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Using current systems to inform rearing facility design in the insect-as-food industry



As wild harvesting of insects gives way to mass rearing, there is an urgent need to develop expertise and methods in insect animal husbandry and facility design. In order to advance the science of animal husbandry and production in this field, comparisons and contrasts of different insect rearing facilities currently in production are likely to be beneficial. Here we initiate this discussion by suggesting a focus on insect rearing facilities at the two ends of the production scale spectrum (small-scale rearing and mass rearing) that have different end products (insects-as- food and insects for other purposes). We suggest that organisations with a philosophy of information sharing (e.g. universities) need to play an active role in this developing production system, by bridging gaps between academia, industry and traditional knowledge to ensure a rapid and societally acceptable development of wide-scale entomophagy.
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 2018; 4(3): 167-170 Wageningen Academic
SPECIAL ISSUE: Insects in European feed and food chains
ISSN 2352-4588 online, DOI 10.3920/JIFF2017.0076 167
1. Introduction
Compared with other food production systems based
on traditional domestic animals, the developing insects-
as-food industry suffers from a clear lack of verifiable
knowledge of vital components of the food production
chain (Cortes Ortiz et al., 2016; Dobermann, 2017; Van
Huis, 2017). Thus, it is recognised that there is an urgent
need to develop expertise on insect animal husbandry and
facility design, as wild harvesting gives way to mass rearing
in the entomophagy market (Miech et al., 2016; Van Huis,
2013). To this end, the knowledge base on rearing facility
design for insects produced for human consumption is
increasing (discussed in e.g. Durst and Hanboonsong, 2015;
Oonincx and De Boer, 2012; Rumpold and Schlüter, 2013;
Van Huis, 2013; and examined in Dossey et al., 2016a; Van
Huis and Tomberlin, 2017). To maximise the potential for
information growth during this early development phase,
it is important to consider where knowledge and expertise
may already exist and could be adapted to mass insect
rearing facility design and management.
Insect housing and rearing techniques have been developed
for the pet market and for producing sterile insects as
pest control and in medical industries (Dossey et al.,
2016b). Thus there is great potential for adapting expertise
from these production systems. However, these facilities
and techniques are geared towards those fields’ specific
production goals (e.g. Fanson et al., 2014; Scott et al., 2017)
and will need to be closely examined to find what aspects
are transferable to insects-as-food mass rearing. The other
key repository of knowledge about insect rearing is the
established small-scale enterprises whose current focus
is producing insects for human consumption (at a local
scale). Thus we see real potential for advancing the science
of insect husbandry and production, by comparing and
contrasting the different scales of insect rearing facilities
currently in production. This can be used as a foundation
to explore which elements and methodologies are based on
scientific or expert knowledge and which aspects require
further critical evaluation and development. Here we
initiate this discussion by focussing on rearing facilities at
the different scales of production in order to understand
the common aspects that likely underlie different levels of
production (and can be scaled up from current practices)
and where key differences should occur as the scale of
production increases.
Using current systems to inform rearing facility design in the insect-as-food industry
Å. Berggren1*, A. Jansson2 and M. Low1
1Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 7044, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), 75007 Uppsala, Sweden;
2Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), P.O. Box 7011,
75007 Uppsala, Sweden;
Received: 9 November 2017 / Accepted: 22 May 2018
© 2018 Wageningen Academic Publishers
As wild harvesting of insects gives way to mass rearing, there is an urgent need to develop expertise and methods
in insect animal husbandry and facility design. In order to advance the science of animal husbandry and production
in this field, comparisons and contrasts of different insect rearing facilities currently in production are likely to be
beneficial. Here we initiate this discussion by suggesting a focus on insect rearing facilities at the two ends of the
production scale spectrum (small-scale rearing and mass rearing) that have different end products (insects-as-
food and insects for other purposes). We suggest that organisations with a philosophy of information sharing (e.g.
universities) need to play an active role in this developing production system, by bridging gaps between academia,
industry and traditional knowledge to ensure a rapid and societally acceptable development of wide-scale entomophagy.
Keywords: entomophagy, food system, sustainable, mass rearing, animal husbandry
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168 Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 4(3)
2. Current types and scale of the insect rearing
Rearing of insects for human consumption are mostly based
around smaller-scale enterprises, mainly in developing
countries. New initiatives are found in south-east Asia
as well as in central and southern Africa (Durst and
Hanboonsong, 2015; Gahukar, 2016; Kelemu et al., 2015).
