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Virtual reality in marketing communication – the impact
on the message, technology and oer perception –
empirical study1
Filip Grudzewski2, Marcin Awdziej2, Grzegorz Mazurek2,
Katarzyna Piotrowska3
Abstract : VR technology is an emerging IT innovation that greatly aects consumer
behaviour and consumer perception of products. e aim of this study is to examine
how the virtual reality phenomenon can be used as amarketing communication tool
and how its usage aects the reception of individual components of amarketing mes-
sage. e research conducted examined the possible impact of virtual reality on mes-
sage perception and attitude towards particular oers. Additionally the authors wanted
to nd out whether there was arelationship between the use of virtual reality and the
acceptance of new technologies in marketing communication. To verify the stated hy-
potheses empirical research was conducted involving an experiment with 150 obser-
vations of respondents taking advantage of three dierent marketing communication
tools including: VR presentation with Oculus Ri hardware, video and printed adver-
tisements. e results obtained reveal that VR technology positively and signicantly
impacts the reception of the oer, the technology involved and the presentation itself.
Keywords : virtual reality, VR, technology, marketing communication, advertising,
JEL codes : M31, M37.
Virtual Reality is acomputer based technology that makes it possible to simu-
late areal environment in which the user can experience the feeling of being
present (Serrano, Botella, Baños and Alcañiz, 2013). Virtual reality is oen
1 Article received 18 December 2017, accepted 24 April 2018.
2 Koźmiński University, Department of Marketing, ul. Jagiellońska 57/59, 03-301 Warsaw,
3 Koźmiński University, Department of Quantitative Methods & Information Technology,
ul. Jagiellońska 57/59, 03-301 Warsaw, Poland.
Economics and Business Review, Vol. 4 (18), No. 3, 2018: 36-50
DOI: 10.18559/ebr.2018.3.4
37F. Grudzewski, M. Awdziej, G. Mazurek, K. Piotrowska, Virtual reality in marketing
characterized as an environment created by acomputer or other media, an en-
vironment in which the user feels present (Biocca, 1992a, p. 5). Coates (1992)
explains that Virtual Reality involves electronic simulations of environments
experienced through head mounted eye goggles and wired clothing enabling
the end user to interact in realistic three-dimensional situations. e number
of VR users may increase rapidly with possibly up to 171 million active users
in 2018, including 28 million users willing to pay for the content oered (e
Farm 51, 2015, p.11). is is all possible because of amassive growth in the
popularity of VR products, which let people escape from the physical reality
and dive deep into avirtual one, along with the high applicability of VR sys-
tems in such industries as: video entertainment, live events, education, retail,
real estate, military, healthcare and engineering (Beneeld, Rutherford, &Allen,
2012; Hassouneh & Brengman, 2015). It is expected that this trend will spread
faster than was the case with the Internet and smartphones, especially since in
order to consume basic VR content consumers do not need to invest in very
expensive hardware they just have to add accessories that will change their
smartphones into VR devices (Barnes, 2016).
e consumer drive towards new technologies “(...) allows them to see the
surrounding world in another dimension and to experience things that are not
accessible in real life or even not yet created” (Mazuryk & Gervautz, 1996).
Technology has become apackage that makes it possible to deliver information
to the end user (Kaplan & Mazurek, 2018). e amount of existing soware is
expanding rapidly as are the opportunities for companies to enter this lucra-
tive market and to use new solutions as great marketing tools to communicate
their advertising to users (Scatena, Russo, & Riva, 2016, p. 212).
