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Ecosystem Under Construction: An Action Research Study on Entrepreneurship in a Business Ecosystem


Abstract and Figures

In recent years, we have seen increasing interest in new service concepts that take advantage of the capabilities of business ecosystems instead of single companies. In this article, we describe how a business ecosystem begins to develop around a service business idea proposed by an entrepreneur. We aim to recognize the different domains of players that are or should be involved in the ecosystem while it is under construction. The article concludes with an ecosystem model consisting of six sub-ecosystems having different change drivers and clockspeeds.
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Technology Innovation Management Review
June 2012
Ecosystem Under Construction:
An Action Research Study on Entrepreneurship
in a Business Ecosystem
Marikka Heikkilä and Leni Kuivaniemi
Today, we see a lot of new services and innovative busi-
ness ideas that mix the traditional boundaries of busi-
ness sectors and of companies. Innovations can be
found in the form of new products or services, cost-re-
ducing process improvements, or innovative business
models and methods. Many practitioners point out that
it is rather easy to come up with new ideas, but the real
challenge is in putting them into practice. This task is
especially demanding when innovations occur outside
the exclusive control and the supporting mechanisms
of traditional business firms (Muegge, 2011;
). Instead, an ecosystem consisting of multiple
expertises, capabilities, and resources should be cre-
ated around the innovation.
In our previous studies (Heikkilä, 2010;
we observed that the expansion of a business
ecosystem follows a process of collaborative business
modelling consisting of two parallel processes: i) the sys
tematic analysis, improvement, and adjustment of a
business model and its components and ii) the organiza
tional change-management process. That is, at the
same time as the business model is being developed, a
substantial amount of effort has to be put into change
management, to select the collaborators and escort the
partners to harmonize the network strategy, to syn
chronize its operations, as well as to evaluate the feasib
ility of the operational business model. In this article,
we concentrate on the very first tasks of change manage
ment, setting the scene, and selecting the players. We ex
plore how an ecosystem evolves through a case study of
physical activity prescriptions. The aim is to recognize
the different domains of players that are or should be in
volved in the ecosystem under construction.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In
the next section, we review the existing literature on
business ecosystems. Thereafter we present the case
study and draw some conclusions from the case. We
end the article with a summary, contributions and limit-
ations of this study, and concluding remarks and sug-
gestions for future work.
In recent years, we have seen increasing interest in new service concepts that take advant-
age of the capabilities of business ecosystems instead of single companies. In this article,
we describe how a business ecosystem begins to develop around a service business idea
proposed by an entrepreneur. We aim to recognize the different domains of players that
are or should be involved in the ecosystem while it is under construction. The article con-
cludes with an ecosystem model consisting of six sub-ecosystems having different change
drivers and clockspeeds.
All great things are based on a series of small things, and all
the small things need hard work.
Kimmo Rauhala
Growth venturer and entrepreneur
Owner of Suomen Liikunta-apteekki
(Finnish Sport Pharmacy)
Technology Innovation Management Review
June 2012
An Action Research Study on Entrepreneurship in a Business Ecosystem
Marikka Heikkilä and Leni Kuivaniemi
Relevant Research on Business Ecosystems
Recently it has become quite common to conceptualize
business networks by comparing them to biological
ecosystems (Iansiti and Levien, 2004a;
). Similar to a biological ecosystem, a business
ecosystem is formed by large, loosely coupled networks
of entities. These entities such as firms, organizations,
entrepreneurs, etc. interact with each other and the
health and performance of each actor is dependent on
the health and performance of the whole. That is, the
actors are simultaneously influenced by their own cap-
abilities and their interaction ties with the other players
in the ecosystem (Håkansson and Ford, 2002;
). The trend of many firms looking for
new opportunities beyond their existing industry explic-
ates (Solaimani et al., 2010;
) that con-
temporary ecosystems are not restricted to any single
industry but cross a variety of industries (Moore, 1993;
Perhaps the major difference between the concepts of
business ecosystems and business networks is in the
variety of actors. Typically, business networks are con-
sidered as groups of firms co-operating in designing,
producing, and delivering products to customers. Busi-
ness ecosystems, in turn, include partners and subcon-
tractors but also complementors, competitors,
customers, and potential collaborator companies, as
well as public bodies, local incubators, investors, and
even research institutes and universities (Moore, 1998;
). Each ecosystem typically encom-
passes several domains that it shares with other ecosys-
tems. It is expected to have a heterogeneous structure,
with actors adopting dramatically different roles that in-
fluence different aspects of the stability and productiv-
ity of the whole. This especially is the case when
complex knowledge is needed and the sources of ex-
pertise are widely dispersed (Powell et al., 1996;
Innovative ideas may come from large corporations or
organizations, but often they are suggested and pushed
forward by entrepreneurs, or in spin-off companies.
