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A binding scheme to minimize thinning of formed tailor welded blanks



Weld line movements (WLM) and thinning in draw bending and deep drawing of Tailor Welded Blanks (TWBs) constitute major defects in automotive applications. The present work aims at the development of a binding scheme that improves sheet thinning and eliminates WLM. This is achieved by using controlled blank holding segmented binders (blank holders) at the boundaries of the parent sheets of the TWB and counter pins at the weld lines. Analytical models for the 2-D draw bending and 3-D deep drawing are developed to predict the required blank-holder/counter-pin forces that insures identical elongation (deformation) on both sides of the TWB and thus eliminates the WLM. The 2-D model is validated by a series of draw-bending laboratory experiments. The experimentation of the proposed force scheme produced identical elongations on both parent sheets and consequently zero weld line movement (WLM) as targeted by the analytical model and hence the feasibility of the proposed scheme is proved in practice. Additional draw-bending/box-drawing experiments are conducted to compare the proposed scheme with separate use of either segmented blank holders, weld line clamping pins or counter punch. The results showed improved reduction in thinning and elimination of WLM when the binding forces of the process are controlled as proposed by the developed model.
1 23
The International Journal of
Advanced Manufacturing Technology
ISSN 0268-3768
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
DOI 10.1007/s00170-018-1686-6
A binding scheme to minimize thinning of
formed tailor welded blanks
Mahmoud S.Seyam, Mostafa Shazly,
Alaa El-Mokadem & Abdalla S.Wifi
1 23
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A binding scheme to minimize thinning of formed tailor welded blanks
Mahmoud S. Seyam
&Mostafa Shazly
&Alaa El-Mokadem
&Abdalla S. Wifi
Received: 3 January 2017 /Accepted: 30 January 2018
#Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2018
Weld line movements (WLM) and thinning in draw bending and deep drawing of Tailor Welded Blanks (TWBs)
constitute major defects in automotive applications. The present work aims at the development of a binding scheme
that improves sheet thinning and eliminates WLM. This is achieved by using controlled blank holding segmented
binders (blank holders) at the boundaries of the parent sheets of the TWB and counter pins at the weld lines.
Analytical models for the 2-D draw bending and 3-D deep drawing are developed to predict the required
blank-holder/counter-pin forces that insures identical elongation (deformation) on both sides of the TWB and thus
eliminates the WLM. The 2-D model is validated by a series of draw-bending laboratory experiments. The experi-
mentation of the proposed force scheme produced identical elongations on both parent sheets and consequently zero
weld line movement (WLM) as targeted by the analytical model and hence the feasibility of the proposed scheme is
proved in practice. Additional draw-bending/box-drawing experiments are conducted to compare the proposed scheme
with separate use of either segmented blank holders, weld line clamping pins or counter punch. The results showed
improved reduction in thinning and elimination of WLM when the binding forces of the process are controlled as
proposed by the developed model.
Keywords Tailor welded blanks .Formability .Segmented binders .Draw-bending .Box deep drawing .Weld line movement .
Finite element analysis
fTensile force along the deformed profile (normal to the sheet
Blank holding force on the stronger side
Blank holding force on the weaker side
Clamping force along the weld line
Friction coefficient at the weld line
Friction coefficient at the stronger side
Friction coefficient at the weaker side
KStrength coefficient (in the maximum principal direction)
nStrain hardening exponent
Original length (for each parent sheet s and w)
Original thickness (for each parent sheet s and w)
LCurrent length (for each parent sheet s and w)
tCurrent thickness (for each parent sheet s and w)
ΔLstot Total increase in the original length (the total elongation) of
the stronger parent sheet
ΔLwtot Total increase in the original length (the total elongation) of
the weaker parent sheet
cDie/punch clearance
Die corner radius
Punch corner radius
YPunch current vertical position
θWrap Angle
MInternal bending moment (for each parent sheet s and w)
Initial weld line position
σMaximum principal stress
ϵMaximum principal strain
αStress ratio σ2
βStrain ratio ϵ2
*Mostafa Shazly
Department of Mechanical Design and Production, Faculty of
Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, The
British University in Egypt, Al-Shorouk City, Cairo 11873, Egypt
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
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1 Introduction
Innovative solutions to reduce vehiclesweighttoim-
prove fuel consumption are crucial to automotive indus-
try. Currently, body panels in modern vehicles are con-
structed using Tailor Welded Blanks (TWBs) to achieve
improved performance while minimizing total weight. A
TWB consists of several flat metallic sheets with differ-
ent characteristics (parent sheets) joined together prior to
stamping to final shapes. The major success of the pro-
cess, however, comes with detrimental reduction in form-
ability as a result of the geometrical/material discontinu-
ity [1]. The blank heterogeneity also causes diversity in
the developed strains when uniform loads are applied,
leading to accidental relocation of the parent sheets
which is also known as Weld Line Movement (WLM).