These facilities are often small-scale businesses and run as
family companies or by farmer groups that generally rear
insects for local markets, with some facilities export to
neighbouring regions (Figure 1) (Durst and Hanboonsong,
2015; Gahukar, 2016; Van Huis, 2013). The insects used are
locally sourced and may be supplemented by additional
wild-caught individuals brought into the rearing facility
(Caparros Medigo et al., 2017; Miech et al., 2016). Rearing
facilities on an industrial scale have only appeared in the
last few years and are generally predicted as the future of
the global industry. They are emerging in western countries
like the Netherlands, as well as in Asia (e.g. China and
Thailand; Van Huis, 2013). These businesses have goals to
sell their products to regional and/or international markets
(Figure 1). These large-scale rearing facilities are more
likely to rely on their own core breeding stock to ensure a
predictable supply of insect biomass as output and to limit
the possibility of introducing diseases into the system.
Thus as the industry upscales its production intensity, it
is important to consider what aspects of facility design
and animal husbandry methods can be conserved and
which aspects will require modification. To determine how
these modifications should best occur will require research
into rearing methodologies and a deep understanding of
the ecology of the focal species in captivity (Kok, 2017).
Critically is also how these factors interact in producing
the insect protein as the marketable end product. This
is especially important if the industry’s environmental
credentials and the nutritional quality of the food will
be used to justify the emerging insect-as-food market
(Oonincx and De Boer, 2012).
3. Demands of the different types of rearing
Regardless of the scale of production, facilities share
particular purposes and demands in their function and
organisation. Notably, that rearing environments must be
suited to the focal insect species being reared including
health and welfare aspects (Gjerris et al., 2016). Facilities
must offer suitable feed and water sources, environmental
controls, maintenance of hygiene, disease control and the
ability to monitor and harvest the population (Belluco et
al., 2013; Eilenberg et al., 2015; Halloran et al., 2016; Stoops
et al., 2016), be a clean and safe working environment
(Pener, 2014). Here it will be instructive to compare how
these critical factors are delivered in small-scale insect-
as-food enterprises (using species for the food trade) and
the current mass rearing systems for medical and pest
control industries (using species not necessarily suited
for human consumption). This will provide key insights
into how facility design and husbandry can be conserved
when scaling up insect-as-food production and where it
likely needs to evolve. It is also important to consider how
Knowledge transfer
between scales
of production
Scale of
Market for
local and
regional and
Knowledge to
• automation
• disease control
• stock control
• climate control
• feed security
• waste management
• processing
as mass
once mass
Figure 1. The scale of production relates to the intended market, the current knowledge base and the sophistication of production
traits that are required to ensure the success of the industry. Initially, the small-scale industry will provide key informational
aspects for mass rearing; however, as mass rearing develops its methods, advances in husbandry knowledge may feedback
into small-scale husbandry practices.
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Using current systems to inform rearing facility design
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 4(3) 169
lessons learned from mass rearing husbandry could be used
to improve small-scale production enterprises (Figure 1);
this would ensure that research was not solely focussed on
taking hard-won lessons from developing countries without
giving something in return. By using a perspective that
compares system components in insect production systems
between different scales of production and with different
end products, research programmes can be informed by
both the current small-scale insect-as-food industry, and
the larger scale medical and pet industries, to be applied to
mass rearing situations for human consumption. Current
insect-as-food production is small scale; thus the methods
that have been developed for food insects will need to be
adapted to systems like those currently used in the medical/
pest industries:
Specifics for small-scale facilities (insects-as-food):
Manual work predominantly for feeding, cleaning, and
Visual inspection can be used to gather information on
insect health.
Breeding and supplementary animals can be mixed as
part of the production stock.
Pathogens have a limited number of insects to infect.
Restocking is for some species and regions possible
from the wild.
Outdoor facilities with open sections have limited ability
to control climate and pathogens.
Potential to be more flexible and variable in feed
Specifics for large-scale facilities (medical, pest control,
pet industry):
Automated work processes for feeding, cleaning, sorting,
Large screening programs for pathogens likely needed
because of the relationship between epidemiological
patterns and population size/density.
Greater need to separate breeding and rearing stock.
Spread of pathogens in populations have potential to
reach a high number of insect individuals.
