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Short- and long-term effects of conventional and artificial rearing strategies on the health and performance of growing lambs


Abstract and Figures

Artificial rearing of young animals represents a challenge in modern ruminant production systems. This work aims to evaluate the short- and long-term effects of the type of rearing on the animal’s health, growth, feed utilization and carcass performance. A total of 24 pregnant ewes carrying triplets were used. Within each triplet set, lambs were randomly allocated to one experimental treatment: natural rearing on the ewe (NN); ewe colostrum for 24 h followed by artificial rearing with milk replacer (NA) and 50 g of colostrum alternative supplementation followed by artificial rearing (AA). Milk replacer, ryegrass hay and creep feed were offered ad libitum , and each experimental group was kept in independent pens until weaning at 45 days of age. After weaning all lambs were placed together on the same pasture for fattening for 4 months. Blood samples were taken at 24 h after birth, at weaning and at the end of the fattening period (23 weeks). Results showed that no failure in the passive immune transfer was detected across treatments. Although artificially reared lambs at weaning had lower plasma levels of β -hydroxy-butyrate (−62%), high-density lipoproteins (−13%) and amylase (−25%), and higher levels of low-density lipoproteins (+38%) and alkaline phosphatase (+30%), these differences disappeared during the fattening period. Only the greater levels of calcium and the lower levels of haemoglobin and white blood cells detected at weaning in artificially reared lambs (+7.2%, −2.8% and −17.8%) persisted by the end of the fattening period (+4.3%, −3.3% and −9.5%, respectively). Minor diarrheal events from weeks 2 to 5 were recorded with artificial rearing, leading to lower growth rates during the 1 st month. However, these artificially reared lambs caught up towards the end of the milk feeding period and reached similar weaning weights to NN lambs. During the fattening period NN lambs had a greater growth rate (+16%) possibly as a result of their greater early rumen development, which allowed a higher feed digestibility during the fattening period in comparison to NA lambs (+5.9%). As a result, NN lambs had heavier final BWs (+7.0%), but tended to have lower dressing percentage (−5.7%) than artificially reared lambs, thus no differences were noted in either carcass weight or in carcass conformation across treatments. In conclusion, the use of a colostrum alternative and milk replacer facilitated the successful rearing of lambs, reaching similar productive parameters; however, special care must be taken to maximize the rumen development before weaning.
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Short- and long-term effects of conventional and articial rearing
strategies on the health and performance of growing lambs
A. Belanche
, J. Cooke
, E. Jones
, H. J. Worgan
and C. J. Newbold
IBERS, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth SY23 3DA, UK;
Estacion Experimental del Zaidín (CSIC), Profesor Albareda, 1, 18008 Granada, Spain;
International Ltd., Orwell, Cambridgeshire, Royston SG8 5QX, UK;
Scotlands Rural College, Peter Wilson Building, Kings Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3JG, UK
(Received 26 September 2017; Accepted 17 July 2018)
Articial rearing of young animals represents a challenge in modern ruminant production systems. This work aims to evaluate the
short- and long-term effects of the type of rearing on the animals health, growth, feed utilization and carcass performance. A total
of 24 pregnant ewes carrying triplets were used. Within each triplet set, lambs were randomly allocated to one experimental
treatment: natural rearing on the ewe (NN); ewe colostrum for 24 h followed by articial rearing with milk replacer (NA) and 50 g
of colostrum alternative supplementation followed by articial rearing (AA). Milk replacer, ryegrass hay and creep feed were
ad libitum
, and each experimental group was kept in independent pens until weaning at 45 days of age. After weaning all
lambs were placed together on the same pasture for fattening for 4 months. Blood samples were taken at 24 h after birth, at
weaning and at the end of the fattening period (23 weeks). Results showed that no failure in the passive immune transfer was
detected across treatments. Although articially reared lambs at weaning had lower plasma levels of
-hydroxy-butyrate (62%),
high-density lipoproteins (13%) and amylase (25%), and higher levels of low-density lipoproteins (+38%) and alkaline
phosphatase (+30%), these differences disappeared during the fattening period. Only the greater levels of calcium and the lower
levels of haemoglobin and white blood cells detected at weaning in articially reared lambs (+7.2%, 2.8% and 17.8%)
persisted by the end of the fattening period (+4.3%, 3.3% and 9.5%, respectively). Minor diarrheal events from weeks 2 to 5
were recorded with articial rearing, leading to lower growth rates during the 1
month. However, these articially reared lambs
caught up towards the end of the milk feeding period and reached similar weaning weights to NN lambs. During the fattening
period NN lambs had a greater growth rate (+16%) possibly as a result of their greater early rumen development, which allowed a
higher feed digestibility during the fattening period in comparison to NA lambs (+5.9%). As a result, NN lambs had heavier nal
BWs (+7.0%), but tended to have lower dressing percentage (5.7%) than articially reared lambs, thus no differences were
noted in either carcass weight or in carcass conformation across treatments. In conclusion, the use of a colostrum alternative and
milk replacer facilitated the successful rearing of lambs, reaching similar productive parameters; however, special care must be
taken to maximize the rumen development before weaning.
Keywords: animal performance, colostrum, health, milk replacer, weaning
This study revealed that articial rearing of lambs with
colostrum alternative and milk replacer represents an appro-
priate strategy to maximize the number of lambs weaned per
ewe with a similar nal BW achieved to lambs reared on the
ewe. However, direct contact with the ewe provided a
competitive advantage in naturally reared lambs allowing
them to better develop their immune system and rumen
function, which led to increased BW gain during the fatten-
ing period.
Two main systems exist for rearing offspring in ruminant
production: in commercial dairy systems, or when dam milk
is not available in sufcient amount or sanitary condition,
newborns are separated from their dams within the rst
hours after birth and fed either milk replacer or whole milk; in
contrast, in meat production systems, newborn animals gen-
erally remain with their dams until weaning. A recent study
has reported that goat kids reared with their dams had greater
rumen development than their twins fed on milk replacer and
isolated from adult animals, despite both groups having
access to the same solid feed (Abecia
et al
., 2014). However, it
, page 1 of 10 © The Animal Consortium 2018
remains unknown whether these differences are transitory or if
they persist later in life during the fattening period.
Lambs are born hypogammaglobulinemic due to the
complexity of the synepitheliochorial ruminant placenta,
which does not allow sufcient transfer of immunoglobulins
from the dam to the foetus (Hernández-Castellano
et al
2014; Hernández-Castellano
et al
., 2015), thus immunoglo-
bulin G (IgG) transfer from colostrum is vital for the neonatal
health (Arguello
et al
., 2004b). Insufcient neonatal absorp-
tion of colostral immunoglobulins within the 1
day of life
has been associated with failure of passive immunitytransfer,
which is indicated when serum IgG levels are below a certain
threshold (generally 10 mg/ml in calves, 12 mg/ml in goats
and 15 mg/ml in lambs) leading to increased risk for neonatal
diseases, mortality and with a negative effect on adult health,
longevity and performance (DeNise
et al
., 1989; Arguello
et al
., 2004a, Faber
et al
., 2005; Alves
et al
., 2015). As a
result, higher morbidity and mortality rates have been
observed in colostrum-deprived lambs (80% and 67%) than
colostrum-fed lambs (20% and 13%) (Hodgson
et al
., 1992).
In addition, there is increasing evidence showing that nutri-
tional management in the pre-weaning period determines to
a great extent the potential for milk production during sub-
sequent lactations: several studies have indicated that those
heifers fed with a greater volume of the same high-quality
colostrum (Faber
et al
., 2005) and those with a greater
plasma concentration of IgG shortly after birth (DeNise
et al
1989) had higher milk yield than their counterpart control
animals during their productive life. Moreover, it has been
noted that increased growth rate before weaning results in
positive effects on milk yield in cattle (Soberon
et al
., 2012).
Thus, the general recommendation is to actively feed lambs
with colostrum from a freshly lambed ewe in order to max-
imize passive immunity transfer. However, when ewe colos-
trum is scarce the supplementation of lambs with colostrum
alternatives may represent a strategy to maximize the num-
ber of lambs weaned. Nevertheless, it remains unknown
whether these early life interventions in lambs could have
similar long-lasting consequences to those described in
In this study we hypothesized that nutritional interven-
tions early in the life of the lambs could have immediate
effects on the animals health and performance, with some
effects persistent later in life under conventional production
systems. These nutritional interventions during the pre-
weaning period consisted of (1) lambs remained with the
ewe (natural rearing) (NN), (2) ewe colostrum followed by
articial rearing with milk replacer (NA) and (3) colostrum
alternative supplementation and articial rearing (AA).
Material and methods
Animals and diets
Triplet sibling lambs were used to provide similar genetic
background, gestation environment and ewe colostrum in
order to minimize the inter-animal variation across treatments.
Thus, after pregnancy scanning, 24 pregnant Aberdale ewes
carrying triplets were selected from the Aberystwyth University
commercial ock. A total of 72 Aberdale-texel crossbreed
lambs were born within an 8-day period (1422 April). At
birth, umbilical cords were disinfected with iodine and lambs
were weighed. One sibling of each triplet set was randomly
allocated to one of three experimental treatments. During this
allocation process sex and initial BW of the lambs was con-
sidered resulting in similar sex distribution (average 13 males
and 11 females per group) and birth weights (3.8 ± 0.8 kg)
across treatments. All three sibling lambs were kept with their
mother in an individual pen during the rst 24 h after birth.
