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Knowledge-rich Image Gist Understanding Beyond Literal Meaning


Abstract and Figures

We investigate the problem of understanding the message (gist) conveyed by images and their captions as found, for instance, on websites or news articles. To this end, we propose a methodology to capture the meaning of image-caption pairs on the basis of large amounts of machine-readable knowledge that has previously been shown to be highly effective for text understanding. Our method identifies the connotation of objects beyond their denotation: where most approaches to image understanding focus on the denotation of objects, i.e., their literal meaning, our work addresses the identification of connotations, i.e., iconic meanings of objects, to understand the message of images. We view image understanding as the task of representing an image-caption pair on the basis of a wide-coverage vocabulary of concepts such as the one provided by Wikipedia, and cast gist detection as a concept-ranking problem with image-caption pairs as queries. To enable a thorough investigation of the problem of gist understanding, we produce a gold standard of over 300 image-caption pairs and over 8,000 gist annotations covering a wide variety of topics at different levels of abstraction. We use this dataset to experimentally benchmark the contribution of signals from heterogeneous sources, namely image and text. The best result with a Mean Average Precision (MAP) of 0.69 indicate that by combining both dimensions we are able to better understand the meaning of our image-caption pairs than when using language or vision information alone. We test the robustness of our gist detection approach when receiving automatically generated input, i.e., using automatically generated image tags or generated captions, and prove the feasibility of an end-to-end automated process.
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Knowledge-rich Image Gist Understanding
Beyond Literal Meaning
Lydia Weilanda, Ioana Hulpus¸a, Simone Paolo Ponzettoa, Wolfgang Effelsberga, Laura
aUniversity of Mannheim, B6 26, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
bUniversity of New Hampshire, 105 Main St, Durham, New Hampshire 03824, USA
We investigate the problem of understanding the message (gist) conveyed by images
and their captions as found, for instance, on websites or news articles. To this end,
we propose a methodology to capture the meaning of image-caption pairs on the basis
of large amounts of machine-readable knowledge that has previously been shown to
be highly effective for text understanding. Our method identifies the connotation of
objects beyond their denotation: where most approaches to image understanding focus
on the denotation of objects, i.e., their literal meaning, our work addresses the iden-
tification of connotations, i.e., iconic meanings of objects, to understand the message
of images. We view image understanding as the task of representing an image-caption
pair on the basis of a wide-coverage vocabulary of concepts such as the one provided
by Wikipedia, and cast gist detection as a concept-ranking problem with image-caption
pairs as queries. Our proposed algorithm brings together aspects of entity linking and
clustering, subgraph selection, semantic relatedness, and learning-to-rank in a novel
way. In addition to this novel task and a complete evaluation of our approach, we in-
troduce a novel dataset to foster further research on this problem. To enable a thorough
investigation of the problem of gist understanding, we produce a gold standard of over
300 image-caption pairs and over 8,000 gist annotations covering a wide variety of top-
ics at different levels of abstraction. We use this dataset to experimentally benchmark
the contribution of signals from heterogeneous sources, namely image and text. The
best result with a Mean Average Precision (MAP) of 0.69 indicate that by combining
both dimensions we are able to better understand the meaning of our image-caption
pairs than when using language or vision information alone. We test the robustness of
our gist detection approach when receiving automatically generated input, i.e., using
automatically generated image tags or generated captions, and prove the feasibility of
an end-to-end automated process. However, we also show experimentally that state-
of-the-art image and text understanding is better at dealing with literal meanings of
image-caption pairs, with non-literal pairs being instead generally more difficult to
detect, thus paving the way for future work on understanding the message of images
beyond their literal content.
Keywords: Image understanding, Language and Vision, Entity ranking
arXiv:1904.08709v1 [cs.IR] 18 Apr 2019
1. Introduction
Newspaper articles and blog posts are often accompanied by figures, which consist of
an image and a caption. While in some cases figures are used as mere decoration, more
often figures support the message of the article in stimulating emotions and transmitting
intentions [1, 2]. This is especially the case on matters of controversial topics, such as,
for instance, global warming, where emotions are conveyed through so-called media
icons [3, 4]: images with high suggestive power that illustrate the topic. A picture
of a polar bear on melting shelf ice is a famous example cited by advocates stopping
carbon emissions [5]. As such, many image-caption pairs are able to broadcast abstract
concepts and emotions [6] beyond the physical objects they illustrate.
Previous research in image understanding has focused on the identification and la-
beling of objects that are visible in the image (e.g., PascalVOC [7], MS COCO [8],
Im2Text [9], to name a few, cf. also Section 2). Recently, the captionbot system [10]
was proposed to generate captions for a given image. However, all these approaches
focus on the description of what is to be explicitly found, i.e., depictable, within pic-
tures.1For the example in Figure 1b, captionbot generates the caption: “I think it’s a
brown bear sitting on a bench. But despite many research efforts having focused on
the so-called problem of bridging the semantic gap in both automatic image and text
analysis – namely, the process of replacing low-level (visual and textual) descriptors
with higher-level semantically-rich ones – few papers looked at the complementary,
even more challenging problem of bridging the intentional gap, namely understanding
the intention behind using a specific image in context [11].
In this paper, we take a first step towards addressing this hard problem by presenting
a method to identify the message that an image conveys, including also abstract (i.e.,
non-depictable) topics. Specifically, we look at the task of identifying and ranking
concepts that capture the message of the image, hereafter called gist. Starting from
the visible objects in the image and entity mentions in the caption, we study the use of
external knowledge bases for the identification of concepts that represent the gist of the
image.2Thus, we cast the problem of gist detection as a concept ranking task with the
following twist: Given an image-caption pair, rank concepts from Wikipedia according
to how well they express the gist of the image-caption pair.
The contributions of this paper are the following:
New task: we formulate the novel task of detecting the gist of image-caption pairs
using the vocabulary and topics provided by a reference external resource, i.e., a
knowledge base.
New framework: we present a methodology to identify the gist of image-caption
pairs using a supervised ranking model that combines content- and graph-based fea-
tures from an underlying knowledge base, i.e., Wikipedia in our case. Our approach
effectively combines object detection, text disambiguation, knowledge-based topic
detection, and learning-to-rank in a novel way.
1Throughout the paper, we use the terms depictable and non-depictable to refer to concrete and abstract
aspects of image-caption pairs and their gists, respectively.
2Hereafter, we use concept and entity interchangeably to refer to resources of the knowledge base.
Experimental study: In order to promote a community around gist detection and
foster further research, we create a gold standard that we use to investigate a wide
range of research questions associated with our task.
Outline. In the remainder of this paper, we first review related work in Section 2
and move on to define the task of image gist detection in Section 3. We present our
approach in Section 4 and then conduct an extensive evaluation in Section 5, where we
investigate ten different research questions related to our problem. We conclude with
final remarks and future work directions in Section 6.
2. Related Work
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to view the task of image gist
understanding as an entity ranking problem using the structure and vocabulary of a
knowledge base. This complements very recent work in the field of computer vision
on knowledge-aware object detection [12]. Gist understanding is also related to the
general problem of image classification [13]: significant progress has been made in
recent years on this task by combining neural approaches like Deep Convolutional
Neural Networks with large datasets of labeled images [14] and background knowl-
edge [15]. In our work, we follow this broad line of research, namely linking images
to a sense-aware concept repository organised in a taxonomic way (e.g., ImageNet or
Wikipedia categories), but do not make any assumption on the vocabulary of the ref-
erence knowledge repository like, for instance, the availability of images to be used to
train statistical models. This is because, in our case, we want to be able to detect the
message of images regardless of the actual topic granularity, namely for concrete as
well as abstract (i.e., non-depictable) topics. ImageNet, for instance, does not contain
images for abstract concepts like ‘climate change’ or ‘philosophy’, for which repre-
sentative images are hard to collect. To identify gists for concepts which no training
data exists, e.g., due to their level of abstractness, we opt instead to learn models on the
basis of features extracted from image-caption-specific knowledge graphs, as opposed
to standard supervised learning from image examples.
Our work crucially builds upon previous contributions from many other fields rang-
ing from multimodal content analysis all the way through entity-based information
access and knowledge-based text understanding. Specifically, our work touches on dif-
ferent research topics that stem from the problems of object detection from images,
entity linking and retrieval, and using the structure and content of knowledge bases
to quantify semantic relatedness and detect topics. We begin our overview of related
work with a brief review of work on multimodal content understanding, since we are
working with data that include both images and short texts, i.e., captions. One modality
of the data are images: to lower the effort of manually annotating images with object
labels, we rely on object detection as pre-processing step, a topic for which we also
present a brief review of research contributions most related to our work. Comple-
mentary to image processing, our pipeline connects entity mentions, i.e., words and
phrases within captions, with concepts from a knowledge base, a problem addressed
by the task of entity linking. We cast gist detection as an entity retrieval problem with
an image-caption pair as the query, and accordingly touch upon previous efforts from
the IR community for this task. In order to find additional relevant concepts from the
knowledge base, we rely on measures of entity relatedness. Entity relatedness mea-
sures have originally been developed for the related, yet different task of topic and
document cluster labeling.
Multimodal content understanding. Recent years have seen a growing interest for
interdisciplinary work, which aims at bringing together vision and language. As such
processing of visual data, i.e., video or images, are combined with NLP and text mining
techniques. This is perhaps no surprise, since text and vision are expected to provide
complementary sources of information, and their combination is expected to produce
better, grounded models of natural language meaning [16], as well as enabling high-
performing end-user applications [17].
However, while most of the research efforts so far concentrated on the problem of
image-to-text and video-to-text generation – namely, the automatic generation of nat-
ural language descriptions of images [18, 19, 20, 21], and videos [22, 23, 24] – few
researchers focused on the complementary, yet more challenging, task of associating
images or videos to arbitrary texts – [25] and [26] being exceptions. However, even
these latter contributions address the arguably easier task of generating literal descrip-
tions of depictable objects found within standard news text, thus disregarding other
commonly used, yet extremely challenging, dimensions of image usage such as media
icons [3, 4]. Most of non-literal image-text usages has not received much attention
in the field of automatic language and vision processing: researchers in Natural Lan-
guage Processing, only recently started to look at the problem of automatically detect-
ing metaphors [27], whereas research in computer vision and multimedia processing
did not tackle, to the best of our knowledge, the problem of iconic images at all.
Object detection from images. Supported by the availability of benchmark collec-
tions for image retrieval [28] and benchmarking tasks [13], a large body of works has
focused in the past years on the problem of detecting objects in images [7, 8, 9, inter
alia]. These either train object detectors from images with bounding box annotations,
learn sparse representation of images [29], use semantic segmentation, namely an as-
signment of class labels to pixels [30], or rely on captions to guide the training or
generate captions for images, based on an unsupervised model from the spatial rela-
tionship of such bounding boxes [31]. Alternatively, images that are already annotated
can be used to find similar images. For this, deep learning approaches [32] or ap-
proaches based on autoencoders [33] have been shown to be achieve state-of-the art
Since many images are accompanied by captions, approaches have been devised
that use text in such captions to aid the detection of objects and actions depicted in
the image. This idea is exploited using supervised ranking [34], using entity linking
and WordNet distances [35], and using deep neural networks [36]. One application is
image question answering [37]. Research to this end has thus far focused on literal
image-caption pairs, where the caption enumerates the objects visible in the image. In
contrast, the emphasis of this work is on non-literal image-caption-pairs with media-
iconic messages, which allude to an abstract gist concept that is not directly visible.
