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First records of the Red Sea alien mollusc Haminoea cyanomarginata (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Cephalaspidea) in the Western Mediterranean

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Natural History

Abstract and Figures

The colonization of foreign species into the Mediterranean Sea has increased in number and geographic coverage over the past decades. For instance, the marine mollusc Haminoea cyanomargi-nata has scattered across the Central and Eastern Mediterranean since its description in the Red Sea by Heller and Thompson in 1983. In this study, we add the first records of the species in the Western Mediterranean basin and review the progression of its colonization from the Red Sea. The new records were obtained through the online database of the NGO called Catalan Opisthobranch Research Group (Spain), thus highlighting how citizen science platforms can provide an early warning for marine scientists and managers in relation to exogenous species. ARTICLE HISTORY
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First records of the Red Sea alien mollusc
Haminoea cyanomarginata (Gastropoda:
Heterobranchia: Cephalaspidea) in the Western
Robert Fernández-Vilert, Joan Giménez, Guillem Mas, Irene Figueroa & Juan
To cite this article: Robert Fernández-Vilert, Joan Giménez, Guillem Mas, Irene Figueroa & Juan
Moles (2018) First records of the Red Sea alien mollusc Haminoea�cyanomarginata (Gastropoda:
Heterobranchia: Cephalaspidea) in the Western Mediterranean, Journal of Natural History,
52:27-28, 1817-1823
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Published online: 23 Jul 2018.
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First records of the Red Sea alien mollusc Haminoea
cyanomarginata (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia:
Cephalaspidea) in the Western Mediterranean
Robert Fernández-Vilert
, Joan Giménez
, Guillem Mas
, Irene Figueroa
and Juan Moles
Catalan Opisthobranch Research Group (GROC), Pontós, Spain;
Department of Conservation Biology,
Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC), Seville, Spain;
Museum of Comparative Zoology & Department
of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
The colonization of foreign species into the Mediterranean Sea has
increased in number and geographic coverage over the past
decades. For instance, the marine mollusc Haminoea cyanomargi-
nata has scattered across the Central and Eastern Mediterranean
since its description in the Red Sea by Heller and Thompson in
1983. In this study, we add the rst records of the species in the
Western Mediterranean basin and review the progression of its
colonization from the Red Sea. The new records were obtained
through the online database of the NGO called Catalan
Opisthobranch Research Group (Spain), thus highlighting how
citizen science platforms can provide an early warning for marine
scientists and managers in relation to exogenous species.
Received 25 January 2018
Accepted 25 June 2018
Bubble snail; non-native
species; marine ecosystems;
citizen science
Haminoeid cephalaspidean molluscs are herbivorous snails with a bubble shell that
inhabit shallow waters from tropical and temperate seas worldwide (Rudman 1971;
Malaquias and Cervera 2006). A total of eight species of Haminoea are recognized as
naturally occurring within the European coasts (Malaquias and Cervera 2006), among
which seven species are recognized in the Iberian Peninsula, including the Atlantic
coastline (Cervera et al. 2004), and four have been found in the Catalan coast (NE
Spain), namely H. exigua Schaefer, 1992, H. hydatis (Linnaeus, 1758), H. navicula (da
Costa, 1778), and H. orbignyana (de Férussac) (Ballesteros et al. 2016). Two alien
Haminoea species have been recognized in the Mediterranean, H. japonica Pilsbry,
1895 found in the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian seas and the eastern Atlantic (Hanson et al.
2013), and H. cyanomarginata Heller & Thompson, 1983 found in the Central and Eastern
Mediterranean (Zenetos et al. 2010). The latter species was originally described from a
single specimen, found in the Sudanese Red Sea coast in between coral rubble (Heller
and Thompson 1983). This specimen measured 5.5 mm long × 2.5 mm wide, but
specimens can reach lengths of 15 mm and present a white and purple conspicuous
coloration (Zenetos et al. 2004).
CONTACT Juan Moles
2018, VOL. 52, NOS. 2728, 18171823
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
Published online 23 Jul 2018
The rst record of H. cyanomarginata in the Mediterranean Sea was in Greece in 2001 where
it has now established a viable population (Rudman 2003; Zenetos et al. 2004,2008;Pontes
et al. 20122018;GBIF.org2016;Köhler2018). Later on, in 2002 H. cyanomarginata settled in
Turkey (Rudman 2003inaretal.2011;Kodiat2018), in 2006 it was found in Malta (Rudman
2003;Mifsud2007; Sciberras and Schembri 2007;Kodiat2018;Köhler2018), and a year after in
Italy (Crocetta et al. 2009; Crocetta and Vazzana 2009; Crocetta 2012;Pontesetal.20122018;
Stasolla et al. 2014). Also, a population of 100 specimens was recently discovered in Croatia in
2016 (Pontes et al. 20122018) and represents the rst record in the Adriatic Sea. Since its
description, the species has spread in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Despite the
absence of records from the far eastern Mediterranean, it is now considered one of the most
recent immigrants entering from the Red Sea through the Suez Canal (Zenetos et al. 2004,
2005;Mifsud2007). Here, we report new records and extend the distribution range of the
species into the Western Mediterranean Sea. Also, we demonstrate that citizen science is a
valuable tool for the early awareness of new colonizations as well as for monitoring the
advance and settlement of new populations of alien species (Moles et al. 2017).
