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Olinia chimanimani (Penaeaceae), a new species endemic
to the Chimanimani Mountains of Mozambique and Zimbabwe
Toral Shah
, Iain Darbyshire
& Hermenegildo Matimele
Summary.Olinia chimanimani T. Shah & I. Darbysh. is described as a distinct species from the Chimanimani moun-
tains in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, based on morphological evidence. It differs from other species of Olinia sect.
Rochetiana in its smaller leaf size,sessile leaf attachment, glabrous flowers and galled flowers becoming narrowly swollen
without prominent tubercles when infected. A species description, key and illustration, distribution map and ecological
information are provided. The populations have been studied in the field, and it is only known from two locations. It is
potentially under threat from burning due to human activity associated with illegal artisanal mining activity, and thus
has been evaluated as Endangered (EN) using the IUCN Red List categories and criteria.
Key Words. conservation, Endangered, IUCN Red List assessment, key, morphology, Oliniaceae, restricted range.
The Chimanimani –Nyanga Highlands in Southeast
Africa are the most isolated component of the African
Great Escarpment (Clark et al.2011) and are noted for
their significantly high levels of endemism (Wild 1964).
The Chimanimani Mountain range is situated on the
border of Zimbabwe and Mozambique (approx. 33°00E,
19°50S) and forms part of the Eastern Afromontane
hotspot (BirdLife International 2012). Its relative isola-
tion from other mountains and an unusual underlying
geology, with extensive outcrops of nutrient-poor quartz-
ite, have given rise to a biodiversity hotspot with high
plant endemism.
The region has been of long-standing interest for
botanists, with the majority of information and plant
collections derived from the Zimbabwe portion whilst the
larger Mozambican side of the massif has been far less
well studied. Recent surveys under a Critical Ecosystem
Partnership Fund (CEPF) project “In from the cold:
providing the knowledge base for comprehensive biodiversity
conservation in the Chimanimani Mountains, Mozambique”
have addressed this gap by facilitating a botanical study of
the Mozambique side, resulting in a better understanding
of the endemic species, their distribution, threats and
conservation status (Timberlake et al.2016). This work has
resulted in a comprehensive checklist of species with a
restricted distribution occurring on quartzite and scrub
above 1200 m, with 74 strict endemic and 19 near-
endemic taxa documented (Wursten et al.2017). These
recent surveys have also uncovered several potentially
new species to science, as well as providing more
collections for species that had previously only been
considered to be tentatively distinct and not formally
described, such as Empogona jenniferae Cheek (Cheek et al.
in press). The number of endemic plant species on
Chimanimani is therefore sure to continue to rise.
The most recent taxonomic revision of the genus Olinia
Thunb. was carried out by Sebola & Balkwill (2013)
supported by a phenetic analysis (Sebola & Balkwill 2009).
They recognised ten species divided into two sections; sect.
Olinia and sect. Rochetiana, readily separated by their
morphology. Sect. Olinia has inconspicuous tertiary veins
on the adaxial surface with tertiary veins looping only once
at the margin and sect. Rochetiana, has conspicuous tertiary
venation on the adaxial surface with tertiary veins looping
twice at the margin (Sebola & Balkwill 2013). Olinia has
previously been placed in its own monogeneric family,
Oliniaceae (see e.g. Verdcourt 1978;Heywoodet al.2007).
However, it has recently been transferred to the
Penaeaceae family based on molecular evidence, where it
is recognised as one of three tribes, Olinieae Horan.
alongside Rhynchocalyceae Beusekom and Penaeeae DC.
(APG IV 2016).
During the firstofthreeCEPFsurveysin2014,two
collections of an unusually small-leaved species of Olinia
were made by the third author of this paper on the
Mozambican side of Chimanimani. These specimens were
matched to existing specimens from the Chimanimani
Mountains in the Kew (K) herbarium. The first ever
collection of this small-leaved Olinia was made by Hiram
Wild (Wild 3606) in 1950 on the Zimbabwe side of the
Accepted for publication 23 May 2018.
Herbarium, Library, Art & Archives, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AE, UK. e-mail: t.shah@kew.org
Instituto de Investigacão Agrária de Mocambique, IIAM, Maputo, Mozambique.
