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Knowledge that can be gained from acoustic data collection in tropical ecosystems is low‐hanging fruit. There is every reason to record and with every day, there are fewer excuses not to do it. In recent years, the cost of acoustic recorders has decreased substantially (some can be purchased for under US$50, e.g., Hill et al. 2018) and the technology needed to store and analyze acoustic data is continuously improving (e.g., Corrada Bravo et al. 2017, Xie et al. 2017). Soundscape recordings provide a permanent record of a site at a given time and contain a wealth of invaluable and irreplaceable information. Although challenges remain, failure to collect acoustic data now in tropical ecosystems would represent a failure to future generations of tropical researchers and the citizens that benefit from ecological research. In this commentary, we (1) argue for the need to increase acoustic monitoring in tropical systems; (2) describe the types of research questions and conservation issues that can be addressed with passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) using both short‐ and long‐term data in terrestrial and freshwater habitats; and (3) present an initial plan for establishing a global repository of tropical recordings.
It’s time to listen: there is much to be learned from the sounds of tropical ecosystems
Jessica L. Deichmann
, Orlando Acevedo-Charry
, Leah Barclay
, Zuzana Burivalova
, Marconi Campos-Cerqueira
Fernando d’Horta
, Edward T. Game
, Benjamin L. Gottesman
, Patrick J. Hart
, Ammie K. Kalan
, Simon Linke
Leandro Do Nascimento
, Bryan Pijanowski
, Erica Staaterman
,and T. Mitchell Aide
Center for Conservation and Sustainability, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, National Zoological Park, Washington, DC, USA
Sieve Analytics, San Juan, PR, USA
on de Sonidos Ambientales, Instituto de Investigaci
on de Recursos Biol
ogicos Alexander von Humboldt, Bogot
a, Colombia
Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre, Griffith University, Nathan, Qld, Australia
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
Graduate Program in Genetics, Conservation and Evolutionary Biology, INPA, Manaus, AM, Brazil
Global Science, The Nature Conservancy, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Department of Biology, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo, HI, USA
Department of Primatology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Nathan, Qld, Australia
Department of Wildland Resources and Ecology Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Office of Environmental Programs, Sterling, VA, USA
Beneath the Waves, Inc., Herndon, VA, USA
Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, USA
Knowledge that can be gained from acoustic data collection in tropical ecosystems is low-hanging fruit. There is every reason to record
and with every day, there are fewer excuses not to do it. In recent years, the cost of acoustic recorders has decreased substantially
(some can be purchased for under US$50, e.g., Hill et al. 2018) and the technology needed to store and analyze acoustic data is contin-
uously improving (e.g., Corrada Bravo et al. 2017, Xie et al. 2017). Soundscape recordings provide a permanent record of a site at a
given time and contain a wealth of invaluable and irreplaceable information. Although challenges remain, failure to collect acoustic data
now in tropical ecosystems would represent a failure to future generations of tropical researchers and the citizens that benet from
ecological research. In this commentary, we (1) argue for the need to increase acoustic monitoring in tropical systems; (2) describe the
types of research questions and conservation issues that can be addressed with passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) using both short-
and long-term data in terrestrial and freshwater habitats; and (3) present an initial plan for establishing a global repository of tropical
Key words: conservation technology; ecoacoustics; passive acoustic monitoring; soundscape.
The universe is your orchestra. Let nothing less be the terri-
tory of your new studiesRaymond Murray Schafer (1969)
In an era of rapid environmental change, remote sensing
methods are particularly important for ecology and conservation
biology because they produce consistent data streams that can be
analyzed over different spatial and temporal scales (Kerr &
Ostrovsky 2003; Nagendra et al. 2013; Turner et al. 2003). Pas-
sive acoustic monitoring (PAM) is one way to characterize and
evaluate ecosystems remotely using sounds. First developed for
use in the marine realm (Tavolga 2012), autonomous recordings
can detect a range of sounds produced by natural and physical
phenomena (Krause 1987). The soundscapeincludes all sounds
emanating from any given habitat, which can be classied with
respect to their source: geophony (climate and geography), bio-
phony (all wildlife), and anthrophony (human activities;
Received 21 February 2018; revision accepted 8 June 2018.
Corresponding author; e-mail:
ª2018 The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation 1
BIOTROPICA 0(0): 1–6 2018 10.1111/btp.12593
Pijanowski et al. 2011). Analysis and monitoring of these various
contributions to a soundscape can permit rapid assessment of
biodiversity as well as the health and stability of an ecosystem
(e.g., Blumstein et al. 2011, Pijanowski et al. 2011, Fuller et al.
2015, Bertucci et al. 2016, Burivalova et al. 2017, Deichmann
et al. 2017, Staaterman et al. 2017).
