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Spectrofluorometric Determination of Lisinopril dihydrate and Methyl- Dopa in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Formulation by Using Dansyl Chloride

  • Zagazig University faculty of pharmacy
J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2018; 2 (1): 001-014 DOI: 10.26502/jppr.0005
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research Vol. 2 No. 1 - Mar 2018. 1
Research Article
Spectrofluorometric Determination of Lisinopril dihydrate and
Methyl- Dopa in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Formulation by Using
Dansyl Chloride
Sobhy M. El-Adl1, Mohamed El.Hossinny El-Sadek1, Nariman M. Saeed2*
1Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
2Pharmacist, Ministry of Health, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Nariman M. Saeed, Pharmacist, Ministry of Health, Egypt, Tel: (20-2) 7951821; E-
Received: 17 January 2018; Accepted: 30 January 2018; Published: 01 February 2018
A novel spectrofluorometric method has been developed for quantitative determination of Lisinopril dihydrate and
methyldopa either in pure form or in pharmaceutical preparation. The principle of the method based on the reaction
of each drug with dansyl chloride [5-(Dimethyl Amino) Naphthalene-1-Sulfonyl chloride] by the aid of sodium
hydroxide solution of pH 8.5 resulted in a product of a high fluorescent intensity which was then measured at 511
nm and 516 nm, for lisinopril and methyldopa respectively after excitation at 323 nm. Factors affecting reaction
development were studied and optimized. The proposed method was found to be sensitive, selective and
reproducible. Calibration curves were linear over the concentration ranges of 3–20 for lisinopril and 7–25 µg/mL for
methyldopa. Results obtained from tablets analysis were compared statistically with reported reference methods.
Keywords: Spectrofluorometric; Dansyl chloride; Lisinopril; Methyldopa
1. Introduction
Lisinopril dihydrate [LIS] (S)-1-[N2-(1-carboxy-3-phenylpropyl)-lysyl-proline dihydrate (Figure 1). It has a
molecular formula of C21H31N3O5 .2H2O and a molecular weight of 441.52 g/mol, official in BP and USP [1-2].
Lisinopril is non sulfhydryl long-acting angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor used as antihypertensive agent,
prophylactic after myocardial infarction, it exerts a haemodynamic action and allows natriuresis, it was also found to
be useful in preventing diabetic retinopathy [3-4]. Several analytical methods, including spectrophotometric
methods [5-7], spectrofluorometric [8-10], chromatographic methods [11-14], polarographic methods [15] and
titrimetric method [16] have already been reported for its determination alone or in combination with other drugs.
Methyl-dopa [MD] L-3-(3, 4- Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-methylalanine sesquihydrate (Figure 1), it is a catechol
derivative with a molecular formula of C10H13NO4.1 ½ H2O and a molecular weight of 238.24 g/mol, official in USP
J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2018; 2 (1): 001-014 DOI: 10.26502/jppr.0005
[2]. “It is the drug of choice for hypertension in pregnancy”. It acts centrally on alpha2-adrenoreceptor leading to a
decrease in sympathetic tone causing blood pressure fall [3]. Several analytical methods, including
spectrophotometric methods [17-22], spectrofluorometric [23], chromatographic methods [24, 25], titrimetric
method [26] and Volta metric method [27] have been reported for its determination alone or in combination.
Figure 1: Chemical structure of [a-lisinopril], [b- methyldopa] and [c-dansyl-Cl].
2. Experimental
2.1. Apparatus
Fluorescence measurements were carried out on a FP-6300 spectro-fluorimeter (Jasco, Japan) equipped
with a 150 W xenon lamp and 1 cm quartz cells.
Consort P400
digital pH-meter for pH adjustment.
2.2. Materials and reagents
All solvents and reagents used throughout the work were of analytical grade and double distilled water was used.
Lisinopril pure authentic sample (99%, purity) was kindly supplied by Rameda, Egypt. Sinopril
tablets, labeled to
contain 10 mg of lisinopril, batch no. b23205 (GNP, Egypt). Methyl dopa pure authentic sample (99.6%, purity)
was kindly supplied by Eipico, Egypt. Aldomet
tablets, labeled to contain 250mg of Methyldopa batch no.
S420171 (KAHIRA, Egypt). Dansyl chloride (DNS-Cl) was purchased from Cornell Lab Company, solution of
DNS-Cl was freshly prepared at 3.0 mg/ml in acetone. (Stable for one week). Sodium hydroxide was purchased
from Research lab fine chemical industry, solution of NaOH was freshly prepared at 20 mg/ml in distilled water and
pH was adjusted by 1M of (34%) HCl to 8.5.
