Earth crust is rich with different materials and their oxides that traditionally have been utilized in numerous applications since the emergence of life on earth. Metal oxides, being the most abundant material of earth crust, have been pivot to the researcher for their unique qualities such as stability, ease of synthesis, superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance, and structural variety. The implication of metal oxides in glass formation also results in a unique congregation of characteristics such as smaller phonon energy, high refractive index, and transparency in the middle infrared spectrum. In practical applications, dispersive wavelength, mean dispersion, and refractive index play a vital role. These factors determine the feasibility and sustainability of glass. In this regard, metal oxides promise superior properties that become the main incentive for its growth in this field. There are a few parameters that limit the practical applications of metal oxide glasses. In this regard, the low transmission capability, up to 4 μm only, of these metal oxide glasses in the electromagnetic spectrum is a major contributor. Moreover, the glasses of transition metals must possess very high electronic conductivity, but the addition of conventional formers limits it. Transition metal–based glasses have very small capability to form a glass all alone; therefore, formers such as SiO2 are inserted. The addition of impurities allows the formation of glass, but an overall disordered structure is formed. This disordered structure is characterized by a high degree of cation dispersion that disturbs the electron flow and reduces the capability of electronic conductivity. In this chapter, various other factors that limit its industrial implications will also be elaborated. Furthermore, the fabrication process also limits its utilization as an uncontrolled environment may result in unexpected physical properties. Therefore, this chapter sheds light on various fabrication techniques of metal oxides glass formation and also the physical properties of these glasses in terms of their fabrication. In addition, environmental consequences and future aspects of metal oxide glass will also be elaborated.