Several attempts were made to enhance the formability of
TWBs by eliminating the WLM. Ahmetoglu et al. [2]man-
aged to control the weld line movement in deep drawn cups
made of AKDQ TWB with a thickness ratio of 1.8/0.8 using
segmented binders with different levels of blank holding
force on each parent sheet. The blank holding force (BHF)
at the thinner side was increased by 100% while simulta-
neously decreased at the thicker side by 80%. Kinsey and
Cao [3] applied additional constrains to the weld line direct-
ly using clamping pins to prevent WLM and enhance form-
ability. Similarly, Morishita et al. [4] used a counter punch
instead of the pins. They experimentally proved that a half
counter punch causes the same result of a full counterpunch
if applied to the stronger side of the cup bottom, while
causes early failure if applied to the weaker side. Other
techniques including the adjustment of initial under
binder-blank shape [4] and draw beads [5]werealsocapable
of reducing the WLM. Chen et al. [6] studied the effect of
using both stepped and flat binders during the box drawing
of a 1.2/0.8 mm thick TWB. In the case of stepped binders,
full contact with the thinner flange was achieved unlike the
case with a flat binder where the gap between the binder and
application of clamping pins and stepped binder together
gave better results in terms of WLM/wrinkling prevention
and thinning reduction.
It should be noted that the predictions of BHFs com-
binations are crucial for a successful application of the
segmented binder technique. Such predictions can be
achieved through analytical or numerical models. For
example, He et al. [7] developed a 2-D analytical model
to estimate the required BHFs difference for zero weld
line movement in a plane strain U-draw-bending process.
Kinsey and Cao [8] developed another model to predict
WLM given the BHF on both sides which was also ex-
tended to predict the required BHF combination required
for zero WLM. FE simulations based on reaction forces
measured at weld line bonded to the punch were used to
estimate the required BHF [9]. Shazly et al. [10]used
numerical experiments to study the effect of several var-
iable blank holding force (VBHF) schemes on WLM for
a plane strain draw-bending process. Based on the evo-
lution pattern of weld line movements during the draw-
ing process, they suggested applying a higher BHF on
the weaker side with its peak value at the beginning of
the process. More reduction of the weld line movement
was achieved by increasing the peak BHF, however, con-
siderable thinning occurred at the weaker sides wall be-
fore complete elimination of the WLM. The same au-
thors [11]alsousedthereactionforcesattheweldline
(following Kinsey and Cao [3] and Kinsey et al. [9]) to
improve the VBHF scheme.
As shown above, previous analyses are based on the
assumption that WLM elimination and thinning reduction
Fig. 1 Draw bending of U-shaped part. aMaterial flow pattern. bProfile segmentation for each side
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
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are connected. The previous attempts to reduce thinning
were done through the elimination of WLM. However,
the success of such assumptions depends on the tech-
nique used to eliminate WLM. Previous attempts to con-
trol the weld line via segmented blank holders only
showed significant increase in thinning as a result of
increased binding force on the weaker side of the TWB
[2,10]. Alternatively, the clamping pin and counter
punch techniques were able to eliminate the WLM with-
out increasing thinning. However, the weaker side
showed larger thickness reduction as compared to the
stronger side when both are subjected to same BHF. In
case of high difference ratio (i.e., thickness and/or
strength) between the parent sheets, applying identical
BHF may cause tearing at the weaker side and/or wrin-
kling at the stronger side. In such a case, controlling the
weld line by any of the discussed techniques separately
will not prevent failure.
In the present work, a 2-D analytical model is devel-
oped for a new scheme that combines the segmented
blank holder and the clamping pin techniques to control
the stretching forces acting on each parent sheet separate-
ly such that the tearing limit for each sheet is not
exceeded. The scheme is developed and applied on
parts. Given the tool/blank geometry, materials properties,
and the BHF on one side, the model provides the required
BHF on the other side to produce equal elongation in both
sides and calculates the required counter pin force at the
weld line to achieve force equilibrium and produce zero
WLM. The suggested approach is verified experimentally
by a series of laboratory tests under different conditions.
Additional experiments on box-shaped parts and finite
element tests based on published experimental work from
literature are used to demonstrate the advantage of the
combined segmented blank holder/counter pin technique
over other techniques. The work methodology and model
development are presented in the subsequent sections
followed by results and discussions.
2.1 Model development
Considering the schematic drawing in Fig. 1a, if the forces
are to cause identical elongation in both
sides, the boundary line between both sides remains fixed
horizontally and the flow pattern will be as shown in
Fig. 1a. In the present analysis, the friction model f
used to describe sliding over the punch/die corners [12], where
fis the tensile force normal to the cross section. Side walls are
assumed straight and the maximum principal direction is as-
sumed along the deformed shape. The profile of the blank
Fig. 3 Biaxial condition at the bottom sectionone side of the TWB is
Fig. 2 Blank holding configurations. aCase 1: The flange is completely under binder with decreasing blank holding area. bCase 2: The flange is
partially constrained with a constant blank holding area
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
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during the process is divided into ten segments; five segments
at each side as shown in Fig. 1b. BHF
are the
blank holding force on the stronger side, the weaker side, and
the total counter pin force, respectively. The subscripts
indicate the strong and weak sides. In this model, the clamping
pins only contacts the lower face of the blank pushing it against
the punch bottom face (i.e. counter pins) [6]. In order to identify
the weak and strong sides for a giveninitialthickness/
length and material combinations, the elongations for both
sides are calculated for a given tensile force Fand the side with
lower strain and hence elongation will be considered the stron-
ger side. Hence
 ð1Þ
The tensile forces at the boundaries between segments are
obtained from force equilibrium in terms of the blank holding
forces as follows:
ðÞ;fA¼2μsBH Fs
ðÞ ð2Þ
ðÞ ð4Þ
The clamping force required to produce frictional forces
that eliminate the net horizontal forces and achieve equilibri-
um at the weld line (not the total clamping force F
ðÞμwBH Fw
where μ
are the friction coefficients at the weld
line, the strong side and the weak side, respectively. The log-
arithmic strains along segments 1, 3, and 5 are assumed con-
stant for each segment and are obtained by solving Eq. (6):
where Kis the strength coefficient (in the maximum principal
direction). The logarithmic strain at the curved segments are
averaged as shown in Eqs. (7)and(8):
ϵ2w ¼ϵ1w þϵ3w
2;ϵ2s ¼ϵ1s þϵ3s
ϵ4w ¼ϵ3w þϵ5w
2;ϵ4s ¼ϵ3s þϵ5s
The elongation in each segment is calculated from the log-
arithmic strain in terms of the current length as shown in Eq.
