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Comparison of Photovoltaic Array Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques


Abstract and Figures

The many different techniques for maximum power point tracking of photovoltaic (PV) arrays are discussed. The techniques are taken from the literature dating back to the earliest methods. It is shown that at least 19 distinct methods have been introduced in the literature, with many variations on implementation. This paper should serve as a convenient reference for future work in PV power generation.
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Comparison of Photovoltaic Array Maximum Power
Point Tracking Techniques
Trishan Esram, Student Member, IEEE, and Patrick L. Chapman, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—The many different techniques for maximum power
point tracking of photovoltaic (PV) arrays are discussed. The tech-
niques are taken from the literature dating back to the earliest
methods. It is shown that at least 19 distinct methods have been
introduced in the literature, with many variations on implementa-
tion. This paper should serve as a convenient reference for future
work in PV power generation.
Index Terms—Maximum power point tracking (MPPT), photo-
voltaic (PV).
TRACKING the maximum power point (MPP) of a pho-
tovoltaic (PV) array is usually an essential part of a PV
system. As such, many MPP tracking (MPPT) methods have
been developed and implemented. The methods vary in com-
plexity, sensors required, convergence speed, cost, range of ef-
fectiveness, implementation hardware, popularity, and in other
respects. They range from the almost obvious (but not necessar-
ily ineffective) to the most creative (not necessarily most effec-
tive). In fact, so many methods have been developed that it has
become difficult to adequately determine which method, newly
proposed or existing, is most appropriate for a given PV system.
Given the large number of methods for MPPT, a survey of
the methods would be very beneficial to researchers and practi-
tioners in PV systems. Fig. 1 shows the total number of MPPT
papers from our bibliography per year since the earliest MPPT
paper we found. The number of papers per year has grown
considerably of the last decades and remains strong. However,
recent papers have generally had shorter, more cursory literature
reviews that largely summarize or repeat the literature reviews
of previous work. This approach tends to repeat what seems to
be conventional wisdom that there are only a handful of MPPT
techniques, when in fact there are many. This is due to the sheer
volume of MPPT literature to review, conflicting with the need
for brevity.
This survey is a single reference of the great majority of papers
and techniques presented on MPPT. We compiled over 90 papers
pertaining to different MPPT methods published up to the date of
submission of this manuscript. It is not our intention to establish
a literal chronology of when various techniques were proposed,
since the publication date is not necessarily indicative of when a
method was actually conceived. As is typical of review papers,
Manuscript received September 24, 2004; revised September 8, 2005. This
work wase supported by the National Science Foundation ECS-01-34208. Paper
no. TEC-00276-2004.
The authors are with the Grainger Center for Electric Machinery and Elec-
tromechanics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801-
2918 USA (e-mail:;
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2006.874230
Fig. 1. Total number of MPPT papers per year, since 1968.
we have elected not to reference patents. Papers referencing
MPPT methods from previous papers without any modification
or improvement have also been omitted. It is possible that one
or more papers were unintentionally omitted. We apologize if
an important method or improvement was left out.
This manuscript steps through a wide variety of methods with
a brief discussion and categorization of each. We have avoided
discussing slight modifications of existing methods as distinct
methods. For example, a method may have been first presented
in context of a boost converter, but later on shown with a boost-
buck converter, otherwise with minimal change. The manuscript
concludes with a discussion on the different methods based on
their implementation, the sensors required, their ability to detect
multiple local maxima, their costs, and applications they suit. A
table that summarizes the major characteristics of the methods
is also provided.
Fig. 2 shows the characteristic power curve for a PV array.
The problem considered by MPPT techniques is to automati-
cally find the voltage VMPP or current IMPP at which a PV array
should operate to obtain the maximum power output PMPP under
a given temperature and irradiance. It is noted that under partial
shading conditions, in some cases it is possible to have multiple
local maxima, but overall there is still only one true MPP. Most
techniques respond to changes in both irradiance and temper-
ature, but some are specifically more useful if temperature is
approximately constant. Most techniques would automatically
respond to changes in the array due to aging, though some are
open-loop and would require periodic fine-tuning. In our con-
text, the array will typically be connected to a power converter
that can vary the current coming from the PV array.
0885-8969/$25.00 © 2006 IEEE
Fig. 2. Characteristic PV array power curve.
We introduce the different MPPT techniques below in an
arbitrary order.
A. Hill Climbing/P&O
Among all the papers we gathered, much focus has been on
hill climbing [1]–[8], and perturb and observe (P&O) [9]–[25]
methods. Hill climbing involves a perturbation in the duty ratio
of the power converter, and P&O a perturbation in the operating
voltage of the PV array. In the case of a PV array connected to
a power converter, perturbing the duty ratio of power converter
perturbs the PV array current and consequently perturbs the
PV array voltage. Hill climbing and P&O methods are different
ways to envision the same fundamental method.
From Fig. 2, it can be seen that incrementing (decrement-
ing) the voltage increases (decreases) the power when operating
on the left of the MPP and decreases (increases) the power
when on the right of the MPP. Therefore, if there is an increase
in power, the subsequent perturbation should be kept the same
to reach the MPP and if there is a decrease in power, the per-
turbation should be reversed. This algorithm is summarized in
Table I. In [24], it is shown that the algorithm also works when
instantaneous (instead of average) PV array voltage and current
are used, as long as sampling occurs only once in each switching
The process is repeated periodically until the MPP is reached.
The system then oscillates about the MPP. The oscillation can
be minimized by reducing the perturbation step size. However,
a smaller perturbation size slows down the MPPT. A solution
to this conflicting situation is to have a variable perturbation
size that gets smaller towards the MPP as shown in [8], [12],
[15], and [22]. In [24], fuzzy logic control is used to optimize
the magnitude of the next perturbation. In [20], a two-stage
algorithm is proposed that offers faster tracking in the first stage
Fig. 3. Divergence of hill climbing/P&O from MPP as shown in [9].
and finer tracking in the second stage. On the other hand, [21]
bypasses the first stage by using a nonlinear equation to estimate
an initial operating point close to the MPP.
