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Evaluation of Domain-specific Rule Generation Framework based on Usability Criteria


Abstract and Figures

The challenges faced by domain experts, commitments made to domain-specific rule (DSR) languages and process design are described. We investigate the business application developments and existing challenges of evaluation strategies of DSR articulations. Often, multiple domain scenarios pose end-user predicaments complicating the computational ability of DSR. In addition, implementation of DSR and its configuration are belated due to poorly evaluated usability criteria. A new framework is needed, facilitating the DSR language and enhancing the computational intelligence. We intend to evaluate the performance of DSR generation and framework integration with variety of usability conditions including efficiency and effectiveness of configuration through system usability score (SUS). Empirical research involving experimental data, questionnaire surveys, and interview outcomes provide conclusive evaluation attributes and their fact instances from SUS. Both manual and semi-automatic configurations are tested. Semi-automatic configuration appears to be more efficient and satisfactory with regard to artefact performance, quality, learnability, user-friendly and reliability.
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Evaluation of Design Specific Rule Adopting Usability Criteria
Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Japan 2018
Evaluation of Domain-specific Rule Generation
Framework based on Usability Criteria
Completed Research Paper
Neel Mani
School of Computing
Dublin City University
Dublin-9, Ireland
Shastri L Nimmagadda
School of Management
Curtin University
Bentley, Perth, WA, Australia
Markus Helfert
ADAPT Center for DCT
School of Computing
Dublin City University, Dublin
9, Ireland
Torsten Reiners
School of Management
Curtin University
Bentley, Perth, WA, Australia
The challenges faced by domain experts, commitments made to domain-specific rule
(DSR) languages and process design are described. We investigate the business
application developments and existing challenges of evaluation strategies of DSR
articulations. Often, multiple domain scenarios pose end-user predicaments
complicating the computational ability of DSR. In addition, implementation of DSR
and its configuration are belated due to poorly evaluated usability criteria. A new
framework is needed, facilitating the DSR language and enhancing the
computational intelligence. We intend to evaluate the performance of DSR
generation and framework integration with variety of usability conditions including
efficiency and effectiveness of configuration through system usability score (SUS).
Empirical research involving experimental data, questionnaire surveys, and
interview outcomes provide conclusive evaluation attributes and their fact instances
from SUS. Both manual and semi-automatic configurations are tested. Semi-
automatic configuration appears to be more efficient and satisfactory with regard to
artefact performance, quality, learnability, user-friendly and reliability.
Keywords: User Experience, Domain-specific Rule, Usability, Variability Model, Evaluation
Process and Planning
Evaluation of Design Specific Rule Adopting Usability Criteria
Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Japan 2018
In Computer and Information Sciences perspective, a domain is an entity or dimension controlled by a
set of rules and their languages. The domain-specific rule language (DSRL) by industry standards,
constitutes a set of rules to use them in a single domain, logically making process-free data, without
limiting the data by any structural constraints. The usability itself is an entity or attribute dimension,
and the level is narrated at which, a product or service can be used by stated domain experts to achieve
definition of usability is given in (ISO 9241-11) within a purview of business outlook. Now it is updated
as ISO 9241-11:2018, providing a framework in an agreeable concept of usability and attaching it to
situations where human-computer interaction (HCI) and other types of business systems are dealt with
in the form of either product and or service delivery. However, the business applications face huge
development challenges due to rapid and diverse business contexts including dynamic and competitive
market environments (Papulova and Papulova 2006). The changes at times are tenacious, and process
models may need continual customization to meet new demands of end-users either in a specific domain
or unpredictable multiple domains. Incorporating changes in business applications is a time-consuming
task, because of the complexity in system configuration, heterogeneity and multidimensionality of data
sources, availability of hundreds of software libraries and rigidity of the process models (hard-coded
components). Consequently, the entire application passes through several stages, such as development,
deployment of the testing environment: testing, test reporting, redeveloping including successive code
testing. In many cases, the necessary changes are incorporated rapidly and implemented without
pursuing any other process, which may increase the time to deliver the product/service to the market.
In a standard setup, the changes should first be understood by a domain expert, who should then be able
to explain the algorithms to a program developer. Then the developer elaborates the application
according to the interpretation and research objective. The development process takes time, adding
human resources, with beginning-to-end and end-to-end loop reparative processes. More iterations in
programming can create added error prone codes; compile the code and install it on the application
server are other challenges. With every code change, we need to go through the similar process and
sometimes restart the server.
