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Abstract and Figures

The injection molding process is largely applied to obtain plastic parts. The problem of finding a simple equipment able to allow the study of the injection process was addressed in the research presented in this paper. Aiming to solve the problem, the main requests valid for the proposed equipment were formulated. Considering some possible versions of the equipment subassemblies, the ideas diagram method and the method of imposed decision were applied to select the most convenient version of the injection equipment. As a result, a constructive solution for a simple injection molding equipment that could be used to develop some experimental researches was identified.
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MATEC Web of Conferences 178, 02001 (2018)
IManE&E 2018
Simple equipment for studying the injection
molding process
Adelina Hrițuc*
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Blvd. 59A, 700050 Iasi, Romania
Abstract. The injection molding process is largely applied to obtain
plastic parts. The problem of finding a simple equipment able to allow the
study of the injection process was addressed in the research presented in
this paper. Aiming to solve the problem, the main requests valid for the
proposed equipment were formulated. Considering some possible versions
of the equipment subassemblies, the ideas diagram method and the method
of imposed decision were applied to select the most convenient version of
the injection equipment. As a result, a constructive solution for a simple
injection molding equipment that could be used to develop some
experimental researches was identified.
1 Introduction
Plastics are a mixture of two or more polymers with one or more additives. They are
macromolecular materials - such as high molecular weight chemicals, obtained by
polymerization. The plastic materials are of two types: thermoplastics and thermorigides.
The thermoplastics are characterized in that they exhibit the character of reversible
transformation. They are transformed into products under the action of heat, requiring
cooling to keep their shape. They do not undergo chemical transformations during the
formation of the parts, and thus they can be melted again. The thermorigides are
characterized by the fact that under the action of heat and pressure during processing, they
undergo irreversible chemical transformations [1]. Due to their own properties, the plastics
can replace the deficient metallic materials, making the manufacture more economical.
Plastic materials are especially used when parts must be obtained with less material
consumption and at a lower cost. They are used in areas where it is unprofitable to use
metallic materials, being yet more resistant to atmospheric agents in particular.
The polymers are considered as special materials (due to their good mechanical and
thermal resistance, corrosion resistance, and low density, and good machinability, low
electrical and thermal conductivity). Essentially, they are used in conditions in which the
so-called classical materials do not face. The plastics are usually lighter than the metallic
material, have a much lower density, are easier to process, are resistant to atmospheric,
chemical and aquatic agents, and are good insulators, sometimes transparent as glass, but
unbreakable, resistant to bacteria and moisture. They ensure a high degree of material
utilization, the possibility of obtaining parts of immiscible materials, as well as of some that
* Corresponding author:
MATEC Web of Conferences 178, 02001 (2018)
IManE&E 2018
could work in conditions of self-lubrication [2]. The injection, along with extrusion,
blowing and calendering, thermoforming, vacuum forming, compression molding, and
rotomolding are the main techniques for forming plastics.
The injection molding is a particularly complex process, consisting of a large number of
phases and phenomena that develop both simultaneously and successively, until a good
quality injection piece is obtained.
The compaction of the material is an important aspect taken into account at the injection
process, the material being "guided" through the injection barrel and forced to take the
proper form. The material contraction at solidification must be also known, since it
influences the dimensions of the final piece [3].
Over time, the plastic injection process has been studied from several distinct
perspectives. For example, the researchers had preoccupations to identify the influence of
certain manufacturing process input factors on the properties of the obtained parts. Thus,
M. Sardarian et al. developed a research concerning the influence of temperature and
pressure in the injection process to ensure it optimal development [4]. Their results showed
that the increase of the injection temperature and pressure could determine the formation of
voids affecting the properties of the molded parts.
Matarrese et al. investigated the energy consumed in the process of injection molding
and the influence exerted by this process on the environment. The estimation of energy
consumption during the injection process could improve the evaluation of the overall
environmental impact of the manufactured products [5].
The researchers also addressed other problems such as, for example the influence
exerted by the friction phenomena on the injection molding process. The experimental
results proved significant interactions between the mold surface texture and the parameters
of the microinjection molding, such are the mold temperature and the pressure [6].
By analyzing the factors that influence the manufacturing process of plastic parts using
the process of injection molding, it is possible to design and achieve a simple equipment to
experimentally investigate the influence of some process input factors on the quality of the
parts obtained by plastic injection.
2 Initial premises
The injection molding is the process by which a macromolecular material brought in a
plastic state at a certain temperature, called the softening temperature, is injected under high
pressure into the mold cavity. At the end of the pressing action, the plastic retains the shape
of the mold in which it was injected,
and after its cooling, it can be
removed from the mold.