2.3. General procedures
2.3.1. Preparation of stock standard drug solution: A stock standard solution of lisinopril (1mg/ml) was prepared
by weighing accurately 0.1 gm of pure drug and dissolving in 100 ml distilled water. stock standard solution of
methyl dopa (1mg/ml) was prepared by weighing accurately 0.1 gm of pure drug and dissolving in 100 ml methanol.
2.3.2. Preparation of working standard solution and construction of calibration curve: Aliqout containing from
1 to 25 μg/mL of (LIS) and (MD) was prepared by transferring certain increasing volume from each drug to a series
of 10 ml volumetric flasks, followed by adding 0.3 ml of standard NaOH, mixed well, then 0.5 ml of standard
(DNS-Cl) solution was added, mixed and left for 30 minutes for [LIS] and 35 minutes for [MD] in dark at 35 °C.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research Vol. 2 No. 1 - Mar 2018.
J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2018; 2 (1): 001-014 DOI: 10.26502/jppr.0005
The flasks were then cooled and the volume was completed to10 ml with methanol. The fluorescence intensity of the
resulting solution was measured at 511 and 516 nm for (LIS) and (MD) respectively after excitation at 323 nm
against reagent blank that had been treated similarly. The fluorescence intensity was plotted versus the final drug
concentrations to get the calibration curve. The corresponding regression equation was computed.
2.4. Application on pharmaceutical preparations
Ten tablets of Sinopril
and five tablets of Aldomet
were crushed, powdered and the average weight of one tablet
was determined. Then specific weight from each powdered drug equivelant to 100 mg was dissolved in 100 ml
distilled water for sinopril® and methanol for aldomet® then filtered through whatman filter paper to give a final
stock concentration of 1mg/ml for each drug. Working solutions were prepared by serial dilution from stock
solution. The procedures were then completed as previously mentioned using standard addition technique.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Fluorescence spectra
Both (LIS) and (MD) possess amino groups which have the ability to react with dansyl chloride in alkaline medium
resulted in formation of a high fluorescent product, while the reagent blank exhibited a weak fluorescence intensity
at the selected excitation and emission wavelengths under the optimized experimental conditions. Scheme 1 and 2)
illustrates the suggested reaction path way for both drugs with dansyl chloride. Figure 2 and 3 explain the
Fluorescence spectra for both drugs.
Scheme 1: Suggested reaction pathway between Lisinopril and dansyl chloride.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research Vol. 2 No. 1 - Mar 2018.
J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2018; 2 (1): 001-014 DOI: 10.26502/jppr.0005
emm=516 nm).
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research Vol. 2 No. 1 - Mar 2018. 4
Scheme 2: Suggested reaction pathway between methyl dopa and dansyl chloride.
Figure 2:Excitation (A/black) and emission (B/blue) spectra of the LIS-DNS product (λ ex=323 nm and λ
em=511 nm).
Figure 3:Excitation (A/black) and emission (B/blue) spectra of the MD-DNS product (λ ex=323 nm and λ
J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2018; 2 (1): 001-014 DOI: 10.26502/jppr.0005
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research Vol. 2 No. 1 - Mar 2018. 5
3.2. Optimization of reaction conditions
Different experimental factors including pH, volume of buffer, amounts of reagent, temperature and reaction time
were studied and optimized by changing each factor individually keeping the others constant.
3.2.1. Effect of pH: The influence of pH on the fluorescence intensity of the reaction product was examined using
sodium hydroxide solution over the pH range from 6 to 11.0 since DNS-Cl reacts under alkaline conditions. The
maximum fluorescence intensity was obtained when the reaction was carried out with NaOH solution of pH 8.5.
Figure 4 illustrate the effect of pH.
Figure 4: Effect of the pH on the development of the reaction product of (LIS) and (MD) (10 µg/mL) with DNS-Cl.
