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TILES Audio Recorder: An unobtrusive wearable solution to
track audio activity
Tiantian Feng
Signal Analysis and Interpretation
Lab, University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
Amrutha Nadarajan
Signal Analysis and Interpretation
Lab, University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
Colin Vaz
Signal Analysis and Interpretation
Lab, University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
Brandon Booth
Signal Analysis and Interpretation
Lab, University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
Shrikanth Narayanan
Signal Analysis and Interpretation
Lab, University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
Most existing speech activity trackers used in human subject studies
are bulky, record raw audio content which invades participant pri-
vacy, have complicated hardware and non-customizable software,
and are too expensive for large-scale deployment. The present ef-
fort seeks to overcome these challenges by proposing the TILES
Audio Recorder (TAR) - an unobtrusive and scalable solution to
track audio activity using an aordable miniature mobile device
with an open-source app. For this recorder, we make use of Jelly
Pro Mobile, a pocket-sized Android smartphone, and employ two
open-source toolkits: openSMILE and Tarsos-DSP. Tarsos-DSP pro-
vides a Voice Activity Detection capability that triggers openSMILE
to extract and save audio features only when the subject is speaking.
Experiments show that performing feature extraction only during
speech segments greatly increases battery life, enabling the subject
to wear the recorder up to 10 hours at time. Furthermore, recording
experiments with ground-truth clean speech show minimal distor-
tion of the recorded features, as measured by root mean-square
error and cosine distance. The TAR app further provides subjects
with a simple user interface that allows them to both pause fea-
ture extraction at any time and also easily upload data to a remote
•Human-centered computing →
Ubiquitous and mobile com-
puting design and evaluation methods;
Audio, wearable sensing, audio processing, openSMILE, privacy,
human subjects study, audio feature recorder
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WearSys ’18, June 10, 2018, Munich, Germany
©2018 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5842-2/18/06. . . $15.00
ACM Reference Format:
Tiantian Feng, Amrutha Nadarajan, Colin Vaz, Brandon Booth, and Shrikanth
Narayanan. 2018. TILES Audio Recorder: An unobtrusive wearable solution
to track audio activity. In WearSys ’18: 4th ACM Workshop on Wearable
Systems and Applications, June 10, 2018, Munich, Germany. ACM, New York,
NY, USA, Article 4, 6 pages.
Rapid advances in signal acquisition and sensing technology have
produced miniaturized and low-power sensors capable of moni-
toring people’s activities, physiological functions, and their envi-
ronment [
]. When coupled with recent large-scale data analysis
techniques, they show great promise for many applications, such
as health monitoring, rehabilitation, tness, and well being [
These advances have been primarily enabled by the ubiquitous
mobile phone, which facilitates sensor setup, data transfer, and user
feedback [
]. These non-invasive devices have made the design
and implementation of medical, psychological, and behavioral re-
search studies easier by reducing participant burden. We focus on
applications of these technologies to audio recording of human
speech in the wild.
Audio recording devices have come a long way, from bulky
phonographs to hand-held microphones and lapel mics. The legacy
systems are cumbersome, obtrusive, expensive, and not scalable.
They can also potentially invade privacy by recording and storing
raw audio. Mobile phones, laptops, and wearables are becoming
a part of our everyday life. By using the miniature mics on these
devices, a digital recorder [
] can overcome some of the
drawbacks of the legacy systems, like obtrusiveness, and poor scala-
bility. These modern devices are also capable of capturing day-long
audio samples in naturalistic environments. Most digital recording
solutions, like the EAR [
], aord privacy by allowing the user to
delete recordings retrospectively. This process demands additional
eort from the user to ensure their privacy is not violated and
potentially jeopardizes the privacy of the people the user interacts
A recently-developed audio recording solution for human sub-
jects studies is EAR [
]. EAR is an app that runs on a personal
smart phone and records small fractions of audio through the day
at regular intervals. The recording scheme senses audio only 5%
WearSys ’18, June 10, 2018, Munich, Germany T. Feng et al.
of the day and does not have an intelligent recording trigger to
initiate the recording. This could potentially lead to recordings
containing no audio activity or failing to record salient audio ac-
tivity. Other notable eorts in the development of wearable audio
recorders include devices like the Sociometer [
]. This device con-
tains a microphone, motion sensor, and proximity sensor embedded
in a shoulder pad that can be strapped on. However, this device is
not commercially available which makes large-scale deployment
prohibitive. Soundsense[
] is another audio wearable device that
classies dierent auditory scenes (music, speech, ambient sound)
and events (gender, music, speech analysis) surrounding the user. It
runs on mobile devices so it could scale to large study populations,
but the platform is not publicly available. Unfortunately, recording
solutions using phones usually suer from poor recording qual-
ity because people commonly carry phones in their pockets or
handbags. A study by VanDam [
] has shown that denser mate-
rial composition and indirect microphone placement introduces
amplitude loss at frequencies higher than 1 kHz.
