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Artificial Intelligence Review
Face detection techniques: a review
Ashu Kumar1·Amandeep Kaur2·Munish Kumar3
© Springer Nature B.V. 2018
With the marvelous increase in video and image database there is an incredible need of auto-
matic understanding and examination of information by the intelligent systems as manually
it is getting to be plainly distant. Face plays a major role in social intercourse for convey-
ing identity and feelings of a person. Human beings have not tremendous ability to identify
different faces than machines. So, automatic face detection system plays an important role
in face recognition, facial expression recognition, head-pose estimation, human–computer
interaction etc. Face detection is a computer technology that determines the location and size
of a human face in a digital image. Face detection has been a standout amongst topics in the
computer vision literature. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of various techniques
explored for face detection in digital images. Different challenges and applications of face
detection are also presented in this paper. At the end, different standard databases for face
detection are also given with their features. Furthermore, we organize special discussions on
the practical aspects towards the development of a robust face detection system and conclude
this paper with several promising directions for future research.
Keywords Face detection ·Eigen faces ·PCA ·Feature analysis
1 Introduction
With the rapid increase of computational powers and accessibility of innovative sensing,
analysis and rendering equipment and technologies, computers are becoming more and more
intelligent. Many research projects and commercial products have demonstrated the capa-
BMunish Kumar
Ashu Kumar
Amandeep Kaur
1Department of Computer Science, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India
2Centre of Computer Science and Technology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, India
3Department of Computational Sciences, Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda,
Punjab, India
A. Kumar et al.
bility of a computer to interact with humans in a natural way by looking at people through
cameras, listening to people through microphones, understanding these inputs, and reacting
to people in a friendly manner. One of the fundamental techniques that enable such natural
Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) is face detection. Face detection is the step stone to
all facial analysis algorithms, including the face alignment, face modelling, face relighting,
face recognition, face verification/authentication, head pose tracking, facial expression track-
ing/recognition, gender/age recognition, and many more. So, computers can understand face
clearly, after that they begin to truly understand people’s thoughts and intentions. Given a
digital image, the primary goal of face detection is to determine whether or not there are any
faces in the image. This appears as a trivial task for human beings, but it is a very challeng-
ing task for computers, and has been one of the top studied research topics in the past few
decades. The difficulty associated with face detection can be attributed to many variations in
scale, location, orientation (in-plane rotation), pose (out-of-plane rotation), facial expression,
lighting conditions, occlusions, etc. A lot of reports are available for face detection in the
literature. The field of face detection has made considerable progress in the past decade.
Mukherjee et al. (2017) have discussed the formulation for both the methods, i.e., using
hand-crafted features followed by training a simple classifier and an entirely modern approach
of learning features from data using neural networks. Ren et al. (2017)havepresenteda
method for real time detection and tracking of the human face. The proposed method com-
bines the Convolution Neural Network detection and the Kalman filter tracking. Convolution
Neural Network is used to detect the face in the video, which is more accurate than tradi-
tional detection method. When the face is largely deflected or severely occluded, Kalman filter
tracking is utilized to predict the face position. They try to increase the face detection rate,
while meeting the real time requirements. Luo et al. (2018) have suggested deep cascaded
detection method that iteratively exploits bounding-box regression, a localization technique,
to approach the detection of potential faces in images. They also consider the inherent corre-
lation of classification and bounding-box regression and exploit it to further increase overall
performance. Their method leverages cascaded architecture with three stages of carefully
designed deep convolutional networks to predict the existence of faces. TensorFlow is a
machine learning system that operates on large scale and in heterogeneous environments.
Tensor-Flow uses dataflow graphs to represent computation, shared state, and the operations
that mutate that state. It maps the nodes of a dataflow graph across many machines in a cluster,
and within a machine across multiple computing devices, including multicore CPUs, gen-
eral purpose GPUs, and custom-designed ASICs known as Tensor Processing Units (TPUs).
This architecture gives flexibility to the application developer: whereas in previous “param-
eter server” designs the management of shared state is built into the system. TensorFlow
enables developers to experiment with novel optimizations and training algorithms. Ten-
sorFlow supports a variety of applications, with a focus on training and inference on deep
neural networks. Several Google services use TensorFlow in production. They describe the
TensorFlow dataflow model and demonstrate the compelling performance that Tensor-Flow
achieves for several real-world applications (Abadi et al. 2016)(Figs.1,2).
In this paper, authors have presented a comprehensive survey on the recently used tech-
niques for face detection from digital images. The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2gives an overview of challenges to face detection. The applications of face detection
are presented in Sect. 3. Section 4, present various techniques for face detection. Existing
standard databases of face detection are discussed in Sect. 5. Conclusion and future directions
are given in Sect. 6.
Face detection techniques: a review
Fig. 1 A sample of faces
Fig. 2 Detected faces
2 Challenges in face detection
Challenges in face detection, are the reasons which reduce the accuracy and detection rate
of face detection. These challenges are complex background, too many faces in images, odd
expressions, illuminations, less resolution, face occlusion, skin color, distance and orientation
etc. (Figure 3).
