The first part presents forms and types of workplace harassment and infringements of business and professional ethics. Cases include Jenson v. Eveleth Taconite Company (1988), and some controversial psychological experiments involving human subjects (the Murray Experiments on mind control during 1959–1962, the Milgram Experiment on obedience during 1961–1963, the Stanford Prison Experiment on the psychology of imprisonment in 1971). We present feature film adaptations of some of those studies, such as North Country (2005), Stanford Prison Experiment (2015), and Experimenter (2015). Additional films include The Hunt (2012) addressing mob mentality, and Whiplash (2014) questioning the unorthodox measures of the teacher. The second part presents cases of workplace violence and film discussions on A Most Violent Year (2014), Money Monster (2016), Network (1976), and Rollerball (1975). The third part discusses workplace inequity and inequality, mentioning the case of the Ford sewing machinists strike in 1968, the basis for Made in Dagenham (2010), and the 2008 case of Peggy Young versus UPS in violating the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. Additional films include Working Girl (1988) and The Devil Wears Prada (2006).