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A longitudinal analysis of posttraumatic growth and affective well-being among people living with HIV: The moderating role of received and provided social support


Abstract and Figures

Objectives The aim of this one-year longitudinal study was to examine the temporal relationship between the level of posttraumatic growth (PTG) and affective well-being, measured by the presence of positive and negative affect among people living with the HIV (PLWH). In addition, the moderating effects of received and provided support with respect to the above-mentioned relationship were investigated. Method Study participants completed the following psychometric inventories: the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI), the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS-X), and the Berlin Social Support Scales (BSSS). Three assessments were performed: 129 patients were recruited for the first assessment, 106 patients agreed to participate in the second assessment, and 82 of the initial 129 participants (63.6%) participated in all three assessments. Results An indirect association between PTG and positive affect was observed. However, no association was found between PTG and negative affect. Received support, but not provided support, completely moderated the relationship between PTG and positive affect. Conclusions This study adds to the literature by examining the temporal relationship between PTG and affective-wellbeing among PLWH. It appears from the results that in this patient group, PTG may enhance the positive affect over time. However, receiving support is vital in this process.
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A longitudinal analysis of posttraumatic
growth and affective well-being among
people living with HIV: The moderating role of
received and provided social support
Marcin Rzeszutek*
Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Stawki, Warsaw, Poland
The aim of this one-year longitudinal study was to examine the temporal relationship bet-
ween the level of posttraumatic growth (PTG) and affective well-being, measured by the
presence of positive and negative affect among people living with the HIV (PLWH). In addi-
tion, the moderating effects of received and provided support with respect to the above-me-
ntioned relationship were investigated.
Study participants completed the following psychometric inventories: the Posttraumatic
Growth Inventory (PTGI), the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS-X), and the Ber-
lin Social Support Scales (BSSS). Three assessments were performed: 129 patients were
recruited for the first assessment, 106 patients agreed to participate in the second assess-
ment, and 82 of the initial 129 participants (63.6%) participated in all three assessments.
An indirect association between PTG and positive affect was observed. However, no associ-
ation was found between PTG and negative affect. Received support, but not provided sup-
port, completely moderated the relationship between PTG and positive affect.
This study adds to the literature by examining the temporal relationship between PTG and
affective-wellbeing among PLWH. It appears from the results that in this patient group, PTG
may enhance the positive affect over time. However, receiving support is vital in this process.
PLOS ONE | August 6, 2018 1 / 17
Citation: Rzeszutek M (2018) A longitudinal
analysis of posttraumatic growth and affective well-
being among people living with HIV: The
moderating role of received and provided social
support. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0201641. https://doi.
Editor: Matthew P. Fox, Boston University, UNITED
Received: August 22, 2017
Accepted: July 19, 2018
Published: August 6, 2018
Copyright: ©2018 Marcin Rzeszutek. This is an
open access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
Funding: This work was supported by the Grant
BST 2018 from the Ministry of Science and Higher
Education in Poland.
Competing interests: The author has declared that
no competing interests exists.
Over the past two decades, especially after the advent of positive psychology in the early 2000s,
several studies have been conducted on the positive consequences of traumatic events, referring
to the phenomenon of posttraumatic growth (PTG) [1,2,3,4,5]. According to Tedeschi and
Callhoun [4,5], PTG occurs when an individual experiences highly challenging life events that
manifest as profound transformations in several functional aspects of life such as improved social
relationships, seeking of new life paths, greater appreciation of life, openness to spirituality, and
awareness of personal strength. Several studies have been conducted on PTG, but many aspects
of this positive phenomenon remain unclear [6,7]. One of these is the association between PTG
and psychological well-being (PWB), i.e. whether the above-mentioned positive changes after a
traumatic experience improve the well-being of the trauma survivors over time. Further, if they
do improve the well-being, what is the direction of this improvement [8]. According to Zoellner
and Maercker [9], examining this research question is especially important for clinicians because
if PTG is unrelated to PWB or other aspects of mental health, it remains only an interesting theo-
retical construct without practical clinical utility. The obvious hypothesis in this case would be
that there is a positive association between these two variables. However, studies on this topic are
very inconclusive. While some authors have found a positive link between PTG and PWB [10,11,
12,13], other studies indicate a lack of association [14,15], negative association [16], or even a
curvilinear relationship between PTG and PWB [17,18]. These conflicting findings may be attrib-
uted to the multidimensional nature of PWB and its various operationalisations, in terms of the
general quality of life, life satisfaction, or affective well-being [19,20,1]. Each of these dimensions
may be differently related to PTG, precluding clear conclusions. Other authors noticed that the
majority of studies were cross-sectional studies. Thus, these were unable to provide an under-
standing of whether PTG can accurately predict the improvement in the well-being domains
[21]. Finally, in a meta-analytic review, Park [22] highlighted the role of various moderators (e.g.,
time passed after the trauma, social support received after the traumatic event) that should be
considered for obtaining a detailed representation of the link between PTG and PWB.
The literature on HIV/AIDS is dominated by the negative consequences of HIV infection,
which acts as a traumatic stressor and induces various mental disorders, including depression,
anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) [23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30]. In particular,
HIV-related distress, manifested as depressive mood and negative affect may be constantly
present among PLWH several years after HIV diagnosis [31] and is related to worse adherence
to treatment [32] and faster HIV progression [33]. Conversely, research on positive aspects of
living with HIV, including PTG, is relatively scarce [34,35]. In particular, PTG in this patient
group was related to higher viral load [36], less intense perceived HIV-related stigma [37], and
better affective well-being [38]. In addition, the positive affect among PLWH predicted slower
HIV progression [39], better adherence to treatment [40], fewer depressive symptoms [41],
and lower mortality rate [42]. However, according to Sawyer et al. [43] the relationship
between PTG and PWB among PLWH is unclear, and the central question is whether and
how PTG in these patients may be associated with psychological advantages, especially consid-
ering that longitudinal studies on PTG among PLWH are scarce [44,45], establishing only a
few causal relationships.
There is considerable evidence showing a positive influence of received support on well-
being [46,47], especially on affective well-being [48]. On the other hand, some authors have
reported a negative link between receiving support and PWB [49], in accordance with the
equity theory [50]. The equity theory states that receiving support may intensify distress owing
to the rule of reciprocity. Limited research has been conducted on the role of provided social
support in PWB, but some studies [51,52] have indicated that providing support may be more
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beneficial for PWB than receiving support, which is consistent with the esteem enhancement
hypothesis [53]. With respect to PLWH, while the role of provided support remains largely
unknown, several studies have shown a positive link between receiving support and good
physical as well as mental functioning among PLWH [54,55,56]. By contrast, a relationship
exists between a lack of support and exacerbation of HIV-related mental problems, especially
depression [25,57]. Furthermore, Rzeszutek et al. [45] observed a positive relationship bet-
ween received support and PTG among PLWH, while Cieślak et al. [58] found that received
support was positively associated only with the one PTG dimension, i.e. better relations with
others. However, many studies that investigated the role of social support in PLWH are limited
by several shortcomings, such as the lack of a clear definition and distinction between the dif-
ferent social support dimensions as well as the dominance of cross-sectional studies [59].
