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Illuminating gillnets to save seabirds and the potential for multi-taxa bycatch mitigation

The Royal Society
Royal Society Open Science

Abstract and Figures

Bycatch in net fisheries is recognized as a major source of mortality for many marine species, including seabirds. Few mitigation solutions, however, have been identified. We assessed the effectiveness of illuminating fishing nets with green light emitting diodes (LEDs) to reduce the incidental capture of seabirds. Experiments were conducted in the demersal, set gillnet fishery of Constante, Peru and compared 114 pairs of control and illuminated nets. We observed captures of a total of 45 guanay cormorants (Phalacrocorax bougainvillii), with 39 caught in control nets and six caught in illuminated nets. Seabird bycatch in terms of catch-per-unit-effort was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in control nets than in illuminated nets, representing an 85.1% decline in the cormorant bycatch rate. This study, showing that net illumination reduces seabird bycatch and previous studies showing reductions in sea turtle bycatch without reducing target catch, indicates that net illumination can be an effective multi-taxa bycatch mitigation technique. This finding has broad implications for bycatch mitigation in net fisheries given LED technology’s relatively low cost, the global ubiquity of net fisheries and the current paucity of bycatch mitigation solutions.
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Cite this article: Mangel JC, Wang J, Alfaro-
Shigueto J, Pingo S, Jimenez A, Carvalho F,
Swimmer Y, Godley BJ. 2018 Illuminating
gillnets to save seabirds and the potential for
multi-taxa bycatch mitigation. R. Soc. open sci.
5: 180254.
Received: 8 February 2018
Accepted: 4 June 2018
Subject Category:
Biology (whole organism)
Subject Areas:
seabirds, bycatch, gillnets, vision,
small-scale sheries
Author for correspondence:
Jerey C. Mangel
e-mail: je
Electronic supplementary material is available
online at
Illuminating gillnets to save
seabirds and the potential
for multi-taxa bycatch
Jerey C. Mangel1,2, John Wang3, Joanna Alfaro-
Shigueto1,2,4, Sergio Pingo1, Astrid Jimenez1, Felipe
Carvalho3, Yonat Swimmer3and Brendan J. Godley2
1ProDelphinus, Jose Galvez 780-E, Miraores,Lima 18, Peru
2Centre for Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter, Penryn, Cornwall TR10
3NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Pacic Islands Fisheries Science Center,
Honolulu, HI 96818, USA
4Facultad de Biologia Marina, Universidad Cientica del Sur, Panamericana Sur Km 19,
Villa, Lima, Peru
JCM, 0000-0002-9371-8606
Bycatch in net fisheries is recognized as a major source
of mortality for many marine species, including seabirds.
Few mitigation solutions, however, have been identified. We
assessed the effectiveness of illuminating fishing nets with
green light emitting diodes (LEDs) to reduce the incidental
capture of seabirds. Experiments were conducted in the
demersal, set gillnet fishery of Constante, Peru and compared
114 pairs of control and illuminated nets. We observed captures
of a total of 45 guanay cormorants (Phalacrocorax bougainvillii),
with 39 caught in control nets and six caught in illuminated
nets. Seabird bycatch in terms of catch-per-unit-effort was
significantly (p<0.05) higher in control nets than in illuminated
nets, representing an 85.1% decline in the cormorant bycatch
rate. This study, showing that net illumination reduces seabird
bycatch and previous studies showing reductions in sea turtle
bycatch without reducing target catch, indicates that net
illumination can be an effective multi-taxa bycatch mitigation
technique. This finding has broad implications for bycatch
mitigation in net fisheries given LED technology’s relatively
low cost, the global ubiquity of net fisheries and the current
paucity of bycatch mitigation solutions.
1. Introduction
Gillnet bycatch is a major source of mortality in many
species of seabirds, sea turtles, and marine mammals, many
2018 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, provided the original author and source are credited.
2 R. Soc. open sci. 5: 180254
of which have declining populations [13]. Zydelis et al.[4], for example, estimated that seabird bycatch
in gillnet fisheries likely exceeds 400 000 birds annually. Despite this threat, few mitigation solutions for
seabird bycatch have been identified, let alone implemented on a large scale.
