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Improved fisheries management could offset many negative effects of climate change


Abstract and Figures

The world’s oceans supply food and livelihood to billions of people, yet species’ shifting geographic ranges and changes in productivity arising from climate change are expected to profoundly affect these benefits. We ask how improvements in fishery management can offset the negative consequences of climate change; we find that the answer hinges on the current status of stocks. The poor current status of many stocks combined with potentially maladaptive responses to range shifts could reduce future global fisheries yields and profits even more severely than previous estimates have suggested. However, reforming fisheries in ways that jointly fix current inefficiencies, adapt to fisheries productivity changes, and proactively create effective transboundary institutions could lead to a future with higher profits and yields compared to what is produced today.
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Gaines et al., Sci. Adv. 2018; 4 : eaao1378 29 August 2018
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Improved fisheries management could offset many
negative effects of climate change
Steven D. Gaines1*, Christopher Costello1, Brandon Owashi1†, Tracey Mangin1†, Jennifer Bone1†,
Jorge García Molinos2,3,4, Merrick Burden5, Heather Dennis6, Benjamin S. Halpern1,7,8,
Carrie V. Kappel7, Kristin M. Kleisner5, Daniel Ovando1
The world’s oceans supply food and livelihood to billions of people, yet species’ shifting geographic ranges and
changes in productivity arising from climate change are expected to profoundly affect these benefits. We ask how
improvements in fishery management can offset the negative consequences of climate change; we find that the
answer hinges on the current status of stocks. The poor current status of many stocks combined with potentially
maladaptive responses to range shifts could reduce future global fisheries yields and profits even more severely
than previous estimates have suggested. However, reforming fisheries in ways that jointly fix current inefficiencies,
adapt to fisheries productivity changes, and proactively create effective transboundary institutions could lead to
a future with higher profits and yields compared to what is produced today.
Oceans provide enormous benefits to people (1). Each year, more
than 80 million metric tons of seafood is harvested, providing more
than 20% of needed animal protein to nearly 3 billion people and
livelihood to 10% of the global population (2). However, climate
change is already compromising these benefits through changes in
both stock productivity and location (3, 4). Previous estimates of
climate change impacts on the world’s fisheries have focused on the
direct effects of ecosystem-level changes by comparing maximum
potential food production today with that in the future (4). While
instructive for assessing what could theoretically be possible, focus-
ing on changes in maximum potential food production alone over-
looks the effects of alternative human responses to climate change,
which could either limit or exacerbate ecosystem changes. The ac-
tions of fishermen, management institutions, and markets can all
influence the magnitude of fisheries benefits obtained from an eco-
system (5). Here, we ask: What are the potential benefits of adaptive
fisheries management reforms that address anticipated consequences
of changes in species productivity and distribution due to climate
change? We examine how future global biomass, harvest, and prof-
it of the world’s fisheries might change over time if a range of poten-
tial human responses and climate change are considered together.
Considerable scope remains for increasing global fisheries yield,
conservation, and profitability by improving current fishery man-
agement (5), but climate change could compromise these potential
upside benefits (4, 6). Although climate effects are diverse, the im-
pacts on global fisheries can be clustered into two broad categories:
changes in stock productivity, which affect potential yields and prof-
its, and changes in stock distributions, which affect where fish can
be caught and who might catch them. These changes pose distinct
management challenges. Responding to changes in fisheries produc-
tivity requires harvest policies that are appropriately adaptive to
changing demographics. For example, banded morwong and many
other species in the Tasman Sea have already experienced noticeable
changes in their population sizes driven by rapid warming (7, 8).
Failure to adequately address these changes can further exacerbate
management failures. By contrast, changes in species distributions
(3, 9, 10) can move stocks into and out of management jurisdictions,
such as countries’ exclusive economic zones (EEZs), altering manage-
ment jurisdiction and incentives for those stocks. A perceived or antic-
ipated decline of a stock due to a range shift out of one country
creates an incentive to overharvest before it leaves the nation’s waters
(11). In contrast, as a stock enters a new EEZ or the high seas, a new
and potentially unmanaged fishery emerges. If left unaddressed, these
range shift challenges can drive overharvesting, even in fisheries that
are currently managed effectively. For example, until 2009, North
East Atlantic mackerel was well managed under a trilateral agreement
between Norway, the Faroe Islands, and the European Union. How-
ever, because of shifts in migration patterns, Iceland suddenly became
a key contender in the fishery and maximized its newfound access to a
valuable fishery. Since countries could not agree on appropriate quota
allocations, management was compromised. By 2010, mackerel har-
vest was 40% above safe biological recommendations (12). Solving
these stock movement challenges requires the proactive development
of effective transboundary institutions (13, 14).
To explore the potential range of human responses to climate
change, we analyze four management scenarios that bound human
responses to the dual challenges of range and productivity shifts:
(i) Full Adaptation, (ii) Range Shift Adaptation, (iii) Productivity
Adaptation, and (iv) No Adaptation. The Full Adaptation scenario
assumes that management addresses both productivity and range
shift challenges. Thus, we apply an economically optimal harvest
policy that maximizes long-term economic benefits to each stock (5).
This dynamic harvest control rule optimally adjusts fishing mortality
on the basis of available biomass and is therefore naturally adaptive
to climate-driven productivity changes. In this scenario, we assume
1Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, University of California,
Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA. 2Arctic Research Center, Hokkaido
University, N21 W11, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 001-0021, Japan. 3Global Station
for Arctic Research, Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education,
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido 001-0021, Japan. 4Graduate School of En-
vironmental Science, Hokkaido University, N10W5 Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0810,
Japan. 5Environmental Defense Fund, New York, NY 10010, USA. 6San Francisco Bay
Conservation and Development Commission, 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 10600,
San Francisco, CA 94102, USA. 7National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis,
735 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, USA. 8Silwood Park Campus, Imperial
College London, Buckhurst Road, Ascot SL57PY, UK.
*Corresponding author. Email:
†These authors contributed equally t o this work.
Copyright © 2018
The Authors, some
rights reserved;
exclusive licensee
American Association
for the Advancement
of Science. No claim to
original U.S. Government
Works. Distributed
under a Creative
Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).
