... Grey partridge 26 580 1910-2010 Middleton (1935Middleton ( , 1936Middleton ( , 1937, Jenkins (1961), Potts (1970Potts ( , 1980, Rands (1985); Montagna and Meriggi (1991), Birkan et al. (1992), Nösel (1992), Panek (1992a), Thomaides and Papageorgiou (1992), Potts and Aebischer (1995), Tapper et al. (1996), Boatman and Brockless (1998), Bro et al. (2000), Aebischer and Ewald (2004), Bro et al. (2004), Panek (2006), Parish and Sotherton (2007) Angelstam et al. (1984), Moss (1986), Baines (1991), Willebrand (1992), Caizergues and Ellison (1997), Kurki et al. (1997), Marjakangas and Törmälä (1997), Caizergues and Ellison (1998), Warren and Baines (2002) (1953), Myrberget and Hagen (1974), Lindén (1981), Ellison et al. (1982), Angelstam (1983, Storaas and Wegge (1984), Brittas and Willebrand (1991) in Jahren (2012) Capercaillie 17 (+ 9*) 247 (+ 10*) 1975-2009 Moss (1986Moss ( , 1987, Leclercq (1988), Storch (1994), Kurki et al. (1997), Picozzi et al. (1999), Moss et al. (2000), Proctor and Summers (2002), Saniga (2002) (1953), Siivonen (1953), Myrberget and Hagen (1974), Wegge and Grasaas (1977), Lindén (1981), Jones (1982), Klaus (1984), Spidsø et al. (1984), Storaas and Wegge (1984) in ...