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Fractional order PID system for suppressing epileptic activities



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338 ISBN 978-1-5386-4342-6
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018
IEEE ICASI 2018- Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds)
Fractional Order PID System for Suppressing Epileptic Activities
Ahmed Soltan1, Lijuan Xia1, Andrew Jackson2, Graeme Chester1, and Patrick Degenaar1
School of Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Institude of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Email: (ahmed.abd-el-aal, l.xia , andrew.jackson , graeme.chester ,, patrick.degenaar)
Epilepsy is a dynamic disorder of the brain at the system level
which is due to abnormal activity of the brain cells. A closed-
loop control system is designed in this work to detect the
epileptic seizures and hence to suppress it through stimulating
the brain cells. Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) is the
most extensively used closed loop controller because of its
simple implementation and robust performance. Although
some efforts have been done to use PID controller to suppress
the abnormal brain activities, the previously proposed systems
were limited for specific cases or model parameters due to the
stability constraints. This work is proposing to use the
fractional order PID which is the generalization of the
traditional PID system to suppress the epileptic seizures. By
using the fractional PID, different stability domains are created
based on the fractional orders and hence more degree of
freedom for the system parameters. In this work, the Neural
Mass Model (NMM) is used as a test platform for the controller
for suppressing the brain activity. A graphical technique for
stability contours is illustrated in this work to make the
parameters determination easy for different stability conditions.
MATLAB simulations are conducted to verify the controller
performance, and the simulation results show the ability of the
controller to suppress the focal epilepsy seizures at different
Key words: Fractional calculus, PID, Epilepsy suppression,
closed-loop control, feedback.
I. Introduction
Brain neurological disorders such as epilepsy are dynamical
disorders due to abnormal activities of the brain cell [1]. Indeed,
many electrodes/optrodes have been proposed in the last few
years to interface with brain cells [2, 3, 4]. It is impossible to
cure such disorders using feedforward stimulation techniques
due to it dynamical and unpredictable behaviour. Hence,
closed-loop controllers are used to detect the abnormal
activities and then through the control algorithm the controller
decides to suppress these abnormal activities [5, 6]. Although
many algorithms have been proposed to be used for closed-
loop control systems, most of these techniques have not been
implemented in an implantable device. This is because the
parameter tuning was done manually or the parameters value
is very large. Moreover, previously proposed closed-loop
controllers for brain interface have limited number of
parameters (for example for PI controller, there are two
parameter) while the cell culture models such as Neural
Mass Model (NMM) [6, 7] has many variables change to
model the cell response. As a result, it is very difficult to match
the change in these large number of parameters system (9
parameters for NMM) with only two parameters (for PI as an
On the other hand, a significant amount of research has been
done on using fractional calculus in different areas of research
such as circuit design [8], biomedical modelling [9] and natural
phenomena [10]. This is because the additional parameters
introduced by using fractional calculus which introduce
additional degree of freedom and flexibility in the optimization
process. Fractional calculus is the general form of the integer
order and one common definition of the fractional calculus is
Caputo definition of fractional order derivative which is given
in (1) [11]:
 (1)
Where  is the initial conditions, is the required time of
calculation and is the fractional order and it is a real number.
Hence, in this work a generalized form of the Proportional-
Integral-Derivative (PID) will used to control the epileptic
seizures. The proposed PID consists of fractional order
derivative of order and fractional order integration of order
rather the traditional PID. Indeed, the fractional PID has
been established previously in the control theory applications
and it showed a great flexibility in the system design and tuning
[11]. Moreover, the NMM model is used to model the neural
behavior and to generate artificial epileptic signal to test the
controller system.
II. Neural Mass Model
Neural Mass Model (NMM) is one of the common
computational models used to model a complex neurological
phenomena. The NMM is based on a biologically plausible
parametrization of the of the layered neocortex dynamic
Fig. 1 (a) schematic diagram shows the relation between different
neural subpopulation in the NMM model, (b) block diagram of the
PID controller to suppress the epileptic seizures.
In this model, a cortical sheet is represented by three
interacting populations; the main subpopulation, the excitatory
subpopulation and the inhibitory subpopulation as shown in
Fig. 1. These subpopulations are connected and interacted with
each other via a connectivity constants which represents the
average synaptic constants. The transfer function of the NMM
model is given in (1).
 (2)
 is the subpopulation transfer function,
is the average excitatory synaptic gain, is the average
time constant for the excitatory synaptic. And
and are the average gain and time constant inhibitory
synaptic respectively. And are the connectivity
constants that represent the interaction between subpopulations.
Indeed, NMM is able to describe and generate general cortical
electrical activities such as electroencephalogram and epileptic
seizures. Hence, NMM is used in this work to generate
epileptic seizures to demonstrate how the proposed control
system will suppress these seizures. To simplify the analysis of
the control system, the transfer function of the NMM will be
represented by (3). This also, will make the parameters of the
control system independent on the parameters of the NMM
model.  (3)
Where  and  are the real and imaginary parts of
 respectively. From (2), the amplitude of the activity
signal depends on many parameters which shows a wide
variation on the amplitude.