Many of the seeds of new businesses die young, but per-
haps are revitalised at some later date when more fer-
tile ground is available this includes an ecosystem
that supports the growth. As Iansiti and Levien (2004b;
) point out, it is merely an academic ex-
ercise to try to draw the boundaries of an ecosystem. In-
stead, it is more helpful to recognize the types of
organizations or players that should be involved in or-
der to provide a suitable environment for new business
to prosper.
Moore (1993;
) describes a business
ecosystem as consisting of layers (Figure 1), which cor-
respond to differing levels of commitment to the busi-
ness. The core business layer consists of the parties
forming the heart of the business. In traditional busi-
Figure 1. The layers of a business ecosystem*
*Adapted from Moore (1993;
Technology Innovation Management Review
June 2012
An Action Research Study on Entrepreneurship in a Business Ecosystem
Marikka Heikkilä and Leni Kuivaniemi
ness, this layer would be run by a single company or the
supply chain would be coordinated by the focal com-
pany. Alternatively, it can also be formed by a network
of several companies each taking care of part of the
core business. The next layer, the extended enterprise,
widens the view of the business supply chain to include
the customers, complementors and second-layer sup-
pliers, as well as standard-setting bodies in the particu-
lar field of business. The outermost layer adds trade
associations, unions, universities and other research
bodies, investors, and stakeholders to the business eco-
system. Even though they are perhaps not directly in-
volved in the business operations, these parties may
have a significant effect on the success of the business.
Pragmatic, Abductive Action Research
“Fighting Low Activity by Business Creation” (LA;
) is a research project focusing on prevent-
ing health problems that typical of Western industrial-
ized countries (e.g., obesity, Type 2 diabetes) by
developing significant global export service products
based on Finnish expertise in the domains of health, ex-
ercise, and well-being. These service innovations are
turned into new service and e-business models that are
exploited by a network of new ventures and corpora-
tions, and they are spread with help of the supporting
ecosystem. This ecosystem is expected to have a signi-
ficant impact on public health.
Our research method is action research (
), where researchers actively participate in the
business decisions by producing knowledge for the eco-
system players. Whereas other research methods seek
to study organizational phenomena but not to change
them, the action researcher is simultaneously studying
the phenomenon and creating organizational change
(Heikkilä, 2010:
; Aspegren et al., 2011:
Action research is an established research method in so-
cial sciences, and it builds on a pragmatist philosophy
(Baskerville and Myers, 2004
). In prag-
matism, the investigator and the research object are as-
sumed to be interactively linked so that the findings are
literally created as the investigation proceeds (Guba
and Lincoln, 1994;
As action researchers, we are actively taking part in
building the supporting ecosystem that we call an Eco-
system under Construction (EuC), which is the object
of the study described in this article. We aim to make
purposeful use of propositions, models, or theories,
and to question whether they are useful in practice “in
the sense of helping people to better cope with the
world or to create better organizations” (Wicks and
Freeman, 1998;
Our theoretical reasoning is moving back and forth
between empirical discovery and theory in abductive
manner (Paavola, 2006;
). Even though
it has been heavily criticized, abduction is seen as a
method to test new ideas or to make sense of new situ-
ations (Richardson and Kramer, 2006;
), which is the case in the creation of an ecosys-
tem. The original theoretical framework is successively
modified, partly as a result of unanticipated empirical
findings, but also because of theoretical insights gained
during the process (Dubois and Gadde, 2002;
). By helping to create the EuC, which
combines partners and researchers with previous know-
ledge and understanding from several complementing
areas, such as business, law, information systems,
sports, and medicine, the ecosystem can help to
provide new theoretical explanations and practical
methods to find potential cures for the western world’s
problem of meagre physical activity.
