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An integrative identification guide to the Hydrozoa (Cnidaria) of Bocas del Toro, Panama


Abstract and Figures

This work is the first attempt to assess the biodiversity of the Hydrozoa in the Archipiélago de Bocas del Toro (Panamá, Caribbean Sea) using morphology and molecular taxonomy, and to produce field identification tools to help future identification and monitoring efforts in the area. We sampled, identified, vouchered, and barcoded 112 specimens of Hydrozoa from shallow coastal waters (0–22 m depth) in the Archipiélago de Bocas del Toro. The specimens belong to 70 taxa, of which 53 were identified at the species level, and 17 were identified at the genus or family level. We produced 64 sequences of the large ribosomal subunit of the mitochondrial RNA (mt lsu-rRNA, 16S), the genetic marker generally used for barcoding Hydrozoa. We updated the local checklist that now comprises 118 species, and produced 87 detailed taxon identification tables that display species descriptions augmented with pictures, geographic distribution (worldwide and in Bocas del Toro), GenBank accession numbers for the 16S mitochondrial gene, and a synopsis of the families they belong to.
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Neotropical Biodiversity
ISSN: (Print) 2376-6808 (Online) Journal homepage:
An integrative identification guide to the Hydrozoa
(Cnidaria) of Bocas del Toro, Panama
Maria Pia Miglietta, Stefano Piraino, Sarah Pruski, Magdalena Alpizar
Gonzalez, Susel Castellanos-Iglesias, Sarai Jerónimo-Aguilar, Jonathan W.
Lawley, Davide Maggioni, Luis Martell, Yui Matsumoto, Andrea Moncada,
Pooja Nagale, Sornsiri Phongphattarawat, Carolina Sheridan, Joan J. Soto
Àngel, Alena Sukhoputova & Rachel Collin
To cite this article: Maria Pia Miglietta, Stefano Piraino, Sarah Pruski, Magdalena Alpizar
Gonzalez, Susel Castellanos-Iglesias, Sarai Jerónimo-Aguilar, Jonathan W. Lawley,
Davide Maggioni, Luis Martell, Yui Matsumoto, Andrea Moncada, Pooja Nagale, Sornsiri
Phongphattarawat, Carolina Sheridan, Joan J. Soto Àngel, Alena Sukhoputova & Rachel Collin
(2018) An integrative identification guide to the Hydrozoa (Cnidaria) of Bocas del Toro, Panama,
Neotropical Biodiversity, 4:1, 102-112, DOI: 10.1080/23766808.2018.1488656
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© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa
UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis
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Published online: 29 Jul 2018.
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An integrative identication guide to the Hydrozoa (Cnidaria) of Bocas del
Toro, Panama
Maria Pia Miglietta
, Stefano Piraino
, Sarah Pruski
, Magdalena Alpizar Gonzalez
, Susel Castellanos-
, Sarai Jerónimo-Aguilar
, Jonathan W. Lawley
, Davide Maggioni
, Luis Martell
Yui Matsumoto
, Andrea Moncada
, Pooja Nagale
, Sornsiri Phongphattarawat
Carolina Sheridan
, Joan J. Soto Àngel
, Alena Sukhoputova
and Rachel Collin
Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston, Galveston, Texas, USsa;
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie
Biologiche ed Ambientali, DISTEBA, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy;
Zooplankton Laboratory, CIMAR, Universidad de Costa Rica,
Costa Rica;
Cnidaria Laboratory, Federal University of Parana (UFPR), Curitiba, Brazil;
Unidad Académica Sisal, Universidad Nacional
Autonóma de Mexico;
Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, SP, Brazil;
Marine Research and High Education (MaRHE)
Center, Republic of Maldives;
Dipartimento di Scienze del Territorio e dellAmbiente (DISAT), Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca,
Milano, ITALY;
Department of Natural History, University Museum of Bergen, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway;
Institut Cavanilles
de Biodiversitat i Biologia Evolutiva, Universitat de València, València, Spain;
Department of Conservation, Bombay Natural History
Society, India;
Marine Ecology Laboratory, Department of Marine Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand;
Rodríguez, Biology
school, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica;
Department of Biological Evolution, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia;
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa Ancon, Panama
This work is the rst attempt to assess the biodiversity of the Hydrozoa in the Archipiélago de
Bocas del Toro (Panamá, Caribbean Sea) using morphology and molecular taxonomy, and to
produce eld identication tools to help future identication and monitoring eorts in the
We sampled, identied, vouchered, and barcoded 112 specimens of Hydrozoa from shal-
low coastal waters (022 m depth) in the Archipiélago de Bocas del Toro. The specimens
belong to 70 taxa, of which 53 were identied at the species level, and 17 were identied at
the genus or family level. We produced 64 sequences of the large ribosomal subunit of the
mitochondrial RNA (mt lsu-rRNA, 16S), the genetic marker generally used for barcoding
Hydrozoa. We updated the local checklist that now comprises 118 species, and produced
87 detailed taxon identication tables that display species descriptions augmented with
pictures, geographic distribution (worldwide and in Bocas del Toro), GenBank accession
numbers for the 16S mitochondrial gene, and a synopsis of the families they belong to.
Received 6 February 2018
Accepted 11 June 2018
Hydrozoa; Bocas del Toro;
identication tools;
barcoding; Caribbean; 16S;
Hydrozoa are an inconspicuous and often overlooked
class of the phylum Cnidaria [1]. Most hydrozoans
have a complex life cycle characterized by a progres-
sion of three life stages: a short-living larva (the pla-
nula), generally metamorphosing into a benthic
colonial stage (the polyp), and a pelagic sexual stage
(the medusa stage) asexually budded ofrom the
polyp [2]. The life cycle can be shortened into a bi-
phasic cycle, by reduction or complete suppression of
either the polyp or the medusa stage [3]. With more
than 3,700 described species [ 4] hydrozoans are
structurally and functionally important members of
benthic and planktonic communities [5; 1]. Work on
Hydrozoa has been hampered by the scarcity of taxo-
nomic expertise, which has dramatically declined over
the past two decades [6,7]. Also, because polyps and
medusae require dierent expertise and each follow
their own identication rules, linking both to a single
species has proven dicult and has further hampered
cohesive taxonomic revisions. In the last 10 years
molecular tools have contributed signicantly to
hydrozoan taxonomy and have shown that selected
gene sequences may be necessary, in combination
with traditional taxonomy, to correctly identify cryptic
species and disentangle taxonomic confusion [812].
Hydrozoa from the Atlantic/Caribbean coast of
Panama are abundant but scarcely studied. The
Archipiélago de Bocas del Toro, Panamá is located
on the NW Caribbean shore of Panama, close to the
Costa Rican border. It consists of more than 68
small islands and mangrove keys and is character-
ized by diverse ecosystems, from mangrove domi-
nated shallow water to coral reefs and sea grass
meadows (see Figure 1 for a map). To date, 79
nominal species have been reported in the Bocas
del Toro region [13]. However, proper descriptions
and species identication tools are lacking, inade-
CONTACT Maria Pia Miglietta; Stefano Piraino
Supplemental data can be accessed here.
2018, VOL. 4, NO. 1, 102112
© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Published online 29 Jul 2018
articles, thus hindering the ability of nonexperts to
identify species of interest in this area.
This work is a result of the Taxonomic Training
workshop held in July 2015 in Bocas del Toro,
Panama, organized by Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institute as part of a National Science
Foundation Advancing Revisionary Taxonomy and
Systematics (ARTS) grant. During the workshop, in
which 14 students participated, we collected shal-
low water Hydrozoa around the Archipiélago de
Bocas del Toro, Panamá. Collections targeted both
pelagic medusa with plankton tows and benthic
polyps with snorkeling. In this paper, we present
an updated checklist of hydrozoan biodiversity in
the Archipiélago de Bocas del Toro,, augmented by
[I] a DNA barcoding database consisting of
sequences of a ~ 600bp gene fragment of the
mitochondrial large ribosomal RNA subunit (mt
lsu-rRNA, 16S), and [II] taxon identication tables.
The 16S gene has been successfully used for taxo-
nomic revisions and is considered the Hydrozoa
barcodingmolecule [10,11,1417]. Both the bar-
coding data and the taxonomic identication sheets
were produced to aid future biodiversity inventory
eorts in the region.
Material and methods
Hydrozoa were collected during the Tropical
Taxonomy Training course on systematics and
Hospital point
Bocas del Drago
Swan’s Key
Crawl Cay
Almirante piling
Figure 1. Map of the Bocas del Toro archipelago, with sampling localities.
biology of Hydrozoa (Cnidaria) held at the
Smithsonian Tropical Research in Bocas del Toro,
Panama from 7/7/2015 to 7/21/2015. A total of 16
people (two instructors and 14 students) were in
the eld during every sampling eort. A total of
11 sites were sampled. Localities sampled were:
Bocas del Toro Marine Station docks/weather sta-
tion, Punta Hospital, Crawl Cay, Bocatorito Bay vici-
nity, San Cristobal, Vicinity of Manuguar Cay, Punta
Caracol, Swans Cay, Bastimento vicinity of Casa
Verde, Bocas del Drago, Pandora, Almirante
(Quaryspoint)(Table 1 and Figure 1). Polyps were
collected by snorkeling (08mdepth)orSCUBA
diving (1822 m depth), and medusae by plankton
towing using a net with 280µm mesh size. Plankton
tows were carried out near the Bocas del Toro
Station docks and weather station.
Polyps and medusae were sorted in the labora-
tory and identied to the lowest taxonomic level
using appropriate taxonomic literature [e.g. 1620].
When possible, polyps from each colony where
divided in two vials and preserved in both formalin
(for morphological analyses) and 99% ethanol (for
genetic analyses). Vouchered specimens were
deposited at the Museum of Universidad the
Panamá, Panama City, Panama. When little tissue
was available, specimens were preserved in ethanol
only and used for molecular analyses. DNA samples
are currently at the University of Texas A&M at
Galveston. Pictures of live specimens featured col-
ony, polyps, medusae (or equivalent reproductive
structures), and other morphological structures use-
ful for identication.