Fig. 2 Change of the magnitude of the NMM which represents the
change in the neural response due to the change on the C1 and C2
Table I Summary of the NMM model parameters used in the analysis
For example, the change of the magnitude due to the change on
the parameters is illustrated in Fig. 2. Moreover, the
impact of the parameters on the amplitude is non-linear and
non-predictable as shown in Fig. 2. Hence, a flexible system is
required to compensate for these changes during the run-time.
The analysis illustrated in Fig. 2 and the following analysis is
done using the parameters value summarized in Table I.
III. Control System
A. Fractional order PID
Proportional- Integral Derivative (PID) controller is the
most used closed loop in the field of control theory because
of its simple implementation and robust performance. Hence,
a modified version of the traditional PID will be used in this
work to control the neural activities. The modified PID is based
on using fractional order elements to achieve the fractional
integration and derivative. Then, the polynomial of the
fractional PID (FPID) is given in (4).
The system (3) consists of a fractional integral of order and
integration constant while, the derivative is of order and
derivative constant, the propagation constant is. From
(4) the major advantage of using the FPID is the additional
degree of freedom introduced by have two more design
parameters. Due to the vast number of variables in the
NMM, the value of the constants and are very large
for the integer order PID. This in turn makes the control system
very slow to compensate for the changes. Moreover, these
large values make the implementation process very
challenging as it results in large values for the components.
Hence, this is not suitable for the medical applications as it
require very small circuit size and hence very small
On the other hand, the fractional orders in case of FPID can
be used to compensate for the large values of the components
and limit the transfer function parameters as will be shown in
the following analysis. From Fig. 1(b), the transfer function of
the system in case of detecting a seizure is given by (5).
 (5)
From (4), the characteristic equation of the controller is
given as follows:  
From (4, 5), the FPID controller response is function also of
the fractional orders  which increases the design degree of
freedom and flexibility.
B. Stability analysis
Basically, PID controller is a feedback loop system and hence
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018
IEEE ICASI 2018- Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds)
ISBN 978-1-5386-4342-6
Fractional Order PID System for Suppressing Epileptic Activities
Ahmed Soltan1, Lijuan Xia1, Andrew Jackson2, Graeme Chester1, and Patrick Degenaar1
School of Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Institude of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Email: (ahmed.abd-el-aal, l.xia , andrew.jackson , graeme.chester ,, patrick.degenaar)
Epilepsy is a dynamic disorder of the brain at the system level
which is due to abnormal activity of the brain cells. A closed-
loop control system is designed in this work to detect the
epileptic seizures and hence to suppress it through stimulating
the brain cells. Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) is the
most extensively used closed loop controller because of its
simple implementation and robust performance. Although
some efforts have been done to use PID controller to suppress
the abnormal brain activities, the previously proposed systems
were limited for specific cases or model parameters due to the
stability constraints. This work is proposing to use the
fractional order PID which is the generalization of the
traditional PID system to suppress the epileptic seizures. By
using the fractional PID, different stability domains are created
based on the fractional orders and hence more degree of
freedom for the system parameters. In this work, the Neural
Mass Model (NMM) is used as a test platform for the controller
for suppressing the brain activity. A graphical technique for
stability contours is illustrated in this work to make the
parameters determination easy for different stability conditions.
MATLAB simulations are conducted to verify the controller
performance, and the simulation results show the ability of the
controller to suppress the focal epilepsy seizures at different
Key words: Fractional calculus, PID, Epilepsy suppression,
closed-loop control, feedback.
I. Introduction
Brain neurological disorders such as epilepsy are dynamical
disorders due to abnormal activities of the brain cell [1]. Indeed,
many electrodes/optrodes have been proposed in the last few
years to interface with brain cells [2, 3, 4]. It is impossible to
cure such disorders using feedforward stimulation techniques
due to it dynamical and unpredictable behaviour. Hence,
closed-loop controllers are used to detect the abnormal
activities and then through the control algorithm the controller
decides to suppress these abnormal activities [5, 6]. Although
many algorithms have been proposed to be used for closed-
loop control systems, most of these techniques have not been
implemented in an implantable device. This is because the
parameter tuning was done manually or the parameters value
is very large. Moreover, previously proposed closed-loop
controllers for brain interface have limited number of
parameters (for example for PI controller, there are two
parameter) while the cell culture models such as Neural
Mass Model (NMM) [6, 7] has many variables change to
model the cell response. As a result, it is very difficult to match
the change in these large number of parameters system (9
parameters for NMM) with only two parameters (for PI as an
On the other hand, a significant amount of research has been
done on using fractional calculus in different areas of research
such as circuit design [8], biomedical modelling [9] and natural
phenomena [10]. This is because the additional parameters
introduced by using fractional calculus which introduce
additional degree of freedom and flexibility in the optimization
process. Fractional calculus is the general form of the integer
order and one common definition of the fractional calculus is
Caputo definition of fractional order derivative which is given
in (1) [11]:
 (1)
Where  is the initial conditions, is the required time of
calculation and is the fractional order and it is a real number.