Many tropical biologists have been startled by the sound of a
nearby treefall, while others have been warned of an oncoming
storm by croaking toucans or the presence of a predator by
screeching squirrel monkeys; yet many of us have never consid-
ered that these sounds are data that can be harnessed to answer
questions about tropical ecosystems. Here are a few examples of
the types of questions that can be answered using sounds:
tle about natural activity uctuations within tropical forest commu-
nities, and perhaps even less in tropical freshwater systems. Thus, it
is difcult to precisely assign causal relationships between human
activities and changes in biodiversity (Thompson 2003). For exam-
ple, is the decline in abundance of a hornbill species in an Indone-
sian forest a part of a naturally occurring seasonal and superannual
uctuation pattern, or is the population actually decreasing due to
hunting, logging, and habitat loss? If measurements are taken during
alowpart of an undetected cycle, small population numbers could
make the impact of an otherwise-sustainable hunting practice appear
catastrophic. Alternatively, unsustainable hunting rates could be seen
as deceivingly benign if measurements were taken during a peak
time. Recording soundscapes regularly to span the natural cycles of
animal activity helps us correctly understand these patterns (Bridges
et al. 2000, Towsey et al. 2014, Linke et al. 1999), which otherwise
would be extremely difcult to decipher using traditional biodiver-
sity monitoring methods.
BROAD SPATIAL SCALES.Our current methods for comparing bio-
diversity of multiple habitats (beta diversity) are insufcient. This
task is notoriously difcult in tropical forests and streams due to
the sheer number of species present and the amount of sampling
necessary. The ability to deploy multiple acoustic sensors across
landscapes in a short period of time enables simultaneous record-
ing, which allows researchers to make meaningful comparisons
and tackle elusive patterns in tropical forest and freshwater fauna
(e.g., Bormpoudakis et al. 2013, Gasc et al. 2013, Rodriguez et al.
2014). For instance, PAM can improve our understanding of eco-
logical processes across entire elevational gradients helping us to
track the impact of climate change on animal distributions (Cam-
pos-Cerqueira et al. 2017).
presence of rare and cryptic species in tropical habitats is difcult
to detect in short trips to the eld (Thompson 2003, Plaisance
et al. 2011), but PAM methods have been successfully used to
detect such animals in densely forested habitats, producing results
that would otherwise require massive search efforts by eld
crews. For example, PAM has been used to estimate the presence
and abundance of African forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis)
inhabiting dense rain forests of Central Africa (Wrege et al. 2017)
as well as cryptic sh in tropical coastal habitats (Staaterman et al.
2017) and an endemic and threatened bird in Puerto Rican
mountains (Campos-Cerqueira & Aide 2016). Invasive species
such as sh (Rountree & Juanes 2017) and pest insects (Mankin
et al. 2011) have also been detected using PAM. Likewise, PAM
can detect the recovery of species extirpated from a site after nat-
ural disaster, disease, or other perturbation (Butler et al. 2016).
The ability for PAM data to be collected rapidly from many
places but analyzed later makes it a valuable tool for rapid inven-
tories (Sueur et al. 2008, Ribeiro et al. 2017), which tend to be
costly and difcult to fund.
scapes in areas under different management regimes allows for a
rapid understanding of the intensity of impact caused by different
human activities (e.g., Alvarez-Berrıos et al. 2016, Burivalova et al.
2017, Deichmann et al. 2017). Examples include changes in habi-
tat structure (Tonolla et al. 2010, Geay et al. 2017) or levels of
hunting activity in protected areas (Astaras et al. 2017). Further-
more, acoustic data collected over the long-term can be used to
answer broader questions regarding the effects of environmental
change on species abundance, phenology, distribution (Campos-
Cerqueira & Aide 2017, Campos-Cerqueira et al. 2017), and
behavior (Llusia et al. 2013, Narins & Meenderink 2014). For
example, acoustic monitoring has been used to demonstrate
changes in the seasonal onset of birdsong (Buxton et al. 2016),
which may be indicative of climatic inuences on the timing of
reproduction. Acoustic time-capsulesmeasurements made in
the past or the presentwill be critically important for similar
observations in the decades to come.
Using PAM, rather than traditional methods, to monitor and ana-
lyze biodiversity will help us do a better job of understanding and
conserving tropical terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Netting,
trapping, distance sampling, visual transects, etc. are labor-intensive,
expensive, and logistically impractical in many placesoften even
more so in the tropics than in the temperates. In addition, most
observations of animal behavior are inuenced by human presence
and limited to daylight hours. Crucially, the autonomous nature of
acoustic sensors permits continuous collection of PAM data with-
out biases from the observer effect(Shoneld & Bayne 2017).
PAM can cover broad spatial and temporal scales, including simul-
taneous and long-term monitoring, which is simply not possible
with traditional methods (Linke et al. 2018). This can even be done
in real time (e.g., Van Parijs et al. 2009, Aide et al. 2013), providing
researchers and managers with information necessary for immedi-
ate decision making, and make adaptive management more feasible.
