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Design and Construction of a Panic Button Alarm System for Security Emergencies

  • Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro


This paper presents the design and construction of a panic button alarm system for security emergencies which is used for real time monitoring of security emergencies such as theft, threat to life and property. The main objective of this project is to provide real time monitoring of different security emergency events and to provide location of distressed individuals through GPS mapping system using google map. This project is achieved using ArduinoUno microcontroller which acts as the brain of the system where all instructions are carried out, Wi-Fi module which gives Wi-Fi access to the microcontroller and the security control centre, GPS module which gives location of push button when triggered by an individual in a threatening situation. This design saves time to contact security in times of security emergencies and can be deployed in rural areas where access to security is limited.
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4, Issue 3, May - June 2018
ISSN: 2395-1303 Page 649
Design and Construction of A Panic Button Alarm System
for Security Emergencies
Awodeyi Afolabi I.1, Obomighie Moses2, Makinde Opeyemi S.3, Ben-Obaje Abraham A.4,
Abayomi-Zannu Temidayo P.5
1, 2, 4(Department of Electrical and Information Engineering Covenant University Ota Nigeria.)
3, 5 (Department of Computer and Information Science Covenant University Ota Nigeria.)
A well coordinated security system gives security
personnel timely alert for action to be taken to save
life and property from destruction. Security systems
should be built and placed at strategic locations
which should be connected to a central security
control centre where the location of a triggered push
button is displayed on a google map screen using
GPS monitoring system. The security system built
can be deployed in rural areas where we have less
security personnel. This system is utilized as a low-
cost security system which is installed in various
locations ranging from market places, stalls,
supermarkets, street corners. This paper presents a
panic button alarm system for security emergencies,
the system is basically made up of an ArduinoUno
microcontroller, a Wi-Fi module and a GPS module.
The system development, analysis and discussions
are also presented in this paper [1], [2], [3], [4].
The development of the system starts from the design
stage of the system where instructions are
programmed in a sequential manner. The system
starts from the ON state to the activation state to the
state where readings are taken from the GPS module
to the state where location is sent by the Arduino
through the Wi-Fi module. This is shown in a flow
chart in figure 1 below. The methodology is
summarized as follows:
Design of a panic button alarm system
Construction of the model
Prototype testing
This paper presents the design and construction of a panic button alarm system for security emergencies which is used
for real time monitoring of security emergencies such as theft, threat to life and property. The main objective of this project
is to provide real time monitoring of different security emergency events and to provide location of distressed individuals
through GPS mapping system using Google map. This project is achieved using ArduinoUno microcontroller which acts as
the brain of the system where all instructions are carried out, Wi-Fi module which gives Wi-Fi access to the microcontroller
and the security control centre, GPS module which gives location of push button when triggered by an individual in a
threatening situation. This design saves time to contact security in times of security emergencies and can be deployed in
rural areas where access to security is limited.
Keywords- WiFi Module, GPS, Google Maps, Arduino uno, Microcontroller, Alarm System, Panic Button.