One approach to bycatch mitigation solutions is to use sensory cues to evoke behavioural changes in
animals that reduce their vulnerability to fishing gear [5,6]. Such approaches have been discussed with
regard to incidental captures of sea turtles [5] and elasmobranchs [7]. In addition, a recent assessment of
seabird bycatch from a sensory biology perspective highlighted the importance of visual cues to seabirds
and their potential use in reducing bycatch [6]. While solutions to seabird bycatch in net fisheries have
been elusive, Melvin et al.[8] showed that the entanglement of mures and auklets in salmon drift gillnet
fisheries decreased when high-visibility net mesh were used. Similarly, Trippel et al.[9] found that nylon
barium sulfate gillnets reduced bycatch of both porpoises and seabirds and posited that the decline in
seabird interactions was a result of increased net visibility.
A simple strategy of placing light emitting diodes (LEDs) on nets to create a visual alert has been
shown to reduce the bycatch of sea turtles while not impacting target catch [1012]. Such a visual cue may
also be useful in mitigating seabird bycatch. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness
of this net illumination strategy to reduce the bycatch of seabirds in a demersal set gillnet fishery in
coastal Peru.
2. Material and methods
Fishing trials were conducted from January 2011 to July 2013 in Sechura Bay, northern Peru. Volunteer
fishers and their small-scale demersal set gillnet fishing vessels from the port of Constante accompanied
by an onboard observer were used in the experiments. The primary target species were flounders
(Paralichtys spp.), guitarfish (Rhinobatos planiceps) and rays (superorder Batoidea). Each fishing trial
consisted of a pair of bottom set gillnets each approximately 600 m in length, composed of 24 cm stretched
diagonal mesh and made of multifilament nylon. The gillnet pairs consisted of two net types: a non-
illuminated control net set at a minimum of 200 m from an illuminated net that had green LEDs placed
every 10 m along the float line. Nets were deployed in the late afternoon and retrieved the following
morning. For each gillnet, onboard observers monitored the fishing operation, gear characteristics as well
as counts of target catch and bycatch. Additional details of the experimental design are provided in Ortiz
et al.[11], which focused on net illumination effects on target catch and sea turtle bycatch in the same
fishing sets described here. We calculated seabird catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) for each net as the number
of individual seabirds captured/([net length/1000 m] ×[net soak time/24 h]). As in Wang et al.[12],
we compared seabird CPUE between the control and illuminated nets using a Wilcoxon matched-pairs
signed-rank test (GraphPad PRISM).
3. Results
We deployed 114 paired nets and observed the bycatch of 45 guanay cormorants (Phalacrocorax
bougainvillii), with 39 caught in control nets and six caught in illuminated nets (table 1). Four Peruvian
boobies (Sula variegata) were also caught in the illuminated net but were not included in the analysis
due to the small sample size. Cormorant bycatch CPUE was significantly (p<0.05) higher in control nets
(0.97 ±0.41 s.e.) than in illuminated nets (0.15 ±0.06 s.e.), representing an 85.1% decline in the cormorant
catch rate (figure 1). All 45 cormorants were recovered dead. As detailed in Ortiz et al.[11], the predicted
mean CPUE of the target catch of guitarfish, rays and flounders in these same illuminated sets was
unchanged compared to the control nets.
4. Discussion
In the previous study of this active small-scale fishery, we showed that net illumination reduced green
turtle (Chelonia mydas) bycatch by 63.9% and had no impact on catch rates of the three target species of
flounder, guitarfish, rays and flounders [11]. For this study, we show that net illumination also reduced
the bycatch of cormorants by 85.1% in these same fishing sets (table 1 and figure 1).
The potential application of net illumination at reducing bycatch of multiple taxa (i.e. seabirds and
sea turtles) in net fisheries is promising for several reasons. First, in many cases, bycatch of these taxa co-
occurs [4]. Second, identification of one bycatch mitigation technology that addresses multiple taxa could
help encourage and streamline adoption and reduce implementation costs (i.e. as opposed to having to
3 R. Soc. open sci. 5: 180254
control net illuminated net
Figure 1. Comparison of the CPUE (no. caught per 1000 m ×24 h) of guanay cormorants between control and illuminated nets showing
an 85.1% decline in illuminated nets. Error bars represent s.e. Pictured are an entangled guanay cormorant and an LED attached to a
Table 1. Summary of total shing eort and guanay cormorant bycatch by net type (control and illuminated) for paired gillnet sets
in Sechura Bay, Peru.
net type sets total eort (km ×24 h) guanay cormorant bycatch
control 114 48.96 39
illuminated 114 47.71 6
implement several taxa-specific mitigation measures). Third, the global ubiquity of net fisheries means
that there is potential for large conservation gains if net illumination proves similarly successful in other
regions or fisheries. This is particularly true regarding small-scale fisheries, for which the identification
of relatively low-cost, easy to implement solutions that do not impact target catch may be especially
important towards promoting implementation.