2 Deichmann et al.
Finally, collection of big data through PAM creates permanent
records that can be reanalyzed when new analytical tools become
available, when additional research questions arise, or to compare
past to present conditions.
The related technique of camera trapping has greatly improved
our capacity to estimate species composition, abundance, and den-
sity of medium to large-bodied mammals and birdsgroups that
are difcult to study using traditional methodsin terrestrial (Bur-
ton et al. 2015) and arboreal habitats (Gregory et al. 2014). That
said, camera trapping is restricted to this subset of species (but see
Hobbs & Brehme 2017) and the detection range is relatively lim-
ited. PAM has the additional benet of having broader detection
ranges [e.g., maximum 1 km detection radius calculated for primate
sounds (Kalan et al. 2015); up to many km depending on fre-
quency, microphone height, and habitat type (Darras et al. 2016)]
and sampling a wider range of taxonomic groups (Aide et al. 2017).
We consider camera trapping and acoustic monitoring to be com-
plementary in terms of taxonomic groups and advocate the use of
both methods where possible.
While PAM holds many advantages over other methods, it would
be remiss not to recognize that challenges do exist. For example,
as with other methods that result in the collection of big data,
PAM faces the challenge of data storage and management. Stor-
ing recordings on multiple hard drives is not expensive, but it is
not a particularly effective way to encourage their use in analyses
by the broader community. Furthermore, extracting meaningful
biological information from recordings is complex. Automated
detection tools for species-level analyses have advanced signi-
cantly over the last decade (e.g., Aide et al. 2013, Kalan et al.
2015, de Camargo et al. 2017). Still, there are limitations to auto-
matic approaches because they can be initially time-consuming
and they require training data to create different classiers for
different species as well as programming or signal processing
expertise to develop automated species identication models. At
the soundscape level, many acoustic indices and soundscape anal-
ysis methods have been proposed and used for the assessment of
biodiversity (e.g., Sueur et al. 2008, Pieretti et al. 2011, Villanueva-
Rivera et al. 2011, Gasc et al. 2013, Fuller et al. 2015, Vega et al.
2016, Aide et al. 2017, Rankin & Axel 2017), yet there is no con-
sensus to date as to which are most effective, primarily due to
the difculties in generalizing across taxa and ecosystems (Buxton
et al. 2018). Existing indices can also be sensitive to geophony
such as rain, wind, and river ow, or can be skewed by certain
acoustically dominant species (Staaterman et al. 2017, Linke et al.
1999). Most also lack measures of uncertainty (e.g., detection
probabilities)an issue likely to be exacerbated in highly diverse
tropical habitats. Nevertheless, collection of acoustic data now
opens up the possibility of analyzing long time series of sounds
in the future as analytical methods become more advanced and
standardizeda possibility that can only be realized if we start
recording now.
In addition to serving as permanent records of ecosystem health
and providing data for scientic research, animal sounds can
serve as an alluring tool for engaging public audiences. Camera
trapping has been successful for many reasons, but chief among
them is the charismatic nature of the resulting photographs
who doesnt smile when they see wildlife selesor animals
caught in the act of deling a camera? We argue that sounds
can be just as captivatingmany of us have seen public audi-
ences become wide-eyed when we play them a unique, previ-
ously unknown animal sound. Ecoacousticians have successfully
enlisted the help of citizen scientists to gather data on bats (e.g.,
Bat Detective: and birds (e.g., eBird: ebir- and to record soundscapes on a global scale (Record the
Earth: Italian sound artist David
MonacchisFragments of Extinction project, initiated in 2001,
records the worlds undisturbed primary equatorial forests to
highlight disappearing soundscapes and brings attention and
urgency to the ongoing loss of a sonic heritage of millions of
years of evolution(Monacchi & Krause 2017). Ecological sound
art is an effective medium for science dissemination, and immer-
sive experiences of soundscapes can engage listeners on an emo-
tional level. This acts as a powerful and accessible tool for
inspiring public awareness about the value of ecoacoustics and
ecosystem health in general (Monacchi & Krause 2017), and its
efcacy in driving behavior changes is another interesting topic
for scientic investigation.
With the increasing popularity of PAM and rapid urry of analyt-
ical tools, it is now necessary to take advantage of obvious
opportunities for acoustic data collection, to develop standards
for data collection that allow cross-site comparisons and to create
an open repository to store, visualize, and share recordings.
COLLECT MORE DATA.Just as a meteorological station has
become a standard and invaluable accessory at biological eld
stations, there should also be a permanent acoustic recorder.
