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Treatment of acute migraine by a partial rebreathing device: A randomized controlled pilot study

  • Aarhus University Hospital Neurology

Abstract and Figures

Background Impaired brain oxygen delivery can trigger and exacerbate migraine attacks. Normoxic hypercapnia increases brain oxygen delivery markedly by vasodilation of the cerebral vasculature, and hypercapnia has been shown to abort migraine attacks. Stable normoxic hypercapnia can be induced by a compact partial rebreathing device. This pilot study aimed to provide initial data on the device’s efficacy and safety. Methods Using a double-blinded, randomized, cross-over study design, adult migraine-with-aura patients self-administered the partial rebreathing device or a sham device for 20 minutes at the onset of aura symptoms. Results Eleven participants (mean age 35.5, three men) self-treated 41 migraine attacks (20 with the partial rebreathing device, 21 with sham). The partial rebreathing device increased mean End Tidal CO2 by 24%, while retaining mean oxygen saturation above 97%. The primary end point (headache intensity difference between first aura symptoms and two hours after treatment (0–3 scale) – active/sham difference) did not reach statistical significance (−0.55 (95% CI: −1.13–0.04), p = 0.096), whereas the difference in percentage of attacks with pain relief at two hours was significant (p = 0.043), as was user satisfaction (p = 0.022). A marked efficacy increase was seen from first to second time use of the partial rebreathing device. No adverse events occurred, and side effects were absent or mild. Conclusion Normoxic hypercapnia shows promise as an adjunctive/alternative migraine treatment, meriting further investigation in a larger population. Clinical study registered at with identifier NCT03472417
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Original Article
Treatment of acute migraine by a partial
rebreathing device: A randomized
controlled pilot study
Cecilia H Fuglsang
, Troels Johansen
, Kai Kaila
Helge Kasch
and Flemming W Bach
Background: Impaired brain oxygen delivery can trigger and exacerbate migraine attacks. Normoxic hypercapnia
increases brain oxygen delivery markedly by vasodilation of the cerebral vasculature, and hypercapnia has been
shown to abort migraine attacks. Stable normoxic hypercapnia can be induced by a compact partial rebreathing
device. This pilot study aimed to provide initial data on the device’s efficacy and safety.
Methods: Using a double-blinded, randomized, cross-over study design, adult migraine-with-aura patients self-adminis-
tered the partial rebreathing device or a sham device for 20 minutes at the onset of aura symptoms.
Results: Eleven participants (mean age 35.5, three men) self-treated 41 migraine attacks (20 with the partial
rebreathing device, 21 with sham). The partial rebreathing device increased mean End Tidal CO
by 24%, while retain-
ing mean oxygen saturation above 97%. The primary end point (headache intensity difference between first aura
symptoms and two hours after treatment (0–3 scale) – active/sham difference) did not reach statistical signifi-
cance (0.55 (95% CI: 1.13–0.04), p¼0.096), whereas the difference in percentage of attacks with pain relief
at two hours was significant (p¼0.043), as was user satisfaction (p¼0.022). A marked efficacy increase was seen
from first to second time use of the partial rebreathing device. No adverse events occurred, and side effects were
absent or mild.
Conclusion: Normoxic hypercapnia shows promise as an adjunctive/alternative migraine treatment, meriting further
investigation in a larger population.
Clinical study registered at with identifier NCT03472417
Migraine, headache, hypercapnia, CO
therapy, rebreathing
Date received: 4 April 2018; revised: 14 June 2018; 22 June 2018; accepted: 8 August 2018
Studies measuring cerebral blood flow (CBF) have
shown that the early stages of migraine attacks are
characterized by cerebral vasoconstriction (1–6), impli-
cating hypoperfusion as a migraine trigger (7,8). Olesen
et al. (1) were the first to demonstrate that hypoperfu-
sion is often present more than an hour into or
throughout the pain phase of the migraine attack – a
finding which has been reported by several studies since
then (3,4,9), refuting the previous theory that migraine
pain is caused by cerebral vasodilation.
Rather than the hypoperfusion in itself, the actual
attack trigger may be the resulting decrease in oxygen
brain delivery (D
), since recent studies have
Department of Neurology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus,
Aarhus University School of Engineering, Aarhus University, Aarhus,
BalancAir, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Molecular and Integrative Biosciences Research Program and HiLife,
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Spinal Cord Injury Center of Western Denmark, Department of
Neurology, Regional Hospital of Viborg, Viborg, Denmark
Corresponding author:
Troels Johansen, Aarhus University School of Engineering, Finlandsgade
22, bldg. 5125, DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark.
2018, Vol. 38(10) 1632–1643
!International Headache Society 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0333102418797285
demonstrated that hypoxia reliably triggers migraine
attacks in migraine patients (10,11) and headache in
healthy individuals (12), possibly because of hypoxia’s
propensity for inducing and perpetuating cortical
spreading depression (CSD) (13) – a migraine trigger
phenomenon implicated in migraine with aura (MA)
and possibly in migraine without aura (MO) as well
Past clinical studies have shown that hypercapnia is
efficacious in aborting migraine attacks (18–21) and
post-spinal headache (22). Two of the studies (18,22)
used CO
-rich gas mixtures administered from pressure
bottles. However, pressure bottles are impractical,
heavy and require refilling between treatments – a
likely reason that this treatment option never came
into clinical practice in spite of Marcussen and
Wolff’s early demonstration of its efficacy in
migraine (18).
Two other migraine studies used closed rebreathing
bags to induce hypercapnia (19,20). However, in such
devices, oxygen is quickly depleted, causing continually
worsening – and potentially life-threatening – hypoxia
if continued for too long.
Notably, stable normoxic hypercapnia can be
achieved by a partial rebreathing device (PRD) (23)
which works by capturing a controlled fraction of the
expired air, which is then rebreathed together with a
controlled amount of atmospheric air. The net effect
is a moderate reduction of alveolar ventilation, in
spite of the increase in minute ventilation elicited by
raising the arterial CO
tension (P
). By nature of
its particular design, the PRD is able to induce a steady
state of moderate hypercapnia while retaining normal
arterial oxygen saturation (S
) (23).