ϵ¼ln L
¼ln L
ðÞ ð9Þ
where Land L
are the current deformed and original lengths of
the segment, respectively. Regardless of the difference in the
initial lengths, the target of the model is to provide the BHFs
that produce identical elongation for both sides such that:
ΔLstot ¼ΔLwtot ð10Þ
where ΔLstot and ΔLwtot are the total increase of the original
length (the total elongation) of the strong and weak sides of
the TWB, respectively. Knowing that the total elongation is
the summation of the segmentselongations in each side, Eq.
Fig. 4 Assembly and dimensions of the die set used in the experimental work
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Substituting Eq. (9) in Eq. (11)yields
The current length of segment 1 is obtained in terms of the
other segmentslengths for two cases depending on the blank
holding area. The first case is illustrated in Fig. 2a, where the
flange is completely constrained by the blank holder and the
binding area is gradually decreasing with the condition
) satisfied. The current length of segment 1 in this
case is calculated as follows:
Ltot ¼Lotot þΔLtot
LiþL1¼Lotot þ
L1¼eϵ1Lotot −∑
 ð13Þ
Substituting Eq. (13) in Eq. (12)yields:
Lostot eϵ1s1ðÞþ
Lowtot eϵ1w1ðÞþ
The second case is illustrated in Fig. 2b, where the binding
area is kept constant by constraining a specific domain in the
flange. In this case, the flange is divided into two segments;
one is under the binder segment (L
= blank holder contact
length) and the other is the unconstrained segment (L
which gradually decreases with the punch movement. When
the length of segment L
becomes zero, case 1 is then
Distance along TWB (mm)
Vickers Hardness, Hv
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
Thick Side
Thin Side
Fig. 5 Vickers hardiness testHAZ width = 17 mm
Table 1 Characteristics of the TWB used in the present work
Material Mild steel Galvanized steel
Thickness (mm) 1.75 0.7
Length (mm) 150 150
Width (mm) 55 55
Yield strength (MPa) 262 233
Tensile strength (MPa) 309 295
n0.09 0.12
K(MPa) 462 420
Fig. 6 Dimensions of die set and initial blank used for rectangular box
studies in the present analysis. All dimensions in mm
Fig. 7 Half the die set for the proposed approach
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
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retrieved. The length of segment L
is calculated as follows:
Ltot ¼Lotot þΔLtot
LiþL10¼Lotot þ
L10¼Lotot −∑
The current lengths of segments 2, 3, 4, and 5 are calculated
using the geometrical model (see Appendix Afor details) with
respect to the current position of the punch such that:
L2w ¼θwRdw;L2s ¼θsRds ð16Þ
L4w ¼θwRpw;L4s ¼θsRps ð17Þ
L3w ¼YTw1cosθw
;L3s ¼YTs1cosθs
The wrap angle is related to the punch vertical displace-
ment as follows:
In order to eliminate the effect of internal bending moments
and M
at segments 4
and 4
which contribute to the
vertical WLM and reduce the resultant counter pin force
), additional amount of force F
must be applied by the
counter pin such that:
L5s þMw
;where M
r¼0rK ln 1 þr
dr ;
The bending moment is calculated assuming the neutral
line at the mid-plane of the sheet and neglecting the effect of
stretching (see Appendix A). Moment integration is done nu-
merically and the total minimum counter pin force is then
calculated as:
Fpin ¼FþF0ð21Þ
Fig. 8 Schematics for each of the
compared WLM controlling
Fig. 9 FEA model for plane strain draw-bending process based on refs.
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In box-shaped drawing, the straight sides can be approxi-
mated by 2-D plane strain sections, while the bottom section at
the punch face is subjected to biaxial stretching forces as
shown in Fig. 3.
Assuming the weld line is along direction y,the elonga-
tion in direction xat the bottom in each side is:
Equation (6)thenbecomes:
where α¼
Table 2 Input values the selected case studies
ratio tow/tos
Sheet Length
Radius (Rp)
Die Corner
Radius (Rd)
Punch Die
Clearance (c)
Punch Face
Width (P)
Initial Weld
Line Position
Minimum value to prevent the sheet from departing the die
2tow 6tow 2tow 6tow 2tow 6tow 2tow 6tow 2tow 6tow
10tow 40tow 40tow 40tow 40tow
40tow 40tow
40tow 40tow 40tow 40tow 40tow 40tow 20tow 20tow
20tow 20tow
20tow 20tow 20tow 20tow 20tow 20tow 20tow 20tow 20tow 20tow 20tow 20tow
Fig. 10 Draw-bending process
for all cases with process and
geometrical input parameters
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2.2 Model verification
2.2.1 U-draw-bending model
Laboratory experiments are conducted to verify the devel-
oped analytical model and prove its feasibility in practice.
