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Insectivorous birds consume an estimated 400–500 million tons of prey annually


Abstract and Figures

In this paper, we present an estimate of the predation impact of the global population of insectivorous birds based on 103 (for the most part) published studies of prey consumption (kg ha⁻¹ season⁻¹) of insectivorous birds in seven biome types. By extrapolation—taking into account the global land cover of the various biomes—an estimate of the annual prey consumption of the world’s insectivorous birds was obtained. We estimate the prey biomass consumed by the world’s insectivorous birds to be somewhere between 400 and 500 million metric tons year⁻¹, but most likely at the lower end of this range (corresponding to an energy consumption of ≈ 2.7 × 10¹⁸ J year⁻¹ or ≈ 0.15% of the global terrestrial net primary production). Birds in forests account for > 70% of the global annual prey consumption of insectivorous birds (≥ 300 million tons year⁻¹), whereas birds in other biomes (savannas and grasslands, croplands, deserts, and Arctic tundra) are less significant contributors (≥ 100 million tons year⁻¹). Especially during the breeding season, when adult birds feed their nestlings protein-rich prey, large numbers of herbivorous insects (i.e., primarily in the orders Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Orthoptera) supplemented by spiders are captured. The estimates presented in this paper emphasize the ecological and economic importance of insectivorous birds in suppressing potentially harmful insect pests on a global scale—especially in forested areas. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1007/s00114-018-1571-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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Martin Nyffeler
&Çağan H. Şekercioğlu
&Christopher J. Whelan
Received: 3 April 2018 /Revised: 8 June 2018 /A ccepted: 11 June 2018 / Published online: 9 July 2018
In this paper, we present an estimate of the predation impact of the global population of insectivorous birds based on 103 (for the
most part) published studies of prey consumption (kg ha
) of insectivorous birds in seven biome types. By extrapo-
lationtaking into account the global land cover of the various biomesan estimate of the annual prey consumption of the
worlds insectivorous birds was obtained. We estimate the prey biomass consumed by the worlds insectivorous birds to be
somewhere between 400 and 500 million metric tons year
, but most likely at the lower end of this range (corresponding to an
energy consumption of 2.7 × 10
or 0.15% of the global terrestrial net primary production). Birds in forests account
for > 70% of the global annual prey consumption of insectivorous birds (300 million tons year
), whereas birds in other
biomes (savannas and grasslands, croplands, deserts, and Arctic tundra) are less significant contributors (100 mil-
lion tons year
). Especially during the breeding season, when adult birds feed their nestlings protein-rich prey, large numbers
of herbivorous insects (i.e., primarily in the orders Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Orthoptera)
supplemented by spiders are captured. The estimates presented in this paper emphasize the ecological and economic importance
of insectivorous birds in suppressing potentially harmful insect pests on a global scaleespecially in forested areas.
Keywords Arthropods .Avifauna .Breeding season .Global impact .Insect pests .Predation
Birds, represented by nearly 10,700 species, are found across
the world in all major terrestrial biomes. Accordingly, they
exhibit a large variety of life styles and foraging behaviors
(see Wiens 1989). While some birds depend predominantly
on plant diets, such as seeds, fruits, and nectar, others feed as
carnivores on animal prey, or as omnivores on a mixed diet of
plant/animal matter. Most bird species are insectivores that
depend for the most part on insects as prey (Losey and
Vaughan 2006;Şekercioğlu 2006a). In this paper,
Binsectivorous birds^are defined in a wider sense as the total
of all bird groups that include, at least temporarily, a consid-
erable percentage of arthropods (in particular insects and spi-
ders) in their diets (Lopes et al. 2016). Included in this defini-
tion are also omnivorous birds such as starlings (Sturnidae)
and thrushes (Turdidae) that consume large amounts of arthro-
pods in additionto other types of food (Del Hoyo et al. 2016).
The predominance of insectivory as a feeding style among
birds might be explained by the fact that insects (dominating
the land biota in terms of numbers, biomass, and diversity)
constitute the largest food base for terrestrial carnivorous an-
imals. So, for instance, social insects alone are assumed to
have a standing biomass of > 700 million tons globally
(compare Hölldobler and Wilson 1994;Sanderson1996).
Şekercioğlu (2006b) states that birds are Bimportant but
ecologically little known actors in many ecosystems.^
Communicated by: Sven Thatje
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
( contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
*Martin Nyffeler
Section of Conservation Biology, Department of Environmental
Sciences, University of Basel, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake
College of Sciences, Koç University, Rumelifeneri, Istanbul, Sariyer,
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, IL 60607, USA
The Science of Nature (2018) 105: 47
The Author(s) 2018
Insectivorous birds consume an estimated 400500 million tons
of prey annually
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Likewise, Wenny et al. (2011)stateBBirds provide many eco-
system services, which by and large are invisible and
underappreciated.^It has thus been suggested that
Bquantifying the services provided by birds is crucial to un-
derstand their importance for ecosystems and for the people
that benefit from them^(Whelan et al. 2015). While several
attempts had been undertaken to quantify the food consump-
tion of marine birds and shorebirds on a global scale (e.g.,
Wiens 1989;Brooke2004), the combined predation impact
of the worlds insectivorous birds is still unknown.
Here, we provide estimates for the annual biomass of
prey that is consumed by the global population of insectiv-
orous birds in individual biome types and worldwide based
on data from the literature. Furthermore, we present an
estimate of the standing biomass of the global population
of insectivorous birds. This study is intended as a
continuation of the papers by Nyffeler (2000)and
Nyffeler and Birkhofer (2017)who were studying spi-
dersto get a better understanding of the global extent to
which potentially harmful herbivorous insects are sup-
pressed by major natural enemies.
Estimate of the standing biomass of the global
population of insectivorous birds
For each of seven terrestrial biome types, the bird biomass
across the entire biome was assessed by calculating the prod-
uct of (D)×(W)×(Y), whereby D= mean bird density
),W= mean bird b ody mass (kg fresh w eight bird
and Y= area size of the entire biome type (ha). The mean
breeding bird densities (representing global averages) for the
various biome types were extracted from a world literature
review by Gaston et al. (2003) and are largely in agreement
with North American breeding bird densities compiled by
Terborgh (1989, page 71). Area sizes for the various biomes
were taken from Saugier et al. (2001); essentially, these values
do not differ very much from the more up to date 2010 land
cover distribution data provided by FAO (https:// but are more suitable for our
purposes because they are broken down into more detailed
cover classes than the latter ones allowing a more rigorous
assessment. To obtain a mean body mass for Arctic tundra
birds, an overall mean for 18 tundra-inhabiting species (see
Sokolov et al. 2012) was calculated based on data from Del
Hoyo et al. (2016). An overall mean body mass for desert
birds was calculated based on weight data for 26 species oc-
curring in Chihuahuan deserts (Gutzwiller and Barrow 2002).
