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New efficient constructive heuristics for the hybrid flowshop to minimise makespan: A computational evaluation of heuristics


Abstract and Figures

This paper addresses the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem to minimise makespan, a well-known scheduling problem for which many constructive heuristics have been proposed in the literature. Nevertheless, the state of the art is not clear due to partial or non homogeneous comparisons. In this paper, we review these heuristics and perform a comprehensive computational evaluation to determine which are the most efficient ones. A total of 20 heuristics are implemented and compared in this study. In addition, we propose four new heuristics for the problem. Firstly, two memory-based constructive heuristics are proposed, where a sequence is constructed by inserting jobs one by one in a partial sequence. The most promising insertions tested are kept in a list. However, in contrast to the Tabu search, these insertions are repeated in future iterations instead of forbidding them. Secondly, we propose two constructive heuristics based on Johnson's algorithm for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem. The computational results carried out on an extensive testbed show that the new proposals outperform the existing heuristics.
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New efficient constructive heuristics for the hybrid
flowshop to minimise makespan: A computational
evaluation of heuristics.
Victor Fernandez-Viagas1
, Jose M. Molina-Pariente1, Jose M. Framinan1
1Industrial Management, School of Engineering, University of Seville,
Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n, 41092 Seville, Spain, {vfernandezviagas,jmolina1,framinan}
February 4, 2019
This paper addresses the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem to minimise
makespan, a well-known scheduling problem for which many constructive heuris-
tics have been proposed in the literature. Nevertheless, the state of the art is not
clear due to partial or non homogeneous comparisons. In this paper, we review
these heuristics and perform a comprehensive computational evaluation to deter-
mine which are the most efficient ones. A total of 20 heuristics are implemented and
compared in this study. In addition, we propose four new heuristics for the problem.
Firstly, two memory-based constructive heuristics are proposed, where a sequence is
constructed by inserting jobs one by one in a partial sequence. The most promising
insertions tested are kept in a list. However, in contrast to the Tabu search, these
insertions are repeated in future iterations instead of forbidding them. Secondly,
we propose two constructive heuristics based on Johnson’s algorithm for the permu-
tation flowshop scheduling problem. The computational results carried out on an
extensive testbed show that the new proposals outperform the existing heuristics.
Keywords: Scheduling, hybrid Flowshop, Heuristics, Makespan, Computational
evaluation, HFS, memory-based constructive heuristics
Preprint submitted to Computers & Industrial Engineering. DOI:10.1016/j.eswa.2018.07.055
Corresponding author. Email:
1 Introduction
The flowshop scheduling problem is one of the most active research areas within Operations
Research (see e.g. Framinan et al., 2004; Ruiz and Maroto, 2005; Fernandez-Viagas et al., 2017
for reviews on the topic). In the flowshop layout, njobs have to be processed on mstages, each
one composed of a single machine, following each job the same route of stages. The problem
then consists in obtaining the best sequence of jobs in each machine according to a certain
objective (typically the minimisation of makespan, see e.g. Fernandez-Viagas and Framinan,
2014, or the total completion times, see e.g. Fernandez-Viagas and Framinan, 2017a). However,
in many manufacturing scenarios several machines in parallel are used to perform an operation
as it serves to increase the capacity and/or throughput; to balance the use of the stages; and to
decrease the influence of the bottleneck machine (Naderi et al., 2010). This flowshop problem
with parallel machines in each stage is usually denoted as the Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling (HFS)
problem or flexible flowshop scheduling problem. In this paper we address the HFS with the
objective of makespan minimisation which is known to aim at minimising production run and
maximising machine utilisation. The problem can be denoted as H F m||Cmax or FFm||Cmax
following Graham et al. (1979) and, alternatively, by F H m, ((P M k)m
k=1)||Cmax following Ruiz
and Vázquez-Rodríguez (2010).
Since the problem under consideration is known to be NP-hard by Gupta, 1988 (for the
problem even when there are two stages: one with two machines and the other one with a single
machine), and by Rinnooy Kan, 1976 (for the problem with a single stage with more than two
machines), many approximated algorithms have been developed in the literature (see in this
regard the reviews by Ruiz and Vázquez-Rodríguez, 2010; Ribas et al., 2010 and e.g. Dios et al.,
2018; Chung et al., 2017; Zhong and Shi, 2018; Ying and Lin, 2018). In these reviews, most
contributions focus on the HFS with identical parallel machines and the maximum completion
time or makespan (denoted as Cmax) as objective, which is also the problem under consideration
here. Despite the different heuristics proposed for the problem (see Section 2), we are not aware of
any computational evaluation comparing all of them under the same conditions, and only partial
comparisons have been performed in the existing literature, using a small subset of heuristics
and/or different sets of instances for each comparison.
Among the heuristics proposed for the problem, the NEH (originally proposed by Nawaz
et al., 1983 for flowshop scheduling and adapted for our problem by Brah and Loo, 1999) seems
to be, up to now, one of the best heuristics for the problem, due to its extensive use as initial
solution of metaheuristics or as a reference procedure for other constructive heuristics. Despite
the excellent performance of the NEH for a range of scheduling problems, recent research has
shown different strategies to enhance it: On the one hand, the use of the original objective
function of the problem to select the best partial sequence in a heuristic must not necessary
imply the best decision in an iteration of the algorithm (see e.g. Dong et al., 2008; Fernandez-
Viagas and Framinan, 2015b, where tie-breaking mechanisms based on idle times are included
in the evaluation of partial sequences to improve the solutions in related problems); On the
other hand, Fernandez-Viagas and Framinan (2017b) found that, under certain conditions, some
stages could be ignored in the traditional flowshop, being approximately equivalent to a single-
machine scheduling problem. Note that both reasonings could be also applied to the problem
under consideration.
To tackle these challenges, our contribution to the problem is twofold: Firstly, an exhaustive
computational evaluation of the heuristics available for the problem is performed. Secondly, we
propose four new efficient (memory-based and Johnson-based) constructive heuristics that take
into account the aforementioned ideas and that our experiments show that they outperform the
existing ones. The first two heuristics construct a solution step by step in a greedy manner, but
also taking into consideration the most promising partial solutions obtained in the previous iter-
ation. The last two heuristics reduce the problem to different two-machine flowshop scheduling
problems and use the Johnson’s algorithm (Johnson, 1954) to solve them exactly. The remainder
of the paper is organised as follows: In Section 2, the problem under consideration is formally
described and its background is discussed. The constructive heuristics proposed are described
in Section 3. The computational evaluation of both existing and new heuristics is presented in
Section 4. Finally, the conclusions are discussed in Section 5.
2 Problem description and background
The problem under study can be defined as follows. There is a set Nof njobs that have to be
processed on a set Mof mstages. Each stage i(i∈ {1, . . . , m}) is composed of miidentical
machines. Each job has to be processed on only one machine in each stage, all jobs following
the same order of stages. The processing time of job jin stage iis denoted by pij. The problem
then consists in determining, for each stage, both the machines where each job is to be processed
and the order of jobs to process for each machine in order to minimise the maximum completion
time or makespan (Cmax). In addition, the following hypotheses are also adopted: each machine
processes at most one job at the same time, and each job is available at initial time; setup times
are considered as sequence-independent and non-anticipatory, and they can hence be included in
the processing times of the jobs; finally, unlimited inventory is considered between stages.
Note that many approximated algorithms have been proposed to solve the problem in the
existing literature, as already mentioned in Section 1 (see Ruiz and Vázquez-Rodríguez, 2010;
Ribas et al., 2010 for a more detailed review and explanation of all these approaches). Approx-
imate algorithms can be classified in heuristics and metaheuristics (Framinan et al., 2005 and
Ruiz and Maroto, 2005). While heuristics (constructive and improvement) typically obtain a
fast solution using a fixed number of iterations, metaheuristics are typically forced to stop after
a fixed CPU time or number of iterations. In this section, we focus in studies proposing con-
structive or improvement heuristics for the HF m||Cmax problem. In addition, metaheuristics
typically require initial solutions obtained using constructive/improvement heuristics. There-
fore, we also review the existing metaheuristics for the problem in order to identify additional
constructive/improvement heuristics.
