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Earthing up and nitrogen levels in sugarcane ratoon under subtropical Indian condition

Volume 26 June 2011
The Association of Sugarcane Technologists of India
President Dr. R.L. Yadav
Vice-President Dr. D.V. Yadav
Vice-President Shri Aditya Jhunjhunvala
Secretary Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Joint Secretary Dr. S.K. Shukla
Joint Secretary Dr. S.N. Singh
Treasurer Dr. S.R. Prasad
Chief Editor Dr. A.K. Shrivastava
Frequency of Publication : Half Yearly (June, December)
All correspondence to : Secretary,
be addressed to The Association of Sugarcane Technologists of India
Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research
Lucknow-226 002, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
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ISSN 0970-3233
Volume 26 June 2011 No. 1
The Association of Sugarcane Technologists of India
Lucknow 226 002 (UP) India
Indian Journal
Sugarcane Technology
Indian Journal of Sugarcane Technology
Volume 26 June 2011 No. 1
Crop Production
Earthing up and nitrogen levels in sugarcane ratoon under subtropical Indian condition 1
C M Dev, R N Meena, Ashok Kumar and G Mahajan
Agronomic performance of new sugarcane genotypes under different planting geometries and N levels 6
A K Singh, Menhi Lal and S N Singh
Sugarcane productivity and soil fertility in plant – ratoon system under integrated and organic nutrient 10
management in sub-tropics
K P Singh and T K Srivastava
Enhancing sugarcane (Saccharum spp. Hybrid) productivity by integrating organic, inorganic and 14
biological sources of N in sub-tropical India
S N Singh, A K Singh, S C Singh, M L Sharma and Rajesh Kumar
Crop Improvement
Variability Trends for ºBrix Content in General Cross Combinations of Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) 16
Surinder K Sandhu, R S Gill and Pritpal Singh
Co A 05323 – A Promising Mid Late Clone for Andhra Pradesh 20
M Charumathi, N V Naidu and K Prasada Rao
Impact of different vernalization treatments on flowering and seed production in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) 24
A D Pathak, Raman Kapur, Rajesh Kumar and Manish K Vishwakarma
Crop Protection
Impact of age and type of planting materials on the incidence of shoot borer Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen), 28
yield and quality under late summer planted sugarcane
A Thirumurugan, T Ragavan, S Sundravadana and K Sathiya
Assessment of compatability of recommanded insecticides with Thrichogramma chilonis Ishii in 31
laboratory conditions
Anil Kumar, Hari Chand, G P Dwivedi and Sudhir Paswan
Evaluation of insect pest management methods against cane borers of sugarcane in ratoon crop 33
M R Singh, R K Tanwar and M P Sharma
Physiology and Biochemistry
Inhibitory effect of spraying electrolyzed water and pine oil on sucrose losses in harvested sugarcane 37
Priyanka Singh, S Solomon, C P Prajapati and R K Singh
Variation in size of apparent free space and assimilatory apparatus in sugarcane varieties with differential 41
sucrose accumulation into the stalks affecting source-sink relationship
Rama Kant Rai, Pushpa Singh, Amaresh Chandra and R L Yadav
Social Sciences
Value Addition in Sugarcane: A critical analysis of various consumables produced in Andhra Pradesh 51
I V Y Rama Rao and G Sunil Kumar Babu
Information and Communication Technologies tools for effective management of data in sugar mill zone 55
S S Hasan, P K Bajpai, Rajesh Kumar, S N Singh and A K Sah
Indian Journal of Sugarcane Technology 2011 26(1) : 1-5
Earthing up and nitrogen levels in sugarcane ratoon under subtropical Indian
Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
A field experiment was carried out during the spring seasons of 2008-09 and 2009-10 at Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh to find out exact
time of earthing up and level of earthing up with optimum dose of nitrogen for getting higher growth, yield and quality of ratoon
crop of sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid L.). 25th June earthed crop being comparable with 25th May and 25th June and
produced significantly higher number of tillers ha-1 by (4.17, 2.30%). However, number of millable canes ha-1 were not affected
by time of earthing up but higher number of millable canes ha-1 (1.09, 1.31%) were recorded under 25th June earthed crop. April
earthed crop produced (percentage increased over other treatments) higher weight of millable cane (6.55, 13.91%), cane length
(5.41 unit, 8.26%), green tops yield (6.68 unit, 9.47%), number of internodes cane-1 (12.99 ,8.22%), cane girth of top (4.83,
3.81%), middle (4.52, 5.66%) and bottom (8.22, 4.76%), cane yield (8.70, 8.40%) and juice sucrose (7.51, 9.58%) except than
purity coefficient (which was not significantly affected by time of earthing up) of ratoon crops as compared to 25th May and
25th June respectively. Similarly 20 cm height of earthing up from the ridge also significantly increased all the above parameters
such as weight of millable cane (3.09, 8.86%), cane length (4.07, 5.52%), green tops yield (9.56, 6.99%), number of internodes
cane-1 (5.69, 7.98%), cane girth of top (4.09, 4.27%), middle (6.08, 2.51%) and bottom (7.09, 3.23%) cane yield (6.15, 5.63%)
and juice sucrose (4.40, 7.89%) than that of 10 cm earthed crop in both the ratoon crops except number of tillers ha-1 and number
of millable canes ha-1 where 10 cm earthing up recorded comparatively higher values (6.45, 11.34%) and (5.62, 6.43%) than 20
cm earthed crops. Purity coefficients were not influenced by level of earthing up. Application of 210 kg N ha-1 linearly and
significantly increased number of tillers ha-1 (4.16, 5.48%), number of millable canes ha-1 (1.08, 1.12%), weight of millable cane
(6.59, 5.85%), cane length (3.07, 2.59%), green tops yield (7.59, 4.89%), number of internodes cane-1 (8.79, 7.59%), cane girth
of top (2.78, 4.52%), middle (2.23, 1.22%) and bottom (1.40, 2.77%) and cane yield (4.38, 5.93%) followed by 180 kg N ha-1.
Ratoon crop showed increased values of juice sucrose (6.06, 8.04%) under lower levels of nitrogen i.e., 150 kg N ha-1 as
compared to relatively higher levels of nitrogen with 180 and 210 kg N ha-1 respectively except than purity coefficient did not
affected by nitrogen levels.
Key words : Earthing up, Juice quality, Nitrogen levels, Ratoon sugarcane
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is an important
agro-industrial commercial crop which plays vital role in
national economy by contributing 0.67 per cent to GDP
because of its wider adaptability over varying agro-climatic
condition and also unique among agricultural crop in the
sense that a number of succeeding cane crops are raised
from a single planting which is an integral component of
sugarcane production system. In India more than 50 to 55%
of sugarcane acreage is occupied by ratoons, which are often
poor yielder than the plant cane due to non adoption of
improved agricultural technologies. Therefore, even a small
improvement in ratoon, productivity would add considerably
to overall sugarcane production in the country and benefit
cane growers by vacating the fields earlier for sowing of
wheat and other ra bi crops timely and mill owner’s by
providing mature cane in early crushing period. Thus the
ratoon crop o ften gives better yield, quality and sugar
recovery than plant cane. Excessive tillering in ratoon crop is
a desired character but all tillers may not be productive with
proper amount of juice. In order to reduce the number of
excessive tillers and converting them into millable cane,
earthing up plays an important role in maintaining the growth,
yield and juice quality of the sugarcane plant and as well as
ratoon. Besides, it has added advantages in terms of pruning/
cutting of old roots, moisture conservation, addition of organic
matter, enhanced availability and uptake of plant nutrients,
efficient utilization of solar radiation, suppression of weeds
and preventing canes from lodging (Yadav and Shukla, 2008).
Cane crops as well as ratoons both are highly exhaustive
crop having higher demand for nitrogenous fertilizer because
of shallow root system, decaying of old roots, sprouting of
stubble buds and immobilization of nitrogen (Lal and Singh,
2008). It is, therefore, 20-25 per cent more nitrogeneous fertilizer
was recommended over 150 kg N ha-1 (recommended dose of
2C M Dev, R N Meena, Ashok Kumar and G Mahajan
nitrogen for ratoon crop). In general, nitrogen plays a vital
role in all living plant tissues and reduced the number of
unwanted tillers and brought into constant number of millable
canes ha-1. Hence, considering all the above mentioned
factors, this experiment was designed to study the effect of
different time and level of earthing up along with different
levels of nitrogen fertilizers for higher growth, yield and juice
quality of ratoon sugarcane in Gangetic alluvial soils of Uttar
The field experiment was carried out during spring
seasons of 2008-09 and 2009-10 at Research Farm, Institute
of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi,
(U.P.). The experimental soil was sandy clay loam with pH
7.94, with organic carbon 0.33%, low available N (185.62 kg
ha-1), low available P (24.45 kg ha-1) and medium available K
(235.37 kg ha-1). Eighteen treatments comprising of 3 time of
earthing up i.e., on 25th April, 25th May and 25th June with two
levels (i.e., 10 cm height and 20 cm height) of earthing up
were assigned in main plots and three nitrogen levels (viz.,
150, 180 and 210 kg N ha-1) were taken in sub plot in split plot
design and replicated thrice. The cane crop was already
existed in a row spacing of 90 cm apart in an experimental
field. The crop was harvested and then irrigated. After one or
two days of irrigation, basal doses of fertilizers were applied.
Thereafter, the field was designed in such a way that our
experimental plans have to be accommodated properly. To
adjust experiment in already planted sugarcane field, stubbles
of fifth rows were uprooted to make irrigation channels as
well as boundary wall for the experimental plots. Similarly,
stubbles from the rows of sugarcane plants were also
uprooted after a measured length of a plot size so as to
bifurcate the plot from one plot to another. Thus, all the
uprooted stubbles of canes were shifted to vacant places
(gap filling) so as to get desired plant population to optimize
the yields of ratoon sugarcane. Full dose of P @ 80 kg P2O5
ha-1, K @ 80 kg K2O ha-1 and 1/3rd of N as per treatment were
applied at the time of ratooning. Rest 2/3rd of N in the form
urea was top dressed in two equal splits before earthing up
in the month of April and May as per treatments.
Sugarcane ratoon crops were harvested after the
completion of 12 month i.e., 15th February or March. Various
growth parameters viz. number of tillers ha-1, height of tillers,
LAI, dry matter accumulation and number of millable canes
were recorded at standing crop. Similarly yield and yield
attributes like cane length, cane diameter, cane weight, green
tops yield and cane yield were noted after the harvest of
ratoon crop. Economic analysis was done based on the
prevailing market price of the inputs and produce i.e. fertilizer
N @ Rs 11.30 kg-1, P@ Rs 21.25 kg-1, K @ Rs 8.00 kg-1 and
cost of sugarcane @ Rs 2932.50 t-1 (Sugarcane Corporation
of India) during 2009-10 as its rate was Rs 293.25 quintal-1).
The plant canes were crushed to study the juice sucrose and
purity coefficient.