While several studies show the effectiveness of net illumination in reducing sea turtle interactions
with gillnets [1012], this is the first to show that net illumination also reduces seabird bycatch. As
with sea turtles, the specific mechanism by which net illumination reduced seabird interactions is
unclear. In this study, seabird bycatch was composed primarily of guanay cormorants which forage
by pursuit underwater [13]. Net illumination could simply have increased the visual signature of the
gillnets and allowed the seabirds to better avoid becoming entangled [6,8,9]. Tests of net illumination
in fisheries with other seabird assemblages (e.g. penguins and procellariformes), or that use different
foraging strategies could help explain the specific mechanism of this bycatch reduction while also
determining if net illumination could be broadly effective at reducing seabird bycatch [14]. Seabird
species at high risk globally from bycatch in net fisheries include ducks, loons and auks, all of which
dive while foraging [4,6]. Additional tests of net illumination in fishing areas with plunge diving species
would be particularly useful given the observed bycatch in this study of four Peruvian boobies in the
illuminated nets.
Development of net illumination as a bycatch reduction technology should continue to focus on other
bycatch taxa such as elasmobranches and marine mammals. In addition, differences in the behavioural
response of fish species may lead to beneficial changes in target catch rates. If so, it may be possible
to match specific wavelengths of net illumination to the specific conservation needs of a particular
fishery. Other research directions could include assessments of LED intensities, wavelengths and spacing
along the net, as well as comparisons with other bycatch reduction techniques, including those that use
other sensory strategies (e.g. high-visibility net panels, acoustic alarms) [6,15]. Tests under true fishery
conditions could be particularly important in assessing net illumination’s effectiveness and encouraging
its uptake by fishers.
4 R. Soc. open sci. 5: 180254
Here, we have described a technology that has been shown to reduce bycatch of two marine taxa
of global conservation concern [11], and to do so with no impact on the fishery’s target catch rate [11].
These findings alone are encouraging. In addition, these results are with fisheries that are massive in scale
and extent, and employs a technology that could potentially become cost-effective even in small-scale
fisheries [11], increasing the urgency for further testing leading to broader implementation. Ultimately,
such technologies could help increase opportunities for fisheries to be sustainable for both target and
bycatch species.
Ethics. All necessary permits and permissions were obtained to carry out this research.
Data accessibility. The dataset supporting this article has been uploaded as electronic supplementary material.
Authors’ contributions. J.C.M., J.W., B.J.G. and J.A.S. designed the study. S.P. and A.J. performed the study. J.C.M., J.W. and
F.C. performed the statistical analysis. All authors interpreted data and contributed to writing the manuscript and
gave final approval for publication.
Competing interests. We declare we have no competing interests.
Funding. This work was supported by the DEFRA Darwin Initiative, the NOAA Fisheries Service and the National Fish
and Wildlife Foundation.
Acknowledgements. We thank the entire ProDelphinus team that participated in data collection. We also thank the
fishermen and their families at Constante, Piura, Peru, for their support on every fishing trip.
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... The measures most commonly used in the case of seabirds are those of visual mitigation and include techniques such as LEDs (Mangel et al., 2018;Field et al., 2019;Bielli et al., 2020), high contrast panels (Field et al., 2019;Oliveira et al., 2021), buoys with looming eyes (Rouxel et al., 2021), night setting (Cort es & Gonz alez-Sol ıs, 2018) and tori lines (Cort es & Gonz alez-Sol ıs, 2018; Gilman et al., 2021) (Fig. 3c). ...
... The implementation of 500 nm LEDs was positive as regards reducing the by-catch of 4 species (n = 46), with a reduction of 84% , while green LEDs led to a reduction of 85.1% (Mangel et al., 2018). However, in the study carried out by Field et al. (2019), the efficacy of two types of 500 nm LEDs (constant green lights and flashing white LED lights) achieved a reduction of only 32.6% (n = 43), although the use of high contrast panels reduced the by-catch of species by 50.8% (n = 65). ...
... The use of LED lights as a mitigation measure has been tested for all four groups (sea turtles, marine mammals, seabirds and elasmobranchs), with an uncertain effect on elasmobranchs (Mangel et al., 2018). However, in a Mexican gillnet fishery, there was a reduction in the elasmobranch by-catch of 95% (Senko et al., 2022). ...