Two siblings (NN and NA) were encouraged to suckle ewe
colostrum by connecting them to an ewes teat four times over
the rst 24h (1, 2, 4 and 6 h after birth) until the gut lling was
evident in order to ensure a high colostrum intake. Then, one
of those siblings (NN) remained with its mother suckling ewe
milk from birth to weaning, whereas the second sibling (NA)
was separated from its dam after 24h and articially reared
with milk replacer. On the contrary, the third sibling (AA) was
not encouraged to suckle ewe colostrum; instead, it was
immediately fed with 50 g of colostrum alternatively divided
into two equal doses at 1 and 6h after birth followed by
articial rearing with milk replacer. In this latter group, no
obvious signs of gut lling with ewe colostrum were noted
suggesting a minimal intake of it. Colostrum alternative was
freshly prepared by mixing 25g of product (Lamb Volostrum;
Volar Ltd, Lampeter, UK) in 50ml of water at 30°C and pro-
vided by a stomach tube at each time (1 and 6 h after birth).
Milk replacer was prepared by mixing 200 g of milk powder
(Lamlac Instant; Volar Ltd) with water to make up 1 l of
reconstituted milk following the manufacturer instructions.
During their 1
week of life all lambs had access to heat lamps
and warm milk replacer (39°C) offered
ad libitum
temperature-controlled feeders (Ewe 2 Feeder; Volar Ltd).
Lambs that did not suckle were stomach tubed and trained to
suck from a teat connected to the milk feeder. After 1 week of
age all lambs were able to suckle and milk replacer was
ad libitum
at room temperature (average 12°C) using
two buckets connected to four teats for each experimental
group. These milk buckets were emptied twice a day and
thoroughly cleaned and rinsed, using soap and hot water.
At 24 h after birth, blood was sampled (see below), and all
animals were tagged and intramuscularly injected with 1 ml
of AD
E (NAPHA Veterinary, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) to
prevent vitamin deciency. Then, all lambs from the same
treatment were placed together in a single pen (10 ×12 m)
with clean and dry barley straw bedding and
ad libitum
access to creep feed (NuGro CCF, Aberystwyth, UK), ryegrass
hay and water (chemical composition described in Supple-
mentary Table S1). During the milk feeding stage all three
groups of animals were physically separated from each other
(1 m gap) but kept in the same building with an average
temperature of 12°C, relative humidity of 86% and an
average of 10 h of day light. Treatments NA and AA also had
free access to milk replacer which was freshly prepared twice
a day at 0900 and 1700 h. Lambs from treatment NN shared
Belanche, Cooke, Jones, Worgan and Newbold
a pen with their mothers that were fed twice a day with the
same ryegrass hay and commercial concentrate (Wynnstay;
High Production Ewes, Llanidloes, UK). Ewes were physically
separated from the NN lambs for 10 min during the con-
centrate feeding. Group intakes of milk replacer and creep
feed were recorded daily until weaning. Animals were
inspected daily for signs of disease. The severity of diarrheal
events was recorded based on the following score index
et al
., 2012): 1 corresponds to normal lamb fae-
ces in pellets, 2 corresponds to softfaeces (similar to cow
pat), 3 corresponds to mild diarrhoea with semi-liquid faeces
and 4 corresponds to profuse diarrhoea with liquid faeces.
Animals with a score equal or above 3 received a single dose
of intramuscular antibiotic treatment (Pen-Strep; Norbrook
Laboratories Ltd, Newry, Northern Ireland). Lambs were
weekly weighed using a digital balance to determine their
growth during the entire duration of the experiment.
Animals were weaned at 45 days of age by abrupt
weaning and kept in the same building with the same solid
feed for a further week. When lambs were on average
8 weeks of age, all experimental lambs were grouped toge-
ther on the same ryegrass pasture (
Lolium perenne
) with free
access to creep feed until 10 weeks of age but not thereafter.
Thus, all lambs grazed the same pasture over 5 months (from
June to November). Animals belonging to the same sibling
set were always sampled and weighed at the same time.
Moreover, when the average BW of a given set of siblings
reached the optimum slaughter weight (~40 kg and between
23 and 31 weeks of age), all three lambs were slaughtered in
a commercial abattoir. Carcass weight and performance was
assessed at an ofcial abattoir according to the EUROP
classication (Johansen
et al
., 2006).
Sampling and analyses
Blood samples (5 ml) were collected from the jugular vein
at 24 h after birth for IgG and blood cells measurements.
Moreover, blood samples were also taken when animals
reached 45 days of age (weaning) and at 23 weeks of age
(near the end of the fattening period). One blood sub-
sample (2 ml) was placed in a tube with anticoagulant
-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) mixed by inversion
10 times, kept at 4°C and immediately analysed for haematology
using a Mythic 18 Vet Haematology Analyser (Woodley Equip-
ment Company Ltd, Horwich, UK). This analysis determined the
levels of the main blood cells and their morphotypes (see below).
A second subsample (3 ml) was placed in a tube without antic-
oagulant; serum was harvested by centrifugation at 2000 ×gfor
15 min and stored at 20°C until analysis. Serum metabolites
were determined using RX Daytona
equipment (Randox
Laboratories Ltd, Crumlin, UK).
Colostrum (10 ml) and milk (50 ml) samples were obtained
by hand milking from each ewe at 24 h after the birth of the
rst lamb and at 45 days postpartum, respectively. Samples
were kept frozen, and milk and colostrum composition
(Table 1) was determined using a milk analyser (LactoScope
Advance FTIR; Delta Instruments, Drachten, The Nether-
lands). Concentration of IgG in serum and colostrum was
determined using the Sheep IgG ELISA 96-well plate kit
(reference GWB-OVI374; GenWay Biotech Inc, San Diego,
CA, USA) after dilution (4 ×10
and 4 ×10
for serum and
colostrum, respectively) and absorbance determination at
450 nm using a plate reader (PowerWave XS2; BioTek,
Swindow, UK). Concentration of IgG was also estimated
based on the serum density: Temperature corrected density
) in serum samples (100 µl) was measured in triplicate
using an automatic digital refractometer (Reichert AR200 Ver
1.8, Ametek, Germany) and the estimated serum IgG
concentration was obtained based on the regression
equations described by Morril (2011): IgG (mg/
ml) =5919.1 ×
Faecal analysis
At 23 weeks of age, faecal grab samples were collected
from each animal on 2 non-consecutive days, frozen and
pooled by animal (30 g dry matter (DM) approximately). On
the same day as faecal sampling, ryegrass pasture was cut
to 5 cm above soil level from four different locations of the
eld and immediately frozen for further analysis. The effect
of the experimental treatments on pasture digestibility was
estimated using the acid insoluble ash as an internal mar-
ker (Thonney
et al
., 1979). For feed and faeces analyses,
DM content was determined by drying in an oven at 105°C
for 24 h. Organic matter (OM) concentration was deter-
mined by heating at 550°C for 6 h in a mufe furnace.
Nitrogen and carbon concentration was measured by the
Dumas combustion method (Elementar analyser; Vario
MAX cube, Langenselbold, Germany). Neutral-detergent
bre and ADF were determined using an automated bre
analyser (ANKOM 2000; Ankom Technology, Macedon, NY,
USA) using heat stable amylase and sodium sulphide.
For faecal ngerprint analysis, samples were analysed as
previously reported (Belanche
et al
., 2017). Briey, freeze dry
samples were ground to a ne powder (IKA Analytical Mill,
Staufer, Germany) and analysed by attenuated total reec-
tance (ATR) from 4000 to 600 cm
using an Equinox 55
Fourier transformed IR (FTIR) spectrophotometer (Bruker Ltd,
Table 1
Colostrum and milk composition from sheep
Colostrum Milk
Crude protein (%) 22.6 22.1 4.35 4.77
Fat (%) 15.5 4.52 5.51 4.84
Lactose (%) 2.79 2.82 4.90 7.33
Solids (%) 40.9 30.5 15.4 17.4
Solids non-fat (%) 27.2 27.9 10.4 13.1
Immunoglobulin G (g/l) 42.2 32.1
Natural colostrum and milk sampled at 24 h and 45 days after parturition,
Values after mixing 25 g of colostrum alternative with 50 ml of water. Figures
obtained experimentally which may differ from the declared composition.
After mixing 200 g of milk replacer with water to make up 1 l of reconstituted
milk. Figures obtained experimentally which may differ from the declared
Effects of articial rearing of lambs
Coventry, UK), and scanned using the Golden Gate ATR
accessory (Specac Ltd, Slough, UK). Infrared settings and
data collection were conducted as previously reported
et al
., 2014). Fourier transformed IR spectra were
imported into Matlab (version 2007b; The MathWorks Inc.,
Natick, MA, USA), averaged, transformed to the rst
SavitzkyGolay derivative to smooth baseline noise and
improve spectral resolution using a 13-point window, and
then mean centre normalized (mean =1, standard devia-
tion =1). Data were then analysed by non-parametric per-
mutational multi-variate analysis of variance using
PRIMER-6 software (PRIMER-E Ltd, Plymouth, UK). Statis-
tical signication was calculated after 999 random permu-
tations of residuals under a reduced model using the
Monte-Carlo test. For graphical interpretation, principal
component analysis was conducted and a canonical variate
main principal components (Genstat 18
Edition, VSN
International, Hemel Hempstead, UK).
