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In the present era of information explosion and media influence, the advertisement plays an important role for brands to create a better brand image in the consumers' mind. Celebrities play a very important role in creating the brand image through advertisement. The purpose of this study was finding the relationship between celebrity and brand image. Data was collected through questionnaire from the sample of 54 students. The results showed using more celebrities' increases value of brand image in minds of consumers
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)
e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 20, Issue 7. Ver. I (July. 2018), PP 67-70
DOI: 10.9790/487X-2007026770 67 | Page
Role of Celebrities in Creation of Brand Image
1Waqar Younas, 2Muhammad Farooq, 3Faisal Khalil-Ur-Rehman
1,2,3PhD Scholars, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Cyberjaya and Malaysia
Corresponding Author: 1Waqar Younas
Abstract: In the present era of information explosion and media influence, the advertisement plays an
important role for brands to create a better brand image in the consumers’ mind. Celebrities play a very
important role in creating the brand image through advertisement. The purpose of this study was finding the
relationship between celebrity and brand image. Data was collected through questionnaire from the sample of
54 students. The results showed using more celebrities’ increases value of brand image in minds of consumers
Date of Submission: 25-06-2018 Date of acceptance: 09-07-2018
I. Introduction
The presence of celebrity in an advertisement is one of the main strategies of many brands. The
purpose of it gets customer’s attraction towards product and create better image in the minds of customers. It
can help them to recall the product at the time of purchasing. Different celebrities are involved in different ads
by different brands because of getting some edge on competitors by effective advertisement. The purpose of this
study is finding the effect of celebrities in advertisements on customers in Pakistani culture.
Problem statement and objective of our research is to explore to what extant presence of celebrities is
successful in creating effective and valuable brand image? The main purpose of using celebrity in an
advertisement is getting attention of consumers and enhancement of AIDA theory. Celebrity persuades
consumers in decision-making. Celebrity endorses product information, which helps them to recall the brands of
the durable products at the time of purchase. Celebrity is a person who has a prominent profile and commands a
great degree of public fascination and influence in day-to-day media (commonly denoted as a person with fame
and fortune). Celebrities in an advertisement can affect purchase attitude of consumers. They can get attention
of consumers. Celebrities own personality should match with the product. Brand image is name, term, design,
symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. A
brand is thus a product or service whose dimensions differentiate it in some ways from other products or
services designed to satisfy the same need. Most of the customers buy new things as they satisfied from the
brand image. Independent variable is celebrity & dependent variable is valuable brand image.
II. Literature review
Balakrishnan & Kumar (2011) they studied on celebrity endorse advertisement and create better brand
recognition. Role model influences the teenagers’ purchase, attention, and their behaviors. Data was collected
by convenience sampling, population was the consumers of Chennai city and sample population was 600
consumers. There finding was celebrity endorses product information, enhances awareness among consumers,
and creates a lasting impact in the consumer’s mind. When it comes to purchase of durable products, certain
factors motivate the consumers for such purchase. Like need, lifestyle, product appearance, product utility,
financial credit, offer during seasons/off-seasons?
Zoubi&Bataineh, (2011) they studied that every successful organization uses celebrities to endorse its
brands. Because of the competitive environment in the market every successful organization uses celebrities in
its advertisements. So, they studied the influence of celebrities on the buying decision of the consumers. The
population of a study included economic faculty student in Jarash University from which the sample of 91
students chosen. There finding was using the celebrity can raise the profile of a co. in several ways. It can help
with consumer’s awareness with a brand and endorse the effects of particular product. The main cr iteria for the
selection of celebrity endorsement are: Credibility, Attractiveness and matchup.
Ranjbarian, Shekarchizade, &Momeni, (2010) their study was; the presence of celebrity endorsers
affects purchase decisions of consumers positively, producers and retailers have always preferred to have
celebrity endorsements in order to sell their products. The goal of this study was to indicate the influence of
using celebrity endorsers in advertisements on attitude of consumers towards those advertisements and brands.
Data was collected from randomly selected students of University of Isfahan through questionnaire with sample
size of 193 students. The results of this study showed that the positive and significant relationship between
attitude toward celebrity endorser and attitude toward advertisements and brands. By analyzing the output
Role of Celebrities in Creation of Brand Image
DOI: 10.9790/487X-2007026770 68 | Page
resulting from testing hypothesis, it can be concluded that attitude toward celebrity endorser has directly or
indirectly influence on attitude toward brand.