Lee and Vairaktarakis (1994) solve the two-stage HFS problem to minimise makespan by
using a simple heuristic that assigns jobs to the first stage with the First Available Machine rule
(FAM), i.e. each job in a sequence is assigned to the first machine which becomes available. In
the second stage, a mirror image of the FAM rule, named Last Busy Machine rule (LBM), is
developed to assign the jobs. Koulamas and Kyparisis (2000) propose three linear time heuristics
to solve the two- and three-stage case. More specifically, the HLheuristic solves the two-stage
case and two heuristics (denoted as H0and HS) solve the three-stage case. Several heuristics
are also proposed by Soewandi and Elmaghraby (2001) to solve the three-stage problem.
For the m-stage case, Santos et al. (1996) adapt four heuristics by Campbell et al. (1970),
Palmer (1965), Gupta (1971), and Dannenbring (1977), originally developed for the permutation
flowshop to minimise makespan. In their experiments, the proposals by Campbell et al. (1970)
(denoted as CDS1) and Dannenbring (1977) (denoted as DNN) outperform the heuristics by
Palmer (1965), and Gupta (1971). Brah and Loo (1999) compare the CDS1 heuristic against
four other heuristics originally proposed for the permutation flowshop problem by Nawaz et al.
(1983), Hundal and Rajgopal (1988), Park et al. (1984), and Ho (1995). All heuristics were
adapted to the hybrid flowshop to minimise makespan and other objectives. The most promising
heuristic regarding the makespan are the heuristic by Nawaz et al., 1983 (denoted as NEH),
the CDS1 heuristic, and the adaptation of CDS2 (originally proposed by Park et al., 1984).
Acero-Dominguez and Paternina-Arboleda (2004); Paternina-Arboleda et al. (2008) propose a
heuristic, denoted as BH, based in the bottleneck concept according to the theory of constraints
(Goldratt and Cox (1992)). They compare their proposal against the traditional shifting bot-
tleneck heuristic (proposed by Adams et al., 1988 to solve a job shop layout) and against the
hybrid shifting bottleneck-local search (proposed by Pinedo and Chao, 1999).
Regarding metaheuristics, Alaykýran et al. (2007) and Engin and Döyen (2004) propose an
Artificial Immune System and an Ant Colony Optimisation, respectively. With respect to the
generation of initial solutions for these algorithms, the former uses a random population based
on the idle times between the jobs, while in the latter the method to obtain the initial population
is not described. Their algorithms outperform a B&B by Néron et al. (2001) (using a maximum
CPU time) on the set of instances proposed by Carlier and Néron (2000) (note that, although this
benchmark only considers a maximum number of jobs equal to 15, it is the most used benchmark
so far for the problem under consideration). Negenman (2001) adapts several local search algo-
rithms from the flow shop and job shop literature, and compares them against a variable-depth
search and a Simulated Annealing. No indication of the initial solution is detailed. Niu et al.
(2009) propose a quantum algorithm using an initial population randomly generated (see e.g.
Norman and Bean, 1999; Kurz and Askin, 2004). Liao et al. (2012) propose a hybrid Particle
Swarm Optimization (PSO) using the BH heuristic to obtain the initial solution. Their results
have been compared using the benchmark from Carlier and Néron (2000) against some existing
metaheuristics (Carlier and Néron, 2000; Néron et al., 2001; Engin and Döyen, 2004; Niu et al.,
2009; Alaykýran et al., 2007). A simple iterated greedy algorithm and two different constructive
heuristics, denoted as WT1(x) and WT2(x), are proposed by Kizilay et al. (2015). Regarding
WT1(x) and WT2(x), they found that both outperform NEH. However, the comparison is carried
out using different computational CPU times. An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm using
a random population is proposed by Wang et al. (2013). This algorithm outperforms the pro-
posals by Liao et al. (2012), and Engin and Döyen (2004). Pan et al. (2014) develop a Discrete
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm (DABC). In addition, they propose several dispatching rules
and NEH-based heuristics to solve the problem. These heuristics reduce the number of positions
where each job has to be inserted. Among them, the best results are found by the dispatching
rules SPTB (jobs ordered according to non-decreasing processing times till bottleneck stage) and
bLPTB (jobs ordered in a backward manner according to non-decreasing processing times till
bottleneck stage), and by the NEH-based heuristics NEHLPT(λ), and bNEHSPT(λ).
Regarding contributions in related (more constrained) problems, Barman (1997) proposes
several dispatching rules for the three-stage problem considering release dates, and minimising
total flow time, total tardiness or number of tardy jobs. Each rule uses a different method
to construct the sequence in each stage. The best result is found for the total flow time by
chosing the jobs in the queue between stages according to the SPT rule, denoted as FIFO(SPT).
Jayamohan and Rajendran (2000) extend the experimentation performed by Barman (1997) to
other objectives (maximum flowtime, variance of flowtime, maximum tardiness and variance
of tardiness) and considering new dispatching rules. The PT+WINQ+AT rule (Holthaus and
Rajendran, 1997), denoted as FIFO(PT+WINQ+AT), obtains the best result for the maximum
flowtime minimisation.
To summarise, different heuristics have been proposed to solve the problem under study
during the last twenty years. Nevertheless, the state-of-the art regarding heuristic methods is
nowadays unclear due to the following issues:
1. Despite the good results obtained by Santos et al. (1996), and Brah and Loo (1999), to
the best of our knowledge, their heuristics have not been used and/or compared against
new proposals, so their actual performance remains unclear.
2. Several heuristics have been proposed in the literature during the last years (see e.g. Acero-
Dominguez and Paternina-Arboleda, 2004; Paternina-Arboleda et al., 2008; Pan et al.,
2014) to solve the problem either to obtain fast solutions or to be used as seed sequences
of more complex algorithms. However, to the best of our knowledge, a direct comparison
between them does not exist.
3. In most of the existing heuristics, jobs are sequenced between stages according to simple
rules, such as the FIFO rule (jobs ordered according to non decreasing completion times
in the previous stage). However, the results by Barman (1997), Holthaus and Rajendran
(1997) and Jayamohan and Rajendran (2000) suggest that other rules could provide good
solutions for the problem. Despite their potential, such rules have not been incorporated
so far in the existing algorithms.
4. Recent advances in constructive greedy heuristics have shown the potential of using tailored
indicators to improve the myopic nature of these heuristics (Fernandez-Viagas et al., 2017).
5. Finally, it can be seen that additional heuristics could be developed by further exploring
the division of the original problem in subsets. Particularly, the use of heuristics for the
2-machine flowshop (i.e. Johnson) has not been sufficiently analysed: despite being a
straightforward adaptation from the flowshop layout, the CDS2 heuristic provides very
good results, and it could be further refined by considering the number of machines on
each stage.
As a result, both a computational evaluation of heuristics and new efficient approaches are
pertinent. In Section 3 we propose several heuristics based in the aforementioned considerations,
while in Section 4 the computational evaluation is carried out.
3 Proposed constructive heuristics
In this section, two memory-based constructive heuristics (see Subsection 3.1) and two Johnson-
based constructive heuristics (see Subsection 3.2) are proposed to find fast solutions for the
problem. All these heuristics use a unique sequence to represent a solution for the problem. This
sequence indicates the order in which the jobs are processed in the first stage. The FIFO rule
is used to extend the solution to other stages, i.e. the sequence of jobs in stage i(with i > 1)
is obtained by ordering the jobs according to non-decreasing completion times in stage i1.