Mean bird body mass values for the remaining six biome
types were gathered from the following literature sources:
Howell (1971); Karr (1971); Wiens (1973); Holmes and
Sturges (1975); Wiens and Nussbaum (1975); Kartanas
(1989); and Terborgh et al. (1990).
Summing up the seven subtotals produced an estimate
of the standing biomass of the global terrestrial avifauna.
From this, an estimate of the standing biomass of the glob-
al population of insectivorous birds was deduced, assum-
ing that 90% of the terrestrial bird individuals in the
temperate, boreal, and arctic zones and 60% in the tro-
pics are arthropod-eaters (see Assumption 1, BMethods^
Estimate of the annual prey consumption
of the global population of insectivorous birds
We used a simple model involving few assumptions as is
advised in cases where a field of study is still largely un-
developed (Weathers 1983; Nyffeler and Birkhofer 2017).
Our estimate is based on mean values of prey consump-
tion ha
in the various biome types, which subse-
quently were extrapolated on a global scale. To retrieve
comparable data, all values obtained from the literature
were converted to kg fresh weight ha
. A total of
different information sources:
Source 1: In 26 cases, published values of prey consump-
tion were used (see Supplementary material).
Source 2: In 53 cases, energy demand estimates for bird
communities extracted from the scientific literature (see
Supplementary material) were converted into food con-
sumption measures. The conversions are based on an
overall average water content of arthropod prey of
70% (Zandt 1997; Brodmann and Reyer 1999;Bureš
and Weidinger 2000), an energy density of animal matter
of 22.5 kJ g
dry weight (Schaefer 1990), and 75% as-
similation efficiency (Wiens 1989). For details see
Supplementary material.
Source 3: There is a lack of data regarding the food
consumption rates of bird communities in desert and
Arctic tundra biomes. We thus calculated food con-
sumption rates for bird communities in these two bi-
ome types based on estimates of daily energy expen-
diture and breeding bird densities. Energy expended
for standard metabolism (M, in kcal day
lated with the equation M= 129 W
of Lasiewski
and Dawson (1967), whereby Wequals the weight of
an average sized bird in kg. Energy expended under
field conditions equals approximately 2.5 times stan-
dard metabolism (Holmes and Sturges 1975). For the
calculation of the desert biome values, cactus wren
(Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus, average body
mass = 38.9 g; Dunning 2007) was chosen as a stan-
dard bird representing this biome type, assuming a
47 Page 2 of 13 Sci Nat (2018) 105: 47
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breedingseasonlengthof90180 days (mean =
135 days) for deserts (Wiens 1991). In the case of the
Arctic tundra biome, snow bunting (Plectrophenax
nivalis, average body mass = 42.2 g; Dunning 2007)
was used as a standard tundra bird, whereby a breeding
season length of 100daysfortheArctictundrabi-
ome was assumed (Weiner and Głowaciński 1975). By
multiplying the resulting energy consumption value
for a standard bird with corresponding breeding den-
sity values taken from the literature (deserts: Austin
1970; Arctic tundra: Watson 1963; James and
Rathbun 1981; Montgomerie et al. 1983; Sokolov et
al. 2012), rough estimates of the energy consumption
for desert and Arctic tundra bird communities, respec-
tively, during the breeding season were obtained.
Subsequently, these energy consumption values were
converted into food consumption rates (the same conver-
sion factors being applied as in the previous paragraph),
which yielded 18 values fordesert and 6 valuesfor Arctic
tundra sites. For details see Supplementary material.
The 103 prey consumption values were assigned to the
following seven groups of terrestrial biomes: (1) tropical
forests, (2) temperate and boreal forests, (3) tropical
grasslands and savannas/Mediterranean shrubland, (4)
temperate grasslands (incl. meadows, pastures, old fields),
(5) cropland, (6) deserts, and (7) Arctic tundra. The data
were pooled by computing an average prey consumption
value (x
̅kg ha
) for each biome type. By multi-
plying the average prey consumption ha
with the
corresponding area size of each biome type (based on
Saugier et al. 2001), a prey consumption subtotal for each
biome type was derived. Summing up the seven subtotals
produced an estimate of the global annual prey consump-
tion by the insectivorous avifauna (Table 2). This figure
refers exclusively to arthropod prey, whereas other types
of invertebrates, such as earthworms, slugs, and snails, are
not included.
Our assessment is based on the following assumptions:
Assumption 1: Prey consumption measures presented
in the literature for land bird communities were
downsized to the corresponding values for insectivo-
rous birds, taking into account that an estimated 90%
of all land bird individuals (and about two thirds of
all species) in the temperate, boreal, and arctic zones
are insectivores during the breeding season, whereas
60% of all individuals (and 62% of all species) in
the tropics are insectivores. The figure of 60% has
also been chosen for non-tropical desert habitats
(see Supplementary material). The figure of 90% for
the Palearctic birds has been calculated based on pop-
ulation size/diet composition data for 422 bird species
presented in the data base BBirds of Switzerland^of
the Swiss Ornithological Institute Sempach; it can be
considered to be representative for the European
temperate/cold regions (see http://www.vogelwarte.
ch/en/birds/birds-of-switzerland/). A similarly high
proportion of all breeding land bird individuals in
the Nearctic realm are insectivores (calculated based
on data presented by Wiens 1973;Wiensand
Nussbaum 1975,Holmesetal.1986; and others).
Thefigureof60% for tropical birds is a rough es-
timate based on various sources (see Karr 1971,1975;
Poulin et al. 1994; Poulin and Lefebvre 1996;Leigh
1999;Sakai2002; Tscharntke et al. 2008; Maas et al.
2015; Sam et al. 2017).
Assumption 2: The breeding season diets of the avi-
fauna in temperate forests and in some temperate
grasslands are composed of 75% arthropods
(Głowaciński et al. 1984) and those in agricultural
areas of 95% arthropods (Jenny 1990;Jeromin
2002;Gilroyetal.2009). The diets of desert birds
are made up, on average, of 85% arthropods (e.g.,
Beal 1907). Accordingly, the food consumption
values for insectivorous birds of these biomes were
multiplied by a factor of 0.75, 0.95, and 0.85, respec-
tively, to obtain arthropod consumption measures
(kg fresh weight ha
). See Supplementary
material for exceptions.
Assumption 3: The arthropod consumption measures
for tropical biomes relate to annual totals (breeding
season plus non-breeding season; see Karr (1975);
Leigh and Smythe (1978); Reagan and Waide
(1996); Robinson et al. (2000); Sakai (2002)). By
contrast, the arthropod consumption values for tem-
perate biomes available in the literature in most cases
constitute exclusively breeding season values. The
majority of birds in temperate forests, grasslands,
and croplands as well as deserts and Arctic tundra
sites are primarily dependent on arthropod prey while
feeding their young during the breeding season (see
Wiens 1973,1977;Jenny1990; Buckingham et al.