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that management also addresses challenges posed by shifting stocks
(for example, through new proactive institutions, such as effective
transboundary agreements), ensuring that effective management does
not degrade because of spatial shifts. Therefore, under this manage-
ment scenario, all species, including those expected to shift across
management boundaries, are managed with an optimized harvest
control rule. Conversely, the No Adaptation scenario assumes that
neither climate challenge is addressed. In this scenario, the current
fishing mortality rate is initially applied to all stocks but is only
maintained for those that do not shift across EEZs. Management for
those that shift gradually transitions to open access, where fishing
mortality is driven by short-term profits. Both the looming depar-
ture of a stock and the emergence of a new stock motivate this shift
in management. The length of this transition for each stock depends
on how quickly it is expected to experience a range shift across EEZs.
The Full Adaptation and No Adaptation scenarios bookend the pos-
sible future outcomes for global fisheries.
The two intermediate scenarios separately address one of the two
challenges explored in this paper. The Range Shift Adaptation sce-
nario assumes that management addresses challenges posed by shift-
ing stocks but lacks a response to changes in productivity. Under
this management scenario, the current fishing mortality rate is main-
tained for all stocks, as it ensures that current management does not
degrade because of spatial shifts and does not benefit from an optimal
harvest rule. Productivity Adaptation manages for fisheries produc-
tivity changes that affect population dynamics and potential yields
but takes no actions to address range shift challenges. Therefore, the
economically optimal harvest rule is only applied to species for which
climate change is not expected to cause border crossings. For all other
stocks, we apply a harvest rule that gradually shifts from the eco-
nomically optimal fishing mortality rate to the rate expected under
open access (see the “Policy alternatives” section in the Supplementary
Materials for details on all policies). These management scenarios,
while broad and, in some cases, idealistic, can provide general in-
sights into how a range of approaches to climate challenges might
affect future biomass, harvest, and profit.
We apply the appropriate harvest rates prescribed by these four
management alternatives to 915 single- and mixed-species stocks acro ss
the globe that have adequate data to both assess their current status
and forecast their future distributions. The majority (779) consist of
stocks of individual species (species stocks). The remainder (136)
are mixed-species aggregations (NEI stocks—Food and Agriculture
Organization Not-Elsewhere Included fisheries). Cumulatively, these
915 species stocks or NEI stocks (hereafter collectively referred to as
“stocks”) represent 67% of total current global catch (2). Changes in
range for each species, projected under four different greenhouse
Fig. 1. Percent change in MSY under RCPs 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5. The red dashed line indicates global percent change (weighted mean) in MSY. Gray lines represent
change in MSY for all 915 global stocks.
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gas concentration pathways [Representative Concentration Pathways
(RCPs)] (15), determine how climate change will likely affect each
stock’s productivity and spatial range under several future climatic
scenarios (table S1). We focus mostly on the moderately high-emission
scenario, RCP 6.0, under which global mean temperature is expected
to increase by 2.2°C by 2100 (16).
Fishery productivity changes
Total global fisheries maximum sustainable yield (MSY) does not
change markedly by 2100 under three of the four RCPs. Global MSY
(weighted mean) is expected to change by 1.0, −1.5, −5.0, and −25.0%
under RCPs 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5, respectively (Fig.1). These modest
global changes in productivity under the three lower RCPs, however,
mask enormous variation in changes across stocks. While some
stocks essentially go extinct (MSY declines by 100%), others increase
by more than 35% under RCP 6.0. Overall, approximately 41, 53, 66,
and 91% of global stocks experience a projected decline in total MSY
by 2100 under RCPs 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5, respectively.
Range shifts
The percentage of species stocks that shift across country boundaries
by 2100 increases with the severity of the climate projection (Fig.2).
The percentage of individual species that will shift across EEZs
ranges from 36% (RCP 2.6) to 81% (RCP 8.5). These shifting stocks
comprise between 27.8 and 71.7% of the current global MSY. Under
RCPs 6.0 and 8.5, most species that shift across EEZs experience shifts
both into new and out of old EEZs (Fig.2).
Future global projections
We find that adopting proactive and adaptive fishery management
approaches today would lead to substantially higher global profits
(154%), harvest (34%), and biomass (60%) in the future compared
to No Adaptation (Fig.3). Simultaneously addressing both range
shift and productivity changes generates much greater benefits in
profits, harvest, and biomass than focusing on either challenge alone.
Similar trends are observed across all RCPs, where a fully adaptive
strategy produces consistently large increases in all three parameters
compared to No Adaptation (fig. S1). Productivity or Range Shift
Adaptation alone produces intermediate benefits.
While these results show that adapting to climate change deliv-
ers far better outcomes than not adapting, we can also compare fu-
ture outcomes to what is obtained today. Even in the presence of the
net negative effects of climate change, the Full Adaptation policy could
deliver higher total profit, harvest, and biomass (increases of 27, 16,
and 29%, respectively) than what the oceans provide today (Fig.4).
Increases over today for all three indicators are only attained when both
kinds of management changes are pursued together. Productivity
Adaptation alone can slightly increase harvest but not profit or biomass,
while Range Shift Adaptation alone can slightly increase biomass but
not profit or harvest. No Adaptation results in far lower profits, har-
vest, and biomass compared to what is achieved today. Under the
most extreme climate scenario (RCP 8.5), Full Adaptation can no
longer generate outcomes that are better than today in all three metrics
(Fig.4 and fig. S1). These patterns of outcomes relative to today gen-
erally hold for alternative assumptions regarding global stock compo-
sition, the definition of a shifting stock, prices, and costs, and across
the range of climate projections (figs. S1 and S5 to S7).
Individual stock projections—current status matters
Although Full Adaptation results in a global win across nearly all
RCPs and all three indicators, not all individual stocks see improve-
ments relative to today (Table1). Whether a stock benefits in the
future relative to today from climate-adaptive and proactive manage-
ment depends on both ecosystem changes (projected magnitude and
direction of productivity and range changes) and the fishery’s current
status. To highlight the role of current stock status, we categorize
each species into one of four groups: (i) Healthy, (ii) Emerging, (iii)
Recovering, and (iv) Overfished (see Fig.5 for definitions). Under
Full Adaptation, nearly all Healthy stocks see a decrease in biomass by
2100, because this group is currently underexploited relative to its
maximum potential production. Although biomass decreases for these
stocks, there is an increase in harvest as the species become fully ex-
ploited. Emerging stocks will almost exclusively see harvest decreases,
even when climate change is inconsequential, because these stocks are
currently in a “fishing down” period with harvests significantly higher
than their MSY. Most Recovering stocks see increases in biomass and
harvest, since stock recovery supports higher yields after the stock is
rebuilt and subsequently fished sustainably. Most Overfished stocks
see declines in harvest but increases in biomass, as current harvest
levels are unsustainably high. Although only 22% of stocks will ex-
perience future increases in both harvest and biomass, this subgroup
Fig. 2. Percentage of species stocks that move into, out of, or both into and
out of one or more countries’ EEZs by 2100 for each RCP.