Furthermore, within each stage, jobs are processed in the machines according to the FAM rule,
i.e. the first job of the sequence in a stage is assigned to the first machine that becomes available
and so forth.
3.1 Memory-based constructive heuristics
Two memory-based constructive heuristics are proposed in this section: a Fast Memory-based
Constructive Heuristic (denoted as FMCH), and a Memory-based Constructive Heuristic (de-
noted as MCH). Both heuristics construct a complete sequence by inserting, one by one, a job
in the best position of a partial sequence, following a mechanism similar to that in the NEH
heuristic. However, these heuristics use an objective function that combines the minimisation of
makespan and idle time to evaluate the partial sequences. As explained in Section 1, the evalu-
ation of these partial sequences substantially influences the efficiency of this type of heuristics.
Although the final objective is minimising the makespan, using solely the minimisation of this
criterion to select the best partial sequence may result in a wrong choice in the first iterations of
the algorithm when the partial sequences are composed of very few jobs. In addition, a memory
mechanism is incorporated in our proposals. This mechanism works exactly in the opposite way
than the tabu list in the tabu search. Thus, the idea behind this mechanism is to keep the most
promising moves to test them in future iterations.
Regarding FMCH, in the related permutation flowshop scheduling problem
(F m|prmu|Cmax), Kalczynski and Kamburowski (2007, 2008, 2009) obtained very good
results by inserting each job in the position with the lowest makespan, and in case of ties, in
either the first or the last position (among those with the lowest makespan). These positions
are chosen based on ideas taken from Johnson’s algorithm (Johnson, 1954). In addition,
Fernandez-Viagas and Framinan (2014) also found promising results by selecting the partial
sequence with the lowest idle time among the sequences with the lowest makespan. However,
in the aforementioned heuristics, the relative position of a job already inserted in a previous
iteration remains unchanged. The idea behind our proposal is not to discard other promising
insertions that have the same value of the objective function in future iterations. More
specifically, let Γ := (γ1, . . . , γn)be a sequence where the jobs are sorted according to the
non-increasing sum of their processing times. In iteration k,γkjob is tested in each position of
a partial sequence Π(k1) = (π(k1)
1, . . . , π(k1)
k1). Let Π(k)be the sequence after the insertion of
γkin the position with lowest Cmax among the ktested positions. In case of ties (i.e. several
positions with the same value of the best makespan), the position with the lowest value of
the indicator OF 0=Cmax +I/L (instead of directly Cmax) is chosen, where Iis the total
idle time after the insertion of γkand Lis a big number. In addition, the last position lwith
lowest makespan (in case of ties) is kept to be tested in the next iteration. Let r(k)denote its
previous job in the sequence, i.e. r(k)=π(k1)
l1. Finally, once the final sequence Πnis generated,
ndifferent solutions are generated by fixing Πnin the first stage and randomly varying the
sequence in the other stages, i.e. a random job in the queue of a stage is selected when a
job should be placed in any machine of that stage. The pseudocode of the proposed FMCH
algorithm is shown in Figure 1.
Procedure FMCH
Γ := {γ1, ..., γi, ..., γn}: Jobs ordered by non-increasing sum of the processing times;
T(1) := 1;
Π(1) := {γ1};
for k= 2 to ndo
Insert job γkin any possible position jof Π(k1), with j∈ {1, . . . , k}.
T(k):= number of sequences with the lowest value of Cmax;
Π(k):= sequence obtained by inserting γkin the position of Π(k1) with lowest OF 0. Let Fb
denote such value of the objective function;
if T(k)>1then
r(k):= job before γk, after testing γkin the last position with the lowest value of Cmax;
if T(k1) >1then
Φ(k):= permutation obtained by removing job γk1from Π(k)and re-inserting it after job
r(k1). Let Fmbe the value of OF 0;
if Fm< F bthen
Π(k)= Φ(k);
for k= 1 to ndo
:= solution obtained by considering Π(n)as the sequence in the first stage, and by generating
a random sequence for the other stages as follows: Once a machine becomes free, the next job
to be processed is randomly chosen among the jobs in the queue. Let Fsdenote the objective
function obtained;
if Fs< F bthen
Figure 1: Pseudocode of FMCH
Our second proposal extends the idea of using several promising insertions to be tested in
the following iterations. As compared to the previous one, this heuristic keeps several moves in a
list, denoted as memory list, instead of only one. Let S(k)then be the size of such list in iteration
k. Note that we develop a dynamic list size S(k)whose size increases linearly with each iteration,
i.e. S(k)=k·xwhere xis a constant of proportionality, as the number of tested positions in
each iteration also linearly increases in the algorithm proposed (e.g. for x= 1 there are two
jobs in the memory list in the first iteration, k= 2, and nin the last iteration). Let r(k)
the job before γk, after testing γkin the sth position of Πkwith lowest OF 0, in iteration k.
Hence, in each iteration k, the S(k1) best insertions in the last iteration are again tested. More
specifically, γk1is again tested after the S(k1) best jobs (i.e. r(k1)
swith s∈ {1,...,(k1)·x})
found in the last iteration. The pseudocode of the proposed MCH algorithm is shown in Figure
Procedure MCH(x)
Γ := {γ1, ..., γi, ..., γn}: Jobs ordered by non-increasing sum of the processing times;
Π(1) := {γ1};
for k= 2 to ndo
S(k):= k·x;
Insert job γkin any possible position jof Π(k1), with j∈ {1, . . . , k};
Π(k):= sequence obtained by inserting γkin the position of Π(k1) with lowest OF 0. Let Fb
denote such value of the objective function;
s(with s∈ {1, . . . , S(k)}):= job before γk, after testing γkin the sth position with lowest OF 0;
if k > 2then
for s= 1 to S(k1) do
Φ(k):= permutation obtained by removing job γk1from Π(k)and re-insert it after job
s. Let Fmbe the value of OF 0;
if Fm< F bthen
Π(k)= Φ(k);
for k= 1 to ndo
:= solution obtained by considering Π(n)as the sequence in the first stage, and by generating
a random sequence for the other stages as follows: Once a machine becomes free, the next job
to be processed is randomly chosen among the jobs in the queue. Let Fsdenote the objective
function obtained;
if Fs< F bthen
Figure 2: Pseudocode of MCH
3.2 Johnson-based Constructive Heuristics
As stated in Section 2, a subset of the stages in flowshop-type scheduling problems can have
a big influence on the final objective function. This reasoning might explain the good results
found in the literature by Santos et al. (1996), and Brah and Loo (1999) using the CDS1 and
CDS2 heuristics (adapted from the permutation flowshop scheduling problem). However, these
adaptations consist of simply changing the evaluation of the final sequence, and the fact that
there are parallel machines in the stages is not explicitly considered. In this section, we propose
two new Johnson-based heuristics, denoted as JbH1 and JbH2. The heuristics reduce the HFS
in m1and (m+1)m
2two-machine flowshop problems, respectively, which are optimally solved.
This reduction is performed taking into account the workload of the stages as explained below.
Regarding JbH1, the heuristic constructs m1two-machine flowshops which are optimally
solved by Johnson’s algorithm. The processing times of the jobs in the first and second artificial
machines of the kflowshop (k∈ {1, . . . , m 1}) are formed by considering the first and last kth
machines in the shop, respectively (let m0and m00 be the number of machines which form the
first and second artificial machines, respectively, i.e. m0=m00 =k). To form the first artificial
machine, the algorithm gives a higher value to the processing times on the first machines in the
shop, and the opposite in the second artificial machine. In addition, the resulting processing
times are weighted by the number of machines in each stage. More specifically, the processing
times of each job in the kth reduced problem (k∈ {1, . . . , m}) are p0
1jin the first machine:
(k+ 1 i+m·a)/(mi+b)pij
and p0
2jin the second machine:
aand bare parameters of the algorithms to set more precisely the weight of the processing times
of the reduced problems. A detailed pseudocode of the algorithm is shown in Figure 3.