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques
ISSN: 2395-1303
Fig. 1. System Flowchart
Panic button alarm system is a system designed for
security emergencies to give GPS locations in real
time to
distressed individuals in threatening
situations. This system basically comprises of an
ArduinoUno microcontroller, Wi-Fi
module, and a
GPS modul
e, and a push button which is the trigger
point. These components are analyzed
Arduino microcontroller
Arduino microcontroller is a microcontroller that
senses the physical environment
with the use of
sensors. The Arduino
microcontroller in this project
is used due to its easy interfacing
and less capital in
. It is designed to coordinate the activities of
the system such as sending GPS location of a
triggered push button to the interface
security c
ontrol centre which is displayed through
google map. The system was cons
tructed using a 9
volt battery. Figure 2
below shows the
Fig. 2 Arduino Uno
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques
Volume 4, Issue 3, May
Panic button alarm system is a system designed for
security emergencies to give GPS locations in real
distressed individuals in threatening
situations. This system basically comprises of an
module, and a
e, and a push button which is the trigger
below [5], [8],
Arduino microcontroller
Arduino microcontroller is a microcontroller that
with the use of
microcontroller in this project
and less capital in
. It is designed to coordinate the activities of
the system such as sending GPS location of a
triggered push button to the interface
at the central
ontrol centre which is displayed through
tructed using a 9
below shows the
II. Wi-Fi Module
The Wi-Fi
module used in this project is the
ESP8226 Wi-Fi
module. This module
wireless communication link which is
giving the microcontroller and security control centre
access to the Wi-Fi network. F
the diagram of the Wi-Fi
module [7]
Fig. 3 ESP8226 WiFi Module
III. GPS Module
The GPS module which stands for global positioning
system is a system module that gives the exact
positioning of the triggered push button. The GPS
module transmits location data to the
microcontroller, the
GPS location to the security
module. GPS Mo
dule is shown in figure 4 below [6],
Fig. 4 GPS Module
4. Result and Discussion
Physical Design
The designed prototype was construct
casing. This des
ign can be reproduced and fixed at
strategic locations. The figure
5 and 6
the prototype in its casing.
Volume 4, Issue 3, May
- June 2018
Page 650
module used in this project is the
module. This module
serves as the
wireless communication link which is
responsible for
giving the microcontroller and security control centre
3 below shows
module [7]
The GPS module which stands for global positioning
system is a system module that gives the exact
positioning of the triggered push button. The GPS
module transmits location data to the
then transmits the
through the Wi-Fi
dule is shown in figure 4 below [6],
The designed prototype was construct
ed in a plastic
ign can be reproduced and fixed at
5 and 6
below shows
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques
ISSN: 2395-1303
Fig. 5 Physical Design
Fig. 6 Physical Design
Fig. 7 Google Map software interface
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques
Volume 4, Issue 3, May
5. Software interface
The display software interface used in this project is
google map because of its extensive
The GPS location is shown immediately on the
security centre interface when the
activated. Figure 7
below shows the interface
Volume 4, Issue 3, May
- June 2018
Page 651
The display software interface used in this project is
google map because of its extensive
mapping system.
The GPS location is shown immediately on the
security centre interface when the
push button is
below shows the interface
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4, Issue 3, May - June 2018
ISSN: 2395-1303 Page 652
This prototype was constructed and worked well. The
system was powered to an ON state and the push
button was triggered. The location of the triggered
push button was displayed on the laptop screen which
acted as our control centre. This paper solves the
problem of delay in contacting security when there
are security emergencies. The GPS module sends
location of the triggered push button while the WiFi
module acts as a wireless communication link.
[1] Huang Huang, Shide Xiao, Xiangyin Meng, Ying
Xiong (April 24 - 25, 2010) “A remote home security
system based on wireless sensor network and GSM
technology”. Published in the Proceeding NSWCTC
’10 Proceedings of proceedings of the 2010 Second
International Conference on Networks Security,
Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing
Volume 01 Pages 535-538. ISBN: 978-0-7695-4011-
5 doi:10.1109/NSWCTC.2010.132
[2] J.D. Jara, L. Caldas-Calle, E. Barbecho, J. Bravo-
Torres, J.P. Bermeo, P. Gallegos (July 2017)
“Development and Design of the Panic Button
System for Community Security in Rural Areas of
Pucará-Ecuador” Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical
& Control Systems. Special Issue
[3] Choudhury B., Choudhury T. S, Pramanik A, Arif
W, Mehedi J, “Design and implementation of an
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International Conference on Electrical, Computer and
Communication Technologies (ICECCT ), pp. 1-7,
[4] Nidhi Sharma, Indra Thanaya “Home Security
System Based on Sensors and IoT International
Journal of Innovative Research in Science,
Engineering and Technology. ISSN(Online): 2319-
8753 Vol. 5, Issue 6, June 2016
[5] AwodeleOludele, Ogunnusi Ayodele, Omole
Oladele, Seton Olurotimi. “Design of an Automated
Intrusion Detection System incorporating an Alarm”
Journal of Computing, Volume 1, Issue 1, December
2009, ISSN: 2151-9617.,
[6] Shaik abdulmubeena, Imthiazunnisa begum. “The
Design of the Scene of the Accident Alarm System
Based on ARM and GPS” International Journal of
Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) -
Volume4 Issue7- July 2013. ISSN: 2231-5381
[7] Huang, H., Xiao, S., Meng, X., and Xiong, Y., “A
remote home security system based on wireless
sensor network and GSM technology”, Second
International Conference on Networks Security
Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing
(NSWCTC), Vol. 1, pp. 535- 538, 2010.