Therefore, I used a longitudinal study design and established a clear distinction between rec-
eived and provided support to investigate the moderating effects of these social support dime-
nsions on the link between PTG and affective well-being among PLWH.
Current study
In this study, the link between the level of PTG and affective well-being, measured by the pres-
ence of positive and negative affect (PA/NA) was investigated in a one-year longitudinal study
among PLWH. In addition, the moderating effects of received and provided support were
explored for the above-mentioned relationship. The following hypotheses were formulated in
line with longitudinal study design [60]:
1. There is a positive relationship between the level of PTG in the first assessment and the
intensity of PA in the third assessment, while controlling for the level of PA in the first
2. There is a negative relationship between the level of PTG in the first assessment and the
intensity of NA in the third assessment, while controlling for the level of NA in the first
3. Received support and provided support in the second assessment moderate the relationships
described by the first and second hypothesis.
A preliminary figure was designed to illustrate data analysis plan (Fig 1).
Patients admitted to the Hospital of Infectious Diseases in Warsaw were enrolled as study sub-
jects. The subjects filled out a paper-and-pencil version of the inventories and participated in the
study voluntarily because no remuneration for participation was provided. The study inclusion
criteria encompassed being 18 years old, being medically diagnosed with HIV infection with-
out other infectious co-morbidities (e.g. HCV) and undergoing treatment at aforementioned
hospital. The exclusion criteria included HIV-related cognitive disorders that were identified by
psychiatrists working at this hospital. The experimental design of this study was approved by the
Senate Ethics Committee of the University of Finance and Management in Warsaw.
To assess the intensity of PTG, a Polish adaptation of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory
[PTGI; 4] was used [61]. It should be noted that although the original PTGI comprises five
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specific domains of PTG (‘relating to others’, ‘new possibilities’, ‘personal strength’, ‘spiritual
change’, and ‘appreciation of life’), the Polish adaptation of the PTGI included only four do-
mains of PTG. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed a four-factor structure
for the PTG, including changes in self-perception (‘perceiving new possibilities, and ‘feeling of
personal strength’), changes in relationships with others (‘feelings of greater connection with
other people, increase in empathy, altruism’), greater appreciation for life (‘changes in life phi-
losophy and current life goals, greater appreciation for every day’), and spiritual changes (‘bet-
ter understanding of spiritual issues, increase in religiousness’). In the PTGI, participants were
required to rate 21 positive statements that describe the various changes resulting from trau-
matic or highly challenging events that are provided at the beginning of the inventory. Study
subjects were instructed to focus on their diagnosis of HIV infection as an example of a trau-
matic event. Statistical analyses are usually performed only for the global PTG score (sum of all
items), as particular subscales in the Polish version of PTGI are highly intercorrelated [61]. In
particular, Park and Helgeson [8] recommend unifactorial assessment of PTG, which repre-
sents a more valid method of measuring PTG compared to the analysis of the various dimen-
sions of growth that may vary form one study to another. Cronbach’s αin the final sample
population at the third assessment for the whole scale was α= .86, and for the four subscales, it
varied from .81 to .85.
Fig 1. Preliminary hypothesised model. T1 –First Assessment; T2 –Second Assessment; T3 –Third Assessment.
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In order to assess affective well-being (the positive and negative affect), a Polish adaptation
[62] of the PANAS-X was used [63]. The PANAS-X comprises 10 adjectives for positive affect
(e.g., proud,excited, etc.) and 10 for negative affect (e.g., frightened,hostile, etc.). The partici-
pants were asked to evaluate their general affective states on a five-point response scale that
ranged from 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely). The Cronbach’s αcoefficients in the studied final
sample at the third assessment were .81 for the positive affect subscale and .83 for the negative
affect subscale.
Social support was assessed using Schwarzer and Schulz’s [64] Berlin Social Support Scales
(BSSS), adapted in Polish by Łuszczyńska et al. [65]. It evaluates a broad range of support
dimensions. However, in this study, I used two scales: the actually received support and the
provided support. The psychometric properties of the Polish version of the BSSS have been
proven on various groups of patients, including those who had undergone bypass surgery or
had experienced a heart attack as well as patients with chronic, degenerative spinal diseases
[65]. These studies have confirmed the satisfactory reliability and validity of the tool. Cron-
bach’s αreliability coefficients in the final sample at the third assessment were .83 for received
support and .85 for provided support.
The Table 1 clarifies the assessment plan, i.e., it summarizes which variables were assessed
in the three consecutive assessments.
Data analysis
Data analysis was conducted in three stages on the final sample of 82 participants with the use
of IBM SPSS 24 statistical package [66]. Instead of using conventional statistical significance
notation with p values, 95% confidence intervals were presented [67].
First, associations between all analysed interval variables and socio-medical data were
investigated with the use of stepwise regression analysis in order to achieve more precise, unbi-
ased means estimates when testing hypotheses and determining the main results of the study
[67]. The stepwise regression was used only for exploring possible associations between ana-
lysed interval variables and socio-medical data and not for testing hypotheses.
Second, possible differences between three assessments were examined. Socio-medical data
which were found to be related to interval psychological variables were used as covariates.
Therefore, using the repeated measures analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), changes in the
level of analysed variables over time were assessed. The statistical models included all the
socio-medical data that were related to the interval psychological variables. Even if they were
found to be related in only one stage of the study they were included in the model comparing
the three assessments.
Finally, hierarchical regression analysis was performed to determine the main results of the
study [67]. Four models were checked (Fig 1), where each time, the positive or negative affect in
Table 1. Variables assessed in the three consecutive assessments.
T1 T2 T3
Socio-medical Variables x x x
PTG x - -
Actually Received Support x -
Provided Support - x -
Positive Affect x - x
Negative affect x - x
Note: x–The Variable Included In The Consecutive Assessment.
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the third assessment was considered as the outcome variable, while the received or provided
support from the second assessment was considered as the moderator of the relation between
PTG in the first assessment and the outcome. Each model consisted of six blocks. In the first
block, socio-demographical variables (sex, age, being in stable relationship, higher education
and being employed) were analysed using the stepwise method. The first block was performed
in order to control appropriate socio-demographical data. The stepwise method ensured the
control of variables that were related to the explained variables, but it was not meant to test
hypotheses. In the second block, clinical variables (CD4 counts, HIV duration, ART duration,
and HIV/AIDS status) were analysed using also the stepwise method. The second block was
performed in order to control for appropriate medical data. In the third block, the positive or
negative affect (depending on which of these two was the outcome variable) in the first assess-
ment was analysed using the entry method. The level of positive or negative affect in the first
assessment was controlled. In the fourth block, the main effects of PTG in the first assessment
as well as the received or provided social support (depending on which of these two was consid-
ered the moderator) in the second assessment were analysed using the entry method. The fifth
and the last block assessed the interaction between PTG in the first assessment and the received
or provided social support was analysed using the entry method. The interactions indicated
moderation all other blocks were conducted in order to control for appropriate variables.