Muruganantham, Kaliyamoorthy, (2007) the purpose of their study was to investigate the brand
positioning strategies of selected personal care brands and to know the role of celebrities in positioning the
brands in the mind of target audience. Based on the pilot study of 40 female respondents, the actual sample size
of 288 female was determined with the help of a sampling formula. The findings indicated that product quality,
brand name, and influence of family and friends were identified as the top three features influencing their
purchase of products.
Mukherjee, (2009) studied the impact of the celebrity endorsement on effective brand management and
evaluate associated factors that contribute to the success or failure of the endorsement. Research interviewed a
random sample of 1,000 adults. Finding was that the celebrity endorsement strategy has become an important
component of marketing communications strategy for firms in competitive environment.
Khatri, (2006) the purpose of his study was to attract the customer’s attention and developing positive
associations not just to influence the recall but also to induce trial and eventually effect purchase decision. The
survey is conducted by 480 respondents in 4 cities and 3375 respondents in 8 cities helped to develop different
insights on celebrity endorsements. Research showed that celebrity endorsement does not itself guarantee sales.
It can create a buzz and make a consumer feel better about the product.
(Buzdar, Janjua, and Khurshid 2016) conducted a research with a purpose to understand the effect of
celebrities on self-brand connection and brand meanings. In this two study has been done first the celebrities
endorsement enhance self-brand connection and in second whether the self enhancement need moderate among
celebrities and self-brand connection. A total of 578 respondents from an online panel responded to a
randomized invitation to participate, ultimately yielding a usable sample of 321 participants. The result of first
study shown that there is relationship between self-brand connection and favorite celebrities and if brand are
more symbolic that tell more about consumer then it will enhance the effect. And in second Consumers with
strong self-enhancement goals tend to form self-brand connections to brands used by aspiration groups.
Amos, Holmes &Strutton, (2008) studied the relationship between celebrity endorser source effects and
effectiveness in advertising. Non-parametric test is used to identify the effect. Only secondary data was
collected. Data was collected from journals and articles. The result of this study showed that negative celebrity
information can be extremely detrimental to an advertising campaign.
Madan, (2010) studied that Celebrity Endorsements is one of the various advertising strategies that
marketers are using to capture the attention of their target markets. As the modern marketing strategy of more
business firms relies heavily on creative advertisements to promote their products to their customers. The main
aim of an advertisement strategy is to persuade the highly educated, sophisticated and selective customer. This
research is based on secondary data which has been collected from various websites, online journals, articles,
books and magazines. The sample that is studied are FMCG companies the popular ones namely Pepsi, Coke,
Nike, Provogue, LUX and Cadbury. The Study is based on data available from surveys about these FMCG
majors. Their findings was Celebrity endorsement strategy can be an effective competition weapon in mature
markets in order to differentiate products from competitors' since there is heavy advertising clutter. Celebrities
have always been the easiest way to attract the customers because of their mass appeal.
III. Hypothesis Development
Theoretica framework:
H1: More the presence of celebrity in advertisement will leads towards creating higher brand image.
Ho: There is no relationship between celebrity and brand image.
IV. Methodology
This study is a causal study, there is a cause and effect relationship between celebrity and brand image.
Field experiment is done for this research. The population of this research is the students of all the universities
of Pakistan. And data is collected by the 54 respondent of students of PMAS Arid Agriculture University
Rawalpindi by simple random sampling. Data is collected by questionnaire through cross-sectional study.
Questionnaire contains questions which cover the attributes of celebrity and brand image
Role of Celebrities in Creation of Brand Image
DOI: 10.9790/487X-2007026770 69 | Page
V. Results & Discussion
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics
As scale used by (Buzdar et al. 2016) the Likert scale was used in questionnaire the minimum response
of youth is 1.22 which was near to Strongly disagree while maximum response is 5 which is Strongly agree of
Celebrity. In BI questions minimum value is 2.29 which are nearly to Disagree and maximum response is 4.5
which is between Agree and strongly agree. The mean response is 3.45 and 3.48 in celebrity and BI
respectively. Std. deviation of celebrity is 0.78 and BI has 0.59. Std. deviation shows how much response is
deviate from the mean value.