Hill climbing and P&O methods can fail under rapidly chang-
ing atmospheric conditions as illustrated in Fig. 3. Starting from
an operating point A, if atmospheric conditions stay approxi-
mately constant, a perturbation Vin the PV voltage Vwill
bring the operating point to B and the perturbation will be re-
versed due to a decrease in power. However, if the irradiance
increases and shifts the power curve from P1to P2within one
sampling period, the operating point will move from A to C.
This represents an increase in power and the perturbation is
kept the same. Consequently, the operating point diverges from
the MPP and will keep diverging if the irradiance steadily in-
creases. To ensure that the MPP is tracked even under sudden
changes in irradiance, [18] uses a three-point weight compari-
son P&O method that compares the actual power point to two
preceding ones before a decision is made about the perturbation
sign. In [22], the sampling rate is optimized, while in [24], sim-
ply a high sampling rate is used. In [8], toggling has been done
between the traditional hill climbing algorithm and a modified
adaptive hill climbing mechanism to prevent deviation from the
Two sensors are usually required to measure the PV array
voltage and current from which power is computed, but de-
pending on the power converter topology, only a voltage sensor
might be needed as in [7] and [23]. In [25], the PV array current
from the PV array voltage is estimated, eliminating the need for
a current sensor. DSP or microcomputer control is more suit-
able for hill climbing and P&O even though discrete analog and
digital circuitry can be used as in [4].
B. Incremental Conductance
The incremental conductance (IncCond) [9], [26]–[36]
method is based on the fact that the slope of the PV array
power curve (Fig. 2) is zero at the MPP, positive on the left of
the MPP, and negative on the right, as given by
dP /dV =0,at MPP
dP /dV > 0,left of MPP
dP /dV < 0,right of MPP.
Fig. 4. IncCond algorithm as shown in [29], [32], [33], and [36].
dV =d(IV )
dV =I+VdI
(1) can be rewritten as
I/V=I/V, at MPP
I/V>I/V, left of MPP
I/V<I/V, right of MPP.
The MPP can thus be tracked by comparing the instantaneous
conductance (I/V )to the incremental conductance (∆I/V)
as shown in the flowchart in Fig. 4. Vref is the reference voltage
at which the PV array is forced to operate. At the MPP, Vre f
equals to VMPP. Once the MPP is reached, the operation of the
PV array is maintained at this point unless a change in Iis
noted, indicating a change in atmospheric conditions and the
MPP. The algorithm decrements or increments Vre f to track the
new MPP.
The increment size determines how fast the MPP is tracked.
Fast tracking can be achieved with bigger increments but the
system might not operate exactly at the MPP and oscillate about
it instead; so there is a tradeoff. In [31] and [35], a method
is proposed that brings the operating point of the PV array
close to the MPP in a first stage and then uses IncCond to
exactly track the MPP in a second stage. By proper control of the
power converter, the initial operating point is set to match a load
resistance proportional to the ratio of the open-circuit voltage
(VOC) to the short-circuit current (ISC)of the PV array. This
two-stage alternative also ensures that the real MPP is tracked
in case of multiple local maxima. In [37], a linear function is
used to divide the IVplane into two areas, one containing all
the possible MPPs under changing atmospheric conditions. The
operating point is brought into this area and then IncCond is
used to reach the MPP.
A less obvious, but effective way of performing the IncCond
technique is to use the instantaneous conductance and the incre-
mental conductance to generate an error signal
dV (4)
as suggested in [27] and [28]. From (1), we know that egoes to
zero at the MPP. A simple proportional integral (PI) control can
then be used to drive eto zero.
Measurements of the instantaneous PV array voltage and cur-
rent require two sensors. IncCond method lends itself well to
DSP and microcontroller control, which can easily keep track of
previous values of voltage and current and make all the decisions
as per Fig. 4.
C. Fractional Open-Circuit Voltage
The near linear relationship between VMPP and VOC of the
PV array, under varying irradiance and temperature levels, has
given rise to the fractional VOC method [38]–[45].
VMPP k1VOC (5)
where k1is a constant of proportionality. Since k1is dependent
on the characteristics of the PV array being used, it usually has to
be computed beforehand by empirically determining VMPP and
VOC for the specific PV array at different irradiance and tem-
perature levels. The factor k1has been reported to be between
0.71 and 0.78.
Once k1is known, VMPP can be computed using (5) with VOC
measured periodically by momentarily shutting down the power
converter. However, this incurs some disadvantages, including
temporary loss of power. To prevent this, [40] uses pilot cells
from which VOC can be obtained. These pilot cells must be
carefully chosen to closely represent the characteristics of the
PV array. In [44], it is claimed that the voltage generated by
pn-junction diodes is approximately 75% of VOC. This elimi-
nates the need for measuring VOC and computing VMPP. Once
VMPP has been approximated, a closed-loop control on the array
power converter can be used to asymptotically reach this desired
Since (5) is only an approximation, the PV array technically
never operates at the MPP. Depending on the application of the
PV system, this can sometimes be adequate. Even if fractional
VOC is not a true MPPT technique, it is very easy and cheap to
implement as it does not necessarily require DSP or microcon-
troller control. However, [45] points out that k1is no more valid
in the presence of partial shading (which causes multiple local
maxima) of the PV array and proposes sweeping the PV array
voltage to update k1. This obviously adds to the implementation
complexity and incurs more power loss.
D. Fractional Short-Circuit Current
Fractional ISC results from the fact that, under varying atmo-
spheric conditions, IMPP is approximately linearly related to the
Fig. 5. Membership function for inputs and output of fuzzy logic controller.