Calculations and statistical analysis
Haematological analysis determined the levels of red blood
cells, haemoglobin, haematocrit, mean corpuscular volume
(MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpus-
cular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), red blood cell dis-
tribution width (RBCDW), white blood cells and its morphotype
percentages, platelets, mean platelets volume (MPV), throm-
bocrit and platelet distribution width (PDW). Although the
plasma metabolic analysis measured: calcium, glucose, β-
hydroxybutyrate (BHB), cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density
lipoproteins (HDL), low-density lipoproteins (LDL), albumin,
creatinine, urea, ammonia, L-lactate dehydrogenase and alka-
line phosphatase levels, globulins and LDL concentrations in
plasma were mathematically calculated:
Globulins =Total proteins Albumin
LDL =Cholesterol HDL Triglycerides=5ðÞ
To evaluate the effect of experimental treatments on blood
parameters, data were analysed using a repeated measures
procedure (residual maximum likelihood) using Genstat 18
edition (VSN International, Hemel Hempstead, UK) as fol-
Yijk =μ+Ri+Tj+RTij +Tk+Al+eijkl
is the dependent, continuous variable (
the overall mean,
the xed effect of the type of rearing
. AA),
the xed effect of the animal age
=weaning v. fattening),
is their interaction,
random effect of the triplet set used as a block (
the random effect of the animal (
=172) and
is the
residual error. For animal weight, growth and carcass per-
formance data, the term sex (male
. females) was also
included as a xed effect. When signicant effects were
detected across treatments, means were compared by Fish-
ers protected LSD test. Signicant effects were declared at
Animal health
At 24 h after birth all animals remained in good health and
no haematological differences were observed across treat-
ments (Table 2). Alternative supplementation followed by
articial rearing lambs tended to have lower plasma IgG
concentrations at 24 h of age in comparison to NN and NA
lambs when measured by refractometry (
=0.075) but did
not reach statistical signicance when measured with ELISA
=0.135). Animals articially reared (NA and AA) suffered
a greater incidence of diarrhoea episodes than NN lambs
from 2 to 5 weeks of age but this effect disappeared there-
after. Antibiotic usage was also higher for NA and AA lambs
than for NN lambs (
<0.001) and the number of animals
with recurrent diarrhoea which required more than two
antibiotic doses were 0, 6 and 9 for NN, NA and AA lambs,
respectively. No antibiotic treatment was required for any
lamb from week 5 onwards.
The age of the lambs exerted a major effect on the blood
cell distribution (Table 3) and the concentration of most
plasma metabolites (Table 4). At weaning animals had a
greater concentration of red blood cells, haemoglobin,
RBCDW, lymphocytes, platelets, thrombocrit and plasma
levels of calcium, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL,
LDL, albumin, creatinine, amylase and alkaline phosphatase
than animals at fattening (
<0.01). On the contrary, at
fattening animals had a greater concentration of white blood
cells, monocytes, granulocytes, MPV, PDW and plasma levels
of BHB, total proteins, globulins and urea (
Table 2
Effect of colostrum alternative and articial rearing on plasma
immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels and haematology at 24 h after birth and
incidence of diarrhoea in lambs
Types of rearing NN NA AA SED
Red blood cells (10
/µl) 8.20 7.77 8.01 0.221 0.152
White blood cells
6.48 5.82 6.01 0.539 0.461
Platelets (10
/µl) 630
48.8 0.041
Haematocrit (%) 38.0 36.2 37.3 1.14 0.276
ELISA IgG2 (mg/ml) 40.1 45.6 37.1 4.19 0.135
Refractometer IgG
38.3 38.3 32.5 2.88 0.075
Diarrhoea score
Week 2 1.13
0.229 <0.001
Week 3 1.29
0.269 0.001
Week 4 1.08
0.252 0.001
Week 5 1.04
0.227 <0.001
Week 6 1.04 1.08 1.25 0.121 0.201
Week 7 1.04 1.04 1.17 0.108 0.415
Antibiotic usage
0.333 <0.001
IgG =Immunoglobulin G; NN =natural rearing; NA =ewe colostrum and arti-
cial milk feeding; AA =colostrum alternative and articial milk feeding;
SED =Standard error of the difference among means.
Within a row means without a common superscript differ (
Diarrhoea score: 1, absence, 2, very mild, 3, moderate and 4, severe.
Intramuscular penicillinstreptomycin.
Belanche, Cooke, Jones, Worgan and Newbold
However, articial rearing also had some mid- and long-term
effects on the animalshealth (Table 3). Independently of the
age considered, NN lambs had a greater haemoglobin
=0.029), haematocrit (
=0.070), white blood cells
=0.009) and calcium levels than NA and AA lambs.
Moreover, a signicant interaction was observed for several
metabolites and haematological parameters: at weaning NN
lambs had greater RBCDW (
>0.001), BHB (
<0.001), HDL
=0.025) and amylase plasma levels (
<0.001), as well as
lower MCHC (
=0.012), PDW (
=0.013), LDL (
and alkaline phosphatase (
0.002) were observed in NN
lambs than in NA or AA, but no such differences were
observed at fattening.
Animal performance
Average group intake of milk replacer remained constant
until week 3 (300 g DM/day per lamb) and linearly increased
thereafter reaching 550 g DM/day at weaning for AA and NA
groups, while milk intake in NN lambs was not recorded.
Group intake of creep feed also remained low and constant
until week 4 across treatments, and increased linearly
thereafter reaching an average of 256, 137 and 96 g DM/day
at weaning for treatments NN, NA and AA, respectively. No
differences in BW were observed at birth across treatments,
but NN lambs had a greater BW than NA and AA lambs from
week 2 to 5. These differences disappeared during the
weaning stage and reappeared from week 11 onwards
(Figure 1). No differences in the average daily gain (ADG)
were observed before weaning (Table 5), but NN lambs had a
greater ADG during the fattening period calculated from
weaning to 23 weeks of age (
<0.001). In terms of carcass
composition, NN lambs had a higher slaughter weight than
NA and AA lambs (
<0.001), but NN lambs tend to have a
lower dressing percentage resulting in similar carcass weight
and conformation across treatments. Male lambs tended to
have a greater BW at birth and ADG during the fattening
period (
=0.047); however, no differences were observed in
carcass conformation.
Pasture utilization
The chemical structure of the faecal samples tended to differ
=0.079) between treatments based on the PERMANOVA
analysis of the FTIR spectral data (Supplementary Table S2).
Canonical variate analysis (Figure 2) compiling the informa-
tion of the rst 15 principal components (representing 98.1%
of the total variance) showed that these differences were
more obvious between NA and the other two experimental
groups. In terms of pasture digestibility (Table 6), values
were always highest for NN lambs: NN and AA lambs had
higher digestibility for DM (
<0.001), C (
<0.001) and
=0.003) than NA lambs, whereas no differences were
observed in NDF and ADF digestibility.
Effect of colostrum alternative
Colostrum products have been shown to provide a degree of
passive immunity transfer (Seymour
et al
., 1995; Castro
et al
., 2007), although the results vary greatly depending on
the product used, colostrum preservation methods, dosage
techniques and inter-animal variation (Arguello
et al
2004b). As a result, colostrum products that typically contain
lacteal-derived or plasma-derived IgG are classied as either
colostrum replacers or colostrum supplements depending on
their ability to raise serum IgG concentration above a certain
Table 3
Effect of colostrum alternative and articial rearing on haematology and blood metabolites in lambs
Weaning (45 days) Fattening (23 weeks)
Types of rearing NN NA AA NN NA AA SED Rearing Age R ×A
Red blood cells (10
/µl) 11.4 11.4 11.7 11.3 10.9 11.1 0.233 0.357 0.002 0.323
Haemoglobin (g/dl) 11.5 11.0 11.3 11.1 10.6 10.8 0.176 0.029 0.002 0.982
Haematocrit (%) 38.3 35.8 36.7 36.2 34.6 37.5 1.441 0.07 0.401 0.417
MCV (fL) 33.6 31.5 32.1 32.1 31.9 34.0 1.448 0.305 0.723 0.299
MCH (pg) 10.1 9.72 9.77 9.83 9.74 9.78 0.201 0.241 0.555 0.577
MCHC (%) 30.0
0.211 0.006 0.448 0.012
RBCDW (%) 25.4
0.523 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
White blood cells (10
/µl) 7.95 6.31 6.76 8.91 8.40 7.73 0.571 0.009 <0.001 0.273
Lymphocytes (%) 56.5 56.9 54.4 53.2 47.6 51.1 2.398 0.355 <0.001 0.121
Monocytes (%) 11.6 11.9 10.9 13.7 14.7 14.4 0.620 0.371 <0.001 0.181
Granulocytes (%) 31.9 31.2 34.7 33.1 37.6 34.5 2.114 0.352 0.043 0.066
Platelets (10
/µl) 1982
182.7 0.129 <0.001 0.054
MPV () 5.20 4.90 4.71 5.71 5.98 5.75 0.363 0.662 <0.001 0.419
Thrombocrit 1.10 0.72 0.82 0.29 0.33 0.62 0.197 0.265 <0.001 0.078
PDW (%) 30.1
2.437 0.678 <0.001 0.013
NN =natural rearing; NA =ewe colostrum and articial milk feeding; AA =colostrum alternative and articial milk feeding; SED =Standard error of the difference
among means; R ×A=Interaction rearing system and age; MCV =mean corpuscular volume; MCH =mean corpuscular haemoglobin; MCHC =mean corpuscular
haemoglobin concentration; RBCDW =red blood cell distribution width; MPV =mean platelets volume; PDW =platelet distribution width.
Within a row means without a common superscript differ (
Effects of articial rearing of lambs
threshold (typically 15 mg/ml in lambs) (Alves
et al
., 2015).
Colostrum supplements (as in our study) can be used to
increase the amount of IgG fed to lambs when only low or
medium quality/quantity colostrum is available. However,
supplements cannot replace high-quality colostrum, which is
still considered the gold standard for feeding newborn lambs
et al
., 2004). Our study aimed to simulate two real
scenarios in the articial rearing of lambs: one (NN and NA
lambs) consisting of maximizing colostrum intake by
encouraging lambs to suckle for at least four times from the
ewe; and an alternative strategy (AA lambs) based on
colostrum alternative supplementation of lambs with an
insufcient intake of ewe colostrum. To achieve this later
situation, AA lambs were not encouraged to suckle and had
to compete with their two siblings for the remaining ewe
A rapid change in the colostrum composition to transi-
tional milk has been described during the post-partum period
et al
., 2015). In our study, despite the late sampling of
ewe colostrum (24 h after the rst lamb was born), the IgG
concentrations (average 42.2 g/l) were comparable to pub-
lished literature (from 15.7 to 65 g/l) in which the samples
were collected just after parturition (Vatankhah, 2013; Alves
et al
., 2015; Hernández-Castellano
et al
., 2015), possibly as a
result of a higher colostrum production in high prolic ewes.