Genomic DNA was extracted using standard tech-
niques followed by ethanol precipitation [8].
A ~ 600bp fragment of the large ribosomal subunit
of the mitochondrial RNA (lsu-rRNA, 16S) was
amplied using SHA and SHB primers [23],
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), and conditions
as described in Miglietta [15]. The PCR product
was run on a 2% agarose gel stained with
SybrGreen I nucleic acid gel stain (Sigma-Aldrich)
to assay its quantity and quality (i.e. accessory
bands). PCR products were puried using exoSAP-
it (Aymetrix), following manufacturers instruction
and used as a template for double stranded
sequencing with the amplication primers. The
puried DNA was sequenced at the Texas A&M
Corpus Christi Genomics Core Laboratory.
Sequences were analyzed in Geneious R9 (http:// [24]) and deposited in
Genbank (accession numbers MH361321 to
MH361381). For denition of anatomical terms
glossary for Hydrozoa at
portal/misc/glossarycover.php [25].
We collected, vouchered, and xed in ethanol and/or
formalin 112 specimens of Hydrozoa (Table 1). We iden-
tied a total of 53 species. An additional 17 taxa could
be identied at the genus orfamily level only due to the
lack of fertile structures, small size of the colony, or, in
the case of planktonic specimens, early age of the
medusae (Table 2 for a complete species list).
We sequenced the 16S gene for 64 out of 112
specimens belonging to 44 species. Some of the
112 specimens did not yield sucient DNA for
Polymerase Chain Reaction and thus could not be
barcoded. For some species, however, multiple
sequences were produced. All sequences were
~ 600bp in length and were deposited in GenBank
(accession numbers MH361321-MH361332,
MH361334-MH361359, MH361361-MH361381,
Morphological, ecological, and barcoding data where
assembled in Taxon Identication Tables. We produced
87 tables featuring 28 families (13 in the order
Anthoathecata; 12 in the order Leptothecata, 2 in the
order Trachymedusae and 1 in the Order
Limnomedusae) and 55 species (Appendix 1). These 55
species represent the most common Hydrozoa found in
Bocas del Toro during the workshop. For the most spe-
ciose taxa we supply identication keys (to genera and/or
to species). One of the most abundant families found in
species. Because the polyps of the three genera sampled
(Clytia, Gastroblasta,andObelia) can be easily confused
we also supply identication tables for each genus.
Check list of Bocas del Toro Hydrozoa
A comprehensive inventory of the Hydrozoa from the
Caribbean coast of Panama was previously produced by
Calder and Kirkendale [13], who gathered three dierent
collections acquired in 1969, 2002, and 2004, mostly from
the Bocas del Toro region. They recorded 79 nominal
species (of which were 17 identied at the genus or
family level only) belonging to 22 families. We found 53
species, of which only 31 were in common with Calder
and Kirkendale [13]. We merged our own inventory with
that of Calder and Kirkendale [13],to produce an updated
checklist of the Hydrozoa of Bocas del Toro that now
comprises 118 taxa, of which 86 identied at the species
level and 32 identied at the genus or higher level
(Table 3).Givensuchasmallgeographicalarea
(250 km
), this is an impressive number. For comparison,
118 species constitutes about ¼ of the total known
Table 1. Samples collected during the 2015 Hydrozoa workshop held in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Date of collections, sample ID, species identied, type of xative used for preservation (ethanol or
formalin), GenBank accession number, and location within the Bocas del Toro archipelago are reported. In the table N = No, Y = Yes.
Date Sample ID Species Fertile Ethanol Formalin Sequenced/ GenBank accession # Location
1 7/7/2015 BTH.15.1 Kirchenpaueria halecioides Y Y N N STRI BDT docks/weather station
2 7/7/2015 BTH.15.2 Halecium cf. bermudense Y Y N N STRI BDT docks/weather station
3 7/7/2015 BTH.15.3 Nemalecium lighti N Y Y N STRI BDT docks/weather station
4 7/7/2015 BTH.15.4 Nemalecium lighti N Y Y MH361321 STRI BDT docks/weather station
5 7/7/2015 BTH.15.5 Kirchenpaueria halecioides N Y Y N STRI BDT docks/weather station
6 7/7/2015 BTH.15.6 Clytia linearis Y Y N MH374630 STRI BDT docks/weather station
7 7/7/2015 BTH.15.7 Dynamena crisioides Y Y N MH361322 STRI BDT docks/weather station
8 7/7/2015 BTH.15.8 ?Cytaeis N Y Y N STRI BDT docks/weather station
9 7/7/2015 BTH.15.9 Dynamena crisioides Y Y N MH361323 STRI BDT docks/weather station
10 7/7/2015 BTH.15.10 Halecium bermudense Y Y N N STRI BDT docks/weather station
11 7/8/2015 BTH.15.11 Myrionema amboinense N Y Y N Punta hospital
12 7/8/2015 BTH.15.12 Plumularia sp. N Y Y N Punta hospital
13 7/8/2015 BTH.15.13 Antennella secundaria Y Y N MH361324 Punta hospital
14 7/8/2015 BTH.15.14 Halopteris alternata N Y N MH361325 Punta hospital
15 7/8/2015 BTH.15.15 Eudendrium carneum N Y Y MH361326 Punta hospital
16 7/8/2015 BTH.15.16 Salacia desmoides Y Y Y MH361327 Punta hospital
17 7/8/2015 BTH.15.17 Eudendrium bermudense Y Y Y N Punta hospital
18 7/8/2015 BTH.15.18 Antennella secundaria Y Y Y MH361328 Punta hospital
19 7/8/2015 BTH.15.19 Obelia dichotoma Y Y Y N Punta hospital
20 7/8/2015 BTH.15.20 Aglaophenia latecarinata N Y Y N BDT docks/weather station
21 7/8/2015 BTH.15.21 Kirchenpaueria halecioides Y N Y N Punta hospital
22 7/8/2015 BTH.15.22 Plumularia sp. N Y Y N Punta hospital
23 7/9/2015 BTH.15.23 Pennaria disticha Y Y Y MH361329 Crawl Cay
24 7/9/2015 BTH.15.24 Ralpharia gorganiae Y Y N MH361330 Crawl Cay
25 7/9/2015 BTH.15.25 Stylaster roseus N Y Y MH361331 Crawl Cay
26 7/9/2015 BTH.15.26 Thyroscyphus marginatus Y Y Y MH361332 Crawl Cay
27 7/9/2015 BTH.15.27 Gastroblasta raaelei N Y Y N Crawl Cay
28 7/9/2015 BTH.15.28 Pennaria disticha Y Y N N Crawl Cay
29 7/9/2015 BTH.15.29 Thyroscyphus marginatus N Y N MH361334 Crawl Cay
30 7/9/2015 BTH.15.30 ?Obelia dichotoma N Y Y N Crawl Cay
31 7/9/2015 BTH.15.31 Millepora alcicornis N Y N MH361335 Crawl Cay
32 7/9/2015 BTH.15.32 Dynamena disticha N Y Y MH361336 Crawl Cay
33 7/9/2015 BTH.15.33 Dynamena crisioides N Y N N Crawl Cay
34 7/9/2015 BTH.15.34 Obelia dichotoma Y N Y N Crawl Cay
35 7/9/2015 BTH.15.35 Eudendrium capillare Y Y Y MH361337 Crawl Cay
36 7/9/2015 BTH.15.36 Clytia hemisphaerica Y Y N N Crawl Cay
37 7/9/2015 BTH.15.37 Clytia hemisphaerica N N Y N Crawl Cay
38 7/9/2015 BTH.15.38 Halecium sp.2 Y Y Y MH361338 Crawl Cay
39 7/9/2015 BTH.15.39 Hincksella formosa N Y Y MH361339 Crawl Cay
40 7/10/2015 BTH.15.40 Sphaerocoryne cf. agassizii N Y Y MH361340 Near Bocatorito Bay
41 7/10/2015 BTH.15.41 Clytia hemisphaerica N Y Y N Near Bocatorito Bay
42 7/10/2015 BTH.15.42 Monotheca margaretta Y Y Y N Near Bocatorito Bay
43 7/10/2015 BTH.15.43 Sertularia distans N Y Y MH361341 Near Bocatorito Bay
44 7/10/2015 BTH.15.44 Gastroblasta raaelei N Y Y MH361342 Near Bocatorito Bay
45 7/10/2015 BTH.15.45 Halecium cf. nanum N Y Y MH361343 Near Bocatorito Bay
46 7/10/2015 BTH.15.46 Gastroblasta raaelei N Y Y N Near Bocatorito Bay
47 7/10/2015 BTH.15.47 Kirchenpaueria halecioides N Y N MH361344 Near Bocatorito Bay
Table 1. (Continued).