In contrast, the proposed solution allows a non-technical user to initiate the modifications without
knowing the procedural details such as the computing algorithms and code. The design of a domain-
specific system, or an application, that aims to resolve domain -specific related issues may impact the
functional and operational quality (FOQ) of the final framework solution. We discuss several challenges
that impact the FOQ: the first part of the work relates to the appraisal of suggested DSR configuration
(Mani et al. 2017) regarding its efficiency and effectiveness. The second part focuses on the system
usability score (SUS) satisfaction of the framework as judged by the end-user experience. For user
experience evaluation, we standardize usability as prescribed in (ISO 9241-11:2018). Broadly, the
achieve specific goals with framework effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context
2009) affirming the usability properties with which the end-users achieve the strategic goals. The
usability objectives are measured autonomously, irrespective of any particular domain of human
activity, design and development of various software systems, including digital content technology
(Tselios et al. 2008). The key foci for assessing the configuration of the rule generation in a framework
are concomitant with usability properties. They facilitate us analyzing how beneficial the offered
solution is, and how efficiently it can resolve the problems posed by end-users in real-world scenarios.
The objective here is to make the solution more appropriate, in response to the real-world problems put
by end-users. The efficiency of the semi-automatic (proposed) versus manual (traditional or baseline)
configuration is measured by differences in their response times, as obtained by both approaches during
execution. The effectiveness of rule configuration is measured in terms of error prevention and the
correction needed in the planned solution. The agreement is completely subjective, and the SUS can
facilitate to find alternative answers. Our approach is validated through experimental results with
appropriate statistical inferences and significance.
Evaluation of Design Specific Rule Adopting Usability Criteria
Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Japan 2018
The paper is organized into various sections. We have described the evaluation process while designing
the research objectives in the current context. We have demonstrated a case study for DCT with a
process of data extraction. An experimental setup is designed. Evaluation of overall framework by
system usability score (SUS) is done. The conclusions and future scope of work are included.
Literature Review
Domain-specific rule language (DSRL) controls set of rules to make data more process-free in a
specified domain, and it is described at length in Mani et al. (2016). The current research addresses
evaluation of DSR using various qualitative and quantitative approaches. Barisic (2017) provides a
framework in support of usability evaluation for DSR languages. The author deals with issues of its
omissions in the development of DSRLs, the significance of practical features in DSRL articulations
and framework development scenarios. The author has used USE-ME, a conceptual framework that
supports the DSRL conception and implementation. Barisic et al. (2010, 2011, 2012) provide systematic
software language engineering aspects with a special focus on usability evaluation of DSRL. It is an
experimental validation technique, bearing a user interface to assess the impact of new rule languages,
adaptable in the framework formulations. This approach supports empirical studies and controlled
experiments with end-user experiences. Bellamy et al. (2010) provide programming aspects of the
evaluation and usability criteria using PLATEAU framework. We use a conceptualized research
framework in the evaluation of DSR. In the current research, we have considered an experimental setup
present various issues and challenges faced while implementing the usability criteria.
Issues and Problem Statement
Badly designed DSRL at times can lower the productivity and hard to adapt to users and or non-technical
used as benchmarks, facilitating their evaluations. One of the key features of the usability is to ease the
Research Objectives and Process
We intend to develop the framework and evaluate it with usability experiments to meet the end-users
requirements, satisfying the non-WHF KQLFDO X VHUV¶  TXHULHV  9DU LRXV FR QVWUD LQWV DQG FU LWHULD  SDUD PHWHUV
that can address the domain-specific challenges are assessed. Minimizing the developmental efforts of
programming syntax, compilation and customization by non-technical users is evaluated. In addition,
the research are aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the configured rules by non-technical users.
We pursue the following research process merits:
1. Rigor on and develop a rule-based framework to customize and evaluate the process models.
2. Evaluate through user-experience surveys and their profiles.
3. The usability of rule-based languages by non-technical domain experts.
4. Flexibility in implementation in various domain applications. Whether the prototype or integrated
Evaluable rules that intended for the enterprise software applications may drastically reduce the
development, testing and debugging times. They are assessed by the usability criteria. We also evaluate
the conceptual models used in the business process management, especially in the contexts of DSRLs
Challenges, Motivation and Significance
Evaluation of Design Specific Rule Adopting Usability Criteria
Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Japan 2018
One of the challenges that relate to the knowledge transfer is taking domain concept to conceptual
model. The other challenge relates to the configuration of DSR in process model language. A domain-
specific approach provides a dedicated solution for a defined set of problems. This research has the
following challenges and contributions:
1. The first contribution is a domain-specific rule generation (DSRG) framework for translating a set
of rules from high-level models (domain models) on an ad-hoc basis by the end user.
