within this
plane, the weight of the cyclist and bike has component Fw.
As the wheels navigate a bend with instantaneous radius of
curvature Rw, the cyclist’s centre of gravity moves on a path
with instantaneous radius RCG. The corresponding centrip-
etal force, Fc, acts in a direction perpendicular to both the
direction of motion and the axis of rotation and thus at an
angle, κ, to the horizontal. Taking moments about the wheel
contact point, and using
an iterative formula for θ can be derived:
where m is the total mass of the cyclist and the bicycle,
g is the gravitational acceleration, vCG is the velocity of
the cyclist/bicycle centre of gravity and hCG the distance
between the centre of gravity and the wheel/ground contact
The roll angle of the cyclist, φ, is given by
=mg cos 𝜆,
Fy=FwFcsin 𝜅Fdsin 𝜁sin 𝛽,
F𝜆=mg sin 𝜆,
RCG =RwhCG sin (𝜃𝜅),
(RwhCG sin (𝜃n𝜅)) cos 𝜅+Fdsin 𝜁cos 𝛽
mg cos (𝜆)mvCG2
(RwhCG sin (𝜃n𝜅)) sin 𝜅Fdsin 𝜁sin 𝛽
2.2.3 Aerodynamic drag
Aerodynamic drag can exceed 90% of a cyclist’s resistance to
motion [11, 12]. In this model, the aerodynamic drag force is
calculated via
using the drag area, CdA, air density, ρ, velocity of the cen-
tre of drag, vd, and local air velocity, vair. vd/air is the velocity
of the centre of drag relative to the air and is found using
The drag force acts in the same direction as vd/air, at an
angle ζ to the direction of motion and parallel to the ground
surface (it is assumed that vair is in a plane parallel to the
ground surface).
2.2.4 Slip, camber andsteer angles
To determine the necessary steering input, the tyre loading and
slip and camber angles must be calculated (Fig.3a). The tyre
loading depends on the overall equilibrium of the cyclist (see
Figs.1, 2, 3b). The resultant reaction force, P, acting through
the tyres and its components can be derived by
where FN and FS are the total normal contact force and side
force, respectively. FN and FS can be separated into forces
acting through front and rear tyres by taking moments about
the front tyre contact patch, resolving in two directions and
using the lengths a and b (see Fig.3b).
Thus it can be found that
Having determined the side force required at each tyre,
it is possible to calculate the slip and camber angles by the
use of
FN=Pcos 𝜑=Fxsin 𝛽+Fycos 𝛽,
N2 =
Fdcos 𝜁+F𝜆
hCG cos 𝜑
S2 =
Fdcos 𝜁+F𝜆
hCG sin 𝜑
B.Fitton, D.Symons
which follows from Eqs.(14)–(18). The ratio of side to nor-
mal forces is also given by
are slip and camber angles of the wheel in
the cornering stiffness (/rad) and
the camber
stiffness (/rad) of the tyre.
Camber and slip angles for front and rear tyres are defined
by [13]
where ε is the steering rake angle.
are the nor-
mal and tangential components of the bicycle velocity with
respect to the bicycle frame, see Fig.3a and
where χ is the heading angle. The relationship between
ground steer angle, δ and steer angle, δ, is given by [13]
sin 𝛾1=sin 𝜑+𝛿sin 𝜀cos 𝜑,
+aΩcos 𝛽
bΩcos 𝛽u
=vwsin 𝜒,
ut=vwcos 𝜒,
Equations (20), (21) and (23) enable the rear tyre slip
angle to be given as a function of the known roll angle φ
and the rear tyre stiffness coefficients:
Since α2 is now known Eqs.(26) and (27) can be sub-
stituted into Eqs.(25) and (26) to give
Using Eqs.(20)–(29), it is now possible to obtain a
function of the bicycle and track geometry, tyre coeffi-
cients and roll and heading angles that can be solved itera-
tively, by substituting Eq.(28) for the steer angle, δ:
2.2.5 Rolling resistance
The total rolling resistance is given by
where Crr1 and Crr2 are coefficients of rolling resistance for
front and rear tyre, respectively. These coefficients depend
tan (
𝛿cos 𝜀
cos 𝜑𝛿sin 𝜑sin 𝜀
tan 𝜑𝜑C
bcos 𝛽R
=tan 𝜒
+cos 𝛽
Rwcos 𝜒
sin1(sin 𝜑+𝛿sin 𝜀cos 𝜑)
Fig. 3 Top view in a plane
parallel to the ground of a the
kinematics of, and b the forces,
on the bicycle and cyclist
A mathematical model forsimulating cycling: applied totrack cycling
on the characteristics of the particular tyre and the instanta-
neous slip and camber angles. Measurement of the rolling
resistance characteristics of a tyre requires careful experi-
mentation, see, e.g. Fitton and Symons [14].