As a result, only one lamb had an IgG concentration below
15 mg/ml at 24 h after birth suggesting effective overall
passive immunity transfer across treatments (Alves
et al
2015). This may explain the lack of differences in terms of
growth, haematology parameters and blood metabolites
levels between NA and AA lambs, as well as the absence of
deaths before weaning. Moreover, the high level of easily
digestible energy and protein in the colostrum alternative
Table 4
Effect of colostrum alternative and articial rearing on blood metabolites in lambs
Weaning (45 days) Fattening (23 weeks)
Rearing Age
Calcium (mM) 2.33 2.52 2.48 1.84 1.92 1.93 0.122 0.067 <0.001 0.832
Glucose (mM) 5.47 5.89 5.75 3.50 3.56 3.56 0.319 0.438 <0.001 0.732
BHB (µM) 265
30.56 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Lipids (mM)
Cholesterol 2.82 2.91 2.79 1.27 1.31 1.23 0.163 0.683 <0.001 1
0.78 0.72 0.75 0.24 0.21 0.24 0.063 0.512 <0.001 0.909
HDL 1.91
0.092 0.16 <0.001 0.025
0.090 0.032 <0.001 0.009
Proteins (g/l)
Total proteins 45.4 46.7 46.3 65.3 67.3 66.6 2.646 0.659 <0.001 0.986
Albumin 32.9 33.5 33.3 30.2 31.1 31.2 1.061 0.55 <0.001 0.919
12.5 13.3 13.0 35.1 36.2 35.4 1.803 0.771 <0.001 0.985
Creatinine (µM) 83.0 85.8 87.9 78.3 80.4 78.5 4.802 0.597 0.029 0.811
Urea (mM) 3.85 3.95 3.82 9.98 9.85 10.1 0.357 0.96 <0.001 0.756
Ammonia (µM) 83.6 81.9 85.2 84.9 86.0 89.7 5.704 0.593 0.306 0.928
Enzymes (U/l)
Amylase 25.7
1.676 0.021 <0.001 <0.001
L-lactate dehydrogenase 1171 1238 1112 1163 1093 1098 64.69 0.302 0.136 0.248
Alkaline phosphatase 637
43.39 0.002 <0.001 0.002
NN =natural rearing; NA =ewe colostrum and articial milk feeding; AA =colostrum alternative and articial milk feeding; SED =Standard error of the difference
among means;
=Interaction rearing system and age; BHB =beta-hydroxybutyrate; HDL =high-density lipoproteins; LDL =low-density lipoproteins.
Within a row means without a common superscript differ (
Mathematically calculated: LDL =Cholesterol HDL (Triglycerides/5); Globulin =Total proteins Albumin.
Body weight (kg)
Age (weeks)
Lactation Fattening
ns ns
** **
Figure 1 Effect of colostrum alternative and articial rearing on lambs
growth. NN, natural rearing; NA, ewe colostrum and articial milk
feeding; AA, colostrum alternative and articial milk feeding. Standard
error of the mean level of signication is depicted: ns, not signicant,
<0.05, **
Belanche, Cooke, Jones, Worgan and Newbold
also seems to represent an important source of nutrients for
the lambs during its rst hours of life to maintain body
temperature and good health (Jones
et al
., 2004). Thus, the
supply of colostrum alternative after birth can be considered
an appropriate strategy to prevent health problems and
maximize the number of lambs weaned per ewe when ewe
colostrum is insufcient.
Effect of articial rearing on lambs health
This study does not attempt a direct comparison of the
effects of milk replacer
. maternal milk since articial
rearing involves the replacement of the contributions made
by the ewe which are essential to the growth and develop-
ment of the lamb. This not only includes the feed supply but
also the warmth, shelter and motheringnormally provided
by the ewe. Our experiment showed a greater incidence of
diarrhoea events in articially reared lambs than those
reared on the ewe. These diarrhoea episodes appeared from
week 2 to week 5; they were very mild (<2.0 scored) and
required an average of 1.2 antibiotic doses per lamb, whilst
antibiotic usage in NN lambs was negligible. Although these
diarrheal events did not trigger any deaths, they could
explain the lower ADG for NA and AA lambs during the rst
5 weeks. Similar diarrhoea events starting at 2 weeks of age
have been described in calves and various pathogens com-
patible with enteric infections have been identied in the
necropsy (i.e.
Cryptosporidium parvum
ichia coli
and coronavirus) (Quigley
et al
., 2006). None of the
lambs required the use of antibiotics from week 5 onwards,
and the study of the rumen microbial community showed no
residual antibiotic effects at 45 days and 23 weeks of age
(data not shown). Thus, the potential long-term effect of
antibiotics on blood metabolites and animal performance
seems to be negligible under our experimental conditions.
Table 5
Effect of colostrum alternative and articial rearing on animal and carcass performances in lambs
Type of lactation Sex
Items NN NA AA Males Females SED
Rearing Sex
Animal performance
BW at birth (kg) 3.81 3.89 3.88 4.07 3.56 0.124 0.794 0.005
BW at weaning, 45 days (kg) 18.5 18.9 18.3 19.1 18.0 0.572 0.583 0.001
BW at fattening, 23 weeks (kg) 38.6
38.7 35.2 1.022 0.004 0.035
ADG from 0 to 45 days (g/day) 325 332 318 332 319 5.110 0.568 0.444
ADG from 45d to 23 weeks (g/day) 176
170 150 5.050 <0.001 0.047
Carcass performance
Final BW (kg) 42.3
41.4 39.5 0.754 <0.001 0.155
Warm carcass weight (kg) 18.3 18.2 17.6 18.6 17.4 0.532 0.624 0.490
Dressing percentage (%) 43.1
45.3 44.2 1.390 0.052 0.311
3.78 3.63 3.61 3.82 3.52 0.167 0.750 0.853
2.72 2.74 2.76 2.76 2.76 0.166 0.971 0.495
NN =natural rearing; NA =ewe colostrum and articial milk feeding; AA =colostrum alternative and articial milk feeding; ADG =average daily gain; SED =standard
error of the difference among means.
EUROP classication. Conformation: E =5, U =4, R =3, O =2, P =1. Fatness: 1 =1, 2 =2, 3 L =3, 3 H =3.5, 4 L =4, 4 H =4.5, 5 =5.
Canonical variate 1
Canonical variate 2
Figure 2 Canonical variate analysis illustrating the impact of nutritional
intervention in early life on the faecal Fourier-transform infrared spectra
from lambs of 23 weeks of age. NN, natural rearing (
); NA, ewe
colostrum and articial milk feeding (
); AA, colostrum alternative
and articial milk feeding (
). Big circles indicate the 99%
condence interval of the mean for each treatment.
Table 6
Effect of articial rearing on total tract digestibility (% in dry
matter (DM) basis) in grazing lambs (23 weeks of age)
DM 66.3
0.83 <0.001
Carbon 61.7
1.02 <0.001
Nitrogen 75.5
0.69 0.003
NDF 51.7 50.7 53.8 1.36 0.143
ADF 38.4 34.2 36.5 2.47 0.327
NN =natural rearing; NA =ewe colostrum and articial milk feeding; AA =
colostrum alternative and articial milk feeding; SED =Standard error of the
difference among means.
Within a row means without a common superscript differ (
Effects of articial rearing of lambs
Various studies have investigated the effect of different
articial milk feeding strategies to prevent diarrheal events
and to improve animal performance: Jasper and Weary
(2002) concluded that
ad libitum
nipple feeding of whole
milk to dairy calves v. restricted can increase weight gain
with no diarrheal problems nor detrimental effects on feed
intake after weaning. Quigley (2006) observed calves that
fed a variable amount of milk replacer (peaking at 3 weeks of
age with 908 g/day) had not only greater ADG but also
increased incidence of diarrhoea which required added
veterinary treatment in comparison to those fed a xed
amount (454 g/day). Thus, it seems that our articial rearing
strategy based on the
ad libitum
access to milk replacer
might not only explain the incidence of moderate diarrhoea
but also did help to prevent feed competition between
lambs, because lambs in contrast to calves tend to be reared
in groups with a large number of animals. More research is
needed to assess whether these diarrheal events could be
minimized by using alternative rearing systems such as
automatic feeding machines.
Although most lambs remained in good health from birth
to slaughter, the haematological analysis revealed that NN
lambs had higher levels of white blood cell at weaning in
comparison to articially reared lambs (+21.6%), and those
differences persisted during the fattening period (+10.5%). It
has been shown that colostrum and milk have viable cells,
including neutrophils and macrophages, which secrete a
range of immune-related components (Stelwagen
et al
2009). Our ndings are in line with this observation and
suggest that direct contact with adult animals in NN may
also represent an important exposure to antigens, which may
help in the immune system development of young lambs
with long-lasting effects on the levels of white blood cells.
Moreover, articially reared lambs had lower haemoglobin
levels (2.8%) and haematocrit (5.3%) at weaning in
comparison to NN lambs. The variation in the size of red cells
(anisocytosis) provided an insight of the potential reasons of
slight signs of anaemia. Since neither the size of the red
blood cells (MCV) nor the amount of haemoglobin per cell
(MCH) were affected, it seems that the normocytic anaemia
was very mild and partially compensated by a greater
amount of haemoglobin per unit of volume (MCHC +2.6%).
