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12 (4) 2013
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum – ogólnopolskie czasopismo naukowe polskich uczelni rolniczych,
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ISSN 1644-0757
12 (4) 2013
1644 0757
Czasopismo naukowe założone w 2001 roku przez polskie uczelnie rolnicze
Scientifi c Journal established in 2001 by Polish Life Sciences Universities
12 (4) 2013
Bydgoszcz Kraków Lublin Olsztyn
Poznań Siedlce Szczecin Warszawa Wrocław
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Programming Board
Wiesław Nagórko (Warszawa), Ryszard Źróbek (Olsztyn), Józef Bieniek (Kraków),
Krzysztof Szkucik (Lublin), Ewa Sobecka (Szczecin),
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Stanisław Socha (Siedlce), Waldemar Uchman (Poznań)
Oeconomia Scientifi c Board
Carol J. Cumber (South Dakota State University, Brookings, USA),
Michael Ireland (University of Plymouth, UK),
Roman Kisiel (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn),
Vera Majerova (Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague),
Wiesław Musiał (University of Agriculture in Krakow), Burak Nakiboglu (Cukurova University,
Turkey), Janina Sawicka (Faculty of Economic Sciences – Warsaw University of Life Sciences
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Ucak (Nigde University, Turkey), Dorota Witkowska (Faculty of Applied Mathematics and
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Editing committee:
Mirosława Braja (Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW) – Oeconomia Secretary
Renata Marks-Bielska – University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn – thematic editor
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Wojciech Pizło – WULS-SGGW – thematic editor
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Kuo-Liang “Matt” Chiang – South Dakota State University – language consultant
The printed version of Acta Sci. Pol. seria Oeconomia is an original version of the journal.
Editorial staff
Anna Dołomisiewicz, Elżbieta Wojnarowska
ISSN 1644-0757
© Copyright by Warsaw University of Life Sciences Press
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Print: Agencja Reklamowo-Wydawnicza A. Grzegorczyk,
From the Scientifi c Board
There has been the twelfth year of the Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Oeconomia
publishing. The Acta is the periodical including several thematic series with uniform
graphics and similar format. The publication was set up by group of enthusiasts
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Sci. Pol. Oeconomia series
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prof. dr hab. Barbara Kutkowska
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prof. dr hab. Marian Podstawka
prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Rembisz
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Vera Majerova, Prof. Dr
Attila Jambor, Ph.D.
Bernd-Joachim Schuller, Prof. Dr
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Renata Kleinova, Ph.D.
Carol J. Cumber, Dr
Michael Ireland, Dr
Michael Miller, Ph.D.
Ing. Patrik Rovny, Ph.D.
Miklos Weisz, Ph.D.
Harun Ucak, Ph.D.
List of reviewers 2013
Agnieszka Parlińska
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
Oksana Zamora
Sumy National Agrarian University
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the comprehensive analysis of the cross-border coop-
eration between Polish and Ukrainian border regions, which are involved in euroregions,
established on their basis. The analysis covers theoretical aspects, fi nancial issues of the
cross-border collaboration, as well as socio-economic aspects research of the investigated
territories development. Authors’ aim is to compare the principles and tendencies of ter-
ritories development within cross-border Polish-Ukrainian regions in order to provide a
comprehensive vision of the cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and Poland within
Carpathian Euroregion and Euroregion Bug.
Key words: euroregions, cross-border cooperation projects, socio-economic analysis, Po-
land, Ukraine
Interstate relations between Ukraine and Poland have very long and rich history, and
have been developing on the local, regional and state levels. New era of them has started
in year 1991 after Polish Republic was the first to recognize Ukrainian independence. But
in terms of interregional cooperation the connection was officially set up in 1992, when
Agreements on Friendly Relations and Cooperation1 (May 5) and on Border Inspection
1 Agreement between Ukraine and the Republic of Poland on Friendly Relations and Cooperation
ratifi ed by the law of Ukraine, No 2611-XII (2611–2612). Ratifi cation date – 17.09.1992. Source:
Corresponding author – adres do korespondencji: Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW,
Department of European Policy, Public Finance and Marketing, Nowoursynowska 166 Str., 02-787
Warsaw, Poland, e-mail:
Oeconomia 12 (4) 2013, 93–106
A. Parlińska, O. Zamora
Acta Sci. Pol.
Posts2 (May 18) were signed, touching borderline issues. In 1993 the interstate relations
were enforced, when the parliaments of both countries signed Agreement on Legal Re-
gime of the Ukrainian-Polish State Border and Mutual Help in Border Issues3 (January
1), and an Agreement about Interregional Cooperation4 (May 24). Later on the legal basis
started its development more actively and now includes around 40 legislative documents
covering the border issues.