2.2.6 Potential energy
Work done against gravity is determined by changes in
potential energy, V, which is equal to
where the overall height of the centre of gravity, z, depends
on both the varying height of the path of the wheels, hw, and
the lean angle of the cyclist, θ.
2.2.7 Kinetic energy
The kinetic energy of the system is given by
where mw and Iw are the mass and moment of inertia of one
bicycle wheel, vcw and ωw are the translational and angular
velocities of the wheel, respectively, mc and Ic are the mass
and moment of inertia of the cyclist/bicycle, and vc and ωc
are the translational and angular velocities of the cyclist/
bicycle. Rotational kinetic energy of the limbs, pedals and
cranks is neglected; Olds [2] showed them to account for
only 0.07% of total kinetic energy, compared to 2% for the
wheels. To make use of Eq.(34), the different velocities
must be determined from the geometry of the cyclist and
bicycle (Fig.4).
By assuming no longitudinal slip for the tyre/ground con-
tact, the angular velocity of the wheel relative to the cyclist,
ωw/c, can be found by
cos 𝜃
where r is the outer radius of the tyre and the components
are in the first, second and third directions (Fig.2).
The cyclist and bicycle frames rotate as a rigid body,
with an angular velocity of
The components of the wheels’ and cyclist’s angular
velocities in the first, second and third directions are given
Due to the quasi-steady-state approach adopted for this
model, the component of angular velocity in the third
direction (i.e. dθ/dt, the rate of change of lean angle) is
assumed to be zero at each instant.
Moments of inertia about the centre of gravity in the
first, second and third directions (Fig.2) are assumed to
be principal moments of inertia for both wheel and cyclist;
With all terms in Eq.(34) determined, the total kinetic
energy, T, can be defined in terms of vCG by
2.3 Numerical solution andimplementation
A straightforward implementation is forward integra-
tion of the acceleration, aCG, over fixed time increments,
δt. Forces and configuration are calculated assuming
+Iw1sin (𝜓)
sin (𝜓)
cos (𝜓)
Fig. 4 Showing velocities of the cyclist and bicycle in a plane parallel
to the bicycle frame
B.Fitton, D.Symons
instantaneous steady-state cornering using the method
above; both are assumed constant throughout the time step.
aCG is calculated, and also assumed constant throughout
the time step. This approach is a computationally efficient
approximation that should be sufficiently accurate if δt
remains small (i.e. less than 2s).
The rate at which energy is lost to dissipative forces is
the product of the force magnitudes and the corresponding
velocities and can, therefore, be calculated by
Differentiating Eq.(33) means that the rate of change of
potential energy can be determined by
Note that the quasi-steady-state approximation assumes
that the angular velocity of roll, dθ/dt, is approximately zero
at each time step; therefore, in the simplest implementation
dθ/dt must be estimated via linear extrapolation from previ-
ous time steps.
If the input power
of the cyclist is known, the power
PT associated with a change in kinetic energy can be calcu-
lated by modifying Eq.(1) to
If K is assumed to be approximately constant over a time
step then PT can be calculated by
The acceleration of the cyclist’s centre of gravity is given
The velocity, displacement, configuration and forces act-
ing on the cyclist at the beginning of the next time step can
then be determined.
To avoid the discontinuity that arises from vCG equal-
ling zero at the start of the initial time step, Eq.(48) can be
modified to
where G is the gear ratio and Q the starting torque.
=Fdcos 𝜁vd+FRvw
vwsin 𝜆hCG
sin 𝜃
CG =
3 Validation
3.1 Method, assumptions andfixed terms
3.1.1 Method
The model was implemented in Matlab (Mathworks, Cam-
bridge, UK) and validated by two different methods. The
investigation has been approved by the Cambridge Univer-
sity Engineering Department Research Ethics Committee.
First, the tool was used to predict the lap times of six dif-
ferent elite female athletes cycling at approximately constant
speed. These athletes each took part in three sub maximal
efforts at the Manchester velodrome on three separate days.
Throughout each effort, the athletes were asked to maintain
a specified speed and to follow the 250-m datum line as
closely as possible. The specified speed was varied for each
session and athlete. In total, the six athletes completed 174
laps at speeds between 42 and 51km/h. The recorded power
data and measured athlete characteristics were then used to
predict the athlete’s performance throughout the 174 laps.