In contrast to gas bottles, the PRD used in this study
is compact and very lightweight since no gas or power
supply is needed. Because it does not incur hypoxemia,
the PRD is inherently much safer than closed rebreath-
ing bags.
Using a double-blinded, randomized, controlled,
cross-over design, we performed a first clinical pilot
study on the efficacy and safety of the PRD in treat-
ment of migraine with aura (MA), with the additional
aim to obtain sample-size estimates for a future large-
scale clinical trial. MA was chosen as the patient group
because of the comparative ease of standardizing the
time point of treatment onset.
We aimed to control for any placebo effect and
regression towards the mean by using a sham device
as control and randomizing the device cross-over
It was our hypothesis that by using the PRD to
increase P
and D
early in MA attacks, the
attack severity could be reduced, without adverse
The clinical trial was approved by the Danish
Medicines Agency (ref. no. 2016092009) and the
Committee for Ethics in Science of Central Denmark
Region (ref. no. 1-10-72-245-16) and registered at (NCT03472417). The study protocol
is available from the authors by request.
All participant visits took place at the Headache
Clinic at Aarhus University Hospital.
Partial rebreathing device
Figure 1 shows the elements of the PRD:
.A flexible-volume rebreathing reservoir with laser
perforations in its walls. The diameter and spacing
of the perforations were carefully chosen to provide
a measured gas flow between the atmosphere and the
inside of the reservoir, so that even if the bypass
valve (see below) was completely closed, gas
exchange was still sufficient to prevent hypoxemia.
.A mouthpiece connecting the reservoir with the
mouth of the user.
.A bypass valve in the wall of the reservoir, with a
flow-through rate which can be adjusted by the use
of a slider. The inspired CO
concentration can
thereby be up- or down-regulated between set
limits, according to the baseline End-Tidal CO
(ETCO2) and ventilatory response of the individual.
Before use, the PRD is folded compactly and can be
carried in a pocket or purse.
The participants used the device by breathing
through the mouth piece, with the bypass valve
Figure 1. Schematic of the partial rebreathing device. 1:
Flexible-volume rebreathing reservoir, having in its walls laser
perforations; 2: Mouthpiece; 3: Mouthpiece opening, connecting
the inside of the reservoir with the mouth of the user; 4: Bypass
valve opening; 5: Adjustable slider, regulating the flow through
the bypass valve.
Fuglsang et al. 1633
previously fixed at the individual-specific setting deter-
mined in the Initial Device Test (see below). The par-
ticipants wore nose clips while using the device and
were instructed to breathe according to their spontan-
eous breathing drive.
The sham device only had a minimal effect on P
because the air flow had been redirected by means of a
one-way check valve so that minimal rebreathing
occurred (Figure 2).
By necessity, the active and sham devices could not
be completely identical. In order to preserve the pla-
cebo effect of the sham device in spite of this difference,
the two devices were described to the test subjects as
providing two different levels of inspired CO
, and not
as a ‘‘real’’ versus a ‘‘fake’’ device.
Participants were recruited from a total group of 190
individuals who responded to an online post advertis-
ing the study. Individuals were enrolled and provided
written and verbal informed consent if they conformed
to the in/exclusion criteria (formulated according to the
guidelines of the International Headache Society (24)):
Inclusion criteria were: Between one and six monthly
attacks of migraine with typical aura, defined according to
onset before age 50; and, if in preventive migraine treat-
ment, dose had been stable for three months.
Exclusion criteria were: More than 14 days with
headache per month, or more than six days with non-
migraine headache per month; medication overuse; pul-
monary, cardiovascular, metabolic or psychiatric dis-
ease, cancer or anemia; and being pregnant or
Study procedures and outcome assessment
For the individuals enrolled in the study, general and
migraine-specific medical histories were recorded, and a
neurological examination was performed.
Subsequently, an initial device test was performed, in
which the participant used the active device for a min-
imum of 15 minutes while being guided by the study
personnel and monitored with a capnograph and pulse
oximeter (CapnoStream 20, Medtronic, Minneapolis,
MN, USA), in order to ensure that the PRD
elicited the target increase in ETCO2 and did not
incur either hypoxemia (defined as S
<90%) or
any side effects that were not pre-defined as acceptable
(see below). The target ETCO2 increase was set accord-
ing to a sliding scale so that participants with a
high baseline ETCO2 were increased less than individ-
uals with a low baseline ETCO2 (increases ranged
from 8 mmHg for the highest ETCO2 baselines and
10 mmHg for the lowest).
After being instructed in using the device and study
diary, each participant was randomized 1:1 to use either
active or sham in the first treatment period. The
informing/including study staff member performed the
randomization by randomly choosing a sealed envelope
containing an alpha-numeric code corresponding to a
specific device; these codes were randomly generated,
and the envelopes and devices packed by a different
study staff member. The study staff member (CH
Fuglsang) who enrolled and randomized the partici-
pants, provided device instructions and recorded all
data was, by this procedure, blinded to which device
(active or sham) the participant would use or had used
in a given period.
The participant then received the corresponding
home treatment kit containing the device, five dispos-
able rebreathing reservoirs, a pulse oximeter (with
an audio alarm preset at an S
of 90%), instructions
for use and the study diary for recording migraine
The participants were instructed to use the device for
20 minutes at the onset of first aura symptoms, fol-
lowed after 40 minutes by a further 20 minutes of
device use. The severities of four symptoms were to
be recorded at five time points: At first aura symptoms,
immediately after the first device use, and after one, two
and 24 hours. The four symptoms were headache,
nausea, light/sound sensitivity and functional disability,
all recorded on a scale from 0 to 3 (e.g. for headache:
0¼no headache, 1 ¼mild headache, 2 ¼moderate
headache, 3 ¼severe headache). The participants were
instructed not to use any other migraine treatment for
the first two hours.
Moderate hypercapnia can produce mild side effects,
including hyperpnea, feeling moderately colder or
warmer, mild restlessness or increased perspiration
Figure 2. Photo of the active device (left) and the sham device
(right), showing (a) the folded rebreathing reservoirs; (b) bypass
valves; (c) reservoir connectors, shown dismounted from
mouthpiece boxes (d); (e) sham device airflow redirection holes,
with protruding structure for preventing accidental blocking by
fingers, (f) sham device one-way check valve.