Anyone can put out a recorder, and researchers with long-term
eld programs are in a particularly good position to conduct
passive acoustic monitoring for biodiversity. Long-term research
sites typically have metadata related to vegetation composition
and structure, faunal richness and abundance, and/or physical
landscape variables that can be used together with acoustic
data to create and validate population, community, and sound-
scape monitoring models. Detailed methods for collecting ecoa-
coustic data and a review of available hardware can be found
in WWFs guide to acoustic monitoring (Browning et al. 2017);
we encourage researchers to consult this report and take
advantage of their eld sites by beginning to compile invaluable
long-term acoustic datasets that will contribute to creating a
global database.
It’s Time to Listen 3
hensive PAM program, one needs to acquire the necessary hard-
ware and software, develop a method for data collection, and
determine a plan for storage of acoustic data les and associated
metadata. While we understand that every PAM project will have
specic requirements to address the research questions of inter-
est, the best way to maximize the utility of any PAM effort is to
follow a standard storage and metadata protocol. We strongly
encourage researchers to use the data storage and metadata stan-
dards proposed by Roch et al. (2016). When acoustic data are
organized and annotated in a uniform way, it allows other
researchers (present-day or future) to utilize the data for addi-
tional questions.
AGLOBAL DATABASE.With global data being increasingly publicly
available in the ecological sciences (e.g., TRY, GBIF, GenBank,
BOLD, eMammal), only a limited fraction meets the best prac-
tices standards dened by Joppa et al. (2016). Ideally, data should
be freely available at high spatial resolution, up-to-date, user-
friendly and assessed for accuracy, thereby increasing our ability
to answer broad questions and improve its utility for conserva-
tion management. The Macaulay Library (https://www.macaulayli and xeno-canto ( are
two large databases that house bioacoustic data, but only the lat-
ter allows full-soundscape recordings to be uploaded. Existing
ecoacoustics databases include ARBIMON (https://arbimon.sie, the Remote Environmental Assessment
Laboratory (REAL,, Ecosounds (http://, and the Center for Global Soundscapes
(, although only the rst
allows users to upload their own data. For marine acoustic data,
there is support across US federal agencies to archive PAM
recordings at the National Center for Environmental Information
(NCEI); terrestrial and freshwater ecologists must follow suit. A
free platform for soundscape storage to enable future temporal
and spatial comparisons is absolutely necessary to advance tropi-
cal ecology and conservation.
We are convinced that PAM is a powerful tool that can be used
to assess biodiversity over a range of spatial and temporal scales
and can detect rare species, human impacts, and climatic shifts.
Just as a plant or animal voucher specimen can provide informa-
tion on diet, disease, and evolutionary relationships, so too can a
sound recording provide information on species occurrence, den-
sity, distribution, phenology, inter- and intraspecic communica-
tion, and much more. The rapid proliferation of acoustic
recorders and analysis algorithms makes this an exciting frontier
in tropical ecology, yet we urge scientists to create standards in
our approach to data collection, analysis, and archiving that will
amplify the utility of recordings. What PAM can reveal will be
invaluable in future decades as tropical ecosystems continue to
We thank the participants and attendees of the Quantitative
acoustic ecology: Using sound in tropical biodiversity
research and conservationsymposium at the ATBC meeting
in Merida, 2017, for insightful presentations and discussion
of the need for documenting soundscapes in tropical ecosys-
tems. We also thank two anonymous reviewers for providing
feedback that improved the commentary. JLD was supported
by the Center for Conservation and Sustainability at the
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute; MCC acknowl-
edges the support of the Brazilian Ministry of Education
(CAPES); AKK was supported by the Max Planck Society;
LDN was supported by the Brazilian National Council of
Scientic and Technological Development (CNPq) 203230/
2015-9 and Ecology Center USU; BCP has been supported
by funds from Purdue University, the Ofce of the Execu-
tive Vice President for Research and Engagement, College of
Agriculture Deans Ofce, NSF Coupled Natural and Human
Systems Program, NSF Advancing Informal STEM Learning,
and the USDA McIntire-Stennis Program; BLG has been
supported by the Lynne Fellowship Program, Graduate
School, Purdue University, and the Wright Forestry Fund,
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue
University; SL was supported by the Australian Research
Council DECRA DE130100565.
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6 Deichmann et al.
... PAM requires the placement of programmed autonomous acoustic recorders in the field which is followed by recording interpretation (manually or using automated software). This technique has proved to be a suitable method for monitoring wildlife across many regions and taxa [5]. However, invertebrates are, by far, the biological group least monitored using this technique (less than 5% of the studies, [4]). ...
... However, invertebrates are, by far, the biological group least monitored using this technique (less than 5% of the studies, [4]). Likewise, most research has been concentrated in the northern temperate zone (65% of the studies, [4]), even though one of the main advantages of using PAM relies on its ability to monitor wildlife in difficult to access ecosystems, such as tropical forests [5][6][7]. ...