Date Sample ID Species Fertile Ethanol Formalin Sequenced/ GenBank accession # Location
48 7/10/2015 BTH.15.48 Gastroblasta raaelei N Y N N Near Bocatorito Bay
49 7/10/2015 BTH.15.49 Gastroblasta raaelei N Y N N Near Bocatorito Bay
50 7/10/2015 BTH.15.50 Halopteris alternata N Y Y MH361345 Near Bocatorito Bay
51 7/10/2015 BTH.15.51 Monotheca margaretta Y Y Y MH361346 Near Bocatorito Bay
52 7/10/2015 BTH.15.52 Halecium sp. [sensu 17] N Y N MH361347 Near Bocatorito Bay
53 7/10/2015 BTH.15.53 Halopteris alternata N Y N MH361348 Near Bocatorito Bay
54 7/10/2015 BTH.15.54 Kirchenpaueria halecioides Y Y Y MH361349 Near Bocatorito Bay
55 7/11/2015 BTH.15.55 Gastroblasta raaelei N Y Y N San Cristobal
56 7/11/2015 BTH.15.56 Oceaniidae indet N Y Y N San Cristobal
57 7/11/2015 BTH.15.57 Halecium sp.1 N Y N MH361350 San Cristobal
58 7/11/2015 BTH.15.58 Nemalecium lighti N Y N MH361351 San Cristobal
59 7/11/2015 BTH.15.59 Oceaniidae indet N Y N N San Cristobal
60 7/11/2015 BTH.15.60 Obelia bidentata N Y N MH361352 San Cristobal
61 7/11/2015 BTH.15.61 Amphinema dinema Medusa N N N San Cristobal
62 7/11/2015 BTH.15.62 Clytia gracilis Y Y Y N San Cristobal
63 7/11/2015 BTH.15.63 Liriope tetraphylla Medusa Y Y MH361353 San Cristobal
64 7/11/2015 BTH.15.64 Thecocodium sp. N Y N MH361354 San Cristobal
65 7/12/2015 BTH.15.65 Plumularia oridana Y Y Y MH361355 Vicinity of Manuguar Cay
66 7/12/2015 BTH.15.66 Cirrholovenia tetranema N N Y N Vicinity of Manuguar Cay
67 7/12/2015 BTH.15.67 Clytia hummelincki Y Y Y N Vicinity of Manuguar Cay
68 7/12/2015 BTH.15.68 Clytia linearis N Y N MH361356 Vicinity of Manuguar Cay
69 7/12/2015 BTH.15.69 Sphaerocoryne cf. agassizii N Y N N Vicinity of Manuguar Cay
70 7/12/2015 BTH.15.70 Halecium tenellum Y Y Y N Vicinity of Manuguar Cay
71 7/12/2015 BTH.15.71 Egmundella sp. (on Clytia linearis) N N Y N Vicinity of Manuguar Cay
72 7/12/2015 BTH.15.72 Clytia hummelincki Y Y N MH361357 Vicinity of Manuguar Cay
73 7/12/2015 BTH.15.73 Dynamena crisioides Y Y Y MH361358 Vicinity of Manuguar Cay
74 7/12/2015 BTH.15.74 Dynamena crisioides N Y N MH361359 Vicinity of Manuguar Cay
75 7/12/2015 BTH.15.75 Obelia bidentata N Y Y N Vicinity of Manuguar Cay
76 7/12/2015 BTH.15.76 Clytia linearis N Y Y MH361361 Vicinity of Manuguar Cay
77 7/12/2015 BTH.15.77 Nemalecium lighti Y Y N MH361362 Vicinity of Manuguar Cay
78 7/13/2015 BTH.15.78 Pteroclava krempN Y Y MH361363 Punta Caracol
79 7/13/2015 BTH.15.79 Sphaerocoryne cf. agassizi NY N MH361364 Punta Caracol
80 7/13/2015 BTH.15.80 Eudendrium capillare N Y N N Punta Caracol
81 7/13/2015 BTH.15.81 Pteroclava krempN Y Y N Punta Caracol
82 7/13/2015 BTH.15.82 Eudendrium capillare Y Y Y N Punta Caracol
83 7/13/2015 BTH.15.83 Halopteris alternata N Y Y N Punta Caracol
84 7/13/2015 BTH.15.84 Clytia noliformis Y Y N N Punta Caracol
85 7/13/2015 BTH.15.85 Bougainvilliidae/?Bimeria N Y Y MH361365 Punta Caracol
86 7/13/2015 BTH.15.86 Codonorchis sp. N Y N N Punta Caracol
87 7/14/2015 BTH.15.87 Solanderia gracilis Y Y Y MH361366 Swans Cay
88 7/14/2015 BTH.15.88 Eudendrium bermudense Y Y Y MH361367 Swans Cay
89 7/14/2015 BTH.15.89 Thyroscyphus ramosus N Y Y MH361368 Swans Cay
90 7/14/2015 BTH.15.90 Pennaria disticha Y Y Y MH361369 Swans Cay
91 7/14/2015 BTH.15.91 Eudendrium carneum Y (Female) Y Y MH361370 Swans Cay
92 7/14/2015 BTH.15.92 Stylaster roseus N Y Y MH361371 Swans Cay
93 7/14/2015 BTH.15.93 Stauridiosarsia nipponica N Y Y MH361372 Swans Cay
94 7/14/2015 BTH.15.94 Sertularia marginata N Y Y MH361373 Swans Cay
95 7/14/2015 BTH.15.95 Eudendrium bermudense Y (male) Y Y N Swans Cay
Hydrozoa species from the Mediterranean Sea [26], and
more than a half of the species known from the Arctic [27]
or the Antarctic [28]. Seven families and 12 genera are
also reported for the rst time in Bocas del Toro. Genera
added to the checklist are: Amphynema, Cytaeis,
Codonorchis, Rhizogeton, Thecocodium, Turritopsoides (?),
Gastroblasta, Egmundella, Pteroclava, Cubaia, Lyriope,and
Persa. Families new to the Bocas del Toro region are:
Pandeidae, Cytaeididae, Cladocorynidae, Ptilocodidae,
Olindiidae, Geryoniidae, Rhopalonematidae. Of the new
species added to the list, of particular interest is
Thecocodium sp. The genus Thecocodium was never
reported in the Caribbean and was only recently
recorded for the rsttimeintheAtlanticOcean[29].
Thecocodium sp. (specimen BTH 15.64) presents unique
morphological features and may represent a new species.
Another species of interest is a species of the genus
Coryne (specimen 15.93) found in Swans Key. The colony
could not be identied at the species level; however in
GenBank its 16S sequence showed 100% identity with
Coryne japonica (AY512540) from New Zealand. C. japo-
nica has been reported from the Pacic Ocean but never
from the Atlantic Ocean. Our record from Bocas del Toro
is the rst in the Atlantic Ocean and may represent an
introduced species.
Taxon identication sheets
Taxon Identication Sheets collate the taxonomic descrip-
tion of 56 species found during the Hydrozoa Taxonomy
course and condently identied at the species level.
They also include a brief synopsis of the 28 families they
belong to (see Tables 188 in Supplementary Materials.
For each family we included authorship, corresponding
Order, number of species (worldwide and in Bocas del
Toro), morphologically similar taxa that could be mista-
kenly identied as member of the family of interest, and
their key diagnostic characters. The species identication
sheets include author, diagnostic characters of the colony
and their reproductive structures (medusae, eumedu-
soids, or xed gonophores), species ecology, species dis-
tribution in Bocas del Toro, number of specimens
collected, pictures and, when available, GenBank acces-
sion numbers for their 16S sequence(s). These species
identication sheets assemble in simple format informa-
tion that can be used for a correct identication. The
morphological description, pictures, and link to their 16S
barcoding sequence represent a comprehensive display
of information that integrates traditional and modern
taxonomy into a practical tool to aid identication of the
most commons species of Hydrozoa in the shallow waters
of the Archipiélago de Bocas del Toro, Panamá.
Conclusive remarks
Knowledge on the local biodiversity is an essential pre-
requisite for the monitoring and management of
Table 1. (Continued).
Date Sample ID Species Fertile Ethanol Formalin Sequenced/ GenBank accession # Location
96 7/14/2015 BTH.15.96 Pennaria disticha N Y N MH361374 Swans Cay
97 7/14/2015 BTH.15.97 Macrorhynchia grandis N Y Y N Swans Cay
98 7/14/2015 BTH.15.98 Bougainvilliidae 2/?Bimeria N Y Y MH361375 Swans Cay
99 7/14/2015 BTH.15.99 Clytia sp. Y Y N MH361376 Swans Cay
100 7/16/2015 BTH.15.100 Antennella secundaria Y Y Y N Bastimento vicinity of Casa Verde
101 7/15/2015 BTH.15.101 Dentitheca dendritica N Y N MH361377 The Wall (25mt)/Pandora (20m)
102 7/17/2015 BTH.15.102 Filifera (on hermit crab)/?Turritopsoides N Y N MH361378 Almirante (Quarys point)
103 7/17/2015 BTH.15.103 Persa incolorata Medusa Y N N Plankton tow near BDT docks
104 7/17/2015 BTH.15.104 Bougainvillia ?pyramidata Medusa Y N MH361379 Plankton tow near BDT docks
105 7/17/2015 BTH.15.105 Cubaia aphrodite Medusa N Y N Plankton tow near BDT docks
106 7/18/2015 BTH.15.106 Sertularia rugosissima N Y Y N Bocas del Drago
107 7/18/2015 BTH.15.107 Sertularia rugosissima N Y N N Bocas del Drago
108 7/18/2015 BTH.15.108 Rhizogeton sterreri N Y Y MH361380 Bocas del Drago
109 7/15/2015 BTH.15.109 Sertularella diaphana N Y Y MH361381 The wall (25mt)/Pandora (20m)
110 7/10/2015 No Voucher Turritopsis sp.1 Y N N MH029856, MH029857 Close to Bocatorito Bay
111 7/7/2015 No Voucher Zanclea alba N N N N STRI BDT docks/weather station
112 7/7/2015 No Voucher Millepora complanata N N N N STRI BDT docks/weather station
113 7/7/2015 No Voucher Turritopsis dohrnii Y N N MH029858, MH029859 Multiple locations
Table 2. List of species found in Bocas del Toro during the Hydrozoa Taxonomy course in 2015. For each species we report
voucher name(s), number of barcoding sequences (mt lsu-rRNA, 16S) produced per species, and whether their taxonomic
description is in the Taxon Identication Tables. A total of 53 taxa were identied at the species level. At the bottom, 17 taxa
identied at the genus or higher taxonomic level.