ISC of the PV array as shown in [40], [42], and [45]–[48]
IMPP k2ISC (6)
where k2is a proportionality constant. Just like in the fractional
VOC technique, k2has to be determined according to the PV
array in use. The constant k2is generally found to be between
0.78 and 0.92.
Measuring ISC during operation is problematic. An addi-
tional switch usually has to be added to the power converter to
periodically short the PV array so that ISC can be measured us-
ing a current sensor. This increases the number of components
and cost. In [48], a boost converter is used, where the switch in
the converter itself can be used to short the PV array.
Power output is not only reduced when finding ISC but also
because the MPP is never perfectly matched as suggested by
(6). In [46], a way of compensating k2is proposed such that
the MPP is better tracked while atmospheric conditions change.
To guarantee proper MPPT in the presence of multiple local
maxima, [45] periodically sweeps the PV array voltage from
open-circuit to short-circuit to update k2. Most of the PV sys-
tems using fractional ISC in the literature use a DSP. In [48], a
simple current feedback control loop is used instead.
E. Fuzzy Logic Control
Microcontrollers have made using fuzzy logic control
[49]–[58] popular for MPPT over the last decade. As mentioned
in [57], fuzzy logic controllers have the advantages of working
with imprecise inputs, not needing an accurate mathematical
model, and handling nonlinearity.
Fuzzy logic control generally consists of three stages: fuzzifi-
cation, rule base table lookup, and defuzzification. During fuzzi-
fication, numerical input variables are converted into linguistic
variables based on a membership function similar to Fig. 5.
In this case, five fuzzy levels are used: NB (negative big), NS
(negative small), ZE (zero), PS (positive small), and PB (posi-
tive big). In [54] and [55], seven fuzzy levels are used, probably
for more accuracy. In Fig. 5, aand bare based on the range
of values of the numerical variable. The membership function
is sometimes made less symmetric to give more importance to
specific fuzzy levels as in [49], [53], [57], and [58].
The inputs to a MPPT fuzzy logic controller are usually an
error Eand a change in error E. The user has the flexibility of
choosing how to compute Eand E. Since dP/dV vanishes
at the MPP, [58] uses the approximation
E(n)= P(n)P(n1)
V(n)V(n1) (7)
Equivalently, (4) is very often used. Once Eand Eare
calculated and converted to the linguistic variables, the fuzzy
logic controller output, which is typically a change in duty ratio
Dof the power converter, can be looked up in a rule base table
such as Table II [50].
The linguistic variables assigned to Dfor the different com-
binations of Eand Eare based on the power converter being
used and also on the knowledge of the user. Table II is based on
a boost converter. If, for example, the operating point is far to
the left of the MPP (Fig. 2), that is Eis PB, and Eis ZE, then
we want to largely increase the duty ratio, that is Dshould be
PB to reach the MPP.
In the defuzzification stage, the fuzzy logic controller output
is converted from a linguistic variable to a numerical variable
still using a membership function as in Fig. 5. This provides an
analog signal that will control the power converter to the MPP.
MPPT fuzzy logic controllers have been shown to perform
well under varying atmospheric conditions. However, their ef-
fectiveness depends a lot on the knowledge of the user or control
engineer in choosing the right error computation and coming up
with the rule base table. In [55], an adaptive fuzzy logic control
is proposed that constantly tunes the membership functions and
the rule base table so that optimum performance is achieved. Ex-
perimental results from [51] show fast convergence to the MPP
and minimal fluctuation about it. In [57], two different mem-
bership functions are empirically used to show that the tracking
performance depends on the type membership functions con-
F. Neural Network
Along with fuzzy logic controllers came another technique
of implementing MPPT—neural networks [59]–[63], which are
also well adapted for microcontrollers.
Neural networks commonly have three layers: input, hidden,
and output layers as shown in Fig. 6. The number of nodes in
each layer vary and are user-dependent. The input variables can
be PV array parameters like VOC and ISC, atmospheric data
like irradiance and temperature, or any combination of these.
The output is usually one or several reference signal(s) like a
Fig. 6. Example of neural network.
duty cycle signal used to drive the power converter to operate at
or close to the MPP.
How close the operating point gets to the MPP depends on
the algorithms used by the hidden layer and how well the neural
network has been trained. The links between the nodes are all
weighted. The link between nodes iand jis labeled as having
a weight of wij in Fig. 6. To accurately identify the MPP, the
wij shave to be carefully determined through a training process,
whereby the PV array is tested over months or years and the
patterns between the input(s) and output(s) of the neural network
are recorded.
Since most PV arrays have different characteristics, a neural
network has to be specifically trained for the PV array with
which it will be used. The characteristics of a PV array also
change with time, implying that the neural network has to be
periodically trained to guarantee accurate MPPT.
When a PV array is connected to a power converter, the
switching action of the power converter imposes voltage and
current ripple on the PV array. As a consequence, the PV array
power is also subject to ripple. Ripple correlation control (RCC)
[64] makes use of ripple to perform MPPT. RCC correlates the
time derivative of the time-varying PV array power ˙pwith the
time derivative of the time-varying PV array current ˙
ior voltage
˙vto drive the power gradient to zero, thus reaching the MPP.
Referring to Fig. 2, if vor iis increasing ( ˙v>0or ˙
and pis increasing p>0), then the operating point is below
the MPP (V<V
MPP or I<I
MPP). On the other hand, if vor
iis increasing and pis decreasing ( ˙p<0), then the operating
point is above the MPP (V>V
MPP or I>I
MPP). Combining
these observations, we see that ˙p˙vor ˙p˙
iare positive to the left
of the MPP, negative to right of the MPP, and zero at the MPP.