2. The framework structures the components of the feature model to provide the end user to select
their requirement and customize the domain template. The customized domain template manages
creating and configuring the DSR to ensure the configuration of rule by the end users is efferent,
effective and has a satisfactory evaluation.
3. The manual rule created and configured is an error prone and time-consuming. The generation of
rule and configuration for customization of process model is based on end-user requirements
(stakeholder or domain user or customer) and their evaluations.
Evaluation Process and Planning Methodology
The goal of the research is to generate rule-based ± verification of the feature and evaluate with its
configurable parameters. In this context, first, we ascertain that the framework is valid and
representative to real-world changes and challenges. Secondly, we evaluate the usefulness of the
framework and rule configuration to end-users and how an overall framework can easily be adaptable
to domain experts.
The steps for evaluation process are as follows:
xDefine the evaluation strategy and criteria.
xUse of empirical case studies for evaluating the rule configuration in a particular domain.
xConduct the user experience evaluation.
Collect data from different modes1of tasks (experiments) and assign tasks as a participant activity, such
as the configuration time. In spite of domain constraints and parameters affecting the DSR prototype,
the generated rule language can weigh the end-user configuration, experience, bringing the non-
technical users within the scope of DSR framework (Mani et al. 2017). We categorize efficiency,
effectiveness, interoperability and satisfaction as usability criteria and performance, processing and
configuration time as sub-criteria.
Figure 1. Evaluation Process and Planning
1Mode of tasks like semiautomatic, manual and SUS
Evaluation of Design Specific Rule Adopting Usability Criteria
Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Japan 2018
The stages are detailed here:
The first step (Figure 1) of the evaluation procedure is to define criteria precisely and regulate it with
an appropriate artefact. The evaluation criteria are derived in such way the generated rule is configured
even without the knowledge of technical details and research output. The configurable domain-specific
rule customizes the process model.
In the second step, the rule configuration change process is evaluated deploying empirical case studies
in the chosen domain. We discuss the experimental setup (in terms of domain selection and rule
configuration development), empirical results and analysis of the empirical results in the forthcoming
sections. For practical results, statistical investigations are performed on rule configuration, shaping up
an integrated framework and judging empirical case studies with a couple of dissimilar groups in Digital
Content domains. Web-based user experience is carried out with usability evaluation between manual
and semi-automatic configurations. We strategize tasks dividing configurations into two dissimilar
categories. The dominant category is associated with the configuration of the created rule that divides
the manual and semi-automatic types. Manual model is defined as a simple text editor where the
participant configures the rule. Semi-automatic model is defined as text box and corresponding to each
parameter, the rule needs to be configured. Each participant had two manual and two semi-automatic
tasks, which were allocated automatically at the time of registration. The second category of the task is
SUS. It is entirely a subjective task based on five positive and negative sentiment questionnaires. Each
user has to independently finish 5 different tasks which are pre-assigned on their dashboard in the web
interface after login. The need of user experience is required in the data collection for evaluating the
performance of rule configuration in experiments under a controlled environment.
The third step of the valuation process of the research is to focus on the user experience evaluation.
Typically, the prototype evaluation takes 20-30 minutes during registration; participants are asked about
domain knowledge2, skills, and technical knowledge. The evaluations are compared to manual and
semi-automatic configurations. Additionally, it allows determining which system is better concerning
the usability.
At the end of the evaluation, we collect the data for tasks, such as participant activity, configuration
time, what was configured, how much time was taken for configuring the tasks. The number of errors
observed while performing and configuring the tasks and the feedbacks obtained for parameters
mentioned in the last stage of the evaluation process are all reviewed. This phase may be interpreted as
(with more focus on qualitative approach) was chosen to evaluate the methodology. The SUS was
adopted at this stage to collect the quantitative data as it provides a mechanism for measuring the
usability satisfaction for end-users (Sauro 2011). Analysis of raw data and translating them into practical
research outcome was the last phase of the evaluation process. The analysis is aimed at retrieving some
relevant data which can facilitate in gauzing the issue or by examining the situational perspectives and
behavior of individuals within the contextual domain (Kaplan and Duchon 1988).
Table 1. Summary of Problems, Proposed Solutions, and Evaluation Methods
Evaluating factors
Processing time DSR Configuration
Error detection
Error prevention
2Domain knowledge about Digital Content Technology ± Domain knowledge is part of the design. It means, the selected participants have
certain domain knowledge (Specifically, how to extract the data from different source)
Evaluation of Design Specific Rule Adopting Usability Criteria
Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Japan 2018
Evaluation Strategy
Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are used throughout the evaluation. The evaluation scheme
broadly covers the following methods:
xCase study
xControlled user study experiments
xend-user opinions and feedback analysis (SUS)
Evaluation Criteria
The usability is evaluated by effective, efficient and satisfactory properties. The solution should
conform the evaluation properties when end-users configure the domain constraints to specific
conditions. As illustrated in Figure 2, we evaluate the DSR (Mani et al. 2016) and its usability criteria.