Effect of time of earthing up
The earthing time showed significant variations in the
number of tillers ha-1 as May and June recorded significantly
higher number of tillers ha-1 as compared to April earthed
crop in both first and second ratoon. The number of tillers
ha-1 increased by 4.17, 2.30% and 8.32, 9.70% over April
earthed crop which cleared that higher number of tillers were
produced as the earthing up was delayed and less number of
tiller were recorded when the crops were earthed earlier i.e.,
mortality of tillers (%) were more in earlier earthed crop. This
might be due to fact that earlier earthing up were successful
in reducing the excessive tillers and converting the existing
numbers into millable canes by utilizing nutrients and soil
moisture by checking aeration in new emerging buds and
late tillering (Struben,1911). Time and level of earthing up did
not cause significant variations in the number of millable
canes in both first and second ratoon crops. However, higher
numbers of millable canes ha-1 were recorded with June and
May earthed crop and was at par with each other as compared
to April earthed crop. The percentage increase in number of
millable canes ha-1 were higher (5.62, 6.43) in May as compared
to June (1.09, 1.31) over April earthed crop. April earthed
crop recorded significantly higher millable cane weights (6.55,
13.91%) and cane length (5.41, 8.26%) than May (2.71, 6.60%)
and (0.50, 2.22%) over June because earlier earthing up makes
the cane more bold (width) and strong by providing proper
soil moistures, higher soil volumes for root proliferation and
earlier reducing of excessive tillers reduced the competition
for nutrient and soil aeration (Singh et al. 2008). 25th April
earthed up crop also exhibited significantly higher green tops
yield (6.68, 9.47%) and number of internodes per cane (12.99,
8.22%) as compared to May (6.73, 8.17%) and (9.35, 6.88%)
and June earthed crop because of superior growth attributing
character (shoot/cane height, number of leaves, leaf area,
LAI, dry matter accumulation cane-1) and yield attributing
character (viz. number of millable cane ha-1, cane length,
number of internodes cane-1, length of internodes, cane
Earthing up and nitrogen levels in sugarcane ratoon under subtropical Indian condition 3
diameter, weight of millable cane, biological yield and harvest
index). The time of earhting up i.e., on 25th April earthed crop
produced significantly higher cane girth of top (4.83, 3.81%),
middle (4.52, 5.66%) and bottom (8.27, 4.76%) than May (1.27,
1.76%), (1.97, 1.71%) (1.87, 1.25%) and June and highest cane
girth was obtained from bottom of cane during both the years
of ratoon crops which might be due to higher growth of the
cane by accumulating more stored food materials at basal
part of cane. Higher cane yield was also recorded with 25th
April earthed crop in comparison to 25th May and 25th June
earthed crop. The increased yield of sugarcane in April was
found (8.70, 8.40%) superior over May (5.47, 2.52%) than
June earthed crop. This might be due to fact that earlier
earthen crop realized better plant growth and development
as evidenced by greater values for growth parameters viz.
shoot height, number of physiologically active leaves plant-
1, LAI, fresh weight and dry matter tiller-1. The earlier earthen
crop on 25th April showed significantly higher juice sucrose
(7.51, 9.58%) as compared to over delayed earthen crops at
25t h May (3.30, 5.13%) and 25th June because of higher yields
and yield attributing character obtained under earlier earthen
crops (Yadav, 1983). However, purity coefficient did not
affected by time and level of earthing up in both first and
second ratoon crops of sugarcane.
Effect of level of earthing up
Levels of earthing up influenced the growth, yield and
quality characters of ratoon sugarcane as light earthed crop
recorded comparatively higher number of tillers ha-1 (6.45,
11.34%) and number of millable canes ha-1 ( 5.16, 4.80%) as
compared to heavy earthed crop during both the ratoon crops.
However, number of millable canes ha-1 were found non-
significant which might be due to less mortality of tillers in
light earthed crop (10 cm height) as it did not check the late
tillering as it was done in heavy earthed crop resulted in
increased number of millable cane with lower yield. Heavy
earthed crop (20 cm) produced significantly higher weight of
millable cane (3.09, 8.86%), cane length (4.07,5.52%), green
tops yield (9.56, 6.99%), number of internodes cane-1(5.69,
7.98%), girth of cane of top (4.09, 4.27%), middle (6.08, 2.51%)
and bottom (7.09, 3.23%), cane yield (6.15, 5.63%) and juice
sucrose (4.40, 7.89%) as compared to light earthed crop except
than purity coefficient in per cent (Table 1 & 2) during both
the years of ratoon crop which might be due to higher soil
volume availed the proper growth environment for the crops,
provided constant soil moisture, aeration and high anchorage
for sugarcane to prevent from lodging which ultimately
increased the cane yield and juice sucrose in per cent (
(Pandey and Shukla, 2001).
Effect of nitrogen levels
The ratoon crop fertilized with 210 kg N ha-1 recorded
significantly higher number of tillers ha-1 (4.16, 5.48%) and
was found at par with 180 kg N ha-1 (7.71, 17.56%) as compared
to lower doses of nitrogen (150 kg N ha-1) which might be due
to continuous uptake of nutrient under different levels of
Table 1. Effect of time, level of earthing up and nitrogen levels on number of tillers ha-1, number of millable cane ha-1,
weight of millable cane, cane length, green tops yield and number of internodes cane-1 of ratoon sugarcane
No. of tillers
(’000 ha-1)
No. of millable
canes ha-1
Weight of millable
cane (g)
Cane length
Green tops yield
(t ha-1)
No. of internodes
2008- 09
2009- 10
2008- 09
2009- 10
2008- 09
2009- 10 2008- 09
2009- 10
2008- 09
2009- 10
2008- 09
Time of earthing up
M1 - 25th April 121.09 110.10 105.17 101.11 1502.75 1416.62 383.78 331.06 24.83 24.06 40.80 37.06
M2 - 25th May 132.07 121.94 111.44 108.06 1404.20 1219.44 363.00 303.71 23.17 21.78 35.50 34.01
M3 - 25th June 137.82 124.80 112.67 109.50 1366.03 1138.89 361.17 296.96 21.61 20.00 32.18 31.67
SEm ± 3.04 3.71 2.54 3.35 17.21 16.85 5.30 4.43 0.74 0.42 0.72 0.90
CD (P = 0.05) 9.59 11.68 NS NS 54.23 53.09 16.70 13.97 2.35 1.32 2.25 2.84
Level of earthing up
L1 - Light (10 cm height)
134.68 126.10 112.67 108.93 1401.95 1200.00 361.63 301.76 22.04 21.15 35.10 32.82
L2 - Heavy (20 cm height)
125.98 111.80 106.85 103.70 1446.71 1316.67 377.00 319.40 24.37 22.74 37.22 35.67
SEm ± 2.49 3.03 2.08 2.73 14.05 13.76 4.33 3.62 0.61 0.34 0.58 0.74
CD (P = 0.05) 7.83 9.53 NS NS 44.28 43.35 13.63 11.41 1.92 1.08 1.84 2.32
Nitrogen levels (kg ha-1)
N1 - 150 121.64 102.06 105.28 100.56 1258.64 1105.56 348.83 294.21 18.94 19.56 30.47 28.22
N2 - 180 131.81 123.80 111.39 108.44 1455.77 1294.44 381.50 314.57 24.33 22.56 37.21 35.78
N3 - 210 137.54 130.99 112.61 109.67 1558.58 1375.00 393.61 322.96 26.33 23.72 40.80 38.72
SEm ± 0.33 3.87 1.01 1.38 6.74 6.61 4.05 2.37 0.65 0.18 0.20 0.19
CD (P = 0.05) 0.96 11.29 2.94 4.03 19.67 19.30 11.83 6.92 1.91 0.52 0.58 0.56
4C M Dev, R N Meena, Ashok Kumar and G Mahajan
nitrogen led to more sprouting of tillers and proper growth
and development of cane (Shukla, 2005). Application of 210
kg N ha-1 significantly recorded higher number of millable
canes ha-1, weight of millable cane, cane length, green tops
yield, number of internodes cane-1, cane girth and cane yield
as compared to lower doses of nitrogen. The per cent increase
in number of millable cane ha-1 due to nitrogen application of
extra 30 kg over the 180 kg N ha-1 was (1.08, 1.12%), weight of
millable cane (6.59, 5.85), cane length (3.07, 2.59%), green
tops yield (7.59, 4.89%), number of internodes cane-1 (8.79,
7.59%), cane girth of top, middle and bottom (2.78, 4.52%),
(2.23, 1.22%) and (1.40, 2.77%), cane yield (4.38, 5.93%).
However, 180 kg N ha-1 also produced higher number of
millable canes ha-1(5.48, 7.26%), weight of millable cane (13.54,
14.59%), cane length (8.56, 6.47%), green tops yield (22.15,
13.29%), number of internodes cane-1(18.11, 21.12%), cane
girth of top, middle and bottom (8.60, 9.05%), (12.21, 7.05%)
and (9.64, 5.71%) and cane yield (18.57, 20.47%) over 150 kg
N ha-1 during both the of ratoon crops. This might be due to
application of higher doses of nitrogen checked late tillers,
converted canes in to number of millable canes, increased
protein synthesis promoted root development resulted in
increased nutrient uptake enhanced the growth and yield
attributes except than number of millable canes ha-1 (Inoue et
al. 2009).
On increasing nitrogen levels, decreasing trend of juice
sucrose and purity coefficient were recorded in both the first
and second ratoon crops of sugarcane because sucrose (%)
was markedly influenced by nitrogen doses as higher doses
of nitrogen lowered down the sucrose per cent. Lower doses
of nitrogen produced significantly higher juice sucrose (6.06,
8.04%) as compared to some what higher doses of nitrogen
lowered down the juice quality with each increment of nitrogen
doses from 180 to 210 kg N ha-1 (Prammanee et al. 1999).
Nitrogen application did not influence the purity coefficient
of sugarcane and with the application of nitrogenous fertilizer
it started decreasing till the highest levels of nitrogen were
used. However, lower doses of nitrogen (150 kg N ha-1)
recorded higher purity coefficient (2.50, 3.26%) as compared
to 180 kg N ha-1 (1.45, 1.94%) and 210 kg N ha-1. Thus the
purity coefficient was statistically and negatively influenced
by increasing nitrogen levels (Nassar et al. 2005).
Conside ring the impo rtance of ratoon crops in
sugarcane cultivation (planting once and harvesting thrice
in tropics and sub-tropics) it was concluded that both first
and second ratoon crops raised from a single plant cane proved
beneficial for farmers when crop was earthed up at 25th April
with 20 cm height along with 210 kg N ha-1 for better yield and
ratoonability of sugarcane but ealier earthen with heavy
earthed up crop with lowest dose i.e., 150 kg N ha-1 found
superior over rest of higher doses of nitrogen for juice sucrose
and all treatments were found non significant for purity
coefficient of sugarcane juice.