All of the participants gave informed consent for their data
to be used in this investigation.
Second, the tool was used to predict the finishing time
of two elite female cyclists competing in the 3km Individ-
ual Pursuit (3KIP) event at the 2017 UEC European Track
Championships (ETC2017) in Berlin from the input power
recorded for each cyclist during the same event.
3.1.2 Athlete power
Input power of the athletes was recorded using a power
meter (Schoberer Rad Meßtechnik, Germany) which had
been calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
3.1.3 Atmospheric conditions
Air density, ρ, was calculated from local atmospheric con-
ditions at the time using Teten’s formulation [15]. Gravi-
tational acceleration, g, was determined for the velodrome
locations [16].
3.1.4 Track geometry andcyclist trajectory
Track geometry (banking angles, radii, inclinations) was
required for two different velodromes. The Manchester (UK)
velodrome geometry was found from a survey of the 250-m
datum line using a TC403L total station (Leica Geosystems,
Heerbrugg, Switzerland). The geometry of the Berlin velo-
drome was determined from a combination of expert knowl-
edge and information given by the track designers: Schuer-
mann Architects (Muenster, Germany). It was assumed that
A mathematical model forsimulating cycling: applied totrack cycling
the wheels of the cyclists exactly followed the datum line.
In contrast to other studies [4, 5, 7, 8] the altitude, hw, of the
datum line was allowed to vary.
3.1.5 Drag area andaerodynamic drag
Bulk airflow is caused by cyclists circling a velodrome.
Throughout the validation process, this airflow was assumed
to remain constant in both magnitude and direction. The
magnitude of the airflow was the average of that meas-
ured during the validation session using an anemometer.
The direction of the airflow was assumed tangential to the
cyclist’s motion, i.e. ζ = 0.
Due to lack of access to a wind tunnel, the cyclist’s drag
area CdA was derived from field testing. Each athlete under-
went aerodynamic testing with identical equipment and
maintaining the same position as that used in each effort
but at an earlier date. The protocol outlined by Fitton etal.
[17] was used in each instance. CdA was assumed constant
throughout each effort.
Note that the centre of drag (the point through which the
aerodynamic drag force acts), is assumed the same as the
centre of gravity. The cyclists’ positions, and the fact that
their bodies typically account for 70% of their total aerody-
namic drag [11], means that the centre of drag is very close
to the centre of gravity.
3.1.6 Mass andinertia
In the first part of this validation, the mass of the cyclists
and their equipment was measured before and after each
session and the average used in the simulation. In the second
part mass was measured only once, as close to the event as
The model requires the centre of gravity location and
moment of inertia of the cyclist. These inputs were deter-
mined by measuring an average-sized elite cyclist, who did
not take part in either study but was part of the same team,
from a high-definition photo and then modelling each limb,
the torso and the head as separate ellipsoids. The same
cyclist was weighed and each ellipsoid assigned a proportion
of the cyclist’s total mass typical for an average human [18].
Using two more photos of the same athlete in their cycling
position, three-dimensional coordinates were assigned to
each limb. With the limb dimensions, estimated masses and
positions, it was possible to determine the centre of mass and
the inertia of the cyclist and bicycle (without wheels), IC.
The values for other athletes were determined by scaling for
their relative physical characteristics. Wheels were assumed
to be uniform discs to calculate inertia.
3.1.7 Efficiency ofthebicycle
Sources of inefficiency on a bicycle include drivetrain, frame
flexibility and wheel bearings. For this validation, a fixed
mechanical efficiency, η, of 98% [19] has been assumed.
3.1.8 Tyre properties
Tyre properties Cα, Cγ and Crr were determined in a previ-
ous study [14]. Cα and Cγ were found to be constant and
independent of tyre normal force, whereas Crr was found
to be a function of both the loading and orientation (α and
γ) of the tyre. Crr has, therefore, been modelled to increase
non-linearly with both α and γ, and most significantly with
the former.
4 Results
For part one of this validation, lap times were predicted with
an average accuracy of 0.36%. The maximum and minimum
errors of the model were 0.98% and 0.001%, respectively.
The standard deviation of the errors was 0.22%. The predic-
tion was less than the actual lap time in 86% of cases; a prob-
able explanation is the cyclists’ imperfect handling ability.
Analysis of the measured wheel speed data revealed that the
elite cyclists travelled 0.7% further than the track length.