Ukraine and Poland, possessing their specifically advantageous geopolitical and
geoeconomical potential, could have established a strong cross-border territory, benefit-
ing both from the EU side and from being close to CIS markets. Thus, through cre-
ating euroregions the cross-border cooperation has become a key point for Ukrainian
policy within its eurointegration strategy [Wspólna polsko-ukraińska… 2005]: 42% of
experts surveyed consider euroregions to be the helping factor for the Ukrainian strategy
to join the EU [Scharba 2009] and for the EU this kind of cooperation is an important
element within the policy of strengthening its eastern borders. The boundary territories
have always been peripheral, least-developed and characterized by inefficient farming,
weakly-developed industry or infrastructure, irrational exploitation of natural resources,
low investment rate, high levels of poverty and unemployment, and – as a result – active
inter-regional migration of people.
At the present moment Poland is involved in several kinds of cross-border accords
such as unions, associations, etc. and 16 basic euroregions5. Ukraine is involved in 10
euroregions6 and two of them include Polish territories: Carpathian Euroregion (1993,
Lvivska and Zakarpatska regions (Ukraine), Podkarpackie Voivodship (Poland)) and Bug
(1995, Volynska region and 2 districts of Lvivska region (Ukraine), Lubelskie Voivodship
(Poland). Those euroregions have certain achievements in cultural, economic, environ-
mental, educational and other spheres. Even more, Carpathian euroregion is considered
to be the most successful one, being the first which included Ukrainian border regions in
cross-border cooperation on the officially recognized level.
It has been already a long time for the Polish-Ukrainian cross-border cooperation
development within euroregions, and it shows practically valuable effectiveness of their
existence, as well as the necessity to explore the experience obtained by those border re-
gions. That’s why the article is dedicated to the research of the present state and tendencies
of the cross-border cooperation processes within euroregion structures, created between
Poland and Ukraine, mainly focusing on the theoretical and financial cross-border collab-
2 Agreement between Government of Ukraine and Government of Polish Republic on Border Inspec-
tion Posts, No 616_004 from 25.03.1993. Source:
3 Agreement on Legal Regime of the Ukrainian-Polish State Border and Mutual Help in Border
Issues, No 616_208. Ratifi cation date – 14.07.1993. Source:
4 Agreement about Interregional Cooperation, No 616_171 from 27.10.1993. Source: http://zakon4.
5 Nysa, Carpathian, Sprewa-Nysa-Bóbr, Pro Europa Viadrina, Tatry, Bug, Pomerania, Glacensis,
Niemen, Pradziad, Bałtyk, Śląsk Cieszyński, Silesia, Beskidy, Puszcza Białowieska, Euroregion
6 Bug, Black Sea Euroregion, Carpathian, Donbas, Dnister, Dnipro, Lower Danube, Upper Prut,
Slobozhanshchyna, and Yaroslavna.
Comprehensive overview of the Polish-Ukrainian Cross-border Cooperation
Oeconomia 12 (4) 2013
oration issues, as well as socio-economic aspects analysis of the territories involved. The
task is to enlighten the general picture of cross-border cooperation of Ukraine and Poland,
covering the issues of legal background, problems in financing the cross-border coopera-
tion activities and current socio-economic indices, taken for the period of 2008–2011,
problem key points and potentially strong sides to be developed in the future.
Analyses, carried out in the paper, cover the period of 2008–2011, which became
the very important time in the development of cooperation of both countries: Ukraine
had received a push by the political Orange revolution and Poland has entered the EU.
Research period and selection of indices were also determined by the availability of data
from Polish and Ukrainian sides. Two Euroregions including Polish and Ukrainian ter-
ritories: Carpathian Euroregion (1993) and Bug Euroregion (1995) are an object of com-
plex investigation.
The data about the socio-economic aspects, theoretical and financial issues of the
cross-border cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian border regions were taken from
the official sources of the EU (CBC and ENPI program web-sites), of Poland (Central and
Regional Statistical Offices) and Ukrainian ones (Main Statistical Department, relevant
central state authorities – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Supreme Council of
Ukraine), etc.
The descriptive and comparative methods were used in the research, as well as the
simple statistical method in order to analyse the problem from the economic point of
The article starts with the presentation of the basic theoretical aspects of the cross-
-border cooperation between Polish Republic and Ukraine and such form of cross-border
cooperation development as euroregions is characterized. Later the main principles and
problems of the cross-border collaboration involving Ukrainian and Polish border regions
are enlightened. In the last part, the evaluation of socio-economic aspects of the cross-
-border cooperation between Poland and Ukraine within the Carpathian Euroregion and
Bug Euroregion is done; finalizing and applicable conclusions are offered.
