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Geospatial Profiling for Threshold Mapping of Hydrothermal Alterations within Kushaka Schist Belt, North Central Nigeria: Implications for Mineral Exploration


Abstract and Figures

Determining thresholds are very useful and efficacious in hydrothermal alteration mapping because of their association with mineral deposits. Thus, quantifying the degree of association can serve as a reliable and definitive way of separating highly to less altered zones. This can be achieved through the application of the knowledge of the threshold values. The aim of the study is to propose a new and more effective method for defining thresholds from spatial profiles in thematic images. To achieve this, band ratio technique and threshold mapping of the study area were carried out. The band ratio method was used to delineate clay alteration by dividing band 5 on band 7. Ten (10) profiles each were generated within the study area and the maximum and minimum threshold values were determined. The results showed a close agreement and consistency between the Original Research Article Gajere et al.; AJOGER, 1(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJOGER.41113 2 thresholds values derived from spatial profiling method with the values computed from other established method of threshold determination. It is also important to note that known gold mineralization points in the study area were observed to occur within the highly clay altered zones. Therefore, this study have shown that spatial profiling technique can be regarded as a valid and plausible method for determining threshold values in thematic images.
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Asian Journal of Geological Research
1(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJOGER.41113
Geospatial Profiling for Threshold Mapping of
Hydrothermal Alterations within Kushaka Schist
Belt, North Central Nigeria: Implications for Mineral
J. N. Gajere
, E. A. Kudamnya
and W. T. Andongma
Department of Geology, Nasarawa State Polytechnic Lafia, Lafia, Nigeria.
Department of Geology, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria.
Department of Geology, Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil, Nigeria.
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author JNG designed the study,
performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol and first draft of the manuscript. Author WTA
managed the analyses of the study. Author EAK managed the literature searches. All authors read
and approved the final manuscript.
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/AJOGER/2018/41113
Dr. Abdelaziz Mridekh, Professor, Department of Applied Geophysics, Ibn Tofail University, Morocco.
Nguyen Ba Dai, Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology (VAST), Vietnam.
Tassongwa Bernard, University of Dschang, Cameroon.
Pavel Kepezhinskas, Norway.
Complete Peer review History:
Received 30
March 2018
Accepted 10
June 2018
Published 22
June 2018
Determining thresholds are very useful and efficacious in hydrothermal alteration mapping because
of their association with mineral deposits. Thus, quantifying the degree of association can serve as a
reliable and definitive way of separating highly to less altered zones. This can be achieved through
the application of the knowledge of the threshold values. The aim of the study is to propose a new
and more effective method for defining thresholds from spatial profiles in thematic images. To
achieve this, band ratio technique and threshold mapping of the study area were carried out. The
band ratio method was used to delineate clay alteration by dividing band 5 on band 7. Ten (10)
profiles each were generated within the study area and the maximum and minimum threshold
values were determined. The results showed a close agreement and consistency between the
Original Research Article
Gajere et al.; AJOGER, 1(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJOGER.41113
thresholds values derived from spatial profiling method with the values computed from other
established method of threshold determination. It is also important to note that known gold
mineralization points in the study area were observed to occur within the highly clay altered zones.
Therefore, this study have shown that spatial profiling technique can be regarded as a valid and
plausible method for determining threshold values in thematic images.
Keywords: Threshold; band ratio; spatial profiling; thematic images; hydrothermal alterations.
The concept of remote sensing applied to
mineral exploration utilizes the identification of
alteration zones from well processed satellite
images. In simplifying this concept with respect
to mineral prospecting, it is believed that
hydrothermal alteration zones are generally
associated with mineral deposits [1].
Consequently, the higher the degree of
alterations, the greater the tendency of finding
mineral deposits. Therefore, quantifying the
degree of alteration is sure and reliable way of
separating highly altered areas from less altered
ones. Thus, defining a threshold values are
dependably useful in such endeavors. In mineral
exploration, threshold is a term use to signify a
specific value that effectively separate high and
low data value of fundamentally different
character that reflect different causes [2]. The
term is usually applied to a value that
distinguishes between the upper or anomalous
datasets from lower or background datasets [2].