Hence, in this work a generalized form of the Proportional-
Integral-Derivative (PID) will used to control the epileptic
seizures. The proposed PID consists of fractional order
derivative of order and fractional order integration of order
rather the traditional PID. Indeed, the fractional PID has
been established previously in the control theory applications
and it showed a great flexibility in the system design and tuning
[11]. Moreover, the NMM model is used to model the neural
behavior and to generate artificial epileptic signal to test the
controller system.
II. Neural Mass Model
Neural Mass Model (NMM) is one of the common
computational models used to model a complex neurological
phenomena. The NMM is based on a biologically plausible
parametrization of the of the layered neocortex dynamic
Fig. 1 (a) schematic diagram shows the relation between different
neural subpopulation in the NMM model, (b) block diagram of the
PID controller to suppress the epileptic seizures.
In this model, a cortical sheet is represented by three
interacting populations; the main subpopulation, the excitatory
subpopulation and the inhibitory subpopulation as shown in
Fig. 1. These subpopulations are connected and interacted with
each other via a connectivity constants which represents the
average synaptic constants. The transfer function of the NMM
model is given in (1).
 (2)
 is the subpopulation transfer function,
is the average excitatory synaptic gain, is the average
time constant for the excitatory synaptic. And
and are the average gain and time constant inhibitory
synaptic respectively. And are the connectivity
constants that represent the interaction between subpopulations.
Indeed, NMM is able to describe and generate general cortical
electrical activities such as electroencephalogram and epileptic
seizures. Hence, NMM is used in this work to generate
epileptic seizures to demonstrate how the proposed control
system will suppress these seizures. To simplify the analysis of
the control system, the transfer function of the NMM will be
represented by (3). This also, will make the parameters of the
control system independent on the parameters of the NMM
model.  (3)
Where  and  are the real and imaginary parts of
 respectively. From (2), the amplitude of the activity
signal depends on many parameters which shows a wide
variation on the amplitude.
Fig. 2 Change of the magnitude of the NMM which represents the
change in the neural response due to the change on the C1 and C2
Table I Summary of the NMM model parameters used in the analysis
For example, the change of the magnitude due to the change on
the parameters is illustrated in Fig. 2. Moreover, the
impact of the parameters on the amplitude is non-linear and
non-predictable as shown in Fig. 2. Hence, a flexible system is
required to compensate for these changes during the run-time.
The analysis illustrated in Fig. 2 and the following analysis is
done using the parameters value summarized in Table I.
III. Control System
A. Fractional order PID
Proportional- Integral Derivative (PID) controller is the
most used closed loop in the field of control theory because
of its simple implementation and robust performance. Hence,
a modified version of the traditional PID will be used in this
work to control the neural activities. The modified PID is based
on using fractional order elements to achieve the fractional
integration and derivative. Then, the polynomial of the
fractional PID (FPID) is given in (4).
The system (3) consists of a fractional integral of order and
integration constant while, the derivative is of order and
derivative constant, the propagation constant is. From
(4) the major advantage of using the FPID is the additional
degree of freedom introduced by have two more design
parameters. Due to the vast number of variables in the
NMM, the value of the constants and are very large
for the integer order PID. This in turn makes the control system
very slow to compensate for the changes. Moreover, these
large values make the implementation process very
challenging as it results in large values for the components.
Hence, this is not suitable for the medical applications as it
require very small circuit size and hence very small
On the other hand, the fractional orders in case of FPID can
be used to compensate for the large values of the components
and limit the transfer function parameters as will be shown in
the following analysis. From Fig. 1(b), the transfer function of
the system in case of detecting a seizure is given by (5).
 (5)
From (4), the characteristic equation of the controller is
given as follows:  
From (4, 5), the FPID controller response is function also of
the fractional orders  which increases the design degree of
freedom and flexibility.
B. Stability analysis
Basically, PID controller is a feedback loop system and hence
340 ISBN 978-1-5386-4342-6
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018
IEEE ICASI 2018- Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds)
stability represents one of the main constrains of the system.
Indeed, a graphical method for stability analysis of the integer
order PID is proposed in [5].
Fig. 3 Illustrative diagram to show different stability domains for
different fractional orders
Yet, the values of the transfer function parameters that ensure
stable system are very large using the technique proposed in
[12]. This affects the PID delay performance and the
On the other hand, fractional calculus gives more flexibilities
in stability analysis. This is because, every fractional order
system can be expressed in a different Riemann sheet as shown
in the illustrative diagram of Fig. 3.
Moreover, the system can be designed for a specific
stability parameters as given in [12]. From (6), the transfer
function parameters and which satisfy the stability
condition are given by:
 (7.c)
Where are given by:
 (8.a)
 (8.b)
From (7), the PID controller parameters are function of the
fractional orders. Hence, stability contours are function of
the fractional orders. Then, the stability contour can be
designed for specific value of the PID controllers by changing
the fractional orders only. For traditional PI controller (
and), the stability contours will be given by (9)
which is the same as the contour relations given in [6]. This
confirms that the analysis given in [6] is a special case of the
analysis introduced in this work.