Crucial for training object detectors are training data, which ideally consists of
images with bounding boxes and affiliated textual labels. Image or multimodal datasets
either provide a limited vocabulary or only a small fraction of bounding boxes. As such
ImageNet, even though it provides over 14 million images, has bounding boxes only for
8% of its images. The lack of such training material is the only barrier for application
in our domain. For this reason and to facilitate reproducibility of our research, we
simulate object detection or rely on an external system such as the Microsoft API.
While this work builds on object detection tags, it has been shown that object classes
available in ImageNet are insufficient to capture objects found on images on topics of
global warming [38].
Entity linking. Detecting entity mentions in text and linking them to nodes in a knowl-
edge base is a task well studied in the TAC KBP venue. Most approaches include two
stages. The first stage identifies candidate mentions of entities in the text with a dictio-
nary of names. These candidates are next disambiguated using structural features from
the knowledge graph, such as entity relatedness measures [39, 40] and other graph walk
features [41]. A prominent entity linking tool is the TagMe! system [42]. A simpler ap-
proach, taken by DBpedia spotlight [43], focuses on unambiguous entities and breaks
ties by popularity. We evaluate both approaches in Section 5.
Entity retrieval. Entity retrieval tasks have been studied widely in the IR community
in INEX and TREC venues [44, 45]. The most common approach is to represent enti-
ties through textual and structural information in a combination of text-based retrieval
models and graph measures [46].
Different definitions of entities have been explored. Recently, the definition of an
entity as “anything that has an entry on Wikipedia” has become increasingly popular.
Using entities from a knowledge base that are (latently) relevant for a query for ad
hoc document retrieval has lead to performance improvements [47, 48]. Moreover,
using text together with graphs from article links and category membership for entity
ranking has been demonstrated to be effective on freetext entity queries such as ”ferris
and observation wheels” [49]. In contrast to this previous work, our paper focuses on
a graph expansion and clustering approach.
In order to facilitate robust ranking behaviour, clustering is often combined into a
back-off or smoothing framework. This has been successfully applied for document
ranking by Raiber et al. [50], and our approach adopts it for the case of entity ranking.
Entity relatedness. The purpose of entity relatedness is to score the strength of the
semantic association between pairs of concepts or entities. The research on this topic
dates back several decades [51], and a multitude of approaches have been researched.
Among them, we place particular emphasis on measures that use a knowledge base for
computing relatedness. We distinguish two main directions: (i) works that use the tex-
tual content of the knowledge base [52, 53], particularly Wikipedia, and (ii) works that
exploit the graph structure behind the knowledge base, particularly Wikipedia or Free-
base hyperlinks [54], DBpedia [55, 40]. Hulpus¸ et al. [40] introduced an exclusivity-
based measure and found that it works particularly well on knowledge graphs of cate-
gories and article membership (which we use also) for modeling concept relatedness. It
was shown to outperform simpler measures that only consider the length of the shortest
path, or the length of the top-k shortest paths, as well as measures that take into account
the semantic relations found along these paths [55].
(a) Literal Pairing
(b) Non-literal Pairing
(c) Non-literal Pairing
Figure 1: Example image-caption pairs sharing either images or captions with their respective gist nodes (a,
b, c:, REUTERS/Darren Whiteside, a, b:, Flickr/Budi Nusyirwan, CC BY-SA
2.0, c:, Commons/Lauri Myllyvirta, CC BY 2.0, last accessed: 04/06/2017.)
Topic and document cluster labeling. Other research directions that are closely re-
lated to ours are concerned with labeling precomputed topic models [56, 57] and with
labeling document clusters [58]. Topic model labeling is the task of finding the gist of
a topic resulted from probabilistic topic modeling. Solutions to these related problems
make implicit or explicit use of knowledge about words and concepts collected from
a document corpus. Such knowledge is not available for our problem, consequently,
most of these approaches are inapplicable for understanding the gist.
The work that is most similar to ours is presented in [34], who also view image under-
standing as a ranking task. However, their approach focuses on automatic image de-
scription using natural language sentences, as opposed to entity ranking in a knowledge
base. Moreover, their goal is to produce concrete conceptual descriptions of images,
as opposed to our (arguably, more general) problem of gist detection that corresponds,
following [59]’s terminology, to detecting abstract scenes, i.e., what an image as a
whole represents.
3. The Problem of Image Gist Understanding
Our goal is to understand the gist conveyed by a given image-caption pair. In this work
we make a first step in this direction by algorithmically identifying which concepts in
a knowledge base describe the gist best. We cast the task of gist detection as a concept
ranking problem – namely, to predict a ranking of concepts (i.e., Wikipedia articles and
categories) from a knowledge base ordered by their suitability to express the gist of a
given image-caption pair.
Task Definition: Predict a ranking of concepts from the knowledge base ordered by
their relevance to express the message (gist) of an image-caption pair.
Given: An image and its associated textual caption, for which the gist needs to be
found. Furthermore, given a knowledge base, which is viewed as a graph consisting
of a vocabulary of concepts (i.e., nodes) and semantic relations between them (i.e.,
edges). Additionally, given the textual descriptions associated to concepts and entities.
Output: A ranked list of concepts expressing the message conveyed by the image.
Terminology: seed vs. gist knowledge base nodes. In order to leverage the content
and structure of the knowledge base, a link between the objects that are visible in
the image, the linguistic expressions (i.e., nouns, proper names) found in the caption
and their corresponding concepts in the knowledge base is established using so-called
linking methods: we call the corresponding nodes in knowledge graph seed nodes.
Here, we aim to rank the nodes of the knowledge graph based on their relevance to
the seed nodes, thus, the initial query. The highly ranked ones then become the gist of
the image-caption pair. A node that corresponds to the gist of an image-caption pair is
referred to as gist node. As a consequence, in this work a gist concept can refer to any
node in a given knowledge graph, envisioning any of the general-purpose knowledge
bases that are congruent to Wikipedia (including DBpedia [60], YAGO [61], etc.).
Beyond literal meaning: literal vs. non-literal image-captions. We define an image
and its affiliated textual caption as image-caption pair. We define further two types of
pairs, depending on the kind of message they convey. Literal pairs are those in which
the caption describes or enumerates the objects depicted in the image. Non-literal pairs,
of which media icons are an example, are those which typically convey an abstract
message and where images and captions often contain complementary information.
We claim that in order to understand the gist of images, both the image and the
caption are needed. As they together form a union, an image-caption pair can encode
a different gist by changing the caption. Vice versa, combining a caption with a dif-
ferent image can shift the focus of the gist or change the semantics. To illustrate the
effects of different image-caption pairs, we show three different pairs as examples in
Figure 1. Two of the pairs are media icons commonly used to convey the message of
species threatened by deforestation. One is a literal pair (cf. Figure 1a), which lacks
the connection to threat, extinction, and deforestation. The caption describes the im-
age showing an orangutan in what seems to be a national park. The gist of the pair is
By exchanging the caption it becomes apparent that the gist is habitat conservation
to save an endangered animal (cf. Figure 1b). Considering the corresponding caption
thus helps in the disambiguation of the gist. On the other hand, captions alone are
often brief, and when taken out from the context of the image, they fail to convey the
entire gist. For instance, by inspecting only the caption Fight to save Indonesia’s
wildlife corridors key for endangered orangutan, it is not clear whether the focus is
on endangered species as victims of deforestation, as depicted Figure 1b, or on people
who fight for habitat conservation, as depicted in Figure 1c. That is, only an image can
disambiguate the gist. We consequently consider an image-caption pair as the targeted
query for which gist concepts are ranked.
4. Methodology
The main idea behind our approach is to use a general-purpose knowledge base to un-
derstand the message conveyed by an image and its caption. To this end, we develop a
framework for gist detection based on the following pipeline: First, detected objects in
the image and entity mentions in the caption are linked to a reference machine-readable
repository of knowledge. Our hunch is to exploit the content and connectivity of the
knowledge base, which we view as a graph (hence a ‘knowledge graph’ [62]), in or-
der to identify relevant topics that capture not only the content of the image-caption
pair, but also its intended meaning. By using the knowledge base as a graph, we can
represent the concepts collected through object detection (in the image) and entity de-
tection (in the caption) as nodes. Next, the neighborhood of these projected nodes in the
knowledge graph is inspected to provide a set of candidate gists. Finally, we combine
(1) content-based features, extracted from the textual descriptions of the knowledge
base entities, and (2) graph-based features obtained by analyzing the structure of the
knowledge graph. Lastly, these features are combined into a node ranking model that
pinpoints the gist concepts for a given image-caption pair.
The key novel aspects of our approach are:
We present a complete approach to perform knowledge-based image gist detection.
At the heart of our method lies the idea that we can leverage the content and struc-
ture of a knowledge base to identify concepts to understand the, possibly abstract,
message conveyed by an image-caption pair as a whole.
We propose a methodology that views knowledge-aware image classification as en-
tity ranking. Our hunch is that, given a knowledge graph that covers the subject of
the image-caption pair, the gist concepts lie in the proximity of those mentioned in
the caption or depicted in the image, namely the seed nodes. We define features of
candidate gist nodes based on their graph relations or textual content according to
their corresponding concept page in the knowledge base. These, in turn, are used to
build a supervised ranking model that is able to rank concepts on the basis of their
relevance for the image-caption pair.
By using background knowledge from the knowledge base, our method is able to
identify gist concepts that are neither visible in the image, nor necessarily explicitly
mentioned in the caption. We expect this hypothesis to be true especially for pairs
with an abstract gist, e.g., media icons. Examples of such concepts transmitting
the message referred to as gist are GL OBAL WARMING,ENDANGERED SPECIES,
BIODIVERSITY, or SUSTAI NABLE E NE RG Y3. Despite not being depictable and con-
sequently identifiable by image recognition, the gist nodes will likely be in close
proximity in the knowledge graph to the objects in the image that are visible, as well
as to the concepts mentioned in the captions.
We present our approach as a pipeline (Figure 2). For explanatory purposes, we
make use of the media icon of Figure 1b to provide us with a running example to
illustrate each step of our pipeline.
4.1. The Knowledge Graph
As a preliminary for our pipeline, we need to represent the knowledge base as knowl-
edge graph, to benefit from semantic information like, for instance, knowledge-based
3We use Sans Serif for words and queries, SMA LL CA PS for gists, Wikipedia pages and categories.
Figure 2: Our gist extraction and ranking pipeline (edges between nodes removed for simplicity).
semantic relatedness between two entities or concepts, that have been shown to perform
well on tasks such as text understanding [51].
Given a knowledge base, we define a knowledge graph [62] as the directed or undi-
rected graph KG(V, E, T )such that the set of nodes Vcontains all concepts in the
knowledge base, every edge eij E,EV×T×Vcorresponds to a relation in
the knowledge base between two nodes viand vj, and the set Tdefines the relation
types in the knowledge base. For our purposes, we consider the knowledge graph to
be undirected, unless specified otherwise. Additionally, we denote labeled edges in the
graph as (vi, t, vj), which is assumed to imply: i) vi, vjV, ii) (vi, t, vj)E, iii)
In this work, we opt for Wikipedia, since it provides a wide-coverage, general-
purpose knowledge base [63] containing large amounts of manually-curated text de-
scribing millions of different entities across a wide range of heterogeneous domains.