One module of the ISO standard 9241 is about narrating the usability specification that applies equally
to both hardware and software designs. The evaluation properties are described in the following
Figure 2. Usability Criteria
xAccuracy of configuration: the solution ensures error-free rule configuration and its deployment
on the server. An error-free configuration helps to run the process model application smoothly, i.e.,
without interruption while producing accurate output. We evaluate the accuracy by analyzing the
xQuality of configuration: quality of configuration refers to the V\VWHP¶V FDSDELOLW\ WR SUHYHQW
functional, operational and data errors, such as type-, semantics-, syntactic- mismatches. In our
experiments, we consider the data type of the input value as a quality parameter, in which process
how many errors were prevented through dynamic validation at the time of semi-automatic
xEfficiency: It refers to ensuring that the attributes of the generated rule require minimum
configuration and processing time. The processing time is estimated based on an evaluation of
configuration of the constraints, and feature parameters. Later, using randomized tasks for
generating rules and parametric values of different sizes, we determine the time needed to
configure the rules. The configuration time is judged with the time while assigning values to the
parameters by individual participants.
Evaluation of Design Specific Rule Adopting Usability Criteria
Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Japan 2018
xPerformance - The performance is measured based on configuration time that includes run-time
semi-automatic and manual configuration of the rule, domain constraints and their validations. In
other words, it refers to the capability of the solution providing the required performance (in terms
of time), relative to the number of resources used under stated conditions. By connecting the time
for rule configuration between manual and semi-automatic modes, the time taken to improve the
semi-automatic configuration is measured over the traditional or manual one.
xSatisfaction: it is the support provided by the tool, allowing end-users to select features and
generate rules. This includes the implementation of the rule configuration. SUS is used for an end-
user intervention to evaluate the satisfaction.
The user experience as an experimental setup is felt in data collection for evaluating the performance
of rule configuration in controlled environment experiments. The objective of organising porotype
evaluation is compared to the manual and semi-automatic configuration. The second purpose is to obtain
which system is best in terms of usability. With regard to the feature selection and tasks, the total
number of feature combination is 4! (4x3x2=24). Every task is divided into two categories like manual
and semi-automatic, the total number of tasks is 24x2=48. We assigned five tasks to every user and
divided into two different categories. The first category of the task is to configure the generated rule; it
is also divided into manual and semi-automatic tasks, the four tasks for configuration and 1 subject task
SUS. We take 24 different combinations of the feature and divided into two different groups, each
group has 12 users. Each user has to finish five different tasks which are pre-assigned on their
dashboard in web prototype, after login authentication.
Case Study ± Process for Data Extraction and Digital Content
The case study considers a scenario of customizing Digital Content Technology (DCT) service for
machine translation. The DCT domain has many activities. The key process pursuits are: data extraction,
segmentation and named entity recognition, machine translation, quality estimation, and post-editing.
For demonstration purposes, we focus on the extraction sub-process, which is a part of the DCT business
process that separates data from dissimilar sources like from text, web, document and multimedia bases
(Figure 3). The data extraction is an initial and fundamental operation for retrieving data for machine
translation. This process validates the research and proves which mode of configuration is better for
overall framework including the usability evaluation.
Figure 3. Extraction of Sub-Process Model in the Digital Content Technology
Further, we have made a comparative analysis of the manual and semi-automatic modes of
configurations during data extraction activity. After literature review and interviews with BPM
industries, a manual configuration is considered as a baseline (or traditional) system to compare the
configuration with suggested semi-automatic approach. The emphasis is put on analyzing the relative
Evaluation of Design Specific Rule Adopting Usability Criteria
Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Japan 2018
benefit of the framework in the manual approach, conforming the efficiency, effectiveness, and
satisfaction properties so as to achieve the operational compliance support. The feature selection and
configuration scenarios involve modifications of resultant improved complex process activities that
affect the function and operation of the process models.
Experimental Design
An experimental setup is made remotely as a user experiment through a web portal3 using rule designs.
The user experiment is chosen remotely to reach broader audience of domain and non-domain users
within context of DCT. The benefit is that it is a controlled experiment, with fixed tasks having different
modes of settings (manual and semi-automatic). There is no control over the configuration value in
manual setting. Both analytical and experimental evaluation are used to assess the manual and semi-
automatic configurations for performance, concerning efficiency and effectiveness. The analytical
approach evaluates the performance in speed/time, accuracy in error, correctness, and user satisfaction.
