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Green Tea Catechins: Their Use in Treating and Preventing Infectious Diseases

BioMed Research International


Green tea is one of the most popular drinks consumed worldwide. Produced mainly in Asian countries from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, the potential health benefits have been widely studied. Recently, researchers have studied the ability of green tea to eradicate infectious agents and the ability to actually prevent infections. The important components in green tea that show antimicrobial properties are the catechins. The four main catechins that occur in green tea are (-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)-epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Of these catechins, EGCG and EGC are found in the highest amounts in green tea and have been the subject of most of the studies. These catechins have been shown to demonstrate a variety of antimicrobial properties, both to organisms affected and in mechanisms used. Consumption of green tea has been shown to distribute these compounds and/or their metabolites throughout the body, which allows for not only the possibility of treatment of infections but also the prevention of infections.
Review Article
Green Tea Catechins: Their Use in Treating and Preventing
Infectious Diseases
Wanda C. Reygaert
Biomedical Sciences Department, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, Rochester, MI 48309, USA
Correspondence should be addressed to Wanda C. Reygaert;
Received 20 March 2018; Accepted 10 June 2018; Published 17 July 2018
Academic Editor: Chedly Chouchani
Copyright ©  Wanda C. Reygaert. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Green tea is one of the most popular drinks consumed worldwide. Produced mainly in Asian countries from the leaves of the
Camellia sinensis plant, the potential health benets have been widely studied. Recently, researchers have studied the ability of
green tea to eradicate infectious agents and the ability to actually prevent infections. e important components in green tea that
show antimicrobial properties are the catechins. e four main catechins that occur in green tea are (-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)-
epicatechin--gallate (ECG), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), and (-)-epigallocatechin--gallate (EGCG). Of these catechins, EGCG
and EGC are found in the highest amounts in green tea and have been the subject of most of the studies. ese catechins have been
shown to demonstrate a variety of antimicrobial properties, both to organisms aected and in mechanisms used. Consumption of
green tea has been shown to distribute these compounds and/or their metabolites throughout the body, which allows for not only
the possibility of treatment of infections but also the prevention of infections.
1. Introduction
Infectious diseases are a leading cause of morbidity and mor-
tality worldwide. HIV/AIDS and malaria are among the top
types of infections are respiratory tract and diarrheal diseases
[]. With the advent of antimicrobial agents in the mid-s
came the hope that eradication of infectious diseases was
close. Unfortunately, the microorganisms involved were able
to become resistant to the antimicrobial agents, and that
only made it harder to ght these organisms. e CDC has
estimated that each year more than two million people in
the US suer from antibiotic-resistant infections and that as
many as , people die each year from these infections [].
is results in not only increased morbidity and mortality, but
also increased healthcare costs, which can be a huge nancial
burden for many countries. A recent analysis of the medical
costs from healthcare-associated infections (those infections
acquired in a healthcare facility) alone estimated that the
annual costs of these infections in the US are between  and
 billion dollars []. Antimicrobial resistance issues continue
to impact these costs. One study found that the cost of antimi-
crobial resistance associated illnesses in the US could be as
high as  billion dollars ( billion dollars for healthcare
costs and  billion dollars for lost productivity) annually [].
To help in the ght against infectious diseases, researchers are
looking at the possibilities of using natural plant products,
which could turn out to provide a tremendous cost savings
in healthcare. One of the plants that is currently being widely
studied is the tea plant, looking especially at green tea.
Tea is one of the most commonly consumed beverages in
the world, and green tea is becoming increasingly popular,
accounting for around % of total global tea production. Tea
is produced from the Camellia sinensis plant and is grown in
over  countries. e best areas for growing tea plants are in
specic tropical and subtropical regions. ere are four main
tea types produced: white, green, Oolong, and black tea. e
type of tea is determined by how the tea leaves are processed,
specically by drying and fermentation methods. White tea
is processed the least and uses very young leaves and leaf
buds. Green tea is produced from more mature leaves with no
fermentation. Oolong tea is produced by partially fermenting
the leaves and black tea by fully fermenting the leaves [–].
Green tea is most commonly consumed in China, Japan, and
Korea. Black tea is most commonly consumed in the US and
the UK [].
BioMed Research International
Volume 2018, Article ID 9105261, 9 pages
BioMed Research International
Green tea has been shown to have anticarcinogenic, anti-
inammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties and
is benecial in cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and
obesity, and neurologic and oral health. e anticarcinogenic
properties include controlling cell proliferation, apoptosis
and angiogenesis in tumor cells [–]. Inammation is a
component of many conditions and diseases including aging,
arthritis, cancer, CVD, diabetes, and obesity. e general
anti-inammatory properties of green tea include the ability
to decrease the denaturation of proteins and increase the
production of anti-inammatory cytokines [, ]. Oxidative
stress results from the damaging eects of reactive oxy-
gen species (ROS). e antioxidant properties of green tea
include the ability to limit the amount of free radicals by
binding to ROS, upregulating basal levels of antioxidant
enzymes, and increasing the activity of these antioxidant
the anti-inammatory and antioxidant eects. In addition,
the consumption of green tea has been shown to inhibit
atherosclerosis, reduce total lipid levels, and improve the ratio
associated with a spectrum of disorders known as metabolic
syndrome (MetS) which includes increased waist diameter,
elevated plasma triglycerides, decreased HDL, increased
fasting blood glucose, and elevated blood pressure [, ].
