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A long-term decrease in the persistence of soil carbon caused by ancient Maya land use

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Nature Geoscience
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Abstract and Figures

The long-term effects of deforestation on tropical forest soil carbon reservoirs are important for estimating the consequences of land use on the global carbon cycle, but are poorly understood. The Maya Lowlands of Mexico and Guatemala provide a unique opportunity to assess this question, given the widespread deforestation by the ancient Maya that began ~4,000 years ago. Here, we compare radiocarbon ages of plant waxes and macrofossils in sediment cores from three lakes in the Maya Lowlands to record past changes in the mean soil transit time of plant waxes (MTTwax). MTTwax indicates the average age of plant waxes that are transported from soils to lake sediments, and comparison of radiocarbon data from soils and lake sediments within the same catchment indicates that MTTwax reflects the age of carbon in deep soils. All three sediment cores showed a decrease in MTTwax, ranging from 2,300 to 800 years, over the past 3,500 years. This decrease in MTTwax, indicating shorter storage times for carbon in lake catchment soils, is associated with evidence for ancient Maya deforestation. MTTwax never recovered to pre-deforestation values, despite subsequent reforestation, implying that current tropical deforestation will have long-lasting effects on soil carbon sinks.
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1Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. 2Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada. 3Geological Institute, ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland. 4Department of Geological Sciences and Land Use and Environmental Change
Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA. 5Natural Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin–Superior, Superior, WI, USA. 6Independent
Scholar, Columbus, OH, USA. 7Deceased: Mark Pagani. *e-mail:
Soil carbon is the largest terrestrial carbon reservoir (approxi-
mately 1,500 PgC)1,2, and there is concern that it is being desta-
bilized by climate and land-use change24. Tropical forests
contain about 30% of global soil carbon (~470 Pg), of which about
half is contained in subsoils below organic-rich topsoils (typically
> 20–30 cm depth)1,2,5. Radiocarbon data indicate that tropical for-
est subsoils contain a sizeable proportion of slow-cycling carbon
that persists for thousands of years68. Tropical forest soil carbon is
at an especially high risk of destabilization because of widespread
deforestation over the past 50 years3,9, but the long-term impact of
land-cover change on the persistence of carbon in subsoils remains
poorly constrained10.
Ancient Maya land use provides an opportunity to evaluate the
long-term effects of deforestation on carbon cycling in tropical
forests. The low-elevation tropical forests of southeastern Mexico
and northern Central America—the Maya Lowlands (Fig. 1)—
sustained large human populations between approximately 2,500
and 1,000 yr 11, and ancient Maya urbanization and agriculture
led to widespread deforestation and soil erosion1215. Furthermore,
because the Lowland Maya population declined substantially dur-
ing the Terminal Classic period (roughly 1,250 to 1,100 yr ), and
following the Spanish conquest (~450 to 350 yr )11, the Maya
Lowlands also experienced lengthy periods of reduced land-use
intensity. Previous studies applied palynological and sedimentologi-
cal methods to infer the response of forests in the Maya Lowlands to
land-use change12,13,1517, but did not evaluate soil carbon dynamics.
In this study we measured radiocarbon (14C) in long-chain
(C26, C28, C30 and C32) n-alkanoic acids, which are derived from the
cuticular waxes of terrestrial vascular plants18 (referred to as plant
waxes), in sediment cores from three lakes in the Maya Lowlands:
Chichancanab, Salpeten and Itzan (Fig. 1; see Methods). Stable iso-
tope data confirm that the plant waxes in sediments from these
lakes are derived from terrestrial plants19,20 (see Methods), and wax
production does not vary substantially among the angiosperm
trees and grasses present in these catchments21. We defined the
mean soil transit time of plant waxes (MTTwax) as the mean age
of plant waxes that are transported from soils to lake sediments
at a given point in time22, which we calculated as the difference
between the age of plant waxes in sediments and the age of the sedi-
ment horizon in which they were buried. Sediment horizon ages
were estimated by 14C analysis of plant macrofossils (see Methods).
Previous studies of plant wax 14C values indicated that these mol-
ecules are representative of slow-cycling soil carbon pools in ter-
restrial ecosystems2326, and that MTTwax values in sediment cores
serve as an indicator of changes in the persistence of soil carbon
across a catchment through time2729.