The die set assembly shown in Fig. 4is used to conduct
U-draw-bending experiments on TWBs. In the present
work, a TWB consisting of a mild and galvanized steel par-
ent sheets are TIG welded prior to drawing. The geometrical
and material properties of the parent sheets are measured
and given in Table 1. The width of the heat affected zone
(HAZ) is obtained via HV-50A Vickers hardness tester as
showninFig.5. The HAZ width is found to be approximate-
ly 17 mm, with 8 mm on the thicker side and 9 mm on the
thinner side. A strength coefficient and hardening exponent
of 355 MPa and 0.173, respectively, are obtained from a
tension test specimen of the HAZ.
The BHF and the counter-pin force are applied using two
coil compression springs with identical stiffness of 70 N/mm on
each side. Six different experiments with different conditions
are used to verify the analytical model. In the first three exper-
iments namely cases A, B, and C, the weld line is initially
shifted from the center of the punch toward the thicker side
by 0, 10, and 20 mm, respectively. Both sides are subjected to
identical BHF of 3080 N and no direct constrain at the weld
line. The value of this force is the minimum required for suc-
cessful drawing and was determined by FE simulations. The
friction coefficients for the parent sheets are taken initially as
0.2forthemildsteeland0.17forgalvanized steel and are used
to simulate one of the cases (e.g., case C) using ABAQUS/
Explicit. These values are then adjusted such that the total elon-
gation, WLM, and the final deformed shape for simulation and
experiment are identical. The adjusted friction coefficient
values are then used in the analytical model to generate the
required BHF and counter punch force that will be applied to
cases D, E, and F to achieve identical elongation in both sides
and zero WLM. Cases D, E, and F share the same initial weld
line position as cases A, B, and C, respectively, while the weld
line is constrained by a counter pin. The experimental results of
these six cases are presented in Section 3.
2.2.2 Box-shaped drawn model
The extended analytical model for box shape is used to
apply the combined segmented binder/counter-pin
Fig. 11 Experimental comparisons between free weld line and new
scheme. aCases A and D. bCases B and E. cCases C and F
Table 3 Experimental and FE results for model verification
Case no. Weld line position (mm) BHFw/BHFs Fpin/BHFs Lw/Ls HWLM (mm) VWLM (mm)
A (experiment) 0 1.00 0.0 1.013 7.4 5.1
B (experiment) 10 1.00 0.0 1.020 13.8 5.6
C (experiment) 20 1.00 0.0 1.020 20.0 11.2
C (simulation with HAZ) 20 1.00 0.0 1.014 19.2 11.3
C (simulation without HAZ) 20 1.00 0.0 1.019 19.4 11.4
D (experiment) 0 0.13 1.1 1.001 0.0 0.0
E (experiment) 10 0.13 1.2 1.000 0.0 0.0
F (experiment) 20 0.13 1.5 1.007 0.0 0.0
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
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technique to the TWB of rectangular box-shaped parts pro-
duced by the die set shown in Fig. 6. The experimental
setupshowninFig.4is upgraded to accommodate the
dimensions of the rectangular box shown in Fig. 6with
segmented binder/counter pin as schematically shown in
Fig. 7. The TWB used in the rectangular box-shaped parts
consists of a 2-mm low carbon steel sheet with a strength
coefficient and a hardening exponent of K= 436 MPa and
n= 0.38, respectively, and a 1-mm low carbon steel sheet
with a strength coefficient and a hardening exponent of K
=509 MPa and n= 0.22, respectively. Three different ex-
periments are conducted to test different conditions. In the
first experiment, a base line experiment, the TWB is sub-
jected to identical BHF and the weld line is unconstrained.
The objective of this experiment is to determine the limit-
ing drawing height. The second experiment (only
counter-pin case) is the same as the first experiment except
for the additional clamping of the weld line provided by
the counter pin to prevent its movement. In the third ex-
periment (new scheme), the weld line is clamped and the
BHF on the weaker and stronger sides and the counter-pin
force are determined using the procedure detailed in
Appendix B. Finally, a finite element model is constructed
and validated following the data of the experimental work
reported by Morishita et al. [4] to compare the proposed
scheme against the counter punch technique. The devel-
oped analytical model in the present work is applied to
Punch Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm)
0 102030405060
Line sigments forModels with no HAZ
Symbols for Models with HAZ
Thin Flange
Thick Flange
Fig. 12 Comparisons between FE
models with and without HAZ for
case 3. aFlange displacement and
WLM. bOverlay plot of the
drawn partsline model for FE
model with HAZ
Fig. 13 Forces predicted by the developed analytical model in each case
and used in the FE simulations
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
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the validated FE model to test its merit in drawing square
box-shaped part. The selected case consists of a TWB
made of two mild steel sheets with thickness ratio of 0.6/
1.16 mm. Detailed die design and process parameters can
be found in ref. [4]. The blank is simulated using four node
reduced integration shell elements with five integration
points through thickness and a dynamic explicit step of
0.01 s to model the forming stage of the TWB. All other
parts are modeled as rigid bodies. As reported during the
physical experiments, lubrication was used at the flange
zone to facilitate the metal flow into the die opening.
Therefore, a coulomb friction model with 0.2 and 0.25
friction coefficients are applied to the flange and punch
area, respectively. Due to symmetry of the experiment,
only half model is considered as shown in Fig. 7.
