The project was established to evaluate options for diverting locally available treated wastewater into the Superficial Aquifer in the Cockburn Sound catchment to raise groundwater levels, improve non-potable water supplies and security for heavy industry, reverse seawater intrusion, and improve the condition of groundwater-throughflow wetlands that have been seriously impacted by lower groundwater levels in recent decades. While answering a local non-potable water need, the project aimed to help answer state-wide questions, thereby facilitating more widespread adoption of MAR in areas containing residential developments. These areas are losing throughflow wetlands of considerable economic, environmental and social value. They are also experiencing a loss of water for irrigating public open space as well as domestic gardens, the formation of acid sulphate soils as previously wet areas dry, and the gradual accumulation of salts in poorly flushed aquifers as is becoming evident as the climate dries and groundwater gradients fall in south west Western Australia.