Plant wax 14C in sediments reflects subsoil carbon age
We compared 14C measurements of plant waxes and bulk soil
organic carbon (SOC) in soils from the Lake Chichancanab catch-
ment to inform our interpretation of changes in MTTwax in the sedi-
ment cores: Δ
14C values for plant waxes and bulk SOC are within
error for three of seven samples, while for the remainder they differ
by as much as 51‰ (Fig. 2). Negative Δ
14C values in subsoil samples
( 20 cm depth) indicate that subsoil carbon is, on average, hun-
dreds of years old. In subsoil samples, plant wax Δ
14C is either
within error or higher than that of bulk SOC, with 14C ages of plant
waxes as much as 380 years younger than bulk SOC ages. Plant
waxes are generally considered a recalcitrant fraction of soil car-
bon26, and soils in which bulk SOC is older than plant waxes proba-
bly contain other forms of recalcitrant carbon, such as black carbon
or petrogenic carbon30. Plant waxes exhibit progressively lower
14C in deeper soils (Fig. 2), whereas bulk SOC Δ
14C exhibits a less
consistent pattern with soil depth. This probably reflects local-scale
A long-term decrease in the persistence of soil
carbon caused by ancient Maya land use
Peter M. J. Douglas 1,2*, Mark Pagani1,7, Timothy I. Eglinton 3, Mark Brenner4, Jason H. Curtis4,
Andy Breckenridge5 and Kevin Johnston6
The long-term effects of deforestation on tropical forest soil carbon reservoirs are important for estimating the consequences
of land use on the global carbon cycle, but are poorly understood. The Maya Lowlands of Mexico and Guatemala provide a unique
opportunity to assess this question, given the widespread deforestation by the ancient Maya that began ~4,000 years ago.
Here, we compare radiocarbon ages of plant waxes and macrofossils in sediment cores from three lakes in the Maya Lowlands
to record past changes in the mean soil transit time of plant waxes (MTTwax). MTTwax indicates the average age of plant waxes
that are transported from soils to lake sediments, and comparison of radiocarbon data from soils and lake sediments within
the same catchment indicates that MTTwax reflects the age of carbon in deep soils. All three sediment cores showed a decrease
in MTTwax, ranging from 2,300 to 800 years, over the past 3,500 years. This decrease in MTTwax, indicating shorter storage
times for carbon in lake catchment soils, is associated with evidence for ancient Maya deforestation. MTTwax never recovered to
pre-deforestation values, despite subsequent reforestation, implying that current tropical deforestation will have long-lasting
effects on soil carbon sinks.
NATURE GEOSCIENCE | VOL 11 | SEPTEMBER 2018 | 645–649 | 645
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... In particular, compound-specific radiocarbon measurements of long-chain fatty acids, or leaf waxes, have been widely used as an indicator of the mean age or transit time of plant-derived carbon in sediments (Douglas et al., 2014;Galy and Eglinton, 2011;Vonk et al., 2019). Leafwax radiocarbon ages in large river catchments are linked to global-scale variability in soil carbon residence time , and have been used to trace changes in soil carbon storage related to climatic or anthropogenic environmental change (Douglas et al., 2018;Gierga et al., 2016;Hein et al., 2020;Schefuß et al., 2016). Additionally, short-chain fatty acids such as palmitic acid are produced by a wider range of organisms, including microbes and algae, but their 14 C measurements can likewise be a valuable indicator of the mean age or transit time of labile organic molecules, including microbial biomass (Grant et al., 2022;Makou et al., 2018). ...
... Gathering data from a broader range of tropical ecosystems is important given that tropical soils are a large carbon reservoir, and because anthropogenic deforestation and climate change can destabilize these reservoirs and release long-stored soil carbon (Douglas et al., 2018;Gierga et al., 2016;Hein et al., 2020;Schefuß et al., 2016). Most available data are from the mouths of ...
... Better understanding of this transfer is critical for quantifying freshwater sediment carbon burial, and the extent to which it is independent of, or an extension of soil carbon storage (Berhe et al., 2007;Tan et al., 2020). In addition, stratigraphic data from lake sediment cores comparing the 14 C ages of FAMEs, bulk organic matter, and/or plant macrofossils can be informative in understanding how aged soil carbon burial in lake sediments varies in response to climatic and anthropogenic environmental change (Douglas et al., 2018;Gierga et al., 2016;Nakamura et al., 2016;Obrochta et al., 2018). ...
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The ¹⁴C content of sedimentary organic matter (OM) and specific organic molecules provide valuable information on the source and age of OM stored in sediments, but these data are limited for tropical fluvial and lake sediments. We analyzed ¹⁴C in bulk OM, palmitic acid (C16), and long‐chain n‐alkanoic acids (C24, C26, and C28), within fluvial and lake sediments in the catchment of Lake Izabal, a large tectonic lake basin in Guatemala. We combined these measurements with bulk and compound‐specific δ¹³C measurements, as well as sediment organic carbon to nitrogen (OC:N) ratios, to understand the source and age of sedimentary OM in different regions of the lake catchment. Most fatty acid and bulk OM samples were characterized by pre‐modern carbon, indicating important input of aged carbon with residence times of hundreds to thousands of years into sediments. We identified two mechanisms leading to aged carbon export to sediments. In the high‐relief and deforested Polochic catchment, older OM and fatty acids are associated with low % total organic carbon (TOC) and low OC:N, indicating aged OM associated with eroded mineral soil. In the smaller, low‐relief, and largely forested Oscuro catchment, old OM and fatty acids are associated with high %TOC and high OC:N ratios, indicating export of undegraded aged plant biomass from swamp peat. The age of bulk OM and fatty acids in Lake Izabal sediments is similar to the ages observed in fluvial sediments, implying that fluvial input of aged soil carbon makes an important contribution to lake sediment carbon reservoirs in this large tropical lake.