Determination of threshold values have been
carried out for various types of geoscience
related datasets ranging from geochemical,
geophysical, remote sensing and environmental
studies using a heterogeneity of statistical
techniques [2,3,4]. This study is aimed at
inventing an innovatively new method for defining
thresholds from spatial profiles in thematic
images. The invention of this new technique
known as spatial profiling method for threshold
determination is targeted towards determining
maximum and minimum threshold values by dint
of constructing profiles across very high and very
low altered zones.
The study area is situated within latitudes 10
32.7"N to 10
39' 50"N and longitudes 6
38' 38"E
to 6
43' 40"E (Fig. 1). It is located within the
Nigerian Basement Complex which forms part of
the Pan African mobile belts. It occupies the
reactivated region, a product of plate collision
between the passive continental margin of the
West African craton and the active Pharusian
continental margin affected by the Pan African
Orogeny [5,6,7]. Lithologically, the Nigerian
Basement Complex can be sub divided into
Migmatite Gneiss Complex (MGC), the Older
Metasediments, the Younger Metasediments
and the Older Granites. The Migmatite Gneiss
Complex (MGC), is the oldest rock units of the
Basement Complex, and dated as Birrimian in
age (about 2500Ma). It is believed to be of
sedimentary origin but was later profoundly
altered under metamorphic and granitic
conditions [8,9]. The Migmatite Gneiss Complex
(MGC) comprise of Archean polycyclic grey
gneiss of granodiorite to tonalitic composition
and is considered to be the basement Sensu
Stricto [10,7].
The Older meta-sediments (aged between 1100-
900Ma) are among the earliest rocks form on the
Nigerian Basement Complex, initially of
sedimentary origin with a more extensive
distribution. The Older meta-sediments have
undergone prolonged, repeated metamorphism
and now occurs as quartzites, mudrock and other
calcareous relics of highly altered clay sediments
and igneous rocks. Conversely, the Younger
Metasediments, aged between 850-700Ma, are
late pelites (represented by phyllites, muscovites
schists and biotite schists) with quartzites
forming the dominant ridge severally and
conspicuously in most parts of the belts. Some
belts of the Younger Metasediments contain
ferruginous and banded quartzites, spassetite-
bearing quartzites, conglomerates, horizon
marbles and calc-silicates.
The Older Granites of Nigeria dated 750-450Ma
[5] are widely spread throughout the basement
complex and occurs as large circular masses.
They consist of a wide spectrum of rocks which
vary in composition form tonalite through
granodiorite to granite, syenite and charnokitic
rocks [11]. The granitoids have been emplaced
into both the Migmatite-Gneiss Complex and the
schist belts. The north-south linear aggregation
of many large batholiths within the Basement
Complex suggests that they may
Gajere et al.; AJOGER, 1(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJOGER.41113
Fig. 1. Regional Geology of the Study area (Modified after [12])
be related to deep-seated pre-existing plutonic
episodes controlled by deep mantle structures
3.1 Band Ratio
Band ratio is an image processing method where
digital numbers (brightness values) of one band
is divided by that of another band. It corresponds
to the peak of high and low reflectance curves
[1]. Band ratio technique improves the contrast
and enhances compositional information while
suppressing less useful information like earth’s
surface and topographic shadow, thus,
highlighting some features that cannot be seen in
raw data [14,15,16]. Since gold mineralization
within the study area is associated with clay
alterations, a band ratio image 5/7 was
generated to show the intensity of the clay
alterations from dark colours to white. The dark
colours represents low clay alteration while the
white represents high clay alterations (Fig. 2A).
For a better display, ENVI 4.5 colour tool was
used to display these variations in clay alteration
intensity from blue which represents low to red
which represents high zones (Fig. 2B).
Gold mineralization within the study area is
known to be associated with clay alterations,
band ratio image 5/7 generated displayed the
intensity of the clay alterations from dark to white
(Fig. 2A). The low clay alteration zones are
displayed in dark colour while the white
represents high clay alterations (Fig. 2A). For
better display, ENVI 4.5 colour tool was used to
display these variations in clay alteration intensity
from blue which represents low to red which
represents high zones (Fig., 2B).
4.1 Threshold Mapping
Threshold mapping involves determination of
that value which separates regions of high and
low alteration from background. To proof the
efficacy of the spatial profiling method for
threshold determination, 10 profiles each were
constructed from anomalous high and low
altered zones.