Material and methods
Fifteen new records of H. cyanomarginata were gathered from the online database of
the Catalan Opisthobranch Research Group (GROC 2018; see http://www.opistobranquis.
org/ca/guia/329). Two specimens were photographed underwater with a Canon
Powershot S120 at Mallorca in the Balearic Islands by the certied divers Rubén
Castrillo and Rosa Taberner from the GROC Association. Twelve and one additional
specimens were also found in Mallorca by Sèbastien Scala and Javier Atero Cano,
Subclass HETEROBRANCHIA Burmeister
Family HAMINOEIDAE Pilsbry
Haminoea cyanomarginata Heller & Thompson, 1983
(Figure 1(a),1(b))
Material examined
Two specimens of 10 and 15 mm in length were found in Illa del Toro, Calvià, Mallorca,
Balearic Islands, Spain (39°27ʹ41.75N, 2°28ʹ17.48E; Figure 1), on 6 December 2017. The
individuals were found at 27.5 m depth, the water temperature was 17°C. Divers were
only able to photograph the largest individual. Twelve individuals from Cala dOr (39°
21ʹ55.05N; 3°14ʹ9.6E), also in Mallorca, were recorded on 20 December 2017. Finally,
another specimen of 4 mm in length was recorded near Illa del Toro in Ses Penyes
Roges, Mallorca, on 21 January 2018 at 21 m depth. All individuals were casual observa-
tions found by dierent divers without scientic purposes.
Morphological description (Figure 1(a), 1(b))
Body white, purple line delimiting cephalic shield, parapodial and infrapallial lobes, and foot;
with scattered purple patches especially concentred in anterior cephalic shield and parapodial
lobes. Cephalic shield divided posteriorly, forming two well-developed lobes. Eyes present,
slightly delimited by an unpigmented area, two pairs of purple spots found in between them.
Shell external, globose, hyaline, partially covered by cephalic, parapodial, and infrapallial lobes.
Parapodial lobes covering shell, not overlapping. Metapodium oval.
A single individual was found crawling on coral rubble in the Red Sea (Heller and Thompson
1983). In the Mediterranean Sea, the species has been spotted both in the daytime and at
night, from 3 to 30 m depth on rocky surfaces covered by a thin algal lm and the brown alga
Cystoseira sp., other undetermined algae, and sessile organisms (Rudman 2003; Zenetos et al.
2004; Crocetta et al. 2009; Crocetta and Vazzana 2009; Stasolla et al. 2014). Here, the species
was found in daytime on a clear and well-lit slope, crawling among pebbles partially covered
by Corallinaceae algae.
Distribution (Figure 2(ac))
Sudan, the Red Sea (type locality; Heller and Thompson 1983), Egypt (Kodiat 2018;Köhler
2018), Oman (Köhler 2018), Saudi Arabia ( 2016), Greece (Rudman 2003; Zenetos et al.
2004,2008;Pontesetal.20122018;GBIF.org2016;Köhler2018), Turkey (Rudman 2003inar
et al. 2011;Kodiat2018), Israel (Rudman 2003;Köhler2018), Malta (Rudman 2003;Mifsud2007;
Sciberras and Schembri 2007;Kodiat2018;Köhler2018), Italy (Crocetta et al. 2009; Crocetta and
Vazzana 2009; Crocetta 2012;Pontesetal.20122018; Stasolla et al. 2014), Croatia (Pontes et al.
20122018), and Balearic Islands, Spain (this study).
The new records of H. cyanomarginata reported here are the rst for the Western
Mediterranean Sea. The morphological description of the specimens analysed in this
study clearly ascribed them to H. cyanomarginata (Heller and Thompson 1983). Since its
Figure 1. Underwater pictures of Haminoea cyanomarginata taken at 27 m depth in Illa del Toro,
Calvià, Mallorca, Balearic Islands. (a) Dorsal view; (b) lateral view.
description, the species has only been recently recorded a few times around the Red Sea
while it appears frequently in the Mediterranean (see Figure 2). An anti-Lessepsian
migration (i.e. from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea) is very unlikely since the species
was never recorded in the Mediterranean before 2001 (Zenetos et al. 2004), and its
conspicuous and likely aposematic coloration tends to be more frequent in species from
rich and stable environments, such as the Red Sea (Mollo et al. 2008). Although the
means of colonization of H. cyanomarginata into the Mediterranean is still uncertain, it
has progressively colonized from the eastern to the north and west of the Mediterranean
until 2018 (Sciberras and Schembri 2007; Zenetos et al. 2008; Çinar et al. 2011; Stasolla
et al. 2014; Pontes et al. 20122018, this study). Similarly, species from warmer waters
seem to easily cope with the Mediterranean environmental conditions, likely favoured
by climate change and anthropogenic activities (Streftaris and Zenetos 2006; Moles et al.