Study sample
The first assessment was conducted between June 2016 and July 2016. Total of 200 patients
with a clinical diagnosis of HIV infection were approached for the study. However, 44 patients
refused to leave their contact details, and 27 patients did not indicate that HIV infection was a
traumatic event for them. Thus, 129 patients met the inclusion criteria, i.e. they not only com-
pleted the questionnaires, but also agreed to provide their contact details (telephone number
and/or e-mail address) to enable the researchers to contact them for the subsequent assess-
ments, and indicated in the PTGI (see Measures) that the diagnosis of the HIV infection was
traumatic for them. The second assessment was conducted between January 2017 and Febru-
ary 2017. Of the initial 129 participants, 106 agreed to participate in the second assessment.
Finally, the last assessment was performed between May 2017 and June 2017, and 82 of the ini-
tial 129 participants (63.6%) participated in all three assessments. There were no missing data
in the final data of the 82 participants. Participants who refused to participate in the follow-up
assessments did not differ from the final sample population in terms of socio-medical variables
and other studied variables. The Table 2 presents the socio-medical characteristics of the final
study sample with 95% confidence intervals and interquartile ranges. The estimation was
based on the National AIDS Centre Report data among officially declared PLWH being on
antiretroviral treatment in Poland in 2017 [68].
Table 3 presents socio-medical data, which were found to be related to psychological vari-
ables. The selection of socio-medical data was performed with the use of stepwise regression
In the models concerning PTG at T1 and T2 participants’ gender was entered. In the model
concerning positive affect in T3 stable relationship and CD4 were entered. Negative affect in
T1 was found to be related to CD4 and negative affect in T2 was related to employment. There
were relationships between received support and employment in T1 and between received
support and higher education and stable relationship in T2. Provided support was related to
stable relationship, participants’ gender and higher education in T2.
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Table 4 presents the estimated marginal means for the analysed variables in three consecu-
tive assessments obtained with the use of ANCOVA in which the socio-medical data men-
tioned in previous analysis were controlled along with the values of skewness and kurtosis. All
the variables followed normal distribution. Repeated measures ANCOVA revealed no changes
across the three assessments with respect to PTG, positive affect, negative affect, received sup-
port, or provided support.
Table 5 presents the results of hierarchical regression analyses wherein PTG in the first
assessment was analysed as a predictor, and positive or negative affect in the third assessment
was analysed as the outcome, while received support in the second assessment was analysed as
the moderator of the relationship between PTG in the first assessment and positive and nega-
tive affect in the third assessment. None of the clinical variables were related to PTG.
Table 2. Socio-medical variables in the studied final sample (N= 82) with Confidence Intervals and interquartile
ranges based on the national AIDS Centre Report data among officially declared PLWH being on antiretroviral
treatment in Poland in 2017.
Variable Final Sample
(N= 82)
Male 70 (85.4%, 76.4%94.4%)
Female 12 (14.6%, 5.6%23.6%)
Age in Years
Range 21–76
(M±SD) 40.50 ±11.47 (IR = 12.25)
Relationship Status
Stable Relationship 49 (59.8%, 48.8%70.8%)
Lack Of Stable Relationship 33 (40.2%, 29.2%51/2%)
Elementary 5 (6.1%, 015.1%)
Secondary 26 (31.7%, 21.7%41.7)
University degree 51 (62.3%, 51.3%73.3%)
Full employment 53 (64.6%, 53.6%75.6%)
Unemployment 23 (28.1%, 18.% 38.1%)
Retirement 6 (7.3%, 1.3%13.3%)
HIV/AIDS status
HIV/AIDS status
HIV+ only 66 (80.5%, 71.5%89.5%)
HIV/AIDS 16 (19.5%, 10.5%28.5%)
HIV Infection Duration in Years
Range 1–30
(M±SD) 7.39±5.72 (IR = 7)
Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) Duration in Years
Range 1–21
(M±SD) 5.76±4.88 (IR = 4)
CD4 Count
Range 200–2000
(M±SD) 645.73 ±256.23 (IR = 342.50)
Note:M= Mean; SD = Standard Deviation; IR–interquartile range.
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Therefore, these were not included in the model. Regression coefficients of the health parame-
ters in the second block are provided for reference. They were all excluded from the model.
There was an interaction between received support in the second assessment and PTG level
in the first assessment. Except for the control for the positive affect in the first assessment, all
other predictors were not related to the explained variables. The meaning of interactions was
determined using simple effects analyses [67]. Simple effects analyses based on the median
split of received support (median [Me] = 47.00) were performed to find the meaning of the
interaction. Regression analyses performed for the group of participants with received support
below the median showed no relation between PTG in the first assessment and positive affect
in the third assessment, Beta = .02 (-.32.25). The control for positive affect in the first assess-
ment was the only predictor, Beta = .47 (.14.74). Regression analysis performed for the
group of participants with received support above the median showed a relationship between
Table 3. Socio-medical data associated with analysed psychological variables.
Variable T1 T2 T3
PTG Gender, β= .31 (.10.52) Gender, β= .31 (.10.52) -
Positive affect - - Stable Relationship, β= -.22 (-.44-.01)
CD4, β= .21 (.01.41)
Negative affect CD4, β= -.28 (-.42-.01) Employment, β= -.25 (-.47-.04) Gender, β= .27 (.06.49)
Received Support Employment, β= .22 (.01.44) Higher Education, β= .33 (.13.52) -
Stable Relationship, β= -.31 (-.51-.11)
Provided Support - Stable Relationship, β= -.34 (-.54-.13) -
Gender, β= .26 (.06.47)
Higher Education, β= .20 (.01.40)
Note:β–Standardized Regression Coefficients with 95% Confidence Intervals; T1 –First Assessment; T2 –Second Assessment; T3 –Third Assessment.
Table 4. Estimated marginal means with 95% Confidence Intervals for PTG, positive and negative affect, received support and provided support for three
Analysed variable Mean (SE)
(Covariates) T1 T2 T3
PTG 61.25(56.5865.91) 65.40 (60.1670.63) 63.52 (58.6868.34)
(Gender) S= -.29(-.81.23); K= .53
S= -.67(-1.19.15); K= .53
S= -.33(-.85.20); K= .53
Positive Affect 3.40(3.263.56) 3.38(3.223.57) 3.32(3.193.48)
(CD4, Stable relationship) S= -.42(-.94.10); K= .53
S= -.11(-.64.41); K= .53
S= .16(-.36.68); K= .53 (-1.75.31)
Negative Affect 2.24(2.052.45) 2.18(1.992.35) 2.22(2.032.43)
(CD4, Employment, Gender) S= .45(-.07.97); K= .53
S= .93(-.041.45); K= .53
S= .66(-.141.18); K= .53
Received support 29.47(27.3031.65) 31.58(29.3933.75) 31.84(29.6034.11)
(Employment, Higher education, Stable
S= -.67(-1.19.15); K= .53
S= -.74(-1.26.22); K= .53
S= -.68(-1.21.16); K= .53
Provided support 28.78(26.8830.70) 30.37(28.4932.67) 30.76(29.0532.49)
(Gender, Higher education, Stable relationship) S= -.77(-1.09.05); K= .53
S= -.56(-1.08.04); K= .53
S= -.61(-1.13.09); K= .53
Note.SE–Standard Error; T1 –First Assessment; T2 –Second Assessment; T3 –Third Assessment; S–Skewness with 95% Confidence Intervals; K–Kurtosis with 95%
Confidence Intervals.
