
"Cozinhas para microapartamentos: estudo e proposta de mobiliário modular"

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Abstract and Figures

This dissertation proposes a modular furniture design for micro-apartment kitchens which, composed by a small number of modules, provides a variety of solutions that meet both the demands imposed by spatial constraints inherent to this kind of furniture and also the needs of individual users. To reach this objective, the theoretical foundation is based on aspects regarding the micro-apartments, such as the assumptions for their appearance and the characterization of their dwellers; the kitchen, including its historical evolution as well as its standards, norms and furniture ergonomic recommendations; and the micro-apartment kitchen, whose spatial features and usage needs are investigated. Supported by this information, the development of the proposal starts with the establishment of new height standards for the kitchen countertop, once it has been found that the current market standards do not provide proper levels of ergonomic satisfaction to a large number of users, then, the proposal focuses on the dimensioning of the modules and, finally, it brings the simulation of application and usage of this system design. It is concluded that the system herein proposed reaches its objectives, however, further usability tests are needed. Keywords: design; kitchen; microapartament; modular furniture; ergonomics. / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo propor um sistema de mobiliário modular para cozinhas de microapartamentos que, composto por um pequeno número de módulos, ofereça variadas soluções que visam atender tanto às demandas causadas pelas restrições espaciais inerentes a esses imóveis como às necessidades de uso individuais dos utilizadores. Para isso, busca-se fundamentação teórica em aspetos relacionados aos microapartamentos, como as premissas para seu surgimento e a caracterização de seus moradores; à cozinha, observando-se sua evolução histórica bem como os padrões, normas e recomendações ergonómicas para seu mobiliário; e à cozinha do microapartamento, investigando-se suas características espaciais e necessidades de uso. Com base nessas informações, o desenvolvimento da proposta inicia-se na definição de novos padrões de altura de bancada de trabalho, uma vez constatado que os atuais padrões do mercado não oferecem adequados níveis de satisfação ergonómica a uma grande parcela dos utilizadores, passando-se para o dimensionamento dos módulos e finalizando-se com a simulação de aplicação e utilização desse sistema. Conclui-se que o sistema aqui proposto atinge os objetivos, entretanto, necessitando de testes de usabilidade mais apurados. Palavras-chave: design; cozinha; microapartamento; mobiliário modular; ergonomia.
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The role of kitchen area in the house environment has been changing over the course of history. The changes concerned the share of kitchen space in apartment functional structure, as well as the course of everyday chores. Currently, as well as in the past, kitchen areas remain placed either in separate rooms, or they constitute a part of a bigger space (usually the living room). At present, two characteristic domestic kitchen models are preferred: “laboratory” and multifunctional (with a dining room). The space limitations, especially in multi-family housing, favored the “laboratory” kitchen model, or so-called partial kitchens in living rooms. Technical progress enabled creating various types of small kitchen areas, which are adjusted to diverse needs of users, according to their lifestyle. Kitchen areas are crucial places for completing various household chores. Among everyday duties performed in the kitchen there are: preparing meals, doing the washing up and cleaning up. Those chores frequently are technologically complicated activities. In order to perform them more efficiently, household members use various devices and home appliances. Conducting of chores, storing the appliances and food products etc., requires a vast share of the apartment structure. Providing sufficiently big maneuver and storage spaces is particularly difficult in small kitchens. Shortages in available space may have a negative influence on, among others, the correct layout of working space or ease of movement in small kitchens. The following paper concentrates on the evolution and examples of types of small kitchens, as well as selected rules concerning the improvement of conditions of their arrangements.
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The link between the kitchen and the image of a professional housewife was established in the first half of the twentieth century when industrial efficiency pervaded every aspect of society, including the privacy of the home. However, the initial application of efficiency principles in the home had been realised at an earlier stage by the introduction of more efficient means of communication between 'upstairs' and 'downstairs' in nineteenth-century upper-class households. The subsequent shortage of servants propelled all kinds of initiatives, not only collective district kitchens and apartment hotels, but also efficient kitchen designs fit for lonesome heroines, being middle-class housewives. The efficiency of step-saving kitchen designs, however, was thwarted by the position of the kitchen in the back of the house and the omission of a separate supplier's entrance. The absence of a separate supplier's entrance to the kitchen in combination with a provisioning system of daily door-to-door delivery forced housewives to run up and down the hallway to answer the door for suppliers and bill-collectors. In a period roughly between the late 1960s and the early 1980s the traditional floorplans of middle-class houses were restructured, inspired by the then-modern ideal of open plan living. The creation of spacious living freed women from their isolated position in the kitchen. Not only the outlook of kitchen cabinets was adjusted to the homey style of the living, but also kitchen duties were adjusted and integrated into a shared homelife on the ground floor. In this family theatre actors competed for visibility and applause.