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includes some of the highest-yield stocks and cumulatively makes up
about half of the total global yield.
Climate change will have diverse impacts on marine ecosystems and
resources. Prior projections that climate change could reduce global
fisheries revenues by as much as $10 billion a year compared to today
garnered significant attention (4). However, taking human responses
into account shifts our view of climate change and the world’s oceans.
We show that the future of global fisheries could actually be more
prosperous than today, but only if management reforms addressing
current mismanagement and looming challenges from climate change
are implemented in the near future across a wide range of fisheries.
This is true both globally and for nearly half of the individual stocks
analyzed. The future of fisheries, however, could also be much worse
than prior projections suggested if appropriate adaptations to poten-
tial productivity changes and climate-driven movement of species
across management boundaries are not made. Maladaptive responses
to the pending loss of a fishery or the arrival of a new fishery could
exacerbate the previously projected direct effects of climate change.
These results suggest that climate change will force global fisheries
to an important crossroads over the coming decades. Either we meet
the challenges proactively with effective management or we risk un-
doing the significant progress that has been made in some countries
(17, 18) and further decimating fisheries in countries that have not yet
enacted sound fishery reforms. The enormous contrasts between the
four future management scenarios we explored suggest that the choice
of management path will have profound consequences. One necessary
choice will be how to reform current harvest policies. The possibility
of a more prosperous future despite climate change depends on cap-
turing the large untapped benefits from improving currently mis-
managed fisheries.
Our analyses suggest that the benefits of enacting reforms today are
cumulatively large enough to counter the future deleterious im-
pacts of projected changes in fisheries productivity for most RCPs.
Achieving this improved outcome is no small task since it involves
reforms for many stocks with distinct fishery characteristics, each
often fished by multiple countries. Management that flexibly adapts
to productivity changes may require more frequent data collection
and management updates, which can be costly. Fortunately, three
factors help make a more prosperous future less daunting. First, case
studies suggest that reform is possible for a range of fishery types,
including high seas, large-scale, small-scale, data-rich, and data- poor.
Pons et al. (19) found that high seas stocks under some form of man-
agement (generally commercially important species such as tuna)
have shown improvements in biomass and decreases in fishing mor-
tality over the last 10 years. In addition, management reforms in both
large-scale fisheries (for example, Peru’s individual vessel quota re-
form for the anchoveta fishery) and small-scale fisheries (for example,
fishery reforms in Mexico and Chile) suggest that reform is possible
in many contexts, although specific interventions might vary depend-
ing on fishery characteristics (17, 20). These examples also suggest that
even countries with more limited resources are capable of greatly
improving their fisheries management. Second, the necessary fishery
reforms do not require the threat of climate change as motivation.
Adaptive harvest rules that respond to available biomass can provide
large benefits in both static and changing climates (5, 21). Therefore,
reforms motivated purely by benefits today may also help buffer
against negative productivity changes in the future. The third factor
promoting improved global outcomes is the highly skewed distri-
bution of fishery sizes. Because of the large variation in stock sizes,
Fig. 3. Differences in harvest, profit, and biomass, relative to “No Adaptation” for RCP 6.0 in 2100 (see fig. S1 for results under the other RCPs).
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a large percentage of the potential global economic gains in this study
can be achieved through the targeted reform of large overfished stocks.
In our analysis, less than 10% of global stocks would need to adopt
the most comprehensive reforms for future global profit to exceed
current global profit. Therefore, although achieving the full benefits of
global fisheries reform is an ambitious goal, strategic targeting of re-
form efforts could still generate major global benefits. Furthermore,
a targeting approach that incorporates fishery size, value, and vulner-
ability to climate change may help to efficiently direct resources toward
fisheries with the greatest potential for improved outcomes.
The second decision we will have to make is how to respond to
shifting ranges. Spatial shifts across management boundaries can
undermine well-designed policies and render promising manage-
ment approaches unsuccessful. Transboundary fisheries already pose
significant management challenges today and are often in worse shape
than fisheries that reside entirely within individual countries’ waters
(22, 23). As stocks begin to move more extensively, effective bilateral
and multilateral cooperation will become increasingly important for
effective management (12). Stock movement is ultimately beneficial
to one country and detrimental to another, which changes the in-
centives to cooperate in effective management (24, 25). Spatial shifts
within a single country may also pose management challenges as
stocks shift into and out of regional management zones—for example,
the ongoing challenges from spatial shifts observed in stocks along
the northeast United States (26). Designing institutions to address
this inherently human challenge will be crucial given the extent of
projected movement of fish stocks and the potentially enormous costs
of inadequate responses. While it is encouraging that spatial and tem-
poral stock structure is already measured in some cases, the existence
of this information does not guarantee that this information will in-
fluence management decisions. In addition, accurately predicting
where and when fish distributions will shift may be difficult. There-
fore, international institutions and agreements will need to be flexi-
ble and robust in the face of uncertainty to effectively cope with these
management disruptions as they arise. Improved international collabo-
ration will be needed to adequately address climate-induced threats not
only to fisheries but also to other natural resources for which climate
change will have spatial and transboundary implications (27).
Finally, although management responses can more than offset
the projected direct effects of climate change on fisheries to create a
more prosperous global future, there are three important qualifiers
to this optimistic note. First, there are other potential direct (for ex-
ample, acidification and other challenges to ocean productivity) and
indirect (for example, novel species interactions) impacts of climate
change that are not addressed by this analysis. These impacts will be
important for assessing climate effects on fisheries at the local scale.
Second, not everyone will share in these benefits. Globally, profits,
yields, and biomass could increase, but for about half of the world’s
individual fisheries, this better future appears unattainable. Even un-
der the most optimistic scenario for human responses, roughly half of
the world’s fisheries are projected to decline under a moderate climate
Fig. 4. Percent difference in biomass, harvest, and profit relative to today across RCP scenarios. Each color represents a different management scenario.