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PTG in the first assessment and positive affect in the third assessment, Beta = .31 (.12.70).
The control for positive affect in the first assessment was also a predictor, Beta = .35 (.06.61)
in the first assessment explained 9.2% of the variance in the positive affect in the third assess-
ment. The higher the PTG level in the first assessment, the higher positive affect in the first
assessment. However, this was true only for the group of participants whose level of received
support was above the median (Fig 2).
There was no moderation effect on the received support in the second assessment of the
relation between the PTG level in the first assessment and the negative affect in the third
Table 6 shows that there was no moderation effect of the relation between the PTG level in
the first assessment and the positive affect in the third assessment on the provided support in
the second assessment. There was also no moderation effect of the relation between the PTG
Table 5. Results of multiple regression analysis. Received support as moderator of relation between PTG and positive affect and negative affect.
Dependent Block Predictor Assessment β ΔR
Positive affect First Stable Relationship Third -.22 (-.44-.01) .05
Second CD4 Third .01 (-.26.21) -
HIV Duration Third -.03 (-.36.55)
ARV Duration Third -.07 (-.54.34)
HIV/AIDS Status Third -.09 (-.36.13)
Third Stable Relationship Third -.21 (-.40-.02) .22
+Positive Affect First .47 (.28.66)
Fourth Stable Relationship Third -.15 (-.35.04) .04
Positive Affect First .42 (.20.61)
+PTG First .15 (-.06.34)
+ Actually Received Support Second .15 (-.07.34)
Fifth Stable Relationship Third -.12 (-.36.03) .04
Positive Affect First .40 (.18.57)
PTG First .17 (-.03.37)
Actually Received Support Second .19 (-.07.33)
+PTG x Actually Received Support First/Second .20 (.01.38)
Negative affect First Gender First .27 (.06.49) .07
Second CD4 Third .09 (-.17.30) -
HIV Duration Third .04 (-.26.64)
ARV Duration Third -.03 (-.54.34)
HIV/AIDS Status Third .07 (-.11.38)
Third Gender First .25 (.04.47) .02
Negative Affect First .14 (-.07.36)
Fourth Gender First .24 (.01.47) .01
Negative Affect First .15 (-.09.36)
PTG First .03 (-.19.27)
Actually Received Support Second .05 (-.29.15)
Fifth Gender First .23 (-.01.48) .01
Negative Affect First .15 (-.09.36)
PTG First .03 (-.19.28)
Actually Received Support Second .04 (-.29.15)
PTG x Actually Received Support First/Second -.07 (-.20.23)
Note:β–Standardized Regression Coefficients with 95% Confidence Intervals; ΔR
–Change of the Variance Explained.
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level in the first assessment and the negative affect in the third assessment on the provided sup-
port in the second assessment. Participant’s sex was the only predictor. Women had higher lev-
els of negative affect in the third assessment (M= 2.84; SD = .93) than men (M= 2.13; SD = .90).
The results of this study were partially consistent with the first hypothesis because only an indi-
rect association between PTG level and positive affect was observed. However, the second
hypothesis was not positively verified because no relationship was found between the PTG
level and negative affect. Thus, this study may provide an answer to important research ques-
tion, i.e. whether the above-mentioned positive changes constituting PTG, which stems from
HIV infection, are related to better well-being in this clinical sample over time. Several authors
have shown that PTG is positively related to the emotional component of well-being (positive
affect) [10,69,70,71]. A previous trial also provides evidence that heightened left frontal brain
activity, a common neurobiological mechanism, links PTG and positive affect [72]. Further-
more, Zoellner & Marcker [9] emphasize the need for a more detailed investigation of the role
of positive emotions in the research on PTG. The need for further research on positive attri-
butes, especially positive affect, has also been highlighted in contemporary HIV/AIDS litera-
ture [35,73]. In particular, this result is in line with the observation of authors who have
reported that PTG may have an indirect positive effect on PWB because this relationship is
moderated by other variables [22,1]. In particular, according to McAdams [74] and Triplet
Fig 2. Scatterplot. Relation between posttraumatic growth in the first assessment and positive affect in the third assessment
depending on the level of actually received support.
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et al. [75], the indirect impact of PTG on PWB may be understood by search for a new percep-
tions and direction of life after trauma, resulting in subsequent changes in self-perception and
the attitude towards other people. Nevertheless, the lack of association between PTG level and
negative affect was surprising because several authors reported an association between the
PTG level and a lower negative affect [10,69,76]. However, according to Friedrickson [77],
positive and negative affects should not be treated as two ends of a unitary spectrum, but can
constitute two separate constructs with different physiological backgrounds. This corresponds
with other authors pointing that PTG is only associated with positive affect [78,79].
The results of this study were partially consistent with the third hypothesis because received
support, but not provided support, completely moderated the aforementioned relationship
between PTG and positive affect only. Of the four analysed models, only the one that included
the received support and positive affect, revealed moderation effects. This indicates that the PTG
Table 6. Results of multiple regression analysis. Provided support as moderator of relation between PTG and positive affect and negative affect.
Dependent Block Predictor Assessment β ΔR
Positive affect First Stable Relationship Third -.22 (-.44-.01) .05
Second CD4 Third .01 (-.26.21) -
HIV Duration Third -.03 (-.36.55)
ARV Duration Third -.07 (-.54.34)
HIV/AIDS Status Third -.09 (-.36.13)
Third Stable Relationship Third -.21 (-.40-.02) .23
Positive Affect First .47 (.28.67)
Fourth Stable Relationship Third -.16 (-.38.03) .03
Positive Affect First .41 (.22.63)
PTG First .13 (-.06.34)
Provided Support Second .13 (-.17.27)
Fifth Stable Relationship Third -.15 (-.39.03) .01
Positive Affect First .40 (.20.63)
PTG First .13 (-.06.35)
Provided Support Second .14 (-.17.27)
PTG x Provided Support First/Second .05 (-.19.24)
Negative Affect First Gender First .27 (.06.49) .07
Second CD4 Third .09 (-.17.30) -
HIV Duration Third .04 (-.26.64)
ARV Duration Third -.03 (-.5434)
HIV/AIDS Status Third .07 (-.11.38)
Third Gender First .25 (.04.47) .02
Negative Affect First .14 (-.07.36)
Fourth Gender First .25 (.02.49) .01
Negative Affect First .15 (-.08.36)
PTG First .04 (-.19.28)
Provided Support Second -.04 (-.30.16)
Fifth Gender First .26 (.01.48) .01
Negative Affect First .14 (-.08.36)
PTG First .05 (-.18.29)
Provided Support Second -.06 (-.30.16)
PTG x Provided Support First/Second -.07 (-.17.31)
Note:β–Standardized Regression Coefficients with 95% Confidence Intervals; ΔR
–Change of the Variance Explained.