Despite this lack of severity, articially reared lambs still had
lower levels of haemoglobin (3.3%) and haematocrit
(0.4%) during the fattening period suggesting a small but
long-term effect of the type of rearing strategy on the ani-
malshealth. On the contrary, NN lambs had a higher coef-
cient of variation in RBCDW (+20.0%), which is compatible
with early stages of iron deciency at weaning in animals
having limited amounts of milk (Blaxter
et al
., 1957), possibly
as a result of a lower milk intake and lower iron content in
the ewe milk in comparison to lambs fed milk replacer
. This observation was supported by the lower blood
calcium concentration in NN lambs at weaning (6.7%) and
fattening (4.2%). Increases in plasma glucose and urea
concentrations have been associated with higher articial
milk intake in calves (Quigley
et al
., 2006). However, in our
study all experimental treatments had similar glucose, urea
and total protein levels at weaning, possibly because a lower
milk intake in NN lambs during late milk feeding period in
comparison to those fed milk replacer was compensated by a
greater creep feed intake (256
. 116 g/day). Our experiment
indicates that protein and energy sources included in the milk
replacer were highly digestible since no differences in the
plasma concentration of metabolites related with the protein
(total proteins, albumin, globulin, creatinine, urea and
ammonia) and energy (glucose) metabolism were detected
across treatments. These ndings agree with the similar
content of urea nitrogen, total protein, albumin and globulin
in the serum of lambs fed milk replacers made up of milk
protein or other protein sources (Huang
et al
., 2015). Most of
the milk bypasses the rumen through the oesophageal
groove, thus high milk intake in articially reared lambs may
increase the amino acid ow to the small intestine leading to
an increase in the deamination processes occurring in the
liver as was reected by increased levels of alkaline phos-
phatase (+30%) as an indicator of the liver stress (Reichling
and Kaplan, 1988). On the contrary, solid feed (carbohy-
drates and proteins) is fermented in the rumen producing
volatile fatty acids and ammonia as the main fermentation
end product. Thus, the increased levels of
in NN at weaning (+2.6-fold times) suggest a greater phy-
siological and fermentative development of the rumen.
Although cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations were
unaffected by the experimental treatments, articially reared
lambs had lower levels of HDL (13%) and higher levels of
LDL (+38%) at weaning than NN lambs. Increased blood
levels of LDL are considered a circulatory risk factor, which
can be mainly determined by diet, physical activity, genetics,
sex and age (Sigurdardottir
et al
., 2002). Overall, our data
also showed that most of the haematological and metabolite
differences observed at weaning were transient and tended
to disappear later in life with no further effects on the ani-
mals health.
Effect of articial rearing on productive performance
This study revealed that in comparison with articially reared
lambs, NN lambs had a higher neonatal growth, suggesting
that the ewe mothering instinct helps lambs to suckle more
efciently during the 1
days of life. Moreover, this compe-
titive advantage was maintained until 3 weeks after birth,
when NN lambs reached the greatest differences in BW
(+10.5%), corresponding with the peak in the lactation
curve described for crossbred ewes rearing lambs (Cardellino
and Benson, 2002). However, these differences tended to
disappear as weaning approached, possibly due to the
increased milk intake recorded for the articially reared
lambs (average 2.9 l/day), resulting in similar BW at weaning
across treatments. This observation agrees with the lack of
differences in weaning weights reported for Comisana lambs
reared articially or conventionally (Napolitano
et al
., 2002).
However, differences in BW gain reappeared after wean-
ing despite all lambs being grazed together on the same
pasture. As a result, NN lambs had a greater growth during
Belanche, Cooke, Jones, Worgan and Newbold
the fattening period (+16%) and higher BW from week 13
onwards. Several reasons could explain these ndings: (i) The
greater solid feed intake observed in NN lambs at weaning
. 116 g DM/day) has been described as a key factor
which promotes the rumen physiological development in
calves and facilitates a smooth transition to the solid diet
et al
., 2011). (ii) The direct contact with adult animals
represents a source of microbes (i.e. bacteria, protozoa,
methanogens, anaerobic fungi) which are crucial for the
development of the symbiotic rumen microbiota (Belanche
et al
., 2010; Belanche
et al
., 2011). (iii) Adult animals teach
young animals in terms of feeding behaviour since the pre-
sence of adult companions has been reported to increase
solid feed intake and performance of calves before and after
weaning (Vieira
et al
., 2012) as was noted in our experiment.
Our ndings also suggest that the greater BW gain in NN
lambs during the fattening period may in part be explained
by greater feed DM digestibility (+5.9%) in comparison to
NA lambs, although differences were less obvious (+2.0%)
when compared with AA lambs. These differences in forage
utilization were also observed based on the ngerprint ana-
lysis of faecal samples using FTIR spectroscopy. As a result,
NN lambs reached a greater nal BW (+7.0%) at slaughter
but they performed substantially worse in dressing percen-
tage (5.7%) leading to similar carcass weight, carcass
conrmation and fatness. This observation indicates that NN
lambs may have a greater rumen size, slower rumen transit
time or greater wool yield all of which could reduce the
killing out percentage. These ndings support previous
observations which suggest that rearing lambs on the ewe,
and the early intake of solid feed are important drivers not
only for the rumen anatomical enlargement but also for the
physiological and microbiological development (Yáñez-Ruiz
et al
., 2015). Thus, more research is needed based on a better
description of the rumen dynamics of feed utilization, rumen
microbiota and animal behavioural studies to elucidate
which factor plays a greater role on animal resilience and
productivity during the post-weaning processes as well as
later in life.
This work has been supported by the European Regional
Development Fund Program through the Welsh Government
(WISE Network) and Volac International Ltd. The authors thank
D. R. Yáñez-Ruiz for his contribution to the paper preparation.
Declaration of interest
There is not conict of interests.
Ethical standards
All animal procedures were carried out according to the Home
Ofce Scientic Procedures, Act 1986 and protocols were
approved by the Aberystwyth University Ethics Committee (PLL
40/3653; PIL 40/9798).
Software and data repository resources
None of the data were deposited in an ofcial repository
Supplementary material
To view supplementary material for this article, please visit
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Belanche, Cooke, Jones, Worgan and Newbold
... However, these effects have not been always observed [21]. The negative effect on rumen development could be due to differences in microbes' colonization that were observed in artificially-reared animals [19,20,22,23]. It has been suggested that, in addition to strong deterministic constraints imposed by diet and age, stochastic colonization in early life could have long-lasting impacts on the development of animal microbiomes [21,24]. ...
... No difference in lambs' weight and ADG was observed between groups before weaning or on the whole experiment. Several previous works reported impaired early growth rate in lambs submitted to artificial rearing compared with mothering [12,22]. On the contrary, in the present study, the post-weaning ADG was significantly higher for the ART group, and appeared more variable in the MOT group, also after weaning. ...
... This was mainly due to dirtier perianal areas, indicating altered digestive transit. Previous work on lambs also showed minor diarrheal events from weeks 2 to 5 with artificial rearing, leading to lower growth rates during the 1st month but the animals reached similar weaning weights than mothered lambs [22], as we observed in the present study. The dirtiness of the rear end observed on ART lambs in the present work was associated to a disturbed microbiota in their feces, and detection of higher relative proportions of Cryptosporidium taxa. ...
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Background Artificial rearing system, commonly used in prolific sheep breeds, is associated to increased mortality and morbidity rates before weaning, which might be linked to perturbations in digestive tract maturation, including microbiota colonization. This study evaluated the effect of rearing mode (mothered or artificially reared) on the establishment of the rumen and intestinal microbiome of lambs from birth to weaning. We also measured immunological and zootechnical parameters to assess lambs’ growth and health. GIT anatomy as well as rumen and intestinal epithelium gene expression were also analysed on weaned animals to assess possible long-term effects of the rearing practice. Results Total VFA concentrations were higher in mothered lambs at 2 months of age, while artificially-reared lambs had lower average daily gain, a more degraded sanitary status and lower serum IgG concentration in the early growth phase. Metataxonomic analysis revealed higher richness of bacterial and eukaryote populations in mothered vs. artificially-reared lambs in both Rumen and Feces. Beta diversity analysis indicated an evolution of rumen and fecal bacterial communities in mothered lambs with age, not observed in artificially-reared lambs. Important functional microorganisms such as the cellulolytic bacterium Fibrobacter succinogenes and rumen protozoa did not establish correctly before weaning in artificially-reared lambs. Enterobacteriaceae and Escherichia coli were dominant in the fecal microbiota of mothered lambs, but main E. coli virulence genes were not found differential between the two groups, suggesting they are commensal bacteria which could exert a protective effect against pathogens. The fecal microbiota of artificially-reared lambs had a high proportion of lactic acid bacteria taxa. No difference was observed in mucosa gene expression in the two lamb groups after weaning. Conclusions The rearing mode influences gastrointestinal microbiota and health-associated parameters in offspring in early life: rumen maturation was impaired in artificially-reared lambs which also presented altered sanitary status and higher risk of gut dysbiosis. The first month of age is thus a critical period where the gastrointestinal tract environment and microbiota are particularly unstable and special care should be taken in the management of artificially fed newborn ruminants.
... In relation to the rearing system, it has been demonstrated that a progressive rumen microbial colonization and functional development occur when young ruminants are reared with the dam or adult companions, allowing a natural rumen microbial transfer to the offspring (4) and feeding behavior learned from the adults (5) resulting on a superior forage digestion and animal growth than artificially reared ruminants (6). On the contrary, in modern intensive dairy systems, the newborns are usually separated from their dams after birth and fed milk replacer or whole milk. ...
