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1Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. 2Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada. 3Geological Institute, ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland. 4Department of Geological Sciences and Land Use and Environmental Change
Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA. 5Natural Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin–Superior, Superior, WI, USA. 6Independent
Scholar, Columbus, OH, USA. 7Deceased: Mark Pagani. *e-mail: peter.douglas@mcgill.ca
Soil carbon is the largest terrestrial carbon reservoir (approxi-
mately 1,500 PgC)1,2, and there is concern that it is being desta-
bilized by climate and land-use change2–4. Tropical forests
contain about 30% of global soil carbon (~470 Pg), of which about
half is contained in subsoils below organic-rich topsoils (typically
> 20–30 cm depth)1,2,5. Radiocarbon data indicate that tropical for-
est subsoils contain a sizeable proportion of slow-cycling carbon
that persists for thousands of years6–8. Tropical forest soil carbon is
at an especially high risk of destabilization because of widespread
deforestation over the past 50 years3,9, but the long-term impact of
land-cover change on the persistence of carbon in subsoils remains
poorly constrained10.
Ancient Maya land use provides an opportunity to evaluate the
long-term effects of deforestation on carbon cycling in tropical
forests. The low-elevation tropical forests of southeastern Mexico
and northern Central America—the Maya Lowlands (Fig. 1)—
sustained large human populations between approximately 2,500
and 1,000 yr 11, and ancient Maya urbanization and agriculture
led to widespread deforestation and soil erosion12–15. Furthermore,
because the Lowland Maya population declined substantially dur-
ing the Terminal Classic period (roughly 1,250 to 1,100 yr ), and
following the Spanish conquest (~450 to 350 yr )11, the Maya
Lowlands also experienced lengthy periods of reduced land-use
intensity. Previous studies applied palynological and sedimentologi-
cal methods to infer the response of forests in the Maya Lowlands to
land-use change12,13,15–17, but did not evaluate soil carbon dynamics.
In this study we measured radiocarbon (14C) in long-chain
(C26, C28, C30 and C32) n-alkanoic acids, which are derived from the
cuticular waxes of terrestrial vascular plants18 (referred to as plant
waxes), in sediment cores from three lakes in the Maya Lowlands:
Chichancanab, Salpeten and Itzan (Fig. 1; see Methods). Stable iso-
tope data confirm that the plant waxes in sediments from these
lakes are derived from terrestrial plants19,20 (see Methods), and wax
production does not vary substantially among the angiosperm
trees and grasses present in these catchments21. We defined the
mean soil transit time of plant waxes (MTTwax) as the mean age
of plant waxes that are transported from soils to lake sediments
at a given point in time22, which we calculated as the difference
between the age of plant waxes in sediments and the age of the sedi-
ment horizon in which they were buried. Sediment horizon ages
were estimated by 14C analysis of plant macrofossils (see Methods).
Previous studies of plant wax 14C values indicated that these mol-
ecules are representative of slow-cycling soil carbon pools in ter-
restrial ecosystems23–26, and that MTTwax values in sediment cores
serve as an indicator of changes in the persistence of soil carbon
across a catchment through time27–29.
Plant wax 14C in sediments reflects subsoil carbon age
We compared 14C measurements of plant waxes and bulk soil
organic carbon (SOC) in soils from the Lake Chichancanab catch-
ment to inform our interpretation of changes in MTTwax in the sedi-
ment cores: Δ
14C values for plant waxes and bulk SOC are within
error for three of seven samples, while for the remainder they differ
by as much as 51‰ (Fig. 2). Negative Δ
14C values in subsoil samples
(≥ 20 cm depth) indicate that subsoil carbon is, on average, hun-
dreds of years old. In subsoil samples, plant wax Δ
14C is either
within error or higher than that of bulk SOC, with 14C ages of plant
waxes as much as 380 years younger than bulk SOC ages. Plant
waxes are generally considered a recalcitrant fraction of soil car-
bon26, and soils in which bulk SOC is older than plant waxes proba-
bly contain other forms of recalcitrant carbon, such as black carbon
or petrogenic carbon30. Plant waxes exhibit progressively lower
14C in deeper soils (Fig. 2), whereas bulk SOC Δ
14C exhibits a less
consistent pattern with soil depth. This probably reflects local-scale
A long-term decrease in the persistence of soil
carbon caused by ancient Maya land use
Peter M. J. Douglas 1,2*, Mark Pagani1,7, Timothy I. Eglinton 3, Mark Brenner4, Jason H. Curtis4,
Andy Breckenridge5 and Kevin Johnston6
The long-term effects of deforestation on tropical forest soil carbon reservoirs are important for estimating the consequences
of land use on the global carbon cycle, but are poorly understood. The Maya Lowlands of Mexico and Guatemala provide a unique
opportunity to assess this question, given the widespread deforestation by the ancient Maya that began ~4,000 years ago.
Here, we compare radiocarbon ages of plant waxes and macrofossils in sediment cores from three lakes in the Maya Lowlands
to record past changes in the mean soil transit time of plant waxes (MTTwax). MTTwax indicates the average age of plant waxes
that are transported from soils to lake sediments, and comparison of radiocarbon data from soils and lake sediments within
the same catchment indicates that MTTwax reflects the age of carbon in deep soils. All three sediment cores showed a decrease
in MTTwax, ranging from 2,300 to 800 years, over the past 3,500 years. This decrease in MTTwax, indicating shorter storage
times for carbon in lake catchment soils, is associated with evidence for ancient Maya deforestation. MTTwax never recovered to
pre-deforestation values, despite subsequent reforestation, implying that current tropical deforestation will have long-lasting
effects on soil carbon sinks.
NATURE GEOSCIENCE | VOL 11 | SEPTEMBER 2018 | 645–649 | www.nature.com/naturegeoscience 645
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