... In marine, riverine, and lacustrine systems, compound-specific radiocarbon analysis (CSRA) has been used to monitor the degradation of organic carbon through the marine water column (Loh et al., 2004), characterize marine particulate OC (Hwang and Druffel, 2003), constrain terrestrial OC burial and export from river systems (Galy et al., 2008(Galy et al., , 2015Repasch et al., 2021, Smittenberg et al., 2004, and determine the effect of OC export and burial on precipitation patterns and climate (Hein et al., 2020;Eglinton et al., 2021). Different types of compounds, including plant or microbial lipid biomarkers (Douglas et al., 2018;Huang et al., 1996), amino acids (Bour et al., 2016;Blattmann et al., 2020), lignin (Feng et al., 2013(Feng et al., , 2017, certain carbohydrate compounds (Kuzyakov et al., 2014;Gleixner, 2013), and pyrogenic or black carbon (Coppola et al., 2018), can be isolated and analyzed for 14 C, leading to a more detailed understanding of the cycling of targeted compounds in the environment. ...
... Recently, CSRA approaches developed for these environments have been applied to soil, showing promise for identifying the distinct ages of plant and microbial biomarkers in SOC Grant et al., 2022;Van Der Voort et al., 2017;Jia et al., 2023;Douglas et al., 2018). Most of these CSRA studies applied to SOC have targeted specific, individual biomarkers in soils, which generally contribute less than 5 % to the entire carbon pool (Lützow et al., 2006;Kögel-Knabner, 2002). ...
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a large, dynamic reservoir composed of a complex mixture of plant- and microbe-derived compounds with a wide distribution of cycling timescales and mechanisms. The distinct residence times of individual carbon components within this reservoir depend on a combination of factors, including compound reactivity, mineral association, and climate conditions. To better constrain SOC dynamics, bulk radiocarbon measurements are commonly used to trace biosphere inputs into soils and to estimate timescales of SOC cycling. However, understanding the mechanisms driving the persistence of organic compounds in bulk soil requires analyses of SOC pools that can be linked to plant sources and microbial transformation processes. Here, we adapt approaches, previously developed for marine sediments, to isolate organic compound classes from soils for radiocarbon (14C) analysis. We apply these methods to a soil profile from an annual grassland in Hopland, California (USA), to assess changes in SOC persistence with depth (down to 1 m). We measured the radiocarbon values of water-extractable organic carbon (WEOC), total lipid extracts (TLEs), total hydrolyzable amino acids (AAs), and an acid-insoluble (AI) fraction from bulk and physically separated size fractions (< 2 mm, 2 mm–63 µm, and < 63 µm). Our results show that Δ14C values of bulk soil, size fractions, and extracted compound classes became more depleted with depth, and individual SOC components have distinct age–depth distributions that suggest distinguishable cycling rates. We found that AAs and TLEs cycle faster than the bulk soils and the AI fraction. The AI was the most 14C-depleted fraction, indicating that it is the most chemically inert in this soil. Our approach enables the isolation and measurement of SOC fractions that separate functionally distinct SOC pools that can cycle relatively quickly (e.g., plant and microbial residues) from more passive or inert SOC pools (associated with minerals or petrogenic) from bulk soils and soil physical fractions. With the effort to move beyond SOC bulk analysis, we find that compound class 14C analysis can improve our understanding of SOC cycling and disentangle the physical and chemical factors driving OC cycling rates and persistence.
... Among other hallmarks such as divine kingship, art, monumental architecture, hieroglyphic writing, and a detailed knowledge of math and astronomy, the Maya implemented various intensive agricultural strategies to support cities with populations in the tens of thousands for millennia. Maya agricultural and natural resource management, especially the utilization of soil resources, has been the subject of numerous previous investigations (Fedick, 1995;Dunning et al., 1998;Beach et al., 2006;Beach et al., 2002;Anselmetti et al., 2007;Scarborough et al., 2012;Douglas et al., 2015;Douglas et al., 2018;Walden et al., 2023). Nevertheless, our understanding of how the Maya adapted their agrosystems to specific, unique, and sometimes difficult regional soil conditions is still limited and warrants additional research to understand these processes more fully. ...