[8]J. Maleki, E. Foroutan., “The Design Of
Intelligent Auto Accident Alarm System”
Department of Surveying Engineering, College of
Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
[9] Pan Yi, Liu Huafu, Feng Lu, Zhang Zhuxian,
Huang Feijiang, Cai Chenglin., “A GPS/GSM Based
Vehicle Monitoring and Anti-Theft System”
International Journal of Smart Home Vol. 10,
[10] BaburaoKodavati, V.K.Raju, S.Srinivasa Rao,
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9622 Vol. 1, Issue 3, pp.616-625
... Sistem darurat panic button sendiri sudah pernah didesain dan dibuat dengan menggunakan modul Wi-Fi, GPS dan arduino sebagai pengontrolnya [7]. Namun menurut penulis kehandalan sistem masih perlu ditingkatkan jika ingin digunakan pada skala besar. ...
Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi terus berkembang secara pesat seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan kebutuhan manusia. Smart Home merupakan salah satu yang berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi IoT. Salah satu fitur yang diusung dalam Smart Home adalah sistem keamanan. Sistem darurat, panic button, merupakan sistem keamanan yang pada dasarnya berfungsi untuk meminta bantuan atau pertolongan kepada keamanan lingkungan yang jaraknya mungkin jauh tanpa harus menelpon atau berteriak minta tolong seperti lazimnya orang meminta pertolongan. Sistem atau tombol darurat (panic button) yang diimplementasikan pada cluster sebuah perumahan di Batam, dibangun menggunakan smart relay yang dikendalikan dengan sebuah automation server dan protokol Modbus TCP. Setelah dilakukan instalasi, dilakukan pengujian sistem secara keseluruhan. Pengujian terbagi dalam tiga tahap, yaitu pengujian pada rumah (end user), cluster guard house, dan main control room. Berdasarkan hasil uji fungsi dan hasil pengambilan data, sistem darurat dapat bekerja dengan baik. Sesuai dengan standar TIPHON, nilai delay dari sistem masuk dalam kategori “Best”, dan untuk nilai packet loss masuk dalam kategori “Perfect”. Kedepannya sistem ini masih dapat dikembangkan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT), dimana informasi aktifnya panic button dapat diakses atau diterima oleh anggota keluarga lain yang sedang tidak berada di rumah.
... The system is an Ethernet network based and multiple alarm station based setup where a command (technically master) station is installed in security control room and sentry (technically slave) stations are installed in places like security posts, watch towers, bunkers, entry/exit gates, patrol paths etc. In case of any suspicious activity noticed by any security personnel or in case of any imminent danger, the security personnel pushes an ALARM press button [1] in the nearby sentry station and the master station is notified immediately with the station location along with audiovisual indication. However, this is a common practice with most of the alarm system and we are all aware of its function. ...
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In the world of today Security has become an element of prime importance. From banks to shopping centers, from dockyards to scientific laboratories, from schools to religious places, it is very important to maintain security. Real world threats of all kind are constantly in look out to gain access to places of prime importance to carry out their nefarious purpose. Different threats with different agenda viz. saboteurs, rioters, thieves, terrorists, mob etc. are becoming news events all over the world. But we do have a shield called security. Radiation and Nuclear facilities are of prime importance for 24x7 protections. Let it be guards, patrol parties, quick reaction forces or sentries, they do need a machine supported system to stand by with them in case of need. One of the most required systems is the Secure Distress Alarm System that has to be a rugged, foolproof, always available and fail proof. One such system has been developed and discussed in this paper.