Type  diabetes is also associated with insulin resistance and
sometimes decreased insulin production. Green tea has been
shown to increase insulin receptor sensitivity and stimulate
glucose-induced insulin secretion [, ]. Obesity is a result
of an increase in fat mass which is caused by increase in the
size of fat cells. Green tea has been shown to inhibit digestive
enzymes and absorption of fat, which leads to decreased
body waist circumference, intra-abdominal fat, plasma total
and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure [–
]. e challenges of inammation and oxidative stress
can lead to DNA damage, protein misfolding, and loss of
ATP production in mitochondria. is can result in cell
death and loss of cognitive functions in the brain. e anti-
inammatory and antioxidant properties of green tea also
protect neurons, and green tea metabolites have been shown
to cross the blood brain barrier [–]. Green tea has
been shown to be antimicrobial against most oral bacteria.
In addition, it has been shown to improve oral health by
increasing the activity of oral peroxidases, preventing the
development and progression of periodontitis, and reducing
dentin erosion and tooth loss, and it has a role in improving
bad breath [–].
2. Green Tea Composition
e components in green tea that are the most medically
relevant are the polyphenols. e most pertinent polyphenols
are the avonoids; and the most pertinent avonoids are the
catechins. e catechins comprise -% of the avonoids
and around % of the water-soluble solids in green tea.
Green tea contains more catechins than the other teas, mainly
amount of catechins in green tea can also be aected by where
the tea is grown, the growth conditions, when it is harvested,
how the leaves are processed, and the brewing temperature
and length of time of brewing. ese factors lead to a huge
variation in catechin content among the varieties and brands
of green tea consumed [–].
e four main catechins found in green tea are
(-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (-)-
epicatechin--gallate (ECG), and (-)-epigallocatechin--
gallate (EGCG). e most abundant catechin is EGCG
(%), and the next most abundant is EGC (%), then
ECG (%), and EC (%). EGCG is the most studied
in association with health, but EGC and ECG have been
variation in the amount of catechins in any particular green
tea beverage, although standardized extracts are available for
use as supplements [, , ].
In order to be eective in the body these catechins need
to be bioavailable aer consumption. Once in the body, the
catechins undergo metabolic processing in the liver and small
intestine and colon. is processing produces glucuronide
and sulfate conjugates or methyl epicatechins. Native forms
of ECG and EGCG and metabolites of EC and EGC can be
detected and measured in blood plasma. No forms of ECG
and EGCG can be detected in urine, only metabolites of EC
and EGC [, ]. Catechins are generally most stable in
serum albumin acts as a stabilizer, binding to the catechins
and then transporting them []. Various studies in humans
have found that the peak concentrations of catechins and
their metabolites occur in blood plasma between . and 
hours aer ingestion and in urine between  and  hours aer
ingestion. e levels of these peak concentrations are aected
by an individual’s metabolism and of course by the amount
of catechins in the ingested type of green tea. Commonly,
the levels found in the body are directly proportional to the
amount of catechins consumed [–]. Tables  and  show
examples of blood plasma and urine concentration studies in
3. Antimicrobial Properties
e antimicrobial eects of green tea catechins (GTCs) on
microorganisms have been studied for many years. Green
tea has been shown to combat these organisms in various
ways, directly and indirectly, and has been shown to work
synergistically with some antibiotic agents. Other known
health benets of green tea such as the anti-inammatory and
antioxidant eects may also contribute to the antimicrobial
eects. Studies conducted on Escherichia coli found that
exposure to green tea polyphenols (GTPs) resulted in major
gene expression changes for  genes, with upregulation
occurring in nine genes and downregulation in eight genes
[–]. Table  shows a summar y of the antimicrobial eects
of green tea on bacteria.
4. Effects on the Bacteria Cell Membrane
bacterial cell membranes. is binding can lead to interfer-
ence in various bacterial processes and can damage the cell
BioMed Research International
T : Amount of EGCG in blood plasma aer a single dose.
EGCG dose (mg) Cmax (ng/ml) Reference
 . []
 .
 .
 .
 . []
 .
  []
 . []
  []
 
 
 . []
 .
 .
 .
 .
 .
 . []
 .
 .
  []
 
 
T : Amount of EGC in -hour urine collection.
EGC dose (mg) Amount in  hour urine (mg) Reference
 . []
 .
 .
 .
 . []
 . []
 . []
 . []
 .
 .
membrane resulting in increased permeability and leading to
cell lysis. Because EGCG is negatively charged it can combine
with the positively charged bacterial cell membrane, espe-
cially in gram positive bacteria. e lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
on the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria makes
them more resistant to binding by GTCs [, , , ].