Restocking includes evaluating insect quality and safety
Establishment of core breeding lines and little or no
input from wild-caught insects.
Great need for advanced climate control systems.
Need for large mass of feed resources, secure in delivery
and quality.
Large mass of waste products produced that needs to
be managed.
Large storage, processing and packaging facilities.
4. Key points for future development
General advances in facility design, animal welfare and
production are often driven by independent researchers
with the freedom to share information. Thus, if this
industry is to rapidly advance in ways that society deems
preferable (i.e. with key nutritional and sustainability
goals), universities and other organisations with a
philosophy of information sharing, environmental and
cultural sensitivity need to play an active role in its
Knowledge from insect rearing in the pet industry may
be useful in terms of population responses related to
rearing conditions, but most of these are not easily
accessible because of the lack of published sources.
Researchers should look to establish networks and
working groups that include experts from within this
industry to facilitate knowledge dissemination.
The production of sterile insects for pest control and
the medical industry are usually done on a large scale.
Much of this information is available (e.g. individual
growth, health and survival in relation to environmental
factors; Fanson et al., 2014; Scott et al., 2017) and could
be adapted for the insect-as-food industry. In particular,
for understanding certain aspects of species’ behaviour,
interactions and habitat use for incorporation into both
small- and large-scale rearing.
Knowledge of species’ ecology including developmental
needs, animal health and welfare aspects, potential
feeds and space requirements gathered from small-
scale rearing are likely to be important for developing
methods in large-scale facilities.
There is unlikely to be a generic insect-rearing facility
template, since different insects have their own specific
needs and life history requirements. Just as we do not
lump together the facility design of pigs, sheep and cattle,
we need to be careful in such discussions that different
insect species are recognised as similarly different in
their needs and rearing requirements.
We are grateful for the suggestions from the reviewers. We
thank the Faculties of Natural Resources and Agricultural
Sciences and Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences for support.
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170 Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 4(3)
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... These costs include not only the purchase or lease of suitable land but also expenses related to preparing the site. This preparation entails clearing and grading the land, as well as developing essential infrastructure such as access roads, drainage systems, and utilities, all of which are critical components in ensuring the site is ready for construction and operation [149]. ...
... This includes costs associated with heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and systems necessary to maintain optimal temperature, humidity, and lighting conditions for insect growth. These considerations are especially important in Iceland, where the facility must effectively address the challenges posed by the cold climate [149]. ...
... Furthermore, investment in waste management equipment, including systems for handling by-products and organic waste from the rearing process, is essential. This may involve technologies like composting or bio-conversion, which are crucial for maintaining sustainability [149]. ...
Full-text available
In this review, the multifaceted issue of food security is addressed, emphasizing the need for innovative and culturally appropriate solutions. Exploring insect livestock farming emerges as a potential remedy, offering a pathway to alleviate food insecurity and promote food sovereignty, particularly when integrated with social acceptability. Stakeholder engagement on both production and consumption fronts, coupled with sustained support, is vital for successful implementation. The expanding landscape of commercial insect farming in the West prompts questions about its broader scalability and equitable deployment, especially for vulnerable populations. Existing research gaps underscore the need for a coordinated effort across international, national, and legal frameworks to effectively integrate insect farming into existing agricultural systems. In this review, we have delved into the industrial-scale production processes of mealworms and black soldier flies (BSFs), known for their high protein content and organic waste conversion, covering small and industrial cultivation methods, offering insights into mealworm production life cycles, innovative rearing systems, and harvesting techniques. This review concludes with climate-specific recommendations for insect facilities, stressing the importance of sustainable practices, continuous research and development, effective market strategies and economic feasibilities in Iceland. In the context of escalating demand for sustainable protein sources, industrial-scale insect production emerges as a pivotal player in addressing global food security challenges.
... Insect housing and rearing techniques so far have been improved for the pet industry, as well as for the production of sterile insects for pest management and medical applications (Dossey et al., 2016). The established smallscale firms whose present focus is growing edible insects for general consumption (on a local scale) are another important reservoir of knowledge regarding insect farming (Berggren et al., 2018). Sustainable insect farming plays a pivotal role in economic significance of black ant Smith (Carebara vidua) which associated with the mass production of black ant-based food products. ...