... Awodeyi [8] designed a panic button alarm system for security emergencies such as theft, threat to life and property. The panic button was connected to an Arduino, a GPS module and a Wi-Fi module. ...
Conference Paper
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This paper aims at assisting the hearing impaired by providing innovative solutions to the numerous challenges experienced by them. These can be someone at the door, someone forcibly entering into the house or an alarm going off. Since about 5 percent of the world population experience hearing loss, it is critical to develop a home security system dedicated to them. The proposed device provides solutions to all problems the hearing impaired encounter. Home security is made accessible to the Deaf and hearing impaired by including features that are essential and distinct to them. Hence, it can immensely improve the quality of life of the hearing impaired. The system provides surveillance using the Raspberry Pi which can be monitored from an Android application. A knock at the door, a doorbell press, smoke, gas, fire, Carbon Monoxide(CO) and water levels are monitored using the vibration, button, MQ2, MQ6, Flame, MQ7 and water level sensors, following which an alert is sent in case of unfavorable situations. The system also checks constantly for intruders using an ultrasonic sensor and an alert is sent in case of the same. In addition to this, a panic button that sends an SMS is provided to assist the user in case of an emergency. The proposed system can overcome the shortcomings of previous systems by providing unique and efficient solutions to the prevalent and severe issues faced by the hearing impaired.
... Sementara itu beberapa penelitian lain juga menghasilkan sistem serupa seperti diantaranya aplikasi tombol darurat yang diimplementasikan pada kepolisian [9] serta pengembangan aplikasi tombol darurat yang dipasang pada tempat-tempat keramaian yang terintegrasi pada pos keamanan pusat [10]. ...
Environmental safety is a shared responsibility between the community and the officers who are specially authorized to secure an area. For this reason, the role of the community in informing actions that interfere with safety is important. This study aims to develop a prototype of an environmental safety system using an emergency button application to inform certain safety conditions. This research is developed by conducting a Research and Development model through requirement analysis, system design, implementation, and functional testing. This prototype offers a basic function of the security system at a residence, such as a button for hazard emergency, stranger alert, notification when out of town, and needing assistance. This prototype is connected to the account of each resident with the security officer at the post guard. This prototype has been tested and works well as expected. Keywords: emergency button; security; residence; Abstrak: Keamanan lingkungan merupakan tanggung jawab bersama antara masyarakat dan petugas yang diberi wewenang secara khusus menjaga keamanan sebuah wilayah. Untuk itu, peranan masyarakat dalam menginformasikan tindakan-tindakan yang mengganggu keselamatan menjadi penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan prototipe sistem keamanan lingkungan menggunakan aplikasi tombol darurat bagi masyarakat untuk menginformasikan kondisi keamanan tertentu. Penelitian ini dikembangkan dengan pendekatan model Research and Development dengan melakukan analisis kebutuhan selanjutnya dirancang dan diimplementasikan dalam bentuk situs web yang selanjutnya diuji coba fungsionalitasnya. Fungsi yang ditawarkan dalam model ini meliputi tombol darurat bahaya, waspada orang asing, keluar kota dan bantuan. Sistem terhubung pada akun masing-masing warga dengan petugas keamanan di pos keamanan. Prototipe telah diuji fungsionalitasnya dan bekerja baik sesuai dengan fungsinya. Kata kunci: keamanan; perumahan; tombol darurat
... After the customer finishes the shopping he use to press the completion of shopping button which is incorporated in the Smart Cart then the total number of products he had placed in the cart and amount of final shopping list will be displayed in the screen. The total list of the Smart Cart with the unique code transmitted to the main PC with help of Wi-Fi module which is placed in the SC [14,15].  Capacitors: The capacitor is a component which has the ability or "capacity" to store energy in the form of an electrical charge producing a potential difference (Static Voltage) across its plates, much like a small rechargeable battery. ...