Table 2: Correlations
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
The correlation coefficient between celebrity and brand image is 0.686 which shows the strong
relationship between these two variables. As the significant level is 0.01 so there is a strong relationship
between celebrity and brand image. So we reject the null hypothesis. Celebrities have positive impact on
creating brand image.
Table 3: Regression
a. Predictors: celebrity and brand image
In regression analysis R is 0.686 which shows that as independent variable change the dependent
variable is changed. R square shows that as we increase the use of celebrity in advertisements the brand image is
increased by 0.471 or 47.1%.
Previous studies and the results of the research support the hypothesis. As the celebrity works in an
advertisement, the brand image of a product will be high and valuable for organizations. Now a days there is a
high competition in the market among organizations so co.’s use celebrities in the advertisement of their brands.
It effects the buying decision of the customers and it helps them to recall the product at purchasing time.
For this research the appropriate time and cost was not estimated. For data collection time was short.
Sample size was taken is too small. It was just done in one university of Rawalpindi.
Role of Celebrities in Creation of Brand Image
DOI: 10.9790/487X-2007026770 70 | Page
[1]. Balakrishnan, L., & Kumar, S.C., (2011) Effect of celebrity based advertisements on the purchase attitude of consumers towards
durable products, World Review of Business Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, Pp.98-112
[2]. Buzdar, M. F., S. Y. Janjua, and M. A. Khurshid. 2016. “Customer-Based Brand Equity and Firms’ Performance in the Telecom
Industry.” International Journal of Services and Operations Management 25(3):33446.
[3]. Zoubi, A. O. M., &Bataineh, T. M.,(2011) The effect of using celebrities in advertising on the buying decision, American Journal of
Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-233X Issue 13, Pp. 59-70
[4]. Ranjbarian, B., Shekarchizade, Z., &Momeni, Z.,(2010) Celebrity endorser influence on attitude toward advertisements and brands,
European Journal of Social Sciences - Vol. 13, No. 3,
[5]. Muruganantham, G., Kaliyamoorthy, S., Celebrity effect on brand positioning, The International Journal of Applied Management &
Technology, Vol.7, No. 1.
[6]. Mukherjee, D,. (2009), Impact of celebrity endorsements on brand
[7]. Khatri, P.,(2006) Celebrity endorsement,Indian Media Studies Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1.
[8]. Escalas, E. J., Connecting with celebrities,
[9]. Amos, C., Holmes, G., &Strutton, D., (2008) Exploring the relationship between celebrity endorser effects and advertising
[10]. Madann, R., (2010), Celebrity endorsement: A marketing strategy, Sri Krishna International Research & Educational Consortium,
Vol. 1, Issue 1.
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) is UGC approved Journal with Sl.
No. 4481, Journal no. 46879.
Waqar Younas "Role of Celebrities in Creation of Brand Image." IOSR Journal of Business and
Management (IOSR-JBM) 20.7 (2018): 67-70.
... In other words, the persona is a construct created by 1) the roles played by the celebrity in films or TV series, 2) the celebrity's personality exposed in talk shows, etc., and 3) the image, i.e., the shared idea of the celebrity established after a period of time (Jerslev, 2014). These are the components that in the long run transform celebrities into brands that enhance sales of products associated with the celebrities (Lunardo, Gergaud & Livat, 2015;Younas, Farooq & Khalil, 2018). ...