Species Voucher Name Family
Barcoding (n. of
Identication Table
1Turritopsis dohrnii Yes Oceaniidae Yes (2) Yes
2Turritopsis sp. 1 BTH.15.110 Oceaniidae Yes (2) Yes
3Turritopsis sp. 4 No Oceaniidae No Yes
4Rhizogeton sterreri BTH.15.108 Oceaniidae Yes (1) Yes
5Bougainvillia cf. pyramidata
BTH.15.104 Bougainvilliidae Yes (1) No
6Amphinema dinema BTH.15.61 Pandeidae No Yes
7Stylaster roseus BTH.15.25; BTH.15.92 Stylasteridae Yes (2) Yes
8Eudendrium bermudense BTH.15.17; BTH.15.95; BTH.15.88 Eudendriidae Yes (1) Yes
9Eudendrium capillare BTH.15.80; BTH.15.82 Eudendriidae No Yes
10 Eudendrium carneum BTH.15.91; BTH.15.15; BTH.15.35 Eudendriidae Yes (3) Yes
11 Myrionema amboinense BTH.15.11 Eudendriidae No Yes
12 Ralpharia gorgoniae BTH.15.24 Tubulariidae Yes (1) Yes
13 Millepora alcicornis BTH.15.31 Milleporidae Yes (1) Yes
14 Millepora complanata Yes Not sampled. Milleporidae No No
15 Solanderia gracilis BTH.15.87 Solanderiidae Yes (1) Yes
16 Pennaria disticha BTH.15.23; BTH.15.90; BTH.15.96 Pennariidae Yes (3) Yes
17 Sphaerocoryne cf. agassizii BTH.15.40; BTH.15.79; BTH.15.69 Sphaerocorynidae Yes (2) Yes
18 Pteroclava krempBTH.15.78; BTH.15.81 Cladocorynidae Yes (1) Yes
19 Zanclea alba Yes Not Vouchered Zancleidae No Yes
20 Aglaophenia latecarinata BTH.15.20 Aglaopheniidae No Yes
21 Macrorhynchia grandis BTH.15.97 Aglaopheniidae No Yes
22 Antennella secundaria BTH.15.13; BTH.15.100; BTH.15.18 Halopterididae Yes (2) Yes
23 Halopteris alternata BTH.15.50; BTH.15.53; BTH.15.83; BTH.15.14 Halopterididae Yes (3) Yes
24 Kirchenpaueria halecioides BTH.15.1; BTH.15.5; BTH.15.47; BTH.15.21;
Kirchenpaueriidae Yes (2) Yes
25 Dentitheca dendritica BTH.15.101 Plumulariidae Yes (1) Yes
26 Plumularia margaretta BTH.15.42; BTH.15.51 Plumulariidae Yes (1) Yes
27 Plumularia oridana BTH.15.65 Plumulariidae Yes (1) Yes
28 Thyroscyphus marginatus BTH.15.26; BTH.15.29 Thyroscyphidae Yes (2) Yes
29 Thyroscyphus ramosus BTH.15.89 Thyroscyphidae Yes (1) Yes
30 Hincksella formosa BTH.15.39 Syntheciidae Yes (1) Yes
31 Dynamena crisioides BTH.15.7; BTH.15.9; BTH.15.33; BTH.15.73;
Sertulariidae Yes (4) Yes
32 Dynamena disticha BTH.15.32 Sertulariidae Yes (1) Yes
33 Sertularella diaphana BTH.15.109 Sertulariidae Yes (1) Yes
34 Sertularia rugosissima BTH.15.106; BTH.15.107 Sertulariidae No Yes
35 Sertularia marginata BTH.15.94 Sertulariidae Yes (1) Yes
36 Sertularia distans BTH.15.43 Sertulariidae Yes (1) Yes
37 Salacia desmoides BTH.15.16 Sertulariidae Yes (1) Yes
38 Gastroblasta raaelei BTH.15.27; BTH.15.44; BTH.15.46; BTH.15.48;
BTH.15.49; BTH.15.55
Campanulariidae Yes (1) Yes
39 Clytia gracilis BTH.15.62 Campanulariidae No Yes
40 Clytia hemisphaerica BTH.15.36; BTH.15.37; BTH.15.41 Campanulariidae No Yes
41 Clytia linearis BTH.15.6; BTH.15.76; BTH15.68 Campanulariidae Yes (3) Yes
42 Clytia noliformis BTH.15.84 Campanulariidae No Yes
43 Clytia hummelincki BTH.15.62; BTH.15.67; BTH.15.72 Campanulariidae Yes (1) Yes
44 Obelia bidentata BTH.15.60; BTH.15.75 Campanulariidae Yes (1) Yes
45 Obelia dichotoma BTH.15.30?, BTH.15.19; BTH.15.34 Campanulariidae No Yes
46 Cirrholovenia tetranema BTH.15.66 Lovenellidae No Yes
47 Halecium cf. nanum BTH.15.45 Haleciidae Yes (1) Yes
48 Halecium tenellum BTH.15.70 Haleciidae No Yes
49 Halecium bermudense BTH.15.2, BTH.15.10 Haleciidae No Yes
50 Nemalecium lighti BTH.15.77; BTH.15.3; BTH.15.4; BTH.15.58 Haleciidae Yes (3) Yes
51 Cubaia aphrodite medusa BTH.15.105 Olindiidae No Yes
52 Liriope tetraphylla medusa BTH.15.63 Geryoniidae Yes (1) Yes
53 Persa incolorata medusa BTH.15.103 Rhopalonematidae No Yes
1 Filifera (on hermit Crab: ?
BTH.15.102 ? Yes (1) No
2?Cytaeis sp. BTH.15.8 Cytaeididae No No
3Codonorchis sp. BTH.15.86 Pandeidae No Yes
4 Oceaniidae indet BTH.15.56 Oceaniidae No No
5 Oceaniidae indet BTH.15.59 Oceaniidae No No
6 Bougainvilliidae 2/Bimeria? BTH.15.98 Bougainvilliidae Yes (1) No
7 Bougainvilliidae/Bimeria? BTH.15.85 Bougainvilliidae Yes (1) No
8Stauridiosarsia nipponica BTH.15.93 Corynidae Yes (1) Yes
9Thecocodium sp. BTH.15.64 Ptilocodiidae Yes (1) No
10 Halecium cf. bermudense BTH.15.2 Haleciidae No No
11 Halecium sp. 1 BTH.15.57 Haleciidae Yes (1) No
12 Halecium sp. 2 BTH.15.38 Haleciidae Yes (1) No
Table 2. (Continued).
Species Voucher Name Family
Barcoding (n. of
Identication Table
13 Halecium sp. [sensu 17] BTH.15.52 Haleciidae Yes (1) No
14 Plumularia sp.1 BTH.15.22 Plumulariidae No No
15 Plumularia sp.2 BTH.15.12 Plumulariidae No No
16 Clytia sp. BTH.15.99 Campanulariidae Yes (1) No
17 Egmundella sp. (on Clytia
BTH.15.71 Campanulinidae No Yes
Table 3. Updated checklist of the Hydrozoa of Bocas del Toro. The list includes species reported in Calder and Kirkendale [13],
and this paper. For the species in this paper, the voucher number is reported. At the bottom, taxa identied at the genus or
higher taxonomic level.
Family Species
Calder & Kirkerdale
[13] This paper
1 Pandeidae Amphinema dinema No BTH.15.61
2 Cordylophoridae Corydendrium parasiticum Yes No
3 Oceaniidae Turritopsis dohrnii No Yes
4 Oceaniidae Turritopsis sp. 1 No BTH.15.110
5 Oceaniidae Turritopsis sp. 4 No No
6 Oceaniidae Turritopsis nutricula Yes No
7 Oceaniidae Rhizogeton sterreri No BTH.15.108
8 Bougainvilliidae Bimeria vestita Yes No
9 Bougainvilliidae Bougainvillia ?pyramidata No BTH.15.104
10 Bougainvilliidae Parawrightia robusta Yes No
11 Bougainvilliidae Silhouetta uvacarpa Yes No
12 Stylasteridae Stylaster roseus Yes BTH.15.25; BTH.15.92
13 Eudendriidae Eudendrium bermudense Yes BTH.15.17; BTH.15.95; BTH.15.88
14 Eudendriidae Eudendrium capillare Yes BTH.15.80; BTH.15.82
15 Eudendriidae Eudendrium carneum Yes BTH.15.91; BTH.15.15; BTH.15.35
16 Eudendriidae Eudendrium sp., a.album Yes No
17 Eudendriidae Myrionema amboinense Yes BTH.15.11
18 Tubulariidae Ectopleura mayeri Yes No
19 Tubulariidae Ralpharia gorgoniae Yes BTH.15.24
20 Tubulariidae Zyzzyzus calderi Yes No
21 Sphaerocorynidae Sphaerocoryne cf. agassizii No BTH.15.40; BTH.15.79; BTH.15.69
22 Sphaerocorynidae Sphaerocoryne bedoti Yes No
23 Cladocorynidae Pteroclava krempBTH.15.78; BTH.15.81
24 Corynidae Stauridiosarsia nipponica No BTH.15.93
25 Zancleidae Zanclea alba Yes Yes, Not vouchered.
26 Solanderiidae Solanderia gracilis Yes BTH.15.87
27 Pennariidae Pennaria disticha Yes BTH.15.23; BTH.15.28; BTH.15.90; BTH.15.96
28 Milleporidae Millepora alcicornis Yes BTH.15.31
29 Milleporidae Millepora complanata Yes No
30 Milleporidae Millepora squarrosa Yes No
31 Laphoeinidae Cirrholovenia tetranema Yes BTH.15.66
32 Haleciidae Halecium lightbourni Yes No
33 Haleciidae Halecium nanum Yes No
34 Haleciidae Halecium cf. nanum No BTH.15.45
35 Haleciidae Halecium tenellum Yes BTH.15.70
36 Haleciidae Halecium bermudense No BTH.15.2, BTH.15.10
37 Haleciidae Nemalecium lighti Yes BTH.15.77; BTH.15.3; BTH.15.4; BTH.15.58
38 Haleciidae Sagamihydra dyssymetra Yes No
39 Kirchenpaueriidae Kirchenpaueria halecioides Yes BTH.15.1; BTH.15.5; BTH.15.47; BTH.15.21; BTH.15.54
40 Plumulariidae Dentitheca dendritica Yes BTH.15.101
41 Plumulariidae Monotheca margaretta Yes BTH.15.42; BTH.15.51
42 Plumulariidae Plumularia oridana Yes BTH.15.65
43 Plumulariidae Plumularia setacea Yes No
44 Plumulariidae Plumularia strictocarpa Yes No
45 Halopterididae Antennella curvitheca Yes No
46 Halopterididae Antennella secundaria Yes BTH.15.13; BTH.15.100; BTH.15.18
47 Halopterididae Halopteris alternata Yes BTH.15.50; BTH.15.53; BTH.15.83; BTH.15.14
48 Halopterididae Halopteris carinata Yes No
49 Aglaopheniidae Aglaophenia dubia Yes No
50 Aglaopheniidae Aglaophenia latecarinata Yes BTH.15.20
51 Aglaopheniidae Macrorhynchia philippina Yes No
52 Aglaopheniidae Macrorhynchia grandis BTH.15.97
53 Thyroscyphidae Thyroscyphus marginatus Yes BTH.15.26; BTH.15.29
54 Thyroscyphidae Symmetroscyphus intermedius Yes No
55 Thyroscyphidae Thyroscyphus ramosus Yes BTH.15.89
56 Syntheciidae Hincksella formosa Yes BTH.15.39
57 Syntheciidae Synthecium tubithecum Yes No
58 Sertulariidae Diphasia tropica Yes No
environmental assets and ecosystem health worldwide.