Full-text available
The fishing gear deployed by fishermen in seas and oceans throughout the world not only captures target species but also unintentionally ensnares non-target species, a phenomenon known as 'by-catch'. This unintended capture of marine life can represent significant challenges for the fishing industry, with adverse impacts on both the environment and species such as sea turtles, marine mammals, seabirds and elasmobranchs, which may be injured or even killed. To address this problem, the fishing industry has implemented regulations and mitigation measures. In this literature review, we have examined 389 papers published between 2010 and 2022 that assess the effectiveness of these measures. Taking into account the fishing gear with which each group interacts the most, trawls for sea turtles, gillnets for marine mammals and longlines for seabirds and elasmobranchs, it has been demonstrated that 'TEDs' (Turtle Excluder Devices) are an effective measure for sea turtles, 'pingers' for marine mammals and 'BSLs' (Bird Scaring Lines), more commonly known as 'tori lines', for seabirds. The most complex case is that of elasmo-branchs, and the most effective measure has yet to be discovered. This complexity arises from the ongoing targeted fishing of these species, resulting in less monitoring of their catches and, therefore, fewer surveys. Overall, we encourage the global implementation of these measures by the fishing industry in order to reduce by-catch in an attempt to ensure the future of many endangered species.
... The measures most commonly used in the case of seabirds are those of visual mitigation and include techniques such as LEDs (Mangel et al., 2018;Field et al., 2019;Bielli et al., 2020), high contrast panels (Field et al., 2019;Oliveira et al., 2021), buoys with looming eyes (Rouxel et al., 2021), night setting (Cort es & Gonz alez-Sol ıs, 2018) and tori lines (Cort es & Gonz alez-Sol ıs, 2018; Gilman et al., 2021) (Fig. 3c). ...
... The implementation of 500 nm LEDs was positive as regards reducing the by-catch of 4 species (n = 46), with a reduction of 84% , while green LEDs led to a reduction of 85.1% (Mangel et al., 2018). However, in the study carried out by Field et al. (2019), the efficacy of two types of 500 nm LEDs (constant green lights and flashing white LED lights) achieved a reduction of only 32.6% (n = 43), although the use of high contrast panels reduced the by-catch of species by 50.8% (n = 65). ...
... The use of LED lights as a mitigation measure has been tested for all four groups (sea turtles, marine mammals, seabirds and elasmobranchs), with an uncertain effect on elasmobranchs (Mangel et al., 2018). However, in a Mexican gillnet fishery, there was a reduction in the elasmobranch by-catch of 95% (Senko et al., 2022). ...
Full-text available
The fishing gear deployed by fishermen in seas and oceans throughout the world not only captures target species but also unintentionally ensnares non‐target species, a phenomenon known as ‘by‐catch’. This unintended capture of marine life can represent significant challenges for the fishing industry, with adverse impacts on both the environment and species such as sea turtles, marine mammals, seabirds and elasmobranchs, which may be injured or even killed. To address this problem, the fishing industry has implemented regulations and mitigation measures. In this literature review, we have examined 389 papers published between 2010 and 2022 that assess the effectiveness of these measures. Taking into account the fishing gear with which each group interacts the most, trawls for sea turtles, gillnets for marine mammals and longlines for seabirds and elasmobranchs, it has been demonstrated that ‘TEDs’ (Turtle Excluder Devices) are an effective measure for sea turtles, ‘pingers’ for marine mammals and ‘BSLs’ (Bird Scaring Lines), more commonly known as ‘tori lines’, for seabirds. The most complex case is that of elasmobranchs, and the most effective measure has yet to be discovered. This complexity arises from the ongoing targeted fishing of these species, resulting in less monitoring of their catches and, therefore, fewer surveys. Overall, we encourage the global implementation of these measures by the fishing industry in order to reduce by‐catch in an attempt to ensure the future of many endangered species.
... Light emitting diodes (LEDs) have proven effective as bycatch deterrents in various fisheries, including gillnet operations (Mangel et al., 2018;Bielli et al., 2020;Senko et al., 2022). However, for some species it has been shown ineffective (Field et al., 2019;Sigurdsson, 2023). ...
... With several studies on the use of LEDs for mitigating bycatch (Lucas and Berggren, 2023), it becomes increasingly evident that different bird species exhibit varying responses to LED interventions. Some birds show little to no response (Field et al., 2019;Cantlay et al., 2020;Rouxel et al., 2023, this study), while others are attracted to the lights (Sigurdsson, 2023), and some are deterred (Mangel et al., 2018;Bielli et al., 2020;Senko et al., 2022). Consequently, for anyone considering the implementation of LED illumination in a fishery, it is imperative to thoroughly investigate its impact on the resident bird species and assess its influence on the target species. ...