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The research applies the relationship strategies and the image repair strategies frameworks to study and compare celebrities and microcelebrities’ communicative activity on social media during the lockdown in the USA and the UK in spring, 2020. For celebrities, the sample collected on social media in March – April, 2020, reveals qualitative changes: in the quarantine, first-rank celebrities attempted to reduce the assumed gap between themselves and their fans by using the strategies typically associated with microcelebrities, namely openness, positivity, task sharing, and assurance. If applied inappropriately, these strategies damaged the celebrities’ image and the famous chose either to take corrective actions or to ignore the communication failure. The microcelebrities’ messages during the lockdown did not show any qualitative shift: they held on to their typical openness, assurance and task sharing relationship maintenance strategies. Yet, the posts, where some microcelebrities, pursuing the openness strategy, sincerely reported their neglect of the quarantine restrictions, were more destructive to their image than similar posts from celebrities. The negative feedback affected microcelebrities communication on social media quantitatively and qualitatively: the number of messages dropped and the bloggers employed an extensive set of strategies to repair their image. Received: 3 June 2021 / Accepted: 26 July 2021 / Published: 5 September 2021
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It is broadly known in related previous research that trust in a trader diminishes perceived risk of an online transaction. Although, there are hypothetical motivations to propose that the perceived risk about as an obstruction to customer trust. Moreover, existing research recommend that trust is a significant Independent of purchase intention. Therefore, this study proposes examining intervening role of consumer trust in an online trader in the connections among components of Utilitarian Shopping Value and purchase intention: (1) examining the total effect without mediation, and (2) examining the mediation effect. At the point when we examined total impact, the discoveries uncovered that Utilitarian shopping Value, Brand Orientation, and Trust have a significant positive impact on purchase intention. In this way, an assessment of the intervention impact demonstrated that trust in an online purchase intention partially mediates impact among utilitarian shopping value and online purchase intention, the paper infers that endeavors, made by online shippers, to decrease specific kinds of risk will initially improve buyer trust, and afterward at last, increment customer's intention to purchase on the web.
... The customer experience is must track for the company(Farooq 2019). Tracking brand loyalty is must(Ahmed et al. 2014;Ali and Irshad 2014;Dastisheh and Farooq 2018;Farooq 2018;Farooq et al. 2019;Farooq 2015;Khalil-ur-rehman and Farooq 2018;Qadir and Farooq 2018;Reza and Farooq 2018;Tariq, Javed ;Valliappan 2019;Yasmin and Farooq 2018;Younas, Farooq, and Khalil-ur-rehman 2018;Zreen, Farooq, and Yasmin 2018). ...
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Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Alibaba have not become the world leading companies in just 20 years because of technology, investment or hard work of the founders. Internet was there for everyone. The investors who invested in Alibaba and Apple had more money than Jack Ma and Steve Jobs. I am sure many entrepreneurs in the world worked as hard as Jack Ma and Steve did. We don’t know them today. The point to ponder is, what made these great people successful? In this book, I have explained it’s the Customer Oriented Mindset, which acted as a foundation in their success. To make the book, more exciting and easy to read, I have made 50 figures, an illustration of insights in the book, which you can use as a researcher , consultant and founder of some company to succeed in your domain. I am thankful for your time and consideration to read my book. I have added my contact information in my introduction. I am looking forward to having your feedback. Thank you again for your time. to read full text free book, please visit below link.
... To measure the impact of self-control, financial literacy and financial behavior a close-ended questions has been adapted from the previous studies based on five point (Likert, 1932). Based on first time data collection the results have been concluded as done in several earlier cross sectional studies (Buzdar et al., 2016;Khalil-ur-rehman and Farooq, 2018;Qadir and Farooq, 2018;Yasmin and Buzdar, 2018;Younas et al., 2018). ...
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Financial knowledge is empowering the new generation of the 21st century in the era of transformative marketing (Kumar, 2018), which leads to the well-planned financial structure for long terms. However, it is imperative to know that on what scales they are managing their budgets. Understanding the impact of selfcontrol, financial literacy, and financial behavior is very vital for living a successful life (Sarstedtet al., 2017). The literature shows, people with good self-control and financial literacy tend to behave well compared to people with less self-control and financial literacy. This study examines the relationship between self-control financial literacy, financial behavior and financial wellbeing. A survey was conducted on 416 people from educational institutions, corporate sectors and food courts in Pakistan to empirically examine the impact of self-control and financial literacy on financial behavior and financial well-being of people. Better self-control and financial literacy lead to greater financial well-being. This research paper concludes that self-control andfinancial literacy affect financial well-being through financial behavior. Financial literacy has a significant direct impact on financial wellbeing, however the direct impact of self-control on financial well-being is insignificant. Impact of financial behavior on financial well-being is stronger than the impacts of financial literacy and self-control on financial well-being. This paper will be useful for economists and companies in Pakistan to better understand consumer market and to make decisions accordingly
... To measure the impact of self-control, financial literacy and financial behavior a close-ended questions has been adapted from the previous studies based on five point (Likert, 1932). Based on first time data collection the results have been concluded as done in several earlier cross sectional studies (Buzdar et al., 2016;Khalil-ur-rehman and Farooq, 2018;Qadir and Farooq, 2018;Yasmin and Buzdar, 2018;Younas et al., 2018). ...