When the power converter is a boost converter as in [64],
increasing the duty ratio increases the inductor current, which
is the same as the PV array current, but decreases the PV array
voltage. Therefore, the duty ratio control input is
d(t)=k3˙p˙vdt (9)
idt (10)
where k3is a positive constant. Controlling the duty ratio in
this fashion assures that the MPP will be continuously tracked,
making RCC a true MPP tracker.
The derivatives in (9) and (10) are usually undesirable, but
[64] shows that ac-coupled measurements of the PV array cur-
rent and voltage can be used instead since they contain the
necessary phase information. The derivatives can also be ap-
proximated by high-pass filters with cutoff frequency higher
than the ripple frequency. A different and easy way of obtaining
the current derivative in (10) is to sense the inductor voltage,
which is proportional to the current derivative. The nonideal-
ities in the inductor (core loss, resistance) have a small effect
since the time constant of the inductor is much larger than the
switching period in a practical converter.
Our present undocumented work has shown that (10) can fail
due to the phase shift brought about by the intrinsic capacitance
of the PV array at high switching frequencies. However, cor-
relating power and voltage as in (9) is barely affected by the
intrinsic capacitance.
Simple and inexpensive analog circuits can be used to im-
plement RCC. An example is given in [64]. Experiments were
performed to show that RCC accurately and quickly tracks the
MPP, even under varying irradiance levels. The time taken to
converge to the MPP is limited by the switching frequency of
the power converter and the gain of the RCC circuit. Another
advantage of RCC is that it does not require any prior informa-
tion about the PV array characteristics, making its adaptation to
different PV systems straightforward.
There are other papers in the literature that use MPPT methods
that resemble RCC. For example, [65] integrates the product of
the signs of the time derivatives of power and of duty ratio.
However, unlike RCC, which uses inherent ripple present in
current and voltage, [65] disturbs the duty ratio to generate
a disturbance in power. In [66] and [67], a hysteresis-based
version of RCC is used. A low frequency dithering signal is
used to disturb the power in [68]. In [68], a 90phase shift in
the current (or voltage) with respect to power at the MPP is
discussed, just like in RCC. The difference in [68] is that the
injection is an extra, low-frequency signal and not an inherent
converter ripple.
H. Current Sweep
The current sweep [69] method uses a sweep waveform for
the PV array current such that the IVcharacteristic of the PV
array is obtained and updated at fixed time intervals. The VMPP
can then be computed from the characteristic curve at the same
The function chosen for the sweep waveform is directly pro-
portional to its derivative as in
df (t)
dt (11)
where k4is a proportionality constant. The PV array power is
thus given by
Fig. 7. Topology for dc-link capacitor droop control as shown in [71].
At the MPP
dt =v(t)df (t)
dt +f(t)dv(t)
dt =0.(13)
Substituting (11) in (13) gives
dt =v(t)+k4
dt df (t)
dt =0.(14)
The differential equation in (11) has the following solution
f(t)=Cexp [t/k4].(15)
Cis chosen to be equal to the maximum PV array current Imax
and k4to be negative, resulting in a decreasing exponential
function with time constant τ=k4. Equation (15) leads to
f(t)=Imax exp [t/τ].(16)
The current in (16) can be easily obtained by using some
current discharging through a capacitor. Since the derivative of
(16) is nonzero, (14) can be divided throughout by df (t)/dt and,
with f(t)=i(t), (14) simplifies to
dt =0.(17)
Once VMPP is computed after the current sweep, (17) can be
used to double check whether the MPP has been reached. In
[69], the current sweep method is implemented through analog
computation. The current sweep takes about 50 ms, implying
some loss of available power. In [69], it is pointed out that this
MPPT technique is only feasible if the power consumption of
the tracking unit is lower than the increase in power that it can
bring to the entire PV system.
I. DC-Link Capacitor Droop Control
DC-link capacitor droop control [70], [71] is an MPPT tech-
nique that is specifically designed to work with a PV system
that is connected in parallel with an ac system line as shown in
Fig. 7.
The duty ratio of an ideal boost converter is given by
where Vis the voltage across the PV array and Vlink is the
voltage across the dc link. If Vlink is kept constant, increasing
Fig. 8. Different load types. 1: voltage source, 2: resistive, 3: resistive and
voltage source, 4: current source, as shown in [78].
the current going in the inverter increases the power coming
out of the boost converter and consequently increases the power
coming out of the PV array. While the current is increasing, the
voltage Vlink can be kept constant as long as the power required
by the inverter does not exceed the maximum power available
from the PV array. If that is not the case, Vlink starts drooping.
Right before that point, the current control command Ipeak of
the inverter is at its maximum and the PV array operates at the
MPP. The ac system line current is fed back to prevent Vlink from
drooping and dis optimized to bring Ipeak to its maximum, thus
achieving MPPT.
DC-link capacitor droop control does not require the compu-
tation of the PV array power, but according to [71], its response
deteriorates when compared to a method that detects the power
directly; this is because its response directly depends on the re-
sponse of the dc-voltage control loop of the inverter. This control
scheme can be easily implemented with analog operational am-
plifiers and decision-making logic units.
J. Load Current or Load Voltage Maximization
The purpose of MPPT techniques is to maximize the power
coming out of a PV array. When the PV array is connected to
a power converter, maximizing the PV array power also maxi-
mizes the output power at the load of the converter. Conversely,
maximizing the output power of the converter should maximize
the PV array power [72]–[78], assuming a lossless converter.
In [78], it is pointed out that most loads can be of voltage-
source type, current-source type, resistive type, or a combina-
tion of these, as shown in Fig. 8. From this figure, it is clear
that for a voltage-source type load, the load current iout should
be maximized to reach the maximum output power PM.Fora
current-source type load, the load voltage vout should be maxi-
mized. For the other load types, either iout or vout can be used.
This is also true for nonlinear load types as long as they do not
exhibit negative impedance characteristics [78]. Therefore, for
almost all loads of interest, it is adequate to maximize either
the load current or the load voltage to maximize the load power.