Full-text available
Substantial seabird bycatch occurs in North Atlantic lumpfish fisheries, potentially impacting seabird populations and raising concerns about the fisheries' sustainability. Despite increased efforts to address this issue, existing approaches have yielded inconclusive and mixed results. In this study, we explored an alternative approach by comparing bycatch levels between conventional gillnets and LED-illuminated gillnets during the 2023 Greenland lumpfish fishing season. Results indicated that LED-illuminated nets showed almost no difference in bycatch compared to no-LED nets for the three main bird species (common eider, king eider, and long-tailed duck), with no statistically significant differences observed. Additionally, the LED-illuminated nets exhibited a slightly lower, but insignificant, catch rate of the targeted female lumpfish. In conclusion, our findings suggest that using LED as a bird deterrent in this fishery is not an optimal solution to bycatch mitigation.
... we need an integrated fisheries and bycatch management system which accounts for these multispecies conflicts so that any avoidable conflicts are mitigated (through complementary measures) and unavoidable tradeoffs are known and deemed acceptable to the stakeholders 23,35 . We only found that a few bycatch-mitigation measures (for example, the use of torilines and illuminators) could work well for several fishing gears or SEMS groups 17,35,37 . Although the value of such 'omnipotent' measures is apparent and desirable, widespread evidence and case studies are rare and more experiments are required. ...
Full-text available
Reducing fisheries bycatches of vulnerable species is critical to marine biodiversity conservation and sustainable fisheries development. Although various preventive technical measures have been implemented, their overall effects are poorly understood. Here, we used a meta-analysis approach to quantify the effects of 42 technical measures on the target catch and the bycatch of seabirds, elasmobranchs, marine mammals and sea turtles. We showed that these measures generally reduced the bycatch while having no statistically significant effect on the target catch. Sensory-based measures generally outperformed physical-based ones in reducing the bycatch. Mitigation measures that worked well for several fishing gears or taxa, although useful, were very rare. Most of the adoptions by regional fisheries management organizations (59%) were supported by our findings, although many others are yet to be robustly evaluated. Our study encourages the innovation and adoption of technical measures and provides crucial insights for policy-making and further research in sustainable bycatch management.
... Using green light (Wang, Fisler & Swimmer, 2010) or ultraviolet light (Wang et al., 2013) on gillnets can reduce incidental sea turtle catches by up to 63.9% (Ortiz et al., 2016), without affecting the catch of the target species. In addition, this bycatch reduction technology can be multi-taxa, avoiding the capture of seabirds as well (Mangel et al., 2018). ...
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Fishing is one of the main threats to sea turtles due to the risk of entanglement in lost nets, vessel collision and mortality due to incidental catches. In Brazil, most of the studies regarding fishing interactions with sea turtles are focused on pelagic longline fisheries in the South and Southeast regions. However, their main reproductive areas in Southwest Atlantic RMU occur in Northeast Brazil, which overlaps small-scale coastal gillnet fisheries. Here, we aimed to use ethnobiology and participatory approaches as simple and cost-effective methods to identify areas for sea turtle conservation where impacts from small-scale fisheries are most likely. Expert captains were trained to recording sea turtle sightings during navigations from the landing port to the fishing grounds, informing their folk nomenclatures. By interpolation of environmental data (chlorophyll and bathymetry) and ecological data, we predicted habitats of 3,459.96 km² for Caretta caretta , Chelonia mydas , and Eretmochelys imbricata and fishing zones of 1,087 km² for management in 20 m and 50 m depths. Our results contributes to ongoing discussions of bycatch mitigation for sea turtle species and identification of habitats. We highlights the importance of considering particularities of overlapped areas in marine spatial planning and co-management arrangements.
... However, fishers also react to customer demands and economic factors when making decisions. Considering the current absence of implementation and compliance with cost- effective mitigation techniques to prevent bycatch of non-target species, this is an emerging field that can add value to small-scale catches (Mangel et al. 2018, Oliveira et al. 2021. ...