Furthermore, and perhaps even more importantly for our approach, the link structure
of Wikipedia can be exploited to identify topically associative nodes, thus making it
possible to complement the textual content of the knowledge base with that derived
from the structure of the underlying knowledge graph. However, our method can be
also used with any other lexical or ontological resource, e.g. YAGO [61] or DBpedia
[60], provided it can be cast as a knowledge graph containing disambiguated entities
with explicit semantic relations and textual descriptions.
Our knowledge graph contains as nodes all articles and categories from the English
Wikipedia, similarly, e.g., to [64]. As for edges, we consider the following types of
relations T, which have been previously found to provide useful information for topic
labeling [57]:
Page-category links: The category membership relations that link an article to the
categories it belongs to (e.g., page Wildlife corridor is categorized under WILDLIFE
CO NS ERVATION ). These relations provide topics for different aspects of the con-
cepts described by the Wikipedia page.
Super- and sub-category links The relationship between a category and its parent
category (e.g., WILDLIFE CONSERVATION is a sub-category of CONSERVAT ION), as
well as its children categories (e.g., CO NS ERVATIO N is a super-category of EDGE
SPECIES). Relations between categories can be taken to capture a wide range of
topical associations between concepts of different granularities [65], including se-
mantic generalizations and specializations [66].
4.2. Step 1: Image and Caption Node Linking
Initially, we project objects depicted in the image and concepts mentioned in the cap-
tion onto nodes in the knowledge base. That is, given an image-caption pair (C, I ),
we want to collect a set of seed nodes Sin the knowledge graph (Section 3). Here, we
view the caption as a set of textual mentions C={m1, . . . , mn}, namely noun phrases
that can be automatically extracted using a standard NLP pipeline (in this work, we use
the StanfordNLP toolkit [67]). Next, each mention mCis linked to a corresponding
concept from the knowledge graph. The linking can be achieved with different strate-
gies (cf. Section 5.1 for the description and evaluation of different linking strategies).
The linking of mto a concept is defined as a node vcin the knowledge base such
that vcVCV, namely the union between the set of caption nodes VC
and an ‘undefined concept’ if no linking is possible – i.e., there is no corresponding
concept for min the knowledge base. The image is viewed as consisting of a set of
object labels I={l1, . . . , ln}that are either manually given, or are taken from the
output of an automatic object detector. Similarly to the captions’ mentions, each of
the labels lIneeds to be linked to a corresponding concept vifrom the knowledge
graph such that viVIV, namely the union between the set of image nodes
VIand, again, the ‘undefined concept’ when no concept in the knowledge base is
available corresponding to the meaning of l. Finally, we take the union of mapped
textual mentions and object labels, namely caption and image nodes as the set of seed
nodes – i.e., the concepts from the knowledge base that corresponds to the entities and
objects found in the image-caption pair:
S=VCVI, S V(1)
There exist many different ways to link string sequences such as textual mentions (from
the caption) and object labels (from the images) to concepts in a knowledge base – i.e.,
the so-called problem of entity linking, which has received much attention in recent
years (Section 2). Here, we opt for a simple iterative concept linking strategy that is
both applicable to captions’ mentions and images’ object labels, and is particularly
suited for short object labels for which no textual context is available to drive the dis-
ambiguation process. First, we attempt to link mentions and labels to those Wikipedia
articles whose title lexicographically matches, e.g., INDONESIA. Additionally, when-
ever we find a title of a disambiguation page ORANGUTA N (DISAMBIGUATION), we
include all redirected articles that can be reached with two hops at most from previ-
ously linked nodes along the Wikipedia graph. In our experiments (Section 5), we
demonstrate that this simple approach is, for the purpose of our task, as good as TagMe
[42], a state-of-the-art entity linking system.
Example. In our working example (Figure 1b), objects in the image have been associ-
ated with labels like orangutan,sign,trunk,tree,ground, and vegetation. The NLP
pipeline, instead, extracted mentions from the caption like fight,Indonesia,wildlife,
corridor,key, and orangutan. These, in turn, are linked to seed nodes such as IN-
DONESIA and WILDLIFE CORRIDOR, among others (Figure 3, depicted in grey).
Figure 3: Example of intermediate graph for the image-caption pair in Figure 1b.
4.3. Step 2: Intermediate Graph Expansion
Especially for media-iconic pairs, one cannot assume that the gist corresponds to any
of the concepts found among those obtained by linking either the image labels or the
textual captions. For instance, in the case of our example (Figure 1b), we cannot find
the gist node ED GE SPECIE S among any of the seed nodes identified in Step 1 (i.e.,
those highlighted in grey in Figure 3). That is, Step 1 may not be sufficient to identify
such gists by simple entity linking, especially in the case of abstract, non-depictable
concepts that are rarely mentioned explicitly in the caption.
We operationalize our hypothesis that gist nodes will be found in the knowledge
base on paths between seed nodes as follows. We start with the seed nodes from Step
1 and build a query-specific knowledge graph by extracting all the paths that connect
pairs of seeds – similar in spirit to previous approaches for knowledge-rich lexical [68]
and document [55] understanding. More specifically, we start with the seed nodes S
and create a labeled directed graph GI= (VI, EI)as follows: a) first, we define the
set of nodes VIof GIto be made up of all seed concepts, that is, we set VI=S; b)
next, we connect the nodes in VIbased on the paths found between them in Wikipedia.
Nodes in VIare expanded into a graph by performing a depth-first search (DFS) along
the Wikipedia knowledge graph (Section 4.1) and by successively adding all simple
directed paths v, v1, . . . , vk, v0({v , v0} ∈ S) of maximal length Lthat connect them to
GI, i.e., VI=VI∪ {v1, . . . , vk},EI=EI∪ {(v, t1, v1),...,(vk, tk, v0)},tiT.
As a result, we obtain a subgraph of Wikipedia containing the initial concepts (seed
nodes), together with all edges and intermediate concepts found along all paths of
maximal length Lthat connect them. In this work, we set L= 4 (i.e., all paths with
length shorter than 4) based on a large body of evidence from previous related work
[69, 57, 55, inter alia]. We call the nodes along these paths, except the seed nodes,
intermediate nodes,I=VI\S. The graph resulted from combining all the nodes on
these paths (including the seeds) as well as the edges of the paths, is what we call the
intermediate graph:
KGI(VI, EI, T ), VI=SI(2)
Figure 4: Border graph example for the image-caption pair in Figure 1b. For simplicity, the image does
not make the distinction between article nodes and category nodes, and it also omits edge directions
and edge costs.
Example. The graph shown in Figure 3 is obtained by connecting three concepts,
namely OR AN GUTAN, INDONESIA and WILDLIFE CORRIDOR with connecting paths
found in Wikipedia.
4.4. Step 3: Border Graph Expansion
The intermediate graph we just built by connecting seed concepts can be used to iden-
tify the region of the reference knowledge graph (i.e., Wikipedia) that covers the topics
of the image-caption pair. However, while graphs of this kind have been extensively
shown to be useful for text lexical understanding [68, 70, 71, inter alia], it might still be
the case that they do not contain relevant gist nodes – e.g., in the graph in Figure 3 we
EDGE SPECIES or DE FO RESTATIO N from our example (Figure 1b). We additionally
expand the intermediate graph to include all neighbors and their connecting paths that
can be reached within two hops from the nodes it contains.
To expand our semantic graphs we use a procedure similar in spirit to the one we
used to create intermediate graphs. We start with the nodes from the intermediate graph
VIand create a labeled directed graph GB= (VB, EB)as follows: a) first, we define
the set of nodes VBof GBto be made up of all nodes from the intermediate graph
by setting VB=VI; b) next, we expand the set of nodes in VBusing a DFS along
Wikipedia, such that for all paths v, v1, . . . , vk, v0(vVI,v0V) of maximal length
2 we set VB=VB∪ {v1, . . . , vk, v0}and EB=EB∪ {(v, t1, v1),...,(vk, tk, v 0)},
tiT. The nodes that are added to the graph by the expansion are called border
nodes, as they lie between the seeds, intermediates, and the rest of the knowledge
graph, i.e., B=VB\VI. We name the resulting graph the border graph:
KGB(VB, EB, T ), VB=SIB(3)
Figure 4 shows a part of the border graph obtained from the intermediate graph of
Figure 3.
Example. From the sparse information in the intermediate graph (Figure 3), it is al-
ready clear that INDONESIA is much closer than WILDLIFE CORRIDOR. Now, the
border graph encloses a semantic relatedness, which might prefer structural further
away concepts or penalize structural closer concepts, such as the mentioned INDONE-
SIA and OR AN GUTAN, just because they are connected over paths that are semantically
less relevant. However, in our example, the structural short distance is in line with the
semantic relatedness: we find that INDONESIA and O RA NG UTAN are much closer than
4.5. Step 4a: Clustering of Seed and Intermediates
After the previous step, we obtain a graph that contains all the concepts from the image
and its caption, as well as other concepts from the knowledge graph that lie in close
proximity. As previously stated, our assumption is that the gist nodes are part of this
graph, and that graph properties will make them identifiable. However, a challenge is
that often, an image-caption pair covers multiple sub-topics. These sub-topics represent
different aspects of the core topic (so-called core gist) of an image-caption pair, e.g., the
core gist HABI TAT CONS ERVATION has the aspects of habitat conservation in general
and region-specific habitat conservation (cf. Fig 5, expressed by the clusters in dashed
lines). Applying the border graph strategy directly on the seed and intermediate graph
in the presence of multiple topics will most often result in a semantic drift and low-
quality results.
We identify weakly related sub-topics of an image-caption pair by clustering the
set of seed and intermediate nodes - defined as VIin Step 2. To this end, we compute
a distance metric σ(1) :V×VR+for all pairs of nodes in set VI. Having these
pairwise distance scores, we apply the Louvain clustering algorithm [72], a nonpara-
metric, modularity optimization algorithm. Any other clustering algorithm can be used
that takes as input a pairwise distance matrix. The resulting clusters group the seeds
and intermediates into what we call sub-topics of the image-caption pair.
For completeness, we now briefly describe the used distance metric. Its purpose
is to capture the inverse of similarity, relatedness, or semantic association between the
concepts that are represented by the nodes in the knowledge graph. A great variety of
semantic relatedness measures have been studied [51]. Here, we follow Hulpus¸ et al.
[40], who introduce the exclusivity-based measure that we use here as a node metric.
The authors found that it works particularly well on knowledge graphs of categories
and article membership (which we use also) for modeling concept relatedness. It was
shown to outperform simpler measures that only consider the length of the shortest
path, or the length of the top-k shortest paths, as well as the measure proposed in [55].
The exclusivity-based measure assigns a cost for any edge sr
tof type rbetween
source node sand target node t. The cost function is the sum between the number of
alternative edges of type rstarting from sand the number of alternative edges of type
rending in t:
t) = |{sr
→ ∗}| +|{∗ r
t}| − 1,(4)
Figure 5: Example of clusters of seeds and intermediates, extended with their most related border nodes (top
borders). The border nodes that have only weak semantic associations to the clusters are filtered out (e.g.,
where 1is subtracted to count sr
tonly once.