In this paper, we introduce a new digital recording system called
Audio Recorder (TAR), which enables passive sensing of
audio activity in sensitive environments where recording raw audio
is not a viable option. The recorder comes with an audio activity
detector and a customizable recording scheme to initiate audio
feature extraction as required by the demands of the investigator.
The recorded features are not audible, but a large number of studies
have successfully predict the emotions or stress from the speech
features [5].
In the following sections, we give an overview of the TAR system
and provide experimental results about its expected battery life and
robustness of audio activity detection, and we also analyze the audio
feature degradation at various distances from an audio source. Our
results show that the system works as intended and introduces
negligible feature degradation.
In this section, we provide a detailed description of the hardware
and software comprising the TAR system. TAR is a combination of
a light-weight Android mobile device and an Android app to record
audio features.
2.1 Motivation
As we described in Section 1, user privacy and unobtrusiveness
are critical factors in designing a wearable audio recorder. In this
study, we propose TAR, which is especially useful for deploying
in environments like a hospital where privacy protections restrict
raw audio recording. Moreover, TAR is designed to be unobtrusive
and comfortable when worn. In addition, investigators can easily
reproduce the setup given that TAR runs on consumer hardware
and the software is freely available on Github. TAR introduces
various features to address many study design challenges when
using wearable audio recorders: 2
aordable cost allows scaling to a large number of partici-
1TILES: Tracking IndividuaL pErformance using Sensors
2TAR github:
Figure 1: A recommended setup for TAR
ease of placing the sensor close to the wearer’s mouth pro-
vides consistently high recording quality
extracting and storing audio features and immediately dis-
carding raw audio protects user privacy
an intuitive user interface enables wireless data transfer and
data capture to be paused and resumed at any time
2.2 Hardware
TAR is designed to run on Android platforms because it is open
source and runs on a variety of devices including small, lightweight,
budget-friendly portable smartphones like the Jelly Pro [
]. The Jelly
Pro smartphone, used in this work, has the following specications:
•Dimensions and weight: 3.07x4.92x1.97 in, 60.4 g
•Processor: Quad-core processor, 1.1 GHz
•Battery capacity: 950 mAh
•Memory: 2 GB RAM / 16 GB ROM
•Sensors: microphone, camera, compass, gyroscope
A complete hardware setup consists of a Jelly Pro phone, a phone
case, and a metal badge clip with PVC straps. The phone case is
commercially available, and Jelly Pro is packed into the case. A
metal badge clip, which is fastened to the case, is clipped to a
user’s clothes near the collar. With this setup, the distance from
the wearer’s mouth to the phone’s integrated microphone typically
ranges from 15 cm to 30 cm. A recommended setup is shown in
Fig. 1.
2.3 Software
In this section, we describe the TAR Android application and the var-
ious service components and open source tools that enable record-
ing of audio information.
App services
The TAR Android application starts when the
mobile phone switches on. The TAR app includes the following
services running in the background:
a Voice Activity Detection (VAD) service that runs periodi-
cally to listen for speech and if detected it triggers the audio
feature extraction service
an audio feature extraction service to extract audio features
from the raw audio stream. The raw audio is immediately
deleted after the features are extracted and only the features
are saved.
a battery service to record the battery percentage informa-
tion every 5 minutes. The function of the service is to opti-
mize the battery performance.
TILES Audio Recorder: An unobtrusive wearable solution to track audio activity WearSys ’18, June 10, 2018, Munich, Germany
Figure 2: Recording control logic output with a simulated data stream
a data upload service to securely transfer data to a remote
server over WiFi.