4.1.1 Maximum threshold mapping
To determining the maximum threshold value
using spatial profiling method, 10 micro profiles
were constructed across highly altered zones
within the study area (Fig. 3). From these
profiles, the maximum reflectance value for all
the 10 profiles were extracted, summed and the
mean and standard deviation calculated (Table
1). The mean value was assumed to be the
maximum threshold value. The maximum
threshold value for each of the 10 profiles was
then used to segregate and delineate
Gajere et al.; AJOGER, 1(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJOGER.41113
highly altered areas within the study location
(Fig. 4).
4.1.2 Minimum Threshold Mapping
This study constructed 10 profiles across least
altered zones (Fig. 5) and the extraction of their
minimum values (Table 1) ushered in the first
step towards calculating the minimum
threshold using spatial profiling method. The
minimum values, their summed, standard
deviation and the calculated threshold is
presented on Table 1. Using the minimum
value to segregate low altered zones, it was
observed that the least altered zones dominates
the eastern and western parts of the study area
(Fig. 6).
4.1.3 Validation of threshold method
The validation of spatial profiling method for
calculating threshold values for this geodata set
were carried out by comparing threshold values
obtained from spatial profiling method to
threshold values computed using other
established methods. To underscore the validity
of the spatial profiling method, the spatial
profiling threshold values were compared to a
known statistical method for calculating the
threshold as stated below.
Maximum Threshold = Mean + 2* Standard
Minimun Threshold = Mean 2* Standard
Fig. 2. Band ratio image 5/7 displaying clay alterations within the study area
A = Black and white image, B = Colour image.
Table 1. Threshold statistics for altered imagery along profiles
P 2
P 3
P 5
P 6
Table 2. Threshold validation for spatial profiling method
Maximum Threshold Maximum Spatial Profiling 2.078
Mean + 2* Standard deviation 2.06
Minimum Threshold Minimum Spatial Profiling 1.527
Mean – 2* Standard Deviation 1.5
Gajere et al.; AJOGER, 1(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJOGER.41113
Gajere et al.; AJOGER, 1(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJOGER.41113
Fig. 3. Spectral Profiles across high anomalous zones within the study area (within Kushaka
Schist belt)
Fig. 4. Threshold image showing high threshold zones, the profile lines and their locations
within the study area
The comparison of threshold values from both
methods are presented in Table 2. The maximum
threshold value obtained from the application of
spatial profiling method is 2.078 and closely
agrees with 2.06 calculated using Mean + 2*
Standard Deviation, a statistical method of
calculating maximum threshold. Similarly, the
minimum threshold for the study area as
calculated using the statistical method of Mean
2* Standard Deviation was 1.5 while 1.527
was obtained from the application of minimum
spatial profiling technique. This shows the
reliability of the application of spatial profiling
Gajere et al.; AJOGER, 1(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJOGER.41113
Gajere et al.; AJOGER, 1(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJOGER.41113
Fig. 5. Spectral profile across low anomalous zones within the study area (within Kushaka
Schist belt)
Fig. 6. Threshold image showing low threshold zones, the profile lines and their locations
within the study area
Gajere et al.; AJOGER, 1(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJOGER.41113
Fig. 7. Relationship between gold mineralization and alterations within the study area
4.2 Implications of Spatial Profiling
Technique for Mineral Exploration
Mineral exploration deals with sequential
processes of information gathering that help in
assessment of the mineral potential of an area of
interest. Mapping hydrothermal alterations is one
of the important process in gathering valuable
information on ore mineralization of any area of
interest. Thus, Remote sensing technique is
highly valuable in exploration programs due to its
ability to map not just alterations types
associated with mineralization but also the
degree of alteration. Therefore, the higher the
degree of alteration the greater the chances of
finding a mineral deposit [2]. Mapping the degree
of alteration is possible by defining threshold
values and using these values for segregating
and delineating areas of low, moderate and high
alterations (Fig. 7). Consequently, this
underscores the imperativeness of the
knowledge of alterations associated with
mineralization in the area of interest.