The more neighbors connected through the type of a particular edge, the less infor-
mative that edge is, and consequently the less evidence it bears towards the relatedness
of its adjacent concepts. By summing up the costs of all edges of a path p, one can
compute the cost of that path, denoted cost(p). The higher the cost of a path, the lower
its support for relatedness between the nodes at its ends. Thus, given two nodes, s
and t, their relatedness is computed as the inverse of the weighted sum of the costs of
the top-kshortest paths between them (ties are broken by cost function). Each path’s
contribution to the sum is weighted with a length based discounting factor α:
σ(s, t) =
where spidenotes the i’th shortest path between sand t,α(0,1] is the length decay
parameter and kis a number of shortest paths to consider. See [73, Figure 1] for an
example of how this exclusivity-based measure is computed.
In this work, we apply the distance metric resulted as the inverse of the exclusivity
based relatedness measure to all pairs of seeds and intermediates, over the border graph.
For clustering the seeds and intermediate nodes, as mentioned, we use the Louvain
clustering algorithm. It is a modularity optimization algorithm, therefore it will try to
maximize the density of edges inside clusters to edges outside clusters. Since in our
case the edges are weighted by semantic distance, the algorithm tries to create clusters
of seeds and intermediates, such that the overall distance within one clusters is lower
than the overall distance between clusters. As such, clustering results in groups of seed
and intermediate nodes C={C1, . . . , Cn}(CiSI) that broadly correspond
to different sub-topics of the image-caption pair. For more details over modularity-
optimization clustering, we refer the interested reader to [72].
Example. Figure 5 shows two clusters identified for our example (Figure 4): C1is
about wildlife conservation, containing the seed node WILDLIFE CORRIDOR and in-
termediate CO NS ERVATION BIOLOGY, and C2covers instead topics about Indonesia,
including two seed nodes and three intermediates.
4.6. Step 4b: Selecting Gist Candidates
In the next step, we identify suitable border nodes that make good gist candidates.
We hypothesize that these are the border nodes that are close to any of the clusters
according to the distance metric σ. We therefore compute for every border node xB
its average distance ¯σto each cluster CiC:
¯σ(x, Ci) = 1
σ(x, y)(6)
where σis the same distance metric we used in the previous step, namely the inverse
of the exclusivity-based semantic relatedness measure of [40].
For each cluster Ci, we select its candidate border nodes as the top-k scoring con-
cepts GistCi. The final set of candidate gist nodes is built as the union of the top-k
border nodes across all clusters, together with the set of seed and intermediate nodes:
Gist =[
These nodes constitute the candidate node set which is ranked in the following step.
Example. The association of top-border nodes with the two example clusters is illus-
trated in Figure 5. For instance, the wildlife cluster C1includes HAB ITAT and BIODI-
VERSITY, whereas both OR AN GUTAN CON SE RVATI ON and the the geographic region
KALIMANTAN are associated with cluster C2. The border node CO NS ERVATION is
associated with both clusters. These border nodes are included in the candidate set,
in contrast to borders with a high distance such as UR BAN STUDIES A ND P LA NN IN G
TERMINOLOGY which are left out.
4.7. Step 5: Supervised Node Ranking
For our task, we train a supervised learning model on labeled data, a method which
has been shown to provide robust performance across a wide range of information
retrieval and natural language processing tasks [74]. Moreover, it provides us with a
clean experimental setting to evaluate the contribution of different information sources
(i.e., relevance indicators).
The objective of the learning-to-rank method is then to learn a retrieval function
such that the computed ranking scores produce the best possible ranking according to
some evaluation or loss function. For each of the candidate nodes among those found
in the set Gist, a feature vector xis created and ranked for relevance with supervised
learning-to-rank. Many of our features rely on the topography of the graphs we built
as part of our pipeline, including node degree and local clustering coefficient [75], as
well as graph centrality measures like PageRank [76] and betweenness centrality [77].
Consequently, the feature vector consists of the features listed in Table 1 collected from
the various steps of the pipeline:
Table 1: Features for supervised re-ranking
Feature Pipeline Feature set type
Step seed intermediate border other baseline
1. is seed node? 1 X
2. is intermediate node? 2 X
3. Page Rank on intermediate graph 2 X
4. Betweenness centrality on 2 X
intermediate graph
5. is border node? 3 X
6. max node-cluster relatedness 4 X X
7. avg node-cluster relatedness 4 X
8. sum node-cluster relatedness 4 X
9. is member of cluster with 4 X
most seed nodes?
10. is member of cluster with 4 X
most seeds/intermediates?
11. fraction of seeds in cluster 4 X
12. fraction of seeds and 4 X
intermediates in cluster
13. query likelihood on KB text - content (text) X
14. in-degree of node - global (KB)
15. clustering coefficient - global (KB)
Seed and intermediate features (#1–4, Steps 1–2). Seed and intermediate nodes are
distinguished by two binary features. For all the nodes in the intermediate graph, we
compute and retain their betweenness centrality and their PageRank score as features.
Border features (#5–12, Steps 3–4). We introduce a feature indicating the border
nodes. We leverage information from the clustering step by associating each node with
its average proximity ¯σ(x, Ci)(Equation 6) to the nearest cluster Ci. This feature is
also used as an unsupervised baseline in the experimental evaluation. Since border
nodes can be associated with more than one cluster (e.g., CONS ERVATIO N in Figure 5)
we additionally add features capturing the sum (and average) proximity to all clusters
(cf. Equation 6).
We assume that the more seed nodes are members of a cluster, the more relevant this
cluster is for expressing the gist of the image-caption pair. This assumption is expressed
in two features. First, we include a binary feature indicating which nodes belong to the
cluster with the highest number of seed nodes. Moreover, a second feature indicates for
each node the number of seed nodes in the cluster that contains it – e.g., if a node is a
member of a cluster with two seed nodes, the value of this feature is set to 2 – (we sum
over all clusters a node belongs to, e.g., in case it is contained in multiple clusters).
Exploiting the potential benefit of the joint set of seed and intermediate nodes, we
similarly compute membership of the cluster with the highest number of nodes that are
seed or intermediate nodes, as well as the total number of seed and intermediate nodes
found in the cluster containing a node.
Content features (#13). We include a content-based similarity measure for image-
caption pairs. For this we concatenate all (distinct) entity mentions from the caption
and all object annotations from the image as a keyword query. We use the query to
retrieve textual content associated with article and category nodes using a query like-
lihood model with Dirichlet smoothing (cf. study of smoothing methods in language
models [78]). The retrieval model is then used to rank nodes in the candidate set rel-
ative to each other. We use this ranking as a baseline for the experimental evaluation
and include the reciprocal rank as a node feature.
Global features (#14–15). Finally, we include global node features that are indepen-
dent of the image-caption pair. To this end, we compute the in-degree of the nodes in
the knowledge base (i.e., the number of incoming links for a Wikipedia page or cat-
egory), in order to characterize the number of their neighbors and, accordingly, their
a priori prominence in the knowledge graph. To capture the degree in which those
neighbors are found within clusters of densely interconnected nodes, we additionally
compute for each node its clustering coefficient, namely the proportion of the neighbors
of a node that are also neighbors of one another [79]: this has been found in previous
work [80, 75] to be for semantic networks far greater than that of a random graph, e.g.,
due to their topically-oriented structure.
Learning-to-rank model. Our generated feature vectors, where each vector represents
a concept from our gist candidate concepts for one image-caption pair, serve as input
for a list-wise learning-to-rank model [74]. In a learning-to-rank setting, each image-
caption pair is represented as a query, which at test time governs a ranking function.
Given a query (i.e., an image-caption pair), each document to be ranked (i.e., a gist
candidate concept from the knowledge base) is thus represented by a feature vector,
and the algorithm learns from labeled data a retrieval function such that the computed
ranking scores produce the best possible ranking according to some evaluation metric
or loss function.
In our experiments, we use the RankLib 4implementation of the Coordinate Ascent
method – a local search technique that iteratively optimizes a multivariate objective
function by solving a series of one-dimensional searches [81] – and Mean Average
Precision (MAP) as training metric with a linear kernel.
5. Experiments
In the following, we investigate our proposed approach according to several aspects
which are formulated in ten different research questions (RQs). Our concept ranking
task is benchmarked in RQs 1 through 3, where we first evaluate our entity linking
strategy to create the seed nodes (RQ1), look at the suitability of different semantic
graphs (RQ2), and perform extensive feature analysis (RQ3). RQ4 and RQ5 evaluate
instead different aspects related to the benefit of filtering gist candidates. The role of
automatic object detection and caption generation is addressed in RQ6–10.
Gold standard. To the best of our knowledge there is no public dataset providing gist
annotations for image-caption pairs.5Consequently, we make use of our experiments
5Our previous work in [82] provides us only with images.
of the dataset for understanding the message of images covering the topic of non-literal
and literal image-caption pairs introduced in our previous work [83].
From the newspaper ‘The Guardian’, ‘Our World’ magazine, and the website of the
‘Union of Concerned Scientists’6we first manually collect image-caption pairs related
to the topic of global warming, which provides us with a domain with many non-literal
media icons [3, 4]. Specifically. we consider six related sub-topics: sustainable energy,
endangered places, endangered species, climate change, deforestation, and pollution.
The collected image-caption pairs are non-literal pairs, thus providing us with a realis-
tic, yet challenging dataset. Alternative descriptive captions are then created for each
image to obtain literal image-caption pairs. The result consists of a balanced collection
of 328 image-caption pairs (164 unique images).
In order to benchmark the proposed approach for selecting and ranking the gist
nodes, and to narrow down the potential of noise given by automatic object detection,
we let annotators assign bounding boxes and object labels from a predefined list of
concepts. To make our results comparable with automatic image object detectors, the
list of selectable concepts is limited to objects that are depictable in the image: to this
end, the annotators used a set of 43 different concepts (e.g., windmill,solar panel,
orangutan) to annotate the visible objects in the images.
We define the understanding of image-caption pairs as a concept ranking task (Sec-
tion 3), where the message of an image can be represented by several concepts. To
provide us with ground-truth judgements for evaluating gist selection and ranking, ex-
perts select concepts from the knowledge base (i.e., Wikipedia pages or categories)
which best represent the message. These concepts are graded by the annotators on
the basis of their relevance levels, ranging from 0 (non-relevant) to 5 (most relevant).
In the following we will refer to concepts with grade 5 as core gists and to concepts
with level 4 or 5 as relevant gists. We assume that a pair can only have one concept
graded with level 5: this concept represents the most relevant aspect of the gist. For the
non-literal pairs it is often the case that the core gist corresponds to one of the before
mentioned six aspects of the domain of our testbed, such as ENDANGERED SPEC IES
(Figure 1b). A corresponding core gist for a literal pair is ORANGU TAN (Figure 1a).
Our annotators produced a dataset of 8,191 gist annotations in total (25 per image-
caption pair), 3,100 of which have a grade of 4 or higher. The list of gold-standard gists
in the dataset are grouped by topical gists, which can be seen as some sort of core gist.
Among all relevant nodes in this study 54,6 % of all gist nodes are Wikipedia pages
and 45,4% are categories.
Compared to other benchmarking datasets in the field of computer vision, ours is a
rather small dataset consisting of ‘only’ a few hundred image-caption pairs. However,
what we primarily annotated as gold standard is the ranking of gist nodes – over 8,000
in total: this is what we use to evaluate the performance on concept ranking, i.e., our
core task (cf. Section 3). As such, it compares favourably with other datasets for related
tasks in the field of language and vision [34, 84, inter alia]. Furthermore, this is the
first test collection for literal and non-literal image-caption pairs with gold standard
Table 2: Number of image and caption nodes after entity linking.