Procedure JbH1
for k= 1 to m1do
for j= 1 to ndo
i=1 k+1i+m·a
mi+b·pij ;
mi+b·pij ;
Πk:= permutation obtained by applying Johnson’s algorithm to the reduced kth two-machine
flowshop problem using p0
ij (with i∈ {1,2}) as the processing times. Let OF kdenote the value
of the objective function of such sequence;
if k= 1 then
OF b:= OF k;
else if O F k< OF bthen
OF b:= OF k;
Figure 3: Pseudocode of JbH1
In the heuristic JbH2, the number of machines which compose the first and second artificial
machines changes as respect to JbH1. Thereby, an index k1is introduced to indicate the number
of machines (m0=k1) grouped to form the first artificial machine (i.e. machines i= 1 . . . k1
are used). In a similar manner, an index k2for the second artificial machine (in this case,
machines i=k2. . . m are used to construct the second machine of the reduced problem). Let
m00 =mk2+ 1 be such number of machines. Note that a different number of machines may
be used to form both artificial machines of the reduced two-machine problem, and therefore we
must normalize the processing times in both artificial machines, which are constructed as follows:
(max{m0, m00 } − i+ 1) ·m00 /m0+m·c
max{m0, m00 } − m+i+m·c
To normalize the processing times in a machine i, they are multiplied at most by max{m0;m00 }
(to have the same maximum reference in both artificial machines). In addition, the processing
times which form the first reduced machine are normalised by m00 /m0if m00 6=m0(this weight is
introduced to balance the case where the number of machines considered in the second artificial
machine is either lower or greater than in the first one). cand dare again parameters of the
algorithm which are introduced to balance the expressions.
Procedure JbH2
for k1= 1 to mdo
for k2=k1to mdo
m00 =mk2+ 1;
max=max{m0;m00 }
for j= 1 to ndo
(max{m0;m00 }−i+1)·m00 /m0+m·a
mi+b·pij ;
max{m0;m00 }−m+i+m·a
mi+b·pij ;
Π := permutation obtained by Johnson’s algorithm in the reduced two-machine flowshop
problem using p0
ij (with i∈ {1,2}) as the processing times. Let OF denote the value of the
objective function of such sequence;
if k1= 1&k2= 1 then
OF b:= OF ;
else if O F < OF bthen
OF b:= OF ;
Figure 4: Pseudocode of JbH2
4 Computational evaluation
In this section, a computational evaluation is carried out to compare the different heuristics.
Subsection 4.1 explains the sets of instances generated for the comparisons. The indicators to
assess the algorithms are detailed in Subsection 4.2. In Subsection 4.3, an experimental parameter
tuning is performed to find the best values of the parameters for JbH1 and JbH2. The heuristics
implemented are listed in Subsection 4.4. Finally, the results of the computational evaluation
are presented in Subsections 4.5.
4.1 Testbeds
In the problem under study, the parameters n,m,mi, and pij must be completely defined for
each instance. Several approaches and instances have been employed in the literature to test
approximate algorithms. However, most of them use small instances (see e.g. Carlier and Néron,
2000; Liao et al., 2012) and/or very different values for the parameters. In this paper, a common
set of big instances (denoted as β1) is generated as follows:
Number of jobs, n:n∈ {20,50,100,150}(see e.g. Naderi et al., 2009; Pan et al., 2014 for
similar ranges).
Number of stages, m:m∈ {5,10,20}(taken from Taillard, 1993).
Number of machines per stage, mi: three different procedures have been applied to generate
the set of instances using parameter s∈ {0,1,2}.s= 0 generates instances with 2 machines
in a unique stage (randomly generated) and 3 machines in the rest (see e.g. Carlier and
Néron, 2000; Kouvelis and Vairaktarakis, 1998 for similar approaches); s= 1 generates
instances with the same number of machines, mi= 3 i, in each stage (see e.g. Naderi
et al., 2009); finally, s= 2 generates machines using a uniform distribution [1,3]. Note that
the use of uniform distribution is the most common approach to generate the machines,
see e.g. Liao et al., 2012; Pan et al., 2014; Dios et al., 2018).
Processing times, pij : all instances are generated using a uniform distribution [1,99] (see
e.g. Naderi et al., 2009; Pan et al., 2014).
Number of replications. 10 instances have been generated for each combination of n,m,
and s, which results in a total of 360 instances.
In addition, a different testbed of 360 instances, denoted by β2, is generated following the
same procedure as above and is used to obtain the best values for the parameters of the algorithms
JbH1 and JbH2, in order to avoid an overcalibration of these algorithms.
4.2 Performance indicators
In this paper, a total of 20 heuristics are compared under the same conditions. Since each
algorithm obtains a value of the objective function typically requiring a different CPU time in
each instance, in order to have a fair comparison, the Average Relative Percentage Deviation
(ARPD), and Average Computational CPU Times (ACT) have been computed:
RP Dih
I,h= 1, . . . , H
I,h= 1, . . . , H
where His the number of algorithms under comparison (h∈ {1, . . . , H}), and Iis the number
of instances (i∈ {1, . . . , I}). RP Dih is defined by:
RP Dih =OFih Besti
·100,h= 1, . . . , H
where OFih is the Cmax obtained by algorithm hin instance i, and Bestiis the best value found
in instance i, i.e. minhOFih.
In addition, according to Fernandez-Viagas and Framinan (2015a); Fernandez-Viagas et al.
(2017), the computational effort of heuristics should also be evaluated by means of ARP Thto
avoid an over-representation of the largest instances of the indicators. ARP This defined as:
ARP Th= 1 +
RP Tih
I,h= 1, . . . , H
where RP T is the relative percentage computation time, defined by:
RP Tih =Tih ACTi
,h= 1, . . . , H
I,i= 1, . . . , I
and where Tih is the CPU time (in seconds) of algorithm hfor instance i.
Finally, for the calibration of the Johnson-based heuristics, a slightly different measure of the
quality of the solution is used, denoted as ARP D0(see e.g. Fernandez-Viagas et al., 2016):
where Baseiis the solution obtained in instance iby a reference algorithm (NEH).
4.3 Experimental parameter tuning
Two full factorial designs of experiments are performed to find the best values of the parameters
aand bfor JbH1, and cand dfor JbH2. The following range of values for the parameters have
been chosen in the experimentation:
Non parametric Kruskal-Wallis tests are carried out using the ARP D0indicator, and the corre-
sponding p-values obtained are 0.975, 0.846, 0.892, and 0.989 for the a,b,c, and dparameters,
respectively. No statistical significant difference between the values of the parameters has been
found, which show the robustness of the proposals against them. ARP D0values obtained for
the different levels are shown in Table 1. Results show that although there is no statistical
different between the level, the average values between some levels are quite different. The best
combination of the parameters is found for a= 0.1,b= 1.25,c= 0.1, and b= 1.50.
Parameter JbH1 Parameter JbH2
a=0 -0.08 c=0 -0.71
a=0.05 -0.10 c=0.05 -0.78
a=0.1 -0.12 c=0.1 -0.81
a=0.15 -0.12 c=0.15 -0.79
a=0.2 -0.12 c=0.2 -0.76
a=0.25 -0.10 c=0.25 -0.72
a=0.3 -0.04 c=0.3 -0.69
b=0.5 -0.06 d=0.5 -0.73
b=0.75 -0.10 d=0.75 -0.73
b=1 -0.10 d=1 -0.74
b=1.25 -0.11 d=1.25 -0.76
b=1.5 -0.11 d=1.5 -0.76
b=1.75 -0.10 d=1.75 -0.76
Table 1: Experimental parameter tuning
4.4 Implemented heuristics
Following the conclusions obtained in Section 2, the new heuristics proposed (FMCH, MCH,
JbH1, and JbH2) are compared against the most promising heuristics for the problem under
consideration (results are shown in Subsection 4.5), which are enumerated next:
CDS1 adapted for the problem by Santos et al. (1996).