2017). Mollo et al. (2008) suggested that the colonization of H. cyanomarginata could be
related to the ability of biosynthesizing metabolites that were originally obtained from
food de novo, in contrast to other species that depend on its diet to be chemically
defended (see Avila et al. Forthcoming). Emancipating this dietary specialist from the
dependency on its original food may have provided a variety of ecological opportunities
for H. cyanomarginata to further colonize the Mediterranean nearshore basin (Mollo
et al. 2008).
Similarly to H. cyanomarginata, the invasive H. japonica also has great environmen-
tal tolerance and the ability to establish dominant populations in the Mediterranean
(Hanson et al. 2013). Nonetheless, H. japonica has been introduced to the Paciccoast
of North America and to Europe through the introduction of Japanese oysters and
clams for maricultural purposes (Gosliner and Behrens 2006). The distribution patterns
of some alien heterobranch species belonging from the Red Sea and recorded for the
rst time in the Central Mediterranean (e.g. the nudibranchs Melibe viridis and Polycera
hedgpethi) have been frequently explained through shipping transport via ballast
waters (Zenetos et al. 2004) and ship hulls (Giacobbe and De Matteo 2013). Mifsud
(2007) proposed that since the locality where H. cyanomarginata was rst observed is
sheltered from strong easterly winds, it may act as an active ship bunkering site during
such weather conditions and, thus, reinforce the hypothesis that H. cyanomarginata
entered the Mediterranean by shipping transport instead of being a true Lessepsian
immigrant. Once established in Greece, the free-living larval stage of H. cyanomargi-
nata may have dispersed around the Mediterranean following the main oceanographic
currents, as proposed for Aplysia dactylomela (Valdés et al. 2013;Moles et al. 2017).
Non-native migrations seem to be common in the Mediterranean Sea, especially
nowadays, due to the rising sea-water temperatures during the last decades
(Francour et al. 1994)andthetropicalizationof its fauna (Bianchi and Morri 2003)
that led to a day-by-day increase in the list of exotic organisms in the Mediterranean
(Zenetos et al. 2010). In this sense, an early awareness of these intruders is vital for
understanding further biogeographic advancements. We want to encourage other
researchers to establish and use platforms such as the Catalan Opisthobranch
Research Group (GROC 2018). This website achieves rapid detection of colonization
events of heterobranch sea slugs through citizen science monitoring, thus becoming
an early warning for marine scientists and managers.
We would like to thank R Castrillo, R Taberner, S Scala, and JA Cano for providing the records to
the website. Especial thanks are given to three anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.
We are indebted to the nearly 200 citizen collaborators of GROC that regularly monitor the Catalan
coast and adjacent waters. J Moles was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the
Fundación Ramón Areces. This is study #4 of the GROC Association.
Figure 2. Distribution of Haminoea cyanomarginata based on bibliographic data and this study. (a)
General view of the Red and Mediterranean seas showing all documented occurrences including the
type location (red star) and the time periods of 20012006 (orange dots), 20072012 (green dots),
and 20132017 (purple dots). (b) Close-up of the Arabian Peninsula showing the occurrences in the
Red Sea and Oman. (c) Close-up showing the new records from Mallorca in the Balearic Islands.
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
Joan Giménez
Juan Moles
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... During the last few decades, numerous cases of new species arrivals have been detected in the Mediterranean (Fernández-Vilert et al. 2018). For instance, the aeolid nudibranchs Godiva quadricolor (Barnard, 1927) and Polycera hedgpethi Er. ...
... Trainito et al. 2017;Fernández-Vilert et al. 2021), distribution patterns (see GROC 2009GROC -2021 and the spread of alien species (e.g. Fernández-Vilert et al. 2018;Kleitou et al. 2019). Community science is a good tool for obtaining information on large areas that scientists are unable to canvass, especially with new arrivals of alien species. ...
Full-text available
Citizen (or community) science has provided copious and valuable information about charismatic marine taxa such as heterobranch gastropods, thus contributing enormously to the known geographic distribution of many sea slug species. This study reports new records of elusive sea slugs in the coastal western Mediterranean (especially on the Catalan and French Mediterranean coasts) and contributes to new ecological information regarding their phenology, diet and behaviour. Out of 39 species reported here, 23 are new records for the Catalan coast (NE Spain), three are new records of pelagic pteropods for the Spanish Iberian coast, and eight are new records for the French Mediterranean coast. With 25 species found active at night, this study highlights the importance of sampling at night and in shallow, often under-sampled waters with high species diversity. Shallow waters usually have less diving activity and are harder to survey with heavy scuba equipment. We believe that the high-quality photos herein and the related species information will enable researchers, divers and the community to find and recognise these rare species in the Mediterranean basin.