Furthermore, clay alteration from satellite
imagery was quantified using threshold values
derived from spatial profiling method in the study
Gajere et al.; AJOGER, 1(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJOGER.41113
area. Known zones of gold mineralization were
plotted to establish relationship between clay
alteration and gold mineralization as determined
using the new method. This study, has therefore
proven that gold mineralization is associated with
clay alteration in the study area
There are several methods of threshold
determination. Iterative Mean ±2SD statistical
method (as applied in Galuszka, 2007; Hawkes
and Webb, 1962), the Box-plot method (as
applied in Turkey, 1997), the Fence method (as
applied in Schwertman and Silva, 2007;
Schwertman et al., 2004) and so many other
techniques including the probability graph,
univariate analysis, multivariate analysis of
Stanley and Sinclair, 1989, multifractal models
(as applied in Cheng and Aterberg, 1996,
Aterberg et al., 1996) have also been widely
used in threshold determination [17];[18]. Unlike
some of the methods mentioned above, this
method which is a new and innovative method of
threshold determination, does not require full
statistical details but detail knowledge of high
and low signal input zones. Spatial profiling
method also has addition advantage when used
in thematic images because it is a location-
specific data handling method, the high and low
alteration zones can easily be identify and
isolated for threshold determination in any area
of interest. The use of remote sensing technique
in mapping mineral deposits associated with
alteration has proven to be easier when
threshold values are defined and used to
segregate highly altered zones from low altered
zones. The rationale behind this method relies on
the fact that mineralization tend to increase with
the degree of alteration. From this study, it was
observed that the spatial profile method is a
reliable alternative method for defining and
quantifying geo-data set within any thematic
layer of interest. This is evident from the close
similarities of threshold values computed from
standard techniques to those obtained using
spatial profiling method. Applying the computed
values to a well processed band ratio imagery
was able to define regions of low and high
alteration within the study area. The resulting
imagery revealed highly altered zones as
dominating the central parts of the study area
along a N-S trend and is being flanked by a low
altered zone. Conversely, zones of intermediate
alterations are peppered throughout the study
area. Well known zones of gold mineralization
within the study area all plotted within the highly
altered zones confirming locations of gold
mineralization within the highly altered zones.
The spatial profile method for defining threshold
values in any geoscience dataset is valid and
effective especially for data displayed in thematic
layer format as shown from this study. The
application of this method for mapping
hydrothermal alterations have proven to be very
effective and can be relied upon in defining
zones of high alterations within the study area. A
close correlation has been seen to exist between
highly altered zones and known mineralization
points within the study area. Spatially, the highly
altered zones assumed a general N-S trend
within the central parts. Therefore, the higher and
the degree of alteration the greater the chances
of finding a mineral deposit. Mapping the degree
of alteration is possible by defining threshold
values though the application of spatial profiling
method and using these values to segregate and
delineate areas of low, moderate and high
alterations. The study established that known
gold mineralization points in the study area were
observed to occur within the highly altered clay
alteration zones.
Authors have declared that no competing
interests exist.
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(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
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... This could be attributed to limitations on technological advancement and absence of reliable data or software. Most researchers within this scope often try to elucidate the enormous potential of remote sensing by investigating a wide range of mineral deposits using different remote sensing/GIS methods [17,18,19]. ...
... Step 3: Consists of optimising the different attributes by adding the normalised performance in case of maximisation (for favourable attributes) and deduction in case of minimisation (for non-beneficial attributes). The optimisation of different criteria is implemented using the formula in Eq. (17). ...
Full-text available
Geological data integration and spatial analysis for structural elucidation are more assertive approaches for reconnaissance scale mineral exploration. In this study, several methods involving Fry analysis, distance correlation analysis, prediction area plots as well as knowledge driven predictive models including TOPSIS, ARAS and MOORA were systematically employed for unravelling the spatial geological attributes related to gold mineralisation. Additionally, statistical validation of knowledge driven predictive models were implemented using the Receiver Operating Characteristic/Area Under Curve analysis (ROC/AUC). The evidence from Fry and distance correlation analysis suggests that gold occurrence within parts of the Malumfashi schist belt of Nigeria is defined by a strong spatial association with the ENE-WSW as well as the NNE-SSW trending structures. The prediction area plot also revealed a robust spatial correlation between mineral occurrence and spatial data related to geological structures. The application of knowledge driven predictive models suggest a high favourability for gold occurrence within the southern, central, and north-eastern parts of the study location, while statistical validation using the ROC/AUC curves suggest a high prediction accuracy greater than 70% for all models. The geospatial analysis for mineral exploration within the Malumfashi area has unveiled an invaluable geological criterion for gold targeting with a considerable level of certainty.