Consequently, only one sensor is needed.
In most PV systems, a battery is used as the main load or
as a backup [73]–[77]. Since a battery can be thought of as a
voltage-source type load, the load current can be used as the
control variable. In [73], [74], and [76], positive feedback is
used to control the power converter such that the load current
is maximized and the PV array operates close to the MPP. Op-
eration exactly at the MPP is almost never achieved because
this MPPT method is based on the assumption that the power
converter is lossless.
K. dP/dV or dP/dI Feedback Control
With DSP and microcontroller being able to handle com-
plex computations, an obvious way of performing MPPT is to
compute the slope (dP/dV or dP/dI) of the PV power curve
(Fig. 2) and feed it back to the power converter with some control
to drive it to zero. This is exactly what is done in [79]–[83].
The way the slope is computed differs from paper to paper.
In [79], dP/dV is computed and its sign is stored for the past
few cycles. Based on these signs, the duty ratio of the power con-
verter is either incremented or decremented to reach the MPP.
A dynamic step size is used to improve the transient response
of the system. In [80], a linearization-based method is used to
compute dP/dV. In [81]–[83], sampling and data conversion are
used with subsequent digital division of power and voltage to
approximate dP/dV. In [82], dP/dI is then integrated together
with an adaptive gain to improve the transient response. In [83],
the PV array voltage is periodically incremented or decremented
and P/Vis compared to a marginal error until the MPP is
reached. Convergence to the MPP was shown to occur in tens
of milliseconds in [81].
L. Other MPPT Techniques
Other MPPT techniques include array reconfiguration [84],
whereby PV arrays are arranged in different series and parallel
combinations such that the resulting MPPs meet specific load
requirements. This method is time consuming and tracking MPP
in real time is not obvious.
In [85], a linear current control is used based on the fact that
a linear relationship exists between IMPP and the level of irradi-
ance. The current IMPP is thus found by sensing the irradiance
level and a PI controller is used such that the PV array current
follows IMPP.
In [86], IMPP and VMPP are computed from equations involv-
ing temperature and irradiance levels, which are not usually easy
to measure. Once IMPP or VMPP is obtained, feedback control is
used to force the PV array to operate at the MPP.
A state-based MPPT is introduced in [87], whereby the sys-
tem is represented by a state space model, and a nonlinear time-
varying dynamic feedback controller is used to track the MPP.
Simulations confirm that this technique is robust and insensitive
to changes in system parameters and that MPPT is achieved
even with changing atmospheric conditions and in the presence
of multiple local maxima caused by partially shaded PV array or
damaged cells. However, no experimental verification is given.
Unlike common topologies that consist of two power stages
(usually a dc–dc converter followed by an inverter), a single-
stage inverter that performs both MPPT and output current reg-
ulation for utility grid distribution is introduced in [88]. Based
on the voltage of the PV array, one-cycle control (OCC) is used
to adjust the output current of the single-stage inverter such that
MPPT is attained. The control circuit consists of discrete digital
components but it can also use an inexpensive DSP. Operation
is shown to be close to the MPP throughout a day-time period.
The slight discrepancy is due to the inability of the controller to
account for temperature variation.
The best fixed voltage (BFV) algorithm is introduced in [89].
Statistical data is collected about irradiance and temperature
levels over a period of one year and the BFV representative of
the MPP is found. The control sets either the operating point of
the PV array to the BFV or the output voltage to the nominal
load voltage. Operation is therefore never exactly at the MPP
and different data has to be collected for different geographical
The PV array characteristic equation, which needs to be
solved iteratively for the MPP, is manipulated to find an ap-
proximate symbolic solution for the MPP in [90]. This method,
called linear reoriented coordinates method (LRCM), requires
the measurement of VOC and ISC to find the solution. Other
constants representing the PV array characteristic curve are also
needed. The maximum error in using LRCM to approximate
the MPP was found to be 0.3%, but this was based only on
simulation results.
In [91], a slide control method with a buck-boost converter is
used to achieve MPPT. The switching function uof the converter
is based on the fact that dP/dV > 0on the left of the MPP and
dP/dV < 0on the right; uis expressed as
u=0 S0
u=1 S<0(19)
where u=0means the switch is open and u= 1 the switch
close and Sis given by
dV =I+VdI
dV .(20)
This control was implemented using a microcontroller that
senses the PV array voltage and current. Simulation and exper-
imental results showed that operation converges to the MPP in
several tens of milliseconds.
With so many MPPT techniques available to PV system users,
it might not be obvious for the latter to choose which one better
suits their application needs. The main aspects of the MPPT
techniques to be taken into consideration are highlighted in the
following subsections.
A. Implementation
The ease of implementation is an important factor in deciding
which MPPT technique to use. However, this greatly depends
on the end-users’ knowledge. Some might be more familiar with
analog circuitry, in which case, fractional ISC or VOC, RCC, and
load current or voltage maximization are good options. Others
might be willing to work with digital circuitry, even if that
may require the use of software and programming. Then, their
selection should include hill climbing/P&O, IncCond, fuzzy
logic control, neural network, and dP/dV or dP /dI feedback
control. Furthermore, a few of the MPPT techniques only apply
to specific topologies. For example, the dc-link capacitor droop
control works with the system shown in Fig. 7 and the OCC
MPPT works with a single-stage inverter.
B. Sensors
The number of sensors required to implement MPPT also
affects the decision process. Most of the time, it is easier and
more reliable to measure voltage than current. Moreover, cur-
rent sensors are usually expensive and bulky. This might be
inconvenient in systems that consist of several PV arrays with
separate MPP trackers. In such cases, it might be wise to use
MPPT methods that require only one sensor or that can esti-
mate the current from the voltage as in [25]. It is also uncom-
mon to find sensors that measure irradiance levels, as needed in
the linear current control and the IMPP and VMPP computation
C. Multiple Local Maxima
The occurrence of multiple local maxima due to partial shad-
ing of the PV array(s) can be a real hindrance to the proper
functioning of an MPP tracker. Considerable power loss can
be incurred if a local maximum is tracked instead of the real
MPP. As mentioned previously, the current sweep and the state-
based methods should track the true MPP even in the presence
of multiple local maxima. However, the other methods require
an additional initial stage to bypass the unwanted local maxima
and bring operation to close the real MPP; such examples are
given in [31] and [35].