2.3 Applications of the combined segmented
binder/counter-pin developed scheme
to the U-draw-bending process
For the draw-bending process, a comparison between the
four schemes shown in Fig. 8including the proposed
scheme is applied using the ABAQUS 6.14 finite element
software. A series of 24 (six for each technique in Fig. 8)
mark test of a homogenous blank reported by Taylor et al.
[13] are carried out in this section. The original benchmark
test is used for verification in ABAQUS Documentations
[14]. Considering the homogenous blank as a special case
of TWBs with neglected weld line and identical parent
sheets, the FE model is reproduced for the comparison as
showninFig.9. The insignificance of the weld line in
TWBs forming simulation is discussed by Zhao et al.
[15]andtestedinSection 3.All model data such as
geometry, materialsproperties, and friction conditions
can be found in ref. [14].Thesameelementsizeasthe
benchmark problem [14] is adopted here and has been ver-
ified by comparisons with other sizes. The recorded spring
back angle between the flange and the horizontal line in the
produced model is 0.22 rad and the experimental measure-
All model parameters in the FE model are kept con-
stant except for the necessary tooling parameters and the
applied force schemes. The BHF at the strong side is kept
as applied in the benchmark test as well as the other side
except for the schemes where different force schemes ap-
plies. A mild steel blank shown in Fig. 9with thicknesses
ratio (t
(a) (b)
Relative Punch Position
VWLM / Weak side sheet thickness
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
Relative Punch Position
HWLM / Weak side sheet thickness
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
Fig. 14 Weld line movement relative to punch position. aVe r t ic a l (V W L M ) . bHorizontal (HWLM)
Fig. 15 BHF inputs for the segmented binders technique
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
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for case 7. Cases 1, 2, and 3 have the same blank geom-
etry but different tool geometrical parameters and cases 4,
5, and 6 share the same tool geometry but different blank
geometry. Figure 10 shows schematically the blank, TWB
holder, and die assembly with the geometrical and process
parameters assigned to each part. For each of the first six
cases, the blank/tool geometry, the material properties, the
friction coefficients, and a selected value of the BHF on
the strong side are inserted to the analytical model. The
resulting BHF on the weak side and the counter-pin force
(clamping force) at the weld line are inserted to the FE
In case 7, the comparison is extended to extreme limits
where a 1/12 thickness ratio and 0.4 friction coefficient are
selected to present a case in which, applying identical BHF on
both sides will cause tearing at the weaker side and incomplete
bending (or wrinkling) at the stronger side. In such case, in-
creasing the BHF on the weaker flange or reducing the BHF
on the stronger side is not justified; thus, the segmented
binders technique is excluded from the comparison in case 7.
3 Results and discussions
3.1 Draw-bending process
Figure 11 shows the parts produced under U-draw-bending
process for cases A to F. These figures are used to extract
the total elongation of each side for all cases. As shown in
Tab le 3and Fig. 11, the elongation ratio is close to unity and
the WLM is eliminated in cases D, E, and F as targeted by the
analytical model.
significance of incorporating HAZ properties into the FE
model. As shown in Table 3, the final elongation and
WLM for case C for two FE models; with and without
HAZ, agree well with the measured experimental results.
The flange draw-in and WLM for both FE models are
showninFig.12a while an overlay plot for the two
modelsisshowninFig.12b. The simulation results show
good agreements between the FE models developed with
and without considering modeling HAZ. This indicates
that modeling HAZ has no impact on TWB drawn parts
as also suggested by Zhao et al. [15].
The same analytical model is solved to apply the proposed
scheme to each of the cases listed in Table 2.Figure13shows
the calculated BHF
and the counter pin forces (F
quired for cases 1 to 6. Figure 14 shows the vertical WLM
and horizontal WLM resulted from applying the new scheme
for these cases.
The blank in cases 1 to 4 has the same original di-
mensions and thus the predicted values of BHF
are close to each other except for case 4. In case
4, the length of segments L
and L
at the punch face
are much larger than cases 1, 2, and 3, such that less
forces are required to overcome the internal bending mo-
ment at segments L
and L
is extended by 28.5% more than the thicker side of case
28.5% less than the thinner side of case 4 such that the
applied in case 4 will produce less elongation in
the thinner side of case 5. Consequently, the calculated
in case 5 is higher than case 4 in order to over-
come the shortage at the thinner side and the additional
elongation at the thicker side while the F
is decreased
to maintain force equilibrium along the blank profile.
The modifications applied in case 6 are the opposite of
those applied to case 5, thus the analytical model pre-
dicts less BHF
and higher F
in case 6 as compared
to case 4.