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level at baseline was positively related to the intensity of positive affect in the third assessment,
but this held true only for the participants who meanwhile received higher level of support. From
the broader perspective, this finding is consistent with the social exchange theory, according to
which received support is associated with improved well-being because individuals seek to maxi-
mize gains (receiving support from other people) and minimize losses (using up resources while
supporting others) [80]. The positive association between received support and PWB has been
reported by several studies [46,47,81]. With respect to PLWH, literature on HIV/AIDS shows
several examples on how receiving social support improves PLWH’s affective well-being [82,83],
promotes health behaviours [84], protects from HIV-related stigma [85] or facilitates more adap-
tive coping strategies [55]. It is possible that for some PLWH, experiencing PTG could be a stim-
ulus for seeking social support, given that this patient group still encounters several challenges in
seeking and receiving support due to the stigma attached to HIV diagnosis [86,87,88,89]. This
is in compliance with the findings of Zeligman et al. [90] who not only observed a positive associ-
ation between social support and PTG, but also found that PLWH who scored high on the PTGI
reported lower levels of HIV-related stigma. A contradictory association between the intensity of
PTG and HIV-related stigma has also been reported by Murphy and Hevey [37]. It is noteworthy
that the current study did not provide evidence for the role of provided support in the link bet-
ween PTG and PWB among PLWH. Although some research projects [51,52] have indicated
that providing support may be more beneficial for PWB than receiving support, other studies
have highlighted the emotional costs of providing social support [91,92], including the cost for
HIV/AIDS care providers [93], which is in line with the aforementioned social exchange theory.
In summary, the role of provided support among PLWH remains unclear. However, this null
finding may be interpreted in the context of the aforementioned challenges that PLWH face dur-
ing the process of seeking, receiving, and perhaps providing support [87].
Strengths and limitations
This longitudinal study is theory-driven wherein three assessments were performed for the
study variables, which are the strengths of this study. Nevertheless, the limitations also need to
be acknowledged. First, the study had a relatively high dropout rate, resulting in a compara-
tively low final sample size at the third assessment. Specifically, low final sample size did not
permit to assess the effect size of the studies associations with high accuracy. This is why the
range of confidence intervals is so vast. In addition, due to organisational reasons, the study
sample was diverse with respect to the duration of HIV infection (although this clinical vari-
able was not a related to the explained variable) and consists of highly functional PLWH, with
a good control of HIV infection (see CD4 count). Future studies should focus on a more
homogenous HIV-infected sample when it comes to HIV infection duration, as well as on a
more heterogeneous sample with respect to viral suppression. Furthermore, some authors crit-
icise the PTGI as a retrospective measurement of growth [6], possibly impeding a detailed
assessment of growth in case of physical illness [94].
This study adds to the literature by examining the temporal relationship between PTG and affec-
tive well-being among PLWH. It appears that in this patient group, PTG may be positively
related to positive affect over time. However, received support is crucial for this process. Research
on HIV/AIDS as well as HIV counselling should concentrate more on the promotion of positive
attributes in this patient group, as emphasized in contemporary literature [35].
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Supporting information
S1 Dataset.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Marcin Rzeszutek.
Data curation: Marcin Rzeszutek.
Formal analysis: Marcin Rzeszutek.
Investigation: Marcin Rzeszutek.
Methodology: Marcin Rzeszutek.
Writing original draft: Marcin Rzeszutek.
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Supplementary resource (1)

... We included post-traumatic growth / adversarial growth and benefit finding in our search to allow for deeper descriptions and more examples, yielding greater insight into the concept. Across studies, we found that a silver lining appeared to an individual (Barskova and Oesterreich, 2009;Rzeszutek, 2018;Sodergren et al., 2004) in a surprising (Milam, 2004;Riddell et al., 2022;Hughes and Cummings, 2020) and paradoxical way (Rzeszutek et al., 2017;Milam, 2004;Weaver et al., 2021;Hughes and Cummings, 2020). For example, in the midst of adversity, participants find positive outcomes to be surprising, including the paradox of feeling good about something that is inherently challenging or deeply sad. ...
... We examined the selected articles internally and comparatively for consistent use of terminology to describe attributes and meanings. Silver linings were conceptually described directly or operationalized using synonyms such as post-traumatic growth (Rzeszutek, 2018). Silver linings were routinely described as a form of coping, implied positive outcomes, and a new normal (Brunton, 2021;Dohrn et al., 2022;Weaver et al., 2021). ...
... The silver lining itself was a positive outcome in a difficult situation; however, the silver linings that emerged also led to improved health and well-being. Individuals expressed an increase in coping strategies (Aflakseir et al., 2018;Barskova and Oesterreich, 2009;Harding et al., 2014;Harding, 2018;Lennon-Dearing, 2022;Milam, 2004;Molinaro et al., 2017), enhanced quality of life (Drewes et al., 2021;Barskova and Oesterreich, 2009), improved relationships, greater appreciation for life (Hyland et al., 2006), and taking better care of themselves and others (Lombe et al., 2021;Weaver et al., 2021;Brunton, 2021), including being more engaged in and adherent to care (Rzeszutek, 2018;Yang et al., 2020). ...
... So far, findings linking affect and PTG are inconclusive. Some studies have found that PTG is either directly or indirectly linked to positive affect and unrelated to negative affect (Kong et al., 2018;Rzeszutek, 2018;Yu et al., 2014). However, others suggest that negative affect may act as a trigger for PTG to the extent that it is an indicator of psychological struggle (Taku et al., 2021;Tedeschi & Calhoun, 1995). ...
... The first serial mediation analysis supported Hypothesis 1, thus confirming that positive affect is directly and positively related to PTG as previous research has found (Kong et al., 2018;Rzeszutek, 2018;Yu et al., 2014). In this case, none of the variables analyzed showed a mediating role between both factors, which suggests that association between positive affect and PTG becomes independent of the deliberate reinterpretation of the adverse experience. ...
... In this case, none of the variables analyzed showed a mediating role between both factors, which suggests that association between positive affect and PTG becomes independent of the deliberate reinterpretation of the adverse experience. In this regard, Rzeszutek (2018) has pointed out that PTG may enhance positive affect over time. People could also consider overcoming their adverse experience as evidence of strength, without it involving rumination of past experience. ...