•Odd expressions Human face in an image may have odd expressions unlike normal, which
is challenge for face detection.
•Face occlusion Face occlusion is hiding face by any object. It may be glasses, scarf, hand,
hairs, hats and any other object etc. It also reduces the face detection rate.
•Illuminations Lighting effects may not be uniform in the image. Some part of the image
may have very high illumination and other may have very low illumination.
•Complex background Complex background means a lot of objects presents in the image,
which reduces the accuracy and rate of face detection.
•Too many faces in the image It means image contains too many human faces, which is
challenge for face detection.
•Less resolution Resolution of image may be very poor, which is also challenging for face
•Skin color Skin-color changes with geographical locations. Skin color of Chinese is differ-
ent from African and skin-color of African is different from American and so on. Changing
skin-color is also challenging for face detection.
A. Kumar et al.
Fig. 3 Various categories of challenges for face detection
•Distance Too much distance between camera and human face may reduce the detection
rate of human faces in image.
•Orientation Face orientation is the pose of face with an angle. It also reduces the accuracy
and detection rate of face detection.
3 Applications of face detection system
•Gender classification Gender information can be found from human being image.
•Document control and access control Control can be imposed to document access with
face identification system.
•Human computer interaction system It is design and use of computer technology, focusing
particularly on the interfaces between users and computers.
•Biometric attendance It is system of taking attendance of people by their finger prints or
face etc.
•Photography Some recent digital cameras use face detection for autofocus. Face detection
is also useful for selecting regions of interest in photo slideshows.
•Facial feature extraction Facial features like nose, eyes, mouth, skin-color etc. can be
extracted from image.
•Face recognition A facial recognition system is a process of identifying or verifying a
person from a digital image or a video frame. One of the ways to do this is by comparing
selected facial features from the image and a facial database. It is typically used in security
•Marketing Face detection is gaining the interest of marketers. A webcam can be integrated
into a television and detect any face that walks by. The system then calculates the race, gen-
der, and age range of the face. Once the information is collected, a series of advertisements
can be played that is specific towards the detected race/gender/age.
Face detection techniques: a review
Fig. 4 Different techniques for face detection
4 Face detection techniques
Face detection is a computer technology that determines the location and size of a human
face in the digital image. The facial features are detected and any other objects like trees,
buildings and bodies are ignored from the digital image. It can be regarded as a specific case
of object-class detection, where the task is finding the location and sizes of all objects in
an image that belongs to a given class. Face detection, can be seen as a more general case
of face localization. In face localization, the task is to identify the locations and sizes of a
known number of faces (usually one). Basically, there are two types of approaches to detect
facial part in the given digital image i.e. feature based and image based approach. Feature
based approach tries to extract features of the image and match it against the knowledge of
the facial features. While image based approach tries to get the best match between training
and testing images. The following methods are commonly used to detect the faces from a
still image or a video sequence (Fig. 4).
4.1 Features based approaches
4.1.1 Active shape model
Active Shape Model (ASM) focus on complex non-rigid features like actual physical and
higher level appearance of features. Main aim of ASM is automatically locating landmark
points that define the shape of any statistically modelled object in an image. For examples,
in an image of human being face, extracted features such as the eyes, lips, nose, mouth and
eyebrows. The training stage of an ASM involves the building of a statistical facial model
containing images with manually annotated landmarks. ASMs is classified into three groups
i.e. Snakes, Point Distribution Model (PDM) and deformable templates.
A. Kumar et al.
Snakes The first type uses a generic active contour called snakes (Kass et al. 1988). Snakes
are used to identify head boundaries. In order to achieve the task, a snake is first initialized
at the proximity around a head boundary. It then looks onto nearby edges and subsequently
assumes the shape of the head. The evolution of a snake is achieved by minimizing an energy
function, Esnake (analogy with physical systems), denoted as:
Esnake Einternal + Eexternal
where Einternal and Eexternal are internal and external energy functions.
Internal energy is the part that depends on the intrinsic properties of the snake and defines
its natural evolution. The typical natural evolution in snakes is shrinking or expanding. The
external energy counteracts the internal energy and enables the contours to deviate from the
natural evolution and eventually assume the shape of nearby features-the head boundary at a
state of equilibria. Two main considerations for forming snakes i.e. selection of energy terms
and energy minimization. Elastic energy (Erik and Low 2001) is used commonly as internal
energy. Internal energy is varying the distance between control points on the snake, through
which we get contour, an elastic-band characteristic that causes it to shrink or expand. On
other side external energy relay on image features. Energy minimization process is done
by optimization techniques such as the steepest gradient descent, which needs the highest
computations. Fast iteration methods by greedy algorithms are also used. Snakes have some
demerits like contour often become trapped onto false image features and another one is that
snakes are not suitable in extracting non convex features.