Administrative-political determinants of the Ukrainian-Polish Cross-border
There are no doubts about the need in further development and support of the cross-
-border cooperation programs and all kinds of cross-border collaboration forms (eurore-
gions, cross-border agreements, bilateral agreements between regions and voivodships,
partner agreements between city and village councils, focus groups, etc.). Mostly because
the number of the spheres affected is quite wide as well as the range of the beneficiaries:
local governments at all levels, entities and agencies nominated or created by the state
A. Parlińska, O. Zamora
Acta Sci. Pol.
governors/local governments to provide public services, non-governmental non-profit
organizations, chambers: economic, trade and crafts, universities, institutions conduct-
ing public education activities and research, cultural institutions, churches and religious
associations, etc.7.
Along with the euroregions Ukraine and Poland were involved into several new forms
of cross-border cooperation, such as: “European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation”,
“Cross-border Partnerships”, “Cross-border Clusters”, “Cross-border Industrial Zones”,
“Cross-border Innovative Projects”, etc. Thus, there was a Euroregion “Black sea” estab-
lished as the European grouping of territorial cooperation with the participation of Odessa
region of Ukraine. At the moment Ukrainian-Polish touristic and recreational cluster is
being formed. Several relevant projects have been applied for receiving additional fi-
nancing within the Cross-border Cooperation Program “Poland-Belarus-Ukraine” (2007–
–2013)8. There was also launched a “Lublin Ecoenergetic Cluster”, becoming a cross-
border one through involving Ukrainian partners – “Centre For Alternative and Renewal
Energy Sources” and a subdivision of the joint enterprise “LLC ComEcoLviv” [Mikula
and Matvyeyev 2011].
Poland has eastern neighbours which possess a great geopolitical and economic po-
tential forming a promising business opportunity. They have historically tight relations
with other Eastern countries and big territories offering capacious markets of consumers
and people ready to travel for spending money abroad [Borko 2002]. More of that, border
regions of all the post-USSR countries, bordering on Poland (these are: Ukraine, Rus-
sia and Belorussia) have always been peripheral, least-developed. They have insufficient
agriculture development, under-developed industry and infrastructure, low investment
rates, high levels of poverty and inter-regional migration of people because of enormous-
ly high rates of unemployment9. Thus, we may stress on the differences of the nature of
the borderline role and understanding in Eastern Europe [Kennard 2004]. While the EU
has been working over eliminating the physical and fiscal sense of borders for around
20 years already, for most Eastern European countries borders has always been in need
for protection and as political instruments in order to influence the neighbour first of all
economically. From the other hand borderline infrastructure has never been renovated
properly and sometimes, as it is in case of Ukrainian-Russian political relations, had been
made a physical/bureaucratic obstacle for cross-border communication of the average
boundary regions’ citizens.
The most productive cross-border cooperation on the eastern border of Poland, being
the longest one belonging to one EU country, refers to Ukraine. The start of this process
was given in 1995 by the establishment of the first in Eastern Europe euroregion named
Bug. The comparison of the bilateral cross-border relations between Poland and Ukraine
and between Poland and Belorussia or Russia shows much lower dynamics within the
second ones. This may be explained not in the least expand by the political and legal
8 The Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013, under the Euro-
pean Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). Source:,3,24
9 Border Regions –
Comprehensive overview of the Polish-Ukrainian Cross-border Cooperation
Oeconomia 12 (4) 2013
difficulties between these countries. The other issue is that part from cooperation on the
governmental or regional level, most cross-border activities are introduced and organized
by local authorities10.
At the moment Ukraine has the most developed interregional net of cooperation
namely with its western neighbour – Polish Republic. Practically all regions of Ukraine
and voivodships of Poland had established the agreements on cooperation – absolutely
all 16 Polish voivodships have a partner region on Ukrainian territory. The biggest num-
bers of Ukrainian partners have Podkarpackie, Lublińskie, Łódzkie, Sielskie and Ma-
zowieckie voivodships. As for Ukrainian side, the most active were Lvivska, Odeska,
Ivano-Frankivska, Vinnytska and Volynska regions. And, should be noted, this process
has a tendency to grow.
The legal basis of Polish-Ukrainian cooperation is built not only on the micro level.
There are also international legal acts (e.g. Declaration on Regionalism in Europe, Nordic
Agreement on cross-border cooperation between municipalities, the European Outline
Convention on Trans frontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities or Authori-
ties, the European Charter of Borderline and Cross-border Regions), inter-state bilateral
agreements (examples were mentioned above), and national legislative acts covering the
border issues11.