Case Study: Physical Activity Prescriptions
The case example examined in this article is “physical
activity prescription”, a service innovation in prevent-
ive healthcare. The idea of boosting the physical activ-
ity of patients with prescriptions had been suggested by
several researchers in the late 90s. The first pilots were
carried out by public instances (marked as Phase 0 in
Figure 2). The adoption of the sports prescriptions
however, died down after the public financing ceased.
Phase 1 presents the new start, where the development
is driven by an entrepreneur who has invested a lot of
time in creating and promoting a business model re-
quiring close collaboration of several companies. Fig-
ure 2 illustrates how previously the ecosystem
consisted of mainly the most outer layer: universities
and research institutes working with several unions and
associations. In Phase 1, the ecosystem-building started
from the core, with partners from a university and a
funding institute. Phase 1 is led by an entrepreneur
who has years of experience in the field and has know-
ledge of the research projects on physical activity pre-
scriptions. Even though physical activity prescriptions
have been trialled before, this business proposal is the
first one that also gives financial incentives for the com-
panies to provide the service.
Technology Innovation Management Review
June 2012
An Action Research Study on Entrepreneurship in a Business Ecosystem
Marikka Heikkilä and Leni Kuivaniemi
Key players
The entrepreneur built the core of the around a net-
work of companies. He saw that three parties are
needed to guarantee the viability of the business:
1. Private medical clinics
2. Pharmacies
3. The entrepreneur’s own company
Well-known private medical clinics provide credibility
and critical mass. Initially, there were several prospects
for the core partners, and those that had the most in-
terest in the business idea were met in person. After ne-
gotiations, the leading private medical centre in
Finland, Terveystalo (
), was selected as
a core contributor. Its core assets are doctors and a
large customer base: the company has over 2,000 practi-
tioners providing occupational healthcare in more than
150 locations. It also has the customer contacts of com-
panies that purchase occupational health services for
their employees. This relationship provides a good fit
with the planned business model in which occupation-
al healthcare patients are considered to be the most im-
portant segment of the new service. The role of the
medical clinic in this business is to prescribe physical
activity to its patients, especially within occupational
Easy access and continuance of customer relationships
can be guaranteed via pharmacies located near the cus-
tomers. In Finland, there is at least one pharmacy in
each community; in most communities there are mul-
tiple pharmacies. Most of the pharmacies are privately
owned. The activities of pharmacies are controlled with
licences provided by The Finnish Medicines Agency, a
central administrative agency operating under the Min-
istry of Social Affairs and Health. Currently the majority
of pharmacies’ turnover comes from prescription
drugs, but most pharmacies are seeking business op-
portunities to provide additional services. Pharmacies
seem to have a good chance of success with their new
strategy because a recent survey shows that customers
are highly satisfied with pharmacy services
(Apteekkariliitto, 2010;
). After negoti-
ations, a chain of 64 privately owned pharmacies,
Avainapteekit Ltd. (
) joined the team. Their
task in related to physical activity prescription is coun-
selling and ongoing measurement of the improvements
in the physical health of the patients.
The entrepreneur’s own company (Finnish Sport Phar-
macy) coordinates the operations. Whereas in previous
experiments the researchers and public instances were
leading the formation of the ecosystem, in this case the
leader is the entrepreneur. His company is focusing on
exactly those issues pointed out in previous trials as the
most critical to success. The entrepreneur plays the
Figure 2. Evolution of the case ecosystem
Technology Innovation Management Review
June 2012
An Action Research Study on Entrepreneurship in a Business Ecosystem
Marikka Heikkilä and Leni Kuivaniemi
main role in the creation of a fluent process that fits
with the daily practice of practitioners and customers.