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Insects are the most diverse animal taxon on Earth and play a key role in ecosystem functioning. However, they are often neglected by ecological surveys owing to the difficulties involved in monitoring this small and hyper-diverse taxon. With technological advances in biomonitoring and analytical methods, these shortcomings may finally be addressed. Here, we performed passive acoustic monitoring at 141 sites (eight habitats) to investigate insect acoustic activity in the Viruá National Park, Brazil. We first describe the frequency range occupied by three soniferous insect groups (cicadas, crickets and katydids) to calculate the acoustic evenness index (AEI). Then, we assess how AEI varies spatially and temporally among habitat types, and finally we investigate the relationship between vegetation structure variables and AEI for each insect category. Overall, crickets occupied lower and narrower frequency bands than cicadas and katydids. AEI values varied among insect categories and across space and time. The highest acoustic activity occurred before sunrise and the lowest acoustic activity was recorded in pastures. Canopy cover was positively associated with cricket acoustic activity but not with katydids. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the role of time, habitat and vegetation structure in shaping insect activity within diverse Amazonian ecosystems. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Towards a toolkit for global insect biodiversity monitoring’.
... PAM enables assessment of soundscapes over extended temporal periods with minimal environmental disturbance (Milne et al., 2023) and can provide round-the-clock long-term robust data regardless of weather conditions and other logistically challenging situations (e.g. monitoring remote areas) with minimal or no interference with the behaviour of the individuals (Deichmann et al., 2018;Spence, 2017). PAM takes advantage of the fact that many animals produce acoustic signals that encode information about their presence and activities (Bradbury & Vehrencamp, 1998), allowing to detect and monitor soniferous species and communities (Carriço et al., 2020;Davis et al., 2020;Sueur & Farina, 2015). ...
... Passive acoustic data can support the estimation of other ecological metrics, such as detection-weighted occupancy, population viability and structure or behaviour, providing data that can complement traditional monitoring methods (Fleishman et al., 2023). In addition, PAM creates permanent records that can be reused when new analytical tools become available, when additional research questions arise, or to compare past to present conditions (Deichmann et al., 2018). ...
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1. The rarest seal and the world's most endangered pinniped species, the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus), has a small and isolated population in the Madeira Archipelago (Portugal). This species tends to be extremely wary of humans and, therefore, very difficult to approach and study. 2. Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) is a non-invasive, cost-effective tool that can be a valuable complement for the traditional monitoring methods, providing insight for effective conservation of the seal in the Madeira Archipelago. 3. In this pilot study, custom-designed autonomous underwater recorders were deployed in two marine protected areas (Garajau Partial Nature Reserve and the Desertas Islands Nature Reserve) to assess the potential of PAM to detect and monitor this elusive and endangered species in the Madeira Archipelago. 4. Two call types putatively produced by M. monachus were detected in a subsample of audio files recorded over a 3-month acoustic deployment; these call types share similarities with the /growl/ and /hiccup/ recently described for M. monachus in a Mediterranean population. The most common sound type detected was the low-frequency growl. No obvious pattern was found in the abundance of sounds according to sampling date, and no significant difference was found in the abundance of sounds in different periods of the day. 5. The ability to detect the species' underwater vocalizations with PAM opens the possibility of future monitoring plans based on data obtained from audio recordings. These data can provide relevant information for conservation, namely, on the presence and abundance of the seals.
... Recent advances in machine learning technology have made it possible to efficiently process the terabytes of data produced by each monitoring station over the years (Stowell et al. 2019, Symes et al. 2022). Long-term acoustic monitoring in combination with machine learning analysis has a wide utility in ecological research: it can be used for assessment of population dynamics, activity patterns, and human impacts on a site over time; for rapid site inventories; to detect and map the habitats of rare and endangered species; and to determine the phenological cycles of individual species (Bardeli et al. 2010, Shonfield and Bayne 2017, Deichmann et al. 2018. Software like Kaleidoscope Pro (Wildlife Acoustics) and BirdNET (Cornell Lab of Ornithology) are able to automatically detect and identify species' vocalizations with a high degree of accuracy (Manzano-Rubio et al. 2022) and can be trained to identify new species. ...
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Most birds are characterized by a seasonal phenology closely adapted to local climatic conditions, even in tropical habitats where climatic seasonality is slight. In order to better understand the phenologies of resident tropical birds, and how phenology may differ among species at the same site, we used ~70 000 hours of audio recordings collected continuously for two years at four recording stations in Singapore and nine custom‐made machine learning classifiers to determine the vocal phenology of a panel of nine resident bird species. We detected distinct seasonality in vocal activity in some species but not others. Native forest species sang seasonally. In contrast, species which have had breeding populations in Singapore only for the last few decades exhibited seemingly aseasonal or unpredictable song activity throughout the year. Urbanization and habitat modification over the last 100 years have altered the composition of species in Singapore, which appears to have influenced phenological dynamics in the avian community. It is unclear what is driving the differences in phenology between these two groups of species, but it may be due to either differences in seasonal availability of preferred foods, or because newly established populations may require decades to adjust to local environmental conditions. Our results highlight the ways that anthropogenic habitat modification may disrupt phenological cycles in tropical regions in addition to altering the species community.