As for the institutional component of the cross-border cooperation provision in
Ukraine and Poland, we should mention two different levels: central state bodies and
bilateral bodies. Thus, the following state structures work with the cross-border issues
in Ukraine12: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
and Ministry of the Regional Development, Building and Utilities. From the Polish side
we can name the following: Ministry of Interior, Ministry of the Regional Development
and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Within the intergovernmental level there has been established an Ukrainian-Polish
Intergovernmental Coordination Council, which is empowered to take decisions concern-
ing the key interregional cooperation issues, it also defines the general directions and
main principles of their development, offers recommendations to the relevant state bodies
of Ukraine and Poland, elaborates mutual activity plans. There are also several commis-
sions created within the Council, working with the border posts, border infrastructure,
territory planning, cross-border cooperation issues13. Within the State Program of Cross-
-border Cooperation Development of Ukraine for the period of 2011–201514 a Joint
10 Border Regions –
11 The law of Ukraine ‘‘On Cross-Border Cooperation” No 1861-IV from 24.06.2004, Law of Ukra-
ine ‘‘On local self-government in Ukraine” No 280/97-DH from 21.05.1997, Law of Ukraine ‘‘On
Local State Administrations” No 586-XIV from 09.04.1999, Law of Poland “On Municipality’s
Self-government” Journal of Laws Year 2001 No 142 item.1591, Law of Poland “On Poviat’s Self-
-government” Journal of Laws Year from 2001 No 142 item 1592, Law of Poland “On Voivodship’s
Self-government” Journal of Laws Year 2001 No 142 item 1590, etc.
14 Cabinet of Ministers Decree on Approval of the the State Program of Crossborder Cooperation
development for the period of 2011-2015, # 1088-2010-п from December 1, 2010. Source: http://
A. Parlińska, O. Zamora
Acta Sci. Pol.
Commission for the Cross-border Cooperation Support was created for preparing deci-
sions and recommendations concerning the state budget support of the approved cross-
border cooperation projects15.
Financial issues of the cross-border cooperation between Poland and Ukraine
Theoretically, according to the Law of Ukraine “About the Cross-border Coopera-
tion”, the size of the state budget financing directed for the state support of the cross-bor-
der cooperation is defined yearly within the Law of Ukraine “About the State Budget of
Ukraine”. This should be done for the certain period in accordance with the state cross-
-border cooperation programs, which are annually listed by the Ministry of Economic
Development and confirmed by the Cabinet of Ministers (the government). However, it
should be noted, that since the year 2004 till 2012 there were no financing foreseen in
these law [Мikula and Zasadko 2012]. Some officials explain it with an inappropriate ful-
filment of requirements in terms of financial maintenance or central authorities’ experts
didn’t assume that those projects contained some cross-border element.
Financing of the bigger infrastructural projects involving Ukrainian border territories
is received in form of the technical support coming from EU under the ENPI cross-border,
inter-regional and regional programs. In recent years financial support of the cross-border
cooperation projects has been maintained through the following programs: INTEREG,
well as civil cross-border initiatives may receive grant support from such international
foundations as: Soros, Eurasia, Rockefeller, Charles Stewart-Mott, etc. There is also a fi-
nancial assistance to Ukraine from the EU countries: it is provided by Sweden, the United
Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, the Slovak Republic and Poland. Poland
supports Ukraine approximately with EUR 3–4 million per annum, in the areas of public
administration reform, support for local government and economic reforms16.
At the moment collaboration of Ukraine and Poland on cross-border issues benefits
from the following CBC program within the European Neighbourhood and Partnership In-
strument (ENPI)17: “Poland-Belarus-Ukraine”5, total sum of which for the whole program
in 2007–2013 is EUR 202,959 million, EUR 186,201 million of which is provided by the
EC and the rest is provided by the projects participants’ co-financing (which is, according
to the program rules, 10% of the amount granted). The priority areas of financial support
flows are: competitiveness of the border area, the life quality, networking and people-to-
-people collaboration. Thus, in 2009 environment improvement areas had a total fund-
ing of EUR 133.1 million or 37% of the total funding for the cross-border cooperation.
15 The Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013, under the Euro-
pean Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). Source:,3,24
16 European Neighbourhood And Partnership Instrument – Ukraine: Country Strategy Paper (2007–
17,3 The European Neighbourhood an Partnership Instrument (ENPI) or
European Neighbourhood And Partnership Instrument – Ukraine: Country Strategy Paper (2007–
Comprehensive overview of the Polish-Ukrainian Cross-border Cooperation
Oeconomia 12 (4) 2013
Cooperation in the area of cultural and artistic projects had funding amounting to EUR
76.8 million that amounts 21% in total funding. It is worth to admit, that only 58.7% of the
previous similar program funding, that was planned for the period of 2004–2006 were used
(EUR 50,425.1 thousand). It may be explained by the lack of knowledge of the potential
beneficiaries about the financial possibilities for their activities support, as well as by the
low level of skills concerning meeting the program requirements of the application process.
