Dicksonia sellowiana Presl. (Hooker) (Dicksoniaceae), known as xaxim, is a tree fern species
from Atlantic Rainforest, characteristic of Mixed Ombrophilous Forest typology. Dicksonia sellowiana is an
endangered species with economic potential and ecologic importance. The aim of this study was to compare
the species genetic diversity, evaluated within and outside protected areas (PA), in order
... [Show full abstract] to verify the PA
effectiveness on xaximgenetic conservation. It was sampled 30 populations of xaximthroughout its area
of natural occurrence in Santa Catarina State, seven of them are in PA and 23 in private areas. Compared
with the 23 private areas, the seven within PA retain about 90% of sampled alleles (24 of 26) and the same
genetic diversity magnitude (Ĥe
= 0.147). The Fˆ
values show that half of xaxim genetic variability is among
the populations, suggesting that a good conservation strategy must include a great number of populations.
It becomes evident PA’s importance on the genetic diversity conservation of D. sellowiana, but also for
researches about plant genetic resources conservation and use.