... It has also become possible to collect such data over large temporal scales by maintaining the recorders in the field over long periods of time (Blumstein et al., 2011;Darras et al., 2019;Gibb et al., 2019). However, extracting meaningful biological and ecological information from recordings remains one of the main challenges of ecoacoustics (Deichmann et al., 2018). Identifying vocalizing species manually is impractical for large datasets produced by extensive monitoring. ...
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The increasing biodiversity loss worldwide has resulted in a growing need for cost-effective, efficient tools to monitor biodiversity over large spatial and temporal scales. The idea of using acoustic indices to monitor soniferous animal communities is becoming increasingly popular. Dozens of indices have been proposed over the last 15 years to measure acoustic complexity as a proxy of biodiversity. However, we still lack sufficient evaluation of the acoustic indices' power to predict biodiversity, and the factors modulating their efficacy. Here, we extend a recent meta-analysis on the acoustic indices conducted by Alcocer et al. (2022; Biological Reviews) by increasing the dataset of studies 1.5 times and adding an important modulating variable: latitude. Latitude is strongly connected to species diversity, and it has previously been postulated that acoustic indices may be unable to fully reflect the high species diversity of the tropics, due to limitations related to phylogenetic inertia (i.e., closely related species sounding similar) and interference between species, with masking by insects being particularly common. Using a total of 524 effect sizes from 49 studies, we found a moderate positive correlation between acoustic indices and biodiversity (r = 0.32, 95 % CI [0.20, 0.43]), similar to the finding of Alcocer et al. (2022). Of five moderator variables, latitude was the second most important after the type of acoustic index, with higher latitude studies showing acoustic indices to have greater predictive power. When testing the indices separately with latitude as the only moderator, four of the seven acoustic indices (ACI, AR, BIO, NDSI) were found to be significantly influenced by latitude. Future work should investigate the mechanisms by which latitude influences the acoustic indices' efficacy. For now, we can conclude that whatever mechanisms are driving acoustic indices to underestimate diversity in tropical forests, the influence is evident even when measuring acoustic complexity in different ways using different indices.
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Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) is an effective tool for ecosystem assessment. However, it is challenging to apply in an urban environment due to high levels of noise pollution. There is a lag in the number of studies applying PAM in an urban context, and such application therefore lacks proper methodological guidance. This study aims to fill this gap by examining the performance of acoustic methods for biodiversity and acoustic activity assessment. Over 1,000 h of audio data were collected in an urban green area in Moscow, Russia using four AudioMoth recorders and one SongMeter recorder. The sensors were installed at different distances from the road. The species lists obtained through PAM, a route census, and citizen science approaches were compared to evaluate the effectiveness of the acoustic methods. Of the studied methods, PAM produced the best results. Moreover, the correlations between species richness and four common acoustic indices were checked: the Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI), the Acoustic Diversity Index (ADI), the Normalized Difference Soundscape Index (NDSI), and the Bioacoustic Index (BI). None of the studied indices showed good performance as an indicator of species diversity. The biophony level and all acoustic indices were spatially heterogeneous; however, the nature of distribution requires further research. Finally, the dynamics of vocalizing animals’ activity and its correlation with the ACI, ADI, NDSI, and BI was assessed. Both the NDSI and BI proved to be suitable indicators of the daily dynamics of acoustic activity in an urban environment, although with some limitations. The BI could also be utilized to assess the seasonal dynamics of biophony in urban green areas.
As global warming intensifies due to human activities, understanding the impact of urban activities on natural ecosystems has become increasingly crucial. Across the globe, soundscape analysis has been widely explored as a method to assess ecological changes and develop ecological acoustic theories. However, current soundscape analyses, which rely primarily on statistical computations of sound indices, often fall short in deciphering specific sound events and their dynamic processes. This study introduces a novel method framework, the "Harmonic Soundscape Analysis", which integrates chord analysis from music theory with soundscape ecology to analyze continuous sound events and their evolution in urban forests.
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Passive acoustic recorders have emerged as powerful tools for ecological monitoring. However, effective monitoring is not simply an act of recording sounds. To have meaning for conservation and management, acoustic monitoring needs to be properly planned and analyzed to yield high quality information. Here, we provide a set of considerations for the design of an effective acoustic monitoring program. We argue that such a program, has the following attributes: (1) has established appropriate partnerships with landowners, Traditional Owners, researchers, or other relevant stakeholders, (2) is based on clear objectives and questions, (3) is explicit in its target sound signals, (4) has considered in‐field sensor placement for a range of factors, including experimental design, statistical power, background noise, and potential impacts on human privacy and animal disturbance, (5) has a justified recording schedule and periodicity, (6) has methods to process sound data in line with objectives, and (7) has protocols for permanent data storage and access. Acoustic monitoring is increasingly used in large‐scale programs and will be important in addressing global biodiversity targets and new biodiversity markets. It is critical that new monitoring programs are designed to effectively and efficiently capture data that address pertinent and emerging issues in conservation.