Still, almost 50% of the amount of money used, were directed for the border infrastructure
improvement, 28.9% – for the cultural cooperation and 20.4% for environmental issues18.
The Cross-border Cooperation Program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007–20135 is not
implemented smoothly mostly because of different levels of financial provision of Polish
and Ukrainian sides and thus – much more active participation of the Polish side. This
may be demonstrated by the fact that, for example, in the result of the first selection of
the cross-border projects for the program financing, 18 of them were prepared by the
Polish applicants and only 2 by Ukrainian19. There are several factors explaining such an
unfavourable position of the Ukrainian participants, defined by the Ukrainian scientists-
-practitioners [Мikula and Zasadko 2012]:
− The biggest financial problem is connected with the system of money transfer within
the program granting: this is usually made as a reimbursement of the project expenses.
Bearing in mind that most cross-border initiatives in Ukraine are introduced by state
bodies or institutions, which are financed within the state budget limits, one may
assume that the mentioned money reimbursement mechanism is not applicable for
Ukrainian realities;
− There is no possibility to involve private investors in the program projects because the
rules set up by the Joint Technical Program Secretariat prohibit the profit organiza-
tions to apply or be the partners within such cross-border projects. This issue is wors-
ened by the lack of knowledge/skills or even desire of the Ukrainian potential activists
for the project implementation, financial management or for fundraising search and
partners network development;
− There is no mechanism for financing the cross-border activities through bank loans
in Ukraine20 and until 2012 not all the city councils have been allowed to get foreign
loans for infrastructure development projects from the international financial institu-
tions. According to the Budget Code of Ukraine21 the size and conditions of such
loans should be confirmed by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, which is, by the
way, doesn’t bear any financial obligations in this case. Of course, it means one more
“circle of bureaucracy”;
18 Border Regions –
19 The Crossborderer (інформаційний бюлетень) 1/2011. Source:
20 It should be noted that in Poland the banks offer loans for the individuals and organizations which
apply for receiving the International and European granting that demands their own input. Of cour-
se, this is almost a 99% guaranteed loan for the bank, but still it’s a good solution for increasing the
number of crossborder projects applicants on the Polish territory.
21 Budget Code of Ukraine, No 2456-VI from 08.07.2010. Source:
A. Parlińska, O. Zamora
Acta Sci. Pol.
− The other sensitive point is losses caused by the exchange rate changes of euro, which
is the currency of grant tranches and differences in fiscal EU and Ukrainian systems,
that influences the mobility of the project transfers coming to the Ukrainian side.
That’s why in most cases project partners declare the Polish side to be main benefici-
ary and Ukrainian partners could only monitor or be involved in the project direct
implementation [Borshch 2012];
− There is no complex and effective monitoring system for the projects being imple-
mented on the territories of the participating countries, there is only general Program
monitoring system which doesn’t allow enlightening local weak point and problems
to be eliminated within the Program adopted for the next period. This is enforced by
the absence of the cross-border statistical information from the Ukrainian side what
makes impossible to analyze the state of cross-border cooperation with Poland, work
out any strategy or define the possible spheres needing the improvement.
Socio-economic aspects of the cross-border cooperation involving Polish
and Ukrainian border regions
The Ukraine-Poland border area is about 100,000 square kilometres of land area and
of 9 million inhabitants who live here. The borders are very complex and unique in geo-
graphical, historical and political terms. First, most of them are located in an area of
Europe that is considered by many to be the geographical center of the continent. One
of these regions, Zakarpatska, is the only region on the new eastern border of the EU
that has borders with four EU states. The location of these territories has always given
them some advantages in terms of the development of a variety of forms of cross-border
communication (such as trade, technical and technological exchange, and cultural co-
operation) [Powęska 2011]. These border regions have a very complicated geopolitical
history. Additionally, should be pointed out that these lands have always been peripheral,
least-developed areas characterized by inefficient, subsistence farming, under-developed
industry and infrastructure, excessive exploitation of natural resources (particularly over-
harvesting of forests), low investment, high overall levels of poverty, high inter-regional
migration of people, and high rates of unemployment22.