... For rumen microbial characterization frozen samples were freezedried, physically disrupted by bead-beating for 1 min and DNA was extracted using a commercial kit (QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit, Qiagen LTd., Barcelona, Spain). Rumen concentration of the different microbial groups were determined by qPCR using serial dilutions of microbial standards (6) and specific primers for the 16S rRNA gene Table S1). For rumen meta-taxonomic analyses, DNA samples were sent to University of Illinois Biotechnology Center (Urbana, IL, USA) for amplicon sequencing using Miseq V3 (Ilumina Inc., San Diego, CA, USA) as previously described (13). ...
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Introduction This study explores if promoting a complex rumen microbiota represents an advantage or a handicap in the current dairy production systems in which ruminants are artificially reared in absence of contact with adult animals and fed preserved monophyte forage. Methods In order to promote a different rumen microbial diversity, a total of 36 newborn goat kids were artificially reared, divided in 4 groups and daily inoculated during 10 weeks with autoclaved rumen fluid (AUT), fresh rumen fluid from adult goats adapted to forage (RFF) or concentrate (RFC) diets, or absence of inoculation (CTL). At 6 months of age all animals were shifted to an oats hay diet to determine their ability to digest a low quality forage. Results and discussion Early life inoculation with fresh rumen fluid promoted an increase in the rumen overall microbial diversity which was detected later in life. As a result, at 6 months of age RFF and RFC animals had higher bacterial (+50 OTUs) and methanogens diversity (+4 OTUs) and the presence of a complex rumen protozoal community (+32 OTUs), whereas CTL animals remained protozoa-free. This superior rumen diversity and presence of rumen protozoa had beneficial effects on the energy metabolism allowing a faster adaptation to the forage diet, a higher forage digestion (+21% NDF digestibility) and an energetically favourable shift of the rumen fermentation pattern from acetate to butyrate (+92%) and propionate (+19%) production. These effects were associated with the presence of certain rumen bacterial taxa and a diverse protozoal community. On the contrary, the presence of rumen protozoa (mostly Entodinium) had a negative impact on the N metabolism leading to a higher bacterial protein breakdown in the rumen and lower microbial protein flow to the host based on purine derivatives urinary excretion (-17% to -54%). The inoculation with autoclaved rumen fluid, as source of fermentation products but not viable microbes, had smaller effects than using fresh inoculum. These findings suggest that enhancing rumen microbial diversity represents a desirable attribute when ruminants are fed forages in which the N supply does not represent a limiting factor for the rumen microbiota.
... During this process, the intestinal tract of the lamb develops rapidly, but is not yet optimal, and its ability to digest and absorb feed is inefficient. Therefore, weaning, a crucial event in the early development of animals, induces a stress response that leads to decreased feed intake, abnormal mucosal immunity, and increased mortality in young animals [2][3][4]. ...
... (1) DMI represents the group DMI, which was calculated by the average daily feed intake of lambs in each pen. (2) Feed efficiency represents the group feed efficiency, which was calculated as ADG/DMI. Table 3 shows the immune response among the groups. ...
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Early weaning stress in lambs leads to decreased feed intake, damage to intestinal morphology, changes in the microbial flora structure, and subsequent complications. Yeast peptides are antimicrobial peptides with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and bacteriostasis effects. To study the effects of yeast peptides on relieving weaning stress in lambs, 54 lambs were randomly divided into three groups: ewe-reared (ER), yeast-peptide-treated (AP), and early-weaned (EW) lambs. The body weight and dry matter intake did not significantly differ among all groups. After weaning, the daily gain and feed conversion rate decreased significantly (p < 0.01), but AP showed an upward trend. In the EW group, immunoglobulin (Ig) levels changed significantly post-weaning (IgG decreased; IgA and IgM increased); the villi shortened, the crypt depth increased, and the villi height/crypt depth decreased (p < 0.001). The abundance and diversity of microflora among all groups were not significantly different. A column coordinate analysis showed significant differences in the intestinal microbial structure between the AP and EW groups. Lactobacillus, Aeriscardovia, Ruminosaceae_UCG-014, and Catenisphaera may play key roles in alleviating weaning stress in lambs. Our study provides new clues for alleviating weaning stress in lambs by describing the influence of yeast peptides on the intestinal microflora during weaning.
... Milk replacers (MRs) are widely used in lamb rearing and are formulated to meet the specific nutritional requirements of lambs [1][2][3]. They are easy to prepare and feed and can be successfully used to rear orphaned or rejected lambs, as well as supplement the milk production of ewes with multiple lambs or those with insufficient milk secretion [2]. ...
... Milk replacers (MRs) are widely used in lamb rearing and are formulated to meet the specific nutritional requirements of lambs [1][2][3]. They are easy to prepare and feed and can be successfully used to rear orphaned or rejected lambs, as well as supplement the milk production of ewes with multiple lambs or those with insufficient milk secretion [2]. The rational utilization of MRs is to improve the survival rate and growth performance of lambs. ...
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Simple Summary Intestinal development is a gradual process that starts before birth and continues throughout the postnatal period, with nutrition playing a critical role. In this study, we performed transcriptome sequencing to investigate the effects of milk replacer (MR) feeding level on intestinal gene expression in lambs and its relationship with intestinal function and development. The intensive use of MR was observed to promote intestinal morphological development and digestive enzyme activities and considerably affect intestinal gene expression, which was still significant at 14 days postweaning. Further, the intensive use of MR affected the insulin sensitivity of the intestinal tissue and regulated nutrient distribution and metabolism by synchronizing the expression of AHSG, IGFBP1, MGAT2, ITIH, and CYP2E1 in the jejunal tissue of lambs. Abstract Although early feeding strategies influence intestinal development, the effects of milk replacer (MR) feeding level on intestinal structure and functional development and underlying regulatory mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, 14 male Hu lambs were fed MR at 2% or 4% of their average body weight and weaned at 35 days of age. The MR was produced by the Institute of Feed Research of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and it contains 96.91% dry matter, 23.22% protein, and 13.20% fat. Jejunal tissues were assessed by RNA-seq for differences in the gene expression of lambs at 49 days of age; regulatory pathways and mechanisms of the effects of early nutrition on intestinal function and development were analyzed, along with growth performance, feed intake, jejunal histomorphology, and digestive enzyme activities. Increasing MR- feeding levels increased dry matter intake and daily gain before weaning, as well as lactase, amylase, lipase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin activities and intestinal villus length and muscular thickness. Overall, 1179 differentially expressed genes were identified, which were enriched in nutrient metabolism, coagulation cascades, and other pathways. Further, intensive MR feeding affected insulin sensitivity to reduce excessive glucose interception by intestinal tissues to ensure adequate absorbed glucose release into the portal circulation and promoted lipid and protein degradation in intestinal tissues to meet the energy demand of intestinal cells by regulating AHSG, IGFBP1, MGAT2, ITIH, and CYP2E1 expression.
... Despite all the care provided to the lambs by farmers, artificial feeding with a milk replacer can still carry a mortality rate that is higher than in lambs reared by the mother and may reach up to 50% (Boivin et al, 2017). Artificial feeding has short-term and possibly long-term effects on animal welfare, health and performance, with uncertain profit (Napolitano et al., 2008;Ward et al., 2017;Belanche et al., 2019a). This artificial rearing system, which imposes early separation from the mother and excludes direct contact with adult animals, leads to short-term negative effects on rumen microbial development compared to lambs reared by their mother (Belanche et al., 2019b). ...
... Lambs may not be motivated to suck an artificial teat as they had already suckled their dam and experienced the texture of the natural udder (Napolitano et al., 2008). They could become reluctant or at least less sensitive to artificial stimuli or milk-replacer taste (Beauchamp and Mennella, 2009;Belanche et al., 2019a). This weakness likely jeopardizes the lamb's ability to adapt to the artificial feeding system and therefore its subsequent growth and survival, which is coherent with the fact that starvation was the main cause of lamb death during the first week of life found here. ...
... Different strategies to feed lambs, including a combination of both natural and artificial milk (16), or early weaning strategies (17)(18)(19) aimed at increasing milk production in the mothers or reducing the time spent on milk replacers to approximately 30 days, are common. In the study by Belanche et al. (18), milk replacers facilitated the successful rearing of lambs, achieving similar productive parameters to lactation with the mother. ...
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Introduction Nowadays, many dairy sheep farms opt for milk replacers after birth. Weaning lambs from milk replacers is expected to be a stressful situation. Methods With the aim of researching this practice on the animal behavior, body weight yields, and sanitary status of Lacaune lambs, 60 healthy animals from the same lambing house were employed. Lambs were housed in a pen and had ad libitum access to forage, compound feed, and milk replacers. During a 4 days preexperimental period in which all the animals were fed with milk replacers, behavior, hematologic parameters, body weight and seric and fecal stress indicators were recorded. Later, an experimental period took place in which 20 lambs remained in the same conditions. Another 20 lambs were kept in a separate pen in the same barn under the same conditions, but the artificial milk feeding was interrupted (weaning). The third 20 lambs were weaned and also rehoused in fattening pens. After 4 days, the variables previously recorded in the three groups during the pre-experimental period were recorded again. Results Results showed that change of location and change of feed can have different and synergic effects on the behavior of the lambs. Change of feed had not specifically different effect on body weight than change of location. In the other hand, weaning had no significative effects on hematologic parameters and seric and fecal stress indicators. Discussion Weaning from artificial milk had significative effects on lambs weight and behavior. More research is needed to improve this ethical aspect in ovine production.