1634 Cephalalgia 38(10)
(26). For the purposes of the study, these side effects
had in advance been defined as acceptable and test sub-
jects were informed that these side effects could occur
but that they were natural and harmless. In some indi-
viduals, moderate hypercapnia can cause more unpleas-
ant, though not dangerous, side effects such as
dizziness, headache, and visual disturbances (26).
In case of such non-acceptable side effects or a drop
in S
to below 90%, test subjects were instructed to
pause the treatment for one minute, decrease the
inspired CO
fraction by means of the bypass valve
slider, and then continue the treatment. If the unaccept-
able side effects persisted, they were instructed to abort
the treatment completely.
After having treated two separate migraine attacks
with the device, the participants visited the Headache
Clinic and switched to the other device (active or
sham). At the end of each treatment period, the partici-
pants answered questions assessing their: a) overall sat-
isfaction with the device, b) subjectively experienced
treatment effect, c) preference for the device treatment
compared with their habitual migraine treatment, d)
likelihood of using the device for treating their migraine
attacks in the future if they had access to it, and e) side
effects using the device, if any.
Participant enrollment took place from November
2016 to January 2017 and the last participant com-
pleted the study in October 2017.
The study protocol specified that each treatment
period was limited to three months, and that subjects
that did not have at least one attack within a treatment
period would be excluded from the study. However, the
overall attack frequency turned out to be lower than
expected and initially reported by the test subjects, so to
preserve the power of the study it was decided to extend
the maximum duration of all test periods to five
months. No other study procedures or end points
were changed during the course or after completion
of the study.
Study end points
The pre-specified primary end point of the study was
Headache Intensity Difference between the moment of
the first aura symptoms and two hours later (HID2).
Secondary end points were:
A: Comparing time point 0, and two hours’ post-
.Nausea Intensity Difference (NID2)
.Light/Sound Sensitivity Difference (LSSD2)
.Functional Disability Difference (FDD2)
.Pain relief (PR2); that is, the percentage of attacks in
which there was no or mild pain two hours after first
using the device
.Pain freedom (PF2); that is, the percentage of
attacks in which there was no pain two hours after
first using the device
B: Recorded at the end of each treatment period:
.Overall satisfaction with the device, 2toþ2 scale
(2¼wholly unsatisfied, þ2¼wholly satisfied)
.Subjective treatment effect, 0–4 scale (0 ¼no effect,
1¼small effect, 2 ¼moderate effect, 3 ¼good effect,
4¼very good effect)
.Treatment preference vs. participant’s normal treat-
ment, 2toþ2 scale (2¼much worse than normal
treatment,þ2¼much better)
.The likelihood that the participant would use this
device to treat their migraine attacks in the future
if it was available to them, 2toþ2 scale
(2¼would certainly not use the device,
þ2¼would certainly use the device)
.Occurrence, type and severity of side effects
.Adverse events
Statistical analysis
End point values for a device were averaged over the
two attacks with that device and analyzed in a pairwise
manner comparing the active and sham devices.
Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used for hypothesis
testing of the primary end point as well as for the sec-
ondary end points concerning headache, nausea, light/
sound sensitivity, functional disability, device satisfac-
tion, treatment effect, preference and likelihood of use.
None of the end point distributions showed marked
non-normality or outliers (see Figure 3, also confirmed
by Shapiro-Wilk tests of non-normality), leading to the
choice of means and standard deviations as the best
descriptive parameters of the data.
For the secondary end points concerning pain relief
and pain freedom, odds ratios and Pearson’s
were used for comparing the proportions of attacks in
which there was respectively pain relief and pain free-
dom. No interim analyses were performed. The statis-
tical analyses did not adjust for multiple comparisons
or include multivariable analysis. The 5% significance
level was used, and all reported pvalues are two-tailed.
Stata version 11 was used for all analyses (the signrank
and cc commands respectively).
In total, 18 MA patients were recruited and enrolled
from a total group of 190 individuals responding to an
online post advertising the study. The remaining 172
individuals did not conform to the in/exclusion criteria.
Fuglsang et al. 1635
Three of the enrolled participants were subsequently
excluded because they did not have at least one attack
within the first or second five-month treatment period.
One participant left the study due to illness unrelated to
the study, one participant was lost to follow-up and
two participants withdrew their consent before treating
an attack. Characteristics of the 11 participants who
completed the study are shown in Table 1 and 2.
Three of the test subjects had one treatment period
in which they only had one attack. For this reason, the
total number of attacks in the study was 41, of which 20
were with the PRD and 21 with the sham device.
Device effect on ETCO2 and S
Among the 18 enrolled participants that completed the
initial device test, mean baseline ETCO2 was
36.8 mmHg (range 26–41 mmHg). Using the active
device, ETCO2 increased to a mean of 45.8 mmHg
(range 39 to 51); that is, a mean increase of
9.0 mmHg (equal to a 24% increase compared to
The average S
at baseline was 98.7% (range 95 to
100%), which decreased to 97.3% (likewise range 95 to
100%) during the active device use.
The baseline values and increases of ETCO2 and
among the 11 participants who completed the
study were very close to the values in the group of 18
(Table 1).
Migraine outcomes
Figure 3 and Table 3 show the results for the contin-
uous-variable end points.
For all end points, using the active device resulted in
lower average symptom scores (Table 3, Figure 3(a))
and higher average end-of-period test subject scores
(Table 3, Figure 3(b)) respectively, though variances
were large.
For HID2 (the pre-specified primary end point),
headache increased by 0.77 points (0–3 scale) from
first aura symptoms to two hours, as compared to an
increase of 1.32 with the sham device (mean difference
0.55 (95% CI: 1.13–0.04)), a result which was not
statistically significant (p¼0.096). Interestingly, a post
hoc analysis showed that the three participants with
greatest effect on HID2 were the three men.
The mean severity of all symptoms increased from
first aura symptoms to two hours, except for light/
sound sensitivity, which decreased slightly with the
active device (but increased with the sham device).
The higher satisfaction with the active over the sham
device was statistically significant (0.59 vs. 1.00 on the
2/þ2 scale (95% CI: 0.53–2.65), p¼0.022).