The Polish-Ukrainian borderland comprises Lubelskie and Podkarpackie voivod-
ships as well as Lvivska, Volynska and Zakarpatska regions (Table 1). They occupies
97,770 square km of area, of which the majority is in the Ukrainian part (over 56%). The
voivodships bordering on Ukraine occupies 13.8% of Poland’s area, and the mentioned
regions constitute 9.1% of Ukraine’s total area. The number of Ukraine’s population is
higher than Poland’s. In 2008 the discussed Polish-Ukrainian borderland area is inhab-
ited by more than 8.7 millions of population, of which 51% lived on the rural areas and
55% reside in the Ukrainian part. During research period, due to demographic changes
this different decreased. An analysis of migration in the Polish-Ukrainian borderland in
2008 showed a negative net migration in all its regions except Volynska region. During
next years a tendency change and only in Podkarpackie and Zakarpatska regions could
22 Border Regions,
Comprehensive overview of the Polish-Ukrainian Cross-border Cooperation
Oeconomia 12 (4) 2013
be observed negative net migration. In Lubelskie and Podkarpackie voivodships most on
population lives on rural areas (56%). On the Ukrainian side 51% of inhabitants are the
urban population and only in Zakarpatska region majority of habitant lives on rural areas
The number of economically active population in the Polish-Ukrainian border-
land area equalled, in 2011, 4,106.30 thousand people, of which 50.8% came from the
Ukrainian part and 49.2% form Polish part (Table 2). The higher unemployment regis-
tered level was observed in the Podkarpackie Voivodship (146.21 thousand of people)
and the lowest in the Volynska region (12.7 thousand of people). When analysing the
Table 1. Main characteristic of the Polish-Ukrainian borderland
Description Poland Ukraine
Territory (thousand sq. km) 42.97 54.80
Part of the country (%) 13.80 9.10
Voivodship/oblast Lubelskie Podkarpackie Lvivska Volynska Zakarpatska
2008 2 161.83 1 784.57 2 552.90 1 036.20 1 243.40
2011 2 171.86 2 128.69 2 541.73 1 038.55 1 250.52
Part of the state
population (%)
2008 5.67 4.68 5.53 2.25 2.69
2011 5.70 5.58 5.51 2.25 2.71
Percentage of
population living
in urban areas (%)
2008 46.50 40.90 60.61 51.41 37.15
2011 46.47 41.37 60.81 51.90 37.20
migration (people)
2008 –315.00 –772.00 –33.00 49.00 –357.00
2011 –176.00 35.00 38.00 196.00 –70.00
Source: Central Statistical Offi ce GUS – Poland and Main Statistical Department – Ukraine.
Table 2. Labour market of the Polish-Ukrainian borderland
Voivodship/Oblast Lubelskie Podkarpackie Lvivska Volynska Zakarpatska
active population
(thous. persons)
2008 1 080.00 951.00 1 087.20 441.40 553.20
2011 1 080.00 941.00 1 104.20 440.40 540.70
registered level
(thous. persons)
2008 101.56 115.57 32.80 17.90 18.10
2011 122.44 146.21 26.80 12.70 14.10
rate (%)
2008 11.20 13.00 3.00 4.10 3.30
2011 13.20 15.50 2.40 2.90 2.60
Share of the
persons in the
population in the
working age (%)
2008 7.50 8.70 2.10 2.90 2.40
2011 8.90 10.70 1.70 2.10 1.90
Source: Central Statistical Offi ce GUS – Poland and Main Statistical Department – Ukraine.
A. Parlińska, O. Zamora
Acta Sci. Pol.
registered unemployment rate and the share of the registered unemployed persons in the
population in the working age, it is advised to focus on relatively higher levels of those
indicators the rates of the respective countries. The higher rates was noticed in the Pod-
karpackie Voivodship and the lowest in Lvivska region.
Volynska region is inhabited by 2.26% (for 2011) of population of Ukraine and pro-
duces 1.34% of Ukrainian GDP. Gross domestic product per capita is less than average
in Ukraine for 41%. In 2011 Volyn region took the 12th place in the competitiveness rates
among other Ukrainian regions. Zakarpatska region is on the 17th place for population vol-
ume and on the 23rd for GDP production volume23, which is 1.4%. Gross domestic product
per capita is 59% from the average index in Ukraine. The region takes the 18th place in
the competitiveness rates among other Ukrainian regions. Lviv region is 5th among other
Ukrainian regions in terms of population volume and the 9th for the GDP volume, which is
3.9%. Gross regional product per capita is 82% from the average index in Ukraine. In the
same time Lubelskie Voivodship is inhabited by 5.64% of population of Poland and pro-
duces 3.81% of Polish GDP. Podkarpackie Voivodship is on the 8th place in for population
volume and on the 12th for GDP production volume24, which is 3.7%. In both voivodships
gross domestic product per capita is over 67% of than average in Poland (Fig. 1).