Table 1. Percentage of stocks where biomass, harvest, or profit is
higher in the future (2100) than today when Full Adaptation is
RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 6.0 RCP 8.5
Biomass 68.6% 67.2% 65.5% 57.3%
Harvest 42.2% 40.3% 37.6% 25.7%
Profit 55.0% 52.2% 48.6% 32.9%
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change scenario (RCP 6.0). Most latitudes in the tropics are not ex-
pected to obtain higher profits in the future compared to today under
RCP 6.0 even with fully adaptive management (fig. S9). The distribu-
tion of winners and losers warrants considerably more attention to
anticipate and potentially offset the likely food and livelihood losses
that could ensue. Finally, future outcomes depend critically on the
pace and magnitude of climate change. Under the most extreme
scenario, RCP 8.5, both profit and harvest decline relative to today
even under the most optimistic assumptions about global fisheries
management reforms. This result highlights the fact that the future
of fisheries will depend largely on activities that occur outside of the
fishing industry and the importance of greenhouse gas emission miti-
gation (28). For fisheries to realize their potential, it is critical for the
global community to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions; other-
wise, even the most ambitious fishery reforms will fall short. Therefore,
a more prosperous future for fisheries depends on both mitigation
of climate change and proactive fisheries management reforms.
We examined the implications of climate change and management
reform for 779 species stocks and 136 NEI stocks (mixed-species
fisheries aggregated at the country level) located across the globe
(see the Supplementary Materials for aggregation methods). To make
these projections, we required estimates of the fishery’s current status
and level of exploitation, as well as data on the current species’ dis-
tribution to forecast responses to climate velocity. To conform to the
spatial resolution of the climate velocity model, we modeled each
species as a single “stock” and referred to these as “species stocks.”
The 779 species stocks are comparatively data-rich relative to the
global pool of fisheries. To explore a more globally representative
sample, we also included 136 stocks aggregated at the country level
that represent NEI stocks, as defined in Costello et al. (5). Each stock’s
parameters, which include current biomass, fishing mortality rate, and
carrying capacity, were determined through an aggregation method
(see the Supplementary Materials) that calculates aggregated stock
parameters using individual fisheries in a global fisheries database
(5). Using recently published estimates of current stock status paired
with bioeconomic projection models, rather than solely exploring
changes in maximum potential productivity [for example, (4, 29)], we
examined how benefits and costs from potential management change s
compare to potential losses from direct climate-driven changes.
We modeled future (2015–2100) species distributions by project-
ing changes from current (2012) presence-absence species distribu-
tion maps derived from AquaMaps (30) at 5-year intervals using a
slightly modified version of the climate velocity model described in
García Molinos et al. (3). This method assumes that species ranges
track climate, expanding or contracting their range to keep up with
changes in their thermal niche, conditioned to their inferred thermal
and depth tolerances. To improve on the original model (3), species’
trajectories were restricted based on the species’ depth range (30)
using global bathymetry data (ETOPO2v2 2-Minute Gridded Global
Relief Data). Briefly, each cell within a species’ range was spatially pro-
jected forward in time based on corresponding mean annual sea sur-
face temperature isotherm trajectories (31). Isotherm trajectories were
dictated by the speed and direction of cell-specific climate velocities
Fig. 5. Difference in harvest and biomass under the Full Adaptation strategy in 2100 relative to today for RCP 6.0. The bubble size corresponds to current MSY, and
the colors indicate fishery category based on current biomass and fishing mortality rate relative to BMSY and FMSY, respectively. The fishery categories are defined as follows:
Healthy (F/FMSY < 1, B/BMSY ≥ 1), Emerging (F/FMSY ≥ 1, B/BMSY ≥ 1), Recovering (F/FMSY < 1, B/BMSY < 1), and Overfished (F/FMSY ≥ 1, B/BMSY < 1). A transparent bubble indicates a
decrease in maximum sustainable yield in 2100 relative to today, whereas a solid bubble indicates an increase (see fig. S2 for results under the other RCPs). MT, metric tons.
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(32), based on multimodel ensemble means for the four Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Change RCPs: 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5 (see the
Supplementary Materials). Species’ ranges were recalculated at the
end of each 5-year interval based on those trajectories and species’
thermal tolerance and depth range (see the Supplementary Materials).
Next, we converted projected changes in range size to changes in
carrying capacity for each species stock over time (see the Supple-
mentary Materials). An annual carrying capacity was calculated by in-
terpolating between each 5-year interval. These changes in carrying
capacity then drove predictable changes in maximum sustainable
yield. Changes in range size cannot be projected for NEI stocks using
the same methodologies, since they are composites of several spe-
cies. To determine the carrying capacity trajectory for NEI stocks,
we first aggregated total range by nation (including all species with
range in a given nation) for each 5-year interval and then interpo-
lated to obtain the annual aggregate range values for each nation.
We then calculated annual changes in aggregate range for each na-
tion, relative to year 2012. These relative changes were then applied
to NEI stock carrying capacities. Finally, we projected future bio-
mass, harvest, and profit under different management and climate
scenarios using a bioeconomic model (5). This modeling approach
was modified from the original by incorporating the unique stream of
future carrying capacity values over time for each species and NEI
stock (see the Supplementary Materials). Each year, biomass was calcu-
lated using a modified Pella-Tomlinson surplus production model, in-
corporating the projected carrying capacity in each time step (33) and
the appropriate fishing mortality rate for the policy being modeled.
Supplementary material for this article is available at
Supplementary Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text
Fig. S1. Differences in harvest, profit, and biomass relative to No Adaptation for all RCPs.
Fig. S2. Differences in harvest and biomass under a Full Adaptation strategy in 2100 relative to
today for all RCPs.
Fig. S3. Temporal changes in thermal envelopes within projected species ranges.
Fig. S4. Scatterplot and resulting regression lines from the linear models fitting biomass
change to range size change for 11 unexploited marine species.
Fig. S5. Effect of the choice of different carrying capacity/range size ratios on harvest, profit,
and biomass for each management alternative relative to No Adaptation for RCP 6.0.
Fig. S6. Differences in harvest, profit, and biomass relative to No Adaptation for all RCPs.
Fig. S7. Differences in harvest, profit, and biomass relative to No Adaptation for different
assumptions regarding prices and costs under RCP 6.0.
Fig. S8. Differences in harvest, profit, and biomass relative to No Adaptation for all RCPs.
Fig. S9. Differences in profit by latitude.
Table S1. RCPs considered in this study along with the models used for computation of
respective mean ensembles.
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Acknowledgments: We thank K. Kaschner and C. Garilao for providing the AquaMaps
distribution and depth preference data for the species used in the projections. We also thank
M. Pinsky for providing helpful feedback on the manuscript. Funding: The authors
acknowledge funding for this work from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust;
the Waitt Family Foundation; the “Tenure-Track System Promotion Program” of the Japanese
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports Science and Technology (MEXT); and the David and
Lucile Packard Foundation. Author contributions: S.D.G. and C.C. designed the study. J.G.M.
refined the climate velocity model and ran climate velocity simulations. H.D. conducted
research and performed analyses on the relationship between range and carrying capacity.