The present inventory of the marine hydrozoan fauna in
the Bocas del Toro shallow water is far to be exhaustive
due to the inherent limitation of our sampling eorts,
based mostly on snorkeling and more rarely on SCUBA
diving collections. However, the high number of
recorded taxa suggests that the Caribbean Sea should
be considered a region of high hydrozoan diversity.
Paradoxically, taxonomy is a science at brink of extinc-
tion. The ARTS courses have been devoted not only to
increase knowledge on local biodiversity, but towards
the conservation and promotion of biodiversity
Table 3. (Continued).
Family Species
Calder & Kirkerdale
[13] This paper
59 Sertulariidae Dynamena crisioides Yes BTH.15.7; BTH.15.9; BTH.15.33; BTH.15.73; BTH.15.74
60 Sertulariidae Dynamena disticha Yes BTH.15.32
61 Sertulariidae Dynamena quadridentata Yes No
62 Sertulariidae Sertularella cylindritheca Yes No
63 Sertulariidae Sertularella diaphana No BTH.15.109
64 Sertulariidae Sertularella hartlaubi Yes No
65 Sertulariidae Sertularia rugosissima No BTH.15.106; BTH.15.107
66 Sertulariidae Sertularia loculosa Yes No
67 Sertulariidae Sertularia marginata Yes BTH.15.94
68 Sertulariidae Tridentata subtilis Yes No
69 Sertulariidae Sertularia turbinata Yes No
70 Sertulariidae Sertularia distans No BTH.15.43
71 Sertulariidae Sertularia vervoorti Yes No
72 Sertulariidae Salacia desmoides No BTH.15.16
73 Campanulariidae Gastroblasta raaelei No BTH.15.27; BTH.15.44; BTH.15.46; BTH.15.48; BTH.15.49;
74 Campanulariidae Clytia gracilis Yes BTH.15.62
75 Campanulariidae Clytia hemisphaerica Yes BTH.15.36; BTH.15.37; BTH.15.41
76 Campanulariidae Clytia linearis Yes BTH.15.6 ; BTH.15.76; BTH15.68
77 Campanulariidae Clytia paulensis Yes No
78 Campanulariidae Clytia stolonifera Yes No
79 Campanulariidae Clytia gracilis No BTH.15.62
80 Campanulariidae Clytia noliformis No BTH.15.84
81 Campanulariidae Clytia hummelincki No BTH.15.62; BTH.15.67; BTH.15.72
82 Campanulariidae Obelia bidentata Yes BTH.15.60; BTH.15.75
83 Campanulariidae Obelia dichotoma Yes BTH.15.30?, BTH.15.19; BTH.15.34
84 Olindiidae Cubaia aphrodite medusa No BTH.15.105
85 Geryoniidae Liriope tetraphylla medusa No BTH.15.63
86 Rhopalonematidae Persa incolorata medusa No BTH.15.103
Family Species Calder This paper
1 ? Filifera (on Hermit Crab) (?
No BTH.15.102
2 Cytaeididae ?Cytaeis sp. No BTH.15.8
3 Pandeidae Codonorchis sp. No BTH.15.86
4 Cordylophoridae Rhizodendrium sp. Yes No
5 Oceaniidae Oceaniidae indet. No BTH.15.56
6 Oceaniidae Oceaniidae indet. No BTH.15.59
7 Bougainvilliidae Bougainvilliidae 2/?Bimeria No BTH.15.98
8 Bougainvilliidae Bougainvilliidae/?Bimeria No BTH.15.85
9 Bougainvilliidae Bougainvilliidae indet. Yes No
10 Eudendriidae Eudendrium sp. Yes No
11 Corynidae Coryne sp. Yes No
12 Corynidae Corynidae indet. Yes No
13 Zancleidae Zanclea sp. Yes No
14 Hydrocorynidae Hydrocoryne sp. Yes No
15 Ptilocodiidae Thecocodium sp. No BTH.15.64
16 Haleciidae Halecium cf. bermudense No BTH.15.2
17 Haleciidae Halecium sp. Yes No
18 Haleciidae Halecium sp. 1 No BTH.15.57
19 Haleciidae Halecium sp. 2 No BTH.15.38
20 Haleciidae Halecium sp. [sensu 17] No BTH.15.52
21 Haleciidae Hydranthea sp. Yes No
22 Plumulariidae Plumularia sp. No BTH.15.22
23 Plumulariidae Plumularia sp. No BTH.15.12
24 Campanulariidae Clytia sp., a.kincaidi Yes No
25 Campanulariidae Clytia sp. No BTH.15.99
26 Campanulariidae Clytia sp. A Yes No
27 Campanulariidae Clytia sp. B Yes No
28 Campanulariidae Clytia sp. C Yes No
29 Campanulariidae Orthopyxis sp. Yes No
30 Halammohydridae Halammohydra sp. Yes No
31 Otohydridae Otohydra sp. Yes No
32 Campanulinidae Egmundella sp. (on Clytia linearis) No BTH.15.71
expertise. More generally, training a new generation of
taxonomists is a current challenge and a mandatory
urge to understanding ecosystem functioning in face
of local and global changes, and to address the needs of
sustainability of humankind activities.
Author contributions
MPM and S. Piraino designed the experiments; S. Pruski
produced the barcoding sequences, all authors collected
samples and contributed the Taxon Identication Tables:
MPM wrote the paper.
The authors would like to thank the National Science
Foundation for funding. We would also like to thank the
staat the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institutes Bocas
del Toro Research Station for their support and help during
the 2015 taxonomy course, the Panamanian Ministry of the
Environment (MiAmbiente) for permission to conduct this
research, and two anonymous reviewers for their useful
Associate Editor: Federico Brown
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the
This study was funded by the National Science Foundation
ARTS grant number DEB-1456501 to MPM and DEB-1456674
to RC, the Texas Sea Grantnumber 02-S170210 and the
Texas A&M Pesca Grant to MPM.
Maria Pia Miglietta
Stefano Piraino
Magdalena Alpizar Gonzalez
Sarai Jerónimo-Aguilar
Jonathan W. Lawley
Davide Maggioni
Luis Martell
Yui Matsumoto
Pooja Nagale
Sornsiri Phongphattarawat
Carolina Sheridan
Joan J. Soto Àngel
Rachel Collin
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... In areas with little taxonomic exploration, such as tropical regions, limited information is available on species richness and biogeographic ranges of hydrozoans. Indeed, only one specific survey has been conducted to assess the diversity of hydrozoans along the Caribbean coast of Panama, and it reported 70 taxa (Miglietta et al. 2018). In the 1970s, Ángeles Alvariño (1974) surveyed the siphonophore diversity in Panama, encompassing the Pacific and Caribbean Seas adjacent to the Panama Canal, and reported 30 species. ...
... Here, we present a survey of fluorescence patterns across hydrozoans in Bocas del Toro, Panama. This survey includes hydroids, hydromedusae, and siphonophores in pelagic and nearshore areas of the region, complementing the few surveys conducted previously (Alvariño 1974, Miglietta et al. 2018. By expanding our knowledge of the observations and diversity of fluorescence patterns in hydrozoans, this study serves as a scaffold for documenting and understanding the overarching distribution of fluorescence across a diverse marine invertebrate group. ...
... Hydromedusae and polyps were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level using available literature (Kramp 1959, Cornelius 1995, Schuchert 2012, Miglietta et al. 2018, Schuchert and Collins 2021 and additional taxon-specific literature as necessary. Living specimens were analyzed using an Eclipse E200 compound microscope (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) at various magnifications (40-100×), and larger specimens were observed using either an SMZ-1500 stereomicroscope (0.75-11.25×) (Nikon) or a Zoom 2000 stereomicroscope (7-30×) (Leica Camera AG, Wetzlar, Germany). ...
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Many metazoans contain molecules capable of fluorescence, the absorption and re-emission of light. Since the anatomical distribution, or patterning, of these molecules is variable across taxa, patterns of fluorescence may serve as a powerful diagnostic tool in taxonomy and ecology. However, species-specific fluorescence patterns among marine invertebrates are poorly understood. Here, we show that hydrozoans have diverse fluorescence patterns, which may result from molecules that are produced intrinsically or obtained from dietary sources. We surveyed hydrozoans including siphonophores, hydromedusae, and hydroids across 5 orders from pelagic and benthic marine environments in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Our findings show that fluorescence patterns are highly prevalent and may vary across hydrozoan species and throughout development. Most of the examined hydrozoan taxa exhibited some form of fluorescence, with variation observed between life stages and body parts. Fluorescence was documented in 88% of hydromedusae (Leptothecata, Anthoathecata, Limnomedusae and Narcomedusae), 50% of hydroid, and 75% of siphonophore taxa that were observed in this study. Our results illustrate how fluorescence patterns may serve as a useful diagnostic tool to explore marine biodiversity, highlighting the need for further documentation of fluorescence patterns across marine diversity and research into the molecules that underlie this phenomenon.