The injection process has a
cyclic character, involving stages of
material feeding, compressing,
thermoplastifying, injecting, cooling
and, finally, opening of the mold and
evacuating of the injected piece.
Subsequently, a new injection cycle
develops. The thermoplastic
macromolecular compounds modify
slightly their physical properties
between the solidification and the
melting temperature. The injection is
based on the properties of the plastic
Fig. 1. Injection molding process.
MATEC Web of Conferences 178, 02001 (2018)
IManE&E 2018
could work in conditions of self-lubrication [2]. The injection, along with extrusion,
blowing and calendering, thermoforming, vacuum forming, compression molding, and
rotomolding are the main techniques for forming plastics.
The injection molding is a particularly complex process, consisting of a large number of
phases and phenomena that develop both simultaneously and successively, until a good
quality injection piece is obtained.
The compaction of the material is an important aspect taken into account at the injection
process, the material being "guided" through the injection barrel and forced to take the
proper form. The material contraction at solidification must be also known, since it
influences the dimensions of the final piece [3].
Over time, the plastic injection process has been studied from several distinct
perspectives. For example, the researchers had preoccupations to identify the influence of
certain manufacturing process input factors on the properties of the obtained parts. Thus,
M. Sardarian et al. developed a research concerning the influence of temperature and
pressure in the injection process to ensure it optimal development [4]. Their results showed
that the increase of the injection temperature and pressure could determine the formation of
voids affecting the properties of the molded parts.
Matarrese et al. investigated the energy consumed in the process of injection molding
and the influence exerted by this process on the environment. The estimation of energy
consumption during the injection process could improve the evaluation of the overall
environmental impact of the manufactured products [5].
The researchers also addressed other problems such as, for example the influence
exerted by the friction phenomena on the injection molding process. The experimental
results proved significant interactions between the mold surface texture and the parameters
of the microinjection molding, such are the mold temperature and the pressure [6].
By analyzing the factors that influence the manufacturing process of plastic parts using
the process of injection molding, it is possible to design and achieve a simple equipment to
experimentally investigate the influence of some process input factors on the quality of the
parts obtained by plastic injection.
2 Initial premises
The injection molding is the process by which a macromolecular material brought in a
plastic state at a certain temperature, called the softening temperature, is injected under high
pressure into the mold cavity. At the end of the pressing action, the plastic retains the shape
of the mold in which it was injected,
and after its cooling, it can be
removed from the mold.
The injection process has a
cyclic character, involving stages of
material feeding, compressing,
thermoplastifying, injecting, cooling
and, finally, opening of the mold and
evacuating of the injected piece.
Subsequently, a new injection cycle
develops. The thermoplastic
macromolecular compounds modify
slightly their physical properties
between the solidification and the
melting temperature. The injection is
based on the properties of the plastic
Fig. 1. Injection molding process.
material between the softening and flowing temperatures. The process has significant
advantages, especially due to its high productivity. Thus, there are the possibilities of
mechanization and automation of the process, of manufacturing complex and diverse parts,
without requiring any overworking. One of the interest results is the relatively low cost per
product. The injection process is considered as economical in the conditions of producing a
series fabrication to cushion the costs of the mold [7].
The injection process is influenced by some factors that must be taken into
consideration when designing and developing the manufacturing process. Such factors
could be the temperature of both the material and the mold, the pressure, the size of the hole
from the nozzle, of the injection barrel and of the sprue, the properties of the plastic
material, the piston speed during the material pressing, the size of the torpedo, of the zone
where the material is homogenized (Figure 1) etc.
In the case of designing an injection equipment, it is important to study how the process
develops from the introducing the plastic granules to the removal of the part from the mold.
The processes of the granules melting and of homogenization of the melted material must
be correctly achieved. Other aspects that must be taken into consideration concern the way
in which the melted material reaches the nest and fills the entire mold cavity, the air is
released outside and the material solidifies. At the same time, the speed at which the
material is pushes, the pressure exerted on the material, the length of the injection barrel,
the speed at which the process takes place and the temperature of the mold must be
adequately planned. The diameter of the injection cylinder is an important factor in material
plasticizing and flowing. The injection volume and the plasticizing capacity are other
significant factors whose values must be considered.
Essential characteristics of interest in using the injection equipment could be the way of
plastic heating, as well as the pressure and the speed of injection and of filling the mold
nest and the time required for the material solidifying process.