The prototype is thus implemented through experimental evaluation of manual and semi-automatic
modes at process run-time for performance and correctness. The experiment was completed on an
extraction sub-process of DCT in the real business process model situation. As suggested in Figure 3,
there are 8 classes and 8 activities (T1-T8) respectively in the case study, illustrating 27 class attributes
in the whole experiment.
Definition and Planning
The experimental evaluation strategizes products and teams (Basili 1996), where a researcher perceives
the quality and knowledge of a product (software/technique), using a derivable set of variables for
anticipated observations. We consider a number of experiments in the DCT cases to investigate and
evaluate the effectiveness, and efficiency of the framework with different domain constraints and
values. Table 2 provides a brief outline of the experiment.
Table 2. User Experience Evaluation Methods
Evaluation Factor
Evaluation context
Lab test
Prototyping- Framework
Field tests
Competitive evaluation of prototypes in the manual and semi-
automatic environment
Field observation
Experiment result statistical analysis and observation
Evaluation of group
Evaluating result statistical user experience
Instrumented product
TRUE Tracking Real-time User Experience
Digital Content Technology
Evaluating UX jointly with usability
Evaluation data
Focus groups (multiple groups or measures, participants)
User questionnaire
System Usability Scale
Human responses
PURE - preverbal user reaction evaluation
Expert evaluation
Expert evaluation
-Based Inspection
The processes associated with semi-automatic performance measurement and quality assurances are
vital. Different users though adopt different rules, but the manual rule configuration is chosen to
statistically analyze the efficiency, concerning configuration time, and the effectiveness in terms of
Evaluation of Design Specific Rule Adopting Usability Criteria
Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Japan 2018
error propensity, accuracy, and correctness. We depend on a semi-structured questionnaire survey for
collecting qualitative data. The survey comprises of several open-ended questions, pertained to usability
of the system. We have added the scope and details of participants with group and user selection as
described in the following sections.
In our research, more than one group measures different parameters, but the participants were not
randomly assigned to different tasks. This type of experiment called quasi-experiment (Lazar et al.
2010). The study structure is factorial design because there are two or more independent variables in
our research. The factorial design determines the number of conditions, so we consider adapting
between-groups or within-group or split-plot. The between-groups participants are only exposed to one
experiment and within groups, participants to be exposed multiple experimental conditions. We used
within-group participants for multiple tasks and conditions. We select participants from ADAPT centre
and other digital content institute and universities, where digital content is the main research area.
Participants are practising web mining, machine translation, information retrieval areas. Additionally,
the participant must have known about the digital content. A total of 20 participants completing the
experiment, we divide into two different groups and compare the result of individual performance as
well as group performance including subjective SUS and feedback of each participant.
Evaluation of Overall Framework by System Usability Score (SUS)
The interpretations and responses received by the participants are in accordance with the criteria set in
the process of evaluation, considered as the final step in the SUS list. Figure 1 describes the collection
of data based on the comments of the participants. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques
are deployed for validating the methodological framework. As an evaluation strategy, the logic and
motives of the choice of the approach are detailed in the following sections. The respondents articulate
their opinions in the last section with comments on a 5-point scale (by selecting a radio button on SUS
scale), along with any specific observation made in a text box (as presented in a User interface of SUS
System Usability Score Process
The evaluation commences with the identification and categorization of parameters or criteria. The data
collection starts from the participants as per the steps described in Figure 1. The Post-Study System
Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ) (Lewis 1995) survey is an accepted tool, from which the quantitative
data are acquired. The SUS serves as an evaluable instrument, since it allows capturing the instances of
usability factor (Bangor et al. 2008). A total of 10 questions is presented on SUS scale, where
gathered and analysed qualitatively from responses. It is an initial phase of data collection interpreted
comments for each of SUS questions that are qualitative in nature.
SUS Calculation and Measurement
Prerequisites are acknowledging participaQWV¶LQLWLDO LQVWDQW UHVSRQVHV DIWHU HYDOXDWLQJ HDFKVSHFLILF
question, instead of taking more time about each item. Another condition is each question is answered.
In case, a participant is undecided concerning a specific question, the center point of the scale is checked
for that item. After the scale is properly filled, the score is obtained for the entire scale, providing a
4Web interface of SUS
Evaluation of Design Specific Rule Adopting Usability Criteria
Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Japan 2018
composite measure of the system and its usability as a whole. Separate item scores may be unrelated in
SUS. For obtaining the final score in SUS, the discrete item scores are initially determined, which range
DQGWKHLQSXWLV³PLQXV´WKHVFDOHSRVLWLRQ,QRUGHUWRFDlculate the total score for the scale,
the sum of all scores is multiplied by 2.5. The overall score should be between 0 and 100. An example
of SUS scoring description is presented in forthcoming sections.