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Bullying often causes profound psychological changes in people, which can have long-term impacts on mood and other related processes. This cross-sectional study aims to analyze whether associations between (negative vs. positive) affect and post-traumatic growth (PTG) are mediated by (intrusive and deliberate) rumination. Using a large sample of 1188 college students, we selected 112 participants (77 % women) who reported having experienced peer victimization before entering university. Based on correlation analysis, two serial mediation analyses were estimated using either positive or negative affect as predictors. While positive affect was directly related to PTG, negative affect was only indirectly related to thriving. Specifically, negative affect made PTG less likely through intrusive rumination, and more likely through serial mediation of intrusive and deliberate rumination. The findings suggest that deliberate rumination could be useful for designing interventions that promote thriving after experiencing bullying. It could also help reduce the risk posed by negative affect and intrusive rumination.
... Closeness is another critical factor in the parent-child relationship. Parents who interact with their children in a warm and responsive manner tend to raise children who are socially competent, securely attached, and perform well academically (Driscoll & Pianta, 2011;Russell et al., 2020). Previous studies examining the quality of parent-child relationships in the context of parental PTSD have found that the relationship quality is linked to children's regulatory abilities, as well as their emotional and behavioral issues (Kemmis-Riggs et al., 2024;Snyder et al., 2016). ...
... The sum of the subject's responses: a high score indicates higher levels of conflict and/or closeness in the relationship. The scale has been validated in many studies(Driscoll & Pianta, 2011;Russell et al., 2020). The present study found acceptable reliabilities for the conflict (α = .81) ...
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Objective: Posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and moral injury (MI) are possible negative outcomes of combat military service. While PTSS is known to be associated with impaired paternal parenting, no study has examined the association between MI and parenting. This study examined associations between military-related PTSS, MI, and multiple measures of parenting among veteran fathers. Furthermore, we examined the mediating role of parental beliefs about children’s anxiety in the association between PTSS, MI, and parenting. Method: Participants included 310 combat veteran fathers (Mage = 34.96, SD = 6.31) who were discharged from the Israeli Defense Forces. Participants completed a set of validated self-report online questionnaires in a cross-sectional design study. Results: Exposure to potentially morally injurious experiences (PMIEs) during military service was associated with higher levels of PTSS and MI outcomes, but not with parenting domains. Both PTSS and MI outcomes were associated with poorer parenting practices and lower levels of parental satisfaction. Importantly, PTSS and shame-based MI outcomes mediated the association between combat exposure, exposure to PMIE, and parenting. Moreover, two-step sequential mediation showed combat exposure and exposure to PMIE indirectly contributed to parenting via PTSS, shame-based MI outcomes, and parental beliefs about children’s anxiety. Conclusion: Our findings imply that beyond the possible negative effects of PTSS on parenting, military-related MI is another risk for problematic paternal parenting among veterans. Clinical implications discussed include the ripple effect of PTSS and MI on veteran fathers’ cognitions regarding their children’s ability to handle anxiety, and their parenting behaviors to control their painful emotions.
... Despite treatment advances making HIV disease a manageable chronic health condition, HIV remains highly distressing and can compromise one's access to healthcare, social interactions, and quality of life (Turan et al., 2019;Yuvaraj et al., 2020). The preponderance of studies show that social support remains important in buffering against the negative effects of HIV among people living with HIV (PLHIV) (Rzeszutek, 2018;Slater et al., 2013). Yet, an ability that may be pivotal in negotiating the social environment to cultivate such social support is social cognition. ...
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Social cognition—the complex mental ability to perceive social stimuli and negotiate the social environment—has emerged as an important cognitive ability needed for social functioning, everyday functioning, and quality of life. Deficits in social cognition have been well documented in those with severe mental illness including schizophrenia and depression, those along the autism spectrum, and those with other brain disorders where such deficits profoundly impact everyday life. Moreover, subtle deficits in social cognition have been observed in other clinical populations, especially those that may have compromised non-social cognition (i.e., fluid intelligence such as memory). Among people living with HIV (PLHIV), 44% experience cognitive impairment; likewise, social cognitive deficits in theory of mind, prosody, empathy, and emotional face recognition/perception are gradually being recognized. This systematic review and meta-analysis aim to summarize the current knowledge of social cognitive ability among PLHIV, identified by 14 studies focused on social cognition among PLHIV, and provides an objective consensus of the findings. In general, the literature suggests that PLHIV may be at-risk of developing subtle social cognitive deficits that may impact their everyday social functioning and quality of life. The causes of such social cognitive deficits remain unclear, but perhaps develop due to (1) HIV-related sequelae that are damaging the same neurological systems in which social cognition and non-social cognition are processed; (2) stress related to coping with HIV disease itself that overwhelms one’s social cognitive resources; or (3) may have been present pre-morbidly, possibly contributing to an HIV infection. From this, a theoretical framework is proposed highlighting the relationships between social cognition, non-social cognition, and social everyday functioning.
... Li et al also mentioned that only a few studies have explored the role of positive psychology on mental health in HIV (Li et al., 2016). Moreover, meta-analytic findings over the past four decades have indicated a negative correlation between stigma and the psychological well-being of PLHIV, yet there is a dearth of research exploring the protective and vulnerability factors of PLHIV that could inform intervention strategies (Rzeszutek, 2018). ...
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People living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (PLHIV) frequently encounter adverse circumstances, including depression and feelings of inadequacy. The stigma associated with their condition often leads to feelings of shame, isolation, and a diminished zest for life. These adverse conditions are known to significantly impact the psychological well-being of PLHIV. This study seeks to scrutinize the relationship between emotional intelligence and social support is mediated by gratitude. The research was carried out in East Kalimantan Province. A quantitative methodology was employed in this investigation. The study encompassed PLHIV who receive support from the Mahakam Plus Community Initiators in Samarinda, Indonesia. The data collection process involved four distinct questionnaires, focusing on emotional intelligence, social support, gratitude, and psychological well-being. In analyzing the gathered data, a path analysis technique was employed. The research findings revealed that gratitude plays a pivotal role as a mediating factor capable of bridging the relationship between social support on psychological well-being and mediating the influence of emotional intelligence on psychological well-being. The model of psychological well-being among PLHIV in this study aligns closely with empirical data. This alignment is evidenced by a standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) value of 0.100, a Q value greater than zero, and a model goodness-of-fit (GoF) score of 0.483. Moreover, the study uncovered that emotional intelligence, social social support, and gratitude exert a positive and statistically significant influence on psychological well-being. The study underscored the critical role of gratitude as a mediating variable. The implications of these findings in terms of potential strategies and interventions for enhancing the psychological well-being of PLHIV are thoroughly discussed.
... With the development of positive psychology, increasing attention has been given to the positive growth of individuals after experiencing traumatic events. 7,8 Posttraumatic growth (PTG) refers to positive psychological changes experienced in the process of struggling with highly challenging life circumstances, embodied in profound changes in several aspects of life, such as a greater appreciation for life, increased personal strength, openness to spirituality, seeking new possibilities in life, and improved interpersonal relationships. 9 Furthermore, individuals with higher PTG after trauma tend to have improved psychological adjustment, health-promoting behaviors, and a higher quality of life. ...