Virtual reality provides agateway for marketeers to reach consumers in new
ways (Van Kerrebroeck, Brengman, & Willems, 2017a). A company that takes
advantage of VR technology can benet from major improvements in their
marketing communication as well as in the level of their customers’ knowl-
edge of the products on oer (Huang, Backman, K.F., Backman, S.J., & Chang,
2015; Van Kerrebroeck et al., 2017a). Moreover consumers gain value from VR
technology, which enhances their lives, and so businesses and advertisers need
to reach them by these means in order to identify new opportunities of pro-
viding consumers with even more value (Jung, Dieck, Lee, & Chung, 2016).
e research aim was to investigate whether the type of promotion material
inuenced the perception of agiven oer among the target audience. Secondly
the authors also wished to nd out whether the type of the promotion ma-
terial involved inuenced the reception of the technology and the message
communicated itself. e paper is divided into four sections. e rst sec-
tion explains the theoretical background. e second outlines the methodol-
ogy applied. e third section presents the results and discussion. e paper
ends with conclusions.
38 Economics and Business Review, Vol. 4 (18), No. 3, 2018
1. Virtual reality – the concept
e concept of virtual reality is abit of aconundrum (Steuer, 1992), oering
many equivalent denitions (e.g. virtual environments, synthetic experience,
virtual worlds, articial worlds, articial reality). Virtual reality is amedium
composed of interactive computer simulations that sense the participant’s po-
sition and actions and replace or augment the feedback to one or more senses,
oering the participant afeeling of being mentally immersed or present in the
simulation (avirtual world) (Sherman, 2003, p. 13). Virtual reality induces tar-
geted behaviour by using articial sensory stimulation, while the organism has
little or no awareness of the interference (La Valle, 2017, p. 1). Mazuryk and
Gervautz (1996) describe VR as “an interactive and immersive (…) experience
in asimulated (…) world”. e highlight the fact that given the greater interest
in computer graphics the boundary between 3D computer graphics and vir-
tual reality is blending and thus it is very important to determine appropriate
denitions of VR technology components. Two terms that are very important
in the VR dictionary are also mentioned. e rst of them is telepresence, de-
ned as the experience of presence in an environment by means of acommu-
nication medium (Steuer, 1992, p. 79). It happens when an operator manipu-
lates the user remotely from adistance (operator’s room) and at the same time
receives asensory feedback that lets them feel just as if they are in the place
where the action occurs. Telepresence is considered an important construct
in virtual reality research where two main perspectives dominate: apsycho-
logical and atechnological (Yin, Cicchirillo, & Drumwright, 2012). Various
studies have found that presence inuences the perceived product knowledge,
brand attributes (Grigorovici & Constantin, 2004; Hopkins, Raymond, & Mitra,
2004), recall and recognition (Keng & Lin, 2006), attitudes towards advertise-
ments (Hopkins et al., 2004) and purchase intentions. Generating asense of
presence depends on the media involved, user characteristics (perceptions of
interactivity and vividness) and individual attention to media stimuli (Lessiter,
Freeman, Keogh, & Davido, 2001).
Mazuryk and Gervautz (1996) have also pointed out how VR experience
is actually delivered to the user. In theory acomputer should generate multi-
ple-sensory impressions that aect all of the user’s senses on various levels so
that they can experience afull immersion in arealistically responsive virtual
reality. Based on the level of immersion the authors name three types of VR
systems. e rst is Desktop VR, also referred to as aWindow on the World,
which lets users only watch the content oered using regularly displayed im-
ages. Fish Tank VR is an evolution of Desktop VR. It takes advantage of the
motion parallax eect to enhance the VR impressions because it supports
head tracking; however there is no sensory feedback for the user and the im-
age is still displayed on the screen. e third level is based on immersive sys-
tems. is technology is implemented in the most advanced VR devices and
39F. Grudzewski, M. Awdziej, G. Mazurek, K. Piotrowska, Virtual reality in marketing
includes head-mounted display (HMD) to provide the best possible view to
the user – arst-person perspective and reacts to changes in his position or
orientation. e whole simulation can be also enhanced further by sound or
haptic and sensory stimuli.
e specicity of the VR technology is that in combining hardware and
soware together it can create areality where people can nd various types of
possibilities. From creating awhole new entertainment segment (such as mov-
ies, games, free time apps), improving whole navigation processes (virtual 360°
maps of routes and places – such as public spaces, buildings, subway stations,
guides), through medical application (virtual surgery training or a3D image
of the inner body shown to explain medical cases), cultural and science ap-
plication (museum exhibitions, virtual learning) ending with the segment for
children (bedtime stories, discovering the world apps), etc.