... A suitable housing set-up then needs to be prepared for the ants, which can replicate the environmental establishment to serve as an ant farm or be a mimicking artificial nest. This preparation must ensure that the housing set-up provides adequate temperature and moisture/humidity control as well as sufficient ventilation to leverage in semi-natural rearing facilities (Musundire et al., 2016a;Berggren et al., 2018). Along with this, allocation of access to the nesting areas, foraging areas, and a source of food and water for the ants must be provided. ...
... The mimicry of their new habitat or their artificial environment must be so the conditions being provided to the ants encourage the sustenance of their normal behavior with reduced stress from any variations (Berggren et al., 2018). Optimal levels of temperature and humidity within the confines of the enclosure Illgner and Nel, 2000;Onyeike et al., 2005;Ayieko et al., 2012;Obopile and Seeletso, 2013;Kelemu et al., 2015;Musundire et al., 2016a;Hlongwane et al., 2020;Ondede, 2023 are imperative to support the different developmental stages of the entire colony. ...
Meeting food security is one of the major global challenges to ensure sufficient supply of food for current and future generations, considering increasing population growth and climate change issues. Consequently, the consumption of edible insects as an alternative food source has recently gained global attention for combating global food insecurity. The present review aims to provide information on the recent progress in consumption of edible black ant Smith, particularly Carebara vidua, as the main focus. The global consumption record of edible black ant Smith and consumer acceptance as well as the strategies used to increase consumer acceptance of eating edible black ant smith were proposed. In addition, the bioecology of black ant Smith was covered in this review. Further, details are provided in this review on the benefits to health, economy, and environment of practicing eating edible insects such as black ant Smith. Focus on the potential uses of Carebara vidua as a food ingredient in culinary cuisine and their safety concerns from rearing until processing were highlighted. The SCOPUS database was analysed using bibliometric software to understand the connections between recent scientific outputs and ant as human food thoroughly. BioRender software was used to create scientific figures. It is noteworthy to highlight that black ant smith contains high protein and micronutrient, especially iron and zinc are higher than that of plant-, animal-based food, and seafood that contribute significantly to meeting the daily protein and mineral intake amount for human. Moreover, the exhibition of antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of edible black ant smith suggests that it can be used as a future functional ingredients for food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics purposes. Hence, edible black ant smith is promising as an alternative and potential source of food or medicine for sustainable food security.
... The development and promotion of insect farming has so far had limited anchorage in research and innovation [9]. However, stakeholders in private and public sectors are currently focusing on innovation and knowledge transfer activities to develop farming systems including rearing facilities and management practices suitable to various insect species [9,23,24]. This has led to the emergence of several new insect farming systems around the world [5,9,14]. ...
... Thus, the multisite approach can strengthen the institutional frameworks needed to establish sustainable edible insect value chains and food systems in Africa. Fourth, our study involves three different insect species across the three countries, selected based on their likelihood of acceptability within the local culture and the availability of insect farming systems tailored to their specific life cycle and needs [23]. These species include Palm weevil larvae (Rhynchophorus phoenicis) in Ghana, Crickets (Scapsipedus icipe, Acheta domesticus) in Kenya, and African edible bush crickets (Ruspolia differens Serville) in Uganda [26,30,31]. ...
Full-text available
Background Edible insects are a sustainable source of high-quality animal protein. Insect farming is gaining interest globally, particularly in low-income countries, where it may provide substantial nutritional and economic benefits. To enhance insect farming practices in Africa, new farming systems are being developed. However, knowledge on how to best promote uptake of these systems is lacking. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating the effectiveness of educational interventions in promoting insect farming for household consumption in Africa. Method The study is designed as a multi-site randomized controlled trial to evaluate the impacts of agricultural training alone or in combination with nutrition education on the adoption of insect farming in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda. In each of the three countries, ninety-nine villages are randomly assigned to one of three arms: two intervention arms and a control arm with no interventions. Focusing on production (P), the first intervention arm covers agricultural training on insect farming combined with provision of insect production starter kits. Focusing on both production and consumption (PC), the second intervention arm involves the same intervention components as treatment P plus additional nutrition education. The impacts of the interventions are measured by comparing baseline and endline data collected one year apart. Primary outcomes are adoption of insect farming and consumption of the farmed insects. Discussion Understanding the drivers and impacts of novel agricultural practices is crucial for transitioning to sustainable food systems. The current project is the first to investigate how educational interventions promote insect farming for household consumption in low-income countries. The results will contribute evidence-based knowledge to support sustainable development through insect farming in Africa. Trial registration The protocol is registered in the American Economic Association registry for randomized control trials with registration number AEARCTR-0009996. Initial registration date: 02 September 2022, last updated 17 May 2023.