D. Costs
It is hard to mention the monetary costs of every single MPPT
technique unless it is built and implemented. This is unfortu-
nately out of the scope of this paper. However, a good costs
comparison can be made by knowing whether the technique
is analog or digital, whether it requires software and program-
ming, and the number of sensors. Analog implementation is
generally cheaper than digital, which normally involves a mi-
crocontroller that needs to be programmed. Eliminating current
sensors considerably drops the costs.
E. Applications
Different MPPT techniques discussed earlier will suit differ-
ent applications. For example, in space satellites and orbital sta-
tions that involve large amount of money, the costs and complex-
ity of the MPP tracker are not as important as its performance
and reliability. The tracker should be able to continuously track
the true MPP in minimum amount of time and should not require
periodic tuning. In this case, hill climbing/P&O, IncCond, and
RCC are appropriate. Solar vehicles would mostly require fast
convergence to the MPP. Fuzzy logic control, neural network,
and RCC are good options in this case. Since the load in solar
vehicles consists mainly of batteries, load current or voltage
maximization should also be considered. The goal when using
PV arrays in residential areas is to minimize the payback time
and to do so, it is essential to constantly and quickly track the
MPP. Since partial shading (from trees and other buildings) can
be an issue, the MPPT should be capable of bypassing multiple
local maxima. Therefore, the two-stage IncCond [31], [35] and
the current sweep methods are suitable. Since a residential sys-
tem might also include an inverter, the OCC MPPT can also be
used. PV systems used for street lighting only consist in charg-
ing up batteries during the day. They do not necessarily need
tight constraints; easy and cheap implementation might be more
important, making fractional VOC or ISC viable.
For all other applications not mentioned here, we put together
Table III, containing the major characteristics of all the MPPT
techniques. Table III should help in choosing an appropriate
MPPT method.
Several MPPT techniques taken from the literature are dis-
cussed and analyzed herein, with their pros and cons. It is shown
that there are several other MPPT techniques than those com-
monly included in literature reviews. The concluding discussion
and table should serve as a useful guide in choosing the right
MPPT method for specific PV systems.
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Trishan Esram (S’00) received the B.S. degree from
Northeastern University, Boston, MA, in 2003, in
electrical engineering, and the M.S. degree in elec-
trical engineering from the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, in 2004. Cur-
rently, he is working toward the Ph.D. degree in op-
timal control of power converters and alternative en-
ergy sources at the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, as a Research Assistant for Prof. P. L.
Patrick L. Chapman (S’94–M’00–SM’05) received
the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of
Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO, in 1996 and 1997, re-
spectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Purdue Uni-
versity, West Lafayette, IN, in 2000, all in electrical
Currently, he is a Grainger Associate and Assis-
tant Professor in the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. He is a co-founder
of SmartSpark Energy Systems, Inc. His research in-
terests, within power electronics, include integrated design, automated model-
ing, hybrid energy systems, and energy harvesting.
Dr. Chapman is a Senior Member of the IEEE, an Associate Editor for
IEEE Power Electronics Society Administrative Committee. He is the recipient
of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award and the Office of Naval
Research Young Investigator Award. He was named the Richard M. Bass Out-
standing Young Power Electronics Engineer in 2006.
... These methods often suffer from slow response times and oscillations around the MPP, leading to energy losses. To address these limitations, adaptive and intelligent control techniques, such as fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs), have gained traction due to their ability to handle nonlinearities and uncertainties in solar PV systems [1][2][3][4] . Moreover, integrating fuzzy logiccontrolled MPPT with advanced modulation schemes like Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) can significantly enhance inverter efficiency, power quality, and overall system performance [5][6][7][8] . ...
... In contrast, our study demonstrated that the fuzzy logic-based MPPT dynamically adjusted system parameters, ensuring optimal power point tracking even during rapid changes in irradiance. Esram and Chapman [2] also highlighted the limitations of static MPPT techniques, particularly their oscillatory behavior near the maximum power point. Compared to these studies, our system exhibited faster response times and minimal oscillations, supporting the hypothesis of improved efficiency through adaptive fuzzy control. ...
... While conventional MPPT methods like P&O and INC remain widely used due to their simplicity and ease of implementation, their limitations in handling dynamic conditions are well-documented [2,3,4] . Advanced algorithms, such as fuzzy logic-based MPPT, have been proposed to address these shortcomings [12,13] . ...
... The methodologies of artificial intelligence mostly rely on controllers and neural networks. Maximum power point detection and regulation using different kinds of fuzzy logic MPPT controllers is examined in [13,14]. Fuzzy logic controllers are distinguished by their resilience and relative simplicity, since they do not need information of the model state . ...
... The use of artificial intelligence emphasizes the nonlinear properties of solar modules and provides a rapid, yet computationally demanding, solution to this issue. The recognition and regulation of the MPP using various designs of fuzzy logic (FL) MPPT controllers is discussed in [12,13,14]. An adaptive FL controller for grid-connected solar systems is introduced in [15]. ...
The use of photovoltaic energy in modern transmission systems is increasingly preferred due to its environmentally friendly features. Modular photovoltaics show a nonlinear correlation between the generated power and the environmental conditions. This study presents a Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) based on an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) to optimize solar power systems. The designed controller optimizes the output power of a DC-DC converter linked to a 250W solar array. The complete analysis of the model is done using MATLAB/SIMULINK, considering the key characteristics of the technical data. The controller behavior is evaluated under diverse weather conditions. The paper suggests that the controller is effective in tracking peak power of the panel.