Point distribution model Point Distribution Model (PDM) was developed independent
of computerized image analysis, and developed statistical models of shape (Erik and Low
2001). The idea is that once one can represent shapes as vectors, after that they can apply
standard statistical methods to them just like any other multivariate object. These models
learn allowable constellations of shape points from training examples and use principal
components to build model, known as Point Distribution Model (PDM). These have been
used in diverse ways, for example for categorizing Iron Age broaches. The first parametric
statistical shape model for image analysis based on principal components of inter-landmark
distances were presented (Cootes et al. 1992). Based on this approach, they released a series
of papers that cumulated in what we call the classical Active Shape Model.
Deformable templates Deformable templates take into account a priori of facial features
to improve the performance of snakes (Yuille et al. 1992). Locating a facial feature boundary
does not constitute an easy task because the local evidence of facial edges is difficult to
organize into a sensible global entity using generic contours. The low brightness contrast
around some of these features also makes the edge detection process problematic. Concept
of snakes is a step further by incorporating global information of the eye takes to improve
the reliability of the extraction process. Deformable templates approaches are designed to
solve this problem. Deformation is based on narrow valley, edge, peak, and brightness. Other
than face boundary, salient feature (eyes, nose, mouth and eyebrows) extraction is a great
challenge of face recognition.
EEv + Ee + Ep + Ei + Einternal
where Ev, Ee, Ep, Ei, Einternal are external energy due to valley, edges, peak and image
brightness and internal energy.
Face detection techniques: a review
Fig. 5 Double cone model
4.1.2 Low level analysis
Skin color base Color is an important feature of human faces. Using skin color as a fea-
ture for tracking a face has several advantages. Color processing is much faster than other
facial features. Under certain lighting conditions, color is orientation invariant. This prop-
erty makes motion estimation much easier because only a translation model is needed for
motion estimation. Tracking human faces using color as a feature has several problems like
the color representation of a face obtained by a camera is influenced by many factors like,
ambient light, object movement, etc. suggested simplest skin-color algorithms for detecting
skin pixels have been suggested by Crowley and Coutaz in (1997). The perceived human
color varies as a function of the relative direction to the illumination. Pixels for skin region
can be detected using a normalized color histogram, and can be normalized for changes in
intensity on dividing by luminance (Fig. 5).
Conversion of an [R, G, B] vector into an [r, g] vector of normalized color which provides
a fast processing of skin detection. This algorithm fails when there are some more skin
regions like legs, arms, etc. Skin color classification algorithm with YCbCr color space is
also introduced. Few researchers have noticed that pixels belonging to skin regions have
similar Cb and Cr values. So, the thresholds be chosen as [Cr1, Cr2] and [Cb1, Cb2], a
pixel is classified to have skin tone if the values [Cr, Cb] fall within the thresholds. The skin
color distribution gives the face portion in the color image. This algorithm is also having the
constraint that the image should be having only face as the skin region. A color predicate in
HSV color space to separate skin regions from background has been defined (Kjeldsen and
Kender 1996). Skin color classification in HSI color space is the same as YCbCr color space
but here the responsible values are hue (H) and saturation (S). Similar to above the threshold
be chosen as [H1, S1] and [H2, S2], and a pixel is classified to have skin tone if the values [H,
A. Kumar et al.
Fig. 6 RGB color model
S] fall within the threshold and this distribution gives the localized face image. Generally,
three different face detection algorithms are available based on RGB, YCbCr, and HIS color
space models. For implementation of these algorithms there are basically three main steps
are required as the following:
•Classify the skin region in the color space,
•Apply threshold to mask the skin region and
•Draw bounding box to extract the face image.
RGB color model RGB colors are specified in terms of three primary colors i.e. Red (R),
Green (G), and Blue (B) (Fig. 6). In RGB color space, a normalized color histogram is used
to detect the pixels of skin color of an image and can be further normalized for changes in
intensity on dividing by luminance. This localizes and detects the face (Subban and Mishra
2012). It is the basic color model and all other color models are derived from it. The RGB color
model is light sensitive. In comparison with other color models such as YCbCr or HSI it has a
major drawback that it cannot separate clearly the mere color (Chroma) and the intensity of a
pixel, so it is sometimes difficult to distinguish skin colored regions. These factors contribute
to the less favourable of RGB. It is widely used color space for processing and storing digital
images because of the fact that chrominance and luminance components are mixed in RGB; it
is not widely used in skin detection algorithm. Dhivakar et al. (2015) have proposed a method
which consists of two main parts as detection of faces and then recognizing the detected faces.
In detection step, skin color segmentation with thresholding skin color model combined with
AdaBoost algorithm is used, which is fast and also more accurate in detecting the faces.
Also, a series of morphological operators is used to improve the face detection performance.
Recognition part consists of three steps: Gabor feature extraction, dimension reduction and
feature selection using PCA, and KNN based classification. The system is robust enough to
detect faces in different lighting conditions, scales, poses, and skin colors (Fig. 7).