1999;Jeromin2002; Gilroy et al. 2009). Once the
breeding season is over, many insectivorous birds
leave their temperate/cold zone breeding sites to mi-
grate to warmer areas, resulting in strongly reduced
bird densities in the breeding habitats during the non-
breeding season (Holmes and Sturges 1975;Karr
1975; Marone 1992; Scebba 2001).Atthesametime,
the vast majority of non-migratory residents, which
inhabit temperate/cold zone habitats, switch to a diet
made up largely of plant matter during the non-
breeding season (Clements and Shelford 1939;
Brown et al. 1979; Robinson and Sutherland 1997;
Buckingham et al. 1999; Renner et al. 2012).
Sci Nat (2018) 105: 47 Page 3 of 13 47
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Reduced arthropod consumption by non-migratory
birds might be explained by the reduced availability
of arthropod prey during the non-breeding season and
by the fact that vast regions located in temperate,
boreal, and polar climates are covered with a blanket
of snow for several months, making foraging for ar-
thropod prey difficult at this time. Notwithstanding
that, arthropod consumption in these biomes during
the non-breeding season continues to a limited extent
(Bruns 1960;Davies1976; Williams and Batzli 1979;
Heinrich and Bell 1995;Kirketal.1996; Michalek
and Krištín 2009;Velký et al. 2011). We assume that
in vast areas of the temperate and cold regions, the
arthropod consumption ha
during the entire non-
breeding season is 510% of the breeding season
value (see Holmes and Sturges 1973,1975;
Rotenberry 1980a,b;Donaldetal.2001). Therefore,
we multiplied the breeding season values for temper-
ate biomes and deserts by 0.075 to obtain the corre-
sponding non-breeding season values.
Assumption 4: Mediterranean shrublands were classi-
fied under Btropical savannas and grasslands^because
net primary production and bird densities in these two
habitat types are similar (Gaston et al. 2003;Chapinet
al. 2011). It must be added that the area size of
Mediterranean shrublands is small (280 × 10
ha) rel-
ative to the global terrestrial area, and a possible error
resulting from insufficient data is likely minor.
Assumption5: The estimates presented in this paper are
based on studies mostly conducted in the last three
decades of the twentieth century. Patterns of bird pop-
ulation decline as discussed more recently
(Şekercioğlu et al. 2002,2004) have not been taken
into account in the estimates presented here (Tables 1
and 2) because this would have exceeded the scope of
this paper owing to few estimates of bird population
declines in the twenty-first century.
Statistical analysis of annual prey consumption
in the various biomes
To determine whether prey consumption rates (kg arthro-
pods ha
) differed among biomes, we first deter-
mined that the consumption data among biomes were not
normally distributed using normal probability plots. Rather
than using a normalizing transformation, we instead per-
formed a Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by
ranks test. The omnibus test was followed with a pairwise
multiple comparison using Dunns test for multiple com-
parisons of independent samples corrected for ties (Pohlert
2018). Analyses were performed with R, the programming
language (R Core Team 2018).
Standing biomass of the global population
of insectivorous birds
Based on estimates of avian standing biomass in various
terrestrial biomes, we estimate the total standing biomass
of the global terrestrial avifauna to be 3981 × 10
kg fresh
weight (= roughly 4 million metric tons; Table 1). This
value is similar to an estimate of 5 million tons for the
global terrestrial avifauna calculated using a different ap-
proach by Alerstam (1993). Because it is assumed that
90% of all land bird individuals in the temperate, boreal,
and arctic zones and 60% in the tropics are insectivorous
foragers (see Assumption 1, BMethods^section), it follows
that the standing biomass of the global community of in-
sectivorous birds might be on the order of 3 million tons
(Table 1). This value is a small fraction of the global stand-
ing biomass of other predaceous animal taxa such as spi-
ders (25 million tons; Nyffeler and Birkhofer 2017), ants
(280 million tons; Hölldobler and Wilson 1994), or
whales (16103 million tons; Pershing et al. 2010). The
comparatively low value of the global standing biomass
of wild birds is partially explained by the fact that birds
have a very low production efficiency (i.e., low P/A-ratio).
With other words, in birds, the vast majority of the assim-
ilated energy is lost in respiration and only 12% is con-
verted to biomass (see Golley 1968;HolmesandSturges
1975; Humphreys 1979).
Prey consumption rates of insectivorous birds
in the various biomes
Prey consumption rates (kg arthropods ha
significantly among biomes (Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared =
51.179, df = 6, P< 0.001; Fig. 1). A Dunnsposthocmul-
tiple comparison test revealed that prey consumption in
tropical forests was greater than in all other biomes (all
P0.022). Prey consumption in temperate-boreal forests
was greater than in tundra (P< 0.001), desert (P<0.001),
and temperate grasslands (P= 0.009), but did not differ
from tropical grasslands and croplands. Prey consumption
was greater in tropical grassland and savanna than in desert
(P= 0.004) and tundra (P= 0.024). Finally, prey consump-
tion was greater in cropland than in desert (P= 0.044).
Prey consumption did not differ significantly among any
of the remaining biomes. Annual prey consumption corre-
lated positively with net primary production among bi-
omes, using NPP values from Chapin et al. (2011).
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Table 2 Estimated annual consumption of arthropod prey (fresh
weight) of the global population of insectivorous birds. Values for
temperate biomes refer to residents and breeding migrants combined;
values for tropical biomes refer to residents and non-breeding migrants
combined. Not included in these calculations are the amounts of arthro-
pod prey consumed at migration stopover sites
Biome class Number of
Prey consumption
(kg ha
Area (ha) Prey consumption of
entire area (kg year
Tropical forests
7 112.5 ± 9.2 1750 × 10
196,875 × 10
Temperate and boreal forests
44 44.1 ± 6.2 2410 × 10
106,281 × 10
Tropical grasslands and savannas/Mediterranean shrubland
7 15.8 ± 2.8 3040 × 10
48,032 × 10
Temperate grasslands (incl. meadows, pastures, old fields)
11 7.5 ± 0.9 1500 × 10
11,250 × 10
8 20.9 ± 9.0 1350 × 10
28,215 × 10
18 4.1 ± 0.8 2770 × 10
11,357 × 10
Arctic tundra
8 4.6 ± 1.3 560 × 10
2576 × 10
Global total (without ice-covered area) 103 13,380 × 10
404,586 × 10
Karr (1975); Leigh and Smythe (1978); Reagan and Waide (1996); Robinson et al. (2000); Sakai (2002)
Tima (1957); Uramoto (1961); West and DeWolfe (1974); Holmes and Sturges (1975); Karr (1975); Alatalo (1978); Szaro and Balda (1979); Smith and
MacMahon (1981); Wiens (1989) (modified data from Wiens and Nussbaum 1975); Wiens (1989) (modified data from Weiner and Głowaciński 1975;
Głowaciński and Weiner 1980,1983); Weathers (1983); Keast et al. (1985); Solonen (1986); Kartanas (1989); Harris (1991)
Karr (1971); UNESCO (1979); Gillon et al. (1983)
Diehl (1971); Wiens (1977); Rotenberry (1980b); Smith and MacMahon (1981); Głowacińskietal.(1984); combined data Faanes (1982)/Kirk et al.