... Weaning stimulation leads to behavioral changes in young animals such as shouting, restlessness, frequent walking, and reduced feed intake, which in severe cases can adversely affect normal growth and development [7]. Belanche et al. [8] found that lambs lactating with their mothers had a better-developed immune system when compared to artificially fed ewes with colostrum or colostrum substitutes, which has a negative impact on the better advantage of their later growth performance. ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of early weaning and nutritional interventions on growth performance, nutrient digestion and metabolism, and serological indices of hu sheep lambs, with a view to providing a basis for the feasibility of early weaning of hu sheep lambs under conditions of supplemental milk replacer. Ninety neonatal hu sheep lambs were weaned at 21 days (n = 60) (divided into two groups: early weaned, EW; and resveratrol-fed, RSV) as well as 49 days (n = 30) (control group, CON) weaning, and the trial period was 90 days. The results showed that: 1) there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the initial and final weights of the lambs, and the average daily gain (ADG) of the EW and RSV groups was significantly lower than that of the CON group (P < 0.05) from 31 to 45 days of age. Early weaned lambs were more susceptible to weaning stress compared to late weaned lambs and the effect of nutritional intervention (feeding resveratrol) on lamb growth performance was not significant. 2) The apparent digestibility of crude protein (CP) in the experimental group was significantly lower than that of the control group (P < 0.05), and the nitrogen intake, net protein utilization and protein biological value indexes of lake lambs in the experimental group were significantly different from those of the control group (P < 0.05). 3) Early feeding of resveratrol was not significant in improving the digestive metabolism of nutrients. 4) Early weaning as well as the addition of resveratrol had a significant effect on the serum GLU and TC indexes of the lambs (P < 0.05), but did not show a significant effect on any of the other indexes.
... 21 The reason might be that newborn lambs are under neonatal stress after being removed from the dam. Given the separation of mother-child is the basis for artificial rearing, mild diarrhea was recorded 29 and led to lost body weight during the first days of life. 30 Therefore, inoculation with activity ruminal solid microorganisms has the potential ability to maintain the health of newborn lambs and improve growth efficiency. ...
Microbial transplantation in early life was a strategy to optimize the health and performance of livestock animals. This study aimed to investigate the effect of active ruminal solids microorganism supplementation on newborn lamb gut microbiota and serum metabolism. Twenty-four Youzhou dark newborn lambs were randomly divided into three groups: (1) newborn lambs fed with sterilized goat milk inoculated with sterilized normal saline (CON), supernatant from ruminal solids (SRS), or autoclaved supernatant from ruminal solids (ASRS). Results showed that SRS increased gut bacterial richness and community, downregulating the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio, and increased the abundance of some probiotics (Bacteroidetes, Spirochaetota, and Fibrobacterota), while reducing the abundance of Fusobacteriota, compared to the CON group. SRS also improved the plasma metabolic function, such as arachidonic acid metabolism, primary bile acid biosynthesis, and tryptophan metabolism and then actively promoted the levels of ALP and HLD. Our study indicated that inoculation with active ruminal solids significantly affected the intestinal microbial communities and metabolic characteristics, and these changes can improve the growing health of the newborn lamb. These findings provided an experimental and theoretical basis for the application of ruminal solid-attached microorganisms in the nutritional management of lambs reared for human consumption.
Artificially rearing lambs is an important component of United States sheep production as some flocks select for increasing litter size to boost productivity. However, there is a conception among shepherds that artificially reared ewe lambs will ultimately result in poor mothers since they were not naturally raised. The objective of this study was to determine if differences in maternal behavior could be detected between ewes raised artificially and those raised naturally and if dam rearing type had an impact on lamb growth performance. Forty-eight ewes were enrolled comprised of four equal sized groups: artificially reared primiparous, naturally reared primiparous, artificially reared multi-parous, and naturally reared multi-parous. Ewes were observed using remote cameras to record maternal behaviors toward the lambs during and shortly after parturition. Behavior of twenty-nine ewes during the first hour after parturition was analyzed. Independent multivariable regression models were evaluated for: proportion of time spent grooming, proportion of time spent helping the lambs nurse, number of helpful bouts, and the number of negative bouts. No statistically significant difference (p<0.05) was detected between artificially reared and naturally reared ewes for the proportion of time spent grooming and the proportion of time spent helping the lambs nurse. Historical flock data was utilized to evaluate lamb growth between artificially and naturally reared ewes. No detrimental associations between artificially reared ewes and lamb weaning weights were observed. This study shows that artificially reared ewes are no different in terms of mothering behaviors and may be used as potential replacement candidates.
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Introduction Prolificacy has become an important breeding goal in sheep farming to increase farm profitability. With the adoption of improved genetics and management practices leading to increased lambing percentages, the proportion of triplet-born lambs has also increased on farms. However, mortality rates of triplet lambs are higher than for single- and twin-born lambs, and additional management inputs may be needed to support survival. The aim of this study was to identify factors that affect management practices that are considered important for triplet lamb survival by commercial farmers from the United Kingdom (UK), the Ireland (IRE), and New Zealand (NZ). Methods An online survey was developed and disseminated to farmers in each country, focusing on farmer demographics, flock characteristics, management practices and production outcomes. A total of 448 farmers completed the survey, from the UK (n = 168), IRE (n = 218), and NZ (n = 62). Results Respondents had larger flocks, higher scanning and lambing percentages than the country average for the UK and IRE. The mean percentage of triplet litters born within flocks was 9%, and lambs lost between scanning and lambing were 14% for UK, 15% for IRE, and 25% for NZ respondents (P = 0.063). Overall, 60% of all respondents reported to lamb indoors and 40% lambed outdoors, however NZ farmers almost exclusively lambed outdoors, whereas UK and IRE farmers lambed in both systems (P < 0.001). NZ farmers were more likely to rear all triplet lambs with the ewe, whereas UK and IRE farmers were more likely to remove a lamb to rear by another ewe or artificially (P < 0.001). Factors that influenced triplet lamb management practices of respondents in this study were respondent country of origin, flock size, age, and gender. In general, younger respondents (P < 0.001), and female respondents (P < 0.05), were more likely to engage in management activities that were considered to promote better triplet lamb survival, compared to older and male respondents respectively. These practices were associated with better lamb survival reported by respondents but were less likely to be carried out when flock size increased (P < 0.001). Discussion The results of this survey highlight future priorities or communication strategies needed to improve triplet lamb survival.
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Increasing the efficiency of utilization of fresh and preserved forage is a key target for ruminant science. Vitamin E is often used as additive to improve product quality but its impact of the rumen function is unknown. This study investigated the successional microbial colonization of ryegrass (GRA) vs. ryegrass hay (HAY) in presence of zero or 50 IU/d supplementary vitamin E, using a rumen simulation technique. A holistic approach was used to link the dynamics of feed degradation with the structure of the liquid-associated (LAB) and solid-associated bacteria (SAB). Results showed that forage colonization by SAB was a tri-phasic process highly affected by the forage conservation method: Early colonization (0–2 h after feeding) by rumen microbes was 2× faster for GRA than HAY diets and dominated by Lactobacillus and Prevotella which promoted increased levels of lactate (+56%) and ammonia (+18%). HAY diets had lower DM degradation (-72%) during this interval being Streptococcus particularly abundant. During secondary colonization (4–8 h) the SAB community increased in size and decreased in diversity as the secondary colonizers took over (Pseudobutyrivibrio) promoting the biggest differences in the metabolomics profile between diets. Secondary colonization was 3× slower for HAY vs. GRA diets, but this delay was compensated by a greater bacterial diversity (+197 OTUs) and network complexity resulting in similar feed degradations. Tertiary colonization (>8 h) consisted of a slowdown in the colonization process and simplification of the bacterial network. This slowdown was less evident for HAY diets which had higher levels of tertiary colonizers (Butyrivibrio and Ruminococcus) and may explain the higher DM degradation (+52%) during this interval. The LAB community was particularly active during the early fermentation of GRA and during the late fermentation for HAY diets indicating that the availability of nutrients in the liquid phase reflects the dynamics of feed degradation. Vitamin E supplementation had minor effects but promoted a simplification of the LAB community and a slight acceleration in the SAB colonization sequence which could explain the higher DM degradation during the secondary colonization. Our findings suggest that when possible, grass should be fed instead of hay, in order to accelerate feed utilization by rumen microbes.
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This study investigated the effects of protein sources for milk replacers on growth performance and serum biochemical indexes of suckling calves. Fifty Chinese Holstein bull calves with similar BW and age were randomly allocated to 5 groups (1 control and 4 treatments) of 10 calves in each group. Five types of milk replacers were designed to have the same level of energy and protein. The protein sources for milk replacers of the control group was full milk protein (MP). The protein sources of milk replacers of the 4 treatment groups is composed of MP and one vegetable protein (VP) (30 and 70% of total protein). The 4 types of VP were soybean protein concentrate (SP), hydrolyzed wheat protein (WP), peanut protein concentrate (PP), and rice protein isolate (RP). Results of the experiment showed:1) there was no significant difference on average daily gain (ADG) and feed: gain ratio (F:G) among the MP, SP and RP groups (P > 0.05), whereas the ADG or F: G of the WP and PP groups was significantly lower than those of the MP group (P < 0.05); 2) there was not a significant difference on withers height, body length and heart girth among treatment groups compared with the MP group (P > 0.05). Thereby the 4 VP milk replacers had no adverse effects on body size of calves; 3) all groups show no significant difference on the serum content of urea nitrogen, total protein, albumin, globulin, albumin:globulin ratio (A:G), β-hydroxybutyrate, growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1 (P > 0.05). In conclusion, SP or RP (accounts for 70% of the total protein) as calf milk replacers could substitute MP, whereas wheat gluten and PP had a significant adverse effect on growth performance in this experiment.