Inoue, K., Yamane, I. and Kaji, T. 2009. Effect of nitrogen
topdressing and number of tillers at maximum tillering
stage on the field and extract quality of ratoon sugarcane
Table 2. Effect of time, level of earthing up and nitrogen levels on cane girth, cane yield, juice sucrose and purity coefficient
of ratoon sugarcane
Girth of cane (cm)
Top of cane Middle of cane Bottom of cane
Cane yield t ha
Juice sucrose (%) Purity coefficient (%) Treatment
2008- 09 2009- 10
2008- 09
2009- 10 2008- 09
2009- 10
2008- 09
2009- 10
2008- 09
2009- 10
2008- 09 20 09- 10
Time of earthing up
M1 - 25th April 2.48 2.36 2.65 2.47 2.90 2.52 173.50 144.17 17.03 16.38 87.37 81.61
M2 - 25th May 2.36 2.27 2.53 2.33 2.66 2.40 158.39 132.06 15.75 14.81 83.17 76.83
M3 - 25th June 2.33 2.23 2.48 2.29 2.61 2.37 149.72 128.72 15.23 14.05 81.28 74.50
SEm ± 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.06 0 .03 3.01 1.65 0.27 0.30 2.04 2.05
CD (P = 0.05) 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.19 0 .09 9.47 5.20 0.84 0.96 NS NS
Level of earthing up
L1 - Light (10 cm height) 2.34 2.24 2 .47 2.33 2.62 2.39 155.44 131.07 1 5.66 14.46 83.74 77.37
L2 - Heavy (20 cm height) 2.44 2.34 2.63 2.39 2.82 2.47 165.63 138.89 16.35 15.70 84.14 77.93
SEm ± 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.05 0 .02 2.45 1.35 0.22 0.25 1.67 1.67
CD (P = 0.05) 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.16 0 .08 7.73 4.25 0.68 0.78 NS NS
Nitrogen levels (kg ha-1)
N1 - 150 2.23 2 .11 2.36 2.24 2.53 2.31 137.11 112.67 16.82 16.17 85.78 79.89
N2 - 180 2.44 2.32 2 .62 2.41 2.80 2.45 168.39 141.67 1 5.80 14.87 83.63 77.28
N3 - 210 2.51 2.43 2 .68 2.44 2.84 2.52 176.11 150.61 1 5.40 14.19 82.41 75.78
SEm ± 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0 .03 1.34 0.90 0.30 0.22 1.12 1.14
CD (P = 0.05) 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.10 0 .07 3.90 2.64 0.86 0.65 NS NS
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6A K Singh, Menhi Lal and S N Singh
Sugarcane is the most important sugar crop contributing
more than 75% to the world’s sugar production. With
increasing human population in the world, sugar demand
has also gone up, and by the end of first decade of 21st century
its requirement is projected to be around 150 million tones. In
plant cludistics, it is said that only the high – sugared ones
would survive any aberrance in the ecosystem and this
giant grass has survival through several millennia. Now has
come to stay as one of the most important crops supporting
an agro-based industry in the world. Though the primary
product of sugarcane is sugar but, it also provides boifuel,
fibre and fertilizer and a myriad by-products besides ensuring
ecological sustainability (Hunsigi and Singlachor, 1994). India
would need to produce 415 mt of sugarcane with a recovery
of 11 per cent to meet per capita requirement of 35 kg
sweeteners per year including 20.0 kg sugar and 15.0 kg gur
and khandsari by 2020 A.D. (Singh et. al., 2002). These
projections assume that cane productivity is to be increased
by increasing the area u nder high sugar early maturing
sugarcane genotypes. In subtropical belt, the availability of
sugarcane varieties with higher sugar content early in the
crushing season is an important strategy to fetch high sugar
recovery in the mills. To achieve this goal development of
early maturing high sugar genotypes is under progress. The
Agronomic performance of new sugarcane genotypes under different planting
geometries and N levels
Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
A field experiment was conducted during spring seasons of 2006-07 to 2008-09 to study the effect of row spacing and nitrogen
levels on growth, yield and quality of plant and ratoon crops of new sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid ) genotypes viz. CoLk
94184 and CoLk 97147 on clay-loam soils at Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow falling in sub-tropical belt. The
experimental results revealed that significantly higher germination (44.4 %), number of tillers (221.7 thousand /ha), NMC
(112.7 thousand/ha) and cane yield (70.5 t/ha) as well as sugar yield (9.45 t/ha) were recorded by the genotype CoLk 94184 than
that of Colk 97147. Highest number of tillers (235.8 thousand/ha) and millable canes (110.7 thousand/ha) were counted in
sugarcane planted at 60 cm row spacing. The nitrogen level of 225 kg N/ha recorded significantly highest tiller count and number
of millable canes. The nitrogen use efficiency was found highest at 150 kg N/ha (167.9 kg cane /kg N applied). The 0Brix (23.2)
and pol % juice (19.8) was found higher in the genotype CoLk 94184. Significantly highest sugar yield (10.81 t/ha) was recorded
with the application of 225 Kg N /ha, which was however, closely followed by 150 Kg N /ha. The performance of ratoon of
genotype CoLk 94184 was found better as compared to CoLk 97147. The number of miilable cane (121.6 thousand/ha) and
yield (60.2 t/ha) of ratoon cane was higher at 60 cm row spacing. Higher yield of ratoon (74.3 t/ha) was recorded at 225 kg N /
ha, however, NUE was observed higher at 150 kg N/ha for both the genotypes.
Key words : Agronomy, New genotypes, Nitrogen nutrition, Planting geometry, Ratoon performacne index
genotypes developed showed variable response to different
agronomic practices. Row spacing has a direct effect on plant
population and plays distinct role in amount of solar radiation
interception. More over, the genotypes having high or low
tiller dynamics shows variable response to change in planting
density/row spacing. The second most important factor is
the ability of genotypes is efficient utilization of applied
nutrient especially nitroge n because Indian soils are
universally deficient in N except some part of eastern region
(Lal and Singh 2002). More so, modern cane production
package concerned with yield, quality and environmental
impact therefore efficient use of fertilizer N is become more
crucial. In this context, the present investigation was thus
taken up to assess the performance of new genotypes and
their requirement for spacing and nitrogen nutrition.
Field experiments were conducted for three years (two
consecutive plant and ratoon cycles) from 2006-07 to 2008-
09 at Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow. The
experiment was laid out in split-plot design keeping
combinations of 2 genotypes (CoLk 94084 and CoLk 97147)
in main plot and 4 nitrogen levels (0, 75, 150, 225 kg/ha) and
three spacings (60, 75 and 90 cm) in sub plots replicated
Indian Journal of Sugarcane Technology 2011 26(1) : 6-9
Agronomic performance of new sugarcane genotypes under different planting geometries and N levels 7
thrice. The soil of the experimental site was clay loan with pH
7.4, organic carbon 0.28%, available N, P and K were 137.6,
16.5 and 235.0 kg/ha, respectively. Planting of sugarcane was
done during third week of February in both the years. Ratoons
were initiated during 3rd week of January in both the years. In
addition to treatmental nitrogen, 60 kg P2O5 and 60 kg K2O/ha
was applied as basal fertilizer dose at planting/ratoon
initiation. Nitrogen was applied in 3 equal splits at planting,
tillering and late tillering stage in the plant crop. In ratoon,
two splits of N was given at initiation and late tillering stage.
Trash mulching was done uniformly in successive ratoons.
All the recommended plant protection measures were
undertaken during the course of investigation. The Ratoon
Performance Index was calculated as per Shaw (1988) by the
formula given as below :
1 100
Py= Reference plant crop yield (t/ha)
Ry= Ratoon cane yield (t/ha)
Growth yield and NUE
Significantly higher germination percentage at 45 days
after planting (42.3 and 44.4%), tiller count in July (221.7 adn
205.2 thousand/ha), number of millable canes (112.7 and 103.7
thousand/ha) and cane yield (70.5 adn 68.8 t/ha) were recorded
by the genotype CoLk 9484 during both the years of
experimentation (Table 1). The growth, yield attributes and
yield of genotype CoLk 97147 was significantly reduced.
Germination count was not affected by row spacing and N
levels, however, increase in planting density and nitrogen
levels significantly increased the tiller count and number of
millable canes during both the years. The highest tiller count
(235.8 and 219.4 thousand/ha) and number of millable canes
(110.7 and 101.1 thousand/ha) were recorded by planting
sugarcane at 60 cm row spacing. However, this increase was
not reflected in yield. Application of nitrogen at 225 kg N/ha
yielded significantly higher in both the years. The inter row
distances depends on tillering capacity o f a variety. The
genotype CoLk 941 84 being a high tillerin g variety
compensated the yield at 90 cm spacing. A row spacing of 90
cm under timely planting condition is also recommended by
Verma (2004). The response of N application up to 225 kg N/
ha might be due to low availability of nitrogen in the soil and
in build characterized of genotype to respond high level of
fertilizer N. The results are in conformity with the findings of
Singh et. al. (2002) and Anonymous (2010).
The nitrogen use efficiency of both the genotypes were
found higher at 150 kg N application during both the years.
Genotype CoLk 94184 recorded the highest NUE of 165.7
and 167.9 kg cane/kg N applied at 150 kg N/ha in 2006-07 and
2007-08 respectively. Similar to CoLk 94184, genotype CoLk
94147 also showed highest NUE (196.1 and 189.4 kg cane/kg
N applied at 150 kg N/ha during both the years. Varietal
response in terms of NUE at varying levels of nitrogen was
also reported by Singh et. al. (2010) and Singh et. al. (2011).
Table 1. Effect of spacing and nitrogen levels on growth and yield of new sugarcane genotypes
NMC : Number of malleable canes
No. of tillers in July
(kg cane/kg N)
CoLk 94184 COL k 97147
2007-08 2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08
2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08
CoLk 94184 42.3 44.4 221.7 205.2 112.7 103.7 70.5 68.8 - - - -
CoLk 97147 33.0 33.6 182.8 173.1 95.5 95.5 59.2 57.4 - - - -
CD (P=0.05) 3.46 4.21 7.83 10.61 5.20 6.31 6.56 5.96 - - - -
60 cm 37.1 39.6 235.8 219.4 110.7 101.1 67.3 65.3 - - - -
75 cm 39.5 39.7 198.5 181.0 102.9 93.5 63.8 62.3 - - - -
90 cm 36.4 37.7 172.5 152.0 98.7 87.6 63.6 61.8 - - - -
CD (P=0.05) NS NS 9.59 13.23 6.35 8.36 NS NS - - - -
N levels (kg/ha)
0 36.9 39.4 112.8 99.6 86.7 89.3 45.7 43.5 - - - -
75 36.0 37.3 200.8 186.1 93.8 90.6 58.1 56.9 128.1 154.8 199.3 203.7
150 39.1 40.1 237.4 221.2 112.2 109.7 72.8 70.3 165.7 167.9 196.1 189.4
225 38.7 39.2 258.1 249.7 123.7 113.7 83.0 81.7 151.4 158.8 180.7 180.7
CD (P=0.05) NS NS 11.61 16.30 8.58 10.21 3.67 7.54 - - - -
8A K Singh, Menhi Lal and S N Singh
Quality parameters and sugar yield
The quality traits viz., ºBrix, pol, purity and CCS
percentage under different agronomic practices did not
undergo significant changes. However, among the genotypes,
significantly highest ºBrix (23.2 and 22.9), pol (19.8%), purity
(85.0 adn 86.3%) and CCS (13.41 and 13.50%) were recorded
by genotype CoLk 94184 (Table 2). The sugar yield which is
mainly the function of CCS % and cane yield under different
treatments showed significant variations due to nitrogen
nutrition. Among the genotypes, CoLk 94184 yielded
significantly higher (9.45 adn 9.30 t/ha) in respective years to
the genotype CoLk 94147. Higher dose of nitrogen (225 kg N/
ha) significantly produced higher sugar yield of 10.87 and
10.65 t/ha in two consecutive years respectively.
Performance of ratoon
The data on performance of ratoon, viz., number of
millable canes, yield, NUE and ratoon performance Index of
the genotypes clearly indicated the superiority of CoLk 94184
over CoLk 97148. Significantly highest number of millable
canes (125.5 and 122.4 thousand/ha), ratoon cane yield (64.0
and 62.8 t/ha) and RPI (90.8 and 91.3) were recorded with the
genotype CoLk 94184 during both the years (Table 3).
Although narrow spacing (60 cm) significantly triggred for
higher NMC (121.6 and 118.7 thousand/ha) and yield (58.7
and 60.2 t/ha), however, ratoon performance index was found
better (87.7 and 95.2) at 75 cm row spacing. Significantly
highest NMC (132.3 and 128.0 thousand/ha) and yield (69.5
and 74.3 t/ha) were recorded at higher dose of nitrogen (225.0
Table 2. Effect of spacing and nitrogen levels on quality of new sugarcane genotypes
CCS : Commercial cane sugar
Brix Pol (%) Purity (%) CCS (%) CCS (t/ha) Treatment
2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08
CoLk 94184 23.2 22.9 19.8 19.8 85.0 86.3 13.41 13.50 9.45 9.30
CoLk 97147 21.1 21.5 18.3 18.4 86.8 85.5 12.56 12.52 7.42 7.17
CD (P=0.05) 0.89 0.67 0.80 0.72 NS NS 0.68 0.57 0.58 1.35
60 cm 22.1 22.2 18.9 18.9 85.7 86.1 12.88 13.28 8.68 8.97
75 cm 22.3 22.4 19.3 19.4 86.6 96.6 13.18 13.27 8.40 8.26
90 cm 22.2 22.1 18.9 18.9 85.5 85.9 12.89 12.92 8.22 8.05
N levels (kg/ha)
0 22.3 22.3 19.2 19.2 86.2 86.2 13.13 13.13 6.02 5.74
75 22.2 22.4 19.0 19.0 85.6 84.9 12.94 12.89 7.51 7.36
150 22.1 22.1 18.9 19.1 85.7 86.5 12.87 13.04 9.40 9.19
225 22.1 22.1 19.0 19.0 86.2 86.1 13.00 13.00 10.81 10.65
CD (P=0.05) NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.56 2.36
Table 3. Effect of different agronomic practices on performance of ratoon of new sugarcane genotypes (2007-08)
NMC : Number of millable canes NUE : Nitrogen use efficiency
NMC (000/ha) Yield (t/ha) NUE (kg cane/kg N)
CoLk 94184 CoLk 97147
Ratoon performance
index (RPI)
2007-08 2008-09 2007-08 2 008-09
2007-08 2008-09 2007-08 2 008-09 2007-08 2008-09
CoLk 94184 125.5 122.4 64.0 62.8 - - - - 90.8 91.3
CoLk 97147 102.4 99.1 48.0 55.0 - - - - 81.0 95.8
CD (P=0.05) 6.27 5.26 5.63 4.32 - - - - 3.32 NS
60 cm 121.6 118.7 58.7 60.2 - - - - 86.9 92.4
75 cm 112.3 109.6 56.1 59.1 - - - - 87.7 95.2
90 cm 109.3 105.1 53.3 57.5 - - - - 83.1 93.2
CD (P=0.05) 7.15 6.27 3.46 2.21 - - - - 2.86 NS
N levels (kg/ha)
0 95.5 93.0 40.4 40.7 - - - - 87.4 93.6
75 104.3 101.5 50.7 54.7 112.6 161.1 161.9 210.8 86.9 96.0
150 123.7 120.4 63.6 65.9 141.1 145.0 168.2 191.3 87.0 93.8
225 132.3 128.0 69.5 74.3 124.9 128.0 133.8 170.8 83.4 90.9
CD (P=0.05) 9.26 8.25 7.39 6.35 - - - - 2.52 NS
Agronomic performance of new sugarcane genotypes under different planting geometries and N levels 9
kg N/ha), but the ration performance index was found higher
at 150 kg N/ha. The ratoon performance with respect of
number of millable canes yield might be due to positive
response of genotypes to higher dose of nitrogen nutrition.