In 60% of attacks with the active device there was
pain relief at two hours, compared to 29% with the
sham device (Table 4), a difference which was statistic-
ally significant (odds ratio ¼3.75 (95% CI, exact: 0.86–
16.97), p¼0.043). Total pain freedom at two hours was
(a) (b)
Active sham difference, 0 vs 2 hours
Active-sham difference
Headache Nausea Treatment
to use
Figure 3. Box/scatter plots of the continuous-variable end points. (a) Active-sham differences of symptom scores of headache,
nausea, light/sound sensitivity and functional disability, comparing zero and two hours. (b) Active-sham differences of end-of-period
scores of subjective treatment effect, treatment preference, satisfaction with device and likelihood to use in future (for the subjective
treatment effect and treatment preference, some data points are missing). Circles are individual patient data points, horizontal black
bars indicate means, dark grey boxes indicate confidence intervals (mean 1.96 standard errors of the mean), light grey boxes indicate
the interval of the mean one standard deviation, and the red horizontal line indicates the zero-line (corresponding to no difference
between active and sham device). For the parameters in Figure 3(a), values below zero correspond to a better effect of the active over
the sham. For the parameters in Figure 3(b), values above zero correspond to a better effect of the active over the sham.
1636 Cephalalgia 38(10)
only achieved in 15% of attacks with the active device
and 14% with the sham device.
A post hoc comparison of the first and second attack
with a given device indicated a training benefit when
using the active device, PR2 being 45% in the first
attack with the active device and 78% in the second
attack (Figure 4, Table 4), PF2 also increasing (from
9% to 22%). This training effect was not seen with the
sham device (Figure 4, Table 4).
Figure 5 shows the changes in mean migraine symp-
toms over the first two hours, for the active and sham
devices respectively.
Values at 24 hours were not analyzed due to
a high incidence of missing study diary data at this
time point.
Side effects
During the initial device tests, two out of 18 partici-
pants experienced transient side effects (dizziness and
mild nausea respectively), which disappeared after a
break of two minutes and a one-step increase in the
bypass valve opening and did not reoccur after device
use was resumed.
Table 2. Participant migraine characteristics.
Gender Age
Age at migraine
onset Typical migraine symptoms
Aura symptoms, normal
onset time before pain
F 26 15 P, Pu, WPA, N, V, Pnp, Ptp, VD, CD VD, 20–25min.
F 26 10 P, WPA, N, V, Pnp, Ptp, VD, CD VD, 30–45min.
F 23 25 P, Pu, WPA, N, Pnp, Ptp, VD, CD VD, SpD, 15min.
F 29 27 P, Pu, N, Pnp, Ptp, CD VD, 30–60min.
F 35 13 P, Pu, N, Pnp, Ptp, VD, CD VD, SeD, 60–180min.
M 49 12 P, Pu, WPA, N, V, PtP, VD, CD VD, SpD, 30–60min.
F 20 8 P, Pu, WPA, N, V, PnP, PtP, VD, CD VD, 45min.
M 31 13 P, Pu, V, Ptp, VD VD, 60min.
M 47 35 P, N, Pnp, Ptp, VD, CD VD, SpD, 120–180min.
F 59 46 P, Pu, N, Pnp, Ptp, CD SeD, 60–120min.
F 45 27 P, Pu, WPA, N, V, Pnp, Ptp, VD, CD VD, SpD, 30–60min.
Abbreviations of migraine symptoms: P: Moderate/severe pain; Pu: Pain is pulsating/throbbing; WPA: Pain worsening with physical activity; N: nausea; V:
vomiting; Pnp: phonophobia; Ptp: photophobia; VD: visual disturbances; CD: cognitive disturbances.
Abbreviations of aura symptoms: VD: visual disturbances; SeD: sensory disturbances; SpD: speech disturbances.
Gender: F, Age: 45, Age at migraine onset: 27, Typical migraine symptoms: P, Pu,WPA, N, V, Pnp, Ptp, VD, CD. Aura symptoms, normal onset time: VD,
30-60 min.
Table 1. Participant characteristics.
Variable Value
n 11
Age (mean SD, median) 35.5 12.0, 31.0
Female/male 8/3
Caucasian (%) 100%
Height in cm (mean SD, median) 174.0 8.5, 170.0
Weight in kg (mean SD, median) 70.0 11.0, 67.0
Age at migraine onset (mean SD, median) 21.0 11.5, 15.0
Family history of migraine (%) 73%
Current migraine medications: Triptans: 55% (three additional participants
had used triptans earlier but no longer did)
NSAIDs or paracetamol: 73%
Prophylactic medications: 9%
Baseline ETCO2 in mmHg (mean SD, median) 37.1 4.5, 38.0
Baseline S
% (mean SD, median) 98.8 1.5, 99.0
Average no. of days between attacks in study (mean SD, median) 43.7 22.6, 35.0
Fuglsang et al. 1637
In the course of the treatments at home, the follow-
ing side effects were recorded:
.Sham device: Warm sensation (two participants,
one attack each), dry mouth (one participant, two
attacks), increased perspiration (one participant,
two attacks), irritated sensation (one participant, one
attack), unpleasant taste (one participant, one attack).
.Active device: Hyperpnea (three participants: One,
one and two attacks), dyspnea (two participants:
One and two attacks), warm sensation (two partici-
pants, one attack each), mild claustrophobia (one
participant, one attack), increased salivation (one par-
ticipant, one attack), anxiety (one participant, one
attack), restlessness (one participant, one attack).
In total, eight of the test subjects experienced a side
effect during one or both of the attacks with the active
device, while five experienced a side effect during one or
both of the attacks with the sham device. Side effects
occurred more frequently in the first than in the second
attack in a treatment period.
The participants had been instructed to stop using
the device in the event of excessive side effects, but at no
point during the study did a participant feel that the
side effects were strong enough for them to stop the
No test subject reported any occurrence of arterial
desaturation to below the pulse oximeter alarm limit.
No adverse events occurred in the course of the
This small-scale randomized and controlled trial con-
stitutes the first clinical test of partial rebreathing for
migraine treatment. The primary end point, measuring
difference in headache at time of first aura symptoms
Table 3. Trial end points I, continuous-variable data.