In the second validation study, finishing times of the two
events were predicted with an average accuracy of 0.20%
and individual split times with an average absolute accu-
racy of 0.24% (Table1). Figure5 compares simulated and
recorded wheel speed data for Athlete A. Again the simu-
lation under predicted the finishing time of both athletes.
An additional contributing factor may be the assumption of
constant CdA throughout the event. In a 3KIP CdA may be
greater at the start, as the athlete pedals out of the saddle,
and at the end of the event, where the tiring cyclist may not
maintain their position.
The error associated with the simulation’s prediction of
finishing times and, importantly, split times is lower than
in any previous comparable study. The model described by
Lukes etal. [8] was capable of predicting finishing time in
a 4KIP to within 2% and individual split times (0–1km,
1–2km, 2–3km, 3–4km) with a slightly larger error than
that. Underwood’s [9, 10] proposed model was able to pre-
dict finishing times for elite athletes competing in the 3KIP
and 4KIP to within 0.42%. When investigating Underwood’s
model’s prediction of split times (0–1km, 1–2km, 2–3km),
however, the available data suggest higher errors of approxi-
mately 2.5%.
Significant factors contributing to the accuracy of the
model presented here include the consideration of rotational
kinetic energy and varying tyre forces and the care taken in
B.Fitton, D.Symons
measuring inputs, particularly coefficients of aerodynamic
drag and rolling resistance.
5 Example application
One novel aspect of this model is the capability to predict
tyre slip angles and the necessary steering input, δ, to navi-
gate a particular trajectory. Using the geometry of the Man-
chester velodrome datum line, the impact of speed on δ at
the bend apex has been predicted for Athlete A (Fig.6).
At low speeds, the model predicts a low δ despite the low
lean angle, θ (Fig.7). As speed increases δ also increases to
a peak of ~ 1.7° at ~ 50km/h. This approximately coincides
with the speed at which roll angle, φ, equals zero. As speed
and φ further increase δ is predicted to decrease.
6 Conclusions
A mathematical model of simulating cycling has been
developed. The model includes aspects of particular rel-
evance to velodrome cycling. Via two different validation
studies, the accuracy of the model has been shown to sur-
pass previous comparable models: errors in predicted lap
times are consistently less than 0.36%. A key advantage of
the model is the calculation of steer and tyre slip angles;
this enables the rolling resistance to be predicted more
accurately. This makes it possible, for example, to com-
ment on the impact of handling ability and tyre choice on
event performance.
Table 1 Comparison of actual [20] and simulated split times for the 3KIP events at the ETC2017
Split Actual Simulated Total error (%) Split error (%)
Total time (s) Split time (s) Total time (s) Split time (s)
Athlete A
0–1000m 73.196 73.196 73.049 73.049 − 0.20 − 0.20
1000–2000m 140.467 67.271 140.265 67.215 − 0.14 − 0.08
2000–30,000m 209.328 68.861 208.788 68.523 − 0.26 − 0.49
Athlete B
0–1000m 74.313 74.313 73.992 73.992 − 0.43 − 0.43
1000–2000m 146.726 72.413 146.312 72.320 − 0.28 − 0.13
2000–30,000m 223.157 76.431 222.833 76.521 − 0.15 0.12
Fig. 5 Comparison of simulated
and recorded wheel speed for
cyclist competing in the 3KIP at
the 2017 ETC2017
A mathematical model forsimulating cycling: applied totrack cycling
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the study par-
ticipants and staff at British Cycling, EIS and Manchester Velodrome.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea-
tive Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat iveco
mmons .org/licen ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribu-
tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate
credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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at the apex of the bend in the
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Fig. 7 The impact of speed on
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at the apex of the bend in the
Manchester Velodrome
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... Performance models are frameworks to analyze and forecast many facets of an athlete's performance [27,64,97,98]. These models simulate and analyze the variables influencing sprint performance using equations, physics, and substantial amounts of data. ...
... As new data and technology become available, performance models are changing and adapting [98][99][100][101]. They function as a proving ground for novel concepts and methods, enabling the investigation of novel tactics which can improve performance. ...
... Power meters provide direct measures of power supply / demand while riding, to create dataled models of performance [98,[108][109][110]112]. The ability to measure power, heart rate, GPS data, and more, has given rise to numerous online, and stand-alone platforms displaying rides, tables summarizing data, and large numbers of derived metrics, which all attempt to model acute and chronic performance. ...