2. Virtual Reality in marketing communication
Digitalization of communications is an increasing phenomenon, reected in the
way of planning and executing marketing communication (Mazurek, 2011a).
Ecient utilization of marketing communications requires not only a very
good knowledge of social phenomena and market processes but also famili-
arity with the instruments and technologies of information communication.
Both marketing theoreticians and practitioners agree that the key condition
for marketing communications to be eective is integration of all the means
thereof. All the undertaken communication activities need to be consistent in
terms of their content and coordinated in time and space. Companies utilis-
ing the methods and tools of modern marketing communications are able to
interact quickly with consumers (Hajduk, 2016).
Virtual reality is arelatively new medium that oers new opportunities for
content communication. e qualities of virtual reality make it able to manip-
ulate the sense of time and space, to be interactive, and make the user ‘con-
trol’ their experience. According to Biocca (1992b), there are many research
implications of VR on communications, including studies on: the diusion
of virtual reality technology, communication design and cognition or inter-
personal communication and cooperative work. All this oers an incredible
opportunity to establish adynamic relationship between the audience and the
medium where interactivity and responsivity play acrucial part (Mazurek,
2011b). An ideal situation is one that involves the creation of ahigh-quality
interface – based on platforms connecting devices, or rather whole realities
– so that the user does not see the dierence between their own and the vir-
tual world (Barnes, 2016).
Before the era of the growth of the introduction of new technologies and vir-
tualization processes (Mazurek, 2012) it was quite easy to predict the tools and
40 Economics and Business Review, Vol. 4 (18), No. 3, 2018
media needed to communicate with several groups of stakeholders eectively
(i.e. to increase brand awareness, communicate sales promotion and proceed
with personal selling for business-to-business markets). With time technol-
ogy (progression in the advancement and spread of the Internet) has made it
possible to reach certain customers directly faster and more straightforwardly
than ever which has brought about substantial changes in the style and nature
of marketing communication.
Virtual Reality (VR) is considered to be one of the most promising techno-
logical innovations in business (Gartner, 2016). As it has become more acces-
sible to consumers at aordable prices it has caught the attention of marketeers
as anew way to advertise products and brands (Adams, 2016). Virtual Reality
is applied in tourism industry (making it possible to visit various destinations),
experience marketing (allowing the experience of lifestyles associated with
particular brands) and various product tests (e.g. test drives of cars) (Scott,
2016; Mandelbaum, 2015). Despite the growing interest in the application of
Virtual Reality in real estate marketing there are not many studies that have
investigated the eectiveness of this medium in this specic context. However
astudy conducted by Beneeld et al. (2012) indicated that increasing the vis-
ibility of aproperty through amix of media, such as open houses and virtual
tours, generated higher selling prices.
Retailers such as Carrefour and Alibaba explore opportunities for VR in
online shopping and product inspections (Zheng, 2016). Over the last years
advertising has evolved along with technology, embracing such innovations as
3D product presentations and 360° rotation. Compared with the traditional
media these allow higher levels of interactivity and vividness resulting in visual
richness (Choi and Taylor, 2014; Van Kerrebroeck et al., 2017b). Vividness, or
imagery richness, is considered to be an important factor in marketing com-
munications translating into more realistic product presentations. Cheng,
M.H.Chieng, and W.H. Chieng (2014) suggest that imagery richness can be
aected by sound or animations. Various studies in marketing literature dem-
onstrate that more vivid imagery results in more positive attitudes among con-
sumers (Van Kerrebroeck et al., 2017b). Existing studies point consistently to
the benets of application of VR technology to informational marketing com-
munications – that is, to presentation of functional, objective product attributes
(Choi and Taylor, 2014). When it comes to emotional, i.e. hedonic benets as-
sociated with products or brands literature is almost non-existent, with anota-
ble exception of astudy by Van Kerrebroeck et al. (2017b). ese authors found
that VR generates higher perceptions of vividness and presence compared to
aregular, two-dimensional video (Van Kerrebroeck et al., 2017b). e vivid-
ness of VR presentation positively aects consumers’ attitudes towards adver-
tisements and brands and stimulates purchase intentions. VR technology im-
proves the communication process and, at the same time, oers abetter per-
ception of the marketing message as well as of the advertised products. us:
41F. Grudzewski, M. Awdziej, G. Mazurek, K. Piotrowska, Virtual reality in marketing
H1: e form of the oer’s presentation inuences its perception.