Face detection techniques: a review
Fig. 7 aOriginal image and bprocessed image with RGB model
Fig. 8 aOriginal image and bprocessed image with HSV model
HSV color model HSV colors are specified in terms of Hue (H), Saturation (S) and Intensity
value (V) which are the three attributes. Hue refers to the color of red, green, blue and yellow
having the range of 0–360. Saturation means purity of the color and takes the value of 0–100%
whereas Value refers to the brightness of color and provides the achromatic idea of the color
(Hashem 2009). From this color space, H and S will provide the essential information about
the skin color (Fig. 8).The skin color pixel should satisfy the following condition:
0.15 ≤S≤0.9
The transformation between HSV and RGB is non-linear (Crowley and Coutaz 1997). In
the HSV color model, Hue (H) is not reliable for the discrimination task when the saturation
is low. But, where color description is considering HSV color model rather than RGB model.
YCbCr color model YCbCr Color model is specified in terms of luminance (Y channel)
and chrominance (Cb and Cr channels). It segments the image into a luminous component
and chrominance components. In YCbCr color model, the distribution of the skin areas is
consistent across different races in the Cb and Cr color spaces (Zhu et al. 2012a,b). As RGB
color model is light sensitive so to improve the performance of skin color clustering, YCbCr
color model is used. Its chrominance components are almost independent of luminance and
there is non-linear relationship between chrominance (Cb, Cr) and luminance(Y) of the skin
color in the high and low luminance region (Agui et al. 1992). Range of Y lies between 16
A. Kumar et al.
Fig. 9 aOriginal image and bprocessed image with YCbCr model
Fig. 10 CIELAB color model
and 235 where 16 for black and 235 for white whereas Cb and Cr are scaled in the range of
16–240. The main advantage of YCbCr color model is that the influence of luminosity can
be removed during processing of an image. Different plots for Y, Cb and Cr values for face
and non-face pixels were plotted using the reference images and studied to find the range of
Y, Cb and Cr values for the face pixels (Fig. 9).
CIELAB color model In 1976, the CIE (International Commission on Illumination) recom-
mended the CIEL*a*b* or CIELAB, color scale for use. It provides a standard, approximately
uniform color scale which could be used by everyone so that the color values can be easily
compared. This color model is designed to approximate perceptually uniform Color spaces
(UCSs). It is related to the RGB color space through a highly nonlinear transformation.
Examples of similar color spaces are CIE-Luv and Farnsworth UCS (Zou and Kamata 2010).
It has three axes in it two are color axes and the third is lightness (Fig. 10).
Where Lindicates lightness, + aand −aindicates amount of green and red color, respec-
tively, + band −bindicates amount of yellow and blue color, respectively. Here, maximum
value of Lis 100 which represent a perfect reflecting diffuser (white color) and the minimum
value for Lis 0 which represent sblack color. Axes aand bdo not have any specific numerical
value (Fig. 11).
Comparative study of RGB versus HSV and RGB versus YCbCr color model
•RGB versus HSV
RGB color space describes colors in terms of the amount of red, green, and blue present.
HSV color space describes colors in terms of the Hue, Saturation, and Value. In situations
Face detection techniques: a review
Fig. 11 aOriginal image and bprocessed image with CIELAB color model
where color description plays an integral role, the HSV color model is often preferred
over the RGB model. The HSV model describes colors similarly to how the human eye
tends to perceive color. RGB defines color in terms of a combination of primary colors,
whereas, HSV describes color using more familiar comparisons such as color, vibrancy
and brightness. Transformation from RGB to HSV is as following:
•Hue represents the color type. It can be described in terms of an angle on the above
circle. Although a circle contains 360 degrees of rotation, the hue value is normalized
to a range from 0 to 255, with 0 being red.
•Saturation represents the vibrancy of the color. Its value ranges from 0 to 255. The lower
the saturation value, the more gray is present in the color, causing it to appear faded.
•Value represents the brightness of the color. It ranges from 0 to 255, with 0 being
completely dark and 255 being fully bright.
•White has an HSV value of 0–255, 0–255, 255. Black has an HSV value of 0–255,
0–255, 0. The dominant description for black and white is the term, value. The hue and
saturation level do not make a difference when value is at max or min intensity level.
•RGB versus YCbCr
Real-time images and videos are stored in RGB color space, because it is based on the
sensitivity of color detection cells in the human visual system. In digital image processing
the YCbCr color space is often used in order to take advantage of the lower resolution
capability of the human visual system for color with respect to luminosity. Thus, RGB to
YCbCr conversion is widely used in image and video processing. Transformation from
RGB to YCbCr is as following:
If we have a digital pixel represented in RGB format, 8 bits per sample, where 0 and 255
represents the black and white color, respectively, the YCbCr components can be obtained
according to equations.
Y16 + 65.738R
256 +129.057G
256 +25.064B
Cb 128 −37.945R
256 −74.494G
256 +112.439B
Cr 128 + 112.439R
256 −94.154G
256 −18.285B
A. Kumar et al.
Motion base When use of video sequence is available, motion information can be used to
locate moving objects. Moving face and body parts can be extracted by simply thresholding
accumulated frame differences (Erik and Low 2001). Besides face regions, facial features
can be located by frame differences.