The soilmantle of the tropical karst landscapes of southernMexico was a key resource for ancient Maya agriculture and experienced deep transformation due to long-term human impacts under changing environmental conditions. We conducted a comparative analysis of three compound soil toposequences in mountainous (Sierra de Chiapas/Middle Usumacinta Valley, Busiljá, and Chinikihá archaeological sites) and platform (NE Yucatán Peninsula, Yalahau region) karst landscapes to reconstruct general tendencies and regional variations in pedodiversity development and soil–human interactions since the Early Preclassic Period. Toposequence characterization is based on macro- and micromorphological observations, accompanied by a suite of laboratory data. Calcareous upland geoforms of all toposequences have similar soil combinations consisting of shallow Rendzina and deep red clayey Terra Rossa types of profiles. We argue that Rendzinas, now dominant in the upland soil cover, in most cases, are not a product of incipient pedogenesis on limestone; they have developed from the residues of Terra Rossa soils after their advanced erosion. Pedosediments generated by ancient soil erosion have been found in the piedmont and depression positions in themountainous landscapes of Chiapas, as a result of lateral downslope soil removal, and in the subsurface karstic cavities in theplatform of NE Yucatán, indicating vertical “soil piping.” The soils of the lowland domains show contrasting differences between the toposequences: gleyic clay–rich soils and humic alluvial soils prevail in Chinikihá and Busiljá, whereas hydromorphic carbonate soils have formed in Yalahau karstic depressions. These differences in the lowland soil properties led to divergent ancient Maya land use strategies; in Chinikihá and Busiljá, the major agricultural domain was developed in the lowlands, implying largescale artificial drainage. On the contrary, in Yalahau, mostly upland Rendzinas were cultivated, implying “precision agriculture” and “container gardening.”
... Among other hallmarks such as divine kingship, art, monumental architecture, hieroglyphic writing, and a detailed knowledge of math and astronomy, the Maya implemented various intensive agricultural strategies to support cities with populations in the tens of thousands for millennia. Maya agricultural and natural resource management, especially the utilization of soil resources, has been the subject of numerous previous investigations (Fedick, 1995;Dunning et al., 1998;Beach et al., 2006;Beach et al., 2002;Anselmetti et al., 2007;Scarborough et al., 2012;Douglas et al., 2015;Douglas et al., 2018;Walden et al., 2023). Nevertheless, our understanding of how the Maya adapted their agrosystems to specific, unique, and sometimes difficult regional soil conditions is still limited and warrants additional research to understand these processes more fully. ...
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The soil mantle of the tropical karst landscapes of southern Mexico was a key resource for ancient Maya agriculture and experienced deep transformation due to long-term human impacts under changing environmental conditions. We conducted a comparative analysis of three compound soil toposequences in mountainous (Sierra de Chiapas/Middle Usumacinta Valley, Busiljá, and Chinikihá archaeological sites) and platform (NE Yucatán Peninsula, Yalahau region) karst landscapes to reconstruct general tendencies and regional variations in pedodiversity development and soil–human interactions since the Early Preclassic Period. Toposequence characterization is based on macro- and micromorphological observations, accompanied by a suite of laboratory data. Calcareous upland geoforms of all toposequences have similar soil combinations consisting of shallow Rendzina and deep red clayey Terra Rossa types of profiles. We argue that Rendzinas, now dominant in the upland soil cover, in most cases, are not a product of incipient pedogenesis on limestone; they have developed from the residues of Terra Rossa soils after their advanced erosion. Pedosediments generated by ancient soil erosion have been found in the piedmont and depression positions in the mountainous landscapes of Chiapas, as a result of lateral downslope soil removal, and in the subsurface karstic cavities in the platform of NE Yucatán, indicating vertical “soil piping.” The soils of the lowland domains show contrasting differences between the toposequences: gleyic clay–rich soils and humic alluvial soils prevail in Chinikihá and Busiljá, whereas hydromorphic carbonate soils have formed in Yalahau karstic depressions. These differences in the lowland soil properties led to divergent ancient Maya land use strategies; in Chinikihá and Busiljá, the major agricultural domain was developed in the lowlands, implying largescale artificial drainage. On the contrary, in Yalahau, mostly upland Rendzinas were cultivated, implying “precision agriculture” and “container gardening.”
... Compared to terrestrial macrofossils, which are assumed to be rapidly deposited in lakes (Hajdas et al. 1995), bulk organic carbon can be "pre-aged" because organic material accumulates in the catchment over hundreds to thousands of years. Consequently, bulk organic carbon is possibly too old when finally ending up in the lake, overestimating its "true" deposition age (Haberzettl et al. 2013;Wündsch et al. 2014;Gierga et al. 2016;Douglas et al. 2018;Haas et al. 2019). Moreover, lake sediments comprise organic material from terrestrial and aquatic sources and the radiocarbon ( 14 C)signal from aquatic contributions can additionally be affected by the so-called "hardwater effect" due to incorporation of carbonate from old calcareous bedrock and/or re-dissolved carbon from in-lake carbonate precipitation (Reinwarth et al. 2013). ...
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Although paleomagnetic secular variations (PSV) often corroborate radiocarbon ( ¹⁴ C)-based lacustrine sediment chronologies, this is not the case at the high-altitude site Khar Nuur in the Mongolian Altai Mountains. Our results show that the inclination pattern resembles those from a regional reference record from Shireet Naiman Nuur and global geomagnetic field models very well, but with a constant offset of 730 ± 90 yr. Possible reservoir effects from terrestrial pre-aging and hardwater effects can be excluded as the cause of the ∼730-yr offset because the different dated compounds correspond very well to each other, and modern reservoir effects are negligible. Instead, the constant ∼730-yr offset in the PSV pattern is likely the result of a constant lock-in depth of 26 ± 2 cm below the sediment-water interface at Khar Nuur. This assumption is supported by comparison of paleoclimatological proxies from Shireet Naiman Nuur, where similarities are obvious for the ¹⁴ C-based chronology of Khar Nuur without a ∼730-yr adjustment. Therefore, the previously published ¹⁴ C-based chronology of Khar Nuur provides a reliable age control. Accepting the lock-in depth of 26 ± 2 cm, the good consistency in inclination between Khar Nuur and global geomagnetic field models highlights the reliability of the latter even in a paleomagnetically understudied area.