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Track cycling events, both sprint and endurance, are primarily focused on performance of high and medium power durations, and it is suggested, measures of peak power govern performance in the sprint and pursuit cycling events. Various tests and metrics in the laboratory have been used to try and model track cycling. With the advent of power meters cyclists have been able to record power output in the field and several basic tests have evolved to use as a means to get started with training and racing with power. This thesis proposes a linear model based on total least squares regression, to evaluate these models and provide an option for coaches to see what durations are key for performance, and for sprint cyclists what types of training should be performed at a given part of a training build up. This analysis is applied to sprint cycling, male and female sprint cyclists, and pursuit cyclists to evaluate field-based data compared to lab and model derived metrics. The key conclusions from this thesis are: 1. For each specific power duration along the hyperbolic power-duration curve shows field-based data offers a better model for both sprint and pursuit durations. The linear model has a parabolic relationship the closer the inputs get to the specific duration assessed. 2. This disproves the contention of a linear process governed by peak power being the key metric of sprint cycling. The data in this thesis shows not only is this relationship incorrect, but strong relationships with sprint cycling durations hold for durations as long as 20-min. 3. This thesis finds there are sex differences for the model showing women have a higher variation of sprint power than men. 4. The linear model is applied to track endurance cycling to show, again, how a peak power (or maximal sprinting power or 𝑉̇O2max) does not govern performance, more a broad base of capacity reflected by a high lactate threshold, ventilatory threshold, critical power or other estimates of the maximal metabolic steady state. 5. Based on an understanding of the importance of capacity as well as peak power Chapter 6 shows this information can successfully be applied to the performance of sprint cyclists training towards peak performance.
... Lukes et al. [10] model the power of a cyclist on a velodrome, including the tire scrubbing effects. Fitton and Symons [6] present a model that includes slip and steering angles for deviations of the bicycle wheels from the black line, and use velodrome models based on theodolite measurements. Stanoev [14] models a velodrome as a ruled surface and provides technical considerations of its design, but does not present a cyclist model. ...
... We proceed to formulate an expression for power used against dissipative forces and power used to increase mechanical energy. In particular, while earlier work considers changes in potential energy as a function of vertical location on a banked velodrome (e.g., Benham et al. [1]) or of the lean angle and the vertical inclination of the trajectory (e.g., Fitton and Symons [6]), we consider-in accordance with the assumption of instantaneous rotational equilibrium-increases in potential energy due solely to straightening of the cyclist upon exiting the curves, with wheels remaining along the black line. We show that a significant amount of power is expended in that process. ...
... Both models assume that the bicycle-cyclist system follows the black line. Notably, the same restriction is made by Fitton and Symons [6] to validate their model, even though their initial formulation includes deviations of the wheels from that line. ...
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We formulate a phenomenological model to study the power applied by a cyclist on a velodrome—for individual timetrials—taking into account the straights, circular arcs, connecting transition curves, and banking. The dissipative forces we consider are air resistance, rolling resistance, lateral friction and drivetrain resistance. Also, in general, the power is used to increase the kinetic and potential energy. However, to model a steady ride—as expected for individual timetrials—we assume a constant centre-of-mass speed and allow the cadence and power to vary during a lap. Hence, the only mechanical energy to consider is the increase of potential energy due to raising the centre of mass upon exiting each curve. Following derivations and justifications of expressions that constitute this mathematical model, we present a numerical example. We show that, as expected, the cadence and power vary only slightly during a steady ride. In addition, we examine changes in the required average power per lap due to modifications of various quantities, such as air density at a velodrome, laptime and several others. Such an examination is of immediate use in strategizing the performance for individual pursuits and the Hour Record.
... We chose cycling for two reasons. First, the underlying principles upon which to build a physics-based model are well-understood (Debraux et al., 2011;Fitton & Symons, 2018;Maier et al., 2017;Martin et al., 1998). Second, there is both scientific and commercial interest in accurately predicting mechanical power during cycling. ...
... Second, there is both scientific and commercial interest in accurately predicting mechanical power during cycling. Scientifically, it can help to better simulate racing strategies (Dahmen et al., 2012;Fitton & Symons, 2018;Gordon, 2005;Wolf et al., 2016). Commercially, this knowledge can lead to products that help athletes to indirectly measure their power without the necessity of expensive power metres. ...
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Models of physical phenomena can be developed using two distinct approaches: using expert knowledge of the underlying physical principles, or using experimental data to train a neural network. Here, our aim was to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of these two approaches. We chose to model cycling power because the physical principles are already well understood. Nine participants followed changes in cycling cadence transmitted through a metronome via earphones and we measured their cadence and power. We then developed and trained a physics-based model and a simple neural network model, where both models had cadence, derivative of cadence, and gear ratio as input, and power as output. We found no significant differences in the prediction performance between the models. The advantages of the neural network model were that, for similar performance, it did not require an understanding of the underlying principles of cycling nor did it require measurements of fixed parameters such as system weight or wheel size. These same features also give the physics-based model the advantage of interpretability, which can be important when scientists want to better understand the process being modelled.