Gray scale base Gray information within a face can also be treated as important features.
Facial features such as eyebrows, and lips appear generally darker than their surrounding
facial regions (Cootes et al. 1992). Various recent feature extraction algorithms search for
local gray minima within segmented facial regions. In these algorithms, the input images are
first enhanced by contrast-stretching and gray scale morphological routines to improve the
quality of local dark patches and thereby make detection easier. Extraction of dark patches is
achieved by low-level gray-scale thresholding based method and consisting of three levels.
This system utilizes hierarchical face location consisting of three levels (Erik and Low 2001).
Moreover, this algorithm provides an efficient result in complex background where size of
the face is unknown.
Edge base Face detection based on edges was introduced (Sakai et al. 1972). This work
was based on analyzing line drawings of the faces from photographs, aiming to locate facial
features. After that, a hierarchical framework was proposed to trace a human head outline
(Craw et al. 1987). A simple and fast system for face detection have been presented (Anila
and Devarajan 2010). They proposed framework which consists of three steps i.e. initially
the images are enhanced by applying a median filter for noise removal and histogram equal-
ization for contrast adjustment. In the second step the edge image is constructed from the
enhanced image by applying Sobel operator. Then a novel edge tracking algorithm is applied
to extract the sub windows from the enhanced image based on edges. Further they used Back
Propagation Neural Network (BPN) algorithm to classify the sub-window as either face or
4.1.3 Feature analysis
These algorithms aim to find structural features that exist even when the pose, viewpoint, or
lighting conditions varies, and then use these to locate faces. These methods are designed
mainly for face localization.
Feature searching Viola and Jones presented an approach for object detection which min-
imizes computation time while achieving high detection accuracy. Viola and Jones proposed
a fast and robust method for face detection which is 15 times quicker than existing techniques
at the time of release with 95% accuracy (Fig. 12). The technique relies on the use of simple
Haar-like features that are evaluated quickly through the use of a new image representation.
Based on the concept of an integral image it generates a large set of features and uses the
boosting algorithm AdaBoost to reduce the over complete set (Zhang et al. 2011). The detec-
tor is applied in a scanning fashion and used on gray-scale images, the scanned window that is
applied can also be scaled, as well as the features evaluated. This face detection framework is
capable of processing images extremely rapidly while achieving high detection rates. There
are three key supports.
•The first one is the introduction of a new image illustration called the integral image which
allows the features used by our detector to be computed very quickly.
Face detection techniques: a review
Fig. 12 Working of Viola–Jones methodology
•The second is an easy and efficient classifier which is built using the AdaBoost learning
algorithm to select a small number of critical visual features from a very large set of
potential features.
•The third contribution is a process for combining classifiers in a cascade which allows
background regions of the image to be quickly discarded while spending more computation
on promising face-like regions.
•It is the most admired algorithm for face detection in real time.
•The main advantage of this approach is uncompetitive detection speed while relatively
high detection accuracy, comparable to much slower algorithms.
•Constructing a cascade of classifiers which totally reduces computation time while improv-
ing detection accuracy.
•Viola and Jones technique for face detection is an especially successful method as it has a
very low false positive rate.
•Extremely long training time.
•Limited head poses.
•Do not detect black Faces.
Local binary pattern (LBP) technique is very effective to describe the image texture fea-
tures (Ahonen et al. 2004). LBP has advantages such as high-speed computation and rotation
invariance, which facilitates the broad usage in the fields of image retrieval, texture examina-
tion, face recognition, image segmentation, etc. Recently, LBP was successfully applied to
A. Kumar et al.
the detection of moving objects via background subtraction. In LBP, every pixel is assigned
a texture value, which can be naturally combined with target for tracking thermo graphic and
monochromatic video. Major uniform LBP patterns are used to recognize the key points in
the target region and then form a mask for joint color-texture feature selection.
•Effective to describe image texture Feature.
•Used in texture analysis, image retrievals, face recognition and image segmentation.
•Detection of moving object via background subtraction.
•Computationally simple than Haar like features and fast.
•The most vital properties of LBP features are tolerance against the monotonic illumination
changes and computational simplicity.
•Proposed method is not sensitive to small changes in the face localization.
•Using larger local regions increases the errors.
•It is insufficient for non-monotonic illumination changes.
•Only used for binary and gray images.
AdaBoost algorithm for face detection Boosting is an approach to machine learning based
on the idea of creating a highly accurate prediction rule by combining many relatively weak
and incorrect rules (Lang and Gu 2009). The AdaBoost algorithm was the first practical boost-
ing algorithm, and one of the most widely used and studied, with applications in numerous
field. Using boosting algorithm to train a classifier which is capable of processing images
rapidly while having high detection rates. AdaBoost is a learning algorithm which produces
a strong classifier by choosing visual features in a family of simple classifiers and combin-
ing them linearly. Although AdaBoost is more resistant to over fitting than many machine
learning algorithms, it is repeatedly sensitive to noisy data and outliers (Hou and Peng 2009).