He will provide an electronic prescription system that
makes this process possible. He will also provide train-
ing to the doctors and pharmacists, which is needed for
this new service. Also a large pharmaceutical company
in the Finnish prescription and OTC (over the counter)
market, ratiopharm Oy (
), is committed to
helping train practitioners.
Business model
The “value add” in the new business model does not
come from automation of the processes but from an en-
tirely new process consisting of tasks carried out in mul-
tiple organizations. The process starts at a medical
clinic, where the doctor prescribes medicines and phys-
ical exercise to the patient suffering from “wealth dis-
eases”. As the patient goes regularly the pharmacy for
the medicine, the pharmacist measures their physical
health and provides advice on how to improve it fur-
ther. These measures are also available to the doctor
when the patient is coming to the next check-up.
The business model requires information systems that
facilitate and support this process (Mooney et al., 1996;
). Currently, there are no information
systems or measurement equipment in place that
would transfer necessary information between the part-
ners. That is why Phase 2 of the ecosystem-construc-
tion process, which is now underway, involves business
negotiations with information systems providers and
health monitoring equipment suppliers. Information
technology is actually the major cost issue to solve be-
fore a proof of concept can demonstrate whether the
business model is fiscally sound. For proof of concept, a
minimalist prototype or pilot is needed to demonstrate
how the business idea will play out in the real world
and why all the core companies are needed to provide
the services.
Ecosystem sub-sectors
In this case study, based on previous literature and on
workshops where the business model was discussed,
we added the actual names of the potential players to
Figures 1 and 2. Currently, the challenge in boosting the
growth of the ecosystem is how to recognize who are
the next actors or areas that should be contacted and in-
volved in collaboration. To overcome this challenge, it
is useful to divide the ecosystem map into differing sub-
sectors as we have done in Figure 3. The sectors are re-
cognized from business modelling literature. Business
model articles typically list external forces that affect
the success of the business. These forces include com-
petition/co-opetition, policies and the legal environ-
ment, social or technological change, research insights,
and changes in customer demand (Nalebuff and
Brandenburger, 1996:
; eFactors, 2002:
; Hoffner et al., 2004:
Osterwalder, 2004:
Figure 3. Sub-ecosystems within the business ecosystem
Technology Innovation Management Review
June 2012
An Action Research Study on Entrepreneurship in a Business Ecosystem
Marikka Heikkilä and Leni Kuivaniemi
Each of the ecosystem sub-sectors shown in Figure 3 is
described in greater detail below, in the form of imple-
mentation advice for business leaders attempting to
construct similar business ecosystems:
1. Technological change: Perhaps the majority of new
business models build on technology or information
technology. Decreasing information and communica-
tion costs make totally new processes and ways of work-
ing possible. In addition to proving new business
possibilities, it also challenges the existence of current
ones. Therefore, identify the potential technologies for
your business and contact the suppliers.
2. Research insights: In addition to the business as-
pects, the ecosystem should attract research. The sali-
ence of the symbiotic relationship of business and
research may be seen in Silicon Valley (Sydänmaalakka,
). Take the time to read major re-
search articles on the topic of your business and con-
tact those researchers; they can help to locate suitable
collaborators within the universities or other research
3. Changes in customer demand: Consumption pat-
terns and “fashion” are examples of changes in custom-
er demand. High adoption rates of social media is a
good example of social change that might provide new
possibilities. Customer co-creation is increasingly adop-
ted to gain knowledge on the changing demand.
4. Competition/co-opetition: One of the main pres-
sures comes from competitors. In order to survive, your
product or service must be cheaper, better, or quicker
than that of your competitors. However, sometimes col-
laboration with your competitors might be needed to
execute your business model. Competitors, for in-
stance, might have some specific knowledge or capabil-
ities that you do not have or wish to invest in. Be brave
and try to turn your competitors into co-opetitors.
5. Social change: Changes in work practices, processes,
culture, and social mood in general might have an ef-
fect on the business. Changes in attitudes on environ-
mental issues, technology adoption, or outsourcing to
low-cost countries can affect the business. Collabora-
tion with various kinds of associations and societies
helps to keep track of social change.