Aim: This study aimed to investigate the implications of postpartum negative life events on postpartum depression and posttraumatic growth in women after childbirth. Methods: A sample of 280 postpartum women at a level III hospital in China provided data on postpartum depression, negative life events, and posttraumatic growth with a cross-sectional design. Results: The scores of both postpartum depression and negative life events exhibited a quadratic correlation with posttraumatic growth in women after childbirth, and negative life events significantly moderated the associations between depression and overall posttraumatic growth and its three dimensions: personal strength, spirit change, and relating to others. Conclusions: Women can experience positive psychological growth after childbirth, and this study provides new evidence of an interaction between postpartum depression and negative life events in the prediction of psychological growth, highlighting the moderating role of negative life events. This study could help direct mental health professionals to target interventions that provide more psychological support to reduce the impact of depression and negative life events, which will be conducive to improving women's psychological growth.
... Posttraumatic growth, that is positive change following trauma and adversity, is estimated to affect one in two trauma survivors (Wu et al., 2019). Aspects related to the experienced trauma, such as the intensity of PTSD symptomatology, as well as one's coping style, perceived level of social support, resiliency factors and overall affect, have been associated with individual differences in PTG (Baños et al., 2021;Ogińska-Bulik and Kobylarczyk, 2016;Rzeszutek, 2018;Tedeschi and Calhoun, 2004;Zoellner and Maercker, 2006). Therefore, the current study will investigate the role of posttraumatic stress, coping, resilience, and positive and negative affect specifically, regarding COVID-19 pandemic posttraumatic growth. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all areas of life, with severe potential consequences for people's mental health. Posttraumatic growth (PTG), a positive psychological change that may develop following a traumatic event, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic has only received little attention. The current study aimed to investigate (1) the prevalence of PTG within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and (2) which psychological aspects predict COVID-19 pandemic-related PTG using a 1-year longitudinal design. A sample of 70 participants completed a survey on COVID-19, posttraumatic stress, emotional well-being, coping styles, determinates of resilience, and PTG at both T1, May 2020, and T2, May 2021. Results reveal moderate levels of PTG for about one in five participants at both T1 and T2 (21% and 23% respectively). Moreover, PTG at T1 and T2 were moderate to strongly, positively correlated, r = .62. Posttraumatic stress and social support were found to positively predict PTG at T1, while positive affect and social skills were found to positively predict PTG at both T1 and T2, βs = .22–.52. Implications of the current findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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Background Contracting COVID-19 can cause negative and distressing psychological sequelae, but traumatic stressors may also facilitate the development of positive psychological change beyond an individual’s previous level of adaptation, known as posttraumatic growth (PTG). As a result, studies have investigated the negative effects of COVID-19 on mental health, but data on PTG among patients who have recovered from COVID-19 remains limited. This study aims to evaluate the level of PTG and its associations with stigma, psychological complications, and sociodemographic factors among COVID-19 patients 6 months post-hospitalization. Method A cross-sectional online survey of 152 COVID-19 patients was conducted after 6 months of being discharged from Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz, MAEPS Quarantine Center, or Hospital Sungai Buloh, Malaysia. Patients completed a set of questionnaires on sociodemographic and clinical data. The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI-SF) was used to assess the level of PTG, the Kessler Psychological Distress (K6) was used to measure the degree of psychological distress, the General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) was used to evaluate the severity of anxiety symptoms, the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) was used to assess the severity of depression symptoms, and the Explanatory Model Interview Catalog Stigma Scale (EMIC-SS) was used to record the degree of perceived stigma toward COVID-19. Results The median PTGI SF score of the respondents was 40.0 (Interquartile range 16.0). Multivariable general linear model with bootstrapping (2,000 replications) revealed factors that significantly predicted PTG, which were at the higher level of the perceived stigma score, at 37 (B = 0.367, 95% CI = 0.041 to 0.691, p = 0.026), among the Malay ethnicity (B = 12.767, 95% CI 38 = 7.541 to 17.993, p < 0.001), retirees (B = −12.060, 95% CI = −21.310 to −2.811, p = 0.011), and those with a history of medical illness (B = 4.971, 95% CI = 0.096 to 9.845, p = 0.046). Conclusion Experiencing stigma contributed to patients’ PTG in addition to psychosocial factors such as ethnicity, history of medical illness, and retirement.
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This study analyzed a predictive model of posttraumatic growth (PTG) in a cohort of 244 workers affected by an occupational accident. A longitudinal design with three points in time (i.e., 1, 6, and 12 months after the accident) was used. PTG, posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), subjective severity of the event, deliberate rumi-nation, and seeking social support were evaluated. In addition, time since the accident, age, and gender were included as predictors in our model. Deliberate rumina-tion and seeking social support significantly predicted PTG trajectory in a multilevel model. Practical conclusions from the results suggest that work accident victims should be encouraged to seek social support and to positively reframe their experience.
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This study analyzed a predictive model of posttraumatic growth (PTG) in a cohort of 244 workers affected by an occupational accident. A longitudinal design with three points in time (i.e., one month, six months and twelve months after the accident) was used. PTG, posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), subjective severity of the event, deliberate rumination, and social support seeking were evaluated. In addition, time since the accident, age and gender were included as predictors in our model. Deliberate rumination and social support seeking significantly predicted PTG trajectory in a multilevel model. Results suggest, as practical conclusions, that victims of work-related accidents should be encouraged to seek social support and positive reframe their experience.
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Cancer may be viewed as a psychosocial transition with the potential for positive and negative outcomes. This cross-sectional study (a) compared breast cancer (BC) survivors’ (n = 70) self-reports of depression, well-being, and posttraumatic growth with those of age- and education-matched healthy comparison women (n = 70) and (b) identified correlates of posttraumatic growth among BC survivors. Groups did not differ in depression or well-being, but the BC group showed a pattern of greater posttraumatic growth, particularly in relating to others, appreciation of life, and spiritual change. BC participants’ posttraumatic growth was unrelated to distress or well-being but was positively associated with perceived life-threat, prior talking about breast cancer, income, and time since diagnosis. Research that has focused solely on detection of distress and its correlates may paint an incomplete and potentially misleading picture of adjustment to cancer.
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This study investigated the level of posttraumatic growth (PTG) and its association with the level of social support, stress coping strategies and resilience among a people living with HIV (PLWH) in a one year longitudinal study. We also controlled for age, HIV infection duration and the presence of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS). From the 290 participants, initially eligible for the study, 110 patients were recruited for the first assessment and 73 patients participated in a follow-up assessment. Participants filled out following psychometric tools: the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI), the Berlin Social Support Scales (BSSS), the Mini-COPE Inventory, the Resiliency Assessment Scale (SPP-25) and the PTSD-F questionnaire. Received support and resilience were positively, whereas return to religion as coping strategy was negatively related to the PTG. Clinicians and researchers needs to focus on potentially positive consequences of HIV infection, i.e. PTG, and factors that might promote it among PLWH.