AdaBoost is called adaptive because it uses multiple iterations to generate a single composite
strong learner. AdaBoost creates the strong learner (a classifier that is well-correlated to the
true classifier) by iteratively adding weak learners (a classifier that is only slightly correlated
to the true classifier).
Filali et al. (2018) have provided a comparative study between four methods (Haar–Ad-
aBoost, LBP–AdaBoost, GF-SVM, GFNN) for face detection. These techniques vary
according to the way in which they extract the data and the adopted learning algorithms.
The first two methods “Haar–AdaBoost, LBP–AdaBoost” are based on the Boosting algo-
rithm, which is used both for selection and for learning a strong classifier with a cascade
classification. While the last two classification methods “GF-SVM, GF-NN” use the Gabor
filter to extract the characteristics. Detection time varies from one method to another. Indeed,
LBP–AdaBoost and Haar–AdaBoost methods are the fastest compared to others. But in terms
of detection rate and false detection rate, the Haar-AdaBoost method remains the best of the
four methods. Throughout each round of training, a new weak learner is added to the group
and a weighting vector is adjusted to focus on examples that were misclassified in the pre-
ceding rounds. The outcome is a classifier that has higher accuracy than the weak learner’s
•AdaBoost is an algorithm which only needs two inputs: a training dataset and a set of
features (classification functions). There is no need to have any prior knowledge about
face structure.
Face detection techniques: a review
•At each stage of the learning, the positive and negative examples are tested by the current
classifier. If an example is misclassified, i.e. it cannot be clearly assigned in the good class.
In order to increase the discriminant power of the classifier these misclassified examples
are up-weighted for the next algorithm iterations.
•The training errors theoretically converge exponentially towards 0. Given a finite set of
positive and negative examples, the training error reaches 0 in a finite number of iterations.
•The result depends on the data and weak classifiers. The quality of the final detection
depends on the consistency of the training set. Both the size of the sets and the interclass
variability are important factors to take into account.
•At each iteration step, the algorithm tests all the features on all the examples which requires
a computation time directly proportional to the size of the features and example sets.
•Weak classifiers too complex lead to overfitting.
•Weak classifiers too weak can lead to low margins, and can also lead to overfitting.
•Sensitive to noisy data and outlier.
Gabor features based method An Elastic Bunch Graph Map (EBGM) algorithm that
successfully implements face detection system using Gabor filters has been purposed (Sharif
et al. 2011). The proposed system applies 40 different Gabor filters on an image. As a
result of which 40 images with different angles and orientation are achieved. After that,
maximum intensity points in each filtered image are calculated and mark them as fiducial
points. The system reduces these points in accordance to distance between them. The next
step is calculating the distances between the reduced points using distance formula. At last,
the distances are compared with database. If match occurs, it means that the faces in the
image are detected.
Ψu,v (z)
ku,v z−e−σ2
φu,v uπ
gives the frequency and orientation.
Constellation method All methods discussed so far are able to track faces but still some
issues like locating faces of various poses in complex background is truly difficult. To reduce
this difficulty scientists, form a group of facial features in face-like constellations using more
robust modelling approaches such as statistical analysis. Various types of face constellations
have been proposed (Burl et al. 1995). They established use of statistical shape theory on
the features detected from a multiscale Gaussian derivative filter. Gaussian filter has been
applied for pre-processing in a framework based on image feature analysis (Young and Vliet
A. Kumar et al.
4.2 Image based approaches
4.2.1 Neural network
A rationally attached neural network examines small windows of an image, and chooses
whether each window contains a face. The system arbitrates between several networks to
enhance performance over a single network. This eliminates the complex task of manually
selecting non-face training examples, which must be selected to cover the entire space of
non-face images. In early days most hierarchical neural network was proposed (Agui et al.
1992). The first stage is having two parallel subnetworks in which the inputs are filtered the
intensity values from an original image. The inputs to the second stage network consist of
the outputs of the sub networks and extracted feature values. An output at the second stage
shows the presence of a face in the input region. An earliest neural network for face detection
is developed, which consists of four layers with 1024 input units, 256 units in the first hidden
layer, eight units in the second hidden layer, and two output units (Propp and Samal 1992).
A detection method using auto associative neural networks is presented (Feraud et al.
2001). The idea is based on which shows an auto associative network with five layers is able
to perform a nonlinear principal component analysis (Kramer 1991). One auto associative
network is used to detect frontal-view faces and another one is used to detect faces turned up
to 60 degrees to the left and right of the frontal view. After that a face detection system using
Probabilistic Decision-Based Neural Network (PDBNN) has been presented (Lin et al. 1997).