Non-Literal Literal Overall
Image Caption Image Caption
Unique nodes 43 674 43 298 806
Total occurrences 640 1612 640 894 3780
gist annotations and simulated object tags. 7
Experimental setup. We use a combined knowledge base aligning Wikipedia (WEX
dump from 2012), Freebase (from 2012), and DBpedia (from 2014). This knowledge
base is used for entity linking, deriving edges for the graph, and the content-based
retrieval methods. As relatedness measure (Section 4.4), we use the metric σ(1) from
Hulpus et al. [40]. We use their settings for hyperparameters α= 0.25 and take the
k= 3 shortest paths.
Evaluation metrics. We evaluate with five-fold cross validation using standard re-
trieval metrics such as mean average precision (MAP), normalized discounted cumu-
lative gain (NDCG), and Precision@k. Unless noted otherwise we binarize the assess-
ments to relevant and non-relevant gists.
Baselines. We compare our approach with three different baselines. The first is a
content-based method using the texts of Wikipedia article and category pages to con-
struct a query likelihood model with Dirichlet smoothing [78]. For a given image-
caption pair used as the query, we evaluate the resulting ranking of gist candidates
according to the ranking of the probabilities given by the query likelihood model (Ta-
ble 6, Wikipedia). The second baseline generates a ranking according to the relatedness
measure computed in Step 4b. As a candidate node can be a member in several clusters,
we consider the maximum relatedness score for the ranking (Table 6, max node-cluster
relatedness). A third baseline instead randomly ranks the seed nodes (Table 7, Baseline
Random Seeds), so as to assess the need for external knowledge. Finally, the approach
using a state-of-the-art object detector is compared with a separate baseline, which gen-
erates a ranking according to the confidence values of each detected object (Table 8,
Baseline MS tag).
5.1. RQ1: Seed node linking (Step 1) – Which strategy finds the best seed nodes?
We first evaluate the entity linking performance of the simple string-match method
used in Step 1 to produce a set of image nodes and caption nodes. These together form
the set of seed nodes. We use a separate gold standard to evaluate the correctness of the
established links (i.e., not the same gold standard used in RQ2 and RQ3). That is, in
order to provide us with a ground truth to evaluate RQ1, annotators separately assessed
links between entity mentions from the caption and objects of the image to nodes in
the knowledge base, which were validated for correctness.
Table 3: Correctness of different entity linking methods for image and caption nodes.
Linking Method P R
String2Article 0.9 0.97
String2Category 1.0 0.27
TagMe 0.7 0.83
Wikipedia index 0.81 0.98
Image and caption nodes. Table 2 shows that a total of 806 different Wikipedia con-
cepts (i.e., pages or categories) are linked across all pairs of images and captions for a
total of 3,780 links. Overall, only five noun phrases in captions could not be linked to
the knowledge base (e.g., underwater view). Images make use of an object vocabu-
lary of 43 different nodes with a total of 640 links across all images (since each image
is manually paired with a literal and non-literal caption, there is no difference between
the columns). We observe a much wider range of nodes when linking entity mentions
in the caption. In particular we notice a smaller vocabulary for literal image-caption
pairs (298 unique nodes) compared to non-literal pairs (674 unique nodes), where each
concept is mentioned about three times on average. However, we find that the caption
nodes from literal versus non-literal pairs nearly have no overlap.
Entity linking. The set of seed nodes is given by the union of image and caption nodes.
In Step 1 we link object labels and entity mentions to article nodes (String2Article).
However, the same procedure could have been applied to category names as well
(String2Category). We first compare these two methods to entity links produced by
TagMe, a state-of-the-art system [42]. Furthermore, we use the retrieval index of
texts associated with nodes and output the top ranked node (Wikipedia index). Ta-
ble 3 presents precision and recall achieved by these four methods on the set of all 806
unique image/caption nodes. We find that all methods perform reasonably well, where
the category-based linking strategy cannot associate a vast majority of 581 objects /
mentions. In particular, we find that our heuristics in Step 1 outperforms TagMe and is
better in precision than retrieving from the Wikipedia index.
Discussion. The TagMe system poorly performs on our dataset despite being a strong
state-of-the-art entity linking system. Manual inspection revealed that TagMe is partic-
ularly strong whenever interpretation and association is required, for instance to disam-
biguate ambiguous names of people, organizations and abbreviations. In contrast, the
concepts we are linking in this domain are mostly common nouns, for which Wikipedia
editors have done the work for us already. In the remaining cases that need disambigua-
tion, our heuristic is likely to encounter a disambiguation page. At this point, we are
using a well-known disambiguation heuristic by using graph connections to unambigu-
ous contextual mentions/objects. We conclude that our simple entity linking method
on articles works much better than on categories and as well as TagMe.
Summary of findings. We propose to use objects that have been manually extracted
from the image and entity mentions from the caption of the pair, and apply a sim-
ple string-matching strategy for linking those objects and entity mentions onto nodes,
which we call the seed nodes, without direct disambiguation. The actual disambigua-
tion is then implicitly achieved in the subsequent steps of graph traversal and re-
Table 4: Quality of gist candidate selection method. Significance is indicated by * (paired t-test, p-value
Avg cands. P R F1 F1%
Seeds 8.6 0.18 0.16 0.17 0.0
Intermediates 11.4 0.19 0.22 0.21 +19.0%*
Top Borders 31 0.09 0.30 0.14 -21.4%*
ranking. We show that this straightforward “lazy” linking strategy provides comparable
results to state-of-the-art algorithms.
5.2. RQ2: Distribution of relevant gist nodes (Steps 2–4) – Which graph is best?
Benefits of graph expansion. We first investigate whether good gist nodes are found in
close proximity to the depicted and mentioned seed nodes. To this end, we distinguish
proximity in the three expansion layers of seed, intermediate, and top-k border nodes
(Step 1, 2, and 4b, respectively), and evaluate the benefits of each graph expansion
by studying how precision and recall change with respect to the selection of relevant
gist nodes for each expansion step. The results are presented in Table 4, where we
provide precision, recall, and balanced F-measure, together with the number of average
candidates per image-caption pair. In order to judge the significance of improvement
for F1 we evaluate the relative increase in precision, on a per-image-caption-pair basis,
and report the average (denoted ). Significance is verified with a paired-t-test with
level 0.05.
We find that especially the expansion into the intermediate graph increases both
recall and precision. While the increase in F1 is relatively small, it is statistically
significant across the image-caption pairs, where it yields an average increase of 19%.
The expansion into the border graph of Step 3 and its contraction to the closest border
nodes in Step 4b yields the new set of top border nodes. While it increases recall quite
drastically, the loss in precision leads to a significant loss in F1 (over the seed set).
Distribution of high-quality gists. We next change perspective and ask in which
expansion set the majority of high-quality gists are found. Initially, we hypothesized
that especially for non-literal caption pairs, fewer good gists will be found in the seed
set, which motivated the graph expansion approach. Accordingly, we separately report
findings on literal and non-literal subsets. We study two relevance thresholds in Table
5, for relevant gists (grade 4 or 5) as well as a stricter threshold including the core gists
(grade 5 only).
Focusing on the distribution of relevant gists, we notice that more than half of the
gists are already contained in the seed set, and about 20% are found in the intermediate
set. The much larger border set still contains a significant portion of relevant gists.
Focusing on the differences between literal and non-literal pairs, we find that there are
no significant differences between the distributions. Where gists with grade 4 or 5 are
highly relevant, they still include the most important visible concepts for non-literal
image-caption pairs. However, regarding the distribution of gists with grade 5, we
notice that 71% of high-quality gists in literal pairs are found in the seed set, which is
in contrast to only 58% for non-literal pairs. Also, for non-literal image-caption pairs
we found the most useful gists in the set of border nodes with high cluster proximity.
Table 5: Statistics about proportion of relevant (grade 4 and 5) and core gists (grade 5).
Grade 4 or 5 Grade 5
All Non-Lit. Literal Non-Lit. Literal
Seeds 53.79% 53.46% 53.96% 57.89% 70.75%
Intermediates 21.05% 21.70% 20.73% 07.89% 17.92%
Borders 25.16% 24.84% 25.32% 34.21% 11.32%
Table 6: Entity ranking results (grade 4 or 5) of supervised learning-to-rank. Significance is indicated by *
(paired t-test, p-value 0.05).
Both Non-Literal Literal
@10 @10 @10 @10 @10 @10
All 0.69 0.0 0.73 0.7 0.56 0.0 0.6 0.56 0.82 0.0 0.87 0.84
All But 0.66 -4.4* 0.7 0.67 0.54 -6.9* 0.57 0.55 0.78 -4.9* 0.83 0.8
All But 0.69 -0.3 0.71 0.7 0.56 +0.7 0.57 0.57 0.81 -0.1 0.85 0.83
Only 0.63 -8.7* 0.64 0.64 0.52 -10* 0.54 0.52 0.73 -11* 0.74 0.76
Wikipedia 0.43 -38* 0.48 0.37 0.43 -24* 0.46 0.37 0.44 -46* 0.37 0.49
Max node- 0.27 -57* 0.57 0.30 0.24 -57* 0.59 0.31 0.31 -62* 0.31 0.54
Discussion. We confirm that many relevant and high-quality (grades 4 and 5) gists
are found in the seed set and the node neighborhood. The large fraction of nodes
available in the border set (compared to the intermediate set) suggests that limiting the
intermediate graph expansion in Step 2, to be between seed nodes is too restrictive.
We see our initial assumption confirmed in that literal image-caption pairs, which is
where most of the related work is focusing on, contain more visible gists, and those
are directly visible/mentioned. For non-literal pairs, the high-quality gists are not only
invisible, but also more often only implicitly given. Nevertheless, the graph-based
relatedness measures are able to identify a reasonable candidate set.
Summary of findings. We study the distribution of highly relevant gist nodes and
whether good gist nodes are found in close proximity to the depicted and mentioned
seed nodes. We distinguish proximity in the three expansion layers of seed, interme-
diate, and top-k border nodes and evaluate the benefits of each graph expansion. We
show that while the gist nodes for about half of the studied image-caption pairs are
among the seed nodes, for the other half one must look for the gist further away from
the seeds, especially for non-literal pairs.
5.3. RQ3: Learning to rank image gists (Step 4–5) – Which features reveal the gist
We next evaluate the overall quality of our supervised node ranking solution (Section
4.7). We further inspect the question of whether features generated by global and
local graph centrality measures, especially those derived from border graph expansions,
enhance the overall gist node ranking. Moreover, we use our supervised learning-to-
rank approach to evaluate the benefit of the feature sets collected over the various steps
of our pipeline. To this end, we train a learning-to-rank model using the ground-truth
judgements of relevant gist nodes (cf. the previous description of our gold standard).
Due to the limited amount of image-caption pairs, we opt for a 5-fold cross validation
using each image-caption pair as one “query”: in this way we are able to predict 328
node rankings for all image-caption pairs, while keeping training and test data separate.
We study the research question with respect to both, non-literal, and literal pairs
and report ranking quality in terms of mean-average precision (MAP), NDCG@10, and
precision (P@10) of the top ten ranks. We train and compare four models based on our
feature set (Table 1): (i) all features, (ii) all features except for the border features, (iii)
all features except for the intermediate features, (iv) the subset of border features only.
This helps us understand and assess the different aspects of content and graph-based
semantic relatedness. Moreover, we implemented two baselines (using the features
highlighted in Table 1): One retrieves Wikipedia text using the query likelihood model
on all entity mentions and object annotations concatenated, the other is based on an
unsupervised ranking according to the maximal node-cluster relatedness measure σ
described in Step 4. The results, presented in Table 6, are tested for significance (p-
value 0.05).