... However, there is still debated whether ecological restoration could promote SOC storage because Douglas et al. (2018) observed that, even after 1000 years of ecological restoration, SOC turnover times did not recover to the level of pre-ecological restoration at Yucatán Peninsula. It also can be argued that the total SOC sequestration could be restored to levels that are almost close to those in their original habitat but not all SOC chemical compounds (or molecular groups) could be restored to near original levels. ...
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Though the relationships between the microorganism communities and the edaphic factors in rhizosphere soil along the plantation chronosequence have been widely reported, few researches have appeared on the interrelationship about rhizospheric soil microorganism community and soil organic carbon (SOC) under multi-root Cerasus humilis plantations of different age. In our study, the rhizospheric soil microbial communities, soil physicochemistry, and SOC molecular groups in plantations of 1-, 3-, and 5-year-old Cerasus humilis were investigated in karst rocky desertification control area of southwest China. It was found that karst rhizospheric soil moisture, total nitrogen, available potassium, and 46–60 ppm N-alkyl/methoxyl C decreased; however, SOC and fungal:bacterial ratio decreased along multi-root Cerasus humilis plantation chronosequence. Proteobacteria, Actinobacteriota, Acidobacteriota, and Ascomycota were recognized as the top 4 phyla in the karst rhizospheric soil microbial co-occurrence network. Moreover, Cerasus humilis plantations exerted significantly direct effect on rhizospheric soil microbial communities and soil physicochemical properties exerted significantly direct effects on SOC molecular groups. Our results suggested that the increased Cerasus humilis plantation years will promote C sequestration (e.g., SOC) with the continued input of root litter, root exudates, and plant litter. The inputted and activated C can be preferentially consumed by rhizospheric soil microorganisms and converted into microbial-derived compounds, which are finally incorporated into recalcitrant SOC pools. Hence, Cerasus humilis redistributed SOC molecular groups via rhizospheric soil microorganisms, and increased ratio of fungi:bacteria in rhizosphere was associated with C sequestration which could not be regarded as a widespread rule. Though our study is the first attempt to recognize the interaction between rhizospheric soil microbial community and SOC molecular groups at the karst rocky desertification control area, it provides a baseline for further research that ecological restoration can promote soil C sequestration via soil microorganisms in the early period of eco-restoration at karst area. Graphical abstract
... Soil is fundamentally important for sustaining human societies; it underpins ecosystem services including food production, and by storing most terrestrial carbon, soil plays a key role in regulating Earth's atmosphere (Hiederer and Köchy, 2011;Douglas et al., 2018). Soil sustainability is reflected in the long-term balance between soil production and erosion (Montgomery, 2007), a balance threatened across large areas of the world due to climate change and human activities, such as deforestation, and agricultural practices that accelerate soil depletion (FAO, 1996;Hippe et al., 2021). ...
DOWNLOAD here: ____________________________________________________________________________________Sediment fingerprinting is widely used in drainage basin analysis to identify the provenance and source contributions of sediments (or other material) in transit from source-to-sink. By enabling source areas of sediment supply to be targeted, the method has become an integral part of sustainable landscape management. The precision and accuracy of sediment fingerprinting is contingent on the choice of mixing model, which quantifies the contribution of potential sediment sources by minimizing the difference between observed properties of sink samples and characteristic properties of the sources. Here, we apply a set of frequentist and Bayesian mixing models with the aim of identifying the optimum composite fingerprint of four sediment sources (viz., agricultural land, rangeland, gullies, and landslides) in a small catchment draining the Iranian Loess Plateau in the Golestan province of northeastern Iran. Forty-four soil samples were collected from the four potential source zones. Based on seven synthetic mixtures with known source contributions we compared the performance of a frequentist Monte Carlo model, GLUE model, a Bayesian end-member model (BEMMA), MixSIAR Bayesian model, and a Brewer Bayesian model. We found that, in terms of uncertainty estimation, the best results were obtained with GLUE and BEMMA. Applying GLUE to our study catchment, we estimated the following source contributions to an earth dam reservoir: agricultural land (55.8 %), rangeland (33.7 %), gullies (15.7 %), and landslides (14.2 %), confirming the view that agriculture is the main cause of reservoir sedimentation. All source contributions exhibited high variability, which we attribute to storm frequency, sediment delivery due to hillslope-sink connectivity, and human activities involving removal of vegetation.