... Invasive or not, its known distribution has expanded considerably since the mid-20 th century. From the original description of the species in the Caribbean Sea (Leloup 1935), its reported range now extends to the Florida Keys, USA (Deevey 1954), Ghana, west Africa (Buchanan 1957, as Laomedea hummelincki), Agulhas Bank, South Africa (Millard 1966a(Millard , 1975, Bermuda and adjacent banks (Calder 1991a(Calder , 2000, Brazil (Migotto 1996;Oliveira et al. 2016), the Mediterranean Sea Gravili et al. 2008Gravili et al. , 2015, the Galapagos Islands , Papua New Guinea (Boero & Bouillon, unpublished, cited in Gravili et al. 2008), Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Panama, in the Caribbean Sea (Galea 2008(Galea , 2013Miglietta et al. 2018), Indonesia ), Cuba (Castellanos-Iglesias et al. 2009, Baa Atoll (Gravier-Bonnet & Bournaud 2012), and Belize (Cunha et al. 2017). A record from Pakistan (Moazzam & Moazzam 2006) was likely based on a misidentification of C. edentula Gibbons & Ryland, 1989. ...
... ;Faucci & Boero 2000;Peña Cantero & García Carrascosa 2002;Kirkendale & Calder 2003;Schuchert 2003;Calder & Kirkendale 2005;Bouillon et al. 2006;Vervoort 2006;Gravier-Bonnet 2007;Galea 2008Galea , 2010Cunha & Jacobucci 2010;Moura et al. 2011;Xu et al. 2014b;Galea & Ferry 2015;Gravili et al. 2015;Oliveira et al. 2016;Maronna et al. 2016;Mendoza- Becerril et al. 2018;Miglietta et al. 2018). ...
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Forty-two species of hydroids, excluding stylasterids, are reported in the present collection from the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Of these, four are anthoathecates and 38 are leptothecates. Among the latter, Sertularella affinicostata and Monotheca gibbosa are described as new species. The binomen Halopteris longibrachia is proposed as a new replacement name for Plumularia polymorpha var. sibogae Billard, 1913, an invalid junior primary homonym of P. sibogae Billard, 1911. Based largely on evidence from earlier molecular phylogenies, the genus Disertasia Neppi, 1917 is resurrected to accommodate species including Dynamena crisioides Lamouroux, 1824, Sertularia disticha Bosc, 1802, and Sia. moluccana Pictet, 1893. Sertularella robusta Coughtrey, 1876 is an invalid junior primary homonym of Sla. gayi var. robusta Allman, 1874a, and has been replaced here by the binomen Sla. quasiplana Trebilcock, 1928, originally described as Sla. robusta var. quasiplana Trebilcock, 1928. Clytia hummelincki (Leloup, 1935) is referred to the synonymy of its senior subjective synonym, C. brevithecata (Thornely, 1900). Following Reversal of Precedence provisions in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature to preserve prevailing usage of binomena, the familiar names Sia. disticha Bosc, 1802 (also known as Dynamena disticha) and Lytocarpia phyteuma (Stechow, 1919b) are designated nomena protecta and assigned precedence over their virtually unknown senior synonyms Hydra quinternana Bosc, 1797 and Aglaophenia clavicula Whitelegge, 1899, respectively, names now reduced to the status of nomena oblita. Twenty species are reported for the first time from Hawaii [Eudendrium merulum Watson, 1985, Phialellidae (undetermined), Hebella sp., Hebellopsis scandens (Bale, 1888), H. sibogae Billard, 1942, Clytia brevithecata, C. linearis (Thornely, 1900), C. cf. noliformis (McCrady, 1859), Halecium sp., Sla. affinicostata, Sla. angulosa Bale, 1894, Pasya heterodonta (Jarvis, 1922), Tridentata orthogonalis (Gibbons & Ryland, 1989), Pycnotheca producta (Bale, 1881), Monotheca gibbosa, H. longibrachia, A. postdentata Billard, 1913, A. suensonii Jäderholm, 1896, A. whiteleggei Bale, 1888, and L. flexuosa (Lamouroux, 1816)]. Sertularia orthogonalis, reported for only the third time worldwide, is assigned to the genus Tridentata Stechow, 1920. Hydroids of the NOWRAMP 2002 collection consisted largely of presumptive widespread species, with over 75% of them having been reported elsewhere in the tropical Indo-west Pacific region.
... (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) 2021; Ellison et al., 2022;Miglietta et al., 2018;Torati et al., 2011). In contrast, fish diversity and abundance are noticeably lower inside Bahía Almirante than at many other Caribbean sites, with somewhat more typical fish faunas evident at the shallowest sites and the exposed sites outside the bay, which also have the most intact reef (Dominici-Arosemena and Wolff, 2005). ...
... Despite the difficulty in visually identifying medusozoans that lack a pelagic swimming stage, our seawater eDNA analysis proved to be effective for detecting several species of hydroids and staurozoans (stalked jellyfish) lacking a swimming medusa stage. Although no single literature source exists that comprehensively documents the jellyfish fauna of Florida and the Caribbean, the results of our comparative evaluation of jellyfish biodiversity in these coastal habitats were generally consistent with the literature on medusozoans present in the region (Conant, 1897;Bigelow, 1900Bigelow, , 1918Bigelow, , 1938Mayer, 1910;Kramp, 1961;Vervoort, 1967;Larson, 1976;Humann and Deloach, 2002;Holland et al., 2004;Calder, 2009Calder, , 2013Orellana and Collins, 2011;Lasley et al., 2016;Cunha et al., 2017;Mendoza-Becerril et al., 2017;Miglietta et al., 2018;Miranda et al., 2018;Ohdera et al., 2018;NOAA, 2020) (summarized herein in Figure 7). Due to the large amount of sequence data generated, we were able to filter reads stringently and still recover a great deal of medusozoan biodiversity as a proof-ofconcept that eDNA metabarcoding with FeDS identified higher overall biodiversity than could be detected with traditional survey methods alone, validating its utility for field applications. ...
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Recent advances in molecular sequencing technology and the increased availability of fieldable laboratory equipment have provided researchers with the opportunity to conduct real-time or near real-time gene-based biodiversity assessments of aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we developed a workflow and portable kit for fieldable environmental DNA sequencing (FeDS) and tested its efficacy by characterizing the breadth of jellyfish (Medusozoa) taxa in the coastal waters of the Upper and Lower Florida Keys. Environmental DNA was isolated from seawater collection events at eight sites and samples were subjected to medusozoan 16S rRNA gene and metazoan mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 gene profiling via metabarcoding onsite. In total, FeDS yielded 175,326 processed sequence reads providing evidence for 53 medusozoan taxa. Our most salient findings revealed eDNA from: (1) two venomous box jellyfish (Cubozoa) species, including taxa whose stings cause the notorious Irukandji envenomation syndrome; (2) two species of potentially introduced stalked jellyfish (Staurozoa); and (3) a likely cryptic species of upside-down jellyfish (Scyphozoa). Taken together, the results of this study highlight the merits of FeDS in conducting biodiversity surveys of endemic and introduced species, and as a potential tool for assessing envenomation and/or conservation-related threats.
... Despite the difficulty in visually identifying medusozoans that lack a pelagic swimming stage, our seawater eDNA analysis proved to be effective for detecting several species of hydroids and staurozoans (stalked jellyfish) lacking a swimming medusa stage. Although no single literature source exists that comprehensively documents the jellyfish fauna of Florida and the Caribbean, the results of our comparative evaluation of jellyfish biodiversity in these coastal habitats were generally consistent with the literature on medusozoans present in the region (Conant, 1897;Bigelow, 1900Bigelow, , 1918Bigelow, , 1938Mayer, 1910;Kramp, 1961;Vervoort, 1967;Larson, 1976;Humann and Deloach, 2002;Holland et al., 2004;Calder, 2009Calder, , 2013Orellana and Collins, 2011;Lasley et al., 2016;Cunha et al., 2017;Mendoza-Becerril et al., 2017;Miglietta et al., 2018;Miranda et al., 2018;Ohdera et al., 2018;NOAA, 2020) (summarized herein in Figure 7). Due to the large amount of sequence data generated, we were able to filter reads stringently and still recover a great deal of medusozoan biodiversity as a proof-ofconcept that eDNA metabarcoding with FeDS identified higher overall biodiversity than could be detected with traditional survey methods alone, validating its utility for field applications. ...
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Recent advances in molecular sequencing technology and the increased availability of fieldable laboratory equipment have provided researchers with the opportunity to conduct real-time or near real-time gene-based biodiversity assessments of aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we developed a workflow and portable kit for fieldable environmental DNA sequencing (FeDS) and tested its efficacy by characterizing the breadth of jellyfish (Medusozoa) taxa in the coastal waters of the Upper and Lower Florida Keys. Environmental DNA was isolated from seawater collection events at eight sites and samples were subjected to medusozoan 16S rRNA gene and metazoan mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 gene profiling via metabarcoding onsite. In total, FeDS yielded 175,326 processed sequence reads providing evidence for 53 medusozoan taxa. Our most salient findings revealed eDNA from: (1) two venomous box jellyfish (Cubozoa) species, including taxa whose stings cause the notorious Irukandji envenomation syndrome; (2) two species of potentially introduced stalked jellyfish (Staurozoa); and (3) a likely cryptic species of upside-down jellyfish (Scyphozoa). Taken together, the results of this study highlight the merits of FeDS in conducting biodiversity surveys of endemic and introduced species, and as a potential tool for assessing envenomation and/or conservation-related threats.
... It is essential to conduct research on this group of organisms that allows expanding the knowledge about their biology, diversity and ecology, mainly in regions where these studies have not been carried out previously. Knowledge on the local biodiversity is an essential pre requisite for the monitoring and management of ecosystems (Miglietta et al. 2018) and this contribution to the marine hydrozoan fauna in Colombia is an important step to obtain base information for more studies in this taxa. ...
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The morphological and genetic identification of hydrozoans collected in the reef patches of Santa Marta, Colombia was carried out. This study allows to present two new records of hydroids species for the Colombian Caribbean: Halopteris alternata and Dentitheca dendritica. A total of 11 species and 1 genus were found using morphological and genetic identification with partial sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene. The order Leptothecata was the most abundant represented by 9 families: Aglaopheniidae, Clytiidae, Haleciidae, Halopterididae, Kirchenpaueriidae, Plumulariidae, Sertularellidae, Sertulariidae and Thyroscyphidae, while the order Anthoathecata was represented by 2 families: Eudendriidae and Pennariidae. Despite the lack of studies on this group of organisms in the country, the use of the 16S rRNA gene proved to be very useful to provide complementary evidence in our understanding of the biological diversity of hydrozoans in Colombia.