The architecture of PDBNN is similar to a radial basis function (RBF) network with modified
learning rules and probabilistic interpretation. A multi stage model for face detection is
integrated based on Viola and Jones algorithm, Gabor filters, Principal Component Analysis,
and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The system is composed of two stages: Pre-processing
stage and processing stage. A comparison was done between Viola and Jones face detection
method (pre-processing stage), and proposed Gabor/PCA and neural network based method
(Da’san et al. 2015). Farfade et al. (2015) have proposed a method of face detection based on
deep learning, which called Deep Dense Face Detector (DDFD). The method does not require
pose/landmark annotation and is able to detect faces in a wide range of orientation using a
single model. In addition, DDFD is independent of common modules in recent deep learning
object detection methods such as bounding-box regression, SVM, or image segmentation.
They compared the proposed method with R-CNN and other face detection methods that
are developed especially for multi-view face detection e.g. cascade-based and DPM-based.
Liao et al. (2016) proposed a method to address challenges in unconstrained face detection,
such as arbitrary pose variations and occlusions. A new image feature called Normalized
Pixel Difference (NPD) is proposed. NPD feature is computed as the difference in some ratio
between two pixel values, inspired by the Weber Fraction in experimental psychology. The
new feature is scale invariant, bounded, and is able to reconstruct the original image. They
also proposed a deep quadratic tree to learn the optimal subset of NPD features and their
combinations, so that complex face manifolds can be partitioned by the learned rules.
4.2.2 Linear sub-space method
Eigen faces method Eigenvectors has been used in face recognition, in which a simple
neural network is demonstrated to perform face recognition for aligned and normalized face
images. Images of faces can be linearly encoded using a modest number of basis images
(Kirby and Sirovich 1990). They call the set of optimal basis vectors Eigen pictures since
these are simply the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix computed from the vectorized face
Face detection techniques: a review
Fig. 13 Examples of Eigen faces
images in the training set (Hotelling 1933). Experiments on a set of 100 images show that
a face image of 91 ×50 pixels can be effectively encoded using only 50 Eigen faces, while
retaining a reasonable likeness (i.e., capturing 95 percent of the variance).
4.2.3 Statistical approach
Support vector machine (SVM) SVMs have also been used for face detection (Mingxing
et al. 2013). SVMs work as a new paradigm to train polynomial function, neural networks, or
radial basis function (RBF) classifiers. SVMs work on induction principle, called structural
risk minimization, which targets to minimize an upper bound on the expected generalization
error. An SVM classifier is a linear classifier where the separating hyper plane is chosen to
minimize the expected classification error of the unseen test patterns. Based on two test sets
of 10,000,000 test patterns of 19 ×19 pixels, their system has slightly lower error rates and
runs approximately 30 times faster than the system. SVMs have also been used to detect
faces and pedestrians in the wavelet domain.
Principal component analysis (PCA) PCA is a technique based on the concept of Eigen
faces (Kirby and Sirovich 1990). Turk and Pentland proposed PCA to face recognition and
detection. Similarly, PCA on a training set of face images is performed to generate the Eigen
faces in face space (Turk and Pentland 1991). Images of faces are projected onto the subspace
and clustered. Similarly, non-face training images are projected onto the same subspace and
clustered. To detect the presence of a face in a scene, the distance between an image region
and the face space is computed for all locations in the image. The result of calculating the
distance from face space is a face map (Fig. 13).
A. Kumar et al.
4.3 Comparative study of feature based approach and image based approach
In Feature-Based Method researchers have been trying to find invariant features of faces for
detection. The underlying assumption is based on the observation that humans can effort-
lessly detect faces and objects in different poses and lighting conditions, so there must exist
properties or features which are invariant over these variabilities. Numerous methods have
been proposed to first detect facial features and then to infer the presence of a face. Facial fea-
tures such as skin-color, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and hair-line are commonly extracted
using edge detectors. Based on the extracted features, a statistical model is built to describe
their relationships and to verify the existence of a face. One problem with these feature-based
algorithms is that the image features can be severely corrupted due to illumination, noise, and
occlusion. Feature boundaries can be weakened for faces, while shadows can cause numerous
strong edges which together render perceptual grouping algorithms useless.
In appearance (Image) based methods template are learned from examples in images. In
general, appearance-based methods rely on techniques from statistical analysis and machine
learning to find the relevant characteristics of face and non-face images. The learned charac-
teristics are in the form of distribution models or discriminant functions that is consequently
used for face detection. Meanwhile, dimensionality reduction is usually carried out for the
sake of computation efficiency and detection efficacy. Its examples are Neural-networks,
HMM, SVM, and Adaboost Learning Many appearance-based methods.
Feature based approach Image based approach
Technique Find invariant features of faces for
detection. The underlying assumption
is based on the observation that
humans can effortlessly detect faces
and objects in different poses and
lighting conditions, so there must exist
properties or features which are
invariant over these variabilities. Facial
features such as skin-color, eyebrows,
eyes, nose, mouth and hair-line are
commonly extracted using edge
detectors. Based on the extracted
features, a statistical model is built to
describe their relationships and to
verify the existence of a face
Templates are learned from examples in
images. In general, appearance-based
methods rely on techniques from
statistical analysis and machine
learning to find the relevant
characteristics of face and non-face
images. The learned characteristics are
in the form of distribution models or
discriminant functions that is
consequently used for face detection
Examples Skin color, motion, edge, Viola–Jones,
snakes etc.