B.O. and T.M. developed the bioeconomic model and methods with the supervision of S.D.G.
and C.C. and prepared all data for use in the bioeconomic model. B.O., T.M., J.B., J.G.M., S.D.G.,
and H.D. performed the analyses in the manuscript and the Supplementary Materials. B.O.,
T.M., J.B., J.G.M., and S.D.G. prepared the graphics. S.D.G., B.O., T.M., and J.B. co-wrote the paper
with advice and guidance from C.C., D.O., B.S.H., C.V.K., M.B., and K.M.K. All authors contributed
to this work, read the manuscript and the Supplementary Materials, and provided edits to
these documents. Competing interests: C.C. is a trustee for Environmental Defense Fund and
Global Fishing Watch, is senior fellow at the Property and Environment Research Center, and is
a research associate with the National Bureau of Economic Research. S.D.G. is a trustee of the
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, Rare, the Resources Legacy Fund, and COMPASS.
All other authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data and materials
availability: All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper
and/or the Supplementary Materials. Species distribution maps can be accessed through the
AquaMaps portal ( Additional data related to this paper may be
requested from the authors.
Submitted 17 June 2017
Accepted 20 July 2018
Published 29 August 2018
Citation: S. D. Gaines, C. Costello, B. Owashi, T. Mangin, J. Bone, J. G. Molinos, M. Burden,
H. Dennis, B. S. Halpern, C. V. Kappel, K. M. Kleisner, D. Ovando, Improved fisheries management
could offset many negative effects of climate change. Sci. Adv. 4, eaao1378 (2018).
on August 30, 2018 from
Improved fisheries management could offset many negative effects of climate change
Burden, Heather Dennis, Benjamin S. Halpern, Carrie V. Kappel, Kristin M. Kleisner and Daniel Ovando
Steven D. Gaines, Christopher Costello, Brandon Owashi, Tracey Mangin, Jennifer Bone, Jorge García Molinos, Merrick
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aao1378
(8), eaao1378.4Sci Adv
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... Fisheries may need to adapt to the changing conditions by adjusting various aspects, including fishing seasons, gear types, and target species. Effective management and conservation strategies are crucial to addressing the challenges posed by these alterations (Gaines et al., 2018, Carozza et al., 2019. Changes in fishing patterns and practices can have economic implications for fishermen and the fishing industry. ...
... In light of the rising demand for food resources worldwide (Barange et al., 2014) and our increasing knowledge of the experimental (Weatherdon et al., 2016) and expected (Gaines et al., 2018) effects of climate change on fisheries, we need innovative methods to evaluate fisheries' capacity and sustainability for adaptation through various scales and systems (Thiault et al., 2019). A lot of people's lives could be negatively impacted by factors like anthropogenic climate change, which can have an impact on worldwide change (e.g., mobility or employment) or changes in demand from wealth and population growth. ...
... During a period when the demand for food resources worldwide is rising (Barange et al., 2014), observed knowledge (Weatherdon et al., 2016) and predictable (Gaines et al., 2018) due to the worldwide effects of global warming on fisheries, new methods must be used to evaluate their capacity for sustainability and adaptability across a wide range of systems and sizes (Thiault et al., 2019). Anthropogenic (human-induced) climate change has far-reaching impacts that extend beyond environmental consequences. ...
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Zoology: Advancements and Research Trends is a comprehensive compilation of cutting-edge research and insights in the field of Zoology. This book has been meticulously curated to serve as an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and professionals who are keen to explore the latest advancements and emerging trends in various sub-disciplines of Zoology, including toxicology, pharmacology, and general zoology. As an Assistant Professor in the Department of Zoology, Wildlife, and Fisheries at the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, I, Dr. Muhammad Umar Ijaz, have dedicated over a decade to advancing our understanding of animal physiology, cell biology, toxicology and pharmacology. My extensive experience in these fields, coupled with my broader expertise in general zoology, has provided me with a profound appreciation for the complex interplay between living organisms and their environments. This book reflects my commitment to bringing together a diverse array of topics that highlight the breadth and depth of contemporary zoological research. Zoology: Advancements and Research Trends is not just a collection of research topics but a reflection of the collaborative spirit that drives scientific progress. The diverse expertise of the contributing authors ensures that this book offers a well-rounded perspective on the current trends and future directions in Zoology. I hope that this book will serve as a valuable reference for those in academia and industry, providing insights that will inspire future research and contribute to the ongoing dialogue in the field. It is my sincere belief that the knowledge shared within these pages will help shape the future of Zoology, ultimately contributing to the betterment of our understanding and stewardship of the natural world. I would like to express my gratitude to all the contributors, reviewers, and colleagues whose efforts have made this book possible. I also extend my thanks to the students and researchers who continue to push the boundaries of what we know and what we can achieve in this dynamic field.
... Accurate implications for each country are not possible to predict, as fishing policies and economics are dynamic and an important portion of fishing, particularly that for human consumption, is not monitored. For instance, others 45 showed that improved fisheries management could mitigate many negative effects of climate change, potentially leading to higher catch amounts and profitability. Thus, our results reinforce that mitigating GHG emissions 7 , along with improved fisheries management, could pave the way for a more prosperous future for fisheries. ...
... The Δ ocean area fished represents the difference between the future and current ocean area fished ( Supplementary Figs. 2 and 21). Subsequently, these values were converted to percentages by dividing them by the total number of cells constituting the ocean in the maps, which amounted to 45,231. ...
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The redistribution of fish stocks induced by climate change is expected to have global implications for fisheries, particularly the poleward shifts of species. However, the responses of different fishing gears and fleet of countries and their potential attempts to spatially redistribute catches remain unknown. Here, by developing environmental niche models for industrial fisheries of 82 countries and 13 fishing gears, we demonstrate that without management, global fleets are expected to shift poleward by the end of the century. This is driven by polar fishing gears moving to higher Arctic areas and tropical fishing gears expanding both within the tropics and poleward. Most nations, particularly tropical ones, may struggle to track these shifts, as they largely rely on coastal and nearshore fishing gears, such as trawlers. Our findings highlight the need to consider future shifts of fisheries in their management, to ensure the long-term sustainability and accessibility of fish stocks.