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Nowadays, supermarkets are almost developed with much technological advancement. People purchase different items from the supermarkets and put them into a trolley because it is the easiest method used in supermarkets to carry goods. However, throughout the whole process of shopping, customer must push the trolley manually by their own effort and when it comes to the billing process customers must wait in long queues to pay their bills. This is a time wasting process due to the busy schedule of people. To avoid these problems the research groups have introduced an effective and highly advance system. To swamp these problems, Shopping malls use this technique as a strategy to increase the number of purchasers. In big cities, we can observe an enormous flash at shopping malls on weekends. This becomes even more when there is diversity of offers and discount. The prevailing billing system is a bit time consuming. So, we thought of inventing a remedial electronic product to catch-up with this problem. We call it “Human Guided Smart Cart for billing system”.
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This paper describes the design of a multi-band antenna with a dipole-like radiation pattern with circular polarization inspired by the Möbius strip. The results obtained can be applied further in telecommunication technologies, for example, in the development of satellite multiple access systems with frequency division of channels.
The implementation of a Location Service for Emergency Medical Services system (LS4EMSs) is the goal of this study. by integration of pgRouting algorithm, Web Map Application, and Geo-IoT devices. The study is divided into 2 parts: (1) design of a security emergency incident location alarm system that can be used to track security emergencies in real time using Geo-IoT and (2) development of Emergency Routing Service (ERS) system based on web map application. NodeMCU ESP8266 and U-blox Neo-6 m GPS module were used for implementing Geo-IoT which can connect to Wi-Fi and give information including the location of the push button triggered by an individual in an emergency. ERS can determine the best route to take from the hospital or closest ambulance to the location where the Geo-IoT device is located. Free and Open-Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) stack was used in the system’s development, since it is easily adaptable to cover different purposes, including fire, flood, or other transport movements. The Integration of Geo-IoT and Web Routing Service for LS4EMSs improves utility as it is a near real-time ERS system.
This paper presents the development of an electronic weighing indicator for digital measurement. The objectives of the system were to read weight measured in the conventional analog form to digital form, achieve high precision in measurement and calibration. This components used for this research are Load Cell, Hx711 Load Cell amplifier, Arduino Uno Microcontroller, and an LCD module. In this research, a 40kg load cell is used. The load cell sends output signals of the mechanical weights measured to the Hx711 module which amplifies and sends the output to the Arduino microcontroller. The microcontroller calibrates the output signal with the aid of the load cell amplifier module before sending the signal which is already converted to digital form to the LCD module for display. The system developed has proved that a digital electronic weig
Conference Paper
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It has been observed that Supermarkets witness long queues during the peak of shopping period. These long queues have resulted in the loss of time both for the shoppers and the mall attendants. Hence, the goal of this paper is to design and develop an Intelligent Smart Shopping Cart with the sole objectives of minimizing shopping time and to maximize shopping experience in a supermarket. This paper presents an Intelligent Smart Shopping Cart System where the total amount the shopper wants to spend is imputed into the mini system embedded in the smart shopping cart. Each product picked has an RFID tag which has an assigned price. When the products dropped in the smart shopping cart reaches the maximum input amount or exceeds the maximum input amount, the red visual indicator starts to blink and the buzzer beeps to notify the shoppers of exceeding the price limit while shopping. The green visual indicator also blinks when a shopper shops below the imputed amount. If any product is removed from the smart shopping cart, the amount is deducted from the developed mini system embedded in the smart shopping cart and the buzzer also beeps to notify the Shopper of the deduction. The components used for this research are RFID Tag, RFID Reader, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), Push buttons/Switch, Reset button, Visual Indicator, Wi-Fi module, and a PIC microcontroller.