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Domestic kitchen area is the most important, most intensely used functional area in the apartment. With regard to laboratory nature of kitchen works, equipment and users of different age and physical fitness, kitchen is a potentially dangerous place. From the beginning of its existence kitchen has influenced family integration and socialization processes. For centuries the kitchen area has been changing its equipment, shape and location with regard to other rooms in a home. The appearance of ergonomics and anthropometry sciences made it possible to do a research, in order to simplify kitchen work. American housewives initiated an improvement of the kitchen area. The technical progress enabled an infiltration of functional areas, an integration of equipment functions and their grouping, which is seen in models of the open kitchen and the island-shaped kitchen. The evolution of domestic kitchen is a constant process, and because of that fact, it needs to be ergonomically analyzed. It is necessary to take into consideration the ergonomic criteria of both planning and correcting the existing kitchen solutions. Ergonomic education of statistic user contributes to the reduction of accidents and the facilitation of kitchen work.
How big are people nowadays? How far can we reach? How strongly can we push our pull? How does our body develop muscle strength? What are our work capabilities? How can we measure and judge them? How can we design equipment and tasks to make work easy and effective? These and other information are available at the 4th edition of 'Engineering Physiology'. The text discusses, in practical terms, effects of environmental conditions and how shift work arrangements during day, evening, and night affect task performance. The 4th edition of 'Engineering Physiology' does not require extensive background knowledge from the reader, just interest - and it is interesting to read!
Taking an analytical approach, this thesis will address how the unmet housing need of urban single-person households can be rectified by the introduction of micro-apartments. The existing housing stock has been built largely based on the needs of a historically stable demand for family housing. By 2025, the number of single households will equal the number of households containing families with children. Given the remarkable increase in single-person households over the past few decades, a significant gap has formed in the availability of properly priced housing to meet the needs of people who would prefer to live alone. This affordability gap is an opportunity for cities to take strain off of family housing, stimulate the economy, and create innovative housing types that satisfy the needs of their fastest growing demographic. With land and labor costs at an all-time high, apartments with less square footage-micro-apartments- are a viable solution to filling the supply gap for single-person households. This thesis first analyzes this mismatch between supply and demand; introduces micro-apartments as a logical approach to ease the strain on housing; evaluates barriers and alternative theories that delay the implementation of this logical solution; and finally, makes recommendations for planners and policymakers to successfully add micro-apartments to their menu of housing options. The growth in single-person households with various levels of income indicates a significant demand for small units of modest means. Micro-apartments offer the opportunity to live alone to a variety of people, including new arrivals to cities, young professionals, and people at transitional stages in life such as a recent divorcée or a young couple. By offering housing to these segments of demand, micro-apartments will implicitly lessen the strain of existing housing stock intended for families.
A built-in kitchen unit from the Unité d'Habitation, Marseilles, France, Cuisine Atelier Le Corbusier, type 1, designed by Charlotte Perriand in cooperation with the Atelier Le Corbusier, is described. A total of 321 apartments of the Unité were furnished with this kitchen. In order to define an effective treatment plan and to acknowledge the importance of this kitchen, extensive research was essential. The analytical results, the decision-making process, and the ongoing conservation treatment of the kitchen unit now in the collection of Die Neue Sammlung, Munich, are presented.