Overall results. Our approach achieves relative high ranking performance of 0.69
MAP across all image-caption pairs. As expected, ranking non-literal image-caption
pairs is much harder (MAP: 0.56) than for literal pairs (MAP: 0.82). Yet, even in the
non-literal case, more than half of the nodes in the top 10 are relevant. Thanks to our
approach, we are able to beat the baselines by a large margin. The baseline which
ranks nodes by the query likelihood model on all entity mentions and objects achieves
a MAP of 0.43 (being 38% worse). The baseline which just includes the max node-
cluster relatedness obtains an even worse performance of 0.27 for MAP, even though
both achieve the same P@10 performance.
Feature analysis. We next look at the contribution of different types of features (cf.
Table 1), and compare the performance changes in an ablation study (cf. Table 6).
When only the border features are used the ranking quality drops significantly, by up
to 11%. This indicates the importance of the global graph, intermediate graph, and
content-based features. The maximum quality drop is for literal pairs, which indicates
that the literal pairs benefit less from the graph expansion to two hops around seeds and
intermediates than the non-literal pairs. When we use all the features except the border
ones, the performance drops by up to 7%. This drop is stronger for non-literal pairs,
reinforcing the fact that non-literal pairs benefit more from the border features. This
performance drop cannot be detected when the intermediate features are not considered
(not significant), the results are more or less comparable to the results of the complete
feature set.
Table 7: Evaluation of different candidate sets, abbreviated as seeds (S), intermediate (I), and border (B)
nodes. Entity ranking results (grade 4 or 5) of supervised learning-to-rank. Significance is indicated by *
(paired t-test, p-value 0.05).
Both Non-Literal Literal
Top 20
S, I & B 0.69 0.00 0.73 0.7 0.56 0.00 0.6 0.56 0.82 0.00 0.87 0.84
S, I 0.57 -17* 0.71 0.68 0.46 -18* 0.58 0.54 0.67 -16* 0.83 0.81
S, B 0.48 -30* 0.65 0.58 0.31 -45* 0.47 0.38 0.64 -20* 0.83 0.78
S 0.31 -54* 0.61 0.52 0.21 -63* 0.43 0.33 0.42 -48* 0.80 0.72
S, I & B 0.56 -18* 0.62 0.61 0.43 -23* 0.50 0.50 0.68 -15* 0.74 0.72
Random Seeds 0.17 -75* 0.41 0.35 0.14 -75* 0.35 0.26 0.2 -76* 0.49 0.35
Summary of findings. We thoroughly analyze global and local graph features, as well
as content features for image gist ranking using a learning-to-rank approach. We show
that the combination of the two types of features achieves the highest accuracy. Fur-
thermore, we show the superiority of our solution in comparison with both supervised
and unsupervised baselines. The fact that our full re-ranking pipeline improves so dras-
tically over both a retrieval and a cluster-relatedness baseline demonstrates the benefit
of our approach.
5.4. RQ4: Ranking different sets of candidate gists – Which node types reveal the gist?
The statistics from Table 5 indicate that gist nodes are scattered across all sets of con-
cepts gathered throughout our pipeline (i.e., seeds, intermediate and border nodes).
Consequently, we next investigate the ability of our supervised model in detecting gists
across these different regions: we benchmark this by conducting an ablation study
and comparing different sets of candidate gists as input, which are collected from the
different regions of our semantic graphs. We evaluate the performance of our learning-
to-rank approach on four different node sets: (i) seed nodes, (ii) seed and border nodes,
(iii) seed and intermediate nodes, and (iv) all three node types – across all combinations
we only consider the top-k nodes (k = 20). We compare this against a baseline that uses
a random subset of the seed nodes.
The results, shown in Table 7, indicate that the best MAP scores can be achieved
with the complete set of candidate nodes (S, I & B MAP: 0.68), that is, by providing
candidate gists as found among all seed, intermediate and border nodes. This obser-
vation holds for both, non-literal, and literal pairs. Throughout both, non-literal, and
literal pairs, the candidate set provided by seed and intermediate nodes performs better
than the one provided by seed and border nodes. An additional interesting aspect is the
performance comparison of the seed nodes with respect to the literal and non-literal
pairs, where the MAP for the non-literal pairs is half (MAP: 0.42 vs. 0.21).
Summary of findings. We investigate which node types help reveal the gists, and
evaluate the performance on four different node sets. We show that the best results
are achieved with the complete node set. Furthermore, we corroborate our previous
finding that it is harder to detect the gist of non-literal image-captions than literal ones.
This effect can especially be observed for the seed-only candidate set: even though the
amount of relevant gists for non-literal and literal pairs are nearly equal, the non-literal
pairs have less core gist within the seeds (cf. Table 5), which directly influences the
quality of the ranking. This is because the gist of non-literal pairs cannot be found
explicitly among the entity mentions.
5.5. RQ5: Filtering candidate gists – Do related concepts better reveal the gist?
Although results for RQ4 show that the best results can be achieved by considering
all node types as input to the supervised model, we are still left with the question of
whether some candidates are better than others. Consequently, we next look at whether
considering only the top-k nodes from the candidate set of seed, intermediate, and
border nodes helps improve the results – i.e., by assuming that there are only a few
nodes related to the initial query (seed nodes). We propose to use our relatedness
measure [57] as an indicator to select the top-k most relevant nodes and potentially
filter out distracting ones.
In Table 7 we compare the performance using the complete set of candidate nodes
(S, I & B, line 5) with a subset obtained by selecting its top-20 elements (line 1).
The performance loss of nearly 20% for both type of pairs (MAP: 0.56) indicates the
usefulness of using a relatedness measure as a pre-filtering step. The non-literal pairs
benefit more from the relatedness-based selection than the literal pairs (%: -23 vs.
-15), arguably the hardest subset of data.
Summary of findings. We propose to identify the gists by ranking only the top-k
candidates, obtained using a relatedness measure: the results indicate that relatedness-
based filtering helps for both image-caption pair types, literal and non-literal.
5.6. RQ6: Finding relevant gist types – Are image gists depictable concepts?
One of the main objectives of our work is to develop a framework to identify the
message (gist) conveyed by images and their captions, when used either literally or
non-literally (Section 3). Consequently, we next investigate the type of concepts that
humans find suitable as gists, that is, whether the gist concepts as selected by anno-
tators tend to be depictable or non-depictable. Note that here, we are not looking for
the visibility of concepts in a specific image [85], but rather investigate whether the
message of the image-caption pair can in general be depicted. Our hypothesis is that
the problem of gist detection is particularly challenging for image-caption pairs whose
gist is a concept that is not depictable.
For a subset of the gold standard pairs, annotators labeled each relevant gist concept
as depictable, non-depictable, or undecided. On average the fraction of depictable core
gists is 88% for literal pairs versus only 39% for the non-literal pairs. On the larger
set of all relevant gists, 83% are depictable for literal pairs versus 40% for the non-
literal pairs. The annotation task, in practice, tends to be rather difficult for humans
themselves, as reflected in an inter-annotator agreement (Fleiss’ kappa [86]) of κ=
0.42 for core gists and κ= 0.73 for relevant gists.
Summary of findings. We study whether gists are in principle depictable or not. The
results of our annotation study are in line with our initial assumption that literal pairs
Table 8: Ranking results (grade 4 or 5) according to different input signal and their combination (automati-
cally generated and single signals). ‘M’ and ‘A’ indicate manually and automatically produced object labels
and caption text, respectively. Significance is indicated by * (paired t-test, p-value 0.05).
Both Non-Literal Literal
# object caption MAP % NDCG P MAP % NDCG P MAP % NDCG P
labels text @10 @10 @10 @10 @10 @10
Image +caption
1 M M 0.74 0.00 0.71 0.71 0.64 0.00 0.59 0.58 0.83 0.00 0.84 0.84
2 M A 0.48 -35* 0.63 0.56 0.36 -44* 0.45 0.38 0.61 -27* 0.80 0.73
3 A M 0.43 -42* 0.58 0.53 0.40 -38* 0.49 0.44 0.46 -45* 0.68 0.61
4 A A 0.14 -81* 0.28 0.23 0.09 -86* 0.17 0.14 0.20 -76* 0.39 0.32
Image only
5 M 0.48 -37* 0.65 0.57 0.28 -47* 0.40 0.33 0.68 -28* 0.89 0.82
6 A 0.13 -84* 0.24 0.20 0.06 -90* 0.13 0.11 0.20 -80* 0.35 0.29
Caption only
7 M 0.38 -50* 0.54 0.49 0.31 -52* 0.40 0.35 0.45 -48* 0.67 0.63
8 A 0.07 -92* 0.15 0.12 0.05 -93* 0.10 0.08 0.09 -89* 0.19 0.16
9 0.02 -97* 0.26 0.05 0.01 -98* 0.15 0.03 0.03 -98* 0.36 0.07
tend to have depictable concepts as gist, whereas the message of non-literal pairs is
conveyed through a predominant amount of non-depictable concepts. Generally, this
indicates that the core message of images does not necessarily correspond to objects
that are depicted, i.e., explicitly to be found within the image: as such, it motivates
semantic approaches like ours that aim at going beyond what is found explicitly in the
image and accompanying text, to detect the purpose for which an image is used.
5.7. RQ7: Manual vs. automatic object detection – Do we need manual object label-
All experiments carried out so far relied on a gold standard where human annotators
manually assigned bounding boxes and object labels to image objects in our dataset.
Consequently, we now investigate the performance of our system when the objects in
the image are automatically detected with state-of-the-art image annotation tools. We
make use of the Computer Vision API 8from Microsoft Cognitive Services [87] – a
Web service that provides a list of detected objects and is also capable of generating a
descriptive caption of the image. This experiment provides an evaluation of our method
in a realistic, end-to-end setting, where images are given with accompanying captions
but without manually labeled image object tags.
We first compare the tagging output of the automatic versus manual object label-
ing. The manual gold standard is based on a vocabulary of 43 different object labels
used to annotate 640 instances over the complete dataset. The automatically labeled
data amount to 171 unique object labels used to tag 957 instances. There are 131 over-
lapping instances between manual and automatic tags, which amounts to less than one
shared tag per image, and 20% overlap over the complete dataset.
8 us/
computer-vision- api
We next compare the performance on our concept ranking gold standard (Table 8,
lines 1 vs. 3). Although a higher performance is achieved with manual tags (MAP:
0.74), the automatic approach achieves a reasonable quality as well (MAP: 0.43). Thus,
our experiments show that while there is a certain quality loss in the output predictions,
our approach is stable enough to provide useful gists even when applied to the more
noisy output of an automatic image annotation system.
Summary of findings. The overlap between automatic and manual image tags is rather
low (20%), and the detected objects are not always correct (e.g., a polar bear is detected
as a herd of sheep). However, the automatic tags in combination with the human cap-
tions lead to a mild drop in performance on gist detection, thus indicating the viability
of our approach in an end-to-end setting.