3.2.2. Effect of sodium hydroxide volume: The influence of volume of NaOH on the fluorescence intensity of the
reaction product was examined using different volume over the range from 0.1 to 0.7 ml. Maximum fluorescence
intensity was obtained when the reaction was carried out using 0.3 ml NaOH solution of pH 8.5 as shown in Figure
Figure 5: Effect of volume of NaOH solution on development of the reaction product of (LIS) and (MD) (10
µg/mL) with DNS-Cl.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
volume of NaOH
J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2018; 2 (1): 001-014 DOI: 10.26502/jppr.0005
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research Vol. 2 No. 1 - Mar 2018. 6
3.2.3. Effect of dansyl chloride volume: The influence of the volume of dansyl chloride solution was examined by
addition of different volumes of 3.0 mg/ml reagent in the range of 0.2 to 1 ml. A maximum fluorescence intensity
was obtained when 0.5 ml of dansyl chloride solution was utilized as depicted in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Effect of volume of DNS-Cl solution on development of the reaction product of (LIS) and (MD) (10
3.2.4. Effect of time and temperature: In this study, the reaction between the two drugs and dansyl chloride was
performed using pH 8.5 at different temperatures (25°C, 35°C, 40°C, and 50°C) for various time intervals (10, 20,
30, 35 and 40 min). As it is seen in Figure 7 and 8, the reaction was found to be completed after 30 and 35 min for
(LIS) and (MD) respectively at 35°C.
Figure 7:Effect of time on the reaction completion of (LIS) and (MD) (10 μg/mL) with DNS-Cl.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 11.2
volume of DNSCl
0 10 20 30 40 50
J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2018; 2 (1): 001-014 DOI: 10.26502/jppr.0005
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research Vol. 2 No. 1 - Mar 2018. 7
Figure 8:Effect of temperature on the reaction completion of (LIS) and (MD) (10 μg/mL) with DNS-Cl.
3.3. Stoichiometry of the reaction
The molar ratio of the reagent and the two drugs in the reaction was studied by using the continuous variation
method (Job ҆s method) [28]. The molar ratio was found to be 1:2 (drug: reagent) and 1:1 (drug: reagent) for
Lisinopril and methyl- dopa respectively as seen in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Continuous variation plots for the reaction between: (A) 2.26 × 10-4 M of DNS-Cl and 2.26 × 10-4 M of
Lisinopril and (B) 4.2 × 10-4 M of DNS-Cl and 4.2 × 10-4 M of Methyl-dopa.
3.4. Method validation
The validity of the proposed method was tested regarding linearity, range, limits of detection, limits of
quantification, accuracy, precision, robustness and specificity according to ICH recommendations [29].
3.4.1. Linearity: Under the optimum experimental conditions, standard calibration curves were constructed at five
concentration levels by plotting the values of florescence intensity versus the final concentrations (μg/ml) as shown
in Figure 10. The correlation coefficient was 0.9999 and 0.9997 for (LIS) and (MD) respectively, indicating good
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2018; 2 (1): 001-014 DOI: 10.26502/jppr.0005
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research Vol. 2 No. 1 - Mar 2018. 8
linearity over the concentration range of 3.0 to 20.0 and 7.0 to 25.0 μg/ml for (LIS) and (MD) respectively. The
intercept, slope, Correlation coefficient for the calibration data are summarized in Table 1. Calibration graph is
described by the equation (Y= a+bX), (Where Y= florescence intensity, a= intercept, b= slope and X= concentration
in μ
Figure 10:Calibration curves for the reaction between (DNS-CL) and (LIS) (A) and (MD) (B) respectively.
Parameters Lisinopril Methyl dopa
Excitation wave length, nm 323 323
Emission wave length, nm 511 516
pH 8.5 8.5
Volume of NaoH (ml) 0.3 0.3
(DNS-Cl) volume (ml) 0.5 0.5
Time for derivatization reaction 30 35
Temperature (
C) 35 ± 2°C 35 ± 2°C
Solvent water Methanol
Beer’s law limits (µ
) 3-20 7-25
Regression equation* Slope (b) 1.0815 79.373
Intercept (a) 21.553 27.17
Correlation coefficient 0.9999 0.9997
Table 1: Statistical and analytical parameters of (LIS) and (MD) determination.
y=21.553x 1.0815
010 20 30
area under curve
J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2018; 2 (1): 001-014 DOI: 10.26502/jppr.0005
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research Vol. 2 No. 1 - Mar 2018. 9
3.4.2. Limits of detection and limits of quantification: The limit of detection (LOD) was calculated according to
the equation [LOD = 3.3 S /K]. The limit of quantification (LOQ) was calculated by the equation [LOQ = 10 S/K]
Where S is the standard deviation of the three replicate determination and K is the slope of calibration graph. The
results are summarized in Table 2.
