
Le cerf : approche écologique et historique dans le massif vosgien. Deuxième partie

  • Expert forestier France
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Au XXe siècle, le cerf devient un gibier intéressant pour la chasse et est soumis aux règles de droit national. Des règles de chasse sont édictées pour réguler les populations, qui ont largement progressé en quelques décennies. L’évolution de la sylviculture vers l’artificialisation des peuplements et des faibles densités de peuplements, le nourrissage des animaux l’hiver, et l’agriculture intensive ont contribué à l’explosion des populations d’ongulés sauvages, en augmentant artificiellement la capacité alimentaire du milieu. L’absence de prédateurs est également en cause. Pour limiter les populations d’ongulés, il faudrait mettre en place une politique intelligente de restriction de la demande des ressources naturelles de la forêt : une gestion forestière plus proche du modèle naturel (type gestion jardinatoire qui abaisse la capacité alimentaire des sousbois, en les assombrissant), le respect des lois de la chasse, le retour des prédateurs. D’autres mesures à mettre en place sont de limiter la pénétration excessive du public en rendant l’accès aux forêts moins facile.

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Morphological characters in red deer ( Cervus elaphus), which serve as criteria for selective hunting, were examined in relation to electrophoretic variation in three populations from the Vosges in eastern France. From the polymorphic loci examined, certain alleles at Idh-2, Me-1 and Acp-1 showed significant associations with a special development of body and antler characters selected for by hunters. Idh-2125 was associated with larger hind foot length in females and a higher number of antler points in males. Me-190 and Acp-1100 were associated with small spikes. The populations studied differed from one another in the duration and intensity of selective hunting and the increase or decrease in the respective allele frequencies could be explained by selection for large body size, a high number of antler points and against small spikes in yearlings, rather than by genetic drift. Among other morphological characters examined, the length of the main beam was significantly associated with the allele Acp-2100. In contrast, no associations could be detected between overall heterozygosity and the development or the degree of asymmetry (in paired structures) of any of the morphological traits in question. Although no obvious differences in the overall values of polymorphism or heterozygosity were found between the populations, selective hunting leads towards a change in allele frequencies and eventually to the loss of one or the other rare allele.
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Genetic diversity,g enetic structurea nd diet of ancient and contemporary redd eer (Cervus elaphus L.) from north-eastern France
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