Neural-networks, HMM, SVM,
AdaBoost learning etc.
Advantages Easy to implement Difficult to implement
Disadvantages Image features can be severely corrupted
due to illumination, noise, and
occlusion. Feature boundaries can be
weakened for faces, while shadows can
cause numerous strong edges which
together render perceptual grouping
algorithms useless
Dimensionality reduction is usually
carried out for the sake of computation
efficiency and detection efficacy
Face detection techniques: a review
5 Standard database for face detection
Face image databases are collection of different type of faces, which may be used as test
set for face detection system. Some standard face image databases are available, which are
Database Website Description
MIT dataset
19 ×19 Gray-scale PGM format
Training set: 2429 faces, 4548
Test set: 472 faces, 23,573
PIE database, CMU A database of 41,368 images of
68 people, each person under 13
different poses, 43 different
illumination conditions, and
with 4 different expressions
FERET database
It consists of 14,051 eight-bit
gray-scale images of human
heads with views ranging from
frontal to left and right profiles
The Yale face database Contains 165 gray-scale images
in GIF format of 15 individuals.
There are 11 images per subject,
one per different facial
expression or configuration:
center-light, w/glasses, happy,
left-light, w/no glasses, normal,
right-light, sad, sleepy,
surprised, and wink
Indian face database
11 images of each of 39 men, 22
women from Indian Institute of
Technology Kanpur
AR database
It contains over 4000 color
images corresponding to 126
people’s faces (70 men and 56
women). Features based on
frontal view faces with different
facial expressions, illumination
conditions, and occlusions (sun
glasses and scarf)
SCface—surveillance cameras
face database Images were taken in uncontrolled
indoor environment using five
video surveillance cameras of
various qualities. Database
contains 4160 static images (in
visible and infrared spectrum)
of 130 subjects
A. Kumar et al.
6 Available facial recognition APIs
•Kairos Offers a wide variety of image recognition solutions through their API. Their API
endpoints include identifying gender, age, emotional depth, facial recognition in both photo
and video, and more.
• One flaw with some facial recognition APIs is that they are unable to differ-
entiate between a face and a picture of a face. solves that problem with their
ability to do spoof detection through their API.
•Amazon recognition This facial recognition API is fully integrated into the Amazon Web
Service ecosystem. Using this API will make it really easy to build applications that make
use of other AWS products.
•Face recognition and face detection by Lambda Labs With over 1000 calls per month in
the free pricing tier, and only $0.0024 per extra API call, this API is a really affordable
option for developers wanting to use a facial recognition API.
•EmoVu by Eyeris This API was created by Eyeris and it is a deep learning-based emotion
recognition API. EmoVu allows for great emotion recognition results by identifying facial
micro-expressions in real-time.
•Microsoft face API One cool feature that I found while doing research on the Microsoft
Face API, is that the API has the ability to do “similar face search.” When this API endpoint
is given a collection of faces, and a new face as a query, the API will return a collection of
similar faces from the collection.
•Animetrics face recognition Using advanced 2D-to-3D algorithms, this API will convert a
2D image into a 3D model. The 3D model will then be used for facial recognition purpose.
•Fac e ++ This API also has an offline SDK for iOS and Android for you to use. The offline
SDK does not provide face recognition, but it can perform face detection, comparing,
tracking and landmarks, all while the phone does not have cell service.
•Google cloud vision By being integrated into the Google Cloud Platform, this API will be
a breeze for you to integrate into applications that are already using other Google Cloud
Platform products and services.
•IBM Watson visual recognition Whether it is faces, objects, colors, or food, this API lets
you identify many different types of classifiers. If the included classifiers aren’t enough,
then you can train and use your own custom classifiers.
7 Conclusion and future work
In recent years face detection has achieved considerable attention from researchers in bio-
metrics, pattern recognition, and computer vision groups. There is countless security, and
forensic applications requiring the use of face recognition technologies. As you can see,
face detection system is very important in our day to day life. Among the entire sorts of
biometric, face detection and recognition system is the most accurate. In this article, we have
presented a survey of face detection techniques. It is exciting to see face detection techniques
be increasingly used in real-world applications and products. Applications and challenges
of face detection also discussed which motivated us to do research in face detection. The
most straightforward future direction is to further improve the face detection in presence of
some problems like face occlusion and non-uniform illumination. Current research focuses
in field of face detection and recognition is the detection of faces in presence of occlusion and
non-uniform illumination. A lot of work has been done in face detection, but not in presence
Face detection techniques: a review
of problem of presence of occlusion and non-uniform illumination. If it happens, it will help a
lot to face recognition, face expression recognition etc. Currently many companies providing
facial biometric in mobile phone for purpose of access. In future it will be used for payments,
security, healthcare, advertising, criminal identification etc.
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