Lisinopril Methyl dopa
n Conc.found Recovery
% Conc.taken Conc.found Recovery
µg/ml µg/ml µg/ml µg/ml
32.959 98.64 7 6.8779 98.2559
55.03788 100.757 10 10.124 101.241
10 10.0506 100.506 15 15.0958 100.638
15 14.922 99.482 20 19.8757 99.3785
20 20.0288 100.144 25 25.0266 100.106
Mean* 99.9 99.92
N 5 5
SD 0.85 1.1575
RSD 0.85 1.1584
SE 0.427 0.5787
Variance 0.729 1.3399
LOD,µgml-1 0.264 0.2097
LOQ,µgml-1 0.88 0.699
absorptivity** 9435577 4957090
L Mol-1 cm-1
*Mean of three different experiments; ** Calculated in the basis of molecular weight of the drug.
Table 2: Statistical data for the reaction of lisinopril and methyl dopa with dansyl chloride.
3.4.3. Accuracy and precision: Accuracy of the proposed methods was checked by performing recovery
experiments through standard addition technique. The results are shown in Table 3 indicates good accuracy. The
precision of the method was calculated in term of intermediate precision (intraday and inter-day). Three different
concentrations five times of lisinopril and methyl dopa were analyzed during the same day (intra-day precision) and
five consecutive days (inter-day precision). The standard analytical errors, relative standard deviations (RSD) and
recoveries obtained by the proposed method were found to be acceptable. The results are summarized in Table 4.
J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2018; 2 (1): 001-014 DOI: 10.26502/jppr.0005
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research Vol. 2 No. 1 - Mar 2018. 10
Sinopril ® tablets Aldomet ® tablet
Take from Sinopril
tablet (µg/ml)
Added from pure
drug (µg/ml)
Conc. found
Recovery* %
Taken from
aldomet tablet
Added from pure
drug (µg/ml)
Conc. found
Recovery* %
30 2.936 98 70 6.879 98.28
32 5.0237 100.474 73 10.1218 101.218
37 10.07 100.735 78 15.095 100.639
312 14.9 99.399 7 13 19.874 99.372
317 20.056 100.281 718 25.027 100.108
321 23.95 99.796 - - - -
Mean* -- - 99.76 - - - 99.923
N -- - 6 -- - 5
S.D. -- - 1.03595 - - - 1.14
R.S.D. -- - 1.0384 - - - 1.14
V -- - 1.07 - - - 1.3
S.E. -- - 0.5179 - - - 0.57
*Mean of three different experiments.
Table 3: Application of standard addition technique for the determination of Sinopril ® and Aldomet® tablets form
through reaction with DNS-Cl.
Intraday Inter-day
Mean ±SD RSD Mean ±SD RSD
10 µg/ml 100.5 ± 0.15 0.15 100.46 ± 0.28 0.28
15 µg/ml 99.655 ± 0.244 0.245 99.2 ± 1.23 1.24
20 µg/ml 100.117 ± 0.1688 0.1686 100.108 ± 0.29 0.29
10 µg/ml 101.156 ± 0.4 0.39 101.2 ± 0.63 0.62
15 µg/ml 100.465 ± 0.197 0.196 100.6 ± 0.208 0.206
20 µg/ml 99.19 ± 0.185 0.1867 99.349 ± 0.637 0.642
Table 4: Results of the intraday and inter-day precision for the determination of lisinopril and methyl dopa using
J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2018; 2 (1): 001-014 DOI: 10.26502/jppr.0005
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research Vol. 2 No. 1 - Mar 2018. 11
3.4.5. Robustness: Robustness was achieved by making small incremental change in volume of sodium hydroxide
and volume of reagent. The effect of changes was studied on the percent recovery of drugs proved that all changes
had a negligible influence on the results as seen in Table 5.
Table 5: Results of the robustness for the determination of lisinopril and methyl dopa using DNS-Cl.
3.4.6. Analysis of pharmaceutical preparations: The proposed methods were applied to the analysis of the drug in
dosage forms and the results were statistically compared with reported reference methods by calculating Student’s t-
and F-values. The evaluated t-and F-values were less than the tabulated values at the 95% confidence level. Results
listed in Table 6 showing that there is no statistical significance difference between the proposed and reference
Sinopril® tablet Aldomet ®tablet
Reported reference
method number [133]
Reported reference
method number
Mean recovery* ± SD 100.33 ± 0.7 99.76 ± 1.0359 100.1 ± 1.2 99.9 ± 1.14
N 6 6 5 5
Variance 0.49 1.07 1.44 1.3
t-test** -1.1 (2.23)a - 0.27(2.3)a
F-ratio** -2.18 (5.05)
- 1.1 (6.39)
*Average of three experiments; a and b are Theoretical Student t-values and F- ratio at p=0.05.
Table 6: Statistical data for the determination of pharmaceutical tablets Sinopril® and Aldomet® through the
proposed methods using DNS-Cl compared with the reference methods.