... A great deal of research has verified that marine species will generally migrate to higher latitudes or deeper waters to adapt to future climate change, though the adaptability of these species depends on their ecological preferences (e.g., Cheung et al., 2015;Schickele et al., 2021;Weinert et al., 2021;Hu et al., 2022). These climate-induced relocations of species will change the community structure of the global marine ecosystem, resulting in a series of rearrangements in social, economic, and administrative resources (Gaines et al., 2018;Holsman et al., 2019;Sullaway et al., 2021). It is hard to monitor or project future distribution changes of all marine species at a global scale because of the limitations in data acquisition. ...
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The Northwest Pacific Ocean is the most productive fishing ground in the Pacific Ocean, with a continuous rise in water temperature since 1990. We developed stacked species distribution models (SSDMs) to estimate the impacts of climate change on the distribution dynamics of economically significant species under three climate change scenarios for the periods 2040-2060 and 2080-2100. Overall, water temperature is the most important factor in shaping the distribution patterns of species, followed by water depth. The predictive results indicate that all the species show a northward migration in the future, and the migration distance varies greatly among species. Most pelagic species will expand their habitats under climate change, implying their stronger adaptability than benthic species. Tropical fishes are more adaptable to climate change than species in other climate zones. Though limitations existed, our study provided baseline information for designing a climate-adaptive, dynamic fishery management strategy for maintaining sustainable fisheries.
... Conceptually, adaptive management approaches have regularly been found to perform better over the long term Carruthers 2017 , Gaines et al. 2018 ). In particular, Gaines et al. (2018) found that many negative consequences of climate change could be offset by adaptive management processes, and that adaptive management could achieve cumulatively greater fisheries yield and profits compared to present day. However, adaptive management often fails in practice due to a lack of investment in the process (Walters 2007 ). ...
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Global climate change threatens the assumption of stationarity inherent in many fisheries management decisions. This heightens the importance of developing management strategies that are robust to future uncertainty. Management strategy evaluation (MSE) is a framework in which management procedures (MPs) can be developed and tested using closed-loop simulation. We explored the performance of various model-based and empirical MPs with nonstationary future projections for three commercially and recreationally important fish stocks in the southeast US Atlantic. Using openMSE, we tested candidate MP performance across projections designed to emulate plausible future conditions, including regime shifts, nonstationarity, and observation error shifts in the survey index. Candidate MP performance was primarily measured based on its ability to maintain a healthy stock biomass. Results of this MSE demonstrate that several empirical MPs may be better able to adapt to regime shifts and nonstationary dynamics compared to traditional model-based MPs that employ full age-structured stock assessments, though empirical MPs struggle to maintain stock biomass when facing artificial index observation error shifts. Relative performance of model-based versus empirical MPs varied by stock and climate-change scenario. These findings highlight the value that adaptive MPs may hold for climate-ready fisheries management.
... The review employs a scorecard approach to identify the primary advantages and disadvantages of the fisheries sector, the critical issues that require attention, and the areas of emphasis for focused solutions. Effective fisheries management is essential to achieving long-term healthy and resilient fisheries and supporting the cultural, economic, health, and social benefits that they provide (Gaines et al., 2018). However, fishing activities and human well-being are embedded within broader social and economic systems that fisheries managers cannot address alone (Giron-Nava et al., 2019). ...
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Sierra Leone's fishing sector, rich in seafood stocks such as pelagics, demersals, crustaceans, sharks, and rays, plays a vital role in the nation's economy and food security.Supported by the nutrient-rich Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem (GCLME) and the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME), these resources sustain both industrial and artisanal fisheries. Artisanal fisheries, divided into aquaculture and inland and marine categories, contribute significantly, with fish accounting for approximately 80% of the animal protein consumed daily by Sierra Leoneans.Despite its potential, the sector is hindered by inadequate management, infrastructure, and investment in advanced technology, leading to stagnation over the past 30 years. The artisanal fleet is poised for growth if restrictive measures aren't implemented, due to insufficient effort control.Unlicensed fishing and a lack of scientific and technological advancement among local fishermen exacerbate these challenges, threatening food security and economic growth.Effective management strategies are crucial, necessitating thorough independent stock assessments and robust guidelines to address ungoverned and illegal fishing activities.Institutions for marketing, certifying resource ownership, and supplying inputs are also needed. Highlighting the importance of small pelagic species like mackerels, Bongo, Lati, and Herring, the Ministry has proposed specific management strategies aimed at restoring fisheries and the environment.By addressing these issues, Sierra Leone can unlock the fishing sector's potential to alleviate poverty and drive economic advancement. The implementation of comprehensive management measures and investment in technological and infrastructural improvements are essential for ensuring the sector's sustainable growth and contribution to the nation's development.
... Well-managed fisheries have been among the most resilient to climate change-fisheries best practices confer ecological resilience by maintaining healthy stock sizes, age structures and genetic diversity, as well as socioeconomic resilience, by providing a portfolio of options to fishers and a buffer against climate impacts [62][63][64][65][66]. Ideally, best practices include scientifically-informed catch limits, accountability measures, regional flexibility in policy practices, protection of essential fish habitat (MPAs) and effective monitoring, control and surveillance [62,63,67]. ...
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Fisheries are recognized as important in Mozambique, yet they are increasingly threatened by over-exploitation and climate change. We collate and synthesize the available literature and data on marine fisheries in Mozambique; assess the status of the main fishery species/stocks; give an overview of current management of the fishery, and discuss planning for fisheries resilience in the face of climate change predictions. In Mozambique there is a heavy reliance on marine fisheries. From a food security and local economy perspective, the critical sector is the artisanal fisheries which comprises over 90% of the total landings and provides food and livelihood for millions of people, particularly in the coastal zone. Regarding economic value and earning foreign currency, the most valuable industrial / semi-industrial fisheries are the shallow-water shrimp, the deep-water crustacean and the rocky bottom demersal. Current stock assessment for these sectors indicates that the core stock species are fully- or over-exploited. Limited data are available for the artisanal fishery, but it is likely that the same status applies to this sector. Globally, well-managed fisheries have been among the most resilient to climate change—overall, fisheries best practices confer ecological resilience by providing a portfolio of options to fishers and a buffer against losing target stock. Ideally, best practices include scientifically-informed catch limits, accountability measures, regional flexibility in policy practices, protection of essential fish habitat (Marine Protected Areas), and effective monitoring, control and surveillance. Mozambique has a relatively well-managed industrial/semi-industrial fishery. However, the artisanal fishery, due to its spatial scattering, multi-gear and multi-species nature, presents a huge challenge. Facing the future with climate change will require increased attention to reduce stressors to the social–ecological systems in which fisheries exist and persist. Specific recommendations in this context are presented.