3 Functional requirements of the equipment
The equipment will be designed by considering the basis of functional, manufacturing and
constraining requirements that limit the design and influence the constructive-functional
characteristics of the equipment, as well as the materials used in its achievement. Such
requirements could be:
- The equipment is limited to a certain overall size;
- The equipment must be
handled by one person;
- The equipment must be
achieved by using the
manufacturing and assembling
facilities existing in a
determined department;
- It is necessary to
minimize the number of parts
to be purchased;
- The equipment could be
adapted on an existing
machine tool from the
- The equipment can be
made without using expensive
or difficult-to-machine
Table 1. Functional requirements and design parameters.
DP1: hopper
DP2: heater
DP3: piston
DP5: torpedo
DP6: transducer
DP7: duct for
air removal
FR1: Introduce the granules X
FR2: Melt the granules melting X
FR3: Advance the granules X
FR4: Activate the system X
FR5: Homogenize the material X
FR6: Highlight the temperature
FR7: Ensure filling of cavity X
MATEC Web of Conferences 178, 02001 (2018)
IManE&E 2018
- The equipment could include simple subassemblies.
A smaller number of requirements were selected as functional requirements (FR), in
accordance with the principles of the axiomatic design [8, 9] and they were presented in
Table 1. In this table, one could notice also the design parameters DP that correspond to
each functional requirement.
4 Outlining solutions for research equipment using the diagram
of idea
An ideas diagram was used to highlight the distinct possibilities of designing the
equipment. The distinct versions of the equipment subassemblies must be taken into
The graphic representation corresponding to the ideas diagram was developed by
identifying firstly the necessary components/ subassemblies of the equipment and including
these components in rectangles placed along a horizontal line. Subsequently, below each of
these components, along a vertical line, the distinct versions of the components were
highlighted [8, 9].
Since the complete form of the ideas diagram is very complex, in figure 2 only a
simplified version of the ideas diagram was included.
Fig. 2. Ideas diagram thought for the simple injection equipment.
5 Choosing a solution for the equipment using the method of
imposed decision
Based on the ideas diagram, three distinct constructive solutions appreciated as interesting
were identified (Figure 3). In accordance with the symbols used in figure 2, the selected
MATEC Web of Conferences 178, 02001 (2018)
IManE&E 2018
- The equipment could include simple subassemblies.
A smaller number of requirements were selected as functional requirements (FR), in
accordance with the principles of the axiomatic design [8, 9] and they were presented in
Table 1. In this table, one could notice also the design parameters DP that correspond to
each functional requirement.
4 Outlining solutions for research equipment using the diagram
of idea
An ideas diagram was used to highlight the distinct possibilities of designing the
equipment. The distinct versions of the equipment subassemblies must be taken into
The graphic representation corresponding to the ideas diagram was developed by
identifying firstly the necessary components/ subassemblies of the equipment and including
these components in rectangles placed along a horizontal line. Subsequently, below each of
these components, along a vertical line, the distinct versions of the components were
highlighted [8, 9].
Since the complete form of the ideas diagram is very complex, in figure 2 only a
simplified version of the ideas diagram was included.
Fig. 2. Ideas diagram thought for the simple injection equipment.
5 Choosing a solution for the equipment using the method of
imposed decision
Based on the ideas diagram, three distinct constructive solutions appreciated as interesting
were identified (Figure 3). In accordance with the symbols used in figure 2, the selected
solutions were A1B1C1D2E1, A2B3C2D1E3 and A1B2C1D1E1. The intention of practical
achieving of one of these solutions was formulated. To select the most convenient solution
among the three identified ones, the method of the imposed solution was applied [9, 10].
The selection criteria are firstly hierarchized according to them coefficients of
importance that denotes the ratio of the weight of each criterion to the number of
comparisons of two by two criteria. Considering the values of the coefficient of importance
established for the criteria, the order of the criteria is: C – A – E – D - B. In the next stage,
the values of the coefficients of importance for each proposed solution were calculated
using each criterion and comparing also two by two from the proposed solutions a, b and c.