The whole The Polish-Ukrainian borderland was characterized by lower average
wages and salaries than the average of the respective countries. The average wages and
salaries varied from 75.8% in Volyn region up to 89.85% in Lubelskie Voivodship. Also
it can be noticed that the average wages and salaries in Ukraine are 3 times lower than
on Polish side.
6 602.68
6 087.43
6 569.13
6 061.70
9 516.01
9 004.32
1 000.00
2 000.00
3 000.00
4 000.00
5 000.00
6 000.00
7 000.00
8 000.00
9 000.00
10 000.00
2008 2011 2008 2011 2008 2011
Lubelskie Podkarpackie Poland
1 600.93
1 532.28
1 378.57
1 303.43
1 803.58
1 847.61
2 658.93
2 568.80
1 000.00
2 000.00
3 000.00
4 000.00
5 000.00
6 000.00
7 000.00
8 000.00
9 000.00
10 000.00
2008 2011 2008 2011 2008 2011 2008 2011
Volynska Zakarpatska Lvivska Ukraine
Average wages and salaries, EUR
GRP per capita EUR
Fig. 1. Economic indicators of the Polish-Ukrainian borderland
Source: Central Statistical Offi ce GUS – Poland and Main Statistical Department – Ukraine.
23 Within 25 regions in Ukraine.
24 Within 16 voivodships in Poland.
Comprehensive overview of the Polish-Ukrainian Cross-border Cooperation
Oeconomia 12 (4) 2013
The Lubelskie and Podkarpackie voivodships of Poland bordering on Ukraine occupy
13.8% of Poland’s area, and the regions, comprising the Polish-Ukrainian borderland
(Lviv, Volyn and Zakarpattia regions), constitute 9.10% of Ukraine’s total area. The ma-
jority of the Polish and Ukrainian administrative units’ territories involved in cross-border
cooperation between these two countries is in the Ukrainian part (over 56%). The men-
tioned area is inhabited by 9 million of population, of which 55% live on the Ukrainian
part of cross-border territory [Polish-Slovakian-Ukrainian Borderland Rzeszów 2009].
Even first-glance analysis of economic interest of the researched countries shows a great
potential in mutual investments (Table 3). Thus we can see, that Ukrainian investors work
more eagerly with their Russian partners (Russia is the biggest geographical neighbour
of Ukraine).
Table 3. Direct international investment between Poland and Ukraine
Volume of direct investment As of 01.01.2009 As of 31.12.2011
mln USD in % to the total mln USD in % to the total
Poland → Ukraine 694.7 1.9 875.5 1.8
Ukraine → Poland 46.9 0.8 48.2 0.7
The main barrier of trade with Ukraine is too limited and underdeveloped border’s
infrastructure. Insufficient number of border crossings is in efficiently in handle border
traffic. The current system of trade, which is dominated by low-value and frequent shop-
ping in the regions along the border, cause a long queue which may discourage further
purchases and cooperation [Boiko and Gazizullin 2011, Powęska 2011].
As a conclusion to the research material presented authors may point out several cru-
cial differences in the cross-border cooperation development on Polish and Ukrainian
territories, involved in the same cross-border accords:
− Both partner sides have different background conditions for the participating in the
joint cross-border projects within The Cross-border Cooperation Program Poland-Be-
larus-Ukraine 2007–2013: starting from the awareness of the cross-border coopera-
tion possibilities, program financing opportunities, the ability to prepare the project
application and finishing with the chances to draw additional financial support for
fulfilment of the “10% of own contribution” Program requirement;
− Socio-economic: Polish and Ukrainian territories, involved in the cross-border col-
laboration initially had different levels of socio-economic development, as well as
they are benefiting from this collaboration differently now. Quite low level of so-
cio-economic development of the territories involved in the cross-border cooperation
from the Ukrainian side comparing to the Polish territories as well as to the general
national level inside Ukraine;
A. Parlińska, O. Zamora
Acta Sci. Pol.
− Central state authorities of Ukraine underestimate the cross-border cooperation po-
tential for the regional development and citizens’ life level improvement, having the
limited strategic vision of the tasks and perspectives of the cross-border cooperation
development at the state and regional levels;
− Local authorities in Ukraine should have the same level of freedom in implement-
ing international projects and involving external co-financing as they do in Poland;
Polish experience of bank loans for international projects co-financing would have
been helpful;
− There is a lack of experience (will) of cross-border regions development as well as in
mutual planning of the cross-border activities by the central and local state authorities
of Ukraine;
− Low level of Ukrainian civil society actors involvement in cross-border cooperation
activities development, as well as private business sector actors – in sponsoring and
investment of cross-border events/projects;
− Defects in the legal system concerning cross-border cooperation aspects, sensible dif-
ference in legislative provisions between Polish and Ukrainian legislation – “central-
ized” approach of the Ukrainian side to the legislative provision, which causes fast
obsolescence of it, and “face-the-problem” approach of the Polish side. The officially
prescribed rights of the local authorities in Ukraine limit their opportunities to work
for their territories benefits;
− The Ukrainian partners of the cross-border cooperation projects within The Cross-
-border Cooperation Program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007–2013 suffer from be-
ing outside the euro-zone as well as from the insufficient system of monitoring and
project evaluation within the Program. Still, Ukrainian side badly needs introducing
of the cross-border statistics on its borders in order to become more transparent and
opened for the research and analysis.