... In the Mediterranean (Table 1), this species has been recorded for the first time in 2001 off Greece (Rudman 2003, Zenetos et al. 2005. Later on, it has been found in 2002 off Turkey (Rudman 2003(Rudman , Çinar et al. 2011, in 2006 at Malta (Mifsud 2007), in 2007 off Italy ), in 2016 in the Adriatic Sea off the Croatian coast (Pontes et al. 2012(Pontes et al. -2020, in 2017 and 2020 at Spain (at Mallorca, Nova Tabarca Island and Ibiza) (Fernández-Vilert et al. 2018, Ragkousis et al. 2020, in 2018 at Cyprus (Yokeş et al. 2018) and in the same year off Libya (Rizgalla et al. 2018). Along Italian coasts, this species has been reported at Calabria, Campania and Sicily and is generally considered as an established alien species (Servello et al. 2019). ...
... Although this species has been widely reported, its biology and ecology are poorly known (Zenetos et al. 2004). Hitherto, L. ovalis has been found from just below the sea level to 30 m of depth (Rudman 2003, Fernández-Vilert et al. 2018, Rizgalla et al. 2018letta 2020) on sandy and rocky substrates covered by algal film, Corallinaceae, Cystoseira s.l., sponges and hydrozoans , Stasolla et al. 2014, Rizgalla et al. 2018). This species, as the other congeneric species, feeds on diatoms, cyanobacteria and filamentous algae (Zenetos et al. 2004, Cruz-Rivera & Paul 2006. ...
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Lamprohaminoea ovalis is an alien species from the Indo-West Pacific, which has colonised almost all the Mediterranean Sea in the last twenty years. Although this species has been widely reported from the invaded area, its biology and ecology are still poorly known. The aim of the present study was to investigate the seasonality of this species in an invaded area, the central-eastern coast of Sicily (Italy). An underwater visual census with scuba diving has been carried out at three stations (Santa Tecla, Santa Maria La Scala and Catania) in 2017-2020 to collect data on seasonality of L. ovalis. Populations appear at the end of summer (August), reach their peak in autumn, decrease at the beginning of winter and disappear at the beginning of spring. This seasonal trend could depend on the fact that this species may have a warm water affinity and, thus, it may fail to survive in cold periods. In addition, breeding activities have been documented each year.
... This individual was observed swimming in the water column, to settle after that on the rocky bottom, at a depth of 5-6m in Ibn Hani, north of Latakia [35.591589, 35.743336] at 14 July 2022. It is the first record of this alien mollusk in the Syrian Sea, Plocamopherus ocellatus appears to be rare in Mediterranean, as the number of known records since 2005 is 20 [9], before that, only 5 specimens were found in the Levantine basin from 1977-2003 [34]. It has been recorded in the neighbor's countries at different depths that limited to 50m [22,8,7,25,16]. ...
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Introduction Nudibranchia are beautiful and colorful gastropod molluscs, they are well developed. Their shape, coloration, and decorations vary according to the diet and the habitat. They may be oval, elongated, thin, or flat, with or without dorsal tuber-cles or cerata, which vary in size and shape. Nudibrancehs inhabit Coralligenous habitats [5], they live in the coastal areas around the world, there isn't much data available on its diversity in the deep seas [25]. They are predators, feed on sponges, tunicates, sea anemones and many other benthic organisms [13]. Nudibranchs are very important indicators of warming seas, climate changes, pollution and loss of habitats, they respond very quickly to changes in the quality of the environment. Documenting their presence and diversity and monitoring their distribution in the region helps to understanding how ecosystems are changing [17]. Recent studies reveal the role of the Nudibrancehs in the biochemical cycle of some nutrients, in particular the silicate that accumulates in marine sponges, where the predation of these mollusks on the sponges contribute to deposition and recycling of sponges' silica in high rates [15]. In relation to densities and number of local records, many species of sea slugs are still rare [29]. The number of recorded species of these sea slugs in the Mediterranean up to 2016 reached 270 [22], this number seems to be small compared to their diversity in the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean [11]. Many local and regional studies and researches confirm the Ammar IA Abstract Two Lessepsians Nudibranchs species, Tayuva lilacina [A. Gould, 1852] [Nudibranchia, Discodorididae] and Plocamopherus ocellatus Rüppell and Leuckart, 1828 [Polyceridae] and two Mediterranean Nudibranchs species Doris verrucoas [A. Gould, 1852] [Discodorididae] and Felimare picta [Philippi, 1836] [Chromodorididae] are reported for the first time in Latakia coastal water, and it is the first known occurrence of these four species in the Syrian Sea. The sea slugs were photographed in situ and identified in HIMR based on their species descriptions, Photographs and information available in global databases specialized in marine life. increasing in number of alien nudibranchs in Mediterranean especially in the eastern part [26,18] indicate the contribution of climate changes and the rise of Mediterranean temperature in the settlement of many of them, their number reached 30 species until 2013, with a rate of 6% of the total number of sea slugs in the Mediterranean [8], although, in many studies carried out in the Mediterranean, samples of rare sea slugs species were obtained in several ways [10]. Most of them were sighted and photographed by divers whom shared these photos on websites and forums that specialized in sea slugs, such as the Mediterranean Slug Site and Sea Slug Forum, or by some experts around the world [37]. In Syria, the number of recorded species of nudibranchs until the year 2022 was only nine, one of which are native, one Cryptogenic and seven are aliens originating from the Red Sea, Indian and Pacific oceans. Two of these nine species had been mentioned in the list updated by Ammar in 2019 [2] then, four species were collected during the period 2020-2021 from small marina near Tartus and coastal pool north of Jableh, recorded for the first time at the Syrian coast [3]. Another species Calma glaucoides [26] was recorded in 1995 at Afamia coast in Latakia [1], Bursatella leachii Blainville, 1817 was mentioned that it was found at the Syrian coast, but we couldn't confirm that. Spurilla neapolitana has been recorded for the third time in the eastern Mediterranean after it was recorded in Turkey [22] and Greece [16]. This article shows the taxonomic status of additional two rare Lessepsians and two rare Mediterranean nudibranch species which were recently observed by an amateur diver, and introduce some of their biological characteristics and new ecological data on the Syrian coast for the first time.