Different stability contours for the traditional PI of (9) are
shown in the surface diagram of Fig. 4(a). The value of has
a very broad range of change ranges from 0 to  based on
the frequency range.
Fig. 4 Analysis for the PID system using the parameters of Table I and
 (a) Surface diagram of the
stability contours for the integer order PID system which show large
values of versus that achieve stability condition, (b) Stability
contours for the fractional PID system with  which shows the
value of decreased by one decade.
Furthermore, the stable region decrease with the increase of
and hence the system will require long time interval to
On the other hand, by regenerating the analysis of Fig. 4(a)
with only changing the fractional order from 1 to 0.4, the
value of scales down by one order of magnitude as depicted
in Fig. 4(b). Hence, the fractional order can be used to
compensate for the large value of the controller parameters.
Moreover, the value of change broadly with the change in
the magnitude change of the NMM model as shown in Fig. 5
while the magnitude change represented by the change in .
Yet, the fractional order can be used to tune the parameter
in order to compensate for the change in the NMM amplitude
while keeping the value of smaller than the traditional case.
Fig. 5 Change of with respect to the fractional order and
using the parameters of Table I and 
IV. Case study
To verify the analysis introduced in the previous sections, a
time domain analysis for the whole system of Fig.1 before and
after including the PID response. The system is simulated using
MATLAB for 16 second; the first 8 seconds represents only
the NMM response in the time domain while the second 8
seconds after including the impact of the PID controller in the
loop. In this work, the decision about the existence of epileptic
seizures is based on a threshold value for simplifying the
The MATLAB simulation is illustrated in Fig. 6 for two
scenarios; the first one is for the traditional PID system (=
1,=0). The second case is for a fractional PID with =
0.5 and=0. The simulation has been done for zero input
error. The output from the system is almost same as shown in
Fig. 6 although PID parameters are different for both cases. For
the integer order PID=125,=1.54,=0. On the
other hand, for fractional PID the parameters are =
0.5,=125,=200,=0. This shows the impact of
using the fractional order calculus to compensate for the large
values of the integer order PID. Hence, fractional order PID
make the system implementation more suitable for biomedical
implantable devices. Especially, it has been shown that the
fractional operator can be implemented on FPGA using less
than 10 Flip-flops [13].
Fig. 6 Simulation of the NMM system with both integer order and
fractional order PID using same parameters for the NMM mentioned
in Table I
V. Conclusion
A fractional order PID system is proposed in this work to
control epileptic seizures. The fractional order is able to
compensate for the large values of the system parameters
which make the system suitable for the implantable devices. A
surface diagram for different stability contours has been
introduced for both the integer and fractional order PID system.
Finally a case study is presented to verify the analysis and a
very good matching between the outputs of the fractional and
integer order PID is found.
The authors would also like to thank the Wellcome Trust
(102037/Z/13/Z) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (NS/A000026/1) for funding the CANDO
( project.
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Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018
IEEE ICASI 2018- Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds)
ISBN 978-1-5386-4342-6
stability represents one of the main constrains of the system.
Indeed, a graphical method for stability analysis of the integer
order PID is proposed in [5].
Fig. 3 Illustrative diagram to show different stability domains for
different fractional orders
Yet, the values of the transfer function parameters that ensure
stable system are very large using the technique proposed in
[12]. This affects the PID delay performance and the
On the other hand, fractional calculus gives more flexibilities
in stability analysis. This is because, every fractional order
system can be expressed in a different Riemann sheet as shown
in the illustrative diagram of Fig. 3.
Moreover, the system can be designed for a specific
stability parameters as given in [12]. From (6), the transfer
function parameters and which satisfy the stability
condition are given by:
 (7.c)
Where are given by:
 (8.a)
 (8.b)
From (7), the PID controller parameters are function of the
fractional orders. Hence, stability contours are function of
the fractional orders. Then, the stability contour can be
designed for specific value of the PID controllers by changing
the fractional orders only. For traditional PI controller (
and), the stability contours will be given by (9)
which is the same as the contour relations given in [6]. This
confirms that the analysis given in [6] is a special case of the
analysis introduced in this work.
Different stability contours for the traditional PI of (9) are
shown in the surface diagram of Fig. 4(a). The value of has
a very broad range of change ranges from 0 to  based on
the frequency range.
Fig. 4 Analysis for the PID system using the parameters of Table I and
 (a) Surface diagram of the
stability contours for the integer order PID system which show large
values of versus that achieve stability condition, (b) Stability
contours for the fractional PID system with  which shows the
value of decreased by one decade.
Furthermore, the stable region decrease with the increase of
and hence the system will require long time interval to
On the other hand, by regenerating the analysis of Fig. 4(a)
with only changing the fractional order from 1 to 0.4, the
value of scales down by one order of magnitude as depicted
in Fig. 4(b). Hence, the fractional order can be used to
compensate for the large value of the controller parameters.