Open-source libraries
Most current mobile phone speech pro-
cessing libraries rely on a frontend-backend architecture. The fron-
tend running on the phone typically record and transmit audio
snippets to the backend over an Internet connection. The back-
end, which commonly runs on a remote server, retrieves the audio
recordings, and performs feature extraction. Such a solution reduces
computational burden on the phone and decouples data acquisition
and processing. However, in our experience, fewer participants are
willing to wear devices that attempt to transmit the raw audio. To
allow TAR to be used where security and privacy are a concern, the
TAR app runs real-time speech processing engines on the phone to
avoid transmitting raw audio.
In our TAR application, we incorporate two real-time speech
processing libraries: openSMILE [
] and TarsosDSP [
]. TarsosDSP
is a Java library for audio processing, which outputs real-time audio
energy and pitch. It serves as a straight-forward implementation
of a VAD in TAR. OpenSMILE is a tool for extracting a wide range
of features from audio signals. The extracted audio features from
openSMILE have been used for classifying emotional states and
speaker properties [
]. In our application, the feature extraction
runs entirely on the mobile device and an Internet connection is
not required. One other benet TAR gains as a result of using
openSMILE is that it is highly congurable and allows investigators
to extract various combinations of audio features to suit dierent
purposes. Besides, we have also tested other potential DSP libraries
including Funf [
]. However, Funf only extracts FFT and MFCCs
from the audio stream, thus researchers are constrained in acquiring
other valuable features from the audio.
In this section, we describe the VAD-triggered recording scheme
used by TAR. We propose a recording scheme which only attempts
to record audio features when audio activity is detected in order
to reduce storage requirements and increase battery life. We use
Tarsos-DSP [
] to implement the VAD. The TarsosDSP outputs
the audio energy data every 10 ms, which is then used to determine
the presence of audio activity by TAR.
Figure 3: TAR Battery life vs To
3.1 Recording Parameters
The TAR initiates feature recording when the VAD service is active
and the recording trigger is on.
species the duration that the
VAD service is run, and
controls the length of the idle state
between two consecutive VAD services. A larger
means a longer
idle state where no VAD service take place. In addition, we monitor
the audio energy output from Tarsos-DSP to ensure that the feature
extraction happens only when there is some audio activity. Two
additional parameters control when the recording trigger is set
to on: hand
.his set as a threshold for speech energy and
sets the minimum time that speech energy needs to stay above h
to trigger feature extraction. Once triggered, TAR runs the audio
feature extraction service for lseconds. In TAR, we also add the
exibility to enable audio feature recordings periodically even when
VAD service failed to detect the speech in order to sample some
environment information.
The recording parameters in TAR are tunable and should be
adjusted to provide the highest resolution of audio samples for the
duration required by the researcher. Figure 3 presents the average
battery operating time of TAR for dierent
(second) values. We
tested and measured the battery operating time for 20 dierent Jelly
WearSys ’18, June 10, 2018, Munich, Germany T. Feng et al.
Figure 4: Schematic of experimental setup for examining
VAD accuracy and feature degradation where d1=
20,d3=25,d4=30 cm
Pro devices for each value of
with h
so the VAD service
triggered audio feature recording every time.
As described in Section 3, TAR uses a VAD to extract audio features
only during regions of audio activity. As the device is intended for
use in the wild, we tested the VAD accuracy in noisy scenarios as a
function of
. We also inspect if the device introduces any quality
degradation in the features extracted. The following subsections
describe the experimental setup and discuss the results of the VAD
accuracy and feature degradation experiments.
4.1 Experimental Setup
To test VAD accuracy and feature distortion, we proposed a record-
ing setup to allow TAR to record speech amplied through a speaker.
We synthetically created two sets of audio, one for testing VAD
accuracy and the other for testing feature degradation. For the VAD
experiment, we randomly chose 250 gender-balanced utterances
from the TIMIT database [
]. We concatenated all utterances and
introduced silence of random duration (between 2to 12 seconds) be-
tween utterances to simulate non-continuous speech. Additionally,
we added noise from the DEMAND database [
] to the concate-
nated utterances at 10 dB, 5dB, and 0dB SNR levels to test the VAD
performance in noisy speech. For the feature degradation experi-
ment, we randomly sampled 1000 gender-balanced utterances from
the TIMIT database and concatenated them into one le.
The audio les were then played through a loud-speaker. Mul-
tiples TARs set at distances 15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm, and 30 cm from
the speaker recorded the audio playback simultaneously. We chose
these distances to mimic the typical range of distances the TAR
would be from a user’s mouth during use. Figure 4 shows a diagram
of the experimental setup. For the VAD accuracy experiment, we
chose to store outputs from the Tarsos-DSP and later set dier-
ent thresholds for hand
on the stored output. For the feature
quality experiment, we modied the operation of TAR to record
continuously. The recordings from the devices were compared to
the features extracted from the raw audio le.