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Hydromedusae were photographed and collected during 75 night-time dives in the Gulfstream off Florida. Most of the collected material was used to obtain DNA extracts and subsequently to determine part of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene, a barcode marker preferentially used for hydrozoans. The morphological data and the 16S barcodes permitted us to identify 46 species and 6 additional species nameable only to the genus level. Photos and descriptions are provided for all of them and the taxonomy and species status discussed. Six new species are described: Pandeopsis prolifera n. spec., Zanclea mayeri n. spec., Corymorpha floridana n. spec., Staurodiscus luteus n. spec., Octophialucium irregularis n. spec., Solmaris flavofinis n. spec. The new family Wuvulidae is proposed for the genus Wuvula Bouillon, Seghers & Boero, 1988. The new name Aequorea neocyanea is introduced for Zygodactyla cyanea L. Agassiz, 1862 to avoid a secondary homonymy with Aequorea cyanea de Blainville, 1834. Zygodactyla cyanea was considered to be a synonym of Aequorea forskalea Péron & Lesueur, 1810 for most of the 20th century, but we present arguments that it should be kept distinct from the latter and it must be transferred to the genus Aequorea. The genus Otoporpa Xu & Zhang, 1978 is regarded here as congeneric with Pegantha Haeckel, 1879 and its type species Otoporpa polystriata Xu & Zhang, 1978 is therefore changed to Pegantha polystriata (Xu & Zhang, 1978) new comb. Dipleurosoma brooksii Mayer, 1910 is recognized as a new synonym of Staurodiscus kellneri (Mayer, 1910); Staurodiscus heterosceles Haeckel, 1879 as a new synonym of Staurodiscus tetrastaurus Haeckel, 1879; Orchistoma agariciforme Keller, 1884 and Tetracannota collapsum Mayer, 1900 both as new synonyms of Orchistoma pileus (Lesson, 1843). The following Indo-Pacific species are newly recorded for the Atlantic Ocean: Pandeopsis ikarii (Uchida, 1927), Aequorea taiwanensis Zheng et al., 2009; Zygocanna apapillatus Xu, Huang & Guo, 2014; Gastroblasta timida Keller, 1883; Cunina becki Bouillon, 1985; and Pegantha polystriata (Xu & Zhang, 1978). The 16S sequences also permitted us to discover several new links with polyp stages, this for Cirrhitiara superba (Mayer, 1900), Euphysilla pyramidata Kramp, 1955, Zancleopsis dichotoma, and Melicertissa mayeri Kramp, 1959. Detailed, high resolution photos of living medusae were found to be very useful for taxonomic purposes and are mostly preferable to preserved, damaged specimens obtained with plankton nets. Photos of living animals also permit us to better document material used to determine 16S barcodes and make the latter useable for taxonomic revisions.
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The hydrozoan family Cladocorynidae inhabits tropical to temperate waters and comprises the two genera Pteroclava and Cladocoryne. Pteroclava lives in association with some octocorals and hydrozoans, whereas Cladocoryne is more generalist in terms of substrate choice. This work provides a thorough morpho-molecular reassessment of the Cladocorynidae by presenting the first well-supported phylogeny of the family based on the analyses of three mitochondrial and four nuclear markers. Notably, the two nominal genera were confirmed to be monophyletic and both morphological and genetic data led to the formal description of a new genus exclusively associated with octocorals, Pseudozanclea gen. nov. Maggioni & Montano. Accordingly, the diagnosis of the family was updated. The ancestral state reconstruction of selected characters revealed that the symbiosis with octocorals likely appeared in the most recent common ancestor of Pteroclava and Pseudozanclea. Additionally, the presence of euryteles aggregation in the polyp stage and the exumbrellar nematocyst pouches with euryteles represent synapomorphies of all cladocorynid taxa and probably emerged in their most recent common ancestor. The analysis of several Pteroclava krempfi colonies from Indo-Pacific and Caribbean localities associated with several host octocorals revealed a high intra-specific genetic variability. Single- and multi-locus species delimitations resulted in three to five species hypotheses, but the statistical analysis of morphometric data showed only limited distinction among the clades of P. krempfi. However, P. krempfi clades showed differences in both host specificity, mostly at the octocoral family level, and geographic distribution, with one clade found exclusively in the Caribbean Sea and the others found in the Indo-Pacific.
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Interspecific associations are common in coral reefs, but those involving hydrozoans and octocorals have not been widely investigated. The hydroid Pteroclava krempfi (Hydrozoa, Cladocorynidae) lives in association with different soft coral taxa (Alcyonacea), showing a widespread distribution. However, very little information is available on the ecology of these relationships. Here, we tested for differences in the taxon-specific prevalence and habitat preference of the symbiosis and determined ecological traits of the P. krempfi−host associations in central Red Sea reefs. P. krempfi was found associated with the alcyonacean genera Lobophytum, Rhytisma, Sarcophyton and Sinularia, updating its host range and geographic distribution. The symbiosis prevalence was high in the area and especially at inshore sites compared to midshore and offshore sites. Rhytisma was the most common host, while the association with Lobophytum showed the lowest taxon-specific prevalence. P. krempfi did not show a clear preference for a specific alcyonacean size, and an increase in host size automatically led to an increase in the surface occupied by hydrozoans, although they rarely colonized more than 50% of the upper surface of the host. The spatial distribution of the hydroids on the host surface appeared related to the host genus and size as well as to the coverage of the hydroids. Despite the nature of this symbiosis requiring further investigation, P. krempfi did not seem to play a role in affecting the bleaching susceptibilities of the host colonies. The study shows that the Red Sea coral reef symbioses are more widespread than previously known and therefore deserve more attention.
The diversity of tropical marine invertebrates is poorly documented, especially those groups for which collecting adults is difficult. We collected the planktonic tornaria larvae of hemichordates (acorn worms) to assess their hidden diversity in the Neotropics. Larvae were retrieved in plankton tows from waters of the Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Panama, followed by DNA barcoding of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S ribosomal DNA to estimate their diversity in the region. With moderate sampling efforts, we discovered six operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the Bay of Panama on the Pacific coast, in contrast to the single species previously recorded for the entire Tropical Eastern Pacific. We found eight OTUs in Bocas del Toro province on the Caribbean coast, compared to seven species documented from adults in the entire Caribbean. All OTUs differed from each other and from named acorn worm sequences in GenBank by >10% pairwise distance in COI and >2% in 16S. Two of our OTUs matched 16S hemichordate sequences in GenBank: one was an unidentified or unnamed Balanoglossus from the Caribbean of Panama, and the other was an unidentified ptychoderid larva from the Bahamas. The species accumulation curves suggest that nearly all the species have been collected and only one more species might still remain undetected in the Pacific. In contrast, the Caribbean species accumulation curve suggests that further sampling could yield more than 10 additional OTUs. Tornaria from the 14 OTUs exhibited typical planktotrophic morphologies, and, in some cases, may be distinguished by differences in pigmentation and by the number of telotrochal ciliary bands, but in general, few diagnostic differences were detected.
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Benthic hydroids are an important component of the Antarctic benthic ecosystem. They have been studied since the first Antarctic expeditions, and in recent years, there has been an important increase in biodiversity studies. In order to analyse the relationship among different areas and validate/dismiss previous biogeographical hypotheses, we have compiled all valid records of the known benthic hydroid species from the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic regions, and used two previous scheme divisions of the Southern Ocean. In both cases, a hierarchical cluster was performed with the SIMPROF test. Our results suggest the division of the Southern Ocean into three main regions: the first corresponds to the classical Patagonian region; the second consists of the Kerguelen Archipelago, Crozet Island, Prince Edward Islands and Bouvet; the third, here referred to as the Antarctic region, is formed by South Georgia, the Scotia Arc archipelagos and High Antarctica. The results obtained also support the classical division of High Antarctica into two subregions, corresponding to West and East Antarctica. Nevertheless, the limits between both regions are still unclear, mainly because of the scarcity of data from some areas and the complete absence of information from others.
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Background Correctly identifying organisms is key to most biological research, and is especially critical in areas of biodiversity and conservation. Yet it remains one of the greatest challenges when studying all but the few well-established model systems. The challenge is in part due to the fact that most species have yet to be described, vanishing taxonomic expertise and the relative inaccessibility of taxonomic information. Furthermore, identification keys and other taxonomic resources are based on complex, taxon-specific vocabularies used to describe important morphological characters. Using these resources is made difficult by the fact that taxonomic documentation of the world's biodiversity is an international endeavour, and keys and field guides are not always available in the practitioner's native language. New information To address this challenge, we have developed a publicly available on-line illustrated multilingual glossary and translation tool for technical taxonomic terms using the Symbiota Software Project biodiversity platform. Illustrations, photographs and translations have been sourced from the global community of taxonomists working with marine invertebrates and seaweeds. These can be used as single-language illustrated glossaries or to make customized translation tables. The glossary has been launched with terms and illustrations of seaweeds, tunicates, sponges, hydrozoans, sea anemones, and nemerteans, and already includes translations into seven languages for some groups. Additional translations and development of terms for more taxa are underway, but the ultimate utility of this tool depends on active participation of the international taxonomic community.
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Turritopsis fascicularis Fraser, 1943 was first described off Alligator Reef, Florida, USA, at a depth of 216 m. Presumably a deep-sea species, its validity has often been questioned due to the scarcity of available records. In this paper, T. fascic-ularis is re-described from some mature colonies from the upper slope of the Gulf of Mexico. Furthermore, new pictures of the colony, polyps, and medusa buds, are provided. A ~600bp sequence of the large ribosomal subunit of the mitochon-drial RNA (lsu-rRNA, 16S), also known as the Hydrozoan barcoding molecule, is used for the first time to confirm the validity of T. fascicularis as a species, and analyze its phylogenetic position within the genus Turritopsis.