4. Conclusion
The proposed method was simple, fast, selective, sensitive, specific, reproducible and not very expensive. Validation
experiments proved that results were linear over the mentioned working range. No interference was observed from
the described drugs and their common excipients. Also there was no need for extraction procedure.
% of recovery ± SD
Methyl dopa Lisinopril Item
99.9±0.814 NaOH+0.05ml
99.9± 1.15
99.99± 0.716 Na0H-0.05 ml
99.8±1.17 DNS-Cl+0.05ml
99.948± 0.7
99.88± 0.8 DNS-Cl-0.05ml
J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2018; 2 (1): 001-014 DOI: 10.26502/jppr.0005
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research Vol. 2 No. 1 - Mar 2018. 12
5. Acknowledgment
Authors are grateful to all members of staff of Medicinal chemistry department (Zagazig University) also to all
members of staff of analytical chemistry department and laboratories staff (Tanta University)
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This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the
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Citation: Sobhy M. El-Adl, Mohamed El.Hossinny El-Sadek, Nariman M.
Saeed. Spectrofluorometric Determination of Lisinopril dihydrate and Methyl- Dopa in
Bulk and Pharmaceutical Formulation by Using Dansyl Chloride. J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2
(2018): 001-014.
... They pose a special feature in treating patient with diabetes, slowing the development and progression of diabetic glomerulopathy. It is only available in the market as oral tablets despite its low systems bioavailability of 25 % varying from 6-60 % next oral management due to intersubject variability, figure (1: a) Several methods have been developed for the estimation of lisinopril using HPLC methods [7-9], UV-Vis [10-18], Chromatographic [19], LC-MS/MS [20], Potentiometriy [21,22], Voltammetric [23], Spectrofluorometric [24,25], FT-IR [26,27], X-Ray [28] and Polarographic [29]. This research aims to use a sensitive and accurate spectrophotometric method using the derivative to estimate lisinopril in its pure form and the pharmaceutical formulations in the presence of the drug losartan, which is close to it in the spectrum; it is not possible to use other more accurate and sensitive methods for its estimation. ...
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A simple, sensitive method for simultaneous quantifying of lisinopril in the presence of losartan in its pure form and pharmaceutical formulations in tablet form by using UV-Vis spectrophotometric. This method depends on the first spectrum derivative utilization zero intersection, the summit to foundation line, and the summit of area measurement. A Linearity was used for a range of drugs, lisinopril concentrations 2-16 µg/mL and losartan concentrations 2-14 µg/mL in the mixture. The correlation coefficients of lisinopril in the presence of losartan (8 μg/mL) using peak to baseline 0.9980, 0.99674, and peak area 0.99944 but the correlation coefficients of losartan in the presence of lisinopril 6 μg/mL utilization peak to baseline 0.9997, 0.9984, 0.9994 and peak area 0.9972, 0.9952. The limits of detection (LOD) of 0.0125 µg/mL for lisinopril and losartan were measured by this method. Determination of precision and accuracy by measuring Relative Standard Deviation (RSD %) whose value is less than 4 % and Recovery% (Rec. %) of acceptable value. The method showed success in the direct estimation of each of the two drugs, lisinopril and losartan, in the presence of the other in pure form and pharmaceutical formulations in tablet form. K E Y
... Chromatographic [5-8], electrophoretic [9-11], polarographic [12,13], fluorometric [14][15][16][17], and spectrophotometric [18][19][20][21] methods are all viable options for evaluating dopamine hydrochloride and methyldopa. ...
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The catalytic oxidation reaction between Coomassie Brilliant Blue and N-bromosuccinimide was used in an acidic medium to develop a spectrophotometric method for the estimation of dopamine and methyldopa in their pure forms and in pharmaceutical preparations. The developed method exhibited high sensitivity, with molar absorptivity values of 1.77 × 10 4 and 2.97 × 10 4 L mol-1 cm-1 , and Sandell's sensitivity values of 0.0080 and 0.0107 mg cm-2 , respectively. The estimated quantities of dopamine hydrochloride and methyldopa were within the range of 0.5-18 μg/mL and 0.5-13 μg/mL, respectively. The developed method was successfully applied to tablet and injection formulations, and the results were in accord with the original drug content. The developed method was compared with standard addition and standard method in the British Pharmacopoeia, and no significant differences were revealed thus confirming the success of the developed method in the estimation of the studied drugs. Other statistical values were also studied .