4.2 VAD Accuracy Experiment
We set TAR at a distance of 20 cm from the speaker in the VAD
accuracy experiment as it is a typical distance from a user’s mouth.
In order to evaluate our Tarsos-DSP VAD scheme, we rst output
a VAD result from the clean audio source le using the
function provided in the VOICEBOX speech processing toolbox
]. The VAD result is a binary decision on a frame-by-frame basis,
Figure 5: VAD prediction accuracy as a function of energy
threshold husing Tarsos-DSP library
Figure 6: Confusion matrix of VAD output (%) for using
Tarsos-DSP library and baseline output, where h=−56 dB
where each frame is 10 ms in length. Following this, we manually
correct the
output in the regions that gives false predic-
tions to produce a baseline VAD output. Meanwhile, we use the
Tarsos-DSP output to generate the VAD decisions on the recorded
audio in the clean and noisy conditions. As we stated in Section 2,
VAD output is especially sensitive to
. To choose the best
, we
65 dB to
50 dB by 1dB with
xed at 100 ms.
Finally, we compare the baseline VAD output and Tarsos-DSP VAD
outputs at each h.
Figure 5 presents the VAD prediction accuracy in percentage with
respect to
. We observe that VAD accuracy rates initially increase
and then decrease signicantly. Dierence in the prediction
accuracy among four speech SNR conditions is less signicant when
64 dB or
58 dB. The prediction accuracy reaches the peak
56 dB with clean speech,
56 dB with SNR=10 dB,
55 dB
with SNR=5dB and
54 dB with SNR=0dB. Figure 6 presents the
confusion matrix of VAD outputs between Tarsos-DSP and baseline
56 dB. We observe that in clean speech and high SNR
(10 dB, 5dB) conditions, the negative predictive rate is above 75%,
while in poor SNR (0dB) condition, it drops to 68
98%. In addition,
we note that the precision rates vary slightly (
5%) across SNR
conditions. We advise users to setup similar recording experiments
to calibrate hfor own usage.
4.3 Feature Quality Experiment
In this experiment, we apply the emobase cong setting [
] to ex-
tract the openSMILE low-level descriptors (LLDs) from the ground
TILES Audio Recorder: An unobtrusive wearable solution to track audio activity WearSys ’18, June 10, 2018, Munich, Germany
Table 1: Deviation of LLDs in utterance-region
RMSE (root-mean-squared error)
LLD 15cm 20cm 25cm 30cm
F0(Hz) 66.99 55.86 66.33 65.65
F0Env(Hz) 45.87 41.10 51.46 45.13
Loudness 0.863 0.507 0.352 0.352
MFCC[1-14] 45.52 43.77 41.45 42.81
LSP[1-8] 0.551 0.492 0.444 0.479
Cosine Distance
LLD 15cm 20cm 25cm 30cm
MFCC[1-14] 0.199 0.172 0.175 0.184
LSP[1-8] 0.00195 0.00153 0.00139 0.00150
truth concatenated TIMIT le and recordings. The feature set con-
tains 26 acoustic Low-Level Descriptors(LLDs), such as voicing re-
lated features(Pitch, voicing probability), energies (Intensity, Loud-
ness), zero-crossing rate(ZCR) and cepstral information(MFCCs
1-14). The proposed LLDs are extracted every 10 ms using a 25 ms
Hamming window
We compared the LLDs by measuring the root-mean-squared
error (RMSE) and cosine distance between the features extracted
from the source. Some features, however, are sensitive to energy
levels, and they often show higher degradation in silence regions.
Thus, we decided to compare the feature values only in utterance
regions. Firstly, we perform the sanity check on the raw signals. We
use the
function to remove signals in the silence regions,
and we obtain the RMSE between source audio signal and recorded
signal in utterance regions are 0
1297 (15 cm), 0
0790 (20 cm), 0
(25 cm), and 0.0598 (30 cm).