Active Sham Active-sham difference
Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI rank test)
Headache intensity difference, 0–2 hours 0.77 0.24–1.31 1.32 0.68–1.96 0.55 1.13–0.04 0.096
Headache intensity difference, 0–1 hours 0.80 0.19–1.40 1.11 0.46–1.77 0.32 0.96–0.32 0.26
Nausea intensity difference, 0–2 hours 0.09 0.34–0.53 0.55 0.08–1.17 0.45 1.08–0.17 0.28
Nausea intensity difference, 0–1 hours 0.00 0.40–0.40 0.48 0.05–1.01 0.48 0.97–0.02 0.072
Light/sound sensitivity difference, 0–2 hours 0.16 0.83–0.52 0.30 0.37–0.96 0.45 1.24–0.33 0.34
Light/sound sensitivity difference, 0–1 hours 0.20 0.75–0.34 0.59 0.05–1.24 0.80 1.43– 0.17 0.043
Functional disability difference, 0–2 hours 0.14 0.34–0.61 0.43 0.24–1.10 0.30 0.98–0.39 0.50
Functional disability difference, 0–1 hours 0.14 0.26–0.53 0.43 0.15–1.01 0.30 -0.96–0.36 0.39
Satisfaction with device’s effect 0.59 0.09–1.28 1.00 1.92– 0.08 1.59 0.53–2.65 0.022
Subjective treatment effect 1.40 0.56–2.24 0.50 0.17–1.17 1.00 0.08–2.08 0.099
Treatment preference vs. normal treatment 0.17 0.78–0.44 0.75 1.54–0.04 0.78 0.23–1.79 0.19
Likelihood to use device in future 0.09 1.06–0.88 1.18 1.92– 0.44 1.09 0.10–2.29 0.081
þStatistically significant at the 5% level.
Table 4. Trial end points II, binary data.
Active % Sham % Odds ratio 95% CI (exact) p-value (
Pain relief % at two hours, average of both attacks 60 29 3.75 0.86–16.97 0.043
Pain relief % at two hours, first attack 45 27 2.22 0.27–19.76 0.38
Pain relief % at two hours, second attack 78 30 8.17 0.75–113.44 0.037
Pain freedom % at two hours, average of both attacks 15 14 1.06 0.12–9.03 0.95
Pain freedom % at two hours, first attack 9 18 0.45 0.01–10.42 0.53
Pain freedom % at two hours, second attack 22 10 2.57 0.11–168.26 0.47
þStatistically significant at the 5% level.
1638 Cephalalgia 38(10)
and after two hours, did not reach statistical signifi-
cance (p¼0.096). This could be because of the small
number of participants and large variance in this pilot
study, but it cannot of course be ruled out that the trial
would be negative even if sufficiently powered.
However, a full-scale trial of the device seems war-
ranted by the fact that the secondary end points mea-
suring device satisfaction and pain relief both reached
Headache intensity (0–3)Light/sound sensitivity (0–3)
Functional disability (0–3) Nausea intensity (0–3)
40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
40 60 80 100 120
60 80 100 120
Figure 5. Changes in symptom severity during the first two hours, for headache (top left), nausea (top right), light/sound sensitivity
(bottom left) and functional disability (bottom right). Mean values and corresponding 95% confidence intervals are shown.
Attacks with pain relief at
two hours (%)
Attacks with pain freedom at
two hours (%)
p < 0.05
p = n.s.
First use Second use
Active device Active device
Sham device Sham device
First use Second use First use Second use First use Second use
Pain relief % at two hours
Pain Freedom % at two hours
Figure 4. Comparison of active vs. sham device effect on pain relief at two hours (left) and pain freedom at two hours (right),
showing differences between first use and second use of device.
Fuglsang et al. 1639
significance (p¼0.022 and p¼0.043 respectively). For
the remaining secondary end points, the mean active/
sham differences were likewise in favor of the active
device over the sham (i.e. symptom scores were on aver-
age lower and end-of-period test subject scores were
higher), though these differences were not statistically
The present findings are consistent with previous
studies having shown efficacy of systemic or local
hypercapnia in migraine treatment (18–21).
The difference between PR2 at first PRD treat-
ment (45%) and second PRD treatment (78%) indi-
cated an increased efficacy with training and/or
repeated use.
No adverse events occurred in the study, and side
effects were in general mild or absent. In the few
cases where non-acceptable side effects occurred (see
Study procedures and outcome assessment), the initial
device tests demonstrated that these could be effectively
and quickly addressed by briefly interrupting the treat-
ment, and their recurrence prevented by decreasing the
rebreathing level.
The small scale of this study naturally restricts the
strength of the conclusions that can be drawn, as does
the effect that cognitive impairment during MA attacks
could have on self-reported symptom scores.
Additionally, since attacks were treated at home, we
cannot confirm that treatment was performed correctly
or for the intended duration.
As is unavoidable in many device trials, subject
blinding was not perfect, specifically because of the
necessary physical differences between the two devices
and due to the higher incidence of CO
hyperpnea with the active device. We sought to miti-
gate this problem by describing the devices to the test
subjects as having different levels of CO
increase (as
opposed to one being ‘‘real’’ and the other ‘‘fake’’)
and stating that it was not known which CO
would have the best effect. Even so, there may still
have been some residual bias due to imperfect
The migraine patients in the study were recruited
from the general population via a post on a social
media profile of Aarhus University Hospital. Our
aim with this approach was to recruit more typical
migraine patients than the patients normally referred
to the highly specialized Headache Clinic at the hos-
pital, of which many have chronic and/or very severe
or atypical migraine. It is possible that there may
have been a recruitment bias in the type of patients
that responded to this type of online post – a bias
which would reduce the generalizability of the
Even in the light of the trial’s limitations and small
size, the data indicate that the PRD treatment may be
effective in a non-trivial percentage of MA patients. On
the other hand, it is also clear that some test subjects
only experienced a negligible treatment effect or none at
all. For these patients, it is promising that the study
indicated an increase in efficacy with each subsequent
Several physiological mechanisms may underpin the
migraine treatment efficacy of normoxic hypercapnia,
indicated by this and earlier studies. A number of stu-
dies have indicated that transient increases of the extra-
cellular K
concentration play an important role in the
triggering and propagation of CSD (17,28–32), which
may be an underlying attack trigger not only in MA but
MO as well (4,14–17). Clearance of K
from the extra-
cellular space depends critically on proper functioning
of the Na
-ATPase transporter, which in turn
requires an adequate supply of oxygen and glucose to
function (33,34). Indeed, inhibition of Na
directly triggers spreading depression in hippocampal
slices (35).