... An MPPT controller is utilized to maximize the power harvested from the PV panel. The Perturb and Observe (P&O) method [31] is adopted, as it directly measures the voltage and Figure 8 shows the control scheme for the solar PV boost converter. A PI controller is employed to generate the duty cycle, which is then fed into a PWM generator to produce the gating signal for S1. ...
... An MPPT controller is utilized to maximize the power harvested from the PV panel. The Perturb and Observe (P&O) method [31] is adopted, as it directly measures the voltage and current. The MPPT controller generates a voltage reference, which is compared with the PV voltage to produce an error signal that is fed into the PI controller. ...
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Research in renewable energy sources and microgrid systems is critical for the evolving power industry. This paper examines the operational behavior of both pico- and nano-grids during transitions between grid-connected and islanded modes. Simulation results demonstrate that both grids effectively balance the power flow, regulate the state of charge (SOC), and stabilize the voltage during dynamic operational changes. Specific scenarios, including grid disconnection, load sharing, and weather-based energy fluctuations, were tested and validated. This paper models both pico-grids and nano-grids at the Singapore Institute of Technology Punggol Campus, incorporating solar PVs, energy storage systems (ESSs), power electronic converters, and both DC and AC loads, along with utility grid connections. The pico-grid includes a battery storage system, a single-phase inverter linked to a single-phase grid, and DC and AC loads. The nano-grid comprises solar PV panels, a boost converter, a battery storage system, a three-phase inverter connected to a three-phase grid, and AC loads. Both the pico-grid and nano-grid are configurable in standalone or grid-connected modes. This configuration flexibility allows for a detailed operational analysis under various conditions. This study conducted subsystem-level modelling before integrating all components into a simulation environment. MATLAB/Simulink version R2024b was utilized to model, simulate, and analyze the power flow in both the pico-grid and nano-grid under different operating conditions.
... The PV generator must run at its maximum power point (MPP) to achieve this. A maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller might be used to enforce this limitation [6,7]. Several MPPT algorithms have been proposed in the publications , which can be classified into different categories. ...
Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is an essential technique used to extract the maximum power from a photovoltaic (PV) system. Fuzzy logic-based control is one of the popular methods used for MPPT because it provides excellent performance under varying environmental conditions. The world is now facing a challenge in terms of energy. Solar energy is a key to solve that issue, so it must be optimized. Among the MPPT optimization methods used to improve the photovoltaic modules efficiency, fuzzy logic control (FLC) seems to be the one that is really adapted. However, it has a lot of drawbacks like the complexity of implementation and its performance depends not only on the chosen error, but also on the established inference rules. To solve these problems this method has been modified in various ways. The present work makes a diversified review of MPPT algorithms using fuzzy logic control for PV applications. It is subdivided into three main parts. The first part deals with modified FLC algorithms. The second part deals with FLC algorithms associated with other classical algorithms and the third with MPPT algorithms associated with intelligent methods. The different works analyzed have tested their innovative approaches by simulation and have for the most part validated them by an. It can be noted that the third category is the one that offers a better increase in efficiency even if it has a higher complexity. The second category is more suitable for variable weather conditions and the first one is recommended especially for its very low cost. The suggested asymmetrical fuzzy logic-based MPPT technique uses an asymmetric membership function and a rule-based controller to improve the tracking accuracy and speed. The performance of the suggested technique was evaluated and compared with two existing MPPT techniques. The evaluation was conducted through simulations with MATLAB/Simulink. Overall, the results suggest that the proposed asymmetrical fuzzy logic-based MPPT technique is a promising approach for improving the speed and tracking accuracy MPPT in photovoltaic systems.
... Photovoltaic (PV) systems play a crucial role in harnessing solar energy, but their efficiency is inherently limited by factors such as environmental conditions, including variations in solar irradiance and temperature. To address these limitations, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms have emerged as essential components of PV systems, ensuring optimal energy extraction under dynamic operating conditions [1,2] . However, traditional MPPT methods such as Perturb and Observe (P&O) and Incremental Conductance (IC) exhibit limitations in terms of convergence speed and stability under rapidly changing conditions, thereby necessitating more advanced control mechanisms [3,4] . ...
... These methods are effective, straightforward, and suitable for low-cost microcontrollers. Nevertheless, they are prone to failure when the incident irradiance on the PV modules is not uniform or when sudden changes in weather conditions occur [9][10][11][12][13][14][15]. With the growing availability of affordable computing power, MPPT methods based on soft computing (SC) techniques have been introduced to tackle the major problems of traditional algorithms. ...
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Battery charging systems are crucial for energy storage in off-grid photovoltaic (PV) installations. Since the power generated by a PV panel is conditioned by climatic conditions and load characteristics, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique is required to maximize PV power and accelerate battery charging. On the other hand, a battery must be carefully charged, ensuring that its charging current and voltage limits are not exceeded, thereby preventing premature degradation. However, the voltage generated by the PV panel during MPPT operation fluctuates, which can harm the battery, particularly during periods of intense radiation when overvoltages are likely to occur. To address these issues, the design and construction of an enhanced solar battery charger utilizing a single-ended primary-inductor converter (SEPIC) and soft computing (SC)-based control is presented. A control strategy is employed that integrates voltage stabilization and MPPT functions through two dedicated fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs), which manage battery charging using a three-mode scheme: MPPT, Absorption, and Float. This approach optimizes available PV power while guaranteeing fast and safe battery charging. The developed charger leverages the SEPIC’s notable features for PV applications, including a wide input voltage range, minimal input current ripple, and an easy-to-drive switch. Moreover, unlike most PV charger control strategies in the literature that combine improved traditional MPPT methods with classical proportional integral (PI)-based control loops, the proposed control adopts a fully SC-based strategy, effectively addressing common drawbacks of conventional methods, such as slowness and inaccuracy during sudden atmospheric fluctuations. Simulations in MATLAB/Simulink compared the FLCs’ performance with conventional methods (P&O, IncCond, and PID). Additionally, a low-power hardware prototype using an Arduino Due microcontroller was built to evaluate the battery charger’s behavior under real weather conditions. The simulated and experimental results both demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of the solar charger.