Moreover, the value of change broadly with the change in
the magnitude change of the NMM model as shown in Fig. 5
while the magnitude change represented by the change in .
Yet, the fractional order can be used to tune the parameter
in order to compensate for the change in the NMM amplitude
while keeping the value of smaller than the traditional case.
Fig. 5 Change of with respect to the fractional order and
using the parameters of Table I and 
IV. Case study
To verify the analysis introduced in the previous sections, a
time domain analysis for the whole system of Fig.1 before and
after including the PID response. The system is simulated using
MATLAB for 16 second; the first 8 seconds represents only
the NMM response in the time domain while the second 8
seconds after including the impact of the PID controller in the
loop. In this work, the decision about the existence of epileptic
seizures is based on a threshold value for simplifying the
The MATLAB simulation is illustrated in Fig. 6 for two
scenarios; the first one is for the traditional PID system (=
1,=0). The second case is for a fractional PID with =
0.5 and=0. The simulation has been done for zero input
error. The output from the system is almost same as shown in
Fig. 6 although PID parameters are different for both cases. For
the integer order PID=125,=1.54,=0. On the
other hand, for fractional PID the parameters are =
0.5,=125,=200,=0. This shows the impact of
using the fractional order calculus to compensate for the large
values of the integer order PID. Hence, fractional order PID
make the system implementation more suitable for biomedical
implantable devices. Especially, it has been shown that the
fractional operator can be implemented on FPGA using less
than 10 Flip-flops [13].
Fig. 6 Simulation of the NMM system with both integer order and
fractional order PID using same parameters for the NMM mentioned
in Table I
V. Conclusion
A fractional order PID system is proposed in this work to
control epileptic seizures. The fractional order is able to
compensate for the large values of the system parameters
which make the system suitable for the implantable devices. A
surface diagram for different stability contours has been
introduced for both the integer and fractional order PID system.
Finally a case study is presented to verify the analysis and a
very good matching between the outputs of the fractional and
integer order PID is found.
The authors would also like to thank the Wellcome Trust
(102037/Z/13/Z) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (NS/A000026/1) for funding the CANDO
( project.
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... There are various approaches to design stimulation control strategies based on mathematical models of epilepsy. Some researchers attempt to use methods similar to traditional control theory, employing closed-loop control strategies to regulate and achieve control [Chakravarthy et al., 2009;Soltan et al., 2018;Liu et al., 2013;Popovych et al., 2017]. The limitation of this approach lies in the differences between the model and the actual state of the brain. ...
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The transiting mechanism of abnormal brain functional activities, such as the epileptic seizures, has not been fully elucidated. In this study, we employ a probabilistic neural network model to investigate the impact of negative regulation, including negative connections and negative inputs, on the dynamical transition behavior of network dynamics. It is observed that negative connections significantly influence the transition behavior of the network, intensifying the oscillation of discharge probability, corresponding to uneven discharge and epileptic states. Negative inputs, within a certain range, exhibited a similar impact on the dynamic state of the network as negative connections, enhancing network oscillations and resulting in higher fragility. However, larger negative inputs can led to the disappearance of oscillations in the discharge probability, indicating a maintenance of lower fragility. We speculate that negative regulation may be an indispensable factor in the occurrence of epileptic seizures, and future research should give it due consideration.
... In [21], a fractional proportional-integralderivative (PID) method was designed to control the abnormal activity of the brain in epilepsy. The study in [22] adopted an unscented Kalman filter (UKF) to estimate the variables of the membrane potential of the Pinsky-Rinzel (PR) model and considered a linear proportion-integration (PI) approach to control firing patterns. The PR model was presented in 1994, which is mentioned in reference [17], and it has been used in various research studies to control seizures. ...
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This paper proposes an adaptive barrier function terminal sliding mode control method for partial seizure based on the Pinsky–Rinzel model. A terminal sliding mode control technique is designed to achieve the convergence of trajectories to the desired value in a finite time, while an adaptive barrier function is used to ensure that the outputs, which are independent of the disturbance boundary, converge to the predetermined zero location. The performance of the proposed approach is checked for the nonlinear two-compartmental Pinsky–Rinzel pyramidal neuron model. The obtained method of the finite time stability, in the presence of uncertainty and disturbance, is proven by the Lyapunov theory. The simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme. Finite time convergence, robustness, chattering-free dynamics and near-zero error are the advantages of the proposed technique.
... The use of neural mass models akin to the Jansen-Rit model in feedback control frameworks is well documented. All the works in (Wang et al., 2016;Xia et al., 2019;Wei et al., 2019c,a,b;Soltan et al., 2018) use neural mass models, in the control theory sense, for the suppression of epileptic seizures. In what follows, we will demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed control strategy on a seizure simulated by the classical Jansen-Rit neural mass model with standard parameter values. ...