6. Policies and legal environment: Legal issues are
something that you must always take into considera-
tion. For example, be aware of the differences in work
regulations between countries. New privacy laws can
make the use of some business models illegal. Many
times, it pays to find out the legal restrictions at the be-
ginning so you take them into account when building
the ecosystem.
We suggest that when considering the expansion of the
ecosystem, one should carefully consider all the six sub-
ecosystems recognised in Figure 3 and plan in what or-
der the sectors should be covered. Our research so far
has already revealed that there are significant differ-
ences in the clockspeed of the sub-ecosystems and this
should be taken into account in planning. The clock-
speed characterizes the general velocity of change in
the sector and the pace of the firms' internal operations
(Mendelson and Pillai, 1999;
). It can
be measured by the rate at which new products, pro-
cesses, and organizational structures are introduced.
We have tentatively placed the sectors in their clock-
speed order: the fastest is the technology sector and the
slowest is policies and legal environment. This has prac-
tical implications; the sectors where one is most likely
to find actors that are willing to cooperate in new, in-
novative initiatives are the technology and research sec-
tors. In contrast, because no quick changes are
expected to accrue in legal and social environments, a
business initiative can build on the current laws and so-
cial customs. However, one should always be aware of
the status of preparations of new laws and policies, and
act accordingly.
This article presents early results from an ongoing ac-
tion research study on a business ecosystem. The busi-
ness case examined is physical activity prescription, an
innovation in the field of preventive healthcare. An en-
trepreneur is pushing the business initiative forward.
His goal is to create a functioning business network
consisting of companies that jointly provide health pre-
scription services - profitably. Together with other act-
ors that provide and co-create supplementary services,
products, and research in cooperation with public insti-
tutions, these organizations form the ecosystem.
We suggest that the expansion of an ecosystem can be
analysed and even perhaps planned by considering six
differing sub-ecosystems: technology, research, cus-
tomer demands, competitors, social environment, and
legal and policy environment.
In the future, we will work to widen the case network to-
gether with the growth entrepreneurs, corporations, as
well as by teaming with researchers from different
Technology Innovation Management Review
June 2012
An Action Research Study on Entrepreneurship in a Business Ecosystem
Marikka Heikkilä and Leni Kuivaniemi
About the Authors
Marikka Heikkilä, PhD. Econ., is project manager at
the University of Jyväskylä. She serves as a coordin-
ator of several national and international projects.
Her areas of interests are business networks, busi-
ness models, and coordination of complex opera-
tions. Outside the university, she is an active
entrepreneur. Previously, Marikka has worked as lec-
turer, assistant professor, and researcher at the Hel-
sinki School of Economics and at the Faculty of IT at
the University of Jyväskylä.
Leni Kuivaniemi, PhD. Econ., is currently working
as a project manager in the Jyväskylä School of Busi-
ness and Economics (JSBE). She is also partner and
manager in two growth ventures. Leni has strong ex-
perience in sales, entrepreneurship, and growth ven-
turing, both in teaching and practice. Previously she
has worked as an assistant professor and a program
co-director at JSBE. Leni also holds a master's de-
gree in law from the University of Helsinki.
Citation: Heikkilä, M. and L. Kuivaniemi. 2012. Ecosystem
Under Construction: An Action Research Study on
Entrepreneurship in a Business Ecosystem. Technology
Innovation Management Review. June 2012: 18-24.
fields. Thus, in the future, the business and research
network will serve as a platform onto which the ecosys-
tem is built one piece at a time. The use of this ap-
proach can be seen in its grander form in Silicon Valley,
but whereas there it has developed over a longer period
of time and without guidance, our aim is to proactively
find the best-fitting components for the ecosystem to
The ecosystem is built on trust and benefit for all the
participants. In the business world, the gains have to be
measurable and arrive quite quickly. On one hand, this
pressure creates challenges for action research, but on
the other hand, it rewards the research team because
we receive immediate feedback on our input. Our re-
search hypotheses either work in a real market situ-
ation or they do not. If they do, our research will have
wider meaning and impact for society both in terms of
health and growth venturing.