... Case 4 considers the much larger in-plane loading resulting from high-speed cornering in a velodrome. The effective 2g load is based on an upper limit for racing on a banked velodrome: a speed of ~ 18 m/s, turn radius ~ 20 m, lean angle (from vertical) ~ 60° [23,24]. Riders are assumed in identical body positions to the base case but, due to high speed, contributing reduced torques. ...
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Tandem bicycles are used for all para-cycling events for visually impaired athletes. Tandems are structurally more challenging to design than solo bicycles: they must resist higher loading over a longer wheelbase, yet must still fit between the legs of the riders. Despite this, there is limited published work on tandem design. This paper presents a method for determining maximal loading of a tandem bicycle frame in racing scenarios. The only inputs required are the dimensions of the frame and the torques exerted by the riders. Outputs are the forces acting on the frame. The method is used to provide loads for structural analyses of tandem frames of different topologies. Twisting of the frame under a starting effort is shown to be the worst load case. The “double diamond” is shown to be the most efficient tubular frame design, on a stiffness per weight basis, but is only 2% superior to an “open” topology.
... This adds more uncertainty to the estimation of the roll angle, which is affected by the road banking angle. The model developed by Fitton and Symons for track cycling (26), for instance, takes the banking angle into consideration, but it has been developed mainly for track cycling, where racing sections are considerably shorter than in road cycling. ...
... In order to ensure the stability of the unmanned vehicle motion, the kinematic constraints of the unmanned vehicle itself need to be considered. The bike kinematics model [15] is used to simplify this process, as shown in Fig. 12. ...
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In order to solve the “minimum trap” of artificial potential field method and the limitation of traditional path planning algorithm in dynamic obstacle environment, a path planning control algorithm based on improved artificial potential field method is proposed. Firstly, a virtual potential field detection circle model (VPFDCM) with adjustable radius is proposed to detect the “minimum trap” formed by the repulsion field of obstacles in advance. And the motion model of unmanned vehicle is established. Combined with the improved reinforcement learning algorithm based on Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM), the radius of virtual potential field detection circle is adjusted to achieve effective avoidance of dynamic obstacles, The reliable online collision free path planning of unmanned vehicle in semi closed dynamic obstacle environment is realized. Finally, the reliability and robustness of the algorithm are verified by MATLAB simulation. The simulation results show that the improved artificial potential field method can effectively solve the problem of unmanned vehicle falling into the “minimum trap” and improve the reliability of unmanned vehicle movement. Compared with the traditional artificial potential field method, the improved artificial potential field method can achieve more than 90% success rate in obstacle avoidance.
... Modeling the competitive activity of highly qualified athletes predetermines the content of the training process in the system of sports training (Tompson, 2013). This is confirmed by the data of leading experts in the field of sports training, who note the importance of studying and developing model characteristics of the competitive activity of the best athletes in the world at the present stage (Plotnikov, 2007;Tompson, 2013;Platonov, 2017;Fitton & Symons, 2018). ...
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Modeling of competitive activity forms the basis for the rationalization and improvement of those means and methods that are used in sports training of athletes. In this regard, a hypothesis was put forward that predictive skating models will ensure the achievement of a certain level of sports results in short-track speed skating. Study purpose. The aim of the study was to develop a prognostic model of the competitive activity of elite athletes at a distance of 500 m in short-track on the basis of regression analysis with a focus on achieving specified results. Materials and methods. The study used an analysis of official competition protocols, modeling method, statistical analysis. The behavior of changes in the speed of skating at a distance of 500 m in 173 elite athletes was analyzed. The main components of competitive activity in short-track were revealed. Results. The results obtained have theoretical significance which lies in the scientific substantiation of the need to improve competitive activity on the basis of its studying and the building of skating models. Their practical significance consists in the development and use of models of competitive activity of elite athletes at a distance of 500 m in short-track, taking into account the construction of a skating option. The presented data are an action plan that allows you to purposefully manage the training process and improve the training of athletes in short-track speed skating at a distance of 500 m in an annual cycle. When processing the results of the study, the level of statistical significance was taken as p ≤ 0.05. Conclusions. The informative characteristics of competitive activity that affect the result at a distance of 500 m include acceleration speed and running speed on the first, second, third and fourth laps of the distance, multiple correlation coefficient r = 0.985 (p < 0.01). These are objective criteria which are a system-forming factor that determines the structure and content of the training process of elite athletes, and allow monitoring the level of special readiness, as well as predicting the ways of further improvement and making timely corrections in the training process.