... Distribución mundial: Es una especie oriunda del Indo-W Pacífico(Zenetos et al. 2003, Fernández-Vilert et al. 2018 Distribución en el Mediterráneo: La especie fue citada por primera vez en 2001 en Grecia(Zenetos et al. 2003). A partir de ahí fue citada en 2002 en Turquía (Çinar et al. 2011), Malta en 2006 (Sciberras & Schembri 2007), Italia en 2007 (Crocetta et al. 2009); 2016 en Croacia (Pontes & Crocetta 2020); 2016 en Chipre (Crocetta & Andreou 2018) y Libia en 2018 (Rizgalla et al. 2018). ...
... Especie lessepsiana ampliamente distribuida por el Mediterráneo: Turquía, Malta, Italia, Chipre, Croacia, Libia (Rizgalla et al., 2018). El punto más occidental conocido hasta la fecha son las islas Baleares (Fernández-Vilert et al., 2018). ...
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The Mediterranean Sea is an immense natural laboratory for the study of biological invasions. The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 was likely the starting point of this event in this basin, which is accelerating as a consequence of different actions of anthropic origin, as well as the global warming of oceans. The presence of and the effects caused by exotic species are quite different among the different regions of the Mediterranean Sea, being the western basin the least studied by far, given the lower number of registered species, in comparison with the other basins. In the present note, an updated list is given with all the exotic mollusks presenting established populations in Western Mediterranean, as well as those that may have a high risk of arrival in the coming years.
... Distribution. Lamprohaminoea ovalis known from the Red Sea, Oman, Philippines, Vanuatu, Guam, French Polynesia, Hawaii (Oskars and Malaquias 2020), Australia , Mariana Islands (Carlson and Hoff 2003), Japan (Hori 2017), Marshall Islands (Marcus andBurch 1965), and invasive in the Mediter-ranean Sea (Fernández-Vilert et al. 2018). It is here recorded for the first time from Thai waters. ...
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Improved access to field survey infrastructure throughout South-East Asia has allowed for a greater intensity of biodiversity surveys than ever before. The rocky bottoms and coral reef habitats across the region have been shown to support some of the highest sea slug biodiversity on the planet, with ever increasing records. During the past ten years, intensive SCUBA surveys have been carried out at Koh Tao, in the Gulf of Thailand, which have yielded remarkable findings in sea slug biology and ecology. In this work a brief history of sea slug biodiversity research from Thailand is covered and a complete inventory of sea slugs from Koh Tao, Gulf of Thailand is provided. This inventory is based on surveys from 2012 to 2020, with previously unreported findings since 2016. Habitat specificity and species-specific ecology are reported where available with a focused comparison of coral reef habitats and deeper soft-sediment habitats. The findings contribute 90 new species records for Thai waters (92 for the Gulf of Thailand) and report a remarkable consistency in the proportional diversity found to be exclusive to one habitat type or another. Additionally, taxonomic remarks are provided for species documented from Koh Tao that have not been discussed in past literature from Thailand, and a summary of previous records in the Indo-West Pacific is given.
... Still, the number of articles about first records of NIS in marine ecosystems is almost the double of those in terrestrial ecosystems. A search for the keywords "first/new" and "record/ occurrence" in the titles of the retrieved articles disclosed five articles done in terrestrial ecosystems (Hoebeke et al., 2015;Maistrello et al., 2016;Mori et al., 2016;Eritja et al., 2019;Schüttler et al., 2019) and nine articles done in marine ecosystems (Boero et al., 2009;Azzurro et al., 2013;Hourston et al., 2015;Bariche et al., 2018;Fernández-Vilert et al., 2018;Giovos et al., 2018;Jurgens et al., 2018;Kleitou et al., 2019;Pearson et al., 2019). This may reflect the inherent difficulty in accessing the aquatic ecosystems by scientific community. ...