Neurotechnology has made great strides in the last 20 years. However, we still have a long way to go to commercialize many of these technologies as we lack a unified framework to study cyber-neural systems (CNS) that bring the hardware, software, and the neural system together. Dynamical systems play a key role in developing these technologies as they capture different aspects of the brain and provide insight into their function. Converging evidence suggests that fractional-order dynamical systems are advantageous in modeling neural systems because of their compact representation and accuracy in capturing the long-range memory exhibited in neural behavior. In this brief survey, we provide an overview of fractional CNS that entails fractional-order systems in the context of CNS. In particular, we introduce basic definitions required for the analysis and synthesis of fractional CNS, encompassing system identification, state estimation, and closed-loop control. Additionally, we provide an illustration of some applications in the context of CNS and draw some possible future research directions. Advancements in these three areas will be critical in developing the next generation of CNS, which will, ultimately, improve people’s quality of life.
... Advanced PID are also used in the medical sector, [11] proposed a fractional order PID controller and an integer order PID controller for supressing epileptic activities. Both controllers showed great results to stabilize the patient, but the fractional order PID controller is more suitable for implementation in FPGA because it uses less flip-flops. ...
This paper describes the design of an adaptive controller based on model reference adaptive PID control (MRAPIDC) to stabilize a two-tank process when large variations of parameters and external disturbances affect the closed-loop system. To achieve that, an innovative structure of the adaptive PID controller is defined, an additional PI is designed to make sure that the reference model produces stable output signals and three adaptive gains are included to guarantee stability and robustness of the closed-loop system. Then, the performance of the model reference adaptive PID controller on the behaviour of the closed-loop system is compared to a PI controller designed on MATLAB when both closed-loop systems are under various conditions. The results demonstrate that the MRAPIDC performs significantly better than the conventional PI controller. Keywords: Adaptive Linearization MIT MRAPIDC Nonlinear Parameters Stability This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license. 1. INTRODUCTION Adaptive control of uncertain processes has become more and more important in industry. Adaptive controllers differ from ordinary ones, because their parameters are variable, and there is a mechanism for adjusting these parameters online based on signals in the system [1]. The design of an adaptive PI controller to stabilize a mass damper-spring system under parameters' uncertainties was proposed in [2]. The designed adaptive PI controller adjusts to parameters' variations, and the output of the process follows the set points, regardless of the values of the parameters. But it does not guarantee stability when external disturbances and large variations of parameters occur. In [3], the design of a PID controller on MATLAB to maintain the level of liquid constant in a coupled-tank system (CTS) was proposed. The control parameters were found using the trial and error methodology and the results were analysed in MATLAB/Simulink environments. Proportional (P), proportional integral (PI), proportional derivative (PD) and proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers were applied on the process and their performances were compared to select the most suitable control solution. The PID controller showed superior results, but it did not guarantee stability to disturbances and variations of plant parameters. Adaptive controllers, as opposed to conventional constant gain controllers (PID controllers), are very effective in handling situations where the variations of parameters and environmental changes are very frequent with the application of model reference adaptive control scheme in a first order system [4].
... The use of neural mass models akin to the Jansen-Rit model in feedback control frameworks is well documented. All the works in (Wang et al., 2016;Xia et al., 2019;Wei et al., 2019c,a,b;Soltan et al., 2018) use neural mass models, in the control theory sense, for the suppression of epileptic seizures. In what follows, we will demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed control strategy on a seizure simulated by the classical Jansen-Rit neural mass model with standard parameter values. ...
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Neurotechnology has made great strides in the last 20 years. However, we still have a long way to go to commercialize many of these technologies as we lack a unified framework to study cyber-neural systems (CNS) that bring the hardware, software, and the neural system together. Dynamical systems play a key role in developing these technologies as they capture different aspects of the brain and provide insight into their function. Converging evidence suggests that fractional-order dynamical systems are advantageous in modeling neural systems because of their compact representation and accuracy in capturing the long-range memory exhibited in neural behavior. In this brief survey, we provide an overview of fractional CNS that entails fractional-order systems in the context of CNS. In particular, we introduce basic definitions required for the analysis and synthesis of fractional CNS, encompassing system identification, state estimation, and closed-loop control. Additionally, we provide an illustration of some applications in the context of CNS and draw some possible future research directions. Ultimately, advancements in these three areas will be critical in developing the next generation of CNS, which will, ultimately, improve people's quality of life.
... Fractional-order systems have found their application in diverse industry branches such as medicine [1,2], modeling and measurement of various signals [3][4][5], agriculture [6], car industry [7], etc. In case of the electrical engineering, the utilization of FO calculus covers circuits filtering the spectrum [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17], FO oscillators [18][19][20][21][22][23] and other circuits with fractional-order characteristics [24][25][26][27][28][29], which then can be implemented and find their purpose in applications of above-mentioned industry areas. ...