5.8. RQ8: Manual vs. automatic caption generation – Do we need human captions?
The state-of-the-art image understanding system provided by Microsoft’s Computer
Vision API is able not only to tag images, but also to generate descriptions of the con-
tent of the images. As such, it provides us with a high-performing system to generate
image captions [87]. Consequently, we next investigate a research question comple-
mentary to the previous one, namely how the performance of our method is affected
when the caption is automatically generated, as opposed to having been manually pro-
Similarly to RQ7, we first compare the tagging output of the automatic versus man-
ual captions. With respect to Entity linking (Step 1, Section 4), the manually created
captions result in around 300 and 700 different entities (seed nodes) for the literal and
non-literal pairs (Table 2). When using the automatically generated captions, these
numbers shrink to 130 different detected entities only – thus indicating that the auto-
matic captions are less heterogeneous in meaning than the manual ones. Arguably, this
is due to the fact that automatic detectors are trained to produce literal captions. To
evaluate the suitability of automatic captions for gist detection, we pair manual or au-
tomatic captions with the manual image tags and provide them as input for our pipeline
(Figure 2). The results, shown in Table 8 (lines 1 and 2), indicate that similar to the
case of automatic image labeling, our approach suffers from a mild yet clear decrease
in performance (MAP: 0.74 vs. 0.48). Finally, we test the performance of the system
when using both automatic object labels and captions (Table 8, line 4): in this case,
the dramatic performance decrease (MAP: 0.14) indicates that our method is robust
whenever it is provided with at least one signal source (i.e., visual or textual) that is
manually produced and cannot cope with purely automatically generated input.
Summary of finding. The overlap between the entities found within automatic and
manual captions is low (3-10%). The automatic captions are often short, and the fo-
cus of the captions does not always match the focus of the manual caption (e.g., the
example in Figure 1a receives the caption ”There is a bench”, without considering the
orangutan, although it was detected as a monkey by the automatic image tagging). The
results on gist detection, however, are similar to those obtained using automatic image
tagging, but drastically drop when providing the system with a purely automatically
generated input (i.e., automatically generated image labels and captions).
5.9. RQ9: Manual vs. automatic input – Does an automatic approach capture more
literal or non-literal aspects?
In the previous two RQs we benchmarked the performance degradation of a manual
versus automatically generated input, i.e., image labels (RQ7) and captions, (RQ8). We
now turn to the complementary question of which kind of image-caption pairs are better
captured by an automatic approach. That is, we investigate the question: is the output
of a state-of-art image tagger and caption generator better suited to identify the gist
of literal or non-literal image-caption pairs? Again, we rely on the Computer Vision
API of Microsoft for such purpose. As shown in Table 8 (line 4) using both automatic
image tags and captions leads to a moderate ranking for the literal pairs (MAP: 0.20),
whereas performance for the non-literal pairs is much lower (MAP: 0.09). This effect is
likely due to the fact that the image understanding system we use is trained on a much
different kind of data and with a purpose other than detecting (possibly, abstract) image
gists. Microsoft Cognitive Service uses, in fact, a network pre-trained on ImageNet and
includes a CNN, which assigns labels to image regions trained on Microsoft COCO
data. Similarly, the language generation uses a language model built using 400,000
(literal) image descriptions.
The ‘realistic’ approach (i.e., the one using human captions and automatic image
labels) has a consistent performance decrease of less than 40% for both image-caption
pair types (Table 8, line 3 – MAP: 0.40 and 0.46 for non-literal and literal pairs, re-
spectively). Substituting only the manual captions with the automatic ones (Table 8,
line 2), instead, results in a lower performance drop than when using automatic image
tags for the literal pairs (MAP: 0.61 vs. 0.46), but a lower overall performance for the
non-literal pairs (MAP: 0.36 vs. 0.40). Again, this is likely to be due to the caption gen-
erator being able to leverage background knowledge for literal, i.e., descriptive caption
generation on the basis of the underlying language model. Such an approach, however,
cannot, and is not meant to generate non-literal, topically abstract captions.
Summary of findings. The evaluation results across all input signal combinations
confirm that gists of non-literal pairs are generally more difficult to detect. Automatic
approaches can account for descriptive pairs by detecting important objects in the im-
age and describe those in the caption. However, the automatic approaches are not able
to produce high-level, abstract image descriptions that are salient to detect the gist of
non-literal pairs. That is, to detect the gist of non-literal image-caption pairs, to date,
we need to rely on manually produced captions, a requirement that can be dropped to
detect the message of literal pairs only.
5.10. RQ10: Visual vs. textual information – Does the image or the caption convey the
In our last RQ, we look at the role of different kinds of signals within our approach. To
this end, we test the performance on gist detection when using only visual (cf. Table 8,
lines 5–6) or textual (lines 7–8) information separately. For each modality, i.e., visual
or textual, we additionally benchmark performance as obtained when using automati-
cally versus manually created image labels or captions. That is, we additionally cast
RQs 8 and 9 in a single modality setting.
Given the manual image tags as input signal only, gist detection on literal pairs suf-
fers from a lower performance drop as when compared to non-literal pairs (cf. Table 8,
line 5, Literal MAP: 0.68 and Non-Literal MAP: 0.28, respectively). Using automatic
object labels only additionally lowers performance, with a massive drop for non-literal
gists (cf. Table 8, line 6, Literal MAP: 0.20 and Non-Literal MAP: 0.06). These very
same trends are shown also when using either manually (line 7) or automatically (line
8) generated captions only: using textual information only lead to a high performance
decrease for both image-caption pair types (Literal MAP: 0.45 and Non-Literal MAP:
0.31), which is even higher in the case of automatically generated captions (Literal
MAP: 0.09 and Non-Literal MAP: 0.05). Nevertheless, all configurations are able to
outperform a baseline obtained by using the Vision API’s confidence values for each
image directly to establish the ranking (line 9). When investigating different signal
sources separately, we are able to corroborate our previous findings that the gists of
literal pairs are easier to detect than the gist of non-literal ones. Besides, given that
performance substantially decreases when using only the image tags or captions, we
show that image and caption are complementary sources of information to effectively
detect the message of image-caption pairs. This is in line with many previous contri-
butions from the field of multi-modal modeling that have demonstrated improvements
by combining textual and visual signals.
Summary of findings. The evaluation results across different modalities indicate the
complementarity nature of visual and textual information for detecting the gist of both,
literal and non-literal image-caption pairs. That is, by showing that performance on gist
detection is reduced when the image tags or only the caption are provided, we show
that both image and caption are required in order to capture the message of images.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we presented a knowledge-rich approach to discover the message con-
veyed by image-caption pairs. We focused on an heterogenous dataset of literal image-
caption pairs (whose topic is described through objects and concepts found in either the
picture or the accompanying text), as well as non-literal ones (i.e., referring to abstract
topics, such media-iconic elements found in news articles). Using a manually labeled
dataset of literal and non-literal image-caption pairs, we casted the problem of gist de-
tection as a ranking task over the set of concepts provided by an external knowledge
base. Specifically, we approached the problem using a pipeline that: i) links detected
object labels in the image and entity mentions in the caption to nodes of the knowledge
base; ii) builds a semantic graph out of these ‘seed’ concepts; iii) applies a series graph
expansion and clustering steps of the original semantic graph to include additional,
non-depictable concepts and topics within the semantic representation; iv) combines
several graph-based and text-based features into a node ranking model that pinpoints
the gist nodes.
Our experiments show that the candidate selection and ranking of gist concepts
is a more difficult problem for non-literal image-caption pairs than for literal image-
caption pairs. Nevertheless, we demonstrated that using features and concepts from
both modalities (image and caption) improves the performance for all types of pairs,
a finding which is in line with research on multimodal approaches for other related
tasks. Additionally, a feature ablation study shows the complementarity nature and
usefulness of different types of features, which are collected from different kinds of
semantic graphs of increasing richness. Finally, we experimented with a state-of-the-
art image object detector and caption generator to evaluate the performance of an end-
to-end solution for our task.
The results indicate that using state-of-the-art open-domain image understanding
provides us with an input that is good enough to detect gists of image-caption pairs,
with nearly half of predicted gists being relevant. However, it also demonstrates that
improved object detectors could avoid a drop of 38% mean-average precision. Addi-
tionally, the caption contains useful hints especially for non-literal pairs. However,
without considering the information of the image leads to significant performance
Gist image identification is a small, yet arguably crucial part of the much bigger
problem of interpreting images beyond their denotation. As such, we see this study as
a starting point for research on gist-oriented image search and classification, detection
of themes in images, and recommending images from the web when writing new ar-
ticles for news, blogs, and Wikipedia. But even in the simple form of casting image
understanding as a concept ranking problem, we see many potential benefits for a wide
range of applications: with our method, for instance, large image collections, such as
Wikimedia commons (more than 30 million images) could potentially be explored in
a new way by annotating the contained images with (possibly abstract) concepts from
Wikipedia. We leave the exploration of such high-end task that could profit from gist
detection for future work.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of
the GeForce Titan X GPU used for this research. This work is funded by the RiSC pro-
gramme of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Wuerttemberg, and
used computational resources offered from the bwUni-Cluster within the framework
program bwHPC. Furthermore, this work was in part funded through the Elitepostdoc
program of the BW-Stiftung and the University of New Hampshire.
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... Without this knowledge and previous experience, it is not possible to correctly classify or understand the image, because it is a completely new pattern to be recognized. Previously gained experience allows you to compare new observed patterns with previously recognized ones and refer to them in the process of understanding [6]. In the described model of knowledge-based perception, when trying to recognize patterns that are already known but are being shown in an unusual situation (due to the expectations associated with such a pattern), it is also difficult to make a correct classification, because the expectations generated in the cognitive model are completely different. ...
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This paper presents research on determining individual perceptual thresholds in cognitive analyses and the understanding of visual patterns. Such techniques are based on the processes of cognitive resonance and can be applied to the division and reconstruction of images using threshold algorithms. The research presented here considers the most important parameters that affect the determination of visual perception thresholds. These parameters are the thematic knowledge and personal expectations that arise at the time of image observation and recognition. The determination of perceptual thresholds has been carried out using visual pattern splitting techniques through threshold methods. The reconstruction of the divided patterns was carried out by combining successive components that, as information was gathered, allowed more and more details to become apparent in the image until the observer could recognize it correctly. The study being carried out in this way made it possible to determine individual perceptual thresholds for dozens of test subjects. The results of the study also showed strong correlations between the determined perceptual thresholds and the participants’ accumulated thematic knowledge, expectations and experiences from a previous recognition of similar image patterns.
... As a generative model of unsupervised learning, generative countermeasure network can not rely on any prior assumptions. Compared with other traditional generative models, its way of generating samples is simpler, and from the actual generation effect, generative countermeasure network can generate samples with better quality [5,6]. ...
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... They detect if the image and the text make the same point, if one modality is unclear without the other, if the modalities, when considered separately, imply opposing ideas, and if one of the modalities is sufficient to convey the message. Weiland et al. (2018) focus on detecting if captions of images contain complementary information. Vempala and Preoţiuc-Pietro (2019) infer relationship categories between the text and image of Twitter posts to see how the meaning of the entire tweet is composed. ...
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Authors of posts in social media communicate their emotions and what causes them with text and images. While there is work on emotion and stimulus detection for each modality separately, it is yet unknown if the modalities contain complementary emotion information in social media. We aim at filling this research gap and contribute a novel, annotated corpus of English multimodal Reddit posts. On this resource, we develop models to automatically detect the relation between image and text, an emotion stimulus category and the emotion class. We evaluate if these tasks require both modalities and find for the image-text relations, that text alone is sufficient for most categories (complementary, illustrative, opposing): the information in the text allows to predict if an image is required for emotion understanding. The emotions of anger and sadness are best predicted with a multimodal model, while text alone is sufficient for disgust, joy, and surprise. Stimuli depicted by objects, animals, food, or a person are best predicted by image-only models, while multimodal models are most effective on art, events, memes, places, or screenshots.