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Biological invasions are among the most challenging ecological and conservation riddles of our times. Fortunately, citizen science projects became a valuable tool to detect non-indigenous species (NIS), document their spread, prevent dispersion, and eradicate localized populations. We evaluated the most undisputed definitions of citizen science and proposed that a combination of two of them is a better reflection of what citizen science has become. Thus, citizen science is any environmental and/or biological data collection and analysis, including data quality control, undertaken by members of the general public, as individuals or as organized groups of citizens, with the guidance and/or assistance of scientists toward solving environmental and/or community questions. With this review, we also assessed how citizen science has been advancing biological invasions research and its focus, by analyzing 126 peer-reviewed articles that used citizen science methods or data concerning NIS. Most of the articles studied terrestrial species (68%) and terrestrial plants were the most studied group (22.7%). Surprisingly, most first detection reports were of non-indigenous marine fish probably due to the constraints in accessing aquatic ecosystems which delays the detection of new NIS. Citizen science projects running over broad geographical areas are very cost-effective for the early detection of NIS, regardless of the studied environment. We also discuss the applicability and need to adapt the methods and approaches toward the studied ecosystem and species, but also the profile of the participating citizens, their motivations, level of engagement, or social status. We recommend authors to better acknowledge the work done by contributing citizens, and the putative limitations of data generated by citizen science projects. The outreach planning of citizen science projects is also evaluated, including the use of dedicated web platforms vs. pre-existent and disseminated web platforms, while discussing how such outreach actions can be maximized. Lastly, we present a framework that contextualizes the contributions of citizen science, scientific research, and regional and national stakeholders toward the integrated management of biological invasions.
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Monitoring and updating the geographic spread of non-native species is of chief importance for conservation. Here we report on the range expansion of the Red Sea alien heterobranch gastropod Lamprohaminoea ovalis in southeast Spain, which reached the Alboran Sea (coast of the Granada province) in autumn 2023. This record represents the westernmost of the species in the Mediterranean Sea. The species is established in the studied area with a seasonal presence. It appears in summer, reaches reaches population peak in autumn, and disappears during winter. The importance of "citizen scientists" for information about the distribution of species and monitoring the status on invasive populations is stressed.
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Monitoring the spread of non-indigenous species is fundamental to study global warming effects on marine biodiversity. A valuable tool is represented by the continuous updating of the geographic range expansion of non-indigenous species. Lamprohaminoea ovalis is a Lessepsian mollusc initially recorded in the Mediterranean Sea in 2001. This paper reports its range expansion over the last 20 years related to water warming. The first record of Lamprohaminoea ovalis from the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean) is also reported. Two individuals (about 10 mm length) were observed on a sub-vertical rocky bottom at 26 m depth displaying potential trailing behaviour. This recent finding extends the currently known distributional range of Lamprohaminoea ovalis, representing the northernmost occurrence of this non-indigenous species in the western Mediterranean Sea.
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The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 enabled a large number of Indo‐Pacific marine species to expand their ranges into the Mediterranean Sea (Galil et al. 2017), entering the Gulf of Suez from the Red Sea and migrating northwards towards the easternmost basin of the Mediterranean. These species have been called ‘Lessepsian migrants’ (Yonow 2015), ‘Lessepsian immigrants’ (Kleitou et al. 2019), or ‘Lessepsian invaders’ (Ivkic et al. 2019), named after Ferdinand de Lesseps who planned the Suez Canal’s construction, or ‘Erythraean non‐indigenous species’ (Galil et al. 2017), after the Erythraean Sea, an earlier maritime designation including both the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
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Marine organisms produce a wide variety of molecules, often unique and critical for their survival in terms of feeding, reproduction, or protection. These natural products are at the basis of ecological specialization because they may affect species distribution, feeding patterns, community structure and biodiversity. However, a long way remains to be explored on how chemical ecology regulates marine ecosystems. “Opisthobranch” molluscs, comprising the commonly known sea slugs and sea hares, are no exception to this, and they present a wide variety of bioactive compounds protecting them against potential predators and competitors, and enhancing their ecological performance. Sea slug defenses include chemicals obtained directly from their prey, transformed dietary metabolites, or even de novo biosynthesized bioactive compounds. Over the last 30 years, many advances were achieved on chemical defensive strategies in sea slugs throughout different latitudes, from the tropics to the poles. In this chapter we describe what is known about the chemical ecology of marine slugs (“opisthobranchs”) from a biological perspective, and the molecules involved, focusing on the origins, bioactivities, and ecological roles in combination with other defensive strategies. Biogeographical and evolutionary aspects are also considered here. Often, chemical defenses are associated with warning (aposematic) colorations, allowing species to survive in exposed habitats, where predators learn to associate bright colorations with their bad taste. Many pigments, in fact, possess bioactive properties themselves (e.g. alkaloids), while being part of photosynthetic systems, or may act as sunscreens protecting from UV light. The biochemical pathways to build these natural products are usually complex and metabolically expensive, even when they come from the diet since the compounds have to be processed, transferred, or stored in specific sites. Chemical defense allocation is particularly common in sea slugs, with extensive literature reporting bioactive products stored in exposed, vulnerable areas, such as the mantle, foot, gills, and rhinophores; within mucus or ink secretions; in specialized glands, like mantle dermal formations (MDFs); and also occasionally in eggs, embryos, and larval stages. Overall, sea slugs offer a serendipitous world of chemical defensive strategies, in which all sort of mechanisms have appeared to favor their survival. Amazingly, the defensive strategies of marine slugs and the compounds used are not as variable in the distinct geographic areas, even if the kinds of predators, competitors, and threats may be remarkably different. Effective protection from potential enemies thus is achieved by similar patterns of chemical defensive strategies in very different ecosystems. The fascinating world of sea slugs still has a lot to offer and we should be able to deep into all the open aspects in the current frame of a changing environment.