As the product presentation perception is not aunidimensional experience
it was decided to investigate the relationship between the form of the presen-
tation and the three aspects of the presentation’s perception.
H1a: e form of the presentation inuences the perceived attractiveness of
the oer presented (in this case: an apartment).
H1b: e form of the presentation itself inuences its reception.
H1c: e form of the presentation inuences the attitudes towards the use of
in-house technology.
3. Methodology
Respondents were recruited from agroup of clients of coee houses where the
experiment was conducted. A total number of 150 usable responses was col-
lected from 75 men and 75 women with amean age of 36.41 (SD = 8.86). e
participants were randomly assigned to three groups (picture, video, and vir-
tual reality space – 50 persons each (25 females and 25 males in each group)).
It was decided to control the study for gender, as there are gender dierences
in visual perceptions and attitudes towards technology. (Schroeder, 2010; Sax,
2006). erefore in each of the groups the number of males and females was
equal (i.e. 25).
e experiment was conducted out of peak hours, before noon, to ensure
that the respondents would be least distracted by their surroundings. e re-
spondents were approached by the researchers and asked to participate in the
experiment. Once agreed the subject and the purpose of the study were ex-
plained to them and all the required details provided. en the respondents
drew lots from anon-transparent bag which included 150 cards (50 containing
adescription of an apartment with apicture, 50 with adescription and a video
and 50 with adescription and aVirtual Reality presentation in Oculus).4 e
draw was made without returning the cards into the bag. e respondents
were presented the apartment promotional materials in pictures, in avideo,
or as aVirtual Reality presentation in which they had an opportunity to “walk
4 Photos: 5 photos, resolution 1928 × 1092, printed on A4 size paper sheets, presenting
the apartment from simulation. ey were presented as marketing material (aleaet). Video:
MPEG-4, 1280 × 720, length 1 : 20, ordinary video displayed on a15.4-inch laptop. It was the
material obtained from the company, it was not a360 degree video because it was desired to
maintain an atmosphere of an ordinary advertising video (the simulation was in 360 degree, so,
the overlap was not necessary). Oculus presentation: Simulation was created by TRUSENSE as
one of their projects. It was afully interactive simulation of the apartment, the user could move
around the apartment in two ways – for alonger distance, there was ateleportation, and for
ashort distance, the user could move around on foot (an Oculus camera tracks movement of
the user enabling movement in the simulation).
42 Economics and Business Review, Vol. 4 (18), No. 3, 2018
around the place” using VR goggles on their eyes (Oculus Ri). e length of
exposure to the promotional material in any form was estimated at around 1
minute 20 seconds – as long as the length of the video. It was to ensure the
same time exposure to each kind of material without repeating it. Also, in the
case of the video and the Oculus presentation, the sound was turned o as the
focus of the study was on the visual aspect of presentation.
Aer the presentation of the material each respondent lled in aquestion-
naire which consisted of 18 closed questions related to their perception of the
apartment presented, an evaluation of the presentation itself and the attitude
towards the new technologies featured in the apartment featured5. e re-
spondents answered every question using ascale from 1 to 10, where 1 meant
“Denitely not”, which was the scale’s minimum, and 10 meant “denitely yes”.