The results of applying this stage of the imposed decision method were synthetically
presented in Table 3. In the last stage, the value numbers for each solution were
determined, based on the previously calculated values of the coefficients of importance
established for each criterion and the coefficient of importance of each solution by applying
a certain criterion:
Nva= 0.2•0.166+ 0.05•0.333+ 0.4•0.166+ 0.15•0.5+ 0.2•0.5= 0.294 (1)
Nvb= 0.2•0.166+ 0.05•0.166+ 0.4•0.166+ 0.15•0+ 0.2•0.5= 0.207 (2)
Nvc= 0.2•0.666+ 0.05•0.5+ 0.4•0.666+ 0.15•0.5+ 0.2•0= 0.499 (3)
Using the method of the imposed decision and on the base of the coefficients of
importance attributed to each solution, one established that the most convenient one is the
solution c (A1B2C1D1E1). The equipment that corresponds to the solution c could be
adapted on a machine tool existing in the department.
Table 2. Values of the importance coefficients for each evaluation criterion.
Considered criteria Comparison number Σ Coefficient of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A- cost 1 0 0.5 0.5 2 0.2
B- possibility of designing 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.05
C- possibility of researching 1 1 1 1 4 0.4
D- practical, ease of handling 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 1.5 0.15
E- possibility of automation 0.5 1 0 0.5 2 0.2
Table 3. Determining the value numbers assigned to each version of solution by considering each of
the criteria j for an injection molding equipment.
Criterion A
Criterion B
Criterion C
Comparison Σ Coeff.
Comparison Σ Coeff.
Comparison Σ Coeff.
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
a 0.5 0 0.5 0.166 a 0.5 0.5 1 0.333 a 0.5 0 0.5 0.166
b 0.5 0 0.5 0.166 b 0.5 0 0.5 0.166 b 0.5 0 0.5 0.166
c 1 1 2 0.666 c 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 c 1 1 2 0.666
Criterion D
Criterion E
Comparison Σ Coeff.
Comparison Σ Coeff.
1 2 3 1 2 3
a 1 0.5 1.5 0.5 a 1 0.5 1.5 0.5
b 0 0 0 0 b 0.5 1 1.5 0.5
c 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 c 0 0 0 0
MATEC Web of Conferences 178, 02001 (2018)
IManE&E 2018
6 Conclusions
One noticed that the injection process
has triggered the interest of many
researchers and has been studied from
several distinct perspectives. By
approaching of some theoretical
considerations, one showed that it is
possible to design and achieve a simple
equipment to develop a scientific
investigation of the plastics injection
process. Applying some principles
specific research of several research
methods, namely axiomatic design
method, the ideas diagram method, the
method of the imposed decision, and one
established the most convenient solution
for a simple plastic injection equipment.
In the future, there is the intention to
materialize this equipment and to initiate
some experimental researches aiming to
show the influence exerted by some
process input factors on the quality
parameters of the injected parts.
1. A. Sover, Plastics manufacturing
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3. M. Ionescu, M. Ianculescu, I. V.
Seres, I. Rosenthal, Design of molds
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4. M. Sardarian, O. Mirzaee, A.
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6. M. Sorgato, D. Masato, G. Lucchetta, Precis Eng 50, 440-448 (2017)
7. T. Iclănzan, Technology of plastics pressing and injection (in Romanian) (UPT
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8. N.P. Suh., Axiomatic Design: Advances and Applications (Oxford University Press,
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9. L. Slătineanu, Industrial property (in Romanian) (Performantica, Iași, 2015)
10. V. Belous, Inventics (in Romanian) (Asachi Publishing House, Iași, 1992)
Fig. 3. Constructive solutions for the equipment.
... In the Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology from the "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iași (Romania), equipment for the evaluation of the plastic materials processability by injection molding was designed and achieved [6]. One considered that a deeper analysis of this equipment is possible by using the principles of the axiomatic design, to identify eventual possibilities of the equipment improvement. ...
... During the design activity, only some simplified requests corresponding to the axiomatic design principles were taken into consideration [6]. ...
Full-text available
The obtaining of information concerning the processability by injection of plastics could facilitate a better design of injection manufacturing processes of parts made of such materials. With this aim in view, equipment for testing the processability by injection of plastics was designed. On the other hand, there are known the possibilities of using the axiomatic design principles to solve equipment or various design activities problems. Within this paper, an evaluation of the complying with the requests of the axiomatic design by the designed equipment was developed. The axiom of independence of the functional requirements necessary to be achieved by the equipment was applied. The analysis allowed the formulation of some remarks concerning the fulfillment of some principles of axiomatic design by the constructive solution proposed for the equipment for testing the processability by injection of plastics.
... In the Iasi Machine Manufacturing Technology department, from the Technical University of Iasi, a plastics injection equipment was developed, with a spiral channel mold for the research of the processability of the plastics [7]. Once the material has been injected, it has filled the channel over a certain length, and this size will highlight the processability by injections of the plastics. ...