KEW BULLETIN (2018) 73:36
DOI 10.1007/S12225-018-9757-2
ISSN: 0075-5974 (print)
ISSN: 1874-933X (electronic)
© The Author(s), 2018
massif. This specimen, and the later collection Whellan 2203
(K), were recognised by Verdcourt (1978)intheFlora
Zambesiaca treatment of Oliniaceae as a pathological form of
Olinia vanguerioides Baker f., but he noted that the specimens
had much smaller leaves. Sebola & Balkwill (2013)didnot
discuss or cite these collections, or a third, flowering
specimen Linder 3990 (K) within any of their delimited
species. A further botanical expedition to the Chimanimani
Mountains in 2016, during which this Olinia species was
specifically targeted, resulted in additional collections with
similar characteristics growing in similar habitats to the older
specimens. All the specimens are restricted to higher
elevation regions of Chimanimani. These specimens were
closely compared with sympatric and morphologically
similar species of Olinia in order to assess its taxonomic
status and it is concluded that the Chimanimani taxon is a
distinct species, described here as Olinia chimanimani T.
Shah & I. Darbysh.
Further, it was brought to light during this study,
that whilst Sebola and Balkwill (2013) recognised two
sections in Olinia, these were not validated according
to Article 40.1 of the Botanical Code (ICN, McNeill
et al. 2012). To rectify this, we validate sect. Rochetiana
in the taxonomic treatment below.
Material and Methods
Morphological characters for the new species were
measured on herbarium specimens at the Kew her-
barium. Other herbaria with holdings of Zimbabwean
and Mozambican specimens (BM, LMA, SRGH) were
checked for additional material of the new species, but
none were found. All characters were measured on
dry material, except internal floral characters which
were measured from a rehydrated flower under a
dissecting microscope. Characters deemed to be of
taxonomic significance follow the most recent mono-
graphic revision of Olinia (Sebola & Balkwill 2013) and
the terminology is according to Beentje (2010). A
species conservation assessment was made using the
categories and criteria of IUCN (2012).
Taxonomic Treatment
Olinia sect. Rochetiana Sebola & Balkwill ex T. Shah
sect. nov. Type species: Olinia rochetiana A. Juss., Comp.
Rend. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci. 22: 812 (Jussieu 1846).
Olinia chimanimani T. Shah. & I. Darbysh. sp. nov. Type:
Zimbabwe, Manicaland, Chimanimani Mountains, at W
base of (Pnt.?) 71, Linder 3990 (holotype K! [K000963156]).
Shrub or small tree up to 5 m. Bark thin, pale grey
(white) to brown. Branchlets grey to brown, convexly
quadrangular with ridges. Leaves sessile, simple, entire,
opposite except on young (or sapling) branches when
ternate, blade coriaceous, obovate to oblanceolate
occasionally elliptic, (19.0 –) 25.0 –40.0 mm long,
10.0 –25.0 mm wide, base attenuate, apex retuse with
short mucro often with pink tinge, margins involute,
sometimes with pink tinge, adaxial lamina green,
glossy, glabrous, primary vein slightly impressed drying
pink at base, secondary venation 6 –14 pairs, not
prominent, tertiary venation conspicuous, abaxial
lamina pale green, glabrous, primary vein raised,
secondary veins slightly raised, tertiary vernation
conspicuous. Inflorescences terminal compound cymes,
total inflorescence length 21 –48 mm; primary
inflorescence unit 0.4 –1.5 mm long, puberulent;
secondary inflorescence unit 2.1 –4.4 mm long,
puberulent; tertiary and quaternary inflorescence
units pubescent, pink (Fig. 1). Bracts leaf-like in
morphology, located on primary and secondary inflo-
rescence axis, variable, 3.3 –12.5 mm long, 1.6 –
3.6 mm wide. Flowers 5-merous, actinomorphic, pinkish
when fresh, in groups of three. Hypanthium glabrous,
narrow, thinly walled, 1.5 –4.7 mm long. Sepals highly
reduced and not discernible. Petals 5, slightly thick and
fleshy, spathulate, 1.2 –2.25 (–4.0) mm long, 0.9 –
1.4 mm wide, apex with short mucro, glabrous, pale
yellow when dry. Scales located on the inside of petals,
0.35 –1.2 mm long, 0.4 –0.6 mm wide, densely
pubescent on both surfaces. Stamens all attached along
the same radius of inner hypanthium tube reaching
the mouth of the flower, anthers 0.55 –0.6 mm long.
Ovary inferior, glabrous, 1.2 –2.5 mm long, 5-locular;
style puberulent, shorter than the floral tube, approx.