To see whether the questions designed to measure the three aspects of the oer
could be grouped into composite indexes, the most commonly used measure
of the scale’s internal reliability was Cronbach’s alpha and mean inter-item cor-
relations were also calculated (Cortina 1993; George & Mallery 2003; Allameh,
Esfahani, & Nikbakht, 2017). e Cronbach’s alpha for each of the scales was
above 0.75 (as for the apartment’s attractiveness, it was 0.871, 0.954 for the pres-
entation assessment scale, and 0.891 for the scale measuring the attitude to-
wards the featured technology)6, and the average inter-item correlation ranged
from 0.529 (for the apartment’s attractiveness scale) to 0.786 (for the presenta-
tion assessment scale). e high values of the scales’ internal reliability made it
possible to calculate the composite indices for every group of questions.7 For
each of the scales, 1 meant the lowest score, and 10 – the highest.
As the participants were randomly assigned to groups (picture, video,
Oculus) an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to explore the rela-
tionship between the variables with the F-test calculated to test for the signi-
cance of dierences between the groups (Saunders, Lewis, & ornhill, 2009;
Kirk, 2013). However due to the fact that the distribution of the dependent
variable could not be considered close to normal in every group (i.e. the abso-
lute values of skewness and kurtosis in several cases were higher than 1 (Hair,
Black, Babin, & Anderson, 2010), the Kruskal-Wallis rank test (Conover &
Iman, 1981) was applied as well to check whether the ANOVA results were
not caused by data distribution anomalies. To assess the eect size, an eta
squared (η2) estimate for Kruskal-Wallis H-test was calculated (Tomczak, M.
& TomczakE., 2014) and to test for the signicance of the dierences for eve-
ry pair of the groups compared (i.e. picture-video, video-oculus, oculus-pic-
ture), anon-parametric post hoc test (the Dunn’s post hoc test adjusted by the
5 Additional visual materials may be obtainable from the authors upon request.
6 Detailed information regarding the items included in the scales is presented in Appendix1.
7 In order to obtain composite indices, the arithmetical means of the answers included in
each of the scales were calculated.
43F. Grudzewski, M. Awdziej, G. Mazurek, K. Piotrowska, Virtual reality in marketing
Bonferroni correction for multiple tests)8 was used. All the statistical analyses
were carried out using SPSS 24.0 soware.
4. Results and discussion
As shown in Table 1 the F tests as well as the H tests for all three dependent
variables were statistically signicant which means that all the formulated hy-
potheses (H1, H2 and H3) are conrmed.
Considering all the composite indices the means and medians are the lowest
for the PICTURE exposition, higher in the case of the VIDEO and the high-
est in the case of the OCULUS VR system usage and the dierences between
groups are the largest for the presentation perception (Table 1 and Figure 1).
e Eta squared estimates show that the variance of the apartment percep-
tion is explained by the type of means in 36%, presentation perception in 72%,
and technology perception in 49%. is means that the eect was large in every
case (Cohen 1988)9 and that the dependency between the type of the presen-
tation material and the respondents’ evaluation was the strongest in terms of
the perception of the presentation itself.
e perception of the relationship between the applied technology and the
means of presentation is also quite high (between apartment and presentation).
It is similar to the occurrence of the halo eect that inuenced the positive
8 is is the only non-parametric post hoc test available in SPSS soware.
9 According to Cohen (1988), large eects start from eta squared = 0.14 for the analysis of
Figure 1. Median values of the dependent variables in the groups compared
(error bars show the interquartile ranges)
Source: own research.
Apartment perception Presentation perception Technology perception
Picture Video Oculus
44 Economics and Business Review, Vol. 4 (18), No. 3, 2018
Table 1. Results of the ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis tests, eect size estimates, and the descriptive statistics for the three dependent
variables in three compared groups
Picture Video Oculus VR F F Sig. Kruskal
Wallis H H Sig.