On the other hand, lower RPI at higher doses is due to high
plant crop under the reference. Genotypic response with
respect to ratoon performance Index and higher index at lower
doses of fertilizer nitrogen was also reported by Singh
On the basis of above discussion, it may be concluded
that the genotype CoLk 94184 is superior in yield, quality
and its ratoonability over CoLk 97147. The spacing
requirement of genotype CoLk 94184 may be 90 cm as no
significant difference in yield was observed by planting it at
narrow spacing. Although the yield of sugarcane plant and
ratoon was found higher at 2 25 kg N/ha, but the highest
nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and RPI was observed at 150
kg N/ha.
Anonymous (2010). Studies on soil-crop-weather data set
for simulation of MOSICAS sugarcane growth model
with reference to nitrogen nutrition. Annual Report,
Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, pp. 22.
Hunsigi, G. and Singlachar, M.A. (1994). Sugarcane : A
renewable natural agricultural resource. Current Science,
66(12) :891-92.
Lal, M. and Singh, A.K. (2002). Importance of plant nutrient
management in sugarcane. Fertilizer News, 47(11): 91-
Shaw, M.E.A. (1988). An index to measure sugarcane ratoon
performance. Sugar Y Azucar, 84(7): 19-26.
Singh, A.K., Lal, M. and Prasad, B.R. (2006). Effect of row
spacing and nitrogen on ratoonability of early maturing
high sugar genotypes of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.)
hybrids. Indian Journal Agriculture Sciences, 76(2) :
Singh, A.K., Lal, M. and Prasad, S.R. (2002). Enhancing
productivity of early maturing high sugarcane genotypes
through management of crop geometry and nitrogen
nutrition. Indian Journal of Sugarcane Technology,
17(12) : 43-46.
Singh, A.K., Yadav, R.L., Pathak, A.D. and Suman, A. (2011)
Effect of integrated nutrition on nitrogen use efficiency,
productivity and quality of mid late maturing sugarcane
genotypes under subtropical Indian conditions. Paper
presented in X Agricultural Science Congress, 10-12
February, 2011, Lucknow. Abstracts, pp. 52.
Singh, A.K., Yadav, R.L., Pathak, A.D., Suman, A. And Yadav,
D.V. (2010). Effect of organics on nitrogen use efficiency,
productivity and quality of early maturing sugarcane
(Saccharum officinarum) genotypes. Paper presented
in XIX National symposium on Resource Management
Approaches Tow ards Livelyhood Securit y, 2-4
December, 2010, Bengaluru, Karnataka, Exten ded
Summaries, pg. 72.
Verma, R.S. (2004). Sugarcane Production Technology in
India. International Book Distributing Co., Lucknow,
p. 628.
10 K P Singh and T K Srivastava
Sugarcane, the most important and remunerative cash
crop of sub-tropical India, is fast losing its sheen owing to
substantial increase in cost of cultivation and stagnant
productivity. Declining soil health and soaring prices of market
purchased inputs are the major factors responsible for this.
Further, intensive cropping and imbalanced use of essential
plant nutrients have rendered the alluvial soils of sub-tropics
to be poor in organic carbon content and deterioration in
physical properties (Speir et al., 2004) lead to restricted growth
and development of the crop. In such a scenario it is essential
to find agro-techniques which on one hand can ensure
balanced supply of nutrients for the crop and on the other
effectively restore the soil health and also save on the cost
of inputs. Being nutrient exhaustive crop sugarcane removes
about 205 kg N, 55 kg P2O5 and 275 kg K2O from the soil for
cane yield of 100 t/ha. Replenishing soil regularly with such
huge quantity of nutrients through chemical fertilizers alone
often results in hampering of soil physical, physico-chemical
and microbiological properties leading to decline in soil
productivity. Use of farm generated organic resources such
as crop residues, vermi-compost, farmyard manure and
microbial fertilizers are being increasingly used to arrest the
decline in soil fertility and also to restore the soil physical
properties. Integration of organic sources with fertilizers has
also been found to enhance the nutrient use efficiency of the
crop as the efficiency of sugarcane to utilize applied N ranges
from 16 to 45% owing to leaching of a large quantity of applied
N down through the soil layers along with irrigation water
Sugarcane productivity and soil fertility in plant ratoon system under
integrated and organic nutrient management in sub-tropics
Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
A field experiment was conducted during 2006 to 2009 at Indian institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow to assess the
influence of various nutrient supply systems on sugarcane growth and yield and on soil health in sugarcane plant –ratoon
system. Out of all five treatments based on various combinations of organics and fertilizer based nutrient supply, integrated use
of organics and fertilizers up to 75% substitution both ways recorded the highest cane yield for plant (82.6 t/ha) and ratoon
(78.5 t/ha) crops. However, organic carbon and available nitrogen enrichment (0.65% and 243.8 kg/ha against 0.40% and 192.4
kg/ha initial) were found highest in treatments involving total supply of recommended nitrogen through organics only. Improvement
in soil physical properties such as bulk density and water infiltration rate was also recorded under organic and integrated
nutrient supply systems.
Key words : Integrated nutrient management, Organic nutrient management, Plant-ratoon system, Sugarcane, Soil fertility
(Yadav and Prasad, 1992). The application of organic matter
from such resources as animal manure, crop residues and
green manuring has been shown to replenish soil organic C
and improve soil fertility (Saviozzi et al., 2002; Srivastava et
al., 2009). Moreover several kind of microbial agents capable
of fixing N or mobilizing P and others nutrients are becoming
an integral component of Integrated Nutrient Management
system of crops. The present study was, thus, carried out to
evaluate the different nutrient management modules on soil
fertility and cane productivity in a plant-ratoon system under
A field trial was conducted during 2006 to 2009 involving
three cycles of sugarcane plant and ratoon crops at the Indian
Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow situated at 260
56¹N, 800 52¹E and 111 m above mean sea level. The soil was
sandy loam in texture with pH 7.5, organic carbon 0.40%,
available N 192.4, P 22.1 and K 189.2 kg/ha. In all 5 treatments
(Table 1) comprising different levels of integration of organic
and inorganic sources of nutrients and crop protection
measures were laid out in randomized block design with 4
replications. Sugarcane (CoS 94257) was planted in furrows
75 cm apart using 6 tonnes of seed cane/ha consecutively in
March 2006, 2007 and 2008 (3 years) and harvested in
February 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively. All the treatments
were applied and adopted following standard package of
practices. For treatments with fertilizers half of N and full
Indian Journal of Sugarcane Technology 2011 26(1) : 10-13
Sugarcane productivity and soil fertility in plant – ratoon system under integrated 11
doses of P2O5 and K2O were applied as basal and remaining
N was top-dressed within 85 days after planting. Other
practices were followed uniformly as per recommendation
for the crop. Subsequent ratoons were initiated every year
on 1 s t March with same treatm ents as in plant crop.
Observations were recorded using standard procedure. The
processed samples (soil) from each plot were collected at the
end of every plant –ratoon cycle and analysed separately for
organic carbon by oxidizing with potassium dichromate, and
available N following alkaline permanganate method.
Available soil phosphorus was extracted with 0.5 M sodium
bio-carbonate solution (pH 8.5) and determined in the extract
colorimetrically with neutral normal blue colour method.
Exchangeable potassium was extracted with ammonium
acetate solution and determined by flame photometer.
Growth and yield attributes and yield
A good crop stand ensures remunerative yield of both
the plant and ratoon crops of sugarcane. As far as
germination of sugarcane plant crop is concerned, it is evident
from the data that all the treatments had similar effect on
emergence of buds that ranged from 33.5 to 35.5%.
Interestingly germination under treatments with organics had
an edge over that under recommended application of NP and
K only through fertilizers. Similarly no significant variation in
tillering behaviour of plant or ratoon crop was recorded under
various treatments at active tillering and grand growth stages
of the crops (Table 1). These findings corroborates the results
obtained by Singh et al. (2007) and also it may be attributed
to the improved physical properties of the soil as evident
from reduced bulk density and enhanced infiltration rate (5.4
mm/hr against initial 4.1) under treatments involving
recommended N supply through organics, bio-fertilizers and
intercropped legumes (Table 3). No improvement in these
parameters was recorded under NPK treatment. The findings,
therefore, indicate that supply of nutrients through organics
in sugarcane supports the crop growth equally well as that
with recommended dose of nutrients supplied solely through
chemical fertilizers.
Economic yield of sugarcane plant and ratoon crops is a
function of number of millable canes and the average cane
length and thickness at the time of harvest. The pooled data
of 3 years revealed that the highest number of millable canes
in plant (13 1000/ha) and ratoon (99300/ha) crops were
recorded with the application of recommended N through
organics + bio-fertilizers + inter cropping of legumes and
control of pests and diseases with chemicals (T2). Similar
number of millable canes were recorded where along with
organics bio-pesticides were used for control of pests and
diseases and dry leaves were de-trashed (T3) or organics
were used for supply of 75% recommended N + bio-fertilizers
+ 25% recommended N through fertilizers + bio-pesticides
(T4). Application of recommended N, P and K either solely
(T1) or up to 75% through fertilizers (T5) and control of pests
and diseases chemically or through bio-pesticides produced
significantly less number of millable canes as compared to
totally organic based management (T3) or organic nutrient
supply combined with chemical pest control (T2). Further,
for ratoon crop there was significant increase in number of
millable canes under organic nutrient supply combined either
Table 1. Sugarcane germination, initial ratoon stand and
tillering behaviour (‘000/ha) as influenced by
different treatments (pooled data of 3 crop cycles)
DARI, Days after ratoon initiation
Initial crop stand Active tillering
Grand growth
Tillers at
Plant Ratoon
T1 33.5 79.8 200 300 187 170
T2 34.8 80.7 221 318 190 180
T3 35.5 81.0 220 315 184 187
T4 35.0 81.5 215 312 188 180
T5 33.5 80.5 210 310 175 175
CD (0.05)
T1 Recommended NPK + micronutrients
(iron, copper and zinc)
through inorganics
+ control of pests/diseases through chemical
mode as per recommendation.
T2 Recommended N through organic (vermicompost)+biofertilizers
intercropping of legumes (Rhizobium inoculated
) with sugarcane +
control of pests) diseases through chemical mode.
T3 Recommended N through organics (vermicompost)
10 t/ha
containing 1.5% N, 0.5% P and 0.5% K + Gluconacetobactor
intercropping of legume with rhizobium + bio-
(Trichoderma/ Pseudomonas
/ neem cake) + cultural mode +
detrashing of dry leaves September onwards.