Wiens and Dyer (1975); Woronecki and Dolbeer (1980); Kartanas (1989); Ferger et al. (2013)
Combined data Lasiewski and Dawson (1967)/Austin (1970)
Wielgolaski (1975); combined data Lasiewski and Dawson (1967)/Watson (1963); James and Rathbun (1981); Montgomerie et al. (1983); Sokolov et
al. (2012)
Values of prey kill (kg ha
) presented as x
Table 1 Estimated standing biomass of the global terrestrial avifauna
(expressed as fresh weight kg). Values of mean number of birds ha
in the various biome classes taken from Gaston et al. (2003), areas of the
various biome classes (Y) based on Saugier et al. (2001). Assuming that
90% of the terrestrial bird individuals in the temperate, boreal, and arctic
zones and 60% in the tropics are arthropod-eaters (see Assumption 1,
BMethods^section), it is deduced that the biomass of the worldsinsec-
tivorous birds might be 3 million tons
Biome class Mean density
(birds ha
Mean body weight
(kg bird
Area (ha)
Biomass across
biome (kg)
Tropical forests 20.00 0.0320
1750 × 10
1120 × 10
Temperate and boreal forests 10.00 0.0270
2410 × 10
651 × 10
Tropical grasslands and savannas/Mediterranean shrubland 9.25 0.0340
3040 × 10
956 × 10
Temperate grasslands 4.00 0.0450
1500 × 10
270 × 10
Cropland 3.00 0.0380
1350 × 10
154 × 10
Deserts 1.75 0.1558
2770 × 10
755 × 10
Arctic tundra 2.00 0.0674
560 × 10
75 × 10
Global total (without ice-covered area) –– 13,380 × 10
3981 × 10
Terborgh et al. 1990
Holmes and Sturges 1975; Wiens and Nussbaum 1975
Howell 1971;Karr1971
Wiens 1973
Kartanas 1989
Gutzwiller and Barrow 2002
Sokolov et al. 2012; Del Hoyo et al. 2016
Sci Nat (2018) 105: 47 Page 5 of 13 47
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Estimate of the global annual prey consumption
by the insectivorous birds
Our calculation of the annual prey consumption by the global
population of insectivorous birds produced an estimate of
404,586 × 10
kg year
(= 404.6 million tons; Table 2),
which corresponds to an energy consumption of 2.7 ×
(= 0.15% of the global terrestrial net primary
production of 1.782 × 10
(see Lieth 1973)).
This estimate (Table 2) does not include the amounts of
food consumed at stopover sites during the fall and spring
migrations. Currently, no quantitative assessments of the prey
biomass consumed at stopover sites have been published (also
see Lott et al. 2006); but considering the energy costs of ap-
proximately 10 to 20 billion birds migrating annually (see
Hahn et al. 2009; Berthold 2001;Wikelskietal.2003;
Fristoe 2015) and taking into account that the birds resting at
stopover sites only partially depend on arthropod food
(Schaub and Jenni 2000; Suthers et al. 2000), we estimate that
the amount of arthropod food they consume globally at stop-
over sites may be on the order of 35 million tons year
Thus, arthropod consumption during migratory stopovers is
around 1% of the total amount of prey biomass consumed by
the global population of insectivorous birds (see Table 2).
Regarding the temperate, sub-polar, and polar climates, our
calculations (Table 2) assume that the arthropod consumption in
these climates during the non-breeding season is reduced to a
small fraction (510%) of the breeding season value (see
BMethods^). However, there are some studies which indicate
that the insectivorous activities of birds during the non-
breeding season may not always be reduced so drasticallyat
least in some parts of the temperate/cold climate zones (see
Askenmo et al. 1977; Gunnarsson 1996; Kirk et al. 1996;
Velký et al. 2011)and it could therefore be argued our cal-
culations underestimate the contribution of birds as consumers
of arthropod prey during the non-breeding period (Table 2). To
address this issue, we considered two extreme scenarios. In sce-
nario 1, a minimum estimate was assessed based on the assump-
tion that the birdsdiets in temperate/cold climates contain no
arthropods during the non-breeding season; in scenario 2, a max-
imum estimate was assessed by assuming that the birdscontri-
bution as arthropod consumers during the non-breeding season
in temperate/cold climates is 50% of the breeding season value.
With these assumptions, the annual prey consumption of the
worlds insectivorous birds was recalculated, producing a mini-
mum estimate of 396,041 million tons year
and a maximum
estimate of 472,145 million tons year
. Thus, the true value of
insect consumption presumably is somewhere in between ap-
proximately 400 and 500 million tons year
at the lower end of this range as indicated in Table 2, because the
availability of arthropod prey during the non-breeding season is
greatly reduced in most areas of the temperate/cold climates.
For comparison, Alerstam (1993), using a different method,
estimated the total energy consumption of the worldslandbirds
(including arthropods, plant matter, and other food sources) to
be 7.5 × 10
. Our estimate for the worlds insectivo-
rous birds is consistent with this broader estimate. The difference
of 4.6 × 10
between the two estimates is mainly ex-
plained by the fact that in our estimate exclusively feeding on
arthropod prey is considered, whereas in Alerstams estimate,
feeding on additional food sources was assumed. Especially
during the non-breeding season, when the availability of arthro-
pod prey is strongly reduced in many places of the globe, land
birds consume large amounts of plant matter (Clements and
Shelford 1939; Brown et al. 1979; Robinson and Sutherland
1997; Buckingham et al. 1999;Renneretal.2012).
Experimental evidence supporting our theory of high
global predation impact by insectivorous birds
Our calculations presented in Table 2imply that insectivorous
birds exert substantial predation pressure on insects and other
arthropods, especially in tropical and temperate/boreal forest
ecosystems. This is supported by a large number of experi-
mental studies conducted in a variety of habitats in different
parts of the world (see Şekercioğlu 2006a, Mäntylä et al. 2011;
Şekercioğlu et al. 2016 for reviews). Thereby, exclosure ex-
periments were used to document the impact of bird predation
Fig. 1 Box plots showing prey consumption rates
(kg arthropods ha
) in the various biomes. Different small case
letters above boxes indicate significant differences (Kruskal-Wallis test
followed by Dunns multiple comparison test; see text for details). High
and low whiskers indicate 90th and 10th percentiles, respectively. Tops
and bottoms of the boxes indicate 75th and 25th percentiles, respectively.
The horizontal bars withinthe boxes indicate the median, and the symbols
within the boxes indicate the mean biomass consumed
47 Page 6 of 13 Sci Nat (2018) 105: 47
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on arthropods (Whelan et al. 2008). With this technique, it has
been proven that birds can significantly reduce the abundance
of herbivorous insects in tropical, temperate, and boreal for-
ests (Holmes et al. 1979; Gradwohl and Greenberg 1982;
Atlegrim 1989; Marquis and Whelan 1994; Gunnarsson
1996; Murakami and Nakano 2000; Strong et al. 2000;Van
Bael et al. 2003;Dunham2008; Morrison and Lindell 2012).