... Key strategies include setting sustainable catch limits, modifying fishing gear, and adopting ecosystem-based approaches. By integrating both ecological and socio-economic considerations, fisheries management can develop balanced strategies that support the recovery and sustainability of fish stocks, protect marine environments, and safeguard the livelihoods of fishing communities (Frost and Andersen, 2006;Gaines et al., 2018;Gourlie, 2017). To make informed decisions, it is vital to assess the impact of these management strategies, ensuring they effectively balance the diverse needs of society, economies, and ecosystems (Thorpe et al., 2016). ...
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Considering the critical issue of overexploited stocks due to overfishing, the EU's Data Collection Framework (DCF) was established. Within the DCF, member states collect and analyze data relevant to sustainable fisheries management. To evaluate the status of fisheries, it is necessary to categorize fishing fleets into fleet segments. However, the current DCF segmentation is primarily based on technical vessel parameters, such as vessel length and predominant fishing gear, which often do not accurately represent the fishing activities of the vessels. To address this, we developed an alternative fleet segmentation approach that provides a more realistic overview of fishing activities. This approach utilizes multivariate statistics and is coupled with machine learning techniques for automatization. Applying this approach to two decades of German fisheries data resulted in a data set with fewer segments compared to the DCF approach, which represented the actual fishing strategies more closely. The comparison of biological stock health indicators calculated for both the current and the novel segmentation schemes revealed that the current scheme often misses signs of segments relying on overexploited stocks. The machine learning technique applied showed high classification accuracy, with misclassifications being rare and only occurring in segments with overlapping catch composition. Since machine learning enables almost perfect allocation to the revised segments, we expect a successful implementation of this protocol for future fleet seg-mentation. This approach is highly suitable for data collection and analysis procedures and can serve as a standard tool. Therefore, this novel approach can contribute to the improvement of fishing fleet analyses and policy advice for better fisheries management.
The marine waters off the coast of northwest Africa are known for being highly productive upwelling regions in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. The present study evaluated the combined effects of climate change and sustainable fishing levels on the long-term sustainability of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), a target pelagic species found along the West African coastal waters. The present study used survey biomass time series from survey vessels and species catch time series from commercial fisheries operating in the region. Hence, we investigated the relationship between fishing dynamics and environmental factors. The status of anchovy stock was determined by analyzing changes in different initial depletion rates using a state-space Bayesian surplus production model. We used Principal component analysis to identify the essential environmental data set, while Generalized Additive Models (GAM) were employed to determine the influence of the environment on fisheries. The stock assessment model revealed that fishing intensity did not affect the abundance of anchovy in the region even when tested under different biomass depletion scenarios. However, by employing GAMs, the research assessed the impact of environmental variables on fish biomass, indicating that sea surface temperature (SST) significantly influences anchovy abundance in the region. The latitudinal gradient also had a significant influence on this species' abundance. These findings underscore the vulnerability of the small-scale fisheries sector in the tropical upwelling zone to climate change. The study concludes that even in the face of potential negative impacts from environmental factors, optimizing fishing methods can contribute to the preservation of pelagic resources in the region. It emphasizes the importance of managing fishery resources in a sustainable, economically viable, and socially acceptable way.
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The purpose of this paper is to review and evaluate published literature on the impact of climate change on the reproductive biology and population dynamics of fishes. A systematic method was utilized to access published literature on "Impacts of Climate Change on fishes and fisheries". A total of fifty-two (52) research papers published between the years 1973 to 2024 were accumulated and used for this review. A subjective approach was used to select the topics: impact of climate change and fishes and fisheries. The physical and biological impacts of climate change on fisheries were evaluated. In addition, the role of fisheries in food security to combat the global hunger index of human beings was assessed in this review paper. Strategies to be implemented by fisheries to mitigate the effect of climate change was also presented in this review. The literature accessed revealed that fish is an important resource to the economies of many countries and a source of natural protein. As the average per capita food supply from fish and fisheries products continue to rise in developing nations, it is falling in underdeveloped nations. The published works of literature established that the global fisheries and fish population dynamics, reproductive biology, abundance and distribution are all affected by climate change. This review highlights the fact that more extensive studies on the impact of climate change on fishes and fisheries should be done in neotropical countries since there are gaps of such information on research and published data in these biodiversity rich regions.
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Climate change and ocean acidification are altering marine ecosystems and, from a human perspective, creating both winners and losers. Human responses to these changes are complex, but may result in reduced government investments in regulation, resource management, monitoring and enforcement. Moreover, a lack of peoples' experience of climate change may drive some towards attributing the symptoms of climate change to more familiar causes such as management failure. Taken together, we anticipate that management could become weaker and less effective as climate change continues. Using diverse case studies, including the decline of coral reefs, coastal defences from flooding, shifting fish stocks and the emergence of new shipping opportunities in the Arctic, we argue that human interests are better served by increased investments in resource management. But greater government investment in management does not simply mean more of "business-as-usual." Management needs to become more flexible, better at anticipating and responding to surprise, and able to facilitate change where it is desirable. A range of technological, economic, communication and governance solutions exists to help transform management. While not all have been tested, judicious application of the most appropriate solutions should help humanity adapt to novel circumstances and seek opportunity where possible.
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Spatial boundaries have become an indispensable part of regimes and tools for regulating fisheries, with examples including marine protected areas, regional fisheries management organizations and Exclusive Economic Zones. Yet, it is also widely acknowledged that boundaries are a social construct, which may be resisted by both fishers and fish ecology. The ensuing spatial and institutional mismatches have been shown to frustrate management efforts, exacerbating issues of non-compliance and ultimately leading to conflicts and overfishing. Interestingly, the often static and rigid nature of these boundaries has also led to a concomitant research interest in ‘transboundary’. This paradoxical situation of more boundary-setting entailing more transboundary thinking warrants a deeper understanding about boundaries and the role of transboundary research in fisheries. The aims of this review article are twofold: (1) a theoretical clarification on the meanings and uses of spatial boundaries drawing on geographical “boundary studies” literature; and (2) a construction of a typology that outlines how transboundary research is being articulated and envisioned. Together, the study reveals that transboundary scholarship in fisheries are mostly related to resources, fleets, trade and governance aspects and that dealing with the “boundary paradox” encompasses re-incorporating, re-scaling and re-imagining of boundaries. This article provides a conceptual basis for reflecting upon boundaries in world's fisheries and opens up discussions for a more nuanced boundary application that can better cope with multi-level interactions and dynamicity.