... Berggren, Jansson, and Low [210] compared small-scale and mass-rearing facilities. Small-scale farms, common in southeastern Asia and Africa, focus on local markets and supplement farmed insects with wild-caught individuals [211,212]. ...
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The present review highlights the potential of insect-based proteins to address the growing need for sustainable and secure food systems. The key findings suggest that edible insects offer a viable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional livestock, requiring significantly less land, water, and feed while emitting lower levels of greenhouse gases. Insect farming can also reduce waste and recycle nutrients, supporting circular economy models. Nutritionally, insects provide high-quality protein, essential amino acids, and beneficial fats, making them valuable to human diets. Despite these benefits, this review emphasizes the need for comprehensive regulatory frameworks to ensure food safety, manage potential allergenicity, and mitigate contamination risks from pathogens and environmental toxins. Additionally, developing innovative processing technologies can enhance the palatability and marketability of insect-based products, promoting consumer acceptance. This review concludes that with appropriate regulatory support and technological advancements , insect-based proteins have the potential to significantly contribute to global food security and sustainability efforts.
... If insects become a profitable dietary component for humans, large quantities of insects need to be produced continuously. This means that both farming and processing need to be highly advanced and approachable (Berggren, Jansson, and Low 2018). A detailed description is given in Figure 6.2. ...
The burgeoning world population puts pressure on resources and causes food insecurity. Unfortunately, conventional farming methods (Agriculture and Livestock) seem insufficient to cope with the hunger monster. The dilemma of food insecurity, poor dietary constituents and high diversity profile draws the world's attention towards insects as an alternative source of essential and healthy nutrients. In the modern world, insects are no more disgusting creatures due to their remarkable services to society. Insect farming is regarded as the most sustainable, cheaper and eco-friendly source of sustenance. The insect cultivation by means of different methods (wild, indoor and outdoor farming) depends upon the availability of species, environmental conditions and consumer acceptance. Farming of Housefly, Black soldier fly, Grasshoppers, Crickets, silkworm, Red palm weevil, weaver ants practiced in many developed and underdeveloped countries to obtain good quality proteins, fats, and carbohydrates than traditional sources. Advanced farming practices, ease of accessibility, and attractive marketing strategies have increased the per capita consumption of insects. The inclusion of more professionals and local people will make edible insect farming a more viable source of to enhance the GDP (gross domestic production).
... [14] The development of genetically modified/improved crickets by gene transcripts from the embryo, day-old hatchlings, and nymphs was reported to increased production. [59] Berggren et al. [60] recommended setting up a small rearing facility for small-scale production and growing consumer acceptance. Proper legislation and regulatory framework will be required, especially in developing countries, to facilitate safe and suitable quality products during harvesting, processing, and storage to consumers. ...
With the ever-increasing global population, it is impossible to meet the demand for animal protein by relying only on conventional methods due to the depleting natural resources. It is very challenging to ensure a sustainable supply of animal proteins from a single source or form and requires a holistic approach by using all suitable options. The present review critically reviewed various technological, sustainability, nutritional value, regulatory framework, food safety challenge, and prospect aspects of plantbased meat analogs, in vitro meat, edible insect, and single-cell proteins as suitable candidates for future food security and supply of animal protein in a sustainable way. For in vitro meat, the technological challenge in the supply of raw inputs, large-size bioreactors, and scale-up remains a major issue. Although having a lower environmental impact, the acceptance of edible insects to more comprehensive sections and associated food safety risks remains a major concern. There is a need for uniform and proper regulations of these alternatives/novel foods across the globe, covering various aspects throughout the food supply chain. Plant-based meat analogs, in vitro meat, insects, and single-cell proteins along with conventional meat can meet the demand for high-quality protein in the near future.