... They pose a special feature in treating patient with diabetes, slowing the development and progression of diabetic glomerulopathy. It is only available in the market as oral tablets despite its low systems bioavailability of 25 % varying from 6-60 % next oral management due to intersubject variability, figure (1: a) Several methods have been developed for the estimation of lisinopril using HPLC methods [7-9], UV-Vis [10-18], Chromatographic [19], LC-MS/MS [20], Potentiometriy [21,22], Voltammetric [23], Spectrofluorometric [24,25], FT-IR [26,27], X-Ray [28] and Polarographic [29]. This research aims to use a sensitive and accurate spectrophotometric method using the derivative to estimate lisinopril in its pure form and the pharmaceutical formulations in the presence of the drug losartan, which is close to it in the spectrum; it is not possible to use other more accurate and sensitive methods for its estimation. ...
A simple, sensitive method for simultaneous quantifying of lisinopril in the presence of losartan in its pure form and pharmaceutical formulations in tablet form by using UV-Vis spectrophotometric. This method depends on the first spectrum derivative utilization zero intersection, the summit to foundation line, and the summit of area measurement. A Linearity was used for a range of drugs, lisinopril concentrations 2-16 µg/mL and losartan concentrations 2-14 µg/mL in the mixture. The correlation coefficients of lisinopril in the presence of losartan (8 μg/mL) using peak to baseline 0.9980, 0.99674, and peak area 0.99944 but the correlation coefficients of losartan in the presence of lisinopril 6 μg/mL utilization peak to baseline 0.9997, 0.9984, 0.9994 and peak area 0.9972, 0.9952. The limits of detection (LOD) of 0.0125 µg/mL for lisinopril and losartan were measured by this method. Determination of precision and accuracy by measuring Relative Standard Deviation (RSD %) whose value is less than 4 % and Recovery% (Rec. %) of acceptable value. The method showed success in the direct estimation of each of the two drugs, lisinopril and losartan, in the presence of the other in pure form and pharmaceutical formulations in tablet form. K E Y
... The literature reveals various analytical methods were described for the determination of LNP such as titrimetric [5,6], Spectrophotometric [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15], spectrofluorometric [16][17][18][19][20], chromatographic [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38], derivative UV-spectrophotometric, [39][40] polarography [41][42], radioimmunoassay [43] and fluoroimmunoassay [44]. ...
Spectrofluorimetry is an analytical technique with high sensitivity, specificity, and simplicity, and is very economical. Drugs that lack native fluorescence are derivatized with reagents so that highly fluorescent compounds are formed that can be readily detected by spectrofluorimetry. There are different reagents such as 4-chloro-7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl), N- methylnicotinamide chloride (NMNCl), 9-flurenylmethylchloroformate (FMOC-Cl), dansylchloride (DNS-Cl), 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone hydrochloride (MBTH), 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulfonate (NQS), 1,4- benzoquinone, 4-fluro-7-nitrobenzofurazan (NBD-F), ninhydrin, benzoin, N- bromo succinimide (NBS), acetylacetone & HCHO, ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA), and 2-cyanoacetamide used in spectrofluorimetric determination of the drugs that lack native fluorescence. The present review highlights these reagents with principle, reaction conditions, and their applications.
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A simple, specific and economic UV spectrophotometric method has been developed using as a solvent methanol:water (8:2) to determine the daclatasvir content in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage formulations. The quantitative determination of the drug has been carried out at a predetermined λ max of 317nm, it was proved linier in the range 2-12 μg/mL and exhibited good correlation coefficient (R 2 =0.998) and excellent mean recovery (98-100.09%). The method was validated statically and by recovery studies for linearity, precision, repeatability and reproducibility as per ICH guideline. The obtained results proved that the method can be employed for the routine analysis of daclatasvirin bulk as well as in the commercial formulations.
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Objective: A simple, sensitive and rapid performance liquid chromatography/positive ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry method was to be developed and validated for quantification of propafenone (PPF) and its two major metabolite 5-hydroxy propafenone (5-OHP) and N-depropyl propafenone (NDP) in human plasma.Methods: Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) with ethyl acetate was used of extraction of plasma samples. The analytes were separated using an isocratic mixture of 0.1% formic acid/acetonitrile (20:80 v/v) on a reversed-phase column Hypurity Advance C18 50 x2.1 mm, 5µ and analysed by mass spectrometry in the multiple reaction monitoring mode using the respective [M+H] Ions. The m/z was 342.20/116.10 for propafenone, m/z 299.80/74.10 for N depropyl propafenone and m/z 358.30/98.10 for 5-hydroxy propfenone along with m/z 409.2/238.0 for Amlodipine as internal standard respectively.Results: The method had a short chromatographic run time of 1.5 min. The method exhibited a linear dynamic range over 5.11 to 1000.73 ng/ml for propafenone, 0.51 to 100.06 ng/ml for N-depropyl propafenone and 5.11 to 1001.64 ng/ml for 5-hydroxy propafenone respectively, in human plasma.Conclusion: The validated method has been successfully used to analyze human plasma samples for application in pharmacokinetics, bioavailability and bioequivalence studies.