... Every action of institutions can positively or negatively affect the general situation of this network. Actors are expected to take on different roles and exhibit a heterogeneous structure, significantly influencing each other in terms of stability and productivity (Heikkilä, Kuivaniemi 2012;Iansiti, Levien 2004). Although the term ecosystem is based on the metaphor of biology, at a certain point it has a conscious guiding function. ...
... In this study, it was found that various challenges were effective in achieving the goal. Heikkilä and Kuivaniemi (2012) suggest that an expanding ecosystem can be analyzed by considering six different sub-ecosystems: technology, research, customer demands, competitors, social environment, legal and political environment. Motoyama and Knowlton (2016) examined the interactions between entrepreneurs and support organizations by considering the entrepreneurship ecosystem with a social network approach. ...
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This article, under the title "The Power of Innovation: Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, Components, Research and Start-up Approaches and the Development Process of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Turkey", examines how Turkey's dynamic entrepreneurship environment is shaped by innovation and the important components in this process. While entrepreneurship has a critical role in economic development and social transformation, innovation stands out as the main driving force of this process. First of all, Turkey's young and educated population, increasing digitalization and access to technology strengthen the entrepreneurial culture and create new business opportunities. In the article, the basic elements of the innovation ecosystem in Turkey, namely the interactions between universities, public institutions, the private sector and entrepreneurs, are discussed in detail. Additionally, the difficulties faced by entrepreneurs in Turkey are analyzed through factors such as limited financial resources, inadequate mentoring and training opportunities. In this context, the effects of the state's innovation strategies, incentive mechanisms and entrepreneurship support programs are examined. For example, the contributions of the supports provided by organizations such as KOSGEB and TÜBİTAK to the realization of entrepreneurs' projects are emphasized. In the article, the contribution of international collaborations and foreign investments to Turkey's innovation ecosystem is discussed, thus focusing on its competitiveness potential in the global market. Additionally, successful domestic enterprise examples are supported by concrete data showing how innovation and entrepreneurship create synergy. As a result, the development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Turkey is directly linked to the power of innovation. In order to create a sustainable innovation environment, the need for continuous support, training and policy development comes to the fore. This article aims to provide readers with a comprehensive perspective by presenting the paths and strategies to be followed to maximize Turkey's entrepreneurial potential.
... Business ecosystem theory already gives a first insight on how certain agents act in collaborative relationships (Williamson and DeMeyer, 2012;Heikkilä and Kuivaniemi, 2012;Wulf, 2017;Wulf, 2019;Wulf, 2021;Rong and Shi, 2015) and try to influence their environment (Rong et al., 2010;Adner, Oxley and Silverman, 2013). They are single components in a bigger system (Butel, 2014). ...
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... Aynı şekilde kurumların yaptığı her hamle de ağın kendisini ve kurumu iyi ya da kötü yönde etkilemektedir. Aktörlerin birbirini istikrar ve üretkenlik anlamında çarpıcı bir şekilde etkilemesiyle her aktörün farklı roller üstlenmesi ve heterojen bir yapıya sahip olması beklenmektedir (Heikkilä, Kuivaniemi 2012;Iansiti, Levien 2004). ...
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The purpose of this article is to present the development model of Iran's native search engine ecosystem. The statistical population of this research includes experts and specialists in the field of business ecosystem. The sampling method is purposeful and in order to collect information, people who have sufficient expertise or knowledge in the field of the current research have been selected. The method used to collect information was interview. The findings of this study include the identification of the different stages of the life cycle of the ecosystem, the actors of the native ecosystem and the role of each one and the connections between them, and finally, the design of the value network of this ecosystem. By using the results from the analysis of the interviews and focusing on the value flow mapping model, the types of flows that can exist between the actors were identified. For more traditional business models that use the supply chain model, common methods for forming the business model, such as business canvas, are suitable tools. While for new business models that require new ecosystems, a new method called the value stream model has been developed. Also, the communication and interactions between the actors was investigated. For this purpose, four streams of services, financial, information and intangible value were identified based on modeling Apple's welding ecosystem, and then by mapping the stakeholders and actors with the services and participants in the local welding project, the value network between the actors was designed.