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Financial knowledge is empowering the new generation of the 21st century in the era of transformative marketing (Kumar, 2018), which leads to the well-planned financial structure for long terms. However, it is imperative to know that on what scales they are managing their budgets. Understanding the impact of selfcontrol, financial literacy, and financial behavior is very vital for living a successful life (Sarstedt et al., 2017). The literature shows, people with good self-control and financial literacy tend to behave well compared to people with less self-control and financial literacy. This study examines the relationship between self-control financial literacy, financial behavior and financial wellbeing. A survey was conducted on 416 people from educational institutions, corporate sectors and food courts in Pakistan to empirically examine the impact of self-control and financial literacy on financial behavior and financial well-being of people. Better self-control and financial literacy lead to greater financial well-being. This research paper concludes that self-control and financial literacy affect financial well-being through financial behavior. Financial literacy has a significant direct impact on financial wellbeing, however the direct impact of self-control on financial well-being is insignificant. Impact of financial behavior on financial well-being is stronger than the impacts of financial literacy and self-control on financial well-being. This paper will be useful for economists and companies in Pakistan to better understand consumer market and to make decisions accordingly.
... To measure the impact of self-control, financial literacy and financial behavior a close-ended questions has been adapted from the previous studies based on five point (Likert, 1932). Based on first time data collection the results have been concluded as done in several earlier cross sectional studies (Buzdar et al., 2016;Khalil-ur-rehman and Farooq, 2018;Qadir and Farooq, 2018;Yasmin and Buzdar, 2018;Younas et al., 2018). ...
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Financial knowledge is empowering the new generation of the 21st century in the era of transformative marketing (Kumar, 2018), which leads to the well-planned financial structure for long terms. However, it is imperative to know that on what scales they are managing their budgets. Understanding the impact of selfcontrol, financial literacy, and financial behavior is very vital for living a successful life (Sarstedt et al., 2017). The literature shows, people with good self-control and financial literacy tend to behave well compared to people with less self-control and financial literacy. This study examines the relationship between self-control financial literacy, financial behavior and financial wellbeing. A survey was conducted on 416 people from educational institutions, corporate sectors and food courts in Pakistan to empirically examine the impact of self-control and financial literacy on financial behavior and financial well-being of people. Better self-control and financial literacy lead to greater financial well-being. This research paper concludes that self-control and financial literacy affect financial well-being through financial behavior. Financial literacy has a significant direct impact on financial wellbeing, however the direct impact of self-control on financial well-being is insignificant. Impact of financial behavior on financial well-being is stronger than the impacts of financial literacy and self-control on financial well-being. This paper will be useful for economists and companies in Pakistan to better understand consumer market and to make decisions accordingly.
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The Cyberspace has driven the globe in all dynamics. No field is exempted, it is not terrible that the pharmacies have moved virtual model too. An electronic pharmacy refers to a type of business model organization that is involved in sale of pharmaceutical products like non- scheduled and scheduled-only drugs, by ordering them online and delivery in the door step. Around 40,2500 e-pharmacists operating globally aims to promote public health by legal regulation of our country and perfectly fits the successful vision of Digital India initiative. The sale of drugs over the cyberspace began in our country in the late 1990’s and has expanded to an extent that the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in USA, has dedicated a complete department on its portal to buying medicines over the Internet. Drug Administration has given specific procedures to the people to stay vigilant against forfeited and unlawful e-pharmacies. E-Pharmacies in a developing country is being a questionable due to their laws, technological advancement and customer value perception. This conceptual research paper elucidates and fuse the theoretical discussions relating to multiple-channel retailing strategies in Customer value propositions and shopping motivations and factors contributing to growth of the e-pharmacies. Ten case examples are used to explain different channel strategies in multi-channel. It is expected that revenue generated in Indian pharmaceutical retail market will increase at a positive CAGR during the period FY 2018 to FY2025. In our country, it is anticipated that with the growth of organized segment, the overall market will also grow. independent pharmacy will grow at the increasing rate as compared to hospital�based retail pharmacies. As a Finding a tentative framework for understanding pharmacy retailers channel strategies is suggested. Keywords: Pharmaceutical consumers, Multiple channel strategies, Electronic Pharmacy
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Impact time administration is a panacea to authoritative adequacy and not a fake treatment. Successful time administration will enhance staff efficiency, make planning of employments less demanding, make the staff to perform errands at their most elevated ability level, staffing to organize and fulfill vital errand, recording and directing the association towards accomplishing its set objectives. This section is principally committed to presentation and examination of information gathered in the course of this exploration study. It likewise manages measurable tests and understanding of factual results as a premise for tolerating or dismissing the theory of the exploration study. Information gathered through poll are intended to be investigated in this section all together that the inquiries brought up in the research proposed can be enough replied. A sum of eighty (100) polls was controlled, eighty (100) duplicates were returned by the respondents. The factual instrument utilized as a part of examining the information is rate, which will supply the answers that the staff and administration gave in the returned polls.