... Apart from the limitations related to technological advancement, other characteristic inhibitions include inaccessible terrains and the excessive cost of exploration exercises. The application of RS and GIS has been proven to be an effective remedy as it has been adjudged as the most proficient option and is ascribed with enormous achievements concerning mineral exploration 12,20 . ...
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Spatial predictive mapping using geographic information system (GIS) is considered an invaluable tool for reconnaissance-scale exploration of mineral resources. In this study, geospatial data on geophysics, remote sensing, and structural and lithological attributes were systematically integrated to prospect barite potential zones within the Mid-Nigerian Benue Trough (MBT). Correlation attribute evaluation was used to establish the relationship between mineral deposit occurrences and geospatial data, while data integration was implemented using the Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis (MOORA), Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), and Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) multi-criteria models. Here we show that the correlation attribute evaluation suggests that barite occurrences displayed a strong correlation with spatial data on lineament density, ferric iron alteration, and potassium to thorium (K/Th) ratio, whereas a weak correlation was observed with spatial data on the first vertical derivative (FVD), proximity to the host rock, and ferrous iron alteration. Here we report that the quantitative estimation of predictive models indicated that very high predictive zones for barite occurrences accounted for 19% of all the models. The accuracy assessment using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)/Area Under the Curve (AUC) showed prediction levels above 78% for all models. The effectiveness of the spatial application of multi-criteria decision models makes them a reliable tool for barite exploration within the Mid-Nigerian Benue Trough (MBT) and other geologically similar environments.
... The application of remote sensing and GIS methods to mineral exploration investigations within the Nigerian geological environment is relatively low compared to other well-established techniques such as geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, and geophysics. Evidence from existing literature suggest remote sensing and GIS investigations for exploring mineralization within the Nigerian basement rocks is centered on defining a spatial relationship between mineralization, hydrothermal alterations, and existing geological structures [49][50][51][52][53] . Within the Kaiama area, image processing techniques such as the band ratio, principal component, and spectral analysis have successfully revealed an invaluable relationship between hydrothermal alterations and mineral deposit occurrences. ...
Mineral deposits show an intrinsic relationship with hydrothermal alteration and structures features which may be invaluable for regional scale exploration survey using spaceborne data. Within the Kaiama sheet, spatial data such as Landsat 8 OLI and ASTER digital elevation model were processed by enhancing hydrothermal alteration and geological lineaments. Image processing techniques such as band ratio and principal component analysis were used for alteration mapping, while Fry analysis and distance correlation analysis were applied for evaluating the structural attributes of gold and cassiterite mineralization. Evidence from image processing suggests the presence of clay and iron alterations within zones of known mineral deposits, while structural studies by application of the Fry and distance correlation analysis suggests gold and cassiterite occurrence is effectively controlled mainly by a NE-SW tectonic trend. The proximal association of gold and cassiterite mineralization with geological structures and hydrothermal alterations may be invaluable for defining a digital exploration criterion for the Kaiama sheet.
... Zamfara (Anka, Sado, and Maru) goldfields iv. Yelwa (Bin Yauri) and Okolom goldfields Recent studies on the structural control of gold mineralization (Salau et al., 2016) and alterations related to gold mineralization (Gajere et al., 2018) have revealed the extent to which gold concentration depends on favourable structures and certain hydrothermal alteration indices. The gold emplacement was inferred to be late Pan-African on the basis of structural relationships, and the subsidiary fault zone around the main transcurrent faults control their emplacement (Garba, 2003(Garba, , 2000. ...