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According to studies, the driving forces of emerging technology-based business ecosystem are the precise explanation of the types of actors' roles and how they relate to each other. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to identify the actors, their classification factors, and how they relate to business ecosystem. The type of research was applied –research and the method of its implementation was survey. The method of sampling is non-random and purposeful. In this article, the research strategy has been a case study, the analysis unit of business ecosystem was actors and data collection tools had been selected questionnaires and in-depth interviews and the study of credible scientific documents. Systematic review has been used to extract the framework for analyzing the network of search engine actors. After extracting the initial framework, the components of the framework were approved using the opinion of experts in this field. The value-flow network based on four value streams including information, services, financial and intangible. The findings: 1)provide a framework for entering the ecosystem analysis based on stakeholder analysis, 2)identify the actors of ecosystems in four layers, and 3)map the value network between the actors and the four value streams. The framework can be a model for identifying stablishing value communication for other similar items such as IOT, big data and cloud computing.
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Improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions from buildings are crucial for achieving sustainable development. To realize these goals, it is essential to adopt a policy mix. However, despite much effort in this field, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding on building policy mixes (BPMs), which challenges building sustainability. To address this research gap, this study attempted to uncover the knowledge landscape of BPM through scientometric analysis. By employing methods such as keywords co-occurrence analysis, clustering analysis, co-citation analysis, and research trend analysis, this study systematically examined the current status, hot topics, underlying knowledge framework, knowledge domains, and frontiers of BPM research. The findings revealed that the existing BPM research primarily focuses on various aspects, including policy-related topics such as building energy efficiency policies and policy instruments, as well as topics like green affordable housing, hindering factors, carbon pricing, use obligation, construction waste reduction, and sustainable construction methods. Furthermore, the analysis identified research frontiers in BPM, encompassing policy considerations (e.g., building efficiency policy, split incentive, carbon tax, and carbon pricing), energy-related aspects (e.g., consumption, green transition), political dimensions (e.g., governance, management), building-related factors (e.g., green building, retrofitting), the innovation system, and the evolutionary game. Based on these findings, this study suggests that future research in BPM can deepen insight into interdisciplinary policy mixes by focusing on policy strategies, processes, and features. This study contributes to a holistic understanding of BPM and offers insightful guidance for both researchers and practitioners seeking to advance sustainable practices in the building sector.
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Starting from the Schumpeterian approach and arriving at the most recent anti-mainstream theories on Innovation Ecosystems, the research examines, through theories, models and business cases, the problematic relationships between Innovation, Invention, and Creative Processes in an attempt to understand, from a sociological perspective, the decision-making processes induced by expectations and uncertainties. Different schools of thought in economics, agree that innovation is the main driver of growth. Disagreement arises when economists attempt to explain how innovation occurs, as there is a lack of shared understanding about the expectations of its decision-makers and implementers. There is also a lack of understanding about the social and cultural constructions of decision-makers, which are influenced by conditions of uncertainty, error and "non-knowledge" (Gross, McGoey, 2015). The imagined innovation may be considered feasible in the start-up phase but fail during its development. The innovator, in an ex-ante phase, cannot predict how a new hypothesis will evolve. In many cases, as we shall see, he will remove the observation of obstacles, because he is influenced by beliefs and convictions that disregard rational choices, even bounded ones.
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Smart Home projects require product, service and business model innovation by organizations from multiple sectors. A considerable number of Smart Home projects, however, fail to live up to expectations and to commercialize their services. Business models that enable these projects have to be viable and feasible for the project as a whole as well as for individual involved providers. Moreover, the processes of involved providers have to be aligned, and exchange of information and value has to be well defined. In this paper, we propose three alignment domains that address the operational interactions between the involved providers. Based on a case survey it can be concluded that insufficient attention is paid to the alignment of Business Model as well as to Business Processes between involved providers, who are an essential to service innovation in a value network.