Resumo Os painéis de madeira são estruturas fabricadas com madeiras em lâminas ou em diferentes estágios de desagregação que, aglutinadas pela ação de pressão, de temperatura e da utilização de resinas, são novamen-te agregadas visando à manufatura. A principal vantagem desse tipo de produto é a aplicação como substituto da escassa e encarecida madeira maciça em diferentes usos, como na fabricação de móveis, portas, pisos e rodapés. O mercado brasileiro de painéis de madeira está em processo de consolidação e apresenta grande dinamismo, sobretudo no segmento de MDF, cujo consumo cresce a taxas bastante acima da taxa média de crescimento do setor. Se, de um lado, o cenário promissor propiciou in-vestimentos sucessivos em aumento de capacidade instalada nos últimos anos, de outro fortaleceu o setor de painéis de madeira em detrimento da pulverizada indústria moveleira. * Respectivamente, chefe, gerente e economista do Departamento de Indústria de Papel e Celulose da Área de Insumos Básicos do BNDES. BNDES Setorial 32, p. 49-90 Painéis de Madeira Panorama de mercado: painéis de madeira 50 Introdução O setor de painéis de madeira brasileiro apresenta grande dinamis-mo, refl exo da inequívoca competitividade do setor fl orestal brasileiro e da qualidade e da ampla aceitação do produto nacional no mercado doméstico. Nesse contexto, o apoio fi nanceiro do BNDES na implanta-ção, na modernização e no aumento de escala, bem como nos plantios fl orestais, vem se mostrando importante, o que aumenta a relevância do bom entendimento acerca dos mecanismos que movem o setor. O presente trabalho foi dividido em cinco seções, incluindo esta intro-dução. A segunda seção trata da caracterização técnica do setor, incluindo produtos, processos de fabricação e aspectos inerentes ao mercado e à competitividade do setor. Em seguida, apresenta-se uma análise do mer-cado mundial, na terceira seção, e do mercado nacional, na quarta seção. Na quinta seção, realizam-se as perspectivas para o setor, considerando-se dois cenários: um referencial, com base nas expectativas da associação de classe do setor, e outro um pouco mais conservador.
Conflicting recommendations exist on optimal kitchen working surface heights for the British housowife. This study sets out the results of an investigation into the relevant anthropometric dimensions and work surface height preferences of 56 adult British women. Subjects performed selected activities both in the standing and the seated position at a work station that could be raised or lowered to accord with the subjects* preferences. The results indicate that:there were significant correlations between elbow height and preferred work surface heights, both standing and seated;preferences for work surface heights differed, therefore, not only between subjects of different stature, but for the different activities performed.
As long as we continue to think about building kitchens, all is not lost, and old-fashioned devotees of the traditional dinner table can continue to look forward to leaving a stressful morning of work for a warm mid-afternoon meal with the family followed by a brief siesta. As long as the children are not being fed at daycare or in the school lunchroom, while their parents satisfy their hunger in the cafeteria at work or polish off a sandwich at their desks. Today hardly anyone knows why church bells ring at eleven in the morning: to remind housewives that it is time to start cooking.
Individuals planning a kitchen today deal with exclusive manufacturers and fancy designer names, engage in precious materials, surface textures, and high-tech appliances. The kitchen has become a showpiece and status symbol. Grappling with norms and standards is unimaginable in this day and age. In the late fifties and sixties, however, the question of standardized norms was a core issue in kitchen architecture in Switzerland. At that time, in Europe, Switzerland was at the fore in implementing a uniform authoritive norm. But it was also particular and thoroughly pugnacious when discussing issues such as a defined centimeter because the Swiss norm still differs from foreign dimensions by five centimeters (a little under two inches). Within Europe, Swiss kitchen and appliance manufacturers held on to their “extra bit” for decades — a piece of Swiss industrial history that in the era of globalization sounds even more exotic than it was at the time.
“For thousands of years, the kitchen hearth was the center of the household; it was the place where everyone sat, thought, and planned, and where the woman of the house was more than just a cook. Certainly, we should not wallow in false romanticism and dream of a return of the ‘cozy hearth.’ But the modern kitchen — with all its technological fittings, its rationally conceived interior design, and all of the advantages of our scientific age — can also be the heart of a dwelling, giving nourishment not just to the body but to the soul and spirit.”1
In this paper, we argue that in order to create spaces and technologies that people will want to use you need to disarticulate the domestic from the digital. One way to do this involves complicating our understanding of the kitchen, moving beyond seeing it as a collection of wires, appliances and internet points to thinking about it as a space in which people really live. To accomplish this end, we unpack the imagining of the smart house, thereby creating a context and genealogy within which current and past research can be rendered intelligible. The trajectory from the display houses of tomorrow to the current narratives about smart houses is one that ultimately conflates the domestic with the industrial, and leaves little room to imagine real lives within those engineered confines. The "smart kitchen" is, in turn, embedded within the smart house and also presupposes a digital lifestyle. Throughout this paper, we draw on research conducted by researchers at MIT's Media Lab and Intel's Corporate Technology Group.
An investigation is described to ascertain optimum work surface heights in the kitchen, using several ergonomic techniques.
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