DNN adapted for the problem by Santos et al. (1996).
CDS2 adapted for the problem by Brah and Loo (1999).
NEH adapted for the problem by Brah and Loo (1999).
BH proposed by Acero-Dominguez and Paternina-Arboleda (2004); Paternina-Arboleda
et al. (2008).
SPTB proposed by Pan et al. (2014).
bLPTB proposed by Pan et al. (2014).
NEHLPT(λ)proposed by Pan et al. (2014).
bNEH proposed by Pan et al. (2014).
bNEHSPT(λ)proposed by Pan et al. (2014).
WT1(x)x∈ {1,5, n/m, n}proposed by Kizilay et al. (2015).
WT2(x)x∈ {1,5, n/m, n}proposed by Kizilay et al. (2015).
We also incorporate in the comparison other heuristics by changing the traditional rule (FIFO
rule) to sequence the jobs between the stages in the NEH heuristic:
NEHSPT: NEH heuristic using the SPT rule when there are more than one job in the
queue, as proposed by Barman (1997), i.e. when a machine becomes free, it take the next
job according to the SPT rule.
NEHLPT: NEH heuristic using the LPT rule to determine the next job to be taken in the
NEHPT+WINQ+AT: NEH heuristic using the PT+WINQ+AT, proposed by Holthaus and
Rajendran (1997).
NEHrand: NEH heuristic taking the job to be sequenced randomly from the queue.
All these heuristics have been fully coded in C# using Visual Studio in an Intel Core i7-3770
with 3.4 GHz, 16 GB RAM, and with Microsoft Windows 8.1 64 bit, using the same common
functions and libraries.
4.5 Comparison of heuristics
The 20 heuristics presented in Subsection 4.4 have been run on Benchmark β1. The computa-
tional results with respect to the quality of the solutions (ARPD) are shown in Table 2, grouped
by parameters n,m, and s, and the detailed results of ARPD in terms of n×min Table 3. The
average results in terms of ARPD, ACT, and ARPT are shown in Table 4 and graphically in
Figure 5. In view of the results, a number of conclusions can be noted:
1. The JbH1 and JbH2 heuristics show the best solution quality among the fast heuristics in
the literature (as e.g. CDS2, BH, SPTB, and NEHLPT (λ)). To support this conclusion, the
following hypotheses have to be checked, hypotheses H1: JbH1=CDS2, H2: JbH2=CDS2
(see Table 5).
2. The JbH2 heuristic proposed (ARP DJ bH2= 2.19 and ARP TJbH2= 0.04) improves
the quality of the solutions obtained by the NEH heuristic (ARP DNEH = 3.02 and
ARP TNEH = 0.12) using less computational effort (hypothesis H3: JbH2=NEH).
3. In addition, the FMCH heuristic proposed (ARP DF M C H = 2.78 and ARP TF MC H = 0.12)
also outperforms the NEH heuristic by using a similar computational effort (hypothesis
4. Among all implemented heuristics, the best results in terms of quality of the solutions
have been obtained by the proposed MCH heuristic, ARP DMCH (12) = 0.67 (hypothesis
H5: MCH(12)=WT1(n)).
5. To summarise, the efficient heuristics for the problem are: JbH1, JbH2, MCH(1), MCH(2),
MCH(4), MCH(6), MCH(8), MCH(10), and MCH(12) (the following hypotheses should
be added to the previous ones: hypothesis H6: MCH(4)=WT1(5); H7: MCH(4)=WT2(5);
H8: JbH2=WT1(1)).
To justify the hypotheses, a Holm’s procedure (Holm, 1979) is performed (see results in
Table 5). In this test, the hypotheses are sorted in non-descending order of p-values, denoted
by βi(i∈}1, . . . , k}, with kthe number of hypotheses). p-values are obtained following a
non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test (see e.g. Fernandez-Viagas et al., 2018 for similar
studies) assuming a 0.95 confidence level, i.e. α= 0.05. Then, each hypothesis iis rejected
if p > α/(kβi+ 1). As it can be seen from Table 5, each hypothesis is rejected with the
exception of hypotheses H5(i.e. no statistical evidence has been found between ARP DMCH (12)
and ARP DW T 1(n)) and H1(ARP DJbH1=AR P DCDS2). In the former, although no differences
has been found in the ARPD, ARPT and ACT of the heuristics proposed is 1.95, and 5.61
as compared to 9.19 and 57.99 of the WT1(n) heuristic. In the latter, H1has been rejected
according to the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test but not using Holm’s procedure.
Heuristic n= 20 n= 50 n= 100 n= 150 m= 5 m= 10 m= 20 s= 0 s= 1 s= 2 All
NEH 4.58 3.68 2.20 1.61 1.71 3.25 4.09 3.18 4.27 1.60 3.02
NEHSPT 6.08 4.80 3.10 2.53 3.04 4.42 4.93 4.77 4.29 3.33 4.13
NEHLPT 8.74 9.25 9.16 8.47 4.93 9.51 12.28 8.30 7.97 10.44 8.90
NEHPT+WINQ+AT 4.92 3.76 2.07 1.59 1.83 3.27 4.16 3.27 4.08 1.92 3.09
NEHrand 6.31 5.68 3.86 3.15 2.84 4.95 6.46 4.52 6.32 3.42 4.75
Palmer 10.35 8.17 5.07 3.78 5.53 7.08 7.91 7.03 7.53 5.96 6.84
BH 17.72 15.17 11.21 9.62 9.00 12.39 18.90 10.07 19.27 10.96 13.43
NEHLPT(λ)7.00 5.54 3.35 2.42 2.61 4.70 6.41 4.66 6.55 2.52 4.58
bNEH 6.31 3.89 2.36 1.95 3.05 3.62 4.22 3.41 4.97 2.51 3.63
bNEHSPT(λ)8.58 6.46 4.72 3.87 5.29 5.98 6.45 5.55 7.59 4.58 5.91
SPTB 15.75 12.80 8.88 8.07 10.40 11.42 12.31 9.60 14.97 9.56 11.38
bLPTB 25.68 22.77 18.88 16.21 20.00 21.92 20.74 19.28 25.06 18.32 20.88
FMCH 3.96 3.31 2.27 1.57 1.44 2.79 4.11 2.93 3.97 1.44 2.78
MCH(1) 3.37 2.63 1.34 1.03 1.23 2.13 2.91 2.30 2.82 1.16 2.09
MCH(2) 2.45 1.80 1.13 0.87 0.94 1.50 2.25 1.74 1.82 1.11 1.56
MCH(4) 1.05 1.11 0.90 0.54 0.54 0.91 1.25 1.07 0.99 0.64 0.90
MCH(6) 1.02 0.81 0.61 0.53 0.43 0.88 0.92 0.81 0.87 0.56 0.75
MCH(8) 1.05 0.75 0.60 0.51 0.53 0.76 0.90 0.83 0.89 0.47 0.73
MCH(10) 1.03 0.73 0.59 0.45 0.44 0.83 0.83 0.81 0.76 0.53 0.70