The tools under evaluation may differ, in particular the effectiveness based on search features of the
web-environment and goals of evaluation (Molich and Nielsen 1990). Popular evaluation methods are
heuristic (Nielsen 1994), field studies and observations (Tognazzini 1992 and Preece and Rombach
1994), filling questionnaires based on usability of the prototype and participant accomplishment in the
web-based environment. Besides implicating evaluation of rule configuration systems, recognizing a
design science articulation (beyond the scope of current study) is an added motivation. It involves
adequate tools to evaluate the usability of different framework components in the digital content
domain, besides pursuing the satisfaction and effectiveness properties of the prototype of the framework
to its usability. For this purpose, an accomplished research of a digital content domain framework is
needed in a controlled environment by a group of domain experts. The framework prototype developed
is operational, allowing a platform, in which customization of the process model and configuration of
its operational part are accomplished by non-technical domain users amid bringing a rule language in
the customized domain model. The usability is evaluated accepting the SUS component of the
Experimental Results
Analysis of statistical attainment and effectiveness is provided where processing time and configuration
efficacy are evaluated on the basis of the precision and value of the configured rule. The SUS is adopted
for validating the statistical results and their evaluation. In order to assess the performance of the
framework, the statistical score is compared with the subjective score. The subjective score of the model
is described in the forthcoming section.
Figure 4. SUS Score Individual Questions
In addition to the quantitative analysis outlined above, a pre-defined questionnaire approach was
employed with the SUS to satisfy the usability evaluation criteria discussed in Tables 1 and 3, and
Figure 2. Reflecting the research criteria, three main areas of evaluation are: efficiency, effectiveness,
and satisfaction. The sub criteria of efficiency is performance, i.e., processing or configuration time. It
appears the system is very cumbersome to use, because it is associated with efficiency and its SUS score
is 73, suggesting the prototype is efficient.
66 68 72 76
63 62
75 73 72 73
Total Score of the Participents
Number of SUS Question
SUS Score
Evaluation of Design Specific Rule Adopting Usability Criteria
Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Japan 2018
Table 3. Examples of Usability Metrics (ISO 9241: 2018)
Usability Objective
Effectiveness Measure
Efficiency Measure
Satisfaction Measure
% achievement
Task completion time
Rating scale
User training
Error prevention
Relative efficiency
Rating scale
Error tolerance
Error prevention (%)
Debugging time
Rating scale
Figure 5. SUS Normal Scale
As inferred in Figures 4 and 5, it is evident that the semi-automatic configuration is more efficient,
effective, and satisfactory than the manual configuration in terms of performance, accuracy, quality,
learnability, user-friendliness, and reliability. The horizontal axis represents 5 positive and 5 negative
questions, and as discussed in Figure 4, the vertical axis specifies the total number of points
corresponding to each question.
The effectiveness of the usability criteria and their evaluation approach depends on to a great extent on
specific characteristics of the evaluated environment and the objectives of evaluation under study. The
approach involves an extensive evaluation through an experiment of the framework in use in the digital
content domain by a group of domain experts in a controlled environment. The prototype is in operation,
supporting and providing a platform where non-technical domain experts can customize their process
model and configure the operational part of the process model through rules and models. We summarize
the evaluation of the prototype of the framework in terms of its usability. The focus to evaluate the
usability of artefacts is twofold: 1. Effectiveness and Efficiency of rule configuration 2. Satisfaction of
overall framework in DCT domain. We review the principal findings and results of the research
evaluation, summarizing the usability of the framework to an adaptation of configured rule in the
process model customization. More specifically, we evaluate the usability of the framework for non-
technical domain experts with specific claims:
positive with regards satisfaction and effectiveness of overall framework.
For both digital content technology and machine translation systems, users require more autonomic
functionality. We consider the rule generation and configuration techniques for process model
customization in the DCT domain that can achieve similar results using other techniques such as Service
Oriented Architecture or Method Engineering or Service-as-a-service as described here.
Evaluation of Design Specific Rule Adopting Usability Criteria
Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Japan 2018
Conclusions and Future Scope
The proposed rule generation and configuration approach are based on the given requirement of the end
user. Based on previous activities of end user and work patterns, the feature models provide the
recommendation of a feature at the time of feature selection. Additionally, from the generated rule, we
describe the selected feature and vice versa. The approaches can be utilized in mining the configured
rule, which can be applied for customization of process models. We recommend future steps during
rule generation and configuration of the case information.