η2 estimate
for the
Mean 6.02 7.04 7.55 38.53 < 0.001 55.11 < 0.001 0.36
SD 0.88 0.67 1.07
Median 6.08 7.17 7.67
Skewness –0.28 –1.45 –0.66
Kurtosis –0.16 2.10 0.75
Mean 5.28 7.33 8.58 153.45 < 0.001 108.499 < 0.001 0.72
SD 1.23 0.64 0.89
Median 5.50 7.50 8.83
Skewness –0.57 –1.36 –1.48
Kurtosis –0.26 2.59 3.29
Mean 6.30 7.20 8.13 67.55 < 0.001 74.75 < 0.001 0.49
SD 0.63 0.79 0.91
Median 6.33 7.33 8.17
Skewness 0.04 –0.96 –0.68
Kurtosis –0.96 0.69 0.23
Source: own research.
45F. Grudzewski, M. Awdziej, G. Mazurek, K. Piotrowska, Virtual reality in marketing
perception of the technology because of the usage of another new technology
(Oculus VR system used to present the oer).
Table 2. Results of multiple pairwise comparisons (Mann-Whitney U adjusted by
the Bonferroni correction for multiple tests)
Apartment perception Presentation
Picture-Video –42.22 < 0.001 –48.97 < 0.001 –39.58 < 0.001
Picture-Oculus –63.20 < 0.001 –90.32 < 0.001 –74.96 < 0.001
Video-Oculus –20.98 0.047 –41.35 < 0.001 –35.38 < 0.001
Source: own research.
e pairwise comparisons (Table 2) showed that in each of the three pairs
(Picture-Video, Video-Oculus, Oculus-Picture) the dierences in the evaluation
were statistically signicant for each of the dependent variables. In all cases,
apart from the Video-Oculus comparison for apartment perception (p<0.05),
the test was signicant at α = 0.001 level.
e results of the research show that new technologies enhance marketing
communication to asignicant extent, translating into a better reception of
marketing messages among potential customers. VR technology improves the
communication process and, at the same time, oers abetter perception of the
marketing message as well as of the advertised products. e study has proven
that VR technology is ahead of the current means of marketing communication.
H1: e form of the oer’s presentation inuences its perception.
e research has conrmed that there is asignicant relationship between
the means of presentation and the presentation’s perception among the re-
spondents. As shown by the comparison between the most traditional means
(pictures) and the most modern solution (Oculus VR system).
H1a: e form of the presentation inuences the perceived attractiveness of
the presented oer (in this case: an apartment).
e apartments presented were highest evaluated by the respondents who
were shown the oer through the Oculus VR tool. e video presentation did
alittle worse and the worst result was obtained in the case of communication
through pictures. It means that Oculus oers abetter user experience and in-
creases the attractiveness of the oer presented.
H1b: e form of the presentation itself inuences its reception.
Here Oculus did best as well, pictures ended last with the video presenta-
tion in between. It shows how the presentation of some products can be im-
proved by specic technology.
46 Economics and Business Review, Vol. 4 (18), No. 3, 2018
H1c: e form of the presentation inuences the attitudes towards the use of
in-house technology.
e results obtained prove that VR technology facilitates the adoption of
another technology.
VR technology is an emerging innovation that aects consumer behaviour
and their perception of the products to which they are exposed to agreat ex-
tent. Virtual Reality has been examined previously and found to have aposi-
tive impact on brand perceptions and purchase intentions thanks to an im-
mersive brand experience (Van Kerrebroeck et al., 2017a). Virtual represen-
tations can give consumers an opportunity to better examine product items
such as clothing through the applied technology (Verhagen, Vonkeman, & van
Dolen, 2016). e research, focused on the perception of marketing commu-
nication materials, brings some insights into how to conduct such activities in
the era of modern technologies. It has also conrmed that VR technology can
signicantly facilitate presentation of certain market oers in the real estate
business. e method applied in the research may become acommon practice
in this type of business industry in the future. It is possible imagine that one
day, every oer on Gumtree or OLX – apart from the pictures of the apart-
ment – will contain aVR presentation where the potential buyers / tenants
are able to walk around the place in virtual reality just as they do now in the
real world. e positive role of disruptive innovations in the context of mar-
keting communication may result in an increase in companies’ willingness to
invest more in popularizing their oers through various forms of cooperation
with VR soware creators. Technological innovations have laid the grounds
for acompletely new eld of communication and content delivery and an in-
novative approach to them can make the ow of information between dier-
ent market entities much easier.