Studies with E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa have shown
that EGCG binding to the bacterial cell membrane can result
in generation of H2O2whichisinvolvedindamagetothe
cell membrane [, ]. Studies with Staphylococcus aureus
have shown that this assault on the cell membrane causes
a major cell wall stress response, resulting in upregulation
of peptidoglycan biosynthesis genes and an alteration in cell
wall structure. In methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) strains, this change in peptidoglycan biosynthesis
genes results in the production of PBP (penicillin-binding
protein ), which is what confers resistance to 𝛽-lactam
drugs. Production of PBP is also inhibited by EGCG [,
, ]. An important result of green tea binding is the loss of
bacterial ability to bind to host cells. Studies using human and
mammalian cells lines have shown that various bacteria such
as Fusobacterium nucleatum,Staphylococcus epidermidis,and
Helicobacter pylori have signicantly decreased adherence to
these cells [, , ]. Other important results are the loss
of the ability for quorum sensing and biolm formation of
P. a e r u g i n o s a ,F. n u cleat u m ,andStreptococcus mutans [,
function to transmembrane transporter proteins which are
responsible for secretion of toxins and eux of substances
such as antimicrobial agents [, , , ].
5. Effects on Other Bacterial Cell Functions
ere are a wide variety of other eects that GTCs have on
bacterial functions. An important one which can aect most
bacteria is the ability of GTCs to inhibit bacterial fatty acid
biosynthesis by inhibiting enzymes involved in the biosyn-
thetic pathway. Because this is an essential pathway for most
bacteria, researchers are looking at targeting this pathway in
antimicrobial drug development. Fatty acids are important
involved in the production of toxic bacterial metabolites
[, ]. Another target is the folate biosynthesis pathway.
e enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is essential in
this pathway, and is known to be a target for certain sulfa
drugs. EGCG has also been shown to inhibit DHFR activity
[, ]. Other important eects against enzymes include
inhibition of bacterial DNA gyrase, inhibition of bacterial
ATP synthase activity, and inhibition of bacterial protein
tyrosine phosphatase and cysteine proteases [, , ].
Some specic bacterial eects include reducing bacterial H2S
production and inhibiting hemolytic activity of F. nucl e a t u m,
inhibiting the ability of Listeria monocytogenes to escape
from the macrophage phagosome by inhibiting activity of
listeriolysin O, and inhibiting the ability of E. coli to transfer
plasmid content via conjugation [, , ].
6. Synergism
researchers have begun assessing the potential synergism
of these catechins with other known antimicrobial agents.
Green tea catechins have now been shown to act in
synergy with imipenem against MRSA; with metronida-
zole against Porphyromonas gingivalis;withazithromycin,
cefepime, ciprooxacin, chloramphenicol, doxycycline, ery-
thromycin, nalidixic acid, piperacillin, or tobramycin against
E. coli; with ampicillin, Cefalotin, doxycycline, erythromycin,
penicillin, or tetracycline against Enterobacter aerogenes;
with chloramphenicol or tetracycline against Pseudomonas
aeruginosa; and with aztreonam, ceazidime, ciprooxacin,
gentamicin, meropenem, or tetracycline against Acinetobac-
ter baumannii. e ability of GTCs to inhibit the function of
BioMed Research International
T : Antimicrobial eects of green tea catechins.
Organism Eects References
Cell Membrane Binding to bacterial cell membrane [–]
Associated Eects Damaging bacterial cell membrane []
Inhibits ability of bacteria to bind to host cells [, ]
Inhibits ability of bacteria to form biolms [, , ]
Disrupts bacterial quorum sensing []
Interferes with bacterial membrane transporters [, , ]
Bacterial Cell Functions Inhibits bacterial DNA gyrase []
Eects Reduces bacterial H2S production []
Inhibits bacterial hemolytic action [, ]
Inhibition of bacterial DHFR enzyme []
Inhibits bacterial fatty acid synthesis enzymes []
Increases bacterial internal ROS levels []
T : Synergism of green tea with antimicrobial agents.
Antimicrobial Action Drug Synergism
Inhibit Cell Wall Synthesis ampicillin
Inhibit Protein Synthesis amikacin
Inhibit Nucleic Acid Synthesis ciprooxacin
nalidixic acid
bacterial eux pumps (as mentioned previously) also plays
a role in at least an additive antimicrobial eect for GTCs
and many antimicrobial drugs, especially in gram negative
bacteria that possess RND-type eux pumps [, , ,
–]. Table  lists antimicrobial agents that have shown
synergy with GTCs and the targets of these drugs.
7. Effects on Other Microorganisms
Green tea catechins have also been shown to be eective
against a number of viruses, parasites, fungi, and even prions.
e main antiviral eects include inhibiting the virus from
binding to and entering host cells (adenovirus, enterovirus,
H B V, H C V, H I V, H S V, i n  u e n z a , a n d r o t a v i r u s ) ; i n h i b i t i n g
viral RNA and DNA synthesis and viral gene transcription
(enterovirus, EBV, HBV, HCV, and HIV); and destroying
and functionally altering various viral molecules (adenovirus,
HSV, and inuenza) [, –]. Studies performed with
adult healthcare workers to determine if green tea supple-
showed signicantly fewer instances of inuenza symptoms
and a reduced incidence of laboratory-conrmed inuenza
cases versus the control group [].
e main eect of GTCs on various parasite infections
noted were fragmentation of parasite DNA and reduced fatty
acid synthesis in the parasites. Studies with parasites include
Plasmodium falciparum,Babesia spp., Try p anosom a b r u cei,
Trypano s o ma cruzi,andLeishmania braziliensis [–].