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The state-of-art on alien species in the Mediterranean Sea is presented, making distinctions among the four subregions defined in the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive: (i) the Western Mediterranean Sea (WMED); (ii) the Central Mediterranean Sea (CMED); (iii) the Adriatic Sea (ADRIA); and (iv) the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMED). The updated checklist (December 2010) of marine alien species within each subregion, along with their acclimatization status and origin, is provided. A total of 955 alien species is known in the Mediterranean, the vast majority of them having being introduced in the EMED (718), less in the WMED (328) and CMED (267) and least in the Adriatic (171). Of these, 535 species (56%) are established in at least one area. Despite the collective effort of experts who attempted in this work, the number of introduced species remains probably underestimated. Excluding microalgae, for which knowledge is still insufficient, aliens have increased the total species richness of the Mediterranean Sea by 5.9%. This figure should not be directly read as an indication of higher biodiversity, as spreading of so many aliens within the basin is possibly causing biotic homogenization. Thermophilic species, i.e. Indo-Pacific, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Tropical Atlantic, Tropical Pacific, and circum(sub)tropical, account for 88.4% of the introduced species in the EMED, 72.8% in the CMED, 59.3% in the WMED and 56.1% in the Adriatic. Cold water species, i.e. circumboreal, N Atlantic, and N Pacific, make up a small percentage of the introduced species, ranging between 4.2% and 21.6% and being more numerous in the Adriatic and less so in the EMED. Species that are classified as invasive or potentially invasive are 134 in the whole of the Mediterranean: 108 are present in the EMED, 76 in the CMED, 53 in the Adriatic and 64 in the WMED. The WMED hosts most invasive macrophytes, whereas the EMED has the lion’s share in polychaetes, crustaceans, molluscs and fish.
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The marine cryptogenic species Aplysia dactylomela was recorded in the Mediterranean Sea in 2002 for the first time. Since then, this species has rapidly colonized the eastern Mediterranean, successfully establishing stable populations in the area. Aplysia dactylomela is a heterobranch mollusc found in the Atlantic Ocean, and commonly known as the spotted sea hare. This species is a voracious herbivorous with generalist feeding habits, possessing efficient chemical defence strategies. These facts probably promoted the acclimatation of this species in the Mediterranean ecosystems. Here, we report three new records of this species in the Balearic Islands and Catalan coast (NE Spain). This data was available due to the use of citizen science platforms such as GROC (Catalan Opisthobranch Research Group). These are the first records of this species in Spain and the third in the western Mediterranean Sea, thus reinforcing the efficient, fast, and progressive colonization ability of this sea hare. We have demonstrated that citizen science is a valuable tool for the early awareness of new colonizations as well as for monitoring the advance and settlement of new populations of cryptogenic species.
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The non-native opisthobranch Polycera hedgpethi Er. Marcus, 1964 is reported from the coastal lagoon of Capo Peloro (Central Mediterranean Sea) with notes on its habitat typology and feeding behavior. The recently published opinion that P. hedgpethi established in the Mediterranean Sea is disputed, since records of adult specimens and egg laying were not accompanied by the presence of juveniles and/or larvae. Mussels imported from Atlantic and North-Adriatic lagoons are hypothesized to be the source of incoming populations in the Peloro Lagoon.