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a large, dynamic reservoir composed of a complex mixture of plant and microbe derived compounds with a wide distribution of cycling timescales and mechanisms. The distinct residence times of individual C components within this reservoir depend on a combination of factors, including compound reactivity, mineral association, and climate conditions. To better constrain SOC dynamics, bulk radiocarbon measurements are commonly used to trace biosphere inputs into soils and estimate timescales of SOC cycling. However, understanding the mechanisms driving the persistence of organic compounds in bulk soil requires analyses of SOC pools that can be linked to plant sources and microbial transformation processes. Here, we adapt approaches, previously developed for marine sediments, to isolate organic compound classes from soils for radiocarbon (14C) analysis. We apply these methods to a soil profile from an annual grassland in Hopland, California (USA) to assess changes in SOC persistence with depth to 1 m. We measured the radiocarbon values of water extractable organic carbon (WEOC), total lipid extracts (TLE), total hydrolysable amino acids (AA), and an acid-insoluble (AI) fraction from bulk and physically separated size fractions (<2 mm, 2 mm–63 μm, and <63 μm). Our results show that Δ14C values of bulk soil, size fractions, and extracted compound classes became more depleted with depth, and individual SOC components have distinct age-depth distributions that suggest distinguishable cycling rates. We found that AA and TLE cycle faster than the bulk soils and the AI fraction. The AI was the most 14C depleted fraction, indicating it is the most chemically inert in this soil. Our approach enables the isolation and measurement of SOC fractions that separate functionally distinct SOC pools that can cycle relatively quickly (e.g., plant and microbial residues) from more passive or inert SOC pools (associated with minerals or petrogenic) from bulk soils and soil physical fractions. With the effort to move beyond SOC bulk analysis, we find that compound class 14C analysis can improve our understanding of SOC cycling and disentangle the physical and chemical factors driving OC cycling rates and persistence.
Mother Nature doesn’t care if you’re having fun. Larry Niven The left-hand side of Equation (1.1) (repeated below for convenience) is environmental impacts (I). While there are natural processes that have (some) negative impacts on the environment, such as volcanic eruptions and wildfires, this book is primarily concerned with human impacts on the environment. Greenhouse-gas emissions, such as CO2, are our prime example. Other examples of human impact include deforestation, desertification, aquifer depletion, plant and animal extinctions, ground water and soil contamination, ozone depletion, smog creation, habitat destruction, and many other “tions.”
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Soils play an essential role in the global cycling of carbon and understanding the stabilisation mechanisms behind the preservation of soil organic carbon (SOC) pools is of globally recognised significance. Until recently, research into SOC stabilisation has predominantly focused on acidic soil environments and the interactions between SOC and aluminium (Al) or iron (Fe). The interactions between SOC and calcium (Ca) have typically received less attention, with fewer studies conducted in alkaline soils. Although it has widely been established that exchangeable Ca (CaExch) positively correlates with SOC concentration and its resistance to oxidation, the exact mechanisms behind this relationship remain largely unidentified. This synthesis paper critically assesses available evidence on the potential role of Ca in the stabilisation of SOC and identifies research topics that warrant further investigation. Contrary to the common view of the chemistry of base cations in soils, chemical modelling indicates that Ca²⁺ can readily exchange its hydration shell and create inner sphere complexes with organic functional groups. This review therefore argues that both inner- and outer-sphere bridging by Ca²⁺ can play an active role in the stabilisation of SOC. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) can influence occluded SOC stability through its role in the stabilisation of aggregates; however, it could also play an unaccounted role in the direct sorption and inclusion of SOC. Finally, this review highlights the importance of pH as a potential predictor of SOC stabilisation mechanisms mediated by Al- or Fe- to Ca, and their respective effects on SOC dynamics.
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The stability and potential vulnerability of soil organic matter (SOM) to global change remains incompletely understood due to the complex processes involved in its formation and turnover. Here we combine compound-specific radiocarbon analysis with fraction-specific and bulk-level radiocarbon measurements in order to further elucidate controls on SOM dynamics in a temperate and sub-alpine forested ecosystem. Radiocarbon contents of individual organic compounds isolated from the same soil interval generally exhibit greater variation than those among corresponding operationally-defined fractions. Notably, markedly older ages of long-chain plant leaf wax lipids (n-alkanoic acids) imply that they reflect a highly stable carbon pool. Furthermore, marked 14C variations among shorter- and longer-chain n-alkanoic acid homologues suggest that they track different SOM pools. Extremes in SOM dynamics thus manifest themselves within a single compound class. This exploratory study highlights the potential of compound-specific radiocarbon analysis for understanding SOM dynamics in ecosystems potentially vulnerable to global change.