Fungi that have been aected by GTCs include Aspergillus
niger,Candida spp., Penicillium sp., Microsporum canis,
Trichophyton mentagrophytes,andTrichophyton rubrum.
Research testing for synergistic eects found that EGCG
showed synergism with amphotericin B, uconazole, and
miconazole in Candida spp.; and in Candida tropicalis strains
that were resistant to uconazole, EGCG, and uconazole
together induced apoptosis in the yeast cells [, –].
Prions are proteins that are considered to be infective
agents because the abnormally structured (𝛽-sheet) forms are
able to induce normally structured (𝛼-helix) forms to change
shape. In the abnormal shape, protein function is lost and
protein aggregation occurs in cells. Unlike other infectious
agents, prions cannot be destroyed using autoclaving; the
proteins have to be degraded to be noninfectious. Research
using yeast cells found that EGCG could inhibit the 𝛽-sheet
prions from changing the 𝛼-helical forms and could induce
reversal of the 𝛽-sheet forms back to 𝛼-helical forms [].
BioMed Research International
8. Antimicrobial Scope
ere is a large amount of research that has assessed the
antimicrobial eects of green tea catechins on a wide variety
of microorganisms, including many gram negative and gram
positive bacteria, some viruses, fungi, and prions. One of the
most clinically important bacteria that has been researched is
S. aureus, especially MRSA strains. e most studied gram
negative bacteria is E. coli which is known for causing the
majority of urinary tract infections. ere are several recently
published manuscripts that contain extensive information on
which organisms are aected by green tea catechins [, ,
, ].
9. Prevention of Infection
antimicrobial abilities against so many organisms, it would
be expected that green tea catechins could also prevent
infections. One study was mentioned previously describing
how green tea reduced the number of colds and inuenza
incidents. Another study involving adults showed that con-
suming green tea supplements twice daily for  months
resulted in % fewer instances of cold or inuenza symptoms
[]. A study involving children found that, in school-
aged children who consumed green tea on a regular basis,
the number of incidents of inuenza A or B was inversely
per day or per week []. Another study with Japanese nursey
school children who gargled with green tea (or placebos) at
least once each day found that there were up to  times fewer
instances of illnesses with fevers in the green tea gargling
group []. Two other studies with adults found that gargling
with a green tea extract (GTE) solution resulted in at least
half as many cases of inuenza in the GTE gargling groups
compared with the control groups [, ].
10. Conclusions
e research into the eects of green tea on human health
the prevention and treatment of various diseases such as
neurologic and oral health. Studies that were originally per-
performed using humans. is type of research is vital if we
are to fully discover what benets GTCs can have in health
issues. e more researchers that become involved in this,
the clearer the answers. e studies on antimicrobial eects
are providing very promising data, especially if GTCs prove
to have synergistic abilities with many of the currently used
antimicrobial agents and perhaps with drugs used to treat
other diseases. e emergence of various multidrug-resistant
bacteria, along with a dearth of eective antimicrobial drugs,
makes the potential of green tea an extremely timely issue.
drugs is currently beyond the earning power of most of the
population. Green tea is relatively inexpensive and fairly easy
to obtain for most people. It could prove to be an answer for
improving health on a global scale.
Conflicts of Interest
e author declares that there are no conicts of interest
regarding the publication of this paper.
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... Green tea is currently consumed worldwide, and drinking green tea has been an important part of Japanese culture (7) . Many studies have been conducted on the health-promoting and disease-preventing effects of green tea (8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18) . For instance, green tea has been shown to have an effect on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels (10) , prevention of type 2 diabetes (11) , obesity (12) , and other lifestyle-related diseases and cardiovascular diseases (13) , dementia and brain function (14) , prevention of infectious disease (15) and anti-cancer effects (16) . ...
... Many studies have been conducted on the health-promoting and disease-preventing effects of green tea (8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18) . For instance, green tea has been shown to have an effect on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels (10) , prevention of type 2 diabetes (11) , obesity (12) , and other lifestyle-related diseases and cardiovascular diseases (13) , dementia and brain function (14) , prevention of infectious disease (15) and anti-cancer effects (16) . Two epidemiological studies have reported that green tea intake may reduce mortality due to its preventive effects on various diseases, such as heart and cerebrovascular disease, cancer, and respiratory disease (17,18) . ...
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Tea intake has been associated with health benefits, including potential beneficial effects of catechin-containing teas on allergic symptoms. However, large-scale epidemiological studies on the relationship between tea intake and allergic symptoms have been limited. The present study aimed to examine the relationship between the frequency of tea intake and cedar pollen allergy, which is a major cause of seasonal hay fever in Japan, in a large Japanese epidemiological cohort. Data on cedar pollen antibody levels assessed by blood tests and frequency of tea intake (green tea, coarse tea, oolong tea, and black tea) by a self-administered questionnaire from 16,623 residents in the Tohoku region of Japan were used in this study. The association between frequency of tea intake (less than once a week, 1–6 times/week, and more than once a day) and serum levels of cedar pollen-specific IgE (lumicount, LC: negative, 0–1.39; positive, ≥1.40) was analysed using a logistic regression model. Green tea intake (≥vs. <1/day) was inversely associated with cedar pollen-specific IgE (adjusted OR = 0.81, 95% CI, 0.70, 0.94). No statistically significant association between cedar pollen-specific IgE and frequency of tea intake was found for other types of tea. Our results suggest that green tea intake may be associated with lower cedar pollen-specific IgE positivity.