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A number of marine alien species have been described as invasive or locally invasive in the Medi-terranean because of their proliferation, and/or their geographical spread and/or impact on native populations. Based on that information and on the documented impact they have on the biodiversity and socioeconomics of the basin, a preliminary list of the 100 'worst' Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in the Mediterranean has been produced and presented in this work along with details on their impact. Emphasis is given to their impact on socioeconomics (fi sheries/aquaculture, health & sanitation, in-frastructure & building), documented for 43 species. Such selection of the 'worst' IAS was diffi cult and controversial and is expected to attract much attention and scientifi c criticism since not only can the documentation of the impact of IAS be controversial, but also their inventory can be biased towards the effort and resources devoted to the study of the impact of certain species/taxonomic groups. Thus, while marine plants (phytobenthos and phytoplankton) are fairly well studied, less attention has been paid to the impact of vertebrates and even less to invertebrates. Nevertheless, the list highlights the need for continued research on the issue (monitoring aliens and their impact for an integrated ecosystem based management approach over the entire area). The preliminary list can provide the basis for selecting indicator species within the Mediterranean and thus be the common ground to build cooperation about IAS within countries in the region.
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We hereby provide new distributional data for alien and possible alien molluscs from the Italian seas, together with a brief review of their known Italian distribution and updated distributional maps. In particular, Haminoea cyanomarginata is confirmed for the Calabrian shores of the Messina Strait area and is first reported from the eastern and western Sicily, therefore suggesting a natural spreading into the Italian central Mediterranean Sea. Melibe viridis is confirmed for the Ionian Calabrian shores and Sardinia, where it was previously known from isolated records only. Pinctada imbricata radiata is first reported as naturally widening its distribution in Sardinia and in the Gulf of Taranto, where new populations are soon awaited, whilst Aplysia dactylomela is now expanding its range along the Italian Adriatic shores. And last, recent records of Anadara transversa from the Sabaudia Lake testify the role of lagoon systems as hot-spots for the introduction and secondary spreading of alien species, and indicate mussel aquaculture as the likely vector of introduction for its occurrence.
—An extension of the checklist of opisthobranch species (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) known from the Catalan Coasts is presented, based on numerous unpublished findings by the authors and reports confirmed with pictures posted in several Internet platforms. A total of 53 species are added to the previous catalog: 4 Cephalaspidea, 9 Runcinacea, 3 Anaspidea, 8 Sacoglossa and 29 Nudibranchia (11 Doridacea, 10 Aeolidacea, 2 Dendronotacea and 6 Cladobranchia incertae sedis). Data for the different reports of each of these species are provided, along with some biological, distribution or taxonomical remarks of interest. Finally, an updated and taxonomically sorted list of all opisthobranch species known for Catalonia is provided, including a total of 257 species, of which 9 are basal Heterobranchia, 35 Cephalaspidea, 13 Runcinacea, 10 Anaspidea, 22 Sacoglossa, 8 Pleurobranchomorpha, 2 Umbraculida, 3 Gymnosomata, 11 Thecosomata and 144 Nudibranchia (66 Doridacea, 51 Aeolidida, 12 Dendronotida, 12 Cladobranchia incertae sedis and 3 Euarminida). With all the new data reported in this paper, and regarding opisthobranch mollusks, the Catalan Coast becomes the biologically most diverse geographical region in the Iberian Peninsula.
Biogeographia vol. XXIV - 2003 (Printed October, 31st 2003) Marine biogeography of the Mediterranean Sea: patterns and dynamics of biodiversity Global sea warming and “tropicalization” of the Mediterranean Sea: biogeographic and ecological aspects. CARLO NIKE BIANCI-11*, CARLA MORRI** Dip T€R/'5, Dipzzrri772eI2to Territorio 2 Rzsorre, U72z'I/m'z'ty 0fGmozz, Com) Ezzmp/z 26, ]—16132 Genoa (Italy) €—m(Zi/.‘ * 725121726/71' @c/z]gm*1'5. zmzge. it, H’ 77707“/*1'c@dz;Dreri5. zmige. it Key words: Marine biogeograpliy, climate change, species distribution, range extension, corals, l\/i€Clil'Cl'l‘LlnCan Sea. SUMMARY The so-called “tropicalizationq ofthe Mediterranean is the result of Four different phenomena: Atlantic influence, lessepsian migration, species introduction by humans, and sea—water warming; all these Factors concur favouring the occurrence and spreading of thermophilic species through the Mediterranean Sea. INTRODUCTION There is now substantial evidences that the climate of our planet is in a phase of change and that, for instance, the average surface temperature of the sea is increasing (Bianchi, 1997). While the long-term effects of this warming are still debated, the responses of the marine biota are already visible: the increased temperature caused, for instance, the recent bleaching and consequent massive mortality of corals in all the oceans (\X/ilkinson, 2000). This and other similar events in the tropics attracted the attention not only of scientists, but also of public opinion, mass media, and managers, because of the strong impact on the tourism, fishery and other economic activities linked to coral reefs. The Mediterranean Sea, the widest marine warm—temperate region in the world, has a role of climatic and biogeographic hinge between tropical and temperate seas (Bianchi and Morri, 1999). Which consequences will the warming trend have on the Mediterranean Sea? It is often said that the Mediterranean is going towards a generalised phenomenon of “tropicalization”, i.e., the increased occurrence of warm—water biota. The tropicalization of the Mediterranean