T4 75% of Recommended N through organics + Gluconacetobactor
25% of recommended NPK through inorganics + biopesticides
(neem oil and cake at planting).
75% recommended NPK through inorganics + 25% through
organic manures + biofertilizers + biopesticides (Pseudomonas
Trichoderma/neemcake) as per recommendation.
12 K P Singh and T K Srivastava
with biopesticides or chemicals for crop protection over that
obtained with recommended application of nutrients through
fertilizers or supply of 75% N through organics. However,
various treatments did not affect the length or thickness of
cane in plant as well as ratoon crops.
The highest cane yield (82.6 t/ha for plant cane and 78.5
t/ha for ratoon) was obtained with 75% N supplied through
organics + biofertilizers + 25% NPK through fertilizers +
biopesticide for control of pests and diseases (Table 2).
Statistically similar yields in plant (80.3 t/ha) and ratoon (77.5
t/ha) were recorded under the nutrient supply system where
75% of recommended N was given through fertilizers. Supply
of 100% recommended NPK solely through fertilizers
produced 77.7 t/ha in plant and 72 t/ha in ratoon crop. As
evident integrated nutrient management involving organic
resources and chemical fertilizers substantially enhanced the
cane yield over the systems totally based on chemical fertilizers
or organics. This may be attributed to the balanced availability
of nutrients over a longer duration under integrated system
as compared to that with solely chemical or organic based
systems. Yadav and Prasad (1992) have also reported similar
Effect on soil health
Application of 100% N through organics brought about
substantial increase in organic carbon content of the soil
(Table 4). The highest enhancement in organic carbon content
(0.65 over initial 0.40%)) at ratoon harvest was recorded in
the trea tment receiving 100% N through organic +
biofertilizers + inter cropping of legume with rhizobium +
pests/diseases control by either synthetic pesticides or bio-
pesticides. It was closely followed by 75% N through organics
+ bio-fertilizers + 25% NPK through inorganic + biopesticides
(0.64%). Application of recommended NPK through fertilizers
however enriched the soil organic carbon only to 0.55%. Soil
enrichment for available nitrogen recorded the similar trend
as that of organic carbon. Soil phosphorus content at the
end of plant-ratoon cycle however, was found highest (28.5
kg/ha) under treatment receiving recommended NPK through
fertilizers only against the value (21 kg/ha) recorded for
organic system of nutrient supply. This may have happened
owing to greater phosphorus fixation under fertilizer applied
plots whereas organics are known to solubilise the unavailable
form into available forms. Enrichment of soil for exchangeable
potassium was recorded under all the systems of nutrient
Table 2. Yield attributing characters and cane yield as influenced by different treatments (pooled data of 3 crop cycles)
Cane length (cm) Cane thickness (cm) NMC (000/ha) Cane yield (t/ha) Treatment
Plant Ratoon Plant Ratoon Plant Ratoon Plant Ratoon
T1 216.5 200.0 2.3 2.23 101.0 93.0 77.70 72.0
T2 218.0 197.4 2.4 2.32 131.0 98.8 76.9 74.8
T3 218.3 196.9 2.4 2.32 127.0 99.3 78.0 75.0
T4 227.3 202.1 2.4 2.30 122.0 96.2 82.6 78.5
T5 224.2 200.0 2.4 2.30 114.0 95.4 80.3 77.5
CD (0.05) - - - - 11.00 5.67 2.71 3.24
Table 3. Physico-chemical and physical properties of soil
at harvest of ratoon (pooled data of 3 crop cycles)
Bulk density
infiltration rate
T1 7.68
0.24 1.40 4.2
T2 7.62
0.24 1.38 5.3
T3 7.61
0.24 1.37 5.4
T4 7.65
0.24 1.39 5.2
T5 7.68
0.24 1.38 5.1
Initial 7.68
0.24 1.40 4.1
NS NS NS 0.23
Table 4. Soil fertility status at harvest of ratoon crops
(pooled data of 3 crop cycles)
Available nutrient (kg/ha) Treatment S oil organic C
(%) N P K
T1 0.55 243.8 28.5 280.2
T2 0.65 248.6 20.8 261.7
T3 0.65 246.7 21.0 257.7
T4 0.64 240.7 27.9 250.0
T5 0.62 246.1 28.9 292.0
Initial 0.40 192.4 22.1 189.2
CD (P=0.05) NS NS NS 17.51
Sugarcane productivity and soil fertility in plant – ratoon system under integrated 13
It may therefore, be concluded that supply of nutrients
in sugarcane plant ratoon system through integrated use of
organic resources and fertilizers brought about a significant
increase in cane yield over that obtained with so le
dependence on either of the sources. Such nutrient supply
system also adds to the soil enrichment of organic carbon
and available nitrogen and soil physical properties in terms
of bulk density and water infiltration rate too become
favourable for crop growth and development.
Saviozzi, A., Bufalino, P., Levi Minzi, R., Riffaldi, R. (2002).
Biochemical activities in a degraded soil restored by
two amendments: a laboratory study. Bio logy and
Fertility of Soils 35: 96-119.
Singh, K.P., Suman, A., Singh, P.N. and Srivastava, T.K. (2007).
Improving quality of sugarcane growing soils by organic
amendments under subtropical climatic conditions of
India. Biology and Fertility of Soils 44: 367-376.
Spier, T.W., Horswell, J. Mclaren, R.G., Fietje, G., Van Schalk,
A.P. (2004). Composted biosolids enhance fertility of
sandy loam soil under dairy pasture. Biology and Fertility
of Soils 40: 349-358.
Srivastava, T.K., Lal, M., Singh, K.P., Suman, A. And Kumar,
P. (2009). Enha ncing sol health and sugarcane
productivity in a plant-ratoon system through organic
nutrition modules in subtropics. Indian J. Agricultural
Sciences 79(5): 346-350.
Yadav, R.L. and Prasad, S.R. (1992). Conserving the organic
matter content of the soil to sustain sugarcane yield.
Experimental Agriculture 28: 57-62.
14 S N Singh, A K Singh, S C Singh, M L Sharma and Rajesh Kumar
Sugarcane is one of the most efficient converters of
solar energy into sugars and other renewable forms of energy.
Being a long duration and heavy feeder of nutrients it uptakes
considerable amount of plant nutrients from soil. As a result,
the nutrient ability of soil to supply plant nutrients is declining
day by day which leads to decline productivity of sugarcane
till recently. To overcome with this situation, and also to
enhance the productivity of sugarcane, it is being felt now-a-
days to apply more nitrogen fertilizer than that of its
recommended dose (150 kg/ha) in sub-tropical India. But,
continuous use of high analysis fertilizers has resulted in
imbalance of nutrients in soil, poor growth and decline in
sugarcane productivity. Results o f a large number of
experiments on manures and fertilizers conducted in the
country reveal that neither the chemical fertilizers alone nor
the organic sources exclusively can achieve the production
sustainability of soils as well as crops under a highly intensive
cropping system. The integrated nutrient supply has proved
superior to the use of its components separately (Singh and
Yadav, 1992). It has also been reported that biofertilizers
application led to a saving of nearly 25% chemical fertilizers
for sugarcane crop (Muthukumarasamy, 1994). Keeping
the above factors into consideration, an experiment was
conducted to study the effect of organic, inorganic and
biological sources of N on growth yield and quality of plant
Enhancing sugarcane (Saccharum spp. Hybrid) productivity by integrating
organic, inorganic and biological sources of N in sub-tropical India
1Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
2U.P. Council of Sugarcane Research, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Field experiments were conducted at the research farm of U.P. Council of Sugarcane Research, Shahjahanpur (India) during
2000-01 to 2002-03 to study the effect of organic, inorganic and biological sources of nitrogen on the growth and yield of
sugarcane. It was observed that integration of 25 and 37.5% N through sulphitation press mud cake (SPMC) and rest through
inorganic nitrogen (T4 and T3), the inorganic N could be saved from 12.5 to 25% with no loss in cane yield as obtained against
the total N application (150 Kg/ha) as inorganic source (T1). However, 50% N through SPMC + 50% through inorganic sources
(T2) increased the cane yield significantly being 12.05% higher than that of treatment fertilized with 150 kg N/ha as inorganic
source alone. Results further indicated that inoculation of Azospirillum brasilense @ 5 kg/ha along with various sources of
nitrogen (T5, T6 and T7) proved amply advantageous, and accordingly improved the cane yield to the tune of 5.72, 3.34 and
5.62% as compared to T2, T3 and T4 treatments, respectively. CCS% cane did not differ significantly due to different treatments
of sources of nitrogen application. Thus, organic and biological sources of nutrition would help us to minimize the expenditure
on costly inorganic N fertilizers.
Key words : Azospirillum brasilense, Organic, Fertilizer N, Sulphitation
crop of sugarcane.
The field experiments were conducted at the research
farm of U.P. Council of Sugarcane Research, Shahjahanpur
(India) consecutely during the years 2000-01 to 2002-03. The
soil of experimental site at Shahjahanpur was silty loam having
low available N (263 kg/ha), medium in available phosphorus
(19.8 kg/ha) and higher in potassium (294.6 kg/ha) with pH
7. 3. Seven treatment combinat ions vi z., T1 : 10 0%
recommended dose of N (150 kg/ha) as inorganic fertilizer, T2
: 50% N through organic (Sulphitation press mud cake
SPMC) + 50% N through inorganic, T3 : 37.5% N through
organic SPMC + 50% N through inorganic, T4 : 25% N through
organic (SP MC)+50% N through ino rganic, T5:
T2+Azospirillum brasilense @ 5 kg/ha, T6 : T3+Azospirillum
brasilense @ 5 kg/ha and T7 : T4+Azospirillum brasilense @
5 kg/ha were evaluated in randomized block design with four
replications. Organic manure was applied in the farm of
sulphitation press mud cake (SPMC) after treating with
Trichoderma viride and Pleurotus sp. while inorganic N was
applied through urea (46.4% N). The doses of P and K were
applied @ 60 and 40 kg/ha, respectively to all the plots
uniformly. Mean value for N, P and K contents, in enriched
SPMC, were 1.2, 1.9 and 1.7 percent, respectively. Sugarcane
Indian Journal of Sugarcane Technology 2011 26(1) : 14-15
Enhancing sugarcane (Saccharum spp. Hybrid) productivity by integrating organic, inorganic 15
Table 1. Effect of organic, inorganic and biological sources of N on growth, yield and quality of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.
Treatment details : T1 : 100 % N (150 kg/ha) inorganic; T2 : 50 % N (SPMC) + 50% N (inorganic); T3 : 37.5% N (SPMC) + 50% N
(inorganic); T4 : 25% N (SPMC) + 50% N (inorganic); T5 : T2 + Azospirillum brasilense @ 5 kg/ha; T6 : T3 + Azospirillum brasilense @ 5
kg/ha; T7 : T4 + Azospirillum brasilense @ 5 kg/ha.
Germination % S hoots (000/ha) Millable canes (000 /ha) Cane yield (t/ha) CCS % cane Treatment
T1 43.24
160 131 158 150 112 106 97 105 76.02
88.89 82.56
T2 42.94
173 140 171 161 121 111 107 113 84.24
T3 43.39
177 138 166 160 125 110 118 118 83.04
96.45 91.12
T4 44.29
169 135 160 155 115 107 102 108 79.37
90.12 84.41
T5 43.54
179 146 177 167 136 119 110 122 88.54
T6 42.04
184 142 170 165 127 113 106 115 85.54
T7 42.49
175 138 164 159 122 110 103 112 82.54
96.91 88.73
CD (P=0.05)
NS NS NS - NS NS NS - 1 0.94
4.56 - 7.37 11.45 1 0.39
- NS NS NS -
variety CoSe 92423 was planted at 90 cm row to row spacing
in the second week of February and harvested in the second
week of March during all the three years of experimentation.
Microbial culture of Azospirillum brasilense was arranged
from the Division of Microbiology at IARI, New Delhi, and
respective treatment plots were inoculated @ 5 kg/ha as side
dressing at 45 days after planting. Data on growth, yield and
quality of sugarcane were recorded at the appropriate time.