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This manuscript aims to increase the utilization of solar energy, which is both environmentally friendly and easily accessible, to satisfy the energy needs of developing countries. In order to achieve this goal, maximum power generation should be provided from photovoltaic panels. Several maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methods are utilized for maximum power generation in photovoltaic panel systems under different weather conditions. In this paper, a novel intelligent hybrid fuzzy logic-controlled maximum power point tracking algorithm founded on the perturb and observe (PO) algorithm is presented. The proposed fuzzy logic controller algorithm and the incremental conductivity maximum power point tracking algorithm were simulated in a MATLAB(2018b version)/Simulink environment and evaluated by comparing the results. Four Sharp ND-F4Q295 solar panels, two in series and two in parallel, were used for the simulation. In this study, the voltage ripple of the proposed hybrid method was measured at 1% compared to the classical incremental conductivity method, while it was 8.6% in the IncCon method. Similarly, the current ripple was 1.08% in the proposed hybrid FLC method, while the current ripple was 9.27% in the IncCon method. It is observed that the proposed smart method stabilizes the system voltage faster, at 25 ms, in the event of sudden weather changes.
In this chapter, we perform the modeling and real-time implementation of a photovoltaic (PV) system. The latter includes a PV panel, a DC–DC boost converter, and a resistive load. This DC–DC boost converter is controlled by a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller using perturb and observe (P&O) or incremental conductance (IC) algorithm. Also, this DC–DC boost converter is controlled via pulse width modulation (PWM) generated from the used Arduino card. The modeling of this PV system is performed under ISIS (Proteus). The implementation of P&O or IC algorithm is performed using Arduino Uno card.
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A small-scale photovoltaic powered reverse osmosis plant is designed to operate at variable flow/pressure in equatorial areas, enabling it to make efficient use of the naturally varying solar resource. A derivation of a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for the photovoltaic (PV) array has been designed to increase the efficiency of the whole system The control method combines feedforward and feedback voltage control systems from given set of rules. As a first phase, a simulation model was developed and validated by experimental results, obtained from a laboratory prototype. The implemented MPPT algorithm demonstrated cost-effectiveness, simplicity and good efficiency, comparable to others algorithms.
The electric power supplied by a photovoltaic power generation system depends on the solar radiation and temperature. Designing efficient PV systems heavily emphasizes to track the maximum power operating point. This work develops a novel three-point weight comparison method that avoids the oscillation problem of the perturbation and observation algorithm which is often employed to track the maximum power point. Furthermore, a low cost control unit is developed, based on a single chip to adjust the output voltage of the solar cell array. Finally, experimental results confirm the superior performance of the proposed method.
Conference Paper
The paper presents a simulation study and an experimental implementation of a Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) for Cfik converter in a stand alone photovoltaic (PV) energy scheme.DC-DC converters are used to convert the unregulated DC input into a regulated DC output at a desired voltage level. A FL algorithm is selected and used to control the PV nonlinear system. The control objective for cclk converter is to move the operating point of the PV system to its peak power point. A system that consists of PV generator, converter, AC PWM inverter and load models is simulated, analized, and experimentally implemented. The simulated system with FLC is investigated at different solar insolation levels. The fixed structure FLC shows a robust performance when applied on a wide operating range of the proposed converter, and AC PWM inverter.
An important consideration in the operation of grid connected photovoltaic power systems is a means of adjusting the photovoltaic array voltage so that maximum output power is achieved for the given atmospheric conditions. The dynamic behavior of a specific photovoltaic power system which utilizes the well known perturb and observe method of power tracking is examined. Using measured insolation data, it is demonstrated that the perturb and observe method of control migrates considerably from peak power whenever the insolation varies randomly as a result of cloud cover. An alternate method of power tracking is also examined. It is shown that the photovoltaic power system, utilizing the proposed method of power tracking, is able to track accurately peak power conditions during periods of randomly varying insolation.
The dynamic behavior of a specific photovoltaic design which utilizes the perturb and observe method of peak power tracking is discussed. It is shown that when the insolation does not vary with time, the perturb and observe method is able to converge to peak power conditions; however, when the insolation varies randomly at any substantial rate, the perturb and observe method fails to adequately track the peak power conditions. An alternate method of power tracking which utilizes the harmonic component of the array voltage and current to establish proper control action is examined. The performance of this method as compared to the perturb and observe method is demonstrated using a detailed hybrid simulation of the photovoltaic system. The design of the photovoltaic system and the detailed simulation of the various system components are described.
Two open-loop maximum-power-point tracking techniques for photovoltaic arrays are described and evaluated experimentally for the first time. These techniques both slave the operating point of a photovoltaic array to the state of a pilot cell. Experiments were performed to compare these open-loop methods with well-known array operating point control methods. For 25 days, array and pilot cell current-voltage data were recorded at 3 min intervals from a working photovoltaic string to compare the different tracking techniques. During this winter experimental period, minimal (about 1%) energy losses resulted from slaving the array voltage to a fixed multiple of the pilot cell open-circuit voltage. Larger energy losses (about 7%) resulted from slaving the array current to a fixed multiple of the pilot cell short-circuit current. At least 2.2% of the energy would be lost through array operation at a fixed voltage during this period. A method of setting the multiplying factors which determine the details of the slaving algorithm is described. Because of its small energy losses, the voltage-slaved pilot cell method is found to be a viable alternative for the control of photovoltaic arrays.