MCH(12) 1.07 0.77 0.47 0.37 0.45 0.72 0.85 0.81 0.69 0.51 0.67
WT1(1) 4.50 3.61 2.12 1.81 1.60 2.92 4.51 3.14 4.19 1.70 3.01
WT1(5) 2.31 2.06 1.18 1.10 0.74 1.61 2.64 1.66 2.42 0.91 1.66
WT1(n/m) 3.48 2.33 1.07 0.85 0.64 1.70 3.46 1.97 2.66 1.17 1.93
WT1(n) 1.23 1.07 0.54 0.39 0.30 0.82 1.29 0.74 1.34 0.34 0.81
WT2(1) 4.85 4.12 2.40 1.74 1.65 3.63 4.55 3.43 4.36 2.04 3.28
WT2(5) 2.42 2.38 1.46 1.06 0.81 1.84 2.84 1.83 2.79 0.87 1.83
WT2(n/m) 3.69 2.64 1.30 0.89 0.72 2.06 3.61 2.24 2.90 1.25 2.13
WT2(n) 1.24 1.06 0.58 0.39 0.28 0.77 1.40 0.72 1.37 0.36 0.82
CDS1 5.36 4.10 2.79 2.56 2.76 3.99 4.36 2.87 5.10 3.14 3.70
CDS2 4.58 3.45 2.34 2.04 2.04 3.42 3.84 2.45 3.76 3.09 3.10
DNN 7.51 5.28 3.68 3.10 2.64 5.15 6.88 4.25 5.60 4.83 4.89
JbH1 4.43 3.29 2.11 1.86 2.07 3.18 3.52 2.64 3.25 2.89 2.92
JbH2 2.93 2.67 1.71 1.45 1.82 2.29 2.45 1.77 2.75 2.04 2.19
Table 2: Detailed values of ARPD grouped by n,m, and s
Heuristic 20x5 20x10 20x20 50x5 50x10 50x20 100x5 100x10 100x20 150x5 150x10 150x20 All
NEH 3.77 5.25 4.71 1.76 3.88 5.39 0.92 2.09 3.60 0.38 1.76 2.69 3.02
NEHSPT 6.30 6.39 5.55 3.08 5.13 6.19 1.50 3.58 4.22 1.27 2.57 3.76 4.13
NEHLPT 7.94 9.22 9.06 4.60 10.10 13.05 4.20 9.88 13.40 2.96 8.83 13.62 8.90
NEHPT+WINQ+AT 3.96 5.30 5.51 1.94 4.03 5.30 0.91 2.22 3.09 0.51 1.52 2.75 3.09
NEHrand 5.73 6.99 6.20 2.93 5.79 8.32 1.68 3.76 6.15 1.01 3.26 5.16 4.75
Palmer 10.35 10.60 10.11 6.36 8.46 9.68 3.13 5.13 6.95 2.31 4.11 4.91 6.84
BH 17.71 16.26 19.20 8.30 13.65 23.56 5.43 10.51 17.70 4.58 9.16 15.13 13.43
NEHLPT(λ)6.41 7.44 7.15 2.46 5.44 8.71 1.14 3.49 5.43 0.44 2.44 4.36 4.58
bNEH 7.37 5.85 5.71 2.68 4.01 4.98 1.26 2.70 3.12 0.90 1.90 3.06 3.63
bNEHSPT(λ)10.27 8.62 6.85 5.62 6.43 7.34 3.10 4.71 6.33 2.17 4.16 5.27 5.91
SPTB 18.67 14.82 13.76 10.93 12.38 15.09 6.64 9.47 10.54 5.36 9.01 9.85 11.38
bLPTB 30.14 26.67 20.22 21.13 24.01 23.17 16.04 19.25 21.33 12.69 17.73 18.22 20.88
FMCH 3.06 4.31 4.52 1.53 3.14 5.25 0.72 2.25 3.85 0.43 1.47 2.81 2.78
MCH(1) 2.77 3.46 3.90 1.26 2.80 3.83 0.60 1.19 2.22 0.29 1.09 1.70 2.09
MCH(2) 1.99 2.68 2.67 0.97 1.54 2.90 0.44 0.93 2.01 0.34 0.85 1.40 1.56
MCH(4) 0.98 1.06 1.11 0.52 1.17 1.63 0.42 0.80 1.48 0.23 0.61 0.79 0.90
MCH(6) 0.87 1.11 1.08 0.41 1.13 0.89 0.24 0.74 0.86 0.19 0.54 0.87 0.75
MCH(8) 0.95 1.27 0.94 0.50 0.76 0.99 0.46 0.40 0.94 0.21 0.61 0.72 0.73
MCH(10) 0.94 1.21 0.95 0.30 0.95 0.94 0.37 0.61 0.80 0.16 0.54 0.65 0.70
MCH(12) 0.99 1.20 1.01 0.35 0.89 1.08 0.31 0.39 0.72 0.15 0.39 0.58 0.67
WT1(1) 3.57 4.73 5.19 1.67 3.63 5.52 0.79 1.78 3.79 0.39 1.52 3.53 3.01
WT1(5) 1.66 2.69 2.59 0.81 1.88 3.50 0.26 1.00 2.28 0.21 0.86 2.21 1.66
WT1(n/m) 1.74 3.52 5.19 0.61 1.88 4.50 0.15 0.79 2.28 0.08 0.60 1.86 1.93
WT1(n) 0.82 1.40 1.47 0.29 1.00 1.91 0.07 0.50 1.03 0.03 0.38 0.76 0.81
WT2(1) 4.01 5.46 5.08 1.56 4.97 5.84 0.65 2.28 4.25 0.40 1.80 3.03 3.28
WT2(5) 1.94 2.58 2.73 0.72 2.47 3.96 0.38 1.27 2.73 0.19 1.04 1.95 1.83
WT2(n/m) 2.04 3.96 5.08 0.62 2.47 4.83 0.14 1.02 2.73 0.10 0.80 1.79 2.13
WT2(n) 0.78 1.41 1.52 0.26 0.91 2.01 0.06 0.43 1.26 0.03 0.33 0.81 0.82
CDS1 5.51 5.73 4.84 2.54 4.60 5.17 1.69 2.66 4.01 1.31 2.99 3.40 3.70
CDS2 4.36 5.03 4.33 1.99 3.82 4.56 1.00 2.51 3.50 0.80 2.32 2.99 3.10
DNN 5.69 8.07 8.75 2.38 5.55 7.91 1.43 3.80 5.80 1.07 3.16 5.07 4.89
JbH1 4.40 4.74 4.15 2.13 3.59 4.16 0.96 2.34 3.03 0.80 2.05 2.73 2.92
JbH2 3.67 2.76 2.34 1.96 2.85 3.20 0.92 1.82 2.38 0.74 1.75 1.86 2.19
Table 3: Detailed values of ARPD grouped by nxm
MCH(12) 0.67 5.61 2.09 NEH 3.02 0.29 0.13
MCH(10) 0.70 4.44 1.79 NEHPT+WINQ+AT 3.09 0.72 0.22
MCH(8) 0.73 3.46 1.46 CDS2 3.10 0.00 0.00
MCH(6) 0.75 2.51 1.07 WT2(1) 3.28 0.42 0.16
WT1(n) 0.81 57.99 9.77 bNEH 3.63 0.32 0.11
WT2(n) 0.82 58.00 9.78 CDS1 3.70 0.00 0.00
MCH(4) 0.90 1.68 0.71 NEHSPT 4.13 0.75 0.22
MCH(2) 1.56 0.94 0.39 NEHLPT(λ)4.58 0.25 0.08
WT1(5) 1.66 2.13 0.91 NEHrand 4.75 0.51 0.18
WT2(5) 1.83 2.13 0.87 DNN 4.89 0.00 0.00
WT1(n/m) 1.93 4.90 1.07 bNEHSPT(λ)5.91 0.28 0.09
MCH(1) 2.09 0.61 0.24 Palmer 6.84 0.00 0.00
WT2(n/m) 2.13 4.89 1.01 NEHLPT 8.90 0.90 0.25
JbH2 2.19 0.01 0.04 SPTB 11.38 0.00 0.00
FMCH 2.78 0.30 0.13 BH 13.43 0.00 0.00
JbH1 2.92 0.00 0.00 bLPTB 20.88 0.00 0.00
WT1(1) 3.01 0.43 0.18
Table 4: Summary of computational results. In bold type the efficient heuristics for the
problem are shown
Figure 5: ARPD versus ARPT
Hypothesis p-value βiWilcoxon α/(8 βi+ 1) Holm’s procedure
H2: JbH2=CDS2 0.000 1 R 0.006 R
H3: JbH2=NEH 0.000 2 R 0.007 R
H6: MCH(4)=WT1(5) 0.000 3 R 0.008 R
H7: MCH(4)=WT2(5) 0.000 4 R 0.010 R
H8: JbH2=WT1(1) 0.000 5 R 0.013 R
H4: FMCH=NEH 0.018 6 R 0.017 R
H1: JbH1=CDS2 0.030 7 0.025
H5: MCH(12)=WT1(n) 0.069 8 0.050
Table 5: Holm’s Procedure
5 Conclusions
In this paper, we have proposed two memory-based heuristics (FMCH and MCH) and two
Johnson-based constructive heuristics (JbH1 and JbH2) to efficiently solve the hybrid flowshop
with makespan minimisation. The first two heuristics use promising non-selected moves from
past iterations to be repeated in future steps, while the other two construct several reduced
two-machine flowshop problems which are optimally solved using Johnson’s algorithm. An ex-
tensive computational evaluation has been carried out comparing the proposals with the existing
heuristics for the problem.