The data recorded were thus analysed statistically year wise,
and presented and discussed in this paper.
The data presented in Table 1 vividly indicated that
germination percent of cane buds and number of shoots per
ha did not differ significantly due to different treatments in
the study during all the three years of experimentation.
However, the T5 treatment (50% N through SPMC + 50% N as
inorganic + soil inoculation of Azospirillum brasilense @ 5
kg/ha) being statistically at par with T2, T3, T4, T6 and T7
treatments, produced significantly higher number of millable
canes than that obtained with the application of 100% N
through inorganic N. It clearly indicates the importance of
supplementing organic source of N with inorganic nitrogen
application, and it thus pro ves its worthy to apply in
sugarcane growing for better results. The data further revealed
that by integrating 25 and 37.5% N through SPMC (T4 and
T3) and rest through as inorganic nitrogen, the dose of
inorganic N could be saved from 12.5% to 25% with no loss
in cane yield as obtained against the recommended dose of
N application (150 kg N/ha) as inorganic source (T1). However,
50% N through SPMC + 50% through inorganic sources (T2)
increased the cane yield significantly being 12.05% higher
than that of treatment fertilized with 150 kg N/ha as inorganic
source alone. Soil inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense
at T5, T6 and T7 treatments proved amply advantageous, and
accordingly improved the cane yield, although marginal, to
the tune of 5.72, 3.34 and 5.62% as compared to T2, T3 and T4
treatments, respectively. Shankariah and Hunsigi (2000) and
Kumar et al. (2002) also reported that integration of organic
manure and bio-agents such as Azospirillum brasilense with
inorganic fertilizer significantly increased cane yield and net
profit compared to their individual application. CCS% cane
did not differ significantly due to different treatments of
sources of nitrogen application. Thus, organic and biological
sources of nutrition would not only help us to minimise the
expenditure on costly inorganic N fertilizers but also
sustainable production of field crops.
Kumar, V., Verma, K.S. and Kumar, V. 2002. Influence of use of
organic manure in combination with inorganic fertilizers
on sugarcane and soil fertility. Indian Sugar, 52(3):177-
Muthukumarasamy, R., Revathi, G. and Solayappan, A.R.
1994. Biofertilizers – a supplement or substitute for
chemical nitrogen for sugarcane. Cooperative Sugar,
25 (7-8) : 287-290.
Shankariah, C and Hunsigi, G. 2000. Effect of associative
nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubilising bioagents
on growth, yield and quality of sugarcane. Tropical
Agriculture Research, 12 : 163-176.
Singh, G.B. and Yadav, D.V. 1992. Integrated nutrient supply
system in sugarcane and sugarcane based systems.
Fertilizer News, 37 : 15-22.
16 Surinder K Sandhu, R S Gill and Pritpal Singh
Variability Trends for ºBrix Content in General Cross Combinations of
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids)
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
The study was undertaken to determine the potential of general cross combinations in sugarcane, obtained by open pollinating
female parents, to generate variants for ºBrix (percent total soluble solids) content and frequency distribution pattern of
variants, hence generated. Using ºBrix (an indicator of sucrose content) as selection criterion, 819 ratooned seedlings raised from
five general cross combinations, comprising high sugared commercial varieties of North West zone as female parents, viz., CoS
8436, Co 1148, Co Pant 97222, Co 0238 and Co 0239, were investigated. The corrected ºBrix values of test genotypes,
evaluated in augmented incomplete block design, inferred the generation of highly variable population with significant differences
in test genotypes. Further cross wise evaluation revealed that progeny means of three GC’s raised from female parents CoS
8436, Co 1148, Co Pant 97222 were significantly higher than respective parental means, whereas, the progeny obtained from
high sugared female parents Co 0238 and Co 0239 has significantly lower mean ºBrix value than parental means, thereby
signifying that determining the combining ability of parents is important to generate elite segregants since some parental
combinations may not be able to transfer their potential economic values (traits) to next generation. Highly significant negatively
skewed leptokurtic distribution of the progeny for ºBrix content in GCs obtained Co Pant 97222 and Co1148 indicated that the
tail on the left side of probability density function was longer than the right side and the bulk of the values (including the
median) lie to the right of the mean. This indicated that Co Pant 97222 and Co 1148 are potential female parents to generate high
frequency of elite seedlings for Brix. The evaluation of elite clones from each GC in the next clonal Stage (Settling I) led to a
higher selection rate in Co Pant 97222 and Co 1148 as compared to other GCs. The study suggested the scope of general cross
combinations, which are less laborious, cost effective and generally yield more fuzz, to generate elite segregants for qualitative
traits like sucrose content in sugarcane. The influence of female parents on frequency distribution pattern of elite segregants has
been discussed.
Key words: Biparental, ºBrix, Frequency distribution, Kurtosis, Skewness, Sugarcane ratoon
Modern sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is an
important grass that contributes 60% o f the raw sugar
produced worldwide and has a high biofuel production
potential. It was created abou t a century ago from the
combination of the polyploid species S. officinarum, the
domesticated sugar-producing species with x = 10 and 2n
=8x = 80, and S. spontaneum, a vigorous wild species with x
= 8 and 2n =5x =40 to16x = 128 and many aneuploid forms
(D’Hont et al., 1995). Proper exploitation of variability in a
crop like sugarcane with a complex ploidy and a high level of
heterozygosity is a complicated process (Babu et al., 2009).
Breeding for higher yield and quality traits requires basic
information on the extent of genetic variation in a population
and its response to selection. Improvement in genetic
potential for stalk and sugar yields is the most important
objective in sugarcane breeding programme. The main
difficulty in improvement of sugarcane is selection at seedling
stage. Further, it is a vital stage of selection because it
provides the base population for remaining and more effective
stages of selection (Ram, 2009). New sugarcane cultivars are
developed through the selection of vegetatively propagated
genotypes, obtained from true seed after hybridization of
superior parents. Selection is applied in all breeding stages:
the choice of parents, cross combinatio ns and the plant
population originating from the crosses made. Selection at
early stages in sugarcane breeding programmes is generally
based on refracto meter ºBrix as the only juice quality
characteristic. Many breeders indicated that heritability of
juice quality in sugarcane, including ºBrix, is moderate to
high and therefore can be improved with the correct selection
pressure. º Brix was highly correlated with sucrose and
selection for high sucrose could begin as early as the single
stool stage and most of the genetic variation for ºBrix could
be attributed to additive effects.
Recognising ratoonability as an important trait in
sugarcane varieties, selection in ratoon seedlings is warranted,
Indian Journal of Sugarcane Technology 2011 26(1) : 16-19
Variability Trends for ºBrix Content in General Cross Combinations of Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) 17
particularly in sub-tropical countries where seedlings remain
immature at the time of next season’s planting and hence,
may not express their full potential (Ram et al., 1997). Seedling
selection in the ratoon crops is practised in many countries,
e.g., Argentina, Barbados and Guyana, the USA, and South
Africa. After several cycles of crossing and selection in a
generation-wise crossing programme, gain in performance
becomes smaller and more difficult to detect. Therefore,
improving the efficiency of selection that generates genetic
gains is important. The selection percentage is a measure of
the overall merit of the cross which represents all the aspects
of desirability considered in these stages and the weight
given to each component character by the selector. Brix was
highly correlated with sucrose and selection for high sucrose
could begin as early as the single stool stage and moreover,
most of the genetic variation for ºBrix could be attributed to
additive effects. The main objective of the experiment was to
investigate the potential of general cross combinations which
are not laboriou s to execute like biparental crosses in
sugarcane, and to estimate the influence of maternal parent
on frequency of elite segregates in the population for brix
value, a trait of high heritability and an indicator of sugarcane
Five general cross combinations were effected from five
open pollinated sub-tropical female parents sown in same
block at National Hybridization Garden NGH, Sugarcane
Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India in 2007. The subtropical
or tropical parents refer to variety/clone/cultivar adapted to
respective zone. In general cross combinations, female
parents were allowed to open pollinate and fuzz (true seed)
was collected from female arrows. The seedling stage refers
to a selection stage where clones are grown from fuzz after
hybridization and the subsequent stage that develops from
regeneration of the seedling clumps after harvest, is referred
to as ratooned seedling stage. After germination tests, the
fuzz was sown under polytunnels with high humidity in April,
2008. Three-month-old seedlings were transplanted during
July, 2008 in the ground nursery at an equal distance of 60 cm
between the seedlings in each of a 6 m row length, spaced at
75 cm. The experiment was established as an augmented
incomplete block design along with one-month old settlings
of four checks viz., CoJ 64, CoJ 83, CoJ 88 and CoJ 89
(commercial varieties) along with maternal parent clones in
each block. The seedlings were harvested under cold
conditions after 300 days of transplanting and the crop was
ratooned using standard cultural practises followed in the
Punjab state of India in 2009. Eight hundred and nineteen
ratooned seedlings derived from different crosses were
evaluated for ºBrix using a hand refractrometer after 270 days
of ratooning. The ºBrix was recorded from two shoots of a
clone and the average ºBrix from the two sub-samples was
used for all statistical analysis. The individual ratooned
seedlings (test genotypes) were evaluated on small-
unreplicated plots in an augmented design because of the
paucity of cane material in each clone. Descriptive statistics
were worked out for each cross and hence, the class intervals
were constituted for ºBrix. The frequency distribution of
progeny for ºBrix content for each general cross combination
was determined and represented graphically. The elite clones
from each GC were promoted to Stage I based on ºBrix content
and other cane traits in 2010 and data on per cent selection
has been discussed briefly.
The ratooned seedlings were evaluated in an augmented
design using adjusted values of ºBrix as the selection criterion.
The critical differences and standard error of deviation for a
total of 819 test genotypes (irrespective of type of crosses)
within blocks, between blocks and between control and test
treatment were presented in Table 1.
The heterogeneity was observed within blocks. The
treatments were, therefore adjusted, and compared using
respective critical differences. Highly significant differences
in the test geno types for ºBrix content indicated the
generation of highly variable population from general cross
combinations in sugarcane. In augmented design, the
standard varieties were planted in each block and thus
replicated, while the test entries were not. Because the design
is unreplicated for the test clones, the repeated checks were
used to estimate the error mean square and the block effects.
The estimated block effects were used to adjust the observed
values of the test entries. The comparative utility and
efficiency of augmented randomised block design over
incomplete block designs, namely the rectangular lattice and
cubic lattice in the clonal evaluation trials in sugarcane
inferred that the top 10% selection based on statistical
analysis remained almost the same in both the designs. The
augmented design, though not equal to lattice design in
statistical efficiency, is quite useful to sugarcane breeders
who have to evaluate a large number of clones as precisely
as possible. Though the analysis of augmented design
provided for elimination of block effects in respect of each
18 Surinder K Sandhu, R S Gill and Pritpal Singh
genotype, there seemed to be no possibility of further
reduction of error variance as in lattice design. The higher
values of L.S.D. and C.V. are usually recorded in case of
augmented design (Bhagyalakhsmi and Somarajan, 1999). The
adjusted brix values were used further for cross wise progeny
Table 2 described the comparison of parental mean with
the respective progenies originated for each GC. In GC I, II
and III originated from CoS 8436, Co Pant 97222 and Co 1148,
the mean value of the progenies were significantly higher
than the parental means, thus inferring the potential to
generate good segregants for ºBrix. As expected, the variance
was higher in the progeny as compared to parents in all GCs.
GC IV and GC V were originated from high sugared elite
varieties, viz., Co 0238 and Co 0239 having mean values 19.09
and 19.07, respectively. Their progenies were recorded with
significantly lower mean values for Brix in comparison to
parental mean, i.e., 17.09 and 17.88, respectively.
