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The Creativity and Emergent Educational-futures (CEEN) Network brings together a group of people with overlapping and intersecting philosophical orientations, ideologies and values that challenge the status quo on education. Despite the diversity within CEEN, we all do research that, in various ways, argues for the centrality of difference and emergence in our practices of thinking, being and doing. We have termed this ‘pluri-logical’ because it challenges dominant linear, ‘mono-logical’ understandings, which are conducted exclusively within one point of view or frame of reference. In this half-day symposium we wish to pursue this idea with colleagues and students to unpack and interrogate the notion of plurilogicality in a range of different educational contexts, both within and outside the university context. Click here to view the programme and register:
The Creativity and Emergent Educational-futures Network (CEEN) hosted a symposium
titled, “Exploring Plurilogicality” on 20 July 2018. The symposium brought together a group
of people with overlapping and intersecting philosophical orientations, ideologies and values
that challenge the status quo on education and argue for the centrality of difference and
emergence in practices of thinking, being and doing. The day opened with a reception, during
which the delegates had a chance to network over lunch. The seminar was opened by Kerry
Chappell, followed by a panel discussion chaired by Deborah Osberg. The panel members,
Maryam Almohammad, Manal Sabbah and Sharon Witt each shared their own understanding
and interpretation of the concept of plurilogicality and its applications. Parallel workshops
were conducted to further explore the concept of plurilogicality from different angles.
plurilogicality & creative education: embodied making and becoming in a posthuman
world (about movement). Kerry Chappell and Heather Wren.
plurilogical relationality: co-constructing through “being-with” non-human and
human others (about decolonisation). Fran Martin, Sarah Chave and Manal Sabbah.
plurilogicality and the language of Islamic geometric home design: reassembling
tessellations and encoding the hidden mystery of human and non-human unification
(about symbolism and ontology). Maryam Almohammad, Reem Safour and Jane
plurilogical anticipation: overcoming normative ethics through symbiotic play (about
responsibility). Deborah Osberg, Chris Turner and Chryssa Sgouridou.
These workshops were followed by a plenary discussion led by Kerry Chappell, who
summarised the ideas discussed during the day, invited the delegates to reflect on those ideas
in groups and to share their reflections with the whole group. The symposium ended with a
closing reception during which the delegates had additional opportunities for networking.
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