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Specific, accurate, simple, selective and stability-indicating RP-HPLC method is developed and validated for simultaneous determination of Sofosbuvir and Ledipasvir in tablet dosage form for assay and dissolution methods. RP-HPLC method was performed on the Eclipse XDB C18 column (250 mm X 4.6 mm, 5 μm particle size, using buffer solution of pH 3.0 containing 0.02 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 5.7 mM hexane sulfonate:acetonitrile (50:50 v/v) as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.5 ml/min, injection volume 10 μL and UV detection at 254 nm. This method is validated according to BP, USP and ICH requirements for new methods, which include accuracy, precision, selectivity, robustness, ruggedness, LOD, LOQ, linearity and range. Linear relationships were obtained in the ranges of 40-500 μg/mL and 30-300 μg/mL with correlation coefficients of 0.9998, 0.9996, 0.9996 and 0.9993 at RT value of 2.429 min and 4.529 min for Sofosbuvir and Ledipasvir respectively for assay content and dissolution rate. The forced degradation studies as acidity, alkalinity, oxidation, heat, thermal, humidity and photo degradation were performed according to ICH guidelines. The accurate determination of both drugs is very important for Forensic and Criminal Investigations from the point of view of Forensic pharmacy.
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Objective: The objective of the present work is to develop a simple, efficient, and reproducible spectrophotometric method for the quantitative estimation of hepatitis-C drugs - Daclatasvir and Sofosbuvir in its active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) form. Methods: The developed ultraviolet spectrophotometric method for the quantitative estimation of hepatitis-C drugs - Daclatasvir and Sofosbuvir is based on measurement of absorption at a wavelength maximum (λmax) of 317 and 261 nm using methanol as solvent. Results: The method was validated in terms of specificity, precision, linearity, accuracy, and robustness as per the ICH guidelines. The method was found to be linear in the range of 50-150% for Daclatasvir and in the range of 43-143% for Sofosbuvir. The percentage recovery values were in the range of 99.4-100.6% for Daclatasvir and in the range of 99.7-100.6% for Sofosbuvir at different concentration levels. Relative standard deviation for precision and intermediate precision results were found to be <2%. The correlation coefficient value observed for Daclatasvir and Sofosbuvir drug substances was not <0.99, 0.99, respectively. Results obtained from the validation experiments prove that the developed method is quantified for the estimation of Daclatasvir and Sofosbuvir drug substances. Conclusion: The developed method can be successfully applied for routine analysis, quality control analysis, and also suitable for stability analysis of Daclatasvir and Sofosbuvir in API form as per the regulatory requirements.
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Daclatasvir (DAC) is listed on the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines needed in a basic health system, therefore, electrochemical and impedance spectroscopic methods are necessary to obtain information about its mechanism using a carbon paste electrode (CPE) modified with chitosan (Cs)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT) and cobalt nanoparticles (CoNps). The simultaneous determination of DAC with the hepatitis B antiviral drug entecavir (ENT) was also investigated by differential pulse voltammetry in universal buffer pH 2.0. The experimental results specify a linear relation between the DAC peak current and its concentration in the range from 1.0 nM to 12 μM, leading to a detection limit of 8.82 × 10⁻¹⁰ M. Finally, this novel sensor was successfully used to determine DAC in human biological fluids such as urine, blood serum and in pharmaceutical formulations.
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A selective and specific high-performance liquid chromatography method for the determination of daclatasvir enantiomers has been developed and validated. Various immobilized polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases were used to define a separation strategy utilizing normal-phase and polar organic chromatography modes. Excellent resolution between daclatasvir and its enantiomer was achieved on amylose tris (3-chlorophenylcarbamate) stationary phase, namely CHIRALPAK ID-3, using binary gradient containing acetonitrile:diethylamine and methanol:diethylamine as the mobile phase. The flow rate of the mobile phases was maintained at 1.0 mL min⁻¹ while the column oven temperature was maintained at 40 °C. The column effluent was monitored by UV detection at 315 nm. In comparison with isocratic method, the binary gradient method offered excellent peak shape and improved resolution between daclatasvir and its enantiomer while maintaining the specificity with diastereomers. The method was found to be precise, accurate, and linear (R² > 0.999). Limit of detection and limit of quantitation of the enantiomer were found to be 0.083 µg mL⁻¹ as and 0.25 µg mL⁻¹, respectively. Recovery of the enantiomer was found to be in the range of 90 to 112 %.