We examine the existing challenges of the evaluation strategies with usability criteria. Flexible usability
evaluation criteria are explored to address the challenges of end-users and business strategists who wish
to adapt the domain-specific rule (DSR) languages in process design, development and implementation.
Exploring new evaluation strategies adaptable to business applications and coexistence of
computational intelligence with DSR are the foci of the research. The experimental setup designed
remotely for user queries is useful for appraising the DSR efficiency and performance. Empirical
research is done evaluating qualitatively and quantitatively different configurations of DSR,
comprehending the evaluation properties such as efficiency, effectiveness, interoperability and
satisfaction as appropriate usability criteria. Both manual and semi-automatic configurations are tested,
and semi-automatic mode of configuration appears more efficient and satisfactory providing DSR
articulations with better performance, quality, learnability, user-friendly and reliability as sub-criteria.
Semi-automatic mode of configuration appears furnishing better performance, efficiency and user
satisfaction. For the approach to be generalizable i.e. to make applicable in multiple domains, we realize
the need of further research, aiming at adapting the DSR across multiple domains and how the
conceptual models are convertible into generic DSR languages. So far, the translation is semi-automatic,
but can be improved with a system that learns from existing rules and domain models, driven by the
feature approach, and results in an automated DSR generation.
This research is supported by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) as a part of the ADAPT Centre at Dublin
City University (Grant No: 12/CE/I2267).
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Conference Paper
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The domain-specific model-driven development requires effective and flexible techniques for implementing domain-specific rule generators. In this paper, we present a framework for rule generation through model translation with feature model, a high-level of the domain model to translate into low-level of rule language based on the paradigm of software reuse in terms of customisation and configuration with domain-specific rule strategies benefit mode-to-text translations. This framework is domain-specific where non-technical domain user can customise and configure the business process models. These compositions support two dimensional of translation modularity by using software product line engineering. The domain engineering is achieved by designing the domain and process model as a requirement space, it is also called template model, connecting with feature model through weaving model. The feature model is a high-level input model to customise the template model to an implementation. The application engineering is achieved by supporting the rule definition and configuring the generated rules. We discuss the development approach of the framework in a domain-specific environment; we present a case study in a Digital Content Technology (DCT) domain
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Business process models are abstract descriptions and as such should be applicable in different situations. In order for a single process model to be reused, we need support for configuration and customisation. Often, process objects and activities are domain-specific. We use this observation and allow domain models to drive the customisation. Process variability models, known from product line modelling and manufacturing, can control this customisation by taking into account the domain models. While activities and objects have already been studied, we investigate here the constraints that govern a process execution. In order to integrate these constraints into a process model, we use a rule-based constraints language for a workflow and process model. A modelling framework will be presented as a development approach for customised rules through a feature model. Our use case is content processing, represented by an abstract ontology-based domain model in the framework and implemented by a customisation engine. The key contribution is a conceptual definition of a domain-specific rule variability language.
Conference Paper
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Business process models are abstract descriptions that are applicable in different situations. To allow a single process model to be reused, configuration and customisation features can help. Variability models, known from product line modelling and manufacturing, can control this customisation. While activities and objects have already been subject of similar investigations, we focus on the constraints that govern a process execution. We report here on the development a rule-based constraints language for a workflow and process model. The aim is a conceptual definition of a domain-specific rule variability language, integrated with the principles of a common business workflow or process notation. This modelling framework will be presented as a development approach for customised rules through a feature model. Our use case is content processing, represented by an abstract ontology-based domain model in the framework.
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This article reports how quantitative and qualitative methods were combined in a longitudinal multidisciplinary study of interrelationships between perceptions of work and a computer information system. The article describes the problems and contributions stemming from different research perspectives and methodological approaches. It illustrates four methodological points: (1) the value of combining qualitative and quantitative methods; (2) the need for context-specific measures of job characteristics rather than exclusive reliance on standard context-independent instruments; (3) the importance of process measures when evaluating information systems; and (4) the need to explore the necessary relationships between a computer system and the perceptions of its users, rather than unidirectional assessment of computer system impacts on users or of users characteristics on computer system implementation. Despite the normative nature of these points, the most important conclusion is the desirability for a variety of approaches to studying information systems. No one approach to information systems research can provide the richness that information systems, as a discipline, needs for further advancement.