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Strategies to reduce the negative impacts of fisheries on ecosystems often come into conflict with fishers who have different experiences with, and perceptions of, biodiversity compared to policy makers and fisheries managers. We interviewed 800 fishers along 2400 kilometers of the Humboldt Current System (HCS) coast, assessing fishers’ perceptions of the impacts of marine predators on fishing and their proposals to reduce conflicts with small-scale net fisheries. Vessel captains saw seabirds as positive indicators of fish presence along the HCS (mean probability 62.7%). In contrast, sea lions were perceived negatively, affecting catches for all fishers and causing fishing gear damage among gillnet fishers (97.1%). Among different measures suggested by fishers to reduce conflicts with non-target taxa, night fishing and marine protected areas (MPAs) were viewed as least likely to be implemented because these affect fishing performance (6% and 13.1%) through changes to at-sea safety and fishing effort displacement, respectively. In contrast, economic compensation and culling of currently protected sea lions were the most popular but also the most sensitive measures (31% and 33%, respectively). Different dimensions of experiences and perceptions of fishers are key to the bottom-up understanding of interactions in small-scale fisheries. This is especially true when measures to mitigate their impacts do not have any consolidated installation/monitoring, which is a continuing challenge for these types of fisheries globally. This study emphasizes the role of small-scale fishers as a source of diverse ecological experiences and perceptions to complement knowledge on sensitive conservation issues.
... The use of artificial lights in fishing gear is increasingly being tested to modify the behaviour of fish during the capture process (e.g., Cuende et al., 2022;Nguyen and Winger, 2019;O'Neill et al., 2022). Studies have also shown that the inclusion of light has the potential to improve catch rates of some target species in pots and traps (Bryhn et al., 2014;Humborstad et al., 2018;Nguyen et al., 2017), to deter seabirds and turtles from gillnets (Mangel et al., 2018;Wang et al., 2013), and to reduce bycatch of non-target species in trawls (e.g., Hannah et al., 2015;Lomeli et al., 2018;Lomeli and Wakefield, 2019). Therefore, lights have the potential to reduce seabed impacts and carbon emissions, when improved fishing efficiency results in less fishing time, as well as reducing unwanted catches, all of which can have economic benefits for fishers (Nguyen and Winger, 2019). ...
Technical Report
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Summarizes the result of the second PHVA Worksop on Humboldt Penguin in LIma, Peru, in October 2019
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Evaluating artificial light as a bycatch reduction device (bycatch reduction light, “BRL”) requires a multidisciplinary approach that applies knowledge of fisheries science, fishing technology, engineering, physics, optics, vision biology, oceanography, animal behavior, economics, and social science. To support the continued evaluation of BRL, these guidelines were developed for conducting standardized and systematic studies. The guidelines highlight how information from those fields of study contributes to the efficacy of study design and the evaluation of results. The guidance is focused on four core areas: (i) defining the objective of using a BRL; (ii) understanding the context in which the BRL is applied and considering the base knowledge that is needed; (iii) selecting an appropriate study design (including selection and placement of the BRL) and analytical methods for measuring both behavioral responses and catch outcomes from using the BRL; and (iv) interpreting the data through the lens of the base knowledge, context, and study design, and evaluating the results against an established definition of success and variables that affect adoption. The purpose of these guidelines is to increase the ability of researchers and managers to determine if BRL is appropriate for a fishery and to encourage consistency in data collection among studies to support future meta-analyses and inter-study comparison. In addition, suggestions are provided on where more research and technology development are needed to support this rapidly emerging field of research.
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Penguins are the most threatened group of seabirds after albatrosses. Despite being regularly captured in fishing gear, the threat to penguins, as a group, has not yet been assessed. We reviewed both published and grey literature to identify the fishing gear types that penguins are most frequently recorded in, the most impacted species and, for these susceptible species, the relative importance of bycatch compared to other threats. While quantitative estimates of overall bycatch levels are difficult to obtain, this review highlights that, of the world's 18 species of penguins, 14 have been recorded as bycatch in fishing gear and that gillnets, and to a lesser extent trawls, are the gear types that pose the greatest threats to penguins. Bycatch is currently of greatest concern for yellow-eyed Megadyptes antipodes (Endangered), Humboldt Spheniscus humboldti (Vulnerable) and Magellanic Spheniscus magellanicus penguins (Near Threatened). Penguins face many threats; reducing bycatch mortality in fishing gear will greatly enhance the resilience of penguin populations to threats from habitat loss and climate change that are more difficult to address in the short term. Additional data are required to quantify the true extent of penguin bycatch, particularly for the most susceptible species. In the meantime, it is crucially important to manage the fisheries operating within known penguin foraging areas to reduce the risks to this already threatened group of seabirds.