Regarding the computational evaluation of heuristics, the best results in terms of efficiency
have been found by the JbH1, JbH2, and MCH heuristics. On the one hand, excellent fast
solutions are found by the Johnson-based constructive heuristics, i.e. CDS2, JbH1, and JbH2.
Note that, despite of the good performance of CDS2, the use of this heuristic, as seed sequence
or comparison heuristic, is very scarce in the literature on the H F m||Cmax problem since its
proposal by Brah and Loo (1999). On the other hand, the best results in terms of quality of the
solutions are found by the MCH heuristic. In addition, our proposals (JbH1, JbH2, and MCH)
outperform each other heuristic in the literature, representing the new state-of-the-art heuristics
for the problem.
Regarding future research lines, further analysis could be conducted by comparing the effi-
ciency of the new state-of-the-art heuristics when these are embedded in both population and
non-population metaheuristics. In addition, although special effort has been carried out for gen-
erating a complete set of instances, we consider that further research should be addressed by
building an extensive and exhaustive set of instances for the hybrid flowshop, including bottle-
neck considerations in a stage (see Fernandez-Viagas and Framinan, 2017b), and thus generating
instances that are not solved easily.
The authors wish to thank the referees for their comments on the earlier versions of the
manuscript. This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation,
under the project “PROMISE” with reference DPI2016-80750-P.
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... In [25], a comprehensive review of constructive heuristics for the FFSP is performed. The reviewed heuristics are assessed experimentally and compared to four new proposed heuristics. ...
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This paper addresses the flexible flow shop scheduling problem with unloading operations, which commonly occurs in modern manufacturing processes like sand casting. Although only a few related works have been proposed in the literature, the significance of this problem motivates the need for efficient algorithms and the exploration of new properties. One interesting property established is the symmetry of the problem, where scheduling from the first stage to the last or vice versa yields the same optimal solution. This property enhances solution quality. Considering the problem’s theoretical complexity as strongly NP-Hard, approximate solutions are preferable, especially for medium and large-scale instances. To address this, a new two-phase heuristic is proposed, consisting of a constructive phase and an improvement phase. This heuristic builds upon an existing efficient heuristic for the parallel machine-scheduling problem and extends it to incorporate unloading times efficiently. The selection of the two-phase heuristic is justified by its ability to generate high-quality schedules at each stage. Moreover, new efficient lower bounds based on estimating minimum idle time in each stage are presented, utilizing the polynomial parallel machine-scheduling problem with flow time minimization in the previous stage. These lower bounds contribute to assessing the performance of the two-phase heuristic over the relative gap performance measure. Extensive experiments are conducted on benchmark test problems, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. The results indicate an average computation time of 9.92 s and a mean relative gap of only 2.80% for several jobs up to 200 and several stages up to 10.
... HFSSP merupakan permasalahan yang kompleks yang diklasifikasikan sebagai NP-hard problem [20][21][22][23]. Pada HFSSP, serangkaian tugas dikerjakan pada sejumlah mesin sesuai urutan proses tertentu, dengan beberapa tahapan melibatkan lebih dari satu mesin [24,25]. Berbeda dari pendekatan flow shop murni yang hanya melibatkan satu mesin pada setiap tahapnya [16]. ...
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The scarcity and possible depletion of energy sources in the future is due to the high energy consumption in the manufacturing industry. One of the efforts to deal with this problem is scheduling. This article investigates the Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling Problem (HFSSP) to minimize energy consumption. A metaheuristic algorithm procedure is proposed, inspired by the Salp swarm in the ocean, the Salp Swarm Algorithm. The SSA algorithm is proposed to determine the optimal sequencing considering minimal energy consumption. An interesting finding of this study is that the higher the population and iterations, the lower the energy consumption. In addition, the optimization results show that the total energy consumption is due to variations in setup and removal energy consumption and idle machine energy consumption. From the numerical results, the SSA algorithm can produce scheduling with minimal energy consumption compared to the heuristic procedure.
This study aims to address a variant of the hybrid flow shop problem by simultaneously integrating lag times, unloading times, and transportation times, with the goal of minimizing the maximum completion time, or makespan. With applications in image processing, manufacturing, and industrial environments, this problem presents significant theoretical challenges, being classified as NP-hard. Notably, the problem demonstrates a notable symmetry property, resulting in a symmetric problem formulation where both the scheduling problem and its symmetric counterpart share the same optimal solution. To improve solution quality, all proposed procedures are extended to the symmetric problem. This research pioneers the consideration of the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with simultaneous attention to lag, unloading, and transportation times, building upon a comprehensive review of existing literature. A two-phase heuristic is introduced as a solution to this complex problem, involving iterative solving of parallel machine scheduling problems. This approach decomposes the problem into manageable sub-problems, facilitating focused and efficient resolution. The efficient solving of sub-problems using the developed heuristic yields satisfactory near-optimal solutions. Additionally, two new lower bounds are proposed, derived from estimating minimum idle time within each stage via solving a polynomial parallel machine problem aimed at minimizing total flow time. These lower bounds serve to evaluate the performance of the developed two-phase heuristic, over measuring the relative gap. Extensive experimental studies on benchmark test problems of varying sizes demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. All test problems are efficiently solved within reasonable timeframes, indicating practicality and efficiency. The proposed methods exhibit an average computational time of 8.93 seconds and an average gap of 2.75%. These computational results underscore the efficacy and potential applicability of the proposed approaches in real-world scenarios, providing valuable insights and paving the way for further research and practical implementations in hybrid flow shop scheduling.
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In this paper, we address the hybrid flowshop scheduling problem for makespan minimisation. More specifically, we are interested in the special case where there are missing operations, i.e. some stages are skipped, a condition inspired in a realistic problem found in a plastic manufacturer. The main contribution of our paper is twofold. On the one hand we carry out a computational analysis to study the hardness of the hybrid flowshop scheduling problem with missing operations as compared to the classical hybrid flowshop problem. On the other hand, we propose a set of heuristics that captures some special features of the missing operations and compare these algorithms with already existing heuristics for the classical hybrid flowshop, and for the hybrid flowshop problem with missing operations. The extensive computational experience carried out shows that our proposal outperforms existing methods for the problem, indicating that it is possible to improve the makespan by interacting with the jobs with missing operations.