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Streszczenie. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki szczegółowej analizy i oceny transgra-
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ne są euroregiony. Analiza obejmuje zarówno aspekty teoretyczne, kwestie fi nansowe
współpracy transgranicznej, jak i aspekty społeczno-ekonomiczne rozwoju badanego
terytorium. Celem autorów jest porównywanie zasad i tendencji rozwoju terytoriów
A. Parlińska, O. Zamora
Acta Sci. Pol.
w polsko-ukraińskich regionach transgranicznych w celu zapewnienia całościowej wizji
współpracy transgranicznej między Ukrainą i Polską w ramach Euroregionu Karpackiego
i Euroregionu Bug.
Słowa kluczowe: euroregiony, projekty współpracy transgranicznej, analiza społeczno-
-ekonomiczna, Polska, Ukraina
Accepted for print – Zaakceptowano do druku: 02.12.2013
Iwona Michalina Batyk
Impact of local border traffic with the Kaliningrad District
of the Russian Federation in scope and level marketing of goods and services .........5
Wpływ małego ruchu granicznego z obwodem kaliningradzkim
Federacji Rosyjskiej na zakres oraz poziom obrotu towarów i usług
Marcin Bągard
Women’s activity status and fertility in Poland ........................................................17
Aktywność zawodowa kobiet i dzietność w Polsce
Bazyli Czyżewski, Agnieszka Brelik
Public goods and intrinsic land productivity
– deliberations in the context of the paradigm of sustainable agriculture ................31
Dobra publiczne a samoistna produktywność ziemi
– rozważania wokół paradygmatu rolnictwa zrównoważonego
Andrea Čapkovičová
Contemporary thoughts on responsibilities devoted to economic
and social development between public and private sector ......................................41
Aktualne uwagi na temat odpowiedzialności za ekonomiczny
i społeczny rozwój obszarów wiejskich w podziale
na sektor prywatny i publiczny
Dominika Malchar-Michalska
Cooperation of tobacco producers’ groups and tobacco processors operating
in Poland: a study of contracts ..................................................................................57
Współpraca grup producentów tytoniu z przetwórcami tytoniowymi w Polsce.
Przykład kontraktowania
Lesia Kobryn
State and prospects of milk processing branch in Lviv Region of Ukraine .............71
Stan i perspektywy branży przetwórstwa mleka w regionie lwowskim Ukrainy
Agata Marcysiak, Adam Marcysiak
Impact of the economic size of farms on the range of support
from the European Union Common Agricultural Policy measures ..........................85
Wpływ wielkości ekonomicznej gospodarstwa na zakres wsparcia
środkami Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej Unii Europejskiej
Agnieszka Parlińska, Oksana Zamora
Comprehensive overview of the Polish-Ukrainian Cross-border Cooperation ........93
Kompleksowy przegląd polsko-ukraińskiej współpracy transgranicznej
Aneta Suchoń, Rafał Baum
Lease of agricultural land as an instrument of structural changes
in agriculture in the context of the theory of institutional economics ....................107
Dzierżawa gruntów rolnych jako instrument zmian strukturalnych
w rolnictwie w kontekście teorii ekonomii instytucjonalnej
Marek Tomaszewski
Chosen factors influencing coopetition in Western Poland
in the 2009–2011 period .........................................................................................123
Wybrane czynniki wpływające na koopetycję w zachodniej Polsce
w latach 2009–2011
Aldona Zawojska
The economic and social justifications for public spending to agriculture:
theoretical insights and empirical observations ......................................................133
Ekonomiczne i społeczne uzasadnienie wydatków publicznych na rolnictwo:
spostrzeżenia teoretyczne i obserwacje empiryczne
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Greń J., Kowalski Z., 1972. Statystyka matematyczna. PWN, Warszawa.
Turski W., 1972. Projektowanie oprogramowania systemów liczących. Mat. Konf. Projektowanie maszyn
i systemów cyfrowych. Warszawa 2–5 czerwca 1971. PWN, Warszawa, 132–139.
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