Conference Paper

Spanish achievements and initiatives towards geoconservation: 2018 update

  • Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve Service. Basque government
  • Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME - CSIC)
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During the last 8 years since the update that we provided at ProGEO’s 6th Inter national Symposium in 2010, there have been significant advances towards geoconservation in Spain. We herein summarize the main achievements, initiatives underway, and the needs and perspectives for the future, again hoping to contribute towards the common goals of ProGEO at national and international levels. The members of the Commission on Geological Heritage of the Geological Society of Spain (CPG-SGE) keep active working on geoconservation in Spain from their universities, research centers, government organizations and NGOs. We are grateful to their enthusiasm and support, and count on them for the future, because much still remains to be done.

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