Inadequate Na
-ATPase function may thus be
the underlying mechanism behind the propensity of
ischemia for triggering spreading depolarizations in
animal models (36), and of hypoxia for triggering
migraine (10–12).
It is well established that hypercapnia has a
strong vasodilatory effect in the brain (37,38),
increasing total cerebral blood flow by as much as
7.4% for each mmHg increase in ETCO2 (27), in
turn increasing total D
by the same percentage
if normal S
is preserved. The efficacy of normoxic
hypercapnia in migraine may thus be a function of
bolstering Na
-ATPase activity by reversing the
hypoperfusion (and any resulting tissue hypoxia)
responsible for triggering and propagating the
spread of CSD. Indeed, hypercapnic acidosis has in
animal models shown a marked inhibitory effect on
the triggering, propagation and duration of CSD
(39–41), as well as a general inhibition of neural
excitability (42,43).
For the purpose of increasing D
, an alter-
native to normoxic hypercapnia is to increase the
inspired oxygen fraction, and a recent study
showed some efficacy of high-flow oxygen for acute
migraine relief (44). However, due to the sigmoidal
shape of the oxygen dissociation curve, such
increases in P
only increase the arterial oxygen
concentration slightly compared to normoxia, and
very high inspired oxygen fractions may even incur
vasoconstriction and hypoperfusion (45). Being the
mathematical product of CBF and C
can be increased significantly by the strong increase
in CBF achievable by normoxic hypercapnia, but
comparatively little by the small increase in C
elicited by hyperoxic normocapnia (though hyperoxia
1640 Cephalalgia 38(10)
could have other relevant effects apart from its
impact on D
Compared to pharmaceutical relief medications, the
PRD could potentially have a number of advantages,
among them:
-induced increases in CBF happen within
10 seconds of starting to breathe an increased
fraction (46) and wash out of the body within
a few minutes of ending the treatment. This fast
onset of action enables early intervention, possibly
aborting or containing the progress of the CSD wave
– a hypothesis that could be tested in an imaging
.As a drug-free treatment, PRDs could potentially be
combined with pharmaceuticals or replace them in
groups for whom standard medications are contra-
indicated, provided that sufficient PRD safety data
is obtained for the patient groups in question.
.PRDs avoid the common problem of oral medica-
tions being expelled by emesis before uptake through
the gastric tract is complete.
.The effects of moderate hypercapnia are well known
and generally mild, and any excessive CO
can be directly sensed by the user, allowing him/her
to immediately decrease the device’s rebreathing
level and its bodily effects.
In light of such potential advantages and the promis-
ing results of this small-scale pilot study, we believe that
a large-scale clinical trial of the PRD treatment in
migraine is warranted.
In future studies, it will also be relevant to investigate
the background for (and correlates of) the PRD efficacy
variance, for at least two reasons. Firstly, it could help
identify predictors for a patient’s likely response to the
treatment, allowing more targeted studies into, and tar-
geted clinical use of, PRD treatment. Secondly, it could
make it possible to develop improvements to the device,
its timing/dosage or duration of use, in order to increase
the percentage of migraine patients deriving benefit from
the treatment. Some MA patients may be further in the
attack evolution than others before experiencing the
migraine aura, meaning that some of the participants
in this study had possibly passed a pathophysiological
‘‘point of no return’’ at the time of their cue to
start using the device (in this study the cue was the
aura symptoms). For this reason, it may be better to
start the treatment at the appearance of the very first
prodromes (which occur in the majority of both MA
and MO patients (6)), and not wait until the appearance
of aura.
This study specifically studied MA, so its results
may not be generalizable to other types of migraine
such as MO. However, several studies indicate that
CSD and/or cerebral hypoperfusion play important
roles in MO as well (4,14–17), and hypoxia has
been shown to trigger migraine attacks in both MO
and MA patients (10). This seems to indicate that a
clinical study of PRD treatment in MO would be
In future clinical studies, the efficacy of PRD treat-
ment as an add-on to pharmaceuticals would be
another interesting focus.
Clinical implications
.Normoxic hypercapnia induced by a partial rebreathing device showed promise as an adjunctive or alter-
native, non-pharmacological treatment of episodic migraine with aura.
.The device efficacy increased with each subsequent use.
.Further studies should be undertaken to investigate the efficacy in a larger population and in migraine
without aura.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The authors declared the following potential conflicts of inter-
est with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publica-
tion of this article: T. Johansen is a co-founder, shareholder
and employee of BalancAir.
The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
article: This study was sponsored by BalancAir.
Troels Johansen
Helge Kasch
Flemming W Bach
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... One paper reported effective acute treatment via a partial rebreathing device that increases brain oxygen, opposing hypoxia. 164 An acute treatment direction that has not been attempted yet is lactate infusions. This sounds paradoxical in light of the basal increased lactate levels in patients (see above). ...
Full-text available
Migraine (MGR) ranks first among diseases in terms of years of lost healthy life in young adult and adult women. Currently, there is no theory of MGR. This paper presents a complete theory of migraine that explains its etiology, symptoms, pathology, and treatment. Migraine involves partially saturated (usually chronically high) sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity, mainly due to higher sensitivity of the metabolic sensors that recruit it. MGR headache occurs when SNS activity is desensitized or excessive, resulting in hyperexcitability of baroreceptors, oxidative stress, and activation of pain pathways via TRPV1 channels and CGRP. The theory is supported by overwhelming evidence, and explains the properties of current MGR treatments.