Marketing specialists can benet from this research as well because it clearly
shows that traditional paper advertising is the weakest channel of communi-
cating an oer in comparison to more advanced methods (such as video or VR
presentations), which proves the great importance of marketing virtualization.
Marketing managers should pay more attention to the process of selection of
technologies that are to be used in communicating marketing messages. As in-
dicated in the research the use of modern technologies such as video and VR
has avery positive impact on the perception of marketing message and trans-
lates into amuch better reception of the message among potential custom-
ers, which means that these technologies can signicantly support marketing
strategies and sales – especially of equipment and solutions based precisely
on such modern technologies. Further research should focus on conducting
47F. Grudzewski, M. Awdziej, G. Mazurek, K. Piotrowska, Virtual reality in marketing
similar experiments for various types of product categories, the relationships
between the reception of technology, the message, and the oer, and the pur-
chase decisions along with the managerial implications of virtual reality usage
in marketing communication strategies and tactics.
Appendix 1. Questionnaire10
Adams, R. L. (2016, October 17). Five ways virtual reality will change the world. Forbes.
Retrieved from
Allameh, S. M., Esfahani, S. L., & Nikbakht, M. (2017). Evaluating the eect of mar-
keting innovation on green marketing strategies. International Journal of Scientic
Management & Development, 5(10), 464-473.
Barnes, S. (2016, November 3). Understanding virtual reality in marketing: nature, im-
plications and potential. doi:
10 Items 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 (A) relate to perception of the presented apartment; items 2, 5, 8,
11, 14, 17 (B) relate to appraisal of the form of presentation; items 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 (C) relate to
attitude towards innovative technology in the presented apartment.
1) Is the presented apartment spacious? A
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
2) Did you like presented offer? B
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
3) Has implementation of inteligent light system Busch-p riOn® enabling to change
intensity and colour of the light in every room affects the functionality of the
apartment? C
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
4) Is the presented apartment nice? A
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
5) During the presentation, did you feel like you were visiting this apartment?? B
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
6) Is the Busch-Comfort central control panel, which provides automatic control of
blinds or music, improves the functionality of the apartment? C
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
7) Is the presented apartment attractive? A
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
8) Was the presentation of the apartment clear to you? B
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
9) Is the use of the intelligent Home Center 2 home management system,
coordinating among others heating, lighting or alarm and provides control over
them from anywhere on Earth, increases the attractiveness of the apartment? C
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
10) Would you be able to rest in the presented apartment? A
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
11) How realistically the presentation presented the apartment? B
definitely not realistic 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely realistic
12) Does the application of APA Vision BMS modern monitoring, allowing the
preview of cameras from any device anywhere in the world, increases the security
of housing? C
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
13) Is the presented apartment cozy? A
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
14) Has the way of presenting the apartment underlined its qualities? B
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
15) Does the installation of the automatically locking blueMatic EAV lock in the
entrance door, opened by a key, a chip in the key ring or a fingerprint reader,
increases the security of the flat? C
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
16) According to you what is the standard of the apartment presented? A
definitely low 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 defini tely high
17) To what extent presentation of the offer was pleasant for you? B
definitely not pleasant 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely pleasant
18) Does the use of new technologies increase the attractiveness of the flat? C
definitely no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 definitely yes
Age: Sex: W / M
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