... There are significant differences between matcha from China and that from other countries in terms of the production process, choice of ingredients, and flavor. Matcha not only has the unique characteristics of a bright color, rich taste, and fragrant smell [1] but also has a variety of biological activities such as anti-anxiety [2,3], stress reduction [4,5], anti-cancer [6,7], hypoglycemic [8,9], antioxidant [9], and anti-bacterial activities [10], as well as the ability to treat and prevent infectious diseases [11]. The sensory quality of matcha has the characteristics of "three clear", namely, fragrance, clear mouth, and slightly green (grass) gas. ...
... Matcha is one of the most popular tea products worldwide, being widely used in the food, beverage, health food, and cosmetic industries, among others [1][2][3]8,9,11,13]. Matcha maximizes the retention of tea polyphenols, caffeine, free amino acids, tea polysaccharides, chlorophyll, aromatic substances, fibroins, proteins, and a large number of minerals and vitamins and other bioactive substances, including water-soluble and insoluble substances, providing a full intake of tea leaf components. ...
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Matcha is a very popular tea food around the world, being widely used in the food, beverage, health food, and cosmetic industries, among others. At present, matcha shade covering methods, matcha superfine powder processing technology, and digital evaluations of matcha flavor quality are receiving research attention. However, research on the differences in flavor and quality characteristics of matcha from the same tea tree variety from different typical regions in China is relatively weak and urgently required. Taking Japan Shizuoka matcha (R) as a reference, the differences in sensory quality characteristics and non-volatile substances of matcha processed with the same tea variety from different regions in China were analyzed. The samples were China Hangzhou matcha (Z1), China Wuyi matcha (Z2), China Enshi matcha (H), and China Tongren matcha (G), which represent the typical matcha of eastern, central, and western China. A total of 1131 differential metabolites were identified in the matcha samples, comprising 118 flavonoids, 14 tannins, 365 organic acids, 42 phenolic acids, 22 alkaloids, 39 saccharides, 208 amino acids and derivatives, 17 lignans and coumarins, seven quinones, 44 nucleotides and derivatives, 14 glycerophospholipids, two glycolipids, 15 alcohols and amines, 140 benzenes and substituted derivatives, 38 terpenoids, 30 heterocyclic compounds, and 15 lipids. Kaempferol-7-O-rhamnoside, 3,7-Di-O-methylquercetin, epigallocatechin gallate, epicatechin gallate, and epigallocatechin were detected in Z1, Z2, H, and G. A total of 1243 metabolites differed among Z1, Z2, and R. A total of 1617 metabolites differed among G, H, and R. The content of non-volatile difference metabolites of Z2 was higher than that of Z1. The content of non-volatile difference metabolites of G was higher than that of H. The 20 key differential non-volatile metabolites of Z1, Z2, G, and H were screened out separately. The types of non-volatile flavor differential metabolites of G and H were more numerous than those of Z1 and Z2. The metabolic pathways, biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, biosynthesis of co-factors, flavonoid biosynthesis, biosynthesis of amino acids, biosynthesis of various plant secondary metabolites, and purine metabolism of metabolic pathways were the main KEGG pathways. This study provides new insights into the differences in metabolite profiles among typical Chinese matcha geographic regions with the same tea variety.
... The four main catechins in green tea are epicatechin (EC), epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG), epigallocatechin (EGC), and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Of these catechins, EGCG and EGC are abundant and have been shown to demonstrate antimicrobial properties against various bacterial species [40]. Upon reviewing the literature, numerous natural compounds have been used to combat a variety of microbial genera and/or species [41][42][43]. ...
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Background: Thermophilic Campylobacter species are among the main culprits behind bacterial gastroenteritis globally and have grown progressively resistant to clinically important antimicrobials. Many studies have been carried out to explore innovative and alternative strategies to control antibiotic-resistant campylobacters in animal reservoirs and human hosts; however, limited studies have been performed to develop efficient control schemes against Campylobacter biofilms. Methods: This study investigated the antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities of some herbal extracts against multidrug-resistant (MDR) Campylobacter species recovered from different sources using phenotypic and molecular techniques. Results: The overall Campylobacter species prevalence was 21.5%, representing 15.25% and 6.25% for C. jejuni and C. coli, respectively. Regarding C. jejuni, the highest resistance rate was observed for amoxicillin–clavulanic acid and colistin (85.25% each), followed by cefotaxime (83.61%) and tetracycline (81.97%), whereas C. coli isolates showed absolute resistance to cefotaxime followed by erythromycin (92%) and colistin (88%). Remarkably, all Campylobacter isolates were MDR with elevated multiple antimicrobial resistance (MAR) indices (0.54–1). The antimicrobial potentials of green tea (Camellia sinensis), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and ginger (Zingiber officinale) extracts against MDR Campylobacter isolates were assessed by the disk diffusion assay and broth microdilution technique. Green tea extract showed a marked inhibitory effect against tested isolates, exhibiting growth inhibition zone diameters of 8 to 38 mm and a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) range of 1.56–3.12 mg/mL, unlike the rosemary and ginger extracts. Our findings reveal a respectable antibiofilm activity (>50% biofilm formation inhibition) of green tea against the preformed biofilms of Campylobacter isolates. Furthermore, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) results showed a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in the expression levels of biofilm biosynthesis gene and its regulator (FlaA and LuxS, respectively) in Campylobacter isolates treated with the green tea extract in comparison with untreated ones. Conclusion: This is the first in vitro approach that has documented the inhibitory activity of green tea extract against MDR-biofilm-producing Campylobacter species isolated from different sources. Further in vivo studies in animals’ models should be performed to provide evidence of concept for the implementation of this alternative candidate for the mitigation of MDR Campylobacter infections in the future.