Exclosure experiments also show that insectivorous birds can
also have a negative effect on the abundance of herbivorous
insects in grasslands (Joern 1986;Bocketal.1992) and crop-
lands (Hooks et al. 2003; Perfecto et al. 2004; Kellermann et
al. 2008;Koh2008; Johnson et al. 2010;Maasetal.2016).
Negative effects of insectivorous birds on herbivorous in-
sects have been further demonstrated by means of dummy
caterpillar experiments in tropical and non-tropical biomes
(e.g., Maas et al. 2015;Roslinetal.2017).
Which prey taxa are killed by insectivorous birds?
Insectivorous birds eat a large variety of arthropod taxa (e.g.,
Rotenberry 1980b; Poulin et al. 1994; Dyrcz and Flinks 1995;
Gajdošand Krištín 1997;Orłowskietal.2014; Helms et al.
2016; Sam et al. 2017). Seven arthropod orders, Lepidoptera,
Coleoptera, Orthoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, and
Araneae, however, are frequently consumed (Gajdošand Krištín
1997;Wilsonetal.1999; Develey and Peres 2000; Gámez-
Virués et al. 2007; Sam et al. 2017). In temperate forests and
agricultural habitats, caterpillars (Lepidoptera larvae) and bee-
tles (Coleoptera) are particularly common prey of insectivorous
birds (Holmes et al. 1979; Woronecki and Dolbeer 1980;Gajdoš
and Krištín 1997;Jeromin2002;Faytetal.2005; Moorman et
al. 2007; Gilroy et al. 2009; Pagani-Núñez et al. 2017), whereas
grasshoppers (Orthoptera) are usually an essential component in
the diets of grassland birds (Joern 1986;Bocketal.1992; Kobal
et al. 1998). Tropical forest and farmland birds frequently con-
sume beetles, ants, cockroaches (Blattodea), katydids
(Orthoptera), caterpillars, and spiders (Poulin and Lefebvre
1996;Şekercioğlu et al. 2002; Hooks et al. 2003;Koh2008;
Sam et al. 2017). Desert birds frequently feed on beetles, ants,
and termites (Maclean 2013). Termites are an important food
source for birds inhabiting tropical savannas (Korb and
Salewski 2000). In Arctic tundra habitats, birds consume mostly
tipulids (Diptera) and spiders (Araneae)two arthropod groups
numerically dominating the arthropod fauna of the sparse tundra
vegetation (Holmes 1966;Custer and Pitelka 1978).
Relative contribution of different biome categories
to the global annual prey consumption
Birds in forests account for 75% of the annual prey consumption
of the worlds insectivorous birds (300 million tons year
Table 2). Forests cover a large portion of the global terrestrial
surface area (41.6 million km
; Saugier et al. 2001),andinthese
productive and vegetatively complex habitats, birds usually
reach higher diversities (Willson 1974) and numbers ha
pared to non-forested areas (Gaston et al. 2003). A similar trend
of highest predation impact occurring in forested areas has been
reported for spiders (Nyffeler and Birkhofer 2017). Forest birds
feed frequently on potentially harmful caterpillar and beetle pests
(Holmes et al. 1979;Faytetal.2005;Moormanetal.2007). This
is especially true during the breeding season, when passerines
(song birds) catch large numbers of leaf-eating caterpillars to feed
them to their nestlings (Gibb and Betts 1963;Holmesetal.1979;
Gajdošand Krištín 1997; Mols and Visser 2002). At this time of
the year, caterpillars make up 2090% of the nestling diets of
many species of insectivorous birds (Gibb and Betts 1963;
Pravosudov and Pravosudova 1996;Gajdošand Krištín 1997;
Török and Tóth 1999; Pagani-Núñez et al. 2017). Due to high
protein content and easy digestibility, caterpillars comprise an
optimal diet for nestling birds (Tremblay et al. 2005). Data sug-
gest that forest birds exert considerable predation pressure on
lepidopteran pests, such as the eastern spruce budworm
(Choristoneura fumiferana;Holmesetal.1979;Şekercioğlu
2006a). Crawford and Jennings (1989) found that birds
destroyed 84% of larval and pupal eastern spruce budworms at
low densities of this pest. The birds are most effective as natural
enemies at endemic pest densities (Holmes et al. 1979;Holmes
1990). Fayt et al. (2005) pointed out that woodpeckers (Picidae)
suppress the abundance of bark beetles (Curculionidae) in conif-
erous forest landscapes. Furthermore, forest birds at times feed
heavily on spiders, especially during the breeding season (Naef-
Daenzer et al. 2000; Pagani-Núñez et al. 2017). In Scandinavian
boreal forests, spiders are a major diet for overwintering tits
(Parus spp.), treecreepers (Certhia familiaris), and goldcrests
(Regulus regulus) (Askenmo et al. 1977; Gunnarsson 1996).
Spiders are an important food source for birds because of their
high content of taurine, an amino acid that plays a vital role in the
early development of many types of passerine birds (Ramsay
and Houston 2003;Arnoldetal.2007). The propensity for birds
to feed on spiders can reduce some positive economic impact of
avian insectivory because spiders themselves are highly benefi-
cial natural enemies of insects (Nyffeler 2000;Nyffelerand
Birkhofer 2017).Thesameistruewhenbirdsfeedonlarge
numbers of predaceous ants or odonates, as is sometimes the
case in purple martins (Progne subis) and house martins
(Delichon urbicum) (Kelly et al. 2013;Orłowskietal.2014;
Helms et al. 2016).
Birds in grasslands and savannas contributed 15% (i.e.,
60 million tons year
; Table 2) to the global annual prey
biomass. Grasslands and savannas cover a vast area of the
globe (45.4 million km
; Saugier et al. 2001). Included in this
figure are 2.8 million km
Mediterranean shrublands. The
prey biomass ha
of bird communities in the grassland
biome is considerably lower than that in forests (Table 2;Ford
and Bell 1981; Wiens 1989). Notwithstanding that, North
American studies have shown that grassland birds at times
Sci Nat (2018) 105: 47 Page 7 of 13 47
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
exert noticeable predation pressure on grasshopper popula-
tions (Joern 1986;Belovskyetal.1990;Bocketal.1992).
Bird communities associated with agricultural areas contrib-
uted roughly 7% (i.e., 28 million tons year
; Table 2).
Cropland covers an area of 13.5 million km
(Saugier et al.,
2001) Agricultural landscapes are mosaics of crop fields, shel-
terbelts, and tree-lined field roads (Kartanas 1989;Gámez-
Virués et al. 2007). In our estimates ofprey biomass ha
for croplands (Table 2), birds associated with tree-lined field
roads have been taken into account as well (compare Kartanas
1989). Although birds in the agricultural landscape are known
to feed at times heavily on potentially harmful lepidopteran and
coleopteran pests (Woronecki and Dolbeer 1980), examples of
farmland birds substantially suppressing crop pests are few,
which may be explained by the fact that crop fields are usually
inhabited/visited by birds in rather low numbers (Gaston et al.