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The aim of this study was to explore the impact of training and development on employee performance. This study conducted under the framework of banking sector of Pakistan. Study finding reveal development leads to better employee performance, training and development both increase the employee performance. Organizations need to spend on training and development of its employees for sustainable long term competitive edge.
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The paper investigates the relationship between customer-based brand equity (CBBE) and the performance of mobile communication companies. A self-administered survey questionnaire was used to collect empirical data on brand perception along with secondary data on cellular companies' performance based on their customer base. The findings reveal strong positive relationship between CBBE and company's performance. In brand equity element, perceived quality has strongest direct effect on company performance whereas brand image has slightest effect. The study put forward some useful insights into a comprehensive understanding of CBBE in telecommunication industry. The findings are more useful to practitioners in a way to understand link between brand perception elements and organisational performance. The findings of the study assist cellular companies to develop effective advertising campaign and design customer satisfaction policies and programmes.
Purpose- This study aims to analyze the celebrity endorser influence on attitude toward advertisements and brands. Design/methodology/approach - A theoretical model is developed and tested with a sample of 193 students in University of Isfahan in 2009. Structural equation modeling was used with LISREL 8.50 and the maximum likelihood (ML) method. Findings - The findings show that attitude toward celebrity endorser can influence on attitude toward brand directly or indirectly. In indirectly approach, attitude toward advertisement is as a mediator between attitude toward celebrity endorser and attitude toward brand. On the other hand, attitude toward celebrity endorser has not significant effect on purchase intention. Originality/value - This paper provides a model connecting attitude toward celebrity endorser, attitude toward advertisement and attitude toward brand that has been examined and validated using a sample of students in University of Isfahan. Paper type- Research paper.
This study provides a quantitative summary of the relationship between celebrity endorser source effects and effectiveness in advertising. The Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test is used to identify the most influential celebrity endorser source effects on effectiveness. The role of celebrity/product fit, interaction effects, sample type, study setting, and country of study are also included as moderators. Results suggest negative celebrity information can be extremely detrimental to an advertising campaign. The source credibility model' composed of celebrity trustworthiness, celebrity expertise, and celebrity attractiveness appears to capture the three most influential source effects on purchase intentions, brand attitudes and attitudes towards the advertisement.
In the present era of information explosion and media influence, these advertisements play a major role in changing the settled perception or thinking, which is otherwise called attitude, of the consumer and also the consumption pattern of the society in general. Across the world, celebrities have been used for a wide variety of brands. The crescendo of celebrities endorsing brands has been steadily increasing over the past years Marketers overtly acknowledge the power of celebrities in influencing consumer –purchase decisions. This study focuses on identifying the influence of celebrity endorsements on the purchase attitude of the consumers. It is an ubiquitously accepted fact that celebrity endorsement can bestow special attributes upon a product or service, that it may have lacked otherwise.
Celebrity effect on brand positioning
  • G Muruganantham
  • S Kaliyamoorthy
Muruganantham, G., Kaliyamoorthy, S., Celebrity effect on brand positioning, The International Journal of Applied Management & Technology, Vol.7, No. 1.
Celebrity endorsement
  • P Khatri
Khatri, P.,(2006) Celebrity endorsement,Indian Media Studies Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1.
Connecting with celebrities
  • E J Escalas
Escalas, E. J., Connecting with celebrities,
Celebrity endorsement: A marketing strategy
  • R Madann
Madann, R., (2010), Celebrity endorsement: A marketing strategy, Sri Krishna International Research & Educational Consortium, Vol. 1, Issue 1.