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Understanding the effect of land use on soil carbon, nitrogen, and microbial activity associated with aggregates is critical for thorough comprehension of the C and N dynamics of karst landscapes/ecosystems. We monitored soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), and Cmic: Corg ratio in large macro- (>2 mm), small macro- (0.25–2 mm), and micro- (0.053–0.25 mm) aggregates to determine the changes in soil properties under different land uses in the karst area of Southwest China. Five common land-use types—enclosure land (natural system, control), prescribed-burning land, fuel-wood shrubland, pasture and maize fields—were selected. Results showed that pasture and maize fields remarkably decreased the SOC and TN concentrations in aggregates. Conversion of natural system to other land uses decreased MBC (except for prescribed-burning) and increased Cmic: Corg ratios in aggregates. The extent of the response to land uses of SOC and TN concentrations was similar whereas that of MBC and Cmic: Corg ratios differed across the three aggregate sizes. Further, the SOC concentrations were significantly higher in macro-aggregates than micro-aggregates; the MBC and Cmic: Corg ratios were highest in small macro-aggregates. Therefore, small macro-aggregates might have more active C dynamics.
We systematically investigated the concentration and distributions of saturated fatty acids (FAs) in 66 submerged plants (including 48 Potamogeton, 7 Myriophyllum and 11 Ruppia), 59 algae (including 26 Chara, 20 Cladophora and 13 Spirogyra) and 32 terrigenous plants from 18 lakes on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. The results indicate that C14-C32 FAs in algae, submerged plants and terrigenous plants were dominated mainly by C16 and C20-C32. FAs in algae and submerged plants were predominantly C24, but also contained a relatively high abundance of C26. The submerged plants had high C26-C32 concentration, with average values of 216 μg/g for Potamogeton, 52 μg/g for Myriophyllum and 134 μg/g for Ruppia, close to those of terrigenous plants (avg. 161 μg/g). Algae exhibited low C26-C32 FA concentration, with mean values of 7 μg/g for Chara, 8 μg/g for Cladophora and 18 μg/g for Spirogyra. The C26-C32 FAs in algae and submerged plants accounted for a large proportion of C20-C32, yielding average ratios (C26-C32 vs. C20-C32) of 33, 35, 31, 15, 19 and 23% for Potamogeton, Myriophyllum, Ruppia, Chara, Cladophora and Spirogyra, respectively. Therefore, the contribution of submerged plant C26-C32 FAs to lake sediments should be considered due to their high concentration, whereas the influence of algae was minor. Meanwhile, by comparing the values of average chain length (ACL), alga/terrigenous ratios (ATRs) and submerged/terrestrial ratios (STRs), we found that ACL14-32 and ATRs could be used to distinguish algal FAs from those of other plants and that STRs couldn be used to differentiate FA sources from submerged and terrestrial plants. Thus, we suggest that using specific chain lengths to determine source inputs is not adequate when applying sedimentary FAs for paleoclimatic reconstruction, while ACL 14-32, ATRs and STRs may aid in determining FA sources in sedimentary records.
Karst areas are widespread landforms present on all continents, formed by the dissolution of carbonate or evaporite host rock. Little is known about the composition and nature of dissolved organic matter (DOM) as it moves through karst systems, although karst DOM has been recognized as important for a range of natural processes. Microbial communities living in karst systems are some of the most diverse and intriguing on the planet, and their metabolism and life cycle can give clues related to the development of a host of different life forms. Karst areas are also of interest due to their mostly subterranean hydrology, and the repercussions of these processes on local carbon cycles. We illustrate some of the processes acting on DOM in karst waters through the analysis of soil, drip and cave pool waters at the tropical site of Yok Balum Cave, in southern Belize. Water samples were analyzed using ultra-high resolution electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FT-ICR-MS), a technique that enables the resolution of single molecular formulae within a DOM spectrum. We perform multivariate statistics to detect trends in the data and identify provenance of detected molecular components. In addition to karst waters, four aliquots of a powdered stalagmite sample from the same cave system are analyzed. Our results show a clear gradient between the soil and the cave system. We hypothesize that both sorption on mineral surfaces and microbial reworking are responsible for the observed trend in DOM composition. The stalagmite extracts show an anomalous DOM pattern, which may be due to a variety of factors, including microbial activity on the stalagmite surface and different affinities of compounds to incorporation in the carbonate. The goal of this study was to follow the molecular transformations of DOM on its journey from the surface to the cave, and to provide a molecular basis for the establishment of stalagmite DOM proxies in karst systems.