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This handbook presents a must-read, comprehensive and state of the art overview of sustainable diets, an issue critical to the environment and the health and well-being of society. Sustainable diets seek to minimise and mitigate the significant negative impact food production has on the environment. Simultaneously they aim to address worrying health trends in food consumption through the promotion of healthy diets that reduce premature disability, disease and death. Within the Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Diets, creative, compassionate, critical, and collaborative solutions are called for across nations, across disciplines and sectors. In order to address these wide-ranging issues the volume is split into sections dealing with environmental strategies, health and well-being, education and public engagement, social policies and food environments, transformations and food movements, economics and trade, design and measurement mechanisms and food sovereignty. Comprising of contributions from up and coming and established academics, the handbook provides a global, multi-disciplinary assessment of sustainable diets, drawing on case studies from regions across the world. The handbook concludes with a call to action, which provides readers with a comprehensive map of strategies that could dramatically increase sustainability and help to reverse global warming, diet related non-communicable diseases, and oppression and racism. This decisive collection is essential reading for students, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers concerned with promoting sustainable diets and thus establishing a sustainable food system to ensure access to healthy and nutritious food for all.
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Inspiring sustainable diets and cultivating diets that are inspiring are the ambitious endeavours of this collection. This introductory chapter lays out a framework for sustainable diets and the complex issues, diversity of stakeholders, and diversity of levels of privilege (or the obvious, and not so obvious, ways injustices intersect with food systems) that are involved. This chapter offers a definition of sustainable diets and touches on strategies for increasing healthy food for all while preserving and rebuilding local, regional, and international food systems inspired by principles of rejuvenation, justice, vitality, and optimising resources for the betterment of all life forms, in current and future generations.
Insects in animal feed can enhance the sustainability of animal diets while meeting the expanding worldwide demand for other feedstuffs. Despite this, little is known about people's attitudes and inclination to adopt insect-based animal food and feed. The production, consumption and marketing of insects as food and feed has been the most debated issue in the present time to ensure food security. After the production, marketing strategies affect the success of the insects-based food industry. It has been noted that consumer acceptance is the main reveal for the success of entomophagy in the market. This chapter describes the importance of insects in consumption, consumer acceptance, market potential, estimation of edible insects market in future, cash benefit, and enterprises development. In the later section, market strategies and analysis of insect consumption and the species list of Asia, Europe, US, and Africa are described. This chapter can be helpful to understand the acceptance, adoption and market potential of the entomophagy industry. Overall, the outcomes of this work indicate momentum for change in use of insects as a novel additive of animal feed.
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Bazı böcek türlerinin insanlar tarafından tüketilmesi yeni bir konu olmamakla birlikte, son yıllarda özellikle nüfusun ve hayvansal protein talebinin artışı ile birlikte yeniden ele alınan bir konudur. Yenilebilir böceklerin hâlihazırda en az 2 milyar insan tarafından tüketildiği tahmin edilmektedir. Diğer pek çok hayvansal kaynağa göre daha az yem ile daha fazla vücut ağırlığı kazanımı ve küresel ısınmada çok önemli rol oynayan sera gazı salınımındaki payının oransal olarak çok daha az olması, yenilebilir böceklerin gelecek senaryolarında hem insan gıdası hem de hayvan yemi olarak potansiyelinin değerlendirilmesini önemli kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada yenilebilir böceklerin besin değeri, üretimi, işlenmesi, depolanması, ekonomisi, sağlık ve çevre üzerine etkileri, tüketici kabulü ve yasal düzenlemeler gibi başlıklar ele alınarak konu çok boyutlu bir yaklaşımla derlenmiştir.
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The recent research interest is illustrated by the many refereed articles that appeared during the last years. Only in 2016, there were 47 articles listed in Web of Science (consulted 15 February 2017) when using ‘edible insects’ compared to only 25 during the entire five-year period 2006-2010. At the start of 2017 there are close to 200 start-up companies worldwide ( In 2016, a number of organisations made predictions about how the global edible insect market will grow. With an increased interest, what are the research challenges ahead of us? Where should we be focussing on? What are the bottlenecks to be solved to make it a viable sector?