2003), at least in temperate regions. Reports of birds suppress-
ing agricultural pests refer for the most part to studies in tropical
Table 3 Comparative estimates of the annual prey consumption (kg fresh weight ha
) of different groups of predaceous animals based on
published data
Predator type Biome class Prey biomass
(kg ha
Insectivorous birds Salt marsh 545 Kale 1965
Insectivorous birds Urban areas 84289 Falk 1976; Kartanas 1989
Insectivorous birds Tropical forests 100176 Leigh 1999
Insectivorous birds Temperate forests 35137 Holmes and Sturges 1975;WeinerandGłowaciński 1975;
Keast et al. 1985; Harris 1991
Insectivorous birds Tree-lined field roads 3679 Kartanas 1989
Insectivorous birds Grasslands, crop fields 1031 Ferger et al. 2013; Wiens and Dyer 1975
Piscivorous birds Freshwater lakes and marshes 849 Nilsson and Nilsson 1976; Biujse et al. 1993
Insectivorous primates Tropical forest 1032 Sakai (2002)
Insectivorous bats Tropical forest 4 Kalka and Kalko 2006
Insectivorous bats Carlsbad Caverns national park Low
Combined data Tuttle 1994/BestandGeluso2003
Shrews Taiga forest 25350 Shvarts et al. 1997
Shrews Reed swamp 6 Pelikan 1978
Hedgehogs Reed swamp 1 Pelikan 1978
Lizards Various biome types 39 Shelly 1986; Walter and Breckle 2013
Lizards Woodland on tropical island 85 Bennett and Gorman 1979
Salamanders Temperate forests 7 Burton and Likens 1975
Frogs Tropical forest 1163 Stewart and Woolbright 1996; Walter and Breckle 2013
Frogs Temperate grasslands < 1180 Breymeyer 1978; Pelikan 1993
Ants Tropical forest 21147 Dyer 2002
Ants Temperate forest 177 Horstmann 1974
Ants Temperate grasslands 46536 Kajak et al. 1971
Spiders Tropical coffee plantation 160320 Robinson and Robinson 1974
Spiders Temperate forests 20100 Nyffeler 2000; Nyffeler and Birkhofer 2017
Spiders Temperate grasslands 20230 Nyffeler 2000; Nyffeler and Birkhofer 2017
Spiders Crop fields 10 Nyffeler 2000
Scorpions Arid zone 8 Shorthouse and Marples 1982
Wasps (Vespa) Temperate forest 18Harris1991
Robber flies (Asilidae) Tropical forest 7 Shelly 1986
Ground beetles (Carabidae) Temperate forest, cropland 20 Chauvin 1967;Schaefer1990
Rove beetles (Staphylinidae) Temperate forest 64 Schaefer 1990
Centipedes Temperate forest 100 Schaefer 1990
Original values adjusted when necessary by using correction factors obtained from the literature
Only a few kg arthropods ha
(Nyffeler, unpubl. estimate), taking into account a foraging area with a radius of 50 km for the Mexican free-
tailed bat (Best and Geluso 2003)
47 Page 8 of 13 Sci Nat (2018) 105: 47
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plantations (e.g., Hooks et al. 2003;Koh2008). A classic ex-
ample of the successful avian control of a pest species comes
from tropical coffee plantations in Costa Rica, Guatemala,
Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, and Puerto Rico, where the coffee
berry borer Hypothenemus hampeiconsidered to be the
worlds most damaging insect pest in coffeeis successfully
controlled by insectivorous avian communities often largely
composed of wood-warblers (Parulidae) (Greenberg et al.
2000; Perfecto et al. 2004; Kellermann et al. 2008; Johnson et
al. 2010; Wenny et al. 2011;Karpetal.2013).
Birds associated with desert and tundra biomes account for
only a small percentage (each < 4%) of the global annualprey
biomass (Table 2). The low prey biomass ha
of birds
in these biome types reflects that such habitats are covered by
a sparse vegetation of low productivity supporting only low
densities of birds (see Gaston et al. 2003). Birds in desert and
tundra habitats prey exclusively on non-pest arthropods dur-
ing their occurrence in these biomes which renders them in-
significant from the perspective of economic ornithology
(Holmes 1966; Custer and Pitelka 1978;Maclean2013).
Concluding remarks
For the first time, the predation impact of the insectivorous
birds has been quantified on a global scale. The global energy
consumption by the insectivorous birds in the form of arthro-
pod prey is substantial (an estimated 2.7 × 10
Annually, the global population of insectivorous birds con-
sumes as much energy as a megacity the size of New York
(2.8 × 10
, in 2011; Kennedy et al. 2015).
To fulfill these huge energy requirements, the insectiv-
orous birds capture billions of potentially harmful herbiv-
orous insects and other arthropods. Only few other preda-
tor groups, such as spiders and entomophagous insects, can
keep up with the insectivorous birds in their capacity to
suppress herbivorous insect populations in a variety of bi-
omes (Table 3;DeBachandRosen1991;Nyffelerand
Birkhofer 2017). Other predator groups like bats, primates,
shrews, hedgehogs, frogs, salamanders, and lizards appar-
ently are less effective natural enemies of herbivorous in-
sects (Table 3). Although some of these latter predator
groups may exert high predation pressure in a particular
biome type (e.g., lizards on tropical islands; see Bennett
and Gorman 1979), these same groups are much less effec-
tive in other biomes so that their global impact cannot
compare to that of spiders, entomophagous insects, or in-
sectivorous birds. The global predation impact of the in-
sectivorous birds (between 400 and 500 million tons year
is approximately of the same order of magnitude as that of
the spiders (between 400 and 800 million tons year
Nyffeler and Birkhofer 2017).
Acknowledgments We are grateful to Steffen Hahn and Lukas Jenni
(both Swiss Ornithological Institute Sempach) and Franz Bairlein
(Institute of Avian Research BVogelwarte Helgoland,^Germany) for pro-
viding us with expert knowledge needed to roughly estimate the food
consumption by migrant birds at stopover sites. We also wish to thank
Thomas Alerstam (Lund University), James Van Remsen (Louisiana
State University), andthree anonymous reviewers for their valuable com-
ments on earlier drafts.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link
to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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Supplementary resource (1)

... Given the challenges of understanding the magnitude of invertebrate declines we can also turn to more well-studied ecological proxies. For example, birds are arguably the most comprehensively studied taxonomic group [22] and around half of all bird species (5157 of 10662) are primarily insectivorous [23] consuming 400-500 million tons of prey annually [24]. Widespread declines and range contractions have been reported in many insectivorous bird species at both temperate and tropical latitudes [22]. ...