The six cases are used for comparisons between the four
schemes shown in Fig. 8. The proper BHF combination for the
segmented binder technique that leads to zero WLM is obtain-
ed by a matching procedure (see Appendix B) and shown in
Fig. 15. For the weld line clamping technique, displacement
Fig. 16 Normalized overall thinning strain. aWeaker side. bStronger
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
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constrains are applied to the weld line such that no WLM
occurs. For each case, the final deformed lengths (L)atthe
top and bottom surfaces are extracted from FE models to cal-
culate an average total (overall) tensile strain in each side as
ϵtotal ¼ln L
;L¼Ltop surface þLbottom surface
Recalling the plane strain condition, the average tensile
strain can be used as an indication of the overall thinning in
each side of the deformed blank. For the sake of compar-
ison, the overall thinning strain value for each of the three
schemes b, c, and d shown in Fig. 8isdividedbythestrain
value of scheme a for the same case. A value higher than
one indicates that the applied technique causes more thin-
ning compared to the uncontrolled condition and vice
Relative Punch Position
Thickness Strain (L33)
No Control
Weld Line Clamping T echnique
New Scheme
Fig. 19 Maximum absolute thickness strain at the weaker side at different
punch positions
Relative Position along the Part Length
Thickness Strain (L
-0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75
59% Punch Stro ke
70% Punch Stro ke
Weak Side Strong Side
Weld Line
Fig. 18 Thickness strain along the blank top surface at different punch
depthsWeld line clamping technique Fig. 20 Rectangular drawn box with no counter pin and equal BHF
Relative Position along the Part Length
Thickness Strain (L
-0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5
20% PunchStroke
26% PunchStroke
Wea k Side S trong Side
Fig. 17 Thickness strain along the blank top surface at different punch
depthsuncontrolled condition
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
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As shown in Fig. 16a, the segmented binder technique
causes significant thinning (81 to 274% increase) in the
weaker side and consequently decreases the sheet form-
ability. On contrary, the new technique shows considerable
reduction in thinning (81.5 to 94.4% decrease) at the weak-
er side as well as the weld line clamping technique which
shows less thinning reduction (21.5 to 57%). Furthermore,
the stronger side is hardly affected by any of the discussed
techniques in all cases except case 3 as shown in Fig. 16b.
In case 3, large punch/die clearance facilitates the sliding
of the stronger segment at the punch face to the side walls,
resulting in less overall stretching compared to the other
three conditions where the stronger side is forced to stretch
over the punch corner.
In case 7, the uncontrolled condition is modeled first
and the recorded maximum WLM before failure are
13Tw and 30Tw in the horizontal and vertical directions
(relative to the punch displacement), respectively. The
BHF at the stronger side shows insufficient constraining
while the weaker side suffers from early failure near the
weld line. Localized necking is observed at 26% punch
travel as shown by the thickness strains distribution along
the top surface of the blank in Fig. 17. Likewise, applica-
tion of the weld line clamping technique with identical
BHF causes insufficient constraining at the strong side
and tearing at the weaker side where localization of neck-
ing in the side walls is observed at 70% punch travel as
shown in thickness strain distribution in Fig. 18.
On the other hand, when the BHF is decreased on the
weaker flange and increased on the stronger flange as the
new scheme suggests, a complete punch stroke with no
failure is obtained as shown in Fig. 19 where a compari-
son of the maximum thinning strain (absolute value) at
different punch positions is presented for the three
models. The new scheme (combined segmented binder/
counter pinBHFw/BHFs = 0.085) shows considerable
reduction in thinning at the weaker side. In contrast, thin-
ning is considerably high at the two other cases namely
the weld line clamping technique (horizontally fixed weld
lineBHFw/BHFs = 1) and the uncontrolled condition
(free weld lineBHFw/BHFs = 1).
3.2 Rectangular box-shaped drawn parts
Figure 20 shows the drawn rectangular box for the first case
with no counter pin and equal BHF. The thinner side frac-
turedatacupheightof30mm.Figure21 shows the drawn
rectangular box at cup height of 35 mm for counter-pin
case and new scheme. In both cases, the rectangular box
is drawn successfully. The drawn parts are then sectioned
and the part thicknesses close to the paths shown in Fig. 22
are measured. Figure 23 shows a comparison between the
thickness distributions for the counter pin scheme and new
scheme. The new scheme showed an improvement in the
thickness reduction, especially along 90 and 45 degree
Figure 24 shows a comparison between experimental
measurements by Morishita et al. [4], and the FE model
developed for the same case. The logarithmic thickness
Fig. 21 Rectangular drawn box
using a counter pin and equal
BHF and the new scheme
Fig. 22 Path directions for thickness comparisons
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
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strains along the deformed paths show good agreement
to the experimental result and hence validates the FE
model. The FE model results of the proposed scheme
areshowninFig.25. The applied BHFw/BHFs and
Fpin/BHFs ratios from the analytical model are 1/2
and 20, respectively. The measured WLM and the final
Distance Along Path (mm)
Sheet Thickness (mm)
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Counter Pin
New Scheme
Thick Side
Thin Side
Weld Line
Distance Along Path (mm)
Sheet Thickness (mm)
-100-80-60-40-20 0 20406080100
Counter Pin
New Scheme
Thick Side
Thin Side
Weld Line
Distance Along Path (mm)
Sheet Thickness (mm)
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Counter Pin
New Scheme
Thick Side
Thin Side
Weld Line
Fig. 23 Thickness distribution for experimental work on rectangular box-
shaped drawn parts. a0degreepath.b45 degree path. c90 degree path
Distance along Path (mm)
Thickness Strain (mm/mm)
-160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160
FE Results
Experimental Results [4]
Distance along Path (mm)
Thickness Strain (mm/mm)
-200 -160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160 200
FE Results
Experimental Results [4]
Distance along Path (mm)
Thickness Strain (mm/mm)
-160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160
FE Results
Experimental Results [4]
Fig. 24 Thickness strain distribution for experimental work by Morishita
et al. [4] and FE simulation along. a0 degree path. b45 degree path. c90
degree path. The thick side is located on the positive x-axis
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
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length ratio Lw/Ls from the FE model are 1.19 mm and
1.02 between both sides, respectively. Such slight devi-
ation from the analytical model is affordable considering
the considerable thinning reduction (17 to 28% at the
corner zone Fig. 24) when the simplified approach is
adopted [12]. All attempts to eliminate the WLM or
increase the drawing limit using the conventional seg-
mented binder scheme alone in which higher binding
force is applied to the stronger side and lower force to
the weaker side had failed. Although the application of
the conventional segmented binder scheme alone seems
to be easier in practical terms, it increases the sheet
thinning and reduces the cup drawing limit. The com-
bined segmented binder/counter-pin technique proves to
be advantageous over other techniques and show signif-
icant reduction in drawn parts.