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Passive acoustic monitoring has the potential to be a powerful approach for assessing biodiversity across large spatial and temporal scales. However, extracting meaningful information from recordings can be prohibitively time consuming. Acoustic indices offer a relatively rapid method for processing acoustic data and are increasingly used to characterize biological communities. We examine the ability of acoustic indices to predict the diversity and abundance of biological sounds within recordings. First we reviewed the acoustic index literature and found that over 60 indices have been applied to a range of objectives with varying success. We then implemented a subset of the most successful indices on acoustic data collected at 43 sites in temperate terrestrial and tropical marine habitats across the continental U.S., developing a predictive model of the diversity of animal sounds observed in recordings. For terrestrial recordings, random forest models using a suite of acoustic indices as covariates predicted Shannon diversity, richness, and total number of biological sounds with high accuracy (R² > = 0.94, mean squared error MSE < = 170.2). Among the indices assessed, roughness, acoustic activity, and acoustic richness contributed most to the predictive ability of models. Performance of index models was negatively impacted by insect, weather, and anthropogenic sounds. For marine recordings, random forest models predicted Shannon diversity, richness, and total number of biological sounds with low accuracy (R² < = 0.40, MSE > = 195), indicating that alternative methods are necessary in marine habitats. Our results suggest that using a combination of relevant indices in a flexible model can accurately predict the diversity of biological sounds in temperate terrestrial acoustic recordings. Thus, acoustic approaches could be an important contribution to biodiversity monitoring in some habitats in the face of accelerating human‐caused ecological change.
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1. The cost, usability and power efficiency of available wildlife monitoring equipment currently inhibits full ground-level coverage of many natural systems. Developments over the last decade in technology, open science, and the sharing economy promise to bring global access to more versatile and more affordable monitoring tools, to improve coverage for conservation researchers and managers. 2. Here we describe the development and proof-of-concept of a low-cost, small-sized and low-energy acoustic detector: 'AudioMoth'. The device is open-source and programmable, with diverse applications for recording animal calls or human activity at sample rates of up to 384kHz. We briefly outline two ongoing real-world case studies of large-scale, long-term monitoring for biodiversity and exploitation of natural resources. These studies demonstrate the potential for AudioMoth to enable a substantial shift away from passive continuous recording by individual devices, towards smart detection by networks of devices flooding large and inaccessible ecosystems. 3. The case studies demonstrate one of the smart capabilities of AudioMoth, to trigger event logging on the basis of classification algorithms that identify specific acoustic events. An algorithm to trigger recordings of the New Forest cicada (Cicadetta montana) demonstrates the potential for AudioMoth to vastly improve the spatial and temporal coverage of surveys for the presence of cryptic animals. An algorithm for logging gunshotevents has potential to identify a shotgun blast in tropical rainforest at distances of up to 500 m, extending to 1km with continuous recording. 4. AudioMoth is more energy efficient than currently available passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) devices, giving it considerably greater portability and longevity in the field with smaller batteries. At a build cost of ~US$43 per unit, AudioMoth has potential for varied applications in large-scale, long-term acoustic surveys. With continuing developments in smart, energy-efficient algorithms and diminishing component costs, we are approaching the milestone of local communities being able to afford to remotely monitor their own natural resources.
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Background Climate change and infectious diseases threaten animal and plant species, even in natural and protected areas. To cope with these changes, species may acclimate, adapt, move or decline. Here, we test for shifts in anuran distributions in the Luquillo Mountains (LM), a tropical montane forest in Puerto Rico by comparing species distributions from historical (1931–1989)and current data (2015/2016). Methods Historical data, which included different methodologies, were gathered through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and published literature, and the current data were collected using acoustic recorders along three elevational transects. Results In the recordings, we detected the 12 native frog species known to occur in LM. Over a span of ∼25 years, two species have become extinct and four species suffered extirpation in lowland areas. As a consequence, low elevation areas in the LM (<300 m) have lost at least six anuran species. Discussion We hypothesize that these extirpations are due to the effects of climate change and infectious diseases, which are restricting many species to higher elevations and a much smaller area. Land use change is not responsible for these changes because LM has been a protected reserve for the past 80 years. However, previous studies indicate that (1) climate change has increased temperatures in Puerto Rico, and (2) Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) was found in 10 native species and early detection of Bd coincides with anurans declines in the LM. Our study confirms the general impressions of amphibian population extirpations at low elevations, and corroborates the levels of threat assigned by IUCN.