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Gillnet fisheries exist throughout the oceans and have been implicated in high bycatch rates of sea turtles. In this study, we examined the effectiveness of illuminating nets with light-emitting diodes (LEDs), placed on floatlines in order to reduce sea turtle bycatch in a small-scale bottom-set gillnet fishery. In Sechura Bay, Northern Peru, 114 pairs of control and illuminated nets were deployed. The predicted mean Catch Per Unit of Effort (CPUE) of target species, standardized for environmental variables using generalized additive model analysis, was similar for both control and illuminated nets. In contrast, the predicted mean CPUE of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) was reduced by 63.9% in illuminated nets. One hundred twenty-five green turtles were caught in control nets while 62 were caught in illuminated nets. This statistically significant reduction (GAM analysis, p<0.05) in sea turtle bycatch suggests that net illumination could be an effective conservation tool. Challenges to implementing the use of LEDs include equipment costs, increased net handling times, and limited awareness among fishermen regarding the effectiveness of this technology. Cost estimates for preventing a single sea turtle catch are as low as 34USD,whilethecoststooutfittheentiregillnetfisheryinSechuraBaycanbeaslowas34 USD, while the costs to outfit the entire gillnet fishery in Sechura Bay can be as low as 9200 USD. Understanding these cost challenges emphasizes the need for institutional support from national ministries, international non-governmental organizations and the broader fisheries industry to make possible widespread implementation of net illumination as a sea turtle bycatch reduction strategy.
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a b s t r a c t Sensory capacities and perceptual challenges faced by gillnet bycatch taxa result from fundamental physiological limits on vision and constraints arising within underwater en-vironments. To reduce bycatch in birds, sea turtles, pinnipeds and blue-water fishes, in-dividuals must be alerted to the presence of nets using visual cues. Cetaceans will benefit but they also require warning with cues detected through echolocation. Characteristics of a visual warning stimulus must accommodate the restricted visual capacities of bycatch species and the need to maintain vision in a dark adapted state when foraging. These re-quirements can be provided by a single type of visual warning stimulus: panels containing a pattern of low spatial frequency and high internal contrast. These are likely to be de-tectable across a range of underwater light environments by all bycatch prone taxa, but are unlikely to reduce the catch of target fish species. Such panels should also be readily de-tectable by cetaceans using echolocation. Use of sound signals to warn about the presence of gillnets is not recommended because of the poor sound localisation abilities of bycatch taxa, cetaceans excepted. These warning panels should be effective as a mitigation measure for all bycatch species, relatively easy to deploy and of low cost. © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Contents
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Significance Loss of megafauna, termed trophic downgrading, has been found to affect biotic interactions, disturbance regimes, species invasions, and nutrient cycling. One recognized cause in air-breathing marine megafauna is incidental capture or bycatch by fisheries. Characterizing megafauna bycatch patterns across large ocean regions is limited by data availability but essential to direct conservation and management resources. We use empirical data to identify the global distribution and magnitude of seabird, marine mammal, and sea turtle bycatch in three widely used fishing gears. We identify taxa-specific hotspots and find evidence of cumulative impacts. This analysis provides an unprecedented global assessment of the distribution and magnitude of air-breathing megafauna bycatch, highlighting its cumulative nature and the urgent need to build on existing mitigation successes.
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Incidental capture, or bycatch, in fisheries represents a substantial threat to the sustainability of elasmobranch populations worldwide. Consequently, researchers are increasingly investigating elasmobranch bycatch reduction methods, including some focused on these species' sensory capabilities, particularly their electrosensory systems. To guide this research, we review current knowledge of elasmobranch sensory biology and feeding ecology with respect to fishing gear interactions and include examples of bycatch reduction methods used for elasmobranchs as well as other taxonomic groups. We discuss potential elasmobranch bycatch reduction strategies for various fishing gear types based on the morphological, physiological, and behavioural characteristics of species within this diverse group. In select examples, we indicate how an understanding of the physiology and sensory biology of vulnerable, bycatch-prone, non-target elasmobranch species can help in the identification of promising options for bycatch reduction. We encourage collaboration among researchers studying bycatch reduction across taxa to provide better understanding of the broad effects of bycatch reduction methods.