... In green tea, EGCG accounts for about 59% of the total catechins and exhibits a broad spectrum of biological activities, such as oral disease linked with microbes. EGCG plays crucial roles against pathogenic microorganisms, such as several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and a wide range of anti-infective drugs [6,7]. Studies have been conducted that proved its role in anti-oxidant, anticancer, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, neuroprotective activities, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, etc. [8]. ...
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Green tea has garnered increasing attention across age groups due to its numerous health benefits, largely attributed to Epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG), its key polyphenol. EGCG exhibits a wide spectrum of biological activities, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticancer, and neuroprotective properties, as well as benefits for cardiovascular and oral health. This review provides a comprehensive overview of recent findings on the therapeutic potential of EGCG in various human diseases. Neuroprotective effects of EGCG include safeguarding neurons from damage and enhancing cognitive function, primarily through its antioxidant capacity to reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated during physiological stress. Additionally, EGCG modulates key signaling pathways such as JAK/STAT, Delta-Notch, and TNF, all of which play critical roles in neuronal survival, growth, and function. Furthermore, EGCG is involved in regulating apoptosis and cell cycle progression, making it a promising candidate for the treatment of metabolic diseases, including cancer and diabetes. Despite its promising therapeutic potential, further clinical trials are essential to validate the efficacy and safety of EGCG and to optimize its delivery to target tissues. While many reviews have addressed the anticancer properties of EGCG, this review focuses on the molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways by which EGCG used in specific human diseases, particularly cancer, neurodegenerative and metabolic diseases. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals, revealing the potential of EGCG in managing neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, and metabolic diseases and highlighting its broader therapeutic values.
In this study, we evaluated the impact of Epigalocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) on S. mutans biofilm development for 24 and 46 h using high-resolution confocal laser scanning microscopy. EGCG treatment led to the formation of interspaced exopolysaccharide (EPS)-microcolony complexes unevenly distributed on the surface of hydroxyapatite disc, forming a thinner and less complex biofilm structure with significantly reduced biomass, matrix volume, and thickness compared to the NaCl treated group (negative control). At 46 h, the biofilm of the EGCG-treatment group failed to form the bacterial-EPS superstructures which is characteristic of the biofilm in the negative control group. EGCG treatment seems to significantly delay biofilm development, with the 46 h biofilm in the EGCG treatment group resembling the negative control group at 24 h. EGCG topical treatments impaired S. mutans biofilm initial growth and maturation, suggesting its potential to be used as a preventive agent against dental caries.
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Over the centuries, infectious diseases caused by viruses have seriously threatened human health globally. Viruses are responsible not only for acute infections but also many chronic infectious diseases. To prevent diseases caused by viruses, the discovery of effective antiviral drugs, in addition to vaccine development, is important. Green tea catechins (GTCs) are polyphenolic compounds from the leaves of Camellia sinensis. In recent decades, GTCs have been reported to provide various health benefits against numerous diseases. Studies have shown that GTCs, especially epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), have antiviral effects against diverse viruses. The aim of this review is to summarize the developments regarding the antiviral activities of GTCs, to discuss the mechanisms underlying these effects and to offer suggestions for future research directions and perspectives on the antiviral effects of EGCG.
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Obesity and the metabolic syndrome (MS) are two of the pressing healthcare problems of our time. The MS is defined as increased abdominal obesity in concert with elevated fasting glucose levels, insulin resistance, elevated blood pressure, and plasma lipids. It is a key risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and for cardiovascular complications and mortality. Here, we review work demonstrating that various aspects of coagulation and hemostasis, as well as vascular reactivity and function, become impaired progressively during chronic ingestion of a western diet, but also acutely after meals. We outline that both T2DM and cardiovascular disease should be viewed as inflammatory diseases and describe that chronic overload of free fatty acids and glucose can trigger inflammatory pathways directly or via increased production of ROS. We propose that since endothelial stress and increases in platelet activity precede inflammation and overt symptoms of the MS, they are likely the first hit. This suggests that endothelial activation and insulin resistance are probably causative in the observed chronic low-level metabolic inflammation, and thus both metabolic and cardiovascular complications linked to consumption of a western diet.