0.6 mm; stigma globular. Galled flowers somewhat
swollen but linear, 2.0 –3.3 (3.9) mm long, 0.35 –
0.7 (1.65) mm wide, drying dark, without conspicuous
tubercles. Drupes globose, glabrous, ± 6.0 mm in diam.,
5-locular, pinkish, drying pale brown. Pericarp thinly
fleshy, endocarp brown, woody, not smooth. Seeds
ellipsoid to horse-shoe shaped, smooth, with spiral
marking on the surface, ± 2.45 mm diam., usually only
one seed per fruit due to abortion of other ovules
(only immature seeds seen). Figs 1,2and 3.
RECOGNITION. Olinia chimanimani has previously been
confused with O. vanguerioides as their ranges overlap.
However, morphologically the two species are clearly
distinct. O. chimanimani can be distinguished by its
smaller leaf size ((19.0 –) 25.0 –40.1 mm long), sessile
leaf attachment, and galled flowers becoming thinly
swollen when infected, without prominent tubercles,
compared to O. vanguerioides which has larger (40.1 –
170.0 mm long), petiolate leaves and flowers forming
conspicuous elongate-tuberculate galls when infected.
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© The Author(s), 2018
Additionally, O. chimanimani may be confused with
O. huillensis A. Fern. & R. Fern. and in particular with
subsp. discolor (Mildbr.) Sebola; however,
O. chimanimani differs from this taxon in having a leaf
texture that is strictly coriaceous, smaller leaves ((19.0
–) 25.0 –40.0 mm long) with a strictly sessile leaf
attachment, smaller petals (1.2 –2.25 (–4.0)) mm
long, 0.9 –1.4 mm wide), glabrous inner and outer
petal indumentum and strictly glabrous hypanthium
indumentum (1.5 –4.7 mm long). O. huillensis subsp.
discolor, on the other hand, has a variable leaf texture
of chartaceous to coriaceous, larger leaves (33 –
77 mm long) with short petiole (1.0 –5.8 mm long),
larger petals ((1.0 –) 2.0 –2.9 mm long, (1.2 –) 1.5 –
2.8 mm wide), pubescent inner petals often with stiff
hairs on the margin of the inner petal, and a
pubescent and larger hypanthium ((2.0) 4.5 –
7.0 mm long). Furthermore, the two taxa differ with
the gall formation of O. chimanimani having smaller
linear galls (0.35 –0.7 (–1.65) mm wide) and
O. huillensis subsp. discolor has rounded, more swollen
galls (1.2 –2.1 mm wide). Table 1shows the diagnostic
characters to differentiate the two species and
O. huillensis A. Fern. & R. Fern. s.l., a key to species is
found in the Notes section.
DISTRIBUTION. Only known from Chimanimani Moun-
tains on the border of Zimbabwe and Mozambique
(Map 1).
Mts, riverine above Bundi R., galled fl. Dec. 1964,
Whellan 2203 (K!); Manica, Pedza (Peza) mountain in
Chimanimani, -19.74400, 33.99764, alt. 1887 m, fr., 18
April 2014, Matimele 2082 (K!, LMA); Manica,
Nhamudima mountain in Chimanimani, -19.75722,
33.09328, alt. 1673 m, fl. & fr., 21 April 2014, Matimele
2094 (K!, LMA); Chimanimani Mts, -19.75747,
33.09236, alt. 1702 m, 4 May 2016, Shah 007 (K!,
LMA, SRGH); Chimanimani Mts, -19.72530, 33.09201,
alt. 1786 m, 6 May 2016, Shah 013 (K!, LMA, SRGH);
Chimanimani Mts, -19.725195, 33.09177, alt. 1776 m, 6
May 2016, Shah 014 (K!, SRGH). ZIMBABWE. Mt Peza,
among crags, Chimanimani Mts, imm. & galled fl., 15
Oct. 1950, Wild 3606 (K!); Manicaland, Chimanimani
Mts, W base of (Pnt.?) 71, fl., 20 Nov. 1986, Linder 3990
(K! holotype).
HABITAT. This species is found growing in evergreen
scrub within rocky quartzite crags and gullies and at
the base of quartzite blocks on steep slopes, between
1500 –1890 m elevation.