... Insects provide key ecosystem functions, and their importance is also paramount as being the primary food source for the majority of passerine species in the Palearctic (Nyffeler et al., 2018;Wilman et al., 2014). This is particularly true for the larvae of Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) and Hymenoptera sawflies, that is, "caterpillars," which constitute a large and important component of passerine birds' nestling diet, due to their high nutritional value and abundance (Cholewa & Wesołowski, 2012;Narango et al., 2017;Tallamy & Shriver, 2021). ...
Full-text available
As urban areas continue to expand globally, a deeper understanding of the functioning of urban green spaces is crucial for maintaining habitats that effectively support wildlife within our cities. Cities typically harbor a wide variety of nonnative vegetation, providing limited support for insect populations. The resulting scarcity of arthropods has been increasingly linked to adverse effects at higher trophic levels, such as the reduced reproductive success of insectivorous birds in urban environments. However, the responses by which urban breeding birds cope with the challenges of food limitation remain largely unexplored. To address this knowledge gap, in a Central European city, we employed radiotelemetry tracking and real‐time observations on urban‐breeding female great tits' habitat use, combined with detailed plant surveys and video recordings of nestlings' diet. This integrated approach enabled us to establish direct links between great tits' foraging behavior, vegetation preferences, and nestling diet. We found that besides tree canopies, great tits also frequently foraged on the ground and that the availability of bird feeders notably affected birds' habitat use. Foraging great tits generally avoided nonnative plants, particularly broadleaved species. When searching for nestling food, great tits were most time‐efficient on conifers, albeit these trees provided low amounts of caterpillars (a preferred prey type). Great tits were more likely to forage on and deliver nestling food from large native trees and foraged less on and collected fewer prey items from the most abundant tree species. Our results underscore the importance of several factors that may help improve habitat quality for urban insectivorous birds, with preserving large trees and increasing diverse native vegetation being key elements in this endeavor.
... Insectivorous birds are effective natural predators of cropdamaging pests, significantly contributing to pest management in agriculture (Morse, 1971;Nyffeler et al., 2018;Díaz-Siefer et al., 2022;Jerilyn et al., 2024). These birds have been observed reducing larval populations by up to 84% (Jones et al., 2005), with species like the black drongo, house sparrow, blue jays, cattle egret, rosy pastor and mynah commonly targeting large larvae in crops. ...
The Asian corn borer (ACB), Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée, 1854), is a serious pest of several crops, particularly a destructive pest of maize and other cereals throughout most of Asia, including China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Cambodia. It has long been known as a pest in South-east Asia and has invaded other parts of Asia, Solomon Islands, parts of Africa and certain regions of Australia and Russia. Consequently, worldwide efforts have been increased to ensure new control strategies for O. furnacalis management. In this article, we provide a comprehensive review of the ACB covering its (i) distribution (geographic range and seasonal variations), (ii) morphology and ecology (taxonomy, life-history, host plants and economic importance) and (iii) management strategies (which include agroecological approaches, mating disruption, integrated genetic approaches, chemical as well as biological control). Furthermore, we conclude this review with recommendations to provide some suggestions for improving eco-friendly pest management strategies to enhance the sustainable management of ACB in infested areas.
... 11 Most pest-regulating bird species consume arthropods, either as specialists or opportunistic predators. 4,12,13 Nyffeler et al. 14 estimated an annual consumption of 400-500 million tonnes of arthropods by birds globally, and ≈7% of that consumption occurring in agroecosystems. García et al. 15 using bird exclusion experiments, proved that the absence of avian predators resulted in increased crop damage by aphids. ...
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BACKGROUND Biological control in integrated pest management (IPM) often overlooked avian predators until the emergence of the ecosystem services approach. Birds are now recognized as key regulators of pest populations in agroforestry landscapes due to their high mobility. The invasive yellow‐legged hornet, introduced into Europe in 2004, threatens agriculture, beekeeping and native pollinators. We aimed to determine whether European honey buzzard attacks on yellow‐legged hornet nests reduce the densities of individuals (workers) in summer and full‐grown colonies in November around the raptor's nests in southwestern Europe. RESULTS We analyzed honey‐buzzard foraging patterns of 11 individuals during breeding using trail cameras and GPS emitters to locate attacked hornet nests. The average mode distance from raptor nests to the attacked hornet nests was 1234.7 m, with 89.3% of attacked nests destroyed. We assessed the change in the abundance of hornet workers and in the density of full‐grown nests over distance in the vicinity of 17 honey‐buzzard nests and 10 control points, finding a significant decline of −0.000116 workers h⁻¹ m⁻¹ within 1000 m of a raptor nest. This impact intensified as the breeding season progressed. However, no significant effect on the density of full‐grown hornet nests was observed. CONCLUSION These results are of interest for the management of the exotic hornet, at least on the abundance of workers and at a small scale in the proximity of honey‐buzzard nests. These raptors should be considered allies in the fight against hornet populations and included in IPM programmes as a native controller of the pest. © 2025 The Author(s). Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.
... Se conocen 9800 especies de aves (Madrid-Ibarra y Elías-Cruzado, 2017; Moreno-Vera et al., 2023), distribuidas en todos los ecosistemas a nivel mundial y son consideradas un bioindicador de la salud del planeta e importantes dentro de los ecosistemas, por su papel dentro de las cadenas tróficas (BirdLife Intenational, 2022), donde la mayoría de las especies de aves son insectívoras (Nyffeler et al., 2018;Florida Museum, 2023). ...
Full-text available
Las aves constituyen uno de los taxa con mayor biodiversidad dentro de ecosistemas naturales y agroecosistemas en Panamá y el mundo, porque las mismas tienen un papel predominante dentro de la cadena trófica. En este sentido, es de conocimiento la existencia de aves insectívoras que tienen un impacto sobre determinadas poblaciones de insectos. El objetivo de la presente revisión de literatura fue determinar el potencial uso de las aves asociadas a los insectos en beneficio de la producción agropecuaria en Panamá. Los dos aspectos de mayor relevancia para el uso de las aves asociadas a insectos en Panamá incluyen: i) El aporte nutricional del consumo de insectos en la dieta de aves de cría; ii) La importancia estratégica de las aves como agentes de control biológico de especies de insectos plaga en los agroecosistemas. Sobre lo primero, el uso de insectos para complementar la nutrición de gallinas y patos requiere investigar sobre aquellas especies insectiles que aporten contenidos nutricionales de calidad y con flexibilidad para establecer crías en condiciones de cautiverio. Para el caso del control biológico, se requieren crear condiciones que permitan el establecimiento y continuidad de grupos de aves insectívoras próximas a las plantaciones agrícolas. Este estudio constituye un aporte al beneficio de la interrelación de aves e insectos aplicados al sector agropecuario.
... This is highly relevant in coffee agroforestry, where natural pest control can help reduce dependence on chemical pesticides (Rohman et al. 2020). The role of insectivores in maintaining insect population balance is crucial for preventing crop damage and maintaining land productivity (Nyffeler et al. 2018). The complex interactions among carnivores, ...