The general statistics for each type of general cross
combination viz., CoS 8436 (GC I), Co1148 (GC II), Co Pant
97222 (GC III), Co 0238 (GC VI), and Co 239 (GC V) were
described in Table 3. The mean Brix was 17.98 in progeny of
GC V followed closely by that of GC IV and GC III with a ºBrix
value of 17.77 and 17.63, respectively. In GC I, IV and V, none
of the seedling has Brix value lower than 10.0 whereas in GC
II and III, the lower limits of the variants were 9.0 and 7.4,
respectively. Not much difference were observed in coefficient
of variance in all general cross combinations (13.09 in GC II
to 13.20 in GC V) except in GC I (11.38). To assess the
Table 1. Analysis of Variance for ºBrix value of the Progenies based on augmented design
Source Df SS MS F Prob>F
Block 40 34.85 0.871 1.501 0.048
Treatments (adjusted) 819 4041.76 4.935 8.506 0.000
Error 120 69.62 0.580
Total 979 4831.82
Parameters Standard error of deviation (SEd) Critical difference (5%)
Two Control Treatments 0.168229 0.333093
Two Test Treatments (Same Block) 1.077190 2.132837
Two Test Treatments (Different Blocks) 1.204335 2.384584
A Test Treatment and A Control Treatment 0.857802 1.698448
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics for HR ºBrix in Progeny of Different General Cross Combinations
General cross
Total no. of
Mean Minimum
Maximum Median Coefficient of
Skewness Kurtosis
CoS 8436 GC 148 17.14 11.0 22.0 17.4 11.38 -0.48* 0.74
CoPant 97222 GC 209 17.42 9.0 23.0 17.6 13.19 -0.92* 1.57*
Co 1148 GC 265 17.63 7.40 23.0 18.0 13.77 -0.45* 0.67*
Co 0238 GC 118 17.77 10.0 23.0 17.8 13.09 -0.15 0.29
Co 0239 GC 93 17.98 12.0 23.0 18.0 13.20 -0.11 -0.19
distribution of progeny and its deviation from a normal
distribution, skewness and kurtosis in progeny of each GC,
has been worked out.
Left skewed distribution (Skewness <0) was observed
in all GCs though the value was statistically significant in
only GC I, II and III, thereby indicating that most values are
concentrated on the right of the mean (Table 3). Graphically,
the frequency distribution in the progeny of each GC was
also analysed. Significant leptokurtic distributions in progeny
of GC II and GC III, derived from Co Pant 97222 and Co 1148
Table 2. Comparison of Mean and Variance in the Female
Parental Clones and Respective Progenies
originated in General Cross Combinations of
* and ** refer to significant at 1% and 5% level of probability,
ºBrix in female
ºBrix in progeny
GC I CoS 8436 CoS 8436 GC
Mean (t-value) 16.52 17.14 (2.51*)
Variance 0.42 3.78
GC II Co Pant 97222 Co Pant 97222 GC
Mean (t-value) 16.87 17.42 (2.23*)
Variance 0.49 5.25
GC III Co 1148 Co 1148 GC
Mean (t-value) 16.40 17.63 (5.43**)
Variance 0.35 5.87
GC IV Co 0238 Co 0238 GC
Mean (t-value) 19.09 17.09 (-3.19**)
Variance 1.64 6.67
GC V Co 0239 Co 0239 GC
Mean (t-value) 19.07 17.88 (-2.45*)
Variance 1.76 7.28
Variability Trends for ºBrix Content in General Cross Combinations of Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) 19
Table 4. Performance of P rogeny in Different General Cross Combinations
Percent poor seedlings
(<16.0 HR Brix)
% Average seedlings/population
(16.1 -20.0 HR Brix)
% Elite seedlings/population
(>20.1 HR Brix)
CoS 8436 GC 18.18 74.83 6.99
Co Pant 97222 GC 16.75 68.90 14.35
Co 1148 GC 20.83 57.58 21.59
Co 0238 GC 31.36 59.32 9.32
Co 0239 GC 48.39 44.09 7.53
inferred that distribution of progeny presented higher peaks
around the mean compared to normal distributions, which
leads to thick tails on both sides. This signified that the most
of the seedlings from Co Pant 97222 and Co 1148 performed
superior to the population mean and in the direction of higher
scale and hence, surfaced as potential female parents to
generate high frequency of elite seedlings for ºBrix content .
Where as the non significant skewness was observed in the
progeny of Co 0238 and Co 0239 with the low percentage of
extreme segregants.
Based on ºBrix value, the categorization of seedlings in
three classes viz., poor (<16.0 ºBrix content), average (16.1-
20.0 ºBrix content) and elite (> 20.1.0 ºBrix content), was done
(Table 4). Co1148 GC generated the highest per cent of elite
(21.59) seedlings followed by Co Pant 97222 GC (14.35). CoS
8436 , Co 0238 and Co 0239 generated 6.99, 9.32 and 7.53 per
cent elite seedlings having ºBrix content >20 per cent. Under
average category, Cos 8436GC genrated highested seedlings
/ population (74.83) followed by CoPant 97222 GC (68.9%).
In sugarcane breeding, the number of su perior
individuals in a cross are very important because thousands
of progenies are available for testing. Parents are chosen for
further crossing on the basis of high sample mean and or
high sample variance in the progeny for the traits under
consideration (Shanthi et al., 2005). The ºBrix was taken as
selection criterion as this trait has high repeatability over
generations. ºBrix cane juice presented high repeatability
values between stages I and II and also between plant-cane
and first-ratoon crops. Particularly for this trait, individual
selection can be intensified in stage I. The availability of
objective data on progeny perfo rmance present the
opportunity to generate robust estimates of the breeding
value of parents involved in crosses. The evaluation at
ratooned seedling stage has added advantage of selection
for ratoonability as well. Better ratoonability, when harvested
during winter months, is an important trait of sugarcane clones
in sub-tropical zone and this would be improved by increasing
the selection intensity in seedling ratoon nursery.
The support and guidance rendered by the Director,
Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore in hybridization
work is deeply acknowledged.
Babu C, Koodalingam K, Natarajan U S, Shanthi R M and
Govindaraj P 2009. Genetic enhancement of sugarcane
(Saccharu m spp. hybrids) for resistance to red rot
disease and economic traits. The Indian Journal of
Agricultural Sciences. 4: 97-107.
Ram Bakshi, Chaudhary B S and Singh S. 1997. Response to
indirect selection in ratoon of sugarcane seedlings.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 48: 207–13.
Ram Bakshi. 2009. Effects of season of ratooning and field
position of seedling ratoon clumps on selection in
sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) Indian Journal of
Agricultural Sciences 79 (10): 790–3.
Bhagyalakhsmi K V and Somarajan K G. 1999. Modified
augmented desig n for early selectio n stages in
sugarcane and its limitation. Sugar Tech 1: 63-66.
D’ Hont A, Rao PS, Feldmann P, Grivet L, Islam-Faridi N,
Taylor Pand Glaszmann JC. 1995. Identification and
characterization of sugarcane intergeneric hybrids,
Saccha rumofficina rum x Erianthus arundinaceus, with
molecular markers and DNA in situ hybridization.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 91: 320-326.
Shanthi RM, Alarmelu S and Balakrishan R. 2005. Role of
Female Parent in the inheritance of Brix in early selection
stages of sugarcane. Sugar Tech 7 (2&3): 39-43.
20 M Charumathi, N V Naidu and K Prasada Rao
Sugarcane is one of the important commercial crops of
the tropical and sub tropical, Sugarcane is grown is an area
of 4.39 million hectares. Producing 271.2 m tons of cane with
national average yield of 61.70 t/ha (2008-09). In Andhra
Pradesh, it is grown in area of 1.96 lakh ha, producing 153.22
lakh tons with an average yield of 78.0 t/ha (2008-09).
Choice of suitable cultivar for a particular agro ecological
situation play a decisive role in augmenting sugarcane
productivity. Since the commercially released sugarcane
cultivars are exposed to diversified climati logical situations,
their gentle potentiality of the cultivar is the prime management
and aberrant weather conditions etc. The sugarcane yield
levels over the years have remained stagnant or in some
years decreased resulting in economic losses to sugarcane
farmers and sugar industry. The industry and farmers are
looking for new varieties , which will improve cane yield and
sugar productivity in the state .To ensure genetic diversity
among the cultivated varieties , Its is essential to identify a
few more midlate maturing high yielding and high sugar
varieties so that vulnerability to diseases & pests to planting
of some varieties in extensive arrears can be avoided .It is in
this content the release of new varieties assumes importance
( Jalaja ctal ,2006)
Production and productivity of sugarcane is governed
by varieties, season and agronomic package of practices
Co A 05323 A Promising Mid Late Clone for Andhra Pradesh
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India
A promising midlate clone Co A 05323 was developed from Co 85002 PC at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalle.
It was tested against the popular checks CoV92102 Co 7219 and Co 86249 for its performance under AICRP yield trials from
2008-09 to 2009 – 200 in two plant and one ratoon crops. The pre release clone Co A 05323 recorded an average cane yield of
116.20 t/ha and sugar yield of 14.95 t/ha and thus found superior to the checks 83 V 15 (95.23 / 12.85 t/ha) Co 7219 (101.56
and 12.67 t/ha) and Co 86249 (84.10 / 10.52 t/ha) for cane and sugar yields, respectively. The percent increase for cane yield in
Co A 05323 over checksCo V 92102, Co 7219 and Co 86249 was 22.02, 14.42 and 38.17 respectively. Similarly for sugar yield
also the percent increase in Co A 05323 over checks ranged from 16.34 to 42.11. Percent juice sucrose in Co A 05323 was on par
with 83 V 15 but superior to Co 7219 and Co 86249. Number of millable canes, length of millable canes, diameter of cane and
single cane weight were also high in Co A 05323. The improved clone Co A 05323 was resistant to red rot under natural and
artificially inoculated conditions. It is a medium thick cane with erect growing habit and non lodging nature. The clone can be
distinguished by greenish yellow cane with black waxy coating dark green foliage, greenish pink, blotches present on leaf sheath,
easily trashable, possesses excellent ratoonability.
Key words : Mid late, Tropial India, Andhra Pradesh
besides balanced nutrition. Reduction in production perhaps
may be due to lack of any of them and badly affects both the
cane growers and sugar mills and ultimately has an adverse
impact on national economy.
There is an urgent need to increase the productivity by
adopting midlate varieties since most of the factory areas
who occupied by early varieties and a very few midlate
varieties were under cultivation might be one of the reasons
for low productivity in the state . To meet requirement of
both the farmers and industries, it is always better to have
more number of varieties with different maturity period so
that proper and effective Varietal scheduling can be practiced
to provide quality cane to be factories throughout the
crushing period.
The clone CoA05323 is a selection from Co 85002 Pc. It
was tested in advanced yield trials from 2008-09 to 2009-10
under two plant crops and one ratoon crop at Regional
Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalle (AICRP Annual
report, 2008 and 2009). Each clone was grown in eight rows
of six meters row length. The experiment was laid out in
Randomiged Block Design with three replications. All the
recommended package of practices are adapted for raising a
good and healthy crop. Data were recorded on morphological
Indian Journal of Sugarcane Technology 2011 26(1) : 20-23
Co A 05323 – A Promising Mid Late Clone for Andhra Pradesh 21
characters, number of millable canes at harvest, length of
millable canes, single cane weight and diameter of cane, juice
quality (brix sucrose, purity and CCS%) were determined as
per the standard procedure (Meade and chen, 1971). Cane
yield was recorded at harvest on plot basis and expressed in
tons / hectare, sugar yield was estimated based on cane
yield and CCS percent. Reaction to diseases viz., red rot and
smut both under natural and artificial conditions was recorded
against the mixed inoculum of three predominant pathotypes
(Cf 419, Cf 671 and Cf 997) of red rot in Andhra Pradesh.
Statistical analysis of data was carried out as per panse and
sukhatme (1978). The chief morphological characters are
presented in table 1
The data on cane yield, yield components, juice quality
parameters and reaction to red rot and smut are furnished in
table 2(a) to 3 respectively.
Cane yield (t/ha)
The promising clone Co A 05323 has recorded a higher
mean yield of 116.20 t/ha in two plant crops and one ratoon
crop compared to the checks CoV 92102(95.23 t/ha), Co 7219
(101.56 t/ha) and Co 86249 (84.10 t/ha). The clone Co A 05323
gave significantly higher cane yield over the three checks.