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A design of a fractional-order (FO) integrator is introduced for operation of resulting solution in the current mode (CM). The solution of the integrator is based on the utilization of RC structures, but in comparison to other RC structure based FO designs, the proposed integrator offers the electronic control of the order. Moreover, the control of the proposed integrator does not require multiple specific and accurate values of the control voltages/currents in comparison to the topologies based on the approximation of the FO Laplacian operator. The electronic control of a gain level (gain adjustment) of the proposed integrator is available. The paper offers the results of Cadence IC6 (spectre) simulations and more importantly experimental measurements to support the presented design. The proposed integrator can be used to build various FO circuits as demonstrated by the utilization of the integrator into a structure of a frequency filter in order to provide FO characteristics.
... Investigators in the first category tried to utilize closed-loop algorithms in order to control seizure like activity of the computational models. For example, classical proportional-integral-derivative (PID) algorithm [16,17] or simpler versions such as PD [18,19] and PI [12,20], state feedback method [21], optimal control approach [22,23] and sliding mode controller [24] are used to control seizure-like activity in neural mass models. In practice, the success of model-based closed-loop seizure control approach is highly dependent on the possibility to relate model states to the brain signals, which is in most cases a challenge. ...
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High frequency electrical stimulation of brain is commonly used in research experiments and clinical trials as a modern tool for control of epileptic seizures. However, the mechanistic basis by which periodic external stimuli alter the brain state is not well understood. This study provides a computational insight into the mechanism of seizure suppression by high frequency stimulation (HFS). In particular, a modified version of the Jansen-Rit neural mass model is employed, in which EEG signals can be considered as the input. The proposed model reproduces seizure-like activity in the output during the ictal period of the input signal. By applying a control signal to the model, a wide range of stimulation amplitudes and frequencies are systematically explored. Simulation results reveal that HFS can effectively suppress the seizure-like activity. Our results suggest that HFS has the ability of shifting the operating state of neural populations away from a critical condition. Furthermore, a closed-loop control strategy is proposed in this paper. The main objective has been to considerably reduce the control effort needed for blocking abnormal activity of the brain. Such an energy reduction could be of practical importance, to reduce possible side effects and increase battery life for implanted neurostimulators.
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Neuromodulation technologies are progressing from pacemaking and sensory operations to full closed-loop control. In particular, optogenetics—the genetic modification of light sensitivity into neural tissue allows for simultaneous optical stimulation and electronic recording. This paper presents a neural interface application-specified integrated circuit (ASIC) for intelligent optoelectronic probes. The architecture is designed to enable simultaneous optical neural stimulation and electronic recording. It provides four low noise (2.08 μV $_{\text{rms}}$ ) recording channels optimized for recording local field potentials (LFPs) (0.1–300 Hz bandwidth, $\pm$ 5 mV range, sampled 10-bit@4 kHz), which are more stable for chronic applications. For stimulation, it provides six independently addressable optical driver circuits, which can provide both intensity (8-bit resolution across a 1.1 mA range) and pulse-width modulation for high-radiance light emitting diodes (LEDs). The system includes a fully digital interface using a serial peripheral interface (SPI) protocol to allow for use with embedded controllers. The SPI interface is embedded within a finite state machine (FSM), which implements a command interpreter that can send out LFP data whilst receiving instructions to control LED emission. The circuit has been implemented in a commercially available 0.35 μm CMOS technology occupying a 1.95 mm $\times$ 1.10 mm footprint for mounting onto the head of a silicon probe. Measured results are given for a variety of bench-top, in vitro and in vivo experiments, quantifying system performance and also demonstrating concurrent recording and stimulation within relevant experimental models.
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There is a growing demand for the development of new types of implantable optoelectronics to support both basic neuroscience and optogenetic treatments for neurological disorders. Target specification requirements include multi-site optical stimulation, programmable radiance profile, safe operation, and miniaturization. It is also preferable to have a simple serial interface rather than large numbers of control lines. This paper demonstrates an optrode structure comprising of a standard complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor process with 18 optical stimulation drivers. Furthermore, diagnostic sensing circuitry is incorporated to determine the long-term functionality of the photonic elements. A digital control system is incorporated to allow independent multisite control and serial communication with external control units.
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We present a reconfigurable neural processor for real-time simulation and prediction of opto-neural behaviour. We combined a detailed Hodgkin-Huxley CA3 neuron integrated with a four-state Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) model into reconfigurable silicon hardware. Our architecture consists of a Field Programmable Gated Array (FPGA) with a custom-built computing data-path, a separate data management system and a memory approach based router. Advancements over previous work include the incorporation of short and long-term calcium and light-dependent ion channels in reconfigurable hardware. Also, the developed processor is computationally efficient, requiring only 0.03 ms processing time per sub-frame for a single neuron and 9.7 ms for a fully connected network of 500 neurons with a given FPGA frequency of 56.7 MHz. It can therefore be utilized for exploration of closed loop processing and tuning of biologically realistic optogenetic circuitry.