Physical performance in cycling is commonly evaluated with laboratory-based performance markers. However, these markers are not monitored on a regular basis, mainly due to the high costs of testing equipment, invasive sampling and time-intensive protocols. The use of mathematical modeling offers a promising alternative allowing for consistent performance monitoring, identification of influential variables affecting performance, and facilitation of planning, monitoring, and predictive analysis. Wearable technology, such as physiological and biomechanical sensors, can be integrated with mathematical models to enhance the practicality of performance monitoring and enable real-time feedback and personalized training recommendations. In this systematic review, we attempted to provide an overview of the developments in predicting and modeling of performance in cycling and their respective practical applications. The PRISMA framework yielded 52 studies that met the inclusion criteria. The models were discussed according to their modeling goal: characterizing kinetics, alternatives to the gold-standard, training control, observing training effects, predicting competitive performance and optimizing performance. Field-based models and technological advancements were highlighted as solutions to the limitations of gold-standard testing. Due to the lower accuracies of modeling techniques, the gold-standard laboratory-based methods of testing will not be replaced by mathematical models. However, models do form a more practical alternative for regular monitoring and a powerful tool for training and competition optimization. A modeling technique needs to be individualized to the goal and the person and be as simple as possible to allow regular monitoring. Ideally, the technique would work in the field, uses submaximal exercise intensities and integrates technological advancements such as wearable technology and machine learning to increase the practicality even more.
A novel approach to velodrome track design is presented. The mathematical model uses differential geometry to form a three-dimensional ruled surface. The surface accounts for the safety zone, blue band, and track region, the latter of which is comprised of three segments: straight lines, the arcs of circles, and connecting transition curves. Following a first-principles approach, the general expressions are derived from the Frenet–Serret relations, as a function of the banking and curvature profiles, lengths of curve segments, and turn radius of the bends. Particular solutions to the design problem are obtained using a least-squares minimization of an objective function, within the framework of numerical optimization. Symmetric and asymmetric designs are presented to demonstrate the versatility of the approach. The resulting formulation may be used to design velodrome tracks of any UCI Category and track geometry specification.
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This investigation sought to determine if cycling power could be accurately modeled. A mathematical model of cycling power was derived, and values for each model parameter were determined. A bicycle-mounted power measurement system was validated by comparison with a laboratory ergometer. Power was measured during road cycling, and the measured values were compared with the values predicted by the model. The measured values for power were highly correlated (R2 = .97) with, and were not different than, the modeled values. The standard error between the modeled and measured power (2.7 W) was very small. The model was also used to estimate the effects of changes in several model parameters on cycling velocity. Over the range of parameter values evaluated, velocity varied linearly (R2 > .99). The results demonstrated that cycling power can be accurately predicted by a mathematical model.
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In cycling at race speeds, 90% of total resistance opposing motion, R T(N) T depends on aerodynamic drag of air, which is directly proportional to the effective frontal area, AC d(m2). R T was measured on a cyclist, in an open velodrome, in order to evaluate AC d in four different positions on a traditional bicycle: upright d position (UP), dropped position (DP), aero position (AP) and Obree's position (OP : the hands in support under the chest, the forearms tucked on the arms, the trunk tilted forward). R T was determined at different constant speeds, Vc(m s−1) with a special device (Max One), which allows the measurement of the external mechanical power P ext(W) in real conditions of cycling locomotion ext (R T = P extVc−1). Experiments were carried out in order to test the validity and the reproducibility of P ext provided by the measurement device. P ext was measured twice in the same experimental conditions (exercise on a treadmill against slopes varying from 1 to 14%) and no significant difference was observed between the two measurement series. A systematic measurement error was observed allowing the use of a correcting factor. As expected, in the four rider positions, R T increased linearly (p
The definitive book on tire mechanics by the acknowledged world expert. © 2012 Hans Pacejka Published by Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
In competitive road and velodrome cycling, aerodynamic drag may account for more than 90% of an individual’s resistance to motion. In multiple rider events, drafting (cycling behind another athlete) can result in drag reductions for both the leading and trailing cyclists. In team events, these drag reductions can be controlled to some degree and thus, a greater understanding may benefit team performance. To investigate this, six elite female cyclists took part in a series of individual tests and 11 different team tests throughout which the sequence of the athletes was varied. The tests took place in Manchester Velodrome and were designed to mimic the team pursuit cycling event. During the experiments, the drag area of each cyclist was measured and the drag reductions were quantified. Individual drag area was found to correlate strongly with rider mass and stature but no other measured physical characteristics. The average drag reductions in positions 1–4 in the team pursuit were 4%, 42%, 48% and 47%, respectively. The variation in drag reductions correlates most strongly with relative rider mass; for example, a light cyclist following a heavy cyclist may experience 6% less drag than if the roles were reversed. Empirical models have been developed from the results which predict the drag reductions that athletes will experience from drafting based on the cyclists’ relative mass.