4 Conclusions
The present work suggested a new binding scheme to
reduce the thinning of TWBs. This scheme combined
weld line constraining via counter pins while applying
a lower BHF on the weaker side as compared to the
stronger side via segmented binders to achieve minimum
thinning in the final product. Adopting this scheme, an
analytical model was developed for the plane strain 2-D
draw-bending process to determine the required BHF and
counter-pin force values. Laboratory and numerical ex-
periments were conducted to examine the developed an-
alytical model and compare the proposed controlling
scheme with other schemes. The experimental results
showed that the new scheme was physically applicable
and was capable of providing accurate force values that
sufficiently eliminate the weld line movement and en-
hance formability (substantial reduction in thinning).
The present study showed the merit of implementing
the proposed scheme in cases where large thickness and/
or strength ratio of the sheets comprising the TWB exist.
In such cases, conventional segmented binders alone or
weld line clamping technique without any variation in
the applied BHF at each side cannot prevent failure.
Adopting the simplified approach presented in ref. [12],
the study proposed a 3-D binding scheme for the TWB
box-shaped parts. Experimental work conducted in deep
drawing of rectangular box-shaped parts showed that the
new scheme resulted in improvement in thickness reduc-
tion in the final product. Furthermore, a comparison with
published experimental work using counter punch tech-
nique validated the feasibility of applying the proposed
binding scheme. Finite element investigations showed a
clear improvement in the formability of the considered
case study. These results showed the merit of the devel-
oped scheme in improving the quality of the drawn
box-shaped parts made from TWBs.
Distance along Path (mm)
Thickness Strain (mm/mm)
-160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160
Counter Punch Scheme
New Scheme
Distance along Path (mm)
Thickness Strain (mm/mm)
-200 -160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160 200
Counter Punch Scheme
New Scheme
Distance along Path (mm)
Thickness Strain (mm/mm)
-160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160
Counter Punch Scheme
New Scheme
Fig. 25 Thickness strain distribution for FE model based Morishita et al.
[4] approach and present scheme. a0degreepath.b45 degree path. c90
degree path. The thick side is located on the positive x-axis
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
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Appendix A: Geometrical Model
Rd0¼Rd þt
Rp ¼punch radius;Rp0¼Rp þt
Y¼yp þyd þh
Let c
xp ¼Rp01sinθ
xd ¼Rd01sinθðÞ;
yp ¼Rp01cosθðÞ;
yd =Rd
(1 cos θ),
h¼cþxp þxd
Substituting with [1], [2], [3] and rearranging
Y¼cþRp þRdðÞtan θtþRp þRdðÞsecθ1ðÞ
Using MATLAB built-in solver
Bending Moment Equation
ϵ¼ln l
lo¼ln θRpþ0:5tþr
¼ln 1þr
r¼0rdf ¼2r¼0:5t
r¼0rσdr ¼2r¼0:5t
r¼0rK ln 1þr
r:distance from the neutral axis
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
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Appendix B: MATLAB Code Flow Chart
The MATLAB code divides the punch stroke to a number of
increments (user selected) and for each increment the wrap
angle is calculated from the punch position using Eq. 19.
And the BHF
is calculated as shown in the following chart:
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Int J Adv Manuf Technol
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In the present paper, a simplified finite element-based procedure is developed to determine a proper blank holder (binder) force (BHF) scheme for the draw bending process of tailor welded blanks (TWBs). Under constant BHF, significant weld-line movement is observed. Tearing of TWB is encountered at high values of BHF. Careful analysis of weld-line movements and various numerical experiments show that a constant maximum-then decreasing BHF scheme on the weaker blank side would eliminate weld-line movement without the need for a counter punch. The developed finite element model, integrated with the rational of carefully correlating the weld-line movement to the applied BHF, presents a simplified procedure for suggesting proper BHF schemes, rendering itself for use in various industrial applications.
Conference Paper
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In the present paper, a simplified finite element-based procedure is developed, to determine a proper blank holder (binder) force (BHF) scheme for the draw bending process of tailor welded blanks (TWBs). Under constant BHF, significant weld-line movement is observed. Tearing of TWB is encountered at high values of BHF. Careful analysis of weld-line movements and various numerical experiments show that a constant maximum-then decreasing BHF scheme on the weaker blank side would eliminate weld-line movement without the need for a counter punch without resort to using stepped counter punch. The developed finite element model, integrated with the rational of carefully correlating the weld-line movement to the applied BHF, presents a simplified procedure for suggesting proper BHF schemes, rendering itself for use in various industrial applications.
The purpose of this chapter is to indicate how the true stress-strain curve derived from a tensile test can be applied to other deformation processes that may occur in typical sheet-forming operations. A common feature of many sheet-forming processes is that compared with the stresses in the plane of the sheet (the membrane stresses), the stress perpendicular to the surface of the sheet is small. If this normal stress is assumed zero, a major simplification is possible. Such a process is called plane stress deformation and the theory of yielding for this process is described in the chapter. There are cases in which the through-thickness or normal stress cannot be neglected and the theory of yielding in a three-dimensional stress state is described in an Appendix. In the chapter, it is shown that for simple (monotonic, proportional) plane stress processes, it is possible to determine at any instant the principal membrane stresses required for deformation, provided that the current flow stress σf is known and also that either the stress ratio α or strain ratio β are known. The theory given in the chapter applies only for an instantaneous state in which the strain increment is small and the flow stress constant.