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This paper focuses on usability evaluation of information and communication technologies applications in education (ICTE applications). Various classes of teaching and learning systems are discussed in terms of technologies used and pedagogical approaches. Their usability is analyzed according to various dimensions and the impact of system usability on the learning effectiveness is studied. We argue that various classes of ICTE applications such as multimedia/hypermedia applications, open educational environments and CSCL environments, based on different theoretical perspectives, require fundamentally different approaches in evaluating their usability. The paper is structured as follows: an overview of different usability evaluation approaches is presented first, followed by a discussion on applicability of these techniques in various categories of teaching and learning computer systems. Typical case studies that engage both usability experts and users themselves (students and teachers) are also discussed. The objective is to describe both the methods, and the way to apply them effectively in order to certify the usability of an ICTE application with respect to its teaching and learning objectives.
Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction is a comprehensive guide to performing research and is essential reading for both quantitative and qualitative methods. Since the first edition was published in 2009, the book has been adopted for use at leading universities around the world, including Harvard University, Carnegie-Mellon University, the University of Washington, the University of Toronto, HiOA (Norway), KTH (Sweden), Tel Aviv University (Israel), and many others. Chapters cover a broad range of topics relevant to the collection and analysis of HCI data, going beyond experimental design and surveys, to cover ethnography, diaries, physiological measurements, case studies, crowdsourcing, and other essential elements in the well-informed HCI researcher's toolkit. Continual technological evolution has led to an explosion of new techniques and a need for this updated 2nd edition, to reflect the most recent research in the field and newer trends in research methodology. This Research Methods in HCI revision contains updates throughout, including more detail on statistical tests, coding qualitative data, and data collection via mobile devices and sensors. Other new material covers performing research with children, older adults, and people with cognitive impairments.
The business environment is rapidly undergoing changes, and they need a prompt adaptation to the enterprise business systems. The process models have abstract behaviors that can apply to diverse conditions. For allowing to reuse a single process model, the configuration and customisation features can support the design improvisation. However, most of the process models are rigid and hard coded. The current proposal for automatic code generation is not devised to cope with rapid integration of the changes in business coordination. Domain-specific Rules (DSRs) constitute to be the key element for domain specific enterprise application, allowing changes in configuration and managing the domain constraint with-in the domain. In this paper, the key contribution is conceptualisation of the do-main model, domain model language definition and specification of domain model syntax as a source visual modelling language to translate into domain specific code. It is an input or source for generating the target language which is do-main-specific rule language (DSRL). It can be applied to adapt to a process constraint configuration to fulfil the domain-specific needs.
Conference Paper
In this paper we propose a conceptual framework that supports the iterative development process of DSLs concerning the issue of their Usability evaluation. A multiple-case studies were conducted in order validate the proposed method.
In order to be successful, organizations must be strategically aware. The need for all managers is to by able to think strategically. Decisions by managers have a strategic impact and contribute to strategic change. Strategic management is a highly important element of organizational success. Strategic success requires a clear understanding of the needs of the market, and the satisfaction of targeted customers more effectively and more profitably than by competitors. Real competitive advantage implies companies are able to satisfy customer needs more effectively than their competitors. It is achieved if and when real value is added for customers. Small and midsized enterprises which understand their customers can create competitive advantage and so benefit from lower prices and loyalty of customers. Higher capacity utilization can then help to reduce costs. Thinking Strategically Today's organizations have to deal with dynamic and uncertain environments. In order to be successful, organizations must be strategically aware. They must understand how changes in their competitive environment are unfolding. They should actively look for opportunities to exploit their strategic abilities, adapt and seek improvements in every area of the business, building on awareness and understanding of current strategies and successes. Organizations must be able to act quickly in response to opportunities and barriers. Managers operating in organizations perform a number of activities including planning and organizing the work of their subordinates, motivating them, controlling what happens and evaluating results. Decisions by managers have a strategic impact and contribute to strategic change. The organization is shown as one of a number of competitors in an industry; and to a greater or lesser degree these competitors will be affected by the decisions, competitive strategies and innovation of the others. These inter-dependencies are crucial and consequently strategic decisions should always involve some assessment of their impact on other companies, and their likely reaction. To succeed long term, organizations must compete effectively and out-perform their rivals in a dynamic environment. To accomplish this they must find suitable ways for creating and adding value for their customers. Strategic management is a highly important element of organizational success. The need to know what the business is about, what it is trying to achieve and which way it is headed, is a very basic requirement determining the effectiveness of every member's contribution. Every successful entrepreneur has this business self-awareness and every successful business seems to have this clarity of vision, even though it does not arise from a formal planning process. (6) Managers who made long-range plans generally assumed that better times lay ahead. Future plans were merely extensions of where the organization had been in the past. But a number of environmental shocks undermined this approach to strategic planning: rapid technological developments, the maturing or stagnation of certain markets, increased international competition. These changes forced managers to develop a systematic means of analyzing the environment, assessing their organization's strengths and weaknesses, and identifying opportunities for competitive advantage.(7)