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Remote sensing methods are a vital alternative for regional exploration surveys. Many ore deposits (e.g., epithermal, porphyry-related, volcanogenic massive sulphides, etc.) have distinct distribution patterns of alteration zones that can be used for recognizing this mineralization. Several known goldfields are distributed within the basement rocks of western Nigeria. The area of interest, Malumfashi Schist Belt, is located in NorthWestern Nigeria and is characterized by gneisses and metasediments that were intruded by Pan-African granitoids. Gold mineralization occurs as veins and veinlets that are associated with hydrothermal alteration zones (i.e., argillic, phyllic, and propylitic). Hence, the discrimination of these alteration zones is one of the key indicators for new prospective zones of gold mineralization in this met-allogenic belt. In the present study, Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper+ (Landsat-7 ETM+) and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data were processed and integrated with the aim to identify possible locations for gold mineralization within the Malumfashi Schist Belt. For this purpose, the band ratio techniques and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were applied to identify, enhance and map the different alteration types, while fractal analysis was utilized to quantify the degree of alteration within each processed image. Using the multi-criteria evaluation method, the discretized images obtained from the fractal analysis were weighted and integrated into an enhanced possible location for gold occurrences. A receiver operating curve/Area under curve analysis was then used to evaluate the reliability of the predictive model. Both spatial and GIS analyses indicate that gold mineralization displays a proximal relationship to hydrothermal alteration data. We can map sets of alteration minerals which mainly represent new and good ore prospects for the investigated area. A sensitivity analysis points out a predictive accuracy of 78%, which suggests the model is capable of predicting gold occurrences within the study region. Besides, the results showed that the prospective zones of gold accumulations mainly occur within metasedimentary units. It is recommended that the studied dataset provide a potential tool for mapping alteration minerals related to gold deposits that can be applied in other regions with analogous geological setting. Ó 2020 National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B. V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
We studied the applicability of data from the recently launched Landsat-8 for mapping hydrothermal alteration areas and lithological units associated with porphyry copper exploration in arid and semi-arid regions. Sar Cheshmeh copper mining district in the Urumieh-Dokhtar volcanic belt in south-eastern Iran was selected for a case study. Several red–green–blue colour combination images and specialized band ratios were prepared from Landsat-8 bands. Band ratios derived from image spectra (4/2, 6/7, 5 and 10 in red–green–blue) allow identification of altered rocks, lithological units and vegetation at regional scale. Analytical imaging and geophysical hyperspectral analysis processing methods and mixture tuned matched filtering were applied to Landsat-8 bands to identify alteration zones associated with known porphyry copper deposits. Fieldwork, previous remote sensing studies and laboratory analysis were used to verify the image processing results. We conclude that Landsat-8 bands, especially bands 2 and 4 in the visible and near-infrared, 6 and 7 in the shortwave infrared and 10 in the thermal infrared spectra, contain useful information for porphyry copper exploration. The thermal infrared bands of Landsat-8 significantly improved the quality and availability of remote-sensing data for lithological mapping. The results of this investigation should encourage geologists to use Landsat-8 operational land imager and thermal infrared sensor data for porphyry copper exploration and geological purposes. Keywords: Landsat-8; Operational land imager; Thermal infrared sensor; Hydrothermal alteration mapping; Porphyry copper exploration
This study used the ability of remote sensing technology to identify and map the lithological units and alteration zones in a gold mining area in North-eastern Sudan by using Landsat 8 data source. The Landsat data series has been used widely in mapping lithological and altered rocks and in geology in general. The study area contains three gold mines part of Ariab mining district in Red Sea Hills, Northeastern Sudan. There are three types of gold deposits in the study area (Supergene deposits, polymetallic massive sulphide deposits and The Ganaet deposits) are being mined in Hadal Auatib mine, Hassai mine and Kamoeb mine. The objective of this study was to find new high potential areas for gold mineralization in the area. Conventional image processing methods such as (color composite, principle component analysis and band ratio) and minimum noise fraction have been used in this study for the purpose of lithological and alteration zones mapping. The visible and short infrared region was useful for mapping the iron oxides and the clay minerals, in which the thermal bands were used for silicate mapping. The results of this study showed the distribution of the lithological units and the hydrothermal alteration zones along with new high potential areas for gold mineralization which can be used in the future and proved the ability of Landsat data in mapping these feature.