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This study investigates the role of coffee agroforestry in sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem functions in Kluncing, Ijen, Indonesia. By quantifying bird, butterfly, and coffee insect diversity using the Shannon-Wiener index, it evaluates ecological dynamics and their implications for sustainable land management. Bird communities demonstrated the highest diversity (2.911), indicating ecosystem stability, while butterflies (2.481) and coffee insects (1.841) exhibited lower diversity, reflecting habitat and resource limitations. Trophic network modeling using NetworkX identified keystone species like Collocalia linchi (21.9% relative abundance) among birds and the Formicidae family (29.8% relative abundance) among coffee insects, emphasizing their critical roles in ecosystem balance. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) highlighted the influence of environmental factors on species distribution. Species such as Ariadne ariadne and Delias belisama were sensitive to humidity and temperature, while Collocalia linchi favored areas with higher light intensity. The findings underscore the importance of tailored management practices to address species-specific responses to microclimatic variations. Sustainable agroforestry management is vital for preserving biodiversity, maintaining ecosystem stability, and ensuring agricultural productivity. This study also highlights challenges posed by habitat degradation and climate change, emphasizing the need for adaptive strategies to safeguard this unique agroforestry landscape.
... The annual pulse in arthropod herbivores and their predators (mostly insectivorous birds) form another prominent part of the food web in all vegetation communities and bioclimate zones (Nyffeler et al. 2018). This relationship is likely well supported within the IPCA given the fairly complete range of vegetation communities through a wide range of elevations and including seral stages after fire. ...
Technical Report
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The purpose of this document is to synthesize and present biophysical information, from the scientific and technical literature, that addresses the suitability of a National Park within all or a portion of the Ross River Dena Council’s Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA). We intend this synthesis to inform and support negotiations between the Ross River Dena Council (RRDC) and the Governments of Yukon and Canada regarding the feasibility of all or a portion of the IPCA being co-designated as a National Park, perhaps in conjunction with other conservation designations, in support of the Ross River Dena’s vision for the IPCA. In this Summary, we present an overview of the key themes and findings of this investigation and synthesis.
... troilus are resting in leaf shelters (Hossie & Sherratt, 2012Nyffeler et al., 2018). Additionally, mammalian and unknown predators showed little variation in predation between treatments ( Figure S3). ...
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Animal colour patterns are often accompanied by specific, synergistic behaviours to most effectively defend prey against visual predators. Given the inherent context‐dependence of colour perception, understanding how these colour‐behaviour synergies function in a species' natural environment is crucial. For example, refuge‐building species create a unique visual environment where most (or all) of the body is obscured unless closely inspected. How these built environments affect the perception of defensive colour patterns by predators is not well understood. Using artificial caterpillars that resemble a refuge‐building species with conspicuous markings (Papilio troilus; Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), I tested the hypothesis that leaf rolls amplify the antipredator effect of this species' eyespots. I compared wild avian predation rates on 659 artificial swallowtail‐like caterpillars from four treatment groups: eyespotted and non‐eyespotted, and presented in leaf rolls or on open leaves of live host plants. In support of my hypothesis, eyespots only reduced predation for larvae in leaf rolls. On open leaves, eyespots had no antipredator effect. I also found that leaf rolls reduced predation in general for both eyespotted and non‐eyespotted prey. These results highlight the importance of considering relevant behaviours in studies of animal coloration whenever possible, including behaviours that influence colour perception indirectly (e.g. through habitat use or modification).
The Metropolitan Region of Greater São Luís (MRGSL) is located in northern Brazil, along the Amazon Coast, in the central part of the shore of Maranhão State. This region lacks a comprehensive checklist of bird species, which is essential to support conservation efforts. To present a list of birds for the MRGSL, we gathered records from published literature, environmental assessment reports, data repositories (GBIF, VertNet), and online citizen science (CS) platforms (WikiAves, iNaturalist, and eBird). Each record was subjected to several filters before being included in our compilation. We compiled 9,824 records for 399 bird species. Most species (78.44%) had documented records, of which 96.80% were photos or audio recordings taken by CS amateurs and deposited on WikiAves. Seven species are threatened with extinction according to the IUCN Red List and 12 species are considered under threat in Brazil. Of the total species, 37 are migratory birds, and five are mangrove-exclusive birds. As our results show, CS has contributed disproportionately to the knowledge of species occurrence in the region. This study adds to the knowledge of the region’s avifauna and provides insight into the structure of bird communities. However, there is a lack of systematic studies on key biological aspects of birds, including population dynamics, community structure, and the environmental factors that regulate them. In addition, studying the synergistic influences of impacts on these populations and communities is critical for effective conservation.
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La production annuelle de graines par la végétation herbacée et leur consommation par les oiseaux, les rongeurs et les fourmis Messor galla ont été étudiées au cours de 3 années successives. La production annuelle de graines a varié de 286 kg/ha à 1 061 kg/ha, les oiseaux en auraient consommé 6 % à 26 %, les rongeurs 1 % à 15 % et les fourmis 0,4 % à 2 % selon les années. Au total, 1/3 à 2/3 des graines produites auraient été consommées si on tient compte de l’impact des insectes endophytophages qui se développent dans les graines de l’espèce dominante Cassia tora (Leguminosae). Globalement, pendant la période d’étude, les quantités de graines n’ont pas semblé un facteur limitant pour les populations granivores et, réciproquement, l’impact des granivores n’a pas paru compromettre le renouvellement de la strate herbacée l’année suivante. Cependant, les différents groupes granivores effectuant des choix parmi les graines disponibles, il est probable qu’il y a compétition pour certaines graines particulièrement recherchées et que leur impact influe sur l’équilibre entre les espèces herbacées. Ces 3 groupes granivores, systématiquement éloignés (oiseaux, rongeurs, fourmis), utilisent certes la même source de nourriture, limitée en quantité et variable dans le temps, mais ils diffèrent quant à leur mode d’utilisation spaciale et temporelle de cette même ressource.
The question of how birds migrate over enormous distances with apparently minimal guidance continues to excite both professional and amateur ornithologists. Nearly ten years have elapsed since Peter Berthold, a leading researcher in the field, wrote the first edition of this highly readable and fascinating book. During that time the field has advanced by strides, so that this new edition has been extensively revised, expanded, and updated. No other book exists that brings together the vast amount of information that is available on the subject of bird migration, so that the book will be an inspiration to birdwatchers, naturalists, and ornithologists alike.
The two volumes of John Wiens' Ecology of Bird Communities have applications and importance to the whole field of ecology. The books contain a detailed synthesis of our current understanding of the patterns of organisation of bird communities and of the factors that may determine them, drawing from studies from all over the world. By emphasizing how proper logic and methods have or have not been followed and how different viewpoints have developed historically and have led to controversy, the scope of these books are extended far beyond the study of birds. Processes and Variations discusses the way in which bird community patterns have been interpreted. This second volume examines how the complexity and variability of natural environments may influence efforts to discern and understand the nature of these communities. Graduate students and professionals in avian biology and ecology will find these volumes a valuable stimulus and guide to future field studies and theory development.