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The central claim of this paper is that organization studies needs to be fundamentally reshaped. Such change is needed to provide room for ethics and to increase the relevance of research. We argue that the new pragmatism provides critical resources for this change. Pragmatism is a particularly helpful tool to use in that it highlights the moral dimensions of organizing (is this useful for our purposes?) while at the same time avoiding entrenched epistemological distinctions that marginalize ethics and make research less useful. The paper begins by discussing the relative absence of ethics within the mainstream of organization studies, indicates why this relative absence is problematic, and proceeds to show how pragmatism offers a preferable approach. Epistemology—specifically the debate between positivists and anti-positivists—becomes a central issue because the framework of positivism is overtly hostile to ethics (and other nonquantitative approaches to studying organizations), rendering it a marginal subject. While anti-positivism holds promise for overcoming this hostility towards ethics, it retains some of the destructive elements of positivism that create new and equally troubling difficulties. The paper claims, in contrast to the proposals of others (e.g., Zald's 1993 position) that the preferred alternative is not to split the difference, but to move beyond the positivism vs. antipositivism debate and work from an alternative framework. Pragmatism allows researchers to put this debate to the side and, in the process, develop research that is focused on serving human purposes—i.e., both morally rich and useful to organizations and the communities in which they operate.
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We argue in this paper that when the knowledge base of an industry is both complex and expanding and the sources of expertise are widely dispersed, the locus of innovation will be found in networks of learning, rather than in individual firms. The large-scale reliance on interorganizational collaborations in the biotechnology industry reflects a fundamental and pervasive concern with access to knowledge. We develop a network approach to organizational learning and derive firm-level, longitudinal hypotheses that link research and development alliances, experience with managing interfirm relationships, network position, rates of growth, and portfolios of collaborative activities. We test these hypotheses on a sample of dedicated biotechnology firms in the years 1990-1994. Results from pooled, within-firm, time series analyses support a learning view and have broad implications for future theoretical and empirical research on organizational networks and strategic alliances.•.
In this article, abduction is introduced in relation to theorizing in grounded theory. Theoretical insights are inevitable cornerstones of the development of a grounded theory and abduction is worked out as a type of inference that characterizes this development. How abduction could be used in grounded theorizing is shown in a grounded theory research on ‘organizing doubt’, i.e. the way Dutch army units are formed with self-organizing capabilities that can be deployed during crisis operations. The authors show that two concepts from organizational theory that are central in this grounded theory’s analytical framework - i.e. ‘dynamic complexity’ and ‘self-organization’ - are developed and embedded in a substantive theory on ‘organizing doubt’ by abductive reasoning.
There are various ``classical'' argumentsagainst abduction as a logic of discovery,especially that (1) abduction is too weak amode of inference to be of any use, and (2) inbasic formulation of abduction the hypothesisis already presupposed to be known, so it isnot the way hypotheses are discovered in thefirst place. In this paper I argue, bybringing forth the idea of strategies,that these counter-arguments are weaker thanmay appear. The concept of strategiessuggests, inter alia, that many inferentialmoves are taken into account at the same time.This is especially important in abductivereasoning, which is basically a very weak modeof inference. The importance of strategicthinking can already be seen in Charles S.Peirce's early treatments of the topic, and N.R.Hanson's later writings on abductionalthough they did not use the concept of``strategies.'' On the whole, I am arguing thatthe focus should be more on methodologicalprocesses, and not only on validityconsiderations, which have dominated thediscussion about abduction.
A total of 29 manuscripts were submitted. Of these, six made it though two or more review cycles. These six are presented in this issue. Another two manuscripts are still in the review process, but the disposition of these had not been determined by the publication deadline for this issue. If one or both of these manuscripts are accepted, they will appear in a future issue of MIS Quarterly.
After explaining why business executives and academics should consider thinking about a rigorous approach to e-business models, we introduce a new e-Business Model Ontology. Using the concept of business models can help companies understand, communicate and share, change, measure, simulate and learn more about the different aspects of e-business in their firm. The generic e-Business Model Ontology (a rigorous definition of the e-business issues and their interdependencies in a company's business model), which we outline in this paper is the foundation for the development of various useful tools for e-business management and IS Requirements Engineering. The e-Business Model Ontology is based on an extensive literature review and describes the logic of a "business system" for creating value in the Internet era. It is composed of four main pillars, which are product innovation, infrastructure management, customer relationship and financials. These elements are then further decomposed.