CONSERVATION STATUS. Olinia chimanimani is restricted
to the Chimanimani Mountains on the border of
central Zimbabwe and Mozambique and is currently
known from eight collections, with the estimated
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy
(AOO) of 40 and 28 km
respectively (calculated using
Geocat 2015). Furthermore, the total area of
Chimanimani sandstone/quartzite is approximately
380 km
. Of this, the area covered by rocky quarzitic
crags and associated grassland, which is the favoured
habitat for this species, is approximately 270 km
; this
could be taken as the maximum possible AOO for this
species. The species is only known from two locations;
the Zimbabwean side of the Massif which is fairly well-
protected under the Chimanimani National Park
(CNP) and the Mozambique portion under the
National Reserve of Chimanimani (RNC) with limited
protection (Schneider et al.2005). Additionally, al-
though the species occurs in rocky crags, it is highly
prone to burning by man, associated with the illegal
artisanal mining activity present on the Mozambique
side of the Chimanimani massif (Dondeyne et al.
2009). This threat has significantly declined since its
peak in 2004 –2005, as gold discoveries have lessened
(Timberlake et al.2016). However, if it were to rise
again in the future, the increase of human habitation
would very likely lead to a further increased frequency
of fires, which would almost certainly have an impact
upon the species’habitat and number of mature
individuals. Severe fire damage was observed on some
individuals in 2016. Furthermore, being one of the few
woody species occurring at a high altitude, it will burn
more easily and may be targeted as a fuel source for
the miners. The species was noted to be locally rare in
2016, and with a restricted distribution and a plausible
threat to its habitat, it is therefore assessed as
Endangered (EN B1ab(iii, v) + B2ab(iii, v)).
Fig. 1. Inflorescence arrangement in Olinia species, adapted
from Sebola & Balkwill (2009).
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Fig. 2. A–NOlinia chimanimani:Ahabit; Bjuvenile shoot showing ternate leaf arrangement; Cabaxial leaf surface, conspicuous
venation, margins involute; Dstem with grooves; Eflower; Fdissected flower with stamens, style and stigma, reflexed scales,
internal view; Genlarged scale outer surface; Hanther, lateral view; Janther, face view; Kinfructescence; Lfruit cross-section; M
seed; Ngalled flower. A, C –Jfrom Linder 3990, Bfrom Shah 007, K–Mfrom Matimele 2094, Nfrom Whellan 2203. DRAWN BY
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ETYMOLOGY. Olinia chimanimani is named for the only
mountain range on which the species occurs.
NOTES. This taxon is restricted to the higher elevations
of the Chimanimani Mountains. Although once
thought to be a pathological form of its close range
relative, Olinia vanguerioides by Verdcourt (1978)in
Flora Zambesiaca, it is now clear that it is morpholog-
ically distinct by having significantly smaller leaves,
sessile leaf attachment, smaller flowers and narrow,
linear galls that form without tubercles when infected
(Table 1). Additionally, Sebola & Balkwill (2009)
stated the presence of the variable taxon O. huillensis
Fig. 3. Mature fruits of Olinia chimanimani photographed in the Chimanimani Mountains. PHOTO:BART WURS TEN (http://
Table 1. Comparison of diagnostic characters between Olinia chimanimani and two closely related species.
Characters Olinia chimanimani Olinia vanguerioides Olinia huilliensis s.l.
Leaf shape obovate to
elliptic obovate (young) to elliptic
Leaf size (mm)(length) (19) 25 –40.1 40.1 –170 (29) 33 –77
Leaf size (mm) (width) 10 –25 20.2 –44 15 –29
Leaf texture coriaceous coriaceous chartaceous (sometimes coriaceous)
Leaf attachment sessile petiolate shortly petiolate
Leaf margin involute, glabrous involute, pubescent when young flat to slightly involute, glabrous
Leaf lamina adaxial/ abaxial glabrous/ glabrous glabrous/ glabrous
(pubescent near petiole)
glabrous/ glabrous
Petal shape spathulate spathulate oblong
Petal apex mucronate truncate to shortly apiculate truncate
Petal size (mm) (length) 1.2 –2.25 ( 4) 0.9 –1.9 (1) 2 –2.9
Petal size (mm) (width) 0.4 –0.6 0.5 –1.1 2 –3.9
Petal indumentum inner/
outer surface
glabrous/ glabrous sparsely hairy (young)/ glabrous pubescent/ glabrous
Hypanthium length (mm) 1.5 –4.7 1.5 –52–6.4
Hypanthium surface glabrous glabrous pubescent
Gall formation narrow, linear elongate, tuberculate swollen, rounded
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subsp. discolor in the Chimanimani Mountains. How-
ever, they did not cite any specimens of this taxon
from the Chimanimani Mountains, Mozambique or
Zimbabwe nor gave any indication of this on the
distribution map for subsp. discolor. It is possible that
the authors included this new taxon within the limits
of O. huillensis subsp. discolor, although the specimens
of the new taxon that were loaned to Sebola (J) at the
time of that revision were not annotated as such.