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Introduction With greater awareness worldwide, the use of herbs and herbal products has increased to a large extent. Objective To evaluate and compare the antimicrobial efficacy of green tea, garlic with lime, and 0.05% sodium fluoride (NaF) mouth rinses against Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacilli species, and Candida albicans. Materials and methods A total of 45 children aged 4 to 6 years with severe early childhood caries (S-ECC; based on decayed extracted filled [defs] score) were selected. Children were divided randomly into three equal groups and were asked to rinse with the prescribed mouth rinse once daily for 2 weeks after breakfast under supervision. A base-line and postrinsing nonstimulated whole salivary sample (2 mL) was collected and tested for the number of colony-forming units (CFUs). The data were statistically analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 software with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s post hoc test. Results A statistically significant fall in colony count was found with the three mouth rinses in S. mutans (p < 0.001, p < 0.001) and Lactobacilli spp. (p < 0.001, p < 0.001), but not against C. albicans (p = 0.264, p = 0.264). On comparison, no statistically significant difference was found against S. mutans (p = 1, p = 0.554, p = 0.572), lactobacilli spp. (p = 0.884, p = 0.999, p = 0.819), and C. albicans (p = 0.999, p = 0.958, p = 0.983). Conclusion The findings of this study indicate that green tea and garlic with lime mouth rinse can be an economical alternative to NaF mouth rinse both for prevention and therapeutics. How to cite this article Thomas A, Thakur S, Habib R. Comparison of Antimicrobial Efficacy of Green Tea, Garlic with Lime, and Sodium Fluoride Mouth Rinses against Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacilli species, and Candida albicans in Children: A Randomized Double-blind Controlled Clinical Trial. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2017;10(3):234-239.
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Age-related complications such as neurodegenerative disorders are increasing and remain cureless. The possibility of altering the progression or the development of these multifactorial diseases through diet is an emerging and attractive approach with increasing experimental support. We examined the potential of known bioavailable phenolic sulfates, arising from colonic metabolism of berries, to influence hallmarks of neurodegenerative processes. In silico predictions and in vitro transport studies across blood-brain barrier (BBB) endothelial cells, at circulating concentrations, provided evidence for differential transport, likely related to chemical structure. Moreover, endothelial metabolism of these phenolic sulfates produced a plethora of novel chemical entities with further potential bioactivies. Pre-conditioning with phenolic sulfates improved cellular responses to oxidative, excitotoxicity and inflammatory injuries and this attenuation of neuroinflammation was achieved via modulation of NF-κB pathway. Our results support the hypothesis that these small molecules, derived from dietary (poly)phenols may cross the BBB, reach brain cells, modulate microglia-mediated inflammation and exert neuroprotective effects, with potential for alleviation of neurodegenerative diseases.
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Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is associated with increased risk for both type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Development of these pathologies is associated with the disorders of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. Dyslipidemia leads to the overproduction of potentially atherogenic lipid and lipoproteins. Furthermore, there is a decrease in the levels of high-density lipoproteins and an increase in the levels of remnant and small dense LDL particles. Conclusion: In the current review, we have discussed the pathophysiology of lipoprotein biosynthesis and metabolism in the metabolic syndrome. Finally, we describe regulation of lipoprotein metabolism which may be used as a potential target for treating dyslipidemia in metabolic syndrome.
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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic endocrine disease resulted from insulin secretory defect or insulin resistance and it is a leading cause of death around the world. The care of DM patients consumes a huge budget due to the high frequency of consultations and long hospitalizations, making DM a serious threat to both human health and global economies. Tea contains abundant polyphenols and caffeine which showed antidiabetic activity, so the development of antidiabetic medications from tea and its extracts is increasingly receiving attention. However, the results claiming an association between tea consumption and reduced DM risk are inconsistent. The advances in the epidemiologic evidence and the underlying antidiabetic mechanisms of tea are reviewed in this paper. The inconsistent results and the possible causes behind them are also discussed.
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Fusobacterium nucleatum plays a key role in creating the pathogenic subgingival biofilm that initiates destructive periodontitis. It is also a common resident of the human gastrointestinal tract and has been associated with inflammatory bowel disease. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of green and black tea extracts as well as two of their bioactive components, EGCG and theaflavins, on the growth and virulence properties of F. nucleatum. The tea extracts and components displayed various degrees of antibacterial activity that may involve damage to the bacterial cell membrane and the chelation of iron. They also prevented biofilm formation by F. nucleatum at concentrations that did not interfere with bacterial growth. In addition, the treatment of a pre-formed F. nucleatum biofilm with the green tea extract and EGCG caused a time-dependent decrease in biofilm viability. The green and black tea extracts, EGCG, and theaflavins decreased the adherence of F. nucleatum to oral epithelial cells and matrix proteins. Moreover, these tea components also attenuated F. nucleatum-mediated hemolysis and hydrogen sulfide production, two other virulence factors expressed by this bacterium. In summary, this study showed that tea polyphenols may be of interest for treating F. nucleatum-associated disorders.