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Fisheries bycatch of marine animals has been linked to population declines of multiple species, including many sea turtles. Altering the visual cues associated with fishing gear may reduce sea turtle bycatch. We examined the effectiveness of illuminating gillnets with ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes for reducing green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) interactions. We found that the mean sea turtle capture rate was reduced by 39.7% in UV-illuminated nets compared with nets without illumination. In collaboration with commercial fishermen, we tested UV net illumination in a bottom-set gillnet fishery in Baja California, Mexico. We did not find any difference in overall target fish catch rate or market value between net types. These findings suggest that UV net illumination may have applications in coastal and pelagic gillnet fisheries to reduce sea turtle bycatch.
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Visual cues play important roles in sea turtle foraging behavior and likely influence their interactions with fishing gear. Altering these cues may be a useful strategy to reduce the incidental catch of sea turtles in various fisheries. We examined the potential effectiveness of 3 visual cues-shark shapes placed along the length of the gill net, illumination of nets by LED lights, and nets illuminated with chemical lightsticks-in reducing bycatch of green sea turtles Chelonia mydas in gill nets. We then adapted these potential deterrents into commercial bottom gill net fishery to quantify their effects on target fish catch rates and the catch value. Our results indicate that the presence of shark shapes significantly reduced the mean catch rates of green turtles by 54% but also reduced target catch by 45% and, correspondingly, catch value by 47%. In contrast, nets illuminated by LED lights significantly reduced mean sea turtle catch rates by 40% while having negligible impacts on target catch and catch value. Similarly, nets illuminated by chemical lightsticks also significantly reduced mean sea turtle catch rates by 60% while having no significant impact on target catch and catch value. These results illustrate the potential for modifying fishing gear with visual deterrents to effectively reduce sea turtle catch rates.
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Fisheries bycatch is considered the most serious threat globally to long-lived marine megafauna (e.g., mammals, birds, turtles, elasmobranchs). However, bycatch assessments to date have not evaluated population-level bycatch impacts across fishing gears. Here, we provide the first global, multigear evaluation of population-level fisheries bycatch impacts for marine turtles. To compare bycatch impacts of multiple gears within and among marine turtle populations (or regional management units, RMUs), we compiled more than 1,800 records from over 230 sources of reported marine turtle bycatch in longline, net, and trawl fisheries worldwide that were published between 1990–2011. The highest bycatch rates and levels of observed effort for each gear category occurred in the East Pacific, Northwest and Southwest Atlantic, and Mediterranean regions, which were also the regions of highest data availability. Overall, available data were dominated by longline records (nearly 60% of all records), and were nonuniformly distributed, with significant data gaps around Africa, in the Indian Ocean, and Southeast Asia. We found that bycatch impact scores—which integrate information on bycatch rates, fishing effort, mortality rates, and body sizes (i.e., proxies for reproductive values) of turtles taken as bycatch—as well as mortality rates in particular, were significantly lower in longline fishing gear than in net and trawl fishing gears. Based on bycatch impact scores and RMU-specific population metrics, we identified the RMUs most and least threatened by bycatch globally, and found wide variation among species, regions, and gears within these classifications. The lack of regional or species-specific patterns in bycatch impacts across fishing gears suggests that gear types and RMUs in which bycatch has the highest impact depend on spatially-explicit overlaps of fisheries (e.g., gear characteristics, fishing practices, target species), marine turtle populations (e.g., conservation status, aggregation areas), and underlying habitat features (e.g., oceanographic conditions). Our study provides a blueprint both for prioritizing limited conservation resources toward managing fishing gears and practices with the highest population impacts on sea turtles and for enhancing data collection and reporting efforts.
Based on bird feeding ecology we identified 148 seabird species as susceptible to bycatch in gillnets, of which 81 have been recorded caught. The highest densities of susceptible species occur in temperate and sub-polar regions of both hemispheres, with lower densities in tropical regions. Gillnet fisheries are widespread and particularly prevalent in coastal areas. A review of reported bycatch estimates suggests that at least 400,000 birds die in gillnets each year. The highest bycatch has been reported in the Northwest Pacific, Iceland and the Baltic Sea. Species suffering potentially significant impacts of gillnet mortality include common guillemot (Uria aalge), thick-billed guillemot (Uria lomvia), red-throated loon (Gavia stellata), Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti), Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus), yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes), little penguin (Eudyptula minor), greater scaup (Aythya marila) and long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis). Although reports of seabird bycatch in gillnets are relatively numerous, the magnitude of this phenomenon is poorly known for all regions. Further, population modelling to assess effects of gillnet bycatch mortality on seabird populations has rarely been feasible and there is a need for further data to advance development of bycatch mitigation measures.