We then use the
function to remove LLDs in the silence
regions. RMSE and cosine distance between ground truth LLDs and
TAR recorded LLDs in all test cases are listed in Table 1. Loudness,
mel-frequency cepstral coecients (MFCC) and line spectral pair
(LSP) give largest RMSE in TAR#1(15 cm) and lowest RMSE in
TAR#3(25 cm). Loudness is extremely sensitive to recording dis-
tance, where the maximum and minimum RMSE values are 0.863
and 0.352, respectively. RMSE in most LLDs initially decreases with
recording distance, but then start to increase when the recording
distance exceed 25 cm. Meanwhile, we observed that MFCC and
LSP presents relatively small variations with recording distance in
cosine distance. The deviations in LLDs comply with our sanity
check results, where TAR#3(25 cm) gains minimum degradation
both in waveform signals and LLDs.
We plot the histograms ofRMSE for
, Loudness and histograms
of cosine distance for MFCC in Fig 7. We perform the Kruskal-Wallis
test [
] to investigate the consistence of RMSE among four record-
ing distances. We nd that the dierence is signicant in loudness
0018), but it is fairly consistent in
3607) and
Env (
2598). MFCC exhibits most consistent measurement
in both RMSE (
8550) and cosine distance (
6005). The
results conrms that energy-related LLDs are sensitive to recording
distance, but pitch and spectral LLDs yield consistent patterns with
dierent recording distances. We also observe that majority errors
resides under 10 Hz, which conrms the robustness of the
feature recorded by TAR.
(a) F0-RMSE histogram
(b) Loudness-RMSE histogram
(c) MFCC-Cosine Distance histogram
Figure 7: (a), (b) presents the F0-RMSE distribution and the
loudness-RMSE distribution, (c) displays MFFC-cosine dis-
tance distribution
Fig.8 exhibits the GUI of TAR application. We programmed the
GUI with two buttons for usage simplicity. The function of the
top button is to allow users to quickly disable the audio recording
service for privacy considerations. The other button presented in
the GUI activates the uploading of collected audio features to the
back-end server.
We tested TAR on 20 participants to assess user interface sat-
isfaction. The participants were asked to wear and use the TAR
for a minimum two hours. The Questionnaire for User Interface
Satisfaction (QUIS), an instrument based on [
] was used to rate
the TAR interface in terms of overall satisfaction to the software,
screens, ease of learning to use the interface and system capabili-
ties. TAR performs satisfactorily in all these aspects. Regarding the
overall reaction to the software, an average rating of 7.8, 8.6 and
7.9 was reported on the 10 point Likert scale of Terrible/Wonderful,
Dicult/Easy and Frustrating/Satisfying respectively. Ease of learn-
ing to use the system was reported at 9 and straightforwardness of
performing tasks at 9. These numbers show that the intended test
cases felt the UI was easy, simple and straightforward to use.
In this paper, we present TAR, an unobtrusive wearable solution
to track audio activity in the wild. We described hardware and
software comprising the TAR system. We then explained the VAD-
trigger recording scheme in TAR Android App. We designed two
experiments in examining the accuracy of proposed VAD scheme
as well as the quality of the extracted audio features. The results
WearSys ’18, June 10, 2018, Munich, Germany T. Feng et al.
(a) (b)
Figure 8: TAR Android App GUI. (a) UI display when TAR is
idle and not recording. (b) UI display when TAR recording
is turned on.
conrm the reliability of the VAD scheme. We observe minimal
distortion of the recorded features except energy LLDs as measured
by root-mean-square error and cosine distance. We also provided
TAR to 20 participants, and we received high user satisfaction
with the simple user interface. We believe the unobtrusiveness and
exibility of TAR, coupled with privacy-focused data acquisition,
makes it suitable for a wide range of people-centric audio sensing
Specically, within next four months, we plan to deploy current
TAR system over 150 volunteers who work at the USC Hospital.
We intend to collect only the audio features from individual vol-
unteer during working shift. We plan to use the collected audio
features to investigate the intercommunication behavior, individual
performance, and stress level of participants.
In future works, we plan to add the functions to automatically
learn recording parameter instead of hand-tuning. We also aim to
bring online analysis of the collected feature to classify contextual
information or wearer’s emotion variation in the future updates. At
last, we plan to put the TAR Audio App on the Google Play store
which is publicly accessible.
The research is based upon work supported by the Oce of the
Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced
Research Projects Activity (IARPA), via IARPA Contract No 2017-
17042800005. The views and conclusions contained herein are those
of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily rep-
resenting the ocial policies or endorsements, either expressed
or implied, of the ODNI, IARPA, or the U.S. Government. The U.S.
Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for
Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation
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