Full-text available Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, today announced the publication of Insects as Sustainable Food Ingredients: Production, Processing and Food Applications, edited by Aaron T. Dossey, Juan Morales-Ramos and M. Guadalupe Rojas. This book provides valuable guidance on how to build insect-based agriculture, food and biomaterials industries. A pioneer in the industry, Dr. Dossey has brought together a team of international experts who effectively summarize the current state of the art, providing helpful recommendations upon which readers can build companies, products and research programs. Researchers, entrepreneurs, farmers, policymakers and anyone interested in insect mass production and the industrial use of insects will benefit from the content in this comprehensive reference. Read the introductory chapter from the book. Dr. Dossey holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology, and an undergraduate degree in biochemistry and molecular biology cum laude with minors in mathematics and chemistry. He is a professional self-taught entomologist, founding president of All Things Bugs LLC, and inventor of Griopro® cricket powder ( His research involves developing technologies derived from insects and other invertebrates, with award-winning research and publications in the fields of entomology and chemistry. Dr. Dossey has won more than $750,000 in major research grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) developing insect farming and processing technologies as well as Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) for malnourished children. He has invented and patented technology for production of insect-based food ingredient products, and his company is already the world's largest in production and selling these products. "Insect mass production and use in human food, animal feed and numerous other applications is very promising," said Dr. Dossey. "Insect farms, processors and new entrepreneurs are beginning to capitalize on it and make it an important resource for the world. There is great need for a book with the focus, scope and content that ours contains, and we trust it will be a standard reference for this important emerging industry for decades to come." Dr. Morales-Ramos's main expertise is in mass production of arthropods, insect nutritional ecology and the development of rearing methods and mechanization of rearing processes for beneficial arthropods. He developed mass propagation technology for the boll weevil parasitoid Catolaccus grandis, leading to the USDA-ARS scientist of the year award in 2002. Dr. Morales-Ramos also created termite and ant baiting systems, which earned him the USDA-ARS technology transfer award and the Federal Laboratory Consortium regional excellence in technology transfer award in 2004. Since 2004, he has developed novel rearing methods for predatory mites and other beneficial arthropods. He has produced 104 publications and holds 12 patents. Dr. Morales-Ramos recently co-edited the book, Mass Production of Beneficial Organisms: Invertebrates and Entomopathogens, also published by Elsevier. Dr. Rojas is an expert in insect nutrition, nutritional ecology and the development of artificial diets for biological control agents and bait matrixes to control termites and ants. She developed an artificial diet for the boll weevil parasitoid Catolaccus grandis, and bait matrices for control of the Formosan subterranean termite and household ants, both of which were successfully commercialized by Ensystex and FMC, and still are sold worldwide. This work earned her the USDA-ARS technology transfer award and the Federal Laboratory Consortium regional excellence in technology transfer award in 2004. Since 2004, Dr. Rojas has developed artificial diets for predatory mites and other insect predators and improved susceptibility of Tenebrio molitor to entomopathogenic nematodes. She has produced 99 publications and holds 12 patents, and also co-edited, Mass Production of Beneficial Organisms.
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This study evaluated survival and growth of Cambodian field crickets (Teleogryllus testaceus) during captivity when fed a set of local weed species, agricultural and food industry by-products. Wild individuals were caught at two locations in Cambodia, kept in pens and fed commercial chicken feed until the second generation off-spring hatched. First larval stage nymphs from this generation were collected and used in a 70-day feeding trial with one control treatment (chicken feed) and 12 experimental treatments (rice bran, cassava plant tops, water spinach, spent grain, residue from mungbean sprout production, and Alternanthera sessilis, Amaranthus spinosus, Commelina benghalensis, Cleome rutidosperma, Cleome viscosa, Boerhavia diffusa and Synedrela nodiflora). The crickets were kept in plastic cages and feed intake, weight and survival of crickets were recorded weekly. Overall survival did not differ between chicken feed and the experimental treatments with the exception of crickets fed B. diffusa, which had lower survival. From day 35 to day 49, survival on A. sessilis was also lower (P<0.05) than on chicken feed. There was no difference in weight between crickets fed chicken feed, cassava tops and C. rutidosperma. However, crickets fed A. sessilis, A. spinosus and B. diffusa weighed less than those fed chicken feed already at day 21. The feed conversion rate ranged from 1.6 to 3.9 and was ≤1.9 in crickets fed chicken feed, cassava plant tops and C. rutidosperma. Thus this study shows that it is possible, using simple means, to rear Cambodian field crickets. Cassava plant tops and C. rutidosperma both have great potential as cricket feed and the other weeds, with the exception of A. sessilis, A. spinosus and B. diffusa, agricultural and food industry by-products tested, also showed potential.