Remote sensing is the science of acquiring, processing, and interpreting images and related data, acquired from aircraft and satellites, that record the interaction between matter and electromagnetic energy. Remote sensing images are used for mineral exploration in two applications: (1) map geology and the faults and fractures that localize ore deposits; (2) recognize hydrothermally altered rocks by their spectral signatures. Landsat thematic mapper (TM) satellite images are widely used to interpret both structure and hydrothermal alteration. Digitally processed TM ratio images can identify two assemblages of hydrothermal alteration minerals; iron minerals, and clays plus alunite. In northern Chile, TM ratio images defined the prospects that are now major copper deposits at Collahuasi and Ujina. Hyperspectral imaging systems can identify individual species of iron and clay minerals, which can provide details of hydrothermal zoning. Silicification, which is an important indicator of hydrothermal alteration, is not recognizable on TM and hyperspectral images. Quartz has no diagnostic spectral features in the visible and reflected IR wavelengths recorded by these systems. Variations in silica content are recognizable in multispectral thermal IR images, which is a promising topic for research.
One purpose of using statistical methods in exploration geochemistry is to assist exploration geologists in separating anomalies from background. This always involves two types of negatively associated errors of misclassification: type I errors occur when samples with background levels are rejected as background; and type II errors occur when samples with anomalous values are accepted as background. A new spatial statistical approach is proposed to minimize errors of total misclassification using a moving average technique with variable window radius. This method has been applied for geochemical anomaly enhancement and recognition as demonstrated by a case study of Au and Au-associated data for 698 stream sediment samples in the Iskut River area, northwestern British Columbia. Similar results were obtained using the fractal concentration-area method on the same data. By employing spatial information in the analysis, the process of selecting anomalies becomes less subjective than in more traditional approaches.
Fractals are shapes that look basically the same on all scales of magnification — they are self-like. Numerous natural phenomena have this property, and fractal geometry has contributed significantly to their analysis. Geochemical maps and other geochemical data from the literature indicate that geochemical dispersion patterns (geochemical landscapes) may have fractal dimensions because they appear similar at all scales of magnitude from microscopic to continental, in agreement with diverse geological processes of varying rapidity and spatial extent ranging from chemical reactions to continental movements.
The Nigerian basement consists of Eburnean granitic and metamorphic rocks into which are folded Upper Proterozoic supra-crustal low grade metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks forming N-S elongate belts. Pan-African granitoids mark the last major event and they have intrusive and/or tectonic relationships with the earlier units. Structural features are often complex. The Basement can be divided into the Eastern and Western Provinces, where the latter is marked by the occurrence of a variety of metallogenetic types and greater development of the supracrustal N-S belts, while the Eastern province is dominated by Pan-African granitoid rocks and a paucity of metallic mineral occurrences.The principle metallogenetic types that are (or have been) exploited are iron deposits, gold vein mineralization and SnTaNb-bearing pegmatites. Small occurrences are known of chromite, asbestos, CuNi sulphides, manganese and a variety of industrial minerals including talc, kyanite and magnesite. Metallogenetic types found in other Pan-African terrains that are markedly absent in Nigeria include basemetal deposits of plate accretion type (e.g. Saudi Arabia) and uranium (e.g. of Rossing type). It is suggested that Nigeria's relatively low metal production from basement deposits is attributable to a regional low metallogenetic inheritance which in turn has discouraged intensive prospecting but there is good potential especially for industrial mineral deposits.
Spectral reflectance in the visible and near-infrared wavelengths provides a rapid and inexpensive means for determining the mineralogy of samples and obtaining information on chemical composition. Absorption-band parameters such as the position, depth, width, and asymmetry of the feature have been used to quantitatively estimate composition of samples from hyperspectral field and laboratory reflectance data. The parameters have also been used to develop mapping methods for the analysis of hyperspectral image data. This has resulted in techniques providing surface mineralogical information (e.g., classification) using absorption-band depth and position. However, no attempt has been made to prepare images of the absorption-band parameters. In this paper, a simple linear interpolation technique is proposed in order to derive absorption-band position, depth and asymmetry from hyperspectral image data. AVIRIS data acquired in 1995 over the Cuprite mining area (Nevada, USA) are used to demonstrate the technique and to interpret the data in terms of the known alteration phases characterizing the area. A sensitivity analysis of the methods proposed shows that good results can be obtained for estimating the absorption wavelength position, however the estimated absorption-band-depth is sensitive to the input parameters chosen. The resulting parameter images (depth, position, asymmetry of the absorption) when carefully examined and interpreted by an experienced remote sensing geologist provide key information on surface mineralogy. The estimates of depth and position can be related to the chemistry of the samples and thus allow to bridge the gap between field geochemistry and remote sensing.