Background: Studies focusing on the efficacy of SOF+DCV regimen on liver transplantation recipients with HCV infection are still limited. In the current study, we aimed to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of SOF+DCV regimen, with or without ribavirin, on post-LT setting. Methods: A systematic literature search of various databases as well as abstracts of major liver diseases conferences was performed. Studies with SVR data in HCV infected liver transplantation recipients treated with daclatasvir/sofosbuvir regimen were included. All statistical analyses were conducted by R version 3.3.1 (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). Results: Seven studies with a total of 379 LT recipients were included in this study. Most of these LT recipients had genotype 1 HCV infection. The overall rate of SVR12 reached 93.3% (95% CI: 83.3% to 99.4%). After excluding the study of Fontana et al., the SVR12 reached 96.8% and heterogeneity was lowered down (P=0.17). In three studies, patients treated with SOF+DCV (n=146) had a higher SVR12 rate than that of patients treated with SOF+DCV+RBV (n=83) (OR 0.33, 95% CI: 0.12 to 0.87; P=0.02). There was no difference in SVR12 between patients infected with HCV genotype 1 and genotype 3 (P=0.57) and no difference was found in SVR12 rate between 12-week therapy and 24-week therapy (P=0.82). The most common adverse effects (AEs) were: anemia 32% (n=64/202), infections 26% (n=38/149), neutropenia 23% (n=35/149), thrombocytopenia 21% (n=32/149) and renal failure 8% (n=12/149). Conclusion: SOF+DCV±RBV regimen is of high efficacy and tolerability in LT recipients with HCV infection.
Daclatasvir is an inhibitor of hepatitis C virus NS5A protein that is used for the therapy of chronic hepatitis. So far, published methods for analysis of daclatasvir in plasma are exclusively based on mass spectrometry, which is not always available in standard clinical laboratories. Thus, we wished to develop and validate a simple, but still reliable and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay with UV detection for the quantification of daclatasvir, feasible for a wide-spread clinical routine use. The method consisted of solid-phase extraction of daclatasvir using Waters Oasis HLB 1cc cartridges, reversed-phase liquid chromatography with a Waters XTerra RP18 (150 mm × 4.6 mm, 3.5 μm) column and a mobile phase of ammonium acetate buffer (pH 5.0, 10 mM) and acetonitrile (56:44, v/v), and UV detection at 318 nm. This assay proved to be sensitive (lower limit of quantification of 0.05 μg/mL), linear (correlation coefficients ≥ 0.997), specific (no interference with various potentially co-administrated drugs), reproducible (both intra-day and inter-day coefficients of variation ≤ 8.9%), and accurate (deviations ranged from − 2.2 to 8.0% and from −6.5 to 9.2% for intra-day and inter-day assays, respectively). The method was applied to therapeutic monitoring of patients undergoing daclatasvir therapy for hepatitis C and showed to be reliable and robust. Thus, this method provides a simple, sensitive, precise, and reproducible assay for dosing daclatasvir that can be readily adaptable to routine use by clinical laboratories with standard equipment. In addition, the stability of daclatasvir in plasma was evaluated under various conditions, including after the heating procedure required for inactivation of infectious viruses and in different light exposure conditions. These studies evidenced photo-instability of the compound under sunlight exposure over time. Thus, blood sampling and the whole handling procedure have to be performed quickly and with minimal light exposure.
A Novel simple, precise and economical reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed and validated for the estimation of Daclatasvir in single dosage form HPLC - WATERS Model NO.2690 series Compact System Consisting of Inertsil-C18 ODS column with a mobile phase constituting of Acetonitrile and Methanol (70:30) Flow rate 1ml/min and detection was carried out at 230nm. The selected chromatographic conditions were found to effectively separate Daclatasvir (Rt: 2.658 min). The developed method was validated for linearity, accuracy, precision, LOD, LOQ, robustness, ruggedness and for system suitability parameters as per ICH guidelines. Linearity for Daclatasvir was found in the range of 20-80μg/ml, respectively. The method was found to be robust. The proposed method could be used for routine analysis of Daclatasvir in single dosage forms. The bulk drug was subjected to forced degradation studies like acid, alkali, oxidative, thermal conditions.