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The nutritional manipulations of the rumen microbiome to enhance productivity and health are rather limited by the resilience of the ecosystem once established in the mature rumen. Based on recent studies, it has been suggested that the microbial colonization that occurs soon after birth opens a possibility of manipulation with potential to produce lasting effects into adult life. This paper presents the state-of-the-art in relation to early life nutritional interventions by addressing three areas: the development of the rumen as an organ in regards to the nutrition of the new-born, the main factors that determine the microbial population that first colonizes and establishes in the rumen, and the key immunity players that contribute to shaping the commensal microbiota in the early stage of life to understand host-microbiome specificity. The development of the rumen epithelium and muscularization are differently affected by the nature of the diet and special care should be taken with regards to transition from liquid (milk) to solid feed. The rumen is quickly colonized by all type of microorganisms straight after birth and the colonization pattern may be influenced by several factors such as presence/absence of adult animals, the first solid diet provided, and the inclusion of compounds that prevent/facilitate the establishment of some microorganisms or the direct inoculation of specific strains. The results presented show how early life events may be related to the microbial community structure and/or the rumen activity in the animals post-weaning. This would create differences in adaptive capacity due to different early life experiences and leads to the idea of microbial programming. However, many elements need to be further studied such as: the most sensitive window of time for interventions, the best means to test long term effectiveness, the role of key microbial groups and host-immune regulations.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the BW and immune status of lambs reared under natural conditions or under artificial conditions fed two different colostrum amounts. In this study, 60 lambs were randomly divided into groups according to treatment. Twenty lambs remained with their dams (natural rearing (NR) group). Forty lambs were removed from their dams at birth. Lambs were bottle-fed with a pool of sheep colostrum, receiving either 4 g of IgG/kg of BW at birth (C4 group) or 8 g of IgG/kg of BW at birth (C8 group). The total colostrum amount was equally divided into three meals at 2, 14 and 24 h after birth. After this period, lambs were bottle-fed a commercial milk replacer. Blood plasma sample analysis and BW recordings were carried out before feeding at birth and then at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 20 days after birth. Another blood sample analysis and BW recording was carried out when animals reached 10 kg of BW. During weaning (30 days), sampling was carried out every 5 days. Blood plasma was used to determine the concentrations of IgG and IgM and the complement system activity - total and alternative pathways. The NR group showed greater BW than the C4 and C8 groups during milk feeding period, whereas the C4 and C8 groups had greater BW than the NR group at the end of weaning period. The C8 and NR groups had greater plasma IgG and IgM concentrations than the C4 group during milk feeding period. In addition, C4 and C8 groups showed similar IgG concentrations and greater IgM concentrations than the NR group at the end of the weaning period. Complement system activity was greater in the NR group than in the C4 and C8 groups during the first 3 days after birth. In conclusion, lambs fed amounts of colostrum equivalent to 8 g of IgG/kg of BW showed similar immune variables compared to lambs reared under natural conditions, obtaining a greater BW at the end of the weaning period. Nevertheless, this study shows that not only the colostrum amount but also the management during the milk feeding and weaning period, such as stress produced by dam separation, milk quality and suckling frequency, can affect the final immune status of lambs.
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This study aimed to analyze the chemical composition and the IgG concentration of the colostrum, transitional milk, and mature milk of Santa Inês ewes as well as the transfer of passive immunity to lambs. Thirty-two pregnant ewes and 38 lambs were used. Ewes were milked immediately after lambing and at 12, 24, 36 h and 10 d postpartum. Colostrum was provided to the lambs at 40 ± 15 min (mean ± SE) after birth and then at 30-min intervals for obtaining the intake closest to 10% of body weight, and transitional milk was provided ad libitum. Blood from the lambs was collected 36 h after birth for measuring the serum concentrations of IgG, total protein, albumin, and gamma-globulin. The production was lower in primiparous than in multiparous ewes with body condition score (BCS) < 2.75, but did not differ between primiparous and multiparous with BCS ≥ 2.75 (interaction parity and BCS). The IgG concentration and fat, protein, lactose, and defatted dry extract percentages were not affected by the BCS of the ewe at lambing or by the parity. The total solids percentage in the colostrum was higher in ewes with BCS <2.75 (interaction BCS and time). The production and the protein, total solid, and defatted dry extract percentages showed quadratic behavior, the fat percentage decreased linearly, and the lactose percentage increased linearly with time postpartum. The IgG concentration in the colostrum was not correlated with the ewe's weight or BCS at the time of lambing. Moreover, the parity, the BCS, the ewe's type of gestation, and the lamb's sex did not influence the serum concentrations of IgG, total protein, albumin, and gamma-globulin in lambs. Adequate passive immune transfer (PIT) was observed in lambs for which the IgG intake was higher than 30 g. Failure in PIT was observed in 39.5% of lambs when considering a serum IgG concentration lower than 15 mg/mL and in 21% when considering a serum total protein concentration lower than 45 mg/mL. The mean apparent efficiency of absorption was 38.10%, with values between 0.02% and 98.80%. The serum IgG concentration was correlated with the total protein concentration (according to the enzymatic colorimetric method), the gamma-globulin concentration, and the absorption efficiency. The extreme variation on apparent efficiency of absorption may have an effect on the success of PIT. Lambs should consume at least 30 g of IgG in the first 24 h of life to ensure adequate PIT. Copyright © 2015 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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The aim of this work was to study the colonisation of the rumen by the three main microbial groups over the first 4 weeks of life and to assess to what extent the type of feeding management (natural with the mother, NAT, or artificial with milk replacer, ART) exerts an effect. Thirty pregnant goats carrying two fetuses were selected. At birth, one kid was taken immediately away from the doe and fed milk replacer (ART), while the other kid remained with the mother (NAT). Groups of four kids (from ART and NAT experimental groups) were slaughtered at 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of life, resulting in seven sampling times. On the sampling day, after slaughtering, the rumen was weighed full and empty and he content sampled and pH measured. Aliquots of rumen digesta were immediately frozen for DNA and volatile fatty acid (VFA) analyses. The weight of the rumen was higher in NAT kids from Day 21 onward, while no difference was observed for rumen content volume. The three microbial groups (bacteria, archaea and protozoa) were detected from Day 1 in both experimental groups. The concentration of bacteria was higher in the rumen of NAT kids on Days 3, 5, 7 and 14 and of protozoa from Day 3 onward. This was reflected in greater VFA concentrations and lower pH in the rumen of NAT kids from Day 3. Our results confirmed substantial microbial colonisation from the first day of life in the undeveloped rumen. The feeding management (natural vs artificial) before weaning had an effect on microbial colonisation and rumen fermentation and, therefore, it should be considered when designing nutritional intervention strategies in early life.
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In this review authors address colostrum proteins implications in different domestic ruminant species. The colostrogenesis process and how different factors, such as litter size or nutrition during gestation can alter the different components concentrations in colostrum are also reviewed. The different colostrum fractions will be described, focusing on high and low abundant proteins. This review describes the major function of such proteins and their role on the passive immune transfer and nutrition in the newborn animal. It will be also performed a comprehensive review on different techniques and commercial kits available for high abundant protein depletion in colostrum. We will finally focus on how proteomics has been used to address this issue and how it can contribute to the major questions about colostrum associated immunology.
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This study explored the potential of partial least squares (PLS) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to predict rumen dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) degradation parameters of a wide range of feeds for ruminants, as an alternative to the in situ method. In total, 663 samples comprising 80 different feed types were analyzed. In situ DM and NDF degradabilities were determined as follows: effective degradability (ED), rumen soluble fraction (A), degradable but not soluble fraction (B), rate of degradation of the B fraction (C), and indigestible NDF (iNDF). Infrared spectra of dry samples were collected by attenuated total reflectance from 600 to 4000 cm−1. Feeds were randomly classified into 2 subsets of samples with representation of all feed types; one subset was used to develop regression models using partial least squares, and the second subset was used to conduct an external validation of the models. This study indicated that universal models containing all feed types and specific models containing concentrate feeds could provide only a relatively poor estimation of in situ DM degradation parameters because of compositional heterogeneity. More research, such as a particle size distribution analysis, is required to determine whether this lack of accuracy was due to limitations of the FTIR approach, or simply due to methodological error associated with the in situ method. This latter hypothesis may explain the low accuracy observed in the prediction of degradation rates if there was physical leakage of fine particles from the mesh bags used during in situ studies. In contrast, much better predictions were obtained when models were developed for forage feeds alone. Models for forages led to accurate predictions of DMA, DMB, NDFED, and NDF concentration (R2 = 0.91, 0.89, 0.85, and 0.79, standard error = 4.34, 5.97, 4.59, and 4.41% of DM, respectively), and could be used for screening of DMED, NDFC, and iNDF. These models relied on certain regions of the FTIR spectrum (900–1150 and 1500–1700 cm−1), which are mainly compatible with absorption of plant cell wall components, such as cellulose, pectin, lignin, cutin, and suberin, but also with nonstructural carbohydrates and certain active compounds. In conclusion, FTIR spectroscopy could be considered a low-cost alternative to in situ measurements in feed evaluation.
The newborn lamb lacks circulating antibodies and relies on an early and adequate intake of colostrum for passive protection against disease and for energy (Black, Francis and Nicholls, 1985; Mellor, 1990). However, lambs may receive less colostrum than they require because of sibling competition, maternal undernutrition or udder disease. Colostrum insufficiency accounts for about 25% of perinatal lamb deaths world wide (Khalaf, Doxey and Baxter, 1979). Powdered colostrum substitutes may be used to supplement ‘at risk’ lambs but, because the products are manufactured outside the United Kingdom (UK), mainly from bovine sources, their relevance to UK sheep enterprises is uncertain. Further, their available energy content is low because the main constituent, protein, is not catabolized by newborn lambs (Mellor and Cockburn, 1986). The present work measured the ability of one substitute derived from bovine whey (based on ProLAM, Fisons Animal Health Ltd), with or without supplementary glucose; to prevent disease and promote growth to 3 months in lambs reared in typical UK farm conditions.