The deep drawability of tailored blanks (TBs) composed of thick and thin sheets is considerably lower than that of their component sheets, since the plane-strain stretching mode is more likely to occur in such TBs as a result of the movement of the weld line at the bottom of the cup during forming. To improve the deep drawability of TBs, a new forming technology using a counterpunch is proposed, where the movement of the weld line during forming is strongly constrained by the counterpunch pressure. From the results of square-cup drawing experiments on several types of TB of mild steel/high-strength steel sheets, it was found that the limiting cup height increases markedly with increasing counterpunch pressure. One good feature of this forming technology is that the action of counterpunch pressure is necessary only on the thicker (or stronger) sheet part, not on the entire cup bottom.
The objective of this paper is to discuss the numerical solution of sheet-metal forming applications using the ABAQUS general purpose implicit and explicit finite-element modules. The three conference benchmark problems of NUMIFORM'93 are used as examples in the paper. The analyses were performed using combinations of the implicit and explicit versions of ABAQUS. The numerical-modeling techniques used in these analyses are discussed. The effectiveness and suitability of the implicit and explicit finite-element procedures for each of the benchmark problems are discussed.
ABSTRACT Tailor Welded Blanks (TWBs) offer several notable benefits including decreased part weight, reduced manufacturing costs, increased environmental friendliness, and improved dimensional consistency. In order to take advantage of these benefits, however, designers need to overcome the reduced formability of TWBs and to be able to accurately predict unique characteristics related to TWB forming early in the design process. In this paper, an analytical model to predict the weld line movement and forming height for a uniform,binder force case is presented. Comparison,to numerical simulation results demonstrates the accuracy of this methodology. The analytical model provides designers a valuable tool to determine the location of steps on the die surface to accommodate,the weld line movement,and the potential forming height for a uniform binder force TWB process.
Tailor Welded Blanks are blanks where multiple materials are seam welded together prior to the forming process; thus allowing the designer to 'tailor' the location of material properties in the given part where desired. These blanks are subject to the same forming concerns as traditional, uniform material blanks, for example wrinkling and tearing, but are often more prone to these failures due to the disparity of material properties within the Tailor Welded Blank. To address tearing concerns, a segmented binder process, which varies the force applied to the materials in the Tailor Welded Blank, has been used successfully in the past. In this paper, a segmented binder is also shown to be effective at reducing wrinkling in a Tailor Welded Blank application. Also, a methodology is presented to systematically determine the ratio of forces for the segmented binder process, which otherwise would have to be determined by trial and error. Finally, a technique to quantify wrinkling in finite element simulations, for Tailor Welded Blanks as well as uniform material blanks, is presented.
Tailor-welded blanks (TWB) are widely used,for stamped auto body panels because of their great benefits in weight and cost reduction. However the weld line in a tailor-welded blank causes serious concerns in formability because of material discontinuity and additional inhomogeneous stress/strain distribution. This paper proposes a blank holding force (BHF) control strategy to control the weld line movement, distribute the deformation more uniformly and thereby improve TWB formability. The control methodology is developed based on a simplified 2-D sectional analytical model that estimates the stress/strain distribution and the BHFs required for each side of the flange with dissimilar materials. The model can be further extended to 3-D analysis by superimposing the 2-D sectional analysis results around the entire binder ring and thus determining the required BHF for the whole panel. Finite element simulations are performed to study the effects of forming parameters on the weld line movement. Experiments have been conducted to verify the analytical model and partial finite element simulations. Both analysis and experiments demonstrated that a lower BHF should be applied on the thicker blank side to allow more metal to flow-in for obtaining more uniform strain distribution. The proposed BHF control is proven to be a good approach to enhancing TWB formability
Forming of tailor-welded blanks (TWBs) is challenging frequently due to the unbalanced deformations in the thicker/stronger and thinner/weaker sides. While various process schemes have been developed to improve the TWB formability, their relative effectiveness is not clear. In this paper, the influences of stepped binder and weld line clamping pins on the formability of TWBs were evaluated via box drawing simulations and experiments. Process schemes of flat/stepped binder with/without clamping pins are compared addressing the formability measures, namely weld line movement, thickness reduction, and critical strain. It was shown that a combined use of stepped binder and clamping pins provides the best TWB forming quality.
Tailor welded blanks (TWBs) offer an excellent opportunity to reduce manufacturing costs, decrease vehicle weight, and improve the quality of sheet metal stampings. However, tearing near the weld seam and wrinkling in the die addendum often occurs when a traditional forming process is used to fabricate this type of blank. Cao and Kinsey (1999) proposed a modification to the deep drawing process where a segmented die with local adaptive controllers clamps adjacent to the weld line during the forming process thereby increasing the material draw-in of the thicker and/or stronger material from under the binder ring. This in turn reduces the strain in the weaker and/or thinner material near the weld seam and thus alleviates the potential of tearing failure. In this paper, details are given for the experimental implementation of the advanced forming process on a non-symmetric test panel. Notable improvements were obtained compared to a traditional forming process. Also, a systematic approach for determining the local adaptive controller locations is proposed and verified as being effective through the experiments.