Nitrates are one of the most prescribed medications in the treatment of angina pectoris today. Headache is the most common side effect of nitrates, and there is limited prospective data on the determinants of this effect. Our aim in this study is to open a foresight window for clinicians in clinical practice by explaining the possible relationship between nitrate induced headache (NIH) and whole blood viscosity (WBV). After coronary revascularization treatment, 869 patients with angina who were prescribed nitrate preparations were divided into groups according to the development of headache or not, and categorized according to the four-grade scale (4GS) level. Those who had no headache during nitrate use were graded as Grade 0, those who felt mild headache were Grade 1, those who felt moderate headache were Grade 2, and those who described severe headache were graded as Grade 3. The groups were compared according to WBV values. A total of 869 participants were included in the study. Most patients (82.1%) experienced any level of headache. Headache severity was correlated with both WBV at HSR (r=0.657, p<0.001) and WBV at LSR (r=0.687, p<0.001). In multivariate analysis, WBV was determined as an independent predictor of headache experience. WBV predicted NIH with 75% sensitivity and 75% specificity at HSR and 77% sensitivity and 77% specificity at LSR. WBV seems to be one of the major determinants for NIH. WBV may be a guide for initiating alternative antianginal drugs without prescribing nitrates to the patient in order to increase patient compliance.
Importance Migraine is common and can be associated with significant morbidity, and several treatment options exist for acute therapy. Objective To evaluate the benefits and harms associated with acute treatments for episodic migraine in adults. Data Sources Multiple databases from database inception to February 24, 2021. Study Selection Randomized clinical trials and systematic reviews that assessed effectiveness or harms of acute therapy for migraine attacks. Data Extraction and Synthesis Independent reviewers selected studies and extracted data. Meta-analysis was performed with the DerSimonian-Laird random-effects model with Hartung-Knapp-Sidik-Jonkman variance correction or by using a fixed-effect model based on the Mantel-Haenszel method if the number of studies was small. Main Outcomes and Measures The main outcomes included pain freedom, pain relief, sustained pain freedom, sustained pain relief, and adverse events. The strength of evidence (SOE) was graded with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Methods Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness Reviews. Findings Evidence on triptans and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs was summarized from 15 systematic reviews. For other interventions, 115 randomized clinical trials with 28 803 patients were included. Compared with placebo, triptans and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used individually were significantly associated with reduced pain at 2 hours and 1 day (moderate to high SOE) and increased risk of mild and transient adverse events. Compared with placebo, calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor antagonists (low to high SOE), lasmiditan (5-HT1F receptor agonist; high SOE), dihydroergotamine (moderate to high SOE), ergotamine plus caffeine (moderate SOE), acetaminophen (moderate SOE), antiemetics (low SOE), butorphanol (low SOE), and tramadol in combination with acetaminophen (low SOE) were significantly associated with pain reduction and increase in mild adverse events. The findings for opioids were based on low or insufficient SOE. Several nonpharmacologic treatments were significantly associated with improved pain, including remote electrical neuromodulation (moderate SOE), transcranial magnetic stimulation (low SOE), external trigeminal nerve stimulation (low SOE), and noninvasive vagus nerve stimulation (moderate SOE). No significant difference in adverse events was found between nonpharmacologic treatments and sham. Conclusions and Relevance There are several acute treatments for migraine, with varying strength of supporting evidence. Use of triptans, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acetaminophen, dihydroergotamine, calcitonin gene-related peptide antagonists, lasmiditan, and some nonpharmacologic treatments was associated with improved pain and function. The evidence for many other interventions, including opioids, was limited.
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Studies suggest that migraine pain has a vascular component. The prevailing dogma is that peripheral vasoconstriction activates baroreceptors in central large arteries. Dilatation of central vessels stimulates nociceptors and induces cortical spreading depression. Studies investigating nitric oxide (NO) donors support the indicated hypothesis that pain is amplified when acutely administered. In this review, we provide an alternate hypothesis which, if substantiated, may provide therapeutic opportunities for attenuating migraine frequency and severity. We suggest that in migraines, heightened sympathetic tone results in progressive central microvascular constriction. Suboptimal parenchymal blood flow, we suggest, activates nociceptors and triggers headache pain onset. Administration of NO donors could paradoxically promote constriction of the microvasculature as a consequence of larger upstream central artery vasodilatation. Inhibitors of NO production are reported to alleviate migraine pain. We describe how constriction of larger upstream arteries, induced by NO synthesis inhibitors, may result in a compensatory dilatory response of the microvasculature. The restoration of central capillary blood flow may be the primary mechanism for pain relief. Attenuating the propensity for central capillary constriction and promoting a more dilatory phenotype may reduce frequency and severity of migraines. Here, we propose consideration of two dietary nutraceuticals for reducing migraine risk: L-arginine and aged garlic extracts.
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View largeDownload slide See Schoenen (doi: 10.1093/awv402 ) for a scientific commentary on this article. Migraine with aura is prevalent in high-altitude populations, suggesting an association with hypoxia. Arngrim et al. show that experimental hypoxia provokes migraine attacks in patients with a history of migraine with aura, and triggers dilation of cranial arteries. Using hypoxia to trigger aura will aid investigation of the underlying mechanisms. View largeDownload slide See Schoenen (doi: 10.1093/awv402 ) for a scientific commentary on this article. Migraine with aura is prevalent in high-altitude populations, suggesting an association with hypoxia. Arngrim et al. show that experimental hypoxia provokes migraine attacks in patients with a history of migraine with aura, and triggers dilation of cranial arteries. Using hypoxia to trigger aura will aid investigation of the underlying mechanisms.
Full-text available
Migraine is a collection of perplexing neurological conditions in which the brain and its associated tissues have been implicated as major players during an attack. Once considered exclusively a disorder of blood vessels, compelling evidence has led to the realization that migraine represents a highly choreographed interaction between major inputs from both the peripheral and central nervous systems, with the trigeminovascular system and the cerebral cortex among the main players. Advances in in vivo and in vitro technologies have informed us about the significance to migraine of events such as cortical spreading depression and activation of the trigeminovascular system and its constituent neuropeptides, as well as about the importance of neuronal and glial ion channels and transporters that contribute to the putative cortical excitatory/inhibitory imbalance that renders migraineurs susceptible to an attack. This review focuses on emerging concepts that drive the science of migraine in both a mechanistic direction and a therapeutic direction. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Physiology Volume 75 is February 10, 2013. Please see for revised estimates.