Conference Paper
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The project presents a versatile security and alarm system which can be used by individuals, corporations and establishments which require a cheap but reliable security system. The idea behind this project is to provide its users with a simple, fast and reliable way to get help during emergency situations. The device can be placed at any remote location which can be easily accessed by the user. It uses a microcontroller for system control, GSM technology for communication and sends SMS containing the emergency message and the GPS location of the sender. The project consists of an 8-bit microcontroller ATmega16, GSM SIM900A module and two Android applications for user interface with the hardware. One of the application configures the device. On pressing the panic button, the emergency contact receives the emergency message along with the GPS location of the sender. The device has been made for less than 1300INR and it can be used anywhere irrespective of the place of deployment provided mobile network connectivity is available.
Rural areas, with difficult topography, do not allow easy entry and development of security systems in their localities. Emergency Care and Safety institutions such as: Police, Fire Department and Red Cross need stable and reliable safety equipment to optimize their response time to emergency events. The alarm system proposed in this essay is a panic button system that preforms real-time monitoring for emergency events. The Security system uses the Raspberry Pi Zero to send remotely, to Security Services ECU 911 system, an alert when one of the panic buttons is pressed by VPN. The advantage of this alarm system is its low cost, allowing its access to poor people, and its stability for emergency events. © 2017, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All rights reserved.
Aiming at the requirement of remote monitoring and anti-theft system, a GPS/GSM based mobile phone remote vehicle monitoring and anti-theft system is developed. The system design contains two parts: hardware part and software part. On the hardware design, the STC89C52 chip is chosen as the main control chip, the u-blox NEO-6M chip is used as the vehicle position information module, and the GTIM900-B chip is adopted as the short message sending module. On the software design of the system, a single-chip microcomputer program, an analog serial port program, a GPS information processing program and a GSM short message sending program are implemented. In addition, the system has developed algorithms, including map displaying algorithm, speech alarming algorithm and short message trapping algorithm. When an abnormal moving distance exceeds 100 meters, the current vehicle position will be identified and displayed on the APP map of the mobile phone in real time for the vehicle owner, and the system will warning the owner that the vehicle has moved by speech alarming. The system is the low-cost, and can be applied extensively on the remote monitoring of personal vehicle and the remote trapping and location of the outside moving subject.
In this paper, a low-power consumption remote home security alarm system developed by applying WSN and GSM technology is presented. It can detect the theft, leaking of raw gas and fire, and send alarm message remotely. The hardware of this system includes the single chip C5081F310, wireless receiving and sending chip CC1100 as well as the SIMENS TC35 GSM module. The system software developed in C51 language has the ability of collecting, wireless receiving and sending data, and can send a piece of alarm short message to the user’s mobile phone when some dangerous condition has been detected.
Home Security System Based on Sensors and IoT
  • Nidhi Sharma
  • Indra Thanaya
Nidhi Sharma, Indra Thanaya "Home Security System Based on Sensors and IoT" International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. ISSN(Online): 2319-8753 Vol. 5, Issue 6, June 2016
Design of an Automated Intrusion Detection System incorporating an Alarm
  • Ogunnusi Awodeleoludele
  • Omole Ayodele
  • Seton Oladele
  • Olurotimi
AwodeleOludele, Ogunnusi Ayodele, Omole Oladele, Seton Olurotimi. "Design of an Automated Intrusion Detection System incorporating an Alarm" Journal of Computing, Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2009, ISSN: 2151-9617.,
The Design of the Scene of the Accident Alarm System Based on ARM and GPS
  • Imthiazunnisa Shaik Abdulmubeena
  • Begum
Shaik abdulmubeena, Imthiazunnisa begum. "The Design of the Scene of the Accident Alarm System Based on ARM and GPS" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) -Volume4 Issue7-July 2013. ISSN: 2231-5381
A remote home security system based on wireless sensor network and GSM technology
  • H Huang
  • S Xiao
  • X Meng
  • Y Xiong
Huang, H., Xiao, S., Meng, X., and Xiong, Y., "A remote home security system based on wireless sensor network and GSM technology", Second International Conference on Networks Security Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC), Vol. 1, pp. 535-538, 2010.
The Design Of Intelligent Auto Accident Alarm System
  • J Maleki
  • E Foroutan
J. Maleki, E. Foroutan., "The Design Of Intelligent Auto Accident Alarm System" Department of Surveying Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.