Substantial lake core and other evidence shows accelerated soil erosion occurred in the Maya Lowlands of Central America over ancient Maya history from 3000 to 1000 years ago. But we have little evidence of the wider network of the sources and sinks of that eroded sediment cascade. This study begins to solve the mystery of missing soil with new research and a synthesis of existing studies of tropical forest soils along slopes in NW Belize. The research aim is to understand soil formation, long-term human impacts on slopes, and slope stability over time and to explore ecological implications. We studied soils on seven slopes in tropical forest areas that have experienced intensive ancient human impacts and those with little ancient impacts. All of our soil catenas, except for one deforested from old growth two years before, contain evidence for about 1000 years of stable, tropical forest cover since Maya abandonment. We characterized the physical, chemical, and taxonomic characteristics of soils at crest-shoulder, backslopes, footslopes, and depression locations, analyzing typical soil parameters, chemical elements, and carbon isotopes (δ¹³C) in dated and undated sequences. Four footslopes or depressions in areas of high ancient occupation preserved evidence of buried, clay-textured soils covered by coarser sediment dating from the Maya Classic period. Three footslopes from areas with scant evidence of ancient occupation had little discernable deposition. These findings add to a growing corpus of soil toposequences with similar facies changes in footslopes and depressions that date to the Maya period. Using major elemental concentrations across a range of catenas, we derived a measure (Ca + Mg) / (Al + Fe + Mn) of the relative contributions of autochthonous and allochthonous materials and the relative age of soil catenas. We found very low ratios in clearly older, buried soils in footslopes and depressions and on slopes that had not undergone ancient Maya erosion. We found high (Ca + Mg) / (Al + Fe + Mn) values on slopes with several lines of evidence that suggest relative youth, soils possibly formed since Maya abandonment. Carbon isotopes (δ¹³C) also provide some evidence of past vegetation change on slopes. We found strong evidence for maize or other alien C4 species in an ancient terrace soil and additional evidence in buried footslopes but only evidence for C3 species (like tropical trees) on the backslopes and other crest-shoulders. The fact that steep slopes preserved no evidence of C4 species inputs may mean that the ancient Maya maintained forests here. Alternatively, ancient Maya land uses eroded slopes, with the δ¹³C signatures detected today being the result of more recent soil development under forest over the last millennium. Additional evidence that these soils are recent in age includes elevated (Ca + Mg) / (Al + Fe + Mn) values, skeletal soil profiles, and low soil magnetic susceptibility. Besides the evidence for truncating backslopes and aggrading footslopes, the ancient Maya built agricultural terraces that accumulated soils and altered drainage. All these ancient Maya slope alterations would have influenced modern tree distributions, because many tree species in the modern forest show strong preferences for different soil types and topographic situations that the ancient Maya changed.
The carbon isotopic composition of plant leaf wax biomarkers is commonly used to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions. Adding to the limited calibration information available for modern tropical forests, we analyzed plant leaf and leaf wax carbon isotopic compositions in forest canopy trees across a highly biodiverse, 3.3 km elevation gradient on the eastern flank of the Andes Mountains. We sampled the dominant tree species and assessed their relative abundance in each tree community. In total, 405 sunlit canopy leaves were sampled across 129 species and nine forest plots along the elevation profile for bulk leaf and leaf wax n-alkane (C27 – C33) concentration and carbon isotopic analyses (δ¹³C); a subset (76 individuals, 29 species, five forest plots) were additionally analyzed for n-alkanoic acid (C22 – C32) concentrations and δ¹³C. δ¹³C values display trends of +0.87 ± 0.16 ‰ km⁻¹ (95% CI, r² = 0.96, p < 0.01) for bulk leaves and +1.45 ± 0.33 ‰ km⁻¹ (95% CI, r² = 0.94, p < 0.01) for C29n-alkane, the dominant chain length. These carbon isotopic gradients are defined in multi-species sample sets and corroborated in a widespread genus and several families, suggesting the biochemical response to environment is robust to taxonomic turnover. We calculate fractionations and compare to adiabatic gradients, environmental variables, leaf wax n-alkane concentrations, and sun/shade position to assess factors influencing foliar chemical response. For the 4 km forested elevation range of the Andes, 4–6‰ higher δ¹³C values are expected for upland versus lowland C3 plant bulk leaves and their n-alkyl lipids, and we expect this pattern to be a systematic feature of very wet tropical montane environments. This elevation dependency of δ¹³C values should inform interpretations of sedimentary archives, as ¹³C-enriched values may derive from C4 grasses, petrogenic inputs or upland C3 plants. Finally, we outline the potential for leaf wax carbon isotopes to trace biomarker sourcing within catchments and for paleoaltimetry.
Comparisons among ecosystem models or ecosystem dynamics along environmental gradients commonly rely on metrics that integrate different processes into a useful diagnostic. Terms such as age, turnover, residence, and transit times are often used for this purpose; however, these terms are variably defined in the literature, and in many cases calculations ignore assumptions implicit in their formulas. The aim of this opinion piece is i) to make evident these discrepancies and the incorrect use of formulas, ii) highlight recent results that simplify calculations and may help to avoid confusion, and iii) propose the adoption of simple and less ambiguous terms. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Soil is the largest terrestrial carbon reservoir and may influence the sign and magnitude of carbon cycle–climate feedbacks. Many Earth system models (ESMs) estimate a significant soil carbon sink by 2100, yet the underlying carbon dynamics determining this response have not been systematically tested against observations. We used 14C data from 157 globally distributed soil profiles sampled to 1-meter depth to show that ESMs underestimated the mean age of soil carbon by a factor of more than six (430 ± 50 years versus 3100 ± 1800 years). Consequently, ESMs overestimated the carbon sequestration potential of soils by a factor of nearly two (40 ± 27%). These inconsistencies suggest that ESMs must better represent carbon stabilization processes and the turnover time of slow and passive reservoirs when simulating future atmospheric carbon dioxide dynamics.