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Previous studies highlight the winners and losers in fisheries under climate change based on shifts in biomass, species composition and potential catches. Understanding how climate change is likely to alter the fisheries revenues of maritime countries is a crucial next step towards the development of effective socio-economic policy and food sustainability strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Particularly, fish prices and cross-oceans connections through distant water fishing operations may largely modify the projected climate change impacts on fisheries revenues. However, these factors have not formally been considered in global studies. Here, using climate-living marine resources simulation models, we show that global fisheries revenues could drop by 35% more than the projected decrease in catches by the 2050 s under high CO2 emission scenarios. Regionally, the projected increases in fish catch in high latitudes may not translate into increases in revenues because of the increasing dominance of low value fish, and the decrease in catches by these countries’ vessels operating in more severely impacted distant waters. Also, we find that developing countries with high fisheries dependency are negatively impacted. Our results suggest the need to conduct full-fledged economic analyses of the potential economic effects of climate change on global marine fisheries.
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Commercial tunas and billfishes (swordfish, marlins and sailfish) provide considerable catches and income in both developed and developing countries. These stocks vary in status from lightly exploited to rebuilding to severely depleted. Previous studies suggested that this variability could result from differences in life-history characteristics and economic incentives, but differences in exploitation histories and management measures also have a strong effect on current stock status. Although the status (biomass and fishing mortality rate) of major tuna and billfish stocks is well documented, the effect of these diverse factors on current stock status and the effect of management measures in rebuilding stocks have not been analysed at the global level. Here, we show that, particularly for tunas, stocks were more depleted if they had high commercial value, were long-lived species, had small pre-fishing biomass and were subject to intense fishing pressure for a long time. In addition, implementing and enforcing total allowable catches (TACs) had the strongest positive influence on rebuilding overfished tuna and billfish stocks. Other control rules such as minimum size regulations or seasonal closures were also important in reducing fishing pressure, but stocks under TAC implementations showed the fastest increase of biomass. Lessons learned from this study can be applied in managing large industrial fisheries around the world. In particular, tuna regional fisheries management organizations should consider the relative effectiveness of management measures observed in this study for rebuilding depleted large pelagic stocks.
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Significance What would extensive fishery reform look like? In addition, what would be the benefits and trade-offs of implementing alternative approaches to fisheries management on a worldwide scale? To find out, we assembled the largest-of-its-kind database and coupled it to state-of-the-art bioeconomic models for more than 4,500 fisheries around the world. We find that, in nearly every country of the world, fishery recovery would simultaneously drive increases in food provision, fishery profits, and fish biomass in the sea. Our results suggest that a suite of approaches providing individual or communal access rights to fishery resources can align incentives across profit, food, and conservation so that few trade-offs will have to be made across these objectives in selecting effective policy interventions.
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When a fish stock shifts from one nation to another nation, e.g., due to climate change, the nation that loses the resource has incentives to deplete it, while the other nation, receiving the resource, has incentives to conserve it. We propose an analytical model to study under which circumstances self-enforcing agreements can align incentives. Our setup allows to distinguish between a fast and a slow shift and between a smooth or a sudden shift in ownership. We show that the shorter the expected duration of the transition, the higher the total equilibrium exploitation rate. Similarly, a sudden shift implies—by and large—more aggressive non-cooperative exploitation than a gradual shift. However, a self-enforcing agreement without side-payments is more likely for a sudden than for a smooth shift. Further, the scope for cooperation increases with the expected duration of the transition, and it decreases with the renewability of the resource and the discount rate. Most importantly, we show that concentrating on in-kind transfers can be very detrimental for shifting renewable resources: In some cases, there is no efficient bargaining solution without side-payments, even when there are only two players.
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Anticipating the effect of climate change on biodiversity, in particular on changes in community composition, is crucial for adaptive ecosystem management(1) but remains a critical knowledge gap(2). Here, we use climate velocity trajectories(3), together with information on thermal tolerances and habitat preferences, to project changes in global patterns of marine species richness and community composition under IPCC Representative Concentration Pathways(4) (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5. Our simple, intuitive approach emphasizes climate connectivity, and enables us to model over 12 times as many species as previous studies(5,6). We find that range expansions prevail over contractions for both RCPs up to 2100, producing a net local increase in richness globally, and temporal changes in composition, driven by the redistribution rather than the loss of diversity. Conversely, widespread invasions homogenize present-day communities across multiple regions. High extirpation rates are expected regionally (for example, Indo-Pacific), particularly under RCP8.5, leading to strong decreases in richness and the anticipated formation of no-analogue communities where invasions are common. The spatial congruence of these patterns with contemporary human impacts(7,8) highlights potential areas of future conservation concern. These results strongly suggest that the millennial stability of current global marine diversity patterns, against which conservation plans are assessed, will change rapidly over the course of the century in response to ocean warming.
La profesion –formacion- docente es un tema crucial en los actuales debates educativos. La existencia de dos decretos y el desplazamiento del verdadero sentido del ser maestro reclaman de los analisis un ejercicio de comprension del orden discursivo oficial. La calidad es el sustrato de la sociedad de control. En este marco se agencia nuevas practicas de subjetivacion del maestro los cuales podriamos situar en la calidad, flexibilidad, adaptabilidad, eficiencia, eficacia. En cualquier caso, el esfuerzo por hacer del maestro un intelectual de la educacion fue borrado. La gran cuestion consiste en saber que discursos regula el saber del docente a la luz de la sociedad de control.
The responses of animals and plants to recent climate change vary greatly from species to species, but attempts to understand this variation have met with limited success. This has led to concerns that predictions of responses are inherently uncertain because of the complexity of interacting drivers and biotic interactions. However, we show for an exemplar group of 155 Lepidoptera species that about 60% of the variation among species in their abundance trends over the past four decades can be explained by species-specific exposure and sensitivity to climate change. Distribution changes were less well predicted, but nonetheless, up to 53% of the variation was explained. We found that species vary in their overall sensitivity to climate and respond to different components of the climate despite ostensibly experiencing the same climate changes. Hence, species have undergone different levels of population " forcing " (exposure), driving variation among species in their national-scale abundance and distribution trends. We conclude that variation in species' responses to recent climate change may be more predictable than previously recognized.