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Insects provide a very promising alternative for the future production of animal protein. Their nutritional value in conjunction with their food conversion efficiency and low water requirements make them a more sustainable choice for the production of food of animal origin. However, to realize their potential as a viable source of food for a growing human population, it is necessary to create the infrastructure for their production, processing, storage, distribution, and marketing, and to develop legislation for their use as food. But none of these steps become relevant unless we have the ability to produce insects in sufficient quantities to supply the potential demands for animal protein. In this chapter we present and describe the current technologies and state-of-the-art of insect production (farming) for feed and food. Nutritional requirements of insects are discussed with methods for developing and producing insect feed formulations. An example of a modern insect farm is presented describing mechanized and automated steps on multiple insect species production. Current methods for producing the yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.), the super worm (Zophobas morio Fab.), the housefly (Musca domestica L.), the soldier fly [Hermetia illucens (L.)], the house cricket (Acheta domesticus L.), and the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella L.) are described in detail. And an extensive review of the equipment currently available for environmental rearing room control and process automation is presented and discussed.
New World screwworms, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) (Diptera: Calliphoridae: Chrysomyinae), are devastating pests of warm-blooded animals that cause significant economic damage to livestock. The successful campaign to eradicate screwworms from continental North America, led by the US Department of Agriculture and using the sterile insect technique, continues to receive research support that has resulted in improved technologies for all aspects of the program. The process and ingredients for mass-rearing screwworms is more efficient and sustainable, and there is now a standardized protocol for developing new strains used in mass rearing. Cryopreservation of screwworm embryos allows strains to be preserved and recovered if necessary and also reduces rearing requirements for backup and research strains. Sterile fly release procedures and equipment have been updated leading to optimized sterile fly release rates. Surveillance for screwworm infestations and outbreaks have incorporated new trap designs, habitat analysis, and molecular genetic techniques that enhance monitoring the progress of the program as well as early detection and response to outbreaks. Genetic analyses of screwworm populations across their current range have increased the understanding of genetic differentiation, which may aide in developing new strains and determining the geographic origin of screwworms causing outbreaks when they occur. The ability to release only sterile males, which has been a goal of the program for over 60 years, has recently been accomplished through the development of transgenic sexing strains. The strains carry a conditional female lethal gene and are comparable to the wild-type strain for several biological parameters that are important for mass production and performance in the field. The strains should improve efficiency of population suppression of the current and future eradication and prevention programs against screwworms. These research advances as well as future considerations are presented.
The present opinion has the format of a risk profile and presents potential biological and chemical hazards as well as allergenicity and environmental hazards associated with farmed insects used as food and feed taking into account of the entire chain, from farming to the final product. The opinion also addresses the occurrence of these hazards in non-processed insects, grown on different substrate categories, in comparison to the occurrence of these hazards in other non-processed sources of protein of animal origin. When currently allowed feed materials are used as substrate to feed insects, the possible occurrence of microbiological hazards is expected to be comparable to their occurrence in other non-processed sources of protein of animal origin. The possible occurrence of prions in non-processed insects will depend on whether the substrate includes protein of human or ruminant origin. Data on transfer of chemical contaminants from different substrates to the insects are very limited. Substrates like kitchen waste, human and animal manure are also considered and hazards from insects fed on these substrates need to be specifically assessed. It is concluded that for both biological and chemical hazards, the specific production methods, the substrate used, the stage of harvest, the insect species and developmental stage, as well as the methods for further processing will all have an impact on the occurrence and levels of biological and chemical contaminants in food and feed products derived from insects. Hazards related to the environment are expected to be comparable to other animal production systems. The opinion also identifies the uncertainties (lack of knowledge) related to possible hazards when insects are used as food and feed and notes that there are no systematically collected data on animal and human consumption of insects. Studies on the occurrence of microbial pathogens of vertebrates as well as published data on hazardous chemicals in reared insects are scarce. Further data generation on these issues are highly recommended.
There is an apparent incongruence between businesses and researchers targeting insects for food and feed. With the Novel Foods Application looming, legislative hurdles to insects in animal feed and the uncertainty of Brexit, businesses and researchers find themselves questioning whether a collaborative partnership is worth pursuing. Discussion with experts on both sides highlighted the main tension points and possible paths to reconciliation. The key differences were established as views on end goals, access to resources, inherent personal risk and communication of findings. Ultimately, for the marriage of business and research to survive it must be recognised how similarities, however limited, work together rather than how differences divide.