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The permutation flow shop scheduling problem is one of the most studied operations research related problems. Literally, hundreds of exact and approximate algorithms have been proposed to optimise several objective functions. In this paper we address the total tardiness criterion, which is aimed towards the satisfaction of customers in a make-to-order scenario. Although several approximate algorithms have been proposed for this problem in the literature, recent contributions for related problems suggest that there is room for improving the current available algorithms. Thus, our contribution is twofold: First, we propose a fast beam-search-based constructive heuristic that estimates the quality of partial sequences without a complete evaluation of their objective function. Second, using this constructive heuristic as initial solution, eight variations of an iterated-greedy-based algorithm are proposed. A comprehensive computational evaluation is performed to establish the efficiency of our proposals against the existing heuristics and metaheuristics for the problem.
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This paper addresses the performance of scheduling algorithms for a two-stage no-wait hybrid flowshop environment with inter-stage flexibility, where there exist several parallel machines at each stage. Each job, composed of two operations, must be processed from start to completion without any interruption either on or between the two stages. For each job, the total processing time of its two operations is fixed, and the stage-1 operation is divided into two sub-parts: an obligatory part and an optional part (which is to be determined by a solution), with a constraint that no optional part of a job can be processed in parallel with an idleness of any stage-2 machine. The objective is to minimize the makespan. We prove that even for the special case with only one machine at each stage, this problem is strongly NP-hard. For the case with one machine at stage 1 and m machines at stage 2, we propose two polynomial time approximation algorithms with worst case ratio of 32m+13-\frac{2}{m+1} and 21m+12-\frac{1}{m+1}, respectively. For the case with m machines at stage 1 and one machine at stage 2, we propose a polynomial time approximation algorithm with worst case ratio of 2. We also prove that all the worst case ratios are tight.
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In this paper we present a beam-search-based constructive heuristic to solve the permutation flowshop scheduling problem with total flowtime minimisation as objective. This well-known problem is NP-hard, and several heuristics have been developed in the literature. The proposed algorithm is inspired in the logic of the beam search, although it remains a fast constructive heuristic. The results obtained by the proposed algorithm outperform those obtained by other constructive heuristics in the literature for the problem, thus modifying substantially the state-of-the-art of efficient approximate procedures for the problem. In addition, the proposed algorithm even outperforms two of the best metaheuristics for many instances of the problem, using much lesser computation effort. The excellent performance of the proposal is also proved by the fact that the new heuristic found new best upper bounds for 35 of the 120 instances in Taillard's benchmark.
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The permutation flowshop problem is a classic machine scheduling problem where n jobs must be processed on a set of m machines disposed in series and where each job must visit all machines in the same order. Many production scheduling problems resemble flowshops and hence it has generated much interest and had a big impact in the field, resulting in literally hundreds of heuristic and metaheuristic methods over the last 60 years. However, most methods proposed for makesan minimisation are not properly compared with existing procedures so currently it is not possible to know which are the most efficient methods for the problem regarding the quality of the solutions obtained and the computational effort required. In this paper, we identify and exhaustively compare the best existing heuristics and metaheuristics so the state-of-the-art regarding approximate procedures for this relevant problem is established.
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The Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Makespan objective (PFSP-M) is known to be NP-hard for more than two machines, and literally hundreds of works in the last decades have proposed exact and approximate algorithms to solve it. These works—of computational/experimental nature—show that the PFSP-M is also empirically hard, in the sense that optimal or quasi-optimal sequences statistically represent a very small fraction of the space of feasible solutions, and that there are big differences among the corresponding makespan values. In the vast majority of these works, it has been assumed that (a) processing times are not job- and/or machine-correlated, and (b) all machines are initially available. However, some works have found that the problem turns to be almost trivial (i.e. almost every sequence yields an optimal or quasi-optimal solution) if one of these assumptions is dropped. To the best of our knowledge, no theoretical or experimental explanation has been proposed by this rather peculiar fact. Our hypothesis is that, under certain conditions of machine availability, or correlated processing times, the performance of a given sequence in a flowshop is largely determined by only one stage, thus effectively transforming the flowshop layout into a single machine. Since the single machine scheduling problem with makespan objective is a trivial problem where all feasible sequences are optimal, it would follow that, under these conditions, the equivalent PFSP-M is almost trivial. To address this working hypothesis from a general perspective, we investigate some conditions that allow reducing a permutation flowshop scheduling problem to a single machine scheduling problem, focusing on the two most common objectives in the literature, namely makespan and flowtime. Our work is a combination of theoretical and computational analysis, therefore several properties are derived to prove the conditions for an exact (theoretical) equivalence, together with an extensive computational evaluation to establish an empirical equivalence.
The trend of globalization has recently seen the study of distributed scheduling problems. This study attempts to solve the distributed hybrid flowshop scheduling problem with multiprocessor tasks, and is the first attempt to address this problem. To solve this strongly NP-hard problem, a mixed integer linear programming formulation and self-tuning iterated greedy (SIG) algorithm that incorporates an adaptive cocktail decoding mechanism are presented to minimize the makespan. Comprehensive computational results demonstrate that the proposed SIG algorithm is extremely efficient and effective. This paper successfully expands the research area of distributed scheduling problems.
We study the problem of sequencing n jobs on a three-stage flowshop with multiple identical machines at each stage (a flexible flowshop). The objective is to minimize the makespan. Since the problem is strongly NP-complete. we develop and compare several heuristic procedures of time complexity 0(nlogn). We were successful in deriving the worst case performance bound of one procedure. We have also developed several lower bounds that serve as datum for comparison; the lower bound used in the evaluation is always the best among them. Extensive experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed procedures, and preferences are concluded based on their average performance.
This paper investigates a two-stage hybrid flowshop problem with a single batch processing machine in the first stage and a single machine in the second stage. In this problem, each job has an individual release time and they are grouped into several batches. The batch processing machine can process a batch (limited number) of jobs simultaneously. To be more practical, the waiting time between the batch processing machine and the single machine is restricted in the two-stage hybrid flowshop problem. The objective is to minimize the makespan. To the best of our knowledge, few study researches the problem which is common in many real-life applications. Two immunoglobulin-based artificial immune system (IAIS) algorithms are developed to solve the problem which is NP-hard. The proposed IAIS algorithms provide different encoding and decoding ways to solve the problem. To verify proposed IAISs, comparisons with existing algorithms are made. Two lower bounds are also proposed to test solution quality. Computational results have shown that the proposed IAIS algorithms for the two-stage hybrid flowshop problem are quite stable and efficient.
Recently, iterated greedy algorithms have been successfully applied to solve a variety of combinatorial optimization problems. This paper presents iterated greedy algorithms for solving the blocking flowshop scheduling problem (BFSP) with the makespan criterion. Main contributions of this paper can be summed up as follows. We propose a constructive heuristic to generate an initial solution. The constructive heuristic generates better results than those currently in the literature. We employ and adopt well-known speed-up methods from the literature for both insertion and swap neighborhood structures. In addition, an iteration jumping probability is proposed to change the neighborhood structure from insertion neighborhood to swap neighborhood. Generally speaking, the insertion neighborhood is much more effective than the swap neighborhood for the permutation flowshop scheduling problems. Instead of considering the use of these neighborhood structures in a framework of the variable neighborhood search algorithm, two powerful local search algorithms are designed in such a way that the search process is guided by an iteration jumping probability determining which neighborhood structure will be employed. By doing so, it is shown that some additional enhancements can be achieved by employing the swap neighborhood structure with a speed-up method without jeopardizing the effectiveness of the insertion neighborhood. We also show that the performance of the iterated greedy algorithm significantly depends on the speed-up method employed. The parameters of the proposed iterated greedy algorithms are tuned through a design of experiments on randomly generated benchmark instances. Extensive computational results on Taillard's well-known benchmark suite show that the iterated greedy algorithms with speed-up methods are equivalent or superior to the best performing algorithms from the literature. Ultimately, 85 out of 120 problem instances are further improved with substantial margins.