The aim of this research was to indicate improvements in 4-km cycling performance that may be gained as a function of reduced frontal surface area (A) when Union Cycliste Internationale rule 1.3.013 is contravened. In 10 male cyclists age 26 ± 2 (mean ± standard deviation) years, height 180 ± 5 cm and body mass 71 ± 6 kg, entire cycling posture was rotated forward from where the nose of the saddle was 6 cm rearward of the bottom bracket spindle (P6) to 4, 2 and 0 cm (P4, P2 and P0); contravening Union Cycliste Internationale rule 1.3.013. Using computerised planimetry, A was estimated and a forward integration model was compiled to simulate 4-km track cycling end time (T4km) when a fixed power profile was applied. At P2, there was a significant but non-meaningful reduction compared to P6 (p < 0.05, d < 0.02). There were small but significant reductions in A and T4km between P6 and P0; -'0.007 ± 0.004 m² and -'1.40 ± 0.73 s, respectively (p < 0.001, d = -'0.259). There were no significant differences between P4 and P6 for A and T4km. These results suggest that at the most forward position (P0), a small but significant increase in 4-km performance can be expected compared to the legal position (P6). Moreover, the mean difference in T4km between P6 and P0 is greater than the winning margin at the Union Cycliste Internationale 4-km pursuit world championships four times in the previous 10 years.
A bicycle racing system with improved aerodynamics to give the U. S. National Cycling Team a time advantage is studied. To shave seconds off, uniforms and helmets are streamlined, straps and toe clips are removed and the conventional pedal is replaced. The wheel base is reduced to permit cyclists to draft closer. Wind tunnel and coast-down tests are discussed.
Competitive track cycling races are won by milliseconds, and the regulation of an athlete’s power output is an important factor in performance. The aim of this study was to use a mathematical model to predict finishing times for different pacing strategies for the individual pursuit (IP), to identify the optimal strategy in terms of fastest finishing time. Power profiles were generated for a number of common pacing strategies used in cycling, which were based on actual SRM power data for an elite, male, IP cyclist for whom the average power, maximum power, total work done and actual finishing time were known. The total work output was the same for all strategies and the finishing time was predicted using a mathematical model developed previously. The results showed that, of the strategies tested, an initial “all-out” high power acceleration phase followed by a lower constant power output produced the fastest finishing time for a 4,000 m IP event, and that the time spent in the initial high power acceleration phase had a significant effect on performance.
This paper presents the full derivation of an analytical model for track cycling. The model takes into account the unique aspects of track cycling associated with riding around a velodrome. These include, riding upon a banked track and the resulting tyre scrubbing effects, and the tipping motion of a cyclist passing through a corner with the resulting centripetal forces. Validation was provided using SRMTM power crank data and split times obtained for an elite national cyclist in a 4 km pursuit competition. Results have shown the model to over-predict cyclist performance with a discrepancy of 0.7 s in a finals event and 4.3 s, less than 2% error, in a qualifying race. It is believed this may be attributable to discrepancies in atmospheric variables. However the model has proved capable of predicting the velocity increase, specifically associated with track cycling, as a cyclist passes through a bend. The model is useful for analysis of the physics of track cycling, and can be used to quantitatively predict performance dependent upon bicycle efficiencies, tyre type and venue conditions, in a racing scenario.
The purpose of physiological testing (J.D. MacDougall and H.A. Wenger) what do tests measure? (H.J. Green) testing strength and power (D.G. Sale) testing aerobic power (J.S. Thoden) testing anaerobic power and capacity (C. Bouchard, Albert W. Taylor, Jean-Aime Simoneau, and Serge Dulac) Kknanthropometry (WD. Ross and M.J. Marfell-Jones) testing flexibility (C.L. Hubley-Kozey) evaluating the health status of the athlete (R. Backus and D.C. Reid) modelling elite athletic performance (E.W. Banister).