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Background Iron is an essential micronutrient required by all living organisms including malaria parasites (Plasmodium spp.) for many biochemical reactions, especially growth and multiplication processes. Therefore, malaria parasite needs to take up the iron from outside or/and inside the parasitized red blood cells (PRBC). Iron chelators are widely used for the treatment of thalassaemia-related iron overload and also inhibit parasite growth at levels that are non-toxic to mammalian cells. Methods Inhibitory effect of 1-(N-acetyl-6-aminohexyl)-3-hydroxy-2-methylpyridin-4-one (CM1) and green tea extract (GTE) on the growth of malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum was compared with standard chelators including desferrioxamine (DFO), deferiprone (DFP) and deferasirox (DFX). A flow cytometric technique was used to enumerate PRBC stained with SYBR Green I fluorescent dye. The labile iron pool (LIP) was assayed using the calcein-acetoxymethyl fluorescent method. Results The IC50 values of DFO, GTE, CM1, DFX and DFP against P. falciparum were 14.09, 21.11, 35.14, 44.71 and 58.25 µM, respectively. Importantly, CM1 was more effective in reducing LIP levels in the P. falciparum culture than DFP (p < 0.05). Conclusions CM1 and GTE exhibit anti-malarial activity. They could interfere with uptake of exogenous iron or deplete the intracellular labile iron pool in malaria parasites, leading to inhibition of their growth.
Background Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a notorious multidrug resistant nosocomial pathogen. An efflux pump (MexAB-OprM) is the main contributor to the multidrug resistance in clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a polyphenolic compound extracted from green tea, exhibits antibacterial activity. It is unclear that molecular details of the antibacterial activity of EGCG, EGCG-effect on antibiotic susceptibility, and clinical relevance of EGCG in bacteria. Purpose This study aimed to determine the roles of the efflux pump and an efflux pump inhibitor (phenylalanine-arginine β-naphthylamide; PAβN) in the antibacterial activity of EGCG and the EGCG-effect on antibiotic susceptibility. Methods Twenty-two multidrug resistant clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa and a wild type P. aeruginosa PAO1 were used to determine antibacterial activity of EGCG and EGCG-effect on antibiotic susceptibility. An efflux pump (MexAB-OPrM) mutant strain, its complemented strain carrying an intact mexAB-oprM, and their parental strain were used to determine roles of MexAB-OprM in the antibacterial activity of EGCG and EGCG-mediated antibiotic susceptibility. PAβN was also used to evaluate EGCG as a possible efflux pump inhibitor. Results EGCG inhibited cellular growth and killed 100% of cells at 64–512 µg/ml and at 256–1024 µg/ml, respectively, in all tested 22 clinical isolates including the wild type strain. A subinhibitory concentration of EGCG significantly enhanced susceptibility to antibiotics, unexceptionally to chloramphenicol and tetracyclines (≥4-fold) of the clinical isolates. Both the antibacterial activity of EGCG and the EGCG-mediated antibiotic susceptibility were enhanced more in the efflux pump mutant strain (mexB::Gm) than the parental strain, suggesting additionally accumulated-EGCG produced the more antibacterial activity in the mutant strain. EGCG was synergistically interacted with PAβN with enhancing susceptibility to all tested antibiotics (up to >500-fold) at higher levels than either EGCG alone or PAβN alone, suggesting EGCG may also inhibit the efflux pump with additional accumulation of the antibiotics. Conclusion The results demonstrate that EGCG exhibits antibacterial activity and enhances antibiotic effects against clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa. EGCG may inhibit the efflux pump (MexAB-OprM) through which are associated with the antibacterial activity of EGCG and the EGCG-mediated antibiotic susceptibility in P. aeruginosa.
Background: Green tea (Camellia sinensis) is a beverage consumed for thousands of years. Numerous claims about the benefits of its consumption were stated and investigated. As green tea is experiencing a surge in popularity in Western culture and as millions of people all over the world drink it every day, it is relevant to understand its effects on the human brain. Purpose: To assess the current state of knowledge in the literature regarding the effects of green tea or green tea extracts, l-theanine and epigallocatechin gallate both components of green tea-on general neuropsychology, on the sub-category cognition and on brain functions in humans. Methods: We systematically searched on PubMed database and selected studies by predefined eligibility criteria. We then assessed their quality and extracted data. We structured our effort according to the PRISMA statement. Outcome: We reviewed and assessed 21 studies, 4 of which were randomised controlled trials, 12 cross-over studies (both assessed with an adapted version of the DELPHI-list), 4 were cross-sectional studies and one was a cohort study (both assessed with an adapted version of the Newcastle-Ottawa assessment scale). The average study quality as appraised by means of the DELPHI-list was good (8.06/9); the studies evaluated with the Newcastle-Ottawa-scale were also good (6.7/9). Conclusions: The reviewed studies presented evidence that green tea influences psychopathological symptoms (e.g. reduction of anxiety), cognition (e.g. benefits in memory and attention) and brain function (e.g. activation of working memory seen in functional MRI). The effects of green tea cannot be attributed to a single constituent of the beverage. This is exemplified in the finding that beneficial green tea effects on cognition are observed under the combined influence of both caffeine and l-theanine, whereas separate administration of either substance was found to have a lesser impact.