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Objective: We conducted a randomized controlled trial to determine whether IRISS (Intervention for those Recently Informed of their Seropositive Status), a positive affect skills intervention, improved positive emotion, psychological health, physical health, and health behaviors in people newly diagnosed with HIV. Method: One-hundred and fifty-nine participants who had received an HIV diagnosis in the past 3 months were randomized to a 5-session, in-person, individually delivered positive affect skills intervention or an attention-matched control condition. Results: For the primary outcome of past-day positive affect, the group difference in change from baseline over time did not reach statistical significance (p = .12, d = .30). Planned secondary analyses within assessment point showed that the intervention led to higher levels of past-day positive affect at 5, 10, and 15 months postdiagnosis compared with an attention control. For antidepressant use, the between group difference in change from baseline was statistically significant (p = .006, d = -.78 baseline to 15 months) and the difference in change over time for intrusive and avoidant thoughts related to HIV was also statistically significant (p = .048, d = .29). Contrary to findings for most health behavior interventions in which effects wane over the follow up period, effect sizes in IRISS seemed to increase over time for most outcomes. Conclusions: This comparatively brief positive affect skills intervention achieved modest improvements in psychological health, and may have the potential to support adjustment to a new HIV diagnosis. (PsycINFO Database Record
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OBJECTIVE: We assessed the relationship between positive affect and viral suppression among women with HIV infection. METHOD: Three waves of 6-month data were analyzed from 995 women on HIV antiretroviral therapy participating in the Women's Interagency HIV Study (10/11-3/13). The predictor variable was self-reported positive affect over 2 waves of data collection, and the outcome was suppressed viral load, defined as plasma HIV-1 RNA <200 copies/mL, measured at a third wave. RESULTS: Women with higher positive affect (36%) were more likely to have viral suppression at a subsequent wave (OR 1.92, 95% CI [1.34, 2.74]). Adjusting for covariates and their interactions, including negative affect, Wave 1 viral suppression, adherence, study site, recruitment cohort, substance use, heavy drinking, relationship status, interpersonal difficulties, and demographics, a statistically significant interaction was detected between negative affect, positive affect and viral suppression, t(965) = -2.7, p = .008. The association of positive affect and viral suppression differed at negative affect quartile values. For those reporting no negative affect, the AOR for positive affect and viral suppression was 2.41 (95% CI [1.35, 4.31]); at a negative affect score of 2, the AOR was 1.44 (95% CI [0.87, 2.36]); and at a score of 5.5, the AOR was 0.58 (95% CI [0.24, 1.42]). CONCLUSION: Our central finding related to the interaction effect, that positive affect is associated with viral control under conditions of lower negative affect, is consistent with previous theory and research with other health outcomes, and can help guide efforts to further delineate mechanisms linking affect and health. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).
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Background: The aim of the study was to examine the cross-sectional and longitudinal effects of provided and received support on older adults' subjective well-being (positive affect and depression) and to examine whether being a recipient of institutional care moderates these effects. Methods: Social support (provided and received), positive affect, and depressive symptoms were assessed twice (at baseline and 1 month later) for 277 older adults (age 77.39 ± 9.20 years, 67.50% women, 65% residents of an institutional care facility). Findings: Two structural equation models were analyzed: cross-sectional (at baseline) and longitudinal (after 1 month). The first model revealed a significant positive relationship between providing and receiving support and positive affect, and a negative relationship between receiving support and depression. However, being a recipient of institutional care appeared to be a significant moderator in the longitudinal model. Specifically, the findings indicated effects of both providing and receiving support on positive affect but only for noninstitutionalized older adults. Discussion: Although both types of support may be beneficial for older adults, their effects depend on the nature of social exchange and the dimensions of well-being. This suggests that such factors should be systematically investigated in future research.
Empirical studies (n = 39) that documented positive change following trauma and adversity (e.g., posttraumatic growth, stress‐related growth, perceived benefit, thriving; collectively described as adversarial growth) were reviewed. The review indicated that cognitive appraisal variables (threat, harm, and controllability), problem‐focused, acceptance and positive reinterpretation coping, optimism, religion, cognitive processing, and positive affect were consistently associated with adversarial growth. The review revealed inconsistent associations between adversarial growth, sociodemographic variables (gender, age, education, and income), and psychological distress variables (e.g., depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder). However, the evidence showed that people who reported and maintained adversarial growth over time were less distressed subsequently. Methodological limitations and recommended future directions in adversarial growth research are discussed, and the implications of adversarial growth for clinical practice are briefly considered.
A Cohesive Approach to Regression Models Confidence Intervals in Generalized Regression Models introduces a unified representation-the generalized regression model (GRM)-of various types of regression models. It also uses a likelihood-based approach for performing statistical inference from statistical evidence consisting of data and its statistical model. Provides a Large Collection of Models The book encompasses a number of different regression models, from very simple to more complex ones. It covers the general linear model (GLM), nonlinear regression model, generalized linear model (GLIM), logistic regression model, Poisson regression model, multinomial regression model, and Cox regression model. The author also explains methods of constructing confidence regions, profile likelihood-based confidence intervals, and likelihood ratio tests. Uses Statistical Inference Package to Make Inferences on Real-Valued Parameter Function Offering software that helps with statistical analyses, this book focuses on producing statistical inferences for data modeled by GRMs. It contains numerical and graphical results while providing the code online.
Objective: To describe major findings on posttraumatic growth (PTG) in cancer, by analyzing its various definitions, assessment tools, and examining its main psychological and clinical correlates. Methods A search in relevant databases (PsycINFO, Pubmed, ProQuest, Scopus and Web of Science) was performed using descriptors related to the positive reactions in cancer. Articles were screened by title, abstract and full-text. Results: Seventy-two met the inclusion criteria. Most articles (46%) focused on breast cancer, used the Post-traumatic Growth Inventory (76%), and had a cross-sectional design (68%). PTG resulted inversely associated with depressive and anxious symptoms, and directly related to hope, optimism, spirituality and meaning. Illness-related variables have been poorly investigated compared to psychological ones. Articles found no relationship between cancer site, cancer surgery, cancer recurrence and PTG. Some correlations emerged with the elapsed time since diagnosis, type of oncological treatment received and cancer stage. Only few Studies differentiated illness-related life threatening stressors from other forms of trauma, and the potentially different mechanisms connected with PTG outcome in cancer patients. Conclusions: The evaluation of PTG in cancer patients is worthy, since it may promote a better adaption to the illness. However, many investigations do not explicitly refer to the medical nature of the trauma, and they may have not completely captured the full spectrum of positive reactions in cancer patients. Future research should better investigate issues such as health attitudes; the risks of future recurrences; and the type, quality, and efficacy of medical treatments received and their influence on PTG in cancer patients.