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Closed-loop control is a promising deep brain stimulation (DBS) strategy that could be used to suppress high-amplitude epileptic activity. However, there are currently no analytical approaches to determine the stimulation parameters for effective and safe treatment protocols. Proportional-integral (PI) control is the most extensively used closed-loop control scheme in the field of control engineering because of its simple implementation and perfect performance. In this study, we took Jansen’s neural mass model (NMM) as a test bed to develop a PI-type closed-loop controller for suppressing epileptic activity. A graphical stability analysis method was employed to determine the stabilizing region of the PI controller in the control parameter space, which provided a theoretical guideline for the choice of the PI control parameters. Furthermore, we established the relationship between the parameters of the PI controller and the parameters of the NMM in the form of a stabilizing region, which provided insights into the mechanisms that may suppress epileptic activity in the NMM. The simulation results demonstrated the validity and effectiveness of the proposed closed-loop PI control scheme.
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We assess and compare the effects of both closed-loop and open-loop neurostimulation of the rat hippocampus by means of a custom low-power programmable therapeutic neurostimulation device on the suppression of spontaneous seizures in a rodent model of epilepsy. Chronic seizures were induced by intraperitoneal kainic acid injection. Two bipolar electrodes were implanted into the CA1 regions of both hippocampi. The electrodes were connected to the custom-built programmable therapeutic neurostimulation device that can trigger an electrical stimulation either in a periodic manner or upon detection of the intracerebral electroencephalographic (icEEE) seizure onset. This device includes a microchip consisting of a 256-channel icEEG recording system and a 64-channel stimulator, and a programmable seizure detector implemented in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). The neurostimulator was used to evaluate seizure suppression efficacy in ten epileptic rats for a total of 240 subject-days (5760 subject-hours). For this purpose, all rats were randomly divided into two groups: The no-stimulation group and the stimulation group. The no-stimulation group did not receive stimulation. The stimulation group received, first, closed-loop stimulation and, next, open-loop stimulation. The no-stimulation and stimulation groups had a similar seizure frequency baseline, averaging five seizures per day. Closed-loop stimulation reduced seizure frequency by 90% and open-loop stimulation reduced seizure frequency by 17%, both in the stimulation group as compared to the no-stimulation group.
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This paper presents the analysis for allocating the system poles and hence controlling the system stability for KHN and Sallen-Key fractional order filters. The stability analysis and stability contours for two different fractional order transfer functions with two different fractional order elements are presented. The effect of the transfer function parameters on the singularities of the system is demonstrated where the number of poles becomes dependent on the transfer function parameters as well as the fractional orders. Numerical, circuit simulation, and experimental work are used in the design to test the proposed stability contours.
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This paper presents a general procedure to obtain Butterworth filter specifications in the fractional-order domain where an infinite number of relationships could be obtained due to the extra independent fractional-order parameters which increase the filter degrees-of-freedom. The necessary and sufficient condition for achieving fractional-order Butterworth filter with a specific cutoff frequency is derived as a function of the orders in addition to the transfer function parameters. The effect of equal-orders on the filter bandwidth is discussed showing how the integer-order case is considered as a special case from the proposed procedure. Several passive and active filters are studied to validate the concept such as Kerwin-Huelsman-Newcomb and Sallen-Key filters through numerical and Advanced Design System (ADS) simulations. Moreover, these circuits are tested experimentally using discrete components to model the fractional order capacitor showing great matching with the numerical and circuit simulations.
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The objectives of this work are (i) to verify experimentally the theoretical claim that neither Riemann–Liouville nor Caputo fractional derivative can be used to predict the time response of fractional order systems without proper correction for the system’s past history in terms of an initialization function and (ii) to study quantitatively how the error incurred due to ignoring initialization depends on the nature of the past history and the system parameters. The entire analysis is restricted to a special class of single input single output linear time invariant fractional order system which can be realized by a simple electrical circuit consisting of a resistance and a fractance in series. This work involves two different realizations of fractances or constant phase elements whose characteristic parameters are first determined based on their respective impedance frequency responses and then used to simulate the time responses of the circuit with the input same as the one used for experimentation using a numerical method for two cases: (i) taking past history into account and (ii) without taking past history into account. Thereafter, an integral square error criterion is presented and variation of the same is studied with respect to system parameters and nature of the history function to have a relative idea of how much partial past history in the absence of a complete one should suffice in practical applications.
Conference Paper
This paper proposes a hardware platform implementation on FPGA for two fractional-order derivative operators. The Grünwald-Letnikov and Caputo definitions are realized for different fractional orders. The realization is based on non-uniform segmentation algorithm with a variable lookup table. A generic implementation for Grünwald-Letnikov is proposed and a Fixed Point Booth multiplier radix-4 is used for Caputo implementation. Carry look-ahead adder, multi-operand adder and booth multiplier are used to improve the performance and other techniques for area and delay minimization have been employed. A comparison between the two presented architectures is introduced. The proposed designs have been simulated using Xilinx ISE and realized on FPGA Xilinx virtex-5 XC5VLX50T. The total area of look up tables is achieved for Caputo implementation, and maximum frequency of. and slices are achieved for Grünwald-Letnikov architecture.