However, when closely examined, O. chimanimani
always has a strictly sessile leaf attachment, glabrous
inner and outer petals, a glabrous and smaller
hypanthium and linear gall formation, characters
that differ from O. huillensis including subsp.
discolor.Table1shows the morphological character
differences between O. chimanimani, O. vanguerioides
and O. huillensis s.l. because the delimitation of
O. huillensis subsp.discolormust necessarily fit
within the larger taxonomic concept of
O. huillensis s.l. Therefore, the subspecies is not
included in the table in order to compare taxa at
the species level. With recent developments in
molecular analysis it would be desirable to carry
out Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to more
accurately resolve the species limits within this
genus. However, at present, morphological analysis
provides the best conclusions for species delimita-
tion. A modified key to the species of Olinia sect.
Rochetiana is presented below to help with the
identification of the closely related taxa, a key to
the infraspecifictaxaofO. huillensis s.l. is available
in Sebola & Balkwill (2013).
Key to taxa within Olinia sect. Rochetiana (adapted from Sebola & Balkwill 2009)
1. Leaf lamina narrowly elliptic, 40.1 –170 × 20.2 –44 mm; petioles puberulent, 6 –9 mm long; galled flowers
narrow with conspicuous elongate tubercles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O. vanguerioides
Leaf lamina obovate to oblanceolate, (19.0) 25 –40.1 × 10 –25 mm; leaves sessile or petioles < 6 mm long; galled
flowers either swollen or if narrow and linear then lacking elongate tubercles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Leaf lamina with conspicuous reticulate venation on both surfaces; leaves strictly sessile; petals 0.35 –1.2 × 0.4 –
0.6 mm, glabrous on both sides; hypanthium glabrous; galled flowers narrow and linear . O. chimanimani
Leaf lamina with conspicuous reticulate venation on undersurface only; leaves shortly petiolate; petals 3 –5×1–2mm,
pubescent on the inside or at least on petal margins; galled flowersswollen........................... 3
3. Leaves somewhat chartaceous; up to 7 inflorescence units along inflorescence axes . . . . . . . . O. huillensis
Leaves coriaceous; between 9 –11 inflorescence units along inflorescence axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4. Leaf lamina discolorous, broader than long; internodes on terminal branches longer than inflorescence
axes .............................................................. O. ruandensis
Leaf lamina concolorous, longer than broad; internodes on terminal branches shorter or equal to inflorescence
axes ............................................................................ 5
5. Petals 5 on lateral flowers;scalesshorterthan1mm,rarelysealingthehypanthiumopening/throat.... O. rochetiana
Petals 4 on lateral flowers;scaleslongerthan1mm,oftensealingthehypanthiumopening/throat ....
................................................................... O. usambarensis
Research on the flora of the high Chimanimani
Mountains and its endemic species was supported by
the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund Grant 63512:
“In from the cold: providing the knowledge base for
comprehensive biodiversity conservation in the Chimanimani
Mountains, Mozambique; botanical survey component”
completed in 2016; see http://www.cepf.net/
Toral Shah’s participation in the field expedition to
the Mozambique Chimanimani in May 2016 was
supported by the Bentham-Moxon Trust. Joanna
Osborne, Jonathan Timberlake, Anthony Mapaura,
Aurelio Banze, Daglasse Muassinar, João Massunde,
Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and all other participants
Map 1. Distribution of Olinia chimanimani in southeastern
Africa. Red triangle represents the cited collections.
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© The Author(s), 2018
are thanked for their collaboration in these field
expeditions. We are grateful to the Micaia Foundation
for their support and collaboration on this project and
their logistical field support. We also thank Andrew
Brown for the excellent illustration of the new species
and Bart Wursten for allowing us to use the photo-
graph of the new species.
Open Access This article is distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/
licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, pro-
vided you give appropriate credit to the original
author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes
were made.
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