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Acoustic ecology, or ecoacoustics, is a growing field that uses sound as a tool to evaluate animal communities. In this manuscript, we evaluate recordings from eight tropical forest sites that vary in species richness, from a relatively low diversity Caribbean forest to a megadiverse Amazonian forest, with the goal of understanding the relationship between acoustic space use (ASU) and species diversity across different taxonomic groups. For each site, we determined the acoustic morphospecies richness and composition of the biophony, and we used a global biodiversity dataset to estimate the regional richness of birds. Here, we demonstrate how detailed information on activity patterns of the acoustic community (<22 kHz) can easily be visualized and ASU determined by aggregating recordings collected over relatively short periods (4-13 days). We show a strong positive relationship between ASU and regional and acoustic morphospecies richness. Premontane forest sites had the highest ASU and the highest species richness, while dry forest and montane sites had lower ASU and lower species richness. Furthermore, we show that insect richness was the best predictor of variation in total ASU, and that insect richness was proportionally greater at high-diversity sites. In addition, insects used a broad range of frequencies, including high frequencies (>8000 Hz), which contributed to greater ASU. This novel approach for analyzing the presence and acoustic activity of multiple taxonomic groups contributes to our understanding of ecological community dynamics and provides a useful tool for monitoring species in the context of restoration ecology, climate change and conservation biology.
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Acoustic ecology, or ecoacoustics, is a growing field that uses sound as a tool to evaluate animal communities. In this manuscript, we evaluate recordings from eight tropical forest sites that vary in species richness, from a relatively low diversity Caribbean forest to a megadiverse Amazonian forest, with the goal of understanding the relationship between acoustic space use (ASU) and species diversity across different taxonomic groups. For each site, we determined the acoustic morphospecies richness and composition of the biophony, and we used a global biodiversity dataset to estimate the regional richness of birds. Here, we demonstrate how detailed information on activity patterns of the acoustic community (<22 kHz) can easily be visualized and ASU determined by aggregating recordings collected over relatively short periods (4–13 days). We show a strong positive relationship between ASU and regional and acoustic morphospecies richness. Premontane forest sites had the highest ASU and the highest species richness, while dry forest and montane sites had lower ASU and lower species richness. Furthermore, we show that insect richness was the best predictor of variation in total ASU, and that insect richness was proportionally greater at high-diversity sites. In addition, insects used a broad range of frequencies, including high frequencies (>8000 Hz), which contributed to greater ASU. This novel approach for analyzing the presence and acoustic activity of multiple taxonomic groups contributes to our understanding of ecological community dynamics and provides a useful tool for monitoring species in the context of restoration ecology, climate change and conservation biology.
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An upward shift in elevation is one of the most conspicuous species responses to climate change. Nevertheless, downward shifts and, apparently, the absences of response have also been recently reported. Given the growing evidence of multiple responses of species distributions due to climate change and the paucity of studies in the tropics, we evaluated the response of a montane bird community to climate change, without the confounding effects of land-use change. To test for elevational shifts, we compared the distribution of 21 avian species in 1998 and 2015 using occupancy models. The historical data set was based on point counts, whereas the contemporary data set was based on acoustic monitoring. We detected a similar number of species in historical (36) and contemporary data sets (33). We show an overall pattern of no significant change in range limits for most species, although there was a significant shift in the range limit of eight species (38%). Elevation limits shifted mostly upward, and this pattern was more common for upper than lower limits. Our results highlight the variability of species responses to climate change and illustrate how acoustic monitoring provides an easy and powerful way to monitor animal populations along elevational gradients.
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Camera traps are valuable sampling tools commonly used to inventory and monitor wildlife communities but are challenged to reliably sample small animals. We introduce a novel active camera trap system enabling the reliable and efficient use of wildlife cameras for sampling small animals, particularly reptiles, amphibians, small mammals and large invertebrates. It surpasses the detection ability of commonly used passive infrared (PIR) cameras for this application and eliminates problems such as high rates of false triggers and high variability in detection rates among cameras and study locations. Our system, which employs a HALT trigger, is capable of coupling to digital PIR cameras and is designed for detecting small animals traversing small tunnels, narrow trails, small clearings and along walls or drift fencing.
The sounds produced by geophonic, biophonic and technophonic sources are relevant to the function of natural and human modified ecosystems. Passive recording is one of the most non-invasive technologies as its use avoids human intrusion during acoustic surveys and facilitates the accumulation of huge amounts of acoustical data. For the first time, this book collates and reviews the science behind ecoaucostics; illustrating the principles, methods and applications of this exciting new field. Topics covered in this comprehensive volume include; the assessment of biodiversity based on sounds emanating from a variety of environments the best technologies and methods necessary to investigate environmental sounds implications for climate change and urban systems the relationship between landscape ecology and ecoacoustics the conservation of soundscapes and the social value of ecoacoustics areas of potential future research. An invaluable resource for scholars, researchers and students, Ecoacoustics: The Ecological Role of Sounds provides an unrivalled set of ideas, tools and references based on the current state of the field.