The percent increase for cane yield in Co A 05323 over two
plant crops and ratoon against checks was 22.02 was 14.42
and 38.17 respectively over Co V 92102, Co 7219 and Co
86249 (Table 2a)
Sugar yield (t/ha)
The improved clone Co A 05323gave an average sugar
yield of 14.95 t/ha over two plant and one ratoon crops while
the checks Co V 92102 , Co 7219 and Co 86249 recorded a
Table 1. Description of morphological characters of Co A 05323(2000A225)
S.No. Name of the description Descriptor status
1. Clone number : Co A 05323(2000A225)
2. Stool habit : Erect
3. Stem colour (exposed) : Yellowish green
4. Stem colour (undexposed) : Greenish yellow
5. Ivory marks : Absent
6. Weather marks (Corky patches) : Absent
7. Internode shape : Cylindrical
8. Internode alignment : Straight
9. Pithiness : Absent
10. Splits on internode : Absent
11. Wax on internode : Black waxy coating
12. Node swelling : Absent
13. Bud size : Small
14. Bud shape : Oval
15. Bud cushion : Absent
16. Bud groove : Absent
17. Growth ring colour : Yellowish white
18. Leaf length : Medium
19. Leaf width : Medium
20. Lamina colour : Green
21. Leaf carriage shape : Open tip drooping
22. Leaf sheath colour : Greenish with greenish pink blotches
23. Leaf sheath waxiness : Medium
24. Leaf sheath spines : Absent
25. Leaf sheath clasping : Loose
26. Dewlap colour : Yellow
27. Presence / absence of ligular process : Absent
28. Shape of the ligule : Asyndetically steeply sloping
29. Percent flowering : Absent
22 M Charumathi, N V Naidu and K Prasada Rao
sugar yield of 12.85 t/ha, 12,69 t/ha and 10.52 t/ha respectively
(Table 2b). The percent increase in sugar yield of Co A 05323
over two plant and one ratoon crops over checks was 16.34
(CoV 92102), 17.81 (Co 7219) and 42.11 (Co 86249).
Yield components
The clone Co A 05323 has recorded maximum number of
millable canes, length of millable cane, and diameter of cane
at harvest compared to all checks tested in plant and ratoon
crops. For single cane weight, Co A 05323(1.49) was superior
to Co 7219 (1.22) and Co 86249( 1.18) but on par with Co V
92102 (1.60) (Table 2c).
Juice quality parameters
Data on percent brix, sucrose, purity and CCS in juice is
presented in Table 2(d). The clone Co A 05323 (20.35) was
found on par with the best standard CoV92102 (21.21)but
superior to Co 7219 (19.77) and Co86249 (19.69) for percent
brix. It has recorded a mean juice sucrose percent and CCS
percent (17.98 and 1 2.84) and was found on par with
standards, Cov92102 (18.86 and 13.44) followed by Co7219
(18.00and 12.97) and superior over Co 86249 (17.54 and12.51)
Reaction to red rot and smut.
Reaction of Co A 05323 and checks for red rot and smut
was studied under artificially inoculated conditions (Table
3). The Clone Co A 05323 resistant reaction under nodal and
plug methods, respectively against individual pathotypes Cf
671, Cf 997 and Cf 419 and mixed inoculam of these three
Table 2a. Performance of Co A 05323 in Advance Varietal Trials for cane yield (t / ha) (2008 -09 to 2009-10).
Cane yield (t/ha)
S.No. Clone Plant I P lant II Ratoon Mean % over cheeks
1 Co A 05323 128.00 123.00 97.60 116.20
2 Co V 92102 ( C) 94.00 117.67 74.03 95.23 22.02
3 Co7219 (C) 110.00 122.67 72.00 101.56 14.42
4 Co 86249 (C) 108 92.00 52.30 84.10 38.17
CD at 5% 13.24 6.66 9.93 -
C.V. (%) 8.60 10.44 7.91 -
Table 2b. P erformance of Co A 05323 in Advance Varietal Trials for Sugar yield ( t/he) (2008 -09 to 2009-10).
Sugar yield (t/ha) % over Cheeks
No. Clone Plant I Plant II Ratoon Mean % over Cheeks
1 Co A 05323 16.41 16.20 12.23 14.95
2 Co V 92102 ( C) 12.07 16.59 9.88 12.85 16.34
3 Co7219 (C) 13.90 15.13 9.04 12.69 17.81
4 Co 86249 (C) 13.65 11.34 6.57 10.52s 42.11
CD at 5% 2.21 3.18 2.58 -
C.V. (%) 6.90 13.02 14.04 -
Table 2c. Performance in Advance Varietal Trials for yield components (2008-09 to 2009-10) over two plant and one ratoon
Clone NMC at harvest
‘000 /ha
Length of millable cane
Single cane weight
Diameter of cane
1. Co A 05323 114.60 3.63 1.49 3.25
2. Co V 92102 ( C) 99.00 3.13 1.60 3.05
3. Co 7219 (C) 103.30 3.26 1.22 2.72
4. Co86249 (C) 88.00 3.53 1.18 2.44
CD at 5% 19.81 0.59 0.23 0.32
C.V. (%) 11.11 10.04 9.80 6.36
Table 2d. P erformance of Co A 05323, in Advance Varietal Trials for juice quality parameters (2008-09 to2009-10)
Brix percent Sucrose percent Purity percent CCS percent S.
P1 P2 Ratoon
P1 P2 Ratoon
P1 P2 Ratoon
P1 P2 Ratoon
1. Co A 05323 20.26
21.23 20.35
18.00 17.98
86.87 87.84
12.53 12.84
2. CoV92102(C) 19.80
22.23 21.21
19.07 18.86
90.78 90.64
13.35 13.44
3. Co 7219 (C) 19.67
20.18 19.77
18.20 18.00
89.24 89.67
13.06 12.97
4. Co 86249 (C) 20.00
19.26 19.69
17.46 17.54
89.04 88.56
12.56 12.51
CD at 5% 0.66 0.64 0.56 0.46 0.41 0.41 2.61 4.59 1.45 0.77 11.20
C.V. (%) 1.80 1.88 1.73 1.56 1.29 1.29 1.70 2.93 0.66 3.40 0.63 0.55
Co A 05323 – A Promising Mid Late Clone for Andhra Pradesh 23
Table 3. Reaction of Co A 05323, a millable clone against red rot and smut
Red rot
Nodal Plug method
No. Clone
Cf 419 Cf 671 Cf 997 Mixture Cf 419 Cf 671 Cf 997 Mixture
1. Co A 05323 R R R R R R R R MS
2. Co V 92102(C) R R R R R R R R MS
3. Co 7219(C) R R R R R S S S MS
4. Co 86249(C) R R R R R R R R R
pathotypes of red rot . The clone Co 7219 showed field
resistance to red rot under plug method. The clone Co A
05323, Co V92102 are moderately while Co 86249 recorded
resistant reaction to smut under artificially inoculated
The promising midlate clone Co A 05323 with erect and
non lodging growth habi t, d esirable morphological
characters, higher cane, sugar yield and resistance to red rot
can be recommended for commercial cultivation in Andhra
Pradesh under different sugar factory operational zones.
Jalaja, N.C., Sreenivasan,T.V., Pawar, S.M., Bhoi, P.G., and
Garker, R.M. Co94012 A New sugar cane variety through
Somaclonal variation sugar tech (2 & 3) : 132-136
Meade, G.P. and Chen, J.C.P. 1971 cane sugar hand book 10th
edition John wiley and sons. New Yark.
Panse, V.G. and Sukhatme, P.V. 1978. Statistical methods for
Agricultural workers. ICAR Publications, New Delhi, pp:
24 A.D. Pathak, Raman Kapur, Rajesh Kumar and Manish K Vishwakarma
Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) has its origin in early
nineteenth century from feral and fodder beets (Achard, 1979;
Marggraf, 1979). Sugar beet has been specially selected and
bred for sucrose production over the past two centuries
(Winner 1993). Its ability of sugar manufacture is determined
by the stability of yield and the quality (saccharose content)
of sugar beet. It is a biennial plant and during the first growing
season it produces large succulent roots. In the second
growing season a vernalization period (normally 10-14 weeks
at 40-80C) as well as certain requirements of light must be
fulfilled before flowering. This switches the plant from
vegetative to reproductive growth. The range and duration
of low temperature, the genotypes, day length and plant age
will also influence the generative phase (Lexander, 1980). The
biennial beet requires that the steckling be removed from the
ground for protection against freezing. They are then
replanted in the spring for seed production in the fall.
Agronomical factors such as planting density, steckling
weight, harvesting date and method as well as application of
chemical materials affect qualitative characteristics of sugar
beet seed – bearing plants through affecting plants ripening
Impact of different vernalization treatments on flowering and seed production in
sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Seed production is the most important limitation to sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) production in the India which is dependent on
usually insufficient cold climate except foot hill of Himalaya. Sole dependence on a particular area is not the answer to the
problem. An economically and environmentally desirable solution is to develop a technique to sustain seed production in area
where cold climate is no longer persisting. The objectives of this study were to study the effect of direct Seeded, transplanting
and cold treatment on seed yield and component characters of sugar beet. Already stable varieties for Indian conditions were
taken for experiment viz. (Variety-1 = LS-06 and Variety-2 = IISR Comp-1). Four treatments were given : T1-Steckling, T2-In
situ (Direct seeded), T3-In pit at Mukteshwar transplanted at Mukteshwar in march, T4-Cold treatment at Lucknow and
transplanting at Mukteshwar in March. Days to bolting, days to stalk formation, date of first flowering, number of sub
branches, stalk length (cm), test weight (100 seed), yield/plant and germination % were measured over two growing seasons
during 2006–2008. Study revealed that the T2 were significantly higher for days to bolting for both variety (250.33 for V2 and
250.00 for V1) which was at par with other treatments T3 and T4 in both variety. Overall T2 in V2 showed significant response
to other attributing characters viz. days to bolting, days to stalk formation, date days to first flowering, number of sub branches,
stalk length (cm), test weight (100 seed), germination % and highly effective for yield/plant (g) i.e., 125.32 g. Resultantly,
variety IISR Comp-1 performed well in each treatment while variety LS-6 performed satisfactory only in the second treatment.
Key words: Sugar beet, Vernalization, Treatment
unifo rmity (Bordei and Tapus, 1981). Because of the
importance of the effect of steckling weight and planting
density on sugar beet seed production, a number of
experiments have been conducted but the effect of different
treatments, viz., direct sowing, transplanting and cold
treatment and varietal response to these treatments still needs
attention under Indian conditions. Considering these an
attempt has been made to study the relationships between
these factors with quantitative characters contributing
production of sugar beet seed in India.
This research was conducted to study the effect of direct
seeded, transplanting and cold treatment on seed yield and
component characters of sugar beet. Field trials and glass
house experiment were carried out in I.I.S.R, Lucknow and
Regional station at Mukteshwar, Nainital in two successive
seasons of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 in 3 replications. Already
stable varieties for Indian condition were taken for experiment,
viz., LS-06 and IISR Comp-1, which were most suitable for
studying effect of different treatments without or minimal
Indian Journal of Sugarcane Technology 2011 26(1) : 24-27
Impact of different vernalization treatments on flowering and seed production in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) 25
In order to study the genetic and seed yield attributes
against effect of different treatments a two-year field
examination was conducted using complete randomized block
design with three replications during 2006 to 2008. Sugarbeet
were sown in line, 50 cm apart, on flat beds or on ridges
which were kept 10-12 cm high and 20 cm wide. The seed bed
was prepared in the same manner as for sowing (Theurer and
Doney, 1980). The land was prepared to a good tilth.
Field trials were carried out in I.I.S.R, Lucknow and trial
station at Mukteshwar, Nainital in two successive seasons
of 2006 and 2008. The climate of first experimental site
mukteshwar Station was 29º 23' N, 79º 30' E with 2286 meter
altitude, classified as “cool temperate”; the monthly maximum
and minimum temperature of the town ranged between 28.06