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This is the first attempt to compile a comprehensive and updated species list for Hydrozoa in the Arctic, encompassing both hydroid and medusa stages and including Siphonophorae. We address the hypothesis that the presence of a pelagic stage (holo- or meroplanktonic) was not necessary to successfully recolonize the Arctic by Hydrozoa after the Last Glacial Maximum. Presence-absence data of Hydrozoa in the Arctic were prepared on the basis of historical and present-day literature. The Arctic was divided into ecoregions. Species were grouped into distributional categories according to their worldwide occurrences. Each species was classified according to life history strategy. The similarity of species composition among regions was calculated with the Bray-Curtis index. Average and variation in taxonomic distinctness were used to measure diversity at the taxonomic level. A total of 268 species were recorded. Arctic-boreal species were the most common and dominated each studied region. Nineteen percent of species were restricted to the Arctic. There was a predominance of benthic species over holo- and meroplanktonic species. Arctic, Arctic-Boreal and Boreal species were mostly benthic, while widely distributed species more frequently possessed a pelagic stage. Our results support hypothesis that the presence of a pelagic stage (holo- or meroplanktonic) was not necessary to successfully recolonize the Arctic. The predominance of benthic Hydrozoa suggests that the Arctic could have been colonised after the Last Glacial Maximum by hydroids rafting on floating substrata or recolonising from glacial refugia.
A recent collection of shallow-water hydroids from Guadeloupe and Les Saintes, in the eastern Caribbean Sea, was studied. This is the first comprehensive report on the hydroid fauna from the study area. A total of 48 species, belonging to 9 families of athecates and 12 families of thecates, are described or listed. All the species are illustrated and, when necessary, data on the cnidome composition are provided. Two new species, Zanclea migottoi sp. nov. and Halopteris vervoorti sp. nov., are described. Rhizogeton sterreri (Calder, 1988) is redescribed based on fertile material. Its taxonomic status is discussed and the genus Rhizodendrium Calder, 1988 is included in the synonymy of Rhizogeton L. Agassiz, 1862. Scandia michaelsarsi (Leloup, 1935) is believed to be a synonym of S. gigas (Pieper, 1884), and morphological arguments are provided to support this hypothesis. An undescribed type of peculiar gonothecae, arising from the hydrothecal apertures, was found in Dynamena disticha (Bosc, 1802). Sertularella peculiaris (Leloup, 1935) is redescribed and its synonymy discussed. The nematocyst types of Symmetroscyphus intermedius (Congdon, 1907) were identified. Some species in the present collection are provisionally identified or assigned to a genus, pending the discovery of fertile material or additional life cycle studies. Finally, the hydroid fauna from the study area proves to be preponderantly tropical in nature, with several species also occurring in temperate seas. A number of species are first records for the Caribbean basin: R. sterreri, Eudendrium capillare Alder, 1856, Coryne pusilla Gaertner, 1774, Halecium cf. lankesteri (Bourne, 1890), S. gigas, and Sertularia loculosa Busk, 1852.
A pilot survey of the shallow-water, thecate hydroid fauna of Tristan da Cunha archipelago, was undertaken for the first time. The examination of the collected material revealed the presence of at least sixteen hydroids, of which three could not be identified to species level in the absence of fertile specimens. Two sympatric morphotypes, provisionally assigned to Halecium delicatulum Coughtrey, 1876, are described, along with a discussion on the astonishingly wide morphological variation attributed to this taxon. All the present species are illustrated, and some of them are either described or accompanied by brief remarks. Only twelve hydroids were previously reported from the study area and the present report adds eleven new records to the list of known species, bringing their number to twenty-three.
The Christmas tree hydroid Pennaria disticha is listed as one of the most common introduced species in Hawaii. Firstly reported in Kaneohe Bay (Oahu) in 1928, it is now established throughout the entire archipelago, including the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, a U.S. National Monument and World Heritage site. The Hawaiian population of P. disticha has also been reported as being the source of further introductions to Palmyra Atoll in the U.S. Line Islands. Using a phylogenetic hypothesis based on a 611 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial 16S barcoding gene, we demonstrate that P. disticha is a complex of cryptic species, rather than one species with cosmopolitan distribution. We also show that in Hawaii there are three species of Pennaria, rather than one introduced species. Two of these species share haplotypes with specimens from distant locations such as Florida and Panama and may have been introduced, possibly from the Atlantic Ocean. A third species could either represent a lineage with nearly cosmopolitan distribution, or another introduced species. Our dataset refutes the widely accepted idea that only one lineage of P. disticha is present in Hawaii. On the contrary, P. disticha in Hawaii may be the outcome of multiple independent introductions of several morphologically undistinguishable cryptic lineages. Our results uncover an unsuspected complexity within the very common hydroid P. disticha, and highlight the need for routine use of molecular tools, such as DNA barcoding, to improve the identification and recognition of non-indigenous species.
The present report provides the first general account of the shallow-water hydroids (excluding Eudendriidae) of Martinique, French Lesser Antilles. Of a total of 92 species recorded, 10 athecates and 31 thecates are discussed here, with the remaining species having been the subject of earlier accounts. Six hydroids, namely Halecium discoidum, H. xanthellatum, Sertularella calderi, Antennellapeculiaris, A. similis, and A. tubitheca, are new. Previously unreported data on the nematocyst complement of Heterocoryne caribbensis Wedler & Larson, 1986, Ectopleura mayeri Petersen, 1990, Ralpharia gorgoniae Petersen, 1990, and seven hebellid species are provided.'The gonotheca and the gonophore of Hebellopsis communis Calder, 1991 are described for the first time, allowing a genus transfer to Anthohebella Boero et al., 1997. Thyroscyphus longicaulis Splettstbsser, 1929, a species whose gonosome remained unknown until now, is redescribed based on new, fertile material of both sexes. The occurrence of Antennella quadriaurita Ritchie, 1909 in the Caribbean is questioned upon comparison of its cnidome with that of specimens from Tristan da Cunha, the type locality of this species. An unexpectedly wide morphological variation is noted for Aglaophenia rhynchocarpa Allman, 1877. Specimens corresponding to the Caribbean Gymnangium longicaudum (Nutting, 1900), are shown to be indistinguishable morphologically from a taxon described earlier from Brazil, Gymnangium allmani (Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890), the latter having priority. Thorough descriptions are provided for the new, lesser known or unidentifiable species, while the common taxa are accompanied by brief remarks and/or distributional data. Illustrations are provided for each species discussed in order to justify their identification, and to facilitate identification by others. A checklist at the end of this work incorporates records of 101 species of hydroids reported from Martinique, both occurring in the present collection and cited in the literature.
A recent collection of shallow-water hydroids from Guadeloupe and Les Saintes, in the eastern Caribbean Sea, was studied. This is the first comprehensive report on the hydroid fauna from the study area. A total of 48 species, belonging to 9 families of athecates and 12 families of thecates, are described or listed. All the species are illustrated and, when necessary, data on the cnidome composition are provided. Two new species, Zanclea migottoi sp. nov. and Halopteris vervoorti sp. nov., are described. Rhizogeton sterreri (Calder, 1988) is redescribed based on fertile material. Its taxonomic status is discussed and the genus Rhizodendrium Calder, 1988 is included in the synonymy of Rhizogeton L. Agassiz, 1862. Scandia michaelsarsi (Leloup, 1935) is believed to be a synonym of S. gigas (Pieper, 1884), and morphological arguments are provided to support this hypothesis. An undescribed type of peculiar gonothecae, arising from the hydrothecal apertures, was found in Dynamena disticha (Bosc, 1802). Sertularella peculiaris (Leloup, 1935) is redescribed and its synonymy discussed. The nematocyst types of Symmetroscyphus intermedius (Congdon, 1907) were identified. Some species in the present collection are provisionally identified or assigned to a genus, pending the discovery of fertile material or additional life cycle studies. Finally, the hydroid fauna from the study area proves to be preponderantly tropical in nature, with several species also occurring in temperate seas. A number of species are first records for the Caribbean basin: R. sterreri, Eudendrium capillare Alder, 1856, Coryne pusilla Gaertner, 1774, Halecium cf. lankesteri (Bourne, 1890), S. gigas, and Sertularia loculosa Busk, 1852.
The present report provides the first general account of the shallow-water hydroids (excluding Eudendriidae) of Martinique, French Lesser Antilles. Of a total of 92 species recorded, 10 athecates and 31 thecates are discussed here, with the remaining species having been the subject of earlier accounts. Six hydroids, namely Halecium discoidum, H. xanthellatum, Sertularella calderi, Antennella peculiaris, A. similis, and A. tubitheca, are new. Previously unreported data on the nematocyst complement of Heterocoryne caribbensis Wedler & Larson, 1986, Ectopleura mayeri Petersen, 1990, Ralpharia gorgoniae Petersen, 1990, and seven hebellid species are provided. The gonotheca and the gonophore of Hebellopsis communis Calder, 1991 are described for the first time, allowing a genus transfer to Anthohebella Boero et al., 1997. Thyroscyphus longicaulis Splettstösser, 1929, a species whose gonosome remained unknown until now, is redescribed based on new, fertile material of both sexes. The occurrence of Antennella quadriaurita Ritchie, 1909 in the Caribbean is questioned upon comparison of its cnidome with that of specimens from Tristan da Cunha, the type locality of this species. An unexpectedly wide morphological variation is noted for Aglaophenia rhynchocarpa Allman, 1877. Specimens corresponding to the Caribbean Gymnangium longicaudum (Nutting, 1900), are shown to be indistinguishable morphologically from a taxon described earlier from Brazil, Gymnangium allmani (Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890), the latter having priority. Thorough descriptions are provided for the new, lesser known or unidentifiable species, while the common taxa are accompanied by brief remarks and/or distributional data. Illustrations are provided for each species discussed in order to justify their identification, and to facilitate identification by others. A checklist at the end of this work incorporates records of 101 species of hydroids reported from Martinique, both occurring in the present collection and cited in the literature.