Full-text available
Increased interest in the study of plastics has led to the development of processing technologies using such materials. The variety of plastics has led to a diversification of the technical processes through which the finished plastic products can be obtained. We approached the idea of designing plastic injection equipment, considering that various research could be made on the phenomena involved during the process, as well as the observation of the technological properties of the plastics. To design such equipment, some known methods used in conception processes could be applied. Optimizing the equipment design process is one of the elements that can ensure high efficiency of the entire injection molding process. Thus, the method chosen in this case was the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method, which is one of the methods that offer the possibility to choose a solution when there are many alternatives. The relative simplicity and precision of this method are some of the arguments behind this method. The combination of required equipment and application of the AHP method allowed the choice of an optimal solution for testing injection molding. The result of design activity was an alternative to equipment that can be used for developing future research.
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The friction force developed in the demolding phase of the micro injection molding process is mainly determined by mold surface finish, which affects the tribological phenomena occurring at the polymer–tool interface. In this work, the effects on the ejection force of two cavity surfaces machined with different technologies (viz. micro milling and micro electro discharge machining), but with similar value of Ra, were investigated. The relations between different surface topography parameters and the ejection force were then analyzed, in order to identify the parameters that most appropriately describe the friction at the polymer–tool interface. The experimental results showed the strong interactions between the mold surface texture and the micro injection molding process parameters that promote the replication, such as mold temperature and holding pressure. The different machining technologies generated two mold textures that have a similar value of Ra, but their influence on friction can be properly described only using several other surface topography parameters.
Supporting environmentally-conscious design of moulds is the ultimate objective of the here presented advisory tool. Relying on a careful estimation of the energy used for the injection moulding process, the designer is guided towards the development of green(er) solutions. As shown by literature and through a preliminary LCA screening analysis, most of the environmental impacts of a mould are directly connected to the energy consumed during the injection phase. This paper proposes a guideline for a reliable and sensitive energy estimation of the injection moulding process, taking into account not only the part and the material to be moulded, but also the specifications of the mould, the injection moulding machine and the injection moulding process parameters. The accurate estimation of the energy consumed may radically improve the estimation of the overall environmental impacts of the mould and of the moulded product, and provide a value-added support for eco-driven decision making since the mould design phase. This work aims at contributing to the development of new methodologies to help injection moulding industry to develop more sustainable parts, moulds and processes.
The quality of ceramics parts made by powder injection molding (PIM) method is influenced by a range of factors such as powder and binder characteristics, rheological behavior of feedstock, molding parameters and debinding and sintering conditions. In this study, to optimize the molding parameters, the effect of injection temperature and pressure on the properties of alumina ceramics in the LPIM process were thoroughly studied. Experimental tests were conducted on alumina feedstock with 60 vol. % powder. Injection molding was carried out at temperatures and pressures of 70–100 ◦C and 0.1–0.6 MPa respectively. Results showed that increase in injection temperature and pressure and the resulting increase in flow rate leads to the formation of void which impairs the properties of molded parts. The SEM studies showed that injection at temperature of 100 °C results in evaporation of binder components. From the processing point of view, the temperature of 80 °C and pressure of 0.6 MPa seems to be the most suitable condition for injection molding. In addition, the effects of sintering conditions (temperature and time) on the microstructure and mechanical properties are discussed. The best final properties were found using injection molding under the above stated conditions, thermal debinding and sintering at 1700 °C during 3 h.
Injection of plastics
  • C Fetecău
C. Fetecău, Injection of plastics (in Romanian), (Ed. Did. si Ped., Bucureşti, 2007)
Technology of plastics pressing and injection
  • T Iclănzan
T. Iclănzan, Technology of plastics pressing and injection (in Romanian) (UPT Publishing House, Timişoara, 1992)
Design of molds for plastics injected products (in Romanian)
  • M Ionescu
  • M Ianculescu
  • I V Seres
  • I Rosenthal
M. Ionescu, M. Ianculescu, I. V. Seres, I. Rosenthal, Design of molds for plastics injected products (in Romanian), (Publishing House, Bucureşti, 1987)
  • M Sardarian
  • O Mirzaee
  • A Habibolahzadeh
M. Sardarian, O. Mirzaee, A. Habibolahzadeh, Ceram Int 43, 4785-4793 (2017)
Iași, 1992) Fig. 3. Constructive solutions for the equipment
  • V Belous
V. Belous, Inventics (in Romanian) (Asachi Publishing House, Iași, 1992) Fig. 3. Constructive solutions for the equipment.