... It successively exploits the visual information and visualtextual coreference previously found to solve coreference in text. The work described in [34,35] tackles the problem of ranking the concepts from the knowledge base that best represents the core message expressed in an image. This work involves the three elements: Image, Text, and Knowledge, but it does not provide information about the entities mentioned in the text and shown in the image. ...
A picture is worth a thousand words, the adage reads. However, pictures cannot replace words in terms of their ability to efficiently convey clear (mostly) unambiguous and concise knowledge. Images and text, indeed reveal different and complementary information that, if combined will result in more information than the sum of that contained in a single media. The combination of visual and textual information can be obtained by linking the entities mentioned in the text with those shown in the pictures. To further integrate this with the agent’s background knowledge, an additional step is necessary. That is, either finding the entities in the agent knowledge base that correspond to those mentioned in the text or shown in the picture or, extending the knowledge base with the newly discovered entities. We call this complex task Visual-Textual-Knowledge Entity Linking (VTKEL). In this article, after providing a precise definition of the VTKEL task, we present two datasets called VTKEL1k* and VTKEL30k. These datasets consisting of images and corresponding captions, in which the image and textual mentions are both annotated with the corresponding entities typed according to the YAGO ontology. The datasets can be used for training and evaluating algorithms of the VTKEL task. Successively, we introduce a baseline algorithm called VT-LinKEr (Visual-Textual-Knowledge Entity Linker) for the solution of the VTKEL task. We evaluatd the performances of VT-LinKEr on both datasets. We then contribute a supervised algorithm called ViTKan (Visual-Textual-Knowledge Alignment Network). We trained the ViTKan algorithm using features data of the VTKEL1k* dataset. The experimental results on VTKEL1k* and VTKEL30k datasets show that ViTKan substantially outperforms the baseline algorithm.
... It successively exploits the visual information and visual-textual coreference previously found to solve coreference in text. The work described in [14,15] tackles the problem of ranking the concepts from the knowledge base that best represents the core message expressed in an image. This work involves the three elements: Image, Text, and Knowledge, but it does not provide information about the entities mentioned in the text and shown in the image. ...
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“A picture is worth a thousand words”, the adage reads. However, pictures cannot replace words in terms of their ability to efficiently convey clear (mostly) unambiguous and concise knowledge. Images and text, indeed, reveal different and complementary information that, if combined, result in more information than the sum of that contained in the single media. The combination of visual and textual information can be obtained through linking the entities mentioned in the text with those shown in the pictures. To further integrate this with agent background knowledge, an additional step is necessary. That is, either finding the entities in the agent knowledge base that correspond to those mentioned in the text or shown in the picture or, extending the knowledge base with the newly discovered entities. We call this complex task Visual-Textual-Knowledge Entity Linking (VTKEL). In this paper, after providing a precise definition of the VTKEL task, we present a dataset composed of about 30K commented pictures, annotated with visual and textual entities, and linked to the YAGO ontology. Successively, we develop a purely unsupervised algorithm for the solution of the VTKEL tasks. The evaluation on the VTKEL dataset shows promising results.
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Cryptographic techniques are currently used in computer security systems designed to guarantee the integrity and security of encrypted information. They are based on advanced cryptographic algorithms that can also operate on a public key infrastructure. Such algorithms can also be based on user keys and personalized approaches applied to encrypt data and create VPN tunnels. The paper will present new possibilities of using artificial intelligence algorithms in the creation of new protocols designed to guarantee the cybersecurity of distributed computer systems. Artificial intelligence techniques can find application in such an area, especially in the analysis of protocol security, and can also be applied to the creation of new protocols dedicated to specific remote services, which will provide a greater level of security and allow better data protection.
Conference Paper
Steganographic protocols play an important role in computer security systems and the transmission of strategic data. The security of these methods is guaranteed by the way secret information is placed on data storage media. This work will describe new approaches in which user characteristics will also be used to place data in the container. This will allow the creation of a new class of steganographic procedures dedicated to specific people or groups of users.
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Cybersecurity systems that guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data use strong cryptography techniques based on public key infrastructure and data encryption systems. These techniques use protocols and user keys used to encrypt data and transmit it over VPNs or unsecured transmission networks. This work will describe new possibilities of using AI to create new solutions in the field of cybersecurity of data and computer systems. In this respect, AI techniques can be used to analyze the security of procedures used, as well as to create new protocols focused on specific systems, services or users, which will offer a higher level of data security and enable better protection against data leaks and cyberattacks.
This paper will present how predictive evaluation can be applied in research on specifying perception thresholds in cognitive approach to understanding images. This approach will be based on predictive methods with cognitive inference for threshold re-production for image patterns. In particular, two basic parameters having an impact on perception thresholds evaluation, i.e. knowledge and expectations will be taken into consideration. These are the very important parameters on which perception thresholds depend. They can become lower with attempts to identify correctly or understand images by an observer, who has in-depth topical knowledge and far-going expectations concerning the image content.
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Object detection in images is a crucial task in computer vision, with important applications ranging from security surveillance to autonomous vehicles. Existing state-of-the-art algorithms, including deep neural networks, only focus on utilizing features within an image itself, largely neglecting the vast amount of background knowledge about the real world. In this paper, we propose a novel framework of knowledge-aware object detection, which enables the integration of external knowledge such as knowledge graphs into any object detection algorithm. The framework employs the notion of semantic consistency to quantify and generalize knowledge, which improves object detection through a re-optimization process to achieve better consistency with background knowledge. Finally, empirical evaluation on two benchmark datasets show that our approach can significantly increase recall by up to 6.3 points without compromising mean average precision, when compared to the state-of-the-art baseline.
Previous work on Recursive Neural Networks (RNNs) shows that these models can produce compositional feature vectors for accurately representing and classifying sentences or images. However, the sentence vectors of previous models cannot accurately represent visually grounded meaning. We introduce the DT-RNN model which uses dependency trees to embed sentences into a vector space in order to retrieve images that are described by those sentences. Unlike previous RNN-based models which use constituency trees, DT-RNNs naturally focus on the action and agents in a sentence. They are better able to abstract from the details of word order and syntactic expression. DT-RNNs outperform other recursive and recurrent neural networks, kernelized CCA and a bag-of-words baseline on the tasks of finding an image that fits a sentence description and vice versa. They also give more similar representations to sentences that describe the same image.
Conference Paper
This work aims to address the problem of image-based question-answering (QA) with new models and datasets. In our work, we propose to use neural networks and visual semantic embeddings, without intermediate stages such as object detection and image segmentation, to predict answers to simple questions about images. Our model performs 1.8 times better than the only published results on an existing image QA dataset. We also present a question generation algorithm that converts image descriptions, which are widely available, into QA form. We used this algorithm to produce an order-of-magnitude larger dataset, with more evenly distributed answers. A suite of baseline results on this new dataset are also presented.
In the recent years, different Web knowledge graphs, both free and commercial, have been created. While Google coined the term Knowledge Graph in 2012, there are also a few openly available knowledge graphs, with DBpedia, YAGO, and Freebase being among the most prominent ones. Those graphs are often constructed from semi-structured knowledge, such as Wikipedia, or harvested from the web with a combination of statistical and linguistic methods. The result are large-scale knowledge graphs that try to make a good trade-off between completeness and correctness. In order to further increase the utility of such knowledge graphs, various refinement methods have been proposed, which try to infer and add missing knowledge to the graph, or identify erroneous pieces of information. In this article, we provide a survey of such knowledge graph refinement approaches, with a dual look at both the methods being proposed as well as the evaluation methodologies used.
Conference Paper
The message of news articles is often supported by the pointed use of iconic images. These images together with their captions encourage emotional involvement of the reader. Current algorithms for understanding the semantics of news articles focus on its text, often ignoring the image. On the other side, works that target the semantics of images, mostly focus on recognizing and enumerating the objects that appear in the image. In this work, we explore the problem from another perspective: Can we devise algorithms to understand the message encoded by images and their captions? To answer this question, we study how well algorithms can describe an image-caption pair in terms of Wikipedia entities, thereby casting the problem as an entity-ranking task with an image-caption pair as query. Our proposed algorithm brings together aspects of entity linking, subgraph selection, entity clustering, relatedness measures, and learning-to-rank. In our experiments, we focus on media-iconic image-caption pairs which often reflect complex subjects such as sustainable energy and endangered species. Our test collection includes a gold standard of over 300 image-caption pairs about topics at different levels of abstraction. We show that with a MAP of 0.69, the best results are obtained when aggregating content-based and graph-based features in a Wikipedia-derived knowledge base.
Recent years has witnessed growing interest in hyperspectral image (HSI) processing. In practice, however, HSIs always suffer from huge data size and mass of redundant information, which hinder their application in many cases. HSI compression is a straightforward way of relieving these problems. However, most of the conventional image encoding algorithms mainly focus on the spatial dimensions, and they need not consider the redundancy in the spectral dimension. In this paper, we propose a novel HSI compression and reconstruction algorithm via patch-based low-rank tensor decomposition (PLTD). Instead of processing the HSI separately by spectral channel or by pixel, we represent each local patch of the HSI as a third-order tensor. Then, the similar tensor patches are grouped by clustering to form a fourth-order tensor per cluster. Since the grouped tensor is assumed to be redundant, each cluster can be approximately decomposed to a coefficient tensor and three dictionary matrices, which leads to a low-rank tensor representation of both the spatial and spectral modes. The reconstructed HSI can then be simply obtained by the product of the coefficient tensor and dictionary matrices per cluster. In this way, the proposed PLTD algorithm simultaneously removes the redundancy in both the spatial and spectral domains in a unified framework. The extensive experimental results on various public HSI datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the traditional image compression approaches and other tensor-based methods.
Today'smultimedia search engines are expected to respond to queries reflecting a wide variety of information needs from users with different goals. The topical dimension ("what" the user is searching for) of these information needs is well studied; however, the intent dimension ("why" the user is searching) has received relatively less attention. Specifically, intent is the "immediate reason, purpose, or goal" that motivates a user to query a search engine. We present a thorough survey of multimedia information retrieval research directed at the problem of enabling search engines to respond to user intent. The survey begins by defining intent, including a differentiation from related, often-confused concepts. It then presents the key conceptual models of search intent. The core is an overview of intent-aware approaches that operate at each stage of the multimedia search engine pipeline (i.e., indexing, query processing, ranking). We discuss intent in conventional text-based search wherever it provides insight into multimedia search intent or intentaware approaches. Finally, we identify and discuss the most important future challenges for intent-aware multimedia search engines. Facing these challenges will allow multimedia information retrieval to recognize and respond to user intent and, as a result, fully satisfy the information needs of users.
Conference Paper
We address the ad hoc document retrieval task by devising novel types of entity-based language models. The models utilize information about single terms in the query and documents as well as term sequences marked as entities by some entity-linking tool. The key principle of the language models is accounting, simultaneously, for the uncertainty inherent in the entity-markup process and the balance between using entity-based and term-based information. Empirical evaluation demonstrates the merits of using the language models for retrieval. For example, the performance transcends that of a state-of-the-art term proximity method. We also show that the language models can be effectively used for cluster-based document retrieval and query expansion.