Background: Impaired oxygen utilization and cerebrovascular dysfunction are implicated in migraine. High-flow oxygen is effective in cluster headache and has shown promise in animal models of migraine, but has not been adequately studied in patients with migraine. Methods: In this randomized, crossover-design, placebo-controlled trial, adult migraineurs self-administered high-flow oxygen or medical air at 10-15 l/min via face mask in blinded fashion starting soon after symptom onset for 30 minutes, for a total of four migraine attacks. Participants recorded the severity of headache, nausea, and visual symptoms on visual analog scales periodically up to 60 minutes. Results: We enrolled 22 individuals (mean age 36 years, 20 women) who self-treated 64 migraine attacks (33 oxygen, 31 air). The pre-specified primary endpoint (mean decrease in pain score from baseline to 30 minutes) was 1.38 ± 1.42 in oxygen-treated and 1.22 ± 1.61 in air-treated attacks (p = 0.674). Oxygen therapy resulted in relief (severity score 0-1) of pain (24% versus 6%, p = 0.05), nausea (42% versus 23%, p = 0.08) and visual symptoms (36% versus 7%, p = 0.004) at 60 minutes. Exploratory analysis showed that in moderately severe attacks (baseline pain score <6), pain relief was achieved in six of 13 (46%) oxygen versus one of 15 (7%) air (p = 0.02). Gas therapy was used per protocol in 91% of attacks. There were no significant adverse events. Conclusion: High-flow oxygen may be a feasible and safe strategy to treat acute migraine. Further studies are required to determine if this relatively inexpensive, widely available treatment can be used as an adjunct or alternative migraine therapy.
Background: Given the high prevalence and clinical impact of high-altitude headache (HAH), a better understanding of risk factors and headache characteristics may give new insights into the understanding of hypoxia being a trigger for HAH or even migraine attacks. Methods: In this prospective trial, we simulated high altitude (4500 m) by controlled normobaric hypoxia (FiO2 = 12.6%) to investigate acute mountain sickness (AMS) and headache characteristics. Clinical symptoms of AMS according to the Lake Louise Scoring system (LLS) were recorded before and after six and 12 hours in hypoxia. O2 saturation was measured using pulse oximetry at the respective time points. History of primary headache, especially episodic or chronic migraine, was a strict exclusion criterion. Findings: In total 77 volunteers (43 (55.8%) males, 34 (44.2%) females) were enrolled in this study. Sixty-three (81.18%) and 40 (71.4%) participants developed headache at six or 12 hours, respectively, with height and SpO2 being significantly different between headache groups at six hours (p < 0.05). Binary logistic regression model revealed a significant association of SpO2 and headache development (p < 0.05, OR 1.123, 95% CI 1.001-1.259). In a subgroup of participants, with history of migraine being a strict exclusion criterion, hypoxia triggered migraine-like headache according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3 beta) in n = 5 (8%) or n = 6 (15%), at six and 12 hours, respectively. Interpretation: Normobaric hypoxia is a trigger for HAH and migraine-like headache attacks even in healthy volunteers without any history of migraine. Our study confirms the pivotal role of hypoxia in the development of AMS and beyond that suggests hypoxia may be involved in migraine pathophysiology.
Spreading depression (SD) is a transient wave of near-complete neuronal and glial depolarization associated with massive transmembrane ionic and water shifts. It is evolutionarily conserved in the central nervous systems of a wide variety of species from locust to human. The depolarization spreads slowly at a rate of only millimeters per minute by way of grey matter contiguity, irrespective of functional or vascular divisions, and lasts up to a minute in otherwise normal tissue. As such, SD is a radically different breed of electrophysiological activity compared with everyday neural activity, such as action potentials and synaptic transmission. Seventy years after its discovery by Leão, the mechanisms of SD and its profound metabolic and hemodynamic effects are still debated. What we did learn of consequence, however, is that SD plays a central role in the pathophysiology of a number of diseases including migraine, ischemic stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, and traumatic brain injury. An intriguing overlap among them is that they are all neurovascular disorders. Therefore, the interplay between neurons and vascular elements is critical for our understanding of the impact of this homeostatic breakdown in patients. The challenges of translating experimental data into human pathophysiology notwithstanding, this review provides a detailed account of bidirectional interactions between brain parenchyma and the cerebral vasculature during SD and puts this in the context of neurovascular diseases. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.
Peri-infarct depolarizations (PIDs) are seemingly spontaneous spreading depression-like waves that negatively impact tissue outcome in both experimental and human stroke. Factors triggering PIDs are unknown. Here, we show that somatosensory activation of peri-infarct cortex triggers PIDs when the activated cortex is within a critical range of ischemia. We show that the mechanism involves increased oxygen utilization within the activated cortex, worsening the supply-demand mismatch. We support the concept by clinical data showing that mismatch predisposes stroke patients to PIDs as well. Conversely, transient worsening of mismatch by episodic hypoxemia or hypotension also reproducibly triggers PIDs. Therefore, PIDs are triggered upon supply-demand mismatch transients in metastable peri-infarct hot zones due to increased demand or reduced supply. Based on the data, we propose that minimizing sensory stimulation and hypoxic or hypotensive transients in stroke and brain injury would reduce PID incidence and their adverse impact on outcome. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A LARGE body of clinical and experimental studies have illuminated some of the bodily changes which take place during an attack of migraine.1 The pain of this headache is known to arise from dilated arteries either inside or outside the head or both. Certain of the preheadache phenomena have been studied and have been shown to be the result of cerebral vasoconstriction. It is the purpose of this paper to describe further experiments which have been carried out in an attempt to clarify the nature of the vasoconstrictor and vasodilator phases of the attack. EFFECTS OF CARBON DIOXIDE-OXYGEN MIXTURE GIVEN DURING PREHEADACHE (VASOCONSTRICTOR) STAGE Certain of the preheadache phenomena have been shown to be the result of vasoconstriction in strategic areas of the brain or retina. A physician who had loss of segments of his visual fields prior to headache was able transiently to restore his vision to normal